Cups prend des heures pour imprimer

2012-01-17 Thread steve


Sur une machine stable à jour avec une imprimante HP 5600 pro connectée
via usb, certains documents pdf prennent des heures à être imprimés. Un
htop montre que gs tourne à fond avant que le document n'est finalement
envoyé à l'imprimante. Parfois, on observe que l'impression est lancée
et après quelques pages, l'impression est suspendue pendant plusieurs
minutes avant de repartir. Et cela même avec une impression « draft »
(couleur ou pas). J'aimerai pouvoir accélérer ce processus mais je ne
vois pas vraiment comment faire.

Une idée ?

Merci d'avance,

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Re: Cups prend des heures pour imprimer

2012-01-17 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Tue, 17 Jan 2012 10:43:10 +0100,
steve a écrit :

 Sur une machine stable à jour avec une imprimante HP 5600 pro
 connectée via usb, certains documents pdf prennent des heures à être
 imprimés. Un htop montre que gs tourne à fond avant que le document
 n'est finalement envoyé à l'imprimante. Parfois, on observe que
 l'impression est lancée et après quelques pages, l'impression est
 suspendue pendant plusieurs minutes avant de repartir. Et cela même
 avec une impression « draft » (couleur ou pas). J'aimerai pouvoir
 accélérer ce processus mais je ne vois pas vraiment comment faire.
 Une idée ?
 Merci d'avance,

serait il possible d'augmenter la quantité de mémoire attribué
à GS ?

désolé, mais je ne retrouve plus les paramètres dans /etc/cups/*


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Imprimante-scanner Lexmark X1150 ne fonctionne plus

2012-01-17 Thread ajh . valmer

J'ai une imprimante-scanner Lexmark modèle X1150
qui a toujours bien marché.

Depuis que j'ai branché mon tél-mobile un court instant sur le port USB
de la Lexmark sous Windows-XP, puis rebooté sous Debian-Lenny, 
le scanner ne fonctionne plus.

Le symptôme :
le rouleau tente de démarrer sur un demi cm mais reste bloqué.

J'ai changé le scanner par un autre strictement identique
et le symptôme persiste (pareil).
Idem en changerant de port USB.

Par contre la fonction imprimante marche bien.

Avez vous une idée ... ?  merci.


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Re: Cups prend des heures pour imprimer

2012-01-17 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Tue, 17 Jan 2012 10:43:10 +0100
steve wrote:

 Sur une machine stable à jour avec une imprimante HP 5600 pro connectée
 via usb, certains documents pdf prennent des heures à être imprimés. Un

Comme ça commence à devenir (bcp trop) l'habitude sur cette ML,
aucune précision...

 htop montre que gs tourne à fond avant que le document n'est finalement
 envoyé à l'imprimante. Parfois, on observe que l'impression est lancée
 et après quelques pages, l'impression est suspendue pendant plusieurs
 minutes avant de repartir. Et cela même avec une impression « draft »
 (couleur ou pas). J'aimerai pouvoir accélérer ce processus mais je ne
 vois pas vraiment comment faire.

Déjà donner ici les parms d'impression de base et le plus de
détails possible: quels types de pdfs? quelle déf d'impression, quel
qté de ram?, quel cpu?, quelle(s) taille(s) de page(s) (et imprimé en
quelle taille)?, quel driver CUPS?, etc.


If you can't be good, be careful.  If you can't be careful, give me
a call.

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Re: Imprimante-scanner Lexmark X1150 ne fonctionne plus

2012-01-17 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Tue, 17 Jan 2012 12:26:35 +0100 wrote:

 J'ai une imprimante-scanner Lexmark modèle X1150
 qui a toujours bien marché.

Hormis l'anecdote sur epson, ce qui suit n'est que supputation
(épaulé qd même par qq années de maintenance et de pratique).

 Depuis que j'ai branché mon tél-mobile un court instant sur le port USB
 de la Lexmark sous Windows-XP, puis rebooté sous Debian-Lenny, 
 le scanner ne fonctionne plus.

Lorsqu'on branche un tél moderne en USB, la première chose qu'il va
essayer de faire c'est de discuter avec la machine.  Le PB c'est que 
bien évidemment, le protocole de dialogue n'est pas normalisé, et 
qu'on trouve tout et n'importe quoi dedans.

Il suffit que le tél ait émis une séquence valide de blocage du
scanner et c'est fini (à moins de le débloquer de la même façon)
- ça sert notamment pour les chgts de lampe | nettoyages.
 Le symptôme :
 le rouleau tente de démarrer sur un demi cm mais reste bloqué.
 J'ai changé le scanner par un autre strictement identique
 et le symptôme persiste (pareil).
 Idem en changerant de port USB.

Je ne suis pas sûr que cela soit possible sans passer par une
station agréée, ni possible tout court: lorsque j'ai changé ma carte
SCSI-I adaptec pour une Realtek SCSI-2, la marge gauche de mes scans 
s'est déplacée d'environ 6.5mm sur mon scanner epson - comprendre: 
décoller le bord de la feuille de 6.5mm du bord D d'alignement du 
scanner (super qd on a des tableaux à scanner et que la page n'est
pas 100% verticale:(

Réponse de la station technique: il semble que le scanner soit fait
pour ne fonctionner qu'avec de l'adaptec, nous-avons testé avec
plusieurs marques de cartes et toutes sauf adaptec décalent l'image.

Sans compter, dans ton cas, le risque que le tél ait envoyé une
séquence bloquante: il n'y a que les stations qui les connaissent
(et l'ordre dans lequel il faut les envoyer).

 Par contre la fonction imprimante marche bien.

T'as du pôt: j'ai vu des intégrés hp ne plus fonctionner du tout
pour une simple lampe de scanner grillée.

 Avez vous une idée ... ?  merci.

En dehors de la station, rin de rin.

Q:  What is the difference between Texas and yogurt?
A:  Yogurt has culture.

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RE: Re : CLE USB PLANTE les fichiers sont renommés en .RW

2012-01-17 Thread jean durandt

Bonsoir merci à toi de ta réponse

PHOTOREC ne semble reconnaître que les fichiers de type image -jpeg avi etc.

dans mon cas ce sont tous les fichiers qui ont été enregistrés sous debian.

Elément de réflexion : live-rw pourrait être la situation transitoire qu'il y a 
entre le moment où l'on fait shut down et le moment où le courant est coupé.
Ce qui reviendrait à dire que le fichier live-rw n'est autre que le fichier de 
l'Os DEbian au moment de cette transition :
il semblerait donc que la coupure de courant ou le retrait de l'Os sur usb est 
été trop anticipé.

La question : comment faire pour accéder aux infos situées dans ce fichier 
live-rw et qui sont vitales pour moi ?

merci de votre aide

 Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 08:33:24 +0100
 Subject: Re : CLE USB PLANTE les fichiers sont renommés en .RW
 Le 17/01/2012 01:57:09, jean durandt a écrit :
  le problème concerne DEBIAN ET UBUNTU tous deux sur USB
  Ai je commis une erreur ai retiré trop la clé, ai je eu une
  toujours est-il que mes fichiers sous open office ont pris 
  l'extension .rw
  de quelques centaines de Mo  je n'en ai  plus qu'un de 5 Go
  comment rattraper cela ?
  ps j'ai essayé des produits tels qu'ontrack et recovery Se donc sous
  Win que je connaissais mais rien n'est sorti de concret.
 Et avec photorec ?
 Je doute qu’il fonctionne avec une clé USB.
 nicolas patrois : pts noir asocial
 M : Qu'est-ce qu'il nous faudrait pour qu'on nous considère comme des 
 humains ? Un cerveau plus gros ?
 P : Non... Une carte bleue suffirait...
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Re: CLE USB PLANTE les fichiers sont renommés en .RW

2012-01-17 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Tue, 17 Jan 2012 18:23:37 +,
jean durandt a écrit :

 Bonsoir merci à toi de ta réponse
 PHOTOREC ne semble reconnaître que les fichiers de type image -jpeg
 avi etc.
 dans mon cas ce sont tous les fichiers qui ont été enregistrés sous
 Elément de réflexion : live-rw pourrait être la situation transitoire
 qu'il y a entre le moment où l'on fait shut down et le moment où le
 courant est coupé. Ce qui reviendrait à dire que le fichier live-rw
 n'est autre que le fichier de l'Os DEbian au moment de cette
 transition : il semblerait donc que la coupure de courant ou le
 retrait de l'Os sur usb est été trop anticipé.
 La question : comment faire pour accéder aux infos situées dans ce
 fichier live-rw et qui sont vitales pour moi ?
 merci de votre aide


serait il possible d'obtenir de plus amples information en employant
file ( man file ) sur l'arborescence de la clef usb 

ensuite il est possible de réaliser une copie du contenu de la clef
à l'aide de dd

pages du manuel :

vérification :

dpkg -l tree

si tree n'est pas installé : 

apt-get install tree


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Re: Imprimante-scanner Lexmark X1150 ne fonctionne plus

2012-01-17 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Tue, 17 Jan 2012 17:22:38 +0100
Jean-Yves F. Barbier a écrit:

 Lorsqu'on branche un tél moderne en USB, la première chose qu'il va
 essayer de faire c'est de discuter avec la machine.

Pas exactement. En fait c'est l'inverse. C'est la machine qui va tenter de
dialoguer avec le tel pour l'identifier.

  Le PB c'est que 
 bien évidemment, le protocole de dialogue n'est pas normalisé, et 
 qu'on trouve tout et n'importe quoi dedans.

Pas vraiment. Toute la phase de dialogue d'identification est parfaitement
normalisée et même si ensuite à haut niveau ça peut-être un peu plus varié, de
plus en plus de périphériques utilisent des classes normalisées. Mais de
toutes façon en bas ça reste normalisé.

 Il suffit que le tél ait émis une séquence valide de blocage du
 scanner et c'est fini (à moins de le débloquer de la même façon)
 - ça sert notamment pour les chgts de lampe | nettoyages.

Un périphérique USB ne peut pas dialoguer en lien direct avec un autre
périphérique. Un périphérique USB n'émet rien par lui même. Il ne fait que
répondre à des requêtes de son maître (le PC).


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RE: Re : CLE USB PLANTE les fichiers sont renommés en .RW

2012-01-17 Thread thierry . leurent
Photorec recupere tous les types de fichiers.
Malheureusement, je n'ai pas vérifié mais je me demande si il n'existe pas un 
projet qui permet d'identifier le type des fichiers. Hachoir, si je ne me 
trompe pas

Sent from my Nokia N9

On 17/01/12 19:23 jean durandt wrote:

Bonsoir merci à toi de ta réponse

PHOTOREC ne semble reconnaître que les fichiers de type image -jpeg avi etc.

dans mon cas ce sont tous les fichiers qui ont été enregistrés sous debian.

Elément de réflexion : live-rw pourrait être la situation transitoire qu'il y a 
entre le moment où l'on fait shut down et le moment où le courant est coupé.
Ce qui reviendrait à dire que le fichier live-rw n'est autre que le fichier de 
l'Os DEbian au moment de cette transition :
il semblerait donc que la coupure de courant ou le retrait de l'Os sur usb est 
été trop anticipé.

La question : comment faire pour accéder aux infos situées dans ce fichier 
live-rw et qui sont vitales pour moi ?

merci de votre aide

 Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 08:33:24 +0100
 Subject: Re : CLE USB PLANTE les fichiers sont renommés en .RW

 Le 17/01/2012 01:57:09, jean durandt a écrit :

  le problème concerne DEBIAN ET UBUNTU tous deux sur USB

  Ai je commis une erreur ai retiré trop la clé, ai je eu une

  toujours est-il que mes fichiers sous open office ont pris
  l'extension .rw

  de quelques centaines de Mo je n'en ai plus qu'un de 5 Go
  comment rattraper cela ?

  ps j'ai essayé des produits tels qu'ontrack et recovery Se donc sous
  Win que je connaissais mais rien n'est sorti de concret.

 Et avec photorec ?
 Je doute qu’il fonctionne avec une clé USB.

 nicolas patrois : pts noir asocial

 M : Qu'est-ce qu'il nous faudrait pour qu'on nous considère comme des
 humains ? Un cerveau plus gros ?
 P : Non... Une carte bleue suffirait...

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Re: Re : CLE USB PLANTE les fichiers sont renommés en .RW

2012-01-17 Thread Guy Roussin
Essayes de monter le fichier en question comme s'il s'agissait d'un 
device (mount -o loop ...).


Le 17/01/2012 19:23, jean durandt a écrit :

Bonsoir merci à toi de ta réponse

PHOTOREC ne semble reconnaître que les fichiers de type image -jpeg avi etc.

dans mon cas ce sont tous les fichiers qui ont été enregistrés sous debian.

Elément de réflexion : live-rw pourrait être la situation transitoire
qu'il y a entre le moment où l'on fait shut down et le moment où le
courant est coupé.
Ce qui reviendrait à dire que le fichier live-rw n'est autre que le
fichier de l'Os DEbian au moment de cette transition :
il semblerait donc que la coupure de courant ou le retrait de l'Os sur
usb est été trop anticipé.

La question : comment faire pour accéder aux infos situées dans ce
fichier live-rw et qui sont vitales pour moi ?

merci de votre aide

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RE: Re : CLE USB PLANTE les fichiers sont renommés en .RW

2012-01-17 Thread jean durandt

GUY, tHIERRY, BERNARD merci pour votre prompte réponse.

j'ai tenté vos différentes solutions sans succès. 

voici ce qui arrive lorsque la clé est introduite :

branchée pour être bootée,

elle propose tous les menus 
persistant, live, etc
il faut manuellement lui indiquer le choix ce que je n'avais plus à faire par 
le passé.

choix 1 : persistant :
elle se lance puis commence une vérification totale de la clé en annonçant 
erreur sur erreur.

12900 vérifications (la clé fait 16Go) puis repart à zéro et recommence sans fin

choix 2 : live
se lance puis tourne dans le vide sans rien faire - plusieurs heures. Jusqu'à 
un  reboot hard par bouton

choix 3 :
lancement à partir de WIn ou Ubuntu :
seul le répertoire live est visible le reste disparaît et un fichier live-rw

lancement à partir de Debian
tous les répertoires apparaissent (home, etc, etc...) sont visibles et 
accessibles mais le fichier en question n'est pas présent.

bien sûr dans le choix 3 la clé USB n'est pas bootée mais est montée comme 
élément extérieur.

Demain je tenterais la solution  de Guy à partir d'une autre machine au cas où 
mais je viens de passer 6 heures dessus sans résultat. J'avoue qu'une nuit de 
sommeil sera la bienvenue.

Guy, j'ai essayé ta solution à partir de DEBIAN, j'ai cru - un instant que 
c'était la solution- mais la machine s'est bloquée - comme Win avec son écrant 

D'ici ces essais, je reste à l'écoute de toute solution ou conseil 

Merci encore à vous les gars, c'est vraiment sympa.

Cordialement à tous

 Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 21:15:51 +0100
 Subject: Re: Re : CLE USB PLANTE les fichiers sont renommés en .RW
 Essayes de monter le fichier en question comme s'il s'agissait d'un 
 device (mount -o loop ...).
 Le 17/01/2012 19:23, jean durandt a écrit :
  Bonsoir merci à toi de ta réponse
  PHOTOREC ne semble reconnaître que les fichiers de type image -jpeg avi etc.
  dans mon cas ce sont tous les fichiers qui ont été enregistrés sous debian.
  Elément de réflexion : live-rw pourrait être la situation transitoire
  qu'il y a entre le moment où l'on fait shut down et le moment où le
  courant est coupé.
  Ce qui reviendrait à dire que le fichier live-rw n'est autre que le
  fichier de l'Os DEbian au moment de cette transition :
  il semblerait donc que la coupure de courant ou le retrait de l'Os sur
  usb est été trop anticipé.
  La question : comment faire pour accéder aux infos situées dans ce
  fichier live-rw et qui sont vitales pour moi ?
  merci de votre aide
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RE: Re : CLE USB PLANTE les fichiers sont renommés en .RW

2012-01-17 Thread jean durandt

je viens de réussir à te sortir ceci mais je ne saurais exploiter cette info ;

TestDisk 6.11, Data Recovery Utility, April 2009
Christophe GRENIER

Disk /dev/sdc - 16 GB / 14 GiB - CHS 15284 64 32

Warning: the current number of heads per cylinder is 64
but the correct value may be 255.
You can use the Geometry menu to change this value.
It's something to try if
- some partitions are not found by TestDisk
- or the partition table can not be written because partitions overlaps.

la clé usb a été préparée à partir de
l'os qui a en a été la base vista 

comme je l'ai dit, je pense avoir retiré la clé trop tot du coup j'ai un 
fichier sans extension qui correspond à un document que j'ai travaillé sous 
open office nommé live-rw

et je n'ai plus rien d'autres

donc je suis preneur de toute solution

merci en tous cas pour ton aide précédente

 Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 21:15:51 +0100
 Subject: Re: Re : CLE USB PLANTE les fichiers sont renommés en .RW
 Essayes de monter le fichier en question comme s'il s'agissait d'un 
 device (mount -o loop ...).
 Le 17/01/2012 19:23, jean durandt a écrit :
  Bonsoir merci à toi de ta réponse
  PHOTOREC ne semble reconnaître que les fichiers de type image -jpeg avi etc.
  dans mon cas ce sont tous les fichiers qui ont été enregistrés sous debian.
  Elément de réflexion : live-rw pourrait être la situation transitoire
  qu'il y a entre le moment où l'on fait shut down et le moment où le
  courant est coupé.
  Ce qui reviendrait à dire que le fichier live-rw n'est autre que le
  fichier de l'Os DEbian au moment de cette transition :
  il semblerait donc que la coupure de courant ou le retrait de l'Os sur
  usb est été trop anticipé.
  La question : comment faire pour accéder aux infos situées dans ce
  fichier live-rw et qui sont vitales pour moi ?
  merci de votre aide
 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :
 Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: [OT] - Akcja z koszulkami - reaktywacja :)

2012-01-17 Thread Michał Prokopiuk

W dniu 09.01.2012 16:05, Michał Prokopiuk pisze:

W dniu 04.01.2012 09:07, Michał Prokopiuk pisze:

W dniu 30.12.2011 19:56, Michał Prokopiuk pisze:

Jako, że część osób dość mocno się niecierpliwi, informuję o postepie
prac. Koszulki zamówione powinny być jutro w Krakowie, niestety
najwcześniejszy termin jaki otrzymałem na hafty to poniedziałek (16.01)
z możliwością niewielkiej obsuwy - wcisnąłem się na siłę do kolejki.

Obsuwa. Termin odebrania koszulek z hafciarni przesunał się na czwartek.

Michał Prokopiuk

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Re: Hylafax en debian 6.0

2012-01-17 Thread Antonio

El 16/01/2012 16:18, Camaleón escribió:

El Mon, 16 Jan 2012 10:24:32 +0100, Antonio escribió:

El 14/01/2012 13:02, Camaleón escribió:


Sería para controlar dos líneas con dos módems usb, tendría que
remitir las entradas a una cuenta de correo cosa que hylafax realiza

Lo único que te puede dar guerra son los módems USB, pero es cuestión
de probarlo. No he trabajado nunca con este tipo de módems, los que
tengo son RS-232 y nunca me han dado problemas. ¿A qué se debe el

No es un cambio,

Me refería al cambio de los módems.

Pasar de la estabilidad y nula configuración de los módems que usan el
puerto serie a la... no sabría cómo decirlo, lotería que puede suponer
el puerto USB es un cambio que no me gustaría experimentar en mis propias
carnes :-)

las instalaciones anteriores siguen funcionando, el problema que tengo
es que tengo que volver a instalarlo con un hardware ya comprado que
incluye modem usb. Mi duda es si durante este tiempo teníamos algún
software libre que mejorara a hylafax, pero efectivamente hylafax me
parece muy completo.

Yo no conozco ninguno, salvo quizá el fork que te comentaba (HylaFAX+).

Para requerimientos menores tienes el combo mgetty+sendfax pero ni de
lejos puede competir con la flexibilidad y opciones que tiene HylaFAX.
Para cosas serias, HylaFAX sin dudarlo.

Luego, como frontend tienes AvantFAX, este no lo he probado pero sí le
leído muy buenas críticas de él. Otra aplicación que me gusta mucho (esta
sí la usamos en la empresa) es YajHFC (aplicación en java para envío/
gestión de faxes). Muy recomendable para entornos mixtos (windows,


Yo como cliente en otras actualizaciones también he usado YajHFC, y aquí 
no es que yo elija utilizar modem usb, es que me dicen no hay dinero 
para comprar otros, me dicen tienes que usar esos que ya los tenemos 
comprados, si pudiera elegir lógicamente usaría los de puerto serie que 
ya los he usado y se que funcionan muy bien.
También aclararte que no es una actualización de la instalaciones 
anteriores, esas siguen funcionando según tengo noticias (ahora no las 
administro yo), es una instalación nueva donde se me impone el hardware.


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Instalar driver compat-wireless-2.6.35-1 en Debian 5.0.4

2012-01-17 Thread Sergio Villalba
Hola a tod@s,

estoy intentando instalar el driver compat-wireless-2.6.35-1 en debian
5.0.4 con el kernel siguiente:

Linux ptjlps01 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Tue Mar 9 17:35:51 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

El problema es que me lanza este error:
ptjlps01:/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.26-2-686/compat-wireless-2.6.35-1# make
Makefile:284: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.26-2-686/scripts/Kbuild.include:
No such file or directory
No such file or directory
No such file or directory
make: gcc-4.1: Command not found
make -C /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/build
M=/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.26-2-686/compat-wireless-2.6.35-1 modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.26-2-686'
Makefile:284: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.26-2-686/scripts/Kbuild.include:
No such file or directory
/bin/sh: line 0: [: -lt: unary operator expected
make[1]: gcc-4.1: Command not found
make: Entering an unknown directory
make: *** empty variable name.  Stop.
make: Leaving an unknown directory
make[1]: *** 
Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.26-2-686'
make: *** [modules] Error 2

¿tengo que instalar gcc4.1?...
Tengo estos instalado:
dpkg -l | grep gcc
ii  gcc  4:4.3.2-2
The GNU C compiler
ii  gcc-4.2-base 4.2.4-6
The GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
ii  gcc-4.3  4.3.2-1.1
The GNU C compiler
ii  gcc-4.3-base 4.3.2-1.1
The GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
ii  libgcc1  1:4.3.2-1.1
GCC support library

En el fichero readme del driver indica lo siguiente:
Linux Wireless compatibility package

This is a Linux wireless compatibility package which provides the latest
Linux wireless subsystem enhancements for kernels 2.6.25 and above.
It is technically possible to support kernels  2.6.25 but more
work is required for that.
It also provides Linux bluetooth subsystem enhancements for kernels
2.6.27 and above.

With a local git repository you can update the compatibility package yourself.
For more information on how to do this please refer the Developers
section below.

¿alguna sugerencia?
Gracias, un saludo.

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RE: Instalar driver compat-wireless-2.6.35-1 en Debian 5.0.4

2012-01-17 Thread enodisarpiz
 -Mensaje original-
 De: Sergio Villalba []
 Enviado el: martes, 17 de enero de 2012 05:56 a.m.
 Para: debian-user-spanish
 Asunto: Instalar driver compat-wireless-2.6.35-1 en Debian 5.0.4
 Hola a tod@s,


 estoy intentando instalar el driver compat-wireless-2.6.35-1 en debian
 5.0.4 con el kernel siguiente:
 Linux ptjlps01 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Tue Mar 9 17:35:51 UTC 2010 i686
 El problema es que me lanza este error:
 Makefile:284: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.26-2-686/scripts/Kbuild.include:
 No such file or directory
 /bin/sh: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.26-2-686/scripts/gcc-x86_64-has-stack-
 No such file or directory
 /bin/sh: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.26-2-686/scripts/gcc-x86_64-has-stack-
 No such file or directory
 make: gcc-4.1: Command not found
 make -C /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/build
 M=/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.26-2-686/compat-wireless-2.6.35-1 modules
 make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.26-2-686'
 Makefile:284: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.26-2-686/scripts/Kbuild.include:
 No such file or directory
 /bin/sh: line 0: [: -lt: unary operator expected
 make[1]: gcc-4.1: Command not found
 make: Entering an unknown directory
 make: *** empty variable name.  Stop.
 make: Leaving an unknown directory
 make[1]: *** [_module_/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.26-2-686/compat-wireless-
 Error 2
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.26-2-686'
 make: *** [modules] Error 2

Para compilar drivers son necesarias las cabeceras (creo):

# aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r) 
# aptitude install gcc

 ¿tengo que instalar gcc4.1?...
 Tengo estos instalado:
 dpkg -l | grep gcc
 ii  gcc  4:4.3.2-2
 The GNU C compiler
 ii  gcc-4.2-base 4.2.4-6
 The GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
 ii  gcc-4.3  4.3.2-1.1
 The GNU C compiler
 ii  gcc-4.3-base 4.3.2-1.1
 The GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
 ii  libgcc1  1:4.3.2-1.1
 GCC support library
 En el fichero readme del driver indica lo siguiente:
 Linux Wireless compatibility package
 This is a Linux wireless compatibility package which provides the latest
 Linux wireless subsystem enhancements for kernels 2.6.25 and above.
 It is technically possible to support kernels  2.6.25 but more work is
 required for that.
 It also provides Linux bluetooth subsystem enhancements for kernels
 2.6.27 and above.
 With a local git repository you can update the compatibility package
 For more information on how to do this please refer the Developers section
 ¿alguna sugerencia?

Si, fíjate que antes tenes que moverte (dentro de compat, y ejecutar
driver-select _tudriver_, luego make, make install y creo que make unload. Y
después modprobe _tudriver_ y probar..

Te cuento que hace algunos días lidie con compat... [0]

 Gracias, un saludo.


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Re: Sistema guest sobre Virtualbox, problemas con bridge definido en el guest.

2012-01-17 Thread ZorroPlateado

El 16/01/12 15:48, Camaleón escribió:

El Mon, 16 Jan 2012 09:59:38 +0100, ZorroPlateado escribió:

El 15/01/12 17:57, Camaleón escribió:


Es decir,, uso bridge dentro del guest!!!

¿Y qué problema tienes? :-?

Configura en el guest el puente que quieras como harías normalmente en
un sistema real.

Ahora bien, no esperes depurar todos los errores con un sistema
virtualizado. Los drivers de la tarjeta de red que usa el guest son
distintos de los que usaría un sistema sobre hierros y si tienes la
mala suerte de tropezarte con algún bug en el controlador de la tarjeta
de red en el sistema real, no lo vas a apreciar desde la VM.

El problema está en que esa maquina con otras en la red interna intnet
no es vista por ping. He instalado las addittions y las carga

Las guest additions no creo que pinten nada aquí.

Y me temo en que este castillo no termina de encajar

Sigo sin entender el problema, quizá porque no das muchos datos de la
configuración de la red que tienes en las VM o de las pruebas que hayas
hecho y con qué resultados.

Tienes que seguir la misma mecánica que seguirías para depurar el
problema en un sistema real, no hay más misterio.


Te proporciono mas datos, la configuración del guest Lenny: 
/etc/network/interfaces :

auto lo

iface lo inet loopback

auto tap0
iface tap0 inet manual
up ifconfig $IFACE up
down ifconfig $IFACE down
tunctl_user vboxuser

auto tap1
iface tap1 inet manual
up ifconfig $IFACE up
down ifconfig $IFACE down
tunctl_user vboxwinxp

auto br0
iface br0 inet static
bridge_ports eth0 tap0 tap1
bridge_maxwait 0

Y confirmar de nuevo, que sí, que tengo en virtualbox asignado la 
interfaz de red de todos los equipos virtualizados a intnet.

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Re: Misma configuración en todas las seciones de usuarios

2012-01-17 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 16 Jan 2012 14:06:48 -0600, Miguel Barrera Fernández escribió:

 He montado una pc con Debian 6.0 y entorno gráfico lxde y he agregado
 varios usuarios. Quisiera que los usuarios que he agregado cojan la
 misma configuración de un usuario en específico, para así no tener que
 configurar usuario por usuario.

Si te refieres a la configuración del entorno gráfico, paquetes 
instalados, etc... tendrás que hacerlo manualmente, a no ser que lxde 
almacene todos los valores de configuración del usuario en un único 
archivo dentro del directorio $HOME que puedas copiar/pegar en el resto 
de las $HOME de los usuarios.



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Re: Impresora conectada por adaptador Usb a paralelo

2012-01-17 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 17 Jan 2012 02:07:44 -0200, Gustavo Conradi escribió:

 Quisiera saber si alguien a intentado conectar una impresora via
 adaptador Usb-paralelo

Así de primeras no debe de haber ningún problema, siempre que el 
adaptador te lo reconozca el sistema.

 Al momento estoy haciendo los primeros intentos y el resultado es que no
 puedo imprimir.

Antes de nada, ¿de qué impresora se trata? ¿te detecta el sistema el 



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Re: Hylafax en debian 6.0

2012-01-17 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 17 Jan 2012 09:20:01 +0100, Antonio escribió:

 El 16/01/2012 16:18, Camaleón escribió:
 El Mon, 16 Jan 2012 10:24:32 +0100, Antonio escribió:

 El 14/01/2012 13:02, Camaleón escribió:

 Sería para controlar dos líneas con dos módems usb, tendría que
 remitir las entradas a una cuenta de correo cosa que hylafax realiza
 Lo único que te puede dar guerra son los módems USB, pero es cuestión
 de probarlo. No he trabajado nunca con este tipo de módems, los que
 tengo son RS-232 y nunca me han dado problemas. ¿A qué se debe el

 No es un cambio,
 Me refería al cambio de los módems.

 Pasar de la estabilidad y nula configuración de los módems que usan el
 puerto serie a la... no sabría cómo decirlo, lotería que puede
 suponer el puerto USB es un cambio que no me gustaría experimentar en
 mis propias carnes :-)


 Yo como cliente en otras actualizaciones también he usado YajHFC, y aquí
 no es que yo elija utilizar modem usb, es que me dicen no hay dinero
 para comprar otros, me dicen tienes que usar esos que ya los tenemos
 comprados, si pudiera elegir lógicamente usaría los de puerto serie que
 ya los he usado y se que funcionan muy bien. También aclararte que no es
 una actualización de la instalaciones anteriores, esas siguen
 funcionando según tengo noticias (ahora no las administro yo), es una
 instalación nueva donde se me impone el hardware.

La empresa manda, eso está claro, y si no hay recursos para otro tipo de 
módems, pues hay que trabajar con lo que hay. Pero eso no quita el hecho 
de advertirles sobre las consecuencias que esta decisión puede tener, 
vamos, que mientras ellos sean conscientes y se responsabilicen de su 
decisión, perfecto. Luego que no se quejen si los faxes no se reciben 
porque el módem USB se ha quedado colgado.



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Re: Sistema guest sobre Virtualbox, problemas con bridge definido en el guest.

2012-01-17 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 17 Jan 2012 13:55:09 +0100, ZorroPlateado escribió:

 El 16/01/12 15:48, Camaleón escribió:


 Y me temo en que este castillo no termina de encajar

 Sigo sin entender el problema, quizá porque no das muchos datos de la
 configuración de la red que tienes en las VM o de las pruebas que hayas
 hecho y con qué resultados.

 Tienes que seguir la misma mecánica que seguirías para depurar el
 problema en un sistema real, no hay más misterio.

 Te proporciono mas datos, la configuración del guest Lenny:
 /etc/network/interfaces :
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback
 auto tap0
 iface tap0 inet manual
 up ifconfig $IFACE up
 down ifconfig $IFACE down
 tunctl_user vboxuser
 auto tap1
 iface tap1 inet manual
 up ifconfig $IFACE up
 down ifconfig $IFACE down
 tunctl_user vboxwinxp
 auto br0
 iface br0 inet static
 bridge_ports eth0 tap0 tap1
 bridge_maxwait 0

¿Y las pruebas de los tests que has ejecutado (/sbin/ifconfig, ip 
ro)? ¿Y los datos de configuración de la segunda VM?

Lo primero que haría sería configurar una conexión de red normalita en 
ambos clientes y comprobar que se ven en la red, tanto entre ellos como 
desde los equipos que hacen de anfitrión. Después, seguiría con la 
configuración del puente (comprueba que tienes todos los módulos de VB 
cargados, los paquetes para hacer el puente instalados, revisa los 
registros en ambas VM...).

 Y confirmar de nuevo, que sí, que tengo en virtualbox asignado la
 interfaz de red de todos los equipos virtualizados a intnet.

¿Mande? Tienes que tenerlos en el modo Bridged networking.



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Re: Instalar driver compat-wireless-2.6.35-1 en Debian 5.0.4

2012-01-17 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 17 Jan 2012 09:55:39 +0100, Sergio Villalba escribió:

 Hola a tod@s,
 estoy intentando instalar el driver compat-wireless-2.6.35-1 en debian
 5.0.4 con el kernel siguiente:

¿Lo necesitas por algo en concreto?

 Linux ptjlps01 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Tue Mar 9 17:35:51 UTC 2010 i686
 El problema es que me lanza este error:


En las instrucciones¹ indica que tienes que ejecutar esto:

Building and installing

cd /path/to/compat-wireless-2.6.32-rc5
./scripts/driver-select driver-name
sudo make install

 ¿tengo que instalar gcc4.1?...

No, no creo que el error venga por ahí. Lo que tienes que tener son los 
paquetes para poder compilar instalados (make, headers...).




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Tarjeta Centrino Wireless-N 1000

2012-01-17 Thread Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda
Saludos compañer@s:

Hace días instalé debian Wheezy 64bits en mi nueva laptop [Lenovo
Z470], y había configurado[] la tarjeta
wifi sin ningún problema, pero en la mañana de hoy ha dejado de
funcionar. El network-manager del área de notificación dice:

la red inalámbrica está desactivo por el interruptor físico

Pensé que tenía apagada la tarjeta pero no era así, el interruptor
físico de la tarjeta estaba activado [aunque el indicador led no
enciende], luego traté de activarla con ifconfig wlan0 up
arrojándome el siguiente mensaje

SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill

googoleando un poco, aconsejan usar el paquete rfkill list y
verificar el estado de las tarjeta y desbloquearla, el cual me dice lo

0: ideapad_wlan: Wireless LAN
Soft blocked: yes
Hard blocked: no
1: ideapad_bluetooth: Bluetooth
Soft blocked: yes
Hard blocked: no
3: phy1: Wireless LAN
Soft blocked: yes
Hard blocked: yes

los desbloqueo con rfkill unblock 0 igualmente para la 1 y la 2,
pero el problema persiste. No se porque sigue mostrando que está
bloqueado por hardware si el interruptor físico esta activo.

Alguna idea? gracias
Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda
Estudiante Ingeniería en Sistemas y Computación
Universidad de Caldas

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Re: Tarjeta Centrino Wireless-N 1000

2012-01-17 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 17 Jan 2012 11:28:16 -0500, Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda escribió:

 Hace días instalé debian Wheezy 64bits en mi nueva laptop [Lenovo Z470],
 y había configurado[] la tarjeta wifi sin
 ningún problema, pero en la mañana de hoy ha dejado de funcionar. El
 network-manager del área de notificación dice:
 la red inalámbrica está desactivo por el interruptor físico

¿Has probado el sistema tontuno? Pulsar el interruptor 
independientemente del estado actual. Al mío tengo que darle varias veces 
para cambiarlo, no siempre engancha a la primera.

Y si tienes un windows de por medio y lo has iniciado también te podría 
estar dando guerra.

 Pensé que tenía apagada la tarjeta pero no era así, el interruptor
 físico de la tarjeta estaba activado [aunque el indicador led no
 enciende], luego traté de activarla con ifconfig wlan0 up arrojándome
 el siguiente mensaje
 SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill
 googoleando un poco, aconsejan usar el paquete rfkill list y verificar
 el estado de las tarjeta y desbloquearla, el cual me dice lo siguiente:
 0: ideapad_wlan: Wireless LAN
   Soft blocked: yes
   Hard blocked: no
 1: ideapad_bluetooth: Bluetooth
   Soft blocked: yes
   Hard blocked: no
 3: phy1: Wireless LAN
   Soft blocked: yes
   Hard blocked: yes
 los desbloqueo con rfkill unblock 0 igualmente para la 1 y la 2, 

Supongo que será para el 3 (rfkill unblock 3) ¿no?

 pero el problema persiste. No se porque sigue mostrando que está
 bloqueado por hardware si el interruptor físico esta activo.

Otra cosa que puedes intentar es a recargar el módulo de la tarjeta de 



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Re: Tarjeta Centrino Wireless-N 1000

2012-01-17 Thread JulHer
Hash: SHA1

El 17/01/12 17:28, Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda escribió:
 No se porque sigue mostrando que está bloqueado por hardware si el
 interruptor físico esta activo.

Puedes probar a mover el interruptor para el otro lado y probar...
puede haber un mal contacto...

Un saludo

Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.16 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Tarjeta Centrino Wireless-N 1000

2012-01-17 Thread El chavo del tonos
Ehms, una cosita que a mi me ha pasado:

- Boton fisico ON, pero en Windows DESHABILITADA = Linux no la detecta,  quizas 
fuera eso

El 17/01/2012, a las 10:31, JulHer escribió:

 Hash: SHA1
 El 17/01/12 17:28, Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda escribió:
 No se porque sigue mostrando que está bloqueado por hardware si el
 interruptor físico esta activo.
 Puedes probar a mover el interruptor para el otro lado y probar...
 puede haber un mal contacto...
 Un saludo
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RE: Tarjeta Centrino Wireless-N 1000

2012-01-17 Thread enodisarpiz
 Ehms, una cosita que a mi me ha pasado:
 - Boton fisico ON, pero en Windows DESHABILITADA = Linux no la detecta,
 quizas fuera eso


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Re: Tarjeta Centrino Wireless-N 1000

2012-01-17 Thread Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda
El día 17 de enero de 2012 11:41, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 17 Jan 2012 11:28:16 -0500, Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda escribió:

 Hace días instalé debian Wheezy 64bits en mi nueva laptop [Lenovo Z470],
 y había configurado[] la tarjeta wifi sin
 ningún problema, pero en la mañana de hoy ha dejado de funcionar. El
 network-manager del área de notificación dice:

 la red inalámbrica está desactivo por el interruptor físico

 ¿Has probado el sistema tontuno? Pulsar el interruptor
 independientemente del estado actual. Al mío tengo que darle varias veces
 para cambiarlo, no siempre engancha a la primera.

en debian no me había funcionado nunca la combinación de teclas de fn
+ * , solamente funcionaba la combinación para cambiar el brillo de la

 Y si tienes un windows de por medio y lo has iniciado también te podría
 estar dando guerra.

hmmm no se, lo primero que hice fue formatear todo el disco y instalar
debian, aunque he pensado instalar windows a ver que pasa

 Pensé que tenía apagada la tarjeta pero no era así, el interruptor
 físico de la tarjeta estaba activado [aunque el indicador led no
 enciende], luego traté de activarla con ifconfig wlan0 up arrojándome
 el siguiente mensaje

 SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill

 googoleando un poco, aconsejan usar el paquete rfkill list y verificar
 el estado de las tarjeta y desbloquearla, el cual me dice lo siguiente:

 0: ideapad_wlan: Wireless LAN
       Soft blocked: yes
       Hard blocked: no
 1: ideapad_bluetooth: Bluetooth
       Soft blocked: yes
       Hard blocked: no
 3: phy1: Wireless LAN
       Soft blocked: yes
       Hard blocked: yes

 los desbloqueo con rfkill unblock 0 igualmente para la 1 y la 2,

 Supongo que será para el 3 (rfkill unblock 3) ¿no?

Si claro

 pero el problema persiste. No se porque sigue mostrando que está
 bloqueado por hardware si el interruptor físico esta activo.

 Otra cosa que puedes intentar es a recargar el módulo de la tarjeta de

Ya lo he intentado también usando rmmod y modprobe



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Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda
Estudiante Ingeniería en Sistemas y Computación
Universidad de Caldas

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Re: Tarjeta Centrino Wireless-N 1000

2012-01-17 Thread Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda
El día 17 de enero de 2012 11:50, El chavo del tonos escribió:
 Ehms, una cosita que a mi me ha pasado:

 - Boton fisico ON, pero en Windows DESHABILITADA = Linux no la detecta,  
 quizas fuera eso

No entiendo, osea que depronto no funciona el interruptor físico en
linux? mirar si se puede activar con Windows?

PD: El problema parece no ser solo en debian, reinicie hace poco por
Fedora y network-maneger me dice el mismo mensaje, será que se daño la
wifi?? :'(

 El 17/01/2012, a las 10:31, JulHer escribió:

 Hash: SHA1

 El 17/01/12 17:28, Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda escribió:
 No se porque sigue mostrando que está bloqueado por hardware si el
 interruptor físico esta activo.

 Puedes probar a mover el interruptor para el otro lado y probar...
 puede haber un mal contacto...

 Un saludo


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 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda
Estudiante Ingeniería en Sistemas y Computación
Universidad de Caldas

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RV: Tarjeta Centrino Wireless-N 1000

2012-01-17 Thread enodisarpiz
Se te fué al privado.
No no, a ver, me expresé mal:

Inicio en windows, botón fisico ON, pero sin embargo en window (bien por el
driver o mediante win) , deshabilito la tarjeta de red. Reinicia , y Linux
no la detectaba. Por eso, asegurate de
iniciar en windows,boton fisico ON y que esté el interfaz habilitado. A mi
me ocurre con una HP 6930p

El 17/01/2012, a las 10:53, enodisarpiz escribió:

 Ehms, una cosita que a mi me ha pasado:
 - Boton fisico ON, pero en Windows DESHABILITADA = Linux no la detecta,
 quizas fuera eso
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---End Message---

Re: Tarjeta Centrino Wireless-N 1000

2012-01-17 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 17 Jan 2012 11:55:34 -0500, Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda escribió:

 El día 17 de enero de 2012 11:41, Camaleón


 la red inalámbrica está desactivo por el interruptor físico

 ¿Has probado el sistema tontuno? Pulsar el interruptor
 independientemente del estado actual. Al mío tengo que darle varias
 veces para cambiarlo, no siempre engancha a la primera.

 en debian no me había funcionado nunca la combinación de teclas de fn +
 * , solamente funcionaba la combinación para cambiar el brillo de la

¿Quieres decir que nunca te ha funcionando el botón para activar/
desactivar el wifi+BT? Vaya...


 Supongo que será para el 3 (rfkill unblock 3) ¿no?
 Si claro

Y después de ejecutar un rfkill unblock all ¿que te dice rfkill list?

 Otra cosa que puedes intentar es a recargar el módulo de la tarjeta de
 Ya lo he intentado también usando rmmod y modprobe

Ejecuta lsmod|grep rfkill a ver si tienes algún módulo extra asociado 



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Re: [OT] [SOLUCIONADO] Compilar librería de una versión distinta a la de los repositorios

2012-01-17 Thread Francesc Gispert Sanchez
El lun, 16-01-2012 a las 15:36 +, Camaleón escribió:
 A ver si suena la flauta... ¿tienes algún directorio dentro de la ruta 
 del juego (Cavestory+) que apunte a bibliotecas suyas? Si es así, prueba 
 a renombrar ese directorio (p. ej., si se llama /home/gispsan/CaveStory+/
 lib64/ renombrarlo a /home/gispsan/CaveStory+/lib64_old). Se trata de 
 forzar al juego a usar las bibliotecas que tienes en tu sistema en lugar 
 de que tire de las suyas propias, que parece que usan una versión antigua.

Muchísimas gracias, al renombrar el directorio me ha funcionado. Aunque
el juego va más lento de lo normal, supongo que será un problema de
requisitos ^_^
Aún así, gracias por la ayuda.


Francesc Gispert 

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Re: Tarjeta Centrino Wireless-N 1000

2012-01-17 Thread Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda
El día 17 de enero de 2012 12:20, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 17 Jan 2012 11:55:34 -0500, Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda escribió:

 El día 17 de enero de 2012 11:41, Camaleón


 la red inalámbrica está desactivo por el interruptor físico

 ¿Has probado el sistema tontuno? Pulsar el interruptor
 independientemente del estado actual. Al mío tengo que darle varias
 veces para cambiarlo, no siempre engancha a la primera.

 en debian no me había funcionado nunca la combinación de teclas de fn +
 * , solamente funcionaba la combinación para cambiar el brillo de la

 ¿Quieres decir que nunca te ha funcionando el botón para activar/
 desactivar el wifi+BT? Vaya...

Si, igual nunca uso esas características con la tecla fn


 Supongo que será para el 3 (rfkill unblock 3) ¿no?

 Si claro

 Y después de ejecutar un rfkill unblock all ¿que te dice rfkill list?

Pasa lo mismo que si lo hago uno a uno, queda desbloqueado casi todos menos el 2

0: ideapad_wlan: Wireless LAN
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: no
1: ideapad_bluetooth: Bluetooth
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: no
2: phy0: Wireless LAN
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: yes

 Otra cosa que puedes intentar es a recargar el módulo de la tarjeta de

 Ya lo he intentado también usando rmmod y modprobe

 Ejecuta lsmod|grep rfkill a ver si tienes algún módulo extra asociado

el vmi ya lo había desactivado para que no se cargara
[], ahora no sabía que
el rfkill era un módulo, el comando que me dice me arroja el siguiente

rfkill 19012  2 cfg80211,ideapad_laptop

lo deshabilito también?



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Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda
Estudiante Ingeniería en Sistemas y Computación
Universidad de Caldas

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Re: Tarjeta Centrino Wireless-N 1000

2012-01-17 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 17 Jan 2012 13:22:59 -0500, Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda escribió:

 El día 17 de enero de 2012 12:20, Camaleón

 ¿Quieres decir que nunca te ha funcionando el botón para activar/
 desactivar el wifi+BT? Vaya...
 Si, igual nunca uso esas características con la tecla fn

¿Y no has pensando en informar de esto?

 Ejecuta lsmod|grep rfkill a ver si tienes algún módulo extra asociado
 el vmi ya lo había desactivado para que no se cargara

Es wmi pero te puede hacer falta ¿por qué lo has quitado? :-?

ahora no sabía que el
 rfkill era un módulo, el comando que me dice me arroja el siguiente
 rfkill 19012  2 cfg80211,ideapad_laptop
 lo deshabilito también?

Ah, mira... ya que estás ahí descarga (y/o recarga) ese módulo, el 
ideapad_laptop a ver si suena la flauta y las castañuelas.



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Re: Tarjeta Centrino Wireless-N 1000

2012-01-17 Thread Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda
El día 17 de enero de 2012 13:39, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 17 Jan 2012 13:22:59 -0500, Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda escribió:

 El día 17 de enero de 2012 12:20, Camaleón

 ¿Quieres decir que nunca te ha funcionando el botón para activar/
 desactivar el wifi+BT? Vaya...

 Si, igual nunca uso esas características con la tecla fn

 ¿Y no has pensando en informar de esto?

Discúlpame no entiendo, informar dónde? en decirles antes en este
hilo? si es así lo que pasa es que no me interesa las funciones de la
tecla fn

 Ejecuta lsmod|grep rfkill a ver si tienes algún módulo extra asociado

 el vmi ya lo había desactivado para que no se cargara

 Es wmi pero te puede hacer falta ¿por qué lo has quitado? :-?

Googoleando en algunas de las posibles soluciones encontré que en una
laptop se solucionaba quitando el módulo hp-wmi y este fue lo más
parecido que encontré[aunque no tengo ni idea para que sirve], aunque
viendo que no solucionó nada lo active de nuevo

 ahora no sabía que el
 rfkill era un módulo, el comando que me dice me arroja el siguiente

 rfkill                 19012  2 cfg80211,ideapad_laptop

 lo deshabilito también?

 Ah, mira... ya que estás ahí descarga (y/o recarga) ese módulo, el
 ideapad_laptop a ver si suena la flauta y las castañuelas.

nada, lo descargué con rmmod y lo cargo de nuevo [el módulo
ideapad_laptop] y no pasa nada :-(



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Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda
Estudiante Ingeniería en Sistemas y Computación
Universidad de Caldas

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Re: Tarjeta Centrino Wireless-N 1000

2012-01-17 Thread Santiago López Denazis
  Hola, tengo una Thinkpad E420 y en estos días tuve, creo, el mismo 
problema. El mensaje era que estaba deshabilitada la interfáz 
inalámbrica por hardware, con las mismas salidas del comando rfkill que 
vos. Lo curioso, es que al utilizar la tecla fn + la tecla para 
habilitar el wifi, se activaba-desactivaba el bloqueo por soft, pero el 
bloqueo por hard ni mu (lo que me llama la atención es que el bluetooth 
estaba sin problemas, cuando en teoría se maneja con la misma tecla).
  Si bien no pude resolverlo, me di cuenta de que había pasado cuando, 
estando con el Win 7 que trae la máquina, desactivé el inalámbrico con 
la tecla en cuestión. Esta máquina trae en Win instalado un software de 
Lenovo (que me imagino tu máquina también tendrá), cuando uso la tecla 
del wifi, me aparece una ventana donde me pregunta si quiero 
activar-desactivar el wifi, activar-desactivar el bluetooth, o ambos. 
Parece que había desactivado sólo el wifi. Cuando a los 2 días volví a 
entrar con Win, activé el wifi con la tecla (en efecto, el bluetooth 
estaba activado), reinicié en Linux y había desaparecido el bloqueo por 
hard. Una lástima no poder gestionarlo desde nuestro so, si alguien sabe 
de alguna solución que no implique usar win, es bienvenido =).


Santiago López Denazis
Linux SysAdmin

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[OT] ModSecurity + PHPIDS

2012-01-17 Thread Sergio Villalba
Hola a tod@s,

estoy a punto de implementar dicha solución en un servidor Web que
trabaja contra Oracle... mi pregunta va por si alguién ha probado el
funcionamiento de ambas herramientas y si realmente merece la pena
montar ambas soluciones o solo una de ellas...

En la Web oficial de ModSecurity pone un ejemplo... dejo aquí el link
para quien le interese.

ModSecurity Demos
The ModSecurity Demo is a joint effort between the ModSecurity and
PHPIDS project teams to allow users to test ModSecurity and PHPIDS.
Any data is sent to a ModSecurity install for inspection by the CRS
and then it will be proxied to the PHPIDS page for normal inspection
and processing. The response body will then be inspected to confirm if
there are any evasion issues between the CRS and PHPIDS.

Gracias por todo, un saludo.

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totalplay y software para debian

2012-01-17 Thread rantis cares

Espero que se encuentren excelentemente bien.

Mi pregunta el dia de hoy es.

¿Puedo usar el servicio VOIP que mi ISP brinda con alguna aoplicacion en debian?

Lo explico en otras palabras.

Tengo contratado totalplay (empresa que brinda servicios telefono, tv,
internet). Las llamadas las realizan mediante VOIP, sin embargo dejan
instalado un telefono analogico y puedo hacer llamadas. Pero me
gustaria hacer dichas llamadas mediante una aplicacion como ekiga pero
que use el servicio VOIP de mi ISP, porque necesitaria en algun
momento usar mucho la computadora y tener la diadema para tener las
manos libres.

Alguno de ustedes podria darme alguna sugerencia?.


NO A LA LEY SOPA Las predicciones de Richard Stallman eran ciertas y
quedo demostrado que no era un paranoico como lo dijeron los tontos de
aquella y esta epoca

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Re: totalplay y software para debian

2012-01-17 Thread Matías A. Bellone

On 01/18/2012 01:03 AM, rantis cares wrote:


Espero que se encuentren excelentemente bien.

Mi pregunta el dia de hoy es.

¿Puedo usar el servicio VOIP que mi ISP brinda con alguna aoplicacion en debian?

Lo explico en otras palabras.

Tengo contratado totalplay (empresa que brinda servicios telefono, tv,
internet). Las llamadas las realizan mediante VOIP, sin embargo dejan
instalado un telefono analogico y puedo hacer llamadas. Pero me
gustaria hacer dichas llamadas mediante una aplicacion como ekiga pero
que use el servicio VOIP de mi ISP, porque necesitaria en algun
momento usar mucho la computadora y tener la diadema para tener las
manos libres.

Alguno de ustedes podria darme alguna sugerencia?.

Como bien lo has dicho, Ekiga sirve para VoIP perfectamente, sólo 
necesitas los datos de tu cuenta para poder registrarte y utilizarla 
desde él. Lamentablemente, esos datos sólo te los puede dar tu 
proveedor; si él no quiere dártelos no sé cuánto podrás hacer al respecto.


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Re: totalplay y software para debian

2012-01-17 Thread Ramses

El 18/01/2012, a las 05:19, Matías A. Bellone 

 On 01/18/2012 01:03 AM, rantis cares wrote:
 Espero que se encuentren excelentemente bien.
 Mi pregunta el dia de hoy es.
 ¿Puedo usar el servicio VOIP que mi ISP brinda con alguna aoplicacion en 
 Lo explico en otras palabras.
 Tengo contratado totalplay (empresa que brinda servicios telefono, tv,
 internet). Las llamadas las realizan mediante VOIP, sin embargo dejan
 instalado un telefono analogico y puedo hacer llamadas. Pero me
 gustaria hacer dichas llamadas mediante una aplicacion como ekiga pero
 que use el servicio VOIP de mi ISP, porque necesitaria en algun
 momento usar mucho la computadora y tener la diadema para tener las
 manos libres.
 Alguno de ustedes podria darme alguna sugerencia?.
 Como bien lo has dicho, Ekiga sirve para VoIP perfectamente, sólo necesitas 
 los datos de tu cuenta para poder registrarte y utilizarla desde él. 
 Lamentablemente, esos datos sólo te los puede dar tu proveedor; si él no 
 quiere dártelos no sé cuánto podrás hacer al respecto.

Pincha un conversos VoIP/FXO a donde está pinchado el teléfono, te instalas, 
por ejemplo Asterisk, y te montas Ekiga en tu PC.

Es matar moscas a cañonazos, pero ya has conseguido lo que quieres... ;-)



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Re: problem med svtplay

2012-01-17 Thread jan
On Sat, 14 Jan 2012 12:33:28 +0100 (CET)
Martin Bagge / brother wrote:

 On Thu, 12 Jan 2012, wrote:
  Stort tack!
  Jag skäms och lovar att försöka bättra mig när det gäller
 till framtiden:
 ekveras på
 ./svtplay-dl URL

Tack för tipset!

Eftersom jag minns dig från Foscon inser jag att du hör till framtiden.
Eller åtminstone den nära framtiden. Om du minns mig inser du säkert att
jag tillhör släktet GGG.

Det ska bli intressant att testa scriptet på tex URplay där det finns
ett program jag gärna skulle ladda hem och vidarebefordra till juniorer
i min närhet.

Som vi kom överens om i Gbg, den här listan är bra med lite trafik men
hög kvalitet. Tyvärr bidrar jag väl inte till den höga kvaliteten, utom
möjligen genom att mina frågor genererar bra svar.


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Re: bug στον installer για RAID partitions;

2012-01-17 Thread Gregory Potamianos
2012/1/16 Γιώργος Πάλλας

 Έχω το εξής πρόβλημα που μοιάζει λίγο με bug.
 Το πρόβλημα είναι ότι δεν καταφέρνω να φτιάξω τα partitions που θέλω: Αν
 πατήσω στο RAID5 device #0 ... δεν γίνεται τίποτα. Αν πατήσω στο #1 που
 υποτίθεται είναι ένα partition πάνω στο raid device (ποιος του είπε να
 το φτιάξει; - στην πραγματικότητα από την κονσόλα βλέπω δεν έχει φτιάξει
 κανένα partition), τότε μου ζητάει να ορίσω χρήση. Άρα μένω κλειδωμένος
Μάλλον έχεις μπερδευτεί με τον τρόπο που δουλεύει το mdraid.
Το #1 είναι το partition σου, εκεί πάνω μπορείς να βάλεις ext3,4 κλπ.
Το mdraid δουλεύει ανά partition. Αν θές να φιτάξεις πολλαπλά
partitions πάνω στο raid είτε θα φτιάξεις πολλά md devices, είτε όπως
είσαι μέχρι εκείνο το σημείο θα χρησιμοποιήσεις το md0 για lvm
physical volume και θα κόψεις τα volumes σου επάνω σε αυτό.

Re: bug στον installer για RAID partitions;

2012-01-17 Thread Γιώργος Πάλλας
On 17/01/2012 02:01 μμ, Gregory Potamianos wrote:
 2012/1/16 Γιώργος Πάλλας

 Έχω το εξής πρόβλημα που μοιάζει λίγο με bug.
 Το πρόβλημα είναι ότι δεν καταφέρνω να φτιάξω τα partitions που θέλω: Αν
 πατήσω στο RAID5 device #0 ... δεν γίνεται τίποτα. Αν πατήσω στο #1 που
 υποτίθεται είναι ένα partition πάνω στο raid device (ποιος του είπε να
 το φτιάξει; - στην πραγματικότητα από την κονσόλα βλέπω δεν έχει φτιάξει
 κανένα partition), τότε μου ζητάει να ορίσω χρήση. Άρα μένω κλειδωμένος
 Μάλλον έχεις μπερδευτεί με τον τρόπο που δουλεύει το mdraid.
 Το #1 είναι το partition σου, εκεί πάνω μπορείς να βάλεις ext3,4 κλπ.
 Το mdraid δουλεύει ανά partition. Αν θές να φιτάξεις πολλαπλά
 partitions πάνω στο raid είτε θα φτιάξεις πολλά md devices, είτε όπως
 είσαι μέχρι εκείνο το σημείο θα χρησιμοποιήσεις το md0 για lvm
 physical volume και θα κόψεις τα volumes σου επάνω σε αυτό.


Σε ευχαριστώ για την απάντηση.
Όμως δεν πείστηκα!
Για δυο λόγους:
Α. είμαι 91% σίγουρος ότι το mdraid δημιουργεί ένα block device που
είναι ακριβώς όπως όλα τα block devices· άρα μπορεί είτε να γίνει φορμάτ
με κάποιο fs, είτε να γίνει partitioned και να πάρει σε κάποιο partition fs.
B. Το ότι κατάφερα από command line να δημιουργήσω με fdisk τα
/dev/md0p1 και /dev/md0p2 και να βάλω στο ένα /boot και στο άλλο το
υπόλοιπο σύστημα και να μπουτάρει κανονικά αποδεικνύει ότι έστω κι αν
όπως λες δεν είναι ο ενδεδειγμένος τρόπος, εντούτοις λειτουργεί.

Γενικώς ξέρω ότι θα μπορούσα να κάνω τη δουλειά ρίχνοντας lvm πάνω στο
ένα partition του mdraid, αλλά ήθελα να παίξω με τον installer.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [DICA] USB Tether para Android sem ROOT

2012-01-17 Thread China
Esse bloqueio de tether, uso de chip com plano de dados para celular
em minimodems pra navegar usando notebook e outros tipos de bloqueio
são possiveis de serem feitos, e nos Estados Unidos são muito comuns.
Mas no Brasil ainda não existe, pelo menos foi o que me confirmou as
várias consultas que fiz a colegas que trabalham nas teles. Os novos
contratos já incluem clausulas que proibem uso de voz pela internet e
outros limites, e creio que quando o serviço estiver mais difundido
eles vão executar com certeza.

Acho que o desenvolvedor implementou essa possibilidade de furar
bloqueios porque ele deve ser de um país onde isso é praticado.

De qualquer forma, vou adotar essa app por ser uma alternativa de um
desenvolvedor importante da comunidade Android.

Em 16 de janeiro de 2012 19:04, Gerson Haus escreveu:
 Achei interessante:
 ... ele conseguiu criar uma maneira de contornar o bloqueio que algumas
 operadoras faziam quando o tether era habilitado

 Este bloqueio existe mesmo? Quais operadoras fazem?

 Volta e meia tenho problemas com o Bernacle (SZYM.NET) e também com o
 Wireless Tether. Mas o problema é que os clientes não conseguem conectar
 (tanto Linux quanto Win).
 Como consigo ver no Debian testing os motivos pelo qual uma conexão não teve

 Motorola Atrix / Android 2.3.4

 De: China
 Para: debian
 Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 16 de Janeiro de 2012 15:27
 Assunto: [DICA] USB Tether para Android sem ROOT


 Faz algumas semanas que o colega (e meu ex-professor de C++) Bruno
 Schneider pediu dicas de funcionamento do tether no Galaxy5 dele sem
 root no aparelho. Então retomo o assunto aqui porque está saindo do
 forno uma app para isso. Detalhes no link


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Mensagem Upgrade ?

2012-01-17 Thread Samuel Andrade Teixeira

Bom dia, lista! Estou tentando executar *apt-get upgrade e me retorna a 
mensagem abaixo impedindo continuar a atualização, alguém por favor poderia me 

samba (2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze4) stable-proposed-updates; urgency=low

  * Please note that upgrading to 3.5.* series, the map untrusted to
domain configuration parameters was introduced and defaults to No.
It means that users originating from an untrusted domain are no
longer mapped to the domain the samba server is member of.
This could lead to behavioral changes if the pre-3.5 behavior of
mapping these user to the domain was needed. See #623190 for

 -- Christian Perrier  Thu, 12 May 2011 19:51:52 +0200

/tmp/tmp2iNUCc (END) 



Pra onde foi o chrome?

2012-01-17 Thread Samuel Andrade Teixeira

Bom dia, lista! Estou tentando instalar o google chrome no debian 6, a 
instalação não reporta nenhum erro segunda a mensagem abaixo.

root@debian:/home/samuel/Downloads# dpkg -i 
(Lendo banco de dados ... 62598 ficheiros e directórios actualmente instalados.)
Preparando para substituir google-chrome-stable 16.0.912.75-r116452 (usando 
google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb) ...
Desempacotando substituto google-chrome-stable ...
Configurando google-chrome-stable (16.0.912.75-r116452) ...
Processando gatilhos para menu ...
Processando gatilhos para gnome-menus ...
Processando gatilhos para desktop-file-utils ...
Processando gatilhos para man-db ...

Quando vou em aplicativos, internet, não acho o ícone do google chrome. Alguém 
já possou por isso?



Fwd: Pra onde foi o chrome?

2012-01-17 Thread Ricardo Borges

-- Mensagem encaminhada --
De: Samuel Andrade Teixeira
Data: 17 de janeiro de 2012 09:38
Assunto: Pra onde foi o chrome?
Para: Lista Debian BR

 Bom dia, lista! Estou tentando instalar o google chrome no debian 6, a
instalação não reporta nenhum erro segunda a mensagem abaixo.

root@debian:/home/samuel/Downloads# dpkg -i
(Lendo banco de dados ... 62598 ficheiros e directórios actualmente
Preparando para substituir google-chrome-stable 16.0.912.75-r116452 (usando
google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb) ...
Desempacotando substituto google-chrome-stable ...
Configurando google-chrome-stable (16.0.912.75-r116452) ...
Processando gatilhos para menu ...
Processando gatilhos para gnome-menus ...
Processando gatilhos para desktop-file-utils ...
Processando gatilhos para man-db ...

Quando vou em aplicativos, internet, não acho o ícone do google chrome.
Alguém já possou por isso?




Ricardo Borges
My profile in Google+
Software Livre - RJ

RE: Pra onde foi o chrome?

2012-01-17 Thread Samuel Andrade Teixeira

Sua dica foi a salvação da lavoura. Obrigado!


Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 09:55:20 -0200
Subject: Fwd: Pra onde foi o chrome?

-- Mensagem encaminhada --
De: Samuel Andrade Teixeira

Data: 17 de janeiro de 2012 09:38
Assunto: Pra onde foi o chrome?
Para: Lista Debian BR

Bom dia, lista! Estou tentando instalar o google chrome no debian 6, a 
instalação não reporta nenhum erro segunda a mensagem abaixo.

root@debian:/home/samuel/Downloads# dpkg -i 

(Lendo banco de dados ... 62598 ficheiros e directórios actualmente instalados.)
Preparando para substituir google-chrome-stable 16.0.912.75-r116452 (usando 
google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb) ...
Desempacotando substituto google-chrome-stable ...

Configurando google-chrome-stable (16.0.912.75-r116452) ...
Processando gatilhos para menu ...
Processando gatilhos para gnome-menus ...
Processando gatilhos para desktop-file-utils ...
Processando gatilhos para man-db ...


Quando vou em aplicativos, internet, não acho o ícone do google chrome. Alguém 
já possou por isso?



Ricardo Borges
My profile in Google+
Software Livre - RJ


Re: Dúvida em migração do samba para o Ldap (usando smbldap-populate)

2012-01-17 Thread Marlon Willrich
opa.. brigadão Eduardo!  vou fazer alguns testes aqui..

Em 16 de janeiro de 2012 21:21, Eduardo Sachs


 Eu te mandei um email só para você sem querer, estou mandando este para a

 Achei esse post no forum do Samba, veja isso:

 Have about 15 accounts in tdb, want to move to LDAP. Do I need to recreate
 all the accounts in LDAP?

 First use the PADL ( tool to migrate the POSIX accounts from
 /etc/passwd to LDAP. Then execute:

 pdbedit -i tdbdam -e ldapsam

 Eu acho que o caminho é por ai, você poderia fazer uma busca no google por
 pdbedit -i tdbdam -e ldapsam. Olha só o que eu achei:

 Eu já fiz algumas migrações de OpenLDAP envolvendo Samba, uma interessante
 que eu fiz foi migrar toda uma base OpenLDAP com Samba PDC para dentro da
 base OpenLDAP do Zimbra, não foi uma tarefa fácil, porque eu tive que
 manter todos os atributos dos usuários iguais do SambaPDC+OpenLDAP para o

 Qualquer coisa, estamos ai...


 Em 16 de janeiro de 2012 17:06, Marlon Willrich uala...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Boa tarde pessoal,

 Estou com uma pequena dúvida aqui, não sei se isso é normal.

 Estou com um ambiente de testes aqui migrando um samba com a base tdb
 funcionando normal para o ldap na propria máquina.

 Verifiquei que os usuários migrados não possuem alguns atributos como:

 sambaAcctFlags [U]

 e o tipo de senha estava como md5crypt.

 Estes usuários não conseguem logar no domínio.

 Caso eu crie um novo usuário utilizando o smblda-useradd, ele cria estes
 atribtuos e o tipo de senha no atributo senha fica como ssha e funciona o
 login normalmente.

 Agora a pergunta...

 De que forma poderia adicionar estes atributos nos meus usuários já
 migrados? para mim não ter que criar tudo de novo...



 *Eduardo Sachs *-* *

 *LPI-302 (Mixed Environment)* Senior Level Linux Professional

 *LPIC-3/301 (Core)* Senior Level Linux Professional

 *CLA* Novell Certified Linux Administrator

 *DCTS* Novell Data Center Technical Specialist

 *Microsoft *Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS)

 *MCTS*: Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring

 *MCTS*: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring

Bootstrap no MAC

2012-01-17 Thread Sinval Júnior
Alguém sabe se é possível executar uma imagem Bootstrap via chroot

Ao encaminhar esta mensagem, por favor:
1 - Apague meu endereço eletrônico;
2 - Apague também os endereços dos amigos que receberam juntamente com
você a mensagem, antes de enviar;
3 - Encaminhe como Cópia Oculta (Cco ou BCc) aos seus destinatários.
Dificulte assim a disseminação de vírus, spams e banners.

#!/usr/bin/env python
nome = 'Sinval Júnior'
email = 'sinvalju arroba gmail ponto com'
print nome
print email

Re: Mensagem Upgrade ?

2012-01-17 Thread P. J.
tipo só por curiosidade há qnt tempo vc lida com o debian?

2012/1/17 Samuel Andrade Teixeira
 Bom dia, lista! Estou tentando executar *apt-get upgrade e me retorna a
 mensagem abaixo impedindo continuar a atualização, alguém por favor poderia
 me ajudar?

 samba (2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze4) stable-proposed-updates; urgency=low

   * Please note that upgrading to 3.5.* series, the map untrusted to
     domain configuration parameters was introduced and defaults to No.
     It means that users originating from an untrusted domain are no
     longer mapped to the domain the samba server is member of.
     This could lead to behavioral changes if the pre-3.5 behavior of
     mapping these user to the domain was needed. See #623190 for

  -- Christian Perrier  Thu, 12 May 2011 19:51:52 +0200

 /tmp/tmp2iNUCc (END)




|  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
| : :'  :
| `. `'`
|   `-   P.J. -

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Re: Mensagem Upgrade ?

2012-01-17 Thread Fagner Patricio
Acredito que você pode continuar sem problemas!!!

Essa máquina é uma controladora de domínio?

Em 17 de janeiro de 2012 12:59, P. J. escreveu:

 tipo só por curiosidade há qnt tempo vc lida com o debian?

 2012/1/17 Samuel Andrade Teixeira
  Bom dia, lista! Estou tentando executar *apt-get upgrade e me retorna a
  mensagem abaixo impedindo continuar a atualização, alguém por favor
  me ajudar?
  samba (2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze4) stable-proposed-updates; urgency=low
* Please note that upgrading to 3.5.* series, the map untrusted to
  domain configuration parameters was introduced and defaults to No.
  It means that users originating from an untrusted domain are no
  longer mapped to the domain the samba server is member of.
  This could lead to behavioral changes if the pre-3.5 behavior of
  mapping these user to the domain was needed. See #623190 for
   -- Christian Perrier  Thu, 12 May 2011 19:51:52
  /tmp/tmp2iNUCc (END)

 |  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
 | : :'  :
 | `. `'`
 |   `-   P.J. -

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Fagner Patrício
João Pessoa - PB

Re: Mensagem Upgrade ?

2012-01-17 Thread P. J.

2012/1/17 Samuel Andrade Teixeira
 Pouco tempo.


bom, isso são news basta aperta q para sair... bom, realmente não é
muito intuitivo pra novatos saber disso, mas espero q tenha

[  ] 's
|  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
| : :'  :
| `. `'`
|   `-   P.J. -

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RE: Mensagem Upgrade ?

2012-01-17 Thread Samuel Andrade Teixeira

Na empresa onde trabalho existem alguns caras que se acham fod* no que fazem, 
são ignorantes, acham que sempre tem razão, não aceitam palpites, falam pouco 
com os colegas que detêm pouco conhecimento técnico e não gostam de 
compartilhar o aprendizado que aprendeu com alguém que entendia mais que ele, 
isso é muito normal na área de TI. Porque o ser humano é assim, meu Deus? 
Parece que já saiu do ventre da mãe sabendo tudo falar inglẽs, espanhol, chinês 
etc... Op.. aqui não é lugar pra isso, desculpe o desabafo lista.

P. J., obrigado por ter se prontificado a me ajudar!!! Consegui resolver o 
problema com dua dica.


 Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 19:37:51 -0200
 Subject: Re: Mensagem Upgrade ?
 2012/1/17 Samuel Andrade Teixeira
  Pouco tempo.
 bom, isso são news basta aperta q para sair... bom, realmente não é
 muito intuitivo pra novatos saber disso, mas espero q tenha
 [  ] 's
 |  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
 | : :'  :
 | `. `'`
 |   `-   P.J. -
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erro execução

2012-01-17 Thread Carlucio Lopes
Boa noite Pessoal,

fiz upgrade de debian lenny para squeeze 6.0.3 e agora alguns programas
que desenvolvi nao funcionam veja:

carlucio@notebook:~/sistemas/sca2000$ ./compilac nfe07
htcobol: malloc.c:3097: sYSMALLOc: Assertion `(old_top == (((mbinptr)
(((char *) ((av)-bins[((1) - 1) * 2])) - __builtin_offsetof (struct 
malloc_chunk, fd  old_size == 0) || ((unsigned long) (old_size) = 
(unsigned long)__builtin_offsetof (struct malloc_chunk, fd_nextsize))+((2 * 
(sizeof(size_t))) - 1))  ~((2 * (sizeof(size_t))) - 1)))  ((old_top)-size  
0x1)  ((unsigned long)old_end  pagemask) == 0)' failed.

alguem já possou por isso ??

Carlucio Lopes - 62-8592-8800 msn: linux user

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Re: Mensagem Upgrade ?

2012-01-17 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA512

On 17-01-2012 20:39, Samuel Andrade Teixeira wrote:
 Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 19:37:51 -0200
 Subject: Re: Mensagem Upgrade ?

 2012/1/17 Samuel Andrade Teixeira
  Pouco tempo.

 bom, isso são news basta aperta q para sair... bom, realmente não é
 muito intuitivo pra novatos saber disso, mas espero q tenha

 P. J., obrigado por ter se prontificado a me ajudar!!! Consegui resolver
 o problema com dua dica.

Se for o apt-listchanges, você pode usar o comando
'dpkg-reconfigure apt-listchanges' para mudar suas
opções, incluindo desabilitar a confirmação.

- -- 
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Bootstrap no MAC

2012-01-17 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA512

On 17-01-2012 12:41, Sinval Júnior wrote:
 Alguém sabe se é possível executar uma imagem Bootstrap via
 chroot no MACOSX?

Você quer fazer algo como:

  debootstrap ~/meu-debian-no-macosx
  chroot ~/meu-debian-no-macosx

Teoricamente é possível, o que está por baixo do MacOSX é uma
forma de UNIX/BSD, então você precisaria de um porte do
debootstrap que funcionasse nesse ambiente, até onde eu sei há
versões do chroot disponíveis para MacOSX.

- -- 
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: cifs problem with kernel 3.1

2012-01-17 Thread Johann Spies
Thanks to Camelón and Martin for replying.

 Is there anything in dmesg about this?

Yes.  More information:

Using the IP addressess does not help in mounting.

Mounting by hand (mount.cifs ... ) ended with the same result.

[  860.895104] CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -13
[  881.452158] CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -13

When I add sec=ntlmv2 to the mount options I get 

[  593.130361] CIFS VFS: signing required but server lacks support
[  593.130472] CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -95

When I change /etc/fstab from 
// /home/js/mnt/senis cifs
credentials=/etc/credentials,user,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0


// /home/js/mnt/senis cifs 
credentials=/etc/credentials,user,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0

it mounts but I cannot use it as I do not have access rights to that
directory.  Even as root I cannot access subfolders.

Also when I do this I get:

[ 1256.85] CIFS VFS: Autodisabling the use of server inode numbers on 
\\\dept. This server doesn't seem to support them properly. 
Hardlinks will not be recognized on this mount. Consider mounting with the 
noserverino option to silence this message.

To me it seems like a bug somewhere.

Johann SpiesTelefoon: 021-808 4699
Databestuurder /  Data manager

Sentrum vir Navorsing oor Evaluasie, Wetenskap en Tegnologie
Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology 
Universiteit Stellenbosch.

 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me,
  to give every man according as his work shall be.
   Revelation 22:12 

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Re: OT: cannot copy text from matlab to putty

2012-01-17 Thread Bob Proulx
Scott Ferguson wrote:
 Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:
  From: Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
  Followup-To: gmane.linux.debian.user
 Which means debian-user list subscribers replying have remove the:-
 CC: gmane.linux.debian.user

But Followup-To is a news header not a mail header.  Why would a mail
client react to it at all?  It is not normal for it to be there at all
for an email message.  It really should only be there on a news
message.  Sure there is a lot of crossover but news is not mail and
mail is not news.  I would hope that a news2mail gateway would strip
that out.  But being there doesn't seem like it should cause serious
problem either.  Followup-To != Mail-Followup-To.  If it were
Mail-Followup-To, a defacto mail standard, then your mail client
should react to it.  But not Followup-To.  It sounds like this is a
bug in your Enigmail client if it is reacting badly to it being there.


Description: Digital signature

Re: OT: cannot copy text from matlab to putty

2012-01-17 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 17/01/12 19:44, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Scott Ferguson wrote:
 Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:
 To: From: Kamaraju S Kusumanchi Followup-To: 
 Which means debian-user list subscribers replying have remove
 the:- CC: gmane.linux.debian.user
 But Followup-To is a news header not a mail header.


 Why would a mail client react to it at all?  It is not normal for it
  to be there at all for an email message.  It really should only be 
 there on a news message.

Yes. Hence the request to stop sending it.

 Sure there is a lot of crossover but news is not mail and mail is not
 news.  I would hope that a news2mail gateway would strip that out.
 But being there doesn't seem like it should cause serious problem

If *you're* happy to clean up other people's posts *and* pay for the
news subscription - then it's not a problem for you.

 Followup-To != Mail-Followup-To.


 If it were Mail-Followup-To, a defacto mail standard, then your mail 
 client should react to it.  But not Followup-To.

No - you're not allowing for MUAs that also deal with news. (there are
more MUAs out there than just Mutt)

*If* a mail client is incapable of handling news *then* the mail client
would/should ignore it.

 It sounds like this is a bug in your Enigmail client if it is
 reacting badly to it being there.

It has nothing do with PGP. My Enigmail client is not reacting to it at
all (because it doesn't involve PGP).

It's because the OP had inadvertently put a news Followup into his post
to gmane (using Knode - which *is* a newsreader) - and it was then
relayed through to the list as email and reposted to subscribers.


Read a little further in the thread and it should become clear.

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Re: OT: cannot copy text from matlab to putty

2012-01-17 Thread Bob Proulx
Scott Ferguson wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  But Followup-To is a news header not a mail header.
  Why would a mail client react to it at all?  It is not normal for it
   to be there at all for an email message.  It really should only be 
  there on a news message.
 Yes. Hence the request to stop sending it.

I can't disagree with that type of argument.  Followup-To isn't a mail
header and so shouldn't be in a mail message.  I can get behind that
reasoning.  It was the reasoning that it created a CC that I was
objecting to, without being explicit enough to say it that way.

  Sure there is a lot of crossover but news is not mail and mail is not
  news.  I would hope that a news2mail gateway would strip that out.
  But being there doesn't seem like it should cause serious problem
 If *you're* happy to clean up other people's posts *and* pay for the
 news subscription - then it's not a problem for you.

I didn't have to clean up the post.  I tested a followup to it and
everything worked fine for me using 'mutt'.  But I didn't say that.
Everyone who uses 'mutt' always says that everything works fine for
them.  So I decided not to say that this time.  But if I were
following up using mutt it would not have created a bogus CC from the

  Followup-To != Mail-Followup-To.
  If it were Mail-Followup-To, a defacto mail standard, then your mail 
  client should react to it.  But not Followup-To.
 No - you're not allowing for MUAs that also deal with news.

It is great for the user to have the same client deal with both mail
and news.  But then the client software should be smart enough to
actually deal with both.  The issues are not identical between them.

 (there are more MUAs out there than just Mutt)

And very annoying that is too.  :-)

 *If* a mail client is incapable of handling news *then* the mail client
 would/should ignore it.

No.  If a mail client is handling mail then it should ignore it.  Just
being capable of handling news too is not a reasonable excuse.

  It sounds like this is a bug in your Enigmail client if it is
  reacting badly to it being there.
 It has nothing do with PGP. My Enigmail client is not reacting to it at
 all (because it doesn't involve PGP).

My bad.  I saw Enigmail in your mail header (as you saw mutt in mine)
and so assumed it was your mail user agent.  Please substitute in the
name of your mail user agent instead.

 It's because the OP had inadvertently put a news Followup into his post
 to gmane (using Knode - which *is* a newsreader) - and it was then
 relayed through to the list as email and reposted to subscribers.
 Read a little further in the thread and it should become clear.

I had actually read the entire thread.  But having a spurious
Followup-To header should send a mail client into the weeds.  I agree
it is spurious.  But so is a mail client deciding to do something with
it.  *Both* are wrong.


Description: Digital signature

Re: OT: cannot copy text from matlab to putty

2012-01-17 Thread Bob Proulx
Bob Proulx wrote:
 But having a spurious Followup-To header should send a mail client
 into the weeds.

Drat!  s/should/should not/

  But having a spurious Followup-To header should not send a mail client
  into the weeds.


Description: Digital signature

Re: squeeze kernel upgrade fixes r8169 network driver?

2012-01-17 Thread Jon Dowland
On 16/01/12 21:14, Curt wrote:
 Yes, I verified in the kernel logs (/var/log/kern.log--thanks for that
 tip) : I was using 2.6.32-39 before; after the upgrade I'm using

According to the changelog, there has indeed been no other changes 
between those versions.

I'm *sure* I read something about an 8139 fix on -devel relating to
stable, there was an argument about whether it was appropriate or not.
This struck me as too much of a coincidence.  However, I can't find
the thread I was thinking of, so perhaps it was this earlier change:

linux-2.6 (2.6.32-36) stable; urgency=low

r8169: Backport changes up to Linux 3.0.2 (Closes: #627704)
 - Fix support for RTL8102E and RTL8168DP
 - Add support for RTL8105E, RTL8168E and another variant of RTL8168DP
 - Add support for D-Link DGE-530T rev C1

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Re: OT: cannot copy text from matlab to putty

2012-01-17 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 17/01/12 21:10, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
 But having a spurious Followup-To header should send a mail client
  into the weeds.
 Drat!  s/should/should not/

I understood what you meant.

 But having a spurious Followup-To header should not send a mail 
 client into the weeds.

It doesn't/won't send the client into the weeds. The client handles it
fine. That is part of the problem:-
1. it would double the network load by creating a post to debian lists
that is copied by gmane, as well as directly sending posting to the
gmane news list using the news protocol. I suspect that gmane would
filter out the duplicate. I get billed for upstream traffic - and I
don't have a lot of bandwidth to spare.
2. my news/usenet account is separate to my internet account and usage
based, so I try and use it only when necessary.

the following was inserted from your other post
 But then the client software should be smart enough to actually deal 
 with both.
Oh but it does. Happily.
I'd just prefer one or the other - in this case I have zero desire to
post to gmane.

It's now on my long list of extensions to write - (do you to post to
the organ grinder or the monkey?)

 I saw Enigmail in your mail header (as you saw mutt in mine)

I did not know that - I had to look at the source, I'd assumed it
wouldn't be sent as I don't sign posts to this list.

:-) I didn't actually look at your header - just saw the little Mutt
icon above your post - (just beside the route map).

 Please substitute in the name of your mail user agent instead.
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:5.0) Gecko/20110805 Icedove/5.0

I'm glad we've got that all sorted (we have got it sorted - right?)


Iceweasel/Firefox extensions for finding answers to Debian questions:-

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Re: Setting up horde3 on Debian Squeeze

2012-01-17 Thread Knut Esztermann
Csanyi Pal schrieb am 16.01.2012 um 21:58:
 I'm trying to setup horde3 on my home server, that running
 GNU/Linux Squeeze.
 I'm following instructions from
 Now when I trying to open this webpage from my desktop machine
 on the
 LAN behind the server on which have installed and setup horde3,
 I get
 error message:
 Not Found
 The requested URL /login.php was not found on this server.
 Apache/2.2.16 (Debian) Server at Port 80
 Why can't I open the Horde3 webpage to setup it further?

It seems as if apache looks for login.php in the web root, not in
the horde directory (should be /horde3/login.php). Try changing
the 'webroot' setting in /etc/horde/horde3/registry.php to '/horde3'.

/ Knut Esztermann

What is a Unix Wizard?
Today: wizard - Someone who WTFM.

text/html  /dev/null

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Size mismatch during safe-upgrade

2012-01-17 Thread Meike Stone

I use Debian 6 and tried to upgrade my system. I made as root a
~# aptitude update
~# aptitude safe-upgrade
an got following error:

Setting up linux-libc-dev (2.6.32-39squeeze1) ...
E: Failed to fetch
Size mismatch

Current status: 1 update [-44].

my sources.list:

deb squeeze main
contrib non-free
deb-src squeeze
main contrib non-free

deb squeeze/updates main
deb-src squeeze/updates main

What can I do to solve the problem?

Thanks Meike!

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Re: Size mismatch during safe-upgrade

2012-01-17 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 17/01/12 22:20, Meike Stone wrote:
 I use Debian 6 and tried to upgrade my system. I made as root a
 ~# aptitude update
 ~# aptitude safe-upgrade
 an got following error:
 Setting up linux-libc-dev (2.6.32-39squeeze1) ...
 E: Failed to fetch
 Size mismatch
 Current status: 1 update [-44].
 my sources.list:
 deb squeeze main
 contrib non-free
 deb-src squeeze
 main contrib non-free
 deb squeeze/updates main
 deb-src squeeze/updates main
 What can I do to solve the problem?
 Thanks Meike!
Try it again. Wait. Try it again. The recent point release may be
affecting it.

If space permits it's a good idea to pre-download the packages before
doing an upgrade to save network surprises during the process. eg.:-
# apt-get -d upgrade
if that shows no warnings
# apt-get upgrade

There is probably an equivalent for aptitude. Sorry I don't have the man
files to quote.

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hi, how to get more software from debian repo?

2012-01-17 Thread

Are there any deb repo like rpmfusion for rpm ?
I now use debian sid. I find many software not available in the repo. To 
name some, eric5, aptana3 ...


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Re: hi, how to get more software from debian repo?

2012-01-17 Thread Bijoy Lobo
Tried Ubuntu Repos?

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 5:43 PM, wrote:
 Are there any deb repo like rpmfusion for rpm ?
 I now use debian sid. I find many software not available in the repo. To
 name some, eric5, aptana3 ...

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Thanks and Regards
Bijoy Lobo
Paladion Networks

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Re: hi, how to get more software from debian repo?

2012-01-17 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 14:15, Bijoy Lobo wrote:
 Tried Ubuntu Repos?

Ubuntu and Debian are not binary compatible, even if it works most of
the time. I have no problem installing a single Ubuntu .deb in Debian
and vice versa, but do not configure Ubuntu repos for apt!

Dotan Cohen

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Re: hi, how to get more software from debian repo?

2012-01-17 Thread Shiyao.Ma

On 2012/1/17 20:26, Dotan Cohen wrote:

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 14:15, Bijoy  wrote:

Tried Ubuntu Repos?

Ubuntu and Debian are not binary compatible, even if it works most of
the time. I have no problem installing a single Ubuntu .deb in Debian
and vice versa, but do not configure Ubuntu repos for apt!

Thanks, so that means there's no rpmfusion alike debian repo?

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Re: hi, how to get more software from debian repo?

2012-01-17 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 17/01/12 23:15, Bijoy Lobo wrote:
 Tried Ubuntu Repos?
 On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 5:43 PM, wrote:
 Are there any deb repo like rpmfusion for rpm ?
 I now use debian sid. I find many software not available in the repo. To
 name some, eric5, 

It's just called eric, and it's in the main repositories.
# apt-get install eric

aptana3 ...

Not that I'm aware of.


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Re: hi, how to get more software from debian repo?

2012-01-17 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 14:32, Shiyao.Ma wrote:
 On 2012/1/17 20:26, Dotan Cohen wrote:

 On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 14:15, Bijoy  wrote:

 Tried Ubuntu Repos?

 Ubuntu and Debian are not binary compatible, even if it works most of
 the time. I have no problem installing a single Ubuntu .deb in Debian
 and vice versa, but do not configure Ubuntu repos for apt!

 Thanks, so that means there's no rpmfusion alike debian repo?

By definition, no. However, go through some of the latter entries here:

Dotan Cohen

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Re: hi, how to get more software from debian repo?

2012-01-17 Thread Shiyao.Ma

On 2012/1/17 20:33, Scott Ferguson wrote:

On 17/01/12 23:15, Bijoy Lobo wrote:

Tried Ubuntu Repos?

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 5:43 PM,  wrote:

Are there any deb repo like rpmfusion for rpm ?
I now use debian sid. I find many software not available in the repo. To
name some, eric5,

It's just called eric, and it's in the main repositories.
# apt-get install eric

aptana3 ...

Not that I'm aware of.



Eirc5 is for python3 and eric is for python2. They are not the same.

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Re: hi, how to get more software from debian repo?

2012-01-17 Thread Tony van der Hoff

On 17/01/12 12:13, wrote:

Are there any deb repo like rpmfusion for rpm ?
I now use debian sid. I find many software not available in the repo. To
name some, eric5, aptana3 ...

Don't get into the rpm hell. They don't work like apt packages, so 
wouldn't get updated. It offers no benefits over self-compiling the source.

Simply get the source, compile it on your debian system, and enjoy the 
results. Simple!

If you were then really magnanimous, you'd package the results as a deb, 
and offer to maintain it. That's how deb repos work!

Tony van der Hoff|
Buckinghamshire, England |

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Re: hi, how to get more software from debian repo?

2012-01-17 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 17/01/12 23:38, Shiyao.Ma wrote:
 On 2012/1/17 20:33, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 On 17/01/12 23:15, Bijoy Lobo wrote:
 Tried Ubuntu Repos?

 On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 5:43 PM,  wrote:
 Are there any deb repo like rpmfusion for rpm ?

There's a few - best to look at the entry on pinning
before using any.

And many others.
As Dotan has already advised - best *not* to add Ubuntu to sources.list.
Both the applications you have on your wish list will pull in a lot of

In this instance you're probably best to just pull down the tar.gzand
use checkinstall to make a .deb
(I'd test them in a VirtualBox machine IIWU)

The usual Debian guarantee applies - if it breaks you get to keep both

 I now use debian sid. I find many software not available in the
 repo. To
 name some, eric5,
 It's just called eric, and it's in the main repositories.
 # apt-get install eric

 aptana3 ...

 Not that I'm aware of.


 Eirc5 is for python3 and eric is for python2. They are not the same.

Sorry. You'll have to wait a little while then:-

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Re: hi, how to get more software from debian repo?

2012-01-17 Thread Lisi
On Tuesday 17 January 2012 12:13:12 wrote:
 Are there any deb repo like rpmfusion for rpm

What type of repo is rpmfusion?  Does one out of main, contrib, non-free, 
*.backports, multimedia, experimental, not cover it?

Sorry, there is not backports for Sid, of course.


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Re: Idiots guide to setting up samba

2012-01-17 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 16 Jan 2012 23:32:19 +, Richard wrote:

 On Mon, 16 Jan 2012 17:01:57 + (UTC) Camaleón


  this is from samba.log :-


  [2012/01/16 13:40:23.909262,  0] smbd/server.c:756(open_sockets_smbd)
open_sockets_smbd: No sockets available to bind to.
  Any ideas please 
 Your samba service is crashing because of the above errors, I'd say
 related to the network interface you have set. Check your smb.conf
 interfaces =
 bind interfaces only =
 I've managed to get smbd up and running, 

Ah good, but what did you finally have to do? What was broken?

 the application needs to be a server and not just a client, as one of
 the directories is used by another computer. Not my app ,my son's :(.

sftp also does a good job for sharing files over two hosts and is 
easier and more secure than samba. But of course, you son's application 
have to support it...

 What I'm not seeing is any broadcast on x.x.x.255, the firewall should
 be open in both directions on the samba ports.
 Play again in the morning.

What kind of firewall? The router's one usually does not block intranet 
data flow but external → internal connections :-?



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Re: sasl authentication failed

2012-01-17 Thread Camaleón
El 2012-01-16 a las 14:40 -0500, tony baldwin escribió:

(resending to the list)

 On Sat, January 14, 2012 4:55 pm, Camaleón wrote:
  On Sat, 14 Jan 2012 15:26:30 -0500, tony baldwin wrote:
  On Sat, January 14, 2012 12:41 pm, Camaleón wrote:
  Tony, I would forget about the SSL part until you have configured your
  Postfix to be in a workable state (sending/receiving e-mails with no
  errors). Afterwards, you can start to setup the SSL certificate but not
  I do have it working now, but the cert is still wrong.
  Okay, let's focus on that now.
  When I configured postfix, I gave it
  is what shows in my I do know understand why anything says
  This can come from SSL certificate file :-?
  yes, the cert says it is from, while I am certain I
  have my hostname set as
  Your hostname (whatever is set to) has no effect on the SSL cert file.
  You have to ensure that you created the certificate with the correct data.
  To see how it looks like you can:
  openssl x509 -in /path/to/cert_file -noout -text
 When I do the above, I get
 openssl x509 -in smtpd.cert -noout -text
 Version: 3 (0x2)
 Serial Number:
 encrypted stuff
 Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
 Issuer: C=US, ST=Connecticut, L=New Haven, O=Tony Baldwin, OU=web
 Not Before: Jan 11 01:06:15 2012 GMT
 Not After : Jan 10 01:06:15 2013 GMT
 Subject: C=US, ST=Connecticut, L=New Haven, O=Tony Baldwin, OU=web
 Subject Public Key Info:
 Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
 RSA Public Key: (2048 bit)
 Modulus (2048 bit):
 encrypted stuff here...
 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
 X509v3 extensions:
 X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
 encrypted stuff here
 X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
 keyid:encrypted stuff here
 DirName:/C=US/ST=Connecticut/L=New Haven/O=Tony
 serial:encrypted stuff
 X509v3 Basic Constraints:
 Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
encrypted stuff here...
  The CN= field has to be, if not I would redo
  again that specific step:
 The CN= field shows only, but mutt tells me the cert is

Mmm, yes, the cert file seems to contain the right data.
 I did this probably a dozen times.

Okay :-)

  Put special care when the openssl wizard asks for the Common Name (eg,
  YOUR name) []:, here you have to write
 I swear I did this all dozen times.

Good X-)

  So, when I set up mutt at home, my laptop, etc., I see some error to
  the effect that the cert is from, which disagrees
  with the host,
  I just choose (a) accept always, and it works, but it seems to me it
  would be better to have the cert correct.
  Sure, having the SSL cert file with the right data on it :-P
  However, unless you use a certificate coming from one of the authorized
  companies you will still see a warning about its validity when connecting
  from another computer.
 Maybe it doesn't matter, since I'm the only using mail on this server, and
 it's working for me as is, but I'd like to understand why the cert appears
 to have incorrect data, despite the parameters I passed to openssl.

I would run more tests, e.g.:

1/ Connect from another MUA (Thunderbird/Icedobe/Evolution/whatever) 
and check if the error also appears from here.

2/ Run Mutt in debug mode (mutt -d 2), it will log to ~/.muttdebug0.
If you are sending the log file or upload to some place, remember to delete 
any sensitive data which can contain.



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Re: where do i find documents for bacula-console-qt

2012-01-17 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 17 Jan 2012 11:40:49 +0800, Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:

 2012/1/17 Camaleón
 Has Internet closed? :-P

 You have to have that same doc (and more) in your hard disk under
 /usr/ share/doc/bacula-common/*

 thanks. although i'm looking for a manual that is specific for BAT but i
 seems that i need to do it manually via configs after all

Bacula documentation looks very complete and detailed. There's even a 
short description doc listing the components for the BAT tool:

From there it can be read:

Bat also has a nice online help manual that explains a lot of the interface. 



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Re: cifs problem with kernel 3.1

2012-01-17 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 17 Jan 2012 10:19:21 +0200, Johann Spies wrote:

 Thanks to Camelón and Martin for replying.
 Is there anything in dmesg about this?
 Yes.  More information:
 Using the IP addressess does not help in mounting.
 Mounting by hand (mount.cifs ... ) ended with the same result.
 [  860.895104] CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -13 
 [  881.452158] CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -13

Is accessing the share by means of the smb:// protocol working? 
Can you even access/listing the shares with smbclient?

 When I add sec=ntlmv2 to the mount options I get
 [  593.130361] CIFS VFS: signing required but server lacks support 
 [  593.130472] CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -95
 When I change /etc/fstab from
 // /home/js/mnt/senis cifs 
 credentials=/etc/credentials,user,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0
 // /home/js/mnt/senis cifs 
 credentials=/etc/credentials,user,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0
 it mounts but I cannot use it as I do not have access rights to that
 directory.  Even as root I cannot access subfolders.
 Also when I do this I get:
 [ 1256.85] CIFS VFS: Autodisabling the use of server inode numbers
 on \\\dept. This server doesn't seem to support them
 properly. Hardlinks will not be recognized on this mount. Consider
 mounting with the noserverino option to silence this message.
 To me it seems like a bug somewhere.

It could be... True is that I have not experienced any problem in 
wheezy when accessing to windows shares :-?



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Re: hi, how to get more software from debian repo?

2012-01-17 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 17 Jan 2012 20:13:12 +0800, wrote:

 Are there any deb repo like rpmfusion for rpm ? I now use debian sid. I
 find many software not available in the repo. To name some, eric5,
 aptana3 ...

More software!? 25,000 packages is not enough? :-)

There are third-party repos such as Debian Multimedia:

And there are many others, mostly from individuals that make their own 
.deb packages and upload to their own servers but I'm a bit reluctant 
about using any repo that is not part of Debian's self structure, or at 
least have that third-party repo enabled by default.

Anyway, eric is already available in Debian, maybe you can request for an 
update to version 5 and aptana can be fetched directly from their site.



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Re: Kaffeine and Amarok don't play any sounds and crash

2012-01-17 Thread Alberto Luaces
Grześ Andruszkiewicz writes:


 I am running (up to date) Debian Testing and recently I have issues
 with Amarok, Kaffeine and all Xine based players - they fail to play
 any sound. Often these apps crash on exit (I am not sure if its

Since the last amarok update, I also have lost its sound output. Also
using the xine plugin, but I don't have pulseaudio installed. It
sometimes crahes on exit, but not always.


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Re: Kaffeine and Amarok don't play any sounds and crash

2012-01-17 Thread Alberto Luaces
Alberto Luaces writes:

 Grześ Andruszkiewicz writes:


 I am running (up to date) Debian Testing and recently I have issues
 with Amarok, Kaffeine and all Xine based players - they fail to play
 any sound. Often these apps crash on exit (I am not sure if its

 Since the last amarok update, I also have lost its sound output. Also
 using the xine plugin, but I don't have pulseaudio installed. It
 sometimes crahes on exit, but not always.

It seems xine is the problem. Installing phonon-backend-gstreamer makes
sound work again in amarok.


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Re: Idiots guide to setting up samba

2012-01-17 Thread Camaleón
El 2012-01-17 a las 19:08 +0330, hamed hosseini escribió:

(resending to the list...)

 use this
 i hope this tutorial can help you.



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Re: hi, how to get more software from debian repo?

2012-01-17 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 18:31, Camaleón wrote:
 More software!? 25,000 packages is not enough? :-)

That is the Apple Appstore argument. So many packages, but not one of
them are the packages that he needs!

It looks like eric5 is an easy build, seeing how it is an IDE whoever
wants it should be into software development so compiling and
installing an app from source should not be too much to ask:

Dotan Cohen

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Re: hi, how to get more software from debian repo?

2012-01-17 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 05:09, Scott Ferguson wrote:

 As Dotan has already advised - best *not* to add Ubuntu to sources.list.
 Both the applications you have on your wish list will pull in a lot of

A couple of years back, I had X and most of Gnome/GTK from Ubuntu
installed on my Debian system. Nowadays, that system is pure Debian...
But it isn't for the faint of heart, or those that are not *very*
comfortable with dpkg/apt/aptitude

Kelly Clowers

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Re: Setting up horde3 on Debian Squeeze

2012-01-17 Thread Csanyi Pal
Knut Esztermann writes:

 Csanyi Pal schrieb am 16.01.2012 um 21:58:
 I'm trying to setup horde3 on my home server, that running
 Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze.
 I'm following instructions from

 Now when I trying to open this webpage from my desktop machine
 on the LAN behind the server on which have installed and setup horde3,
 I get error message:
 Not Found
 The requested URL /login.php was not found on this server.
 Apache/2.2.16 (Debian) Server at Port 80
 Why can't I open the Horde3 webpage to setup it further?

 It seems as if apache looks for login.php in the web root, not in
 the horde directory (should be /horde3/login.php). Try changing
 the 'webroot' setting in /etc/horde/horde3/registry.php to '/horde3'.

In the file /etc/horde/horde3/registry.php there is amongs others this:
$this-applications['horde'] = array(
'fileroot' = '/usr/share/horde3/lib' . '/..',
'webroot' = _detect_webroot(),
'initial_page' = 'login.php',
'name' = _(Horde),
'status' = 'active',
'templates' = '/usr/share/horde3/lib' . '/../templates',
'provides' = 'horde',

How can I change here 'webroot'?

Regards from Pal

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Re: Kaffeine and Amarok don't play any sounds and crash

2012-01-17 Thread Christopher Judd
On Tuesday 17 January 2012 12:03:59 Alberto Luaces wrote:
 Alberto Luaces writes:
  Grześ Andruszkiewicz writes:
  I am running (up to date) Debian Testing and recently I have issues
  with Amarok, Kaffeine and all Xine based players - they fail to play
  any sound. Often these apps crash on exit (I am not sure if its
  Since the last amarok update, I also have lost its sound output. Also
  using the xine plugin, but I don't have pulseaudio installed. It
  sometimes crahes on exit, but not always.
 It seems xine is the problem. Installing phonon-backend-gstreamer makes
 sound work again in amarok.

Or phonon-backend-vlc.


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Re: Suggestion: Please change rights of cpufreq-set by default

2012-01-17 Thread Hans-J. Ullrich

 Mmm, and why not center the attention in the application which is not
 acting as it should? If something is wrong at powerdevil's side it should
 be corrected/fixed/solved/debugged there.

Hi Camaleon, 

the point is: powerdevil got this function earlier, but the developers somehow 
decided, to tak away this option. They added the opportunity, to execute a 
script, when a profile is changed.

However, I liked it more with the older functions, but whne they decide so, 
they might got theire reasons, sigh.

So, I took the way using a script. 

Ah, and I do not want a solution with sudo! I am searching for a common 
solution, a solution for all. 

Besides, I AM in group powerdev, but the script MUST be executed as root.



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Unable to boot into CompactFlash card - card not found by initrd

2012-01-17 Thread Michael Lange
Hi everyone,

I already tried it somewhere else, but as no one knew help, I hope it
is ok to bother you, too ;)

I am trying to boot my Dell Latitude X1 netbook into a CompactFlash card.
The system is debian squeeze.
The card is inserted into the netbook's built-in CF card slot, which
apparently is connected internally through a Pcmcia adapter.

Because the netbook is not able to boot from the card itself (it does not
show up in the netbook's BIOS bot menu), I have a
spearate /boot partition on the netbbok's internal HDD (on /dev/sda1).
Now, when I boot into the squeeze install on the HDD (on /dev/sda2), the
CF card is detected as /dev/hda and appears to work flawlessly.

So I copied the squeeze install onto the CF card (/dev/hda1), with
the /boot partition on /dev/sda1, and try to boot this, however the initrd
fails to detect the CF card and leaves the system hanging at Waiting for
root file system... and after 30 seconds or so I am dropped onto a
rescue shell.

My first thought was that one or the other driver module needed for the
CF card was missing from the initrd, however after I rebuilt the initrd
with every single module that lsmod from the running system reports
included, it still is the same :(

When I do
$ cat /proc/modules
from the rescue shell, I can verify that
the modules are actually present, but
$ ls /dev | grep hd
shows that the device files for the CF card are still missing, so it is
no surprise that the file system is not found.

Shortly before the system hangs, the boot message

pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: pccard: PCMCIA card inserted into slot 0

appears, and when I eject and re-insert the card, there are alike messages,
too, so apparently the slot itself is recognized, and even the card seems to
be detected somehow, but not recognized as compactflash card.

So it seems that there is some kind of magic missing from the initrd that
is responsible for probing the pcmcia port; I guess that the lines:

pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: memory probe 0xdfd0-0xdfdf:
  excluding 0xdfd0-0xdfd0 0xdfdf-0xdfdf
pcmcia 0.0: pcmcia: registering new device pcmcia0.0

from the dmesg output show that the card is finally detected, but
who is responsible for this (probably some udev rule? but how to set it up?),
and how to add this to the initrd?

I cannot believe that it is not possible to have the root file system on such
a card, but I have no idea what else to try.
Any ideas are much appreciated.

Below I attached some of the output of dmesg and lspci I get when I boot
into the working system on /dev/sda2, in case it might help to track
down the problem.

Regards and thanks in advance.


$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/PM/GMS/910GML Express 
Processor to DRAM Controller (rev 03)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML 
Express Graphics Controller (rev 03)
00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express 
Graphics Controller (rev 03)
00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) PCI 
Express Port 1 (rev 03)
00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) 
USB UHCI #1 (rev 03)
00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) 
USB UHCI #3 (rev 03)
00:1d.3 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) 
USB UHCI #4 (rev 03)
00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) 
USB2 EHCI Controller (rev 03)
00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge (rev d3)
00:1e.2 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW 
(ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801FBM (ICH6M) LPC Interface Bridge 
(rev 03)
00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) 
IDE Controller (rev 03)
02:01.0 CardBus bridge: Ricoh Co Ltd RL5c476 II (rev b3)
02:01.1 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Ricoh Co Ltd R5C552 IEEE 1394 Controller (rev 08)
02:01.2 SD Host controller: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host 
Adapter (rev 17)
02:03.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] 
Network Connection (rev 05)

$ dmesg
[8.610412] pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: pccard: PCMCIA card inserted into 
slot 0
[8.616028] mmc0: SDHCI controller on PCI [:02:01.2] using DMA
[8.659306] udev[312]: renamed network interface eth0 to eth1
[8.922665] composite sync not supported
[9.091638] pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: IO port probe 0x100-0x3af: 
[9.093498] pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: IO port probe 0x3e0-0x4ff: 
[9.094287] pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: IO port probe 0x820-0x8ff: 
[9.094945] pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: IO port probe 0xc00-0xcf7: 
[9.095837] pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: IO port probe 0xa00-0xaff: 

Fwd: bcm4331 firmware installer package

2012-01-17 Thread Buck Golemon
2011/12/22 Rafał Miłecki

 W dniu 22 grudnia 2011 09:45 użytkownik lina 
  On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 4:34 PM, Rafał Miłecki wrote:
  2011/12/22 lina
  On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Rafał Miłecki wrote:
  2011/12/22 lina
  I am still a bit confused. (First thanks for the links all of you
  provided, but I have visited those web before).
  Here is the thing:
  BCM4331 802.11a/b/g/n fit for
  BCM4331              b/g  HT (r1)
  What does the 802.11a for?
  Well, your card can operate in 5GHz band (frequencies). But I'm not
   really sure why you ask about this at all.
   If you want to try experimental BCM4331 support you have to:
   1) Install kernel 3.2-rc3 or newer
  I have the 3.2.0-rc6
   2) Install compat wireless
   After that you've do install firmware (check for wiki howto for kernel
   3.2 and newer).
  after installation of the compat-wireless,
   # aptitude install firmware-b43-installer
  Setting up b43-fwcutter (1:015-9) ...
  Setting up firmware-b43-installer (1:015-9) ...
  No chroot environment found. Starting normal installation
  Unsupported device(s) found: PCI id 14e4:4331
  I don't know which part is wrong here.
  Your tool is too old (support for BCM4331 is really recent).
  sorry, here you mean, which tool?
  Just do as I said and use howto for kernel 3.2, not distro-specific
  howto. You nede to install b43-fwcutter and manually download file for
  I can't tell the difference. (I really need detailed instructions,
  thanks for your patience ahead)
  I tried to follow what you said before, with the kernel 3.2-rc6
  install the compate-wireless,
  but have problem in the following install the firmware-installer.
  firmware extraction.

 tar xjf b43-fwcutter-015.tar.bz2
 cd b43-fwcutter-015
 sudo make install
 cd ..

 export FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR=/lib/firmware
 tar xjf broadcom-wl-5.100.138.tar.bz2
 sudo b43-fwcutter -w $FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR

Works for me! Again, this is the first time my wireless has worked!
I nominate this for inclusion on the wiki under heading Bleeding-edge
kernel quickstart.


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Re: Idiots guide to setting up samba

2012-01-17 Thread richard
On Tue, 17 Jan 2012 18:02:02 +0100
Camaleón wrote:

 El 2012-01-17 a las 19:08 +0330, hamed hosseini escribió:
 (resending to the list...)
  use this
  i hope this tutorial can help you.

Yes thank you, I've got further running as a server, and printing working.

Just now to get shares sorted.


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Version of flashplayer in different browsers

2012-01-17 Thread Lisi
I am running KDE 3.5.10 on Debian Lenny.  I have flashplayer working in 
Iceweasel, running, according to it, flashplayer 11, installed with 
flashplugin-nonfree.  Konqueror, for reasons I cannot fathom says that it is 
using both 7 and 11.  It is giving the priority to 7, so flash won't run in 
Konqueror.  How do I get rid of 7?

As far as dpkg is concerned, I have only two packages:

lisi@Junior:~$ dpkg --get-selections | grep flash
flashplugin-nonfree install
flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound  install

lisi@Junior:~$ aptitude show flashplugin-nonfree
Package: flashplugin-nonfree
New: yes
State: installed
Automatically installed: no
Version: 1:2.8.3~bpo50+1
Priority: optional
Section: contrib/web
Maintainer: Bart Martens
Uncompressed Size: 139k
Depends: debconf | debconf-2.0, wget, gnupg, libatk1.0-0, libcairo2, 
 libfreetype6, libgcc1, libglib2.0-0, libgtk2.0-0 (= 2.14), 
 libnss3-1d, libpango1.0-0, libstdc++6, libx11-6, libxext6, libxt6,
Suggests: iceweasel, konqueror-nsplugins, x-ttcidfont-conf, msttcorefonts, 
  ttf-xfree86-nonfree, flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound
Conflicts: flashplayer-mozilla, flashplugin ( 6), libflash-mozplugin, xfs ( 
Replaces: flashplugin ( 6)
Description: Adobe Flash Player - browser plugin
 This package will download the Flash Player from Adobe.  It is a 
Netscape/Mozilla type
 plugin.  Any browser based on Netscape or Mozilla can use the Flash Player.  
 package currently supports the following browsers: Mozilla, Mozilla-Firefox, 
 Iceweasel, and Iceape.  Also Galeon and Epiphany can use the Flash Player.  
 can also use the Flash Player if konqueror-nsplugins is installed.

 WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes the Adobe Flash Player to be 
 from The End User License Agreement of the Adobe Flash Player 
 available at

lisi@Junior:~$ isi@Junior:~$


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Re: Setting up horde3 on Debian Squeeze

2012-01-17 Thread Tony Baldwin
On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 08:47:15PM +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:
 Knut Esztermann writes:
  Csanyi Pal schrieb am 16.01.2012 um 21:58:
  I'm trying to setup horde3 on my home server, that running
  Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze.
  I'm following instructions from
  Now when I trying to open this webpage from my desktop machine
  on the LAN behind the server on which have installed and setup horde3,
  I get error message:
  Not Found
  The requested URL /login.php was not found on this server.
  Apache/2.2.16 (Debian) Server at Port 80
  Why can't I open the Horde3 webpage to setup it further?
  It seems as if apache looks for login.php in the web root, not in
  the horde directory (should be /horde3/login.php). Try changing
  the 'webroot' setting in /etc/horde/horde3/registry.php to '/horde3'.
 In the file /etc/horde/horde3/registry.php there is amongs others this:
 $this-applications['horde'] = array(
 'fileroot' = '/usr/share/horde3/lib' . '/..',
 'webroot' = _detect_webroot(),
 'initial_page' = 'login.php',
 'name' = _(Horde),
 'status' = 'active',
 'templates' = '/usr/share/horde3/lib' . '/../templates',
 'provides' = 'horde',
 How can I change here 'webroot'?

Edit the file and change it.
Like, in a text editor, or something (vim, emacs, gedit, leafpad, kate).

checyr cnaqnf cvpxrq cerggl cvax cnafvrf

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Re: OT: cannot copy text from matlab to putty

2012-01-17 Thread Bob Proulx
Scott Ferguson wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  But having a spurious Followup-To header should not send a mail 
  client into the weeds.
 It doesn't/won't send the client into the weeds. The client handles it
 fine. That is part of the problem:-

But previously:
 Followup-To: gmane.linux.debian.user
 Which means debian-user list subscribers replying have remove the:-
 CC: gmane.linux.debian.user

That is specifically where we disagree.  A mail client should not do
that!  A news client should do that when posting back to news.  But a
mail client shouldn't be putting anything from Followup-To: into a CC
list.  That isn't reasonable.  I say that is sending the mail client
off into the weeds.  It needs to decide if it is a mail client or a
news client and then do one or the other.

 1. it would double the network load by creating a post to debian lists
 that is copied by gmane, as well as directly sending posting to the
 gmane news list using the news protocol. I suspect that gmane would
 filter out the duplicate. I get billed for upstream traffic - and I
 don't have a lot of bandwidth to spare.

And this is a chain / cascade from the above premise.  Since I think
that a mail client should not be doing the CC then it won't be doing
the above either.  The earlier problem causes the later problem.  If
the earlier problem is fixed then the above problem doesn't exist.

 2. my news/usenet account is separate to my internet account and usage
 based, so I try and use it only when necessary.

Sure.  No disagreement there.

  But then the client software should be smart enough to actually deal 
  with both.

 Oh but it does. Happily.
 I'd just prefer one or the other - in this case I have zero desire to
 post to gmane.

Me neither.  For me it is a mailing list.  But I accept that other
people like to use it as a news group.  And I accept that there is a
news2mail / mail2news gateway between.  Most of the time it doesn't
cause problems for this list.  (But for some other lists that I
participate in the mail-news gateway can drive us crazy.)

 It's now on my long list of extensions to write - (do you to post to
 the organ grinder or the monkey?)


  I saw Enigmail in your mail header (as you saw mutt in mine)
 I did not know that - I had to look at the source, I'd assumed it
 wouldn't be sent as I don't sign posts to this list.

Your posts have this header in them:

  X-Enigmail-Version: 1.2.1

And I assumed.  I jumped to conclusions.  My bad.

 :-) I didn't actually look at your header - just saw the little Mutt
 icon above your post - (just beside the route map).

Well, okay, but then it was your mail reader that looked at the
header!  It was acting as your agent in the deal.  :-)  My messages
generally all have one of the two of these headers depending upon
which machine I am using.  Which is of course is how your MUA knew to
give me the mutt icon.

  User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)
  User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

  Please substitute in the name of your mail user agent instead.
 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:5.0) Gecko/20110805 Icedove/5.0

For some reason I completely missed seeing that header.  I see it
there now.  It was defintely there before.  But I didn't catch it when
I went looking for it.  The sun was in my eyes.

 I'm glad we've got that all sorted (we have got it sorted - right?)

Yes.  I think so.


Description: Digital signature

NSLU2 + Debian + digitemp

2012-01-17 Thread Jim Lill

anyone running this with success?  I see the Dallas DS2490 via lsusb but 
digitemp does grab it?


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Re: Version of flashplayer in different browsers

2012-01-17 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 18/01/12 07:47, Lisi wrote:
 I am running KDE 3.5.10 on Debian Lenny.  I have flashplayer working in 
 Iceweasel, running, according to it, flashplayer 11, installed with 
 flashplugin-nonfree.  Konqueror, for reasons I cannot fathom says that it is 
 using both 7 and 11.  It is giving the priority to 7, so flash won't run in 
 Konqueror.  How do I get rid of 7?


Is Flash listed more than once in the Konqueror Browser Plugin list?

If so can you select Remove for the older version of Flash?


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Re: Version of flashplayer in different browsers

2012-01-17 Thread godo

On 01/17/2012 09:47 PM, Lisi wrote:

I am running KDE 3.5.10 on Debian Lenny.  I have flashplayer working in
Iceweasel, running, according to it, flashplayer 11, installed with
flashplugin-nonfree.  Konqueror, for reasons I cannot fathom says that it is
using both 7 and 11.  It is giving the priority to 7, so flash won't run in
Konqueror.  How do I get rid of 7?

As far as dpkg is concerned, I have only two packages:

lisi@Junior:~$ dpkg --get-selections | grep flash
flashplugin-nonfree install
flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound  install

lisi@Junior:~$ aptitude show flashplugin-nonfree
Package: flashplugin-nonfree
New: yes
State: installed
Automatically installed: no
Version: 1:2.8.3~bpo50+1
Priority: optional
Section: contrib/web
Maintainer: Bart
Uncompressed Size: 139k
Depends: debconf | debconf-2.0, wget, gnupg, libatk1.0-0, libcairo2,
  libfreetype6, libgcc1, libglib2.0-0, libgtk2.0-0 (= 2.14),
  libnss3-1d, libpango1.0-0, libstdc++6, libx11-6, libxext6, libxt6,
Suggests: iceweasel, konqueror-nsplugins, x-ttcidfont-conf, msttcorefonts,
   ttf-xfree86-nonfree, flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound
Conflicts: flashplayer-mozilla, flashplugin (  6), libflash-mozplugin, xfs (
Replaces: flashplugin (  6)
Description: Adobe Flash Player - browser plugin
  This package will download the Flash Player from Adobe.  It is a
Netscape/Mozilla type
  plugin.  Any browser based on Netscape or Mozilla can use the Flash Player.
  package currently supports the following browsers: Mozilla, Mozilla-Firefox,
  Iceweasel, and Iceape.  Also Galeon and Epiphany can use the Flash Player.
  can also use the Flash Player if konqueror-nsplugins is installed.

  WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes the Adobe Flash Player to be
  from The End User License Agreement of the Adobe Flash Player
  available at

lisi@Junior:~$ isi@Junior:~$


if I can recall correctly Konqueror have some different paths for flash. 
Somewhere  in Konqueror preferences you can change to use the same path 
like Iceweasel.

Goran Dobosevic
Registered Linux User #503414

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Re: Unable to boot into CompactFlash card - card not found by initrd

2012-01-17 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 18/01/12 07:08, Michael Lange wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I already tried it somewhere else, but as no one knew help, I hope it
 is ok to bother you, too ;)
 I am trying to boot my Dell Latitude X1 netbook into a CompactFlash card.
 The system is debian squeeze.
 The card is inserted into the netbook's built-in CF card slot, which
 apparently is connected internally through a Pcmcia adapter.
 Because the netbook is not able to boot from the card itself (it does not
 show up in the netbook's BIOS bot menu), I have a
 spearate /boot partition on the netbbok's internal HDD (on /dev/sda1).
 Now, when I boot into the squeeze install on the HDD (on /dev/sda2), the
 CF card is detected as /dev/hda and appears to work flawlessly.
 So I copied the squeeze install onto the CF card (/dev/hda1), with
 the /boot partition on /dev/sda1, and try to boot this, however the initrd
 fails to detect the CF card and leaves the system hanging at Waiting for
 root file system... and after 30 seconds or so I am dropped onto a
 rescue shell.

At the grub prompt hit 'e' to enter edit mode.
What where does GRUB expect the root to be? (should not be hd0, probably
should be hd1,1).

 My first thought was that one or the other driver module needed for the
 CF card was missing from the initrd, however after I rebuilt the initrd
 with every single module that lsmod from the running system reports
 included, it still is the same :(

Some systems need to wait before the CF card becomes available - some
may require specific kernel parameters to be added.

It 'should' be possible to boot your CF card from GRUB. I've had to do
similar things to add rescue USB stick entries to GRUB menus on boxen
that don't support USB booting.

I'll wait until I've seen the answer to my first question before making
more suggestions.



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