Re: [sid/gnome] clavier international

2014-05-27 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Mon, May 26, 2014 at 04:09:23PM +0200, Vincent Lefevre a écrit :
 On 2014-05-26 09:13:40 +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
  Au passage, pour les accents sur un clavier qwerty, je recommande
  la disposition canadienne « multilingue ».
 Que fait la disposition canadienne « multilingue » ?

En plus de rendre la touche « A » plus accessible (puisque QWERTY), cette
disposition groupe la plupart des lettres accentuées à portée du petit doigt de
la main droite, d'une manière que je trouve très confortable pour la saisie du

Pour la programmation, comme les crochets et les accolades ne sont pas
directement accessibles, ça peut sembler fatiguant, mais la solution c'est de
basculer en disposition américaine; on prend vite l'habitude de le faire sans
même avoir à y penser.

Bonne journée,


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Re: [sid/gnome] clavier international

2014-05-27 Thread Joël BERTRAND

Le 27/05/2014 08:40, Charles Plessy a écrit :

Le Mon, May 26, 2014 at 04:09:23PM +0200, Vincent Lefevre a écrit :

On 2014-05-26 09:13:40 +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:

Au passage, pour les accents sur un clavier qwerty, je recommande
la disposition canadienne « multilingue ».

Que fait la disposition canadienne « multilingue » ?

En plus de rendre la touche « A » plus accessible (puisque QWERTY), cette
disposition groupe la plupart des lettres accentuées à portée du petit doigt de
la main droite, d'une manière que je trouve très confortable pour la saisie du

Pour la programmation, comme les crochets et les accolades ne sont pas
directement accessibles, ça peut sembler fatiguant, mais la solution c'est de
basculer en disposition américaine; on prend vite l'habitude de le faire sans
même avoir à y penser.

Bonne journée,

	J'avoue que j'ai un clavier canadien multilingue sur un AlphaServer et, 
à l'usage, je le trouve à vomir. Je préfère de loin un vrai clavier 
français ou carrément le clavier international avec la touche 'compose'. 
Je ne me suis jamais amusé à configurer ça sous Linux (pour que ça 
fonctionne comme sous VMS), mais c'est l'idéal.


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Re: [sid/gnome] clavier international

2014-05-27 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2014-05-27 15:40:07 +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
 Pour la programmation, comme les crochets et les accolades ne sont
 pas directement accessibles, ça peut sembler fatiguant, mais la
 solution c'est de basculer en disposition américaine; on prend vite
 l'habitude de le faire sans même avoir à y penser.

Cette histoire de basculement, ce n'est pas terrible. L'utilisation
combinée des crochets / accolades et des lettres accentuées reste
même assez courante en LaTeX. Je préfère rester avec mon utilisation
des touches de fonction pour les lettres accentuées.

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: [sid/gnome] clavier international

2014-05-27 Thread Goldy
Le 26/05/2014 02:13, Charles Plessy a écrit :
 Le Sun, May 25, 2014 at 03:58:40PM +0200, Goldy a écrit :

 Excusez l'absence d'accent dans ce mail, je cherche justement un moyen
 de configurer un clavier international avec gnome dans l'actuelle sid.

 J'ai un qwerty et je souhaiterais avoir des caracteres accentues via la
 touche compose, or impossible de trouver un moyen.
 c'est maintenant configuré via les paramètres avancés (Tweak Took).
 Au passage, pour les accents sur un clavier qwerty, je recommande
 la disposition canadienne « multilingue ».

Je ne trouve pas les options pour configurer le clavier dans les tweaks
took, il y a bien des options de saisis, mais en premier lieu,
j'aimerais surtout avoir le bon layout du clavier dans les options de
saisi de gnome.

Je ne l'avais pas precise, mais c'est un vieux macbook que j'utilise.

Apres avoir teste, je pense que la touche compose fonctionne (la
combinaison de la touche command a droite de la barre d'espace et d'une
autre touche ne produit aucune entree, mais pas d'action particuliere
dans le programme en cour comme avec les touches alt et control). Sauf
que le clavier restant un clavier qwerty anglais classique, la touche
compose ne peut rien afficher de particulier.

Je pense qu'il faut juste trouver un moyen de forcer gnome a utiliser un
clavier internationnal, mais impossible d'y parvenir... vu qu'il m'est
egalement impossible de passer d'un clavier a l'autre.

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Envoie mail (php) sur serveur apache

2014-05-27 Thread nils martin
Bonjour à tous,

Je suis développeur web et j'ai récemment installé un serveur debian sur
mon ordi de salon. Je rencontre tous les jours des problèmes et j'apprend à
chaque de nouvelles choses, mais dernièrement, j'ai séché.

J'ai essayé plusieurs méthode en php pour qu'un formulaire de contact sur
le site hébergé sur ma machine envoie un mail sur ma boîte de réception

Avec les configurations par défaut d'apache et de debian : Marche pas.

Après installation de sendmail et les quelques configurations vues en tuto
: marche pas.

après installation de ssmtp : marche toujours pas.

les log d'erreur sont vides, et je désespère de voir qu'aucune solution
simple ne fonctionne... J'ai déjà passé plusieurs heures sur le sujet... Et
je commence à saturer... So Please :)

Avant de vous poster des pages de screenshot je voudrais savoir si certains
d'entre vous sont déjà passé par là... Je peine à croire qu'il y ai des
réglages à faire en profondeur alors que les solutions les plus simples
devraient faire l'affaire...

Auriez-vous des pistes ?

Merci d'av

Re: Envoie mail (php) sur serveur apache

2014-05-27 Thread Julien
Le mardi 27 mai 2014 à 14:38 +0200, nils martin a écrit :
 Bonjour à tous,

 J'ai essayé plusieurs méthode en php pour qu'un formulaire de contact
 sur le site hébergé sur ma machine envoie un mail sur ma boîte de
 réception gmail.
 Auriez-vous des pistes ?
Tu peux utiliser swaks pour tester ton smtp local (ssmtp ou sendmail).
Afin de voir si il te permet d'envoyer des mails vers ton compte gmail.

Quelques question : 
* est-ce que tu utilises une adresse valide d'envoi (from) ?
* quelle fonction / lib utilises-tu en PHP pour envoyer des mails ?


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pinning jessie pour une libc plus récente en wheezy

2014-05-27 Thread Daniel Caillibaud

Je voulais m'installer l'éditeur atom, mais je me retrouve face à un pb de 
dépendance dont la
solution évoquée m'inspire pas trop 
(faire du pinning
sur la libc, pas trop envie de me lancer dans ce genre de manip).

Y'a-t'il un moyen d'installer une libc plus récente pour certains programmes 
seulement ?
(du genre la déplacer et ajouter le chemin via une variable d'environnement 
pour certains
seulement, c'est crade mais radical, un chroot serait probablement plus propre 
mais pas sûr
d'y arriver correctement pour des applis graphiques).

Peut-on se risquer à du pinning avec jessie sur un truc aussi sensible que la 
libc ?
(même avec une conf apt qui risque pas de prendre des paquets jessie sans qu'on 
le demande

Je crains que d'autres programmes se mettent à utiliser la 2.18 de jessie à la 
place de la
2.13, avec des effets de bord indésirables...

J'aimerais bien tester atom ou brackets (un autre éditeur orienté javascript) 
qui a le même pb
(, même si certains arrivent à le 
compiler en modifiant
CEF qui créé la dépendance), mais pas au prix de rendre ma wheezy instable.

Et merci à tous ceux qui conseilleraient d'utiliser d'autres éditeurs 
d'attendre vendredi ;-)


On devrait construire les villes a la campagne
car l'air y est plus pur !
Alphonse Allais

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Re: pinning jessie pour une libc plus récente en wheezy

2014-05-27 Thread Sébastien NOBILI

Le mardi 27 mai 2014 à 16:01, Daniel Caillibaud a écrit :
 Je voulais m'installer l'éditeur atom, mais je me retrouve face à un pb de 
 dépendance dont la
 solution évoquée m'inspire pas trop 
 (faire du pinning
 sur la libc, pas trop envie de me lancer dans ce genre de manip).

La dernière fois que j'ai joué avec la libc (c'était aussi la première), je l'ai
regretté !

Très sensible la libc, c'est un coup à flinguer ton système (ok, ça se répare
avec un LiveCD, mais quand-même), mais apparemment tu le sais.

 Y'a-t'il un moyen d'installer une libc plus récente pour certains programmes 
 seulement ?
 (du genre la déplacer et ajouter le chemin via une variable d'environnement 
 pour certains
 seulement, c'est crade mais radical, un chroot serait probablement plus 
 propre mais pas sûr
 d'y arriver correctement pour des applis graphiques).

J'ai un chroot qui me sert de « machine » de compilation. Je l'ai installé avec
debootstrap et je « saute » dedans avec schroot. Cet outil simplifie tout plein
de choses, notamment le montage (en bind) de différents dossiers. Il permet
également de préserver l'environnement (et notamment le DISPLAY). Je peux
facilement lancer une application graphique du chroot depuis mon système :

sni ~ % schroot --preserve-environment xterm

Je te recommande cette solution.


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Re: Envoie mail (php) sur serveur apache

2014-05-27 Thread babouchko
Bonjour, moi je dirais postfix en config relay_SMTP et ça roule.

Bonne soirée

Le 27 mai 2014 15:05, Julien a écrit :

 Le mardi 27 mai 2014 à 14:38 +0200, nils martin a écrit :
  Bonjour à tous,

  J'ai essayé plusieurs méthode en php pour qu'un formulaire de contact
  sur le site hébergé sur ma machine envoie un mail sur ma boîte de
  réception gmail.
  Auriez-vous des pistes ?
 Tu peux utiliser swaks pour tester ton smtp local (ssmtp ou sendmail).
 Afin de voir si il te permet d'envoyer des mails vers ton compte gmail.

 Quelques question :
 * est-ce que tu utilises une adresse valide d'envoi (from) ?
 * quelle fonction / lib utilises-tu en PHP pour envoyer des mails ?


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Re: Envoie mail (php) sur serveur apache

2014-05-27 Thread Christophe

Le 27/05/2014 20:27, babouchko a écrit :
 Bonjour, moi je dirais postfix en config relay_SMTP et ça roule.
 Bonne soirée

Je rejoindrais Seb sur ce point, en précisant deux trois autres détails
;) .

Tout d'abord en s'assurant que la machine est en mesure d'envoyer du
mail, à comprendre (dans les grandes lignes) :

- un MTA configuré sur la machine
  = exim, postfix, ou autre : peu importe, tant que ça cause le SMTP.

- un FAI qui permet la communication sur le port 25.
  = à défaut, il faut configurer (comme l'indique Seb) le MTA en relai
avec le serveur SMTP du FAI.

Du côté récipiendaire du mail, vérifier que ça n'arrive pas dans le
dossier SPAM !
C'est fréquent chez Google lorsque le mail arrive depuis une connexion
ADSL résidentielle, et tant qu'il n'y a pas un minimum de configurations
telles qu'un reverse DNS, un enregistrement SPF correspondant sur le nom
de domaine expéditeur, et se faire retirer de la PBL chez Spamhaus .
Entre autres ...

La commande mail() de PHP lorsqu'utilisée sous Linux (entre autres unix
libres) s'appuie essentiellement (voire uniquement) sur la commande
sendmail présente sur l'OS.

Il existe en effet comme l'a souligné Julien, d'autres libs qui
permettent de s'adresser directement à un serveur SMTP, mais tu te
confrontera de toutes façons aux mêmes problématiques si tu t'adresses
(par exemple) à sans un minimum de configuration qui va bien
au delà de l'utilisation de PHP dans un formulaire.

Il est donc nécessaire de s'assurer au préalable que tu peux déjà
envoyer un mail depuis ton shell.

Simple exemple :

$ echo bonjour|mail -s test de messagerie

les options de la commande 'mail' dépendant du paquet installé,
j'indique ici une commande générique qui a toujours répondu à mes besoins

Et d'aller voir dans /var/log/mail.log ce qui couine, et de corriger au
fur et à mesure les problèmes.

Pour suivre la piste de Seb :

apt-get install postfix
dpkg-reconfigure postfix si déjà postfix est déjà installé.

Choisir Internet avec smarthost dans le type du serveur de messagerie

lorsqu'est demandé Serveur relais SMTP : indiquer le serveur SMTP du FAI.


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Re: pinning jessie pour une libc plus récente en wheezy

2014-05-27 Thread Guy Roussin

Tu peux essayer de :
- récupérer le paquet libc6 de jessie dans la bonne architecture
('apt-get download libc6' sur une jessie)
l- décompresser dans un dossier temporaire (avec dpkg --extract
libc6*deb /tmp/_libc6_/)
- copier les libs extraites dans un dossier (/root/2.17/ par exemple)
(cp /tmp/_libc6_/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/* /root/2.17/)
- faire un ldd de ton binaire 'atom' pour voir les lib utilisées
- lancer ton logiciel avec une ligne de ce genre adaptée en fonction du
ldd. Par exemple :

J'ai même pas osé tester ... mais tu vois l'idée.


Le 27/05/2014 16:01, Daniel Caillibaud a écrit :

 Je voulais m'installer l'éditeur atom, mais je me retrouve face à un pb de 
 dépendance dont la
 solution évoquée m'inspire pas trop 
 (faire du pinning
 sur la libc, pas trop envie de me lancer dans ce genre de manip).

 Y'a-t'il un moyen d'installer une libc plus récente pour certains programmes 
 seulement ?
 (du genre la déplacer et ajouter le chemin via une variable d'environnement 
 pour certains
 seulement, c'est crade mais radical, un chroot serait probablement plus 
 propre mais pas sûr
 d'y arriver correctement pour des applis graphiques).

 Peut-on se risquer à du pinning avec jessie sur un truc aussi sensible que la 
 libc ?
 (même avec une conf apt qui risque pas de prendre des paquets jessie sans 
 qu'on le demande

 Je crains que d'autres programmes se mettent à utiliser la 2.18 de jessie à 
 la place de la
 2.13, avec des effets de bord indésirables...

 J'aimerais bien tester atom ou brackets (un autre éditeur orienté javascript) 
 qui a le même pb
 (, même si certains arrivent à le 
 compiler en modifiant
 CEF qui créé la dépendance), mais pas au prix de rendre ma wheezy instable.

 Et merci à tous ceux qui conseilleraient d'utiliser d'autres éditeurs 
 d'attendre vendredi ;-)

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Re: [OT] Alternativas a owncloud

2014-05-27 Thread Francesc Guitart

El 26/05/2014 19:46, Felix Perez escribió:

Hola estimados, he estado viendo algunas soluciones tipo owncloud,
este mismo no me convence del todo, he visto a seafile, sparlesshare y
uno sin base de datos llamado ajaxplorer.  ¿Alguno de ustedes conoce
algún otro o ha tenido experiencias con los ya nombrados y que pueda
aportar con su experiencia?

Yo uso owncloud y funciona muy bien. Solo he probado el cliente para 

Como alternativa, aunque no lo he probado, te sugiero Pydio, el nuevo 
AjaXplorer. Tiene muy buena pinta:

En su sitio encontrarás un login para demo

De antemano gracias.

Francesc Guitart

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Re: Servidor FTP (vsftpd) y enlaces simbólicos

2014-05-27 Thread Francesc Guitart


No estoy seguro de haverlo entendido bien y además me parece que mi 
solución es tan evidente que supongo ya la habrás probado, pero... ala voy:

El 24/05/2014 19:21, José Miguel (sio2) escribió:

El Sat, 24 de May de 2014, a las 04:25:42PM +, Camaleón dijo:

Antes de nada, quiero aclarar que este no es el típico problema de tener
enjaulado el servidor FTP y un directorio que apunta fuera de la jaula.

Hum... excusatio non petita... :-)

Bueno, porsiaca... La verdad es que al intentar averiguar esto, me
saltaba siempre la misma explicación del mount -o bind, etc...

Preguntonta... ¿por qué no trabajas con enlaces duros en lugar de dejar
punteros a rutas que están fuera del alcance del servidor ftp? Se te
lleva más espacio en disco pero puedes verlo como una copia de seguridad.

También se me ocurrió eso (porque el almacen está en el mismo sistema de
ficheros), pero no me convence del todo porque dificulta la limpieza. A
veces alguno se dedica a meter ahí imágenes de máquinas virtuales, o
hasta software pirata (aunque esté terminantemente prohibido). Cuando
toca limpieza, si se usan enlaces simbólicos sé que me basta con
brujulear en el Almacen, si se usan enlaces duros, no.

Tal y como lo interpreto, no es que no exista el archivo, es que el
servidor ftp no tiene acceso por estar enjaulado.

No, también se tiene acceso al fichero enlazado, el problema como he
dicho es el cambio en la raíz. Lo explico con un ejemplo. Imagina esta
situación muy simple:

/srv/ftp/Curso2013-2014/fichero.txt - /srv/ftp/Almacen/fichero.txt

Los usuarios están enjaulados bajo /srv/ftp (o sea, / para el FTP es
/srv/ftp para el sistema); así que, aunque se tiene acceso al directorio
Almacen, el enlace simbólico a /srv/ftp/Almacen/fichero.txt no funciona.
No lo he probado, la verdad, pero supongo que /Almacen/fichero.txt sí
que funcionaría dentro del ftp (aunque no en el sistema) .

1. Crea /Almacen en la raíz. De esta manera los nuevos enlaces 
simbólicos tendrán la ruta /Almacen (que corresponde con la ruta dentro 
del chroot).

2. Monta con --o bind el directorio /Almacen en /srv/ftp/Almacen.

He brujuleado por internet pero sin éxito y sospecho que el problema es
irresoluble[1], pero por si acaso lo pregunto: ¿hay algún modo de hacer
que al subir un fichero, vsftpd sustitutuya el enlace simbólico, en vez
de seguir la ruta y cambiar el fichero enlazado?

Usando enlaces duros o permitiendo el flujo convencional de acceso a los
enlaces simbólicos a través de montajes con --bind.

Lo primero ya te he dicho por qué no me convence. Lo segundo no
funciona, y la tercera solución (enlaces con ruta relativa) también
tiene su pega. Lo suyo es que hubiera forma de decirle al FTP que no
siguiera los enlaces simbólicos, sino que los machacara; pero no he dado
con la forma; quizás, porque, simplemente, no se puede.

Espero haberme explicado.



Francesc Guitart

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[OT[ Maildrop y quotawarn

2014-05-27 Thread Guido Ignacio
Implementé maildrop para aviso de quota excedida, este funciona
correctamente salvo por un detalle.

El inconveniente es que el aviso de envío de mail solo se envía una
vezosea por ejemplo si se ha excedido el buzón en más de un 80%,
como lo tengo configurado, envía el correo de aviso al buzón excedido,
hasta ahi todo correcto...

El problema es que, si dicho buzón vuelve a exceder el límite. no se
envía nuevamente el aviso a dicho buzón.

Me he fijado que cuando un buzón excede el límite se crea un archivo
llamado quotawarn en la carpeta correspondiente al buzón excedido
(/home/vmail/dominio/buzon/quotawarn); y si borro dicho archivo
inmediatamente se envía el aviso, por lo que parece venir por ahi el

Me he fijado en la documentación y entiendo que debe funcionar como
dice aca [1], osea que el aviso de límite excedido se vuelve a enviar
pasadas las 24 hrs, pero esto, como comenté, no ocurre.

Alguna idea? Gracias

Guido Ignacio

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Re: [OT[ Maildrop y quotawarn

2014-05-27 Thread Manel Bazalo
El Martes, 27 de mayo de 2014 09:13:17 Guido Ignacio escribió:
 Implementé maildrop para aviso de quota excedida, este funciona
 correctamente salvo por un detalle.
 El inconveniente es que el aviso de envío de mail solo se envía una
 vezosea por ejemplo si se ha excedido el buzón en más de un 80%,
 como lo tengo configurado, envía el correo de aviso al buzón excedido,
 hasta ahi todo correcto...
 El problema es que, si dicho buzón vuelve a exceder el límite. no se
 envía nuevamente el aviso a dicho buzón.
 Me he fijado que cuando un buzón excede el límite se crea un archivo
 llamado quotawarn en la carpeta correspondiente al buzón excedido
 (/home/vmail/dominio/buzon/quotawarn); y si borro dicho archivo
 inmediatamente se envía el aviso, por lo que parece venir por ahi el
 Me he fijado en la documentación y entiendo que debe funcionar como
 dice aca [1], osea que el aviso de límite excedido se vuelve a enviar
 pasadas las 24 hrs, pero esto, como comenté, no ocurre.
 Alguna idea? Gracias
 Guido Ignacio

Mirate esto a ver si te da una pista


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Historial de bash con hora para todos los usuarios.

2014-05-27 Thread Mauro Antivero
Estimados, estoy agregando la siguiente línea al archivo .bashrc de cada 
uno de los usuarios de un determinado sistema:

export HISTTIMEFORMAT=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S 

Como muchos sabrán es para que el historial de comandos de Bash guarde 
la fecha y la hora de cada uno de los comandos ejecutados.

Como esto lo tengo que repetir luego en varios sistemas más me pregunto 
si no hay alguna forma de hacerlo para que afecte a todos los usuarios 
actuales y a los que se puedan llegar a crear en el futuro también, ya 
que al tener varios usuarios y varios equipos resulta un tanto molesto 
tener que hacerlo varias veces.

Saludos y muchas gracias!


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Re: [OT[ Maildrop y quotawarn

2014-05-27 Thread Guido Ignacio
El día 27 de mayo de 2014, 9:34, Manel Bazalo escribió:

 Mirate esto a ver si te da una pista



Justamente eso mismo es lo que seguí

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Re: Historial de bash con hora para todos los usuarios.

2014-05-27 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 27 May 2014 10:05:52 -0300, Mauro Antivero escribió:

 Estimados, estoy agregando la siguiente línea al archivo .bashrc de cada
 uno de los usuarios de un determinado sistema:
 export HISTTIMEFORMAT=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S 
 Como muchos sabrán es para que el historial de comandos de Bash guarde
 la fecha y la hora de cada uno de los comandos ejecutados.
 Como esto lo tengo que repetir luego en varios sistemas más me pregunto
 si no hay alguna forma de hacerlo para que afecte a todos los usuarios

Sólo se me ocurre hacer eso por medio de un script con un bucle (for 
each /$HOME/$USER/.bashrc...), es decir, que busque por ese archivo en 
todos los directorios de los usuarios y que cuando lo encuentre que añada 
esa línea al final de cada uno de ellos.

 y a los que se puedan llegar a crear en el futuro también, ya
 que al tener varios usuarios y varios equipos resulta un tanto molesto
 tener que hacerlo varias veces.

Esto sí podrás hacerlo editando el archivo global /etc/profile.



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Re: Historial de bash con hora para todos los usuarios.

2014-05-27 Thread Mauro Antivero

Muchas gracias por la información. Van unas consultas entre líneas.

El 27/05/14 10:22, Edward Villarroel (EDD) escribió:

Para todos los usuarios: (Se necesita permisos de root para
editar/modificar estos archivos)

/etc/profile -- Se ejecuta cuando qualquier usuario inicia la sesión.
Si agrego la línea de configuración en este archivo y luego me logueo 
con cualquier usuario existente veo que no funciona, es decir no tengo 
la fecha y la hora en el historial de comandos. Asumo que esto será 
válido entonces para los nuevos usuarios que se creen.

/etc/bashrc -- Se ejecuta cada vez que qualquier usuario ejecuta el
programa bash
Si en cambio la agrego en este archivo (bash.bashrc en realidad) y luego 
me logueo con cualquier usuario veo que funciona.

En base a esto que les comento asumo que para lograr lo que deseo tengo 
que agregar dicha línea de configuración en /etc/bash.bashrc, pero 
consulto por las dudas que haya algo que no esté teniendo en cuenta.

Saludos y muchas gracias.


Edward Villarroel:  @Agentedd

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Re: [OT[ Maildrop y quotawarn

2014-05-27 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 27 May 2014 10:14:19 -0300, Guido Ignacio escribió:

 El día 27 de mayo de 2014, 9:34, Manel Bazalo

 Mirate esto a ver si te da una pista


 Justamente eso mismo es lo que seguí

Entiendo que si envía el mensaje una vez es que está bien configurado.

¿Has comprobado si, efectivamente, tras 24 horas tras recibir el primer 
aviso -y sin borrar manualmente ningún archivo- la cuota de espacio sigue 
estando sobre el 90% definido?



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Re: Convertidor de audio y video para Debian 7

2014-05-27 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 26 May 2014 22:32:49 +0200, AqaIb8 escribió:

 On Viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014 21:59:47 escribió:
 Buenas a todos
 Estaba viendo un convertidor de video de audio y video en distintos
 formatos, este el Format Junkie para Ubuntu. Algo similar el Format
 Factory de Windows.
 Alguno que me recomienden para Debian 7 a 64 bit??
 Saludos y agradezco toda información
 Handbrake anda muy bien como transcoder de vídeos, sobre todo a la hora
 de comprimir. Lo malo es que no está en los repositorios de Wheezy.

Handbrake está en los backports¹ pero creo que en este momento el paquete 
da algunos problemas en la instalación, conviene consultar antes la lista 
de este repo.




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Re: Historial de bash con hora para todos los usuarios.

2014-05-27 Thread Edward Villarroel (EDD)
/etc/profileesto es cuando inicias sesión

 /etc/bashrc  esto es cada ves que inicias la shell bash  osea cada
ves que abres una terminal

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Re: [OT] Alternativas a owncloud

2014-05-27 Thread Felix Perez
El día 26 de mayo de 2014, 18:44, Juan Manuel Acuña Barrera escribió:

 El 26/05/2014, a las 16:47, Felix Perez 

 El día 26 de mayo de 2014, 15:39, Roberto Quiñones escribió:
 El 26-05-2014 15:25, Felix Perez escribió:

 El día 26 de mayo de 2014, 15:11, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El 26/05/2014 21:10, Roberto Quiñones escribió:

 El 26-05-2014 13:46, Felix Perez escribió:

 Hola estimados, he estado viendo algunas soluciones tipo owncloud,
 este mismo no me convence del todo, he visto a seafile, sparlesshare y
 uno sin base de datos llamado ajaxplorer.  ¿Alguno de ustedes conoce
 algún otro o ha tenido experiencias con los ya nombrados y que pueda
 aportar con su experiencia?

 De antemano gracias.

 Tiene que te entrega 50 GB de espacio con una cuenta free y
 puede configurarlo perfectamente en tu smartphone y equipos bajo linux,
 windows, bsd.

 Ajaxplorer es muy bonico pero solo lo probé y andaba muy bien. Pero lo
 es de poner en producción solo he usado owncloud, y bien que va...

 Gracias Roberto y Maykel he estado viendo alguna solución tipo nube,
 pero para tenerla en mi servidor.  Seguiré investigando:

 Roberto ¿Cómo funciona Mega, en tanto velocidad de sincronización?
 Mykel ¿Owncloud como funcionan los distintos clientes?

 Nuevamente gracias.


 Yo en lo personal no he tenido ningún inconveniente con la sincronización
 hacia MEGA desde mi smartphone y/o equipo personal. anda bastante bien, hay
 que tener claro si la conexión que estas utilizando. pero en [1] hay un
 análisis que puede sacar de mega comparando contra dropbox. yo ahora lo que
 quiero hacer es tener en casa mi propio sistema de nube con un Freebsd que
 tengo tirado, en el puedo configurar un cliente consola de mega que hay por
 la red con el que puedo además tener como un mirror de mis archivos
 personales tanto en casa como en mega.


 Gracias nuevamente, lo mismo quiero hacer con los datos de mi oficina,
 pero en una maquina con debian. Acabo de terminar de instalar
 owncloud, voy a probarlo unos días y les cuento.


 Felix, buenas tardes.

 Alguna razón en especial para que no te guste owncloud? Yo lo tengo en 
 producción en varios sitios y no tengo problemas de importancia. Quizá el 
 único tema sea que el cliente de android a veces no se deja instalar en 
 algunos equipos (los clones chinos). Los clientes de escritorio (windows, mac 
 y linux) van decentemente bien y el de iOS es excelente.

Buenas Juan Manuel, la verdad cuando lo probé, hace un tiempo, me dio
muchos problemas para instalar y consumía muchos recursos. Pero esta
vez todo fue mucho más fluido y no he notado gran aumento en el
consumo de ram o cpu.


usuario linux  #274354
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Re: [OT] Alternativas a owncloud

2014-05-27 Thread Felix Perez
El día 27 de mayo de 2014, 3:13, Francesc Guitart escribió:
 El 26/05/2014 19:46, Felix Perez escribió:

 Hola estimados, he estado viendo algunas soluciones tipo owncloud,
 este mismo no me convence del todo, he visto a seafile, sparlesshare y
 uno sin base de datos llamado ajaxplorer.  ¿Alguno de ustedes conoce
 algún otro o ha tenido experiencias con los ya nombrados y que pueda
 aportar con su experiencia?

 Yo uso owncloud y funciona muy bien. Solo he probado el cliente para

 Como alternativa, aunque no lo he probado, te sugiero Pydio, el nuevo
 AjaXplorer. Tiene muy buena pinta:

 En su sitio encontrarás un login para demo

Gracias Francesc, también lo estoy probando, tiene  buena pinta.


usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
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Re: [OT[ Maildrop y quotawarn

2014-05-27 Thread Guido Ignacio
El día 27 de mayo de 2014, 10:39, Camaleón escribió:

 Entiendo que si envía el mensaje una vez es que está bien configurado.

Exaco creo lo mismo, pero quizás no termino de entender el
funcionamiento del maildrop

 ¿Has comprobado si, efectivamente, tras 24 horas tras recibir el primer
 aviso -y sin borrar manualmente ningún archivo- la cuota de espacio sigue
 estando sobre el 90% definido?

Si, sigue excedido, puedo verlo tanto desde el webmail (roundcube
muestra el % ocupado) y también viendo lo ocupado con un du -sh
sobre el inbox (/home/vmail/dominio/buzon).

Quizás tenga el concepto equivocado de como funciona maildrop, quizás
efectivamente envía solo un aviso y mientras siga excedido no lo
vuelve a enviar, pase 24 hrs o meses.

Haré la prueba de vaciar el buzón, dejar pasar más de 24 hrs y volver
a excederlo a ver que pasa, quizás deben cumplirse los dos puntos; que
pasen las 24 hrs y que el buzón se haya vaciado hasta estar debajo del
límite, y recién ahi que si se vuelve a llenar quizás envíe el aviso.

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Re: [OT[ Maildrop y quotawarn

2014-05-27 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 27 May 2014 11:23:23 -0300, Guido Ignacio escribió:

 El día 27 de mayo de 2014, 10:39, Camaleón


 ¿Has comprobado si, efectivamente, tras 24 horas tras recibir el primer
 aviso -y sin borrar manualmente ningún archivo- la cuota de espacio
 sigue estando sobre el 90% definido?

 Si, sigue excedido, puedo verlo tanto desde el webmail (roundcube
 muestra el % ocupado) y también viendo lo ocupado con un du -sh
 sobre el inbox (/home/vmail/dominio/buzon).

Hum... deja el webmail a un lado, tienes que consultar el espacio ocupado 
desde el servidor pop3/imap que tengas instalado que es quien realmente 
 Quizás tenga el concepto equivocado de como funciona maildrop, quizás
 efectivamente envía solo un aviso y mientras siga excedido no lo vuelve
 a enviar, pase 24 hrs o meses.

Pero es no es lo que se puede leer en el manual :-?
 Haré la prueba de vaciar el buzón, dejar pasar más de 24 hrs y volver a
 excederlo a ver que pasa, quizás deben cumplirse los dos puntos; que
 pasen las 24 hrs y que el buzón se haya vaciado hasta estar debajo del
 límite, y recién ahi que si se vuelve a llenar quizás envíe el aviso.

A ver... yo entiendo que lo que tiene que pasar para que se genere el 
aviso es:

1/ Cuota de espacio superior al 90% espacio asignado a esa cuenta
2/ Se manda un mensaje en cuanto se detecta que el tamaño del buzón está 
llegando a su límite permitido
3/ Tras 24 horas, si la cuota de espacio de ocupación sigue siendo 
superior al 90% se vuelve a enviar un mensaje
4/ Y así cada 24 horas hasta que el usuario borre los mensajes y se tenga 
una ocupación de espacio menor de ese 90% asignado



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Re: [OT[ Maildrop y quotawarn

2014-05-27 Thread Guido Ignacio
Guido Ignacio

El día 27 de mayo de 2014, 11:46, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 27 May 2014 11:23:23 -0300, Guido Ignacio escribió:

 El día 27 de mayo de 2014, 10:39, Camaleón


 ¿Has comprobado si, efectivamente, tras 24 horas tras recibir el primer
 aviso -y sin borrar manualmente ningún archivo- la cuota de espacio
 sigue estando sobre el 90% definido?

 Si, sigue excedido, puedo verlo tanto desde el webmail (roundcube
 muestra el % ocupado) y también viendo lo ocupado con un du -sh
 sobre el inbox (/home/vmail/dominio/buzon).

 Hum... deja el webmail a un lado, tienes que consultar el espacio ocupado
 desde el servidor pop3/imap que tengas instalado que es quien realmente

Estás equivocado, el % que muestra el webmail (en este caso roundcube)
se lo está dando a través del manejo de quota de maildrop, y por lo
que veo coincide con el tamaño del buzón en el servidor

 Quizás tenga el concepto equivocado de como funciona maildrop, quizás
 efectivamente envía solo un aviso y mientras siga excedido no lo vuelve
 a enviar, pase 24 hrs o meses.

 Pero es no es lo que se puede leer en el manual :-?

Eso es lo que no se, además vos mismo en 3/ dices lo contrario, que SI
vuelve a enviar el msg si sigue excedido y yo creo que quizás el
funcionamiento sea que mientras siga excedido NO vuelve a enviar el
aviso, pasen 24 hrs o lo que acabo de escribir arriba :-

 Haré la prueba de vaciar el buzón, dejar pasar más de 24 hrs y volver a
 excederlo a ver que pasa, quizás deben cumplirse los dos puntos; que
 pasen las 24 hrs y que el buzón se haya vaciado hasta estar debajo del
 límite, y recién ahi que si se vuelve a llenar quizás envíe el aviso.

 A ver... yo entiendo que lo que tiene que pasar para que se genere el
 aviso es:

 1/ Cuota de espacio superior al 90% espacio asignado a esa cuenta
 2/ Se manda un mensaje en cuanto se detecta que el tamaño del buzón está
 llegando a su límite permitido
 3/ Tras 24 horas, si la cuota de espacio de ocupación sigue siendo
 superior al 90% se vuelve a enviar un mensaje

Pues esto no está ocurriendo, mientras siga excedido, no vuelve a
enviarlo, hayan pasado 24 hrs o máspor eso digo que me queda hacer
la prueba de vaciar el buzón, dejar pasar 24 hrs y llenarlo de vuelta
a ver que pasa, sin tocar el quotawarn del buzónsi vuelve a
enviar el aviso es como supongo que debe funcionar realmente.

 4/ Y así cada 24 horas hasta que el usuario borre los mensajes y se tenga
 una ocupación de espacio menor de ese 90% asignado

También entiendo que debería ser asi, pero no parece que esté
funcionando de esta manera.

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Re: [OT[ Maildrop y quotawarn

2014-05-27 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 27 May 2014 12:12:55 -0300, Guido Ignacio escribió:

 El día 27 de mayo de 2014, 11:46, Camaleón

 Si, sigue excedido, puedo verlo tanto desde el webmail (roundcube
 muestra el % ocupado) y también viendo lo ocupado con un du -sh
 sobre el inbox (/home/vmail/dominio/buzon).

 Hum... deja el webmail a un lado, tienes que consultar el espacio
 ocupado desde el servidor pop3/imap que tengas instalado que es quien
 realmente manda.
 Estás equivocado, el % que muestra el webmail (en este caso roundcube)
 se lo está dando a través del manejo de quota de maildrop, y por lo que
 veo coincide con el tamaño del buzón en el servidor

Lo que te quiero decir es que el webmail no es fiable porque sólo es un 
frontend del servidor pop/imap que tengas detrás, que por cierto, no has 
dicho cuál es. ¿Qué servicios estás usando en tu servidor de correo?

 Quizás tenga el concepto equivocado de como funciona maildrop, quizás
 efectivamente envía solo un aviso y mientras siga excedido no lo
 vuelve a enviar, pase 24 hrs o meses.

 Pero es no es lo que se puede leer en el manual :-?
 Eso es lo que no se, además vos mismo en 3/ dices lo contrario, que SI
 vuelve a enviar el msg si sigue excedido y yo creo que quizás el
 funcionamiento sea que mientras siga excedido NO vuelve a enviar el
 aviso, pasen 24 hrs o lo que acabo de escribir arriba :-

Sí, claro, yo entiendo que lo que dice el manual es eso, que el mensaje 
de aviso se envía cada 24 horas hasta que no se vacíe el buzón y no se 
sobrepase el umbral definido. Pero ese es el manual de Courier-IMAP 
¿estás usando ese servicio?

 Haré la prueba de vaciar el buzón, dejar pasar más de 24 hrs y volver
 a excederlo a ver que pasa, quizás deben cumplirse los dos puntos; que
 pasen las 24 hrs y que el buzón se haya vaciado hasta estar debajo del
 límite, y recién ahi que si se vuelve a llenar quizás envíe el aviso.

 A ver... yo entiendo que lo que tiene que pasar para que se genere el
 aviso es:

 1/ Cuota de espacio superior al 90% espacio asignado a esa cuenta 2/ Se
 manda un mensaje en cuanto se detecta que el tamaño del buzón está
 llegando a su límite permitido 3/ Tras 24 horas, si la cuota de espacio
 de ocupación sigue siendo superior al 90% se vuelve a enviar un mensaje
 Pues esto no está ocurriendo, mientras siga excedido, no vuelve a
 enviarlo, hayan pasado 24 hrs o máspor eso digo que me queda hacer
 la prueba de vaciar el buzón, dejar pasar 24 hrs y llenarlo de vuelta a
 ver que pasa, sin tocar el quotawarn del buzónsi vuelve a enviar
 el aviso es como supongo que debe funcionar realmente.

Sí claro, haz la prueba aunque no hace falta que vacíes el buzón, y 
puedes enviarte un adjunto gordote para provocar el aviso de exceso de 

 4/ Y así cada 24 horas hasta que el usuario borre los mensajes y se
 tenga una ocupación de espacio menor de ese 90% asignado
 También entiendo que debería ser asi, pero no parece que esté
 funcionando de esta manera.

Bueno, no lo sabemos, aún quedan cosas en el aire :-)



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Re: [OT[ Maildrop y quotawarn

2014-05-27 Thread Guido Ignacio
El día 27 de mayo de 2014, 12:45, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 27 May 2014 12:12:55 -0300, Guido Ignacio escribió:

 El día 27 de mayo de 2014, 11:46, Camaleón

 Si, sigue excedido, puedo verlo tanto desde el webmail (roundcube
 muestra el % ocupado) y también viendo lo ocupado con un du -sh
 sobre el inbox (/home/vmail/dominio/buzon).

 Hum... deja el webmail a un lado, tienes que consultar el espacio
 ocupado desde el servidor pop3/imap que tengas instalado que es quien
 realmente manda.

 Estás equivocado, el % que muestra el webmail (en este caso roundcube)
 se lo está dando a través del manejo de quota de maildrop, y por lo que
 veo coincide con el tamaño del buzón en el servidor

 Lo que te quiero decir es que el webmail no es fiable porque sólo es un
 frontend del servidor pop/imap que tengas detrás, que por cierto, no has
 dicho cuál es. ¿Qué servicios estás usando en tu servidor de correo?

Postfix + courier imap y para la autenticación saslauth (mediante bases sql)

 Quizás tenga el concepto equivocado de como funciona maildrop, quizás
 efectivamente envía solo un aviso y mientras siga excedido no lo
 vuelve a enviar, pase 24 hrs o meses.

 Pero es no es lo que se puede leer en el manual :-?

 Eso es lo que no se, además vos mismo en 3/ dices lo contrario, que SI
 vuelve a enviar el msg si sigue excedido y yo creo que quizás el
 funcionamiento sea que mientras siga excedido NO vuelve a enviar el
 aviso, pasen 24 hrs o lo que acabo de escribir arriba :-

 Sí, claro, yo entiendo que lo que dice el manual es eso, que el mensaje
 de aviso se envía cada 24 horas hasta que no se vacíe el buzón y no se
 sobrepase el umbral definido. Pero ese es el manual de Courier-IMAP
 ¿estás usando ese servicio?

Así es!

 Haré la prueba de vaciar el buzón, dejar pasar más de 24 hrs y volver
 a excederlo a ver que pasa, quizás deben cumplirse los dos puntos; que
 pasen las 24 hrs y que el buzón se haya vaciado hasta estar debajo del
 límite, y recién ahi que si se vuelve a llenar quizás envíe el aviso.

 A ver... yo entiendo que lo que tiene que pasar para que se genere el
 aviso es:

 1/ Cuota de espacio superior al 90% espacio asignado a esa cuenta 2/ Se
 manda un mensaje en cuanto se detecta que el tamaño del buzón está
 llegando a su límite permitido 3/ Tras 24 horas, si la cuota de espacio
 de ocupación sigue siendo superior al 90% se vuelve a enviar un mensaje

 Pues esto no está ocurriendo, mientras siga excedido, no vuelve a
 enviarlo, hayan pasado 24 hrs o máspor eso digo que me queda hacer
 la prueba de vaciar el buzón, dejar pasar 24 hrs y llenarlo de vuelta a
 ver que pasa, sin tocar el quotawarn del buzónsi vuelve a enviar
 el aviso es como supongo que debe funcionar realmente.

 Sí claro, haz la prueba aunque no hace falta que vacíes el buzón, y
 puedes enviarte un adjunto gordote para provocar el aviso de exceso de

El aviso de quota excedida no se activa porque no pueda ingresar un
mail pesado, además esa prueba ya la realicé, sino cuando maildrop ve
el exceso del % que se haya elegido.

Maildrop genera un archivo dentro del inbox llamado maildirsize, en el
cual figura el total del buzón ocupado y el espacio total asignado a
dicho buzón.

 4/ Y así cada 24 horas hasta que el usuario borre los mensajes y se
 tenga una ocupación de espacio menor de ese 90% asignado

 También entiendo que debería ser asi, pero no parece que esté
 funcionando de esta manera.

 Bueno, no lo sabemos, aún quedan cosas en el aire :-)

Me resta hacer la prueba que comenté antes, dejar el buzón por debajo
del % por más de 24 hrs y luego superarlo a ver que ocurre.

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imposible instalar VLC

2014-05-27 Thread luis

buenas tardes a todos

Tengo instalado Debian 7 a 64 bit pero nbo puedo instalar el VLC

me da este error y no se que hacer

luis# apt-get install vlc
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
No se pudieron instalar algunos paquetes. Esto puede significar que
usted pidió una situación imposible o, si está usando la distribución
inestable, que algunos paquetes necesarios no han sido creados o han
sido movidos fuera de Incoming.
La siguiente información puede ayudar a resolver la situación:

Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:
 vlc : Depende: vlc-nox (= 1:2.1.4-dmo1) pero no va a instalarse
   Depende: libavcodec55 (= 10:2.2) pero no va a instalarse
   Depende: libavutil52 (= 10:2.2) pero no va a instalarse
   Depende: libc6 (= 2.15) pero 2.13-38+deb7u1 va a ser instalado
   Depende: libva-x11-1 ( 1.2.0~) pero no va a instalarse
   Depende: libva1 ( 1.2.0~) pero 1.0.15-4 va a ser instalado
   Depende: libvlccore7 pero no va a instalarse
   Recomienda: vlc-plugin-notify (= 1:2.1.4-dmo1) pero no va a 
   Recomienda: vlc-plugin-pulse (= 1:2.1.4-dmo1) pero no va a 
E: No se pudieron corregir los problemas, usted ha retenido paquetes 

alguna idea??

agradezo toda auda y siempre agradecido

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Re: imposible instalar VLC

2014-05-27 Thread Cristian Mitchell
El 27 de mayo de 2014, 18:07, escribió:

 buenas tardes a todos

 Tengo instalado Debian 7 a 64 bit pero nbo puedo instalar el VLC

 me da este error y no se que hacer

 luis# apt-get install vlc
 Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
 Creando árbol de dependencias
 Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
 No se pudieron instalar algunos paquetes. Esto puede significar que
 usted pidió una situación imposible o, si está usando la distribución
 inestable, que algunos paquetes necesarios no han sido creados o han
 sido movidos fuera de Incoming.
 La siguiente información puede ayudar a resolver la situación:

 Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:
  vlc : Depende: vlc-nox (= 1:2.1.4-dmo1) pero no va a instalarse
Depende: libavcodec55 (= 10:2.2) pero no va a instalarse
Depende: libavutil52 (= 10:2.2) pero no va a instalarse
Depende: libc6 (= 2.15) pero 2.13-38+deb7u1 va a ser instalado
Depende: libva-x11-1 ( 1.2.0~) pero no va a instalarse
Depende: libva1 ( 1.2.0~) pero 1.0.15-4 va a ser instalado
Depende: libvlccore7 pero no va a instalarse
Recomienda: vlc-plugin-notify (= 1:2.1.4-dmo1) pero no va a
Recomienda: vlc-plugin-pulse (= 1:2.1.4-dmo1) pero no va a
 E: No se pudieron corregir los problemas, usted ha retenido paquetes rotos.

 alguna idea??

 agradezo toda auda y siempre agradecido

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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

hace apt-get upgrade

Linux user number 412793.

las grandes obras,
las sueñan los santos locos,
las realizan los luchadores natos,
las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
y las critican los inútiles crónicos,

Re: imposible instalar VLC

2014-05-27 Thread Tarrasquero

El 27/05/14 23:07, escribió:

buenas tardes a todos

Tengo instalado Debian 7 a 64 bit pero nbo puedo instalar el VLC

me da este error y no se que hacer

luis# apt-get install vlc
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
No se pudieron instalar algunos paquetes. Esto puede significar que
usted pidió una situación imposible o, si está usando la distribución
inestable, que algunos paquetes necesarios no han sido creados o han
sido movidos fuera de Incoming.
La siguiente información puede ayudar a resolver la situación:

Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:
 vlc : Depende: vlc-nox (= 1:2.1.4-dmo1) pero no va a instalarse
   Depende: libavcodec55 (= 10:2.2) pero no va a instalarse
   Depende: libavutil52 (= 10:2.2) pero no va a instalarse
   Depende: libc6 (= 2.15) pero 2.13-38+deb7u1 va a ser instalado
   Depende: libva-x11-1 ( 1.2.0~) pero no va a instalarse
   Depende: libva1 ( 1.2.0~) pero 1.0.15-4 va a ser instalado
   Depende: libvlccore7 pero no va a instalarse
   Recomienda: vlc-plugin-notify (= 1:2.1.4-dmo1) pero no va a 
   Recomienda: vlc-plugin-pulse (= 1:2.1.4-dmo1) pero no va a 
E: No se pudieron corregir los problemas, usted ha retenido paquetes 

alguna idea??

agradezo toda auda y siempre agradecido

Sería de ayuda un paste de tu sources.list y un cat /etc/issue

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Re: imposible instalar VLC

2014-05-27 Thread Eduardo

El 27/05/14 23:07, escribió:

buenas tardes a todos

buenas a ti

Tengo instalado Debian 7 a 64 bit pero nbo puedo instalar el VLC

me da este error y no se que hacer

luis# apt-get install vlc

yo prefiero aptitude, pero para gustos ...

Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
No se pudieron instalar algunos paquetes. Esto puede significar que
usted pidió una situación imposible o, si está usando la distribución
inestable, que algunos paquetes necesarios no han sido creados o han
sido movidos fuera de Incoming.
La siguiente información puede ayudar a resolver la situación:

Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:
 vlc : Depende: vlc-nox (= 1:2.1.4-dmo1) pero no va a instalarse
   Depende: libavcodec55 (= 10:2.2) pero no va a instalarse
   Depende: libavutil52 (= 10:2.2) pero no va a instalarse
   Depende: libc6 (= 2.15) pero 2.13-38+deb7u1 va a ser instalado
   Depende: libva-x11-1 ( 1.2.0~) pero no va a instalarse
   Depende: libva1 ( 1.2.0~) pero 1.0.15-4 va a ser instalado
   Depende: libvlccore7 pero no va a instalarse
   Recomienda: vlc-plugin-notify (= 1:2.1.4-dmo1) pero no va a 
   Recomienda: vlc-plugin-pulse (= 1:2.1.4-dmo1) pero no va a 
E: No se pudieron corregir los problemas, usted ha retenido paquetes 

alguna idea??

quizás repasar los paquetes retenidos rotos, es el error que te muestra

agradezo toda auda y siempre agradecido

espero que te ayude


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Problemas con proftpd

2014-05-27 Thread Miguel Matos
Saludos a la lista. Todavía sigo pendiente de resolver los problemas
con el servidor casero; mientras, hago mis experimentos con un OS
virtualizado. Estoy por la parte de instalar el FTP; sin embargo, no
me queda claro este error:
Creando el directorio personal `/srv/ftp' ...
«/usr/share/proftpd/templates/welcome.msg» - «/srv/ftp/welcome.msg.proftpd-new»
[] Starting ftp server: proftpddebian proftpd[13996]:
mod_tls_memcache/0.1: notice: unable to register 'memcache' SSL
session cache: Memcache support not enabled
. ok
Configurando proftpd-mod-vroot (0.9.2-2+b2) ...

¿exactamente qué es y qué se debe hacer para remediarlo? Esto, para
cuando implemente el servidor real pueda solucionarlo al instante.

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Re: Problemas con proftpd

2014-05-27 Thread Guido Ignacio
El día 27 de mayo de 2014, 21:43, Miguel Matos escribió:
 Saludos a la lista. Todavía sigo pendiente de resolver los problemas
 con el servidor casero; mientras, hago mis experimentos con un OS
 virtualizado. Estoy por la parte de instalar el FTP; sin embargo, no
 me queda claro este error:
 Creando el directorio personal `/srv/ftp' ...
 «/usr/share/proftpd/templates/welcome.msg» - 
 [] Starting ftp server: proftpddebian proftpd[13996]:
 mod_tls_memcache/0.1: notice: unable to register 'memcache' SSL
 session cache: Memcache support not enabled
 . ok
 Configurando proftpd-mod-vroot (0.9.2-2+b2) ...

 ¿exactamente qué es y qué se debe hacer para remediarlo? Esto, para
 cuando implemente el servidor real pueda solucionarlo al instante.

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Fwd: Problemas con proftpd[SOLUCIONADO]

2014-05-27 Thread Miguel Matos
-- Mensaje reenviado --
De: Guido Ignacio
Fecha: 27 de mayo de 2014, 20:22
Asunto: Re: Problemas con proftpd

El día 27 de mayo de 2014, 21:43, Miguel Matos escribió:
 Saludos a la lista. Todavía sigo pendiente de resolver los problemas
 con el servidor casero; mientras, hago mis experimentos con un OS
 virtualizado. Estoy por la parte de instalar el FTP; sin embargo, no
 me queda claro este error:
 Creando el directorio personal `/srv/ftp' ...
 «/usr/share/proftpd/templates/welcome.msg» - 
 [] Starting ftp server: proftpddebian proftpd[13996]:
 mod_tls_memcache/0.1: notice: unable to register 'memcache' SSL
 session cache: Memcache support not enabled
 . ok
 Configurando proftpd-mod-vroot (0.9.2-2+b2) ...

 ¿exactamente qué es y qué se debe hacer para remediarlo? Esto, para
 cuando implemente el servidor real pueda solucionarlo al instante.

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Muchas gracias a Guido por indicarme el manual de la aplicación; sin
embargo, antes no tenía la respuesta. Tal parece que el error es
Question: Why do I see the following error when proftpd starts up?
mod_tls_memcache/0.1: notice: unable to register 'memcache' SSL
session cache: Memcache support not enabled
Answer: This message means that your proftpd server has
mod_tls_memcache built and loaded, but your proftpd server was not
built with memcache support (i.e. the --enable-memcache configure
option was not used when compiling proftpd).
The above is not a fatal or worrisome error; it is merely pointing out
that some of your modules want to use a feature that was not enabled.

Especifica que, si sale dicho error, es posible que el módulo esté
disponible; sin embargo, no se haya localizado o no esté disponible
dicho módulo. Pero no es un error como tal, sino que dicha función no
está disponible.

¿Y qué hice? Según
comentar la línea de dicho módulo:
#LoadModule mod_tls_memcache.c

Reiniciar, ¡y voilá! Se terminó dicho rollo. Ahora ya sé cuando lo implemente.

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Más problemas con el servidor

2014-05-27 Thread Miguel Matos
Saludos de nuevo, en tan poco tiempo. Ya habiendo pasado la parte del
proftpd, vuelvo a tener problemas con el FTP. Según el manual de
Forat[1], y que ya actualicé la info a Wheezy, dice:
Una vez hecho esto reiniciamos el demonio Proftpd con …

/etc/init.d/proftpd restart

Ahora podemos hacer la prueba y conectarnos desde nuestro cliente FTP
favorito al servidor FTP que ahora tiene instalado nuestro servidor.
Para acceder al servidor de momento usaremos la IP local del server. (
En mi caso ).

Recordad que todo lo que incluyamos dentro del directorio ( www ) se
podrá ver vía web desde la raíz del servidor. ( En mi caso )

Pero no me hace ninguna conexión FTP, ni por Nautilus del GNOME (GNOME
3), ni por Filezilla, ni los navegadores. ¡Ninguna de las claves las
agarra! ¿ahora, dónde está el error... en esta escena?


Buen uso de las listas (como se ven en Debian):
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Re: Más problemas con el servidor

2014-05-27 Thread Lic. Domingo Varela Yahuitl
Y bueno ya verificaste el log del sistema?..

Enviado desde mi dispositivo android.

-Original Message-
From: Miguel Matos
Sent: mar, 27 may 2014 20:41
Subject: Más problemas con el servidor

Saludos de nuevo, en tan poco tiempo. Ya habiendo pasado la parte del
proftpd, vuelvo a tener problemas con el FTP. Según el manual de
Forat[1], y que ya actualicé la info a Wheezy, dice:
Una vez hecho esto reiniciamos el demonio Proftpd con …

/etc/init.d/proftpd restart

Ahora podemos hacer la prueba y conectarnos desde nuestro cliente FTP
favorito al servidor FTP que ahora tiene instalado nuestro servidor.
Para acceder al servidor de momento usaremos la IP local del server. (
En mi caso ).

Recordad que todo lo que incluyamos dentro del directorio ( www ) se
podrá ver vía web desde la raíz del servidor. ( En mi caso )

Pero no me hace ninguna conexión FTP, ni por Nautilus del GNOME (GNOME
3), ni por Filezilla, ni los navegadores. ¡Ninguna de las claves las
agarra! ¿ahora, dónde está el error... en esta escena?


Buen uso de las listas (como se ven en Debian):
Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: Instalar novo HD

2014-05-27 Thread China
Para que possamos ajudar, envie para a lista as mensagens de erro. O
comando dmesg  boot.txt gerará o arquivo contendo as informações do
boot da máquina, cole ele no corpo da mensagem para a lista. É o

Em 26 de maio de 2014 23:09, Eduardo Gonçalves escreveu:
 Olá à todos.
 Tenho um sistema instalado em um hd sata e gostaria de adicionar mais um.
 Ele foi reconhecido pelo debian, configurei com pequenas alterações à esses
 mas algo ainda está errado.
 O boot demora muito e uma série de mensagens de erro são exibidas na tela.
 Depois de quase meia hora consigo logar e o hd não é montado, mas
 Preciso fazer mais alguma configuração? O que está errado?


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Re: java +chrome

2014-05-27 Thread Rodolfo
Após você descompactar o java, copie-o ou mouva para a pasta /usr/lib/jvm
Depois no shell você executa como root este comando, exemplo, instalando o
java 8:

update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java
/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/java 7

O número 7 no final de comando significa a prioridade que você dará ao
pacote configurado, para ver a lista de java instalado basta fazer:

update-alternatives --list java

Para selecionar qual java você irá usar:

update-alternatives --config java

Lembrando que esse install foi para o comando JAVA, você pode, ser quiser,
fazer isso também para o compilador, JAVAC.


Em 27 de maio de 2014 01:31, Listeiro 037

 Esse método eu não conhecia

 Eu conhecia até aqui um pacote fornecido por este repositório:
 deb debs all

 Que fornece um pacote chamado update-sun-jre. É de um repositório
 extra-oficial, não é? Verifiquei o que esse pacote faz e parece ter
 nada de surpreendente. Gostaria de saber se há algum senão.

 Em Mon, 26 May 2014 04:48:03 -0500
 Geowany Alves escreveu:

  Bom dia,
  Por que você não usa o java package ?
  Muito mais simples baixar o tarball do java da oracle e transformá-lo
  em pacote Debian.
  *Geowany Galdino Alves*
  *Assistente em Tecnologia da Informação - NTI/UFAC*
  *Acadêmico em Licenciatura Plena - HISTÓRIA/UFAC*
  Em 24 de maio de 2014 19:56, Listeiro 037
   Olá. Debian possui um comando de configuração em algum lugar prá se
   escolher o java-default que usará. A disposição aqui está assim:
   Java descompactado fica em
   No diretório /usr/lib/jvm fica um link para lá
   ln -s /opt/java/64/jre1./ /usr/lib/jvm/jre1./
   E mais um outro link para a jvm default
   ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/jre1./ /usr/lib/jvm/default-java
   E de acordo com
   mais estes comandos;
   mkdir -p /opt/google/chrome/plugins/
   sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/lib/amd64/
   Em Sat, 24 May 2014 16:29:21 -0300
   Manoel Pedro de Araújo escreveu:
Olá, baixei o java  e movi para pasta jmv do seguito modo mv
jre1.7.0_55 /usr/lib/jvm, em seguida
 criei o link simbolico no chrome como segue
mkdir /opt/google/chrome/plugins
cd /opt/google/chrome/plugins
ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0_55/lib/amd64/
Apos isso o chrome nao reconhece o java. Alguém sabe como resolver
este problema?
   To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of
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 Encryption works. Properly implemented strong crypto systems are one of
 the few things that you can rely on. Unfortunately, endpoint security
 is so terrifically weak that NSA can frequently find ways around it. —
 Edward Snowden

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sua próxima festa

2014-05-27 Thread artistas
Queridos Amigos, 
Ainda temos disponíveis alguns dos melhores Shows, Mestres-de-Cerimônia, 
Bandas, DJs, Presenças VIPs,  Socialites, Palestrantes, Cantores, Peças e 
Pocket Musicais de todos os gêneros para abrilhantar ainda mais seus eventos 
(festas, aniversários, casamentos, comemorações, reuniões, comícios, 
congressos, etc.) e sua programação musical. Também trabalhamos com shows e 
artistas exclusivos de altíssimo nível. Algumas de nossas atrações especiais:
Tributa a Frank Sinatra, Jazz, Peça-Musical sobre a vida de Elvis Presley, 
Standards, Pérolas da Música Brasileira, Tangos Portenhos, Origens do Gospel 
Americano, Bossa Nova, Broadway, Música Francesa, Sertanejo Americano, Bandas 
para Festas, Repertório Sob-Encomenda, Celebridades, Grupos de Dança, etc.
Podemos fazer um show sob-medida para sua festa ou evento que tenha exatamente 
a cara que você busca para a celebração. 
Os shows podem ser apresentados em Português, Inglês, Francês, Espanhol e 
Com quem poderíamos conversar sobre o assunto? Caso não seja diretamente com 
você, haveria algum amigo seu que esteja interessado na contratação de shows ou 
que faça produção de shows, eventos? Quem seria a pessoa responsável pela 
programação cultural?

The-Number-One Produções Artísticas
+ (21) 2548-3508, (21) 99617-6886 tim, (21) 98881-4565

Atendemos a todo Brasil e Exterior

Re: Instalar novo HD

2014-05-27 Thread Eduardo Gonçalves
Sim, mudei o hdX para sdX (no caso sdf) e usei partição ext4
O arquivo com as informações do boot está em


Em 27 de maio de 2014 11:58, China escreveu:

 Para que possamos ajudar, envie para a lista as mensagens de erro. O
 comando dmesg  boot.txt gerará o arquivo contendo as informações do
 boot da máquina, cole ele no corpo da mensagem para a lista. É o

 Em 26 de maio de 2014 23:09, Eduardo Gonçalves
  Olá à todos.
  Tenho um sistema instalado em um hd sata e gostaria de adicionar mais um.
  Ele foi reconhecido pelo debian, configurei com pequenas alterações à
  mas algo ainda está errado.
  O boot demora muito e uma série de mensagens de erro são exibidas na
  Depois de quase meia hora consigo logar e o hd não é montado, mas
  Preciso fazer mais alguma configuração? O que está errado?

Fwd: Instalar novo HD

2014-05-27 Thread Eduardo Gonçalves
Era esse meu medo. Acabei de comprar esse hd
Existe algum método para eu testar se é problema nele mesmo?


-- Mensagem encaminhada --
De: Alexandre Martins
Data: 27 de maio de 2014 15:09
Assunto: Re: Instalar novo HD
Para: Eduardo Gonçalves

Cara esse seu HD  parece que não está bom veja bem:

[59333.939653] *Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 0*
[59333.939656] *Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 1*
[59333.939659] *Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 2*
[59333.939684] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Unhandled error code
[59333.939686] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb]  Result: hostbyte=DID_BAD_TARGET
[59333.939689] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] CDB: Read(10): 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00
[59333.939696] end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 0

Erro de Entrada e Saída no seu HD. Acredito eu que o problema seja ele
mesmo. Experimenta colocar um outro de teste.


Em 27 de maio de 2014 12:03, Eduardo Gonçalves escreveu:

Sim, mudei o hdX para sdX (no caso sdf) e usei partição ext4
 O arquivo com as informações do boot está em


 Em 27 de maio de 2014 11:58, China escreveu:

 Para que possamos ajudar, envie para a lista as mensagens de erro. O
 comando dmesg  boot.txt gerará o arquivo contendo as informações do
 boot da máquina, cole ele no corpo da mensagem para a lista. É o

 Em 26 de maio de 2014 23:09, Eduardo Gonçalves
  Olá à todos.
  Tenho um sistema instalado em um hd sata e gostaria de adicionar mais
  Ele foi reconhecido pelo debian, configurei com pequenas alterações à
  mas algo ainda está errado.
  O boot demora muito e uma série de mensagens de erro são exibidas na
  Depois de quase meia hora consigo logar e o hd não é montado, mas
  Preciso fazer mais alguma configuração? O que está errado?



*Alexandre Martins*

*LPIC-1 | CompTIA Linux + | SUSE CLA*
*Monkeys IT Solutions*
*32 8824 6438*

Re: Instalar novo HD

2014-05-27 Thread China
Complementando, você comprou este HD em um fornecedor confiável? Tente
solicitar a troca.
Você pode usar um livecd para testes de hardware, tem muitos por aí
com programas específicos para HD.
Teste ele em outra porta sata, pois pode ser problema na placa mãe
também e isso pode ter danificado o HD. Mas de qualquer forma acho que
esse HD já era...

Em 27 de maio de 2014 13:08, Eduardo Gonçalves escreveu:
 Era esse meu medo. Acabei de comprar esse hd
 Existe algum método para eu testar se é problema nele mesmo?


 -- Mensagem encaminhada --
 De: Alexandre Martins
 Data: 27 de maio de 2014 15:09
 Assunto: Re: Instalar novo HD
 Para: Eduardo Gonçalves

 Cara esse seu HD  parece que não está bom veja bem:

 [59333.939653] Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 0
 [59333.939656] Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 1
 [59333.939659] Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 2
 [59333.939684] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Unhandled error code
 [59333.939686] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb]  Result: hostbyte=DID_BAD_TARGET
 [59333.939689] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] CDB: Read(10): 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08
 [59333.939696] end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 0

 Erro de Entrada e Saída no seu HD. Acredito eu que o problema seja ele
 mesmo. Experimenta colocar um outro de teste.


 Em 27 de maio de 2014 12:03, Eduardo Gonçalves escreveu:

 Sim, mudei o hdX para sdX (no caso sdf) e usei partição ext4
 O arquivo com as informações do boot está em


 Em 27 de maio de 2014 11:58, China escreveu:

 Para que possamos ajudar, envie para a lista as mensagens de erro. O
 comando dmesg  boot.txt gerará o arquivo contendo as informações do
 boot da máquina, cole ele no corpo da mensagem para a lista. É o

 Em 26 de maio de 2014 23:09, Eduardo Gonçalves
  Olá à todos.
  Tenho um sistema instalado em um hd sata e gostaria de adicionar mais
  Ele foi reconhecido pelo debian, configurei com pequenas alterações à
  mas algo ainda está errado.
  O boot demora muito e uma série de mensagens de erro são exibidas na
  Depois de quase meia hora consigo logar e o hd não é montado, mas
  Preciso fazer mais alguma configuração? O que está errado?



 Alexandre Martins

 LPIC-1 | CompTIA Linux + | SUSE CLA
 Monkeys IT Solutions
 32 8824 6438

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Re: Instalar novo HD

2014-05-27 Thread Eduardo Gonçalves
Tentei conectá-lo novamente agora e não é reconhecido na BIOS. Acho que
fica claro problema nele mesmo.
Entrei em contato com a loja  e já pedi um código de postagem para enviar o
HD de volta.
Tendo novidades no assunto posto aqui.

Obrigado novamente

Em 27 de maio de 2014 17:43, China escreveu:

 Complementando, você comprou este HD em um fornecedor confiável? Tente
 solicitar a troca.
 Você pode usar um livecd para testes de hardware, tem muitos por aí
 com programas específicos para HD.
 Teste ele em outra porta sata, pois pode ser problema na placa mãe
 também e isso pode ter danificado o HD. Mas de qualquer forma acho que
 esse HD já era...

 Em 27 de maio de 2014 13:08, Eduardo Gonçalves
  Era esse meu medo. Acabei de comprar esse hd
  Existe algum método para eu testar se é problema nele mesmo?
  -- Mensagem encaminhada --
  De: Alexandre Martins
  Data: 27 de maio de 2014 15:09
  Assunto: Re: Instalar novo HD
  Para: Eduardo Gonçalves
  Cara esse seu HD  parece que não está bom veja bem:
  [59333.939653] Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 0
  [59333.939656] Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 1
  [59333.939659] Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 2
  [59333.939684] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Unhandled error code
  [59333.939686] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb]  Result: hostbyte=DID_BAD_TARGET
  [59333.939689] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] CDB: Read(10): 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  [59333.939696] end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 0
  Erro de Entrada e Saída no seu HD. Acredito eu que o problema seja ele
  mesmo. Experimenta colocar um outro de teste.
  Em 27 de maio de 2014 12:03, Eduardo Gonçalves
  Sim, mudei o hdX para sdX (no caso sdf) e usei partição ext4
  O arquivo com as informações do boot está em
  Em 27 de maio de 2014 11:58, China escreveu:
  Para que possamos ajudar, envie para a lista as mensagens de erro. O
  comando dmesg  boot.txt gerará o arquivo contendo as informações do
  boot da máquina, cole ele no corpo da mensagem para a lista. É o
  Em 26 de maio de 2014 23:09, Eduardo Gonçalves
   Olá à todos.
   Tenho um sistema instalado em um hd sata e gostaria de adicionar mais
   Ele foi reconhecido pelo debian, configurei com pequenas alterações à
   mas algo ainda está errado.
   O boot demora muito e uma série de mensagens de erro são exibidas na
   Depois de quase meia hora consigo logar e o hd não é montado, mas
   Preciso fazer mais alguma configuração? O que está errado?
  Alexandre Martins
  LPIC-1 | CompTIA Linux + | SUSE CLA
  Monkeys IT Solutions
  32 8824 6438

(off) militares hackers

2014-05-27 Thread Rubens Junior

No CONSEGI/2012, realizado aqui em Belem, ocorreu uma palestra sobre esse
assunto e que o exercito brasileiro estava criando/reestruturando uma
unidade para esse fins, principalmente por causa da Copa/2014 e

Achei incrivel a pontinha do iceberg descrito neste site e tbm daquele
ex-agente americano q dedurou as atividades do governo americando

E o governo brasileiro foi hackeado dinovo

Ja escutei pessoas do meu trabalho q preferem usar 100% software
proprietario por causa do suporte e recentemente abriram uma area pra
linux/redhat por causa do suporte tbm. Debian? Postgres? Nem pensar, nao
tem suporte pago especializado. Eh aquele caso, preferem terceirizar os
problemas: culpa deles e cobrar SLA, termo q esta na moda.

Vcs acham q softwares livres estao + vulneraveis pra espionagem pelo
governo? Sei q softwares proprietarios geralmente espionam seus usuarios.

Ocorreram duas situacoes q me levaram e refletir melhor sobre o tema (nao
quer dizer q sou a favor de software proprietario): 1) o site
kernel.orgficou fora do ar por um tempao por causa de um hacker e a
equipe, pelo
que eu li, ficou analisando os codigos-fontes pra saber se nao foram
adulterados; 2) Aquele bug do openssl. Ou eu li sites nao confiaveis e me


Rubens S. O. Jr

pograma equivalente

2014-05-27 Thread Rubens Junior

alguem conhece algum editor no linux/debian q seja equivalente ao
ultraedit? na minha opiniao ele eh o melhor de texto ja utilizei.

gostia muito de ter algo similar pra edicao de colunas (incluir, excluir,
etc), ftp embutido, conversor (exemplo unicode para ascii), etc...


Rubens S. O. Jr

Re: (off) militares hackers

2014-05-27 Thread China
Quando leio coisas tipo o governo brasileiro foi hackeado dinovo eu
até arrepio. Um orgão teve um sistema interno de leitura de telegramas
exposto por scammers que usaram técnica de pishing e usuários clicaram
nos links e já vira o governo brasileiro foi hackeado dinovo .

O que aconteceu no Itamaraty acontece em qualquer lugar onde não
existe infra de TICs adequada, administração de sistemas adequado e
usuários inadequadamente treinados, isso seja com software livre ou
proprietário. Simples assim.

Porque não invadem o Serpro? Lá estão Imposto de Renda, Passaporte,
Renavan, SISCOMEX, SIconv, a conta única do tesouro, a folha de
pagamento de TODOS os servidores públicos federais...

Em 27 de maio de 2014 17:06, Rubens Junior escreveu:


 No CONSEGI/2012, realizado aqui em Belem, ocorreu uma palestra sobre esse
 assunto e que o exercito brasileiro estava criando/reestruturando uma
 unidade para esse fins, principalmente por causa da Copa/2014 e

 Achei incrivel a pontinha do iceberg descrito neste site e tbm daquele
 ex-agente americano q dedurou as atividades do governo americando

 E o governo brasileiro foi hackeado dinovo

 Ja escutei pessoas do meu trabalho q preferem usar 100% software
 proprietario por causa do suporte e recentemente abriram uma area pra
 linux/redhat por causa do suporte tbm. Debian? Postgres? Nem pensar, nao tem
 suporte pago especializado. Eh aquele caso, preferem terceirizar os
 problemas: culpa deles e cobrar SLA, termo q esta na moda.

 Vcs acham q softwares livres estao + vulneraveis pra espionagem pelo
 governo? Sei q softwares proprietarios geralmente espionam seus usuarios.

 Ocorreram duas situacoes q me levaram e refletir melhor sobre o tema (nao
 quer dizer q sou a favor de software proprietario): 1) o site
 ficou fora do ar por um tempao por causa de um hacker e a equipe, pelo que
 eu li, ficou analisando os codigos-fontes pra saber se nao foram
 adulterados; 2) Aquele bug do openssl. Ou eu li sites nao confiaveis e me


 Rubens S. O. Jr

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Re: pograma equivalente

2014-05-27 Thread Francisco C Soares

On 27-05-2014 18:55, Rubens Junior wrote:

alguem conhece algum editor no linux/debian q seja equivalente ao 
ultraedit? na minha opiniao ele eh o melhor de texto ja utilizei.
gostia muito de ter algo similar pra edicao de colunas (incluir, 
excluir, etc), ftp embutido, conversor (exemplo unicode para ascii), etc..

Saudações Rubens,

Segue 3 alternativas:

Bluefish -
Aptana S3 -
Sublime Text -

Caso você disponha de uma licença para UEdit para Linux,
acesse e baixe:

Francisco C Soares ( *Junior* )


Re: (off) militares hackers

2014-05-27 Thread Rubens Junior
Prezado China,


Ha coisas q nao sao divulgadas e apenas os mais fracos sao divulgados na
midia, isso ocorre em qualquer orgao publico e/ou privado, vide o exemplo
dos furtos decorrentes de internet banking e/ou cartoes de creditos. O
grande exemplo, saindo do mundo virtual, eh o numero exato de assassinatos
ou furtos q ocorrem ou acidentes em rodovias, a PM/PC e a PRF somente
divulgam os casos registrados e os q interessam pra ficar bem na foto.
Isso eh minha opiniao.

Ate q me provem o contrario, o governo brasileiro infelizmente esta muito

Caso queira continuar o coloquio, peco q envie o email somente pra mim.


Em 27 de maio de 2014 19:23, China escreveu:

 Quando leio coisas tipo o governo brasileiro foi hackeado dinovo eu
 até arrepio. Um orgão teve um sistema interno de leitura de telegramas
 exposto por scammers que usaram técnica de pishing e usuários clicaram
 nos links e já vira o governo brasileiro foi hackeado dinovo .

 O que aconteceu no Itamaraty acontece em qualquer lugar onde não
 existe infra de TICs adequada, administração de sistemas adequado e
 usuários inadequadamente treinados, isso seja com software livre ou
 proprietário. Simples assim.

 Porque não invadem o Serpro? Lá estão Imposto de Renda, Passaporte,
 Renavan, SISCOMEX, SIconv, a conta única do tesouro, a folha de
 pagamento de TODOS os servidores públicos federais...

 Em 27 de maio de 2014 17:06, Rubens Junior escreveu:
  No CONSEGI/2012, realizado aqui em Belem, ocorreu uma palestra sobre esse
  assunto e que o exercito brasileiro estava criando/reestruturando uma
  unidade para esse fins, principalmente por causa da Copa/2014 e
  Achei incrivel a pontinha do iceberg descrito neste site e tbm daquele
  ex-agente americano q dedurou as atividades do governo americando
  E o governo brasileiro foi hackeado dinovo
  Ja escutei pessoas do meu trabalho q preferem usar 100% software
  proprietario por causa do suporte e recentemente abriram uma area pra
  linux/redhat por causa do suporte tbm. Debian? Postgres? Nem pensar, nao
  suporte pago especializado. Eh aquele caso, preferem terceirizar os
  problemas: culpa deles e cobrar SLA, termo q esta na moda.
  Vcs acham q softwares livres estao + vulneraveis pra espionagem pelo
  governo? Sei q softwares proprietarios geralmente espionam seus usuarios.
  Ocorreram duas situacoes q me levaram e refletir melhor sobre o tema (nao
  quer dizer q sou a favor de software proprietario): 1) o site
  ficou fora do ar por um tempao por causa de um hacker e a equipe, pelo
  eu li, ficou analisando os codigos-fontes pra saber se nao foram
  adulterados; 2) Aquele bug do openssl. Ou eu li sites nao confiaveis e me
  Rubens S. O. Jr

Rubens S. O. Jr

Re: pograma equivalente

2014-05-27 Thread Rubens Junior
Obrigado a todos... irei tentr avaliar cada um e postar aqui depois.

Em 27 de maio de 2014 20:32, joel correa escreveu:

 Sublime ou atom.

 Em 28/05/2014 01:01, Rubens Junior escreveu:


 alguem conhece algum editor no linux/debian q seja equivalente ao
 ultraedit? na minha opiniao ele eh o melhor de texto ja utilizei.

 gostia muito de ter algo similar pra edicao de colunas (incluir, excluir,
 etc), ftp embutido, conversor (exemplo unicode para ascii), etc...


 Rubens S. O. Jr

Rubens S. O. Jr

Re: Installing Thunderbird

2014-05-27 Thread Raffaele Morelli
2014-05-27 7:51 GMT+02:00 Marc Shapiro

 On 05/26/2014 12:29 PM, Marc Shapiro wrote:

 On 05/26/2014 08:18 AM, Ethan Rosenberg, PhD wrote:

 Dear List -

 Will you please give me instructions how to install Thunderbird. I've
 tried multiple methods listed on the web to no avail.  I am not satisfied
 with Icedove; eg, never have been able to start from the desktop icon,
 inability to prevent it from running in the background, which makes it
 impossible to read my email from webmail, since icedove is set to remove
 the mail from the server after it is downloaded.

What's wrong in unchecking the remove email from server?

Re: Wish to ALMOST clone a logical partition

2014-05-27 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 26 mai 14, 08:51:54, Richard Owlett wrote:
 I had found somewhere a description of installing Grub2 to its own
 partition - I've mislaid the link.
 The general sequence was:
   1. Do a fairly typical install of Squeeze(6.0.5) to primary partition sda1
  allowing installer to place grub on MBR.
   2. Create a small primary partition (sda2) dedicated to grub.
  (all test installs and swap on logical partitions)
   3. Do grub-install /dev/sda2
   4. Edit grub.cfg residing on sda2 to have menu appear as desired.
   5. For each test configuration:
install to a logical partition without installing grub or lilo
reboot into install on sda1
run update-grub
copy and edit appropriate section under os-prober to the grub.cfg on

On my laptop I always have at least two Debian installations, stable and 
sid. The grub in MBR always belongs to stable. sid's grub is installed 
in the first sector of the corresponding partition (using 
'dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc', so that updates will retain the setting).

The sid install is chain-loaded via following /etc/grub.d/40_custom

exec tail -n +3 $0
# This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries.  Simply type the
# menu entries you want to add after this comment.  Be careful not to change
# the 'exec tail' line above.
menuentry Debian Sid (unstable) {
configfile (hd0,msdos2)/boot/grub/grub.cfg
#set root=(hd0,msdos2)
#chainload +1

As you can see, the actual chain-loading is disabled at the moment, 
since stable's grub can boot sid with it's config (this way I don't need 
to worry about kernel updates in sid), but as sid's grub might diverge 
from stable it might be necessary to activate it.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

poor wifi connection

2014-05-27 Thread Mathieu Malaterre
[CC me please]

Dear all,

I am trying to diagnose why my wifi connection is so bad from my
current laptop. If I reboot into windows 7 (default OS when shipped)
everything is working nicely.

I followed [*] and the output is given at:

I do not see anything abvious from the log file. Does anyone see any
obvious mistake (misconfiguration) I could have ?


Thanks much,

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Re: Error message: Possible missing firmware during linux-image upgrade

2014-05-27 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 27 mai 14, 09:25:04, Reco wrote:
 On Mon, 26 May 2014 18:05:34 -0700 (PDT)
 Horatio Leragon wrote:
  How does one find out if the Realtek Gigabit card is 8168B, 8168A, 
 lscpi, dmidecode, hwinfo.

typo: that should be 'lspci'
 First one comes out of the box in Debian.

For usual values of out of the box (i.e. it's in Standard, which can 
be deselected during installation).

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Can't force unmount device

2014-05-27 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 26 mai 14, 10:15:40, Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum wrote:
 Also updatedb never seems to index the NSF-mounted files.

There are also other indexers. KDE had one, but I forgot the name.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Re: 'Authentication is required' while mounting drives in any Window Manager

2014-05-27 Thread Muntasim Ul Haque
Using different WMs and FMs didn't make any difference for me. I used 
i3, Awesome, Openbox WMs while using Nautilus, Thunar FMs. Nautilus in 
GNOME and Thunar in Xfce work perfectly. But cannot mount drives while 
using these FMs in WMs.

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Re: repeatable dpkg-buildpackage

2014-05-27 Thread Chris Bannister
On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 05:06:01PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Mon, 2014-05-26 at 18:58 +0400, Reco wrote:
 ... regarding to some claims on this list is a PITA, at least when
 building a kernel. I run my scripts to build kernel-rts as root.

It's a good idea to recommend best practices that to post about personal
preferences, esp. when it goes against everything you'll read on the

Imagine all the conflicting replies if everyone wrote about their
personal likes and dislikes. Not to mention all the extra posts
required to correct the false information.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: repeatable dpkg-buildpackage

2014-05-27 Thread Mihamina Rakotomandimby

On 05/27/2014 11:15 AM, Chris Bannister wrote:

On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 05:06:01PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Mon, 2014-05-26 at 18:58 +0400, Reco wrote:


... regarding to some claims on this list is a PITA, at least when
building a kernel. I run my scripts to build kernel-rts as root.

It's a good idea to recommend best practices that to post about personal
preferences, esp. when it goes against everything you'll read on the

Not the best practices, but the *official* practices.

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Re: Error message: Possible missing firmware during linux-image upgrade

2014-05-27 Thread Chris Bannister
On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 06:05:34PM -0700, Horatio Leragon wrote:
  I happen to have Realtek RTL8111/8168B Gigabit card which works
  flawlessly with any Debian kernel starting with Squeeze's backported
 How does one find out if the Realtek Gigabit card is 8168B, 8168A,

man lspci

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: repeatable dpkg-buildpackage

2014-05-27 Thread Chris Bannister
On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 11:20:01AM +0300, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
 On 05/27/2014 11:15 AM, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 05:06:01PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Mon, 2014-05-26 at 18:58 +0400, Reco wrote:
 ... regarding to some claims on this list is a PITA, at least when
 building a kernel. I run my scripts to build kernel-rts as root.
 It's a good idea to recommend best practices that to post about personal
 preferences, esp. when it goes against everything you'll read on the
 Not the best practices, but the *official* practices.

Hopefully, they are the same. :) But yes, 'official practices' is more

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: repeatable dpkg-buildpackage

2014-05-27 Thread Ralf Mardorf
Note that when building a headers package you must run the entire
make-kpkg command under fakeroot: you can't use the --rootcmd fakeroot
option in this case. -

So I'm 50% mistaken and 50% right ;). I anyway need to run my scripts as
root to automatically install the packages and after that to correct
links and do some other things that require root privileges. However, I
remembered that there was a fakeroot issue.

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Re: 'Authentication is required' while mounting drives in any Window Manager

2014-05-27 Thread Slavko

Dňa Tue, 27 May 2014 13:10:31 +0600 Muntasim Ul Haque napísal:

 Using different WMs and FMs didn't make any difference for me. I used 
 i3, Awesome, Openbox WMs while using Nautilus, Thunar FMs. Nautilus
 in GNOME and Thunar in Xfce work perfectly. But cannot mount drives
 while using these FMs in WMs.



Description: PGP signature

Re: 'Authentication is required' while mounting drives in any Window Manager

2014-05-27 Thread Brian
On Tue 27 May 2014 at 14:16:04 +0200, Slavko wrote:

 Dňa Tue, 27 May 2014 13:10:31 +0600 Muntasim Ul Haque napísal:
  Using different WMs and FMs didn't make any difference for me. I used 
  i3, Awesome, Openbox WMs while using Nautilus, Thunar FMs. Nautilus
  in GNOME and Thunar in Xfce work perfectly. But cannot mount drives
  while using these FMs in WMs.

The OP might want a .pkla file somewhere in/etc/polkit-1/localauthority
with the contents:

   [Mount internal devices]

On the other hand he might see this as unsuitable in some way. But he
has pklocalauthority(8) to guide him further.

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Re: Installing Thunderbird

2014-05-27 Thread Ethan Rosenberg, PhD

On 05/26/2014 04:25 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Monday 26 May 2014 21:09:50 Ethan Rosenberg, PhD wrote:

The object is to be able to close Thunderbird, leave the computer
  on, and read my email via webmail w/o any extra manipulations.

Yes, but is not usual for Icedove to run in the background all the time.  Why
not try to find out why it is and stop it?

Incidentally, sorry that I came off list.  I didn't mean to do so.  Feel free
to take this back on list.


Lisi -


Why not try to find out why it is and stop it?

Newbie question --- How??


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Re: Installing Thunderbird

2014-05-27 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 1:18 AM, Ethan Rosenberg, PhD wrote:
 Running Debian testing [Jessie] 64 bit system, and a POP3 email system.

I have to ask the obvious question: Why are you unable to use IMAP?
The normal way to share your mailstore between multiple clients would
be to leave everything on the server and read it all with IMAP.


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Assange and NSA

2014-05-27 Thread Diogene Laerce


Maybe I missed the thread : I wasn't there for a while but I would like to
have your advice on that article :

Thank you

“One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.”
“Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

  Diogene Laerce

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Re: Error message: Possible missing firmware during linux-image upgrade

2014-05-27 Thread Reco
On Tue, 27 May 2014 10:06:07 +0300
Andrei POPESCU wrote:

  lscpi, dmidecode, hwinfo.
 typo: that should be 'lspci'

My mistake.

  First one comes out of the box in Debian.
 For usual values of out of the box (i.e. it's in Standard, which can 
 be deselected during installation).

udev recommends pciutils (which provides lspci).
'Recommends' are enabled by default.
Whole bunch of FreeDesktop stuff (upower, udisks et al) depends on udev.
OP uses GNOME3, so all those toys are in the box.

I agree that one can uninstall pciutils, but how may Debian users would
do so?


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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-05-27 Thread John Hasler
The title of the blog tells you all you need to know.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-05-27 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2014-05-27 at 09:41 -0500, John Hasler wrote:
 The title of the blog tells you all you need to know.

JFTR the article includes a link to
Anyway, I already at the beginning of the Julian Assange affair got the
impression, that Julian Assange isn't working against the NSA, but
making propaganda pro NSA, by claiming the NSA has got abilities, the
NSA does not have. Where are the examples? It's all open source, he
could simply mention that a backdoor code starts at line x of source
package file y, so we could take a look at it. Sounds like trolling and
smells like FUD (Fear, uncertainty and doubt/female urination device - ).

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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-05-27 Thread Tamer Higazi
Wrong thread people!

Look for a mailinglist where politics, Unidentified Flying Objects,
world theories are subject.

This is the DEBIAN LINUX Mailinglist  OMG!

Thank you

Am 27.05.2014 16:21, schrieb Diogene Laerce:
 Maybe I missed the thread : I wasn't there for a while but I would like to
 have your advice on that article :
 Thank you

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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-05-27 Thread Slavko

Dňa Tue, 27 May 2014 16:21:50 +0200 Diogene Laerce napísal:

 Maybe I missed the thread : I wasn't there for a while but I would
 like to have your advice on that article :

From end of the article:

UPDATE: Wikileaks is officially denying that Julian Assange literally
said “Debian Is Owned By The NSA”.

All other thing was discussed more times there and they are widely

Some from us want to believe, that these errors was simple mistakes
only and some don't want to believe this. And beside these here exists a
big group of users, which don't believe to anything, to anyone when the
security and privacy goes to play.

Only very simple people will hope, that the NSA (the USA government)
will not try to get access into free/open software, because this is a
big source of information. And only very simple people (again) will
believe, that they will not abuse it.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Assange and NSA

2014-05-27 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2014-05-27 at 17:02 +0200, Slavko wrote:
 Dňa Tue, 27 May 2014 16:21:50 +0200 Diogene Laerce napísal:
  Maybe I missed the thread : I wasn't there for a while but I would
  like to have your advice on that article :
 From end of the article:
 UPDATE: Wikileaks is officially denying that Julian Assange literally
 said “Debian Is Owned By The NSA”.
 All other thing was discussed more times there and they are widely
 Some from us want to believe, that these errors was simple mistakes
 only and some don't want to believe this. And beside these here exists a
 big group of users, which don't believe to anything, to anyone when the
 security and privacy goes to play.
 Only very simple people will hope, that the NSA (the USA government)
 will not try to get access into free/open software, because this is a
 big source of information. And only very simple people (again) will
 believe, that they will not abuse it.

Hahaha, I assent to the view of Tamer Higazi, join a conspiracy forum
and start hunting bigfoot and shapeshifters. Sure, the NSA likely hacked
some FLOSS code we are using, but the NSA unlikely has taken over
absolute control. They likely have got absolute control over American
computer companies like Apple and Microsoft, but they never ever have
the same power for open source.

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Re: preferred overlay/union filesystem?

2014-05-27 Thread Steve Litt
On Tue, 27 May 2014 11:27:56 +0530
Kushal Kumaran wrote:

 Joe Pfeiffer writes:
  First, here's what I'm trying to do:
  I'm using encfs to give myself an encrypted home directory, and I'm
  successfully mounting it automatically using pam_mount when I log
  My email is processed by a .procmailrc file in my home directory,
  and I'm passing the email through bogofilter.  So, at present I
  have a nearly empty home directory containing .procmailrc
  and .bogofilter/ which is accessed when I'm not logged in, and my
  real home directory which is available when I am logged in.  This
  is, of course, less than optimal since I have to keep two versions
  of .procmailrc and .bogofilter/ in sync.
 You could keep the two files outside your home, and create symlinks to
 them in both the unencrypted and encrypted homes.

That sounds good to me.

If you want to keep two separate files, it's as simple as running a
shellscript to make sure they are the same. For instance,
my .procmailrc got so big and complicated that I split it into parts.
For instance, all the trolls and irritants go into something called
badguys.rc. Mailing lists go in maillists.rc. So to filter yet another
person, I'd edit badguys.rc, run my shellscript, and it would create a
new ~/.procmailrc with everything in the right order (bad guys get
filtered out before mailing list decisions are made, etc). There's one
file called vitals.rc that rises to the top of the file, and is
reserved for anything from a person or organization I consider
absolutely essential, and I want to see it even if it would normally be
moved by other filters. My shellscript could just as easily write a
copy in two different places.

I guess what I'm saying is that if and only if both your .procmailrc
and .bogofilter/ would benefit from such a shellscript without regard
to your two directory situation, you could make your shellscript write
both files, safe in the knowledge that they're both the same.
Otherwise, symlinks seem to me a good way to go.

Here's my shellscript, called


# Copyright (C) 2014 by Steve Litt
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any
# person obtaining a copy of this software and
# associated documentation files (the Software), to
# deal in the Software without restriction, including
# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
# merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom
# the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
# following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice
# shall be included in all copies or substantial
# portions of the Software.

 The Procmail resource file
 Careful, gets overwritten on every run

 Dir containing component files

 Procmail resource components, ORDER IS IMPORTANT!!!

function apppend(){
   local fname=$1
   echo   $pmrcfile
   echo   $pmrcfile
   echo   $pmrcfile
   echo ###  $pmrcfile
   echo # $fname  $pmrcfile
   echo ###  $pmrcfile
   echo   $pmrcfile
   cat $fname  $pmrcfile

function makeheader(){
   echo -n # CREATED BY $0:   $pmrcfile
   echo DO NOT EDIT BY HAND!!! #  $pmrcfile
   echo -n # COMPONENT FILE DIRECTORY   $pmrcfile
   echo IS $componentdir #  $pmrcfile
   echo $pmrcfile
   echo $pmrcfile

cd $componentdir

echo -n This will concat the following component 
echo files to $pmrcfile,
echo in the following order ...
for f in $componentfiles; do
   echo $f

echo Next, will test that all component files exist...

let errs=0
for f in $componentfiles; do
   if ! test -f $f; then
  let errs=$errs+1
  echo -n FATAL ERROR: 
  echo No file $f in directory $componentdir

if test $errs -gt 0; then
   echo $errs ERRORS, aborting...
   exit 2
   echo All componentfiles accounted for, continuing...

for f in $componentfiles; do
   echo Appending component file file $f
   chmod 600 $f
   apppend $f

chmod 600 

Re: Assange and NSA

2014-05-27 Thread Ralph Katz
Hash: SHA1

On 05/27/2014 11:13 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Tue, 2014-05-27 at 17:02 +0200, Slavko wrote:

 Dňa Tue, 27 May 2014 16:21:50 +0200 Diogene Laerce napísal:


 Maybe I missed the thread : I wasn't there for a while but I would
 like to have your advice on that article :

 From end of the article:

 UPDATE: Wikileaks is officially denying that Julian Assange literally
 said “Debian Is Owned By The NSA”.

 Hahaha, I assent to the view of Tamer Higazi, join a conspiracy forum
 and start hunting bigfoot and shapeshifters. Sure, the NSA likely hacked
 some FLOSS code we are using, but the NSA unlikely has taken over
 absolute control. They likely have got absolute control over American
 computer companies like Apple and Microsoft, but they never ever have
 the same power for open source.

Re: will debian issue a statement regarding Assange talk?

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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-05-27 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2014-05-27 at 11:20 -0400, Ralph Katz wrote:
 On 05/27/2014 11:13 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Tue, 2014-05-27 at 17:02 +0200, Slavko wrote:
  Dňa Tue, 27 May 2014 16:21:50 +0200 Diogene Laerce napísal:
  Maybe I missed the thread : I wasn't there for a while but I would
  like to have your advice on that article :
  From end of the article:
  UPDATE: Wikileaks is officially denying that Julian Assange literally
  said “Debian Is Owned By The NSA”.
  Hahaha, I assent to the view of Tamer Higazi, join a conspiracy forum
  and start hunting bigfoot and shapeshifters. Sure, the NSA likely hacked
  some FLOSS code we are using, but the NSA unlikely has taken over
  absolute control. They likely have got absolute control over American
  computer companies like Apple and Microsoft, but they never ever have
  the same power for open source.
 Re: will debian issue a statement regarding Assange talk?

The important reply IMO is this one:

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 09:39:58AM -0300, Andre Felipe Machado wrote:
 Will Debian Project issue a statement regarding Assange talk citing
 Debian ssl?
 People are asking about the subject on communities and even directly.

Hi Andre,

I'm not really sure what you mean by the project making a statement, or
really feel that it's appropriate for us to do so. Assange was pointing
out that the Open Source development methodology isn't immune to
mistakes being made in software, but they do at least get spotted.

I'm not sure that there's anything to respond to in that comment.

Neil -

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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-05-27 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2014-05-27 at 17:25 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Tue, 2014-05-27 at 11:20 -0400, Ralph Katz wrote:
  On 05/27/2014 11:13 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
   On Tue, 2014-05-27 at 17:02 +0200, Slavko wrote:
   Dňa Tue, 27 May 2014 16:21:50 +0200 Diogene Laerce napísal:
   Maybe I missed the thread : I wasn't there for a while but I would
   like to have your advice on that article :
   From end of the article:
   UPDATE: Wikileaks is officially denying that Julian Assange literally
   said “Debian Is Owned By The NSA”.
   Hahaha, I assent to the view of Tamer Higazi, join a conspiracy forum
   and start hunting bigfoot and shapeshifters. Sure, the NSA likely hacked
   some FLOSS code we are using, but the NSA unlikely has taken over
   absolute control. They likely have got absolute control over American
   computer companies like Apple and Microsoft, but they never ever have
   the same power for open source.
  Re: will debian issue a statement regarding Assange talk?
 The important reply IMO is this one:
 On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 09:39:58AM -0300, Andre Felipe Machado wrote:
  Will Debian Project issue a statement regarding Assange talk citing
  Debian ssl?
  People are asking about the subject on communities and even directly.
 Hi Andre,
 I'm not really sure what you mean by the project making a statement, or
 really feel that it's appropriate for us to do so. Assange was pointing
 out that the Open Source development methodology isn't immune to
 mistakes being made in software, but they do at least get spotted.
 I'm not sure that there's anything to respond to in that comment.
 Neil -

If you wear a Second Chance vest, a bullet still could tread in between
your eyes. If you illegally sell weapons, you shouldn't keep the
accounts on a computer or even on paper. But take care, the
shapeshifting aliens use sodium thiopental, even Thoughts are _not_

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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-05-27 Thread Diogene Laerce

On 05/27/2014 05:41 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Tue, 2014-05-27 at 17:25 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Tue, 2014-05-27 at 11:20 -0400, Ralph Katz wrote:

 On 05/27/2014 11:13 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

  On Tue, 2014-05-27 at 17:02 +0200, Slavko wrote:

  Dňa Tue, 27 May 2014 16:21:50 +0200 Diogene Laerce  napísal:

  Maybe I missed the thread : I wasn't there for a while but I would
  like to have your advice on that article :

   From end of the article:
  UPDATE: Wikileaks is officially denying that Julian Assange literally
  said “Debian Is Owned By The NSA”.


  Hahaha, I assent to the view of Tamer Higazi, join a conspiracy forum
  and start hunting bigfoot and shapeshifters. Sure, the NSA likely hacked
  some FLOSS code we are using, but the NSA unlikely has taken over
  absolute control. They likely have got absolute control over American
  computer companies like Apple and Microsoft, but they never ever have
  the same power for open source.

 Re: will debian issue a statement regarding Assange talk?

The important reply IMO is this one:

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 09:39:58AM -0300, Andre Felipe Machado wrote:

 Will Debian Project issue a statement regarding Assange talk citing
 Debian ssl?
 People are asking about the subject on communities and even directly.

Hi Andre,

I'm not really sure what you mean by the project making a statement, or
really feel that it's appropriate for us to do so. Assange was pointing
out that the Open Source development methodology isn't immune to
mistakes being made in software, but they do at least get spotted.

I'm not sure that there's anything to respond to in that comment.

Neil -

If you wear a Second Chance vest, a bullet still could tread in between
your eyes. If you illegally sell weapons, you shouldn't keep the
accounts on a computer or even on paper. But take care, the
shapeshifting aliens use sodium thiopental, even Thoughts are_not_

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Ok it seems that nobody is feeling really threaten by the NSA at this
point.. So I will follow the flow with the herd.. :)

Sorry Tamer if I was out of the line with posting in here. ;)

As for Big Foot, I'd really appreciate if one's had a little respect for He
and His brothers !

Thanks to all !

“One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.”
“Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

  Diogene Laerce

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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-05-27 Thread steef

On 27-05-14 15:13, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Tue, 2014-05-27 at 17:02 +0200, Slavko wrote:


Dňa Tue, 27 May 2014 16:21:50 +0200 Diogene Laerce napísal:


Maybe I missed the thread : I wasn't there for a while but I would
like to have your advice on that article :

 From end of the article:

UPDATE: Wikileaks is officially denying that Julian Assange literally
said “Debian Is Owned By The NSA”.

All other thing was discussed more times there and they are widely

Some from us want to believe, that these errors was simple mistakes
only and some don't want to believe this. And beside these here exists a
big group of users, which don't believe to anything, to anyone when the
security and privacy goes to play.

Only very simple people will hope, that the NSA (the USA government)
will not try to get access into free/open software, because this is a
big source of information. And only very simple people (again) will
believe, that they will not abuse it.


Hahaha, I assent to the view of Tamer Higazi, join a conspiracy forum
and start hunting bigfoot and shapeshifters. Sure, the NSA likely hacked
some FLOSS code we are using, but the NSA unlikely has taken over
absolute control. They likely have got absolute control over American
computer companies like Apple and Microsoft, but they never ever have
the same power for open source.

hi ralf,

i support your and higazi's view strongly. i see all this as a not too harmless joke of a couple of psychopathic morons on the other side of 
the ocean from my point of view.

kind regards,

groningen, holland

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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-05-27 Thread David Guntner
Ralf, please take this to OFF TOPIC.  Thanks.

Ralf Mardorf grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
 On Tue, 2014-05-27 at 17:02 +0200, Slavko wrote:

 Dňa Tue, 27 May 2014 16:21:50 +0200 Diogene Laerce napísal:


 Maybe I missed the thread : I wasn't there for a while but I would
 like to have your advice on that article :

 From end of the article:

 UPDATE: Wikileaks is officially denying that Julian Assange literally
 said “Debian Is Owned By The NSA”.

 All other thing was discussed more times there and they are widely

 Some from us want to believe, that these errors was simple mistakes
 only and some don't want to believe this. And beside these here exists a
 big group of users, which don't believe to anything, to anyone when the
 security and privacy goes to play.

 Only very simple people will hope, that the NSA (the USA government)
 will not try to get access into free/open software, because this is a
 big source of information. And only very simple people (again) will
 believe, that they will not abuse it.

 Hahaha, I assent to the view of Tamer Higazi, join a conspiracy forum
 and start hunting bigfoot and shapeshifters. Sure, the NSA likely hacked
 some FLOSS code we are using, but the NSA unlikely has taken over
 absolute control. They likely have got absolute control over American
 computer companies like Apple and Microsoft, but they never ever have
 the same power for open source.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Assange and NSA

2014-05-27 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2014-05-27 at 17:54 +0200, Diogene Laerce wrote:
 Ok it seems that nobody is feeling really threaten by the NSA

That's something completely different. In Germany we are aware that the
NSA does absolutely control German Internet nodes. The German Internet
is not German, it's American. Not the software you and I are using does
cause the important issues, at least not in Germany. The German problem
is, that we don't have our own Internet/ISPs/nodes.

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iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-27 Thread berenger . morel

Hello list.

I am trying to build a virtual network exposing servers accessible from 
the LAN.
I have done a lot of searches on the web and it worked last week, but 
since then, I have restarted my computer and had the nice surprise to 
learn that the iptables command does not save it's configuration.
I tried to retrieve my configuration, but am failing ( I tried to 
understand what I did with the history command, but sadly I am always 
working with tons of terminals and so, I suspect that it is not the 
correct history... ), and same to find anew the articles which actually 
make things working.

I had some network knowledge in the past, but never really practiced 
it, so I have lost almost everything. I already have used some 
firewalls, but those were some Windows ones ( I was not a linux user at 
that time ) and so I have never played  with iptables.

So I ask for 2 things:
_ help on this particular problem
_ if someone knows about resources to learn and understand how exactly 
iptables work, this would help me a lot in the future

For my particular problem.

I have an eth0 interface, the real one, on ip
I made a vlan in my /etc/network/interfaces, like this:
auto eth0.1
iface eth0.1 inet static
vlan-raw-device eth0

On that network, I have some VMs with static IPs, and the one on which 
I try to make the configuration for testing and learning purpose have an 
apache2 server running and up ( I can query on it from my physical 
computer ). It is using 2 network interfaces, a NAT one and a bridge 
one, but for others I would like to remove the NAT one, since I need 
them to simulate the production servers ( which are VMs too, but my 
company does not control the system on which they are running. Otherwise 
it would have be far easier: I would have read how it does to understand 
things ) which only have one interface ( eth0 ).

Both LANs ( the physical one and the virtual one ) works perfectly, but 
now I would like to allow 2 things:
_ VMs to access the physical LAN, so that they could access the apt 
proxy I have installed there for installing softwares and updates
_ physical computers accessing VMs through some ports of my computer. 
For example, redirecting 172.20.14.XX:80 to I will 
do that port forwarding for ssh ( port 22 ), http ( port 80 ) and 
postgresql ( port 5432 ) connections in a first time.


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Re: exim4 fetchmail delivery more than 10 rejected

2014-05-27 Thread Jonathan Dowland

This is a common problem (I remember hitting it myself, once upon a time!)
The Debian Exim FAQ recommends changing fetchmail's behaviour, rather than

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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-05-27 Thread Reco
On Tue, 27 May 2014 18:09:56 +0200
Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 In Germany we are aware that the NSA does absolutely control German Internet 

And most American large enterprises are using SAP ERP (R/3), which is
made by Germany-based enterprise :)

See - control works both ways.


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Re: exim4 fetchmail delivery more than 10 rejected

2014-05-27 Thread Brian
On Mon 26 May 2014 at 05:48:53 -0400, Harry Putnam wrote:

 I've tried adding this line:

I use


with the split-file configuration but testing with your setup does not
cause any failure when exim4 is reloaded or restarted. I think you
really should post the error message you get.

 Then I tried adding it to:

No. This is the wrong file.

 The exim4 FAQ tells of a way to put the load on fetchmail and diddle
 around with its config, but  also says one might change it in exim4 but
 is not clear about where this change is made.

I put it right at the start of MAIN CONFIGURATION SETTINGS.

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How to get along without an MTA: Was: exim4 fetchmail delivery more than 10 rejected

2014-05-27 Thread Steve Litt
On Tue, 27 May 2014 17:41:50 +0100
Jonathan Dowland wrote:

 This is a common problem (I remember hitting it myself, once upon a
 time!) The Debian Exim FAQ recommends changing fetchmail's behaviour,
 rather than Exim's:

This reminds me of something I've wanted for a long time.

I'd prefer not to have an MTA anywhere on my LAN. I'm not smart enough
to securely configure an MTA, even if it isn't sendmail. As things
stand, I grab incoming mail with fetchmail, which pushes the mail to
procmail, which drops it in the correct maildir directories of my local
Dovecot server. On the few occasions when I want to do a mass-mailing
(legal, to existing customers), I use nullmailer to implement the mail
and sendmail executables.

The one and only reason I have Postfix on my desktop computer is to
receive mail from addresses local to my local dovecot: Mainly root,
which emails me every time a cron job writes to stdout. I haven't yet
figured a way to get either procmail or nullmailer deliver local to my
local Dovecot. The day I figure out how to do that is the day I blow
postfix right off my box, and never have an MTA again. I'm not an
admin, and it's a bad idea for me to be in charge of an MTA.

Does anyone know how I can achieve delivery of local users without
using an MTA? I'm thinking some sort of shellscript for the mail and/or
sendmail executables that does some magic and then
calls /usr/bin/procmail -d %T.



Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: How to get along without an MTA: Was: exim4 fetchmail delivery more than 10 rejected

2014-05-27 Thread Brian
On Tue 27 May 2014 at 13:53:47 -0400, Steve Litt wrote:

 On Tue, 27 May 2014 17:41:50 +0100
 Jonathan Dowland wrote:
  This is a common problem (I remember hitting it myself, once upon a
  time!) The Debian Exim FAQ recommends changing fetchmail's behaviour,
  rather than Exim's:
 This reminds me of something I've wanted for a long time.

What? The chance to do some troubleshooting? Or the opportunity to break
into an existing thread with something which is completely unrelated to
the problem at hand?

It is generally advised to generate a new post for problems distinct
from the one under discussion. Commonsense, good manners etc, etc.

 Steve Litt*
 Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: repeatable dpkg-buildpackage

2014-05-27 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Tue, May 27 2014, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 Note that when building a headers package you must run the entire
 make-kpkg command under fakeroot: you can't use the --rootcmd fakeroot
 option in this case. -

Is that accurate?
--8---cut here---start-8---
 % cd /usr/local/src/kernel/linus-tree
 % git pull
 % make-kpkg clean
 % make-kpkg -j6 --initrd --rootcmd fakeroot\
 --revision=$(date +%Y.%m.%d)   \
 --append-to-version '-anzu' kernel_headers
This is kernel package version 13.013.
dpkg-deb: building package `linux-headers-3.15.0-rc7-anzu' in
--8---cut here---end---8---

If it heals good, say it.
Manoj Srivastava  
4096R/C5779A1C E37E 5EC5 2A01 DA25 AD20  05B6 CF48 9438 C577 9A1C

Description: PGP signature

Re: Ezoic and

2014-05-27 Thread nbenni

Sorry to bother you again, but I just wanted to check in to see if you received 
my last email and had a chance to think things over.  Let me know if you have 
any questions or would like to learn more.

Nacim Benni
Informational Site Specialist
Phone: 1 760-487-8931
Linkedin Profile :

Hi Debian,

We are a venture capital-backed, California-based tech company.  

We are in the process of recruiting websites such as for our 
beta program.

Based on data collected from over 600 participating sites, our scientifically 
optimized websites earn 2-3x more revenue and users spend upwards of 35% more 
time on the site.

This opportunity is by invitation only. Please get back to me if you are 
interested in a free 2-week trial of Ezoic for

Nacim Benni
Informational Site Specialist
Ezoic Inc.

Phone: 1 760-487-8931
Twitter: @ezoic

Re: preferred overlay/union filesystem?

2014-05-27 Thread Joe Pfeiffer
Steve Litt writes:

 On Tue, 27 May 2014 11:27:56 +0530
 Kushal Kumaran wrote:

 Joe Pfeiffer writes:
  First, here's what I'm trying to do:
  I'm using encfs to give myself an encrypted home directory, and I'm
  successfully mounting it automatically using pam_mount when I log
  My email is processed by a .procmailrc file in my home directory,
  and I'm passing the email through bogofilter.  So, at present I
  have a nearly empty home directory containing .procmailrc
  and .bogofilter/ which is accessed when I'm not logged in, and my
  real home directory which is available when I am logged in.  This
  is, of course, less than optimal since I have to keep two versions
  of .procmailrc and .bogofilter/ in sync.
 You could keep the two files outside your home, and create symlinks to
 them in both the unencrypted and encrypted homes.

 That sounds good to me.

 If you want to keep two separate files, it's as simple as running a
 shellscript to make sure they are the same. For instance,
 my .procmailrc got so big and complicated that I split it into parts.
 For instance, all the trolls and irritants go into something called
 badguys.rc. Mailing lists go in maillists.rc. So to filter yet another
 person, I'd edit badguys.rc, run my shellscript, and it would create a
 new ~/.procmailrc with everything in the right order (bad guys get
 filtered out before mailing list decisions are made, etc). There's one
 file called vitals.rc that rises to the top of the file, and is
 reserved for anything from a person or organization I consider
 absolutely essential, and I want to see it even if it would normally be
 moved by other filters. My shellscript could just as easily write a
 copy in two different places.

Well, I don't want to keep two separate files (that's what I'm trying to
get away from).  It seems like the overlay filesystem would be a bit
cleaner if it can work, but symbolic links elsewhere would be my second

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Forcing question to be asked while presseeding

2014-05-27 Thread Richard Owlett

Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide
  Appendix B. Automating the installation using preseeding
B.5.2. Using preseeding to change default values
B.2.2. Using boot parameters to preseed questions
suggest that I should be able to accomplish my goal. I need some 
actual example to understand what the text is saying.

My goal is to force the menu which asks to chose among typical 
uses (i.e. Desktop|print server|laptop|etc).

Pointers please.

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[REPOST] Re: Re: Wish to ALMOST clone a logical partition

2014-05-27 Thread Richard Owlett

Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Lu, 26 mai 14, 08:51:54, Richard Owlett wrote:

I had found somewhere a description of installing Grub2 to its own
partition - I've mislaid the link.

The general sequence was:
   1. Do a fairly typical install of Squeeze(6.0.5) to primary partition sda1
  allowing installer to place grub on MBR.
   2. Create a small primary partition (sda2) dedicated to grub.
  (all test installs and swap on logical partitions)
   3. Do grub-install /dev/sda2
   4. Edit grub.cfg residing on sda2 to have menu appear as desired.
   5. For each test configuration:
install to a logical partition without installing grub or lilo
reboot into install on sda1
run update-grub
copy and edit appropriate section under os-prober to the grub.cfg on

On my laptop I always have at least two Debian installations, stable and
sid. The grub in MBR always belongs to stable. sid's grub is installed
in the first sector of the corresponding partition (using
'dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc', so that updates will retain the setting).

The sid install is chain-loaded via following /etc/grub.d/40_custom

exec tail -n +3 $0
# This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries.  Simply type the
# menu entries you want to add after this comment.  Be careful not to change
# the 'exec tail' line above.
menuentry Debian Sid (unstable) {
configfile (hd0,msdos2)/boot/grub/grub.cfg
#set root=(hd0,msdos2)
#chainload +1

As you can see, the actual chain-loading is disabled at the moment,
since stable's grub can boot sid with it's config (this way I don't need
to worry about kernel updates in sid), but as sid's grub might diverge
from stable it might be necessary to activate it.

Kind regards,

I'll have to reread documentation/howto's on chainloading.
My initial reading had only confused me.
I'll experiment with it in my next series of experiments. I can 
see advantages.

The only problem might be figuring out how to preseed sid's grub is
installed in the first sector of the corresponding partition (using
'dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc', so that updates will retain the 

Thanks for the idea.

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Re: Wish to ALMOST clone a logical partition

2014-05-27 Thread Richard Owlett

Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Lu, 26 mai 14, 08:51:54, Richard Owlett wrote:

I had found somewhere a description of installing Grub2 to its own
partition - I've mislaid the link.

The general sequence was:
   1. Do a fairly typical install of Squeeze(6.0.5) to primary partition sda1
  allowing installer to place grub on MBR.
   2. Create a small primary partition (sda2) dedicated to grub.
  (all test installs and swap on logical partitions)
   3. Do grub-install /dev/sda2
   4. Edit grub.cfg residing on sda2 to have menu appear as desired.
   5. For each test configuration:
install to a logical partition without installing grub or lilo
reboot into install on sda1
run update-grub
copy and edit appropriate section under os-prober to the grub.cfg on

On my laptop I always have at least two Debian installations, stable and
sid. The grub in MBR always belongs to stable. sid's grub is installed
in the first sector of the corresponding partition (using
'dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc', so that updates will retain the setting).

The sid install is chain-loaded via following /etc/grub.d/40_custom

exec tail -n +3 $0
# This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries.  Simply type the
# menu entries you want to add after this comment.  Be careful not to change
# the 'exec tail' line above.
menuentry Debian Sid (unstable) {
configfile (hd0,msdos2)/boot/grub/grub.cfg
#set root=(hd0,msdos2)
#chainload +1

As you can see, the actual chain-loading is disabled at the moment,
since stable's grub can boot sid with it's config (this way I don't need
to worry about kernel updates in sid), but as sid's grub might diverge
from stable it might be necessary to activate it.

Kind regards,

I'll have to reread documentation/howto's on chainloading.
My initial reading had only confused me.
I'll experiment with it in my next series of experiments. I can 
see advantages.

The only problem might be figuring out how to preseed sid's grub is
installed in the first sector of the corresponding partition (using
'dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc', so that updates will retain the 

Thanks for the idea.

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[REPOST] Forcing question to be asked while presseeding

2014-05-27 Thread Richard Owlett

Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide
  Appendix B. Automating the installation using preseeding
B.5.2. Using preseeding to change default values
B.2.2. Using boot parameters to preseed questions
suggest that I should be able to accomplish my goal. I need some 
actual example to understand what the text is saying.

My goal is to force the menu which asks to chose among typical 
uses (i.e. Desktop|print server|laptop|etc).

Pointers please.

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Re: preferred overlay/union filesystem?

2014-05-27 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 5:47 AM, Joe Pfeiffer wrote:
 Well, I don't want to keep two separate files (that's what I'm trying to
 get away from).  It seems like the overlay filesystem would be a bit
 cleaner if it can work, but symbolic links elsewhere would be my second

As a variant of Kushal's suggestion of two symlinks to the same file,
you could have the real file in one place (preferably where it's
written to) and a symlink to it from the other place.


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RE: Delivery reports about your e-mail

2014-05-27 Thread Paul Mulderig
I assumed this would not be a good e-mail to open?

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2014 2:42 PM
To: Paul Mulderig
Subject: Delivery reports about your e-mail

The original message was received at Wed, 28 May 2014 03:42:25 +0700 from 

- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -

 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email, including any attachments, is for the 
exclusive and confidential use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an 
intended recipient, please do not read, distribute or take action in reliance 
upon this message. If you have received this in error, please notify the sender 
immediately by return email and promptly delete this message and its 
attachments from your computer system.

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Re: Forcing question to be asked while presseeding

2014-05-27 Thread Brian
On Tue 27 May 2014 at 08:19:24 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

 Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide
   Appendix B. Automating the installation using preseeding
 B.5.2. Using preseeding to change default values
 B.2.2. Using boot parameters to preseed questions
 suggest that I should be able to accomplish my goal. I need some
 actual example to understand what the text is saying.

Which text is this that you do not understand?

 My goal is to force the menu which asks to chose among typical uses
 (i.e. Desktop|print server|laptop|etc).

Using preseeding to set a default answer for a question but still have
the question asked is described. Is there anything there which is not
amenable to a quick test or two?

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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-27 Thread Joe
On Tue, 27 May 2014 18:24:41 +0200 wrote:

 Hello list.
 I am trying to build a virtual network exposing servers accessible
 from the LAN.
 I have done a lot of searches on the web and it worked last week, but 
 since then, I have restarted my computer and had the nice surprise to 
 learn that the iptables command does not save it's configuration.
 I tried to retrieve my configuration, but am failing ( I tried to 
 understand what I did with the history command, but sadly I am always 
 working with tons of terminals and so, I suspect that it is not the 
 correct history... ), and same to find anew the articles which
 actually make things working.
 I had some network knowledge in the past, but never really practiced 
 it, so I have lost almost everything. I already have used some 
 firewalls, but those were some Windows ones ( I was not a linux user
 at that time ) and so I have never played  with iptables.
 So I ask for 2 things:
 _ help on this particular problem
 _ if someone knows about resources to learn and understand how
 exactly iptables work, this would help me a lot in the future
Google will provide you with many thousands. The usual question arises
as to which of them are up to date, there have been a few small changes
in iptables, and some may rely on the sysv init system, which is fast

As to the particular point you raise here, 'iptables' is a system
command which adds (or subtracts or edits) one rule to the kernel
firewall ruleset. A set of rules created with this command is not
persistent, as you have found. There is a built-in iptables utility,
iptables-save, which will save the current ruleset, and a restore
command which can be run on boot. Debian also has the package
iptables-persistent, which does just this.

This package is relatively recent, and when I needed to address this
problem, I had just built a Linux-From-Scratch system, so I took their
init script skeleton and made a pseudo-daemon, entering a set of
iptables commands at boot. This is an alternative approach, and may be
more flexible, but requires work. It allows the use of alternative
iptables rulesets, written as shell scripts, and therefore allows
offline editing of the scripts and on-the-fly selection of them. On my
mobile systems, I have two rulesets depending on whether I am in a
(fairly) trusted network or a dodgy one, when I use a VPN to my home
network and a more restrictive local firewall.

There are also programs which will 'help' in setting up an iptables
firewall, such as firestarter, but having started out by making my own
iptables scripts, I found these programs too limited, and I think as
you are doing non-standard things, you might also. I've got used to
using iptables logging as a quicker and simpler way of solving (some)
networking problems than a packet analyser, and to do this requires
complete control over the ordering and construction of rules.

 For my particular problem.
Sorry about this, routing to VMs can offer unexpected challenges, and I
haven't used any with any routing complexity for a few years, so I
can't help much. The only VM I currently use does NAT.

As I recall, broadly, to avoid NAT, the VM must use a bridging network
connection (virtualbox does either easily) and the VMs must therefore
have IP addresses compatible with the TCP/IP settings of the real NIC,
in other words they must be set up as if they are real machines on the
same network as the host. I vaguely recall setting up the real NIC as a
br0 interface rather than eth0, plus a bit more tweaking. I think. It is
some time since I did this, and there is no remaining evidence. [Further
disclaimers as required]. It is also possible that the virtualbox
system does more to help now.

Oh, yes, if IPv6 is allowed into your network, there is also an
ip6tables, which is completely independent of the v4 system, and by
default allows anything anywhere. I currently have no use for v6, so
I've just added drop policies to my main ruleset, and that seems to


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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-27 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 8:13 AM, Joe wrote:
 This package is relatively recent, and when I needed to address this
 problem, I had just built a Linux-From-Scratch system, so I took their
 init script skeleton and made a pseudo-daemon, entering a set of
 iptables commands at boot. This is an alternative approach, and may be
 more flexible, but requires work. It allows the use of alternative
 iptables rulesets, written as shell scripts, and therefore allows
 offline editing of the scripts and on-the-fly selection of them.

This is more-or-less the approach I use, too. I have a script that
runs a bunch of iptables commands, setting up the rules the way I want
them. Advantage of that over iptables-save is that I can annotate the
script with comments (eg if an IP block is banned, I can say what the
block represents, why it's banned, and importantly, *when* it was
banned, so I know to review it). Also may be convenient is scripting
ip{,6}tables to use a lot of the same rules; again, it's easy enough
when you have your source code as a bash/Python/Pike/etc script rather
than just a series of commands. Plays nicely with source control, too.


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OpenSSL version mismatch. Built against 1000105f, you have 10001080

2014-05-27 Thread S Scharf
I am running Testing (on multiple machines). On only one of them I am now
the error message in my subject line above.

All of the online descriptions seem to show this to be a mismatch between
the SSH and SSL
packages. But all of my machines seem to have the same packages installed
and are up to date
with apt-get update/apt-get dist-upgrade.

Anyone know how to fix this?


output from dpkg follows:

$ dpkg -l | grep ss[lh]
ii  flac
1.3.0-2amd64Free Lossless Audio Codec -
command line tools
ii  libcrypt-ssleay-perl
0.58-1+b1  amd64OpenSSL support for LWP
ii  libflac++6:amd64
1.3.0-2amd64Free Lossless Audio Codec -
C++ runtime library
ii  libflac8:amd64
1.3.0-2amd64Free Lossless Audio Codec -
runtime C library
ii  libflac8:i386
1.3.0-2i386 Free Lossless Audio Codec -
runtime C library
ii  libgnutls-openssl27:amd64
3.2.14-1   amd64GNU TLS library - OpenSSL
ii  libio-socket-ssl-perl
1.988-1all  Perl module implementing
object oriented interface to SSL sockets
ii  libnet-smtp-ssl-perl
1.01-3 all  Perl module providing SSL
support to Net::SMTP
ii  libnet-ssleay-perl
1.61-1 amd64Perl module for Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL)
ii  libqca2-plugin-ossl:amd64
2.0.0~beta3-2  amd64SSL/TLS support for the Qt
Cryptographic Architecture
ii  libssh-4:amd64
0.6.3-2amd64tiny C SSH library
ii  libssh2-1:amd64
1.4.3-2amd64SSH2 client-side library
ii  libssh2-1:i386
1.4.3-2i386 SSH2 client-side library
ii  libssl-dev:amd64
1.0.1g-4   amd64Secure Sockets Layer
toolkit - development files
ii  libssl-doc
1.0.1g-4   all  Secure Sockets Layer
toolkit - development documentation
ii  libssl1.0.0:amd64
1.0.1g-4   amd64Secure Sockets Layer
toolkit - shared libraries
ii  libssl1.0.0:i386
1.0.1g-4   i386 Secure Sockets Layer
toolkit - shared libraries
ii  libwavpack1:amd64
4.70.0-1   amd64audio codec (lossy and
lossless) - library
ii  openssh-client
1:6.6p1-5  amd64secure shell (SSH) client,
for secure access to remote machines
ii  openssh-server
1:6.6p1-5  amd64secure shell (SSH) server,
for secure access from remote machines
ii  openssh-sftp-server
1:6.6p1-5  amd64secure shell (SSH) sftp
server module, for SFTP access from remote machines
ii  openssl
1.0.1g-4   amd64Secure Sockets Layer
toolkit - cryptographic utility
ii  python-openssl
0.13.1-2   amd64Python 2 wrapper around the
OpenSSL library
ii  ssh
1:6.6p1-5  all  secure shell client and
server (metapackage)
ii  ssl-cert
1.0.33 all  simple debconf wrapper for

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