Re: privilège et interface réseau

2012-06-16 Thread Pascal Hambourg
steve a écrit :
 Eric Dupret ( a écrit :
 Comment désactiver de façon ponctuelle l'accès à l'interface réseau
 pour tous les utilisateurs sauf pour root.
 En fouillant sur le net, j'imagine qu'avec le module owner d'iptables
 (ipt_owner) , on doit pouvoir faire ça :
 iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -m owner --uid-owner root -j ACCEPT

On peut, mais ça ne suffit pas : la correspondance owner regarde l'UID
effectif du processus ayant émis le paquet, donc les commandes avec suid
root comme ping passent à travers.

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Re: Squeeze sur un vieux Toshiba

2012-06-16 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Jérôme a écrit :
 Le mercredi 13 juin 2012 à 12:32 +0200, Bernard a écrit :

 avec 'top':

 Mem 514564 k dont 507 utilisé et 7 Free (seulement 7k free ?  aucune 
 application en fonction, sauf Gnome etc...

 De toute manière, tant qu'il y a de la mémoire, Linux se sert. Reste à
 savoir occupée par quoi.

Par les structures internes du noyau, les processus, divers caches
(disque, systèmes de fichiers...) et les buffers d'entrée/sortie.

 buffers 252972k
 Swap 746980k total 0k used 105544 cached

La moitié de la RAM pour les buffers, je trouve que ça fait beaucoup.
En tout cas pas d'utilisation du swap.

 0 MB Highmem available (Ah bon ??)
 Alalalala, ces foutu proc Intel avec leur gestion zarbi de la mémoire
 expanded, extanded... des noms qui veulent tout et rien dire sinon
 qu'il peut y avoir le bios au milieu.

La mémoire étendue (extended) et paginée (expanded) de MS-DOS n'a rien à
voir avec la mémoire Highmem et Lowmem de Linux. Ces dernières sont
liées à la façon dont le noyau gère la mémoire virtuelle sur un
processeur 32 bits (soit 4 Go d'espace d'adressage, dont 3 Go pour le
processus et 1 Go pour le noyau). Highmem, c'est ce qui est au delà de
~1 Go.

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Re: Skype 4.0 pour distribution Gnu/Linux

2012-06-16 Thread Mourad Jaber

On 15/06/2012 20:36, Frederic Robert wrote:


Comment allez-vous? Avez-vous tester la nouvelle version de skype? Sur mon eeepc 1001px, je ne vois 
pas les boutons minimiser, maximiser.

Bien à vous,

Personnellement, ça fonctionne sans problème particulier sur mes 2 PC en debian 
64 testing !



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Re: Skype 4.0 pour distribution Gnu/Linux

2012-06-16 Thread fusco.spv
idem ici sur une unstable + gnome3
et merci de l'info je n'avais pas vu la nouvelle version.

_Fusco  (twitter)

Le 16 juin 2012 11:00, Mourad Jaber a écrit :

 On 15/06/2012 20:36, Frederic Robert wrote:


 Comment allez-vous? Avez-vous tester la nouvelle version de skype? Sur
 mon eeepc 1001px, je ne vois pas les boutons minimiser, maximiser.

 Bien à vous,

  Personnellement, ça fonctionne sans problème particulier sur mes 2 PC en
 debian 64 testing !



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Re: Skype 4.0 pour distribution Gnu/Linux

2012-06-16 Thread aishen

Le 16/06/2012 13:21, fusco.spv a écrit :

idem ici sur une unstable + gnome3
et merci de l'info je n'avais pas vu la nouvelle version.

_Fusco  (twitter)

Le 16 juin 2012 11:00, Mourad Jaber a écrit :

On 15/06/2012 20:36, Frederic Robert wrote:


Comment allez-vous? Avez-vous tester la nouvelle version de
skype? Sur mon eeepc 1001px, je ne vois pas les boutons
minimiser, maximiser.

Bien à vous,

Personnellement, ça fonctionne sans problème particulier sur mes 2
PC en debian 64 testing !



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Version 4 ou version 2.2.xx ?

Re: Skype 4.0 pour distribution Gnu/Linux

2012-06-16 Thread aishen

Le 16/06/2012 14:40, aishen a écrit :

Le 16/06/2012 13:21, fusco.spv a écrit :

idem ici sur une unstable + gnome3
et merci de l'info je n'avais pas vu la nouvelle version.

_Fusco  (twitter)

Le 16 juin 2012 11:00, Mourad Jaber a écrit :

On 15/06/2012 20:36, Frederic Robert wrote:


Comment allez-vous? Avez-vous tester la nouvelle version de
skype? Sur mon eeepc 1001px, je ne vois pas les boutons
minimiser, maximiser.

Bien à vous,

Personnellement, ça fonctionne sans problème particulier sur mes
2 PC en debian 64 testing !



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Version 4 ou version 2.2.xx ?

ok it's 4
Two days ago it didn't offer me the 4 but 2.2xx

the ClamAV engine is outdated

2012-06-16 Thread andre_debian
Bonsoir à tous,

Je relance Clamav :

/etc/init.d/./clamav-daemon restart
 * Stopping ClamAV daemon clamd 
[ OK ]
 * Starting ClamAV daemon clamd 
LibClamAV Warning: ***  This version of the ClamAV engine is outdated.
LibClamAV Warning: *** DON'T PANIC! Read

J'ai updaté ClamAV selon ce tuto :

mais si je relance clamav-daemon,
je reçois ce même message :
This version of the ClamAV engine is outdated

Merci d'une aide.


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Re: the ClamAV engine is outdated

2012-06-16 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 19:00:39 +0200 wrote:

 mais si je relance clamav-daemon,
 je reçois ce même message :
 This version of the ClamAV engine is outdated

C'est râpé, tu dois déjà être infecté par flame.

A woman's a woman until the day she dies, but a man's only a man as
long as he can. -- Moms Mabley

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Re: the ClamAV engine is outdated

2012-06-16 Thread François Boisson
debian volatile est remplacé par squeeze-updates, le tutoriel est obsolète.

François Boisson

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Re: OpenOffice WAS: Squeeze sur un vieux Toshiba

2012-06-16 Thread Hervé Grac

Le 14/06/2012 17:59, Bernard a écrit :

Jean-Michel OLTRA wrote:


Le jeudi 14 juin 2012, Jérôme a écrit...


L'archive téléchargée s'appelle :


ainsi qu'une autre que j'ai également téléchargée:


Après gunzip, puis tar -xf, ces deux archives se réunissent dans un même
répertoire qui se nomme :


lequel contient trois répertoires: DEBS, licences et readmes. Les
fichiers readmes (il n'y en n'a qu'un seul mais sous deux formes, txt et
html) ne contiennent aucune info pour l'installation, mais seulement une
invitation à rejoindre l'équipe de développement. Le répertoire DEBS
comprend les fichiers suivants :

c'est là que votre méthode se gâte, il suffit de rentrer dans le 
répertoire DEBS et en tant que root :

# dpkg -i *.deb

dpkg se charge de tout ! c'est expliqué sur le site de libreoffice et ça 
fonctionne très bien depuis openoffice 2 il mesemble


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Re: Skype 4.0 pour distribution Gnu/Linux

2012-06-16 Thread Frederic Robert
On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 02:40:08PM +0200, aishen wrote:
 Version 4 ou version 2.2.xx ?

Version 4

Frederic Robert

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Re: the ClamAV engine is outdated

2012-06-16 Thread andre_debian
On Saturday 16 June 2012 19:09:15 Bzzz wrote:
 On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 19:00:39 +0200 wrote:
  mais si je relance clamav-daemon,
  je reçois ce même message :
  This version of the ClamAV engine is outdated

 C'est râpé, tu dois déjà être infecté par flame.

Quelle solution alors ?

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Souris virtuelle sous xorg

2012-06-16 Thread Happy Debian User

Salut à tous,

Je viens de passer en wheezy, et shift+numlock n'active plus la souris 
virtuelle (déplacement du curseur et clic avec le pavé numérique).

C'était peut-être indiqué dans les changelogs, mais malgré 
apt-listchanges d'installé, je n'ai pas eu le courage de lire en 
intégralité la bonne centaine de pages… et google ne m'aide pas sur ce 
coup, ou alors je ne cherche pas avec les bons termes.

Quelqu'un saurait comment faire marcher la souris virtuelle de xorg sous 
wheezy ? Le raccourci a changé ? il faut configurer quelque chose 
quelque part ?

Merci :)

Encryption is not magic pixie dust to sprinkle on things to make them 
more secure.

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Re: the ClamAV engine is outdated

2012-06-16 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 21:07:02 +0200 wrote:

  C'est râpé, tu dois déjà être infecté par flame.
 Quelle solution alors ?

2 balles dans le crâne, une bonne biture et une nuit de sommeil.

Au cas où tu n'aurais pas lû, François t'as donné la solution.

Power corrupts;
Absolute power corrupts absolutely;
God is all-powerful.
Draw your own conclusions

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Re: the ClamAV engine is outdated

2012-06-16 Thread andre_debian
On Saturday 16 June 2012 21:18:30 Bzzz wrote:
 On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 21:07:02 +0200 wrote:

clamav-daemon restart :
This version of the ClamAV engine is outdated.

   C'est râpé, tu dois déjà être infecté par flame.

  Quelle solution alors ?

 2 balles dans le crâne, une bonne biture et une nuit de sommeil.

2 balles dans le crâne et après une bonne biture et une nuit de sommeil :
t'as inventé le vaccin anti-suicide ?
Mais encore,
je suis pas dépressif, j'aime pas l'alcool et j'ai fait une bonne sieste.

Known viruses: 1257325
Engine version: 0.96.5
Scanned directories: 16252
Scanned files: 223005
Infected files: 0
Total errors: 462

apt-get install clamav
clamav est déjà  la plus récente version disponible.

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Re: the ClamAV engine is outdated

2012-06-16 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 22:15:49 +0200 wrote:

Faut lire tes e-mails jusqu'au bout...

The world is an 8000 mile in diameter spherical pile of shit.

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Re: OpenOffice WAS: Squeeze sur un vieux Toshiba

2012-06-16 Thread Bernard

Hervé Grac wrote:

Le 14/06/2012 17:59, Bernard a écrit :

Jean-Michel OLTRA wrote:


Le jeudi 14 juin 2012, Jérôme a écrit...


L'archive téléchargée s'appelle :


ainsi qu'une autre que j'ai également téléchargée:


Après gunzip, puis tar -xf, ces deux archives se réunissent dans un même
répertoire qui se nomme :


lequel contient trois répertoires: DEBS, licences et readmes. Les
fichiers readmes (il n'y en n'a qu'un seul mais sous deux formes, txt et
html) ne contiennent aucune info pour l'installation, mais seulement une
invitation à rejoindre l'équipe de développement. Le répertoire DEBS
comprend les fichiers suivants :

c'est là que votre méthode se gâte, il suffit de rentrer dans le 
répertoire DEBS et en tant que root :

# dpkg -i *.deb

dpkg se charge de tout ! c'est expliqué sur le site de libreoffice et 
ça fonctionne très bien depuis openoffice 2 il mesemble


Oui, merci. J'ai essayé et çà a fonctionné, tout au moins pour une 
installation en local comme indiqué dans un toto trouvé sur le forum 
openoffice anglophone. Mais pas réussi pour l'instant à l'installer en 
global avec OOo v2... et je ne cherche plus, car l'essai avec la version 
en local de cette vieille version de OOo donne avec Base des résultats 
aussi déplorables qu'avec les nouvelles versions. Hormis ce dont je 
dispose déjà depuis plusieurs années sur 2 installations (un Desktop 
sous Lenny et un DELL Laptop sous Ubuntu 8.04) et qui fonctionne 
parfaitement, tout ce que j'essaye d'installer maintenant sur différents 
autres ordis appartenant à mon assoc, est pratiquement inutilisable avec 
OOo_Base. J'ai peut-être un début d'explication, mais je vais en parler 
sur une autre enfilade.

A bientôt,


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Re: OpenOffice WAS: Squeeze sur un vieux Toshiba

2012-06-16 Thread jean-pierregiraud

Le 16/06/2012 23:28, Bernard a écrit :

Oui, merci. J'ai essayé et çà a fonctionné, tout au moins pour une 
installation en local comme indiqué dans un toto trouvé sur le forum 
openoffice anglophone. Mais pas réussi pour l'instant à l'installer en 
global avec OOo v2... et je ne cherche plus, car l'essai avec la 
version en local de cette vieille version de OOo donne avec Base des 
résultats aussi déplorables qu'avec les nouvelles versions. Hormis ce 
dont je dispose déjà depuis plusieurs années sur 2 installations (un 
Desktop sous Lenny et un DELL Laptop sous Ubuntu 8.04) et qui 
fonctionne parfaitement, tout ce que j'essaye d'installer maintenant 
sur différents autres ordis appartenant à mon assoc, est pratiquement 
inutilisable avec OOo_Base. J'ai peut-être un début d'explication, 
mais je vais en parler sur une autre enfilade.

A bientôt,


Peut-être que je me trompe, mais une des raisons pour laquelle base est 
déplorable, c'est la version du JRE installé : sauf pour les toutes 
dernières versions de libreoffice (3.5..), base ne se comporte 
normalement qu'avec jre 1.6.6_21 de sun, toutes les versions supérieures 
provoquent une lenteur insupportable.


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Sérieuses inquiétudes pour OpenOffice/LibreOffice..._BASE !

2012-06-16 Thread Bernard

Bonsoir à tous,

A la suite des divers déboires que j'ai exposés au cours de plusieurs 
messages récents, je me suis livré à des tests sur 5 PC et systèmes 
différents. Les résultats avec BASE sont proprement effarants... 
J'espère qu'il y a une explication TECHNIQUE, mais je n'en suis pas 
certain et, selon ce que j'ai lu sur le forum 
OpenOffice/LibreOffice/NeoOffice francophone, j'ai peur que 
l'explication soit malheureusement commerciale.

J'ai l'impression que OpenOffice_BASE fonctionne bien avec les anciennes 
versions, mais plus du tout avec les nouvelles, lors même que les 
anciennes sont désormais très difficiles à trouver, et que, lorsqu'on 
croit les avoir localisées, soit elles ne s'intègrent plus - ou mal - 
aux distros récentes, soit il s'agit de soit disant anciennes versions, 
mais modifiées et dépouillées de certaines fonctionnalités, afin d'être 
conformes aux nouvelles exigences concernant les droits, depuis 
qu'OpenOffice a été racheté par Apache, et que LibreOffice est né d'une 
dissidence d'une partie des collaborateurs.

C'est peut-être là une conclusion hâtive de ma part, et je voudrais 
epérer qu'elle ne se confirmera pas.

Il convient de comprendre qu'ici, je ne parle que de OpenOffice.org_BASE 
; je n'ai pas remarqué de changement dans les performances de Writer et 
Calc. Je pense qu'assez peu de gens utilisent BASE vraiment pour des 
travaux réels, sur de grosses bases MySQL par exemple. C'est mon cas, 
depuis près de deux ans, s'agissant des bases des relevés d'actes 
paroissiaux de mon cercle généalogique.

Voyez les liens ci-après, concernant un tableau (formats .odt et .rtf) 
d'une page, faisant la synthèse de mes essais sur 5 PC. Les deux PC qui 
m'appartiennent en propre, et sur lesquels je travaille depuis 2 ans sur 
ces bases, tournent, l'un sous Lenny, l'autre sous Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy 
Heron), tous deux avec OpenOffice 2.4. J'y ai testé les deux mêmes 
tables sur l'un et sur l'autre : une grosse table MySQL comportant 
118000 enregistements de 108 champs, et une petite table HSQL de 263 
enregistrements et 108 champs. Ces deux systèmes se comportent à peu 
près pareil, le DELL sous Ubuntu ayant des performances légèrement 
meilleures en dépit de ressources moins généreuses (1 CPU au lieu de 2 
sur l'autre, 1 GB de RAM au lieu de 2 sur l'autre...). Sur ces deux 
systèmes, l'ouverture de la base MySQL de 118000 lignes, demande entre 1 
et 4 secondes, et la navigation entre la première et la dernière ligne 
demande entre 30 et 45 secondes. Il s'agit évidemment d'une table 
indexée, sans quoi il serait normal que les temps de navigation soient 
beaucoup plus longs. Par ailleurs, la table HSQL de 263 lignes s'ouvre 
entre une et trois secondes après le clic, et le temps de navigation 
varie entre 3 et 6 secondes. Ce sont les systèmes sur lesquels je 
travaille, et je trouve ces performances suffisantes pour l'usage que 
j'en fais.

Maintenant, sur 3 autres PC appartenant à mon assoc, j'ai installé 
Debian Squeeze. Et là, avec les OpenOffice qui s'installent en même 
temps que la distro, les performances concernant BASE sont d'une toute 
autre magnitude !   Mais cela va dans le mauvais sens !  Devant les 
résultats, j'ai essayé d'installer LibreOffice... avec approximativement 
les mêmes résultats... puis j'ai réinstallé OpenOffice, non plus les 
versions Debian (que je ne sais où trouver), mais celles dites 
officielles disponibles sur le site de Apache... puis, comme c'était 
tout aussi déplorable, j'ai essayé, sur le même site de Apache, de 
retrouver les archives d'anciennes versions, la 2.4 en particulier... 
mais les performances restaient aussi déplorables sur chacun des PC 
essayés. Voici donc ce qu'étaient ces dites performances :

Pour ouvrir la même table MySQL indexée, de 118000 lignes, au lieu 1 à 4 
secondes, cela prend environ 3 minutes !   Juste pour l'ouvrir, c'est à 
dire, l'attente entre le moment où l'on a double cliqué sur le nom de la 
table, et celui où elle s'affiche à l'écran. Ensuite, pour naviguer de 
la première à la dernière ligne, au lieu de prendre entre 30 et 45 
secondes, çà prend... 53 MINUTES !!!  Pendant tout ce temps, 'top' m'a 
révélé que le processus 'soffice' utilisait près de 100% de la CPU et 
entre 6 et 10% de la RAM. Quant à la petite base HSQL de seulement 263 
lignes, au lieu de demander entre 3 et 6 secondes pour naviguer de la 
première à la dernière ligne, cela prend 6 MINUTES (et 3 minutes pour la 
simple ouverture, au lieu de 1 à 3 secondes précédemment). Dans de 
telles conditions, BASE devient complètement inutilisable pour les 
travaux réels.

Mes questions sont les suivantes:

Quelqu'un d'autre a-t-il entendu parler de ces problèmes avec BASE ? 

Comment peut-on installer d'anciennes versions d'OpenOffice, par exemple 
la 2.4 Version Debian (pas la version dite officielle qu'on trouve dans 
les archives d'Apache) ?  Je crois savoir qu'il existe des repositories 
d'archives... Quelqu'un disposerait il d'adresses 

Re: OpenOffice WAS: Squeeze sur un vieux Toshiba

2012-06-16 Thread Bernard

jean-pierregiraud wrote:

Le 16/06/2012 23:28, Bernard a écrit :

Oui, merci. J'ai essayé et çà a fonctionné, tout au moins pour une 
installation en local comme indiqué dans un toto trouvé sur le 
forum openoffice anglophone. Mais pas réussi pour l'instant à 
l'installer en global avec OOo v2... et je ne cherche plus, car 
l'essai avec la version en local de cette vieille version de OOo 
donne avec Base des résultats aussi déplorables qu'avec les nouvelles 
versions. Hormis ce dont je dispose déjà depuis plusieurs années sur 
2 installations (un Desktop sous Lenny et un DELL Laptop sous Ubuntu 
8.04) et qui fonctionne parfaitement, tout ce que j'essaye 
d'installer maintenant sur différents autres ordis appartenant à mon 
assoc, est pratiquement inutilisable avec OOo_Base. J'ai peut-être un 
début d'explication, mais je vais en parler sur une autre enfilade.

A bientôt,


Peut-être que je me trompe, mais une des raisons pour laquelle base 
est déplorable, c'est la version du JRE installé : sauf pour les 
toutes dernières versions de libreoffice (3.5..), base ne se comporte 
normalement qu'avec jre 1.6.6_21 de sun, toutes les versions 
supérieures provoquent une lenteur insupportable.

Merci pour cet avis. Mais où trouver jre 1.6.6_21 ?   Je n'ai su trouver 
que la jre !   sur mes anciens systèmes, sur lesquels 
OpenOffice_BASE fonctionne parfaitement, j'avais jre 1.6.0_0. Sans doute 
devrais-je tenter de recopier les fichiers 1.6.0_0 d'un ordi sur 
l'autre... Je vous tiendrai au courant des résultats.

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Re: OpenOffice WAS: Squeeze sur un vieux Toshiba

2012-06-16 Thread jean-pierregiraud

Le 17/06/2012 00:46, Bernard a écrit :

Merci pour cet avis. Mais où trouver jre 1.6.6_21 ?   Je n'ai su 
trouver que la jre !   sur mes anciens systèmes, sur lesquels 
OpenOffice_BASE fonctionne parfaitement, j'avais jre 1.6.0_0. Sans 
doute devrais-je tenter de recopier les fichiers 1.6.0_0 d'un ordi sur 
l'autre... Je vous tiendrai au courant des résultats.

Là par exemple


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Re: Sérieuses inquiétudes pour OpenOffice/LibreOffice..._BASE !

2012-06-16 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 00:40:12 +0200
Bernard wrote:

 exigences concernant les droits, depuis qu'OpenOffice a été
 racheté par Apache, et que LibreOffice est né d'une dissidence
 d'une partie des collaborateurs.

L'Apache Foundation est, comme son nom l'indique, une _fondation.
Il n'ont pas acheté openoriffice, il en ont hérité après une
défection massive des devs au profit de libreoffice parce que la
base n'était plus écoutée.
L'original semble encore en vie mais comme plusieurs distros se sont
aussi tournées vers libreoffice, l'intérêt de le conserver est de
moins en moins évident; subséquemment, oracle a refilé le bébé et
l'eau du bain à l'Apache Foundation.

 bases MySQL par exemple. C'est mon cas, depuis près de deux ans,
 s'agissant des bases des relevés d'actes paroissiaux de mon cercle

Au nom du père, de la tante et des ptits fours, Amen.

 Comment peut-on installer d'anciennes versions d'OpenOffice, par
 exemple la 2.4 Version Debian (pas la version dite officielle
 qu'on trouve dans les archives d'Apache) ?  Je crois savoir qu'il
 existe des repositories d'archives... Quelqu'un disposerait il
 d'adresses utiles ?  Est-ce que ces archives comportent des
 packages .deb qui se puissent installer sur les récentes distros
 telles que Squeeze ?

Sèpo, et ça n'est en Gal pas conseillé de revenir an arrière.

Ca semble dû à java:

Cette clôture indique que le passage de libreoffice en V. 3.5
résoudrait le PB (¿ə un backport dans volatile?) - et donc
tendrait à infirmer le lien précédent:

Ca peut aussi venir d'autre chose: par ex. il-y-a moins d'un mois
j'ai rouvert un Tgros tableur et me suis retrouvé avec des lenteurs
inacceptables (genre 10-12s avant qu'un F2 ne rende la main sur la
chaîne à modifier) - c'était finalement dû à la dernière version de
libcairo qui interagissait avec le driver nouveau.

En bref, cèpôsimp (mais bon, si ça l'était, où serait le plaisir…)
If God doesn't destroy San Francisco, He should apologize to Sodom
and Gomorrah.

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Re: OpenOffice WAS: Squeeze sur un vieux Toshiba

2012-06-16 Thread jean-pierregiraud

Le 17/06/2012 00:55, jean-pierregiraud a écrit :

Le 17/06/2012 00:46, Bernard a écrit :

Merci pour cet avis. Mais où trouver jre 1.6.6_21 ?   Je n'ai su 
trouver que la jre !   sur mes anciens systèmes, sur 
lesquels OpenOffice_BASE fonctionne parfaitement, j'avais jre 
1.6.0_0. Sans doute devrais-je tenter de recopier les fichiers 
1.6.0_0 d'un ordi sur l'autre... Je vous tiendrai au courant des 

Là par exemple 


Désolé je suis allé un peu trop vite.

en fait il faut aller sur le site d'oracle, puis ouvrir un compte
puis aller à Oracle technology Network / Java/ Java se support/ download :

et télécharger le fichier bin qui va.

Jean-Pierre Giraud
Conservateur général du patrimoine
Inspection des patrimoines
6 rue des Pyramides - 75001 Paris
06 36 01 04 14

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Parece que hay una vulnerabilidad en amsn.

2012-06-16 Thread Marcos Delgado
Pues hoy se me bloqueo mi cuenta en msn (ya saben, esa cosa que se usa
para comunicarse con el resto de la gente) y lo que generalmente uso
es amsn. Estoy a la espera de que me restablezcan la cuenta, por lo
poco que he leído parece que amsn tiene una vulnerabilidad, así que
les paso el rumor. La versión que uso:
dpkg -l | grep -i amsn
ii  amsn 0.98.4-4+b1
  MSN messenger application written in Tcl
ii  amsn-data0.98.4-4
  Data files for aMSN

Saludos y expectantes noches.
Marcos Delgado.

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Re: OFF_Topic: Sincronizacion Multiplataforma

2012-06-16 Thread Javier Silva
El día 11 de junio de 2012 23:14, Francisco Aravena Jimenez escribió:
 Estimados Junto con saludarle, le pregunto haber si me pueden ayudar con
 alguna solución

 Alguien conoce alguna aplicación tipo dropbox, que permita sincronizar
 algunos directorios en varias maquinas? la idea es que sea multi-plataforma,
 (los servidores son Linux (5 servidores) , centos y debian).
  y son 8 equipos con windows que deben sincronizare con ellos, la idea es
 que si alguien sube un archivo a uno de los equipos (los win o linux), ese
 se envié hacia los demás.

 ojala pudiese ser via internet por que si por ejemplo estoy en otras
 dependencias o en casa y adelanto trabajo este se valla a los demás equipos.

 si alguien conoce alguna plataforma libre y que se pueda montar al mismo
 estilo de dropbox, por favor que me avise, he buscado pero no he encontrado
 nada parecido.
 dropbox no me sirve por espacio, es muy poco para lo que debo transferir..

Hola Francisco,
desde hoy puedes encontrar owncloud para su instalación desde los
repositorios de Debian (testing) Wheezy en su cuarta versión.

Un saludo,
Javier Silva.

 desde ya muy agradecido


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Re: Parece que hay una vulnerabilidad en amsn.

2012-06-16 Thread Sergio Bessopeanetto

Marcos Delgado escribió:

Pues hoy se me bloqueo mi cuenta en msn (ya saben, esa cosa que se usa
para comunicarse con el resto de la gente) y lo que generalmente uso
es amsn. Estoy a la espera de que me restablezcan la cuenta, por lo
poco que he leído parece que amsn tiene una vulnerabilidad, así que
les paso el rumor. La versión que uso:
dpkg -l | grep -i amsn
ii  amsn 0.98.4-4+b1
   MSN messenger application written in Tcl
ii  amsn-data0.98.4-4
   Data files for aMSN

Saludos y expectantes noches.
Marcos Delgado.

Pasate a Pidgin, Siempre lo he usado y lo uso a diario y jamás tuve una 
vulnerabilidad en mi cuenta de msn.

Sergio Bessopeanetto
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Skype: sergio.bess

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Problemas con Brasero

2012-06-16 Thread academia

Hola lista. Uso debian 6 y desde la instalación solo disponía de un lector
de CD conectado por una cinta IDE a la tarjeta madre. Recientemente me
compré un quemador de DVD (SATA). La operación que hice fue simple, quitar
el CD y poner el DVD.

A la hora de grabar o borrar cualquier dvd, pues no puedo. Mi pregunta es
si la operación que hice fue la correcta o no. Qué tengo que hacer, qué me
aconsejan? Tengo que hacer algo en la configuración de fstab?


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Re: Servidor CAS y dovecot

2012-06-16 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 15 Jun 2012 14:47:22 -0300, Federico Alberto Sayd escribió:

 ¿Alguien que haya configurado la autenticación de dovecot (imap, pop3;
 debian squeeze) contra un servidor de CAS (Central Authentication
 Server, Single Sing-On)

Pues no, lo siento :-(

 He tratado de hacerlo a través del módulo pam_cas, que al parecer hace
 rato que no tiene mantenimiento pero por lo menos compila, el único
 problema que se me presenta es que cuando activo la conexión ssl con el
 servidor CAS el módulo falla con un el siguiente eror: Certificate
 verification error: 20
 Sin embargo el servidor CAS contiene un certificado válido emitido por
 una CA externa (no autofirmado) y el mismo certificado está especificado
 en la configuración del módulo pam_cas en /etc/pam_cas.conf.
 Alguna pista al respecto?

No hay mucha documentación sobre ese módulo y me da mala espina (no 
parece un paquete de Debian sino externo, los enlaces al sitio no 

Por aquí indican que hay que aplicar un parche a la biblioteca pero se 
trata de un PDF sin fecha (creado en el año 2010) así que podría ser 

No sé... yo preguntaría directamente en alguna lista que tenga esa 
biblioteca ( o incluso en la lista de Dovecot para ver qué 
experiencias tiene la gente que usa ese método de autentificación o si 
conocen alguna alterativa mejor.



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Re: cierre inesperado de amarok

2012-06-16 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 15 Jun 2012 20:16:56 -0300, tattva das escribió:

(si los registros son extensos, mejor subirlos a algún sitio)

 Lo uso casi a diarioy de estar reproduciendo música se cierra
 inesperadamente, abriéndose luego el diálogo de: se ha producido un
 He empezado a usar software libre a mi edad adulta y realmente soy un
 neófito por eso pido disculpas por no saber reportar el fallo
Muchas Gracias !


Se dice, se comenta que Amarok ya no es lo que era y que las últimas 
versiones están dando muchos problemas. Hay quien se está pasando a 
Clementine que es similar pero falla menos.

¿Qué versión de Amarok tienes? No me gusta ser pajarraco de mal agüero 
pero si es Squeeze, piensa en actualizar la aplicación:



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Re: Parece que hay una vulnerabilidad en amsn.

2012-06-16 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 16 Jun 2012 01:44:31 -0500, Marcos Delgado escribió:

 Pues hoy se me bloqueo mi cuenta en msn (ya saben, esa cosa que se usa
 para comunicarse con el resto de la gente) y lo que generalmente uso es
 amsn. Estoy a la espera de que me restablezcan la cuenta, por lo poco
 que he leído parece que amsn tiene una vulnerabilidad, así que les paso
 el rumor. 

¿Que han *bloqueado* tu cuenta por un bug en el programa? Caray, es la 
primera vez que oigo una cosa así :-?

 La versión que uso: dpkg -l | grep -i amsn
 ii  amsn 0.98.4-4+b1   MSN messenger 
 application written in Tcl
 ii  amsn-data0.98.4-4  Data files for aMSN

Pues no sé... a ver:

Si se trata de ese problema, lleva sin corregir tres años :-/ 

La última versión disponible en su página web es la 0.98-9, quizá podrías 
bajarla, compilarla e instalarla o esperar a que la incluyan de nuevo 
para sid.



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Re: Problemas con Brasero

2012-06-16 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 16 Jun 2012 09:03:09 -0400, academia escribió:

 Hola lista. Uso debian 6 y desde la instalación solo disponía de un
 lector de CD conectado por una cinta IDE a la tarjeta madre.

¿Y ese lector funcionaba bien con Brasero?

 Recientemente me compré un quemador de DVD (SATA). La operación que hice
 fue simple, quitar el CD y poner el DVD.

Y después de hacer el cambio ¿te reconoce el sistema la unidad 
 A la hora de grabar o borrar cualquier dvd, pues no puedo. 

No puedo no dice mucho acerca del problema:

1/ ¿Puedes leer discos?
2/ ¿Reconoce Brasero la unidad?
3/ ¿Reconoce Brasero los discos en blanco?
4/ ¿Te aparece algún error al grabar un DVD?
5/ ¿Puedes grabas un CD de audio?
6/ ¿Has probado a grabar el disco desde línea de comandos (wodim)?
7/ ¿Has probado a grabar un CD?

 Mi pregunta es si la operación que hice fue la correcta o no. 

Supongo que sí... lo único que se me ocurre es que hayas cambiado el 
lector sin cambiar el cable (de IDE a SATA) y que por eso no te funcione 

 Qué tengo que hacer, qué me aconsejan? Tengo que hacer algo en la
 configuración de fstab?

Faltan datos para poder apuntar a un posible origen del problema.



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Linux Driver - Ayuda a un Novato

2012-06-16 Thread Cristian Prado
Hola a todos
He instalado a una laptop relativamente vieja, la version Vector Linux 7
y funciona muy bien alli.
Por no tener wifi he comprado un USB to wifi edimax EW-7711USn

El cual viene con drivers para linux y tiene la siguiente estructura:

\Linux Driver\2009_0525_RT3070_Linux_STA_v2.1.1.0

chips Directorio
common Directorio
include Directorio
os Directorio
sta Directorio
tools Directorio

Hay que copiar esto a algun lugar, o compilarlo ?
Si hay que copiarlo a donde ?
Y si hay que compilarlo, como y que hago con el o los ficheros creados ?

Gracias de antemano por la ayuda.

[OT-VectorLinux] Re: Linux Driver - Ayuda a un Novato

2012-06-16 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 16 Jun 2012 18:00:09 +0300, Cristian Prado escribió:

 Hola a todos

Hola. No envíes mensajes en formato html, que se leen fatal.

 He instalado a una laptop relativamente vieja, la version Vector Linux
 7 y funciona muy bien alli.

¿Y se supone que la gente de por aquí deberíamos conocer esa VectorLinux? 

 Por no tener wifi he comprado un USB to wifi edimax EW-7711USn
 El cual viene con drivers para linux y tiene la siguiente estructura:



 Hay que copiar esto a algun lugar, o compilarlo ? Si hay que copiarlo a
 donde ?

Hay que leer el README y seguir los pasos que indican.

 Y si hay que compilarlo, como y que hago con el o los ficheros creados ?

Obviamente, ese paquete hay que compilarlo pero antes tienes que leer las 



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Re: Servidor CAS y dovecot

2012-06-16 Thread Roberto Quiñones

El 15/06/2012 13:47, Federico Alberto Sayd escribió:

Hola a todos:

Pregunto aquí después de haberme roto la cabeza y googleado toda la doc

¿Alguien que haya configurado la autenticación de dovecot (imap, pop3;
debian squeeze) contra un servidor de CAS (Central Authentication
Server, Single Sing-On)

He tratado de hacerlo a través del módulo pam_cas, que al parecer hace
rato que no tiene mantenimiento pero por lo menos compila, el único
problema que se me presenta es que cuando activo la conexión ssl con el
servidor CAS el módulo falla con un el siguiente eror: Certificate
verification error: 20
Sin embargo el servidor CAS contiene un certificado válido emitido por
una CA externa (no autofirmado) y el mismo certificado está especificado
en la configuración del módulo pam_cas en /etc/pam_cas.conf.

Alguna pista al respecto?

Gracias de antemano


Podrias activar el debug del pam_cas y ver si arroja algo más que el 
Certificate verification error: 20.

Tambien puedes echarle una miarada link [0]


Saludos Cordiales.

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Re: cierre inesperado de amarok

2012-06-16 Thread Roberto Quiñones

El 16/06/2012 10:19, Camaleón escribió:

El Fri, 15 Jun 2012 20:16:56 -0300, tattva das escribió:

(si los registros son extensos, mejor subirlos a algún sitio)

Lo uso casi a diarioy de estar reproduciendo música se cierra
inesperadamente, abriéndose luego el diálogo de: se ha producido un
He empezado a usar software libre a mi edad adulta y realmente soy un
neófito por eso pido disculpas por no saber reportar el fallo
Muchas Gracias !


Se dice, se comenta que Amarok ya no es lo que era y que las últimas
versiones están dando muchos problemas. Hay quien se está pasando a
Clementine que es similar pero falla menos.

¿Qué versión de Amarok tienes? No me gusta ser pajarraco de mal agüero
pero si es Squeeze, piensa en actualizar la aplicación:



ya que por tu problema tiene toda pinta de ser un bugs, y hay varios 
reportes similares al tuyo, seria bueno que nos indicaras que version de 
amarok tienes instalada, de ser vieja actualizar a la más reciente.


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Re: [OT] Servicio Web, DMZ, dos ISP.

2012-06-16 Thread Roberto Quiñones

El 14/06/2012 3:03, Sergio Villalba escribió:

Hola a tod@s,

mi pregunta es la siguiente, tengo un servidor Web en mi DMZ
funcionando con un ISP+IP Pública, ahora quiero que el servidor Web
funcione por otro ISP adiccional.

Aparte de realizar las configuraciones pertinentes en los servidores
DNS, tengo que implementar una solución Multi-WAN + balanceador de
carga, he pensado en estas dos soluciones: Vyatta o PFSense

Mi duda es si existen otras alternativas o si alguien implementado
algo parecido.

Me imagio que buscando bien puedo encontrar algún Howto en Internet.

Gracias por todo.
Un saludo.

Sugiero Pfsense y tienes el siguiente link para obtener algo más a lo 
que tienes pensado.


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Re: Actualizar repor desde windows

2012-06-16 Thread Roberto Quiñones

El 14/06/2012 16:28, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:

- Original Message -

From: Javier Santiesteban
To: Ismael L. Donis Garcia
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2012 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: Actualizar repor desde windows

no sabria decirte si con el rsync se podra pero lo mejor que puedes
hacer es reiniciar y hacerlo con un livecd de linux y asi no le tocas
su sistema tran preciado jajajajaj


Esa idea no sirve porque así no podría trabajar el en ese momento.
|| ISMAEL ||

Pasate por aqui


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Re: cierre inesperado de amarok

2012-06-16 Thread Carlos Carcamo
El día 16 de junio de 2012 09:44, Roberto Quiñones escribió:
 El 16/06/2012 10:19, Camaleón escribió:

 El Fri, 15 Jun 2012 20:16:56 -0300, tattva das escribió:

 (si los registros son extensos, mejor subirlos a algún sitio)

 Lo uso casi a diarioy de estar reproduciendo música se cierra
 inesperadamente, abriéndose luego el diálogo de: se ha producido un
 He empezado a usar software libre a mi edad adulta y realmente soy un
 neófito por eso pido disculpas por no saber reportar el fallo
    Muchas Gracias !


 Se dice, se comenta que Amarok ya no es lo que era y que las últimas
 versiones están dando muchos problemas. Hay quien se está pasando a
 Clementine que es similar pero falla menos.

 ¿Qué versión de Amarok tienes? No me gusta ser pajarraco de mal agüero
 pero si es Squeeze, piensa en actualizar la aplicación:



 ya que por tu problema tiene toda pinta de ser un bugs, y hay varios
 reportes similares al tuyo, seria bueno que nos indicaras que version de
 amarok tienes instalada, de ser vieja actualizar a la más reciente.


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Cámbiate a banshee, se dice por la web que es mejor, pero es cuestión
de gustos, en lo personal banshee me funciona perfectamente, hasta el
momento cero errores...

para instalarlo puedes hacerlo por synaptic o por medio de apt
 apt-get install banshee

El desarrollo no es material es un estado de conciencia metal

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OT: Tiene sentido instalar Debian en una MacBook?

2012-06-16 Thread Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
Es simplemente eso, si MacOSX es basado en Unix, a nivel de performance
en varios sentidos como multiproceso y manejo de memoria RAM, ¿Tiene
sentido trabajar con Debian en una MacBook? ¿Alcanzarías al menos un
rendimiento similar?

Obviamente los aspectos de libertad y posesión real de mi equipo son los
que me animarían a hacer algo así, pero que tanto perderías en funcionalidad
y rendimiento?

Nota: todavía no tengo una MacBook.


              Blog de Haldrik

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Re: Montaje de servidor web Debian con ciertas limitaciones

2012-06-16 Thread Pablo Jiménez
On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 07:07:35PM -0430, Miguel Matos wrote:
 Saludos a la lista. Tengo un problema bastante particular. A ver,
 veamos, abro un hilo nuevo, no uso HTML, lo envío desde el
 webmail Gmail, ¿no falta más nada? OK, sigamos.
 Tengo una PC bastante antigua, un tantito, digamos, 8 años. Quiero
 implementar un servidor casero Debian, y para ello haré
 uso de la guía que comparto acá [1]
 La única limitante que tengo es con respecto a la instalación. Justo
 el día que quería hacer la instalación del susodicho,
 DE CD! Y pues, me quedé sin
 instalarlo. Sí, ya sé que dirán que puedo instalarlo desde un
 pendrive, ¡pero el BIOS ni lo acepta! O sea, sin CD, sin USB, sólo
 con un disco duro disponible, ¿qué otras opciones proponen? Por
 cierto, el disco duro tiene Windows XP, aparte de otros datos
 que ya pasé a una PC más moderna, y que no necesito, así que, a la
 hora de instalar, ¡PUUFF!, ¡adiós a los datos!

Si tienes disponible otra computadora, puedes valerte de PXE para 
instalar Debian.


Pablo Jiménez

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Re: Montaje de servidor web Debian con ciertas limitaciones

2012-06-16 Thread Daniel Vidal de la Rubia
2012/6/17 Miguel Matos
 Saludos a la lista. Tengo un problema bastante particular. A ver,
 veamos, abro un hilo nuevo, no uso HTML, lo envío desde el
 webmail Gmail, ¿no falta más nada? OK, sigamos.

 Tengo una PC bastante antigua, un tantito, digamos, 8 años. Quiero
 implementar un servidor casero Debian, y para ello haré
 uso de la guía que comparto acá [1]

 La única limitante que tengo es con respecto a la instalación. Justo
 el día que quería hacer la instalación del susodicho,
 DE CD! Y pues, me quedé sin
 instalarlo. Sí, ya sé que dirán que puedo instalarlo desde un
 pendrive, ¡pero el BIOS ni lo acepta! O sea, sin CD, sin USB, sólo
 con un disco duro disponible, ¿qué otras opciones proponen? Por
 cierto, el disco duro tiene Windows XP, aparte de otros datos
 que ya pasé a una PC más moderna, y que no necesito, así que, a la
 hora de instalar, ¡PUUFF!, ¡adiós a los datos!

 Por cierto, si visitan el sitio [2], podrán encontrar muchas más cosas
 para hacer con un servidor basado en GNU/Linux. Y
 hablando de eso, aparte de [1], ¿qué otras cosas proponen que pueda
 agregar a un servidor así?


 Buen uso de las listas (como se ven en Debian):
 Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:

Buenos días,

Ubuntu tiene la opción de instalarse desde Windows

A partir de ahí puedes conformarte con montar el servidor con Ubuntu o
bien, si te ves con ganas (:P), usar debootstrap para instalar Debian.


Daniel Vidal de la Rubia

La programación es como el sexo: Hablar de ello está bien, pero lo
divertido es practicarlo

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Re: Linux Driver - Ayuda a un Novato

2012-06-16 Thread Leo
 He instalado a una laptop relativamente vieja, la version Vector Linux 7

Con todo respeto y sin querer molestarte: esta es una lista de Debian,
no de Vector.

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Re: Montaje de servidor web Debian con ciertas limitaciones

2012-06-16 Thread Alfons

On 17/06/12 02:15, Pablo Jiménez wrote:

On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 07:07:35PM -0430, Miguel Matos wrote:

Saludos a la lista. Tengo un problema bastante particular. A ver,
veamos, abro un hilo nuevo, no uso HTML, lo envío desde el
webmail Gmail, ¿no falta más nada? OK, sigamos.

Tengo una PC bastante antigua, un tantito, digamos, 8 años. Quiero
implementar un servidor casero Debian, y para ello haré
uso de la guía que comparto acá [1]

La única limitante que tengo es con respecto a la instalación. Justo
el día que quería hacer la instalación del susodicho,
DE CD! Y pues, me quedé sin
instalarlo. Sí, ya sé que dirán que puedo instalarlo desde un
pendrive, ¡pero el BIOS ni lo acepta! O sea, sin CD, sin USB, sólo
con un disco duro disponible, ¿qué otras opciones proponen? Por
cierto, el disco duro tiene Windows XP, aparte de otros datos
que ya pasé a una PC más moderna, y que no necesito, así que, a la
hora de instalar, ¡PUUFF!, ¡adiós a los datos!

Si tienes disponible otra computadora, puedes valerte de PXE para
instalar Debian.


Puedes montar el disco duro en otro ordenador que también use el mismo 
tipo de disco, imagino que IDE. Instalas y lo vuelves a cambiar. No hay 

A pasarlo bien!!!

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Re: OT: Tiene sentido instalar Debian en una MacBook?

2012-06-16 Thread Fernando C. Estrada
On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 05:18:57PM -0500, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco wrote:
 Es simplemente eso, si MacOSX es basado en Unix, a nivel de performance
 en varios sentidos como multiproceso y manejo de memoria RAM, ¿Tiene
 sentido trabajar con Debian en una MacBook?

Si, lo que no tiene sentido es trabajar sin Debian.

 ¿Alcanzarías al menos un rendimiento similar?

No veo porque no.

 Obviamente los aspectos de libertad y posesión real de mi equipo son los
 que me animarían a hacer algo así, pero que tanto perderías en funcionalidad
 y rendimiento?

¿Porque habrías de perder funcionalidad y rendimiento?

 Nota: todavía no tengo una MacBook.

Yo tampoco.

Fernando C. Estrada

moshez ok, I will not marry Jo-Con-El's cow.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Montaje de servidor web Debian con ciertas limitaciones

2012-06-16 Thread Fernando C. Estrada
On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 02:18:56AM +0200, Daniel Vidal de la Rubia wrote:
 Ubuntu tiene la opción de instalarse desde Windows

Debian también [0].

 A partir de ahí puedes conformarte con montar el servidor con Ubuntu o
 bien, si te ves con ganas (:P), usar debootstrap para instalar Debian.

Es mejor evitar el conformismo ;-)


Fernando C. Estrada

lilo I've always wanted to have a web site with a big picture of a carrot on 

Description: Digital signature

Re: OT: Tiene sentido instalar Debian en una MacBook?

2012-06-16 Thread Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
El día 16 de junio de 2012 20:47, Fernando C. Estrada escribió:
 On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 05:18:57PM -0500, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco wrote:
 Es simplemente eso, si MacOSX es basado en Unix, a nivel de performance
 en varios sentidos como multiproceso y manejo de memoria RAM, ¿Tiene
 sentido trabajar con Debian en una MacBook?

 Si, lo que no tiene sentido es trabajar sin Debian.

 ¿Alcanzarías al menos un rendimiento similar?

 No veo porque no.

 Obviamente los aspectos de libertad y posesión real de mi equipo son los
 que me animarían a hacer algo así, pero que tanto perderías en funcionalidad
 y rendimiento?

 ¿Porque habrías de perder funcionalidad y rendimiento?

 Nota: todavía no tengo una MacBook.

 Yo tampoco.

 Fernando C. Estrada

 moshez ok, I will not marry Jo-Con-El's cow.

Podría perder rendimiento ya que estas máquinas son optimizadas para el OSX
y se supone una pérdida de rendimiento si entras a trabajar con otros
en fin.


              Blog de Haldrik

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Re: OT: Tiene sentido instalar Debian en una MacBook?

2012-06-16 Thread Felix Perez
El día 16 de junio de 2012 23:00, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco escribió:
 El día 16 de junio de 2012 20:47, Fernando C. Estrada escribió:
 On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 05:18:57PM -0500, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco 
 Es simplemente eso, si MacOSX es basado en Unix, a nivel de performance
 en varios sentidos como multiproceso y manejo de memoria RAM, ¿Tiene
 sentido trabajar con Debian en una MacBook?

 Si, lo que no tiene sentido es trabajar sin Debian.

 ¿Alcanzarías al menos un rendimiento similar?

 No veo porque no.

 Obviamente los aspectos de libertad y posesión real de mi equipo son los
 que me animarían a hacer algo así, pero que tanto perderías en funcionalidad
 y rendimiento?

 ¿Porque habrías de perder funcionalidad y rendimiento?

 Nota: todavía no tengo una MacBook.

 Yo tampoco.

 Fernando C. Estrada

 moshez ok, I will not marry Jo-Con-El's cow.

 Podría perder rendimiento ya que estas máquinas son optimizadas para el OSX
 y se supone una pérdida de rendimiento si entras a trabajar con otros
 en fin.

Creo que es al reves el OSX es optimizado para esas y solo para esas
máquinas, según entiendo apple ya no fabrica o manda a fabricar
hardaware específico como lo hacía antes.


usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: something about slurm-llnl

2012-06-16 Thread lina
On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 4:11 AM, Curt wrote:
 On 2012-06-15, Chris Bannister wrote:

  It's for linux clusters, so I would say unless you're running or are
  part of a linux cluster, which doesn't seem to be the case, you
  According to previous posts by this person you are incorrect.

 I didn't and haven't read any and all of the other thread(s) the op has
 participated in, the urls of some of which you have been kind enough to
 spend your time digging up for me, in which she makes it clear she's

Thanks for all.
My fault, I should have given more information at the first place.

Actually my laptop is 4 cores with 4 virtual cores. Perhaps. At the
top it showed me 8 total. I can access few clusters.
I have the impression about the comments of not forthcoming. Indeed,
Sorry I have never been seriously introduce myself to the list.
Ha... Might I have introduced myself by lots of questions I asked.
Some questions are kinda of very newbie-essence (sorry for that, so
far I am still far away from asking full-fledged questions). I feel
very comfortable not being noticed. That's why I also preferred not
leave my name at the end of the email.
I used Debian since the beginning of 2010.
I read the emails, most are very informative. I'd also love to read OT ones.
sometimes I asked some question, OT like this one, but many times I do
really need advice and suggestions.

I have purged the slurm based on the suggestions and my failure
attempt to configure it.

Thanks for all and have a nice weekend,

Best regards,

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Re: ..selling a surplus wintendo sticker, was: dd_rescue No additional sense

2012-06-16 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 01:36:35AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sat, 2012-06-16 at 00:34 +0200, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
  On Fri, 15 Jun 2012 09:57:13 +0100, keith wrote in message 
   However, there is a code sticker on the bottom of a laptop, that may
   let you get a copy from the manufacturer.
  ..I bought a laptop with a wintendo install that I used to 
  pick up the installer, how much 
  is a surplus wintendo sticker sticker worth on e.g. Ebay?
 Serious, if possible ;D. How does it work. Somebody owning such a
 sticker needs to send it to Microsoft? The sticker is for the install
 medias + license? I don't think so.
 IIRC a friend who once bought a PC got the install medias for Vista 32,
 and 64 bit, but he needed to register the install. The computer buying
 price included a light version of Vista, to get the full version, there
 was the need to pay again. IIRC something needed to be unlocked. Am I
 suffering from delusions of lunacy or may I remember correctly? Perhaps
 both ;).

Maybe this?:

Just some results from 'intel microsoft vista home basic scandal'
search on Google:

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Tip #42 dpkg-reconfigure (was ...Re: Adobe Flash in Chromium out of date: stable debian)

2012-06-16 Thread Chris Bannister
On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 03:45:14PM -0500, John W. Foster wrote:
 On Fri, 2012-06-15 at 14:46 -0400, John L. Cunningham wrote:
  dpkg-reconfigure flashplugin-nonfree
 And once again this marvelous list has come thru for me.
 Thanks John!!
 That did the trick. I'm surprised I have not heard of this b/4 but will
 file it away in my tips/tricks area.

This dpkg-reconfigure package-name can be useful for any package,
not just flashplugin-nonfree.

For example, a dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r) will
reconfigure the kernel:

root@tal:~# dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r)
Running depmod.
Examining /etc/kernel/postinst.d.
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools
3.2.0-2-686-pae /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-2-686-pae
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-2-686-pae 
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/pm-utils 3.2.0-2-686-pae 
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-grub
3.2.0-2-686-pae /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-2-686-pae
Generating grub.cfg ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-2-686-pae
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-2-686-pae

If any error messages occur DON'T reboot untill the errors are fixed.

Handy in case of concern of boot problems after a big upgrade,
especially if you feel uneasy about rebooting.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Sound disappeared after unstable upgrade

2012-06-16 Thread Alan Chandler

On 15/06/12 07:28, Alan Chandler wrote:

On 14/06/12 22:27, Alan Chandler wrote:

I upgraded my sid system with the latest set of packages.

I have now lost by sound, but I am not sure why.

When I run alsamixer as root I see a device that appears to be the 
sound chip on my motherboard, and using aplay to send a .wav file works.

If I run as me - a user, alsamixer shows a pulseaudio card as the 
only card.  Playing the wave file does nothing.

I presume I have a pulseaudio problem, but I don't know what to do 
about it.

If I look at the sound settings in the Gnome System Settings, it says 
be sound output is a dummy card.  I don't know whether that just 
implies its going via pulse-audio, or that pulse audio has not found 
a real device and is using a dummy one.

NOTE: the same upgrade seemed to screw up udevd - I get an error 
message about failing to queue file, and I have to unplug and replug 
my usb mouse and keyboard to make them work.

I got my sound back - at least temporarily.

There appeared to be two copies of the udevd daemon running.  I killed 
all copies of it and then restarted it once.  Then I restarted 
pulseaudio and now I have sound.

So my instinct that the problem with udev is the root cause seems 
correct.  However I have yet to find out what is the problem with that.

It is still not fixed for me.  I am getting the udev errors during 
startup and then get to the logon point with no mouse or keyboard.  To 
get them, I have to unplug and plug them in again and they come back.  I 
can then login.

Once I am at my desktop I can run a root terminal window, kill of udevd 
and restart it and then I get my sound back.

The thing I can't see how to track down is what is causing the spate of 
errors at the beginning.  It is almost like there is an ordering problem 
with all the things running in parallel, and that when udevd first runs, 
the /dev directory is not in place (I think the failing to queue files 
is an indication that udevd can't write to the /dev directory - but I am 
not sure in the boot process why).

Alan Chandler

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Re: Sid Synaptic authenticates with sudo

2012-06-16 Thread Joe
On Fri, 15 Jun 2012 17:08:19 -0500
Mark Allums wrote:

 Synaptic has begun asking for my user password rather than the root 
 password.  Why is this happening, and how do I make it stop?  I want 
 only users with root privileges to use
 apt/aptitude/synaptic/gdebi/etc. and I want the original behavior
The latest Synaptic starts differently:

My menu entry has been changed to synaptic-pkexec and no longer
functions at all. Running synaptic-pkexec under sudo throws a GTK
fault, running it alone invokes an authentication dialogue which does
not accept my user password but does accept the root password and then
gives the same GTK error.

I'm currently starting it with gksudo synaptic, when it requires my
user password. I'm hoping it will be fixed soon.


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Re: books on debian of a beginner nature?

2012-06-16 Thread Mika Suomalainen
On 15.06.2012 22:09, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 05:55:07PM +0100, keith wrote:
  On Sat, 2012-06-16 at 03:55 +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
   Mmmm, surely it is faster to read something than to listen to someone
   reading it aloud? 
  Perhaps not if you're blind
 I doubt a blind person would be asking for printed books on Debian.

This seems to be going offtopic but...

Blind person could ask books for Debian if they are written with
Braille, but they might be more rare than normal books about Debian.

[Mika Suomalainen]( ||

NOTICE! I am on mobile broadband with very limited time, so I cannot
read emails very much.
The best time to contact me is probably week ends when I have better
connectivity with good luck.

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emails?]( ||
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Re: Sid Synaptic authenticates with sudo

2012-06-16 Thread Tom H
On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 10:45 PM, Mark Allums wrote:
 On 6/15/2012 7:01 PM, Tom H wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 7:41 PM, Tom H wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 6:08 PM, Mark Allums wrote:

 Synaptic has begun asking for my user password rather than the root
 password.  Why is this happening, and how do I make it stop?  I want
 users with root privileges to use apt/aptitude/synaptic/gdebi/etc. and I
 want the original behavior restored.

 I don't have a Debian install with a DE to verify the following but
 I'd check /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/ where there's most
 likely a file defining the polkit admin users.

 (Do you have users on your system who can sudo to root and not su to

 check /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-debian-sudo.conf.

 From policykit-1_0.96-4+squeeze2.diff:

 +       # when building for Ubuntu, allow the admin group, on Debian use
 sudo group
 +       if [ $(DISTRO) = Ubuntu ]; then \
 +           /bin/echo -e


 +       elif [ $(DISTRO) = Debian ]; then \
 +           /bin/echo -e


 +       fi

 Looking at the changelog, this was done (unless I'm misunderstanding
 the entry) in 2010:

 policykit-1 (0.96-4) unstable; urgency=low

    * debian/rules
      - When building for Debian, install a localauthority.conf.d
        file which considers sudo group users as administrators.
        (Closes: #532499)

  -- Michael Biebl  Tue, 16 Nov 2010 23:21:50 +0100

 Thanks for that.  I should have realized.  It was indeed set to sudo.  A bit

 I am currently the only sudo-er, and I want it to stay that way.  I am also
 currently the only possessor of the root password.  (In event of my
 incapacity, they are in a safe place.)  Nevertheless, there are (some
 possibly silly) reasons for my distress.  Anyway...

 Oddly, if this change was made so long ago, then why did it just now change
 behavior on my Sid machines, and why has it not happened to my Wheezy

 It is unique to Synaptic (it seems) on my Sid machines.  For instance,
 starting a root terminal brings up the usual Enter the administrative
 password dialog.  Also, on my Wheezy machines, the setting is the same, but
 on them, Synaptic still asks for the root password, not the user password.

 So, while Policykit is a good lead, but I don't think it is the source of
 the change.

 Thanks for your suggestions,

You're welcome. PolicyKit can be more fine-grained than just setting
an admin group. You can find specific synaptic authorizations by
running pkaction and then display the actual authorization with
pkaction --verbose --action-id actionname.

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Re: Sid Synaptic authenticates with sudo

2012-06-16 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 4:15 AM, Joe wrote:
 On Fri, 15 Jun 2012 17:08:19 -0500
 Mark Allums wrote:

 Synaptic has begun asking for my user password rather than the root
 password.  Why is this happening, and how do I make it stop?  I want
 only users with root privileges to use
 apt/aptitude/synaptic/gdebi/etc. and I want the original behavior

 The latest Synaptic starts differently:

 My menu entry has been changed to synaptic-pkexec and no longer
 functions at all. Running synaptic-pkexec under sudo throws a GTK
 fault, running it alone invokes an authentication dialogue which does
 not accept my user password but does accept the root password and then
 gives the same GTK error.

 I'm currently starting it with gksudo synaptic, when it requires my
 user password. I'm hoping it will be fixed soon.

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Re: Sid Synaptic authenticates with sudo

2012-06-16 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 4:34 AM, Tom H wrote:

 You're welcome. PolicyKit can be more fine-grained than just setting
 an admin group. You can find specific synaptic authorizations by
 running pkaction and then display the actual authorization with
 pkaction --verbose --action-id actionname.

Looking at Joe's post [1], made me realize that you might have to look
for a pkexec or policykit.exec action rather than a synaptic


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Re: ..selling a surplus wintendo sticker, was: dd_rescue No additional sense

2012-06-16 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2012-06-16 at 18:01 +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
 Maybe this?:
 Just some results from 'intel microsoft vista home basic scandal'
 search on Google:

I dunno, nevertheless I enjoyed reading :).


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Re: something about slurm-llnl

2012-06-16 Thread Curt
On 2012-06-16, lina wrote:

 I have purged the slurm based on the suggestions and my failure
 attempt to configure it.

 Thanks for all and have a nice weekend,

Sorry about that. I didn't realize you were clustered because as I
mentioned those other threads where you mention your clustered state, I
haven't read them.  I feel like I'm only really responsable for reading
and understanding the thread in which I am participating, which as
others are quite eager to point out I sometimes fail at quite miserably.
I just don't have the time to read everything.  

I feel guilty though that you 'purged the slurm' (great expression,
thank you) because maybe it would have been of some use to you
performance-wise(?).  Perhaps some kind and informative person could help
you configure the slurm, or tell us whether it would be worth your while
to run the slurm at all. 

Good luck.

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Re: books on debian of a beginner nature?

2012-06-16 Thread Ralf Mardorf

  I doubt a blind person would be asking for printed books on Debian.

 Blind person could ask books for Debian if they are written with
 Braille, but they might be more rare than normal books about Debian.

My English is broken, but perhaps the term printed isn't valid for
braille. I suspect that for big books braille readers prefer ebooks to
paper books.

Important Facts

English Grade Two Braille
Includes all of the paragraph headings in the New King James Version
Eighteen  hard-cover bound volumes - Four New Testament volumes -
Fourteen Old Testament volumes
Takes 60 inches of shelf space that is twelve inches high and twelve
inches deep
Weights just over 64 pounds
Our current cost to produce each volume is $19.00 or $342.00 for a
complete Bible. -

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What one of the problems has been?

2012-06-16 Thread Sam
Surgery at a young age resulting in an oral implant that made it difficlt
to brush teeth, and mouthwash was always medically necessary, consistent
denial of it in a socially awkward way due to alcohol content perhaps ? All
parties invoved , due to what has happened already, and at fault, perhaps
one option is i get to conserve them instead, and get all their property
too, or an eye an eye is an option too

How to use spamfilters at home

2012-06-16 Thread Ralf Mardorf
Hi :)

do spamfilters for our MUAs interact with libraries used for servers?
At home we easily can mark junk manually. Joe and Sam for example aren't
really annoying for me. OTOH I sometimes use the spamfilter to sort out
mailing list threads, that aren't important for me and indeed, it works
too, neither mails from a list, nor from the author are filtered, only
the thread is filtered. This is easier to do, than to add a filter for
mail that isn't spam.

Unfortunately Joe and Sam still aren't filtered by the Debian mailing
list filter, but fortunately threads that aren't important for me, also
aren't filtered by the list server.

Is there such an interaction and if so, are there rules how we should
handle junk by our MUAs?


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Re: How to use spamfilters at home

2012-06-16 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2012-06-16 at 11:55 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 Hi :)
 do spamfilters for our MUAs interact with libraries used for servers?
 At home we easily can mark junk manually. Joe and Sam for example aren't
 really annoying for me. OTOH I sometimes use the spamfilter to sort out
 mailing list threads, that aren't important for me and indeed, it works
 too, neither mails from a list, nor from the author are filtered, only
 the thread is filtered. This is easier to do, than to add a filter for
 mail that isn't spam.
 Unfortunately Joe and Sam still aren't filtered by the Debian mailing
 list filter, but fortunately threads that aren't important for me, also
 aren't filtered by the list server.
 Is there such an interaction and if so, are there rules how we should
 handle junk by our MUAs?

PS: how to handle spam web searches only lead to answers that we
shouldn't reply to spam, shouldn't buy from spammers etc..

FAQs regarding to databases until now didn't answer my question too.

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Re: resize pictures received by mailserver

2012-06-16 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Fri, 15 Jun 2012 18:26:08 +0100, Tixy wrote in message

 On Fri, 2012-06-15 at 04:34 +0200, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
  On Thu, 14 Jun 2012 01:37:18 -0500, Christofer wrote in message
It's much simpler to do:
 mogrify -resize '800x600' testimage.jpg
or to limit it to 800 in any dimension
 mogrify -resize '800x800' testimage.jpg
(These commands preserve aspect ratio and only resize if image
is greater than the given dimensions.)  
   Well, color me impressed!  I didn't know about that notation.
   That certainly would have saved me a lot of pain with some shell
   scripts I wrote awhile back for image management!  I'll keep that
   in my bag of tricks and thank you for the tip!
  ..I lost you guys here; is the new trick in the bag the use 
  of mogrify, or is it putting the  in '800x600', inside 
  the single quotes, typo style like?
 It's the  but as that is treated specially by shells, you need to
 include the argument in '' or take other precautions.

..ah, thanks.

 imagemagic has a wealth of options, it's well worth reading them
 whenever you have an image manipulation task. [1] 

..aye, I went the graphicsmagick route but I don't recall why. ;o)

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: LSI MegaRAID SAS 9240-4i hangs system at boot

2012-06-16 Thread Ramon Hofer
On Fri, 15 Jun 2012 16:40:56 -0500
Stan Hoeppner wrote:

 Well lets look at this more closely.  The disks may not be bad.  How
 old are they?  Send me your dmesg output:

Sorry I forgot to write the last time: The WD20EARS I have bough
between 14. Dec 2010 and 01. Oct 2011.

Maybe it was also caused by inappripriate cooling.
I'm copying the things from the old raid md9 to the new linear array
while have the old disks in the old case and still directly attached to
the mobo.
The new raid disks are already in the Nroco case. They're attached over
the expander to the LSI which is in the Asus mobo mounted in the old
The expander and all of the disks are powered from the same PSU which
powers the mobo etc.

I had to do this because the sata cables are too short to mount the
mobo in the Norco. Unfortunately I can't connect the fans from the
Norco because these wires are too short as well. But I thought just to
copy things over and having only these four disks in the Norco it would
be ok :-?

Do you think this could cause the problem?


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Re: How to use spamfilters at home

2012-06-16 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 11:55 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 Unfortunately Joe and Sam still aren't filtered by the Debian mailing
 list filter, but fortunately threads that aren't important for me, also
 aren't filtered by the list server.

I assume that by Joe you mean Joe Assistly.

The emails that I've received from him weren't addressed to the list
so l.d.o's spam filters were in no way involved.

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Re: How to use spamfilters at home

2012-06-16 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2012-06-16 at 13:09 +0200, Tom H wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 11:55 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  Unfortunately Joe and Sam still aren't filtered by the Debian mailing
  list filter, but fortunately threads that aren't important for me, also
  aren't filtered by the list server.
 I assume that by Joe you mean Joe Assistly.
 The emails that I've received from him weren't addressed to the list
 so l.d.o's spam filters were in no way involved.

You're right. Anyway, my question is about a shared database for spam,
between spamfilters for home computer MUA and servers such as mailing
list servers. I suspect that (for good reasons) there usually isn't such
a shared database.

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Re: Syslogd message...............

2012-06-16 Thread Charlie
 On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 11:30:34 +0700 Sthu Deus
 suggested this:

  mount /mnt/lpics
 mount: special device /dev/sdd1 does not exist  

Why don't You mount /dev/sdb1 but /dev/sdd1 ?

Also, You can mount by UUID.

What I would do in Your situation is:

. connect HDD directly;

It changes the device from /dev/sdb1 to /dev/sdd1 and back again.

I am now mounting it as /dev/sdb1. That's what it has always been, and
then it started to drop out while I was looking through the files and
wouldn't mount and came up as /dev/sdd1 etc..

It keeps shifting, but it's working without error for now.

It's connected to a laptop, it's a laptop drive in an enclosure. Anyway
it's mounting again now.

Interesting. I'll just have to see if it drops out again.

Be well,
**  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **
Registered Linux User:- 329524

Never doubt the potential of creative idleness being a way of life. Man
was elevated from the barbarian state by those who were idle, but
thought a lot. ---anon

Debian GNU/Linux - just the best way to create magic

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Re: How to use spamfilters at home

2012-06-16 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 01:19:44PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 You're right. Anyway, my question is about a shared database for spam,
 between spamfilters for home computer MUA and servers such as mailing
 list servers. I suspect that (for good reasons) there usually isn't such
 a shared database.

And if there was, mails like sams would be designed to bugger them up?
mmm, so there probably is a shared database, or set of rules to grade
each mail.

As to a possible home/SOHO solution, have a look at bogofilter:

tal% apt-cache show bogofilter
Package: bogofilter
Source: bogofilter (1.2.2+dfsg1-1)
Version: 1.2.2+dfsg1-1+b1
Installed-Size: 21
Maintainer: Serafeim Zanikolas
Architecture: i386
Depends: bogofilter-common, bogofilter-bdb | bogofilter-db
Description-en: fast Bayesian spam filter (dummy package)
 This package implements a fast Bayesian spam filter along the lines
 suggested by Paul Graham in his article A Plan For Spam.
 This version substantially improves on Paul's proposal by doing
 smarter lexical analysis.  In particular, hostnames and IP addresses are
 retained as recognition features rather than broken up. Various kinds of
 MTA cruft such as dates and message-IDs are discarded so as not to
 bloat the word lists.
Description-md5: 968ec277af1658df73a6620e1ea6c7f7
Tag: implemented-in::c, interface::commandline, mail::filters, role::dummy,
 role::metapackage, role::program, use::filtering,
 use::scanning, works-with::mail
Section: mail
Priority: optional
Size: 982
MD5sum: d1b25bf1a2b93b933ad6f3c5dfcfdcba
SHA1: 8ad5c3a9079461506bbdc65ea38a5f5c66b7fc79
SHA256: c8c09bf7cf61cb88b0c6002cd6c6ebef536e18c96c36da411b0707527b129a69

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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not autocompleting

2012-06-16 Thread mk bane
A while ago I upgraded to Squeeze.
I've noticed filename completion does not appear to work for some commands,
such as oocalc.
Anybody point me the direction of a solution?


Re: configuring interface configuring MTA time out

2012-06-16 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 15 Jun 2012 19:56:59 -0400, Gilbert Sullivan wrote:

 On 06/15/2012 12:58 PM, Camaleón wrote:


 Thank you for your ideas, and I'll return to this thread when I have
 any kind of information.
 Ok, keep us informed. I feel curious about what's going on here :-)
 Just a note about an observation. Just for grins -- even though name
 resolution was working fine -- I checked the contents of
 /etc/resolv.conf. They are listed below:
 # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by
 This is with the system connected at a location that does use Comcast as
 its ISP. But the contents of this file are not at all what I'd expect. I
 tried adding
 to /etc/network/interfaces. Rebooting made no difference in the contents
 of /etc/resolv.conf. Is that because something weird is going on, or
 because the changes in netscript that happened at the time of the update
 have changed the way resolvconf works? I suspect the latter due to other
 information available.

If you are using the resolvconf package I bet you have to trust what 
the /etc/revolv.conf file warning says in uppercase about do not 
editing the file because is dynamically changed ;-)

OTOH, I never used this package before, I don't know what's for nor how 
is configured so I can't give you any feedback on this other than reading 
the available docs and man pages :-)



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Re: not autocompleting

2012-06-16 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 14:16:51 +0100, mk bane wrote:

 A while ago I upgraded to Squeeze.
 I've noticed filename completion does not appear to work for some
 commands, such as oocalc.
 Anybody point me the direction of a solution? Thanks,

Is it only failing for a specific set of filenames (OOo)?

If so, there has to be a file at /etc/bash_completion.d/ for 
that purpose, installed by package.



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Re: How to use spamfilters at home

2012-06-16 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 01:09 +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
 tal% apt-cache show bogofilter

On Debian I don't use a mailer at the moment and on Ubuntu I'm already
using bogofilter. Bogofilter is working perfect for me.

I'm asking for a shared database, because some are still annoyed by Joe
and Sam. With a shared database, others might benefit from others
trained filters.

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Re: How to use spamfilters at home

2012-06-16 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 11:55:44 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 do spamfilters for our MUAs interact with libraries used for servers? 


No. What you can do is using the server-side spamfilter tags to instruct 
your MUA to act in the way you prefer (if your MUA's anti-spam filter can 
read from the headers).

 Is there such an interaction and if so, are there rules how we should
 handle junk by our MUAs?

Better if you expand what's your goal.



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Re: Sid Synaptic authenticates with sudo

2012-06-16 Thread Joe
On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 04:46:32 -0400
Tom H wrote:

 On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 4:15 AM, Joe wrote:
  On Fri, 15 Jun 2012 17:08:19 -0500
  Mark Allums wrote:
  Synaptic has begun asking for my user password rather than the root
  password.  Why is this happening, and how do I make it stop?  I
  want only users with root privileges to use
  apt/aptitude/synaptic/gdebi/etc. and I want the original behavior
  The latest Synaptic starts differently:
  My menu entry has been changed to synaptic-pkexec and no longer
  functions at all. Running synaptic-pkexec under sudo throws a GTK
  fault, running it alone invokes an authentication dialogue which
  does not accept my user password but does accept the root password
  and then gives the same GTK error.
  I'm currently starting it with gksudo synaptic, when it requires my
  user password. I'm hoping it will be fixed soon.

Yes, I found that, and the last section is the same as I quoted from the
Launchpad site. That bug appears to be considered fixed on 11th June,
the problem I'm having seems to be the result of the bugfix and began
about three days ago, with the 0.75.12 version of Synaptic.

I was only quoting the bugfix as a reference for the fact that Synaptic
launching had changed, I'm assuming my issue is actually with GTK, or
some obscure configuration of it, and the change of Synaptic has just
highlighted it.


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Re: Adobe Flash in Chromium out of date: stable debian

2012-06-16 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 15 Jun 2012 11:05:16 -0500, John W. Foster wrote:

 Far a while now the adobe flash player/plugin in Debian's Chromium
 browser has been 'out of date' with the approriate warnings popping up ,
 asking to update the flashplayer. I thought the flashplayer was 'built
 in' in Chromium as it is in Google Chrome. I have both installed and
 that appears to be the case in both cases. Neithe is up to date. 

It seems¹ that at least for Chromium you have to get some plugins from an 
external source:

(...) Chromium implements a similar feature set as Chrome, but lacks 
built-in automatic updates, built-in PDF reader and built-in Flash 
player, as well as Google branding and has a blue-colored logo instead of 
the multicolored Google logo.

 When I hit the 'update plugin' it sent me to adobes site to download the
 updated flash player. 

That's also what Firefox does, it tells you about the installed plugins 
and their versions and what need to be updated.

 Now I already have the debian flashplugin-nonfree installed, so what
 is up with this. Are all of these 'out of date'? or just the

AFAIK, flashplugin-nonfree does not automatically update the plugin for 
you, it needs from manual interactiaon as explained here².

 Does Chromium actually have flashplayer built in? 

After reading the Wikipedia article, I'd say it doesn't.

 Yes I can hit 'run anyway, but its not what I want to do. Any ideas on 
 how to fix this. BTW: Iceweasel does not show this issue. Just runs too
 slow for me. Thanks!!

Iceweasel slow? At least for me Firefox 13 is fast as hell :-)




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Re: configuring interface configuring MTA time out

2012-06-16 Thread Gilbert Sullivan
On 06/16/2012 10:42 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 If you are using the resolvconf package I bet you have to trust what 
 the /etc/revolv.conf file warning says in uppercase about do not 
 editing the file because is dynamically changed ;-)
 OTOH, I never used this package before, I don't know what's for nor how 
 is configured so I can't give you any feedback on this other than reading 
 the available docs and man pages :-)

Hi, Camaleón!

Oh yes. I know now to fiddle with that file -- and any other that warns
twinkies like me to keep hands off!

I believe I am in the process of learning something of real use from
Matthew Grant, who has been corresponding with me wrt Bug# 677642 on the
Debian BTS.

I've been wondering why the resolvconf package was apparently behaving
differently than it used to behave, and why the /etc/resolv.conf looked
different than it used to look.

Matthew pointed out that my use of netscript 2.4 is sort of non-standard
for a regular Debian desktop. From the information he gave me, I think
I've figured out that this package was installed (and ifupdown removed)
because I've installed virtualbox, in preparation for testing some
virtual machines. I hadn't realized that my whole networking paradigm
had changed recently just because of the installation of virtualbox,
though it does makes sense that special configurations have to be made
to enable VMs to use networking.

Anyway, though aptitude says it's a suggested package for netscript
I've actually removed resolvconf, and now my /etc/resolv.conf file looks
more or less the way it used to look.

Diagnosing all of this was made tougher by the fact that my ISP had
accidentally botched my cable modem setup so that it was no longer
bridging properly, and name resolution was whacked on their side as well
as on mine. I had to work my way back from their modem to my router to
my system, doing diagnostics on each one and figuring out which symptom
was caused by what problem.

As I'm home for the weekend now, using DHCP, I'm not at one of the
locations where I use a fixed IP address. I imagine that I'll get to
continue working on this on Monday. (We run a business from home, and
the family isn't about to let me fiddle around any more with the home
network now that we've finally got things corrected by the ISP.)


I'll be back!


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Re: Syslogd message...............

2012-06-16 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 08:14:03 +1000, Charlie wrote:

 This happens with both powered and powered only through a USB
 connection, external hard drives. Both with ext3 file systems:
 Message from syslogd@nomad at Jun 16 08:04:30 ... kernel:[ 3187.986721]
 journal commit I/O error

Being USB volumes in external enclosures it can be that they were badly 
umounted and thus the message. I would run fsck over the umounted 
volumes to check for any errors in the filesystem.

 Seems to be more funny things happening with this testing system than
 anything ever previously? [laughing]

It can be... newer kernels do funny things :-)
 But I shouldn't compare.

Why not? Useful comparisons can help to solve possible regressions.



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Re: configuring interface configuring MTA time out

2012-06-16 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Fri, 15 Jun 2012 19:56:59 -0400, Gilbert Sullivan wrote:
 On 06/15/2012 12:58 PM, Camaleón wrote:

 Thank you for your ideas, and I'll return to this thread when I have
 any kind of information.

 Ok, keep us informed. I feel curious about what's going on here :-)

 Just a note about an observation. Just for grins -- even though name
 resolution was working fine -- I checked the contents of
 /etc/resolv.conf. They are listed below:

 # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by

 This is with the system connected at a location that does use Comcast as
 its ISP. But the contents of this file are not at all what I'd expect. I
 tried adding


 to /etc/network/interfaces. Rebooting made no difference in the contents
 of /etc/resolv.conf. Is that because something weird is going on, or
 because the changes in netscript that happened at the time of the update
 have changed the way resolvconf works? I suspect the latter due to other
 information available.

 If you are using the resolvconf package I bet you have to trust what
 the /etc/revolv.conf file warning says in uppercase about do not
 editing the file because is dynamically changed ;-)

Since you have nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf, I'd guess
that you have dnsmasq running and that it forwards your queries to and when you specify them in

If you are running dnsmasq, ps ax o cmd | grep dnsmasq should give
you the full command that launched it as well as the file that has the
external dns servers (that's what I used on a new Ubuntu 12.04
desktop install on which resolvconf and dnsmasq are installed by
default; the server's been spared dnsmasq...).

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Re: configuring interface configuring MTA time out

2012-06-16 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 13:06:11 -0400, Gilbert Sullivan wrote:

 On 06/16/2012 10:42 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 If you are using the resolvconf package I bet you have to trust what
 the /etc/revolv.conf file warning says in uppercase about do not
 editing the file because is dynamically changed ;-)
 OTOH, I never used this package before, I don't know what's for nor how
 is configured so I can't give you any feedback on this other than
 reading the available docs and man pages :-)
 Hi, Camaleón!
 Oh yes. I know now to fiddle with that file -- and any other that warns
 twinkies like me to keep hands off!
 I believe I am in the process of learning something of real use from
 Matthew Grant, who has been corresponding with me wrt Bug# 677642 on the
 Debian BTS.
 I've been wondering why the resolvconf package was apparently behaving
 differently than it used to behave, and why the /etc/resolv.conf looked
 different than it used to look.
 Matthew pointed out that my use of netscript 2.4 is sort of non-standard
 for a regular Debian desktop. 


And he is right. 

The first thing I would do is removing that package if you don't need it 
at all (I don't have it installed, BTW, and running apt-cache rdepends 
netscript returns void so no other package seems to depend on it).



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Re: Adobe Flash in Chromium out of date: stable debian

2012-06-16 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2012-06-16 at 16:46 +, Camaleón wrote:
 Iceweasel slow? At least for me Firefox 13 is fast as hell :-)

Firefox is very fast, fast enough for my needs, but it can't compare to
browsers with less features on my machine. Firefox 13 sometimes force me
to kill it and sometimes to reset the computer. Independent to the
distro, OTOH all distros I run that are buggy, use similar versions of
software, such as the DE. The issues I get usually lead to hardware that
will brake soon, but I don't think that hardware is near to brake on my
machine, since outdated Linux installs are still stable and other people
running current versions of software, report much more serious issues
than I get.

Btw. my Debian install still is on Iceweasel 12.x and I won't upgrade to
13 at the moment.

Regarding to the speed, IMO Firefox and Iceweasel are fast enough for
relatively fast ADSL, the difference to other browsers is hardly
noticeable, but I suspect that in combination with less fast Internet
access, other browser are better. Mozillas always where my favorite
browsers and they still are, even if I don't like some changes such as
the way the histories are handled today, most features are still better
as they're for other browsers.

BOT, yes, Iceweasel and Firefox are slow. It doesn't matter on fast
machines with fast Internet access.


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Re: Adobe Flash in Chromium out of date: stable debian

2012-06-16 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2012-06-16 at 19:29 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sat, 2012-06-16 at 16:46 +, Camaleón wrote:
  Iceweasel slow? At least for me Firefox 13 is fast as hell :-)
 Firefox is very fast, fast enough for my needs, but it can't compare to
 browsers with less features on my machine.

 the difference to other browsers is hardly noticeable

Ambivalent, contradictory? Yesno, it's noticeable and I suspect on a
slow machine or with less good Internet access, it would become
extremely noticeable.

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Re: configuring interface configuring MTA time out

2012-06-16 Thread Gilbert Sullivan
On 06/16/2012 01:28 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 13:06:11 -0400, Gilbert Sullivan wrote:
 On 06/16/2012 10:42 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 If you are using the resolvconf package I bet you have to trust what
 the /etc/revolv.conf file warning says in uppercase about do not
 editing the file because is dynamically changed ;-)

 OTOH, I never used this package before, I don't know what's for nor how
 is configured so I can't give you any feedback on this other than
 reading the available docs and man pages :-)

 Hi, Camaleón!

 Oh yes. I know now to fiddle with that file -- and any other that warns
 twinkies like me to keep hands off!

 I believe I am in the process of learning something of real use from
 Matthew Grant, who has been corresponding with me wrt Bug# 677642 on the
 Debian BTS.

 I've been wondering why the resolvconf package was apparently behaving
 differently than it used to behave, and why the /etc/resolv.conf looked
 different than it used to look.

 Matthew pointed out that my use of netscript 2.4 is sort of non-standard
 for a regular Debian desktop. 
 And he is right. 
 The first thing I would do is removing that package if you don't need it 
 at all (I don't have it installed, BTW, and running apt-cache rdepends 
 netscript returns void so no other package seems to depend on it).

Well, I'm in the situation of not being sure whether or not it's a good
idea for me to remove netscript 2.4 and go back to ifupdown. Apparently,
netscript was pulled in by virtualbox. I installed that weeks ago so
that I could do some testing of a couple of other GNU/Linux operating
systems, and also so that I could fire up an old database analysis
package in a DOS VM. If and when I actually create them, I'm going to
want to use networking for some of those VMs, and I'm not sure how well
that will work without netscript.

Anyway, the previous version of netscript never seemed to cause me any
problems. It was the new one (version 2.4) that appears to have made
things go a little weird on this system.

In point of fact, my basic networking works well enough -- other than
the delay in boot times when I'm connected by a fixed IP address. And
even that is easily overcome by simply hitting Ctrl+C.

I guess there's no harm in doing some experimentation with the various
packages to see if I can find a comfortable solution. I guess if I have
troubles with networking VMs I could always go back to netscript.

I do think that it's interesting that aptitude suggests resolvconf for
the netscript package. But I removed resolvconf this morning, and name
resolution started working again. Unfortunately, a fiasco with the ISP
settings for the cable modem and problems with their name servers (and
the correction of same this morning) has muddied the waters enough that
I can't really be certain which action fixed what problem.

Now I don't even really know whether or not I should be pursuing the bug
report I filed against netscript. I don't want to be making stupid
noises for the maintainers just when they really need to be
concentrating on stuff that actually matters for the upcoming Wheezy freeze.

As always, thanks!

Best regards,

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Re: Adobe Flash in Chromium out of date: stable debian

2012-06-16 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 19:29:08 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 On Sat, 2012-06-16 at 16:46 +, Camaleón wrote:
 Iceweasel slow? At least for me Firefox 13 is fast as hell :-)


 BOT, yes, Iceweasel and Firefox are slow. It doesn't matter on fast
 machines with fast Internet access.

That can be because you are using too many addons within Firefox, IIRC.

Anyway, I'm using Firefox 13 in a power system (8 GiB of ram, quad-core 
and FTTH), yes... but Iceweasel 10 is what I have in my netbook (2 GiB of 
ram, Atom and standard 10 Mbps/800 Kbps DSL line) and still fast as hell.

The only common thing both share is that there's no single addon on them 
but the usual plugins (java, flash and multimedia stuff) :-)



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Re: configuring interface configuring MTA time out

2012-06-16 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 13:47:38 -0400, Gilbert Sullivan wrote:

 On 06/16/2012 01:28 PM, Camaleón wrote:

 Matthew pointed out that my use of netscript 2.4 is sort of
 non-standard for a regular Debian desktop.
 And he is right.
 The first thing I would do is removing that package if you don't need
 it at all (I don't have it installed, BTW, and running apt-cache
 rdepends netscript returns void so no other package seems to depend on
 Well, I'm in the situation of not being sure whether or not it's a good
 idea for me to remove netscript 2.4 and go back to ifupdown. 

You have to ask yourself if you really need that package in your system. 
I never heard of it before nor read about it is needed for running VB nor 
any other virtual machine :-?

 Apparently, netscript was pulled in by virtualbox. 

You have to check this because at a first glance, I see no hard 
requirements for netscript to be pulled with virtualbox.

 I installed that weeks ago so that I could do some testing of a couple
 of other GNU/Linux operating systems, and also so that I could fire up
 an old database analysis package in a DOS VM. If and when I actually
 create them, I'm going to want to use networking for some of those VMs,
 and I'm not sure how well that will work without netscript.

It looks rather a complex package that integrates within your host 
networking settings so unless you really need it and you know how to 
configure to play nice with your current setup, I would ditch it.

Sorry but if I had to choose between the host or the guest, first comes 
the host. And the network stack is vital for any system, it has to be 
solid as a rock and you have to know how to deal with it when things like 
this happen. If that's not the case, return to the well-known networking 
 Anyway, the previous version of netscript never seemed to cause me any
 problems. It was the new one (version 2.4) that appears to have made
 things go a little weird on this system.


Yes, it can be. But to my taste, the description¹ for that package leads 
me to think is not aimed for beginners (meaning: I would not install it 
in my systems unless I really really know what I'm doing :-P).

(...) DON'T use this on a pure server - it is VERY useful for a Virtual 
Machine server with complex networking needs. This is because of its 
comprehensive network configuration capabilities. Thus it is a tempting 
replacement when you have to rip out NetworkManager on a server.

It's scaring :-}




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Re: ..selling a surplus wintendo sticker, was: dd_rescue No additional sense

2012-06-16 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 11:03:33 +0200, Ralf wrote in message 

 On Sat, 2012-06-16 at 18:01 +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
  Maybe this?:
  Just some results from 'intel microsoft vista home basic scandal'
  search on Google:
 I dunno, nevertheless I enjoyed reading :).

..well, it's no wonder Microsoft has a problem with people 
selling counterfeit Microsoft stickers, that's forgery and 
fraud, but it's refreshing to see them caring about it as a 
way to stop software piracy.   

..and, I'm _perfectly_ ok with losing my right to run Wintendo 
XP Pro, exactly by selling that right to somebody else and in 
return for money, that's exactly how a lawful sale works. ;o)

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: configuring interface configuring MTA time out

2012-06-16 Thread Gilbert Sullivan
On 06/16/2012 01:24 PM, Tom H wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Fri, 15 Jun 2012 19:56:59 -0400, Gilbert Sullivan wrote:
 On 06/15/2012 12:58 PM, Camaleón wrote:

 Thank you for your ideas, and I'll return to this thread when I have
 any kind of information.

 Ok, keep us informed. I feel curious about what's going on here :-)

 Just a note about an observation. Just for grins -- even though name
 resolution was working fine -- I checked the contents of
 /etc/resolv.conf. They are listed below:

 # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by

 This is with the system connected at a location that does use Comcast as
 its ISP. But the contents of this file are not at all what I'd expect. I
 tried adding


 to /etc/network/interfaces. Rebooting made no difference in the contents
 of /etc/resolv.conf. Is that because something weird is going on, or
 because the changes in netscript that happened at the time of the update
 have changed the way resolvconf works? I suspect the latter due to other
 information available.

 If you are using the resolvconf package I bet you have to trust what
 the /etc/revolv.conf file warning says in uppercase about do not
 editing the file because is dynamically changed ;-)
 Since you have nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf, I'd guess
 that you have dnsmasq running and that it forwards your queries to and when you specify them in
 If you are running dnsmasq, ps ax o cmd | grep dnsmasq should give
 you the full command that launched it as well as the file that has the
 external dns servers (that's what I used on a new Ubuntu 12.04
 desktop install on which resolvconf and dnsmasq are installed by
 default; the server's been spared dnsmasq...).
Oh, shucks. I've changed things. Before seeing your reply I removed
resolvconf. Now that I did that, the /etc/resolv.conf file looks a
little more like what I'm used to seeing.

I am running dnsmasq, as it was one of aptitude's suggested packages
(along with resolvconf) for netscript, and I installed those yesterday
in hopes of resolving the problems with boot delays I figured were being
caused by netscript.

In case anyone is interested, the delays only happen on networks where
I've set the Wicd profile to use a fixed IP address. Oddly enough, those
delays look exactly like what I would expect from a system that is
trying (and failing) to get a DHCP lease from a non-functioning / absent
server -- two 60 sec. delays, one while configuring the interface, and
the other when starting the MTA. Oddly enough, I can ping this system
from another system on one of these networks (fixed IP), and the system
is using the specified fixed IP address by the time it gets to the login

FWIW, I tried the command you suggested and got:

$ ps ax o cmd | grep dnsmasq
/usr/sbin/dnsmasq -x /var/run/dnsmasq/ -u dnsmasq -7
grep dnsmasq

I suspect that it would have looked different if I had known to run it
before I removed resolvconf. At any rate, the current contents of
/etc/resolv.conf (at a location where DHCP is used) are:

$ cat /etc/resolv.conf

That's more like what I'm used to seeing. Name resolution is working
much better now, but there is the unfortunate coincidence that -- while
I was working on all of this -- the name resolution from the ISP was
messed up, and a signal they sent my modem switched it out of bridge
mode. I got that straightened out with them in a phone call this
morning, but it's kind of hard to tell just which problem was doing what
to my system. It's worth noting, however, that none of the other systems
(that don't have virtualbox installed and which aren't using netscript)
was having trouble with Internet connection or name resolution this morning.

Thank you for your suggestion. I took a quick look into some man pages
as a result, and it looks like I may have some interesting reading and
figuring to do over the next few days.

In the meantime, I'm kind of concerned that it may have been
counterproductive for me to file a bug report against netscript because
of the boot delays. I guess the maintainers are pretty busy these days
trying to deal with bugs before the freeze.

I appreciate your help in starting to get some idea of what's going on.
If you have suggestions about making this more of a learning experience
for me -- or if you have suggestions about what I should do about that
bug report -- please let me know. I'm a little 

Re: dd_rescue No additional sense

2012-06-16 Thread Jon Dowland
On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 07:33:13AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 I would copy the files (tar) instead of running some dd command. If it
 fails to copy a file, you could try again, just for this file. Broken
 drives tend to fail ;) and sometimes they need to rest some days before
 going on or a clap to release the heads.

Read up on dd_rescue.  It's much more reliable at recovering data than
any tool that relies on the filesystem being interpretable, such as tar.

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Re: Adobe Flash in Chromium out of date: stable debian

2012-06-16 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2012-06-16 at 17:48 +, Camaleón wrote:
 That can be because you are using too many addons within Firefox, IIRC.

3 addons + an Ubuntu-plug + Personas.

Is this much?

Iceweasel 12 for Debian is empty and regarding to the speed, it's the
same as for Firefox 13 on Ubuntu with add-ons.

Firefox 13 might be the cause for some other issues in combination with
nvidia 295.x on my machine. I'm not sure, but somebody on Arch Linux
mailing list experienced something similar.

 (java, flash and multimedia stuff)

Here too.

FWIW Debian still uses the nv driver.

- Ralf

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Re: dd_rescue No additional sense

2012-06-16 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2012-06-16 at 19:17 +0100, Jon Dowland wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 07:33:13AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  I would copy the files (tar) instead of running some dd command. If it
  fails to copy a file, you could try again, just for this file. Broken
  drives tend to fail ;) and sometimes they need to rest some days before
  going on or a clap to release the heads.
 Read up on dd_rescue.  It's much more reliable at recovering data than
 any tool that relies on the filesystem being interpretable, such as tar.

Flagged this email. No time to read about dd_rescue now. Btw. I was
mistaken, I didn't run tar, but cp for broken disks.

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Re: configuring interface configuring MTA time out

2012-06-16 Thread Gilbert Sullivan
On 06/16/2012 02:04 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 13:47:38 -0400, Gilbert Sullivan wrote:
 On 06/16/2012 01:28 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 Matthew pointed out that my use of netscript 2.4 is sort of
 non-standard for a regular Debian desktop.


 And he is right.

 The first thing I would do is removing that package if you don't need
 it at all (I don't have it installed, BTW, and running apt-cache
 rdepends netscript returns void so no other package seems to depend on

 Well, I'm in the situation of not being sure whether or not it's a good
 idea for me to remove netscript 2.4 and go back to ifupdown. 
 You have to ask yourself if you really need that package in your system. 
 I never heard of it before nor read about it is needed for running VB nor 
 any other virtual machine :-?

Time for me to do some research, isn't it?


But I did NOT install netscript on purpose. In examining
/var/log/apt/history.log I can see that it was actually installed when
netbase was upgraded (on 05/19) from version 4.47 to version 5.0. This
is also when ifupdown was automatically removed!

I was assuming that netscript had been installed (and ifupdown removed)
because of virtualbox because networking VMs is one of the supposed
reasons why netscript is needed. But, apparently, aptitude took it upon
itself to make this change when netbase was upgraded.

I'm obviously going to have to do a LOT more digging to begin to begin
to understand these relationships.

 Apparently, netscript was pulled in by virtualbox. 
 You have to check this because at a first glance, I see no hard 
 requirements for netscript to be pulled with virtualbox.

Yup, I was wrong, as I noted above. I made that assumption (about
virtualbox) because it was pointed out that netscript is sometimes
installed to make complex networking arrangements with virtual machines

I'm kind of working off the cuff this weekend. Lots of various problems
happening in one of those so-called perfect storms that beset the
unwary (like me) on occasion.

 I installed that weeks ago so that I could do some testing of a couple
 of other GNU/Linux operating systems, and also so that I could fire up
 an old database analysis package in a DOS VM. If and when I actually
 create them, I'm going to want to use networking for some of those VMs,
 and I'm not sure how well that will work without netscript.
 It looks rather a complex package that integrates within your host 
 networking settings so unless you really need it and you know how to 
 configure to play nice with your current setup, I would ditch it.
 Sorry but if I had to choose between the host or the guest, first comes 
 the host. And the network stack is vital for any system, it has to be 
 solid as a rock and you have to know how to deal with it when things like 
 this happen. If that's not the case, return to the well-known networking 

Your point is well taken. Of course, I'm one of those guys who doesn't
really mind a little craziness now and then -- even if it compromises
his productivity. Heck, I'm an old geezer. I'm lucky I can walk! Being
productive is just one of those nice-to-haves.


I may just hang in there with it as long as I have no serious problems
with it -- just in the interest of possibly learning something from the
experience. I can always fall back to the tried-and-true if need be.

 Anyway, the previous version of netscript never seemed to cause me any
 problems. It was the new one (version 2.4) that appears to have made
 things go a little weird on this system.
 Yes, it can be. But to my taste, the description¹ for that package leads 
 me to think is not aimed for beginners (meaning: I would not install it 
 in my systems unless I really really know what I'm doing :-P).

Hey, I'm a guy! The guys in my family have always LOVED fiddling with
stuff we don't understand, and having it blow up in our faces! I'm an
Alfred E. Neuman sort of guy, if you know what I mean.

 (...) DON'T use this on a pure server - it is VERY useful for a Virtual 
 Machine server with complex networking needs. This is because of its 
 comprehensive network configuration capabilities. Thus it is a tempting 
 replacement when you have to rip out NetworkManager on a server.
 It's scaring :-}

I'm off to do some reading. It'll take me some time because of
conflicting claims on my attention and a brain with a two-bit data path.
I'll be forthcoming if I

a) learn anything, or

b) suffer any hilarious consequences of my choices.

I'm not sure which way I prefer things to go. Heh.

Best regards,

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Incompatible group permission - Is it a bug?

2012-06-16 Thread Vivek Prakash

I am creating another user and placing an existing user in the group
of other user, hoping to write in the home directory of other user.
Sounds very simple!

# uname -a
Linux vini 2.6.38-11-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 12 21:18:14 UTC
2011 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
# whoami
# su root
# useradd -m -U foo   // create user foo
# usermod -a -G foo vivek  // add user `vivek' to group `foo'
# chmod 770 /home/foo/
# exit
# whoami
# cd /home/foo/
bash: cd: /home/foo/: Permission denied
# groups vivek
vivek : vivek foo

This is totally weird. Though user `vivek' is in group `foo', and
group bits for /home/foo/ is set to rwx, `vivek' can't chdir to
/home/foo/. I am not able to understand this.

But, if at the `exit' step, I switch to `vivek' user from root, this
is what happens:

# uname -a
Linux vini 2.6.38-11-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 12 21:18:14 UTC
2011 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
# whoami
# su root
# useradd -m -U foo   // create user foo
# usermod -a -G foo vivek  // add user `vivek' to group `foo'
# chmod 770 /home/foo/
# su vivek
# whoami
# cd /home/foo/
# ls

Now, whatever is happening here is totally incomprehensible. Does `su
vivek' inherits some permissions from the `root' user at this step?

Any explanations would be much appreciated.


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Re: what causes these apt-get/aptitude errors?

2012-06-16 Thread Neal Murphy
On Friday 15 June 2012 02:07:02 Claudius Hubig wrote:
 Hello Neal,
 Neal Murphy wrote:
  Aptitude also reports W: GPG error on
  squeeze/updates Release: the following signatures were invalid: NODATA
  So I give up. Next time I'm down there, I'm going to reinstall. Or maybe
  just install wheezy to keep both sites the same (the other site's
  hardware is too new for squeeze).
 Uhm, did you try using a different mirror? The GPG error is probably
 because APT feed GPG a non-existing/empty file (due to the networking

Yes. I tried the .uk. and .de. mirrors with marginal improvement.

Just now I defined as (MIT mirror) in 
/etc/hosts. Marginal change. /etc/hosts reverted.

Installed the https transport package to try https: in sources.list. But now I 
see a few Failed to connect to 2001:500:61:28::70: Network is unreachable 
(or address 2607:ea00:101:3c0b:207:e9ff:fe00:e595). Why are any IPV6 addrs 
being used? 

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Debian 6.0.5 and loadlin

2012-06-16 Thread Mike McClain
I'm accustomed to running loadlin to launch different versions
of Linux from dos and it's worked dependably for me for many years.
I installed a copy of squeeze yesterday on a partition, copied the
kernel and initrd to C: and tried to boot into squeeze but it just
resets the computer. It's a P3 system w/ Intel mobo and 512MB ram.
I've used both these commands with the same result:
loadlin vmlinuz.d60 root=/dev/sdb5 rw
loadlin vmlinuz.d60 root=/dev/sdb5 rw init=initrd.d60

Is there some reason the squeeze kernel won't run from loadlin
or is it the more likely scenario that I've goofed up somewhere?
Satisfied user of Linux since 1997.
O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

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Re: Incompatible group permission - Is it a bug?

2012-06-16 Thread Slavko

Dňa Sun, 17 Jun 2012 01:04:44 +0530 Vivek Prakash napísal:

 # whoami
 # cd /home/foo/
 bash: cd: /home/foo/: Permission denied
 # groups vivek
 vivek : vivek foo
 This is totally weird. Though user `vivek' is in group `foo', and
 group bits for /home/foo/ is set to rwx, `vivek' can't chdir to
 /home/foo/. I am not able to understand this.

IMO, you must to logout/login to new memberships can be in play :-)

or use the newgrp command.



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[SOLVED] Re: Network Security Services Update question

2012-06-16 Thread ricccardo
On Sun, 2012-06-10 at 10:44 +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 09 Jun 2012 22:55:58 +0200, ricccardo wrote:
  On Sat, 2012-06-09 at 20:34 +, Camaleón wrote:
   Is there some operation should I do to check if all is really working
  Ah! It seems that backports provides a libnss3 package so the
  conflict could had come by this. Are you using the backports
  dpkg -l | grep libnss
  ric@ricmbp:~$ dpkg -l | grep libnss
  ii  libnss3 2:3.13.4-3~bpo60+1  Network Security Service libraries 
  ii  libnss3-1d  2:3.13.4-3~bpo60+1  Network Security Service libraries - 
  transitional package
 Okay, as I thougth these packages are from the backports (note the bpo 
 in the name). Then the conflict could have been normal, and if you don't 
 experience any other problem there's no need to worry.
Thanks for your help.


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Firefox performance (was: Adobe Flash in Chromium out of date: stable debian)

2012-06-16 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 20:33:57 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 On Sat, 2012-06-16 at 17:48 +, Camaleón wrote:
 That can be because you are using too many addons within Firefox, IIRC.
 3 addons + an Ubuntu-plug + Personas.
 Is this much?

Yes. One is even too much ;-P
 Iceweasel 12 for Debian is empty and regarding to the speed, it's the
 same as for Firefox 13 on Ubuntu with add-ons.

I don't have Iceweasel 12 in wheezy, the stock browser is still 10.0.x, 
you have to be using the backported/debian mozilla version.

 Firefox 13 might be the cause for some other issues in combination with
 nvidia 295.x on my machine. I'm not sure, but somebody on Arch Linux
 mailing list experienced something similar.

I don't have any problem with Firefox and the closed source nvidia 
(173.14) driver. The only inconvenient is that Firefox cannotenable the 
3D capabilities (and I don't miss them) due to the old driver. Other than 
that, it works like a charm.
 (java, flash and multimedia stuff)
 Here too.
 FWIW Debian still uses the nv driver.

I also have a couple of machines with nv driver and firefox is still 
fast as hell there.



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Re: configuring interface configuring MTA time out

2012-06-16 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 15:05:50 -0400, Gilbert Sullivan wrote:

 On 06/16/2012 02:04 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 You have to ask yourself if you really need that package in your
 system. I never heard of it before nor read about it is needed for
 running VB nor any other virtual machine :-?
 Time for me to do some research, isn't it?
 But I did NOT install netscript on purpose. 

And that's a problem (or at least it would be for me) because you got 
installed a package that monopolizes (well, kind of) your networking and 
if you are not aware of that it can be a real disaster, not necessarily 
now but when you don't expect it (sorry, Murphy's Law, you know...).

Anyway, if the package was not there before I guess it can be safely 
removed unless you really need it.

 In examining /var/log/apt/history.log I can see that it was actually
 installed when netbase was upgraded (on 05/19) from version 4.47 to
 version 5.0. This is also when ifupdown was automatically removed!

Let's see, this is starting to make sense; netbase recommends ifupdown 
(a package that is also provided by the famous netscript) and given 
that ifupdown was removed, it could be that netscript occupied its place. 
In brief, a usual messing problem from a testing release :-)

 I was assuming that netscript had been installed (and ifupdown removed)
 because of virtualbox because networking VMs is one of the supposed
 reasons why netscript is needed. But, apparently, aptitude took it upon
 itself to make this change when netbase was upgraded.
 I'm obviously going to have to do a LOT more digging to begin to begin
 to understand these relationships.


I think I finally joined the dots. 

And I guess the same would have happened to me if I had not configured 
apt to do not install recommends nor suggests (this is the firt thing 
I do after installing a Debian system and now I'll do with an extra of 
motivation :-) )

 I may just hang in there with it as long as I have no serious problems
 with it -- just in the interest of possibly learning something from the
 experience. I can always fall back to the tried-and-true if need be.

malicious mode on
Ensure you always have an extra pair of fingers close to you, I mean, to 
press the Ctrl+C sequence when booting ;-P
malicious mode off
 Yes, it can be. But to my taste, the description¹ for that package
 leads me to think is not aimed for beginners (meaning: I would not
 install it in my systems unless I really really know what I'm doing
 Hey, I'm a guy! The guys in my family have always LOVED fiddling with
 stuff we don't understand, and having it blow up in our faces! I'm an
 Alfred E. Neuman sort of guy, if you know what I mean.


Okay, okay... yes, I think every Debian user has a little of madness in 
his/her deepest heart :-D



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Re: Incompatible group permission - Is it a bug?

2012-06-16 Thread Vivek Prakash
Hi Slavko,

On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 1:19 AM, Slavko wrote:
 IMO, you must to logout/login to new memberships can be in play :-)

 or use the newgrp command.

Thank you for these suggestions. They do work :)

I had a look at the newgrp source code and it does what i expect it to do.
newgrp is installed at /usr/bin/ with owner root and setuid bit on.
# ls -l `which newgrp`
-rwsr-xr-x root root /usr/bin/newgrp

This means that it is executed with root permission with any user. In
the code, it calls setgid(new_group_name) after routine checking for
permissions and prompts for password if necessary. After that it drops
its permission to the user who executed this command with
setuid(getuid()) and initializes the environment variables if `-'
option is given.

My point is that there is not some miracle happening here. What
happens under the hood that the new memberships don't come into play
if I don't  logout/login or change the group ID of a login session
using `newgrp' ? Is this behaviour expected? I don't think so. After
all, /etc/passwd  /etc/group and some other related files are read by
the functions in libc to check the permission whenever a user wants to
do something, for example change a directory or write to a file or
execute a binary, etc. What is it that the new memberships don't come
into play immediately? Most importantly, is this behavior desired
after all?

I would very much appreciate any explanation and answer.


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Re: what causes these apt-get/aptitude errors?

2012-06-16 Thread Claudius Hubig
Hello Neal,

Neal Murphy wrote:
 Installed the https transport package to try https: in sources.list. But now 
 see a few Failed to connect to 2001:500:61:28::70: Network is unreachable 
 (or address 2607:ea00:101:3c0b:207:e9ff:fe00:e595). Why are any IPV6 addrs 
 being used? 

Why not? The server probably has a  record and one of your
interfaces has a globally routable IPv6 address, which lets your
glibc (or whatever does resolving on your system) assume that you
have a working IPv6 address.

If you don’t like that, there is a switch somewhere in sysctl to
disable IPv6 completely, though I don’t see the point in that.

My guess is still that you have more-or-less local networking
problems, for whatever reason.

Best regards,

Your true value depends entirely on what you are compared with.  telnet 4242

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Re: [OT] Documenting new stuff (was: /tmp is too small)

2012-06-16 Thread Roger Leigh
On Sat, Jun 09, 2012 at 08:10:39PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 09 Jun 2012 20:01:33 +0200, Slavko wrote:
  Dňa Sat, 9 Jun 2012 16:36:39 + (UTC) Camaleón
  On Fri, 08 Jun 2012 00:04:46 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
  Andrei, I'd be more than glad to help here and create a wiki entry for
  the TMPFS status but I really don't follow close enough the latests
  developments and modifications that take place in Sid.
  As an example, I just have noticed:
  IMO, the both config files (/etc/default/rcS and /etc/default/tmpfs) are
  well commented. Then this wiki page can be simple pointer to files,
  where these settings are stored. No duplicate work is needed ;-)
 Mmm... did you recently read those files? I don't think so ;-P
 Those files contain no insightful information that can help the user to 
 decide if going with the new approach or staying with the old behaviour. 
 The wiki page can expand the concept of having /tmp in a virtual space 
 more than just pointing the users on how tweak a couple of variables.
 Although there's more info at the usual path /usr/share/doc/initscripts/
 README.Debian I still find it a bit intimidating for the newcomers.

As mentioned in the header of both these files, you should take a look
at the rcS(5) and tmpfs(5) manual pages, both of which go into much
more detail.  The files themselves only contain one line comments;
there's no point duplicating the entire manual page in the
configuration file.

If you would like additional information adding, please do file bugs,
patches if you have proposed text.  It's all in the public git repo.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild
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