Re: impossible to bring up eth0 without link up at boot time

2013-04-11 Thread Pascal Hambourg
admini a écrit :
 Le 09/04/2013 00:30, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :

 Si tu veux un GNU/Linux aussi user-friendly que Windows, il faut
 installer une interface graphique et les gadgets qui vont avec, comme
 NetworkManager et son applet graphique.

 exact. donc, une fois de plus. intervention lourde d'admin, et apt-get à 

Pas du tout. Il suffit de sélectionner la tâche environnement de
bureau lors de l'installation, et ça installera automatiquement tout ce
qu'il faut, y compris NetworkManager.

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Re: plus ou moins HS_Re: live CD Clamav Debian

2013-04-11 Thread Jérôme
Le lundi 08 avril 2013 à 15:58 +0200, maderios a écrit :
 Personnellement, je désactive java, sauf nécessité absolue.
 Concernant la personne que je dépanne : certains sites fonctionnent 
 partiellement si on désactive java, ce qui devient très gênant dans
 contexte professionnel ou administratif (impôts). 

Gênant ou pas, il ne faut activer java que pour les sites concernés pour
réduire drastiquement l'exposition, vu le nombre de mises à jour qu'il y
a eu ces derniers temps pour boucher les trous de la passoire. 
Sur Firefox, il y a des extensions qui vont bien. Dans la même idée, je
désinstallerais java6.

Un bon nettoyage réguliers des caches et ce genre de choses stockées
généralement dans le profile fait du bien aussi, les parasites se
cachent souvent dans la poussière.

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Re: impossible to bring up eth0 without link up at boot time

2013-04-11 Thread admini

Le 11/04/2013 09:44, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :

admini a écrit :

Le 09/04/2013 00:30, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :

Si tu veux un GNU/Linux aussi user-friendly que Windows, il faut
installer une interface graphique et les gadgets qui vont avec, comme
NetworkManager et son applet graphique.

exact. donc, une fois de plus. intervention lourde d'admin, et apt-get à

Pas du tout. Il suffit de sélectionner la tâche environnement de
bureau lors de l'installation, et ça installera automatiquement tout ce
qu'il faut, y compris NetworkManager.

alors, comme je l'ai dit tout au long de la file, sélectionner 
l'environnement graphique à l'installation ne suffit pas toujours. il a 
fallu que je bidouille pour que le réseau marche.

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Kmail extremement ralenti ....

2013-04-11 Thread zulian


J'ai kmail qui est trés trés ralenti

Voici un extrait des logs :
/usr/bin/kmail(32479) Soprano: QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid name
/usr/bin/kmail(32479) Soprano: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - 
The name was not provided by any 
.service files
/usr/bin/kmail(32479) Soprano: QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid name
kmail(32479) KMFolderMgr::removeFolderAux: Can not find parent folder for  
Dernière recherche 

Je ne comprends pas ce qu'il veut me dire.

Une idée ?

Frédéric ZULIAN

Okular et [mauvaise] impression

2013-04-11 Thread Mourad Jaber


J'essai de batailler avec le fonctionnement merdique de l'impression de okular, en 
particulier je cherche un équivalent de la mise à l'échelle de acrobat reader...

Parce que actuellement, c'est le chaos le plus total dans l'impression !

Le plus pénible est la non prise en compte de la surface d'impression qui a pour résultat 
que les PDF sont coupés en haut et éventuellement en bas ce qui est du plus bel effet pour 
des documents professionnels !!!

Le second plus pénible est la conservation des paramètres de l'impressions précédentes et 
il ne repend jamais les paramètres par défaut de l'imprimante ! Résultat, si je fait une 
impression en paysage, le prochain document sera tronqué de la partie qui ne rentre pas 
dans la feuille !!!

Au final, pour visualiser les documents, j'utilise okular, mais pour l'impression, je 
conserve un bon vieil Acrobat Reader que j'aimerai faire disparaître puisqu'il semble 
abandonné par son éditeur...

Si vous avez une idée pour corriger l'un où l'autre des points soulevés, je suis preneur 
(et les forêts aussi !)...



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Re: Okular et [mauvaise] impression

2013-04-11 Thread Bzzz
On Thu, 11 Apr 2013 19:41:05 +0200
Mourad Jaber wrote:

As-tu essayé evince?

A Ahah les mecs, aujourd'hui un gars au lycée se met a jouer avec son
téléphone portable et le prof lui balance Jeff, si continue, je te
jette ton portable par la fenêtre!!!
A m'en fout il a le mode avion
A Y'en a qui méritent des baffes...

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Re: Okular et [mauvaise] impression

2013-04-11 Thread Bernard Schoenacker

est il possible de faire un essai avec xpdf ou evince ?


Vif juge, trempez ce blond whisky aqueux
-- Piedanna, J. L.

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Re: live CD Clamav Debian

2013-04-11 Thread Manu Baylac


Le 05/04/2013 11:18, maderios a écrit :

Je dois désinfecter un portable windows7+firefox certainement affecté
d'un virus un ver (il redirige aléatoirement  les recherches google vers
des sites de m...). Evidemment, le Clamav installé est inopérant.
Connaissez vous un bon live cd basé sur Debian + Clamav ?
Je ne réponds pas exactement à ta question (quoiqu'avec le livecd 
F-secure basée sur Knoppix on s'en rapproche...), mais ça peut peut-être 
t'aider si tu ne connais pas.

Perso, j'ai testé DrWeb et F-secure, que j'ai trouvés chouettes. Mais 
finalement, les problèmes des ordis sur lesquels je les ai utilisé 
n'étaient pas dus à un virus, donc je ne peux pas faire de retour sur la 
qualité de la détection/ désinfection.


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Re: HS_Re: live CD Clamav Debian

2013-04-11 Thread Manu Baylac

Le 05/04/2013 16:11, maderios a écrit :

Tu mets le doigt là où ça fait mal pour ceux qui refusent de voir
l'évidence : ces (lamentables) problèmes de virus ou de ver proviennent
de  windows dont le système immunitaire est déficient. Quand un être
humain est très malade, il fait appel à des compétences extérieures, ici
Linux. Vouloir soigner un système vérolé de naissance, windows, par le
même système vérolé, windows, est voué à l'échec... La seule voie pour
le tirer d'affaire est la mise hors-service du système vérolé(windows)
et l'utilisation d'un outil extérieur et indépendant, ici Linux Debian +
antivirus Clamav.

Il fallait le dire. Je plussoie.


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Re: Okular et [mauvaise] impression

2013-04-11 Thread Mourad Jaber

Le 11/04/2013 19:47, Bzzz a écrit :

On Thu, 11 Apr 2013 19:41:05 +0200
Mourad Jaber wrote:

As-tu essayé evince?

Effectivement son option ajuster à la page fonctionne très bien, ça fera 
l'affaire !

Dommage que okular ne puisse pas apporter la même qualité de service...



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Re: [OT] Impresora multifunción WI-FI

2013-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 10 Apr 2013 16:49:29 -0300, Ariel Martín Bellio escribió:

 El 10/04/2013 10:28 a.m., Camaleón escribió:


 Pero si realmente no tienes más posibilidad que una impresora
 multifunción a chorro de tinta, no lo dudes: HP.

 Me recomendaron esta
 ¿Que opinan?

Las especificaciones, al menos sobre el papel, no son malas para un 
equipo multifunción:

Y en linux parece que está bien soportada por el controlador oficial 

Aunque tampoco estaría de más que, antes de lanzarte, buscaras en 
Google por ese modelo para ver qué se comenta sobre su uso en Debian 
o si tiene algún gordo conocido.

El precio PVP de los cartuchos originales está sobre los ~23€ (cada uno, 
aunque el negro es más caro) pero me parece que son de alta capacidad  
(dos mil y pico hojas). Son caros y no te recomiendo usar compatibles
o rellenarlos tú mismo. Es algo que deberás tener en cuenta, ya que, 
por ejemplo, cambiar todos los cartuchos te sale por la friolera de 

Avisado estás :-)



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Re: Monitorizar y cargar una determinada página web con nagios

2013-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 10 Apr 2013 20:25:29 +0200, Maykel Franco Hernandez escribió:

(ese html...)

 El abr 10, 2013 5:59 p.m., Camaleón escribió:


 Tienes esto por aquí: 
 Check status of remote machinesand obtain system information via SNMP

 Y mira... en español:

 Habilitar SNMP en Servidores Linux con CentOS  Red Hat

 Muchas gracias. Pensaba que el check_snmp era para monitorizar servicio

Hum... sería un pelín surrealista que Nagios no dispusiera de esa 
opción. De hecho, tendría que venir habilitado de manera predeterminada, 
digo, la opción de monitorización a través de eventos SNMP, al menos para 
que lo único que tuviera que hacer el administrador fuera activarlo a 
través del archivo de configuración y listo.



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Re: OT: Mucho de cierto y un poco de humor

2013-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 10 Apr 2013 14:56:53 -0400, Javier Sánchez González escribió:

 Esto circula por acá por nuestra lista de usuarios de las tecnologías
 libre. Saludos y que lo disfruten. El humor también es vida.
  ¿Cuantos usuarios de linux son necesarios para cambiar una


Juass X-)

Tan cierto que asusta. 

¿Con qué tipo de usuario linuxero-cojonero os identificáis? (y no vale 
elegir el último, que ya os veo venir). Yo no veo al mío que sería algo 

- 1 para buscar en Google como cambiar una bombilla




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Re: [OT] Impresora multifunción WI-FI

2013-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 11 Apr 2013 13:25:04 +, Camaleón escribió:


 Aunque tampoco estaría de más que, antes de lanzarte, buscaras en Google
 por ese modelo para ver qué se comenta sobre su uso en Debian o si tiene
 algún gordo conocido.

Bug, que me lo he comido :-)



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php5-suhosin en debian wheezy

2013-04-11 Thread Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez

Alguien sabe si el paquete php5-suhosin estará en debian wheezy?

en unstable esta pero no funciona.

Gracias de antemano y saludos.


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Re: OT: Mucho de cierto y un poco de humor

2013-04-11 Thread Ricardo Cruz Navarro
El día 11 de abril de 2013 09:00, Camaleón escribió:
 El Wed, 10 Apr 2013 14:56:53 -0400, Javier Sánchez González escribió:

 Esto circula por acá por nuestra lista de usuarios de las tecnologías
 libre. Saludos y que lo disfruten. El humor también es vida.
  ¿Cuantos usuarios de linux son necesarios para cambiar una


 Juass X-)

 Tan cierto que asusta.

 ¿Con qué tipo de usuario linuxero-cojonero os identificáis? (y no vale
 elegir el último, que ya os veo venir). Yo no veo al mío que sería algo

 - 1 para buscar en Google como cambiar una bombilla




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Pues yo sería el que contempla cómo se están peleando.


Ricardo C. N.

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Re: php5-suhosin en debian wheezy

2013-04-11 Thread Marcos Delgado

El 11 de abril de 2013 10:14, Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez escribió:

 Alguien sabe si el paquete php5-suhosin estará en debian wheezy?

 en unstable esta pero no funciona.

 Gracias de antemano y saludos.


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Re: php5-suhosin en debian wheezy

2013-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 11 Apr 2013 12:14:32 -0300, Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez escribió:

 Alguien sabe si el paquete php5-suhosin estará en debian wheezy?
 en unstable esta pero no funciona.

Si no está en wheezy mal asunto porque lleva congelada desde varios meses 
y no creo que se atrevan a meter un paquete apenas unos días antes de que 
salga publicada :-/

Por otra parte, la página de información del paquete indica que tiene 
bugs bastante serios:

Podrías preguntar al mantenedor del paquete, a ver qué te dice.



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Re: OT: Mucho de cierto y un poco de humor

2013-04-11 Thread Josué Marrero Bermúdez

- Original Message - 
From: Ricardo Cruz Navarro

To: debian-user-spanish
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: OT: Mucho de cierto y un poco de humor

El día 11 de abril de 2013 09:00, Camaleón escribió:

El Wed, 10 Apr 2013 14:56:53 -0400, Javier Sánchez González escribió:

Esto circula por acá por nuestra lista de usuarios de las tecnologías
libre. Saludos y que lo disfruten. El humor también es vida.
 ¿Cuantos usuarios de linux son necesarios para cambiar una




Juass X-)

Tan cierto que asusta.

¿Con qué tipo de usuario linuxero-cojonero os identificáis? (y no vale
elegir el último, que ya os veo venir). Yo no veo al mío que sería algo

- 1 para buscar en Google como cambiar una bombilla




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Pues yo sería el que contempla cómo se están peleando.


Ricardo C. N.


He tenido que reirme..esta bien proximo a la realidad 

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Re: OT: Mucho de cierto y un poco de humor

2013-04-11 Thread Usuario
Tan cierto que asusta.

¿Con qué tipo de usuario linuxero-cojonero os identificáis? (y no vale
elegir el último, que ya os veo venir). Yo no veo al mío que sería algo

- 1 para buscar en Google como cambiar una bombilla

1,560,000 resultados en 0.26 segundos te dicen como cambiar una
bombilla. Por favor busca antes de preguntar,or.r_cp.r_qf.bvm=bv.45107431,d.b2Ifp=89f9c4b6e98124ecbiw=1280bih=621

Sangoole es tu amigo.




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El pueblo no debe de temer a sus gobernantes, los gobernantes son los
que deben de temer a su pueblo.

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Mejor Centos o Debian

2013-04-11 Thread Fabian
Necesito saber que es mejor para un servidor si CENTOS o DEBIAN  y porque?.
Cual consume menos memoria, ram y procesos.

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Re: Mejor Centos o Debian

2013-04-11 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El jue, 11-04-2013 a las 10:45 -0700, Fabian escribió: 
 Necesito saber que es mejor para un servidor si CENTOS o DEBIAN  y porque?.
 Cual consume menos memoria, ram y procesos.

mejor el que use tu amigo guru, de forma que tengas a quien preguntarle
gratis XD

el resto de tu pregunta sobre consumos, perfomance y todo eso: depende.
Depende de que necesites, que instales y como lo configures

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Re: Mejor Centos o Debian

2013-04-11 Thread Carlos Nicolas
Pues en una lista de Debian lo normal es que te digan Debian, pero, vamos
lo mejor es que pruebes por ti mismo

El 11 de abril de 2013 20:13, Gonzalo Rivero fishfromsa...@gmail.comescribió:

 El jue, 11-04-2013 a las 10:45 -0700, Fabian escribió:
  Necesito saber que es mejor para un servidor si CENTOS o DEBIAN  y
  Cual consume menos memoria, ram y procesos.

 mejor el que use tu amigo guru, de forma que tengas a quien preguntarle
 gratis XD

 el resto de tu pregunta sobre consumos, perfomance y todo eso: depende.
 Depende de que necesites, que instales y como lo configures

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Re: Mejor Centos o Debian

2013-04-11 Thread Miguel Matos
Dinos de qué servirá tu servidor, qué funciones tendrá, su utilidad, y te
podremos sugerir hasta qué puedes ponerle. De buenas a primeras, sólo la
tarjeta madre, con lo más básico, un disco duro IDE o SATA de 160 GB le
servirá, y hasta 2 GB de memoria está bien.

2013/4/11 Fabian

 Necesito saber que es mejor para un servidor si CENTOS o DEBIAN  y porque?.
 Cual consume menos memoria, ram y procesos.

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Buen uso de las listas (como se ven en Debian):
Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:

Ayuda con Virtualbox

2013-04-11 Thread Carlos Jimenez
2013/4/8 Camaleón

 El Mon, 08 Apr 2013 16:42:07 -0400, academia escribió:

  Tengo instaldo el Virtualbox-OSE en mi debian 6. Instalé dos máquinas
  virtuales (WindowsXP y Debian kde). Quisera saber cómo poder lograr que
  desde estas virtuales me reconozca los dispositivos USB, es decir las
  pen drivers. NO TENGO INTERNET.

 Me parece que esa versión (OSE) no incluía soporte para dispositivos USB
 (quizá la versión que hay en los backports sí lo admita pero no te podría

 El paquete de Oracle que está en su web sí dispone de soporte para USB
 desde la versión 4.x.



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 Sin embargo no debe olvidar q para usar el soporte USB debe agregar la
cuenta de usuario local al grupo vboxusers.

Re: php5-suhosin en debian wheezy

2013-04-11 Thread Miguel Matos
El 11 de abril de 2013 12:38, Camaleón escribió:

 El Thu, 11 Apr 2013 12:14:32 -0300, Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez escribió:

  Alguien sabe si el paquete php5-suhosin estará en debian wheezy?
  en unstable esta pero no funciona.

 Si no está en wheezy mal asunto porque lleva congelada desde varios meses
 y no creo que se atrevan a meter un paquete apenas unos días antes de que
 salga publicada :-/

 Por otra parte, la página de información del paquete indica que tiene
 bugs bastante serios:

 Podrías preguntar al mantenedor del paquete, a ver qué te dice.



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Sólo para saber, Ricardo, ¿cuál es tu plan con eso? Un vistazo rápido a
Google me dio esta página:

¿Pero no ique con suhosin saldrían problemas para el manejo de tablas? Si
mal no recuerdo, cuando instalé phpmyadmin me presentó ese problema.
Bajando el paquete, desde squeeze, y habilitándolo, lo pude quitar.
Buen uso de las listas (como se ven en Debian):
Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:

Patinazo con la gráfica AMD

2013-04-11 Thread J. OCTAVIO Avalos
Muy buenas,

Sabéis como puedo hacer para cargar de nuevo los drivers AMD-CATALYST,
sabiendo que desinstalé los antiguos y ahora no me arranca ni en modo
recovey. Quería probar la beta 3 de la versión 13.3 que se habló en
otro hilo y me cargué todo.
Uno que llevaba tiempo sin hacer el canelo, jejejeje

Un saludo y gracias

Octavio Ávalos

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Re: Mejor Centos o Debian

2013-04-11 Thread Fabián Bonetti
On Thu, 11 Apr 2013 10:45:06 -0700 (PDT)
Fabian wrote:

Debian tiene mas kernel que Centos, la diferencia  es evidente.

Debian tiene mas comunidad, lograras encontrar mayor soporte.

Ahora en las ramas de ambos con kernel linux:.

Debian tiene una rama estable, realmente es estable lo huzo hace mas de 1 año y 
realmente es robobusto y noble.

Ante fallos en paquetes de otros proyectos, debian en menos de dias tiene una 
notificacion del paquete en

cuestión que atenta la seguridad del SO.

Ahora preguntate por que Canonical opto por usar la base Debian en sus Ubuntu?

Mi humilde punto de vista.


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Re: Mejor Centos o Debian

2013-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 11 Apr 2013 10:45:06 -0700, Fabian escribió:

 Necesito saber que es mejor para un servidor si CENTOS o DEBIAN  

Creo que esa pregunta no tiene una respuesta clara... o no tiene 
respuesta que quepa en un correo. Vamos, que daría hasta para hacer una 
tesis :-)

 y porque?. 

Pues porque la elección de una distribución u otra es cuestión de gustos, 
principalmente, salvo que tengas algún requerimiento muy concreto que no 
hayas dicho, como pueda ser -por poner un ejemplo que necesites alguna 
certificación de hardware o software que sólo exista o bien para CentOS o 
bien para Debian.

 Cual consume menos memoria, ram y procesos. Gracias

Eso dependerá de la pericia del administrador: la tecnología es 
aséptica ;-)

Lo que sí te puedo decir es por qué elegí Debian en lugar de CentOS: pues 
principalmente por dos cosas:

- Tras un vistazo rápido me pareció que los paquetes de la versión 
estable de Debian estaban más actualizados que los de CentOS.

- Debian no tiene detrás a una empresa como sí tiene CentOS (aunque no 
directamente, lo sé, pero quiera o no depende por completo de Redhat ya 
que usa sus binarios) y por tanto no depende de los vaivenes de sus 
acciones sino de sus desarrolladores y usuarios.



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Re: Ayuda con Virtualbox

2013-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 11 Apr 2013 13:25:21 -0500, Carlos Jimenez escribió:

(ese html...)

 2013/4/8 Camaleón
 El Mon, 08 Apr 2013 16:42:07 -0400, academia escribió:

  Tengo instaldo el Virtualbox-OSE en mi debian 6. Instalé dos máquinas
  virtuales (WindowsXP y Debian kde). Quisera saber cómo poder lograr
  que desde estas virtuales me reconozca los dispositivos USB, es decir
  las pen drivers. NO TENGO INTERNET.

 Me parece que esa versión (OSE) no incluía soporte para dispositivos
 USB (quizá la versión que hay en los backports sí lo admita pero no te
 podría confirmar).

 El paquete de Oracle que está en su web sí dispone de soporte para USB
 desde la versión 4.x.

 Sin embargo no debe olvidar q para usar el soporte USB debe agregar la
 cuenta de usuario local al grupo vboxusers. 

Eso sólo funcionará si la versión que tiene instalada dispone de soporte 
para USB, que es la duda que tengo.



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Espacio de disco bajo

2013-04-11 Thread Miguel Matos
Saludos a la lista.
Recienteme he tenido este problema: según el pantallazo que les adjunto al
archivo (¿lo pueden ver?), me estoy quedando sin espacio en disco duro, y
es raro, porque espacio es lo que me sobra... esto pasó a raíz de querer
hacer la conversión de la partición de Windows 7 al formato de Virtualbox
(como se explica acá:;
pero que no te dice dónde hace la conversión. Luego de 2 intentos, uno con
éxito y el otro bien fallido, se me redujo (aparentemente) la partición
donde está la raíz del disco. Si pulso Examinar, se abre la utilidad de
disco. Ok, todo bien, clin clan clin tan parin pin pim paran, espero,
espero, me arroja unos porcentajes; ajá, ¡pero esa es la partición del otro
disco! Me dice ique el archivo /media/DATOS (partición 4) pesa 89 GB...
¿cómo así? la verdad estoy es confundido... ¿y si la borro, pierdo mis
datos? Yo la verdad no sé qué hacer. Si necesitan la captura de pantalla
del analizador del disco, avísenme...

Buen uso de las listas (como se ven en Debian):
Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:
attachment: Pantallazo.png

Re: Patinazo con la gráfica AMD

2013-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 11 Apr 2013 20:47:59 +0200, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:

 Muy buenas,

Buenas maquero :-P

 Sabéis como puedo hacer para cargar de nuevo los drivers AMD-CATALYST,
 sabiendo que desinstalé los antiguos y ahora no me arranca ni en modo

¿No puedes iniciar el sistema ni siquiera en línea de comandos, es decir, 
sin entorno gráfico? ¿Te aparece algún error o se queja de algo? :-?

Como último recurso podrás iniciar pasando al kernel init=/bin/bash y 
desde ahí hacer cositas. O también cargar una LiveCD para modificar 
archivos o ver los registros...

 Quería probar la beta 3 de la versión 13.3 que se habló en otro
 hilo y me cargué todo.
 Uno que llevaba tiempo sin hacer el canelo, jejejeje

Cuando tengo esas tentaciones recuerdo el aforismo latino Cave ne cadas 
y se me pasa la necesidad de probar o actualizar nuevas versiones O:-)



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Re: Espacio de disco bajo

2013-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 11 Apr 2013 15:13:51 -0430, Miguel Matos escribió:

 Saludos a la lista.

Ave, Miguel.

 Recienteme he tenido este problema: según el pantallazo que les adjunto
 al archivo (¿lo pueden ver?), 


 me estoy quedando sin espacio en disco duro, y es raro, porque espacio
 es lo que me sobra... 

Huy, eso dicen todos ;-) pero tendrás que demostrarlo:

df -h


du -h | grep [0-9]M | sort -n -r | less

Lo de arriba es un comando que tengo guardado para ordenar por tamaño los 
directorios/archivos del directorio actual.

 esto pasó a raíz de querer hacer la conversión de la partición de
 Windows 7 al formato de Virtualbox (como se explica acá:
 particion-de-una-maquina-fisica/); pero que no te dice dónde hace la

Será en el directorio desde donde ejecutas el comando dd, seguramente.

 Luego de 2 intentos, uno con éxito y el otro bien fallido, se me redujo
 (aparentemente) la partición donde está la raíz del disco. Si pulso
 Examinar, se abre la utilidad de disco. Ok, todo bien, clin clan clin
 tan parin pin pim paran, espero, espero, me arroja unos porcentajes;
 ajá, ¡pero esa es la partición del otro disco! Me dice ique el archivo 
 /media/DATOS (partición 4) pesa 89 GB... ¿cómo así? la verdad estoy es
 confundido... ¿y si la borro, pierdo mis datos? Yo la verdad no sé qué
 hacer. Si necesitan la captura de pantalla del analizador del disco,

Sólo tú puedes saber qué hay en esa partición de /media/DATOS y qué 
puedes o no puedes borrar pero el mensaje es claro: falta espacio en la 
partición raíz (/). Mira a ver qué te devuelve mount.



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Re: Espacio de disco bajo

2013-04-11 Thread Miguel Matos
El 11 de abril de 2013 15:31, Camaleón escribió:

 El Thu, 11 Apr 2013 15:13:51 -0430, Miguel Matos escribió:

  Saludos a la lista.

 Ave, Miguel.

  Recienteme he tenido este problema: según el pantallazo que les adjunto
  al archivo (¿lo pueden ver?),


  me estoy quedando sin espacio en disco duro, y es raro, porque espacio
  es lo que me sobra...

 Huy, eso dicen todos ;-) pero tendrás que demostrarlo:

 df -h


 du -h | grep [0-9]M | sort -n -r | less

 Lo de arriba es un comando que tengo guardado para ordenar por tamaño los
 directorios/archivos del directorio actual.

  esto pasó a raíz de querer hacer la conversión de la partición de
  Windows 7 al formato de Virtualbox (como se explica acá:
  particion-de-una-maquina-fisica/); pero que no te dice dónde hace la

 Será en el directorio desde donde ejecutas el comando dd, seguramente.

  Luego de 2 intentos, uno con éxito y el otro bien fallido, se me redujo
  (aparentemente) la partición donde está la raíz del disco. Si pulso
  Examinar, se abre la utilidad de disco. Ok, todo bien, clin clan clin
  tan parin pin pim paran, espero, espero, me arroja unos porcentajes;
  ajá, ¡pero esa es la partición del otro disco! Me dice ique el archivo
  /media/DATOS (partición 4) pesa 89 GB... ¿cómo así? la verdad estoy es
  confundido... ¿y si la borro, pierdo mis datos? Yo la verdad no sé qué
  hacer. Si necesitan la captura de pantalla del analizador del disco,

 Sólo tú puedes saber qué hay en esa partición de /media/DATOS y qué
 puedes o no puedes borrar pero el mensaje es claro: falta espacio en la
 partición raíz (/). Mira a ver qué te devuelve mount.

Vaya, primera vez que Camaleón me deja tarea para hacer... ya para la noche
te cuento, tengo problemas para entrar a Internet desde mi Debian (benditos
sean los proxys), porque en Windows sí me deja hacerlo, con una trampita
por ahí.

Buen uso de las listas (como se ven en Debian):
Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:

Re: Mejor Centos o Debian

2013-04-11 Thread Cristian Mitchell
El 11 de abril de 2013 16:33, Camaleón escribió:

 El Thu, 11 Apr 2013 10:45:06 -0700, Fabian escribió:

  Necesito saber que es mejor para un servidor si CENTOS o DEBIAN

 Creo que esa pregunta no tiene una respuesta clara... o no tiene
 respuesta que quepa en un correo. Vamos, que daría hasta para hacer una
 tesis :-)

  y porque?.

 Pues porque la elección de una distribución u otra es cuestión de gustos,
 principalmente, salvo que tengas algún requerimiento muy concreto que no
 hayas dicho, como pueda ser -por poner un ejemplo que necesites alguna
 certificación de hardware o software que sólo exista o bien para CentOS o
 bien para Debian.

  Cual consume menos memoria, ram y procesos. Gracias

 Eso dependerá de la pericia del administrador: la tecnología es
 aséptica ;-)

 Lo que sí te puedo decir es por qué elegí Debian en lugar de CentOS: pues
 principalmente por dos cosas:

 - Tras un vistazo rápido me pareció que los paquetes de la versión
 estable de Debian estaban más actualizados que los de CentOS.

 - Debian no tiene detrás a una empresa como sí tiene CentOS (aunque no
 directamente, lo sé, pero quiera o no depende por completo de Redhat ya
 que usa sus binarios) y por tanto no depende de los vaivenes de sus
 acciones sino de sus desarrolladores y usuarios.



 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
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Las distro son basicamente todas lo mismo
En el caso de Centos y Debian
Hay aplicaciones que estan optimizadas, que no significa que en la otra
distro ande bien
la diferencia de consumo entre las dos distros peladas no deveria tener
diferencia notables

Linux user number 412793.

las grandes obras,
las sueñan los santos locos,
las realizan los luchadores natos,
las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
y las critican los inútiles crónicos,

Re: Patinazo con la gráfica AMD

2013-04-11 Thread Pedro Gras
On Thu, 11 Apr 2013 19:50:34 + (UTC)
Camaleón wrote:

 El Thu, 11 Apr 2013 20:47:59 +0200, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:
  Muy buenas,
 Buenas maquero :-P
  Sabéis como puedo hacer para cargar de nuevo los drivers
  AMD-CATALYST, sabiendo que desinstalé los antiguos y ahora no me
  arranca ni en modo recovey. 
 ¿No puedes iniciar el sistema ni siquiera en línea de comandos, es
 decir, sin entorno gráfico? ¿Te aparece algún error o se queja de
 algo? :-?
 Como último recurso podrás iniciar pasando al kernel init=/bin/bash
 y desde ahí hacer cositas. O también cargar una LiveCD para
 modificar archivos o ver los registros...
  Quería probar la beta 3 de la versión 13.3 que se habló en otro
  hilo y me cargué todo.
  Uno que llevaba tiempo sin hacer el canelo, jejejeje
 Cuando tengo esas tentaciones recuerdo el aforismo latino Cave ne
 cadas y se me pasa la necesidad de probar o actualizar nuevas
 versiones O:-)

Yo me suelo acordar del if ain't broken ain't fix it y luego de toda
mi familia (que no tienen la culpa de nada) por no hacerme caso ni a mi
mismo. :-)

Pedro Gras

GPG key: 0x3A146D41

Description: PGP signature

Re: php5-suhosin en debian wheezy

2013-04-11 Thread Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez
On Thu, 11 Apr 2013 13:56:38 -0430
Miguel Matos wrote:

 El 11 de abril de 2013 12:38, Camaleón escribió:
  El Thu, 11 Apr 2013 12:14:32 -0300, Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez escribió:
   Alguien sabe si el paquete php5-suhosin estará en debian wheezy?
   en unstable esta pero no funciona.
  Si no está en wheezy mal asunto porque lleva congelada desde varios meses
  y no creo que se atrevan a meter un paquete apenas unos días antes de que
  salga publicada :-/
  Por otra parte, la página de información del paquete indica que tiene
  bugs bastante serios:
  Podrías preguntar al mantenedor del paquete, a ver qué te dice.
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 Sólo para saber, Ricardo, ¿cuál es tu plan con eso? Un vistazo rápido a
 Google me dio esta página:
 ¿Pero no ique con suhosin saldrían problemas para el manejo de tablas? Si
 mal no recuerdo, cuando instalé phpmyadmin me presentó ese problema.
 Bajando el paquete, desde squeeze, y habilitándolo, lo pude quitar.
 Buen uso de las listas (como se ven en Debian):
 Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:

Gracias por la data, seguramente entrara en testing nuevamente cuando wheezy 
pase a ser estable.

Gracias y saludos.


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Re: Mejor Centos o Debian

2013-04-11 Thread alexissaucedo
Trabaje con un servidor asterisk por mucho tiempo sobre centos y cuando lo pase 
a debian fue lo mejor que me paso en la vida. Debian! Ni hablar 
Enviado desde mi BlackBerry de Personal (

-Original Message-
From: Cristian Mitchell
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 17:11:33 
Subject: Re: Mejor Centos o Debian

El 11 de abril de 2013 16:33, Camaleón escribió:

 El Thu, 11 Apr 2013 10:45:06 -0700, Fabian escribió:

  Necesito saber que es mejor para un servidor si CENTOS o DEBIAN

 Creo que esa pregunta no tiene una respuesta clara... o no tiene
 respuesta que quepa en un correo. Vamos, que daría hasta para hacer una
 tesis :-)

  y porque?.

 Pues porque la elección de una distribución u otra es cuestión de gustos,
 principalmente, salvo que tengas algún requerimiento muy concreto que no
 hayas dicho, como pueda ser -por poner un ejemplo que necesites alguna
 certificación de hardware o software que sólo exista o bien para CentOS o
 bien para Debian.

  Cual consume menos memoria, ram y procesos. Gracias

 Eso dependerá de la pericia del administrador: la tecnología es
 aséptica ;-)

 Lo que sí te puedo decir es por qué elegí Debian en lugar de CentOS: pues
 principalmente por dos cosas:

 - Tras un vistazo rápido me pareció que los paquetes de la versión
 estable de Debian estaban más actualizados que los de CentOS.

 - Debian no tiene detrás a una empresa como sí tiene CentOS (aunque no
 directamente, lo sé, pero quiera o no depende por completo de Redhat ya
 que usa sus binarios) y por tanto no depende de los vaivenes de sus
 acciones sino de sus desarrolladores y usuarios.



 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Las distro son basicamente todas lo mismo
En el caso de Centos y Debian
Hay aplicaciones que estan optimizadas, que no significa que en la otra
distro ande bien
la diferencia de consumo entre las dos distros peladas no deveria tener
diferencia notables

Linux user number 412793.

las grandes obras,
las sueñan los santos locos,
las realizan los luchadores natos,
las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
y las critican los inútiles crónicos,

Re: Ayuda con Virtualbox

2013-04-11 Thread Carlos Albornoz
La versión OSE no tiene soporte USB, debes instalar la de acá

2013/4/11 Camaleón
 El Thu, 11 Apr 2013 13:25:21 -0500, Carlos Jimenez escribió:

 (ese html...)

 2013/4/8 Camaleón

 El Mon, 08 Apr 2013 16:42:07 -0400, academia escribió:

  Tengo instaldo el Virtualbox-OSE en mi debian 6. Instalé dos máquinas
  virtuales (WindowsXP y Debian kde). Quisera saber cómo poder lograr
  que desde estas virtuales me reconozca los dispositivos USB, es decir
  las pen drivers. NO TENGO INTERNET.

 Me parece que esa versión (OSE) no incluía soporte para dispositivos
 USB (quizá la versión que hay en los backports sí lo admita pero no te
 podría confirmar).

 El paquete de Oracle que está en su web sí dispone de soporte para USB
 desde la versión 4.x.

 Sin embargo no debe olvidar q para usar el soporte USB debe agregar la
 cuenta de usuario local al grupo vboxusers.

 Eso sólo funcionará si la versión que tiene instalada dispone de soporte
 para USB, que es la duda que tengo.



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Carlos Albornoz C.
Linux User #360502
Fono: +56997864420

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Re: Mejor Centos o Debian

2013-04-11 Thread Ariel Martín Bellio

El 11/04/2013 02:45 p.m., Fabian escribió:

Necesito saber que es mejor para un servidor si CENTOS o DEBIAN  y porque?.
Cual consume menos memoria, ram y procesos.

Centos es RedHat de segunda (no me reten)... yo lo usé pero no lo 
actualizan mucho y los repos no son gran cosa, usas yum en vez de 
apt-get  yo por mi experiencia te recomiendo Debian
attachment: sisisisol.vcf

Re: Mejor Centos o Debian

2013-04-11 Thread Maykel Franco Hernandez
El abr 11, 2013 11:08 p.m., escribió:

 Trabaje con un servidor asterisk por mucho tiempo sobre centos y cuando
lo pase a debian fue lo mejor que me paso en la vida. Debian! Ni hablar
 Enviado desde mi BlackBerry de Personal (
 From: Cristian Mitchell
 Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 17:11:33 -0300
 Subject: Re: Mejor Centos o Debian

 El 11 de abril de 2013 16:33, Camaleón escribió:

 El Thu, 11 Apr 2013 10:45:06 -0700, Fabian escribió:

  Necesito saber que es mejor para un servidor si CENTOS o DEBIAN

 Creo que esa pregunta no tiene una respuesta clara... o no tiene
 respuesta que quepa en un correo. Vamos, que daría hasta para hacer una
 tesis :-)

  y porque?.

 Pues porque la elección de una distribución u otra es cuestión de gustos,
 principalmente, salvo que tengas algún requerimiento muy concreto que no
 hayas dicho, como pueda ser -por poner un ejemplo que necesites alguna
 certificación de hardware o software que sólo exista o bien para CentOS o
 bien para Debian.

  Cual consume menos memoria, ram y procesos. Gracias

 Eso dependerá de la pericia del administrador: la tecnología es
 aséptica ;-)

 Lo que sí te puedo decir es por qué elegí Debian en lugar de CentOS: pues
 principalmente por dos cosas:

 - Tras un vistazo rápido me pareció que los paquetes de la versión
 estable de Debian estaban más actualizados que los de CentOS.

 - Debian no tiene detrás a una empresa como sí tiene CentOS (aunque no
 directamente, lo sé, pero quiera o no depende por completo de Redhat ya
 que usa sus binarios) y por tanto no depende de los vaivenes de sus
 acciones sino de sus desarrolladores y usuarios.



 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 Las distro son basicamente todas lo mismo
 En el caso de Centos y Debian
 Hay aplicaciones que estan optimizadas, que no significa que en la otra
distro ande bien
 la diferencia de consumo entre las dos distros peladas no deveria tener
diferencia notables

 Linux user number 412793.

 las grandes obras,
 las sueñan los santos locos,
 las realizan los luchadores natos,
 las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
 y las critican los inútiles crónicos,

Bajo mi humilde punto de vista creo que las 2 son grandes distros pero en
mi experiencia debian es mi preferido. Todo lo suelo montar en debian por
muchos motivos pero asi rapido consume menos memoria ram, va como un avion,
apt-get y aptitude son increibles y rapidos. Gran repositorio, suelen tener
de todo. Estabilidad de los paquetes, gran comunidad, mucha
documentacion(muy importante).

La mayoria de servicios que he montado sobre debain en 5 años que llevo me
ha fallado mucho menos que centos. Nunca me ha gustado la rama red hat ni
centos ni fedora. Me parece muy lento el yum, mayor complejidad al resolver
muchas dependencias manualmente. Peta muchas veces el yum.

Es asi, debian me encanta. Puedes tener corriendo en 512 megas un svn,
openvpn, snmp, apache y va como un tiro. Dudo que centos con 512 megas vaya

La gente que he conocido de mi trabajo huye de centos, porque debian y su
apt-get simplifica mucho el trabajo.


Re: Mejor Centos o Debian

2013-04-11 Thread Fabian
Gracias, mi idea es para instalar en un vps que ofrecera sitios webs.
Me sirvio mucho sus experiencias valoro mucho sus aportes.
Muchas Gracias

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Re: Espacio de disco bajo

2013-04-11 Thread Dennis Xiloj
On Jue 11 Abr 2013 14:01:02 Camaleón escribió:
  me estoy quedando sin espacio en disco duro, y es raro, porque espacio
  es lo que me sobra...
 Huy, eso dicen todos ;-) pero tendrás que demostrarlo:

Mas bien hablamos de tamaño en general, de espacio... no tanto XD

 df -h
 du -h | grep [0-9]M | sort -n -r | less
 Lo de arriba es un comando que tengo guardado para ordenar por tamaño los
 directorios/archivos del directorio actual.

Y para los vagos (como yo), existe kdirstat o filelight. Que son analizadores 
de espacio en discos duros. Te pueden ayudar a ubicar los archivos que ocupan 

Dennis Xiloj
Ing. Telecomunicaciones | Desarrollador Web

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Apresentação dos meus Trabalhos!

2013-04-11 Thread Mauro Poliqueze

Bom Tarde Senhores!

Antes de mais nada agradeço pela atenção.

  Presto serviço na área de informática voltado para programação como 
  Trabalho no regime de CNPJ.
  Tomo a liberdade de enviar a carta apresentação de minha empresa assim 
como a apresentação de um projeto ERP.

   Esse é  sistema ERP todo baseado em Java usando banco de dados Postgresql
   login: master
   Selecione umas das empresas na caixa de texto empresa a empresa 
(BASE_MASTER) está mais atualizada

   Esse outro sistema é uma tela de atendimento igual aqueles utilizados em 
filas de bancos, pode utilizar um televisão com Smart-tv ou algum outro 
   (Tela do usuário)
   (Tela Monitor Atendimento).


   CNPJ: 11.275.189/0001-41
Inscrição Estadual:  0148861994118

   AGÊNCIA: 1571
   C.C: 31652-8

   Meus telefones para contato:

   (11) 4063-1085

   (43) 3015-2339

   skype: mauro.poliqueze


   Mauro Poliqueze

   Dados Cadastrais

   Data de Nascimento: 23/09/1971
   Estado Civil: casado, 1 filho
   Superior Completo.
   Projeto de Máquinas.
   Projeto de Ferramentas.
   Desenho Industrial.
   Processamento de dados.
   Desenvolvimento de Banco de dados, Oracle, SQL-SERVER
   Programador ASP, VISUAL BASIC, JAVA.
   Programador DOTNET (C++, C#, ASPNET)

   Atuo na área de Informática desde 1994, onde tenho experiência nos 
   segmentos de informática:
   . Banco de Dados - ORACLE,  SQL - SERVER.
   . Redes-Cabeamento, Instalação, Intranet, Internet.
   . Desenvolvimento e programação de microcontrolador .
   . Projetos Customizados ROUTER CNC .
   . Automação Industrial .
   . Projetos Eletronicos .
   . Nota Fiscal Eletrônica (XML e comunicação com o Sefaz) .
   . Windows, Windows NT, Microsoft Back Office.
   Principais projetos executados:
   - Desenvolvimento de um portal para a empresa OGMO - Paranaguá
- o sistema visa controlar os operadores portuários, cargas de navios e seus 
porões por meio de requisição via Web e lançar estatísticas do
movimento diário do porto de Paranaguá.
   - Desenvolvimento de um portal para a empresa OGMO -Santos - o
sistema visa controlar os operadores portuários e seus sindicatos pôr
meio de requisição via Web e lançar estatísticas.
   - Desenvolvimento de um portal para a empresa CODESP-SP - o
sistema visa controlar contêineres, cargas de navio, e demais
operações portuárias, onde é gerado um boletim em formato texto com as
estatísticas e enviado para a Secretaria da Receita Federal.
   -Desenvolvimento de sistema financeiro, faturamento e contábil
para a empresa PRATICAGEM DE SANTOS.
   -Desenvolvimento de sistema de controle de acesso com leitura
de biometria (impressão digital) dos pedestres. Implantado em alguns
condomínios residencial.

   Obs. Os projetos descritos acima foram todos desenvolvidos em
plataforma ASP, Java e DOT NET os bancos de dados em Oracle, SQL -
Server e Postgresql.  Havendo interesse de V.S.ª os trabalhos serão
apresentados e demonstrados.
   Interesse: no cargo disponível nessa empresa na área de TI.
Estando apto e seguro a exercer qualquer serviço que venha a ser solicitada a 
minha pessoa.
   Sou extremamente profissional, com conhecimentos de programas, vasta 
experiência em projetos para Internet e Intranet.
   Tenho preferência  em trabalhar como CNPJ e aceito executar trabalhos 
   Emito N.F de Serviço se necessário.

Visite nosso site:

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Re: câmeras + ip dinâmico + NOip

2013-04-11 Thread Rodolfo
Voce tem um IP, dai voce faz um NAT para que quando acessarem seu ip ou seu
dominio pela porta 1, por exemplo, ele redirecione para um ponto
especifico, que nesse caso seriam suas cameras.

É só uma idéia.

Em 10 de abril de 2013 16:53, Rodrigo Silva escreveu:

 Olá a todos,

 Preciso acessar de fora da rede duas câmeras que estão na empresa.
 Aqui a internet o IP é dinâmico então fiz um cadastro no site do NOip
 criei um domínio lá mas não consigo
 acessar as câmeras pelo navegador.O que preciso verificar ? Porta 80 esta
 liberada mas como direciono  para que quando digite o endereço caia no IP
 da câmera ?
 Alguém ja passou por algo semelhante ?

Re: Re: offtopic operadora 3g

2013-04-11 Thread Helio Loureiro

Se for somente para dados, ouvi vários elogios para Oi.

Eu não conheço a infra-estrutura deles, então não posso comentar.   Das que
conheço, eu recomendo Claro e Vivo.

Mas falando somente da parte técnica.  Sei que todas tem vários problemas
de atendimento ao cliente e inclusive de faturas erradas.

Helio Loureiro

Em 7 de abril de 2013 18:46, Linux Polegato

 -- Mensagem encaminhada --
 De: Linux Polegato
 Data: 07/04/2013 18:45
 Assunto: Re: offtopic operadora 3g
 Para: Márcio H. Parreiras

 Olá! Uso CTBC/Algar há 6 anos, só tenho que elogiar.

 Junior Polegato
 Em 06/04/2013 09:00, Márcio H. Parreiras escreveu:

 Todas as operadoras estão uma porcaria só. Vendem o que não tem para
 entregar (backbone, infra-estrutura, suporte, etc.). Só querem captar
 mais e mais clientes. Já passou da hora da Anatel ver isso aí.



 Márcio H. Parreiras

 GNU/Linux Professional


 Pedro Leopoldo - MG - Brazil

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 ISO/IEC 26300:2006), whose extensions can be .odt (text), .ods
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 Faça a mudança / Make the move:;

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Re: Aventuras no IPTables

2013-04-11 Thread Rafael Nogs
Caros colegas bom dia.
Agradeço mais uma vez pela ajuda que me foi dada, e realmente estava errado
noque procurava, a solução é o iproute2 e me equivoquei ao tentar passar a
tarefa ao IPTables, percebi que existem bons materiais na internet sobre os
tópicos assim como existem materiais que nos da uma visão destorcida de
como funciona a ferramenta.
O problema já foi solucionado por hora, desta forma venho por meio desta
mensagem agradecer a atenção de todos.

Em 9 de abril de 2013 11:48, Tiago Viana escreveu:


 pelo o que eu entendi nessa estória de trocar o ip na interface, essas
 suas duas redes estão no mesmo seguimento L2, sendo assim você já esta
 errando na sua topologia se a sua intenção é implementar alguma
 segurança nesse seu ambiente. Então explica melhor como é o seu ambiente
 ai e suas necessidades que ai podemos te ajudar melhor.


 Tiago Viana.

 On 08/04/13 17:25, Rafael Nogs wrote:
  Boa tarde colegas da lista.
  Tenho um problema na minha empresa:
  Temos 2 redes que funcionam como ilhas separadas, a primeira ilha é a
  nossa rede que no exemplo será e a rede de nosso cliente que
  será, a rede de nosso cliente possui um roteador que está
  fazendo a ligação entre a rede deles e a nossa, porem para
  conseguirmos acessar a rede do cliente temos que alterar as
  propriedades do TCP/IP para a rede deles desta forma trocamos de ilha
  e não temos acesso a em nossa infraestrutura.
  Através do GNU/Debian com o IPTables pretendo criar uma forma de
  roteamento da interface eth0 para interface eth1
  de nosso servidor, para que minha rede interna tenha acesso a rede
  externa sem a necessidade de troca das propriedades do TCP/IP toda vez
  que precisarem acessar a rede do nosso cliente.
  Nunca trabalhei com IPTables antes, estou lendo a respeito do assunto
  e desta forma criei um lab virtual com o virtualbox e isolado com a
  interface localhost o lab consiste do seguinte:
  Maquina local representando rede interna da empresa:
  Servidor IPTables:
  Configuração realizada no servidor IPTables:
  #echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
  Maquina simbolizando roteador do cliente (a mesma é uma maquina
  virtual com o debian em modo texto instalada)

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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: câmeras + ip dinâmico + NOip

2013-04-11 Thread Rafael Nogs
Amigo, primeiro analise com o fabricante se o software da sua câmera aceita
acesso web, caso não aceite recomendo a vc o zoneminder:

Em 11 de abril de 2013 09:13, Rodolfo escreveu:

 Voce tem um IP, dai voce faz um NAT para que quando acessarem seu ip ou
 seu dominio pela porta 1, por exemplo, ele redirecione para um ponto
 especifico, que nesse caso seriam suas cameras.

 É só uma idéia.

 Em 10 de abril de 2013 16:53, Rodrigo Silva rodrigo...@live.comescreveu:

 Olá a todos,

 Preciso acessar de fora da rede duas câmeras que estão na empresa.
 Aqui a internet o IP é dinâmico então fiz um cadastro no site do NOip
 criei um domínio lá mas não consigo
 acessar as câmeras pelo navegador.O que preciso verificar ? Porta 80 esta
 liberada mas como direciono  para que quando digite o endereço caia no IP
 da câmera ?
 Alguém ja passou por algo semelhante ?

(Ultimos Lugares) IZTACCIHUATL Abril 20 y 21

2013-04-11 Thread Deporte6am


ABRIL 20 / 21 (Ultimos Lugares)


EQUIPAMIENTO (arnes, casco, piolet, crampones...)

Apto para los que han conquistado el Nevado de Toluca con Deporte6am


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Tel. 51350564 MEX DF

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Apper ( Wheezy )

2013-04-11 Thread Luís Cláudio A . Gama

  Estou com o Wheezy ( 32 bits ) instalado, e, conforme eu disse na última
mensagem, tudo estava funcionando.

  Porém, nos últimos dias ( não sei exatamente ), o Apper ( gerenciamento
de software ) não atentica mais, ou seja, ele reconhece que o sistema tem
alguns pacotes para serem atualizados, ou eu tenho interesse em instalar
algun pacote novo. Ele pede a senha de root e dá um erro de autenticação.

  Aí faço a mesma operação no aptitude e funciona.

  O detalhe é que meu sistema já estava estabilizado e eu não estava
fuçando mais, o que me deixa somente pensando em ter sido uma atualização.

  Alguém observou esse problema?


Luís Cláudio A. Gama
Fones: TIM:  11-9 8452-4087   Res: 11-4602-3400
Skype: luisclaudiogama

| Voto Distrital   |||'|\__

RE: câmeras + ip dinâmico + NOip

2013-04-11 Thread Rodrigo Silva
A câmera aceita conexão remota via web conforme perguntaram, só que tenho um 
FIREWALL com IPTABLES que roda no Debian aqui, tenho proxy também mas ainda não 
esta redirecionando para a porta 3128 uso a porta 80 , sou iniciante mas 
consegui fazer com que tudo ficasse conforme a necessidade aqui da empresa e só 
falta a camera :( Conforme minhas pesquisas tenho que fazer um redirecionamento 
quando for solicitado no endereço que criei http://minhacâ  
para que quando bata aqui no fiwall ele mande para o IP da camera. ja registrei 
um domínio no  NOip para ser usado tem um programa que eles pedem para rodar 
também não sei se precisa estar na máquina que é o gateway da rede, mas 
acredito que não, ele soncroniza o registro no caso o domínio que vc criou com 
o ip da sua wan. estrutura aqui é assim internet  cable modem ( ipdinâmico) 
 x.x.x.x(firewall) rede da empresa(camera1 ip=x.x.x.x)
 fico agradecido a atenção de todos \oDate: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 10:34:53 -0300
Subject: Re: câmeras + ip dinâmico + NOip

Amigo, primeiro analise com o fabricante se o software da sua câmera aceita 
acesso web, caso não aceite recomendo a vc o 

Em 11 de abril de 2013 09:13, Rodolfo escreveu:

Voce tem um IP, dai voce faz um NAT para que quando acessarem seu ip ou seu 
dominio pela porta 1, por exemplo, ele redirecione para um ponto 
especifico, que nesse caso seriam suas cameras.

É só uma idéia.

Em 10 de abril de 2013 16:53, Rodrigo Silva escreveu:

Olá a todos,
Preciso acessar de fora da rede duas câmeras que estão na empresa.Aqui a 
internet o IP é dinâmico então fiz um cadastro no site do NOip criei um domínio 
lá mas não consigo

acessar as câmeras pelo navegador.O que preciso verificar ? Porta 80 esta 
liberada mas como direciono  para que quando digite o endereço caia no IP da 
câmera ?Alguém ja passou por algo semelhante ?  


Fwd: câmeras + ip dinâmico + NOip

2013-04-11 Thread Leandro de Lima Camargo
Depois que percebi que respondi somente ao Rodrigo…

Rodrigo, conforme lhe disse, se deu certo nos avise aqui para futuras consultas!


Início da mensagem encaminhada:

 De: Leandro de Lima Camargo
 Assunto: Re: câmeras + ip dinâmico + NOip
 Data: 11 de abril de 2013 15:00:53 BRT
 Para: Rodrigo Silva
 Se forem câmeras IP, você terá que redirecionar as portas de cada câmera em 
 seu firewall.
 Se for StandAlone, terá que redirecionar a porta HTTP, de dados e Mobile (se 
 for necessário).
 Por exemplo:
 Câmera IP com IP utilizando porta 8001.
 iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 8001 -j DNAT --to-destination
 Leandro de Lima Camargo
 Em 11/04/2013, às 14:56, Rodrigo Silva escreveu:
 A câmera aceita conexão remota via web conforme perguntaram, só que tenho um 
 FIREWALL com IPTABLES que roda no Debian aqui, tenho proxy também mas ainda 
 não esta redirecionando para a porta 3128 uso a porta 80 , sou iniciante mas 
 consegui fazer com que tudo ficasse conforme a necessidade aqui da empresa e 
 só falta a camera :(
  Conforme minhas pesquisas tenho que fazer um redirecionamento quando for 
 solicitado no endereço que criei http://minhacâ  para que 
 quando bata aqui no fiwall ele mande para o IP da camera.
 ja registrei um domínio no  NOip para ser usado tem um programa que eles 
 pedem para rodar também não sei se precisa estar na máquina que é o gateway 
 da rede, mas acredito que não, ele soncroniza o registro no caso o domínio 
 que vc criou com o ip da sua wan.
 estrutura aqui é assim
 internet  cable modem ( ipdinâmico)  x.x.x.x(firewall) rede da 
 empresa(camera1 ip=x.x.x.x)
 fico agradecido a atenção de todos \o
 Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 10:34:53 -0300
 Subject: Re: câmeras + ip dinâmico + NOip
 Amigo, primeiro analise com o fabricante se o software da sua câmera aceita 
 acesso web, caso não aceite recomendo a vc o zoneminder:
 Em 11 de abril de 2013 09:13, Rodolfo escreveu:
 Voce tem um IP, dai voce faz um NAT para que quando acessarem seu ip ou seu 
 dominio pela porta 1, por exemplo, ele redirecione para um ponto 
 especifico, que nesse caso seriam suas cameras.
 É só uma idéia.
 Em 10 de abril de 2013 16:53, Rodrigo Silva escreveu:
 Olá a todos,
 Preciso acessar de fora da rede duas câmeras que estão na empresa.
 Aqui a internet o IP é dinâmico então fiz um cadastro no site do NOip criei 
 um domínio lá mas não consigo
 acessar as câmeras pelo navegador.O que preciso verificar ? Porta 80 esta 
 liberada mas como direciono  para que quando digite o endereço caia no IP da 
 câmera ?
 Alguém ja passou por algo semelhante ?

Enable quota on a dd created and mounted disk.

2013-04-11 Thread Luis H. Forchesatto

I mounted a disk on debian 6 that was created via dd command. The disk have
an ext3 filesystem and a few files into it. In order to mount him at boot,
I added this line to fstab:

/storage/target01   /root/storage/  ext3loop,offset=31744 0

/storage/target01 = disk file (5gb)
/root/storage = mount point

Rebooted the system and it was mounted with no problem. Then, I proceeded
to install the quota package and create the aquota.user,,
quota.user and files in order to activate the quotas on the
filesystem. I also edited the fstab to enable quotas at boot:

/storage/target01   /root/storage/  ext3
 loop,offset=31744,usrquota,grpquota 0   2

I rebooted the system who booted with no erros, but when I try to manage
the quotas I get those erros:

# edquota -u someuser
edquota: Cannot find any quota file to work on.
No filesystems with quota detected.

# quotaon /root/storage/
quotaon: Cannot find quota file on /root/storage [/dev/loop0] to turn
quotas on/off.
quotaon: Cannot find quota file on /root/storage [/dev/loop0] to turn
quotas on/off.

# quotacheck -avugm
quotacheck: Cannot guess format from filename on /dev/loop0. Please specify
format on commandline.
quotacheck: Cannot find filesystem to check or filesystem not mounted with
quota option.

Still searching but no clue why it doesn't work :(

Luis H. Forchesatto

Re: Enable quota on a dd created and mounted disk.

2013-04-11 Thread Gunther Furtado

The messages in this list are almost exclusively in Portuguese.

You would be better served if you write in english to or in portuguese to this one.


2013/4/11 Luis H. Forchesatto

 I mounted a disk on debian 6 that was created via dd command. The disk have
 an ext3 filesystem and a few files into it. In order to mount him at boot, I
 added this line to fstab:

 /storage/target01   /root/storage/  ext3loop,offset=31744 0

 /storage/target01 = disk file (5gb)
 /root/storage = mount point

 Rebooted the system and it was mounted with no problem. Then, I proceeded to
 install the quota package and create the aquota.user,,
 quota.user and files in order to activate the quotas on the
 filesystem. I also edited the fstab to enable quotas at boot:

 /storage/target01   /root/storage/  ext3
 loop,offset=31744,usrquota,grpquota 0   2

 I rebooted the system who booted with no erros, but when I try to manage the
 quotas I get those erros:

 # edquota -u someuser
 edquota: Cannot find any quota file to work on.
 No filesystems with quota detected.

 # quotaon /root/storage/
 quotaon: Cannot find quota file on /root/storage [/dev/loop0] to turn quotas
 quotaon: Cannot find quota file on /root/storage [/dev/loop0] to turn quotas

 # quotacheck -avugm
 quotacheck: Cannot guess format from filename on /dev/loop0. Please specify
 format on commandline.
 quotacheck: Cannot find filesystem to check or filesystem not mounted with
 quota option.

 Still searching but no clue why it doesn't work :(

 Luis H. Forchesatto


Não sou eu quem me navega,
 Quem me navega é o mar
  Paulinho da Viola

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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Ativar quotas em um disco criado pelo comando dd.

2013-04-11 Thread Luis H. Forchesatto
Traduzindo... =)


Montei um disco no Debian 6 via comando dd. O disco foi então montado e
formatado com ext3 e depois colocado alguns arquivos dentro dele (para
testar). Para montar ele durante o boot eu adicionei esta linha no fstab:

/storage/target01   /root/storage/  ext3loop,offset=31744 0

/storage/target01 = imagem do disck (5gb)
/root/storage = ponto de montagem

Reiniciei o sistema e a partição foi montada sem problemas, então segui
para a instalação do sistema de quotas e criar os arquivos aquota.user,, quota.user e para o sistema poder gerenciar as
quotas. Também editei o fstab deixando-o assim:

/storage/target01   /root/storage/  ext3
 loop,offset=31744,usrquota,grpquota 0   2

Reinicie o sistema para ativar as quotas e ele reiniciou sem problemas, mas
ao tentar gerenciar as quotas eu recebo estas mensagens de erro:

# edquota -u someuser
edquota: Cannot find any quota file to work on.
No filesystems with quota detected.

# quotaon /root/storage/
quotaon: Cannot find quota file on /root/storage [/dev/loop0] to turn
quotas on/off.
quotaon: Cannot find quota file on /root/storage [/dev/loop0] to turn
quotas on/off.

# quotacheck -avugm
quotacheck: Cannot guess format from filename on /dev/loop0. Please specify
format on commandline.
quotacheck: Cannot find filesystem to check or filesystem not mounted with
quota option.

Ainda estou pesquisando mas até agora não tenho ideia do que tenha ocorrido
de errado :(

Luis H. Forchesatto


2013-04-11 Thread Manoel
Ola, uso o debian wheezy, quando tendo atualizar aperece o erro
Falhou ao buscar
404  Not Found [IP: 80]


Rootkit detectado!!

2013-04-11 Thread Richard Wagner
executei o rkhunter e me retornou com o resultado de um rootkit chamado de 
xzibit rootkit.
executei o chkrootkit e me retornou com o resultado de um LKM Trojan.

o quê devo fazer? Este alerta é verdadeiro?
pesquisei na internet e vi vários comentários sobre o mesmo problema. 
Comentários antigos, como dos anos de  2008, 2010, 2011.

Re: Okulda Debian Kurulum Etkinliği Düzenlemek İstiyorum

2013-04-11 Thread Selim T. Erdogan
Gökşin Akdeniz,  7.04.2013:
 Firefox konusunda bir not düşeyim. Debian'ın resmi backports deposu
 var. Yakın zamanda resmi olarak ana depoya eklendi. Bu durum volatile
 deposu için izlenen süreç ile aynı. Halen Firefox/Iceweasel standart
 kurulu paketi kaldırıp backports üzerinden güncel sürümü kurabilirsiniz.
 Dün itibari ile Debian sistemlerimde Firefox/Iceweasel 20.0 kullanmaya
 başladım ;)

Bir de var.  Kullandığınız debian sürümüne 
göre oradaki talimatları uygulayabilirsiniz.

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Re: Okulda Debian Kurulum Etkinliği Düzenlemek İstiyorum

2013-04-11 Thread Gökşin Akdeniz
Thu, 11 Apr 2013 09:13:38 -0500 tarihinde
Selim T. Erdogan yazmış:

 Bir de var.  Kullandığınız debian sürümüne 
 göre oradaki talimatları uygulayabilirsiniz.

Onu biliyorum. Zaten oradaki yapılandırmayı kullanarak kurdum :)

Gökşin Akdeniz

Description: PGP signature

Re: Serveur with encrypted partition : 2 steps boot.

2013-04-11 Thread Bob Proulx
Erwan David wrote:
 2) add at the beginning of each /etc/init.d/myserv a test to stop if
 the encrypted partition is not mounted
 Neither of those solutions seems acceptable for me.
 So if someone has an idea, I'm listening.

I would do one of two things.  Either I would remove the /etc/rc?.d/S*
links associated with the services you don't want to start, or make
the script not executable.  Then start them manually later as you
wish.  Or I would install a /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d script that did your
automated check and only allowed the services to start if the disk was
mounted as you wish.

See the man page for invoke-rc.d for the first pass documentation.
Then read the README.policy-rc.d.gz file.

  man invoke-rc.d

  less /usr/share/doc/sysv-rc/README.policy-rc.d.gz

There is a huge amount of flexibility built into policy-rc.d that most
people will never need nor use.  This makes the documentation a little
bit overdone.  I will include a simple one that I am using at the
bottom so that you can get the feel for it.  In my case this is for a
chroot and I only want to allow cron and nullmailer to start there.
All other daemons are denied.  For your case you would want the
reverse and generally allow everything but exclude only the ones you
want to exclude.


# /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d [options] initscript ID actions [runlevel]
# /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d [options] --list initscript ID [runlevel ...]
# See /usr/share/doc/sysv-rc/README.policy-rc.d for documentation.

# Live example scraped from ps:
#   /bin/sh /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d x11-common stop unknown

while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case $1 in
--list) exit 101 ;;
--quiet) shift ;;
-*) shift ;;
cron) exit 0 ;;
nullmailer) exit 0 ;;
*) exit 101 ;;

exit 101

Description: Digital signature

Re: which operation leads to the close all opening terminals

2013-04-11 Thread Alex Mestiashvili
On 04/11/2013 06:39 AM, lina wrote:
 Imho, the geeks are interested in the output of `dmesg' and the contents
 of `/var/log/syslog'.
 Apr 10 23:57:01 dove kernel: [130001.429581] gnome-terminal[6910]:
 segfault at
 1 ip 7fbbadb22816 sp 7e7fc7c0 error 4 in

 Is it related?
Looks like the root of the issue.
Though I am not sure why all gnome-terminals died.

For the future, use screen or tmux and you will be able to attach to
your sessions even if a terminal is gone. ( unless screen or tmux
segfaults:) )


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Re: Serveur with encrypted partition : 2 steps boot.

2013-04-11 Thread Erwan David
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 08:25:56AM CEST, Bob Proulx said:
 Erwan David wrote:
  2) add at the beginning of each /etc/init.d/myserv a test to stop if
  the encrypted partition is not mounted
  Neither of those solutions seems acceptable for me.
  So if someone has an idea, I'm listening.
 I would do one of two things.  Either I would remove the /etc/rc?.d/S*
 links associated with the services you don't want to start, or make
 the script not executable.  Then start them manually later as you
 wish.  Or I would install a /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d script that did your
 automated check and only allowed the services to start if the disk was
 mounted as you wish.
 See the man page for invoke-rc.d for the first pass documentation.
 Then read the README.policy-rc.d.gz file.

Thanks, I was not aware of policy-rc.d, which seems to be exactly what I need.

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Strange load average

2013-04-11 Thread Urs Thuermann
I run Debian testing/amd64 with current kernel on an Intel Core2Duo:

$ uname -a
Linux bit 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.41-2 x86_64 GNU/Linux

When the system is idle even for long periods, the 5-minute load
average and 15-minute load average don't drop:

$ while sleep 10; do uptime; done
 09:38:54 up 1 day,  2:03,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:39:04 up 1 day,  2:03,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:39:14 up 1 day,  2:03,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:39:24 up 1 day,  2:03,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:39:34 up 1 day,  2:04,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:39:44 up 1 day,  2:04,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:39:54 up 1 day,  2:04,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:40:04 up 1 day,  2:04,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:40:14 up 1 day,  2:04,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:40:24 up 1 day,  2:04,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:40:34 up 1 day,  2:05,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:40:44 up 1 day,  2:05,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:40:54 up 1 day,  2:05,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:41:04 up 1 day,  2:05,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:41:14 up 1 day,  2:05,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:41:24 up 1 day,  2:05,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:41:34 up 1 day,  2:06,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:41:44 up 1 day,  2:06,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:41:54 up 1 day,  2:06,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:42:04 up 1 day,  2:06,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:42:14 up 1 day,  2:06,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:42:24 up 1 day,  2:06,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:42:34 up 1 day,  2:07,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:42:44 up 1 day,  2:07,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:42:54 up 1 day,  2:07,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:43:04 up 1 day,  2:07,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:43:14 up 1 day,  2:07,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:43:24 up 1 day,  2:07,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:43:34 up 1 day,  2:08,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:43:44 up 1 day,  2:08,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:43:54 up 1 day,  2:08,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:44:04 up 1 day,  2:08,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:44:14 up 1 day,  2:08,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:44:24 up 1 day,  2:08,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:44:34 up 1 day,  2:09,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:44:44 up 1 day,  2:09,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:44:54 up 1 day,  2:09,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:45:04 up 1 day,  2:09,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:45:14 up 1 day,  2:09,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:45:24 up 1 day,  2:09,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:45:34 up 1 day,  2:10,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:45:44 up 1 day,  2:10,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:45:54 up 1 day,  2:10,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:46:04 up 1 day,  2:10,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:46:14 up 1 day,  2:10,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:46:24 up 1 day,  2:10,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:46:34 up 1 day,  2:11,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:46:44 up 1 day,  2:11,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:46:54 up 1 day,  2:11,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:47:04 up 1 day,  2:11,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:47:14 up 1 day,  2:11,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:47:24 up 1 day,  2:11,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:47:34 up 1 day,  2:12,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:47:44 up 1 day,  2:12,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:47:54 up 1 day,  2:12,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:48:04 up 1 day,  2:12,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:48:14 up 1 day,  2:12,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:48:24 up 1 day,  2:12,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:48:34 up 1 day,  2:13,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:48:44 up 1 day,  2:13,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:48:54 up 1 day,  2:13,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:49:04 up 1 day,  2:13,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:49:14 up 1 day,  2:13,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:49:24 up 1 day,  2:13,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 09:49:34 up 1 

Re: wheezy still missing php5-suhosin

2013-04-11 Thread Joe
On Thu, 11 Apr 2013 15:57:03 +1000
Andrew McGlashan wrote:

 On 11/04/2013 3:21 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
  Andrew McGlashan wrote:
  Yes, but insecure code is so easy to make and even the so called
  experts are making them.  There is even an O'Reilly book that has
  wrong information that is leading programmers astray.  The
  protections provided by Suhosin in the past may _always_ be
  required and necessary.
  This is all so nebulous and vague.  Is there an example that could
  be cited of a case that the suhosin patch will protect against in
  the php 5.4.4 interpreter?  Even one example would really help
  drive the point home.
 I wish I could give you an example, but I can't.

A working commercial PHP programmer probably could, but I'm not sure it
would help. PHP is a programming language, running on a web server,
which needs to access the server's databases, drives, memory etc.
There's no way it can be made secure, any more than C++ could be
redesigned to prevent programmers making off-by-one errors, for
example. The sword either has two edges or none.

Early PHP implementations had insecure features for lazy programmers,
for example allowing HTTP form parameters to be used directly as
variables in programs, rather than obtaining their values and checking
them before storing the checked and interpreted values in program
variables. Because so much software uses this very dangerous 'feature',
it must be retained, but it is normally disabled by default. Suhosin,
among many other things, will warn about this feature being enabled, or
turn it off if so configured. Later and later versions of PHP have
become much stricter in many ways, and have offered features like
Perl's optional variable discipline, so many of the Suhosin features are
no longer required. Not only that, but Suhosin will warn about things
which are now (mostly) safe to do.

It's not so much that PHP itself is a problem, but that PHP software
on public web servers is completely exposed to any and every kind of
attack, and that programmers need to be extremely disciplined to write
secure code. You can assist with this kind of discipline in writing a
programming language, but you can't enforce it. If the group of PHP
programmers for a particular web server were to read the Suhosin
specification, and write all their code so as not to activate any of
its protections, then that in itelf would help enormously in securing
the server. Having Suhosin actually installed will also catch their
mistakes. But as stated, Suhosin has not been well maintained and many
of its features have become subsumed into PHP itself or have become
actively irritating or obstructive, so currently in Wheezy it is seen as
more of a liability than an asset. It was dropped from Sid long ago, of
course, before Wheezy had frozen, but then you wouldn't run a public
web server on Sid.


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Re: Strange load average

2013-04-11 Thread Darac Marjal
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 09:55:22AM +0200, Urs Thuermann wrote:
 I run Debian testing/amd64 with current kernel on an Intel Core2Duo:
 $ uname -a
 Linux bit 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.41-2 x86_64 GNU/Linux
 When the system is idle even for long periods, the 5-minute load
 average and 15-minute load average don't drop:
 $ while sleep 10; do uptime; done
 Is that a known kernel bug?

Probably not. It's probably just a rounding/display issue. Remember
that you're asking the system do do some work every ten seconds so, when
it reads 0.00, it doesn't mean that it's absolutely zero, but rather
that the load is less than 0.005. This small load accumulates over the
minutes so the 5 and 15 minute load averages are high enough to show.

Try sleeping for 60 seconds between calls and see if that lowers things.

Description: Digital signature

root password

2013-04-11 Thread Robert B McKittrick
my system 6.0.7 does notm recognize the root password I gave it when
installing. is there any way to reset root without reinstalling? 

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root password

2013-04-11 Thread Robert B McKittrick
my system 6.0.7 does not recognize the root password I gave it when
installing. is there any way to reset root without reinstalling?

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Re: root password

2013-04-11 Thread Darac Marjal
On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 12:44:27PM -0400, Robert B McKittrick wrote:
 my system 6.0.7 does not recognize the root password I gave it when
 installing. is there any way to reset root without reinstalling?

Yes. First of all, how are you attempting to use the root password? SSH
is usually configured not to allow root passwords, also gksu might be
expecting your (user's) password rather than the root password.

The best way to check is to press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to switch to a VT and
attempt to log in as root there. If that doesn't work, then you'll need
to reset root's password.

Description: Digital signature

slow ssh prompt

2013-04-11 Thread binary dreamer
Hi. I am running debian 6.0.7 and i am facing a problem with slow 
response when asking to ssh. once i do a ssh root@ then the 
prompt for the passwd it takes around 30 secs to respond. after that 
everything is fine. is there a way to fix that delay?

sincerely yours,

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Re: root password

2013-04-11 Thread Thierry Chatelet
The Wednesday 27 March 2013 17:44:27, Robert B McKittrick wrote :
 my system 6.0.7 does not recognize the root password I gave it when
 installing. is there any way to reset root without reinstalling?

What about a  on the net, something like lost root password debian?
It would have give you that;

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RE: slow ssh prompt

2013-04-11 Thread Bonno Bloksma
Hi dreamer,

 Hi. I am running debian 6.0.7 and i am facing a problem with slow response 
 when asking to ssh.
 once i do a ssh root@ then the prompt for the passwd it takes 
 around 30 secs to respond.
 after that everything is fine. is there a way to fix that delay?

This might be a dns issue. When you log in it tries to look up information for 
the previous login. For instance it will try to find the dns name for the host 
that was used to log in from. If that ip-number cannot be found via dns or 
other means then you might have to wait for a timeout.

Bonno Bloksma

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Re: slow ssh prompt

2013-04-11 Thread Lars Noodén
On 4/11/13 1:45 PM, binary dreamer wrote:
 Hi. I am running debian 6.0.7 and i am facing a problem with slow 
 response when asking to ssh. once i do a ssh root@ then 
 the prompt for the passwd it takes around 30 secs to respond. after
 that everything is fine. is there a way to fix that delay?

As mentioned, it might be the DNS lookup.

Is your client machine properly registered in DNS for the server to be
able to easily look it up?  If not, you might try changing UseDNS from
yes to no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

Also, it's not such a good idea to leave remote root logins enabled.  It
is possible to tune sudo vi /etc/sudoers so that you can accomplish a
specific task without giving away access to the whole show.


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scp non root

2013-04-11 Thread Bonno Bloksma

Our Linux servers have no users configured except for the default first use 
besides root. These servers provide a service and do not require users to log 
on to the machine.
Of course root cannot login via ssh and that is no problem. A simple su - is 
enough to make myself root after that and perform the necessary tasks. But...

I sometimes need to copy some files from the server to my machine and want to 
use scp but... as my default user I do not have access to the files that I just 
have been able to access as root. So I need to:

-   cp the file to the /home/username directory.

-   make sure the filesystem rights are proper for the user to access the 
Then I can scp as the user to the server and get the file. And of course in 
reverse order if I want to place a file on the system.

Is there a better way or is that the way it needs to be done?

Bonno Bloksma

Re: root password

2013-04-11 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 11 Apr 2013, Darac Marjal wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 12:44:27PM -0400, Robert B McKittrick wrote:
  my system 6.0.7 does not recognize the root password I gave it when
  installing. is there any way to reset root without reinstalling?
 Yes. First of all, how are you attempting to use the root password? SSH
 is usually configured not to allow root passwords, also gksu might be
 expecting your (user's) password rather than the root password.
 The best way to check is to press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to switch to a VT and
 attempt to log in as root there. If that doesn't work, then you'll need
 to reset root's password.

Make sure your keyboard is sending what you think it is. I was once
caught out when an upgrade changed my keyboard from UK to US without my
moticing, and my password used keys that had been changed.

Anthony Campbell -

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Re: slow ssh prompt

2013-04-11 Thread Thilo Six
Hello binary,

Excerpt from binary dreamer:

 Hi. I am running debian 6.0.7 and i am facing a problem with slow 
 response when asking to ssh. once i do a ssh root@ then the 
 prompt for the passwd it takes around 30 secs to respond. after that 
 everything is fine. is there a way to fix that delay?

You could try adding a '-v' =verbose switch behind the ssh. It is possible to
add that up to '-vvv' =maximum verbosity.
Then ssh will tell you what it is doing, or not doing. This might help you in
further debugging the issue.


721B 1BA0 095C 1ABA 3FC6  7C18 89A4 A2A0 C70B 1A8F

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Re: scp non root

2013-04-11 Thread John L. Cunningham
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 12:04:38PM +, Bonno Bloksma wrote:

 I sometimes need to copy some files from the server to my machine and want to
 use scp but… as my default user I do not have access to the files that I just
 have been able to access as root. So I need to:
 -   cp the file to the /home/username directory.
 -   make sure the filesystem rights are proper for the user to access the
 Then I can scp as the user to the server and get the file. And of course in
 reverse order if I want to place a file on the system.
 Is there a better way or is that the way it needs to be done?

I solved a similar problem by adding:

Host client machine
User valid usernam

to the /root/.ssh/config file. It allows access to all the files on the
server and copies them with the correct permissions. It only works on
server - client scp, though. Not the other way around.


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Re: slow ssh prompt

2013-04-11 Thread binary dreamer

On 04/11/2013 02:46 PM, Lars Noodén wrote:

On 4/11/13 1:45 PM, binary dreamer wrote:

Hi. I am running debian 6.0.7 and i am facing a problem with slow
response when asking to ssh. once i do a ssh root@ then
the prompt for the passwd it takes around 30 secs to respond. after
that everything is fine. is there a way to fix that delay?

As mentioned, it might be the DNS lookup.

Is your client machine properly registered in DNS for the server to be
able to easily look it up?  If not, you might try changing UseDNS from
yes to no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

Also, it's not such a good idea to leave remote root logins enabled.  It
is possible to tune sudo vi /etc/sudoers so that you can accomplish a
specific task without giving away access to the whole show.



thanks a lot for the reply.
i am afraid i do not see the usedns. here is the output

/etc/ssh# more ssh_config

# This is the ssh client system-wide configuration file.  See
# ssh_config(5) for more information.  This file provides defaults for
# users, and the values can be changed in per-user configuration files
# or on the command line.

# Configuration data is parsed as follows:
#  1. command line options
#  2. user-specific file
#  3. system-wide file
# Any configuration value is only changed the first time it is set.
# Thus, host-specific definitions should be at the beginning of the
# configuration file, and defaults at the end.

# Site-wide defaults for some commonly used options.  For a comprehensive
# list of available options, their meanings and defaults, please see the
# ssh_config(5) man page.

Host *
#   ForwardAgent no
#   ForwardX11 no
#   ForwardX11Trusted yes
#   RhostsRSAAuthentication no
#   RSAAuthentication yes
#   PasswordAuthentication yes
#   HostbasedAuthentication no
#   GSSAPIAuthentication no
#   GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no
#   GSSAPIKeyExchange no
#   GSSAPITrustDNS no
#   BatchMode no
#   CheckHostIP yes
#   AddressFamily any
#   ConnectTimeout 0
#   StrictHostKeyChecking ask
#   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/identity
#   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
#   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_dsa
#   Port 22
#   Protocol 2,1
#   Cipher 3des
#   Ciphers 

#   MACs hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,,hmac-ripemd160
#   EscapeChar ~
#   Tunnel no
#   TunnelDevice any:any
#   PermitLocalCommand no
#   VisualHostKey no
#   ProxyCommand ssh -q -W %h:%p
SendEnv LANG LC_*
HashKnownHosts yes
GSSAPIAuthentication yes
GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no

any ideas?

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Re: Starting Iceweasel

2013-04-11 Thread Verde Denim
On 04/11/2013 12:41 AM, Ethan Rosenberg, PhD wrote:
 Dear list -

 Thanks for all your help.

 Finally, I can start Iceweasel from the command line [sort of]:
 iceweasel -no-remote localhost/choice.php width $1280 height $800

 The above works.

 But ... in a store.desktop multiple windows are opened.

 #!/usr/bin/env xdg-open

 [Desktop Entry]
 Name=Store Program
 Exec=iceweasel -no-remote localhost/choice.php width $1280 height $800


 FYI Iceweasel is NOT running when I issue the command or click on the



 The suggestions on migrating icedove to Thunderbird look excellent.

 I'm reasonably good at three things at one time, but six is a little
 much.  As soon as I can climb out of the hole I am in, I'll do the
 migration and give a detailed answer.

I've got 3 instances of the .desktop file
 locate iceweasel.desktop

My local version looks like this -
[Desktop Entry]

snipother language versions of Name= /snip

Comment=Browse the World Wide Web
snipother language versions of Comment= /snip

GenericName=Web Browser
snipother language versions of GenericName= /snip

X-GNOME-FullName=Iceweasel Web Browser
snipother language versions of X-GNOME-FullName= /snip

Exec=iceweasel %u

Other than the titles (which I'm assuming is in the snip section of your
post), the only difference I saw is that iceweasel is started with '%u'
where yours does not.

Also, is that a .local form of the desktop file or is it being stored
somewhere else (if the local and installed versions are different, the
local file takes precedence afaik).


Boston Tea Party, Coercive Acts, Powder Alarm, Revolution
Lessons (Mistakes) not learned are bound to be repeated.

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Re: Information not on relavant man page - where to find on WEB?

2013-04-11 Thread Linux-Fan
On 04/10/2013 10:05 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Linux-Fan wrote:
 Often the info-pages do not give any additional details (I have just
 verified this for dpkg-scanpackages where both info and manpage seemed
 equal after a quick glance).
 Uhm...  Are you sure you were looking at info pages?  AFAIK the
 dpkg-dev package which includes dpkg-scanpackages does not provide any
 info pages.  It only provides man pages.  I think you must have been
 looking at the man page in the info viewer which falls back to man
 pages if no info pages are present.

You are right, I have just checked it again and saw a line stating
--Info: (*manpages*)dpkg-scanpackages, 87 lines --Top--. I did not
know that info silently falls back to manpages if no info pages are

 I think this entire subthread talking about info pages is a red
 herring and off the scent of looking for dpkg-scanpackages


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Re: slow ssh prompt

2013-04-11 Thread Lars Noodén
On 4/11/13 5:16 PM, binary dreamer wrote:
 here is the output
 /etc/ssh# more ssh_config
 any ideas?

That's ssh_config, for the client.  The file to look in is sshd_config,
which is for the server.  It will be on the machine you are connecting
to, rather than on the machine you are connecting from.  If you do not
have access, you may have to work something out with the system

Did you check the output of ssh -v for possible clues also?


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Re: slow ssh prompt

2013-04-11 Thread Jaikumar Sharma
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 4:15 PM, binary dreamer dreamer.bin...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi. I am running debian 6.0.7 and i am facing a problem with slow
 response when asking to ssh. once i do a ssh root@ then the
 prompt for the passwd it takes around 30 secs to respond. after that
 everything is fine. is there a way to fix that delay?

As far as I know DNS is being used here and it is causing dealy in remote
ssh connection:

add UseDNS no  in /etc/ssh/sshd_config it is not exists there and I
think this should solve your issue.


Re: root password

2013-04-11 Thread Gary Dale

On 27/03/13 12:44 PM, Robert B McKittrick wrote:

my system 6.0.7 does not recognize the root password I gave it when
installing. is there any way to reset root without reinstalling?

Boot from a rescue CD (such as your install CD, or system rescue CD).
mkdir /mnt (if it doesn't exist)
mount -t ext4 /dev/sda /mnt  (or whatever your values are)
mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev
mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys
mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc
chroot /mnt

then enter a new password for root.

The mounts with -o bind probably aren't necessary in this case, but they 
are frequently needed is you are doing serious work in chroot.

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Re: which operation leads to the close all opening terminals

2013-04-11 Thread Dan Ritter
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 12:42:12PM +0800, lina wrote:
   Without data, we can only speculate. Here's my wild speculation:
  You thought you had multiple terminals open, but what you had
  was a single master process with multiple sub-processes. A
 I did have multiple terminals open.
 It only happened once, at least in what I can recall.
  failure of some kind happened in the master process and when it
  died, it took all the children with it.

So I ran an experiment. I ran gnome-terminal. That opened a
window. Then I went to File-Open Terminal several times. Now
there are several windows open.

Guess how many gnome-terminal processes there are?


And when I killed that one process, all the gnome-terminal
windows disappeared.


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Re: slow ssh prompt

2013-04-11 Thread binary

 11/4/2013 5:48 ??, ?/? Jaikumar Sharma ??:

On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 4:15 PM, binary dreamer wrote:

Hi. I am running debian 6.0.7 and i am facing a problem with slow
response when asking to ssh. once i do a ssh root@
mailto:root@ then the prompt for the passwd it takes
around 30 secs to respond. after that everything is fine. is
there a way to fix that delay?

As far as I know DNS is being used here and it is causing dealy in 
remote ssh connection:
add UseDNS no  in /etc/ssh/sshd_config it is not exists there and 
I think this should solve your issue.


Dear Jaikumar,

thanks a lot. you are correct.
it works

Re: Starting Iceweasel

2013-04-11 Thread Ethan Rosenberg, PhD

On 04/11/2013 10:42 AM, Verde Denim wrote:

On 04/11/2013 12:41 AM, Ethan Rosenberg, PhD wrote:

Dear list -

Thanks for all your help.

Finally, I can start Iceweasel from the command line [sort of]:
iceweasel -no-remote localhost/choice.php width $1280 height $800

The above works.

But ... in a store.desktop multiple windows are opened.

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Store Program
Exec=iceweasel -no-remote localhost/choice.php width $1280 height $800


FYI Iceweasel is NOT running when I issue the command or click on the



The suggestions on migrating icedove to Thunderbird look excellent.

I'm reasonably good at three things at one time, but six is a little
much.  As soon as I can climb out of the hole I am in, I'll do the
migration and give a detailed answer.

I've got 3 instances of the .desktop file
  locate iceweasel.desktop

My local version looks like this -
[Desktop Entry]

snipother language versions of Name=/snip

Comment=Browse the World Wide Web
snipother language versions of Comment=/snip

GenericName=Web Browser
snipother language versions of GenericName=/snip

X-GNOME-FullName=Iceweasel Web Browser
snipother language versions of X-GNOME-FullName=/snip

Exec=iceweasel %u

Other than the titles (which I'm assuming is in the snip section of your
post), the only difference I saw is that iceweasel is started with '%u'
where yours does not.

Also, is that a .local form of the desktop file or is it being stored
somewhere else (if the local and installed versions are different, the
local file takes precedence afaik).

Verde -


The iceweasel -no-remote localhost/choice.php width $1280 height $800

is what I need to start choice.php.

I have only one copy of both store.desktop and choice.php


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Re: wheezy still missing php5-suhosin

2013-04-11 Thread Andrew McGlashan
On 11/04/2013 6:11 PM, Joe wrote:
 A working commercial PHP programmer probably could, but I'm not sure it
 would help. PHP is a programming language, running on a web server,
 which needs to access the server's databases, drives, memory etc.
 There's no way it can be made secure, any more than C++ could be
 redesigned to prevent programmers making off-by-one errors, for
 example. The sword either has two edges or none.

If data is passed via forms or via GET or POST and that data isn't
properly handled by php itself, then it may produce a buffer overrun
situation ...  possibly before the data gets passed through to the
webpage code; if this can be fixed by an extension or hardening patch,
then great, if not, then we are in trouble.  Once data gets past php
handling and into variables, it becomes the programmer's responsibility
to validate the inputs and make sure that there is no data injection or
other misuse issue.

 Early PHP implementations had insecure features for lazy programmers,
 for example allowing HTTP form parameters to be used directly as
 variables in programs, rather than obtaining their values and checking
 them before storing the checked and interpreted values in program
 variables. Because so much software uses this very dangerous 'feature',
 it must be retained, but it is normally disabled by default. Suhosin,
 among many other things, will warn about this feature being enabled, or
 turn it off if so configured. Later and later versions of PHP have
 become much stricter in many ways, and have offered features like
 Perl's optional variable discipline, so many of the Suhosin features are
 no longer required. Not only that, but Suhosin will warn about things
 which are now (mostly) safe to do.


 It's not so much that PHP itself is a problem, but that PHP software
 on public web servers is completely exposed to any and every kind of
 attack, and that programmers need to be extremely disciplined to write
 secure code. You can assist with this kind of discipline in writing a
 programming language, but you can't enforce it. If the group of PHP
 programmers for a particular web server were to read the Suhosin
 specification, and write all their code so as not to activate any of
 its protections, then that in itelf would help enormously in securing
 the server. Having Suhosin actually installed will also catch their
 mistakes. But as stated, Suhosin has not been well maintained and many
 of its features have become subsumed into PHP itself or have become
 actively irritating or obstructive, so currently in Wheezy it is seen as
 more of a liability than an asset. It was dropped from Sid long ago, of
 course, before Wheezy had frozen, but then you wouldn't run a public
 web server on Sid.

I would like to know that everything that was providing protection via
Suhosin has been incorporated into PHP core, that would be the most
logical way to deal with the problem, rather than having 3rd party
patches and extensions.

Actually it does appear to still be in SID:


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Re: Serveur with encrypted partition : 2 steps boot.

2013-04-11 Thread Rick Thomas

On Apr 11, 2013, at 12:22 AM, Erwan David wrote:

On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 08:25:56AM CEST, Bob Proulx  

Erwan David wrote:

2) add at the beginning of each /etc/init.d/myserv a test to stop if
the encrypted partition is not mounted

Neither of those solutions seems acceptable for me.

So if someone has an idea, I'm listening.

I would do one of two things.  Either I would remove the /etc/rc?.d/ 

links associated with the services you don't want to start, or make
the script not executable.  Then start them manually later as you
wish.  Or I would install a /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d script that did  
automated check and only allowed the services to start if the disk  

mounted as you wish.

See the man page for invoke-rc.d for the first pass documentation.
Then read the README.policy-rc.d.gz file.

Thanks, I was not aware of policy-rc.d, which seems to be exactly  
what I need.

Are you aware that init supports multiple run-levels (man 8 init) each  
with its own set of services?  I'll bet you can use this to do what  
you want...


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Re: Serveur with encrypted partition : 2 steps boot.

2013-04-11 Thread Erwan David

Le 11/04/2013 20:53, Rick Thomas a écrit :

On Apr 11, 2013, at 12:22 AM, Erwan David wrote:

On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 08:25:56AM CEST, Bob Proulx 

Erwan David wrote:

2) add at the beginning of each /etc/init.d/myserv a test to stop if
the encrypted partition is not mounted

Neither of those solutions seems acceptable for me.

So if someone has an idea, I'm listening.

I would do one of two things.  Either I would remove the /etc/rc?.d/S*
links associated with the services you don't want to start, or make
the script not executable.  Then start them manually later as you
wish.  Or I would install a /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d script that did your
automated check and only allowed the services to start if the disk was
mounted as you wish.

See the man page for invoke-rc.d for the first pass documentation.
Then read the README.policy-rc.d.gz file.

Thanks, I was not aware of policy-rc.d, which seems to be exactly 
what I need.

Are you aware that init supports multiple run-levels (man 8 init) each 
with its own set of services?  I'll bet you can use this to do what 
you want...


You mean booting in level 2, where dovecot, postgresql, etc. are not 
started (but ssh is), then after giving the decryption key and mounting 
the encrypted partition switching to runlevel 3 where they are started ?

Indeed it may also be a good solution.

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Re: wheezy still missing php5-suhosin

2013-04-11 Thread Joe
On Fri, 12 Apr 2013 03:56:31 +1000
Andrew McGlashan wrote:

 If data is passed via forms or via GET or POST and that data isn't
 properly handled by php itself, then it may produce a buffer overrun
 situation ...  possibly before the data gets passed through to the
 webpage code; if this can be fixed by an extension or hardening patch,
 then great, if not, then we are in trouble.

That would indeed be a PHP bug, and would be found quickly. Some people
do little else with their lives but fling random data at public
interfaces to see what sticks...

 I would like to know that everything that was providing protection via
 Suhosin has been incorporated into PHP core, that would be the most
 logical way to deal with the problem, rather than having 3rd party
 patches and extensions.

I would doubt that all of it has been. I think it was withdrawn because
it became difficult to use.

OK, I've just found this, which will probably answer some of your

 Actually it does appear to still be in SID:

I hadn't noticed before, but the Debian packages pages show only depends
and not conflicts. If you check the properties of php5-suhosin in the
Sid apt system you will find it conflicts with php5-suhosin. No, I don't
know why it hasn't been removed from the distribution, I just remember
it being impossible to upgrade some time ago, and after leaving it for
a few weeks for the dust to settle, it was still uninstallable.

I should make clear that I'm not a commercial programmer of any kind,
and I dabble in PHP now and then only on my home server. I'm past the 'a
little knowledge' stage: I know enough about web application security
to know that I don't know anything like enough to write secure code to
present to the public, so I don't attempt it. My home web server is not
accessible from outside other than via a certificate-secured VPN.


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Re: Information not on relavant man page - where to find on WEB?

2013-04-11 Thread Richard Owlett

Richard Owlett wrote:


I saw that mentioned in passing once. This time I browsed
its man page. By the breadth of options it may be overkill
but it appears capable. I am impressed with the additional
documentation available. So far I've had a quick look at;a=blob_plain;f=docs/manual.html;hb=HEAD;a=blob_plain;f=docs/FAQ;hb=HEAD

A detailed read and link following should keep me occupied
for a while.
There are advantages to retirement ;)

It turns out that dpkg-scanpackages was actually the tool 
for my job. But it took reading the various flavors of 
reprepro documentation to make things click.

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Re: root password

2013-04-11 Thread Bob Proulx
Robert B McKittrick wrote:
 my system 6.0.7 does not recognize the root password I gave it when
 installing. is there any way to reset root without reinstalling?

Use the installer disk in rescue mode.

Here is the official documentation for it:

But that is fairly terse.  Let me say that the rescue mode looks just
like the install mode initially.  It will ask you keyboard and locale
questions and you might wonder if you are rescuing or installing!  But
it will have Rescue in the upper left corner so that you can tell
that you are not in install mode and be assured.  Get the tool set up
with keyboard, locale, timezone, and similar and eventually it will
give you a menu with a list of actions.  Here is a quick run-through.

  Advanced options...
  Rescue mode
  keyboard dialog
  ...starts networking...
  hostname dialog
  domainname dialog
  ...apt update release files...
  ...loading additional components, Retrieving udebs...
  ...detecting disks...

Then eventually it will get to a menu Enter rescue mode that will
ask what device to use as a root file system.  It will list the
partitions that it has automatically detected.  If you have used a
RAID then one of the menu entry items near the bottom will be
Assemble RAID array and you should assemble the raid at that point.
That will bring up the next dialog menu asking for partitions to
assemble.  Select the appropriate for your system.  Then continue.

At that point it presents a menu Execute a shell in /dev/  That
should get you a shell on your system with the root partition
mounted.  It is a /bin/sh shell.  I usually at that point start bash
so as to have bash command line recall and editing.  Then mount all of
the additional disks.

  # /bin/bash
  root@hostname:~# mount -a

At that point you have a root superuser shell on the system and can
make system changes.  After doing what needs doing you can reboot to
the system.  Remove the Debian install media and boot to the normal
system and see if the changes were able to fix the problem.

The change you want to make is to set a new root password.  That is
done with the passwd command.

  root@hostname:~# passwd
  Enter new UNIX password: 
  Retype new UNIX password: 


Description: Digital signature

Re: scp non root

2013-04-11 Thread Bob Proulx
Bonno Bloksma wrote:
 Of course root cannot login via ssh and that is no problem. A simple
 su - is enough to make myself root after that and perform the
 necessary tasks. But...

I often see people advise to disable root ssh login access.  But I
disagree that it is beneficial.  In fact it can make some things so
difficult that people make other choices that are less secure.  I
always leave root able to log into a machine with ssh.  Just by itself
that is not a security vulnerability.  I know that others feel
comforted by disabling this however and that is fine.

Copying files as you see is one such issue.  Backup is another.

 I sometimes need to copy some files from the server to my machine
 and want to use scp but... as my default user I do not have access
 to the files that I just have been able to access as root. So I need

 -   cp the file to the /home/username directory.
 -   make sure the filesystem rights are proper for the user to
 access the them

 Then I can scp as the user to the server and get the file. And of
 course in reverse order if I want to place a file on the system.

 Is there a better way or is that the way it needs to be done?

Can you log in as root from the localhost?  That is:

  user@desktop:~$ ssh
  user@other:~$ ssh root@localhost

Surely you wouldn't consider that to be an insecure method of access.
No different than using su on the local host.  Right?  All good.

If you can do that then you could simply hop through from one to the
next.  Use the other machine as a landing pad.  (Sometimes called a
lily pad.)  And then hop through to root.

  $ ssh -o ProxyCommand=ssh -W %h id
  Enter passphrase for key '/home/rwp/.ssh/id_rsa': 
  Enter passphrase for key '/home/rwp/.ssh/id_rsa': 
  uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

It will ask you for a password or passphrase as is normal for ssh.  I
intentionally showed that here for the illustration but normally I
use an ssh agent running on my desktop and so these would not be
listed inline.  I recommend using an ssh agent.  The above without is
just for clarity of illustration.

In my example above it first logged into the other host as the normal
non-root user and then started a second ssh which logged into the
tunnel that was created on the fly and logged into the localhost as

The scp command is okay but not a great command.  It uses the old
interface and some things are not so nice.  Much more featureful is
the rsync command.  I highly recommend using rsync for copies across
the network.  It has many advantages over scp.  This can also be used
for rsync passed in through the rsync -e option.  It is a little bit
long that way.

  rsync -av -e 'ssh -o ProxyCommand=ssh -W %h' ./

These options can be configured in your ~/.ssh/config file so that you
don't need to type the options on the command line each and every
time you invoke the command.  But the trick is to pass the options
into the first ssh but not the second.  Which takes a separate name.

ProxyCommand ssh -W

Then you can call it like this:

  rsync -av ./

And don't forget that bash has TAB completion on these names.  Making
the long names not much trouble to enter.


Description: Digital signature

BTRFS Kernel Panic

2013-04-11 Thread Alex Robbins

So it looks like btrfs really is still experimental.

I have / and /var on two separate btrfs partitions and I consistently get
a kernel panic when I run aptitude update (see the end).  I also managed
to get the same results by using find and dd to read every file in /var.

Although my oops output does have RIP: btrfs_num_copies, I do not think that
I need to use btrfs-zero-log because (1) I am using a 3.2 series kernel, (2)
my panic callstack does not have a function that begins with replay_one_,
and (3) I am able to mount the partitions (and boot) just fine.  It is only
when some process such as aptitude or updatedb (indexing for the locate
command) tries to read something in the filesystem.

I tried scrubbing the filesystems, but no errors were found (and somehow no
panics occured).  Finally, I can't really see what's going on with an strace
or anything because the panic happens before anything gets written to 
the disk

(even if I do an emergency sync and remount-ro with sysrq before rebooting),
and I *really* don't want to install netconsole because I am worried that
any package management will cause a panic during an installation which could
make my situation much worse.

I have run out of ideas and am looking for suggestions.

The panic from /var/log/kern.log:
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.632188] parent transid 
verify failed on 18446277369678266402 wanted 18446277756225214326 found 0
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.632203] parent transid 
verify failed on 18446277369678266402 wanted 18446277756225214326 found 0
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.632278] [ 
cut here ]
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.632331] kernel BUG at 
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.632412] invalid opcode: 
 [#1] SMP

Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.632458] CPU 0
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.632478] Modules linked 
in: hidp cryptd aes_x86_64 aes_generic nbd ip6table_filter ip6_tables 
iptable_filter ip_tables ebtable_nat ebtables x_tables parport_pc ppdev 
lp parport rfcomm bnep cpufreq_userspace cpufreq_stats cpufreq_powersave 
cpufreq_conservative pci_stub vboxpci(O) vboxnetadp(O) vboxnetflt(O) 
vboxdrv(O) binfmt_misc uinput fuse nfsd nfs nfs_acl auth_rpcgss fscache 
lockd sunrpc loop dm_crypt sg uvcvideo videodev v4l2_compat_ioctl32 
media btusb bluetooth crc16 joydev ata_generic acpi_cpufreq i915 mperf 
r592 dell_laptop ata_piix coretemp drm_kms_helper dcdbas drm 
i2c_algo_bit memstick snd_hda_codec_idt snd_hda_codec_hdmi pcspkr arc4 
firewire_ohci firewire_core crc_itu_t iwl3945 iwl_legacy snd_hda_intel 
mac80211 snd_hda_codec sky2 snd_hwdep snd_pcm snd_page_alloc psmouse 
serio_raw cfg80211 rfkill r852 sm_common nand nand_ecc nand_ids mtd 
dell_wmi snd_seq snd_seq_device sparse_keymap snd_timer sdhci_pci sdhci 
snd iTCO_wdt iTCO_vendor_support wmi soundcore processor mm
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: c_core i2c_i801 video battery 
ac i2c_core evdev power_supply button btrfs crc32c libcrc32c 
zlib_deflate dm_mod usb_storage usbhid hid sl811_hcd ohci_hcd sr_mod 
cdrom sd_mod crc_t10dif thermal ahci libahci libata thermal_sys uhci_hcd 
scsi_mod ehci_hcd usbcore usb_common

Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.633954]
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.633972] Pid: 6448, comm: 
aptitude Tainted: G   O 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 Debian 3.2.39-2 Dell 
Inc. Inspiron 1525   /0WP007
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.634090] RIP: 
0010:[a016d594]  [a016d594] 
btrfs_num_copies+0x3f/0x89 [btrfs]
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.634196] RSP: 
0018:88004dd1d9b8  EFLAGS: 00010246
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.634244] RAX: 
 RBX: fffe57890022 RCX: 0001
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.634304] RDX: 
 RSI: fffe57890022 RDI: 880115079110
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.634363] RBP: 
880115079110 R08:  R09: 
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.634424] R10: 
88007972a6d8 R11: 88007972a6d8 R12: 
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.634484] R13: 
 R14: fffe57e2fffe5776 R15: 880116877820
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.634545] FS:  
7f2b8c238760() GS:88011fc0() knlGS:
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.634615] CS:  0010 DS: 
 ES:  CR0: 80050033
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.634664] CR2: 
7f2b8a913f50 CR3: 4dd1a000 CR4: 06f0
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.634724] DR0: 
 DR1:  DR2: 
Apr  7 17:39:29 alexdell2-wheezy kernel: [ 7290.634784] DR3: 

Re: BTRFS Kernel Panic

2013-04-11 Thread Roger Leigh
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 03:50:19PM -0500, Alex Robbins wrote:
 So it looks like btrfs really is still experimental.
 I have / and /var on two separate btrfs partitions and I consistently get
 a kernel panic when I run aptitude update (see the end).  I also managed
 to get the same results by using find and dd to read every file in /var.
 Although my oops output does have RIP: btrfs_num_copies, I do not think that
 I need to use btrfs-zero-log because (1) I am using a 3.2 series kernel, (2)
 my panic callstack does not have a function that begins with replay_one_,
 and (3) I am able to mount the partitions (and boot) just fine.  It is only
 when some process such as aptitude or updatedb (indexing for the locate
 command) tries to read something in the filesystem.

I'd suggest that you firstly:

1) take a full image of the raw devices containing these filesystems
   with dd in case of further damage
2) try to backup the filesystems with tar

If you get a backup, you could then reformat the partitions and
restore the backups.

I'd definitely recommend looking at the changelog for newer
versions of the linux kernel to see if this has fixed.  It
also might be worth contacting the brtfs developers' mailing
list to see if they have seen this issue before--the BUG alone
might be useful.

You could also try upgrading to a newer kernel e.g. 3.8.x.  I've
done this myself due to btrfs issues with older kernels; you might
need to hand-build it though since Debian doesn't yet have it.
See kernel-package.

[I've previously lost a large raid-1 btrfs filesystem--both copies
completely trashed after a SATA glitch, including the good copy
which was corrupted entirely by btrfs...  Currently using it on an
SSH for testing purposes as my rootfs, but don't use it for user
data, which is on ext4 on LVM RAID.]


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild
   `-GPG Public Key  F33D 281D 470A B443 6756 147C 07B3 C8BC 4083 E800

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Finding a working udev rule for a device

2013-04-11 Thread Franz Zinn

I have tried making a udev rule for the device, such that it is group owner
is plugdev and has group read/write permissions. However every thing
I tried does not seem to work. The device nodes (/dev/ttyUSB0) group
always stays as dialout. I would be grateful for some insight into
what is going  wrong. I am using Debian/Squeeze with udev version 164.

I have tried various choices for SUBSYSTEM(S) include usb, usb-serial,
and ATTRS including,
manufacturer, serial etc. I have also tried using a lower number
(10-wgm.rule) for my custom rule.

I list below copious output from the following commands in that order

- udevadm info
- udevadm info --attribute-walk
- udevadm test
- lsusb
- dmesg
- my current udev rule
- current device node permissons

 udevadm info -q all -n /dev/ttyUSB0

P: /devices/pci:00/:00:1a.0/usb3/3-2/3-2:1.0/ttyUSB0/tty/ttyUSB0
N: ttyUSB0
S: char/188:0
S: serial/by-path/pci-:00:1a.0-usb-0:2:1.0-port0
S: serial/by-id/usb-Syscomp_WGM-201_WGVTFKAJ-if00-port0
E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci:00/:00:1a.0/usb3/3-2/3-2:1.0/ttyUSB0/tty/ttyUSB0
E: MAJOR=188
E: DEVNAME=/dev/ttyUSB0
E: ID_PATH=pci-:00:1a.0-usb-0:2:1.0
E: ID_VENDOR=Syscomp
E: ID_TYPE=generic
E: ID_BUS=usb
E: ID_USB_DRIVER=ftdi_sio
E: ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Future Technology Devices International, Ltd
E: DEVLINKS=/dev/char/188:0

 udevadm info --name=/dev/ttyUSB0

  looking at device

  looking at parent device

  looking at parent device '/devices/pci:00/:00:1a.0/usb3/3-2/3-2:1.0':
ATTRS{bAlternateSetting}== 0

  looking at parent device '/devices/pci:00/:00:1a.0/usb3/3-2':
ATTRS{bNumInterfaces}== 1
ATTRS{version}== 2.00

  looking at parent device '/devices/pci:00/:00:1a.0/usb3':
ATTRS{bNumInterfaces}== 1
ATTRS{bMaxPower}==  0mA
ATTRS{version}== 1.10
ATTRS{manufacturer}==Linux 3.2.0-0.bpo.4-amd64 uhci_hcd
ATTRS{product}==UHCI Host Controller

  looking at parent device '/devices/pci:00/:00:1a.0':

RE: Having troublh working out how to STOP monitor detection.

2013-04-11 Thread Glenn Alexander
Thanks for the suggestion.

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have had any effect. :(

Glenn Alexander
Technical Officer
Digital Media Centre

From: Another Sillyname []
Sent: Thursday, 11 April 2013 6:05 PM
To: Glenn Alexander
Subject: Re: Having troublh working out how to STOP monitor detection.

You probably need a variation on something like this
Section Screen
Identifier CRT-0
Device Videocard0
Option ConnectedMonitor CRT-0
Option UseEDID FALSE  
Option IgnoreEDID TRUE 
Option NoDDC TRUE   -
SubSection Display
Depth   24
Modes  nvidia-auto-select

I can't remember which one monitors power events of the top of my head and am 
just heading out to a meeting..
It should give you a starting point thoughI run numerous machines headless 
but sharing a monitor when required using the above xorg.conf settings.

On 11 April 2013 04:01, Glenn Alexander wrote:
Hi list users,

I have a Linux box (AMD-64, Debian Stable, fglrx) set up for digital signage 
driving 2 full-HD monitors via DisplayPort (and a control screen on an old XGA 
LCD in the closet). The signage monitors are internally configured to shut 
themselves down overnight and restart themselves each weekday morning. This 
plays merry havoc with the content as X11 and/or the window manager  (kWin) 
tries to shuffle things around to fit on remaining monitors. End result is the 
control monitor (which doesn't shut down) ends up with everything on it the 
next day.

I am having trouble working out how to disable the automatic monitor detection 
so that X11 just carries on as if the monitors are still there while they are 
shut down  for the night/weekend. Basically I want to completely ignore all 
monitor power events.

Hunting around the 'net has given me tantalising hints that DPMS or udev may be 
involved but since everyone else in the world seems to want the exact opposite 
of what I want* (ie, to have automatic PP) I am having little joy finding a 
solution :(

*...well... plenty of Windows7 users complaining about not being able to change 
channels on a HDTV being used as a secondary monitor without scrambling their 
desktops, while MS ignores them, but that is even less help. :)

FYI: my xorg.conf presently looks like:

Section ServerLayout
Identifier amdcccle Layout
Screen  0  MainScreen 0 0

Section Monitor
Identifier   0-DFP1
Option  VendorName ATI Proprietary Driver
Option  ModelName 
Option  DPMS false
Option  PreferredMode 1920x1080
Option  TargetRefresh 60
Option  Position 1920 0
Option  Rotate normal
Option  Disable false

Section Monitor
Identifier   0-DFP2
Option  VendorName ATI Proprietary Driver
Option  ModelName 
Option  DPMS false
Option  PreferredMode 1920x1080
Option  TargetRefresh 60
Option  Position 0 0
Option  Rotate normal
Option  Disable false

Section Monitor
Identifier   0-CRT1
Option  VendorName ATI Proprietary Driver
Option  ModelName 
Option  DPMS false
Option  PreferredMode 1024x768
Option  TargetRefresh 60
Option  Position 1376 1080
Option  Rotate normal
Option  Disable false

Section Device
Identifier  card-0
Driver  fglrx
Option  Monitor-DFP1 0-DFP1
Option  Monitor-DFP2 0-DFP2
Option  Monitor-CRT1 0-CRT1
BusID   PCI:1:0:0

Section Screen
Identifier MainScreen
Device card-0
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection Display
Viewport   0 0
Virtual   3840 1920
Depth 24

Glenn Alexander
Technical Officer
Digital Media Centre
Faculty of Creative Arts
232.G11b Mike Codd Building, Innovation Campus
University of Wollongong NSW 2522
T   + 61 2 4221 5847tel:%2B%2061%202%204221%205847

Re: Finding a working udev rule for a device

2013-04-11 Thread Mark Neyhart
Franz Zinn wrote:
 I have tried making a udev rule for the device, such that it is group owner
 is plugdev and has group read/write permissions. However every thing
 I tried does not seem to work. The device nodes (/dev/ttyUSB0) group
 always stays as dialout. I would be grateful for some insight into
 what is going  wrong. I am using Debian/Squeeze with udev version 164.
 I have tried various choices for SUBSYSTEM(S) include usb, usb-serial,
 and ATTRS including,
 manufacturer, serial etc. I have also tried using a lower number
 (10-wgm.rule) for my custom rule.
   looking at parent device '/devices/pci:00/:00:1a.0/usb3/3-2':
 ATTRS{bNumInterfaces}== 1
 ATTRS{version}== 2.00

 parse_file: reading '/etc/udev/rules.d/90-wgm.rules' as rules file
 parse_file: reading '/lib/udev/rules.d/91-permissions.rules' as rules file
 parse_file: reading '/etc/udev/rules.d/z60_usbprog.rules' as rules

It looks like your permissions are being overwritten by the next rule
in line.  Try making the name of your rule begin with z61_ or higher
because the last rule in your directory appears to be
z60_usbprog.rules.  You mentioned trying a name earlier in the order,
but not later.

 SUBSYSTEMS==tty, ATTRS{idVendor}==0403, ATTRS{idProduct}==6001,
 ATTR{serial}==WGVTFKAJ, GROUP=plugdev, MODE=0666

I'd recommend SUBSYSTEMS==usb since that is what is in the block of
attributes which include ATTRS{idVendor}.  You should also be using
ATTRS{serial} instead of ATTR{serial}.

Mark Neyhart

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Re: root password

2013-04-11 Thread Guido Martínez
You can, by booting from some other media and changing the /etc/shadow
file. Or running a chroot, but I would suggest you take a look at your
keymap configuration.
If your password has non alphanumeric characters then it's likely that
what you inputted during the install is not what you really meant.

Or if you have access to sudo, you can run sudo passwd. That will
change the root password.

Hope that helps.

On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 7:14 AM, Robert B McKittrick wrote:
 my system 6.0.7 does notm recognize the root password I gave it when
 installing. is there any way to reset root without reinstalling?

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iperf / ftp / http TCP poor performance in one direction (UDP good)

2013-04-11 Thread John Elliot
Hi Guys,

I have a 40Mb connection between 2 POPs, and 2 Debian servers connected at each 
end(L2, same broadcast domain) - I am seeing consistent poor performance with 
TCP in only one direction.

Latency between the POP's is ~67m/sec

POPA-POPB UDP(IPERF) - consistent 38.5Mb/sec
POPA-POPB TCP(IPERF) - fluctuates ~30Mb/sec - 32Mb/sec
POPA-POPB TCP(FTP) - fluctuates ~30Mb/sec - 32Mb/sec
POPA-POPB TCP(WGET) - fluctuates ~30Mb/sec - 32Mb/sec
POPB-POPA UDP(IPERF) - consistent 38.5Mb/sec
POPB-POPA TCP(IPERF) - fluctuates ~10Mb/sec - 15Mb/sec
POPB-POPA TCP(FTP) - fluctuates ~10Mb/sec - 15Mb/sec
POPB-POPA TCP(WGET) - fluctuates ~10Mb/sec - 15Mb/sec

Both Deb boxes are running the same kernel (2.6.32-5), and I have tried 
adjusting tcp window without seeing any improvements...all ports are running 
full duplex, and Im not seeing any errors/drops, nor packet-loss on the link.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated (Provider of the link is stating it is 
a tcp window issue) -If that is the case, if someone can provide some suggested 
tweaks/changes to the Deb servers, It would be fantastic!


Re: limits.conf

2013-04-11 Thread Guido Martínez
I can confirm this. I wasn't sure if it was expected behaviour so I
did a quick google search and came to this

If you want 'su' to set the user limits you need to modify
/etc/pam.d/su and uncomment the line # session required I tried it and it works.

Given that this option exists, it's most likely not a bug.


On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 12:30 PM, Thilo Six wrote:

 i have observed a to my (limited) understanding a strange behavior regarding
 limits settings. I would like some hint if i am doing wrong or if i
 encountered a bug.

 i have the following:
 *   - nproc   512
 rootsoft  nproc   1024
 roothard  nproc   2048

 *   - nofile  8192
 root- nofile  16383

 NOTE: group and wildcard limits are not applied to the root
   user. To set a limit for the root user, this field must
   contain the literal username root.

 With the settings above applied when i log in on a vt as root i get the
 follwoing limits for user root:

 root on vt:
 # ulimit -Hu
 # ulimit -Hn
 # ulimit -Su
 # ulimit -Sn

 ^- These are excepted results.

 Now when i log into kde and start konsole or a xterm and 'su -' i get the 

 root in kde:
 # ulimit -Sn
 # ulimit -Hn
 # ulimit -Su
 # ulimit -Hu

   -, -l, --login
   Provide an environment similar to what the user would
   expect had the user logged in directly.

 As you can see in this case the limits defined for a ordinary user are applied
 for root. IMO this is a bug as it breaks documented behavior.

 Should this be reported or am i missing


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