Quel Watt mètre USB compatible ?

2014-08-07 Thread Olivier

Je souhaite mesurer depuis une machine Debian la conso électrique
d'appareils d'équipements réseau.
J'envisage de connecter :
- la prise mâle de l'appareil électrique dont je cherche à mesurer la
consommation, sur la prise femelle de l'appareil de mesure
- l'appareil de mesure sur le réseau électrique, d'une part, et à une
machine Debian d'autre part, via un câble USB.

Ensuite, régulièrement la machine Debian mesure la conso et enregistre la
valeur mesurée.

Quelqu'un peut-il me conseiller un appareil de mesure (Watt mètre) ?


Re: Quel Watt mètre USB compatible ?

2014-08-07 Thread BERTRAND Joël

Olivier a écrit :


Je souhaite mesurer depuis une machine Debian la conso électrique
d'appareils d'équipements réseau.
J'envisage de connecter :
- la prise mâle de l'appareil électrique dont je cherche à mesurer la
consommation, sur la prise femelle de l'appareil de mesure
- l'appareil de mesure sur le réseau électrique, d'une part, et à une
machine Debian d'autre part, via un câble USB.

Ensuite, régulièrement la machine Debian mesure la conso et enregistre
la valeur mesurée.

Quelqu'un peut-il me conseiller un appareil de mesure (Watt mètre) ?



	Personnellement, j'ai utilisé des prises Zigbee (home automation) avec 
des récepteur XBee (USB). Ça fonctionne bien, mais il faut écrire un 
petit soft côté Linux pour récupérer les données (une fois les prises 
programmées et le réseau monté, les paramètres sont écrits dans la flash 
de la puce Xbee et il s'agit juste de parser les envois des prises).

	Les prises Cléode sont parfaitement conformes aux specs Zigbee (avec 
toutes les autres, j'avais des déconnexions plus ou moins intempestives 
du réseau). Elles descendent au Watt près et sont précises. Les puces 
Xbee peuvent s'attaquer avec des commandes AT comme un modem, c'est 

	Sinon, tu peux aussi utiliser les Wismote d'Arago System. C'est du 
6LowPan, mais j'ai dû réécrire un firmware (Contiki) en plus du soft 
côté Linux pour les contraindre à faire ce que je voulais. Et là, 
personne ne t'aide. À la fin, je pense que je connaissais mieux ce 
matériel que son concepteur... Personnellement, je n'aime pas trop le 
protocole SLIP avec de l'IPv6 puis la translation avec le routage 
merdicofroireux du 6LowPan derrière. J'ai réussi à avoir quelque chose 
de stable, mais au prix de plusieurs mois de boulot (j'étais payé pour 



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Re: Quel Watt mètre USB compatible ?

2014-08-07 Thread Thierry Despeyroux


j'ai trouvé cette page qui semble très intéressante:

Pour info, chez moi j'ai voulu surveiller ma consommation (globale et
en triphasé) avec un produit Chacon trouvé chez conrad, mais
il faut windows... (le bazard est à vendre!).

Et je vous conseille chaleureusement (PUB!!)
Une extension pour raspberry. Logiciel sympa en python, accessiblement
par un navigateur que j'ai facilement modifié pour assurer le délestage
d'une pompe à chaleur les jours rouges (suis en tarif tempo), le tout
sous linux biensur.


Thierry Despeyroux

Le Thu, 07 Aug 2014 09:20:01 +0200,
Olivier oza.4...@gmail.com a écrit :

 Je souhaite mesurer depuis une machine Debian la conso électrique
 d'appareils d'équipements réseau.
 J'envisage de connecter :
 - la prise mâle de l'appareil électrique dont je cherche à mesurer la
 consommation, sur la prise femelle de l'appareil de mesure
 - l'appareil de mesure sur le réseau électrique, d'une part, et à une
 machine Debian d'autre part, via un câble USB.
 Ensuite, régulièrement la machine Debian mesure la conso et
 enregistre la valeur mesurée.
 Quelqu'un peut-il me conseiller un appareil de mesure (Watt mètre) ?

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wheezy debit tres bas sur la carte reseau eth0

2014-08-07 Thread Frederic Robert

Comment allez-vous? J'ai récupéré un ancien pc portable. Le débit de la carte 
réseau est très faible. Comment savoir si c'est un défaut matériel ou de 

voici le résultat de lspci

01:02.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6105/VT6106S [Rhine-III] 
(rev 8b)

Quand je wget un fichier d'internet avec ce poste, le débit est de 200ko/sec 
pas plus. Avec le second pc du réseau, le débit est beaucoup plus rapide 

Qui peut m'aider?

Bien à vous,
Frederic Robert

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Re: [testing] systemd-remount-fs.service failed

2014-08-07 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Thu, 7 Aug 2014 09:27:48 +0200
Sébastien NOBILI sebnewslet...@free.fr a écrit:

 Le jeudi 07 août 2014 à  0:51, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
  Le Thu, 07 Aug 2014 00:23:43 +0200
  Frederic MASSOT frede...@juliana-multimedia.com a écrit:
   Que contient ton fichier fstab et/ou comment est monté /usr ?
  J'ai ça dans fstab
  # /usr was on /dev/sda5 during installation
  UUID=c4e3f4f0-a625-4418-8715-0c2c0847c926 /usrext4
  discard,relatime 0   2
 Est-ce qu'il se monte correctement à la main ?
 # mount /usr
 Et si c'est non, est-ce que l'UUID et le système de fichiers (ext4) sont
 corrects ?

J'ai oublié de préciser que le système est fonctionnel tout est correctement


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Re: wheezy debit tres bas sur la carte reseau eth0

2014-08-07 Thread Belaïd
Tranquillement :)
Que donne la commande: ethtool eth0 (dans le cas ou ton interface est eth0)

Le 7 août 2014 18:38, Frederic Robert frede...@fredericrobert.be a écrit :


 Comment allez-vous? J'ai récupéré un ancien pc portable. Le débit de la
 carte réseau est très faible. Comment savoir si c'est un défaut matériel ou
 de pilotes?

 voici le résultat de lspci

 01:02.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6105/VT6106S
 [Rhine-III] (rev 8b)

 Quand je wget un fichier d'internet avec ce poste, le débit est de
 200ko/sec pas plus. Avec le second pc du réseau, le débit est beaucoup plus
 rapide (6Mo/sec)

 Qui peut m'aider?

 Bien à vous,

 Frederic Robert

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Re: wheezy debit tres bas sur la carte reseau eth0

2014-08-07 Thread Frederic Robert
On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 08:45:58PM +0200, Belaïd wrote:
 Tranquillement :)
 Que donne la commande: ethtool eth0 (dans le cas ou ton interface est eth0)

Bonjour, Bonsoir,

Voici le résultat de la commande

frederic@citron44:~$ sudo ethtool eth0
Settings for eth0:
Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 
Supported pause frame use: No
Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 
Advertised pause frame use: Symmetric
Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Link partner advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 
 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 
Link partner advertised pause frame use: No
Link partner advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Speed: 100Mb/s
Duplex: Full
Port: MII
Transceiver: internal
Auto-negotiation: on
Supports Wake-on: pumbg
Wake-on: d
Current message level: 0x0001 (1)
Link detected: yes

Bien à vous,

Frederic Robert

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Re: wheezy debit tres bas sur la carte reseau eth0

2014-08-07 Thread Sébastien NOBILI
Le jeudi 07 août 2014 à 19:18, Frederic Robert a écrit :
 On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 08:45:58PM +0200, Belaïd wrote:
  Que donne la commande: ethtool eth0 (dans le cas ou ton interface est eth0) 
 Voici le résultat de la commande

Ça m'a l'air correct.

Que donne la commande « /sbin/ifconfig eth0 » ? (notamment, les valeurs en face
de « errors », « dropped » et « collisions »)


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Re: wheezy debit tres bas sur la carte reseau eth0

2014-08-07 Thread Frederic Robert
On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 09:33:10PM +0200, Sébastien NOBILI wrote:
 Ça m'a l'air correct.
 Que donne la commande « /sbin/ifconfig eth0 » ? (notamment, les valeurs en 
 de « errors », « dropped » et « collisions »)

Bonjour, Bonsoir  Sébastien,

[sudo] password for frederic: 
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:40:d0:78:75:f4  
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: fe80::240:d0ff:fe78:75f4/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:54286 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:53517 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
  RX bytes:58395873 (55.6 MiB)  TX bytes:6575527 (6.2 MiB)
  Interrupt:3 Base address:0xc000 

Frederic Robert

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Re: [testing] systemd-remount-fs.service failed

2014-08-07 Thread Sébastien NOBILI
Le jeudi 07 août 2014 à 20:18, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
 J'ai oublié de préciser que le système est fonctionnel tout est correctement

OK, fausse piste…

Le mercredi 06 août 2014 à 23:35, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
 Aug 06 21:16:46 reveillon systemd-remount-fs[270]: mount: /usr not mounted or
 bad option

Est-ce que /etc/mtab est un lien vers /proc/mounts sur ta machine ?

% ls -l /etc/mtab
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 mai   20  2013 /etc/mtab - /proc/mounts


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Re: wheezy debit tres bas sur la carte reseau eth0

2014-08-07 Thread Belaïd
Cela me semble correct aussi. As tu un autre port sur ton ordinateur
(hormis le MII) juste pour faire un test
Le 7 août 2014 21:38, Frederic Robert frede...@fredericrobert.be a
écrit :

 On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 09:33:10PM +0200, Sébastien NOBILI wrote:
  Ça m'a l'air correct.
  Que donne la commande « /sbin/ifconfig eth0 » ? (notamment, les valeurs
 en face
  de « errors », « dropped » et « collisions »)

 Bonjour, Bonsoir  Sébastien,

 [sudo] password for frederic:
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:40:d0:78:75:f4
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   inet6 addr: fe80::240:d0ff:fe78:75f4/64 Scope:Link
   RX packets:54286 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:53517 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:58395873 (55.6 MiB)  TX bytes:6575527 (6.2 MiB)
   Interrupt:3 Base address:0xc000

 Frederic Robert

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Re: [testing] systemd-remount-fs.service failed

2014-08-07 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Thu, 7 Aug 2014 21:29:47 +0200
Sébastien NOBILI sebnewslet...@free.fr a écrit:

 Le mercredi 06 août 2014 à 23:35, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
  Aug 06 21:16:46 reveillon systemd-remount-fs[270]: mount: /usr not mounted
  or bad option
 Est-ce que /etc/mtab est un lien vers /proc/mounts sur ta machine ?
 % ls -l /etc/mtab
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 mai   20  2013 /etc/mtab - /proc/mounts

Oui c'est un lien sur /proc/mounts.

J'ai quand même constaté un dysfonctionnement mais je ne sais pas si c'est
lié. Lors de l'extinction de la machine des fois elle reste bloquée pendant un
bon moment avec le login console affiché avant de s'éteindre.


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Re: wheezy debit tres bas sur la carte reseau eth0

2014-08-07 Thread Frederic Robert
On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 10:13:26PM +0200, Belaïd wrote:
 Cela me semble correct aussi. As tu un autre port sur ton ordinateur
 (hormis le MII) juste pour faire un test

il y aussi des ports usb. Je peux mettre mon téléphone en tethering usb sur le 
pc portable. Quand vous parlez d'autres ports, est-ce ça que vous voulez dire?

Frederic Robert

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Re: [OFF-TOPIC] Soporte discos 4 TB HP Proliant N36L

2014-08-07 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 7 de agosto de 2014, 8:35, Maykel Franco
maykeldeb...@gmail.com escribió:
 El día 27 de julio de 2014, 19:28, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com escribió:
 El Sun, 27 Jul 2014 18:51:45 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 Hola buenas, alguna vez he hablado del servidor que tengo en casa un HP
 Proliant N36L.


 Como ya te comentado en alguna que otra ocasión, las características de
 la controladora de disco duro las tendrás en las especificaciones y la
 hoja de producto.

 Los equipos de HP suelen tener un número de serie o número de producto
 que identifica unívocamente el tipo de componentes que monta cada
 ordenador/servidor por lo que tienes que localizar ese identificador
 (generalmente ubicado en una etiqueta en la parte trasera de la torre) y
 buscar por ese número en la página web de HP, así podrás ver las
 características de tu controladora, qué tamaño de discos admite, si hay
 alguna actualización de la BIOS que permita discos de mayor capacidad,

 Para asegurarme Camaleón llamé a HP, y sorprendentemente me dicen que
 sólo soporta discos de 2 TB...

 El número de serie también se puede sacar con el comando dmidecode no??

 dmidecode -s system-serial-number


 Este es el número que les he pasado para asegurarme y me han dicho
 eso. Voy a mirar en su web como me has comentado.

Más que nada para asegurarme, aunque en su día ya me dijistes que lo
máximo que permitía eran 2 TB, y me parece que así es...

Internal Drive Support:
- 4 Internal HDD Support
- Maximum internal SATA storage capacity of up to 8.0TB (4 x 2TB 3.5
SATA drives)

Vamos que la única posibilidad es lo que comenté, poner el disco duro
primario(SO) en el hueco de la lectora dvd, con un adaptador de bahia
de 3.5 a 5.25. Y en la parte de abajo un raid5 de 4 discos duros de
2TB , total 6 TB que bueno no está mal...

Gracias por todo.





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Squid no filtra con mozilla y chrome

2014-08-07 Thread William Romero
Hola lista.

Salto un problema hace una semana  , el cual hace referencia con squid , y es 
con IE 10 o 9 , funciona bien el filtrado de facebook y youtube que bloquea.
adicinonalmente agregre una reglas a mi firewall para que bloque dichas paginas.
pero ahora los usuarios se dieron cuenta que cuando navegan con chrome o 
mozilla , pueden seguir navegando a dichas paginas.

alguien ah tenido problema con filtrado de squid.



Re: Lanzar cron solo desde 1 nodo teniendo X nodos

2014-08-07 Thread Adrià
On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 12:23:55PM +0200, Maykel Franco wrote:
 Prefiero comprobar si existe un fichero como medida para garantizar si
 está caído el nodo web1 o no, porque si realizo un ping y la máquina
 devuelve el ping, no significa que esté bien, puede que la máquina
 esté saturada y sí responda a ping por ejemplo...Prefiero entrar por
 ssh y realizar un comando en remoto con rsync.

Con cURL o Nagios se puede comprobar un literal de una web, es decir,
establece una conexión HTTP y busca un string en la respuesta. Si no
está, salta la alarma.

Prefiero comprobarlo así porque simulas una petición. Aunque un
comando remoto tambien lo puedes lanzar por SSH.


Adrià García-Alzórriz
GPG Key: 09494C14
Advice is a dangerous gift; be cautious about giving and receiving it.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Lanzar cron solo desde 1 nodo teniendo X nodos

2014-08-07 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 7 de agosto de 2014, 13:04, Adrià ad...@fsfe.org escribió:
 On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 12:23:55PM +0200, Maykel Franco wrote:
 Prefiero comprobar si existe un fichero como medida para garantizar si
 está caído el nodo web1 o no, porque si realizo un ping y la máquina
 devuelve el ping, no significa que esté bien, puede que la máquina
 esté saturada y sí responda a ping por ejemplo...Prefiero entrar por
 ssh y realizar un comando en remoto con rsync.

 Con cURL o Nagios se puede comprobar un literal de una web, es decir,
 establece una conexión HTTP y busca un string en la respuesta. Si no
 está, salta la alarma.

 Prefiero comprobarlo así porque simulas una petición. Aunque un
 comando remoto tambien lo puedes lanzar por SSH.


 Adrià García-Alzórriz
 GPG Key: 09494C14
 Advice is a dangerous gift; be cautious about giving and receiving it.

No si monitorizados están. El problema no es ese, alomejor me he
explicado mal, lo que quiero es que lance el cron solo un nodo, no
todos. Y si uno está caído, que lance cron el otro...nada más.


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Re: Lanzar cron solo desde 1 nodo teniendo X nodos

2014-08-07 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 7 de agosto de 2014, 13:39, Adrià ad...@fsfe.org escribió:
 On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 01:13:38PM +0200, Maykel Franco wrote:
 El día 7 de agosto de 2014, 13:04, Adrià ad...@fsfe.org escribió:
  On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 12:23:55PM +0200, Maykel Franco wrote:
  Prefiero comprobar si existe un fichero como medida para garantizar si
  está caído el nodo web1 o no, porque si realizo un ping y la máquina
  devuelve el ping, no significa que esté bien, puede que la máquina
  esté saturada y sí responda a ping por ejemplo...Prefiero entrar por
  ssh y realizar un comando en remoto con rsync.
  Con cURL o Nagios se puede comprobar un literal de una web, es decir,
  establece una conexión HTTP y busca un string en la respuesta. Si no
  está, salta la alarma.

 No si monitorizados están. El problema no es ese, alomejor me he
 explicado mal, lo que quiero es que lance el cron solo un nodo, no
 todos. Y si uno está caído, que lance cron el otro...nada más.

 A lo que me refería es que con Nagios puedes obtener el estado del
 servidor web lanzándole peticiones HTTP, que no hace falta crear un
 fichero para ver si está levantado o no. Es decir, que puedes usar
 cURL o el check correspondiente de Nagios para saber el estado del
 servidor, al margen de monitorizarlo.

 Por otro lado, es posible que con Corosync puedas lanzar el cron en
 función del nodo levantado.

 Adrià García-Alzórriz
 GPG Key: 09494C14
 Soap and education are not as sudden as a massacre, but they are more
 deadly in the long run.
 -- Mark Twain

Mmm gracias Adrián. Me ha gustado la idea de corosync...Además que no
lo he usado nunca. Siempre he usado la combinación de heartbeat,

Gracias le voy a echar un ojo.

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Re: [OT] Vigilancia informática

2014-08-07 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 06 Aug 2014 21:52:20 -0300, Francisco Del Roio escribió:

 El 06/08/2014 02:25 p.m., Camale�n escribió:


 Empiezo: creo que está bien que se vigile el contenido del tráfico de
 las redes, sea del contenido que sea, siempre y cuando haya una forma
 de asegurar que nó se va a utilizar mal la información obtenida.
 El caso de Google se llama Términos de Servicio que son las
 condiciones que uno acepta cuando se da de alta en cualquiera de sus
 productos (Gmail incluido).
 Una lástima que la gente sea tan torpe de aceptar cualquier contrato de
 servicio. Ojala nunca firme mi sentencia de muerte jaja.


No veo cuál es el problema, al fin y al cabo todo tiene una 
contraprestación y simplemente se trata de que lo que pierdas sea menor 
de lo que ganes para que te salga la cuenta positiva.

 En fin, quisiera saber que pensáis de todo esto, de estas iniciativas
 del software libre como la red TOR, ¿se utilizan para propósitos
 ¿Qué motivo real hay en el fondo de todo esto?
 Bueno, cada uno usa la tecnología como mejor le conviene, bien sea para
 hacer cosas buenas o malas. Igual que pasa con los cuchillos
 Yo varias veces me puse a pensar en todo eso, y siempre vuelvo a
 preguntarme, por ejemplo, sin querer ensuciar a alguien, ¿Qué esconderá
 la fsf de trás de todo ese catálogo de software que patrocina?

¿Qué crees que puede esconder? Al fin y al cabo sólo son 
recomendaciones que puedes tener en cuenta o descartar, no veo ninguna 
cosa rara ni cómo se puede abusar de eso.

 Tal vez soy muy paranóico ya xD

Pero mucho :-P



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Re: Squid no filtra con mozilla y chrome

2014-08-07 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 07 Aug 2014 03:54:42 -0400, William Romero escribió:

 Hola lista.

Hola, recuerda desactivar el html.

 Salto un problema hace una semana  , el cual hace referencia con squid ,
 y es con IE 10 o 9 , funciona bien el filtrado de facebook y youtube que
 adicinonalmente agregre una reglas a mi firewall para que bloque dichas
 pero ahora los usuarios se dieron cuenta que cuando navegan con chrome o
 mozilla , pueden seguir navegando a dichas paginas.
 alguien ah tenido problema con filtrado de squid.

Mejor si dices qué tipo de filtro has configurado en Squid porque parece 
que hay alguna regla que no esté del todo fina. En principio el navegador 
que se use es indiferente además de que esos dos sitios van por tráfico 



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[OT] Mini-encuesta para configuración de tipos de letra

2014-08-07 Thread Camaleón

Cada vez que en testing se actualiza el paquete gnome-shell-common (que 
contiene gnome-shell.css) me rompe la configuración que tengo definida 
para los tipos de letra, el tamaño de los iconos, la separación de los 
iconos de la bandeja del sistema, etc... y cada vez me cuesta más 
mantener una configuración personalizada así que he decidido dejar las 
opciones predeterminadas por lo que os pregunto en esta mini-encuesta 
(válida para cualquier entorno gráfico):

¿Qué configuración tenéis para estos apartados?

[1] Tipo de letra para la interfaz / Tamaño
[2] Tipo de letra monoespaciada / Tamaño
[3] Hinting
[4] Alisado

Actualmente tengo definidos estos valores pero no me termina de convencer 
(texto borroso, basto y poco definido):

[1] Cantarell / 10
[2] Liberation Mono / 10
[3] Full
[4] RGBA

El equipo es un netbook por lo que la pantalla es de 10.1.



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RE: Squid no filtra con mozilla y chrome

2014-08-07 Thread William Romero

 Hola lista.
 Hola, recuerda desactivar el html.
 Salto un problema hace una semana  , el cual hace referencia con squid ,
 y es con IE 10 o 9 , funciona bien el filtrado de facebook y youtube que
 adicinonalmente agregre una reglas a mi firewall para que bloque dichas
 pero ahora los usuarios se dieron cuenta que cuando navegan con chrome o
 mozilla , pueden seguir navegando a dichas paginas.
 alguien ah tenido problema con filtrado de squid.
 Mejor si dices qué tipo de filtro has configurado en Squid porque parece 
 que hay alguna regla que no esté del todo fina. En principio el navegador 
 que se use es indiferente además de que esos dos sitios van por tráfico 
se me olvido dar el detalle de estoñ , tengo squid transparente y mi 
configuracion de esto funciona sin problemas solo en IE9 o IE 10.
el problema que tengo es con los navegadores como chrome y mozilla pues ellos 
si pueden navegar a las paginas como facebook.



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Re: Squid no filtra con mozilla y chrome

2014-08-07 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 07 Aug 2014 12:42:43 -0400, William Romero escribió:


 Salto un problema hace una semana  , el cual hace referencia con squid
 y es con IE 10 o 9 , funciona bien el filtrado de facebook y youtube
 que bloquea.
 adicinonalmente agregre una reglas a mi firewall para que bloque
 dichas paginas.
 pero ahora los usuarios se dieron cuenta que cuando navegan con chrome
 o mozilla , pueden seguir navegando a dichas paginas.
 alguien ah tenido problema con filtrado de squid.
 Mejor si dices qué tipo de filtro has configurado en Squid porque
 parece que hay alguna regla que no esté del todo fina. En principio el
 navegador que se use es indiferente además de que esos dos sitios van
 por tráfico cifrado.
 se me olvido dar el detalle de estoñ , tengo squid transparente y mi
 configuracion de esto funciona sin problemas solo en IE9 o IE 10.
 el problema que tengo es con los navegadores como chrome y mozilla pues
 ellos si pueden navegar a las paginas como facebook.

Se te olvidó enviar los datos de la configuración de tu squid y las 
reglas de filtrado que usas.



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Re: [OT] Mini-encuesta para configuración de tipos de letra

2014-08-07 Thread Eduardo Rios

El 07/08/14 a las #4, Camaleón escribió:



Cada vez que en testing se actualiza el paquete gnome-shell-common (que
contiene gnome-shell.css) me rompe la configuración que tengo definida
para los tipos de letra, el tamaño de los iconos, la separación de los
iconos de la bandeja del sistema, etc... y cada vez me cuesta más
mantener una configuración personalizada así que he decidido dejar las
opciones predeterminadas por lo que os pregunto en esta mini-encuesta
(válida para cualquier entorno gráfico):

¿Qué configuración tenéis para estos apartados?

[1] Tipo de letra para la interfaz / Tamaño

Cantarell 11

[2] Tipo de letra monoespaciada / Tamaño

Monospace 11

[3] Hinting


[4] Alisado


Actualmente tengo definidos estos valores pero no me termina de convencer
(texto borroso, basto y poco definido):

[1] Cantarell / 10
[2] Liberation Mono / 10
[3] Full
[4] RGBA

El equipo es un netbook por lo que la pantalla es de 10.1.

Aquí [1] puedes ver una captura de pantalla con los valores que te he 
puesto más arriba, pero no sé si te servirán, ya que tengo una 
resolución de 1600x900, pero están puestos por gnome por defecto, yo no 
he cambiado nada...

[1] http://picpaste.com/Tipograf__as-CN3JQXcU.png


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has 2 linux machines

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Re: [OT] Mini-encuesta para configuración de tipos de letra

2014-08-07 Thread radikal
On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 03:51:29PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 Cada vez que en testing se actualiza el paquete gnome-shell-common (que 
 contiene gnome-shell.css) me rompe la configuración que tengo definida 
 para los tipos de letra, el tamaño de los iconos, la separación de los 
 iconos de la bandeja del sistema, etc... y cada vez me cuesta más 
 mantener una configuración personalizad

Has probado a cambiarle los permisos a gnome-shell.css para que se pueda leer 
pero no modificar? asi al actualizar el paquete, no te tocara ese archivo.

a así que he decidido dejar las 
 opciones predeterminadas por lo que os pregunto en esta mini-encuesta 
 (válida para cualquier entorno gráfico):
 ¿Qué configuración tenéis para estos apartados?
 [1] Tipo de letra para la interfaz / Tamaño
 [2] Tipo de letra monoespaciada / Tamaño
 [3] Hinting
 [4] Alisado
 Actualmente tengo definidos estos valores pero no me termina de convencer 
 (texto borroso, basto y poco definido):
 [1] Cantarell / 10
 [2] Liberation Mono / 10
 [3] Full
 [4] RGBA
 El equipo es un netbook por lo que la pantalla es de 10.1.
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radikal wrote!
Linux Registered User #359513
Jabber: radikal...@openmailbox.org


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Re: Squid no filtra con mozilla y chrome

2014-08-07 Thread Flako
El 7 de agosto de 2014, 13:42, William Romero wromer...@hotmail.com

  Hola lista.
  Hola, recuerda desactivar el html.
  Salto un problema hace una semana  , el cual hace referencia con squid ,
  y es con IE 10 o 9 , funciona bien el filtrado de facebook y youtube que
  adicinonalmente agregre una reglas a mi firewall para que bloque dichas
  pero ahora los usuarios se dieron cuenta que cuando navegan con chrome o
  mozilla , pueden seguir navegando a dichas paginas.
  alguien ah tenido problema con filtrado de squid.

 se me olvido dar el detalle de estoñ , tengo squid transparente y mi
 configuracion de esto funciona sin problemas solo en IE9 o IE 10.
  el problema que tengo es con los navegadores como chrome y mozilla pues
 ellos si pueden navegar a las paginas como facebook.

Una instalación por default, no debería diferenciar los navegadores,
intenta ver en los log del squid si el FF esta pasndo por el squid o esta
pasando en forma directa.
tambien configura el FF para que pase por el proxy (el normalito) y fijate
si filtra el squid.
Otra que se me ocurre es que te fijes si el FF te pasan las http o las
https sin filtrar (para descartar situaciones)
Y como dice camaleon, sin archivo de configuración ya no se que mas... ya
estoy por hacer un curso de omnisciencia :) Ja

RE: Squid no filtra con mozilla y chrome

2014-08-07 Thread William Romero

  Hola lista. 
  Hola, recuerda desactivar el html. 
  Salto un problema hace una semana  , el cual hace referencia con squid , 
  y es con IE 10 o 9 , funciona bien el filtrado de facebook y youtube que 
  adicinonalmente agregre una reglas a mi firewall para que bloque dichas 
  pero ahora los usuarios se dieron cuenta que cuando navegan con chrome o 
  mozilla , pueden seguir navegando a dichas paginas. 
  alguien ah tenido problema con filtrado de squid. 
 se me olvido dar el detalle de estoñ , tengo squid transparente y mi  
 configuracion de esto funciona sin problemas solo en IE9 o IE 10. 
 el problema que tengo es con los navegadores como chrome y mozilla pues  
 ellos si pueden navegar a las paginas como facebook. 
 Una instalación por default, no debería diferenciar los navegadores,  
 intenta ver en los log del squid si el FF esta pasndo por el squid o  
 esta pasando en forma directa. 
 tambien configura el FF para que pase por el proxy (el normalito) y  
 fijate si filtra el squid. 
 Otra que se me ocurre es que te fijes si el FF te pasan las http o las  
 https sin filtrar (para descartar situaciones) 
 Y como dice camaleon, sin archivo de configuración ya no se que mas...  
 ya estoy por hacer un curso de omnisciencia :) Ja 
Gracias todos por sus respuestas , lo que tengo es lo siguiente :

en archivo squid .conf 

hay essto que algo que tal vez ustedes lo han puesto:

en el FW tengo esto :


iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 

echo SQUID


iptables -I FORWARD -p tcp --dport 443 -m string --string 'facebook' --algo bm 
iptables -I FORWARD -p tcp --dport 443 -m string --string 'youtube' --algo bm 

luego en las reglas mi squid .

http_port 3128 transparent
http_port transparent
cache_mem 2048 MB
cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 2048 16 256
visible_hostname =localhost


acl corilred src /etc/squid/grupo1
acl permitidos src /etc/squid/permitidos
acl confiable url_regex /etc/squid/confiable
acl sitiosdenegados url_regex /etc/squid/sitiosdenegados
acl typesbloq url_regex -i \.mp3$ \.avi$ \.wma$ \.wav$ \.ogg$ \.acc$ \.wma$ 
\.wmv$ \.asf$ \.mpg$ \.flv$

acl SSL_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 80 # http
acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 # https
acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
#acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535    # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
#acl Safe_ports port 591        # filemaker
#acl Safe_ports port 777        # multiling http

hasta hi todo va bien , si es que navego con IE9 o IE10 me bloque el face y el 
yotube , pero con los demas navegadores no lo hace.

estube revisando alguan informacion y es que tal parace que tengo que instalar 
que opinan ustedes.



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Re: U/efi i Wheezy eller Jessie

2014-08-07 Thread Peter Krefting

Rolf Edlund:

Jag vet, det är intte alltid jag heller orkan ändra på något som fungerar.
Debian tar allstå hand om all (U)EFI partionering själv ? Fanatastiskt!

Jadå, det fungerar alldeles utmärkt, när installationsprogrammet 
upptäcker att det är en GUID-partitionstabell så partitionerar den i 
enlighet med det.

Det enda som inte fungerar är EFI på min gamla 32-bitars-MacBook, 
men det är ett känt problem (och BIOS-emuleringen fungerar fint 
där). GUID-partitionstabeller fungerar fint oavsett.

Är det för att den är 32-bitars eller en MacBook ?

Mest det sistnämnda, tror jag.

\\// Peter - http://www.softwolves.pp.se/

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Re: U/efi i Wheezy eller Jessie

2014-08-07 Thread Rolf Edlund
Den 7 augusti 2014 14:17 skrev Peter Krefting pe...@softwolves.pp.se:
 Debian tar allstå hand om all (U)EFI partionering själv ? Fanatastiskt!

 Jadå, det fungerar alldeles utmärkt, när installationsprogrammet upptäcker
 att det är en GUID-partitionstabell så partitionerar den i enlighet med det.

Det är ju helt frunderbart !

Dr. Higgins: Eliza, va f-n har du ställt mina tofflor. :)

 Är det för att den är 32-bitars eller en MacBook ?

 Mest det sistnämnda, tror jag.

Ok, själv har jag aldrig ägt någon Mac. Och enligt vad du säger, så
tänker jag fortsätta med det. Jag säger som Pippi Så har jag alltid
gjort. Och det har fungerat så bra så ;)-


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Re: Uppgradering från Wheezy till Jessie

2014-08-07 Thread Rolf Edlund
Nu kom katten in till mig igen. Den verkar trivas i min säng. :)

Den 6 augusti 2014 16:42 skrev Sven Arvidsson s...@whiz.se:
 On Wed, 2014-08-06 at 16:22 +0200, Rolf Edlund wrote:
 Tog mig faktiskt nu även tid att läsa i wikin. Och vad jag förstår, så
 ska det räcka att
 man kör update  dist-upgrade direkt efter man ändrat i sources.list

 Istället för som jag gjorde update   upgrade  update  dist-upgrade.

 Japp, det går, men risken finns att den vill avinstallera en hel del
 paket då. Kollar man bara upp det och inte bara blint accepterar
 fungerar det att göra det i ett steg.

 Sven Arvidsson
 PGP Key ID 760BDD22


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.Curso Sobre Dependência de Cigarro

2014-08-07 Thread Vida Mental

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Para visualizá-lo on-line, por favor, clique aqui:

Para parar de receber nossos

Re: Site da Caixa econômica federal redireciona para um phishing

2014-08-07 Thread Adilson Francisco da Silva
Boa tarde amigos da Lista.

Meu muito obrigado a todos, os Srs. foram de grande ajuda. Aprendi
muito nos últimos dias.

A todos um cordial abraço

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Re: need help on sound recording using bplay

2014-08-07 Thread Long Wind
On 8/7/14, Rusi Mody rustompm...@gmail.com wrote:

 If you are a 'average end user' why not use something like audacity?


Someone has suggested aplay, I install it and it doesn't help
Now you suggest audacity, I'm really tired
Thanks anyway!

I'm signing off the list
Pls reply to longwind2...@gmail.com

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Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread Slavko

Dňa Wed, 6 Aug 2014 16:25:21 -0400 Tom H tomh0...@gmail.com napísal:

 This is from an email by Lennart:
 /var/log/messages is *very* badly designed:


 It's so bad, that rsyslog upstream even suggests not to use these
 files anymore, but write them in a more modern formatting that leaves
 a bit more information in (such as iso timestamps). But you know
 what? If you do that than all your compatibility is gone too.

Yes, it sounds all as the good reason.

 The interesting things is that journalctl is *better* at generating
 the same text stream that is normally contained in /var/log/messages
 than /var/log/messages itself is. journalctl can stuff more
 information into it then /var/log/messages. And how does that happen?
 Because we have more data around. We can agument the ouput with colors
 (indicating priorities), we can add additional informational separator
 lines (indicating reboots), we can add add in fields that aren't there
 (such as the tag from the comm field, or the PID). We can timezone
 correct the timestamps (because we have UTC times). And we can filter
 by any of the fields, securely.
 So, yeah, /var/log/messages sucks, and journalctl is better at
 generating a compatible output that that file ever was in itself.
 I didn't save the URL :(

No problem here.

  Then what are advantages of the systemd? I see only disadvantages...
 I've saved one or two relevant URLs from debian-devel@ pre-CTTE bug
 thread. I can dig them up and post them if you're interested.

Please, give them.

 Personally, I don't care. It's what I have to use so I've learned
 about it and I'm using it. End of story.

It is your opinion and it good for you. But people differs - i cannot
accept something, only because someone develop it. I need to decide, if
this software (change, etc) is good for me (to compare advantages and
disadvantages, if any and then to decide).

You provided good description, thanks! But more and more it seems, that
the systemd (and related daemons) can provide very good things for
large networks (100 server mentioned elsewhere), but it sounds as the
too heavy for small networks. Too heavy not in mean of the requirements
(which i don't want to discuss here), but too heavy in provided
capabilities. Simple, i see usability of only small part of it (for me)
and then it sounds as wasting resources.



Description: PGP signature

Re: System broken after full-upgrade: please help!

2014-08-07 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Bob Proulx b...@proulx.com writes:

 Gary Dale wrote:
 Rodolfo Medina wrote:
 My Debian Sid box won't restart after today's full-upgrade.  At booting, I

 Sid is the unstable child...

 To get back into your system, you can try booting from a Linux CD (system
 rescue CD, for example) and trying to debug from there. For example, you
 could try (assuming your Linux drive is /dev/sda1):
 mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
 mount -o loop /dev /mnt/dev
 mount -o loop /sys /mnt/sys
 mount -o loop /proc /mnt/proc
 chroot /mnt bash

 I also recommend the debian-installer in rescue mode.  The above will
 work fine.  Or you could use the debian-installer in rescue mode to
 guide you through this.

 Here is the official documentation for it:


 But that is fairly terse.  Let me say that the rescue mode looks just
 like the install mode initially.  It will ask you keyboard and locale
 questions and you might wonder if you are rescuing or installing!  But
 it will have Rescue in the corners so that you can tell and be
 assured.  Get the tool set up with keyboard, locale, timezone, and
 similar and eventually it will give you a menu with a list of actions.

   Advanced options...
   Rescue mode
   ...starts networking...
   ...apt update release files...
   ...loading additional components, Retrieving udebs...
   ...detecting disks...

 Then eventually it will get to a menu Enter rescue mode that will
 ask what device to use as a root file system.  It will list the
 partitions that it has automatically detected.  (If you have raid or
 lvm then it will list options for those.  If not then just the simple
 disks.)  Select the appropriate partition from the list.  Then
 continue.  At that point it presents a menu Execute a shell in
 /dev/  That is what you want.  That should get you a shell on
 your system with everything needed mounted.


As suggested, I used the debian-installer in rescue mode and asked it to
`Execute a shell in /dev/sda7', which is my Sid box.  From that shell, I gave
those commands suggested, but it said:

 # /dev: Is a directory

and similarly for /sys and /proc.  Then, when I typed `chroot /mnt bash', it

 chroot: failed to run command `bash': No such file or directory.

Anyway, /dev/sda7 is there correctly mounted, and I can see it from /mnt.  What



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how to update TexLive 2014, apt-get or tlmgr?

2014-08-07 Thread Sharon Kimble
I'm using TexLive 2014 from the jessie repos, and also keeping a
watching brief on comp.text.tex where it shows updates to packages as
they occur. I'm interested in the tcolorbox and glossaries packages
and see that they have recently been updated.

What is the best way of getting the updated packages please? To update
with tlmgr, and then hope that the ~/texmf/tex/latex/foo version
overrides the texlive version, if that’s where they end up? 

A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk
my git repo = https://bitbucket.org/boudiccas/dots
TGmeds = http://www.tgmeds.org.uk
Debian testing, fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs

Description: PGP signature

dieting/losing weight programs?

2014-08-07 Thread Sharon Kimble
I've recently been looking in the jessie repos for any programme relating
to diet management, or weight management, i.e. anything at all about
dieting or losing weight. And I can't find any! The nearest I could find
was for nut-nutrition which appeared to be console-based and
american-centric although I couldn't access the source to see for

Are there any programmes in the repos for dieting/losing weight please?

I've done a google search and couldn't really find anything there
either, most of the programs available relate to MS-windows, which I'm
not interested in.

So can anyone help please?

A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk
my git repo = https://bitbucket.org/boudiccas/dots
TGmeds = http://www.tgmeds.org.uk
Debian testing, fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs

Description: PGP signature

Re: need help on sound recording using bplay

2014-08-07 Thread Curt
On 2014-08-06, Long Wind longwind2...@gmail.com wrote:

 I might try sth. else
 (I mean openbsd when I have time/energy in the future)

Right definitely change operating systems.

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Re: need help on sound recording using bplay

2014-08-07 Thread Raffaele Morelli
2014-08-07 11:05 GMT+02:00 Curt cu...@free.fr:

 On 2014-08-06, Long Wind longwind2...@gmail.com wrote:
  I might try sth. else
  (I mean openbsd when I have time/energy in the future)

 Right definitely change operating systems.

​could be of some help ;-)​

Using my phone as modem.

2014-08-07 Thread atar
Hi there!

I have a LG GS500 phone and I want to use it as a modem with debian.

The problem is that when I plug it in to my PC with an USB cable and try to 
connect through it to the Internet with the NetworkManager program, at the 
first few seconds I succeed to surf the Internet but after a few seconds the 
connection is terminated by the pppd daemon because the device didn't respond 
to 4 echo requests. When I try to disconnect and then reconnect by the 
NetworkManager program it says that the connection could not be established. 
I've tried to reconnect through wvdial but it says that the modem is hung up.

Is anyone here have an idea how to solve this trouble?



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Re: Skype access cancelled for Debian versions before 7

2014-08-07 Thread Bret Busby
On 03/08/2014, Mark Carroll m...@ixod.org wrote:
 Bret Busby bret.bu...@gmail.com writes:

 On 03/08/2014, Andrew McGlashan andrew.mcglas...@affinityvision.com.au
 On 3/08/2014 4:39 AM, Brian wrote:
 On Sun 03 Aug 2014 at 01:29:57 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:


 At least that you've noticed. (-: A persistently irritating problem with
 both Skype and Google Hangouts, at least for me, is that they have
 consistently worked far better and more reliably than any of the
 open-source alternatives! However, Skype don't even seem to bother
 offering amd64 packages so, as with acroread, I run it from a 32-bit
 chroot -- I thus guess that their interest in supporting Linux is
 minimal. (I am also irritated with how Google's package sneakily adds
 its own /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ file.)


There's an interesting point - from what I understand, Skype (at
least, Skype for Linux - I am not sure about Skype for Windows, and, I
regard MS Windows to be too risky to connect to the Internet) is not
available, now, in a 64 bit version - that it has to be installed as a
32 bit system, with 32 bit stuff needing to be installed to run it.

I guess that it is a matter of Microsft needing to maintain its
reputation, as a World Leader In Failing To Keep Up With Technology.

From memory, when the 80486 CPU was released into production, we (it
might have been at university, I think - it was so many years ago,
now) were told that the available version of Microsoft Windows, that
came with 486 computers, was unable to make proper use of the 486
technology - that to make full use of the 486 technology, UNIX was
required. From memory, it was to do with multi-threading, where MS
Windows 95 (I think that that was the version of MS Windows, that was
supplied in the Wintel 486 systems) could only run a single task at a
time, and, whilst UNIX had previously used pre-emptive multitasking;
switching between tasks, to enable multitasking, with the capability
of the 80486 CPU, multithreading was available, and, MS Windows simply
did not provide for it, whereas, from memory, UNIX did. I remember
seeing a video of a presentation, to do with the Mach kernel, which
enalbled mutithreadiung, from memory, the Mach kernel coming from
Cornell University, from memory, and, I think that this might have
been when (I could have the timeline a bit wrong, but, it is as I
remember it) Linux (before version 1) had just had a patch released,
that allowed it to run on the 80386 CPU.

As I said, the timeline, to do with the 0.9x version of Linux, could
be wrong, but I distinctly remember being told, that Microsoft
Windows, as available in the Wintel 486 systems, was unable to fully
use the capacity of the 80486 CPU, and, was a little bit like running
MS -DOS 6 (which may have been the version of DOS, that was
ioncorporated in MS Windows 95), on an 80486 CPU.

So, I believe that Skype for Linux, is not available as a 64 bit
version, and, I believe that Skype For Linux, is not as easily
installable as Skype 2.2.0.x (mine is, which I have as
skype-debian_2.2.0.35-1_amd64.deb , which, from memory, simply needed
to be downloaded and, then installed, using a package manager such as
Synaptic, and, so, I believe that this is simply indicative of the
premise that Microsoft is simply working to maintain its reuttation as
a World Leader In Failing To Keep Up With Technology (I wonder whether
an award exists, for that), as the version of Skype that I have, which
worked, before being banned by Microsoft, due to it being something
that worked, was from before Microsoft took over Skype, I believe.

Bret Busby
West Australia

So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means.
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts,
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992

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Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread David Baron
... and the plot thickens ...

Offered for upgrade today are a bunch of old-style?? init components, 
initscripts, sysv-rc, etc.

Interesting bug-entries:
Initscripts -- treat separate /usr like / paralleling entries for initramfs 
tools, nothing recent ins sysv... stuff.

Still relevant? Relationship to systemd? Should I move /usr before upgrading 

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MESS (MAME) on debian - bios roms path?

2014-08-07 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Anyone use MESS and have it working? :

$ /usr/games/mess c64n -sc|egrep -i path
rompath   /tmp/bios

$ ls -l /tmp/bios/901226-01.u3
-rw--- 1 me me 8192 Dec 24  1996 /tmp/bios/901226-01.u3

$ /usr/games/mess c64n
901226-01.u3 NOT FOUND
... (more similar)



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Re: System broken after full-upgrade: please help!

2014-08-07 Thread Brian
On Thu 07 Aug 2014 at 12:39:59 +0100, Brian wrote:

 At the prompt issue the commands
   grub-install /dev/sda

Forget the last line.

   grub-install /dev/sda



Then reboot.

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Re: How to use the debian installation iso for installing packages using aptitude

2014-08-07 Thread teddymwas
Commands to use when mounting ISO and installing packages from ISOs.

1. copy over all the ISO images over to the server you want to use 
2. Create a directory in /media/ call it mountpoint1 i.e  mkdir
3. edit /etc/fstab and add the this line  /path/to/ISO/debian-7.iso
/media/dvd-mountpoint1 iso9660 loop,ro,user,auto 0  0
4. then mount the ISO image using this command : mount
5. edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add this line deb
file:/media/dvd-mountpoint1 wheezy main contrib
6. then run this command apt-get-update
7. Once you have run the above commands with no errors then you can start
installing the packages by running 
apt-get install package name 
the installer will look for all the repository files in the ISO image 
in the sources list.
7 very simple steps to a happy debain life.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Debian User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread AW
On Tue, 05 Aug 2014 23:43:09 +0300
David Baron d_ba...@012.net.il wrote:

  Seems I got it with 
  the new 64bit installation, wheezy upgraded to Sid.

On Thu, 07 Aug 2014 15:03:50 +0300
David Baron d_ba...@012.net.il wrote:

  Offered for upgrade today are a bunch of old-style?? init components, 
  initscripts, sysv-rc, etc

Are these the Sid installation upgrades?  I generally run 'testing' on most of
personal machines.  I've had no issues with converting from sysvinit to
systemd.  Also, I've had no problems using both 'old' style init and 'new' style
systemctl commands interchangeably to interact with services.


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Re: System broken after full-upgrade: please help!

2014-08-07 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Brian a...@cityscape.co.uk writes:

 On Thu 07 Aug 2014 at 12:39:59 +0100, Brian wrote:

 At the prompt issue the commands
   grub-install /dev/sda

 Forget the last line.

grub-install /dev/sda



 Then reboot.

When I do `grub-install /dev/sda', it unfortunately says:

 Installing for i386-pc platform.
 grub-install: warning: File system `ext2' doesn't support embedding.
 grub-install: warning: Embedding is not possible.  GRUB can only be installed
  in this setup by using blocklists.  However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and
  their use is discouraged.
 grub-install: error: will not proceed with blocklists.
I'm afraid, I'd better delete the system and install it again onto an `ext3'



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Re: System broken after full-upgrade: please help!

2014-08-07 Thread Brian
On Thu 07 Aug 2014 at 13:14:35 +, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

 Brian a...@cityscape.co.uk writes:
  On Thu 07 Aug 2014 at 12:39:59 +0100, Brian wrote:
  At the prompt issue the commands
grub-install /dev/sda
  Forget the last line.
 grub-install /dev/sda
  Then reboot.
 When I do `grub-install /dev/sda', it unfortunately says:
  Installing for i386-pc platform.
  grub-install: warning: File system `ext2' doesn't support embedding.
  grub-install: warning: Embedding is not possible.  GRUB can only be installed
   in this setup by using blocklists.  However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and
   their use is discouraged.
  grub-install: error: will not proceed with blocklists.
 I'm afraid, I'd better delete the system and install it again onto an `ext3'

By 'ext2' GRUB means ext2/ext3/ext4. See where

   grub-install --force /dev/sda

gets you.

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Re: How to fix intermittently disappearing mouse pointer ? narrowed down

2014-08-07 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 7 Aug 2014 09:38:26 + (UTC)
Curt cu...@free.fr wrote:

 On 2014-08-06, Steve Litt sl...@troubleshooters.com wrote:
  In other words (laugh away, guys and gals), Claws-Mail's message
  list breaks my computer.
 *Post hoc ergo propter hoc* (a common logical fallacy when

Alright, by all means, let me rephrase:

My computer always breaks immediately after I hover Claws-Mail's message list.


Steve Litt*  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 7 Aug 2014 08:31:02 -0400
AW debian.list.trac...@1024bits.com wrote:

 On Thu, 7 Aug 2014 00:38:16 -0400
 Steve Litt sl...@troubleshooters.com wrote:
   Software As A Service, with Web 2.0
   suggest a Google-hosted service
 Actually this is precisely the opposite of my suggestion.  Using an
 externally stored database as I have listed would remove the need for
 an external provider, such as Google, for things like 'analytics'...
 and using a standards based sql package would allow extreme detail to
 be stored with very little effort. Once there exists a database of
 the information, there is no reason to store that database on the
 host.  Although there is no reason why it couldn't remain there as
 well.  The advantage of remote log storing and querying would remain
 even for a small 2 or 3 host home network.  If this was a common
 GNU/Linux package, open source routers, like buffalo, could include
 the ability to collect log information from hosts and email a local
 client if a host log indicates compromise --- thus perhaps
 preventing, and/or early detection of, problems like the Bitcoin
 mining botnet running on poorly configured but also open source NAS
 boxes, like Synology.
 Seriously, if all logging is going to be dumped into a central binary
 -- it would be much more useful to dump the data into something that
 is logically searchable and can be scripted easily from bash using
 very simple:
 pgsql -c select $foo
 statements.  Systemd does this as is [almost]... but the command set
 to query the data is definitely not standard, nor easily
 discoverable.  An sql query-able database makes much more sense.  And
 it could be sqlite rather than postgresql.

Oh geez, I'm sorry, I thought your post was flippant sarcasm, so I did
what I thought was extending it. OK, you really do mean the log should
go into Postgres.

I don't necessarily disagree, but I very strongly believe its first
step should be to go to a text file with one line per event, or perhaps
some sublines. If that text file were designed correctly, perhaps with
field separators, it would be trivial to write a C or Python program to
input it into Postgres. I just want to make sure that I can read that
log on any Linux, BSD, or even (ugh) Mac and Windows.


Steve Litt*  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: How to fix intermittently disappearing mouse pointer ? narrowed down

2014-08-07 Thread Curt
On 2014-08-07, Steve Litt sl...@troubleshooters.com wrote:

 Alright, by all means, let me rephrase:

 My computer always breaks immediately after I hover Claws-Mail's message list.

What are you, a helicopter?  Stop hovering!

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Re: How to fix intermittently disappearing mouse pointer ? narrowed down

2014-08-07 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 7 Aug 2014 14:10:11 + (UTC)
Curt cu...@free.fr wrote:

 On 2014-08-07, Steve Litt sl...@troubleshooters.com wrote:
  Alright, by all means, let me rephrase:
  My computer always breaks immediately after I hover Claws-Mail's
  message list.
 What are you, a helicopter?  Stop hovering!

The way I keep discovering
is to keep on keeping on hovering!

Whup whup whup whup :-)


Steve Litt*  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: need help on sound recording using bplay

2014-08-07 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 7 Aug 2014 07:35:30 -0700 (PDT)
Rusi Mody rustompm...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thursday, August 7, 2014 12:10:02 PM UTC+5:30, Long Wind wrote:
  On 8/7/14, Rusi Mody wrote:
   If you are a 'average end user' why not use something like
   audacity? --
  Someone has suggested aplay, I install it and it doesn't help
  Now you suggest audacity, I'm really tired
  Thanks anyway!
  I'm signing off the list
  Pls reply to longwind
 Right! Systems not working can make us peevish -- even the best of us.
 However if you think about it:
 1. Having to deal with a peevish questioner does not make the answerer
 any more eager to help

Rusi, you didn't take the extra effort of replying to longwind. Shame
on you!

LOL, doesn't it sometimes seem like no good deed goes unpunished?


Steve Litt*  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread Brian
On Thu 07 Aug 2014 at 16:53:10 +0300, David Baron wrote:

 On Thursday 07 August 2014 14:21:45 Brian wrote:
  This is part of the transition to systemd plan.
  Also, for those who care, libpam-systemd's Depends: line now has
  systemd-sysv | systemd-shim
 Should the dsf-53.3 versions be installed or does it matter?
 systemd-shim is NOT installed (had installed on previous 32 bit system as I 
 said). Or are these obsolete, being handled by systemd-sysv so can/should be 
 removed or does it matter?

The transition hasn't been completed yet, I'd install and hold off any
tidying until it has been and you remain a happy camper. The neat
fallback SysV init binary feature of sysvinit might be something you
want to keep.
 Wish there were not so many bugs around systemd. No objection to it as long 
 it works.

The number of bugs on


doesn't seen that high for a package of its importance and visibility.
Most reports have had a response. Some reports are not bugs.

If you value a low blood pressure don't look at the bug page for apt. :)

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trying to identify which package is responsible for a bug [debian DVD1 7.6.0]

2014-08-07 Thread Aramir Galanodonel
I'm having trouble to determinate which package is responsible for a bug.
Here's the short version of the story:
I boot up using debian 7.6.0 DVD1 and uefi is set on. I manage to get to the 
grub menu with the install debian, install debian graphically, check 
device, etc... But when I select an entry (doesn't matter which) the kernel 
crashes, screen turn black, no error messages whatsoever. I have to reboot it.
Long version of the story with more information (specs, what I tried to fix it, 
the workaround I found) could be found here:

So I'm not sure of which exact grub package is responsible for this bug... not 
even sure if grub is the responsible, can't provide a dump neither for the bug 
report, etc

Please help me reporting this bug.

ps: I hope I'm mailing the good people, and I apologize in advance if I'm not.

Re: trying to identify which package is responsible for a bug [debian DVD1 7.6.0]

2014-08-07 Thread Bzzzz
On Thu, 7 Aug 2014 16:44:08 +0200
Aramir Galanodonel aram...@hotmail.fr wrote:

 I'm having trouble to determinate which package is responsible for

Did you test your RAM?

I don't remember if the installer offers that possibility;
otherwise, you can get the memtest86+ (very small) image
on the web, burn it and let tests accomplish at least 
3 revolutions.

Smoothie : Ah, my parents are arguing and yelling…
Nelfhithion : You've got 3 choices:
Nelfhithion : SWITZERLAND: You let it be, you don't care, after all you
  only survive because of them.
Nelfhithion : ONU: You try to calm them down, to see what's wrong between
Nelfhithion : OTAN: You slap everyone and you make them shut their mouths.

Description: PGP signature

Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread David Baron
On Thursday 07 August 2014 16:05:40 Brian wrote:
 The number of bugs on
 doesn't seen that high for a package of its importance and visibility.
 Most reports have had a response. Some reports are not bugs.
 If you value a low blood pressure don't look at the bug page for apt.

When apt gets crippled, happened often enough, so I could not upgrade (stay 
out of trouble?). Can always go to debian.org, get a needed fixed package and 
use dpkg. Been there, done that. System remained bootable and usable.

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Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread The Wanderer
Hash: SHA512

On 08/07/2014 11:19 AM, Darac Marjal wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 10:01:41AM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:

 Oh geez, I'm sorry, I thought your post was flippant sarcasm, so I
 did what I thought was extending it. OK, you really do mean the log
 should go into Postgres.
 I don't necessarily disagree, but I very strongly believe its first
 step should be to go to a text file with one line per event, or
 perhaps some sublines. If that text file were designed correctly,
 perhaps with field separators, it would be trivial to write a C or
 Python program to input it into Postgres. I just want to make sure
 that I can read that log on any Linux, BSD, or even (ugh) Mac and
 You see, though, this isn't the design goal of the journal.

It should be, if not the design goal, then certainly a design goal.
The canonical forms of the legacy log formats (plain text) can be read
and manipulated by generic tools, in any environment; if the journal
cannot provide the same (with respect to its canonical data files, not
to something it can export to), that's a regression from the legacy
feature set.

For fundamental, low-level system components (from the kernel on up), no
regression is acceptable, ever. At most, one may be an unavoidable,
undesirable side effect of something which is itself absolutely
necessary - and even there, that only works as choosing the lesser of
two evils, which is not how those developing and advocating journald et
al. seem to consider it.

 The journal is designed to be resistant against corruption (hashes
 are used to preserve message integrity), quick to access (there is an
 index so you don't have to spool through the whole file looking for
 the event that happened at 10:00, say) and well defined (times, for
 example, are defined as µsec since the epoch, not some
 lets-defined-another-parser text string).
 Consider it to be another database format. You wouldn't necessarily
 try to cat a MySQL or PostgreSQL datastore; you'd use the appropriate
 tools to select all from it. In a similar vein, you'd use journalctl
 to select all the entries from the journal file and you'd expect it
 to do much of the hard work such as telling you if a line has been
 altered (either tampered or simply corrupted), adjusting the
 timestamps for time zones and so on.

Approached from that angle, I don't inherently have a problem with the
journal's being stored (optionally and/or partly) as binary files.
(Though I don't necessarily want automatic timestamp adjustment and so
forth; I may very well want verbatim logs, for one reason or another.)

However, I do still have the problem that the tools used to interact
with those files are dedicated, proprietary, single-purpose tools.
Nothing other than journald uses the journal's file format; by contrast,
many, many databases use the Postgres format(s), and though I'm not
familiar with Postgres in any detail, it wouldn't in the least bit
surprise me if there were non-Postgres-project tools which can read
and/or manipulate those formats.

I'm sure there are advantages to using a designed, dedicated format for
the specific purpose at hand, and writing tools to work specifically
with that format. I simply believe that those advantages almost
inherently cannot outweigh the matching downsides of using / requiring
special-purpose tools and formats.

If the journal's file format became vaguely standardized and came to be
used for other purposes (e.g. perhaps as a generic indexing / metadata
format, if that might be suitable?), I'd have much less problem with its
being used for storing and handling log messages in and by the journal.
The dedicated, and apparently OS-specific (?), nature of the format and
its tools is IMO a problem all of its own.

 cating the journal doesn't have to lose information, either.
 Journalctl can export as JSON or a serialised export format

But those aren't the journal itself, they're exports of the journal;
they don't provide the journal's full functionality. (Otherwise, it
would be more appropriate for the journal to use those file formats
natively, rather than using binary natively and treating those formats
as exports.) And accessing them from zero still requires you to have a
functioning special-purpose tool (journalctl) in your available
environment, which is something the legacy systems never did.

Debian apparently presently avoids (or at least minimizes) this latter
problem by exporting to plain-text logs by default, and never storing
the binary journal files anywhere on-disk. That doesn't eliminate the
underlying issue, though.

- --
   The Wanderer

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.

A government exists to serve its citizens, not to control them.
Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread AW
On Thu, 7 Aug 2014 16:19:03 +0100
Darac Marjal mailingl...@darac.org.uk wrote:

  Consider it to be another database format. You wouldn't necessarily try
  to cat a MySQL or PostgreSQL datastore; you'd use the appropriate tools
  to select all from it.

Yes.  But it's not.  Although it should and could be an easily queried data
_CMDLINE=/bin/sh /etc/init.d/apache2 start
Thu 2014-08-07 06:21:24.805036 EDT [...]

This is filled with problems and pitfalls.  And the outputted text from the
data store search tool is terribly formatted for further inclusion with other
regular GNU/Linux command line text processing tools.  I would say, systemd and
journald are a great start to a great end -- but right now, it's not so much


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Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread Brian
On Thu 07 Aug 2014 at 18:41:24 +0300, David Baron wrote:

 On Thursday 07 August 2014 16:05:40 Brian wrote:
  The number of bugs on
  doesn't seen that high for a package of its importance and visibility.
  Most reports have had a response. Some reports are not bugs.
  If you value a low blood pressure don't look at the bug page for apt.
 When apt gets crippled, happened often enough, so I could not upgrade (stay 
 out of trouble?). Can always go to debian.org, get a needed fixed package and 
 use dpkg. Been there, done that. System remained bootable and usable.

It's very easy to always have a bootable, usable system if systemd is
the default init system. 

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Re: basic fstab .. pilot idiocy??

2014-08-07 Thread Harry Putnam
Gary Dale garyd...@torfree.net writes:

 The fstab line:

/dev/sdd1   /home/harry/misc   ext4   user,uid=1000,gid=1050   00

 I've tried several different rendition but far as I can tell the line
 above should work.

 I'm probably making some terribly obvious error but failing to see
 what it is.

 The error message is telling you that the system can't identify the
 file system on /dev/sdd1. This may have nothing to do with the uid.

 Try mounting it as root with something like:
   mount -t ext4 /dev/sdd1 /home/harry/misc

 If that works then add parameters like -o uid=1000. If it doesn't work
 then you may have the wrong /dev or there may be another problem.

 Get it working from the command line first.

I did work the cmdline angle before posting and was able to mount it
alright up to the uid gid bit.

Let me apologize to all to all posters on the thread for my sloppy
post. I confused the name, which was never anything but .junk in all
my experiments.

Sorry throwing a giant load of poop into the game.

I think Bzzzt may have hit the nail about there not being those
options in ext4.

Jimmy J's suggested line:
  '/dev/sdd1 /home/harry/misc ext4 auto,users,exec,relatime 0 0'
works but you notice there are no uid gid options.

Thank you folks, one and all

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Re: trying to identify which package is responsible for a bug [debian DVD1 7.6.0]

2014-08-07 Thread Brian
On Thu 07 Aug 2014 at 16:44:08 +0200, Aramir Galanodonel wrote:

 Please help me reporting this bug.

File one against debian-installer.

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Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread Rusi Mody
On Thursday, August 7, 2014 7:40:02 PM UTC+5:30, Steve Litt wrote:
 I don't necessarily disagree, but I very strongly believe its first
 step should be to go to a text file with one line per event, or perhaps
 some sublines. If that text file were designed correctly, perhaps with
 field separators, it would be trivial to write a C or Python program to
 input it into Postgres. I just want to make sure that I can read that
 log on any Linux, BSD, or even (ugh) Mac and Windows.

Two examples come to mind

1. Firefox sometime (around version 4??) switched from storing
bookmarks in a half-cooked html file to sqlite.  There
was a riot.  The devs however went ahead and switched not just
bookmarks but history and other stuff also.  Has firefox been the
worse for it??

2. 10-15 years ago windows was famous for 'corrupted registry' The
linux fan-boys of the time would proclaim: 'Aah! Windows! In linux
theres no such problem!'  Now whats the linux equivalent of the registry?
Its /etc -- nics, nacs, bits, pieces and random stuff thrown around [Just 
hear the word 'etc']

But the windows devs did not listen. Instead in XP they tightened the bolts
on the registry -- multi-levelled backups and what not.

When is the last you've heard of a windows registry corrupted?

So no speaking as a CS-ist, structuring is good unstructured is bad.
and text is the limit of unstructured.  Hear Alan Perlis:

| The string is a stark data structure and everywhere it is passed
| there is much duplication of process.
| It is a perfect vehicle for hiding information.
However speaking as an ordinary user my machine is quasi broken right 
now thanks to systemd :-) [No time/leisure to chase that right now]

Is it bad design or teething troubles??? We shall see...

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Re: Wheezy GRUB problem

2014-08-07 Thread Brian
On Tue 05 Aug 2014 at 09:36:18 +0200, Artifex Maximus wrote:

 I have a Wheezy system shared with MS XP. GRUB is not in MBR but in Debian
 partition installed. Not recommended I know but basically works. Until last
 upgrade when my GRUB loader only writes GRUB then halts. Or at least not
 continue loading. No errors just stops. I have tried latest (7.6.0) Debian
 install disc Recovery function to reinstall grub with grub-install
 /dev/sda2 without success. Still just a GRUB line on screen when Debian
 partition is active. When I switch active partition back to XP it runs. I
 am able to mount sda2 from Debian installer and there is no fsck error.

What messages did you get when did 'grub-install /dev/sda2'?

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Re: System broken after full-upgrade: please help!

2014-08-07 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Brian a...@cityscape.co.uk writes:

 On Thu 07 Aug 2014 at 12:39:59 +0100, Brian wrote:

 At the prompt issue the commands
   grub-install /dev/sda

 Forget the last line.

grub-install /dev/sda



 Then reboot.

All right, it worked!  I tought you meant to say `grub-install /dev/sda7',
which produces error:

 Installing for i386-pc platform.
 grub-install: warning: File system `ext2' doesn't support embedding.
 grub-install: warning: Embedding is not possible.  GRUB can only be installed
  in this setup by using blocklists.  However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and
  their use is discouraged.
 grub-install: error: will not proceed with blocklists.

Instead, with literally `grub-install /dev/sda', everything went fine and the
system is repaired, now I can boot into it.  Just one thing: now sda7 grub boot
loader is installed to the master boot record.  I tried instead to install back
sda6 grub boot loader to the master boot record with the following:

   # grub
   grub  root (hd0,5)
   grub  setup (hd0)
   grub  quit

, but then again the system `broke down' and I couldn't boot into sda7.  So I
rescued it again and it's ok again.  But, is it possibile to get back sda6 to
the mbr as it was before?



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How to mount a LUKS partition from within GNOME?

2014-08-07 Thread Joerg Desch
I have successfully prepared a partition for the usage with LUKS. After 
that, I've added some entries to /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab. Using 
cryptdisks_start/stop with mount/umount works fine.

Now I want to be able to mount the partition manually from within GNOME. 
I want to have the GUI requesting the passphrase. For this reason, my 
entries in the configuration files uses noauto be avoid the automatic 
mounting at startup.

My problem is, that Nautilus doesn't show an unmounted device! How do I 
mount a LUKS partition with Wheezys GNOME 3.4?

My configuration entries are:

# /etc/crypttab private_luks  /dev/sdb7  none  luks,noauto

# /etc/fstab
/dev/mapper/private_luks /media/privates ext4 user,nofail,noauto,noatime\ 
1 2

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Re: Retaining Older Kernels After Image Update

2014-08-07 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Reco a écrit :
 On Wed, Aug 06, 2014 at 10:06:46AM +0200, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
 Marc Auslander a écrit :

 I just manually copy the four files in /boot associated with the
 working kernel.  I append -knowngood to get new names.  update grup
 happily makes boot entries for them.

 What about the kernel directory in /lib/modules which contains the major
 part of the kernel ?
 Kernel modules that are needed for the boot process itself reside in the
 initrd, and he copies that.

For the *early* boot process. I.e. mounting the root filesystem and not
much else.

 Kernel modules that live in /lib/modules are loaded after root
 filesystem is mounted and init is started. As long as kernel's ABI isn't
 changed they should load successfully.

But this method provides no backup if the update causes a regression in
one of these modules which may break a major fonction of the system.

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Systemd: follow-up

2014-08-07 Thread Johann Spies
After rescuing two laptops which were unbootable after the installation of
systemd-sysfs I had problems with stuff as bluetooth and some of the

So I decided to do a clean install of stable and got going - until I left
my laptop for some hours to finish a job - and it would not react to
anything I did on the keyboard.  I had to switch it off and restart it.  I
though it might only be a little hiccup so I went on working on stable
(although I could not get my wifi working).  Then at one stage I left it to
build a package and when I returned, it finished the job and was totally

So I deciided at least I could work with testing and I did a dist-upgrade
to testing only to find that I could not boot.

So for now, after using Debian for many years on my laptop, I am going to
try something else.

I would like to return to Debian when the systemd problems are sorted out.

I will continue using Debian on my server and two other computers where
fortunately I did not do a dist-upgrades.


Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

Re: wicd difficulties joining some unsecured wireless networks

2014-08-07 Thread green
Joel Roth wrote at 2014-08-06 11:26 -0500:
 On Tue, Aug 05, 2014 at 04:54:42PM -1000, Joel Roth wrote:
  In some airports, and today at a university
  I've failed to join unsecured networks.
  I've been using wicd-gtk.
  The failure takes the form of a time-out during the get IP
  address stage.
 Today I found, that if I went back to wpa_gui, I could
 associate with the access point and then use dhclient to get
 an IP address. I'm mystified that wicd doesn't get that
 right, and a little disappointed that it is not a silver
 bullet for my wifi connection. 

I have had the same problem with wicd.  It seems like it does not
check for a successful association before running dhclient.  My
workaround has been to manually run 'iw wlan0 connect -w ESSID' after
the point at which wicd runs dhclient.

This problem may have been fixed, because it no longer seems to be an
issue; I have (jessie) wicd and linux-image-3.14-2-amd64.

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Re: Systemd: follow-up

2014-08-07 Thread PaulNM
On 08/07/2014 02:25 PM, Johann Spies wrote:
 After rescuing two laptops which were unbootable after the installation
 of systemd-sysfs I had problems with stuff as bluetooth and some of the
 So I decided to do a clean install of stable and got going - until I
 left my laptop for some hours to finish a job - and it would not react
 to anything I did on the keyboard.  I had to switch it off and restart

If you're having issues under stable, then it has nothing to do with

 it.  I though it might only be a little hiccup so I went on working on
 stable (although I could not get my wifi working).  Then at one stage I
 left it to build a package and when I returned, it finished the job and
 was totally unresponsive. 

This sounds more like hardware issues to me. Maybe overheating, RAM
issues, or something else.

 So I deciided at least I could work with testing and I did a
 dist-upgrade to testing only to find that I could not boot.

What happens? Do you get a grub prompt, does the kernel start to boot?

 So for now, after using Debian for many years on my laptop, I am going
 to try something else.
 I would like to return to Debian when the systemd problems are sorted out.

Wheezy (stable) doesn't use systemd, though it is available as a
technology preview.  Testing and unstable can be run without it.  There
were hiccups earlier practically forcing systemd to be used unless you
held back on updates, but not anymore.

 I will continue using Debian on my server and two other computers where
 fortunately I did not do a dist-upgrades.
 Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
 my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

- PaulNM

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Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread AW
On Thu, 7 Aug 2014 15:28:08 -0400
Rob Owens row...@ptd.net wrote:

  I do miss the ability to grep my bookmarks.html file.  Maybe there's a
  way to do it with sqlite, but I never learned.  
  One thing that attracted me to Linux many years ago was that due to its
  Unix heritage,

You use the SQL language... which also has a long heritage -- I think from the
1960s... It's fairly simple to produce queries. And there's no need to worry
about regex, which - IMO - is far more difficult.

So -- instead of 'grep' you would use sqlite3 [dbfile] [query]

To see what kind of things are stored in the firefox places database:
of course your .default file will most likely be named differently...
sqlite3 ~/.mozilla/firefox/tolgu73t.default/places.sqlite .tables

and to list bookmarks:
sqlite3 ~/.mozilla/firefox/tolgu73t.default/places.sqlite select * from

If try this, you'll notice that the output looks 'nice' -- in that it seems
quite 'grep-able' ... And that's what's sorely missing from journald.


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Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 7 Aug 2014 16:19:03 +0100
Darac Marjal mailingl...@darac.org.uk wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 10:01:41AM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:

  I don't necessarily disagree, but I very strongly believe its first
  step should be to go to a text file with one line per event, or
  perhaps some sublines. If that text file were designed correctly,
  perhaps with field separators, it would be trivial to write a C or
  Python program to input it into Postgres. I just want to make sure
  that I can read that log on any Linux, BSD, or even (ugh) Mac and
 You see, though, this isn't the design goal of the journal. 

That's nice. Of course, it *is* the desired log file of a plurality or
majority of Linux users who care about log files. 

 journal is designed to be resistant against corruption (hashes are
 used to preserve message integrity), quick to access (there is an
 index so you don't have to spool through the whole file looking for
 the event that happened at 10:00, say) and well defined (times, for
 example, are defined as µsec since the epoch, not some
 lets-defined-another-parser text string).

Yeah, to free the log-using user from the need to use head, tail, grep
and cut, let's define yet another database structure. I mean, really,
it's easy as pie to define the tables and relationships of a database,
but world-shakingly difficult to do things like use a usec timestamp.
So, if a log-using user can't read his log files with just any old
rescue CD, well, that's a small price to pay for the coolness of having
your log files in a database.

 Consider it to be another database format. You wouldn't necessarily
 try to cat a MySQL or PostgreSQL datastore; you'd use the appropriate
 tools to select all from it. In a similar vein, you'd use journalctl
 to select all the entries from the journal file and you'd expect it
 to do much of the hard work such as telling you if a line has been
 altered (either tampered or simply corrupted), adjusting the
 timestamps for time zones and so on.
 cating the journal doesn't have to lose information, either.
 Journalctl can export as JSON or a serialised export format

And plain-text, as long as it's halfway sane, was all I was asking for
in my initial post, always assuming it can be easily set to export and
keep exporting persistent text log files. 


Steve Litt*  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread Brad Rogers
On Thu, 7 Aug 2014 15:28:08 -0400
Rob Owens row...@ptd.net wrote:

Hello Rob,

I do miss the ability to grep my bookmarks.html file.  Maybe there's a
way to do it with sqlite, but I never learned. 

Whilst it's not as convenient as grepping a (nominally) text file,
there's a plug-in available for Ff that may be of interest to you called
SQLite Manager.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
Well you tried it just the once and found it alright for kicks
Orgasm Addict - Buzzcocks

Description: PGP signature

Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread Tom H
On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 11:49 AM, AW debian.list.trac...@1024bits.com wrote:
 On Thu, 7 Aug 2014 16:19:03 +0100
 Darac Marjal mailingl...@darac.org.uk wrote:

   Consider it to be another database format. You wouldn't necessarily try
   to cat a MySQL or PostgreSQL datastore; you'd use the appropriate tools
   to select all from it.

 Yes.  But it's not.  Although it should and could be an easily queried data
 _CMDLINE=/bin/sh /etc/init.d/apache2 start
 Thu 2014-08-07 06:21:24.805036 EDT [...]

 This is filled with problems and pitfalls.  And the outputted text from the
 data store search tool is terribly formatted for further inclusion with other
 regular GNU/Linux command line text processing tools.  I would say, systemd 
 journald are a great start to a great end -- but right now, it's not so much

journalctl has output options:

-o, --output=

Controls the formatting of the journal entries that are shown. Takes
one of the following options:


is the default and generates an output that is mostly identical to the
formatting of classic syslog files, showing one line per journal


is very similar, but shows ISO 8601 wallclock timestamps.


is very similar, but shows timestamps with full microsecond precision.


is very similar, but shows monotonic timestamps instead of wallclock timestamps.


shows the full-structured entry items with all fields.


serializes the journal into a binary (but mostly text-based) stream
suitable for backups and network transfer (see Journal Export Format
for more information).


formats entries as JSON data structures, one per line (see Journal
JSON Format for more information).


formats entries as JSON data structures, but formats them in multiple
lines in order to make them more readable by humans.


formats entries as JSON data structures, but wraps them in a format
suitable for Server-Sent Events.


generates a very terse output, only showing the actual message of each
journal entry with no metadata, not even a timestamp.

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Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread AW
On Thu, 7 Aug 2014 16:44:39 -0400
Tom H tomh0...@gmail.com wrote:

  journalctl has output options:
  -o, --output=
  Controls the formatting of the journal entries that are shown. Takes
  one of the following options:

Seems fine to me after letting go of first impression of distrust in new

However, I still like my pet idea of postgresql --- and SQL is much more fun
than journalctl statements...

So, back to the ranch I go...


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Re: Systemd: follow-up

2014-08-07 Thread Johann Spies
For the sake of clarity:  The failure to boot was on the dist-upgraded
system and was due to systemd.sysfs. I will not repeat what I said in my
previous thread about this (see 'Systemd waisted 5 hours of my time').

My installation of stable was exactly to escape the nightmares of
systemd.sysfs which caused every computer on which it was installed so far
not to be able to boot - not even in single user mode.

As stable did not work out in this case, I tried with the clean
installation to upgrade to testing to see whether I could use systemd
without the previous problems, but the problems repeated itself.

And I never said systemd was a problem on Wheezy.  Read my email more
thoroughly please.


On 7 August 2014 21:16, PaulNM deb...@paulscrap.com wrote:

 On 08/07/2014 02:25 PM, Johann Spies wrote:
  After rescuing two laptops which were unbootable after the installation
  of systemd-sysfs I had problems with stuff as bluetooth and some of the
  So I decided to do a clean install of stable and got going - until I
  left my laptop for some hours to finish a job - and it would not react
  to anything I did on the keyboard.  I had to switch it off and restart

 If you're having issues under stable, then it has nothing to do with

  it.  I though it might only be a little hiccup so I went on working on
  stable (although I could not get my wifi working).  Then at one stage I
  left it to build a package and when I returned, it finished the job and
  was totally unresponsive.

 This sounds more like hardware issues to me. Maybe overheating, RAM
 issues, or something else.

  So I deciided at least I could work with testing and I did a
  dist-upgrade to testing only to find that I could not boot.

 What happens? Do you get a grub prompt, does the kernel start to boot?

  So for now, after using Debian for many years on my laptop, I am going
  to try something else.
  I would like to return to Debian when the systemd problems are sorted

 Wheezy (stable) doesn't use systemd, though it is available as a
 technology preview.  Testing and unstable can be run without it.  There
 were hiccups earlier practically forcing systemd to be used unless you
 held back on updates, but not anymore.

  I will continue using Debian on my server and two other computers where
  fortunately I did not do a dist-upgrades.
  Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
  my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

 - PaulNM

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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 Archive: https://lists.debian.org/53e3d08d.7040...@paulscrap.com

Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

Re: Systemd: follow-up

2014-08-07 Thread Johann Spies
Apologies for top-posting.  I was working in my browser which hided the
rest of the stuff and I forgot to delete it.

Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

Re: Systemd: follow-up

2014-08-07 Thread PaulNM
Hi, please reply to the list as I am subscribed.

On 08/07/2014 05:56 PM, Johann Spies wrote:
 For the sake of clarity:  The failure to boot was on the dist-upgraded
 system and was due to systemd.sysfs. I will not repeat what I said in my
 previous thread about this (see 'Systemd waisted 5 hours of my time'). 
 My installation of stable was exactly to escape the nightmares of
 systemd.sysfs which caused every computer on which it was installed so
 far not to be able to boot - not even in single user mode.
 As stable did not work out in this case, I tried with the clean
 installation to upgrade to testing to see whether I could use systemd
 without the previous problems, but the problems repeated itself.
 And I never said systemd was a problem on Wheezy.  Read my email more
 thoroughly please.

I did read your email thoroughly.  While it's true you didn't explicitly
state you believed systemd caused issues on the stable install, it was
strongly implied by the subject line and your final statement of I
would like to return to Debian when the systemd problems are sorted
out..  At least two other people were under that impression as well.

Also, I didn't want to assume you knew much about systemd.  There's a
bunch of misunderstanding about it going around at the moment, and there
have been a few emails lately where systemd was blamed for issues it has
nothing to do with.  For all I knew, you could very well have been
someone new to Linux/Debian and misunderstood what was happening.  We're
just trying to help.


Take care,

- PaulNM

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Re: Systemd: follow-up

2014-08-07 Thread Joel Rees
On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 4:04 AM, Brian a...@cityscape.co.uk wrote:
 On Thu 07 Aug 2014 at 20:25:22 +0200, Johann Spies wrote:

 After rescuing two laptops which were unbootable after the installation of
 systemd-sysfs I had problems with stuff as bluetooth and some of the

 There are wiser and more cautious courses of action to follow other
 than installing systemd-sysv.


And, note, that he said, systemd-sysfs


Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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Re: Systemd: follow-up

2014-08-07 Thread Joel Rees
Cognitive dissonance?

On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 7:24 AM, PaulNM deb...@paulscrap.com wrote:
 Hi, please reply to the list as I am subscribed.

 On 08/07/2014 05:56 PM, Johann Spies wrote:
 For the sake of clarity:  The failure to boot was on the dist-upgraded
 system and was due to systemd.sysfs. I will not repeat what I said in my
 previous thread about this (see 'Systemd waisted 5 hours of my time').

 My installation of stable was exactly to escape the nightmares of
 systemd.sysfs which caused every computer on which it was installed so
 far not to be able to boot - not even in single user mode.

 As stable did not work out in this case, I tried with the clean
 installation to upgrade to testing to see whether I could use systemd
 without the previous problems, but the problems repeated itself.

 And I never said systemd was a problem on Wheezy.  Read my email more
 thoroughly please.

 I did read your email thoroughly.  While it's true you didn't explicitly
 state you believed systemd caused issues on the stable install, it was
 strongly implied by the subject line and your final statement of I
 would like to return to Debian when the systemd problems are sorted
 out..  At least two other people were under that impression as well.

 Also, I didn't want to assume you knew much about systemd.  There's a
 bunch of misunderstanding about it going around at the moment, and there
 have been a few emails lately where systemd was blamed for issues it has
 nothing to do with.  For all I knew, you could very well have been
 someone new to Linux/Debian and misunderstood what was happening.  We're
 just trying to help.


Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread Joel Rees
On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 12:05 AM, Brian a...@cityscape.co.uk wrote:
 On Thu 07 Aug 2014 at 16:53:10 +0300, David Baron wrote:

 On Thursday 07 August 2014 14:21:45 Brian wrote:
  This is part of the transition to systemd plan.
  Also, for those who care, libpam-systemd's Depends: line now has
  systemd-sysv | systemd-shim

 Should the dsf-53.3 versions be installed or does it matter?
 systemd-shim is NOT installed (had installed on previous 32 bit system as I
 said). Or are these obsolete, being handled by systemd-sysv so can/should be
 removed or does it matter?

 The transition hasn't been completed yet, I'd install and hold off any
 tidying until it has been and you remain a happy camper. The neat
 fallback SysV init binary feature of sysvinit might be something you
 want to keep.

 Wish there were not so many bugs around systemd. No objection to it as long 
 it works.

 The number of bugs on


 doesn't seen that high for a package of its importance and visibility.
 Most reports have had a response. Some reports are not bugs.

 If you value a low blood pressure don't look at the bug page for apt. :)

This is precisely why systemd should have been brought up to speed in
a separate, parallel, volunteer-only distro.

(If you don't understand what I mean by a separate, parallel,
volunteer-only distribution, think of kfreebsd, but a little closer to

I'd still say there's time for debian to go for a course correction,
but everyone seems to be determined to ignore the obvious.

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread Joel Rees
On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 6:19 AM, AW debian.list.trac...@1024bits.com wrote:
 On Thu, 7 Aug 2014 16:44:39 -0400
 Tom H tomh0...@gmail.com wrote:

   journalctl has output options:
   -o, --output=
   Controls the formatting of the journal entries that are shown. Takes
   one of the following options:

 Seems fine to me after letting go of first impression of distrust in new

 However, I still like my pet idea of postgresql --- and SQL is much more fun
 than journalctl statements...

 So, back to the ranch I go...

You do understand the chicken-and-egg nature of what you're asking for?

You're needing to output logs to but up servers, but you have to boot
a server as complex as anySQL server to get there. Where is anySQL
going to log its progress as it boots up, not to mention that the
system itself has to wait for anySQL to get up before it can do
anything that might generate a log.

(Having a separate machine be a log server can be useful, but even
that can't take log messages when the network is not properly up.
Which means there will be low-level log messages kept in a separate
place, and sometimes high-level log messages waiting to be off-loaded
to the log server.)

There is a fundamental bug in ASCII/Unicode that is causing this
technical angst.

Well, there are some misfeatures of Unicode, and there are some
inherent shortcomings in any character encoding, and they converge to
cause the sort of problems that are being discussed here.

If we can get package developers to be more considerate of common log
formats when they write their log messages, that will help. But the
systemd crew don't want to work that hard, so they are unilaterally
pushing a common (binary API) log format on the whole world.

And, as a sometimes programmer, I can tell you I'll often be ignoring
the systemd logging system. I've been made non-productive often enough
by having to fight with mandated java logging classes that just don't
quite fit the kind of log I need to write.

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread AW
On Fri, 8 Aug 2014 09:03:56 +0900
Joel Rees joel.r...@gmail.com wrote:

  You do understand the chicken-and-egg nature of what you're asking for?
  You're needing to output logs to but up servers, but you have to boot
  a server as complex as anySQL server to get there.

I wasn't going to continue on this thread -- and after playing with
the journalctl cli for much of the day -- I repent of my complaints [mostly]
-- any remaining complaints are extremely minor. But I guess I should answer a
direct question... perhaps a new thread should be started, this one is getting
long in the tooth.

Of course I understand the chicken-egg problem.  However, once the system is
running, there's no reason why the log data collected during the boot
process couldn't then parsed into a standardized db --- resulting in
standardized sql query capabilities.  The boot log data should be entirely
ASCII until a login prompt.  This greatly assists troubleshooting of failed
boots - undeniably. However, after booting, remove the ASCII boot log data
from RAM via secure deletion process to increase security of the system as a


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Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 8/7/2014 8:28 PM, AW wrote:
 On Fri, 8 Aug 2014 09:03:56 +0900
 Joel Rees joel.r...@gmail.com wrote:
   You do understand the chicken-and-egg nature of what you're asking for?
   You're needing to output logs to but up servers, but you have to boot
   a server as complex as anySQL server to get there.
 I wasn't going to continue on this thread -- and after playing with
 the journalctl cli for much of the day -- I repent of my complaints [mostly]
 -- any remaining complaints are extremely minor. But I guess I should answer a
 direct question... perhaps a new thread should be started, this one is getting
 long in the tooth.
 Of course I understand the chicken-egg problem.  However, once the system is
 running, there's no reason why the log data collected during the boot
 process couldn't then parsed into a standardized db --- resulting in
 standardized sql query capabilities.  The boot log data should be entirely
 ASCII until a login prompt.  This greatly assists troubleshooting of failed
 boots - undeniably. However, after booting, remove the ASCII boot log data
 from RAM via secure deletion process to increase security of the system as a

I just wonder - why should I have to look in multiple paces for
(possibly related) messages?  That is, some to a text file, some to a
SQL file.

I have nothing against SQL (I've been using it for over 25 years).  But
I don't think it's a good solution to everything.  Not everything is
relational (which is what SQL excels at).  And not everything needs a
SQL engine when text files work just as well.


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Re: dieting/losing weight programs?

2014-08-07 Thread Rusi Mody
On Thursday, August 7, 2014 2:00:01 PM UTC+5:30, Sharon Kimble wrote:
 I've recently been looking in the jessie repos for any programme relating
 to diet management, or weight management, i.e. anything at all about
 dieting or losing weight. And I can't find any! The nearest I could find
 was for nut-nutrition which appeared to be console-based and
 american-centric although I couldn't access the source to see for

 Are there any programmes in the repos for dieting/losing weight please?

 I've done a google search and couldn't really find anything there
 either, most of the programs available relate to MS-windows, which I'm
 not interested in.

 So can anyone help please?

Not sure what you are looking for...
Have you seen 


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Re: End of hypocrisy ?

2014-08-07 Thread Rusi Mody
On Friday, August 8, 2014 5:40:01 AM UTC+5:30, Joel Rees wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 6:19 AM, AW debian.list.trac...@1024bits.com wrote:
  On Thu, 7 Aug 2014 16:44:39 -0400
  Tom H wrote:
journalctl has output options:
-o, --output=
Controls the formatting of the journal entries that are shown. Takes
one of the following options:
  Seems fine to me after letting go of first impression of distrust in new
  However, I still like my pet idea of postgresql --- and SQL is much more fun
  than journalctl statements...
  So, back to the ranch I go...

 You do understand the chicken-and-egg nature of what you're asking for?

 You're needing to output logs to but up servers, but you have to boot
 a server as complex as anySQL server to get there. Where is anySQL
 going to log its progress as it boots up, not to mention that the
 system itself has to wait for anySQL to get up before it can do
 anything that might generate a log.

 (Having a separate machine be a log server can be useful, but even
 that can't take log messages when the network is not properly up.
 Which means there will be low-level log messages kept in a separate
 place, and sometimes high-level log messages waiting to be off-loaded
 to the log server.)

Yes circular definition is a problem.
And it is ubiquitous and central to our field:

So... yes an SQL-based log system will need logs itself.
Should it (try to) to log itself?

Is the problem absent with text files?
If one wants to write a text-log one needs a text-file.
A text file exists on some file-system.
What of those messages that need to be logged before there are any filesystems

This is not academic:

[Not sure of the status of the bug]

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