CNC DIY protocol rs 232, et des pistes !

2013-08-23 Thread ptilou

Avec une base qui s'oriente que sur la recuperation, je voudrais commander 5 
moteur et une dizaine de fonction logique, je dédit pour çà un ordinateur ( 
PIII ou PIV, ou AMD), pour les capteur j'utilise ce dans les imprimante et 
scanner, la même chose pour les moteurs, je ne sais pas encore par quoi je 
commande les pont de H des moteurs ( pour les neophyte en électronique 4 
( circuit de masse séparé pour la puissance et la commande, et protection par 
diode )

Ou trouver de la doc,voir mieux une réalisation, pour que Debian puis le soft 
de cnc, via soit port parallèle ET/OU  les deux port séries orchestre le tous ?

( Pour les accro de la loi de more, je travailler dans les années 80 sur une 
découpeuse a l'oxy-acétylène, l'ordinateur était inaccessible au niveau prix, 
c’était un automate programmable, je suis pas sur qu'il avait 256ko de 
mémoire,alors avec un PIII et la puissance de calcul, mon linux devrait y 
arriver !)



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Re: mise à jour proxmox suite à une mise à jour squeeze wheezy

2013-08-23 Thread Laurent G.

il faut supprimer les paquets en conflit et relancer apt-get -f install
dans ce cas il faut enlever redhat-cluster-pve.

Tu pourras ensuite relancer le script.

A noter qu'il faut commenter le dépôt entreprise dans
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list si tu n'as pas payé le
support pro.

Bon courage et pas de panique ça passe avec un peu de patience :)


Le 22/08/2013 19:37, Bzzz a écrit :
 On Thu, 22 Aug 2013 19:22:34 +0200
 Yann Cohen wrote:
 As-tu essayé de relancer plusieurs fois ces Cdes?

 Oui. (version courte)
 Ensuite le remplacement de wheezy n'avait pas été fait dans le
 répertoire source.list.d où j'ai mis un proxmox.list.
 Je l'ai fait à la main...
 J'ai relancé le script plusieurs fois, jusqu'à tomber sur le
 dernier pb évoqué.
 Ben wai mais justement les migrations dans les règles évitent
 en Gal ce type de PB.
 Me rappelle plus comment j'ai fais la dernière fois que j'ai 
 eu ce PB, soit un --force-qqchose, soit une élimination manuelle
 des fichiers avec une modif du script postrm du package pour qu'il
 croit recevoir systématiquement une bonne réponse.

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Re: wheezy brasero dvd

2013-08-23 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 07:30:30PM +0200, Alain Rpnpif wrote:
 Ah, le stockage numérique à perpète... DVD ? Clé USB, disque dur ?
 clous, euh non Claoudes ;) ? cartes perforées ? papier et crayon
 autres ?

Peut-être bandes magnétiques, mais mon avis, c'est disque
dur avec copie régulière (RAID mirroring + backups, ça doit
être suffisant). Les CD/DVD, il parait que ça vieillit assez
mal, les cartes SSD/autres, ça change de format trop souvent
(je ne sais pas comment ça vieillit), ... 

La carte perforée, ça doit être bien, si c'est stocké en
environnement ignifugé, mais ça pose aussi le problème de la
pérennité du matériel (on trouve encore des lecteurs?)


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Re:Noyau : compil or not compil ?

2013-08-23 Thread stephane . gargoly
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Dans son message du 22/08/13 à 22:24, zulian a écrit :
 Il fut un temps ou je compilais à la main mes noyaux à partir des sources.
 Maintenant je charge un simple paquet comme : linux-image-3.10-1-amd64 
 Est-ce que charger une image plutôt que de compiler son noyau à un impact 
 quelconque ?

En dehors d'une configuration matérielle ou d'un besoin très spécifiques, la 
compilation du noyau Linux n'est pas nécessaire. Cela étant dit, on ne devient 
pas idiot à vouloir se lancer dans cette opération. ;-)

Pour moi, je vois 4 cas où il peut être intéressant d'y aller :
- Cela activera les pilotes et fonctionnalités désactivés par défaut mais 
nécessaires pour la machine ou pour les besoins.
- A l'inverse, cela débarrassera des pilotes et des fonctionnalités inutiles ce 
qui à pour conséquence de soulager le processeur et la mémoire centrale (cela 
dit si la machine contient un CPU, même mono-cœur, d'au moins 1 GHz et une RAM 
d'au moins 1 Go, la différence ne risque pas d'être flagrante même si elle 
- Cela permettra de ne pas utiliser l'Initrd si on intègre dans le noyau (et 
non en modules) le pilote du disque dur - et le système de fichiers y utilisé - 
dans lesquels se trouve le répertoire-racine / (contenant, au moins, /bin, 
/boot, /etc, /lib et /sbin, histoire d'éviter de scier la branche sur laquelle 
on est assis).
- Par curiosité, amusement voire désœuvrement ou vanité. :-D

Quelques conseils :
- Installer les paquets fakeroot, build-essential, kernel-package et (bien sûr) 
linux-source-* (si ce n'est déjà fait bien sûr).
- Avoir une idée aussi précise que possible à propos de la configuration 
matérielle, en se faisant aider par le Wiki Debian .
- Etre sous un compte utilisateur et oublier root (ou, du moins, ne l'utiliser 
qu'en cas de nécessité) pendant les phases de configuration et de compilation 
proprement dite.
- Privilégier menuconfig plutôt que config (peu commode car ça oblige de passer 
en revue jusqu'à 3000 options - c'est-à-dire pilotes et fonctionnalités - au 
moins, avec le risque de se retrouver à l'hôpital psychiatrique avant d'en 
avoir terminer) et xconfig/gconfig (certes user-friendly mais ça nécessite X 
Window et Qt/GTK).
- A moins de savoir parfaitement ce qu'on fait, ne pas hésiter à perdre son 
temps à consulter et à re-consulter (voire à re-re-consulter) l'aide (voir note 
- Faire une copie du fichier /boot/config-* dans son répertoire personnel (par 
exemple), laisser tranquille l'original et se baser sur la copie pour la 
- Sauf en cas d'extrême nécessité, désactiver les options expérimentales ou 
instables (en principe, c'est précisé dans l'intitulé ou dans l'aide de 
- Intégrer les options nécessaires au démarrage de son système GNU/Linux (ainsi 
que celles qui sont utilisées pendant plus de la moitié du temps de 
fonctionnement de la machine - voir néanmoins note b), modulariser les 
options utilisées pendant moins de la moitié du temps de fonctionnement de la 
même machine (voir cependant note c) et désactiver les options inutiles (les 
pilotes de matériel et les fonctionnalités qu'on n'utilise pas, même 
- En cas de doute sur la décision à prendre (à propos d'une telle ou telle 
options), suivre le conseil donné par l'aide.
- Au cas où la phase de configuration s'éternise - cela peut durer une semaine 
! - , ne pas hésiter à enregistrer les modifications déjà effectuées sur la 
copie (et non pas sur l'original /boot/config-*) et reprendre (là où on s'est 
arrêté) le lendemain par exemple.
- Même si on installe (et utilise) le noyau personnalisé, conserver par 
prudence le noyau par défaut fourni par Debian.

Notes :
a) Si vous connaissez des sites Internet permettant d'aider les francophones 
(fâchés avec la langue anglaise) à choisir (ou non) telle ou telle options, 
n'hésitez pas à les proposer. Il fut un temps où le site 
proposait une traduction de l'aide pour les noyaux 2.2 ou 2.4 (je ne sais plus) 
mais ce projet a semblè passer à la trappe... :-(
b) A moins qu'on soit un fanatique de l'Initrd...
c) Sur un serveur, il est cependant préférable d'éviter la modularisation et 
d'opter pour un noyau monolithique pur pour des raisons de performance et, 
surtout, de sécurité.
d) La compilation proprement dite peut prendre de 10~15 minutes (avec un 
double-cœurs à 3 GHz et une RAM DDR2 de 8 Go) à plusieurs jours (avec un 386 à 
16 MHz complètement dépassé et une RAM SIMM de 8 Mo datant de l'époque de 
l'Homme de Néandertal... - bon d'accord, j'exagère un peu).

Enfin, quelques lectures suggérées :
- (FAQ Debian GNU/Linux)
- (Manuel d'installation)
- (Référence Debian)
- (Wiki Debian) 


2013-08-23 Thread Benoit B
Bonjour à tous,

J'ai ce message quand j'utilises sux - nomLogin

bash: impossible de régler le groupe de processus du terminlal (-1):
Ioctl() inappropré pour un périphérique
bash: pas de contrôle de tâche dans ce shell

J'ai googelisé mais je suis un peu dépassé...

Merci d'avance

RE: CNC DIY protocol rs 232, et des pistes !

2013-08-23 Thread

Salut ptilou,
Je te le donne comme cela à chaud :
Va donc voir sur
C'est un site de fondus de l'usinage.
Il y a une rubrique dédiée au développement de machines CNC, ainsi qu'une 
rubrique concernant la robotique.
Tu devrais pouvoir y trouver des réponses.
Meilleures salutations et bonne journée.
La Grenouille

Message d'origine
Date: 23.08.2013 08:32
Objet: CNC DIY protocol rs 232, et des pistes !


Avec une base qui s'oriente que sur la recuperation, je voudrais commander 5 
moteur et une dizaine de fonction logique, je dédit pour çà un ordinateur ( 
PIII ou PIV, ou AMD), pour les capteur j'utilise ce dans les imprimante et 
scanner, la même chose pour les moteurs, je ne sais pas encore par quoi je 
commande les pont de H des moteurs ( pour les neophyte en électronique 4 
( circuit de masse séparé pour la puissance et la commande, et protection par 
diode )

Ou trouver de la doc,voir mieux une réalisation, pour que Debian puis le soft 
de cnc, via soit port parallèle ET/OU  les deux port séries orchestre le tous ?

( Pour les accro de la loi de more, je travailler dans les années 80 sur une 
découpeuse a l'oxy-acétylène, l'ordinateur était inaccessible au niveau prix, 
c’était un automate programmable, je suis pas sur qu'il avait 256ko de 
mémoire,alors avec un PIII et la puissance de calcul, mon linux devrait y 
arriver !)



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Mise à jour tomcat7

2013-08-23 Thread Eric Lemesre

lors de la mise a jour de Tomcat7 (de squeeze a wheeze)
une erreur se produit lors de la configuration du paquet:

avec aptitude:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
Échec de l'installation d'un paquet. Tentative de réparation :
Paramétrage de tomcat7 (7.0.42-1) ...
sed: -e expression n°1, caractère 185: option inconnue pour `s'
dpkg: erreur de traitement de tomcat7 (--configure) :
 le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur
de sortie d'état 1
Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :

$ sudo dpkg -D2 --configure tomcat7
Paramétrage de tomcat7 (7.0.42-1) ...
D02: fork/exec /var/lib/dpkg/info/tomcat7.postinst ( configure 7.0.28-4
sed: -e expression n°1, caractère 185: option inconnue pour `s'
dpkg: erreur de traitement de tomcat7 (--configure) :
 le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur
de sortie d'état 1
Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :

est-ce que quelqu'un a une idée?

Eric Lemesre

Re: Mise à jour tomcat7

2013-08-23 Thread Bzzz
On Fri, 23 Aug 2013 12:56:49 +0200
Eric Lemesre wrote:

 sed: -e expression n°1, caractère 185: option inconnue pour `s'
 dpkg: erreur de traitement de tomcat7 (--configure) :
  le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné
 une erreur de sortie d'état 1

 D02: fork/exec /var/lib/dpkg/info/tomcat7.postinst ( configure
 7.0.28-4 )

Il faut que tu 'gades dans /var/lib/dpkg/info/tomcat7.postinst
ce qui merdouille au car 185; suivant ce qui ne va pas, soit tu
corriges, soit tu fausses le script pour qu'il croit avoir
reçu une réponse positive et saute la partie concernée.

Drinks: Mais nan mec j'étais pas bourré...
Krazy: y a une vidéo qui tourne, t'étais entrain de
Drinks: ...
Drinks: Je chantais bien?

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Re: Mise à jour tomcat7

2013-08-23 Thread Bzzz
On Fri, 23 Aug 2013 13:11:07 +0200
Eric Lemesre wrote:

Je remets ta réponse dans le thread.

 J'ai effectivement déjà extrait les fichiers.
 Et le script postinst ne fait que 81 lignes !!!

Tu as mal lu: l'erreur parle du CARACTÈRE #185, pas de la ligne.
C'est une erreur dans les Cdes 'sed' (Cde ou retour).

Axolotlenrage : Ah Windows a trouvé une solution à mon problème de connexion
wifi: Branchez un cable ethernet... Bravo -_-

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Re: CNC DIY protocol rs 232, et des pistes !

2013-08-23 Thread ptilou

Le site n'est plus accessible, et non j'ai pas vue de montage de la sorte, je 
n'ai pas vue de cnc tourner sous arduino, je cherche la concordance entre les 
ports GPIO, et le rs232, et parallèle ...
par contre le site est remarquable  au niveau du copeaux et de la restauration 
de machine ...



Le vendredi 23 août 2013 12:10:02 UTC+2, a écrit :
 Salut ptilou,
 Je te le donne comme cela à chaud :
 Va donc voir sur
 C'est un site de fondus de l'usinage.
 Il y a une rubrique dédiée au développement de machines CNC, ainsi qu'une 
 rubrique concernant la robotique.
 Tu devrais pouvoir y trouver des réponses.
 Meilleures salutations et bonne journée.
 La Grenouille
 Message d'origine
 Date: 23.08.2013 08:32
 Objet: CNC DIY protocol rs 232, et des pistes !
 Avec une base qui s'oriente que sur la recuperation, je voudrais commander 5 
 moteur et une dizaine de fonction logique, je dédit pour çà un ordinateur ( 
 PIII ou PIV, ou AMD), pour les capteur j'utilise ce dans les imprimante et 
 scanner, la même chose pour les moteurs, je ne sais pas encore par quoi je 
 commande les pont de H des moteurs ( pour les neophyte en électronique 4 
 ( circuit de masse séparé pour la puissance et la commande, et protection par 
 diode )
 Ou trouver de la doc,voir mieux une réalisation, pour que Debian puis le soft 
 de cnc, via soit port parallèle ET/OU  les deux port séries orchestre le tous 
 ( Pour les accro de la loi de more, je travailler dans les années 80 sur une 
 découpeuse a l'oxy-acétylène, l'ordinateur était inaccessible au niveau prix, 
 c’était un automate programmable, je suis pas sur qu'il avait 256ko de 
 mémoire,alors avec un PIII et la puissance de calcul, mon linux devrait y 
 arriver !)
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 Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: mise à jour proxmox suite à une mise à jour squeeze wheezy

2013-08-23 Thread Yann Cohen
Le vendredi 23 août 2013 à 08:57 +0200, Laurent G. a écrit :
 il faut supprimer les paquets en conflit et relancer apt-get -f install
 dans ce cas il faut enlever redhat-cluster-pve.

Ok, mais c'est seulement ce package là qu'il a fallu que je supprime,
mais tous ceux ayant une dépendance avec lui..;
puis j'ai supprimer les deux package debian de lib qui sont en

 Tu pourras ensuite relancer le script.

Il tombe en erreur, mais en refaisant l'apt-get c'est passer
 A noter qu'il faut commenter le dépôt entreprise dans
 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list si tu n'as pas payé le
 support pro.

Ok, j'ai bien noté et j'ai d'ailleurs mis le dépot sans support donné.

Cependant l'interface m'annonce bien que je n'ai pas de clé de

 Bon courage et pas de panique ça passe avec un peu de patience :)

C'est passé, mais j'ai remarqué que suite la mise à jour, c'est le noyau
3.x de debian qui est le noyau de démarrage par défaut et pas le pve...
Comment le forcer proprement dans debian sans obligatoirement le
supprimer... ?

En attendant je me lance sur le second nœud...

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Re: wheezy brasero dvd

2013-08-23 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage

Le vendredi 23 août 2013 10:52:22 Yves Rutschle a écrit :
 les cartes SSD/autres, ça change de format trop souvent
 (je ne sais pas comment ça vieillit), ...

  Faut pas exagérer. Malgré les fameux lecteurs « 247 en 1 », 
les cartes SD(HC) (et micro) sont de loin les plus courantes 
(téléphones, tablettes, appareils photos…).
  Bon, il doit aussi rester quelques Compact Flash qui traînent 
dans les tiroirs…
  En revanche, pour la pérennité, c’est la même que pour les 
clefs USB : courte.

  Sans ajouter d’énergie (disques durs ou bandes avec 
vérifications et recopies régulières), l’entropie gagne 

  Autres pistes :
1. faire plein d’enfants et leur donner comme nom les infos 
importantes que l’on veut conserver et ensuite laisser les 
Mormons stocker les données généalogiques (éviter « Bobby 
Tables ») ;
2. faire copain-copain avec un gars de la NSA, ils ont déjà 
toutes vos infos dans un coin. Le problème étant qu’ils ne 
savent pas où…

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: Noyau : compil or not compil ?

2013-08-23 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le vendredi 23 août 2013 11:09:49 a 
écrit :
 (avec un 386 à 16 MHz complètement dépassé et
 une RAM SIMM de 8 Mo datant de l'époque de l'Homme de
 Néandertal... - bon d'accord, j'exagère un peu).

  Peut plus : pour l’architecture Intel, le noyau nécessite un 
486 minimum depuis décembre dernier (3.8) ;o)

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: sux

2013-08-23 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le vendredi 23 août 2013 11:43:02 Benoit B a écrit :
 Bonjour à tous,


 J'ai ce message quand j'utilises sux - nomLogin
 bash: impossible de régler le groupe de processus du terminlal
 (-1): Ioctl() inappropré pour un périphérique
 bash: pas de contrôle de tâche dans ce shell
 J'ai googelisé mais je suis un peu dépassé...

  Quel émulateur de terminal utilises-tu ?
  Dans quel cadre utilises-tu la commande sux ?

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Intel 386 out ! (dérivé de Re: Noyau : compil or not compil ?)

2013-08-23 Thread stephane . gargoly
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Dans son message du 23/08/13 à 16:14, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
 Peut plus : pour l’architecture Intel, le noyau nécessite un 
 486 minimum depuis décembre dernier (3.8) ;o)

Eh voila, l'ancêtre (Intel 386) est définitivement à la ramasse et bon pour les 
musées !!!

A moins que cela soit une belle opportunité pour le projet ELKS (Embeddable 
Linux Kernel Subset), non ? o:-)

Pour plus d'informations :
- (Wikipédia - en anglais)
- (SourceForge)

Cordialement et à bientôt,


Une messagerie gratuite, garantie à vie et des services en plus, ça vous tente ?
Je crée ma boîte mail

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Problème cryptsetup énervant ...

2013-08-23 Thread mahashakti89


Après un redémarrage intempestif, cryptsetup m'avertit que 
/dev/disk/by-uuid. n'est pas une partition luks valide!
Je passe en console et je fais un #service cryptdisks restart, je rentre mon 
mot de passe, pas de problèmes.
La partition luks est ouverte et je dois la monter manuellement : 
#mount/dev/mapper/cryptpart /home.

J'ai vérifié les UUIDs présentes dans /etc/crypttab et /etc/fstab et elles correspondent bien. 
Puis je les ai changées au cas où. Rien à faire.

J'ai enlevé les UUIDs et remplacé le tout par /dev/sdx et/dev/mapper/cryptpart. 

J'ai purgé cryptsetup, réinstallé, là non plus aucun changement. A la réinstallation de cryptsetup 
un message d'avertissment s'affiche : Start and stop actions no longer

supported, falling back to defaults

Je penche plutôt pour un problème de démarrage mais je ne trouve pas.

Toute aide sera la bienvenue.



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Re: Mise à jour tomcat7

2013-08-23 Thread Eric Lemesre
J ai efffectivement mal lu. Merci d3 ta remarque.
J ai exécuté toutes les instructions sed et elle passent sans probleme.
Est ce qu il existe une methode pour trouver ce caractere 185 sans être
obligé de les compter?
 Le 23 août 2013 13:19, Bzzz a écrit :

 On Fri, 23 Aug 2013 13:11:07 +0200
 Eric Lemesre wrote:

 Je remets ta réponse dans le thread.

  J'ai effectivement déjà extrait les fichiers.
  Et le script postinst ne fait que 81 lignes !!!

 Tu as mal lu: l'erreur parle du CARACTÈRE #185, pas de la ligne.
 C'est une erreur dans les Cdes 'sed' (Cde ou retour).

 Axolotlenrage : Ah Windows a trouvé une solution à mon problème de
 wifi: Branchez un cable ethernet... Bravo -_-

Fw: Mise à jour tomcat7

2013-08-23 Thread Bzzz
STP, ne réponds pas en direct mais sur la ML :/

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 23:56:02 +0200
From: Bzzz
To: Eric Lemesre
Subject: Re: Mise à jour tomcat7

On Fri, 23 Aug 2013 23:50:50 +0200
Eric Lemesre wrote:

 probleme. Est ce qu il existe une methode pour trouver ce
 caractere 185 sans être obligé de les compter?

Utiliser mcedit (pkg mc)

Johnny Bon les gars, j'go manger
* Johnny is now known as Johnny[IDLE]
Zanool L'idle déjeune \o/

No, I'd rather look for porn.

-- Debian Project Leader Martin Michlmayr, when asked to do
some real work

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Re: sux

2013-08-23 Thread Benoit B

J'utilises xfce4-terminal, j'ai essayé avec gnome-terminal et Xterm, j'ai
le même message.

Le cadre : au boulot pour ne pas mélanger les .m2 (maven) de vieux projets
en java 5 et les nouveaux en Java 7.
Ainsi j'ai des JAVA_HOME différents...

Je trouves ça pratique, pour passer d'une config a l'autre, je n'ai qu'a
faire sux - loginConfig et je peux commencer a bosser sans me soucier de
rien. Je peux même lancer deux instances d'ide avec des config différentes
sous la même session X...

Au bureau je n'ai pas ce problème (autre distro), mais chez moi j'ai choisi
la meilleur ! Mais trollmalgré que debian c'est la meilleur
distro/troll j'ai ce message d'erreur. ;)

Merci d'avance.


Le 23 août 2013 16:15, Sylvain L. Sauvage a
écrit :

 Le vendredi 23 août 2013 11:43:02 Benoit B a écrit :
  Bonjour à tous,


  J'ai ce message quand j'utilises sux - nomLogin
  bash: impossible de régler le groupe de processus du terminlal
  (-1): Ioctl() inappropré pour un périphérique
  bash: pas de contrôle de tâche dans ce shell
  J'ai googelisé mais je suis un peu dépassé...

   Quel émulateur de terminal utilises-tu ?
   Dans quel cadre utilises-tu la commande sux ?

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Poszukuję współpracowników do nowatorskiego projektu

2013-08-23 Thread

 failed to open stream: No such file or directory in 
/home/shurrick/domains/ on line 152

Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in 
/home/shurrick/domains/ on line 152

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Re: [OT] database administrator tools para mysql, mariadb

2013-08-23 Thread Carlos Carcamo
Gracias a todos por responder

Ya vi esa de navicat, pero lo que realmente busco es una alternativa
libre, de no haber me quedare con dbearver...

El día 22 de agosto de 2013 11:07, Juan Manuel Acuña Barrera escribió:

 El 22/08/2013, a las 11:41, Camaleón escribió:

 El Thu, 22 Aug 2013 10:16:56 -0600, Carlos Carcamo escribió:

 Buscando en Internet no encuentro ningun database admin para mysql,
 mariadb, libre y fiable, tengo instalado mysql-worbench pero me gustaría
 una alternativa mas ligera, me baje uno que se llama dbeaver al
 principio me pareció muy bueno, pero tiene ciertas inconsistencias hace
 que crear y modelar una base de datos sea una tarea poco agradable...

 En Wikipedia tienes una lista con varias herramientas:

 Me tome la libertad de preguntar a la lista, pues creo que acá hay
 muchos desarrolladores y de seguro saben de alguna buena herramienta...

 Personalmente he probado DBEdit, Navicat, HeidiSQL, phpMyAdmin, AquaData
 Studio, EMS SQL y SQuirrel SQL. Las únicas con las que he podido hacer
 algo fueron Navicat (excelente) y phpMyAdmin. Con el resto no pasaba de
 la conexión a la DB o fallaban en operaciones simples como la carga/
 importación de datos a las tablas ;-(



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 Yo he usado Navicat, antes había una versión lite gratuita, que era lo 
 mismo que la normal, pero no tenía todas las funcionalidades, no se si 
 todavía existe.

 Quiero hacer notar que aunque la versión era gratis, no era libre, aún así 
 era excelente.


El desarrollo no es material es un estado de conciencia metal

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Re: Consejo - Alta disponibilidad en amazón

2013-08-23 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 21 de agosto de 2013 16:25, C. L. Martinez escribió:
 2013/8/21 C. L. Martinez
 2013/8/21 Camaleón
 El Wed, 21 Aug 2013 09:42:20 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 20 de agosto de 2013 17:21, Camaleón


 Justo ahí, me gustaría que el dns que apuntaba a la ip
 fija de mi empresa, ahora cambie debido a la falla y apunte a la ip
 fija pública de amazon donde teneoms otra VM...

 Si me explicado mal, me lo decís.


 Si, si es lo mismo que lo que te comento de la técnica del RR
 (básicamente se trata de tener varios registros A estáticos que son
 consultados de manera consecutiva cuando el primero que responde no
 está accesible), sólo que tú estás pensando en un sistema de
 implementación distinto (actualizar las entradas de la zona de tu
 dominio para que apunten a otro servidor cuando no responda, para cual
 necesitarás una configuración en clúster o HA de los equipos o tener
 algún sistema de detección que le indique al DNS que se actualice).

 Lo he entendido bien pero tengo alguna duda y es que por ejemplo si en
 vez de fallar la linea que tengo contratada fallan mis 2 apaches que
 tenemos en la red local...Cómo se da cuenta nuestro dns en este caso
 nominalia de que mi servidor web apache se ha caído para cambiar el dns y resolverlo a amazon??

 Supongo que te refieres cuando usas el sistema de DDNS Pues se daría
 cuenta porque el host no estaría respondiendo.

 No sé qué tipo de sistema de monitorización usarán los servicios
 configurados en HA o los clústers, quizá un simple ping al servidor web
 cada x tiempo y si hay pérdida de paquetes actualizan los registros DNS
 de la zona para asignar la carga a otro registro.

 Si yo pongo 2 registros en nominalia, por ejempo:

 TIPO A: -- -- mi ip estatica publica de mi ISP

 Con el sistema round-bind no tienes que hacer nada, tan sólo asignarle
 prioridad al registro principal (servidor alojado por ti) para que cuando
 no responda a las peticiones salte automáticamente a los siguientes

 Por aquí lo explican mejor, con ejemplos de uso:

 DNS round robin for web server failover

 HOWTO - Configure Load Balancing

 Este sistema no es infalible y el cliente puede notar un pequeño retardo
 en cargar la página en el caso de que el servidor primario esté fuera de
 combate, pero bueno, ya te dije que era el balanceo de los pobres :-P

 Y otra cosa, a que te refieres con GeoLocalización y para que me puede
 servir en este caso??


 Ah, eso es cosa de C.L. Martínez ;-)



 Mira aquí tienes un ejemplo a nivel de cluster de storage:

 En tu caso es hacer lo mismo pero a nivel de servicio ... Para ello lo
 idela es que el ISP te diese un acceso de nivel 2 (y amazon también),
 es lo que se hace para desplegar por ejemplo firewalls geolocalizados
 (vamos que físicamente se encuentran a kilómetros de distancia). Si
 no, se puede trabajar también a nivel 3 (o sea IPs) via multicast.


 Mira un ejemplo más concreto utilizando SLES 11 SP3:

 Aunque yo creo que también se podría hacer con Debian pero no lo sé ...

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Muy bueno, muchas gracias.

Por cierto, sabéis cuanto puede costar al mes un servidor en amazon
dedicado? Ya sé que va en función del uso que se le de, te cobran por
uso y te cobran un precio estándard por instancia levantada... Pero
aproximadamente, ya que va a ser un servidor que entrará en acción
cuando se caigan nuestros servicios y sería unos servicios tales como
base de datos rds sencilla, ec2 y dns route53. Mientras no entre en
acción, simplemente estará levantado...Eso sí el dns recibirá
peticiones constantemente.


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Posible bug en debian con gitlab

2013-08-23 Thread Maykel Franco
Hola muy buenas, tengo implementado sobre un debian wheezy la versión
de gitlab 4.1.0. Ya sé que está la versión 6 de gitlab, pero bueno
implementé en su día ésa versión y la verdad es que ha ido fenomenal,
excepto ahora que tengo el siguiente problema:

Resulta que cuando creas un proyecto y añades y creas también más
ramas(a parte de la de master), mediante la interfaz web de gitlab sí
que se ven todas las ramas que vas creando, pero si te descargas el
repo con git clone url y luego quieres ver las ramas haciendo
primero git checkout y luego le lanzas un git branch para ver las
ramas disponibles, no aparece la nueva que he creado...El caso que
desde la interfaz web sí que está...

Puede ser un bug de gitlab pero no sé, alomejor tenía algo que ver con
el SO...No sé la verdad es que no sé por donde meterle mano por más
comandos y comandos qu ele paso...

Esta consulta la he puesto también en la lista de gitlab(en el foro
concretamente) y de momento no he obtenido respuesta.

Lo pregunto aquí porque creo que hay gente de todo tipo de
conocimientos y alomejor le ha pasado a otra persona. Si necesito
meterle el OFF-TOPIC, me lo decís sorry.



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Re: [OT] database administrator tools para mysql, mariadb

2013-08-23 Thread Jorge Pérez

El 23/08/2013 2:09: am, Carlos Carcamo escribió:

Gracias a todos por responder

Ya vi esa de navicat, pero lo que realmente busco es una alternativa
libre, de no haber me quedare con dbearver...

El día 22 de agosto de 2013 11:07, Juan Manuel Acuña Barrera escribió:

El 22/08/2013, a las 11:41, Camaleón escribió:

El Thu, 22 Aug 2013 10:16:56 -0600, Carlos Carcamo escribió:

Buscando en Internet no encuentro ningun database admin para mysql,
mariadb, libre y fiable, tengo instalado mysql-worbench pero me gustaría
una alternativa mas ligera, me baje uno que se llama dbeaver al
principio me pareció muy bueno, pero tiene ciertas inconsistencias hace
que crear y modelar una base de datos sea una tarea poco agradable...

En Wikipedia tienes una lista con varias herramientas:

Me tome la libertad de preguntar a la lista, pues creo que acá hay
muchos desarrolladores y de seguro saben de alguna buena herramienta...

Personalmente he probado DBEdit, Navicat, HeidiSQL, phpMyAdmin, AquaData
Studio, EMS SQL y SQuirrel SQL. Las únicas con las que he podido hacer
algo fueron Navicat (excelente) y phpMyAdmin. Con el resto no pasaba de
la conexión a la DB o fallaban en operaciones simples como la carga/
importación de datos a las tablas ;-(



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Yo he usado Navicat, antes había una versión lite gratuita, que era lo mismo 
que la normal, pero no tenía todas las funcionalidades, no se si todavía existe.

Quiero hacer notar que aunque la versión era gratis, no era libre, aún así era 


puedes probar dbsigex[1]




Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: Problema con KDE y/o LXDE en Debian 6 al cambiar a modo consola y volver al modo gráfico

2013-08-23 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 22 Aug 2013 16:28:02 -0300, ciracusa escribió:

 On 22/08/13 11:02, Camaleón wrote:
 El Thu, 22 Aug 2013 06:30:15 -0300, ciracusa escribió:

 No llegan mis mensajes a la lista?

 ¿Pero no hablamos de eso hace poco?

 Si Camaleon, pero es raro que a veces no haya ni ruido de un mensaje.

Si por que no haya ni ruido de un mensaje te refieres a que no recibes 
respuestas pues es normal, estamos en meses de vacaciones al menos aquí 
en España y hay menos gente por la lista.

De todas formas, ya te respondí al primer mensaje que enviaste.



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Re: Posible bug en debian con gitlab

2013-08-23 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 23 Aug 2013 12:27:12 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:


 Resulta que cuando creas un proyecto y añades y creas también más
 ramas(a parte de la de master), mediante la interfaz web de gitlab sí
 que se ven todas las ramas que vas creando, pero si te descargas el repo
 con git clone url y luego quieres ver las ramas haciendo primero
 git checkout y luego le lanzas un git branch para ver las ramas
 disponibles, no aparece la nueva que he creado...El caso que desde la
 interfaz web sí que está...


Este el primer resultado que me ha devuelto Google, dale un ojo:

After git clone , does not see branch



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Re: Posible bug en debian con gitlab

2013-08-23 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 23 de agosto de 2013 15:33, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 23 Aug 2013 12:27:12 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:


 Resulta que cuando creas un proyecto y añades y creas también más
 ramas(a parte de la de master), mediante la interfaz web de gitlab sí
 que se ven todas las ramas que vas creando, pero si te descargas el repo
 con git clone url y luego quieres ver las ramas haciendo primero
 git checkout y luego le lanzas un git branch para ver las ramas
 disponibles, no aparece la nueva que he creado...El caso que desde la
 interfaz web sí que está...


 Este el primer resultado que me ha devuelto Google, dale un ojo:

 After git clone , does not see branch



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Gracias por contestar.

Sí ése enlace ya le visto y otros 100 más xDDD. No tira...Creo que es
bug. Lo he reportado también como bug haber si es por la versión de
gitlab, no creo que tenga nada que ver debian...

Gracias no obstante Camaleón.


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Re: Posible bug en debian con gitlab

2013-08-23 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 23 Aug 2013 15:37:47 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 23 de agosto de 2013 15:33, Camaleón 
 El Fri, 23 Aug 2013 12:27:12 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:


 Resulta que cuando creas un proyecto y añades y creas también más
 ramas(a parte de la de master), mediante la interfaz web de gitlab sí
 que se ven todas las ramas que vas creando, pero si te descargas el 
 con git clone url y luego quieres ver las ramas haciendo primero
 git checkout y luego le lanzas un git branch para ver las ramas
 disponibles, no aparece la nueva que he creado...El caso que desde la
 interfaz web sí que está...


 Este el primer resultado que me ha devuelto Google, dale un ojo:

 After git clone , does not see branch
 Gracias por contestar.
 Sí ése enlace ya le visto y otros 100 más xDDD. No tira...

Vale, como no habías puesto las opciones -a ni -r, por eso te lo 

 Creo que es bug. Lo he reportado también como bug haber si es por la
 versión de gitlab, no creo que tenga nada que ver debian...

Ya me imagino lo que van a decir: que pruebes con la última versión :-P
 Gracias no obstante Camaleón.

De nada, hombre. Suerte.



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Diferencias en salida df -h en OpenVZ

2013-08-23 Thread tq

Hola Grupo.

Estoy viendo que en 2 equipos diferentes que cumplecon OpenVZ la salida 
del comando [1] es diferente [2] y [3].

Notar que en el caso [2] se muestra además de las particiones del Host 
Anfitrión y puntualmente la /vm afectada a OpenVZ, lo que ocupa el 
primer CT virtualizado (/dev/sr0)

Mientras que en el segundo caso [3] solo se muestra la partición /vz.

Alguien sabe a que puede deberse la salida diferente?

Muchas Gracias!

[1] df -h

# df -h
S.ficherosSize  Used Avail Use% Montado en
/dev/sda1  28G  358M   26G   2% /
tmpfs 4,0G 0  4,0G   0% /lib/init/rw
udev   10M  180K  9,9M   2% /dev
tmpfs 4,0G 0  4,0G   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda2 939M   44M  848M   5% /boot
/dev/sda3 184G  651M  174G   1% /home
/dev/sda4  37G  177M   35G   1% /opt
/dev/sda5 939M   18M  874M   2% /tmp
/dev/sda6  37G  2,4G   33G   7% /usr
/dev/sda7  37G  177M   35G   1% /usr/local
/dev/sda8 184G  4,5G  170G   3% /var
/dev/sda101,3T  920M  1,3T   1% /vm
/dev/sr0  151M  151M 0 100% /vm/root/101/mnt/cdrom

# df -h
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1  19G  2.2G   16G  13% /
tmpfs1013M 0 1013M   0% /lib/init/rw
udev   10M  116K  9.9M   2% /dev
tmpfs1013M 0 1013M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda2 471M   28M  420M   7% /boot
/dev/sda3 9.2G  150M  8.6G   2% /home
/dev/sda9  19G  173M   18G   1% /opt
/dev/sda7 471M   11M  437M   3% /tmp
/dev/sda5 9.2G  399M  8.4G   5% /usr
/dev/sda6 9.2G  150M  8.6G   2% /usr/local
/dev/sda10 37G  514M   35G   2% /var
/dev/sda11191G  4.0G  178G   3% /vm

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Re: Posible bug en debian con gitlab

2013-08-23 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 23 de agosto de 2013 15:45, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 23 Aug 2013 15:37:47 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 23 de agosto de 2013 15:33, Camaleón
 El Fri, 23 Aug 2013 12:27:12 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:


 Resulta que cuando creas un proyecto y añades y creas también más
 ramas(a parte de la de master), mediante la interfaz web de gitlab sí
 que se ven todas las ramas que vas creando, pero si te descargas el
 con git clone url y luego quieres ver las ramas haciendo primero
 git checkout y luego le lanzas un git branch para ver las ramas
 disponibles, no aparece la nueva que he creado...El caso que desde la
 interfaz web sí que está...


 Este el primer resultado que me ha devuelto Google, dale un ojo:

 After git clone , does not see branch

 Gracias por contestar.

 Sí ése enlace ya le visto y otros 100 más xDDD. No tira...

 Vale, como no habías puesto las opciones -a ni -r, por eso te lo

 Creo que es bug. Lo he reportado también como bug haber si es por la
 versión de gitlab, no creo que tenga nada que ver debian...

 Ya me imagino lo que van a decir: que pruebes con la última versión :-P

 Gracias no obstante Camaleón.

 De nada, hombre. Suerte.



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Me han contestado en gitlab:

This is standard git behavior.  Run git branch -a and you will see
both remote and local branches.  You can checkout remote branches with
git checkout origin/branch_name --track.  You may need to run git
fetch before this command if the remote has changed since your last

He probado pero nada...xDD.


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Re: Diferencias en salida df -h en OpenVZ

2013-08-23 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 23 Aug 2013 09:52:59 -0300, tq escribió:

 Estoy viendo que en 2 equipos diferentes que cumplecon OpenVZ la salida
 del comando [1] es diferente [2] y [3].
 Notar que en el caso [2] se muestra además de las particiones del Host
 Anfitrión y puntualmente la /vm afectada a OpenVZ, lo que ocupa el
 primer CT virtualizado (/dev/sr0)
 Mientras que en el segundo caso [3] solo se muestra la partición /vz.
 Alguien sabe a que puede deberse la salida diferente?


No noto tantas diferencias... ¿qué es lo que encuentras extraño? Digo, 
además del punto de montaje de la unidad óptica :-?



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Re: Posible bug en debian con gitlab

2013-08-23 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 23 Aug 2013 15:54:10 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 23 de agosto de 2013 15:45, Camaleón


 Creo que es bug. Lo he reportado también como bug haber si es por la
 versión de gitlab, no creo que tenga nada que ver debian...

 Ya me imagino lo que van a decir: que pruebes con la última versión :-P

 Gracias no obstante Camaleón.

 De nada, hombre. Suerte.

 Me han contestado en gitlab:
 This is standard git behavior.  Run git branch -a and you will see both
 remote and local branches.  You can checkout remote branches with git
 checkout origin/branch_name --track.  You may need to run git fetch
 before this command if the remote has changed since your last update.
 He probado pero nada...xDD.

Pues eso es lo que decía el enlace que te pasé antes ¿no?

Si no funciona, díselo, con buenas formas y educadamente pero insiste, 
que muchas veces los desarrolladores tienen la mala costumbre de cerrar 
los bugs antes de tiempo :-)



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Re: Posible bug en debian con gitlab

2013-08-23 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 23 de agosto de 2013 15:59, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 23 Aug 2013 15:54:10 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 23 de agosto de 2013 15:45, Camaleón


 Creo que es bug. Lo he reportado también como bug haber si es por la
 versión de gitlab, no creo que tenga nada que ver debian...

 Ya me imagino lo que van a decir: que pruebes con la última versión :-P

 Gracias no obstante Camaleón.

 De nada, hombre. Suerte.

 Me han contestado en gitlab:

 This is standard git behavior.  Run git branch -a and you will see both
 remote and local branches.  You can checkout remote branches with git
 checkout origin/branch_name --track.  You may need to run git fetch
 before this command if the remote has changed since your last update.

 He probado pero nada...xDD.

 Pues eso es lo que decía el enlace que te pasé antes ¿no?

 Si no funciona, díselo, con buenas formas y educadamente pero insiste,
 que muchas veces los desarrolladores tienen la mala costumbre de cerrar
 los bugs antes de tiempo :-)



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OK, gracias. Lo que pase al final lo posteo por aquí por si a alguien le ayuda.


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Re: [OT] database administrator tools para mysql, mariadb

2013-08-23 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 23 Aug 2013 00:09:48 -0600, Carlos Carcamo escribió:

 Gracias a todos por responder
 Ya vi esa de navicat, pero lo que realmente busco es una alternativa
 libre, de no haber me quedare con dbearver...

¿No has visto nada interesante en la tabla de Wikipedia que te mandé? Hay 
unos cuantos libres.



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Re: Diferencias en salida df -h en OpenVZ

2013-08-23 Thread tq

On 23/08/13 10:55, Camaleón wrote:

El Fri, 23 Aug 2013 09:52:59 -0300, tq escribió:


Estoy viendo que en 2 equipos diferentes que cumplecon OpenVZ la salida
del comando [1] es diferente [2] y [3].

Notar que en el caso [2] se muestra además de las particiones del Host
Anfitrión y puntualmente la /vm afectada a OpenVZ, lo que ocupa el
primer CT virtualizado (/dev/sr0)

Mientras que en el segundo caso [3] solo se muestra la partición /vz.

Alguien sabe a que puede deberse la salida diferente?


No noto tantas diferencias... ¿qué es lo que encuentras extraño? Digo,
además del punto de montaje de la unidad óptica :-?




Fijate que al final sale apuntada la partición correspondiente al CT1, 
osea, además de las particiones normales del sistema operativo, sale 
dentro de la partición /vm (que esta destinada a alojar las CTs ) la 
primera CT ya creada.

Era algo que me llamó la atención para que lo puedan chequear en sus 

Muchas Gracias.


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Re: Diferencias en salida df -h en OpenVZ

2013-08-23 Thread Maykel Franco
El ago 23, 2013 3:45 p.m., tq escribió:

 Hola Grupo.

 Estoy viendo que en 2 equipos diferentes que cumplecon OpenVZ la salida
del comando [1] es diferente [2] y [3].

 Notar que en el caso [2] se muestra además de las particiones del Host
Anfitrión y puntualmente la /vm afectada a OpenVZ, lo que ocupa el primer
CT virtualizado (/dev/sr0)

 Mientras que en el segundo caso [3] solo se muestra la partición /vz.

 Alguien sabe a que puede deberse la salida diferente?

 Muchas Gracias!

 [1] df -h

 # df -h
 S.ficherosSize  Used Avail Use% Montado en
 /dev/sda1  28G  358M   26G   2% /
 tmpfs 4,0G 0  4,0G   0% /lib/init/rw
 udev   10M  180K  9,9M   2% /dev
 tmpfs 4,0G 0  4,0G   0% /dev/shm
 /dev/sda2 939M   44M  848M   5% /boot
 /dev/sda3 184G  651M  174G   1% /home
 /dev/sda4  37G  177M   35G   1% /opt
 /dev/sda5 939M   18M  874M   2% /tmp
 /dev/sda6  37G  2,4G   33G   7% /usr
 /dev/sda7  37G  177M   35G   1% /usr/local
 /dev/sda8 184G  4,5G  170G   3% /var
 /dev/sda101,3T  920M  1,3T   1% /vm
 /dev/sr0  151M  151M 0 100% /vm/root/101/mnt/cdrom

 # df -h
 FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
 /dev/sda1  19G  2.2G   16G  13% /
 tmpfs1013M 0 1013M   0% /lib/init/rw
 udev   10M  116K  9.9M   2% /dev
 tmpfs1013M 0 1013M   0% /dev/shm
 /dev/sda2 471M   28M  420M   7% /boot
 /dev/sda3 9.2G  150M  8.6G   2% /home
 /dev/sda9  19G  173M   18G   1% /opt
 /dev/sda7 471M   11M  437M   3% /tmp
 /dev/sda5 9.2G  399M  8.4G   5% /usr
 /dev/sda6 9.2G  150M  8.6G   2% /usr/local
 /dev/sda10 37G  514M   35G   2% /var
 /dev/sda11191G  4.0G  178G   3% /vm

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Creo que es por la version de proxmox. Con la version 3 ha cambiado un

Hazle en ambos pveversion haber si es la misma...


Re: Diferencias en salida df -h en OpenVZ

2013-08-23 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 23 Aug 2013 10:37:21 -0300, tq escribió:

 On 23/08/13 10:55, Camaleón wrote:


 Notar que en el caso [2] se muestra además de las particiones del Host
 Anfitrión y puntualmente la /vm afectada a OpenVZ, lo que ocupa el
 primer CT virtualizado (/dev/sr0)

 Mientras que en el segundo caso [3] solo se muestra la partición /vz.

 Alguien sabe a que puede deberse la salida diferente?

 No noto tantas diferencias... ¿qué es lo que encuentras extraño? Digo,
 además del punto de montaje de la unidad óptica :-?
 Fijate que al final sale apuntada la partición correspondiente al CT1,
 osea, además de las particiones normales del sistema operativo, sale
 dentro de la partición /vm (que esta destinada a alojar las CTs ) la
 primera CT ya creada.


Pues sigo sin ver nada extraño :-?

Compara la salida del comando mount y del contenido de /etc/fstab de 
los dos equipos a ver si arroja algo de luz.



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Re: Diferencias en salida df -h en OpenVZ

2013-08-23 Thread tq

On 23/08/13 11:41, Maykel Franco wrote:


Creo que es por la version de proxmox. Con la version 3 ha cambiado un 

Hazle en ambos pveversion haber si es la misma...


Maykel, gracias por la respuesta.

Mira que estoy usando OpenVZ desde Debian nativo (sin Proxmox).


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locales, utf-8, acentos y eñes.

2013-08-23 Thread Javier San Román

En una máquina con Debian Stable y KDE tengo las locales configuradas así:

$ locale -a

con el sistema en utf8 y toda va bien.

En otra máquina, también con Debian Stable y KDE, con las locales configuradas 
de la misma forma pasa que, por ejemplo:

En las páginas man traducidas al castellano no se ven los acentos ni las eñes; 
xterm, sus mensajes y notificaciones salen en inglés; en el entorno gráfico, 
opciones, menús de las ventanas y notificaciones, en inglés. KDM en español.

Lo del entorno gráfico se arregla si añado a las locales una ISO (p.e. 
iso.8859-15) y lo de los acentos y eñes en las man poniendo además el sistema 
con la ISO.

Pero quería tener las locales configuradas y funcionando como en la primera 
máquina, con utf8 solamente. A primera vista las dos máquinas tienen la misma 
configuración aunque es evidente que no es así: algo hay en la segunda que 
varía, comparando con la primera, la salida de las locales.  Si alguien sabe 
que tengo que hacer para conseguirlo, le agradezco la ayuda.

Un saludo

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Unidentified subject!

2013-08-23 Thread kyd . is . back
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 14:45:38 -0300
From: piztacho@
Subject: Re: locales, utf-8, =?iso-8859-1?Q?acentos?=
Message-ID: 20130823174538.GA16036@crow
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha256;
protocol=application/pgp-signature; boundary=17pEHd4RhPHOinZp
Content-Disposition: inline
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 07:38:53PM +0200, Javier San Rom=E1n wrote:
 En una m=E1quina con Debian Stable y KDE tengo las locales configuradas a=
 $ locale -a
 con el sistema en utf8 y toda va bien.
 En otra m=E1quina, tambi=E9n con Debian Stable y KDE, con las locales con=
 de la misma forma pasa que, por ejemplo:
 En las p=E1ginas man traducidas al castellano no se ven los acentos ni la=
s e=F1es;=20
 xterm, sus mensajes y notificaciones salen en ingl=E9s; en el entorno gr=
=E1fico, las=20
 opciones, men=FAs de las ventanas y notificaciones, en ingl=E9s. KDM en e=
 Lo del entorno gr=E1fico se arregla si a=F1ado a las locales una ISO (p.e=
 iso.8859-15) y lo de los acentos y e=F1es en las man poniendo adem=E1s el=
 con la ISO.
 Pero quer=EDa tener las locales configuradas y funcionando como en la pri=
 m=E1quina, con utf8 solamente. A primera vista las dos m=E1quinas tienen =
la misma=20
 configuraci=F3n aunque es evidente que no es as=ED: algo hay en la segund=
a que=20
 var=EDa, comparando con la primera, la salida de las locales.  Si alguien=
 que tengo que hacer para conseguirlo, le agradezco la ayuda.
 Un saludo
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian=

Ese comando no te dice que locales tenes configuradas , sino cuales
podes usar o tenes habilitadas en el sistema.


te dice con que tipo tenes configurado el sistema.

Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name=signature.asc
Content-Description: Digital signature

Version: GnuPG v2.0.20 (GNU/Linux)



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Re: locales, utf-8, acentos y eñes.

2013-08-23 Thread Javier San Román
On Viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013 19:38:53 Javier San Román escribió:
 En una máquina con Debian Stable y KDE tengo las locales configuradas así:
 $ locale -a
 con el sistema en utf8 y toda va bien.
 En otra máquina, también con Debian Stable y KDE, con las locales
 configuradas de la misma forma pasa que, por ejemplo:
 En las páginas man traducidas al castellano no se ven los acentos ni las
 eñes; xterm, sus mensajes y notificaciones salen en inglés; en el entorno
 gráfico, las opciones, menús de las ventanas y notificaciones, en inglés.
 KDM en español.
 Lo del entorno gráfico se arregla si añado a las locales una ISO (p.e.
 iso.8859-15) y lo de los acentos y eñes en las man poniendo además el
 sistema con la ISO.
 Pero quería tener las locales configuradas y funcionando como en la primera
 máquina, con utf8 solamente. A primera vista las dos máquinas tienen la
 misma configuración aunque es evidente que no es así: algo hay en la
 segunda que varía, comparando con la primera, la salida de las locales. 
 Si alguien sabe que tengo que hacer para conseguirlo, le agradezco la
 Un saludo

Metedura de pata. Donde puse acento léase tilde.

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Re: locales, utf-8, acentos y eñes.

2013-08-23 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 23 Aug 2013 19:38:53 +0200, Javier San Román escribió:

 En una máquina con Debian Stable y KDE tengo las locales configuradas
 $ locale -a C
 C.UTF-8 es_ES.utf8 POSIX
 con el sistema en utf8 y toda va bien.
 En otra máquina, también con Debian Stable y KDE, con las locales
 configuradas de la misma forma pasa que, por ejemplo:
 En las páginas man traducidas al castellano no se ven los acentos ni las
 eñes; xterm, sus mensajes y notificaciones salen en inglés; en el
 entorno gráfico, las opciones, menús de las ventanas y notificaciones,
 en inglés. KDM en español.

Preguntonta... si ejecutas:

LANG=es_ES.utf8; man apt-get

¿Se ven mal los caracteres?

Si es así, como parece ser, ejecuta locale en el equipo que te da 
problemas y pon la salida.

 Lo del entorno gráfico se arregla si añado a las locales una ISO (p.e.
 iso.8859-15) y lo de los acentos y eñes en las man poniendo además el
 sistema con la ISO.

Compara también los paquetes que tienes instalados en ambos equipos para 
la localización del entorno gráfico y que en KDE tengas configurado UTF-8 
como predeterminado (suele estar en el apartado Regional/Idioma o 

 Pero quería tener las locales configuradas y funcionando como en la
 primera máquina, con utf8 solamente. A primera vista las dos máquinas
 tienen la misma configuración aunque es evidente que no es así: algo hay
 en la segunda que varía, comparando con la primera, la salida de las
 locales.  Si alguien sabe que tengo que hacer para conseguirlo, le
 agradezco la ayuda.

Como último recurso recuerda que también puedes reconfigurar las locale 
con dpkg-reconfigure locales.



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Re: locales, utf-8, acentos y eñes.

2013-08-23 Thread Javier San Román
On Viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013 19:38:53 Javier San Román escribió:
 En una máquina con Debian Stable y KDE tengo las locales configuradas así:
 $ locale -a
 con el sistema en utf8 y toda va bien.
 En otra máquina, también con Debian Stable y KDE, con las locales
 configuradas de la misma forma pasa que, por ejemplo:
 En las páginas man traducidas al castellano no se ven los acentos ni las
 eñes; xterm, sus mensajes y notificaciones salen en inglés; en el entorno
 gráfico, las opciones, menús de las ventanas y notificaciones, en inglés.
 KDM en español.
 Lo del entorno gráfico se arregla si añado a las locales una ISO (p.e.
 iso.8859-15) y lo de los acentos y eñes en las man poniendo además el
 sistema con la ISO.
 Pero quería tener las locales configuradas y funcionando como en la primera
 máquina, con utf8 solamente. A primera vista las dos máquinas tienen la
 misma configuración aunque es evidente que no es así: algo hay en la
 segunda que varía, comparando con la primera, la salida de las locales. 
 Si alguien sabe que tengo que hacer para conseguirlo, le agradezco la
 Un saludo

Así es como están en la primera máquina funcionando correctamente:

$ locale

Y así es como están en la segunda funcionado también correctamente:

$ locale

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Re: locales, utf-8, acentos y eñes.

2013-08-23 Thread Javier San Román
On Friday, 23 de August de 2013 19:57:23 Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 23 Aug 2013 19:38:53 +0200, Javier San Román escribió:
  En una máquina con Debian Stable y KDE tengo las locales configuradas
  $ locale -a C
  C.UTF-8 es_ES.utf8 POSIX
  con el sistema en utf8 y toda va bien.
  En otra máquina, también con Debian Stable y KDE, con las locales
  configuradas de la misma forma pasa que, por ejemplo:
  En las páginas man traducidas al castellano no se ven los acentos ni las
  eñes; xterm, sus mensajes y notificaciones salen en inglés; en el
  entorno gráfico, las opciones, menús de las ventanas y notificaciones,
  en inglés. KDM en español.
 Preguntonta... si ejecutas:
 LANG=es_ES.utf8; man apt-get
 ¿Se ven mal los caracteres?

Yes..digo si. Es que está todo en inglés... El manual de apt-get, como otros, 
está en castellano pero sin tildes.
 Si es así, como parece ser, ejecuta locale en el equipo que te da
 problemas y pon la salida.

$ locale

  Lo del entorno gráfico se arregla si añado a las locales una ISO (p.e.
  iso.8859-15) y lo de los acentos y eñes en las man poniendo además el
  sistema con la ISO.
 Compara también los paquetes que tienes instalados en ambos equipos para
 la localización del entorno gráfico

Los ojos me duelen ya de comparar paquetes...

 y que en KDE tengas configurado UTF-8
 como predeterminado (suele estar en el apartado Regional/Idioma o

Pais: España. Lenguaje: Español y no hay mas aparte de la moneda, hora, etc. 
etc.. En el otro equipo está igual y funciona bien.
  Pero quería tener las locales configuradas y funcionando como en la
  primera máquina, con utf8 solamente. A primera vista las dos máquinas
  tienen la misma configuración aunque es evidente que no es así: algo hay
  en la segunda que varía, comparando con la primera, la salida de las
  locales.  Si alguien sabe que tengo que hacer para conseguirlo, le
  agradezco la ayuda.
 Como último recurso recuerda que también puedes reconfigurar las locale
 con dpkg-reconfigure locales.

Llevo 50.. 100.. 200 veces? dándole al reconfigure haciendo todas las 
combinaciones posibles.


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Re: Explica

2013-08-23 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El Fri, 23 Aug 2013 04:51:39 -0400
William Romero escribió:

 En que te basas para afirmar semejante cosa???
 alguana vez configurastes solo direcciones ip para navegar . sin tener DNS , 
 dificil a eso me referia!

Todo el tiempo lo hago. Que no se pueda resolver por DNS no quiere decir que no 
se pueda conectar

Insisto: en que te basas para afirmar semejante cosa
Y por favor responde  A LA LISTA, no a mi 
 Podes tener internet sin utilizar servidores DNS, de hecho hay 
 millones de lugares a los que podes acceder sin necesidad de utilizar 
 Que hablas . 
 No hay que mandar fruta asi porque si.
 Fruta es la que tu mandas confundes al Foro , ella solo mostraba las 
 configuraciones de puerta enlace y direccion ip , pues aca en peru navegamos 
 con DNS de proveedores .
 y no reclames explica!
 William Romero Cachique 

Angel Claudio Alvarez

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Re: locales, utf-8, acentos y eñes.

2013-08-23 Thread Roberto José Blandino Cisneros
Ya se probó esto?

apt-get install manpages-es


Re: Diferencias en salida df -h en OpenVZ

2013-08-23 Thread Roberto José Blandino Cisneros
Probablemente en sea diferencia entre versiones.

Puede que por la version no se muestre la unidad, o por que no esta montada
no se vea.

2013/8/23 tq

 On 23/08/13 11:41, Maykel Franco wrote:


 Creo que es por la version de proxmox. Con la version 3 ha cambiado un

 Hazle en ambos pveversion haber si es la misma...


  Maykel, gracias por la respuesta.

 Mira que estoy usando OpenVZ desde Debian nativo (sin Proxmox).


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Re: Desinstalar Apache, PHP5, MySql

2013-08-23 Thread Roberto José Blandino Cisneros
Calmaos, creo que se han salido de la tangente, en lugar de resolver un
problema se han quedado en lo que dicen y que dijeron.

Juan, yo ya he tenido la experiencia que un simple apt-get --purge remove
paquete no se borra completamente, por lo que por experiencia te sugiero
que pruebes con aptitude.

aptitude remove paquete
aptitude purge paquete

Ejecuta esos dos comandos uno a la vez y  con esto tendras resuelto la
eliminacion del paquete o los paquetes por completo.

Para limpiar y volver desde cero solo pon los paquetes principales y esto
limpiara todo.

aptitude remove Apache2 php5 mysql-server
aptitude purge Apache2 php5 mysql-server

Con esto podras empezar de nuevo desde cero.

Ahora con esto resuelves el problema de una mala configuración y estoy
seguro que el problema que planteabas, no hay problema en practicar en una
maquina real, sin embargo una virtual te ofrece herramientas como hacer
snapshoots que te permiten retornar a un estado anterior en caso de errores.

Sin embargo puedes continuar trabajando con una maquina no virtual sin
embargo es un poco tedioso estar esperando que se desinstalen los paquetes
y se vuelvan a instalar.

Saludes Juan y espero esto resuelva tu problema.

Por experiencia si apt-get no me resuelve yo he usado aptitude.


Re: [OT] Buenas prácticas con GPG y el e-mail

2013-08-23 Thread Francisco Del Roio
Hash: SHA1

Agradezco sus respuestas y doy por cerrado el tema.

Un saludo
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: locales, utf-8, acentos y eñes.

2013-08-23 Thread Javier San Román
On Friday, 23 de August de 2013 23:49:23 Roberto José Blandino Cisneros 
 Ya se probó esto?
 apt-get install manpages-es

Gracias por el interés mostrado pero lee con detenimiento los correos 
anteriores. Y por favor, no utilizes html y no envies al privado.

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banshee no reproduce wma mp3, etc

2013-08-23 Thread 2008404186
he buscado en internet cómo reproducir formatos como mp3 y wma; en 
general parece algo muy sencillo; abrir /etc/apt/sources.list, agregar 
unas líneas y luego instalar w64codecs (ya que la arquitectura de mi pc 
es amd64), pero aún así no logro reproducir ningún otro formato más allá 
de los soportados de forma nativa por debian.

¿alguna idea de qué me está fallando?

/etc/apt/sources.list aparece así en nano:

# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 7.1.0 _Wheezy_ - Official amd64 NETINST 
Binary-1 $

#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 7.1.0 _Wheezy_ - Official amd64 NETINST 
Binary-1 2$

deb wheezy main
deb-src wheezy main

deb wheezy/updates main
deb-src wheezy/updates main

# wheezy-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
deb wheezy-updates main
deb-src wheezy-updates main
deb wheezy main contrib
deb-src wheezy main contrib
deb-src wheezy main contrib 

deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb wheezy main non-free
deb-src wheezy main non-free

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Re: [OFFTOPIC] HD na vertical

2013-08-23 Thread Francisco Aparecido da Silva
Os  fabrincantes  de  pc's  projetam o equipamento para trabalhar tanto na
horizontal  quanto na vertical; Até mesmo invertido, o que a longo prazo
serve  como  depósito  de  poeira.  Acredito  que  a  posição do disco não
interfere, ao contrário dos grandes discos antigos; 

On 22/08/13 at 08:24pm, Fábio de Sousa wrote:
 Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 20:24:44 -0300
 From: Fábio de Sousa
 To: DUP
 Subject: [OFFTOPIC] HD na vertical
 Um salve a todos!
 Alguém saberia me dizer, com certeza, se existe algum problema, o Hard Disk
 trabalhar na vertical?

Francisco Aparecido da Silva (fafanet)
GNU/Linux user:239412 GPG ID:01BC73D6

Description: Digital signature

Re: [OFFTOPIC] HD na vertical

2013-08-23 Thread Rafael Bedendo
Se houvesse qualquer problema, será que os desktops da Dell como os 
optiplex que tem 3 anos de garantia viriam com os discos na vertical?


Rafael Bedendo

Em 23/08/2013 07:52, Francisco Aparecido da Silva escreveu:

Os  fabrincantes  de  pc's  projetam o equipamento para trabalhar tanto na
horizontal  quanto na vertical; Até mesmo invertido, o que a longo prazo
serve  como  depósito  de  poeira.  Acredito  que  a  posição do disco não
interfere, ao contrário dos grandes discos antigos;

On 22/08/13 at 08:24pm, Fábio de Sousa wrote:

Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 20:24:44 -0300
From: Fábio de Sousa
Subject: [OFFTOPIC] HD na vertical

Um salve a todos!

Alguém saberia me dizer, com certeza, se existe algum problema, o Hard Disk
trabalhar na vertical?



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Re: Servidor travando

2013-08-23 Thread P. J.
Que aula... muito bom o post... agora uma dúvida... e depois Hélio, vc
tomou alguma medida preventiva para tentar impedir que isso acontecesse
novamente? ou deixou aquela configuração do post?


Em 22 de agosto de 2013 22:08, Helio Loureiro he...@loureiro.eng.brescreveu:

 Veja se isso ajuda:

 Helio Loureiro

 Em 22 de agosto de 2013 17:01, Marcelo Silva marguimsi...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Cara, pensei exatamente nisso, estou fazendo um teste com o nginx agora
 no servidor de homologação e vi até uma melhora. já tenho o cacti aqui
 monitorando e em relação a banda não é problema.


 Em 22 de agosto de 2013 16:02, d4n1 escreveu:

 Se possível usá o nginx ou lightpd, eles usam eventos no lugar de threads
 como o apache. Monitora com top primeiramente, depois instala um nagios,
 zabix ou cacti e vê o consumo de banda, processos e etc. A partir daí você
 vai vê se é sobrecarga ou outro tipo de problema.

|  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
| : :'  :
| `. `'`
|   `-   Je vois tout

Re: [OFFTOPIC] HD na vertical

2013-08-23 Thread Helio Loureiro
Invertido tem o problema dos contatos eletrõnicos ficarem expostos pra
poeira, que a longo prazo é corrosiva.

O restante, pela velocidade e pelo invólucro ser lacrado à vácuo, a
gravidade não faz muita diferença.

Helio Loureiro

Em 23 de agosto de 2013 08:11, Rafael Bedendo

 Se houvesse qualquer problema, será que os desktops da Dell como os
 optiplex que tem 3 anos de garantia viriam com os discos na vertical?


 Rafael Bedendo

 Em 23/08/2013 07:52, Francisco Aparecido da Silva escreveu:

  Os  fabrincantes  de  pc's  projetam o equipamento para trabalhar tanto na
 horizontal  quanto na vertical; Até mesmo invertido, o que a longo prazo
 serve  como  depósito  de  poeira.  Acredito  que  a  posição do disco não
 interfere, ao contrário dos grandes discos antigos;

 On 22/08/13 at 08:24pm, Fábio de Sousa wrote:

 Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 20:24:44 -0300
 From: Fábio de Sousa
 To: DUP 
 Subject: [OFFTOPIC] HD na vertical

 Um salve a todos!

 Alguém saberia me dizer, com certeza, se existe algum problema, o Hard
 trabalhar na vertical?



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Re: Apache2 Tomcat7

2013-08-23 Thread Gustavo Goulart
Greyson, bom dia!

Foi de grande ajuda. Obrigado! 
Procurei antes no google e achei diversos artigos trabalhosos. Sua dica foi 
simples e funcional.


# Gustavo V. Goulart #
# Rio de Janeiro - RJ#
# Linux Debian Etch  #

 De: Aparecido Quesada
Para: Greyson Farias 
Cc: Forum Debian 
Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 22 de Agosto de 2013 11:15
Assunto: Re: Apache2 Tomcat7

Bom dia 
Aqui apareceu acesso restrito, tinha que inserir algum login?


2013/8/21 Greyson Farias

Olá Gustavo,

Aqui está:

Espero que ajude.

Greyson Farias da Silva
Técnico em Operação de redes - CREA/AC 9329TD
Eu prefiro receber documentos em ODF.

Em 21 de agosto de 2013 17:32, Gustavo Goulart 

Ola lista, boa noite!

 Pessoal, tenho uma aplicação aqui usando Oracle e tomcat6 no debian squeeze. 
O oracle esta em uma máquina separada com Oracle Linux. Atualizei o debian 
para a versão 7 onde ja tenho os pacotes tomcat7 todos em .deb. 

Alguem ai conhece um bom link para integrar o apache2 com tomcat7  ???

Estou apanhando feio aqui.

Agradeço ajudas.

# Gustavo V. Goulart #
# Rio de Janeiro - RJ#
# Linux Debian Etch  #

Re: [OFFTOPIC] HD na vertical

2013-08-23 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Fri, Aug 23, 2013, at 11:24, Helio Loureiro wrote:
 Invertido tem o problema dos contatos eletrõnicos ficarem expostos pra 
 poeira, que a longo prazo é corrosiva.
 O restante, pela velocidade e pelo invólucro ser lacrado à vácuo, a gravidade 
 não faz muita diferença.

Os HDs modernos [para uso doméstico] não são lacrados à vácuo (não sei o
motivo, provavelmente economia no processo de fabricação), mas possuem
um tremendo filtro anti-partícula no respiro de equalização de pressão
(que aliás nunca deve ser bloqueado), então dá na mesma com relação à
poeira.  Não cubra o respiro, e não deixe acumular pó na placa
eletrônica, e pronto.

Agora, por algum motivo eu não tenho tido muita sorte com HDs Seagate
Barracuda na posição vertical em aplicação NAS doméstica, e agora até o
firmware deles parece que está sabotado para sacanear o consumidor (não
registra permanentemente os erros de leitura causados por setores
fracos e nem remapeia esses setores, então nem dá para acionar a

Alguém sabe onde encontrar HDD Hitachi 3TB+ SATA no Brasil?  Se souber,
me envia em PVT.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique de Moraes Holschuh

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Servidor travando

2013-08-23 Thread Rodrigo B Brasil
Hélio, o ModSecurity não funcionaria nesse teu caso?

Rodrigo Bezerra Brasil
Belém, PA, BR

Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing work, yet getting the work done.
-Linus Torvalds

2013/8/23 P. J.

 Que aula... muito bom o post... agora uma dúvida... e depois Hélio, vc
 tomou alguma medida preventiva para tentar impedir que isso acontecesse
 novamente? ou deixou aquela configuração do post?


 Em 22 de agosto de 2013 22:08, Helio Loureiro he...@loureiro.eng.brescreveu:

 Veja se isso ajuda:

 Helio Loureiro

 Em 22 de agosto de 2013 17:01, Marcelo Silva 

 Cara, pensei exatamente nisso, estou fazendo um teste com o nginx agora
 no servidor de homologação e vi até uma melhora. já tenho o cacti aqui
 monitorando e em relação a banda não é problema.


 Em 22 de agosto de 2013 16:02, d4n1 escreveu:

 Se possível usá o nginx ou lightpd, eles usam eventos no lugar de
 threads como o apache. Monitora com top primeiramente, depois instala um
 nagios, zabix ou cacti e vê o consumo de banda, processos e etc. A partir
 daí você vai vê se é sobrecarga ou outro tipo de problema.

 |  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
 | : :'  :
 | `. `'`
 |   `-   Je vois tout

Re: Servidor travando

2013-08-23 Thread Helio Loureiro
Não dá pra evitar ataques DDoS.  Sempre tem um espírito de porco mandando
um em cima de site, blog, etc.  Então tem de estar pronto.

O grande problema foi que com o firewall ativo, o iptables ia consumindo
memória, e com root level.  Isso ia até travar.  Com os tempos menores que
coloquei, o iptables começou a descartar as sessões, e isso mitigou a coisa.

Daria pra arrumar também colocando limites de conexões por porta.

Os ataques estão mais esporádicos, mas acontecem pelo menos a cada 3
meses.   Atualmente não fazem nem cócegas.

E 100% dos hosts zumbis, que ficam gravados no log do apache, são windows.
Nenhum com IP repetido.

Helio Loureiro

Em 23 de agosto de 2013 09:28, P. J. escreveu:

 Que aula... muito bom o post... agora uma dúvida... e depois Hélio, vc
 tomou alguma medida preventiva para tentar impedir que isso acontecesse
 novamente? ou deixou aquela configuração do post?


 Em 22 de agosto de 2013 22:08, Helio Loureiro he...@loureiro.eng.brescreveu:

 Veja se isso ajuda:

 Helio Loureiro

 Em 22 de agosto de 2013 17:01, Marcelo Silva 

 Cara, pensei exatamente nisso, estou fazendo um teste com o nginx agora
 no servidor de homologação e vi até uma melhora. já tenho o cacti aqui
 monitorando e em relação a banda não é problema.


 Em 22 de agosto de 2013 16:02, d4n1 escreveu:

 Se possível usá o nginx ou lightpd, eles usam eventos no lugar de
 threads como o apache. Monitora com top primeiramente, depois instala um
 nagios, zabix ou cacti e vê o consumo de banda, processos e etc. A partir
 daí você vai vê se é sobrecarga ou outro tipo de problema.

 |  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
 | : :'  :
 | `. `'`
 |   `-   Je vois tout

Re: Servidor travando

2013-08-23 Thread Helio Loureiro
Meu problema não foi o apache, foi o iptables mesmo.

Os hosts mandavam pacotes SYN, e não respondiam mais.  O default do TCP é
aguardar resposta por 2 horas.  Agora imagina o firewall reservando memória
pra manter o estado da conexão e recebendo 100 request/s.  Uma hora a coisa

BTW, sem terminar o triple handshake do TCP, o Apache nem vê o que chega.

Helio Loureiro

Em 23 de agosto de 2013 11:59, Rodrigo B Brasil

 Hélio, o ModSecurity não funcionaria nesse teu caso?

 Rodrigo Bezerra Brasil
 Belém, PA, BR

 Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing work, yet getting the work done.
 -Linus Torvalds

 2013/8/23 P. J.

 Que aula... muito bom o post... agora uma dúvida... e depois Hélio, vc
 tomou alguma medida preventiva para tentar impedir que isso acontecesse
 novamente? ou deixou aquela configuração do post?


 Em 22 de agosto de 2013 22:08, Helio Loureiro 

 Veja se isso ajuda:

 Helio Loureiro

 Em 22 de agosto de 2013 17:01, Marcelo Silva 

 Cara, pensei exatamente nisso, estou fazendo um teste com o nginx agora
 no servidor de homologação e vi até uma melhora. já tenho o cacti aqui
 monitorando e em relação a banda não é problema.


 Em 22 de agosto de 2013 16:02, d4n1 escreveu:

 Se possível usá o nginx ou lightpd, eles usam eventos no lugar de
 threads como o apache. Monitora com top primeiramente, depois instala um
 nagios, zabix ou cacti e vê o consumo de banda, processos e etc. A partir
 daí você vai vê se é sobrecarga ou outro tipo de problema.

 |  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
 | : :'  :
 | `. `'`
 |   `-   Je vois tout

Re: Servidor travando

2013-08-23 Thread Helio Loureiro
Esse são os gráficos de tráfego atualmente.


IPTABLES (ipconntrack):

Esse gráficos são *normalizados* pra baixo, já que são médias anuais.  Nos
gráficos diários, os picos são bem maiores.  Mas não fazem nem cócegas.

Helio Loureiro

Em 23 de agosto de 2013 13:34, Helio Loureiro he...@loureiro.eng.brescreveu:

 Meu problema não foi o apache, foi o iptables mesmo.

 Os hosts mandavam pacotes SYN, e não respondiam mais.  O default do TCP é
 aguardar resposta por 2 horas.  Agora imagina o firewall reservando memória
 pra manter o estado da conexão e recebendo 100 request/s.  Uma hora a coisa

 BTW, sem terminar o triple handshake do TCP, o Apache nem vê o que chega.

 Helio Loureiro

 Em 23 de agosto de 2013 11:59, Rodrigo B Brasil 

 Hélio, o ModSecurity não funcionaria nesse teu caso?

 Rodrigo Bezerra Brasil
 Belém, PA, BR

 Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing work, yet getting the work
 -Linus Torvalds

 2013/8/23 P. J.

 Que aula... muito bom o post... agora uma dúvida... e depois Hélio, vc
 tomou alguma medida preventiva para tentar impedir que isso acontecesse
 novamente? ou deixou aquela configuração do post?


 Em 22 de agosto de 2013 22:08, Helio Loureiro 

 Veja se isso ajuda:

 Helio Loureiro

 Em 22 de agosto de 2013 17:01, Marcelo Silva 

 Cara, pensei exatamente nisso, estou fazendo um teste com o nginx
 agora no servidor de homologação e vi até uma melhora. já tenho o cacti
 aqui monitorando e em relação a banda não é problema.


 Em 22 de agosto de 2013 16:02, d4n1 escreveu:

 Se possível usá o nginx ou lightpd, eles usam eventos no lugar de
 threads como o apache. Monitora com top primeiramente, depois instala um
 nagios, zabix ou cacti e vê o consumo de banda, processos e etc. A partir
 daí você vai vê se é sobrecarga ou outro tipo de problema.

 |  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
 | : :'  :
 | `. `'`
 |   `-   Je vois tout

Re: [OFFTOPIC] HD na vertical

2013-08-23 Thread André Luiz
Tenho um HD de 750G da Seagate e acho que ele também está apresentando esse 
erro de não remapear setores com defeito. As mensagens que aparecem no dmesg 
são essas:

[ 4968.526607] scsi 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Unhandled error code
[ 4968.526612] scsi 6:0:0:0: [sdb]  Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x00
[ 4968.526617] scsi 6:0:0:0: [sdb] CDB: cdb[0]=0x28: 28 00 57 54 66 00 00 00 
08 00
[ 4968.526630] end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 1465148928
[ 4968.526635] Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 183143616
[ 4968.526671] Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 183143616
[ 4968.526695] Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 183143644
[ 4968.526700] Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 183143644
[ 4968.526710] Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 0
[ 4968.526714] Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 0
[ 4968.526722] Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 1
[ 4968.526732] Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 183143645
[ 4968.526739] Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 183143645
[ 4968.526745] Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 183143645

Esses erros ocorrem depois de montar o HD e não realizar nenhuma atividade 
nele, de forma que parece que o disco entra em um modo stand by. Ao escrever 
ou listar um diretório, os erros surgem. Geralmente as 4 primeiras linhas 
apenas que são mostradas, as linhas com mensagens de Buffer I/O error 
aparecem de vez em quando. Já rodei fsck e badblocks, mas não foram 
encontrados problemas.  Vai ver é isso que o amigo Helio disse.
Ah, isso acontece independente da posição do HD, pois não uso ele na vertical.

On Friday 23 August 2013 11:54:38 Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 23, 2013, at 11:24, Helio Loureiro wrote:
  Invertido tem o problema dos contatos eletrõnicos ficarem expostos pra
  poeira, que a longo prazo é corrosiva.
  O restante, pela velocidade e pelo invólucro ser lacrado à vácuo, a
  gravidade não faz muita diferença.
 Os HDs modernos [para uso doméstico] não são lacrados à vácuo (não sei o
 motivo, provavelmente economia no processo de fabricação), mas possuem
 um tremendo filtro anti-partícula no respiro de equalização de pressão
 (que aliás nunca deve ser bloqueado), então dá na mesma com relação à
 poeira.  Não cubra o respiro, e não deixe acumular pó na placa
 eletrônica, e pronto.
 Agora, por algum motivo eu não tenho tido muita sorte com HDs Seagate
 Barracuda na posição vertical em aplicação NAS doméstica, e agora até o
 firmware deles parece que está sabotado para sacanear o consumidor (não
 registra permanentemente os erros de leitura causados por setores
 fracos e nem remapeia esses setores, então nem dá para acionar a
 Alguém sabe onde encontrar HDD Hitachi 3TB+ SATA no Brasil?  Se souber,
 me envia em PVT.

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Mensagem no Servidor Proxy

2013-08-23 Thread Henrique Rosa
Boa tarde a todos!
Estou com um problema no servidor proxy da empresa.
Ele vem apresentando uma msg que acredito seja problemas no hd.

[838954.768106] ata5.00:exception emask 0x0 Sact 0x0 Serr 0x0 action 0x6
[838954.771425] ata5.00 :failed command identify device
[838954.774688] ata5.00 cmd ec/00:01:00:00/00:00:00:00/00 tag 0 pio 512 in
res 40/00:ff?00...emask 0x4 (timeout)
[838954.774690] ata5.00:status: {DRDY}

Alguem sabe dizer que msg é esta e se existe algo que possa fazer para

Obrigadão , desde já !

Grande abraço a todos !

Re: Mensagem no Servidor Proxy

2013-08-23 Thread Greyson Farias
Aparentemente é um log do Dmesg e sim, é disco rígido.
O que eu faria é utilizar um Live CD/DVD/USB para realizar um fsck na
partição e verificar se resolve.
Se for problema físico, aí prepare-se para um backup, se possível e
substituir o disco.


*Greyson Farias da Silva*
Técnico em Operação de redes - CREA/AC 9329TD
Eu prefiro receber documentos em ODF

Em 23 de agosto de 2013 14:21, Henrique Rosa

 Boa tarde a todos!
 Estou com um problema no servidor proxy da empresa.
 Ele vem apresentando uma msg que acredito seja problemas no hd.

 [838954.768106] ata5.00:exception emask 0x0 Sact 0x0 Serr 0x0 action 0x6
 [838954.771425] ata5.00 :failed command identify device
 [838954.774688] ata5.00 cmd ec/00:01:00:00/00:00:00:00/00 tag 0 pio 512 in
 res 40/00:ff?00...emask 0x4 (timeout)
 [838954.774690] ata5.00:status: {DRDY}

 Alguem sabe dizer que msg é esta e se existe algo que possa fazer para

 Obrigadão , desde já !

 Grande abraço a todos !

Re: FIREWALL - Capturar senhas de acessos das páginas

2013-08-23 Thread Luther Blissett
On Wed, 2013-08-21 at 10:34 -0300, Christian Rosa wrote: 
 Pois é,
 Nunca pensei que pegaria um caso desses, para mim na verdade é um
 desafio de certa forma, só que tem toda uma questão até mesmo de
 privacidade. Eu não queria entraria no mérito social da questão,
 contudo já estou nele. Eu até já conversei com ele no contexto de
 privacidade, outra alternativa, mas ELE é o PAI, não sou pisicologo e
 nem tenho conhecimento semelhante para indica-lo o que é melhor.
 Tecnicamente se existir um metódo que com software livre eu possa
 atende-lo e ajuda-lo, farei por 2 motivos; 1- O desafio do trabalho
 técnico, conhecimento e etc. 2- Posso estar cooperando com uma pessoa
 que talvez esteja em sérios apuros,
 Quando da conversa, ele se demonstrou bem atucanado, quando atendeu
 seu celular, falou para outra pessoa do outro lado da linha Estou
 passando por problemas familiares, ai fiquei tenso, por que vi que a
 coisa é séria, não é um pai querendo xeretar os filhos.
 Abraço a todos !

Isso é violação de direito humano fundamental e se você fizer, eu
ficarei feliz em denunciar. Você e seu chefe. 

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Re: Res: Re: [OFFTOPIC] HD na vertical

2013-08-23 Thread Luther Blissett
On Fri, 2013-08-23 at 01:26 +, wrote:
 Apesar disso, a alguns anos atrás, aqui nesta mesma lista, levantou-se
 uma determinada marca que tinha problemas, digo, característica de
 estragar/degradar os discos na posição vertical, mesmo q devidamente
 ímobilizado o computador. Pode nao existir mais esta característica
 nesta determinada. marca/modelo, porem esta pergunta, a alguns anos
 atrás, seria mto pertinente. Hoje talvez nem tanto. Ou nao. :) 
 Enviado pelo meu aparelho BlackBerry®
 From: Helio Loureiro
 Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 22:06:18 -0300
 Subject: Re: [OFFTOPIC] HD na vertical

Talvez tenha sido eu, talvez não. Eu tive um problema com um HD Externo
da Seagate há uns três anos. Ele começou a apresentar badblocks
rapidamente e frequentemente superaquecia e desmontava automaticamente.
Um belo dia parou completamente de funcionar, consegui tirar apenas uma
parte dos dados que estavam nele e perdi um monte de coisas.

Como estava na garantia consegui a troca por um equivalente. A
assistência técnica da empresa disse não ter conseguido identificar o
problema, mas cogitaram a posição do HD ou defeito na fonte de energia.

Não sei o que foi, talvez o HD tivesse um defeito de fabricação. Fato é
que o HD substituto nunca apresentou qualquer problema e está deitado
desde sempre. Se você me oferecer o preço de um novo eu faço o teste e
deixo ele em pé pra ver o que acontece... :D 

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question to live-build

2013-08-23 Thread Hans-J. Ullrich
Hi folks, 

I hope, someone is more experienced with live-build than me.

The problem:
I have set up a live-build for kali-linux, which I want often build for new 
updates. But I do not want to download the whole stuff every time, so I am 
using apt-cacher-ng, which is working perfectly 

I also want to avoid the installing and unpacking of the whole stuff at every 
run, if this is possible. And I want just to download newer or additionally 
stuff, of course.

Now my question:
What is the best command before any build?
lb clean? lb clean --binary? lb clean --cache? lb clean --chroot?

At the moment I am just using lb clean, and it works well, except it unpackes 
all packages every time.

I creates a little script for me, which I attached. Nothing special, jsut to 
make things easier, You can use and change it in any way you want. 

This script will be improved and released by me, as soon as I understand live-
build better.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards

Description: application/shellscript

Re: What if I choose install text-based mode than X?

2013-08-23 Thread Joel Rees
On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 10:22 PM, 郭靖 wrote:
 在 2013年8月22日星期四UTC+8下午6时50分01秒,Ralf Mardorf写道:
  but I chose the wrong place for GRUB, at last it didn't run well.

 More information is needed to comment this.

Maybe the wrong partition?

  mc looks fine and I may tried out.
 mcedit is the command to access it's editor directly and
 mcedit /path/to/file/foo will open the editor and a file directly. nano
 is another easy to use editor, but you should know the basics how to use
 vi, or vim, since those are the editors that usually are separated from
 the rest of the userspace and available if everything should be broken
 on UNIX like systems.

 I think you misunderstood, mc here means Midnight Commander, a file manager.

What he means by mcedit is the Midnight Commander editor. It's built
into mc. Some people find it convenient.

Joel Rees

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Re: What if I choose install text-based mode than X?

2013-08-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf
As already mentioned by somebody else. You don't need a text based
install to learn how to use Linux by command line interface.

Using a desktop environment you can start a terminal emulation by a
graphical user interface or you can push

Ctrl + Alt + F-Keys

Using mc as file manager would be counterproductive to learn the basics.
FWIW I'm using a desktop environment, but I rarely use a file manager, I
prefer to use the command line interface ls, cd, mkdir, touch, mv, rm,
rmdir. It's not needed to type each command, just type the first letters
and then push the tab-key. The tab key also does complete a path, just
type the beginning of a path and the tab key usually can complete parts
of it.

As others already mentioned, at least mail user agents and web browsers
are available text based. I don't know if an IRC client is available,
but as somebody already mentioned, there's something called ncurses.
Ncurses could be described as a pseudo-graphical user interface for the
command line interface, so e.g. search for ncurses irc client or test
based irc client.

With google ncurses irc client I e.g. get Console IRC Clients

Before users ask questions they should search by their own, but a
beginner hardly can do this, because newbies don't know the needed
terms, that are needed to e.g. search the web, so feel free to ask on
this list.


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Re: What if I choose install text-based mode than X?

2013-08-23 Thread Jeff Bauer

On 08/23/2013 05:51 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

I don't know if an IRC client is available

irssi for the hardcore; weechat for the fledgling 'leet


hangout: ##b0rked on
diversion: - visit The Fringe
quote: The foundation of authority is based upon the consent of the people. - 
Thomas Hooker

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Query reg ifupdown 0.7.8 not bringing down all network interfaces.

2013-08-23 Thread sathishkumar kanagaraj
Hi All,

'ifdown -a --exclude=lo' option not bringing down all the
interface(bond  VLAN) in wheezy.

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto bond0
iface bond0 inet static
pre-up modprobe -q bonding mode=6 miimon=100 updelay=16500
downdelay=200 max_bonds=1
pre-up ifconfig bond0 up
pre-up /sbin/ifenslave bond0 eth0 eth1
down /sbin/ifenslave -d  bond0 eth0 eth1
mtu 1500
auto bond0.2
iface bond0.2 inet dhcp
vlan-raw-device bond0
pre-up ifconfig bond0.2 mtu 1500
auto bond0.3
iface bond0.3 inet dhcp
vlan-raw-device bond0
pre-up ifconfig bond0.3 mtu 1500

Please help.
K.Sathish Kumar.

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Rasbian problem at update

2013-08-23 Thread Frank Lanitz
Hi folks,

I'm getting a strange issue with latest wheezy raspbian-image. At doing
an update with apt-get it's stopping:
- Log at

Anybody an idea what is going wrong here?


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Re: Rasbian problem at update

2013-08-23 Thread basti
Try the following


On 23.08.2013 13:44, Frank Lanitz wrote:
 Hi folks,

 I'm getting a strange issue with latest wheezy raspbian-image. At doing
 an update with apt-get it's stopping:
 - Log at

 Anybody an idea what is going wrong here?


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RE: openvpn question

2013-08-23 Thread Bonno Bloksma
Hi Gregory,

 Gregory Nowak wrote:
 The public address assigned to the laptop would actually be 
 configured on the VPS,
 Hmm...  No.  Sorry.  Doesn't make sense.  The public address assigned 
 to the laptop would probably be yet another private address behind a 
 NAT somewhere.

 Ok, some confusion here it seems. Both you and I are right in that the 
 public address is assigned to the VPS, and is also in reality yet another
 private address behind a NAT somewhere like you said. I'll explain below,
 since I do in fact have this going as I mentioned in my latest post to
 the VPS crashing thread.

I have been following this and I think it is getting clear what you are doing 
but I have lost what the problem is we are trying to resolve.

If I understand it right your setup is something like:

VPS has network (mask
Uplink ip
VPS public ip
Laptop wants to use

dns vps A

vps interfaces file
iface eth0

iface eth0:0

openvpn server config
port 1194
proto udp
dev tun

openvpn client config
dev tun
proto udp
remote 1194

Somehow you have made sure client always gets same 10.1.1.x number, for 

Via iptables you make sure any traffic coming in on the VPS server with 
destination is going to the VPN ip of the laptop
And vice versa any traffic coming from the laptop vpn ip get sent out with the 
openvpn server iptables
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -j DNAT --to
iptables -t nat -A POSTOUTING -s -j SNAT --to

What is it that is not working? If you think we can solve the problem better by 
supplying the real configs then please do so.

Bonno Bloksma

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Re: Missing Makefile

2013-08-23 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 8/23/2013 12:36 AM, Kailash wrote:

On Thursday 22 August 2013 09:32 PM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

On 8/22/2013 1:50 AM, Kailash wrote:

On Monday 05 August 2013 08:10 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

On 8/4/2013 5:22 PM, Tom H wrote:

On Sat, 03 Aug 2013 22:11:16 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
On 8/3/2013 10:30 AM, Tom H wrote:
Do the following four symlinks exist on your box
(for 3.2 of course).
/lib/modules/3.10-1-amd64/build -
/lib/modules/3.10-1-amd64/source -
/usr/src/linux-headers-3.10-1-amd64/scripts -
/usr/src/linux-headers-3.10-1-common/scripts -
Yes, all of the symlinks are there. Any other ideas?

None given that the only clue is I can't run make and everything
is OK.

Your broken setup might be fixed by re-installing linux-headers and

Thanks, but I've already done that twice.  It's got me.

Guess I'm going to have to just dump this system and start from scratch.
   Fortunately, it's only a test system I built to test the new

Hi Jerry,

Reinstalling the system won't help.

I used to figure this out and followed the solution
listed here:

Have you installed the package dkms?

This in turn should install the package linux-kbuild-3.2 which includes
the needed scripts.


Thanks, Kailash, but I've already seen that (and several other)
solutions.  linux-kbuild-3.2 is installed.  I tried it with dkms
installed also, with no change.

Meanwhile, since we haven't been able to get this working, we may have
to do it under Windows.   And I hate windows, but we have to get this
working.  The old OS/2 system is on it's last legs.

Hi Jerry,

If you don't mind, I'd like to look at some things if you're still up
for it. I'll try and do a repro on my end.

Could you post the contents of your sources.list file?

Also could you show a listing of the relevant packages installed?



I really appreciate the offer, but we've had to move on.  We've got a 
Windows driver written, and will be testing it soon (when some other 
equipment becomes available).  Not a great solution, IMHO, but we do 
what's necessary.

I know a good part of the problem is my unfamiliarity with Linux.  I 
prefer it to Windows for many things, but in this case it was a matter 
of time and economics; we spent a lot of time (which means money) trying 
to figure out why it wasn't working.  Finally we had to go another route.

Maybe in the future; I don't know.  It's not my call.


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Re: Missing Makefile

2013-08-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Thu, 2013-08-22 at 12:02 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 I tried it with dkms installed also, with no change.

Hi Jerry,

today I read the whole thread. The common way to build modules for a
kernel is to use dkms and I experienced it as always working for me. How
did you run dkms and what output did you get? Did you only install dkms
and then run another command ;)?

On Fri, 2013-08-23 at 09:28 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 I really appreciate the offer, but we've had to move on. 
 I know a good part of the problem is my unfamiliarity with Linux.

That's your choice, but you unlikely will become familiar with Linux,
when you move on ignoring Linux.

However, if you one day should have time and be interested how to use
dkms, than ask again, but provide the dkms command you run and it's
output, to help us, to help you.


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Re: Missing Makefile

2013-08-23 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 8/23/2013 10:40 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Thu, 2013-08-22 at 12:02 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

I tried it with dkms installed also, with no change.

Hi Jerry,

today I read the whole thread. The common way to build modules for a
kernel is to use dkms and I experienced it as always working for me. How
did you run dkms and what output did you get? Did you only install dkms
and then run another command ;)?

On Fri, 2013-08-23 at 09:28 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

I really appreciate the offer, but we've had to move on.

I know a good part of the problem is my unfamiliarity with Linux.

That's your choice, but you unlikely will become familiar with Linux,
when you move on ignoring Linux.

However, if you one day should have time and be interested how to use
dkms, than ask again, but provide the dkms command you run and it's
output, to help us, to help you.



Yes, I did have DKMS installed, but don't remember exactly what I did at 
the time.

But this is not a hobby project.  There is a limit on how much time 
(both calendar and financially) we can spend trying to get something to 
work.  It has been decided that since we can get a Windows driver 
working in fairly short time, that is the way things will be done.

As I said - the original (OS/2 based) controller has been running fine 
for probably 15 years or more, but there is significant concern that in 
the case of failure, it will not be possible to repair it.  So a more 
modern solution is required.  As an old OS/2 programmer (which is why I 
got involved - I didn't write the original code but can understand how 
it works), I pushed for Linux as a better solution.  However, that will 
not happen now, and there is no interest in further pursuit of a Linux 

It's a shame - I think the code is pretty close to what's needed (it is 
the first shot, after all).

One other thing - I don't believe DKMS is required at this time.  This 
is a dedicated controller which will not be constantly updated with new 
kernels.  And if a new kernel is installed, there will be significant 
testing done offline before being placed online.  Part of that testing 
will be to rebuild the all code necessary, including this module (there 
is other application layer code involved, but this is the only kernel 


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Re: Missing Makefile

2013-08-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf
_Unfortunately_ in real live, when we need to earn an honest penny,
Linux is 99,% of all user cases completely unusable
excepted of servers. The people who now will mention that this isn't
true, claim that they made a living with using Linux only, are likely
people with a research assignment and/or teaching assignment or their
job is to be daughter or son, born in a rich family ;).

However, I anyway decided to use Linux only and to drop jobs where
standard technology is needed, but nobody can expect that everybody will
do the same. If everybody would do it, our societies would run into
serious issues ;). Even my decision isn't based on anything that has to
do with Linux ;), I'm just sick of working as an engineer, following
fashions I don't like and today prefer to do social work ... but I'm
jobless now, so t doesn't work that good ;).

IOW you don't need to explain your reasons for ignoring Linux, most on
this list are living in reality and not in Linux pony land ;).

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Re: Missing Makefile

2013-08-23 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 8/23/2013 11:50 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

_Unfortunately_ in real live, when we need to earn an honest penny,
Linux is 99,% of all user cases completely unusable
excepted of servers. The people who now will mention that this isn't
true, claim that they made a living with using Linux only, are likely
people with a research assignment and/or teaching assignment or their
job is to be daughter or son, born in a rich family ;).

With respect, I must disagree with this.  Although I'm still fairly new 
to Linux (actually been playing with it for a couple of years, but only 
as a side), I find it much more usable for many things than other things 
out there.  It's much more configurable and doesn't have to carry the 
weight of a huge graphic system if you don't need that, for instance.  I 
thought it would be a much better replacement for OS/2 on this system 
than others.

However, I anyway decided to use Linux only and to drop jobs where
standard technology is needed, but nobody can expect that everybody will
do the same. If everybody would do it, our societies would run into
serious issues ;). Even my decision isn't based on anything that has to
do with Linux ;), I'm just sick of working as an engineer, following
fashions I don't like and today prefer to do social work ... but I'm
jobless now, so t doesn't work that good ;).

Yes, when IBM dropped OS/2 I had to find another means of subsistence. 
:)  At that time, there were basically a couple of choices - web 
services or the dark side, so I chose web services.  Been doing that for 
quite a while, not.  This call was a complete surprise to me - I thought 
I was the last one using OS/2 (at least until the bearings on the hard 
disk dies a few months back).  I've actually had a Linux VPS going for 
several years; I can't say I understand everything about running the 
server, but it works and is secure (heck - any trained monkey can follow 
directions!).  I thought this would give me a chance to get further into 
Linux, but it just didn't work out.

IOW you don't need to explain your reasons for ignoring Linux, most on
this list are living in reality and not in Linux pony land ;).

I don't think most are living in Linux pony land - but from reading 
this list I think most people here are using it more for hobby/home use 
and not to make a living.  Now there's nothing wrong with that - but 
there are additional restrictions placed on you when you have to show a 
profit.  Those restrictions aren't there when you're not paying someone 
by the hour and can spend as much time as you care to playing with 
things.  I know - that's how I'm learning Linux :)


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Re: Missing Makefile

2013-08-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf

You'll still find DR DOS on my Atari ST's ~ 42 MiB HDD ;). My Atari
has got an 80286 hardware emulator. I won't call this the dark side,
but a sign of the times ;). I have the impression that you are a dino,
as I'm ;). We are the losers :D! Not born to late, but born to early ;).

Your disagreement is correct, I just sharpen it a little bit, I
completely agree with you. I'm sure you are aware, how nice it is, when
Linux is an _interest_ only (I don't like the term hobby).

Please, please join a Linux community!

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Re: Missing Makefile

2013-08-23 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 8/23/2013 12:57 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:


You'll still find DR DOS on my Atari ST's ~ 42 MiB HDD ;). My Atari
has got an 80286 hardware emulator. I won't call this the dark side,
but a sign of the times ;). I have the impression that you are a dino,
as I'm ;). We are the losers :D! Not born to late, but born to early ;).

Naw, I'm not a dino.  My great-great-many-generations- grandkids might 
have been, though :)

But no, I wasn't born too early.  The rest of the world was born too 
late!  It's only been about 46 years since I wrote my first program, 
using flowcharts and punched cards.

Your disagreement is correct, I just sharpen it a little bit, I
completely agree with you. I'm sure you are aware, how nice it is, when
Linux is an _interest_ only (I don't like the term hobby).

Yes, I would agree, your wording is much better.  Thanks for the correction.

Please, please join a Linux community!

I'm working on it.  Got 3 linux VB's on this system right now, running 
different combinations so I can play with things.


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Reporting a bug in gscan2pdf

2013-08-23 Thread anthony


I would like to report what I believe is a bug in gscan2pdf but I am 
using Fedora Linux, so I cannot use reportbug.

Could you please advise on how to proceed?


Tony Moran

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Re: openvpn question

2013-08-23 Thread Bob Proulx
Gregory Nowak wrote:
 In addition to this, I have iptables rules using the nat table,
 which take traffic which has the laptop's public address as
 destination, and do DNAT on it, changing the destination address to
 be the laptop's private address. I also have a rule doing the
 reverse. This rule takes packets with the laptop's private address
 as source, and does SNAT on them, changing the source address to be
 the laptop's public address, and sends them out eth0.

Okay.  This is much more clear.  And this does now make sense.  There
are many different ways to do things.  The end result of this is very
similar to the way the proxy arp strategy works although in a
different way.

 Again, I do have this functioning. So, whereas before I was writing
 this based on theory, I can assure you it does actually work in

As I said if it made sense to you then keep going with it! :-)

Proxy ARP
 Ok, proxy arp as I understand it requires that network devices have a
 MAC address.

I hesitate to comment further since you have something working.  But
will anyway.

Yes, all network devices will have a MAC ethernet address.

 Since I didn't assign a MAC address to the tun0 device in
 the openvpn config, it wouldn't work.

The device will still have an ethernet address whether you assigned
one to it or not.  It is not necessary for you to assign one since one
has already been assigned by default.  (From the vendor.  Or in the
case of virtual hardware from the software that created the
simulation.)  And therefore proxy arp is still a viable strategy.
(And I like proxy arp better than bridging strategies that I sometimes
see people use to extend networks.  And I like your DNAT/SNAT
configuration that you described above better too.  Your strategy is
good.  Keep going with it.)

 The other part of this is that proxying arp just tells the rest of
 the network on what given interface a particular machine can be
 reached. I think Zenaan and I have established sufficiently in this
 thread that I can't simply give the laptop side a public address
 through openvpn directly, and expect it to just work. So that still
 leaves the laptop with using a private address to go through the
 openvpn gateway. So, I still need NAT, and that's how I have things
 working now.

Now it is my turn to say that this is a confusing topic but yes it
really does work.  Since it is fully documented in the proxy arp
reference above I won't describe it here and make mistakes doing so.
But you will just have to trust that yes proxy arp does work just fine
in that situation.

Meanwhile, if you understand the method that you used as you described
then that is fine too.  It is better because you understand it.  Don't
let me distract you.  I only mentioned proxy arp because it is one of
the standard strategies.  But by no means is it the only one.

  I read back but didn't see anywhere that you said what services you
  wanted.  All I suppose.
 I did indicate that I didn't want the VPS to do any
 firewalling. Zenaan's response to this was that for it to work, the
 VPS will need to do firewalling. This is correct of course. Perhaps
 if I would have stated I don't want the VPS to do any port blocking
 for the laptop's public address, it would have been more clear.

And I read here that you still don't say what services you are trying
to enable!  Saying didn't want the VPS to do any firewalling doesn't
mean anything.  That is okay though.  I take that to mean gotta have
my freedom, its all about freedom baby, room to breath.  :-)

But the reason I asked was because often I need a very specific set of
services such as web or mail or ssh and setting up a dedicated
connection just for those specific services is often easier and very
robust.  Such as using a web proxy.  Such as using a tunneled port.
Other possibilities.

In any case, glad to see that you have things well in hand and have
something working for you that you are happy with.  Good deal.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Reporting a bug in gscan2pdf

2013-08-23 Thread Bob Proulx
anthony wrote:
 I would like to report what I believe is a bug in gscan2pdf but I am
 using Fedora Linux, so I cannot use reportbug.
 Could you please advise on how to proceed?

I would email one of the Fedora user group mailing lists.  They will
be the ones who will help you report bugs in Fedora.  This is a Debian
mailing list.  Help for Fedora specific things like help for bug
reporting in Fedora is off topic.

Let me point you in the right direction:


Description: Digital signature

Re: Missing Makefile

2013-08-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Fri, 2013-08-23 at 13:14 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 It's only been about 46 years since I wrote my first program, 
 using flowcharts and punched cards.

Hahaha, you old bastard. I guess I'm a younker compared to you :p. My
fist software was programmed using 65xx Assembler, so you likely was
already a dino, when I slip out of the egg :p. I was born in 1966, you
likely was born when human kind wasn't aware how to build
transistors :D. Btw. I was an audio engineer working for a known
company, building one of the most use vacuum microphones. It's still
used today, as on of the best microphones :). But who I'm, to disagree
with somebody from a generation, that teach me how to be a good
engineer :).

The problem for you?!

Now you're bound to ethics! You have no choice! You have to become a
member of the Linux community!

Manipulative technique? No old man! You have no choice! You must join



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Re: deb-multimedia repository

2013-08-23 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Friday 23 August 2013 02:04:01 Doug wrote:
 My complaint is with Debian's politics: if it's not FOSS, you can't have

I have non-FLOSS applications on my Debian computer.  I also used an 
unofficial installer that had non-free drivers in.  It was readily available, 
and I learnt about it on this list.  So if Debian is trying to prevent us 
from having non-FLOSS software, it is making a very bad job of it.

As you say, there are other distros.  You are free to use them.  Debian 
doesn't restrict you in that either.

What baffles me, is why you are reading and posting on this list if you 
disapprove of Debian's politics.  It is, after all, the *debian-user* list.


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Re: deb-multimedia repository

2013-08-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Fri, 2013-08-23 at 18:46 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 What baffles me, is why you are reading and posting on this list if
 you disapprove of Debian's politics.

Perhaps you killfiled me?! If not, here's my explanation. I'm an Arch
Linux user, but still take care about Debian users and the Ubuntu Studio
mailing lists, since Debian and Ubuntu Studio IMO are very good distro,
regarding to the needs of a user + I will do myself a favour and keep on
track with those distros + I like to help others to use Linux, by using
relatively sane distros, compared too some insane distros.

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Re: wireless problem

2013-08-23 Thread Charles Kroeger
On Thu, 22 Aug 2013 07:40:02 +0200
Bob Proulx wrote:

 I usually purge network-manager and install
 wicd.  I think in your previous case wicd didn't start and couldn't
 run because network-manager was still running and had the interfaces

Yes thanks for this explanation. I found that by editing this:




I changed to:


That takes NM out of the picture whilst still on the computer.

I've not had such a success with wicd as you and others. I don't quite know why
this is. NM and wicd together don't mix well together, and I didn't want all 
Gnome dependencies that come with NetworkManager-gnome

Finally solved my problems with the:

 Penguin Wireless N USB Adapter for GNU / Linux (TPE-N150USB)

by getting my /etc/network/interfaces in order thanks to Brian's post of this 
thread. Way to go Brian.


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Re: deb-multimedia repository

2013-08-23 Thread Slavko

Dňa Fri, 23 Aug 2013 18:46:17 +0100 Lisi Reisz

 On Friday 23 August 2013 02:04:01 Doug wrote:
  My complaint is with Debian's politics: if it's not FOSS, you can't
  have it.
 I have non-FLOSS applications on my Debian computer.  I also used an 
 unofficial installer that had non-free drivers in.  It was readily
 available, and I learnt about it on this list.  So if Debian is
 trying to prevent us from having non-FLOSS software, it is making a
 very bad job of it.

Sure, the software is not religion. I am using software, which fulfill
my needs, no matter on the license.

The non free software, has some license restrictions.
The first one, which is going to my mind, is redistribution. Another
point, that the most of non free software is often some type of the
addware. Perhaps not really adds the advertising into itself, but
it is often provided with the some type of advertising in the mind.

And i fully agree, that it is not OK to participate on this advertising.

At last, nobody prevent to have the non free software. You are free
to use what you want. Debian only do not provides the easy way to
install it (APT) and you must to search another way to install it.

 As you say, there are other distros.  You are free to use them.
 Debian doesn't restrict you in that either.

The Debian is here 20 years. Here aren't a lot of another distros with
that long history and this is (IMO) meaningful and it is telling

I always read, that the Debian is for experienced users and i get some
silver hairs by this, when i start to use the Debian. And this is
this point - the experienced user can (and know) to install another

 What baffles me, is why you are reading and posting on this list if
 you disapprove of Debian's politics.  It is, after all, the
 *debian-user* list.

Always here will be people, which will try to change the behavior of
the others, not the own one. And, do not forget, that here is a lot of
people, which do not search the freedom, but the free Windows...

And finally, for many people it is a problem to tell I do not know
something, simplest way is to tell: You are doing bad work (because
it doesn't work as i expect) ;-)



Description: PGP signature

Re: deb-multimedia repository

2013-08-23 Thread Dom

On 23/08/13 18:46, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Friday 23 August 2013 02:04:01 Doug wrote:

My complaint is with Debian's politics: if it's not FOSS, you can't have

I have non-FLOSS applications on my Debian computer.  I also used an
unofficial installer that had non-free drivers in.  It was readily available,
and I learnt about it on this list.  So if Debian is trying to prevent us
from having non-FLOSS software, it is making a very bad job of it.

I thought the reason that libdvdcss(2) wasn't included in the Debian 
repos isn't because of any issues with the licensing, but because it may 
potentially be illegal to use in some areas due to the fact the it 
cracks copyright protection on media.


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Re: OT: sudo questions

2013-08-23 Thread Luther Blissett
Since everyone is giving away their bits os appreciation, I felt like
giving mine.

My first ever GNU/Linux distro was some old Red Hat, which I couldn't
handle well and was dropped in favor of Suse. Once again I had trouble
with network hardware and was forced to dive in the command line with
almost no understanding and no one to help. tar -xvzf, what the hell?!

So I did a long search around, since I had absolutely no idea where I
was getting into. Back then I used to think that what was getting in the
way of free software were usability and shinny. Tried gNewSense and
again, had to go offroads and take chances messing around to just make
my wireless card work. While researching three distros were always
popping up as being the base, where true hackers lived: arch, debian and

Since my main reason to moving was an ethical one but I was already
experiencing a lot of difficulty, debian's promises sounded the most
appealing. Non-free software only for vital tasks, usually firmware, not
by default and hopefully no more. A path, not a total jump in the abyss.
Moreover, community sounded more central issue. No ties. No boss. No
leader, no guarantees. Debian is inseparable of its community. It grows
with community, it is the result of communitarian work on its own needs.
If some software becomes unmantained, it's because less people rely or
care for it, not because someone atop had the hipster idea of the month.

In someways I think that debian incarnates better the world to come of
free software. It is now the dream of a future society were we got over
money and started working for meaningful reasons. We already have the
technology and the intel on how to build and deliver goods throughout
the world, money just distorts how it's done. What applies to software
applies to physical goods. 

Funny I never *really* tried other distros, debian became addiction.
Something I can never get the time because I'm also felling shorthanded
before my debian peers and willing to give something back from all the
help I found in this community. Oh, and the shell... what a shinny
little thing, full of secrets.

On Tue, 2013-08-20 at 18:58 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote: 
 On Tue, 2013-08-20 at 18:06 +0200, wrote:
  [ ubuntu | archlinux | gentoo ]
 $ cat /etc/issue
 Arch Linux \r (\l)
 This is my main distro, IOW the distro I like the best, while
 switching to systemd wasn't the best idea, it split the community,
 people were banned from the mailing list and now it's a hardcore
 moderated mailing list.
 I suspect the best mailing lists for newbies are Ubuntu mailing lists,
 followed by this Debian list, other lists are a little bit strange. IOW
 newbies should use Ubuntu or Debian.
 Funny thread:
 And I run into similar situation, so I closed a thread at
 I would call the Ubuntu and Debian communities liberal :), FWIW the Arch
 community is liberal too, just the original mailing list is hard to use.
 However, an issue, especially for newbies are many Linux mailing lists.
 It seems to be, that Jesus Christ had not to suffer that hard, as
 several Linux (userspace) coders and some disciples do from those many
 evil users who don't contribute by following their directives and
 opinions :D.
 There are many good linux distributions we could install, but there are
 only a few communities with normal [1] people.
 [1] normal in this context is for people who have a live
 beside Linux, with friends who don't know what Linux is. I bet
 the friends of some of those abnormal coders and disciples be
 sick of hearing them talking about Linux.
 A major distro with a huge community of normal people (Arch btw. is a
 major distro too), IMO is the best way to go.
 2 Cents,

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Re: deb-multimedia repository

2013-08-23 Thread John Hasler
Dom writes:
 I thought the reason that libdvdcss(2) wasn't included in the Debian
 repos isn't because of any issues with the licensing, but because it
 may potentially be illegal to use in some areas due to the fact the it
 cracks copyright protection on media.

It is *probably* legal in the USA for Debian to distribute it.  However,
no one wants to find out the hard way that I am wrong about that, and in
any case it's easy to get it elsewhere.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

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Re: openvpn question

2013-08-23 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 12:36:58PM +, Bonno Bloksma wrote:
 I have been following this and I think it is getting clear what you are doing 
 but I have lost what the problem is we are trying to resolve.
 If I understand it right your setup is something like:
 VPS has network (mask

i Bonno. This is true for the private network used by openvpn. From
what you say below, it seems you are assuming this is the case for the
public network. Unfortunately, my public subnet is only a /29. Getting
a /24 (assuming I can in the first place) would be quite expensive! On
the one hand, having a public /24 means I would be wasting a lot of
IP addresses. This is particularly important given that we're close to
running out of them! On the other hand, having a public /24 means I
could subdivide that, and use a part of those addresses for
openvpn. In that case, the laptop could get a public address, and it
would just be a trivial routing issue at that point, problem solved.

 Somehow you have made sure client always gets same 10.1.1.x number, for 

Yes. I have a directory with per client configuration files for
openvpn. I can use that to push a specific IP address to the laptop
using the common name from its certificate.

 Via iptables you make sure any traffic coming in on the VPS server with 
 destination is going to the VPN ip of the laptop
 And vice versa any traffic coming from the laptop vpn ip get sent out with 
 the source
 openvpn server iptables
 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -j DNAT --to
 iptables -t nat -A POSTOUTING -s -j SNAT --to


 What is it that is not working? If you think we can solve the problem better 
 by supplying the real configs then please do so.

As I already said, everything is working. The problem is solved. If
there is interest, I can paste the openvpn configs from server/client,
and the interfaces file with relevant iptables rules from the server
to show how I'm doing what I'm doing. Thanks again to everyone for
your help.


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Re: deb-multimedia repository

2013-08-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Fri, 2013-08-23 at 16:36 -0500, John Hasler wrote:
 Dom writes:
  I thought the reason that libdvdcss(2) wasn't included in the Debian
  repos isn't because of any issues with the licensing, but because it
  may potentially be illegal to use in some areas due to the fact the it
  cracks copyright protection on media.
 It is *probably* legal in the USA for Debian to distribute it.  However,
 no one wants to find out the hard way that I am wrong about that, and in
 any case it's easy to get it elsewhere.

I'm a dino from Germany, you should read what the Chaos Computer Club,
the founders are from my generation, mentioned about this topic.

No one of my generation who has to do with computers, takes care about
CSS (the DVD thingy). The German Wiki describes it as amateurish, IMO
even this is abounded.

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Re: OT: sudo questions

2013-08-23 Thread Doug
On 08/23/2013 04:24 PM, Luther Blissett wrote:
 So I did a long search around, since I had absolutely no idea where I
 was getting into. Back then I used to think that what was getting in the
 way of free software were usability and shinny. 
 Funny I never *really* tried other distros, debian became addiction.
 Something I can never get the time because I'm also felling shorthanded
 before my debian peers and willing to give something back from all the
 help I found in this community. Oh, and the shell... what a shinny
 little thing, full of secrets.

I'm confused. I only know shinny as a verb: to shinny up a pole, or a
tree, etc. To climb, as a kid would. Here he uses it as a noun and an
adjective, and I have no idea what he meant.

Blessed are the peacemakers..for they shall be shot at from both sides.

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Re: openvpn question

2013-08-23 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 11:16:12AM -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
 The device will still have an ethernet address whether you assigned
 one to it or not.  It is not necessary for you to assign one since one
 has already been assigned by default.  (From the vendor.  Or in the
 case of virtual hardware from the software that created the

Uhhm, no. 

# ifconfig tun0
tun0  Link encap:UNSPEC  HWaddr
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:68 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:449 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
  RX bytes:6880 (6.7 KiB)  TX bytes:97290 (95.0 KiB)

The above is from the VPS, with the openvpn connection from the laptop
running. This is a tun device, which doesn't require a MAC address at
all to function as I understand it.

 Now it is my turn to say that this is a confusing topic but yes it
 really does work.  Since it is fully documented in the proxy arp
 reference above I won't describe it here and make mistakes doing so.
 But you will just have to trust that yes proxy arp does work just fine
 in that situation.

I thought this over again with my brain fresher in the afternoon than
it was last night, and you are right, it would work in this situation
as long as the tun device had a MAC address of course.

 Meanwhile, if you understand the method that you used as you described
 then that is fine too.  It is better because you understand it.  Don't
 let me distract you.  I only mentioned proxy arp because it is one of
 the standard strategies.  But by no means is it the only one.

Thanks for doing so, it's appreciated.

 And I read here that you still don't say what services you are trying
 to enable!  Saying didn't want the VPS to do any firewalling doesn't
 mean anything.  That is okay though.  I take that to mean gotta have
 my freedom, its all about freedom baby, room to breath.  :-)

I want all available services/ports/whatever. I'll deal with
restricting access on the laptop side, rather than on the VPS side.

 But the reason I asked was because often I need a very specific set of
 services such as web or mail or ssh and setting up a dedicated
 connection just for those specific services is often easier and very
 robust.  Such as using a web proxy.  Such as using a tunneled port.
 Other possibilities.

Yes, I have thought of that, and am aware of doing things this
way. Thanks for pointing it out.


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WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /home/username/.cache/keyring-XXXXXX/pkcs11: No such file or directory

2013-08-23 Thread David Christensen


I have a Debian 7.1 amd64 box running XFCE.

When I invoke mplayer to convert a WMA file to a WAV file:

$ mplayer -vo null -vc dummy -af resample=44100 -ao pcm 
-really-quiet -nolirc foo.wma

I see:

WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: 
/home/dpchrist/.cache/keyring-HEidxT/pkcs11: No such file or directory

If I ssh in from a Debian 6.0.7 i386 Gnome box, there is no warning.

Any suggestions?



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Re: OT: sudo questions

2013-08-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Fri, 2013-08-23 at 17:56 -0400, Doug wrote:
 On 08/23/2013 04:24 PM, Luther Blissett wrote:
  So I did a long search around, since I had absolutely no idea where I
  was getting into. Back then I used to think that what was getting in the
  way of free software were usability and shinny. 
  Funny I never *really* tried other distros, debian became addiction.
  Something I can never get the time because I'm also felling shorthanded
  before my debian peers and willing to give something back from all the
  help I found in this community. Oh, and the shell... what a shinny
  little thing, full of secrets.
 I'm confused. I only know shinny as a verb: to shinny up a pole, or a
 tree, etc. To climb, as a kid would. Here he uses it as a noun and an
 adjective, and I have no idea what he meant.
 Blessed are the peacemakers..for they shall be shot at from both sides.

I don't like the Stooges or Iggy, but
 . Regarding to this kind of rock'n'roll, I prefer Radio Birdman.

My apologise, assumed you should have something completely different in
mind :p. SICR

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Re: deb-multimedia repository

2013-08-23 Thread Robert Holtzm
On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 08:07:17PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Fri, 2013-08-23 at 18:46 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
  What baffles me, is why you are reading and posting on this list if
  you disapprove of Debian's politics.
 Perhaps you killfiled me?! If not, here's my explanation. I'm an Arch
 Linux user, but still take care about Debian users and the Ubuntu Studio
 mailing lists, since Debian and Ubuntu Studio IMO are very good distro,
 regarding to the needs of a user + I will do myself a favour and keep on
 track with those distros + I like to help others to use Linux, by using
 relatively sane distros, compared too some insane distros.

It looks like Lisi's post was aimed at Doug. Not you.

Bob Holtzman
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Re: OT: sudo questions

2013-08-23 Thread Bob Proulx
Doug wrote:
 Luther Blissett wrote:
  help I found in this community. Oh, and the shell... what a shinny
  little thing, full of secrets.
 I'm confused. I only know shinny as a verb: to shinny up a pole, or a
 tree, etc. To climb, as a kid would. Here he uses it as a noun and an
 adjective, and I have no idea what he meant.

I think that was a simple typo.  I think the intention was to say
what a shiny little thing, full of secrets.  Which makes sense to me.


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