Re: Problem with trying to instal Debian

2012-03-18 Thread Bret Busby

On Sun, 18 Mar 2012, Bret Busby wrote:

On Sat, 17 Mar 2012, Brian wrote:

On Sun 18 Mar 2012 at 01:37:41 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:

I do not know whether the firmware is faulty (the IPW firmware) or the
mirror settings within the downloaded netinst ISO, are bad.

But, it does not work.

If not a single mirror works for you it looks like a network problem.
Could you beef up on the previous 'IPW something or other'? Was firmware
asked for during the install? How did you provide it if it was? Any
chance of knowing what the card is and whether you set up the network
with DHCP? Cables plugged in tightly?

The IPW thing is the firmware required for the network adaptor. I think it is 
IPW200 or something similar.

That is why I had to use the firmware instal, and the only way availabl;e, is 
using the netinst ISO.

The instal process defaulted to setting up DHCP, but that did not work, as 
the LAN here uses static IP addresses this side of the firewall/gateway 
computer. I think that the modem/router uses DHCP, and it is thus DHCP from 
the modem/router to the firewall/gateway computer, and the firewall/gateway 
computer and everything this side of it, uses static IP addresses.

I checked the connections of the CAT5 cable between the NX500 (the laptop on 
which I have been trying to instal Debian 6) and the switch to which it 
connects (we are currently using two switches - one down this end of the 
house, and, onte at the other end of the house, that services the laptop and 
netbook and tablet computers.

The network adaptor in the NX5000, had worked without any problems, with 
Ubuntu 8.04 and Debian 5 (I think it was Debian 5, rather than Debian 4, that 
that computer had been running), previous to this installation attempt, and 
my wife had been using the switych, earlier this evening, without any 
problem, so the problem appears to be in the installation process.

I have found and looked at the specifications for the computer, which 
are at
apart from the new hard drive, which is now a 160GB Samsung, that I have 
(hopefully, as it is part of the Debian 6 installation process, which 
has not yet completed) partitioned into a number of partictions.

From the sp[ecifications, the IPW x200 firmware thing, is for a wireless 
network device, and I do not use wireless stuff on computers, so it is 
superfluous, anyway.

The WiFi/wireless device had, in a previous system build process, caused 
interrupt conflicts, a few years ago, and I had had to resolve the 
interrupt conflict using an operating system that I did not instal, and, 
I think that, later, Ubuntu 8.04 overcame the interrupt conflict. I 
found the WiFi stuff to be a real nuisance.

An option, in the installation process;
A wireless device has been found. Do you want to install drivers for 
it, and be able to use it?

Yes ( )
No ( )

would be good.

I have no interest in using WiFi or any other wireless componments in my 
computers, and so, installing any device drivers, or, being able to use 
the wireless device, could have been happily bypassed, if the 
installation process had provided an option for it to be bypassed.

I do not know whether the wireless stuff is the cause of the problem(s) 
with the installation process (apart from the Debian 6 CD/DVD Creator 
not creating a bootable DVD from the ISO image), but, as the 
installation process appears to have enabled the dreaded wireless 
network device, whilst I chose the eth0 (wired network card) for 
configuring the network, I suppose it is possible that the reason that 
the repositories mirrors cannot be accessed, is due to this wireless 
network device, which has no device with which to communicate, and 
therefore, could be simply "shouting into space", "with no-one to hear 

Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
  Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
  "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
  A Trilogy In Four Parts",
  written by Douglas Adams,
  published by Pan Books, 1992

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Re: synaptic bombs!

2012-03-18 Thread Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen
see below.

On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 08:33, Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen <> wrote:

> see below!
> On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 09:33, Chris Davies wrote:
>> Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen  wrote:
>> > This is debian testing, with recent updates.
>> > When starting synaptic, it explodes, with the following message:
>> > "E: Unable to increase the size of the MMap as the limit of 8388608
>> bytes
>> > is already reached.
>> > E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room. Please increase the size of
>> > APT::Cache-Limit. Current value: 25165824. (man 5 apt.conf)
>> This suggests you may have added a number of repositories over and above
>> the standard set. You can either reduce the number, or do what it suggests
>> and increase the mmap size. Paste the following five lines into a
>> terminal, as root:
>> cat >/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80cache-limit <> # Increase the cache limit from 8388608 bytes
>> #
>> APT::Cache-Limit "1000";
>> !
>> I did this, pasted the above into a root terminal, but it does not help.
> Exact same error as before reported.
> Kjetil
>> Then run these two commands (also as root) and you should be able to
>> use synaptic again:
>> apt-get clean
>> apt-get update
>> Chris
>> --
>> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
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>> Archive:
> --
> "If you want a picture of the future - imagine a boot stamping on the
> human face - forever."
> George Orwell (1984)

For the record:

Problem solved by changing Cache-Limit
in /etc/apt/apt.conf to 0 (zero), which means no limit.


"If you want a picture of the future - imagine a boot stamping on the human
face - forever."

George Orwell (1984)

oggenc question

2012-03-18 Thread cletusjenkins
Sorry for this not truly being a debian question, but after googling and 
duckduckgoing I didn't find a good solution and thought I would ask here. I'm 
trying to embed an image in my existing sound (ogg vorbis) files.

I did find a script that makes it a little easier, but no info on how to encode 
the image file in the right format.

In case anyone wants the script here it is (oggart):


# how to run: oggart /path/to/music_file.ogg /path/to/image_file
# add an -e to end of command line to use easytag's older way to embed

FILE1="`basename \"$1\"`"
EXTTYPE1=`echo $EXT1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`

FILE2="`basename \"$2\"`"
EXTTYPE2=`echo $EXT2 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`

if [ "$EXTTYPE1" = ogg ]; then
elif [ "$EXTTYPE2" = ogg ]; then
if [ "$OGG" = "" ]; then
echo no ogg file selected
exit 0

array=(jpeg jpg png)
for item in ${array[*]}
if [ "$item" = "$EXTTYPE1" ]; then
elif [ "$item" = "$EXTTYPE2" ]; then
if [ "$PIC" = "" ]; then
echo no jpg or png file selected
exit 0

if [ "$3" = -e ]; then

DESC=`basename "$PIC"`
APIC=`base64 --wrap=0 "$PIC"`
if [ "`which exiv2`" != "" ]; then
MIME=`exiv2 "$PIC" | grep 'MIME type ' | sed 's/: /|/' | cut -f 2 -d '|' | tail 
-n 1`
if [ "$MIME" = "" ]; then

vorbiscomment -l "$OGG" | grep -v '^COVERART=' | grep -v 

if [ "$EASYTAG" = N ]; then
echo COVERART="$APIC" > "$OGG".tags2
vorbiscomment -w -R -c "$OGG".tags2 "$OGG"
vorbiscomment -a -R -t COVERARTDESCRIPTION="$DESC" "$OGG"
vorbiscomment -a -R -t COVERARTMIME="$MIME" "$OGG"
vorbiscomment -a -R -c "$OGG".tags "$OGG"

rm -f "$OGG".tags
rm -f "$OGG".tags2

-- clet
debian is my main squeeze

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Re: kernel modesetting - set only at boot, or changeable?

2012-03-18 Thread Dan B.

Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:

The resolution can be changed with KMS activated, e.g., with xrandr when X is
Further reading:

Can it be changed before/without starting X?

Currently I'm trying to solve the following problem (on a system not yet
set up enough to run X):

If I boot with my KVM switch connecting my monitor to my Squeeze system,
I get a video resolution of 1920x1080 pixels (the resolution of my
monitor), giving me virtual consoles with 240 x 67 characters.

If I boot with my KVM switch connecting my monitor elsewhere,
then of course I get a different video resolution--1024x768 pixels
(apparently what my KVM sends in that state when the real monitor isn't
connected), giving virtual consoles with 128 x 48 or so characters.

I want to override Linux's auto-detection and just set the video
resolution to 1920x1080 so that the resolution won't depend on the
KVM switch state at boot time.

Although I can set the video mode in Grub's command line for the kernel,
I'd really prefer to do it somewhere in the booted system (e.g., via
/etc/init.d/... and /etc/defaults/... or whatever) rather than in
Grub on my shared /boot partition (which could get clobbered more


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Re: vsftp problems

2012-03-18 Thread Gary Roach

On 03/18/2012 08:11 AM, wrote:



OK. Now I have 3 machines that are setup identically. The vsftpd.conf
files have the following settings:


Setting Local_enabled=YES will allow you to log in.
The configuration above allows only anonymous retrieval.
It won't allow you to log in or to put a file.


One of the machines starts fine with 'service vsftpd start' .

That's the machine running ftp as a standalone daemon.


The other two don't.

They are running the daemon via inetd.  The daemon process will
exist only briefly when demanded.


When I try to start with /usr/sbin/vsftpd, the good machine hangs up.
The other two come back with:

  500 OOPS: could not bind listening IPv4 socket

The conventional way to start the standalone daemon is
"/etc/init.d/vsftpd start"; but as you found, this won't
work when the port is already allocated for ftp usage via inetd.


I've checked all the file permissions and everything else I can think of
and have found nothing different between the systems. Two of the systems
are exact down to the hardware.

Yes, everything is working just as it should.


If I ftp the good machine from one of the others I get:

  Connected to .home.
220 (vsFTPd 2.3.2)
Name (:root): gary
530 This FTP server is anonymous only.
Login failed.

That is because the default configuration is "Local_enabled=NO".
Login is not allowed.  The terminology is poor and "Login_enabled"
would seem better to me.  In any case, "Local_enabled" means that
the ftp daemon should refer to the local /etc/passwd for
authentication.  This what you want.


I am about to throw in the towel on this unless someone can come up with
an answer. Very frunstrated.

I mentioned inetd in the previous reply.  Reading this is advisable.

From: Sven Hoexter
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 07:49:46 +0100

There are at least two options. ;)

1) Stop inetd all together if you don't run any services through
inetd (or xinetd).

To what purpose?  There is no harm in letting inetd run vsftpd.


2) Or just edit /etc/inetd.conf (or a file in /etc/xinet.d/ if you
run xinetd) to let it not listen on port 21.

If standalone ftp is preferred.  For most small scale usage,
ftp under inetd will be more efficient.  The system has other
work besides standing by for an FTP connection.

Regards,... Peter E.

OK here is the latest. I have listen=YES on all machines. I have 
Local_enabled=YES on all machines. I read the wiki on inetd. I also 
turned off the ftp listen in inetd.conf. According to the wiki I should 
now be able to start vsftpd by typing in /usr/sbin/vsftpd. This hangs up 
on  machine 1 and doesn't start the process. I get a "500 OOPS: could 
not bind listening IPv4 socket" error on machines 2 and 3. Using service 
vsftpd start on all of the machines starts a standalone process on 
machine 1 but nothing on  the other two. I can ftp to machine 1 and log 
in successfully from machines 2 and 3 but get "421 Server not available 
---" errors from machines 2 and 3 when login is attempted. I have 
checked the inetd.conf and vsftpd.conf files on each machine and they 
are identical.

Gary R.

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Re: I cannot log in to my debian wheezy system!

2012-03-18 Thread Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen
see below:

On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 22:39, Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen <> wrote:

> see below.
> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 19:12, Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen <
>> wrote:
>> see below.
>> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 05:46, Chris Bannister <
>>> wrote:
>>> [Please!, don't top post in this mailing list.]
>>> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 12:36:38AM -0400, Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen
>>> wrote:
>>> > Hola!
>>> >
>>> > I- m starting to get desperate! I found lots of instructions on the
>>> > web about how to solve this, but none of them works.  Example, I
>>> > founmd this
>>> >
>>> > In grub press e ton edit options
>>> > add to init options
>>> >
>>> > init=/bin/sh
>>> > RET
>>> > press b to boot
>>> > Then mount -o remount,rw /
>>> > passwd kjetil
>>> > (repeating new password twice)
>>> > exec init
>>> Instead of changing your password like that, what I'd do is after "mount
>>> -o remount,rw" I'd "vim /etc/passwd" and take out the x for root:
>>> i.e before:
>>> root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
>>> after
>>> root::0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
>>> save it, (make sure it saved ok.) then reboot.
>>> You should now be able to login as root without needing a password
>>> and investigate from there.
>>> Does that work?
>> Thanks. So far not .
>> Several problems:
>> ¿Whats the point with the line init=/bin/sh ?
>> It does not seem to work, I am dropped into bash
>> ¿shoud I remove the x in /etcv/passwd or in /etc/shadow  or in both?
>> so far I tried in /etc/passwd
>> and it does not work.
>  This is _very_ strange.   When I start maintenance mode, I am allowed
> to change the password. While in the shell, without running X, I can the do
> login kjetil
> giving my passwd, and can enter the account.
> I can do sudo startx
> wh8ich now starts X (for me, xfce), but it is started as root! which is
> not nwhat I want, I need to be running xfce as "kjetil.
> Then logging out, restarting, trying to logging on as usual --- agaiun, do
> not work!
> ???

  Problem finally diaghnosed and solved:  Problem source
was a syntax error in file $HOME/.profile

> Kjetil
>> Kjetil
>>> --
>>> "Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet."
>>>   -- Napoleon Bonaparte
>>> --
>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
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>>> Archive:
>> --
>> "If you want a picture of the future - imagine a boot stamping on the
>> human face - forever."
>> George Orwell (1984)
> --
> "If you want a picture of the future - imagine a boot stamping on the
> human face - forever."
> George Orwell (1984)

"If you want a picture of the future - imagine a boot stamping on the human
face - forever."

George Orwell (1984)

Re: LUKS/ dm-crypt/ ext4 appears to be single threaded

2012-03-18 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Sun, 18 Mar 2012, David Christensen wrote:
> with ext4. I've noticed what appears to be single-threaded behavior


> Is this a fundamental limitation of LUKS, dm-crypt, and/or ext4, or
> something I've configured/ misconfigured?

It is a limitation of dm-crypt.

Just get a box with a supported very-high-speed AES hardware accelerator
(e.g. recent amd64/x86-64 processors with AES-NI), and tune your dm-crypt
usage to cyphers that can be hardware accelerated.  Even single-threaded
AES-NI dm-crypt would be much faster than multithreaded non-accelerated
dm-crypt, AFAIK.

> Some manufacturers make hard drives with built-in encryption.  Are
> these supported by Debian, Linux, or BSD?

Yes, although it often requires proper support from the EFI/BIOS for it to
be usable in the boot device (and also on the image device when using
suspend-to-disk).  YMMV.

> Any other comments or suggestions?

You better do your homework if you're going to trust the vendors of
self-encripting devices.

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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Re: I cannot log in to my debian wheezy system!

2012-03-18 Thread Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen
see below.

On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 19:12, Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen <> wrote:

> see below.
> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 05:46, Chris Bannister  > wrote:
>> [Please!, don't top post in this mailing list.]
>> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 12:36:38AM -0400, Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen
>> wrote:
>> > Hola!
>> >
>> > I- m starting to get desperate! I found lots of instructions on the
>> > web about how to solve this, but none of them works.  Example, I
>> > founmd this
>> >
>> > In grub press e ton edit options
>> > add to init options
>> >
>> > init=/bin/sh
>> > RET
>> > press b to boot
>> > Then mount -o remount,rw /
>> > passwd kjetil
>> > (repeating new password twice)
>> > exec init
>> Instead of changing your password like that, what I'd do is after "mount
>> -o remount,rw" I'd "vim /etc/passwd" and take out the x for root:
>> i.e before:
>> root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
>> after
>> root::0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
>> save it, (make sure it saved ok.) then reboot.
>> You should now be able to login as root without needing a password
>> and investigate from there.
>> Does that work?
> Thanks. So far not .
> Several problems:
> ¿Whats the point with the line init=/bin/sh ?
> It does not seem to work, I am dropped into bash
> ¿shoud I remove the x in /etcv/passwd or in /etc/shadow  or in both?
> so far I tried in /etc/passwd
> and it does not work.

 This is _very_ strange.   When I start maintenance mode, I am allowed
to change the password. While in the shell, without running X, I can the do
login kjetil
giving my passwd, and can enter the account.

I can do sudo startx
wh8ich now starts X (for me, xfce), but it is started as root! which is not
nwhat I want, I need to be running xfce as "kjetil.

Then logging out, restarting, trying to logging on as usual --- agaiun, do
not work!



> Kjetil
>> --
>> "Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet."
>>   -- Napoleon Bonaparte
>> --
>> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
>> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
>> Archive:
> --
> "If you want a picture of the future - imagine a boot stamping on the
> human face - forever."
> George Orwell (1984)

"If you want a picture of the future - imagine a boot stamping on the human
face - forever."

George Orwell (1984)

Re: filesystem mounted as noexec

2012-03-18 Thread T o n g
On Sun, 18 Mar 2012 14:23:38 +0100, Lorenzo Beretta wrote:

> some google-fu, and a look at mount(8):

, Thanks Lorenzo.

Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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Re: Issues with nfs v4 and security

2012-03-18 Thread Alexander Samad

only 2 boxs, both boxes acting as clients and servers.  Yes the same
uid/gid, they share a ldap service (they are both multi masters) and the
id's are in sync on both boxs

and the idmap.conf is the same on both boxs


On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 6:20 PM, Tom H  wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 12:34 AM, Alexander Samad 
> wrote:
> >
> > I am having some issue with nfs-kernel.
> >
> > I have 2 servers both have NFS exports.
> >
> > when i mount 1 from server B to server A, the users come up as nobody and
> > nogroup.
> >
> > when i mount from A to B I get the proper uid/gids
> >
> > // this is on server B
> >
> > nfs:/home/alex/home/alex  nfs
> > _netdev,bg,rw,auto,noatime,nouser,async,nodev,suid,proto=tcp,vers=4 0
> > 0
> >
> > on server A
> > nas:/exports/video/cam  /exports/video/camnfs
> > _netdev,bg,rw,noauto,noatime,nouser,async,nodev,nosuid,proto=tcp,vers=4
>   0
> >   0
> >
> > idmap
> >
> > [General]
> >
> > Verbosity = 0
> > Pipefs-Directory = /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs
> > # set your own domain here, if id differs from FQDN minus hostname
> > # Domain = localdomain
> > Domain =
> > localdoman =
> >
> > [Mapping]
> >
> > Nobody-User = nobody
> > Nobody-Group = nogroup
> Is "Domain" in "/etc/idmapd.conf" the same on all three boxes?
> Are the users' UIDs the same on all three boxes?
> --
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> Archive:

Re: CUPS Again - Any ideas from the list? SOLVED

2012-03-18 Thread Ethan Rosenberg

At 12:28 PM 3/15/2012, Ken Wahl wrote:

On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 10:49:51AM -0400, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:
> Brian -
> Thank you.
> Made the changes. Rebooted.  Found Driver, Installed. rebooted. The
> system finds the printer. Still won't print.
> Any ideas?  All are welcome to reply.
> Ethan

I'm running testing, a Brother HL-2040 connected via LPT and got bit by
this bug last night.  Took embarasssingly long for me to figure

I'm not sure if this is your same problem or not but I had looked
through the d-u archives first for threads about cups problems and this
is the only recent one.

The fix for me was installing the cups-filters version from unstable.
Ken Wahl

Ken -


Wonderful apt-get install cups-filters  and it works!!!


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Re: kernel modesetting - set only at boot, or changeable?

2012-03-18 Thread Jörg-Volker Peetz
The resolution can be changed with KMS activated, e.g., with xrandr when X is
Further reading:
Best regards,

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2012-03-18 Thread Kaya Mustafa
I pray my mail gets to you this time. I'd write you on two occasions concerning 
your assistance to help certify a piece of document due to some similarities in 
location with the supposed care-taker to enable a safe transfer of securities 
proceeds money out of Turkey.Please let me know if you were in receipt of my 
previous communication emailed to you.

Further information will be forwarded to you on receipt of your confirmation.

Thank you,
Mr. Kaya Mustafa

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Re: I cannot log in to my debian wheezy system!

2012-03-18 Thread Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen
see below.

On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 05:46, Chris Bannister

> [Please!, don't top post in this mailing list.]
> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 12:36:38AM -0400, Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen
> wrote:
> > Hola!
> >
> > I- m starting to get desperate! I found lots of instructions on the
> > web about how to solve this, but none of them works.  Example, I
> > founmd this
> >
> > In grub press e ton edit options
> > add to init options
> >
> > init=/bin/sh
> > RET
> > press b to boot
> > Then mount -o remount,rw /
> > passwd kjetil
> > (repeating new password twice)
> > exec init
> Instead of changing your password like that, what I'd do is after "mount
> -o remount,rw" I'd "vim /etc/passwd" and take out the x for root:
> i.e before:
> root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
> after
> root::0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
> save it, (make sure it saved ok.) then reboot.
> You should now be able to login as root without needing a password
> and investigate from there.
> Does that work?
Thanks. So far not .

Several problems:

¿Whats the point with the line init=/bin/sh ?

It does not seem to work, I am dropped into bash

¿shoud I remove the x in /etcv/passwd or in /etc/shadow  or in both?

so far I tried in /etc/passwd
and it does not work.


> --
> "Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet."
>   -- Napoleon Bonaparte
> --
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> Archive:

"If you want a picture of the future - imagine a boot stamping on the human
face - forever."

George Orwell (1984)

Re: Failed to open VDPAU backend for mplayer2.

2012-03-18 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2012-03-18 19:31 +0100, Sthu Deus wrote:

> Using mplayer2 for playing video files I get this error always:
> Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared
> object file: No such file or directory [vdpau] Error when calling
> vdp_device_create_x11: 1
> In order to solve it I tried to find a package that has
> file but w/ no luck.


> Do You have any idea how I can make use of VDPAU w/ mplayer2 on my
> system (testing, video ATI X1100)?

You have to build mesa 8.0 or later with "--enable-vdpau" yourself.
However, it's probably not really worth it, since the mesa drivers
currently only implement the "P" part of VDPAU, while the more
interesting "D" part is only possible with the Nvidia blob.

A few weeks ago I tried vdpau with nouveau, and while it works, CPU load
is not any lower than with other backends.


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shutdown not working in Gnome / KDE

2012-03-18 Thread Peter Baranyi

I can only shut down my pc from a root terminal with 'poweroff' (or
shutdown) but not from graphical environments.

>From Gnome2, sometimes it shuts down, sometimes I get back to gdm. From
gdm, the shutdown action sometimes works, sometimes it just quits gdm.

In KDE 4.7.4, shutdown in the application launcher menu does nothing, or
dims the screen.

How do I fix this? I do not see any error messages.

Debian unstable, 3.1.0-1-686-pae


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Re: Failed to open VDPAU backend for mplayer2.

2012-03-18 Thread Brian
On Mon 19 Mar 2012 at 01:31:39 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

> Good time of the day.
> Using mplayer2 for playing video files I get this error always:
> Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared
> object file: No such file or directory [vdpau] Error when calling
> vdp_device_create_x11: 1
> In order to solve it I tried to find a package that has
> file but w/ no luck.
> Do You have any idea how I can make use of VDPAU w/ mplayer2 on my
> system (testing, video ATI X1100)?

Your post comes top of the list with a search on 'libvdpau_r300 debian',
which tells you something or nothing.

I rather liked

partly because the solution is simple and partly because I like the name

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Re: Are there any current label printers that works with Linux/amd64?

2012-03-18 Thread Dave Thayer
On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 01:36:47AM -0400, Allan Wind wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone have a current label printer working with 
> Linux/amd64?
> Brother QL-580N appears to be decent hardware, but apparently 
> a brick under amd64[1][2].  Neither the install instructions 
> (--force-all) or the source code I looked at inspired confidence.

I am planning to move my 32-bit userspace to 64 bits next HD upgrade,
so your post inspired me to throw together an amd64 VM to test my
QL-500 printer. I used the stable amd64 netinst iso and selected the
print server task.

The Brother drivers for my QL-500 seem to work OK under the 64 bit
architecture, even without installing the 32 bit compatability
libraries as described in "Using proprietary i386 apps on an amd64
system" . Maybe the
drivers are statically linked. 

Anyway, the installation *is* somewhat touchy and took me a couple of
tries. Here are the steps that I had to take:

  ln -s /etc/init.d/cups /etc/init.d/cupsys
  mkdir /var/spool/lpd
  dpkg --force all -i ql500lpr-1.0.0-1.i386.deb 
  dpkg --force all -i ql500cupswrapperinch-1.0.0-1.debian.i386.deb 

I suspect these same steps would be needed installing in an i386
system anyway as the ln & mkdir changes reflect locations in newer
systems and the "--force all" is required, erm, normally.



Dave Thayer   | Whenever you read a good book, it's like the 
Denver, Colorado USA  | author is right there, in the room talking to | you, which is why I don't like to read 
  | good books. - Jack Handey "Deep Thoughts"

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Re: Failed to open VDPAU backend for mplayer2.

2012-03-18 Thread Chris
On 3/18/2012 1:31 PM, Sthu Deus wrote:
> Good time of the day.
> Using mplayer2 for playing video files I get this error always:
> Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared
> object file: No such file or directory [vdpau] Error when calling
> vdp_device_create_x11: 1
> In order to solve it I tried to find a package that has
> file but w/ no luck.
> Do You have any idea how I can make use of VDPAU w/ mplayer2 on my
> system (testing, video ATI X1100)?
> Thanks for Your time.

Try this thread - I don't know if it helps.

Keep well,


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Failed to open VDPAU backend for mplayer2.

2012-03-18 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

Using mplayer2 for playing video files I get this error always:

Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory [vdpau] Error when calling
vdp_device_create_x11: 1

In order to solve it I tried to find a package that has

file but w/ no luck.

Do You have any idea how I can make use of VDPAU w/ mplayer2 on my
system (testing, video ATI X1100)?

Thanks for Your time.

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LUKS/ dm-crypt/ ext4 appears to be single threaded

2012-03-18 Thread David Christensen


I have a 1.5 TB SATA hard drive I use for back-up's.  It has a single 
large partition encrypted with LUKS/ dm-crypt and formatted with ext4. 
I've noticed what appears to be single-threaded behavior when one 
process is performing a long-lived write to the disk (notably 'ssh 
user@host tar ... > backupfile.tar.gz') and another process attempts to 
access the disk (either read or write).  This is tolerable for a back-up 
application, but would not be acceptable for multi-user, multi-process, 
and/or multi-threaded applications (file server, terminal server, web 
server, etc.).

Is this a fundamental limitation of LUKS, dm-crypt, and/or ext4, or 
something I've configured/ misconfigured?

If a fundamental limitation, is there something I can substitute to 
eliminate the problem?

Some manufacturers make hard drives with built-in encryption.  Are these 
supported by Debian, Linux, or BSD?

Any other comments or suggestions?



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libfprint: configure pam to only (and exclusively) use for xscreensaver

2012-03-18 Thread Johannes Graumann

Below you find my (testing stock) /etc/pam.d/common-auth & xscreensaver 
files. I have endlessly played around but this eludes me, so any help would 
be appreciated ... 
I'm trying to configure pam such that normal password authentication is used 
UNLESS we are unlocking xscreensaver, when it should fall bak on the 
fingerprint reader. Any ideas on how to achieve that?

Thanks for any hints. Sincerely, Joh

> #
> # /etc/pam.d/xscreensaver - PAM behavior for xscreensaver
> #
> @include common-auth
> @include common-account

> #
> # /etc/pam.d/common-auth - authentication settings common to all services
> #
> # This file is included from other service-specific PAM config files,
> # and should contain a list of the authentication modules that define
> # the central authentication scheme for use on the system
> # (e.g., /etc/shadow, LDAP, Kerberos, etc.).  The default is to use the
> # traditional Unix authentication mechanisms.
> #
> # As of pam 1.0.1-6, this file is managed by pam-auth-update by default.
> # To take advantage of this, it is recommended that you configure any
> # local modules either before or after the default block, and use
> # pam-auth-update to manage selection of other modules.  See
> # pam-auth-update(8) for details.
> # here are the per-package modules (the "Primary" block)
> auth[success=2 default=ignore] 
> auth[success=1 default=ignore] nullok_secure 
> # here's the fallback if no module succeeds
> authrequisite
> # prime the stack with a positive return value if there isn't one already;
> # this avoids us returning an error just because nothing sets a success 
> # since the modules above will each just jump around
> # and here are more per-package modules (the "Additional" block)
> # end of pam-auth-update config

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Re: [OT] what is the correct way of setting up lvm

2012-03-18 Thread Arno Schuring
Umarzuki Mochlis ( on 2012-03-18 21:08 +0800):
> this not a debian issue but a general linux issue
> i had set a LUN (e.g.: /dev/sdb) that can be seen from a server but
> after some time (rsync to this logical volume) it got remounted
> read-only and there's "unlinked-inode" from dmesg.
> my method of creating a ext3 logical volume is
> # pvcreate /dev/sdb
> # vgcreate backup /dev/sdb
> # lvcreate -n mailbackup --size 1200g backup
> # lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/backup/mailbackup
> # mkfs.ext3 /dev/backup/mailbackup

I don't see anything obviously wrong, but using lvextend on a new VG
isn't really necessary. I'd have used
# lvcreate -n mailbackup -l 100%VG backup

The remount action may have been triggered because of a communication
error between the host and the san. Were you sharing the iscsi target
between multiple hosts?


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kernel modesetting - set only at boot, or changeable?

2012-03-18 Thread Dan B.

When KMS (kernel modesetting) is used, can the video mode (resolution)
be changed after booting, or is it set only once, at boot time (or
maybe at module-load time)?


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Re: Re: vsftp problems

2012-03-18 Thread peter

> OK. Now I have 3 machines that are setup identically. The vsftpd.conf
> files have the following settings:
>  Listen=YES
>  #Listen_IPV6
>  Anonymous=YES
>  #Local_enabled=YES
>  #Write_enabled=YES

Setting Local_enabled=YES will allow you to log in.
The configuration above allows only anonymous retrieval.
It won't allow you to log in or to put a file.

> One of the machines starts fine with 'service vsftpd start' .

That's the machine running ftp as a standalone daemon.

> The other two don't.

They are running the daemon via inetd.  The daemon process will
exist only briefly when demanded.

> When I try to start with /usr/sbin/vsftpd, the good machine hangs up.
> The other two come back with:
>  500 OOPS: could not bind listening IPv4 socket

The conventional way to start the standalone daemon is
"/etc/init.d/vsftpd start"; but as you found, this won't
work when the port is already allocated for ftp usage via inetd.

> I've checked all the file permissions and everything else I can think of
> and have found nothing different between the systems. Two of the systems
> are exact down to the hardware.

Yes, everything is working just as it should.

> If I ftp the good machine from one of the others I get:
>  Connected to .home.
> 220 (vsFTPd 2.3.2)
> Name (:root): gary
> 530 This FTP server is anonymous only.
> Login failed.
> ftp>

That is because the default configuration is "Local_enabled=NO".
Login is not allowed.  The terminology is poor and "Login_enabled"
would seem better to me.  In any case, "Local_enabled" means that
the ftp daemon should refer to the local /etc/passwd for
authentication.  This what you want.

> I am about to throw in the towel on this unless someone can come up with
> an answer. Very frunstrated.

I mentioned inetd in the previous reply.  Reading this is advisable.

From: Sven Hoexter 
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 07:49:46 +0100
> There are at least two options. ;)

> 1) Stop inetd all together if you don't run any services through
> inetd (or xinetd).

To what purpose?  There is no harm in letting inetd run vsftpd.

> 2) Or just edit /etc/inetd.conf (or a file in /etc/xinet.d/ if you
> run xinetd) to let it not listen on port 21.

If standalone ftp is preferred.  For most small scale usage,
ftp under inetd will be more efficient.  The system has other
work besides standing by for an FTP connection.

Regards,... Peter E.

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Re: filesystem mounted as noexec

2012-03-18 Thread Lorenzo Beretta

Il 18/03/2012 02:30, T o n g ha scritto:

On Sat, 17 Mar 2012 14:43:41 +0100, Lorenzo Beretta wrote:

Most likely your filesystem is mounted with noexec,

Bingo! Thanks!
Hmm..., but why? I didn't specify noexec for any of my mounted filesystems
except /proc:

  $ grep noexec /etc/fstab
  proc/proc   procdefaults,noexec,nosuid  0   0

However, 3 of my reiserfs filesystems are mounted as noexec:

  $ mount | grep reiserfs.*noexec | wc -l

All of them have the following controls in /etc/fstab:

   auto defaults,users,notail,noatime,nodiratime,barrier=flush

Does that means auto+defaults for reiserfs filesystems are noexec?

or maybe it is "barrier="? Actually two of them have barrier=flush and
one of them has barrier=1. I vaguely remember from the log that barrier=
is not supported by reiserfs but I didn't care about it before.

Please help.


some google-fu, and a look at mount(8):
users  Allow every user to mount and unmount the filesystem.  This 
option implies the options noexec, nosuid, and nodev (unless overridden 
by subsequent options, as in the option line users,exec,dev,suid).


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[YOUTUBE] Installing Windows 8 in Ubuntu 11.10 dom0 with Xen 4.2-unstable and Linux Kernel 3.3.0-rc7

2012-03-18 Thread Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming)

Yours sincerely,

Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming)

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[OT] what is the correct way of setting up lvm

2012-03-18 Thread Umarzuki Mochlis
this not a debian issue but a general linux issue

i had set a LUN (e.g.: /dev/sdb) that can be seen from a server but
after some time (rsync to this logical volume) it got remounted
read-only and there's "unlinked-inode" from dmesg.

my method of creating a ext3 logical volume is

# pvcreate /dev/sdb
# vgcreate backup /dev/sdb
# lvcreate -n mailbackup --size 1200g backup
# lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/backup/mailbackup
# mkfs.ext3 /dev/backup/mailbackup

i just want to know whether my method is the cause of this problem


Umarzuki Mochlis

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Wheezy: Spellchecker no longer working in Iceweasel 10?

2012-03-18 Thread T Elcor

For some reason, spellchecker is no longer working for me in text fields in 
Iceweasel 10 (that is, there is no indication of misspelled words). Iceweasel's 
  layout.spellcheckDefault = 2

"Check my spelling as I type" preference box is checked.

As far as I remember, spellchecker was working fine in Iceweasel 9.

Any ideas? Thanks

$ aptitude show iceweasel
Package: iceweasel   
State: installed
Automatically installed: no
Version: 10.0.2-1
Priority: optional
Section: web
Maintainer: Maintainers of Mozilla-related packages 

Uncompressed Size: 6,524 k
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.5), libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 (>= 2.22.0), libglib2.0-0 (>= 
2.16.0), libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.10),
 libnspr4-0d (>=, libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1), fontconfig, procps, 
debianutils (>= 1.16),
 xulrunner-10.0 (>= 10.0.2-1)
Suggests: ttf-lyx | latex-xft-fonts, xfonts-mathml, ttf-mathematica4.1, 
mozplugger, libgssapi-krb5-2 |
Provides: gnome-www-browser, www-browser
Description: Web browser based on Firefox

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Installation Instructions for Building and Installing Xen 4.x and Linux Kernel 3.x on Ubuntu and Debian Linux

2012-03-18 Thread Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming)

PDF Download Links

Version 1.0:

Version 1.1:

Version 1.2:

Yours sincerely,

Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming)

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Re: libflash (64 bit) problem on

2012-03-18 Thread Loïc Grenié
2012/3/18 Chris Bannister :
> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 07:55:06AM +0100, Loïc Grenié wrote:
>> 2012/3/17 Camaleón :
>> > On Sat, 17 Mar 2012 18:45:37 +0100, Loïc Grenié wrote:
>> >
>> >> 2012/3/17 Camaleón :
>> >
>> > (...)
>> >
>> >>> Is something about connecting the bots?
>> >>
>> >>     Yeah. (It works with firefox-32bits+veryoldflash-32bits).
>> >
>> > Ensure that your browser is loading the abobe flash plugin instead gnash
>> > or any other one (right click over the grey square game).
>>     It's flash: (I've just updated !)
>> > Is this the only game from the site that fails to load?
>>     No, unfortunately not, most (if not all) games that I've tried
>>   fail to work.
> Youtube?

Works !

Unrelated but I've found something more: if I download the game and
  open it directly with Firefox/Iceweasel then it works. There is probably
  a problem with some kind of connection (ad-blocker somewhere in the
  download chain).


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Re: I cannot log in to my debian wheezy system!

2012-03-18 Thread Chris Bannister
[Please!, don't top post in this mailing list.]

On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 12:36:38AM -0400, Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen wrote:
> Hola!
> I- m starting to get desperate! I found lots of instructions on the
> web about how to solve this, but none of them works.  Example, I
> founmd this
> In grub press e ton edit options
> add to init options
> init=/bin/sh
> press b to boot
> Then mount -o remount,rw /
> passwd kjetil
> (repeating new password twice)
> exec init

Instead of changing your password like that, what I'd do is after "mount
-o remount,rw" I'd "vim /etc/passwd" and take out the x for root:

i.e before:


save it, (make sure it saved ok.) then reboot.

You should now be able to login as root without needing a password
and investigate from there.

Does that work?

"Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet."
   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Problem with trying to instal Debian

2012-03-18 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 03:13:39AM +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
> The IPW thing is the firmware required for the network adaptor. I
> think it is IPW200 or something similar.
> That is why I had to use the firmware instal, and the only way
> availabl;e, is using the netinst ISO.

"Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet."
   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: libflash (64 bit) problem on

2012-03-18 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 07:55:06AM +0100, Loïc Grenié wrote:
> 2012/3/17 Camaleón :
> > On Sat, 17 Mar 2012 18:45:37 +0100, Loïc Grenié wrote:
> >
> >> 2012/3/17 Camaleón :
> >
> > (...)
> >
> >>> Is something about connecting the bots?
> >>
> >>     Yeah. (It works with firefox-32bits+veryoldflash-32bits).
> >
> > Ensure that your browser is loading the abobe flash plugin instead gnash
> > or any other one (right click over the grey square game).
> It's flash: (I've just updated !)
> > Is this the only game from the site that fails to load?
> No, unfortunately not, most (if not all) games that I've tried
>   fail to work.


"Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet."
   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: X-server problem

2012-03-18 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 09:02:10PM +0100, Andriy Samsonyuk wrote:
>   LABEL=lv_var /var ext3 defaults,noatime,nosuid,nodev 0 2
>   LABEL=lv_tmp /tmp ext3 defaults,noatime,nosuid,nodev 0 2
>   LABEL=lv_home /home ext2 defaults,noatime,nosuid,nodev 0 2
> ***
> i simply changed LABEL=lv_* with /dev/sda? for correct partitions.
> As a result the partitions seemed to be mounted read only for the user.
> And X crashed with different errors :-/
> I still was able to write in /home and /tmp. But after changing the mount
> options for the last 3 to rw,nosuid,nodev and rw,nodev for /usr 
> X works without problems. I am not sure which partition and which 
> option made the difference.

It a shame you couldn't/didn't narrow down the exact cause. Also systems
operate quite happily with a read only /usr. The only problem is package
management, of course.

Also, you said could write to home?, which means it would have been rw
for owner/group anyway!

"Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet."
   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Issues with nfs v4 and security

2012-03-18 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 12:34 AM, Alexander Samad  wrote:
> I am having some issue with nfs-kernel.
> I have 2 servers both have NFS exports.
> when i mount 1 from server B to server A, the users come up as nobody and
> nogroup.
> when i mount from A to B I get the proper uid/gids
> // this is on server B
> nfs:/home/alex                /home/alex              nfs
> _netdev,bg,rw,auto,noatime,nouser,async,nodev,suid,proto=tcp,vers=4     0
>     0
> on server A
> nas:/exports/video/cam  /exports/video/cam    nfs
> _netdev,bg,rw,noauto,noatime,nouser,async,nodev,nosuid,proto=tcp,vers=4   0
>   0
> idmap
> [General]
> Verbosity = 0
> Pipefs-Directory = /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs
> # set your own domain here, if id differs from FQDN minus hostname
> # Domain = localdomain
> Domain =
> localdoman =
> [Mapping]
> Nobody-User = nobody
> Nobody-Group = nogroup

Is "Domain" in "/etc/idmapd.conf" the same on all three boxes?

Are the users' UIDs the same on all three boxes?

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