Re: [IPTABLES] Comment lister les paquets rejet és ?

2014-06-08 Thread nb

Le Dimanche 8 Juin 2014 00:59 CEST, Philippe Gras a 

 Le 8 juin 14 à 00:29, Christophe a écrit :

  Le 07/06/2014 23:21, nb a écrit :
  Le Samedi 7 Juin 2014 23:12 CEST, Philippe Gras a écrit:
  INPUT ne sert pas pour une connexion déjà établie, seulement pour
  l'établissement d'une connexion (paquet tcp syn)
  Pas tout à fait d'accord avec ça, mais rien à voir avec Debian,   comme tu
  l'as précédemment précisé ...
  (c'est du noyau linux dont il est question ici).


 J'ai l'impression que ça sert surtout en ligne de commande. Rectifiez- moi si 
 je me trompe !
 Parce que la subtilité m'échappe. Moi, j'ai un script avec des -P au
 début pour définir toute
 la police, et ensuite, je n'ai que des -A. Mais si ça se trouve, ça  devrait 
 être des -N partout ?
  Concernant tes règles ESTABLISHED il serait judicieux de les
  taper en interactif. Elles n'ont pas trop leur place dans un
  script après les règles INPUT.
  La, il va falloir que tu éclaires quelques lanternes ... ;)

 Oui, pourquoi ?

Ce que je voulais dire, c'est que quand un script est appliqué avec les règles 
de DROP sur INPUT au début, il n'est pas nécessaire de faire en plus à la fin 
du script un DROP sur des connexions établies de même type. Puisque par 
définition, elles ne peuvent pas l'être car interdites.

Dans le cas qui nous occupe ici, la connexion a été établie de manière 
antérieure au script. Du coup malgré les INPUT, la connexion restait présente. 
Le DROP sur ESTABLISHED devenait indispensable.
Mais uniquement de manière ponctuelle. C'est pourquoi je disais qu'il fallait 
le faire en intéractif.

Je pards bien sur du fait qu'un script a pour vocation à être re-joué plusieurs 
L'incompréhension vient peut-être de là. J'opposais intéractif à script.

Par ailleurs, même en intéractif après un '-A' ou '-I' pour la règle d'INPUT, 
il faut faire ensuite un '-D'. Car il n'est pas nécessaire de conserver des 
règles devenues inutiles.

Bon dimanche

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Re: [Wheezy] installation sur un Acer Aspire One A0751h

2014-06-08 Thread nb

Le Dimanche 8 Juin 2014 01:51 CEST, Gaëtan PERRIER a 


 J'essaie d'installer une Debian Wheezy sur un Acer Aspire One A0751h.
 L'installation se passe bien mais au démarrage j'ai un problème (qui ne
 m'étonne pas spécialement) avec la partie vidéo. Au début ça s'affiche
 correctement mais au bout de quelques secondes l'affichage part en
 cacahuète. Je voudrais donc booter en console pure. J'ai essayé le mode
 de dépannage mais il effectue aussi un changement de mode graphique qui
 amène au même problème qu'en mode normal. J'aimerai donc booter en
 restant en mode vga de base mais je ne sais pas ce qu'il faut mettre

 dans grub pour éviter le switch de mode graphique ?

Sans certitude aucune, j'aurais essayé:

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Re: [Wheezy] installation sur un Acer Aspire One A0751h

2014-06-08 Thread pascalv
Le 8 juin 2014 à 01:51, Gaëtan PERRIER
javascript:; a écrit :


 J'essaie d'installer une Debian Wheezy sur un Acer Aspire One A0751h.
 L'installation se passe bien mais au démarrage j'ai un problème (qui ne
 m'étonne pas spécialement) avec la partie vidéo. Au début ça s'affiche
 correctement mais au bout de quelques secondes l'affichage part en
 cacahuète. Je voudrais donc booter en console pure.

J'utilise aussi Debian sur un Acer Aspire One, et dans mon cas cela
avait fonctionné de manière impeccable avec les paramètres par défaut.
J'avais fait l'installation initiale à partir de Unetbootin.

Pour accéder au mode console, Ctrl-Alt-F1 ne conduit-il pas à quelque chose

Re: [Wheezy] installation sur un Acer Aspire One A0751h

2014-06-08 Thread maderios

On 06/08/2014 01:51 AM, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
J'aimerai donc booter en

restant en mode vga de base mais je ne sais pas ce qu'il faut mettre
dans grub pour éviter le switch de mode graphique ?

Pour Grub2
Dans /etc/default/grub il faut avoir
Ensuite update-grub

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Re: [Wheezy] installation sur un Acer Aspire One A0751h

2014-06-08 Thread Stéphane GARGOLY
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Le samedi 7 juin 2014 à 23:51, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit 
 J'essaie d'installer une Debian Wheezy sur un Acer Aspire One A0751h.

Tiens, quelle coïncidence : au 1er avril dernier, j'ai installé Debian Wheezy 
sur mon mini-portable (ou netbook) Acer Aspire One ZG8 A0731h-0Bk (voir notes 
a et b)

Note a : pour information, ses principales caractéristiques sont :
 - Un processeur Intel Atom N270 à 1600 MHz et avec une cache L2 512 ko,
 - Une mémoire centrale DDR2 de 2 Gio,
 - Un disque dur SATA Hitachi 2,5 p de 160 Go à 5400 t/mn,
 - Une carte graphique intégrée Intel Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA) 950 et
 - Un écran 10,1 p avec une résolution de 1024*600 pixels.

Note b : concernant le modéle 751, ses principales différences viennent, d'une 
part, d'un processeur Atom Z520 et d'une carte graphique GMA 500 - apparemment 
en retrait au niveau performances par rapport à ceux du 731 - et, d'autre 
part, un écran 11,6 p à 1366*768 pixels nettement plus confortable que le 
précédent par contre.

Gaëtan, j'ai trouvé ces informations sur Internet mais tu peux me corriger si 
elles sont erronées...

En ce qui me concerne, c'est une conséquence de la fin de support de Windows XP 
par son éditeur bien connu. ;-)

La seule chose est que j'ai dû choisir l'architecture i386 (et non amd64) car 
le processeur Intel Atom ne prend pas en charge les extensions 64 bits - et je 
pense que ça doit être aussi le cas de ton coté.

Autrement, je n'ai pas eu de difficultés particulières au niveau de 

 L'installation se passe bien mais au démarrage j'ai un problème (qui ne
 m'étonne pas spécialement) avec la partie vidéo. Au début ça s'affiche
 correctement mais au bout de quelques secondes l'affichage part en
 cacahuète. Je voudrais donc booter en console pure. J'ai essayé le mode
 de dépannage mais il effectue aussi un changement de mode graphique qui
 amène au même problème qu'en mode normal. J'aimerai donc booter en
 restant en mode vga de base mais je ne sais pas ce qu'il faut mettre
 dans grub pour éviter le switch de mode graphique ?

Comme tu ne précises pas exactement quels sont les symptômes que tu as 
contactés (ni même quel environnement graphique que tu utilises), je ne peux 
que te faire part de mon expérience...

En effet, j'utilise KDE comme interface graphique et, au début, j'ai constaté 
d'importants ralentissements tels que, par exemple, le lanceur d'applications 
Kickoff qui met plus de 10 secondes à apparaître après avoir cliquer sur 
l'icône idoine. :-(

Pour résoudre ce soucis, j'ai dû désactiver les effets de bureau au démarrage à 
partir de l'application Configuration du système et, depuis, KDE se montre 
nettement plus réactif. :-)

Néanmoins, je me demande qu'il est possible d'utiliser ces effets de bureau en 
jouant sur leur paramétrage. Il va me falloir que je fasse des recherches au 
niveau de la documentation de KDE voire sur Internet.

Concernant ton désir de désactiver le mode graphique, tout dépend du fait que 
tu ne veux plus utiliser d'interface graphique de façon définitive ou non :
 - Si oui alors le mieux est de le désinstaller (par l'intermédiaire des 
commande 'aptitude' ou 'apt-get')
 - Si non (si tu veux, quand même, le démarrer par l'intermédiaire d'une 
commande 'startx' par exemple) alors, à mon humble avis, je pense que cela se 
joue moins au niveau du programme d'amorçage (GRUB dans ton cas) qu'au niveau 
de l'utilitaire 'init' (voir note c).

Note c : Et, bien sûr, il serait préférable de manipuler les scripts de 
démarrage des services avec la main tremblante (même en connaissance de 
cause). ;-)

Pour la fin, un petit mot à Daniel HUHARDEAUX s'il se rappelle de notre petite 
discussion de fin janvier dernier à propos de la possibilité d'avoir une 
connexion 3G (pour l'Internet mobile) avec un système GNU/Linux installé sur 
mon netbook Acer Aspire One - Voir le lien suivant : .

Eh bien, après une configuration, inévitable mais relativement aisée, de 
l'application Network Management (de KDE) pour qu'elle intègre cette 
connexion 3G, je peux me balader sur Internet sans aucun soucis, même quand je 
suis loin de mon domicile. Merci beaucoup Daniel. ;-)

Cordialement et à bientôt,


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Re: [IPTABLES] Comment lister les paquets rejet és ?

2014-06-08 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Le dimanche 08 juin 2014, Philippe Gras a écrit...

 J'ai l'impression que ça sert surtout en ligne de commande. Rectifiez-moi si
 je me trompe !
 Parce que la subtilité m'échappe. Moi, j'ai un script avec des -P au début
 pour définir toute
 la police, et ensuite, je n'ai que des -A. Mais si ça se trouve, ça devrait
 être des -N partout ?

Lorsque tu écris un script, tu écris en séquence. Donc -A, c'est logique
(-N pour créer), car tu ajoutes à la règle précédente.

Lorsque tu es en interactif (après un iptables -L --line-numbers par
exemple), tu ajoutes avec un -I index pour insérer là où tu veux
(puis un -D index pour supprimer ce que tu veux).

 Sinon, j'ai bien mes journaux dans /var/log/messages (c'est Debian, ça °0°)

Perso, j'utilise rsyslogd avec ses possibilités de filtrage pour envoyer
mes chaines préfixées avec --log-prefix dans /var/log/firewall.log (qui
fait l'objet d'une rotation journalière via une entrée dans


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Re: [IPTABLES] Comment lister les paquets rejetés ?

2014-06-08 Thread Francois Lafont
Bonjour à tous,

Le 07/06/2014 23:05, nb a écrit :

 Le 07/06/2014 20:31, Philippe Gras a écrit :
 Non, justement pas quel que soit l'état de la connexion, et c'est logique.

 On n'aurait pas de règle pour les connexions établies, sinon ;-)
 Philippe a raison.
 INPUT ne sert pas pour une connexion déjà établie, seulement pour 
 l'établissement d'une connexion (paquet tcp syn)

Loin de moi l'idée de vouloir vous embêter avec tout ça (j'essaye
vraiment d'être constructif dans ma démarche) mais il me semble
sincèrement que Philippe et toi nb vous trompez sur ce point.
J'essaye de donner une explication ci-dessous qui tend à le prouver.
Certes, ça n'a pas de rapport direct avec Debian mais je trouve que
le sujet n'est pas inintéressant en soi. Et dans le pire des cas,
si on me montre que j'ai tort (ce qui est tout à fait envisageable
;)), j'en serais le premier content car j'aurais appris quelque
chose (et je pense que je ne serai pas le seul).

J'ai une petite Debian Wheezy toute simple sur laquelle j'ai un
petit apache2 qui tourne (avec la fameuse page « It works »). Je
n'ai fait à la base aucune modification iptables (et donc par
défaut tout passe etc). Cette machine a pour IP

Je crée alors ces deux règles :

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s -j LOG --log-prefix 
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s -m state --state 

J'ai juste repris le même type de règle que Philippe (dans son message
du 7 juin à 18h16) sauf que :

* j'ai pris une autre IP source (qui correspond à l'IP d'une VM sur
   mon réseau local

* j'ai changé l'action. Au lieu de faire un DROP comme Philippe, je me
  contente simplement de journaliser les paquets qui matchent les
  règles avec un préfixe différent pour les différencier dans le log.

Une fois que tout ça est en place, je me rends sur la machine
dont l'IP est et je me contente de visiter une fois
la page qui m'affiche « It works ». Au même
moment je regarde le fichier de log /var/log/kern.log du serveur
apache2 et voici toutes les lignes que j'obtiens au moment de
la visite de la page web :

[ 3082.346423] BASIC INPUT IN=eth1 SRC= DST= LEN=60 
TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60953 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=58402 DPT=80 WINDOW=14600 
RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0·
[ 3082.346697] BASIC INPUT IN=eth1 SRC= DST= LEN=52 
TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60954 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=58402 DPT=80 WINDOW=913 
RES=0x00 ACK URGP=0·
[ 3082.346704] STATE INPUT IN=eth1 SRC= DST= LEN=52 
TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60954 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=58402 DPT=80 WINDOW=913 
RES=0x00 ACK URGP=0·
[ 3082.357986] BASIC INPUT IN=eth1 SRC= DST= LEN=372 
TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60955 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=58402 DPT=80 WINDOW=913 
[ 3082.357994] STATE INPUT IN=eth1 SRC= DST= LEN=372 
TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60955 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=58402 DPT=80 WINDOW=913 
[ 3082.358973] BASIC INPUT IN=eth1 SRC= DST= LEN=52 
TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60956 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=58402 DPT=80 WINDOW=980 
RES=0x00 ACK URGP=0·
[ 3082.358980] STATE INPUT IN=eth1 SRC= DST= LEN=52 
TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60956 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=58402 DPT=80 WINDOW=980 
RES=0x00 ACK URGP=0·
[ 3087.360441] BASIC INPUT IN=eth1 SRC= DST= LEN=52 
TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60957 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=58402 DPT=80 WINDOW=980 
[ 3087.360448] STATE INPUT IN=eth1 SRC= DST= LEN=52 
TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60957 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=58402 DPT=80 WINDOW=980 
[ 3087.360968] BASIC INPUT IN=eth1 SRC= DST= LEN=52 
TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60958 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=58402 DPT=80 WINDOW=980 
RES=0x00 ACK URGP=0·
[ 3087.360975] STATE INPUT IN=eth1 SRC= DST= LEN=52 
TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60958 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=58402 DPT=80 WINDOW=980 
RES=0x00 ACK URGP=0·

J'ai juste enlevé quelques champs (comme le champ MAC par exemple)
pour écourter un peu les lignes. En regardant le champ ID des
paquets et en regardant le préfixe (BASIC INPUT ou STATE INPUT),
on peut constater que tout paquet qui a été matché par la règle
« STATE INPUT » (la règle 2) l'a été également avec la règle « BASIC
INPUT » (la règle 1). Pour moi, cela confirme bien le fait que la
règle :

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s -j DROP

va faire un DROP sur tous les paquets destinés à un processus
local (correspondant à du tcp, dont le port de destination vaut 80 et
l'IP source est et cela quel que soit l'état de la
connexion indiqué dans l'entête tcp (donc même pour des paquets
correspondant à une connexion déjà établie).

Voilà. Si je me suis planté, alors toutes mes excuses, 

Re: [Wheezy] installation sur un Acer Aspire One A0751h

2014-06-08 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sun, 08 Jun 2014 09:16:51 +0200
nb a écrit:

 Le Dimanche 8 Juin 2014 01:51 CEST, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit: 
  J'essaie d'installer une Debian Wheezy sur un Acer Aspire One
  A0751h. L'installation se passe bien mais au démarrage j'ai un
  problème (qui ne m'étonne pas spécialement) avec la partie vidéo.
  Au début ça s'affiche correctement mais au bout de quelques
  secondes l'affichage part en cacahuète. Je voudrais donc booter en
  console pure. J'ai essayé le mode de dépannage mais il effectue
  aussi un changement de mode graphique qui amène au même problème
  qu'en mode normal. J'aimerai donc booter en restant en mode vga de
  base mais je ne sais pas ce qu'il faut mettre
  dans grub pour éviter le switch de mode graphique ?
 Sans certitude aucune, j'aurais essayé:

Non plus. Lors du boot quand il détecte le contrôleur graphique il
switch de mode et tout se bloque.


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Re: [Wheezy] installation sur un Acer Aspire One A0751h

2014-06-08 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sun, 8 Jun 2014 10:15:17 +0200 a écrit:

 Le 8 juin 2014 à 01:51, Gaëtan PERRIER
 javascript:; a écrit :
  J'essaie d'installer une Debian Wheezy sur un Acer Aspire One
  A0751h. L'installation se passe bien mais au démarrage j'ai un
  problème (qui ne m'étonne pas spécialement) avec la partie vidéo.
  Au début ça s'affiche correctement mais au bout de quelques
  secondes l'affichage part en cacahuète. Je voudrais donc booter en
  console pure.
 J'utilise aussi Debian sur un Acer Aspire One, et dans mon cas cela
 avait fonctionné de manière impeccable avec les paramètres par défaut.
 J'avais fait l'installation initiale à partir de Unetbootin.

C'est quoi unetbootin ?
C'était quelle version ton Acer. Celui sur lequel j'essaie est un
A0751h-52Bb avec Poulsbo 16.

 Pour accéder au mode console, Ctrl-Alt-F1 ne conduit-il pas à quelque
 chose d'utilisable?

Non j'ai déjà essayé mais même ça, ça ne fonctionne pas. Toute la
partie graphique semble en vrac.


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Re: [IPTABLES] Comment lister les paquets rejetés ?

2014-06-08 Thread Philippe Gras

Le 8 juin 14 à 12:24, Francois Lafont a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,

Le 07/06/2014 23:05, nb a écrit :

Le 07/06/2014 20:31, Philippe Gras a écrit :
Non, justement pas quel que soit l'état de la connexion, et  
c'est logique.

On n'aurait pas de règle pour les connexions établies, sinon ;-)

Philippe a raison.
INPUT ne sert pas pour une connexion déjà établie, seulement pour  
l'établissement d'une connexion (paquet tcp syn)

Loin de moi l'idée de vouloir vous embêter avec tout ça (j'essaye
vraiment d'être constructif dans ma démarche) mais il me semble
sincèrement que Philippe et toi nb vous trompez sur ce point.
J'essaye de donner une explication ci-dessous qui tend à le prouver.
Certes, ça n'a pas de rapport direct avec Debian mais je trouve que
le sujet n'est pas inintéressant en soi. Et dans le pire des cas,
si on me montre que j'ai tort (ce qui est tout à fait envisageable
;)), j'en serais le premier content car j'aurais appris quelque
chose (et je pense que je ne serai pas le seul).

OK, ce n'est pas Debian, mais Iptables. Mais on peut l'installer sur  
une Debian.

Je n'ai pas vu de forum ou de liste dédiée à Iptables, alors je pose  
ma question

ici même.

J'ai une petite Debian Wheezy toute simple sur laquelle j'ai un
petit apache2 qui tourne (avec la fameuse page « It works »). Je
n'ai fait à la base aucune modification iptables (et donc par
défaut tout passe etc). Cette machine a pour IP

OK pour cette démonstration, mais le cas que j'ai évoqué est  
différent, dans la
mesure où j'ai dû établir ma règle pendant l'attaque, je ne l'ai pas  
écrite avant.

Je crois qu'il y a une explication à cet état de choses ici :
Ici, on met les adresses IP dans une table nommée Web. On peut  
afficher son contenu avec cat /proc/net/xt_recent/Web pour surveiller  
le bon fonctionnement. On ne teste que les paquets TCP de type SYN,  
ceux envoyés pour créer une nouvelle connexion (on aurait pu  
remplacer --tcp-flags SYN SYN par -m state --state NEW mais cette  
commande est à état, ce qui est toujours déconseillé face à une DoS).

Il existe apparemment une différence dans le traitement des paquets  
par iptables

selon leur état.

Je crée alors ces deux règles :

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s -j LOG --log- 
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s -m state -- 

J'ai juste repris le même type de règle que Philippe (dans son message
du 7 juin à 18h16) sauf que :

* j'ai pris une autre IP source (qui correspond à l'IP d'une VM sur
   mon réseau local

* j'ai changé l'action. Au lieu de faire un DROP comme Philippe, je me
  contente simplement de journaliser les paquets qui matchent les
  règles avec un préfixe différent pour les différencier dans le log.

Une fois que tout ça est en place, je me rends sur la machine
dont l'IP est et je me contente de visiter une fois
la page qui m'affiche « It works ». Au même
moment je regarde le fichier de log /var/log/kern.log du serveur
apache2 et voici toutes les lignes que j'obtiens au moment de
la visite de la page web :

[ 3082.346423] BASIC INPUT IN=eth1 SRC=  
DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60953 DF  
PROTO=TCP SPT=58402 DPT=80 WINDOW=14600 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0·
[ 3082.346697] BASIC INPUT IN=eth1 SRC=  
DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60954 DF  
[ 3082.346704] STATE INPUT IN=eth1 SRC=  
DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60954 DF  
[ 3082.357986] BASIC INPUT IN=eth1 SRC=  
DST= LEN=372 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60955 DF  
[ 3082.357994] STATE INPUT IN=eth1 SRC=  
DST= LEN=372 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60955 DF  
[ 3082.358973] BASIC INPUT IN=eth1 SRC=  
DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60956 DF  
[ 3082.358980] STATE INPUT IN=eth1 SRC=  
DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60956 DF  
[ 3087.360441] BASIC INPUT IN=eth1 SRC=  
DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60957 DF  
[ 3087.360448] STATE INPUT IN=eth1 SRC=  
DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60957 DF  

Re: [IPTABLES] Comment lister les paquets rejet és ?

2014-06-08 Thread Philippe Gras

Le 8 juin 14 à 11:47, Jean-Michel OLTRA a écrit :


Sinon, j'ai bien mes journaux dans /var/log/messages (c'est  
Debian, ça °0°)

Perso, j'utilise rsyslogd avec ses possibilités de filtrage pour  
mes chaines préfixées avec --log-prefix dans /var/log/firewall.log  

fait l'objet d'une rotation journalière via une entrée dans

C'est un peu ça que j'aimerais arriver à faire chez moi :
Lister les IP qui envoient une requête Get wp-login.php
Selon la fréquence de ces requêtes dans le temps, ACCEPT ou DROP.


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Re: [Wheezy] installation sur un Acer Aspire One A0751h

2014-06-08 Thread maderios

On 06/08/2014 01:08 PM, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:

Non plus. Lors du boot quand il détecte le contrôleur graphique il
switch de mode et tout se bloque.

Vérifier si la machine marche avec un livecd comme celui-ci qui 
fonctionne bien
Chrooter le système avec un livecd, mettre grub en verbose, installer 

Rebooter et aller voir les logs de debug


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Re: [IPTABLES] Comment lister les paquets rejet és ?

2014-06-08 Thread Denis Mugnier


Le 08/06/2014 14:02, Philippe Gras a écrit :

Le 8 juin 14 à 11:47, Jean-Michel OLTRA a écrit :

C'est un peu ça que j'aimerais arriver à faire chez moi :
Lister les IP qui envoient une requête Get wp-login.php
Selon la fréquence de ces requêtes dans le temps, ACCEPT ou DROP.

Je pense que pour avoir des regles en fonction de la fréquence, il faut 
regarder du coté du module limit d'iptables



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Re: [IPTABLES] Comment lister les paquets rejetés ?

2014-06-08 Thread Francois Lafont
Le 08/06/2014 13:58, Philippe Gras a écrit :

 OK, ce n'est pas Debian, mais Iptables. Mais on peut l'installer sur une 
 Je n'ai pas vu de forum ou de liste dédiée à Iptables, alors je pose ma 
 ici même.

Personnellement, ça ne me dérange absolument que le sujet
soit abordé ici.

 OK pour cette démonstration, mais le cas que j'ai évoqué est différent, dans 
 mesure où j'ai dû établir ma règle pendant l'attaque, je ne l'ai pas écrite 

Certes, mais très honnêtement je pense que ça ne change rien
au fait qu'avec les règles que tu indiquais :

1. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s -j DROP
2. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s -j DROP
3. iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -p tcp --dport 80 -s -j DROP
4. iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -p tcp --dport 80 -s -j DROP 

les règles 3 et 4 sont inutiles car si un paquet matche la 3, de
toute façon il matchera la 1 avant et sera « dropé » et si un
paquet matche la 4 il sera « dropé » de toute façon par la 2 avant.
Mais au final, ce n'est pas très grave, il y a juste une sorte
de redondance. Rien de bien méchant donc.

 Je crois qu'il y a une explication à cet état de choses ici :
 Ici, on met les adresses IP dans une table nommée Web. On peut afficher son 
 contenu avec cat /proc/net/xt_recent/Web pour surveiller le bon 
 fonctionnement. On ne teste que les paquets TCP de type SYN, ceux envoyés 
 pour créer une nouvelle connexion (on aurait pu remplacer --tcp-flags SYN SYN 
 par -m state --state NEW mais cette commande est à état, ce qui est toujours 
 déconseillé face à une DoS).

Merci bien Philippe pour ce lien qui est très intéressant. Perso,
j'y est appris pas mal de trucs. En revanche, je n'y ai pas trop
vu le rapport avec la question soulevée ici.

 Il existe apparemment une différence dans le traitement des paquets par 
 selon leur état.

Vraiment je ne crois pas. Si, dans la définition d'une règle via
iptables, tu ne précises rien quant à l'état de la connexion tcp,
alors la règle ne dépendra pas de cet état, tout simplement.

Dans le lien précédent en l'occurrence, les règles indiquées dépendent
explicitement de l'état de la connexion car l'auteur cherche à attraper
les paquets IP qui contiennent des segments tcp qui correspondent à des
demandes de connexion d'où l'option « --tcp-flags SYN SYN » clairement
spécifiée quasiment à chaque fois.

François Lafont

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[TECH] Créer un serveur SMS avec un GSM relié par USB

2014-06-08 Thread David Pinson

Bonjour à tous,

Avant de vous écrire ce message, j'ai regardé via gogolepointefere des 
solutions avec l'utilisation des outils
tels que smstools, kannel, gnokkii, wvdial, etc... Il y a pas mal de 
solutions avec tutos mais je serai bien content de lire vos avis

si vous avez déjà fait ce projet sur serveur Debian.
Et qu'il y aurait aussi d'autres solutions que je n'aurai pas vu... 
Histoire de voir plus loin.

Les envois de SMS se ferait par le web en php, par telnet(local)/ssh 
(distance) et par mail.

Les réceptions seraient lus soit par reception mail et/ou flux RSS.
Pour ces derniers, je n'ai pas encore regardé.

Merci pour vos lumières,
Linuxement vôtre,
David P.

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Re: [IPTABLES] Comment lister les paquets rejetés ?

2014-06-08 Thread Francois Lafont
Juste pour conclure, je voulais ajouter ceci. Juste après un :

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s -j DROP

*pendant* l'attaque, il est tout à fait possible que ton serveur
apache soit encore dans les choux. En effet, avant la mise en
place des règles ci-dessus, des requêtes http étaient sûrement
en cours et celles-là ton apache souhaite les honorer. Du coup,
ton apache envoie tant bien que mal ses réponses aux méchants
hôtes et Normalement, les 2 méchants
sont censés envoyer un paquet d'acquittement comme quoi ils ont
bien reçu la réponse du serveur. Mais ces paquets d'acquittement
ne peuvent plus arriver car les 2 règles ci-dessus l'empêchent.
Du coup, apache2 cherche à renvoyer à nouveau ses réponses etc.
Et du coup, il continue à être dans les choux pendant un certain

En revanche, avec un truc du genre :

1. invoke-rc.d apache2 stop # on arrête toutes les connexions en cours.

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s -j DROP

invoke-rc.d apache2 start

il me semble que ton apache2 est serein aussitôt après et
les 2 méchants hôtes ne peuvent plus l'embêter.

François Lafont

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Re: [IPTABLES] Comment lister les paquets rejetés ?

2014-06-08 Thread Philippe Gras

Le 8 juin 14 à 17:57, Francois Lafont a écrit :

Juste pour conclure, je voulais ajouter ceci. Juste après un :

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s -j DROP

*pendant* l'attaque, il est tout à fait possible que ton serveur
apache soit encore dans les choux. En effet, avant la mise en
place des règles ci-dessus, des requêtes http étaient sûrement
en cours et celles-là ton apache souhaite les honorer. Du coup,
ton apache envoie tant bien que mal ses réponses aux méchants
hôtes et Normalement, les 2 méchants
sont censés envoyer un paquet d'acquittement comme quoi ils ont
bien reçu la réponse du serveur. Mais ces paquets d'acquittement
ne peuvent plus arriver car les 2 règles ci-dessus l'empêchent.
Du coup, apache2 cherche à renvoyer à nouveau ses réponses etc.
Et du coup, il continue à être dans les choux pendant un certain

Oui, c'est très possible. J'ai pensé à autre chose aussi, par rapport  
à ce
que François réfute, c'est que j'ai aussi une règle dans mon firewall  

empêche les connexions établies d'être cassées. Il serait possible que
je sois obligé de demander expressément de casser celles-là, et l'une
après l'autre. Car l'attaquant n'en utilisait qu'une seule à la fois.

En revanche, avec un truc du genre :

1. invoke-rc.d apache2 stop # on arrête toutes les connexions en  

Oui, mais je marche avec NginX d'une part, et comme j'étais dessus  

je n'avais pas envie de me bannir moi-même.

Ceci dit, j'avais installé précédemment un module limiteur qui existe  
sur le

serveur NginX, mais ça n'a pas vraiment gêné le mec pour attaquer.

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s -j DROP

invoke-rc.d apache2 start

il me semble que ton apache2 est serein aussitôt après et
les 2 méchants hôtes ne peuvent plus l'embêter.

J'ai l'impression qu'on était tous les 2 chacun de notre côté à  
contrer l'autre,
et après que je l'ai eu droppé une première fois, il est revenu avec  
l'autre IP.

François Lafont

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Re: [IPTABLES] Comment lister les paquets rejet és ?

2014-06-08 Thread Philippe Gras

Le 8 juin 14 à 15:53, Denis Mugnier a écrit :


Le 08/06/2014 14:02, Philippe Gras a écrit :

Le 8 juin 14 à 11:47, Jean-Michel OLTRA a écrit :

C'est un peu ça que j'aimerais arriver à faire chez moi :
Lister les IP qui envoient une requête Get wp-login.php
Selon la fréquence de ces requêtes dans le temps, ACCEPT ou DROP.

Je pense que pour avoir des regles en fonction de la fréquence, il  
faut regarder du coté du module limit d'iptables

Ce n'est pas ce que j'ai lu ici:

Malheureusement, il ne semble pas que le module recent permette  
d'utiliser des préfixes (par exemple de longueur 26 ou 28) mais  
seulement des adresses IP

Mais c'est effectivement ce que je souhaitais faire au départ…



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Re: [IPTABLES] Comment lister les paquets rejet és ?

2014-06-08 Thread Philippe Gras

Je m'ai trompé de ligne :
Le 8 juin 14 à 18:33, Philippe Gras a écrit :

Le 8 juin 14 à 15:53, Denis Mugnier a écrit :


Le 08/06/2014 14:02, Philippe Gras a écrit :

Le 8 juin 14 à 11:47, Jean-Michel OLTRA a écrit :

C'est un peu ça que j'aimerais arriver à faire chez moi :
Lister les IP qui envoient une requête Get wp-login.php
Selon la fréquence de ces requêtes dans le temps, ACCEPT ou DROP.

Je pense que pour avoir des regles en fonction de la fréquence, il  
faut regarder du coté du module limit d'iptables

Ce n'est pas ce que j'ai lu ici:

Malheureusement, il ne semble pas que le module recent permette  
d'utiliser des préfixes (par exemple de longueur 26 ou 28) mais  
seulement des adresses IP

Ce module est très simple. Mais le module limit, comme recent, ne  
permet pas de travailler par préfixe IP.

Mais c'est effectivement ce que je souhaitais faire au départ…



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Re: [XFCE] gestion du matériel devenue impossible

2014-06-08 Thread Francois Mescam
Je viens d'avoir un problème similaire sur une machine en testing, xfce
et systemd le tout à jour.

Lorsque j'insère une clef USB ou un disque USB le montage automatique ne
se fait pas et un double clic sur l'icone correspondante provoque une
fenêtre d'erreur impossible de monter le volume ... Not authorized to
perform operation

Après bien des recherches et comparaison avec une autre machine en même
niveau de logiciel et où le montage fonctionne correctement j'ai enfin
trouvé le coupable qui est l'absence de in
/etc/pam.d/common-session comme indiqué dans
/usr/share/doc/xfce4-session/README.Debian (paquet xfce4-session). En
fait j'avais tous les fichiers common-... qui étaient trop anciens, j'ai
pris ceux de la machine sur laquelle ça marche et maintenant ça roule.

On 20/05/2014 13:28, luc schimpf wrote:
 Effectivement, un downgrade résout le problème des périphériques usb,

 Néanmoins, si je peu à nouveau choisir la mise en veille/hibernation
 dans le menu de déconnexion de kde, la machine ne se réveille pas et
 fait un démarrage normal...
 Il doit encore y avoir quelque chose qui manque, mais les logs de
 pm-suspend ne sont pas très loquaces, ou du-moins ils m'indiquent que
 la mise en veille se fait bien, pour autant, la machine ne semble pas
 en être informée..

 Luc Schimpf

 Francois Mescam

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Re: [IPTABLES] Comment lister les paquets rejet és ?

2014-06-08 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Le dimanche 08 juin 2014, Philippe Gras a écrit...

 C'est un peu ça que j'aimerais arriver à faire chez moi :
 Lister les IP qui envoient une requête Get wp-login.php
 Selon la fréquence de ces requêtes dans le temps, ACCEPT ou DROP.

Un hids comme Ossec te permet de créer une règle perso, pour extraire ce
genre de schéma, et y appliquer le remède que tu choisis (drop,
bannissement) dans le cadre de sa réponse active. Ossec utilise un
paramètre timeframe qui donne à l'administrateur toute latitude pour
définir le nombre de correspondances autorisées dans un laps de temps


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Re: Exim4

2014-06-08 Thread latinfo

 -Original Message-
 Sent: sáb, 07 jun 2014 19:36
 Subject: Exim4

 Hola lista:

 No tengo ningun problema enviando correos; pero al responder no encuentra
 el dominio. Responde a:

 Tengo configurado el servidor con dpkg-reconfigure asi:

 dominios para los que se recibe correo:

 Esto ha funcionado correctamente por varios anos!
 Agregue en el archivo hosts:

 Tenia solamente:   localhost  nombre_de_maquina

 Alguno sabe por donde buscar, por favor?



Es mejor si respondes, abajo del texto; lo corrijo; es mejor para cuando
lo lea otra persona. Y por favor responde solo a la lista. He recibido 2
mensajes tuyos!

Gracias por responder, no mencione que es una Estable y quizas no fui
claro. Es, cuando otra persona responde; no tengo acceso a sus log.
gracias por tu atencion.

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Re: Exim4

2014-06-08 Thread JulHer

El 08/06/14 02:36, escribió:

Hola lista:

No tengo ningun problema enviando correos; pero al responder no encuentra
el dominio. Responde a:

Tengo configurado el servidor con dpkg-reconfigure asi:

dominios para los que se recibe correo:

Esto ha funcionado correctamente por varios anos!
Agregue en el archivo hosts:

Tenia solamente:   localhost  nombre_de_maquina

Alguno sabe por donde buscar, por favor?



Entiendo que el problema es cuando alguien intenta responder a un correo 
tuyo. Si eso es así creo que tienes dos soluciones:

1.- Configurar el DNS de tu dominio para  que haya un registro MX para

2.- Configurar exim para que use únicamente el dominio detrás de la @ y 
así cuando te respondan funcione correctamente.

Si quieres algo rápido para salir del problema, en el archivo 
/etc/exim4/email-addresses puedes poner algo como:


y de esa manera los correos que se creen desde usuario saldrán con esa 
dirección de correo.

Un saludo


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Re: Exim4

2014-06-08 Thread latinfo

 El 08/06/14 02:36, escribió:
 Hola lista:

 No tengo ningun problema enviando correos; pero al responder no
 el dominio. Responde a:

 Tengo configurado el servidor con dpkg-reconfigure asi:

 dominios para los que se recibe correo:

 Esto ha funcionado correctamente por varios anos!
 Agregue en el archivo hosts:

 Tenia solamente:   localhost  nombre_de_maquina

 Alguno sabe por donde buscar, por favor?



 Entiendo que el problema es cuando alguien intenta responder a un correo
 tuyo. Si eso es así creo que tienes dos soluciones:

Gracias por responder JulHer, eso es exactamente.

 1.- Configurar el DNS de tu dominio para  que haya un registro MX para

Esto es de
;   IN  MX
;   IN  A

Como se hace, para sub-dominio?

 2.- Configurar exim para que use únicamente el dominio detrás de la @ y
 así cuando te respondan funcione correctamente.

Agregue; en dpkg-reconfigure y nada.
Es de otra forma?

 Si quieres algo rápido para salir del problema, en el archivo
 /etc/exim4/email-addresses puedes poner algo como:

No encontre el archivo, uso carpetas separadas, y encontre:
  debug_print = T: autoreply for $local_part@$domain
  driver = autoreply

Segun veo, indica!


 y de esa manera los correos que se creen desde usuario saldrán con esa
 dirección de correo.

 Un saludo


Agradezco tu atencion.

Sabes que cambio ha habido? el error, aparecio de pronto y en los
dist-upgrade, nunca se menciono exim4? Tengo temor con OpenSSL!


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Re: Exim4

2014-06-08 Thread JulHer

El 08/06/14 11:50, escribió:

Si quieres algo rápido para salir del problema, en el archivo
/etc/exim4/email-addresses puedes poner algo como:

No encontre el archivo, uso carpetas separadas, y encontre:
   debug_print = T: autoreply for $local_part@$domain
   driver = autoreply

Segun veo, indica!


Vamos a ir por partes.

Quizás el archivo esté en /etc/email-addresses en vez de donde te 
comenté yo (culpa mía). Mira a ver si está ahí. Forma parte del paquete 
Debian de exim, así que tiene que estar en algún sitio. Si no lo 
encuentras búscalo con

$ locate email-addresses

También es importante que el cliente de correo que uses tenga bien 
configurada la dirección de correo, para que cuando alguien reciba un 
correo y le de al botón de contestar, pues se conteste a la dirección 
adecuada. Eso en los clientes de correo se puede hacer configurarndo 
tanto el From como el Reply-To.

Un saludo


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RE: OT: Instalar multiples distros en un HDD

2014-06-08 Thread Eugenio Sáenz Munárriz
Estimado Carlos, seguramente existirán 1001 formas de realizar lo que tú 
quieres. Yo te voy a explicar como lo hago yo.

Antes de nada con Gparted, desde un CD o USB live, construyo la tabla de 
particiones del HD. Si vas a instalar windows hazlo el primero y en una 
partición primaria, las de linux hazlo en partición lógica, asi no ocupas las 4 
particiones primarias que como máximo te de deja un HD.

El grub y grub2 te dara la opción de elegir con que S.O. arrancar, ten en 
cuenta que el 1º S.O. de la lista será la ultima distribución que instales, 
esto luego se puede cambiar.

Comparto /home para todas las distribuciones linux, cada distribución con su 
usuario y contraseña (se crea una carpeta en /home por cada uno), así no se 
mezclan datos ni configuraciones, no la formatees (la /home) al instalar una 
nueva xdd. Si quieres pasar datos de una a otra, entras como root y ya .
Cada distribución en una / individual. Una única swap para todas.
Todo en ext4 las linux.

Te pongo un ejemplo de como lo tengo yo actualmente:

/dev/sda1     win7 - 40 GB     
/dev/sda2     intercambio entre linux y win -- 4 GB           ntfs
/dev/sda3     extendida o lógica - 111 GB     ext4
     /dev/sda5     /home  57 GB    
     /dev/sda9     libre para futuras instalaciones  30 GB       ext4
           n                   n
     /dev/sda6     Ubuntu -- 10 GB     
     /dev/sda8     Debian --- 10 GB    
     /dev/sda7     linux-swap - 2 GB

Eugenio Sáenz Munárriz
Linux, software libre

 Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2014 20:17:40 +0200
 Subject: Re: OT: Instalar multiples distros en un HDD
 Me parece mala idea, cada distribución suele tener sus detalles
 propios y podrías tener problemas incluso de acceso.
 Una posibilidad que no se si has pensado: usar virtualbox, o algún
 otro software similar, para tener cada distribución de forma
 El día 6 de junio de 2014, 1:55, Carlos Carcamo escribió:
 Saludos lista, me pregunto si me pueden orientar un poco con un par de
 dudas que tengo.

 Lo que quiero hacer es instalar varias distros en mi disco duro,
 Debia, Centos, Manjaro, Kali.

 He creado una tabla de particiones GPT , y un par de particiones para
 instalar debian, pero me han surgido un par de dudas, en otra pc e
 compartido la carpeta /home entre dos distros sin problemas (dicen que
 no es buena idea eso..), por otro lado me pregunto como hacer con las
 particiones /boot y la swap?

 Según he leído en los foros, se puede compartir la swap pero si doy
 hibernar en un SO, no podre correr otro, que me sugieren ustedes?

 Con la partición /boot es donde tengo la mayor de mis dudas, dado
 que crearia para cada distro su respectiva partición / que sucede
 con la partición /boot? como debería manejar esto? compartirla no
 suena muy bien que digamos pero no tengo idea. Si al crear particiones
 /boot para cada sistema, cuando cargue el grub tendré problemas? o
 igual me reconocerá todos los sistemas instalados?

 Recalcar que he buscado en internet pero decidí preguntar a la lista
 dado que lo que en los foros hay info poco fiable.

 De antemano gracias por sus comentarios...

 El desarrollo no es material es un estado de conciencia metal

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Problemas de audio Debian Wheezy

2014-06-08 Thread Carlos Carcamo
Saludos lista.

Recientemente acabo de instalar debian en una asus r510c, todo va
excelente excepto por un pequeño problema que no encuentro como

El problema es que si conecto unos speakers a mi laptop no da sonido,
si funcionan los speakers incorporados de mi laoptop mas no cuando
conecto unos en el puerto de sonido, alguna idea de que podría estar

de antemano muchas gracias.
El desarrollo no es material es un estado de conciencia metal

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Re: OT: Instalar multiples distros en un HDD

2014-06-08 Thread Carlos Carcamo
El día 8 de junio de 2014, 11:49, Eugenio Sáenz Munárriz escribió:
 Estimado Carlos, seguramente existirán 1001 formas de realizar lo que tú 
 quieres. Yo te voy a explicar como lo hago yo.

 Antes de nada con Gparted, desde un CD o USB live, construyo la tabla de 
 particiones del HD. Si vas a instalar windows hazlo el primero y en una 
 partición primaria, las de linux hazlo en partición lógica, asi no ocupas las 
 4 particiones primarias que como máximo te de deja un HD.

 El grub y grub2 te dara la opción de elegir con que S.O. arrancar, ten en 
 cuenta que el 1º S.O. de la lista será la ultima distribución que instales, 
 esto luego se puede cambiar.

 Comparto /home para todas las distribuciones linux, cada distribución con 
 su usuario y contraseña (se crea una carpeta en /home por cada uno), así no 
 se mezclan datos ni configuraciones, no la formatees (la /home) al instalar 
 una nueva xdd. Si quieres pasar datos de una a otra, entras como root y ya .
 Cada distribución en una / individual. Una única swap para todas.
 Todo en ext4 las linux.

 Te pongo un ejemplo de como lo tengo yo actualmente:

 /dev/sda1 win7 - 40 GB   
 /dev/sda2 intercambio entre linux y win -- 4 GB   ntfs
 /dev/sda3 extendida o lógica - 111 GB 
  /dev/sda5 /home  57 GB  
  /dev/sda9 libre para futuras instalaciones  30 GB   ext4

n   n
  /dev/sda6 Ubuntu -- 10 GB   
  /dev/sda8 Debian --- 10 GB  
  /dev/sda7 linux-swap - 2 GB

 Eugenio Sáenz Munárriz
 Linux, software libre

 Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2014 20:17:40 +0200
 Subject: Re: OT: Instalar multiples distros en un HDD

 Me parece mala idea, cada distribución suele tener sus detalles
 propios y podrías tener problemas incluso de acceso.

 Una posibilidad que no se si has pensado: usar virtualbox, o algún
 otro software similar, para tener cada distribución de forma

 El día 6 de junio de 2014, 1:55, Carlos Carcamo 
 Saludos lista, me pregunto si me pueden orientar un poco con un par de
 dudas que tengo.

 Lo que quiero hacer es instalar varias distros en mi disco duro,
 Debia, Centos, Manjaro, Kali.

 He creado una tabla de particiones GPT , y un par de particiones para
 instalar debian, pero me han surgido un par de dudas, en otra pc e
 compartido la carpeta /home entre dos distros sin problemas (dicen que
 no es buena idea eso..), por otro lado me pregunto como hacer con las
 particiones /boot y la swap?

 Según he leído en los foros, se puede compartir la swap pero si doy
 hibernar en un SO, no podre correr otro, que me sugieren ustedes?

 Con la partición /boot es donde tengo la mayor de mis dudas, dado
 que crearia para cada distro su respectiva partición / que sucede
 con la partición /boot? como debería manejar esto? compartirla no
 suena muy bien que digamos pero no tengo idea. Si al crear particiones
 /boot para cada sistema, cuando cargue el grub tendré problemas? o
 igual me reconocerá todos los sistemas instalados?

 Recalcar que he buscado en internet pero decidí preguntar a la lista
 dado que lo que en los foros hay info poco fiable.

 De antemano gracias por sus comentarios...

Gracias a todos por responder, ya he instalado correctamente debian, y
pues ya cree la partición para EFI que me solicitaba la instalación de
debian, lo hice durante la instalación de debian y todo me funciona
bien, por el momento tengo la siguiente tabla de particiones GPT:

/ -- para debian

y he dejado espacio libre para instalar otros SO posteriormente, en
caso de windows no creo necesitar instalarlo en mi pc, de ser
necesario usare vitrualbox para ello, me sugieren arriba que porque no
uso virtualbox para instalar varias distros a eso respondo nada más
que no me gusta usar mucho virtualbox, prefiero correr los sistemas
sin virtualbox, en caso de windows es diferente, simplemente no quiero
winbugs en mi pc jajaja

Gracias de nuevo a todos los que se tomaron el tiempo de responder y
aclarar mis dudas...

El desarrollo no es material es un estado de conciencia metal

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Re: Problemas de audio Debian Wheezy

2014-06-08 Thread alexlikerock-Gmail

Recientemente acabo de instalar debian en una asus r510c, todo va
excelente excepto por un pequeño problema que no encuentro como

El problema es que si conecto unos speakers a mi laptop no da sonido,
si funcionan los speakers incorporados de mi laoptop mas no cuando
conecto unos en el puerto de sonido, alguna idea de que podría estar

de antemano muchas gracias.

instala  qasconfig  ese programita  te da un alto sentido de control 
de los  puertos de salida de audio.

 un saludote

software libre no significa gratis: richard m. stallman

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(OFF) Cobol x Java

2014-06-08 Thread Rubens Junior

Onde eu trabalho estao migrando os programas de COBOL pra JAVA e assim
reduzir os custos do aluguel do mainframe. Eu sinceramente sou contra, mas
como sou PEAO e os executivos decidiram, a area de TI tem q obedecer. Boa
parte dos programas foram traduzidos manualmente, agora os executivos
estao querendo traduzir automaticamente os programas restantes depois q
verificaram no mercado q existem sistemas pra isso (fonte:

Uma empresa ja foi no escritorio demonstrar essa traducao para os
peixes-grandes, e eles ficaram com aquela cara de assustados oh
Eu nao assisti a demonstracao, entao nao posso falar a respeito.

Pergunto aqui na comunidade se alguem trabalha ou conhece uma empresa q
presta esse tipo de servico/suporte q traduz programas em COBOL para JAVA.
Se tiverem, peco q me enviem os contatos (nome, email, telefone, site,
empresa, etc) e assim eu encaminharei para os responsaveis q com certeza
irao procurar esse contato e quem sabe agendar uma demonstracao tbm.

Nao sou programador COBOL e nem JAVA, na empresa eu trabalho numa area de
severinon, suporte aos usuarios de determinados sistemas, homologar,
requisitos, relacionamento entre a empresa e alguns terceirizados, etc.

OBS: Tenho uma leve nocao de programacao COBOL85, nas pesquisas q eu fiz,
vi q pra linux nao existe um compilador nativo. Existe o OpenCobol q
primeiramente traduz o codigo pra C e depois compila. Fiquei imaginando se
esses caras nao pegaram um programa desse tipo e em vez de gerar em C
fizeram uma adequacao pra gerar em JAVA e assim ganhar dinheiro com

Rubens S. O. Jr

Como ligar internet sem Fn+F3? Como identificar o pendrive?

2014-06-08 Thread Thiago Zoroastro
Um amigo meu tem um netbook da Philco que originalmente vinha com Linux dizendo "Tem coisas que só a Philco faz pra você", que estava com Windows 7. O netbook dele, diz ele já estava a ns 2 ou 3 anos desligado com o teclado estragado e ele perdido o carregador. Ele faz teatro na UFSJ, enfim, ele não utiliza muito computadores.
Daí ele não conseguiu trocar o teclado e o colega de república dele emprestou o teclado da Macintosh dos ANOS 90 RSRSRS. E instalei para ele o juntaDados ontem. Daí não temos a tecla Fn+F3 que ativa a internet no Philco e não consegui ativar a internet, parece que o botão da rede wireless estava TRAVADO em off, parecendo que somente o Fn+F3 ativaria...
Tem as entradas USB, do netbook Philco e do teclado Apple, que nenhuma delas encontra os pendrives ou ao menos algo como sdb(x) ou sdc(x) no /dev/ ; o teclado da Apple conectado ao Philco tem DUAS entradas USB que também não conectam os pendrives.
. Isto funciona?
$ rfkill unblock all
Realmente desbloqueia as redes, mas ainda falta testá-lo com o teclado montado em um lugar que tenha internet junto com ele.
 +1 Experiência
Thiago Zoroastro

URL em php para troca de senha de usuarios no AD

2014-06-08 Thread Marcio Rufino
Boa noite pessoal,

preciso implementar uma url que permita a troca de senhas de usuarios no
active directory 2008.
Vi algumas coisas em PHP no google.
Alguem tem isso funcionando para trocarmos um ideia?


Configurar multiplos gerenciadores de janela no xdm

2014-06-08 Thread Xande Pìna
Boa noite a todos,
Prezados, instalei o debian 7 wheezy no meu notebook e sou adepto do
clássico, sendo assim instalei os seguintes pacotes:

jwm, lxde e o xdm para gerenciar.

Porém me deparei com o seguinte problema, o XDM quando eu efetuo o login me
direciona direto pro LXDE sem a opção de utilizar o jwm, gostaria de saber
como eu habilito a opção de listar os 2 window manager.
Procurei, procurei e não encontrei nada na internet.

Muito obrigado
[], Alexandre Pina

Re: Como ligar internet sem Fn+F3? Como identificar o pendrive?

2014-06-08 Thread Listeiro 037

Já procuraram no Mercado Livre por um teclado compatível prá substituir?

Em Sun, 08 Jun 2014 14:57:58 -0300
Thiago Zoroastro escreveu:

 Um amigo meu tem um netbook da Philco que originalmente vinha com
 Linux dizendo Tem coisas que só a Philco faz pra você, que estava
 com Windows 7. O netbook dele, diz ele já estava a ns 2 ou 3 anos
 desligado com o teclado estragado e ele perdido o carregador. Ele faz
 teatro na UFSJ, enfim, ele não utiliza muito computadores. Daí ele
 não conseguiu trocar o teclado e o colega de república dele emprestou
 o teclado da Macintosh dos ANOS 90 RSRSRS. E instalei para ele o
 juntaDados ontem. Daí não temos a tecla Fn+F3 que ativa a internet no
 Philco e não consegui ativar a internet, parece que o botão da rede
 wireless estava TRAVADO em off, parecendo que somente o Fn+F3
 ativaria... Tem as entradas USB, do netbook Philco e do teclado
 Apple, que nenhuma delas encontra os pendrives ou ao menos algo como
 sdb(x) ou sdc(x) no /dev/ ; o teclado da Apple conectado ao Philco
 tem DUAS entradas USB que também não conectam os pendrives.
 Instrução? . Isto funciona? $ rfkill unblock all Fonte: Realmente
 desbloqueia as redes, mas ainda falta testá-lo com o teclado montado
 em um lugar que tenha internet junto com ele. +1 Experiência Thiago

Encryption works. Properly implemented strong crypto systems are one of
the few things that you can rely on. Unfortunately, endpoint security
is so terrifically weak that NSA can frequently find ways around it. —
Edward Snowden

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Re: URL em php para troca de senha de usuarios no AD

2014-06-08 Thread Geowany Alves
Em 8 de junho de 2014 17:31, Marcio Rufino

 Boa noite pessoal,

 preciso implementar uma url que permita a troca de senhas de usuarios no
 active directory 2008.
 Vi algumas coisas em PHP no google.
 Alguem tem isso funcionando para trocarmos um ideia?


Boa noite, Marcio!

Acredito que uma solução seria usar o LDAP Tool Box - Self Service Password
que também é feito em PHP. Recentemente escrevi uma dica no site Viva o
Linux sobre a instalação do SSP para OpenLDAP. Se você olhar o arquivo de
configuração, verá que também existe opção para uso no AD mas nesse caso
terá que gerar um certificado do servidor AD e instalá-lo no servidor web.
Existem algumas formas de redefinição de senha como através de email,
pergunta/resposta secreta e até envio de SMS (não testei).

Segue o link:


*Geowany Galdino Alves*
*Assistente em Tecnologia da Informação - NTI/UFAC*
*Acadêmico em Licenciatura Plena - HISTÓRIA/UFAC*

Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Charles Kroeger
On Fri, 06 Jun 2014 09:40:02 +0200
David Guyot wrote:

 I would suggest you to reinstall sysvinit

Thanks I'll do that and thanks for the explanation regarding the binary file

If that doesn't work, that result could be a false positive

That could be the case. I just installed also rkhunter and ran that and it found
no Suckit rootkit so that was encouraging. There were however a couple of 
from rkhunter: 

Warning: Hidden directory found: '/etc/.java'
Warning: Hidden file found: /etc/.fstab: ASCII text

How does one reveal a hidden file and directory?


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Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread Thierry de Coulon
On Sunday 08 June 2014 00.10:02 Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Saturday 07 June 2014 21:41:17 Slavko wrote:
  apt-get is quicker than aptitude and has (by the release note)

 The release notes have not been consistent about which they recommend for a
 particular upgrade.  Both have been recommended on occasion.

 I prefer aptitude because I know what I am doing with it (sort of) and
 because I don't have such a plethora of commands: apt-get, apt-cache,
 apt-file etc. to remember.  But I use apt-x on occasion since it is no
 longer recommended that you should stick rigidly with only one of them.  I
 strongly dislike Synaptic for almost every job.  Each to his own. :-) 
 That's one of the things I love about Debian and Linux.


WIth apt-get you must know what to type, this is not easy if you don't use it 

Having looked nearer at aptitude, I will sure play with it on some 
seconcondary machine before typing g g on my main machine because if it 
removes over 700 packages and I overlooked something, I'd better have a 
backup (which I do have, actually :).

Synaptic is easy to use and it does usually a good job at adding/removing 
stuff provided with the distribution, but it easily creates broken or 
problematic situation.

My problem, as far as I can track it down, comes from a mix of (personnal) 

- this was a clean wheezy install
- I upgraded my machine to a haswell board, so I had to istall a backport  
- I also wanted to try different database solutions that required newer libc6 
versions, that I had to get from testing

I guess no Debian package manager likes this mix of origins. I took a look at 
pinning, but there is no simple solution there either.

Upgrading to a full Jessie might be a solution, but I use (and love, and am 
not about to change) Trinity Desktop as my DE, and there is no jessie support 
yet (I could not get the nightly builds to install compeletly).

So the problem ultimately comes from a typical Debian problem, which is also 
one of Debian's plus points (I'm not ranting, it's a fact): Wheezy is a 
little more than one year old, but developpers didn't stop in 2013. Stable 
kernel is at 3.12 (longterm), new hardware is being build in our computers. 
Wether software requires the lastest libraries or the developper just used 
them I don't know (sometimes just linking the new libname to an an older lib 

So what I discovered is: don't believe those that say just add this 
repository and pull that stuff from testing/unstable. While  it *may* work, 
it ends up putting your system in a dead end.

This being said, pure wheezy simply can't work on my machine (no graphics, 
no network, not even a hard disc...) so the only other choice is another 
distribution until Jessie becomes stable.

I can't stand Ubuntu(s), but openSuSE ssems OK (even if i had a hell of a time 
getting gscan2pdf to work). Zypper and Yast have their problems too, 

Life would be boring if there where not the computers :))


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Re: Killfiling: was Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Ralf Mardorf
As we can see now, killfiling Horatio or banning him from the list is
impossible, he simply will use another email address.

Jerry, did you notice that there also was sent a mail to the Debian
off-topic list, most likely from  Horatio, using the address?

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Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread Gour
Thierry de Coulon writes:

Hello Thierry.

 This being said, pure wheezy simply can't work on my machine (no graphics, 
 no network, not even a hard disc...) so the only other choice is another 
 distribution until Jessie becomes stable.

 I can't stand Ubuntu(s), but openSuSE ssems OK (even if i had a hell
 of a time getting gscan2pdf to work). Zypper and Yast have their
 problems too, anyway...

I did start with SuSE in '99, then used Gentoo 5yrs and moved to Arch
(5yrs), played a bit with Frugal and in the meantime did bunch of
Ubuntu installations. Also had short affair with Free/PC-BSD. However,
now I've settled on Debian (Sid) and must say that it brings me quite
fresh software and is way more stable than all other distributions which
I used in the past. (I do not perform 'apt-get upgrade' every day).

As far as DEs are concerned I have some parts of Xfce installed (mostly
to have Thunar for other family members), but, otherwise, i3 wm
( with its multiple workspaces, statusbar, ability to
launch specific apps on specific workspaces etc. is all I need

Disclaimer: Never used Trinity and KDE-0.9.x was last time when I played
with KDE. ;)


A person is said to be elevated in yoga when, having renounced 
all material desires, he neither acts for sense gratification 
nor engages in fruitive activities.

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Auto-emptying of trash.

2014-06-08 Thread Sharon Kimble
Revisiting a question that I asked in March last year about how to
auto-empty a trash bin.

This has worked very well until today, when on one of my drives it
also deleted the trash bin as well, so my follow-on script to give
me the size of my trash bin failed as there wasn’t a trash bin to

Here is the script lines -
--8---cut here---start-8---
find /media/boudiccas/back2/.Trash-1000 -type f -mtime +$days -delete;
find /media/boudiccas/back2/.Trash-1000 -depth -type d -exec rmdir 
--ignore-fail-on-non-empty {} +;
--8---cut here---end---8---

and this is the evaulation script line -
--8---cut here---start-8---
echo 'Back2' - $(du -sh /media/boudiccas/back2/.Trash-1000 | cut -f1)
--8---cut here---end---8---

How can I get it such that it empties the trash bin but does not
delete the bin itself please?

A taste of linux =
my git repo =
TGmeds =
Debian testing, fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Auto-emptying of trash.

2014-06-08 Thread Ralf Mardorf
That's strange, since rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty seemingly
shouldn't remove the directory. I wasn't aware about this, so I tested
it, resp. compared it to rm -r [1].

Perhaps you should post the complete script, the culprit seems not to be

[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ touch ~/Desktop/test ~/Desktop/.test
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAl Desktop
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:33 test
-rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:33 .test
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ rm -r ~/Desktop
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAld Desktop
ls: cannot access Desktop: No such file or directory
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ mkdir Desktop ; touch ~/Desktop/test ~/Desktop/.test
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAl Desktop
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:34 test
-rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:34 .test
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty ~/Desktop
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAld Desktop
drwxr-xr-x 2 rocketmouse rocketmouse 4.0K Jun  8 10:34 Desktop

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Re: Auto-emptying of trash.

2014-06-08 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2014-06-08 at 10:40 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 That's strange, since rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty seemingly
 shouldn't remove the directory. I wasn't aware about this, so I tested
 it, resp. compared it to rm -r [1].
 Perhaps you should post the complete script, the culprit seems not to be
 [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ touch ~/Desktop/test ~/Desktop/.test
 [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAl Desktop
 total 0
 -rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:33 test
 -rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:33 .test
 [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ rm -r ~/Desktop
 [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAld Desktop
 ls: cannot access Desktop: No such file or directory
 [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ mkdir Desktop ; touch ~/Desktop/test 
 [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAl Desktop
 total 0
 -rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:34 test
 -rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:34 .test
 [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty ~/Desktop
 [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAld Desktop
 drwxr-xr-x 2 rocketmouse rocketmouse 4.0K Jun  8 10:34 Desktop


But rmdir doesn't remove empty the directory ;).

[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty ~/Desktop
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAl ~/Desktop
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:34 test
-rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:34 .test

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Re: Auto-emptying of trash.

2014-06-08 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2014-06-08 at 10:44 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sun, 2014-06-08 at 10:40 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  That's strange, since rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty seemingly
  shouldn't remove the directory. I wasn't aware about this, so I tested
  it, resp. compared it to rm -r [1].
  Perhaps you should post the complete script, the culprit seems not to be
  [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ touch ~/Desktop/test ~/Desktop/.test
  [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAl Desktop
  total 0
  -rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:33 test
  -rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:33 .test
  [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ rm -r ~/Desktop
  [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAld Desktop
  ls: cannot access Desktop: No such file or directory
  [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ mkdir Desktop ; touch ~/Desktop/test 
  [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAl Desktop
  total 0
  -rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:34 test
  -rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:34 .test
  [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty ~/Desktop
  [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAld Desktop
  drwxr-xr-x 2 rocketmouse rocketmouse 4.0K Jun  8 10:34 Desktop
 But rmdir doesn't remove empty the directory ;).
 [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty ~/Desktop
 [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAl ~/Desktop
 total 0
 -rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:34 test
 -rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:34 .test

Oops, pardon you want to delete dirs inside the trash dir?!

It doesn't work either [2]. Is this something that should work in
combination with find?

[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ mkdir ~/Desktop/testdir ; touch 
~/Desktop/testdir/test ~/Desktop/testdir/.test
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAl ~/Desktop/testdir
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:50 test
-rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:50 .test
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty ~/Desktop/testdir
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAl ~/Desktop/testdir
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:50 test
-rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 0 Jun  8 10:50 .test
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAld ~/Desktop/testdir
drwxr-xr-x 2 rocketmouse rocketmouse 4.0K Jun  8 10:50 

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Re: Killfiling: was Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Andrew McGlashan
On 8/06/2014 4:48 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 As we can see now, killfiling Horatio or banning him from the list is
 impossible, he simply will use another email address.
 Jerry, did you notice that there also was sent a mail to the Debian
 off-topic list, most likely from  Horatio, using the address?

I don't think there is much doubt whom it is from the posting style
is exactly like Horatio.



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Re: Auto-emptying of trash.

2014-06-08 Thread Filip
Sharon Kimble writes:

 Revisiting a question that I asked in March last year about how to
 auto-empty a trash bin.

 This has worked very well until today, when on one of my drives it
 also deleted the trash bin as well, so my follow-on script to give
 me the size of my trash bin failed as there wasn’t a trash bin to

 Here is the script lines -
 find /media/boudiccas/back2/.Trash-1000 -type f -mtime +$days -delete;
 find /media/boudiccas/back2/.Trash-1000 -depth -type d -exec rmdir 
 --ignore-fail-on-non-empty {} +;

 and this is the evaulation script line -
 echo 'Back2' - $(du -sh /media/boudiccas/back2/.Trash-1000 | cut -f1)

 How can I get it such that it empties the trash bin but does not
 delete the bin itself please?


Add '-mindepth 1' to the conditions, so the that actions actions in the
find command only apply to the directory levels below the starting

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Re: Gnome 2, 3.. And then 2 ?

2014-06-08 Thread Diogene Laerce

 Have you consulted the Debian Reference Manual before you posted your
 question here?

 Don't be another Horatio.

 Jerry S.
 Warning - faker here.  Check the email headers - this was NOT from my

Most of the time I don't even bother to respond to that kind of answer

“One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.”
“Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

  Diogene Laerce

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 08 June 2014 00:05:10 wrote:
 It is not racism, the meaning is: someone who wants to control the

That is not just racist, but extraordinarily offensive and laughably 


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Re: Auto-emptying of trash.

2014-06-08 Thread Slavko

Dňa Sun, 08 Jun 2014 09:03:48 +0100 Sharon Kimble napísal:

 Revisiting a question that I asked in March last year about how to
 auto-empty a trash bin.

I am created this for cca 2 years (sorry, comments in my language). It
takes mount points for block devices, check the Trash-* dirs and then
uses autotrash to take action:

#  Copyright 2012 Slavko
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
#  MA 02110-1301, USA.

usage() {
# malý pomocník
echo -e Použitie:
echo -e \t$(basename $0) [ -hrs ] [ -d dni ]
echo -e **
echo -e 
echo -e \t-r\t- reálne vyprázdnenie koša
echo -e \t-s\t- reálne vyprázdnenie koša so zobrazením štatistiky
echo -e \t-d dni\t- vymazať súbory staršie ako počet dní [predvoelne 
echo -e \t-h\t- vypíše tohoto pomocníka a skončí

PARAMS=--dry-run --stat

# spracovanie parametrov vstupu
while getopts hrsd: OPT; do
  case $OPT in
  h) # pomocník
exit 0
  r) # realne vykonanie
  s) # realne vykonanie so štatistikami
  d) # počet dní veku položky na vymazanie
[ $STARE -lt 1 ]  STARE=1
  \?) # neznámy parameter
exit 1

shift $(expr $OPTIND - 1)

# hlavný kôš používateľa (XDG)
if [ -z $XDG_DATA_HOME ]; then


if [ -d $BASE_TRASH/info ]; then
[ $VERBOSE != no ]  echo $BASE_TRASH:
autotrash --days $STARE --trash-path $BASE_TRASH $PARAMS

# pre každý prípojný bod, ktorý je blokové zariadenie
for MOUNTPOINT in $(mount | egrep ^/dev | awk '{print $1 @ $3}'); do
if [ -d ${TRASH}/info ]; then
[ $VERBOSE != no ]  echo
[ $VERBOSE != no ]  echo $TRASH
autotrash --days $STARE --trash-path $TRASH $PARAMS



Description: PGP signature

Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread Slavko

Dňa Sat, 7 Jun 2014 23:10:02 +0100 Lisi Reisz

 I prefer aptitude because I know what I am doing with it (sort of)
 and because I don't have such a plethora of commands: apt-get,
 apt-cache, apt-file etc. to remember.  But I use apt-x on occasion
 since it is no longer recommended that you should stick rigidly with
 only one of them.  I strongly dislike Synaptic for almost every job.
 Each to his own. :-)  That's one of the things I love about Debian
 and Linux.

Sure, here is today example (it comes from my Raspbian with recompiled
packages from sid in my own repo):

LANG=C apt-get upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
The following packages have been kept back:
  uwsgi uwsgi-core
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.

And now, why they are not upgraded?!

Then i run aptitude and after some keypress is see, that there is one
conflict with some co-package (cgi plugin) from old uwsgi version.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread Gour
Slavko writes:

 Then i run aptitude and after some keypress is see, that there is one
 conflict with some co-package (cgi plugin) from old uwsgi version.

I must say that I'm still quite noobie when it comes to package
management on Debian mostly using apt-get/synaptic and I
read/heard somewhere that for Sid those are recommended over aptitude?

Do I miss something and/or what would be recommended procedure for
apt-get/synaptic -- synaptic migration?


You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you
are not entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider 
yourself the cause of the results of your activities,
and never be attached to not doing your duty.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 08 iun 14, 12:27:04, Gour wrote:
 Slavko writes:
  Then i run aptitude and after some keypress is see, that there is one
  conflict with some co-package (cgi plugin) from old uwsgi version.
 I must say that I'm still quite noobie when it comes to package
 management on Debian mostly using apt-get/synaptic and I
 read/heard somewhere that for Sid those are recommended over aptitude?

Especially on sid aptitude (in interactive mode) can be very useful, but 
beware of #570377.
 Do I miss something and/or what would be recommended procedure for
 apt-get/synaptic -- synaptic migration?

There is no procedure, just use which one you like/need/etc.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 07 iun 14, 09:48:44, Thierry de Coulon wrote:
 Hello all,
 I've lived for years using synaptic and I am no so used to aptitude - and I 
 don't want to make mistakes...
 Possibly my installation is now in such a state that I should reinstall, but 
 everything *is* working. Anyway:
 - searching for broken packages gives 0 packages in synatiptic but 6 packages 
 in aptitude.
Please post the output of

aptitude search '?broken'

 - marking upgradable packages causes both to want to remove lots of things 
 (including parts of cups, Gimp, and of cours all my DE).
 - If I try to update with aptitude it gives me a liste of packages that 
 be removed because they are no more used, which is nonsense because most of 
 them ARE in current use.

Apt/itude's definition of 'unused' is automatically installed (i.e. as 
dependencies), nothing depends on them (anymore).

 I am thinking all this comes from the fact that I installed Wheezy with 
 installed another DE, then removed *parts* of gnome, and the system is 
 thinking because part of Gnome is missing, it should clean up and remove 
 anything that needs it (the list of removal is long, but does include 
 gftp and so).


 Whats more, the system seems not logical, as it wants to remove Gimp 
 but complains that gimp-data (not to be removed) needs Gimp

 Any way to bring this mess in order?

If you're new with aptitude this may be easier to sort out with apt. Try 

apt-get update # optional, but safe
apt-get upgrade # safe, doesn't ever remove packages
apt-get dist-upgrade # carefully check proposed removals

When running these apt-get will tell you that some packages are no 
longer used and you should use 'autoremove' to get rid of them. Don't do 
that (just yet). Instead use

apt-mark manual package

to mark as manually installed any package you know you actually need. 
Don't bother with libraries or -data packages, because these should be 
kept as dependencies. When you're done try

apt-get autoremove

If you're still not satisfied with the outcome mark some more packages.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread Slavko

Dňa Sun, 08 Jun 2014 12:27:04 +0200 Gour napísal:

 Slavko writes:
  Then i run aptitude and after some keypress is see, that there is
  one conflict with some co-package (cgi plugin) from old uwsgi
 I must say that I'm still quite noobie when it comes to package
 management on Debian mostly using apt-get/synaptic and I
 read/heard somewhere that for Sid those are recommended over aptitude?

I mention sid only because the uwsgi package is now not in testing and
i recompiled it for Raspberry Pi with Rasbian stable, which is wheezy
based distro for this small one-board computer. You can simply ignore
the sid word in my post.

 Do I miss something and/or what would be recommended procedure for
 apt-get/synaptic -- synaptic migration?

Using Synaptic seems to be safe (in mean of the original problem in this

Migration from apt-get/aptitude to Synaptic must be safe. The problem
in opposite direction, i.e. from Synaptic to apt-get/aptitude, where
Synaptic lack some functionality about the marking/removing
the automatically installed packages.

AFAIK, the functionality of the apt-get and aptitude is compatible in
these days, with only one difference - the ncurses interface in



Description: PGP signature

Re: Auto-emptying of trash.

2014-06-08 Thread Andrew McGlashan
On 8/06/2014 6:03 PM, Sharon Kimble wrote:
 Revisiting a question that I asked in March last year about how to
 auto-empty a trash bin.
 This has worked very well until today, when on one of my drives it
 also deleted the trash bin as well, so my follow-on script to give
 me the size of my trash bin failed as there wasn’t a trash bin to

I wonder if it is as simple as touching the .Trash folder itself so that
it cannot be considered old enough to remove?

Or you could do a find condition like this:
   -a ! -name .Trash-1000


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread David Dušanić
08.06.2014, 12:27, Gour

 I must say that I'm still quite noobie when it comes to package
 management on Debian mostly using apt-get/synaptic and I
 read/heard somewhere that for Sid those are recommended over aptitude?

 Do I miss something and/or what would be recommended procedure for
 apt-get/synaptic -- synaptic migration?

I think you can also use aptitude on sid but I really prefer apt. I do not have 
synaptic nor aptitude installed on my system. It is personal preference and of 
course how good you are into both of them. I think running sid is just a matter 
of how good you can drive the Debian package manager, be it aptitude or apt. 
But I would never use something graphical (synaptic) to make my upgrades.
David Dusanic

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Re: Killfiling: was Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 6/8/2014 2:48 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 As we can see now, killfiling Horatio or banning him from the list is
 impossible, he simply will use another email address.
 Jerry, did you notice that there also was sent a mail to the Debian
 off-topic list, most likely from  Horatio, using the address?

Hi, Ralf,

No, I didn't - I don't follow that list.  But it doesn't surprise me.


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Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 08 June 2014 12:55:26 Slavko wrote:
 Migration from apt-get/aptitude to Synaptic must be safe. The problem
 in opposite direction, i.e. from Synaptic to apt-get/aptitude, where
 Synaptic lack some functionality about the marking/removing
 the automatically installed packages.

I have on occasion used Synaptic on the boxen I administrate for other people.  
I have then not infrequently switched into aptitude to sort out the problems 
that seemed to me to be an inevitable concomitant to  using Synaptic.  The 
one thing that I do like Synaptic for (though I would not install it 
specially for the purpose) is searching to see what software of a certain 
type is available.


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Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread D.E. Bil
On Sun, Jun 08, 2014 at 01:55:26PM +0200, Slavko wrote:
 AFAIK, the functionality of the apt-get and aptitude is compatible in
 these days, with only one difference - the ncurses interface in

And more human-readable logs in /var/log/aptitude.


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Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread Gour
Andrei POPESCU writes:

 Especially on sid aptitude (in interactive mode) can be very useful, but 
 beware of #570377.


 There is no procedure, just use which one you like/need/etc.

Iirc, one has to be careful when migrating from one tool to the other in
order not to end up with many uninstalled packages?

Otoh, I'm just investigating which tool is better handling dep chain,
especially on Sid.


As a blazing fire turns firewood to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the 
fire of knowledge burn to ashes all reactions to material activities.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread Gour
Slavko writes:

 You can simply ignore the sid word in my post.

Ahh, OK. Good to know. ;)

 Using Synaptic seems to be safe (in mean of the original problem in this

Maybe I shoud read the whole thread...

 AFAIK, the functionality of the apt-get and aptitude is compatible in
 these days, with only one difference - the ncurses interface in

I do not mind the interface, just wondering which is more suitable for
Sid considering that the dynamic of admin work is a bit different than
when one uses stable distro?


When your intelligence has passed out of the dense forest 
of delusion, you shall become indifferent to all that has 
been heard and all that is to be heard.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread Gour
David Dušanić writes:

 I think you can also use aptitude on sid but I really prefer apt. 

So, you believe aptitude is no better than apt in resolve package deps
(in Sid) ?


In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, 
and a little advancement on this path can protect 
one from the most dangerous type of fear.

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Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 08 Jun 2014 15:04:17 +0200
Gour wrote:

 I do not mind the interface, just wondering which is more suitable
 for Sid considering that the dynamic of admin work is a bit
 different than when one uses stable distro?

I use synaptic and sometimes dselect (much more on stable).

Synaptic manage conflicts very well, dselect doesn't.

Adeline The Christians religious book is Bible.
Axel Yeah, for Muslims it's Koran.
Adeline And for Asians ?
Axel Yellow Pages.

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Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread Gour
D.E. Bil writes:

 And more human-readable logs in /var/log/aptitude.

That's a good point. Thanks.



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Which 'package' to choose for updating google chrome ?

2014-06-08 Thread Trudi
I am using an ASUS Transformer Book.
Not only are there no useful manuals but also no help from Asus either online 
OR by telephone, issues go unsolved. It's annoying since they are not cheap.
My issue is that the android/tablet part of the Asus Transformer keeps saying 
google chrome needs updating. 
It has a link to the google page BUT you have to choose a package. the problem 
is there are 4 different packages to chose from AND absolutely no help (even 
when i call their technical hotline). Which to choose?
The options are:

Please select your download package:

 32 bit .deb (For Debian/Ubuntu)
 64 bit .deb (For Debian/Ubuntu)
 32 bit .rpm (For Fedora/openSUSE)
 64 bit .rpm (For Fedora/openSUSE)

I'm assuming i need 64bit bt which one? Does it matter?
Thanks in advance

Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 08 iun 14, 15:00:58, Gour wrote:
 Andrei POPESCU writes:
  Especially on sid aptitude (in interactive mode) can be very useful, but 
  beware of #570377.

I'm right now testing this in apt.conf

// tweak Aptitude to not suggest removals as first option
Aptitude::ProblemResolver::SolutionCost safety,removals;

  There is no procedure, just use which one you like/need/etc.
 Iirc, one has to be careful when migrating from one tool to the other in
 order not to end up with many uninstalled packages?

None of the tools will do something you don't specifically approve, so 
just be careful what you agree to ;)

Yes, there are probably still bugs when you switch between them, but 
mostly it should work fine.
 Otoh, I'm just investigating which tool is better handling dep chain,
 especially on Sid.

Could you elaborate on this? I'm not sure what you're worried about.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 08 iun 14, 15:07:31, Gour wrote:
 David Dušanić writes:
  I think you can also use aptitude on sid but I really prefer apt. 
 So, you believe aptitude is no better than apt in resolve package deps
 (in Sid) ?

aptitude and apt have different resolvers. At some point in time 
aptitude's resolver has been considered superior, especially for 
upgrades between releases, but apt has improved in the meantime and it 
seems to be more... predictable.

Specifically for sid I prefer aptitude in interactive mode (it's open 
all the time here in a screen session), because of the interactive 
resolver, the nice preview which you can interact with and the 
'forbid-version' action (Shift-f in interactive mode).

Also aptitude's search patterns are, as far as I can tell, unmatched in 
any of the other package managers.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 08 iun 14, 14:19:26, David Dušanić wrote:
 I think running sid is just a matter of how good you can drive the 
 Debian package manager, be it aptitude or apt.

That's a fairly good description in my opinion :)

 But I would never use something graphical (synaptic) to make my 

While I'm always running aptitude under GNU screen[1] I just can't 
recall the last time (if ever) I had X terminate due to an upgrade.

[1] running apt or aptitude in a regular terminal emulator will not help 
if X terminates for some reason, you have to use a console or something 
like GNU screen.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Abusive, Insulting and Off Topic e-mails do not belong on debian-user or any other Debian Mailing list.

2014-06-08 Thread Andrew McGlashan
On 8/06/2014 10:58 AM, Don Armstrong wrote:
 In the past few days, there have been many insulting, abusive and off
 topic messages sent to this mailing list.

For the public record, I need to make it clear that posts made by an
aggrieved other user of this mailing list have no merit.

Such fraudulent posts have been made using both his/her own mail address
and what appears to be at least one /special fraudulent/ address created
expressly for the purpose of spreading misrepresentation about other
members of this list (myself included).

This matter is potentially very damaging to reputations and may lead to
legal actions at any point should they continue.

If any phantom email arises claiming to be myself or representing me in
any way, please ignore it.  Any and ALL posts to this list from myself
will be from this same email address that I am sending from right now.

Also, it is my intention to digitally sign each message using my public
GPG key, which has these details:

  pub   2048D/B7EFE2FB 2012-04-12
Key fingerprint =
   C902 8307 B42E 98C9 D2DF  8D43 A816 6BCB B7EF E2FB
  uid   Andrew McGlashan
  uid   Andrew McGlashan
  uid   [jpeg image of size 2732]
  sub   2048g/10921186 2012-04-12

Should I create a new key, then it will be signed by the above key.

If I fail to sign any genuine messages to this list going forward, then
it will be likely be accidental.  In the past I have usually only signed
emails to this list when they were replies to emails that were
themselves signed.

Kind Regards
Andrew McGlashan

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Which 'package' to choose for updating google chrome ?

2014-06-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 08 iun 14, 21:40:48, Trudi wrote:
 My issue is that the android/tablet part of the Asus Transformer keeps 
 saying google chrome needs updating. 

If your tablet is running Android then you have to update it using its 
usual mechanisms (whichever those might be, I'm not familiar with 

We can only help you if you installed the Debian operating system on it 
(and if so please mention which version).

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 08 iun 14, 14:11:58, Richard Hector wrote:
 On 08/06/14 14:00, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
  Richard, this was NOT my post.  This is a fraud.  See the headers.
 Acknowledged. It's sad - do we need to start signing all mailing list

Why not?

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Jessie PowerPC installer doesn't see USB keyboard on PowerPC Mac machines

2014-06-08 Thread Stephen Allen
On Sun, Jun 08, 2014 at 12:14:56AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sat, 2014-06-07 at 15:04 -0700, Rick Thomas wrote:
  I originally reported this back in November.
  After a while, it went away for me.  Downloading the latest (about January 
  time-frame) netinst image worked fine -- both Jessie and Wheezy.  I 
  haven't tried it recently, though.
  Possibly a regression?
  PS: Jessie on a powerpc64 (Apple MacPro dual G5) crashes randomly upon 
  attempting to reboot.
  Anybody else noticing this?
 Mailing Lists
 The Debian PowerPC mailing list is the proper place for questions,
 suggestions for improvements, or just for chat concerning PowerPC
 systems running Debian. The debian-user list is also available for
 general Debian questions which are not specific to PowerPC.

Ralf - Rick has been using Debian email lists longer than you and he
knows about the PowerPC lists. There is probably a valid reason why he's
using the general Debian-Users list, and no it's not off topic here -
It's about Debian and he's a user!

You and your off-topic posts shouldn't be pointing fingers at people!
Use some common sense!

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Re: Abusive, Insulting and Off Topic e-mails do not belong on debian-user or any other Debian Mailing list.

2014-06-08 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 08 June 2014 15:32:20 Andrew McGlashan wrote:
 Such fraudulent posts have been made using both his/her own mail address
 and what appears to be at least one /special fraudulent/ address created
 expressly for the purpose of spreading misrepresentation about other
 members of this list (myself included).

I have identified at least two special fraudulent addresses, clearly used 
maliciously to sow further dissent and to malign people.  The one insult 
aimed at me: that I am a coward, I'll readily admit to.  I am 5ft 2inches 
tall, frail and elderly and have poor sight.  I'd be a fool not to be a 
coward!  But some of what has been spewed out at you is both inaccurate and 
grossly insulting and I can see why you are taking protective measures.

In case this draws down wrath on me, I have no current plans to change my 
email address.

The law, sadly, is likely to be difficult for you Andrew.  It is likely to be 
problematic to identify the real world identity and jurisdiction of the 


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Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread Stephen Allen
On Sat, Jun 07, 2014 at 09:57:39PM +0200, Jochen Spieker wrote:
 Thierry de Coulon:
  I've lived for years using synaptic and I am no so used to aptitude - and I 
  don't want to make mistakes...
 In addition to the good advice regarding automatically installed
 packages that has already been given I have one question: why do you
 want to use aptitude? I used aptitude for a few years but switched back
 to apt-get after the Release Notes of a release recommended to use
 apt-get for distribution upgrades, not aptitude. I have a lot less
 trouble now.

Actually 'apt-get' is recommended for major upgrades as in distro
upgrades, but for day to day package mgmt, aptitude is still the
recommended tool.

FWIW I use both, aptitude has more options. Never used ncurses aptitude
though, can't stand it.

For someone just starting out with aptitude, I'd recommend they install
the aptitude-doc package relevant to their language.

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Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

2014-06-08 Thread The Wanderer
Hash: SHA512

On 06/08/2014 11:03 AM, Stephen Allen wrote:

 On Sat, Jun 07, 2014 at 09:57:39PM +0200, Jochen Spieker wrote:
 Thierry de Coulon:
 I've lived for years using synaptic and I am no so used to
 aptitude - and I don't want to make mistakes...
 In addition to the good advice regarding automatically installed
 packages that has already been given I have one question: why do
 you want to use aptitude? I used aptitude for a few years but
 switched back to apt-get after the Release Notes of a release
 recommended to use apt-get for distribution upgrades, not aptitude.
 I have a lot less trouble now.
 Actually 'apt-get' is recommended for major upgrades as in distro
 upgrades, but for day to day package mgmt, aptitude is still the
 recommended tool.
 FWIW I use both, aptitude has more options. Never used ncurses
 aptitude though, can't stand it.

Likewise FWIW, I invariably use apt-get, because aptitude routinely
recommends dependency-resolution solutions which involve not doing
anything like what I requested - and indeed often involve removing the
very package I requested to be installed - whereas I've never seen any
such thing with apt-get.

apt-get may be less controllable and less smart than aptitude, but it
still seems to get things right on the first try most of the time,
whereas in my experience aptitude rarely seems to get things right even
by the 20th try - or, in the few cases where I've bothered to keep
saying no, try to come up with some other solution that far, the

Maybe my experience with aptitude is atypical - but it's been consistent
across three computers now, over the course of something like a decade,
give or take. If anything, it's gotten worse in more recent years.

Maybeit's possible to configure aptitude so that it doesn't do that...
but if so, I would think that configuration should be the default,
because as things stand it seems almost worse than useless for anything
but the simplest operations.

- --
   The Wanderer

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.

A government exists to serve its citizens, not to control them.
Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 07 iun 14, 22:23:12, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 I agree signing would help - but you're right, I don't know who many
 people's public keys are - either here or anywhere else.

Joining Debian's Web of Trust would be a very good starting point, 
especially since we are using Debian ;)

$ gpg --list-sigs EF22341C
pub   4096R/EF22341C 2013-07-28
uid  Andrei Mircea POPESCU
sig 3EF22341C 2013-07-28  Andrei Mircea POPESCU
sig  DEA22DE9 2013-07-28  Andrei Popescu
sig 3EF22341C 2013-07-28  Andrei Mircea POPESCU
sig  2BEF0A33 2013-08-23  Didier Raboud
sig 2151DFFDC 2013-08-24  Bernhard R. Link
sig  AC583520 2013-08-31  Holger Levsen
sig  069AAA1C 2013-08-31  Holger Levsen
sub   4096R/5D7DFF29 2013-07-28
sig  EF22341C 2013-07-28  Andrei Mircea POPESCU

If one is living in the USA or western Europe getting one's key signed 
shouldn't be too difficult.

Nice side effect: you can verify the authenticity of Debian Installer 
images, since those are signed by a Debian Member.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

GPG Keys..... was Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Andrew McGlashan
On 9/06/2014 1:16 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 $ gpg --list-sigs EF22341C
 pub   4096R/EF22341C 2013-07-28
 uid  Andrei Mircea POPESCU
 sig 3EF22341C 2013-07-28  Andrei Mircea POPESCU
 sig  DEA22DE9 2013-07-28  Andrei Popescu
 sig 3EF22341C 2013-07-28  Andrei Mircea POPESCU
 sig  2BEF0A33 2013-08-23  Didier Raboud
 sig 2151DFFDC 2013-08-24  Bernhard R. Link
 sig  AC583520 2013-08-31  Holger Levsen
 sig  069AAA1C 2013-08-31  Holger Levsen
 sub   4096R/5D7DFF29 2013-07-28
 sig  EF22341C 2013-07-28  Andrei Mircea POPESCU

And the fingerprint?

 If one is living in the USA or western Europe getting one's key signed 
 shouldn't be too difficult.

How about Australia?  I think I could find someone that I know fairly
easily though.
 Nice side effect: you can verify the authenticity of Debian Installer 
 images, since those are signed by a Debian Member.

It is my intention to digitally sign each message to Debian list using
my public GPG key, which has these details:

  pub   2048D/B7EFE2FB 2012-04-12
Key fingerprint =
   C902 8307 B42E 98C9 D2DF  8D43 A816 6BCB B7EF E2FB
  uid   Andrew McGlashan
  uid   Andrew McGlashan
  uid   [jpeg image of size 2732]
  sub   2048g/10921186 2012-04-12

Should I create a new key, then it will be signed by the above key.

If I fail to sign any genuine messages to this list going forward, then
it will be likely be accidental.  In the past I have usually only signed
emails to this list when they were replies to emails that were
themselves signed.

Kind Regards

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: GPG Keys..... was Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Bzzz
On Mon, 09 Jun 2014 01:43:28 +1000
Andrew McGlashan wrote:

  If one is living in the USA or western Europe getting one's key
  signed shouldn't be too difficult.
 How about Australia?

Not allowed: if you sign your e-mails, they'll blacklist
you, you'll suffer a kangaroo invasion in your kitchen,
your kids' hamster will die from plague, they'll list 
you as a potential terrorist and all your sites will 
join the dentist one in the big-filter. You have been 

* ShootingStar has joined the chan.
* ShootingStar has quit the chan.
Teng Make a wish
Aka \o/

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Re: GPG Keys..... was Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 09 iun 14, 01:43:28, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
 And the fingerprint?

$ gpg --fingerprint EF22341C
pub   4096R/EF22341C 2013-07-28
  Key fingerprint = E44E B88C E21B 858E 3639  7AA4 FFC7 8544 EF22 341C
uid  Andrei Mircea POPESCU
sub   4096R/5D7DFF29 2013-07-28

 I wrote:
  If one is living in the USA or western Europe getting one's key 
  signed shouldn't be too difficult.
 How about Australia?  I think I could find someone that I know fairly
 easily though.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: GPG Keys..... was Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Andrew McGlashan
On 9/06/2014 1:56 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Lu, 09 iun 14, 01:43:28, Andrew McGlashan wrote:

 And the fingerprint?
 $ gpg --fingerprint EF22341C
 pub   4096R/EF22341C 2013-07-28
   Key fingerprint = E44E B88C E21B 858E 3639  7AA4 FFC7 8544 EF22 341C
 uid  Andrei Mircea POPESCU
 sub   4096R/5D7DFF29 2013-07-28


 I wrote:
 If one is living in the USA or western Europe getting one's key 
 signed shouldn't be too difficult.

 How about Australia?  I think I could find someone that I know fairly
 easily though.

Okay, not many people listed; I thought there would be many more.  I
don't know any of them personally.

Thanks again

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: GPG Keys..... was Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 09 iun 14, 02:07:46, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
 On 9/06/2014 1:56 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 Okay, not many people listed; I thought there would be many more.  I
 don't know any of them personally.

That's not necessary, the point of that listing is that those people 
have offered to meet others just for key signing.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: GPG Keys..... was Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Brad Rogers
On Mon, 09 Jun 2014 02:07:46 +1000
Andrew McGlashan wrote:

Hello Andrew,

Okay, not many people listed; I thought there would be many more.  I
don't know any of them personally.

You don't have to.  So long as there's one close enough to you for it to
be convenient to arrange a meeting those people are happy to oblige.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
Watching the people get lairy
I Predict A Riot - Kaiser Chiefs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Abusive, Insulting and Off Topic e-mails do not belong on debian-user or any other Debian Mailing list.

2014-06-08 Thread Ralph Katz
Hash: SHA1

On 06/07/2014 08:58 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
 In the past few days, there have been many insulting, abusive and
 off topic messages sent to this mailing list.
 This is not acceptable, and conflicts with both our code of
 conduct[1], and the mailing list specific code of conduct[2].
 In particularly egregious or continuing cases of violation, the
 ability of specific individuals to post to debian-user (and other
 Debian mailing lists) will be restricted.[3]
 While I personally am subscribed to debian-user, I cannot possibly
 read every single message which is posted here (or in the dozens of
 other mailing lists that Debian has). If you feel that a particular
 message or individual is being abusive or disrespectful, please
 e-mail with appropriate message-ids so
 that we are aware of the issue.
 As a final note, someone being disrespectful or abusive does not
 give others the right to be abusive back to them. Assume good
 faith; they may not know what they are doing.
 1: 2: 3: The
 individual will be informed, and Debian Developers will also be 
 informed when this occurs.

Don, thank you.  It's important for the Debian community to stand
firmly against the childish abuse and ignorance we've seen here this week.

New readers may also want to review


Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Icedove -


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Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread John Bleichert

On 06/08/2014 11:16 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Sb, 07 iun 14, 22:23:12, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

I agree signing would help - but you're right, I don't know who many
people's public keys are - either here or anywhere else.

Joining Debian's Web of Trust would be a very good starting point,
especially since we are using Debian ;)


Andrei - thank you for this post - I appreciate the info!


The heat from below can burn your eyes out!

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Re: GPG Keys..... was Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Slavko

Dňa Sun, 8 Jun 2014 17:53:28 +0200 Bzzz napísal:

 On Mon, 09 Jun 2014 01:43:28 +1000
 Andrew McGlashan wrote:
   If one is living in the USA or western Europe getting one's key
   signed shouldn't be too difficult.
  How about Australia?
 Not allowed: if you sign your e-mails, they'll blacklist
 you, you'll suffer a kangaroo invasion in your kitchen,
 your kids' hamster will die from plague, they'll list 
 you as a potential terrorist and all your sites will 
 join the dentist one in the big-filter. You have been 

IMO bad yoke. No all are know about OpenPGP, especially about signing.

BTW, in our country AFAIK there is only one Debian man, which
can sign my key. And this one is from another end of my small country -
it is only cca 400 km, but my health doesn't allow me to travel into his



Description: PGP signature

Re: Abusive, Insulting and Off Topic e-mails do not belong on debian-user or any other Debian Mailing list.

2014-06-08 Thread Mike McGinn

On Sunday, June 08, 2014 10:32:20 Andrew McGlashan wrote:
 On 8/06/2014 10:58 AM, Don Armstrong wrote:
  In the past few days, there have been many insulting, abusive and off
  topic messages sent to this mailing list.
 For the public record, I need to make it clear that posts made by an
 aggrieved other user of this mailing list have no merit.
 Such fraudulent posts have been made using both his/her own mail address
 and what appears to be at least one /special fraudulent/ address created
 expressly for the purpose of spreading misrepresentation about other
 members of this list (myself included).
 This matter is potentially very damaging to reputations and may lead to
 legal actions at any point should they continue.
 If any phantom email arises claiming to be myself or representing me in
 any way, please ignore it.  Any and ALL posts to this list from myself
 will be from this same email address that I am sending from right now.
 Also, it is my intention to digitally sign each message using my public
 GPG key, which has these details:
   pub   2048D/B7EFE2FB 2012-04-12
 Key fingerprint =
C902 8307 B42E 98C9 D2DF  8D43 A816 6BCB B7EF E2FB
   uid   Andrew McGlashan
   uid   Andrew McGlashan
   uid   [jpeg image of size 2732]
   sub   2048g/10921186 2012-04-12
 Should I create a new key, then it will be signed by the above key.
 If I fail to sign any genuine messages to this list going forward, then
 it will be likely be accidental.  In the past I have usually only signed
 emails to this list when they were replies to emails that were
 themselves signed.
 Kind Regards
 Andrew McGlashan

Are we still in preschool? All about how aggrieved who, who insulted who, he 
took my truck ...

Get  over it.

You are ruining this for those of us who are adults.

Mike McGinn KD2CNU
Be happy that brainfarts don't smell.
No electrons were harmed in sending this message, some were inconvenienced.
** Registered Linux User 377849

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Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Lucius Rizzo
* Andrei POPESCU [2014-06-08 18:16]:
 On Sb, 07 iun 14, 22:23:12, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
  I agree signing would help - but you're right, I don't know who many
  people's public keys are - either here or anywhere else.
 Joining Debian's Web of Trust would be a very good starting point, 
 especially since we are using Debian ;)

off topic  - my apologies but I will keep it short

I think there needs to be a discussion about habits like this that seem to 
proliferate with users within the IT to be less considerate of others. The
added complexity that these are all just bits and bytes takes away sometimes
from the dehumanizing results of what happens. This happens daily in the OSS
realm especially. Come on to IRC on any channel, you will see this first hand. 
Other projects (*BSD also suffer the wrath of some devs who seem to lack taste).

Last week, someone on IRC sent something in spite as a prank to someone I know 
in real life. The nature of IRC being as it is, not only did this actions of 
their invade my privacy, it also harmed my reputation in real life. In an 
unfortunate series of events, this one line of email has caused a lot of harm
to many (incl. him loosing his position at work it seems).

I have seen a remarkable ego prevalent in IT. In fact, unlike other professions
within IT; you either know it or your don't. So it breeds this level of 
dick measuring contest. Its unfortunate, tedious and frankly childish. Yet, its 
acceptable because they are a genius say in one aspect of IT. I disagree. In 
when one can go to prison for saying incredibly hateful or disturbing things on 
Facebook or twitter, why is it that within IT circles -- with talented 
tolerate this person's hatred simply because they are talented.

In any case I found myself in very difficult place this week where my online 
life and real
life collided and caused harm that seems to affect many, including mine.

And it made me think - IT professionals, especially ones I know are incredibly
good at certain things. And yet, they can go to such extents that harm so much 
as shown in the
thread and recently with my experience. 

Yes being talented is always good. Being able to translate this talent and 
teach to others
is what made us human and advanced us. However hatred in any form especially 
when I am seeing
others on this list having to measures such as GPG keys to ensure their 
credibility only 
highlights the troubling and underlying issue of narcissism, bullying and 
ultimately attempts
to affect reputation. All to prove some dumb zealous point of some sort.


| _o_ |_)o_ _  _  
|_|_|(_||_|_ | \|/_/_(_) - Lucius.Tel
++  The important thing to remember about walking on eggs is not to hop. ++

Description: PGP signature

Re: GPG Keys..... was Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 2:22 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Lu, 09 iun 14, 02:07:46, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
 On 9/06/2014 1:56 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

 Okay, not many people listed; I thought there would be many more.  I
 don't know any of them personally.

 That's not necessary, the point of that listing is that those people
 have offered to meet others just for key signing.

I may have to do that some time. There are four offering in Melbourne.

But hopefully it won't ever come to the point of mattering. It really
is silly when people start trying to spoof other people's emails.


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Re: Auto-emptying of trash.

2014-06-08 Thread Paul Johnson
On Jun 8, 2014 3:11 AM, Sharon Kimble wrote:

 Revisiting a question that I asked in March last year about how to
 auto-empty a trash bin.

 This has worked very well until today, when on one of my drives it
 also deleted the trash bin as well, so my follow-on script to give
 me the size of my trash bin failed as there wasn’t a trash bin to

Have you considered the tmpreaper package?  Seems like an off-label use of
that would be to tell it your trash directory is a temp directory...

Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Bob Holtzman
On Sat, Jun 07, 2014 at 04:05:10PM -0700, wrote:
  On Friday 06 June 2014 23:13:10 wrote:
  And, Who are you Ralf? a Jew?
  This list is not moderated!
  And is sadly starting to become an unfriendly and unwelcoming place.  Is
  racism really necessary or relevant?
 Hello Lisi:
 It is not racism, the meaning is: someone who wants to control the
 World.If you know a proper word, please go ahead. I really do not know

Where did that definition com from? It definitely *is* racist and highly

Bob Holtzman
A man is a man who will fight with a sword
or tackle Mt Everest in snow, but the bravest 
of all owns a '34 Ford and tries for 6000 in low.

Description: Digital signature

[OFF-TOPIC :)] Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Diogene Laerce

On 06/08/2014 08:54 PM, Bob Holtzman wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 07, 2014 at 04:05:10PM -0700, wrote:
 On Friday 06 June 2014 23:13:10 wrote:
 And, Who are you Ralf? a Jew?

 This list is not moderated!

 And is sadly starting to become an unfriendly and unwelcoming place.  Is
 racism really necessary or relevant?


 Hello Lisi:

 It is not racism, the meaning is: someone who wants to control the
 World.If you know a proper word, please go ahead. I really do not know
 Where did that definition com from? It definitely *is* racist and highly

Well if this list is not moderated.. Maybe it should.

“One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.”
“Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

  Diogene Laerce

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Preseeded setting on openssh-server ignored

2014-06-08 Thread Brian
On Sat 07 Jun 2014 at 23:08:47 +0530, Murukesh Mohanan wrote:

 I'm trying to use preseeding to automate installation, and
 openssh-server is ignoring a selection
 openssh-server openssh-server/permit-root-login bool true 
 The sshd_config always contains 
 PermitRootLogin without-password 

This is what you get with a new install of 1:6.6p1-1. It is the
default. If is not to your liking you have to alter it afterwards.

 I gather that this is due to the fix of bug #298138. While the 
 OP's, and the patch submitter's rationale behind changing 
 PermitRootLogin to without-password is ok, doing so by totally 
 ignoring the debconf selection if not upgrading is *not*. If I 
 wish to automate new installs, with a reasonably secure root 
 password, unlike OP, I fail to see why my preseed debconf 
 selection should not work. It is, after all, an explicit user 

Yours is a new install.

 choice. There are plenty of such selections where the user is 
 not asked a question at all and the default selection is used, 
 so I fail to see why this question is being ignored (or not 
 asked, as maybe the case). I have no problems with the default 
 value being 'without-password'. But is ignoring the debconf 
 selection altogether the new intended behaviour, or has the 
 set of valid values for this selection changed?
 The bug has been archived, so I'm posting to the general list
 instead of to the bug itself. I have tested this out on jessie
 and Ubuntu 14.04.

You only see this question if openssh-server is being upgraded to
1:6.6p1-1. README.Debian has details of the change.

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Re: Jessie PowerPC installer doesn't see USB keyboard on PowerPC Mac machines

2014-06-08 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2014-06-08 at 10:46 -0400, Stephen Allen wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 08, 2014 at 12:14:56AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Sat, 2014-06-07 at 15:04 -0700, Rick Thomas wrote:
   I originally reported this back in November.
   After a while, it went away for me.  Downloading the latest (about 
   January time-frame) netinst image worked fine -- both Jessie and 
   Wheezy.  I haven't tried it recently, though.
   Possibly a regression?
   PS: Jessie on a powerpc64 (Apple MacPro dual G5) crashes randomly upon 
   attempting to reboot.
   Anybody else noticing this?
  Mailing Lists
  The Debian PowerPC mailing list is the proper place for questions,
  suggestions for improvements, or just for chat concerning PowerPC
  systems running Debian. The debian-user list is also available for
  general Debian questions which are not specific to PowerPC.
 Ralf - Rick has been using Debian email lists longer than you and he
 knows about the PowerPC lists. There is probably a valid reason why he's
 using the general Debian-Users list, and no it's not off topic here -
 It's about Debian and he's a user!
 You and your off-topic posts shouldn't be pointing fingers at people!
 Use some common sense!

I didn't, I wanted to help, because I wasn't aware that he knows what he
did, when sending a reply to this list.
You shouldn't assume something bad.

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Re: GPG Keys..... was Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2014-06-08 at 17:53 +0200, Bzzz wrote:
 On Mon, 09 Jun 2014 01:43:28 +1000
 Andrew McGlashan wrote:
   If one is living in the USA or western Europe getting one's key
   signed shouldn't be too difficult.
  How about Australia?
 Not allowed: if you sign your e-mails, they'll blacklist
 you, you'll suffer a kangaroo invasion in your kitchen,
 your kids' hamster will die from plague, they'll list 
 you as a potential terrorist and all your sites will 
 join the dentist one in the big-filter. You have been 

I will not sign my emails to mailing lists, however, you're mistaken,
several people subscribed to Debian user sign there mails. Those people
are not blacklisted, perhaps there are kangaroos or penguins in their
kitchen, I don't know, anyway, signing is allowed, usually it's just
unwanted for mails send to a mailing list.

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Re: GPG Keys..... was Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 6/8/2014 1:20 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 2:22 AM, Andrei POPESCU 
 On Lu, 09 iun 14, 02:07:46, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
 On 9/06/2014 1:56 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

 Okay, not many people listed; I thought there would be many more.  I
 don't know any of them personally.

 That's not necessary, the point of that listing is that those people
 have offered to meet others just for key signing.
 I may have to do that some time. There are four offering in Melbourne.
 But hopefully it won't ever come to the point of mattering. It really
 is silly when people start trying to spoof other people's emails.


It's more than silly.  In many countries (including the United States),
it can be considered identity theft, which is a federal crime.


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Re: OT: install-grub in Solaris x86 (was: GRUB2)

2014-06-08 Thread Reco
On Sat, 7 Jun 2014 11:35:29 +0200
emmanuel segura wrote:

Sigh. Why do you bother yourself with such ancient thing? Real Solaris
11 doesn't use Grub1 anymore:

# uname -a
SunOS xxx 5.11 11.1 i86pc i386 i86pc
# which install-grub
no install-grub in /usr/sbin /usr/bin
# pkg search install-grub


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Re: GPG Keys..... was Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 6:10 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 But hopefully it won't ever come to the point of mattering. It really
 is silly when people start trying to spoof other people's emails.


 It's more than silly.  In many countries (including the United States),
 it can be considered identity theft, which is a federal crime.

Hmm, I'm not absolutely sure that using a fake name in an email header
would count as identity theft. But what I meant was how silly it is to
have to worry about that. Murder's a crime, too, but I would consider
it pretty silly if we had to concern ourselves with the possibility
that some other debian-user contributor would show up on our doorsteps
with an axe. We should not have to be considering such ridiculous


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Re: GPG Keys..... was Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 6/8/2014 4:18 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 6:10 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 But hopefully it won't ever come to the point of mattering. It really
 is silly when people start trying to spoof other people's emails.


 It's more than silly.  In many countries (including the United States),
 it can be considered identity theft, which is a federal crime.
 Hmm, I'm not absolutely sure that using a fake name in an email header
 would count as identity theft. But what I meant was how silly it is to
 have to worry about that. Murder's a crime, too, but I would consider
 it pretty silly if we had to concern ourselves with the possibility
 that some other debian-user contributor would show up on our doorsteps
 with an axe. We should not have to be considering such ridiculous

The way the law is written in the U.S., it is (and has been prosecuted
as such).  It is considered no different than using someone else's name
when applying for a loan, for instance.


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Re: OT: install-grub in Solaris x86 (was: GRUB2)

2014-06-08 Thread emmanuel segura
that was typo, if you read the link you can see the command is
/sbin/installgrub and i don't think solaris x86 doesn't uses grub1.

2014-06-08 22:13 GMT+02:00 Reco
 On Sat, 7 Jun 2014 11:35:29 +0200
 emmanuel segura wrote:

 Sigh. Why do you bother yourself with such ancient thing? Real Solaris
 11 doesn't use Grub1 anymore:

 # uname -a
 SunOS xxx 5.11 11.1 i86pc i386 i86pc
 # which install-grub
 no install-grub in /usr/sbin /usr/bin
 # pkg search install-grub


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esta es mi vida e me la vivo hasta que dios quiera

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Re: [OFF-TOPIC :)] Re: Should I install chkrootkit?

2014-06-08 Thread Terence
I think this whole thing has gone too far. The response to this trolling
cretin has led to a fragmentation wholly unlike the tenor of our normal
Debian lists,
and, I regret to see, list members whom I hold in general high regard being
attacked after their initial attempts to help or intervene.

I do not know if anyone could untangle the interlocking and overlaid posts
around one person's troll aggression, and it certainly would not repay even
five minutes effort to do so.

Over many years on this and other non-Debian lists, I think I perceive a
pattern: the first signs of a troll are often given by their lack of
willingness to find out for themselves, an unwillingness to understand the
help and advice freely given, their failure to comprehend that list support
has a cost, and, not least, their swift recourse to abuse and excuse.

They either do not know, or do not care, that the costs of the support they
apparently seek is borne by the comparative few who offer all their hard
earned learning and experience in providing such excellent support to the
many. Added to this generosity is their priceless willingness of those able
to help and support those less able, or trying to learn,

So, may I suggest, that at the first indication that a troll has infected
our lists, we cut off his/her (or her/his!) oxygen supply by refusing to

With luck this may stop my long time colleagues here from the stressful and
abusive posts of the recent past, and, denied the recognition of a reply,
the troll will find another bridge to hide under.

My best wishes to all you who support this list in such an excellent way.
Long may the real list last!

On 8 June 2014 20:25, Diogene Laerce wrote:

 On 06/08/2014 08:54 PM, Bob Holtzman wrote:
  On Sat, Jun 07, 2014 at 04:05:10PM -0700, wrote:
  On Friday 06 June 2014 23:13:10 wrote:
  And, Who are you Ralf? a Jew?
  This list is not moderated!
  And is sadly starting to become an unfriendly and unwelcoming place.
  racism really necessary or relevant?
  Hello Lisi:
  It is not racism, the meaning is: someone who wants to control the
  World.If you know a proper word, please go ahead. I really do not know
  Where did that definition com from? It definitely *is* racist and highly

 Well if this list is not moderated.. Maybe it should.

 “One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.”
 “Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

   Diogene Laerce

Re: Preseeded setting on openssh-server ignored

2014-06-08 Thread Brian
On Sun 08 Jun 2014 at 20:55:19 +0100, Brian wrote:

 This is what you get with a new install of 1:6.6p1-1. It is the
 default. If is not to your liking you have to alter it afterwards.

Or deal with it with late_command in your preseed file.

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