Re: Partition chiffrée

2014-12-30 Thread pmenier

Le 29/12/2014 23:16, Raphaël POITEVIN a écrit :


J’ai une demande d’installation Debian Jessie avec partition
chiffrée. J’ai utilisé l’installeur et fait le partitionnement manuel et
créé un volume pour chiffrement avec les options par
défaut. L’instalation faite, je suis un peu perplexe. Comment utiliser
cette partition ? Comment faire en sorte qu’elle soit montée au
démarrage ?

En renvoi vers une doc me va.

Merci et bonne fin d’année.


J'ai fait exactement la même chose et comme toi à la fin j'étais un peu 
perplexe :)

En fouillant un peu j'ai regroupé divers tips dont voici une petite 
synthese (au final ca fonctionne correctement).

9.8.1. Chiffrement des disques amovibles à l’aide de dm-crypt/LUKS

You can encrypt contents of removable mass devices, e.g. USB memory 
stick on /dev/sdx, using dm-crypt/LUKS.

Origine: … crypt_luks

You simply format it as the following.

# badblocks -c 1024 -s -w -t random -v /dev/sdx
# fdisk /dev/sdx
... n p 1 return return w
# cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdx1
# cryptsetup open --type luks /dev/sdx1 sdx1
# ls -l /dev/mapper/
total 0
crw-rw 1 root root  10, 60 2008-10-04 18:44 control
brw-rw 1 root disk 254,  0 2008-10-04 23:55 sdx1
# mkfs.vfat /dev/mapper/sdx1
# cryptsetup luksClose sdx1


Un exemple de chiffrement du dossier /home:

Modifier le fichier / etc / crypttab :

# target name source device key file  options
home/ dev / hda7noneluks

Modifier / etc / fstab pour le volume qui nous intéresse :

# / etc / fstab: static file system information.
# file system   mount point   type  options 
  dump  pass
/ dev / mapper / home/homeext3  defaults 
  0   1

Au demarrage le systeme demande la phrase de pass.

Désolé c'est un peu en vrac mais c'est de la prise de notes.

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Re: Partition chiffrée

2014-12-30 Thread Bernardo

moi j'ai suivi ça :

Le 29/12/2014 23:16, Raphaël POITEVIN a écrit :
 J’ai une demande d’installation Debian Jessie avec partition chiffrée. J’ai
 utilisé l’installeur et fait le partitionnement manuel et créé un volume
 pour chiffrement avec les options par défaut. L’instalation faite, je suis
 un peu perplexe. Comment utiliser cette partition ? Comment faire en sorte
 qu’elle soit montée au démarrage ?
 En renvoi vers une doc me va.
 Merci et bonne fin d’année.

Ah les femmes! Ces animaux sans queue ni tête.
-+- Sacha Guitry -+-

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Re: Partition chiffrée

2014-12-30 Thread sebastien . dinot

- Mail original -
 moi j'ai suivi ça :

Les machines récentes sont généralement dotées de disques volumineux. Leur 
remplissage de données aléatoires générées par /dev/urandom prend des plombes. 
En effet, /dev/urandom ne génère guère plus de 8 à 16 Mo de données par seconde 
selon les machines.

Le calcul est donc simple : en comptant un débit de 16 Mo/s, remplir un disque 
d'une capacité annoncée de 1 To (en réalité 931 x 1024^3 octets) demande de 
patienter 59605 secondes, soit 16h35 environ. Et si votre machine a quelques 
années, ce sera plutôt 33 heures.

Du coup, deux options sont possibles :

- Zapper l'étape du peuplement du disque par des données aléatoires

- Utiliser l'astuce présentée dans l'article suivant :

A++, Sébastien

Sébastien Dinot,
Ne goûtez pas au logiciel libre, vous ne pourriez plus vous en passer !

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Re: Partition chiffrée

2014-12-30 Thread Bernardo
Merci, je ne connaissais pas cette astuce.Je la garde en mémoire pour une
prochaine utilisation ;-)

Le 30/12/2014 10:00, a écrit :
 - Mail original -
 moi j'ai suivi ça :

 Les machines récentes sont généralement dotées de disques volumineux. Leur
 remplissage de données aléatoires générées par /dev/urandom prend des
 plombes. En effet, /dev/urandom ne génère guère plus de 8 à 16 Mo de
 données par seconde selon les machines.
 Le calcul est donc simple : en comptant un débit de 16 Mo/s, remplir un
 disque d'une capacité annoncée de 1 To (en réalité 931 x 1024^3 octets)
 demande de patienter 59605 secondes, soit 16h35 environ. Et si votre
 machine a quelques années, ce sera plutôt 33 heures.
 Du coup, deux options sont possibles :
 - Zapper l'étape du peuplement du disque par des données aléatoires
 - Utiliser l'astuce présentée dans l'article suivant :
 A++, Sébastien

Les questions les plus importantes de la vie ne sont pour la plupart
que des problèmes de probabilité.
-+- Pierre Simon de Laplace -+-

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lenovo yoga 13 jessie : perte écran tactile en sortie de veille.

2014-12-30 Thread Yann Cohen

Je possède un lenovo yoga 13 avec ecran tactil.
La configuration actuelle est une distribution Jessie

Linux yogayan 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt2-1 (2014-12-08)
x86_64 GNU/Linux

Au démarrage, à l'exception du BT, tout fonctionne correctement : Wifi
et écran tactile.

AU retour d'une mise en veille, je perd l'écran tactile, il faut alors
redémarrer pour retrouver cette focntionnalité.

J'ai à disposition un autre yoga 13 avec une Wheezy avec un noyau
inférieur qui fonctionne sans problème.

SUr mon yoga, ce dysfonctionnement est apparu après une mise à jour,
mais laquelle ???

L'absence d'écran tactile n'est pas irrémédiable, mais bon c'est un peu
plus pratique (et sympa) pour jouer aux cartes ou bien lire un pdf en
mode tablette

Mes premières recherche (google) et inspection (syslog et X.log) ne
m'ont pas donné d'indice particulier (ou bien j'ai une paille dans les
Quelqu'un a-t-il rencontré un problème similaire ?

Où trouver les information sur l'avant et l'après mise en veille en
terme de reconnaissance de périphérique lors d'une sortie de veille ?



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Re: lenovo yoga 13 jessie : perte écran tactile en sortie de veille.

2014-12-30 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le mardi 30 décembre 2014, 15:42:14 Yann Cohen a écrit :


 AU retour d'une mise en veille, je perd l'écran tactile, il
 faut alors redémarrer pour retrouver cette focntionnalité.
 J'ai à disposition un autre yoga 13 avec une Wheezy avec un
 noyau inférieur qui fonctionne sans problème.
 SUr mon yoga, ce dysfonctionnement est apparu après une mise à
 jour, mais laquelle ??? […]

  Le noyau ?

  Essaie de juste rétrograder le noyau, si ça remarche, c’est 
que c’est lui le coupable. sinon, vérifie /var/log/apt ou 
/var/log/aptitude pour vérifier ce qui a été mis à jour. 
Évidemment, connaître la date à laquelle le problème est apparu 
serait un plus…

  Si c’est bien le noyau, vérifie si un bogue n’existe pas déjà 
sinon fais-en un.

 Sylvain Sauvage

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problème configuration wifi _Jessie

2014-12-30 Thread maderios

J'ai configuré en ligne de commande le wifi sur un vieux portable: conf 
en statique, module IPW2200BG+wpa_supplicant.
Tout  paraît normal sur les sorties console et dans les logs à part le 
fait  que je ne peux pas du tout me connecter au réseau ni même pinguer 
mon modem-routeur.
Bizarrement, iwconfig affiche un link/quality=96/100 puis 0/100 tandis 
qu'au même moment iwlist scan affiche 95/100

Merci d'avance pour toute solution.

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Re: problème configuration wifi _Jessie

2014-12-30 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Le mardi 30 décembre 2014, maderios a écrit...

 Tout  paraît normal sur les sorties console et dans les logs à part le fait
 que je ne peux pas du tout me connecter au réseau ni même pinguer mon

Tu peux voir si tu as NetworkManager actif et/ou le daemon wicd, qui
pourraient parasiter ta configuration ?


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Re: problème configuration wifi _Jessie

2014-12-30 Thread maderios

On 12/30/2014 05:48 PM, Jean-Michel OLTRA wrote:

Tout  paraît normal sur les sorties console et dans les logs à part le fait
que je ne peux pas du tout me connecter au réseau ni même pinguer mon

Tu peux voir si tu as NetworkManager actif et/ou le daemon wicd, qui
pourraient parasiter ta configuration ?

Aucun gui installé ni utilisé pour configurer le réseau. J'ai tout 
configuré à la main dans /etc/network/interfaces et /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf


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Re: problème configuration wifi _Jessie

2014-12-30 Thread maderios

On 12/30/2014 06:32 PM, maderios wrote:

On 12/30/2014 05:48 PM, Jean-Michel OLTRA wrote:

Tout  paraît normal sur les sorties console et dans les logs à part
le fait
que je ne peux pas du tout me connecter au réseau ni même pinguer mon

Tu peux voir si tu as NetworkManager actif et/ou le daemon wicd, qui
pourraient parasiter ta configuration ?

Aucun gui installé ni utilisé pour configurer le réseau. J'ai tout
configuré à la main dans /etc/network/interfaces et

précision : l'interface wifi est eth0
ifstat -i eth0 affiche régulièrement 0.06 KB/s en entrée et 0.00 en sortie


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Re: problème configuration wifi _Jessie

2014-12-30 Thread yamo'

maderios a écrit le 30/12/2014 17:30 :
 J'ai configuré en ligne de commande le wifi sur un vieux portable: conf 
 en statique, module IPW2200BG+wpa_supplicant.
 Tout  paraît normal sur les sorties console et dans les logs à part le 
 fait  que je ne peux pas du tout me connecter au réseau ni même pinguer 
 mon modem-routeur.
 Bizarrement, iwconfig affiche un link/quality=96/100 puis 0/100 tandis 
 qu'au même moment iwlist scan affiche 95/100
 Merci d'avance pour toute solution.

Sur Wheezy et ça doit être la même chose pour Jessie
seul /etc/network/interfaces est nécessaire.


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Re: Instalar Debian en disco eMMC

2014-12-30 Thread Josu Lazkano

Al final lo he podido instalar con esta imagen:


El día 29 de diciembre de 2014, 20:43, Manolo Díaz escribió:
 El lunes, 29 dic 2014, a las 20:27 horas (UTC+1),
 Josu Lazkano escribió:

Gracias Manolo,

Si, acabo de ver el informe, pero no entiendo como instala Debian,
pone que cambia el formato de sistema de ficheros.

¿Podria borrar todas las particiones de /dev/mmcblk0? ¿Que pasaria si
elimino estas particiones?

Gracias por todo,

 Lo de cambiar el sistema de fichero de ext4 a btrfs es porque lo
 prefiere, es de suponer. La partición UEFI puede ser necesaria, ni idea,
 nunca he tenido que vérmelas con UEFI. Parece que que tras dejar
 instalado Ubuntu desktop forzando UEFI, el instalador de Debian deja
 de fallar en el paso del particionado, no sé porqué.

 Manolo Díaz

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Josu Lazkano

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Re: OT Descargar repositorio de Manjaro desde Debian

2014-12-30 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 29 Dec 2014 15:18:11 -0500, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:

 Estoy tratando de bajar el repositorio de manjaro desde mi pc en debian
 y me da error el  comando rsync, he tratado de encontrar el error pero
 parece que mis neuronas hoy no dan para más.

(...) \

¿Eso quiere decir que el servidor al que conectas es http:// Si es así, no existe, sólo hay 
un subdirectorio manjaro, no dos.

 Y el error que me da es el siguiente:
 root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh
 Unexpected remote arg:
 rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1232)
 [sender=3.0.9] root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux#
 Alguien me podría dar un empujoncito a ver si puedo hechar a andar el

No conozco la sintaxis que usa rsync (entiendo que esos dos puntos :: 
que separan el servidor del directorio son correctos) pero lo que 
probaría primero es a ejecutarlo directamente desde línea de comandos, 
sin el script a ver si te dice lo mismo.



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Re: OT Descargar repositorio de Manjaro desde Debian

2014-12-30 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 30 Dec 2014 08:56:17 -0500, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:


No he visto estos mensajes que has ido enviando porque han quedado 

 He seguido investigando, pero sin resultado alguno, ahora tengo el
 script para tratar de descargar el repositorio de la siguiente forma:
 rsync -arv \
 --exclude=x86_64 \
 --exclude=testing \
 --exclude=unstable \
 rsync:// \

Esa ruta parece más normal.

 Pero me da el siguiente error:
 root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh rsync:
 getaddrinfo: 873: Name or service not known rsync
 error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(122)
 Alguien me podría dar alguna ayudita para poder descargar el

Parece que tiene problemas para resolver por nombre (name or service not 
known), prueba con la IP del servidor:

rsync:// \



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Re: (Solucionado) Obligado a degradar Libreoffice al actualizar el sistema

2014-12-30 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 29 Dec 2014 23:22:02 +0100, Damián Naya escribió:

 El 28/12/14 a las 14:18, Eduardo Rios escribió:
 El 28/12/14 a las 13:49, Camaleón escribió:

 Oye, acabo de ver que hay problemas de dependencias con el paquete de
 LO de los backports, sería conveniente que esperaras a que lo

 Eso mismo voy a hacer yo. Esperar. No será tan importante ni urgente la
 actualización ;)

 A ver si va a ser una inocentada por parte del equipo Debian... :-D

Menuda inocentada sería... :-P

 Solucionados los problemas de los backports, parece...
 Me ha cargado la versión de LibreOffice.

Sí, ayer ya lo corrigieron y sólo estaba pendiente de que actualizaran 
los repositorios.

 Por cierto, para los backports, he visto estos repositorios:
 deb wheezy-backports main non-free 
 deb-src wheezy-backports main non-free
 Y estos, donde solo se añade contrib:
 deb _ wheezy-backports main contrib
 non-free deb-src _ wheezy-backports main
 contrib non-free
 ¿Qué es más correcto?

Si no necesitas ningún paquete de esa sección (non-free) puedes 
omitirlo. Debido a su licencia ningún paquete libre podrá depender de 
ellos pero tampoco te va a hacer daño tenerlo habilitado ;-)



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Re: [OT] gnome en wayland

2014-12-30 Thread Juan Lavieri


El 30/12/14 a las 02:32, Juan Lavieri escibió:

Hola listeros.

Hoy estaba intentando jugar un poco con gnome en wayland, pero no pude 
hacer nada ya que no me aparece el puntero del ratón por ningún lado.

Googleando un poco conseguí el reporte de algunos problemas 
relacionados con la velocidad del ratón y el touchpad, pero no 
pareciera tener relación con mi problema ya que en mi caso el puntero 
desapareció y cuando muevo  el ratón o el touchpad hay evidencia de 
dicho movimiento a la velocidad normal.

En concreto quisiera saber si alguien ha utilizado wayland bajo jessie 
y si tuvo que hacer algún ajuste para que funcionara.

Trabajando un poco en el tema me di cuenta que si accedo con un usuario 
nuevo, con el gnome shell sin ningún cambio en la configuración inicial, 
funciona sin problemas.

Ahora tengo que averiguar qué tiene de malo mi usuario.

Por lo pronto he intentado instalando los paquetes:

i   ibus-wayland  - Intelligent 
Input Bus - Wayland support
i   libva-wayland1- Video 
Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- Wayland runtime

Pero sigue igual.

Sigo probando.


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Re: [OT] gnome en wayland

2014-12-30 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:32:27 -0430, Juan Lavieri escribió:

 Hoy estaba intentando jugar un poco con gnome en wayland, pero no pude
 hacer nada ya que no me aparece el puntero del ratón por ningún lado.

¿Qué tarjeta gráfica tienes y qué drivers usas? Desconozco el soporte de 
los adaptadores/drivers con este nuevo protocolo :-?

 Googleando un poco conseguí el reporte de algunos problemas
 relacionados con la velocidad del ratón y el touchpad, pero no pareciera
 tener relación con mi problema ya que en mi caso el puntero desapareció
 y cuando muevo  el ratón o el touchpad hay evidencia de dicho movimiento
 a la velocidad normal.
 En concreto quisiera saber si alguien ha utilizado wayland bajo jessie y
 si tuvo que hacer algún ajuste para que funcionara.

No, no lo he probado, pero sí se me ocurre que como jessie lleva ya un 
tiempo congelada, es posible que wayland haya ido evolucionando más en sid 
y necesites algún paquete/biblioteca de sid/experimental para que 
funcione de manera más fluida en gnome-shell.



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Re: Instalar Debian en disco eMMC

2014-12-30 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 29 Dec 2014 19:26:18 +0100, Josu Lazkano escribió:

 Tengo un problema con un mini PC que he comprado, el ECS Liva:
 El problema es que no puedo instalar Debian en el disco eMMC de 32GB que
 Lo estoy instalando desde un disco USB, he probado tanto con Wheezy como
 Jessie, pero en la parte donde toca particionar el disco, solo me
 muestra el disco USB del instalar, nada del disco interno eMMC de 32GB:
 SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) - 2.0 GB Kingstone DataTraveler 2.0
 He probado con Xubuntu 14.04 y funciona sin problemas (lo he instalado
 desde un lector de CD), esto es la info que puedo sacar sobre el disco:


Quizá con una imagen superior del instalador de Jessie te permita 
instalar sobre la tarjeta de memoria MMC pero bueno, ya he visto que al 
final lo has podido solucionar con una imagen no oficial :-)

Por cierto, en su FAQ¹ dice que Ubuntu 14.04 se instala bien pero que no 
reconoce el Wifi/BT. No da más datos, así que quizá únicamente haya que 
compilar manualmente algún driver propietario.




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Re: (Solucionado) Obligado a degradar Libreoffice al actualizar el sistema

2014-12-30 Thread Manolo Díaz
El martes, 30 dic 2014, a las 16:33 horas (UTC+1),
Camaleón escribió:

Si no necesitas ningún paquete de esa sección (non-free) puedes 
omitirlo. Debido a su licencia ningún paquete libre podrá depender de 
ellos pero tampoco te va a hacer daño tenerlo habilitado ;-)

Pues sí que puede. De hecho es la razón de ser de la sección contrib:
paquetes que son completamente libres pero que dependen de otros que no
lo son. Tal vez te referías a que ningún paquete de main puede
depender de non-free, lo cual _sí_ es cierto.

Manolo Díaz

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Re: (Solucionado) Obligado a degradar Libreoffice al actualizar el sistema

2014-12-30 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:12:33 +0100, Manolo Díaz escribió:

 El martes, 30 dic 2014, a las 16:33 horas (UTC+1),
 Camaleón escribió:
Si no necesitas ningún paquete de esa sección (non-free) puedes
omitirlo. Debido a su licencia ningún paquete libre podrá depender de
ellos pero tampoco te va a hacer daño tenerlo habilitado ;-)
 Pues sí que puede. De hecho es la razón de ser de la sección contrib:
 paquetes que son completamente libres pero que dependen de otros que no
 lo son. Tal vez te referías a que ningún paquete de main puede
 depender de non-free, lo cual _sí_ es cierto.

¿Estamos quisquillosos, eh? :-)

DFSG ! libre. 

O lo que es lo mismo, los paquetes de contrib que dependan de paquetes 
no libres no son libres (de lo contrario estarían en main) aunque 
cumplan con la DFSG.



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Re: [OT] gnome en wayland

2014-12-30 Thread Juan Lavieri

Hola Camaleón.

El 30/12/14 a las 11:12, Camaleón escibió:

El Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:32:27 -0430, Juan Lavieri escribió:

Hoy estaba intentando jugar un poco con gnome en wayland, pero no pude
hacer nada ya que no me aparece el puntero del ratón por ningún lado.

¿Qué tarjeta gráfica tienes y qué drivers usas? Desconozco el soporte de
los adaptadores/drivers con este nuevo protocolo :-?

Googleando un poco conseguí el reporte de algunos problemas
relacionados con la velocidad del ratón y el touchpad, pero no pareciera
tener relación con mi problema ya que en mi caso el puntero desapareció
y cuando muevo  el ratón o el touchpad hay evidencia de dicho movimiento
a la velocidad normal.

En concreto quisiera saber si alguien ha utilizado wayland bajo jessie y
si tuvo que hacer algún ajuste para que funcionara.

No, no lo he probado, pero sí se me ocurre que como jessie lleva ya un
tiempo congelada, es posible que wayland haya ido evolucionando más en sid
y necesites algún paquete/biblioteca de sid/experimental para que
funcione de manera más fluida en gnome-shell.

Como expliqué en un email anterior parece que si funciona tal como está, 
ya que con un usuario fresco aparece el puntero y a groso modo 
funciona sin problemas.

Todavía no estoy seguro de todo lo que estoy diciendo porque tuve que 
salir y recién estoy llegando (por eso tardé en responder).

Dentro de un rato seguiré con las pruebas.

Gracias por responder.



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Re: (Solucionado) Obligado a degradar Libreoffice al actualizar el sistema

2014-12-30 Thread Manolo Díaz
El martes, 30 dic 2014, a las 17:41 horas (UTC+1),
Camaleón escribió:

El Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:12:33 +0100, Manolo Díaz escribió:

 El martes, 30 dic 2014, a las 16:33 horas (UTC+1),
 Camaleón escribió:
Si no necesitas ningún paquete de esa sección (non-free) puedes
omitirlo. Debido a su licencia ningún paquete libre podrá depender de
ellos pero tampoco te va a hacer daño tenerlo habilitado ;-)
 Pues sí que puede. De hecho es la razón de ser de la sección contrib:
 paquetes que son completamente libres pero que dependen de otros que no
 lo son. Tal vez te referías a que ningún paquete de main puede
 depender de non-free, lo cual _sí_ es cierto.

¿Estamos quisquillosos, eh? :-)

Es por dejar las cosas claras (bueno, y por la malicia de ser

DFSG ! libre. 

De libre hay un montón de interpretaciones y tienes derecho a usar la
que quieras. Hay quien no considera la GPL como libre porque su
licencia es viral, te obliga a incluirla en trabajos derivados.

O lo que es lo mismo, los paquetes de contrib que dependan de paquetes 
no libres no son libres (de lo contrario estarían en main) aunque 
cumplan con la DFSG.

DSFG [1] es algo más concreto que libre, y todos los paquetes de main
y contrib deben cumplirlas. La diferencia estriba en que los paquetes de
main solo puede depender de otros que también la cumplan, es una
sección autocontenida en ese sentido. Contrib no.



Manolo Díaz

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Re: [OT] gnome en wayland

2014-12-30 Thread Juan Lavieri

Respondiéndomo e mi mismo.

El 30/12/14 a las 14:04, Juan Lavieri escibió:

Hola Camaleón.

El 30/12/14 a las 11:12, Camaleón escibió:

El Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:32:27 -0430, Juan Lavieri escribió:

Hoy estaba intentando jugar un poco con gnome en wayland, pero no pude
hacer nada ya que no me aparece el puntero del ratón por ningún lado.

¿Qué tarjeta gráfica tienes y qué drivers usas? Desconozco el soporte de
los adaptadores/drivers con este nuevo protocolo :-?

Googleando un poco conseguí el reporte de algunos problemas
relacionados con la velocidad del ratón y el touchpad, pero no 

tener relación con mi problema ya que en mi caso el puntero desapareció
y cuando muevo  el ratón o el touchpad hay evidencia de dicho 

a la velocidad normal.

En concreto quisiera saber si alguien ha utilizado wayland bajo 
jessie y

si tuvo que hacer algún ajuste para que funcionara.

No, no lo he probado, pero sí se me ocurre que como jessie lleva ya un
tiempo congelada, es posible que wayland haya ido evolucionando más 
en sid

y necesites algún paquete/biblioteca de sid/experimental para que
funcione de manera más fluida en gnome-shell.

Como expliqué en un email anterior parece que si funciona tal como 
está, ya que con un usuario fresco aparece el puntero y a groso modo 
funciona sin problemas.

Falso.  No funciona ni con el usuario fresco.

Todavía no estoy seguro de todo lo que estoy diciendo porque tuve que 
salir y recién estoy llegando (por eso tardé en responder).

Dentro de un rato seguiré con las pruebas.

Gracias por responder.




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Subredes, proxy y otras yerbas

2014-12-30 Thread Fernando Miculan
Hola, como están?.
Me presento, me llamo Fernando, vivo en La Plata, Argentina y hace unos
cuantos años que utilizo Linux, en especial Debian y Ubuntu.

Se me presento un caso en mi trabajo. Tenemos un squid linkeado a un active
directory de Win(fucker) 2008 en la red, ademas de haber
implementado un firewall con iptables. Todo realizado en un Debian 7.
Hasta ahí no hay inconvenientes, los usuarios navegan perfectamente según
los grupos asignados en el active directory.
El problema se presento justamente hoy, al querer ampliar la red a otra
subred (, que dicho sea de paso se implemento en forma de vlan
en un router mikrotik.)
La cuestión es, que después de haber agregado la ruta en una de las
interfaces del debian para que vea la subred 30, estos navegan
perfectamente en internet, pero no la subred 0, todo lo que sea web no
funciona, salvo el correo electrónico y el skype.
Que es lo que puede estar pasando?
Con netstat -nr se ven las rutas asignadas perfectamente, por ese lado no
veo el problema... me estará faltando algún tipo de regla adicional en el
firewall ??
Si les sirve les puedo postear el script del firewall. La política por
defecto es DROP y luego permito algunos puertos y mac address para que
bypaseen el proxy.

Desde ya agradezco toda a ayuda que me puedan brindar.



*Fernando Miculan.-FCM SistemasTel. 15-5435862 / ID: 160*6915*

*ICQ: 6410724 / Skype: fcmsistemas*
*BBS Telnet: *

Re: (Solucionado) Obligado a degradar Libreoffice al actualizar el sistema

2014-12-30 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:45:32 +0100, Manolo Díaz escribió:

 El martes, 30 dic 2014, a las 17:41 horas (UTC+1),
 Camaleón escribió:


Si no necesitas ningún paquete de esa sección (non-free) puedes
omitirlo. Debido a su licencia ningún paquete libre podrá depender de
ellos pero tampoco te va a hacer daño tenerlo habilitado ;-)
 Pues sí que puede. De hecho es la razón de ser de la sección
 paquetes que son completamente libres pero que dependen de otros que
 no lo son. Tal vez te referías a que ningún paquete de main puede
 depender de non-free, lo cual _sí_ es cierto.

¿Estamos quisquillosos, eh? :-)
 Es por dejar las cosas claras (bueno, y por la malicia de ser


DFSG ! libre.
 De libre hay un montón de interpretaciones y tienes derecho a usar la
 que quieras. Hay quien no considera la GPL como libre porque su licencia
 es viral, te obliga a incluirla en trabajos derivados.

Lo que te quiero decir es que la DFSG de Debian son unas guías de uso de 
licencias para Debian, para los paquetes que pueden estar (y dónde) en 
sus repositorios, nada más. Debian sólo responde ante main. Y sólo los 
paquetes de main son libres. Los paquetes de contrib pueden tener 
requisitos que no entren dentro de lo que se considera libre (p. ej., 
el wrapper de flashplugin-nonfree que a Adobe no le debería de hacer 
mucha gracia).

O lo que es lo mismo, los paquetes de contrib que dependan de paquetes
no libres no son libres (de lo contrario estarían en main) aunque
cumplan con la DFSG.
 DSFG [1] es algo más concreto que libre, y todos los paquetes de main
 y contrib deben cumplirlas. La diferencia estriba en que los paquetes de
 main solo puede depender de otros que también la cumplan, es una sección
 autocontenida en ese sentido. Contrib no.


Repito, si un paquete depende de otro que no es libre, deja de serlo (de 
hecho, esa ambigüedad es la que hace que a la FSF no le haga gracia 
Debian). Y esa es la condición para que los paquetes estén en contrib, 
que tengan dependencias fuera del repo principal (main), no hay más 



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Re: Subredes, proxy y otras yerbas

2014-12-30 Thread Santiago Liz
El día 30 de diciembre de 2014, 17:23, Fernando Miculan escribió:
 Hola, como están?.
 Me presento, me llamo Fernando, vivo en La Plata, Argentina y hace unos
 cuantos años que utilizo Linux, en especial Debian y Ubuntu.

 Se me presento un caso en mi trabajo. Tenemos un squid linkeado a un active
 directory de Win(fucker) 2008 en la red, ademas de haber
 implementado un firewall con iptables. Todo realizado en un Debian 7.
 Hasta ahí no hay inconvenientes, los usuarios navegan perfectamente según
 los grupos asignados en el active directory.
 El problema se presento justamente hoy, al querer ampliar la red a otra
 subred (, que dicho sea de paso se implemento en forma de vlan
 en un router mikrotik.)
 La cuestión es, que después de haber agregado la ruta en una de las
 interfaces del debian para que vea la subred 30, estos navegan perfectamente
 en internet, pero no la subred 0, todo lo que sea web no funciona, salvo el
 correo electrónico y el skype.
 Que es lo que puede estar pasando?
 Con netstat -nr se ven las rutas asignadas perfectamente, por ese lado no
 veo el problema... me estará faltando algún tipo de regla adicional en el
 firewall ??
 Si les sirve les puedo postear el script del firewall. La política por
 defecto es DROP y luego permito algunos puertos y mac address para que
 bypaseen el proxy.

Falta algo de info, pero adivinando diría que algún cambio afectó la
configuración de squid donde se daba permiso a la red para utilizar el mismo al habilitar la o lo mismo en iptables donde se permite acceder a
la IP:Puerto donde escucha squid.
Al decir que anda el correo y skype descarto problemas de ruteo/nat.
Cuando desis que no navegan, cual es el error? un error de squid
diciendo que no tienen permiso o que no los clientes nos se pueden
conectar al proxy?

 Desde ya agradezco toda a ayuda que me puedan brindar.


 Fernando Miculan.-
 FCM Sistemas
 Tel. 15-5435862 / ID: 160*6915
 ICQ: 6410724 / Skype: fcmsistemas
 BBS Telnet:


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Subredes, proxy y otras yerbas

2014-12-30 Thread Fernando Miculan
 Se me presento un caso en mi trabajo. Tenemos un squid linkeado a un active
 directory de Win(fucker) 2008 en la red, ademas de haber
 implementado un firewall con iptables. Todo realizado en un Debian 7.
 Hasta ahí no hay inconvenientes, los usuarios navegan perfectamente según
 los grupos asignados en el active directory.
 El problema se presento justamente hoy, al querer ampliar la red a otra
 subred (, que dicho sea de paso se implemento en forma de vlan
 en un router mikrotik.)
 La cuestión es, que después de haber agregado la ruta en una de las
 interfaces del debian para que vea la subred 30, estos navegan
 en internet, pero no la subred 0, todo lo que sea web no funciona, salvo
 correo electrónico y el skype.
 Que es lo que puede estar pasando?
 Con netstat -nr se ven las rutas asignadas perfectamente, por ese lado no
 veo el problema... me estará faltando algún tipo de regla adicional en el
 firewall ??
 Si les sirve les puedo postear el script del firewall. La política por
 defecto es DROP y luego permito algunos puertos y mac address para que
 bypaseen el proxy.

Falta algo de info, pero adivinando diría que algún cambio afectó la
configuración de squid donde se daba permiso a la red para utilizar el mismo al habilitar la o lo mismo en iptables donde se permite acceder a
la IP:Puerto donde escucha squid.
Al decir que anda el correo y skype descarto problemas de ruteo/nat.
Cuando desis que no navegan, cual es el error? un error de squid
diciendo que no tienen permiso o que no los clientes nos se pueden
conectar al proxy?

Los que no navegan son los equipos de la subred 0 que esquivan el proxy
squid a través de una regla iptables por mac address. Si esos equipos los
apunto al squid desde el navegador, funcionan bien.
Lo extraño es que esa regla funciono de maravillas antes de hacer la subred


*Fernando Miculan.-FCM SistemasTel. 15-5435862 / ID: 160*6915*

*ICQ: 6410724 / Skype: fcmsistemas*
*BBS Telnet: *

RE: Subredes, proxy y otras yerbas

2014-12-30 Thread William Romero

 Se me presento un caso en mi trabajo. Tenemos un squid linkeado a un active
 directory de Win(fucker) 2008 en la red, ademas de haber
 implementado un firewall con iptables. Todo realizado en un Debian 7.
 Hasta ahí no hay inconvenientes, los usuarios navegan perfectamente según
 los grupos asignados en el active directory.
 El problema se presento justamente hoy, al querer ampliar la red a otra
 subred (, que dicho sea de paso se implemento en forma de vlan
 en un router mikrotik.)
 La cuestión es, que después de haber agregado la ruta en una de las
 interfaces del debian para que vea la subred 30, estos navegan perfectamente
 en internet, pero no la subred 0, todo lo que sea web no funciona, salvo el
 correo electrónico y el skype.
 Que es lo que puede estar pasando?
 Con netstat -nr se ven las rutas asignadas perfectamente, por ese lado no
 veo el problema... me estará faltando algún tipo de regla adicional en el
 firewall ??
 Si les sirve les puedo postear el script del firewall. La política por
 defecto es DROP y luego permito algunos puertos y mac address para que
 bypaseen el proxy.

Falta algo de info, pero adivinando diría que algún cambio afectó 
laconfiguración de squid donde se daba permiso a la red192.168.0.0/(24?) para 
utilizar el mismo al habilitar la192.168.30.0(/24?) o lo mismo en iptables 
donde se permite acceder ala IP:Puerto donde escucha squid.Al decir que anda el 
correo y skype descarto problemas de ruteo/nat.Cuando desis que no navegan, 
cual es el error? un error de squiddiciendo que no tienen permiso o que no los 
clientes nos se puedenconectar al proxy?
Los que no navegan son los equipos de la subred 0 que esquivan el proxy squid a 
través de una regla iptables por mac address. Si esos equipos los apunto al 
squid desde el navegador, funcionan bien.Lo extraño es que esa regla funciono 
de maravillas antes de hacer la subred 30.

Has usado el FORWARD NAT de iptables para llevar 0.0 hacia 30.0 ?




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2014-12-30 Thread jan
Någon här som kör Eclipse? Till vad? Nöjd? Alternativ?

Själv sitter jag av historiska skäl fast med Windows och CoIDE
(eclipsebaserat) i ett par ARM-projekt.

Jag har länge varit måttligt nöjd med den miljön och funderar på att
dumpa den till förmån för något linuxbaserat. Det kommer att innebära
att mina kunder får köra projekten under Windows men att åtminstone jag
slipper lida.

Tacksam för förslag, tips och åsikter.

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Re: Eclipse?

2014-12-30 Thread Anders Jackson

Den 30 dec 2014 15:46 skrev

 Någon här som kör Eclipse? Till vad? Nöjd? Alternativ?

Kör Eclipse och är nöjd.
Använder i utbildning.
Mestadels java-programmering, vanliga program och servlets.
Blandar den paketerade med egen installation.

 Själv sitter jag av historiska skäl fast med Windows och CoIDE
 (eclipsebaserat) i ett par ARM-projekt.


 Jag har länge varit måttligt nöjd med den miljön och funderar på att
 dumpa den till förmån för något linuxbaserat. Det kommer att innebära
 att mina kunder får köra projekten under Windows men att åtminstone jag
 slipper lida.

Det skall teoretiskt gå att använda rakt av, men det brukar dyka upp några
mindre problem som man behöver vara medvetna om att det gör. Men jag var
nöjd med det ändå.
Bara man har versionshantering på källkoden så brukar det ordna sig.

 Tacksam för förslag, tips och åsikter.

Vad använder du Eclipse till? Programmeringsspråk och arbetsflöde skulle

Vet inte av några speciella miljöer. Beror på hur mycket stöd du får av
Eclipse och som du använder.

Vet inte om NetBeans kan vara någotx använder inte den själv men vet många
som verkligen gillar den. De är ganska lika varandra.

Emacs är en trevlig miljö med mycket integrerat, som versionshantering,
debugger etc. Ligger mellan en editor och IDE.
Är dock inte lika Eclipse när det gäller standardinställning. Man behöver
aktivera och ställa in rätt mycket, men då får man det som man vill, om man
vet vad det är och kan verktygen man vill använda. ;-)
Konfigureras med Lisp och går att programmeras med Lisp. Det gör att man
kan göra många förändringar. Mycket av tangenbordsbindningarna från Emacs
används i andra program, som exempelvis bash.


Re: Eclipse?

2014-12-30 Thread Michael Kjörling
On 30 Dec 2014 18:11 +0100, from (Anders Jackson):
 Bara man har versionshantering på källkoden så brukar det ordna sig.

Eclipse har ju sina egna filer som den tycker om att skriva i lite då
och då. Värt att tänka på om man har källkodshantering där man behöver
ta ett aktivt beslut att kunna redigera filerna utan att något blir
ledset, men förmodligen ingen stor sak.

Michael Kjörling • •
OpenPGP B501AC6429EF4514
 “People who think they know everything really annoy
 those of us who know we don’t.” (Bjarne Stroustrup)

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Re: Eclipse?

2014-12-30 Thread Anders Jackson

Den 30 dec 2014 18:35 skrev Michael Kjörling

 On 30 Dec 2014 18:11 +0100, from (Anders
  Bara man har versionshantering på källkoden så brukar det ordna sig.

 Eclipse har ju sina egna filer som den tycker om att skriva i lite då
 och då. Värt att tänka på om man har källkodshantering där man behöver
 ta ett aktivt beslut att kunna redigera filerna utan att något blir
 ledset, men förmodligen ingen stor sak.

De skall man väl undvika att ha i versionshantering (filer och kataloger
som börjar med en punkt)?
Inställningarna där tenderar att ändras med versionerna av Eclipse, så då
kan det bli problem om man har olika versioner.

I vart fall min erfarenhet. Speciellt blir det problem om man varierar os
och installationer av program, inte bara Eclipse.

Gott nytt år

 Michael Kjörling • •
 OpenPGP B501AC6429EF4514
  “People who think they know everything really annoy
  those of us who know we don’t.” (Bjarne Stroustrup)


Re: Eclipse?

2014-12-30 Thread Peter Krefting

Någon här som kör Eclipse? Till vad? Nöjd? Alternativ?

Personligen har jag börjat använda Code::Blocks (finns paketerat i Debian); det känns 
lite mer som Visual Studio för de som har erfarenhet av det. Jag har 
inte riktigt fått den integrerade debuggern att fungera ordentligt, 
men eftersom jag jobbar mycket mot inbyggda system har det inte varit 

Projektfilerna för Code::Blocks kan enkelt läggas i en egen katalog 
och använda relativa sökvägar, så när jag använder det på $DAYJOB så 
har jag projektfilerna i ett eget repository som jag checkar ut som en 
underkatalog och får upp alla filer där.

\\// Peter -

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Var köpa blanka/programmerbara smartkort?

2014-12-30 Thread Michael Kjörling
Chansar på att någon här vet.

**Var kan jag köpa blanka smartkort?**

Leker med tanken på att använda smartkort för att lagra PGP-nycklar
och liknande hemligheter. Kortläsare går ju att köpa lite varstans
(Dustin har några stycken i sortimentet) men själva korten verkar vara
värre. Bonus om man dessutom inte är tvungen att köpa i hundrapack!

När jag söker så får jag upp ungefär allt _utom_ det jag vill ha.

Michael Kjörling • •
OpenPGP B501AC6429EF4514
 “People who think they know everything really annoy
 those of us who know we don’t.” (Bjarne Stroustrup)

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Re: Eclipse?

2014-12-30 Thread jan
On Tue, 30 Dec 2014 22:34:29 +0100 (CET)
Peter Krefting wrote:
  Någon här som kör Eclipse? Till vad? Nöjd? Alternativ?
 Personligen har jag börjat använda Code::Blocks (finns paketerat i Debian); det känns 
 lite mer som Visual Studio för de som har erfarenhet av det. Jag har 
 inte riktigt fått den integrerade debuggern att fungera ordentligt, 
 men eftersom jag jobbar mycket mot inbyggda system har det inte varit 
 Projektfilerna för Code::Blocks kan enkelt läggas i en egen katalog 
 och använda relativa sökvägar, så när jag använder det på $DAYJOB så 
 har jag projektfilerna i ett eget repository som jag checkar ut som
 en underkatalog och får upp alla filer där.

Hur kommer det sig att du valt Code::Blocks istf Eclipse? Jag bara
undrar, jag har ingen preferens men det känns som om Eclipse används
mer än Code::Blocks. Vad det nu är värt? Windows är ju populärt av
någon outgrundlig anledning...

Jag jobbar till 99% med inbyggda system, iofs på bare metal nivå.
Skulle inte vilja vara utan JTAG/OWD eller vad det kan heta beroende på

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Re: Var köpa blanka/programmerbara smartkort?

2014-12-30 Thread Andreas Karlsson
Jag kan rekommendera följande länk
Där listas många olika typer av kort,

MyEID verkar lovande och kan köpas styckvis.

Jag kom inte så långt när jag själv testade för ett år sedan, men då använde 
jag mig utav en feitian PKI USB token. Men det berodde mest på buggar med deras 
drivers, och den tillverkas inte längre.

 On 30 Dec 2014, at 23:25, Michael Kjörling wrote:
 Chansar på att någon här vet.
 **Var kan jag köpa blanka smartkort?**
 Leker med tanken på att använda smartkort för att lagra PGP-nycklar
 och liknande hemligheter. Kortläsare går ju att köpa lite varstans
 (Dustin har några stycken i sortimentet) men själva korten verkar vara
 värre. Bonus om man dessutom inte är tvungen att köpa i hundrapack!
 När jag söker så får jag upp ungefär allt _utom_ det jag vill ha.
 Michael Kjörling • •
 OpenPGP B501AC6429EF4514
 “People who think they know everything really annoy
 those of us who know we don’t.” (Bjarne Stroustrup)
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Re: Installation på Acer Extensa?

2014-12-30 Thread Jacob Sparre Andersen

Jonas Smedegaard skrev:

Hvilken version af Debian prøver du at få installeret?


Installerer du med UEFI eller BIOS?
Jeg forsøgte mig først med »Legacy« (hvilket formodentlig svarer til 
BIOS), men jeg kunne kun få startet installationsprogrammet med UEFI.

På nyere laptops der understøtter
UEFI bør du prøve både med emuleret BIOS og UEFI (sammen med et nyligt
snapshot af installationsrutinen).
Hmmm...  Det kan godt være at jeg skal se efter noget nyere end 1. marts 
2013 så. :-/

Hvilken installationsrutine bruger du, og hvordan har du puttet den på
en USB-nøgle?  Modsat Flemming vil jeg foreslå dig først at prøve med
det officielle netinst systemaftryk og kopiere det råt over på
USB-nøglen med cat-kommandoen¹.
Jeg bruger det officielle »debian-wheezy-DI-rc1-amd64-netinst.iso« (og 
»cp«, der er anbefalingen i brugsanvisningen).  En lidt nyere udgave 
kunne måske god være en idé.

Tak for rådene. - Og specielt påmindelsen om at tjekke datoen på mit 

Preserve wildlife, pickle a duck.

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Re: Installation på Acer Extensa?

2014-12-30 Thread Jonas Smedegaard
Quoting Jacob Sparre Andersen (2014-12-30 09:32:58)
 Jonas Smedegaard skrev:
 Hvilken version af Debian prøver du at få installeret?
 Installerer du med UEFI eller BIOS?
 Jeg forsøgte mig først med »Legacy« (hvilket formodentlig svarer til 
 BIOS), men jeg kunne kun få startet installationsprogrammet med UEFI.

Det var hvad jeg mistænkte.  Prøv med bleeding edge Jessie installation.

Også selvom det ikke er hvad du i sidste ende vil have på din maskine, 
kan det være en stor hjælp at finde noget der virker og så arbejde 
videre (steppe tilbage til noget mere stabilt) derfra.

 På nyere laptops der understøtter UEFI bør du prøve både med emuleret 
 BIOS og UEFI (sammen med et nyligt snapshot af installationsrutinen).
 Hmmm...  Det kan godt være at jeg skal se efter noget nyere end 1. 
 marts 2013 så. :-/

Ja, såvidt jeg husker er netop UEFI noget af det der er blevet rykket på 
henover sommeren (men ikke meget, desværre: der er for få Fri Software 
UEFI eksperter).

 Hvilken installationsrutine bruger du, og hvordan har du puttet den på
 en USB-nøgle?  Modsat Flemming vil jeg foreslå dig først at prøve med
 det officielle netinst systemaftryk og kopiere det råt over på
 USB-nøglen med cat-kommandoen¹.
 Jeg bruger det officielle »debian-wheezy-DI-rc1-amd64-netinst.iso« (og 
 »cp«, der er anbefalingen i brugsanvisningen).  En lidt nyere udgave 
 kunne måske god være en idé.

Ah, godt at installationsrutinen anbefaler cp - det vidste jeg ikke.

 Tak for rådene. - Og specielt påmindelsen om at tjekke datoen på mit 

Glæder mig at kunne hjælpe lidt på vej - og håber at den generelle 
tavshed her på listen indikerer at der kun sjældent er knas med 
installationen ;-)

Giv endeligt lyd om hvordan det videre går med projektet!

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist  Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

 [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private

Description: signature

Re: wifi connection tool?

2014-12-30 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 29 dec 14, 15:58:06, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
 This is for Network Manager (which I'm not using since it handles
 the full network configuration, but I already have my own for
 Ethernet, and I don't want it to be broken).

If I'm not mistaken it can be configured to not handle connections 
already handled by ifupdown.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?

2014-12-30 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 29 dec 14, 22:06:55, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 No, from what I've seen, the default is to do preventative fscks,
 depending on the number of boots (and time? I'm not sure).  

Could you please show us where you've seen this? For the record, again, 
from the e2fsprogs changelog:

e2fsprogs (1.42~WIP-2011-07-02-1) unstable; urgency=low
  * Mke2fs will now create file systems that enable user namespace
  extended attributes and with time- and mount count-based file
  system checks disabled.
 -- Theodore Y. Ts'o  Sat, 02 Jul 2011 22:38:57 -0400

Of course, if you have filesystems created with earlier e2fsprogs you'll 
still have the periodic checks enabled, but they are easy to disable 
with tune2fs.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?

2014-12-30 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 29 dec 14, 18:32:28, Marc Auslander wrote:
 Long ago, I decided that inconvenient fsck's were not what I
 needed. And that cancelling them was not an option - I run quasi
 headless so there's no way.
 So - I use tune2fs to set a ridiculous reboot count for automatic

Just for the archives, as per tune2fs(8), one can disable the mount 
count check by setting the value to 0 or -1.

[snip implementation of monthly forced check via cron]

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Develop ineo 25e printer and CUPS

2014-12-30 Thread Jape Person

On 12/30/2014 02:41 AM, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:

Hi all,

I have a  Develop ineo 25e printer, and want to set it up
with CUPS. I connect to http://localhost:631/ and add the
printer, with uploading the PPD available here:

(English, Linux, version 1.1 dated 2012)

The printer is network connected, and the connection is

socket:// job-sheets=none, none
media=iso_a4_210x297mm sides=one-sided

I tried several combinations, with or without the PPD,
socket:// or ipp://,... no way: The test page prints OK, but
any other page is a kind of source code I could not define.

Would you know what option could save me?


When you performed the test page print, was that order sent from 
the front panel of the printer or from one of the networked 

This sounds like it could be a communications error. The 
simplest and first thing I'd try in a case like this is to reset 
the printer itself by cycling it's power.

You might also check the cable connections to be certain they're 

If neither of those suggestions work, you might try telling us 
what you've tried in the way of troubleshooting, and any error 
messages that you might discern in the printer output -- though 
it sounds as though there won't be anything decipherable there.

Best regards,

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Re: New Kernel but there is no screen... :(

2014-12-30 Thread Hans
Am Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2014, 10:40:55 schrieben Sie:
 It has the black screen after boot when try load the desktop login screen -
 so this is the 2. - from which you mentioned.
 I have got two NVIDIA 8600GT - in SLI - with two screens plugged in one of
 the cards - as you could see in my xorg.conf - which was posted here.
 Many thanks

So, that might be the point. You got SLI. I believe, that might be the reason. 
I am not experienced with SLI. But there is a good manual for the entries in 
xorg.conf sent with the package. 

I suggest to iterate the problem. If it is possible, to insert only one card, 
then do so. Use only just one monitor. If this is working, add the other 
monitor. If they are both working ( I believe, there is a twin or Stereo 
option in xorg.conf), then add the second card.

If you do so, then you may find out the reason. 

Also check, if the nvidia module is loaded (I guess you did already) by using 
lsmod | grep nvidia.

Make sure, the nouveau module is NOT loaded! (lsmod | grep nouveau).

The problem is, that we do still not know, what the real reason is for the 

Hope this helps.



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Re: Question about MultiArch and dependencies

2014-12-30 Thread Raphaël Halimi
Le 30/12/2014 06:04, Gary Dale a écrit :
 On 29/12/14 11:59 PM, The Wanderer wrote:
 On 12/29/2014 at 11:48 PM, Gary Dale wrote:

 On 29/12/14 04:27 PM, Raphaël Halimi wrote:

 Le 29/12/2014 21:52, Gary Dale a écrit :
 Apparently not.
 Wow, very useful answer. Thanks a lot !
 Given that most packages are trivially small compared with disk space
 and memory these days, especially on gaming computers, the question
 itself is almost pointless. Just pull in the dependency and forget
 about it.
 It's far from pointless if you're wanting to try to _understand_ what's
 going on and why, which is an eminently reasonable goal and one which
 should be encouraged rather than treated dismissively.

 I read it as a complaint, not a question. He didn't ask why didn't it, 
 just shouldn't it. He didn't say it created any problems with his 
 desktop environment, just frustration that he needed two xterms.

1/ Remember that not all people speak English as their native language.
2/ Although it was indeed a question and not a complaint, I'm trying to
build a desktop for non-computer-literate people, used to simple layouts
like stock MacOSX, so yeah, having two terminals in the menu _is_ a
problem for the goal I'm trying to reach.
3/ Following your logic, I just should have forgotten about the problem
(because it _is_ a problem in mate-terminal's packaging, as Sven pointed
out) and live with it... I wonder where Debian would be today if
everyone treated minor bugs like you do. Indeed, I could just
dpkg-divert the desktop file to hide it on the machines I install
(that's probably what I'll do if the fix doesn't reach Jessie before the
release), but as The Wanderer said, understanding why apt reacts like
that was much more interesting, and reporting this kind of minor bugs in
packaging, in addition to saving me a little bit of work on future
installations, allows to fix the problem not only for Debian, but for
all of its downstreams as well (Ubuntu, Mint, Crunchbang, etc etc).

Just admit that you didn't really understand the question, and gave a
useless and almost rude answer. These things happen, it's no big deal.

Raphaël Halimi

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?

2014-12-30 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 12/30/2014 5:37 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Lu, 29 dec 14, 22:06:55, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

 No, from what I've seen, the default is to do preventative fscks,
 depending on the number of boots (and time? I'm not sure).  
 Could you please show us where you've seen this? For the record, again, 
 from the e2fsprogs changelog:

Multiple times in on this mailing list.

 e2fsprogs (1.42~WIP-2011-07-02-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Mke2fs will now create file systems that enable user namespace
   extended attributes and with time- and mount count-based file
   system checks disabled.
  -- Theodore Y. Ts'o  Sat, 02 Jul 2011 22:38:57 -0400
 Of course, if you have filesystems created with earlier e2fsprogs you'll 
 still have the periodic checks enabled, but they are easy to disable 
 with tune2fs.
 Kind regards,

This is the first time I've seen this fix.  I've seen other means of
using tune2fs, such as setting to a high number and resetting the count
on each reboot.  But I hadn't seen that it could be disabled this way.

This fixes my immediate problem.  But as I've said before - there are
other reasons my clients don't like the way Debian is going, and the
decision has already been made to look at another distro.  And I have to
be developing on the same distros they are using.


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Continuing to use SysV; LTS [Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?]

2014-12-30 Thread Don Armstrong
On Mon, 29 Dec 2014, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 I should also add - that's why they are looking at other distros now.
 They are planning to stay on Wheezy as long as possible. It will
 probably take two years for them to get another distro ready for

If switching to systemd is their main concern, then they can just stay
with SysV for jessie. They should probably also consider contributing
developer time (or your time) to the continued support of SysV in
jessie+1 (and beyond.)

If they want to stick with wheezy for other reasons, they should help
make squeeze LTS a success so people are more likely to also contribute
to wheezy LTS when it is inevitably EOLed by the stable security team.

If it's something else that bothers them, the way to influence Debian is
to do the work.

Don Armstrong

Cheop's Law: Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget.
 -- Robert Heinlein _Time Enough For Love_ p242

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Re: wifi connection tool?

2014-12-30 Thread Mart van de Wege
Andrei POPESCU writes:

 On Lu, 29 dec 14, 15:58:06, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
 This is for Network Manager (which I'm not using since it handles
 the full network configuration, but I already have my own for
 Ethernet, and I don't want it to be broken).

 If I'm not mistaken it can be configured to not handle connections 
 already handled by ifupdown.

Network devices which are configured in /etc/network/interfaces will
  typically be managed by ifupdown. Such devices will by default be
  marked as unmanaged in NetworkManager.

From /usr/share/doc/network-manager/README.Debian

I used to run a configuration like that, so I can confirm that this
works indeed.

(For completeness' sake: I used to have the static network config of my
workstation configured on the box itself, until I decided that it would
be a lot simpler to just set up a static association on my DHCP server
and just let NM handle all the network issues on my clients)


We will need a longer wall when the revolution comes.
--- AJS, quoting an uncertain source.

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Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS [Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?]

2014-12-30 Thread The Wanderer
On 12/30/2014 at 09:45 AM, Don Armstrong wrote:

 On Mon, 29 Dec 2014, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 I should also add - that's why they are looking at other distros
 now. They are planning to stay on Wheezy as long as possible. It
 will probably take two years for them to get another distro ready
 for production.
 If switching to systemd is their main concern, then they can just
 stay with SysV for jessie. They should probably also consider
 contributing developer time (or your time) to the continued support
 of SysV in jessie+1 (and beyond.)

Take care about what configuration to use in sticking with sysvinit in
jessie, though. I run two main Debian systems; on one of them I've
installed sysvinit-core+systemd-shim and removed systemd-the-package
(and all reverse dependencies, of course), and on the other I've
installed sysvinit-core+systemd-shim and left libpam-systemd (and all
dependencies) in place - and I have seen behavior changes in at least
the latter case. (I think I've seen some changes in both cases, but I've
changed the installed-package configuration on the former machine since
then, so I can't swear those changes are still present.)

Just yesterday, I rebooted the computer with libpam-systemd present (and
thus systemd-logind active) for the first time since the switch, and
I've already noted two particular behavior changes which I find

* When I launch X from tty1 with 'startx', it now appears to run on tty1
itself instead of on the more traditional tty7 - which has the practical
effect that it's no longer possible to kill X by shifting to tty1 and
hitting Ctrl-C, which is an emergency break-out measure I've found
necessary or at least convenient in the past. There are probably ways to
reconfigure things to prevent this behavior change (I think I've seen
such mentioned here on-list in the past), but that is the behavior which
seems to result from the default configuration.

* When I boot to the text console to log in, there are messages from
logind printed prior to login which clutter the console (and step all
over the actual login prompt), and more printed after hitting Enter on
the password prompt to actually log in. If there are ways to prevent
this behavior change without muting potentially-desirable (new) logging
activity entirely, I'm not aware of them.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Question about MultiArch and dependencies

2014-12-30 Thread Gary Dale

On 30/12/14 06:45 AM, Raphaël Halimi wrote:

Le 30/12/2014 06:04, Gary Dale a écrit :

On 29/12/14 11:59 PM, The Wanderer wrote:

On 12/29/2014 at 11:48 PM, Gary Dale wrote:

On 29/12/14 04:27 PM, Raphaël Halimi wrote:

Le 29/12/2014 21:52, Gary Dale a écrit :

Apparently not.

Wow, very useful answer. Thanks a lot !

Given that most packages are trivially small compared with disk space
and memory these days, especially on gaming computers, the question
itself is almost pointless. Just pull in the dependency and forget
about it.

It's far from pointless if you're wanting to try to _understand_ what's
going on and why, which is an eminently reasonable goal and one which
should be encouraged rather than treated dismissively.

I read it as a complaint, not a question. He didn't ask why didn't it,
just shouldn't it. He didn't say it created any problems with his
desktop environment, just frustration that he needed two xterms.

1/ Remember that not all people speak English as their native language.
2/ Although it was indeed a question and not a complaint, I'm trying to
build a desktop for non-computer-literate people, used to simple layouts
like stock MacOSX, so yeah, having two terminals in the menu _is_ a
problem for the goal I'm trying to reach.
3/ Following your logic, I just should have forgotten about the problem
(because it _is_ a problem in mate-terminal's packaging, as Sven pointed
out) and live with it... I wonder where Debian would be today if
everyone treated minor bugs like you do. Indeed, I could just
dpkg-divert the desktop file to hide it on the machines I install
(that's probably what I'll do if the fix doesn't reach Jessie before the
release), but as The Wanderer said, understanding why apt reacts like
that was much more interesting, and reporting this kind of minor bugs in
packaging, in addition to saving me a little bit of work on future
installations, allows to fix the problem not only for Debian, but for
all of its downstreams as well (Ubuntu, Mint, Crunchbang, etc etc).

Just admit that you didn't really understand the question, and gave a
useless and almost rude answer. These things happen, it's no big deal.

Then again, knowing how to ask a question is also important. It would 
seem that your real concern is having two terminals on the menu. 
However, did you actually test that it would happen? Would installing 
the multiarch version give you two xterms or would the last one 
installed overwrite the first?

Could you simply remove the second menu item if one did in fact show up?

Did you try removing the mate version of xterm before installing the one 
steam prefers?

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ALSA does not work on baytrail tablet.

2014-12-30 Thread nutrinfnon


I have installed debian 7.7 on an 8 tablet (CHUWI VX8 3G) baytrail atom 

I'm using kernel 3.10.20 from original android installation. I also 
tested upstream 3.19.0-rc1 with same results.

Below all info:

dmesg (relevant lines)

snd_intel_sst: INFO:  SST DRIVER loading.. Ver: 3.0.8
snd_byt_bl_rt5642: Baytrail Machine Driver byt_rt5642 registerd
byt_rt5642 AMCR0F28:00:  snd-soc-dummy-dai - ssp-bt-cpu-dai mapping ok
byt_rt5642 AMCR0F28:00:  snd-soc-dummy-dai - ssp-modem-cpu-dai mapping ok
snd_byt_bl_rt5642: snd_byt_mc_probe successful

cat /proc/asound/cards
 0 [baytrailaudio  ]: baytrailaudio - baytrailaudio
 1 [IntelHDMI  ]: IntelHDMI - IntelHDMI

 ll /dev/snd/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root   60 Dec 30 15:56 by-path
crw-rw---T+ 1 root audio 116,  6 Dec 30 15:56 comprC0D2
crw-rw---T+ 1 root audio 116, 12 Dec 30 15:56 controlC0
crw-rw---T+ 1 root audio 116, 14 Dec 30 15:56 controlC1
crw-rw---T+ 1 root audio 116, 11 Dec 30 15:56 hwC0D0
crw-rw---T+ 1 root audio 116, 10 Dec 30 15:56 pcmC0D0c
crw-rw---T+ 1 root audio 116,  9 Dec 30 15:56 pcmC0D0p
crw-rw---T+ 1 root audio 116,  8 Dec 30 15:56 pcmC0D1c
crw-rw---T+ 1 root audio 116,  7 Dec 30 15:56 pcmC0D1p
crw-rw---T+ 1 root audio 116,  5 Dec 30 15:56 pcmC0D3c
crw-rw---T+ 1 root audio 116,  4 Dec 30 15:56 pcmC0D3p
crw-rw---T+ 1 root audio 116,  3 Dec 30 15:56 pcmC0D4c
crw-rw---T+ 1 root audio 116,  2 Dec 30 15:56 pcmC0D4p
crw-rw---T+ 1 root audio 116, 13 Dec 30 15:56 pcmC1D0p
crw-rw---T+ 1 root audio 116,  1 Dec 30 15:56 seq
crw-rw---T+ 1 root audio 116, 33 Dec 30 15:56 timer

I copied firmware from android /system/etc/firmware to /lib/firmware/3.10.30

first test: alsa.conf android

aplay -l  List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
card 0: baytrailaudio [baytrailaudio], device 0: Audio rt5640-aif1-0 []
  Subdevices: 2/2
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
  Subdevice #1: subdevice #1
card 0: baytrailaudio [baytrailaudio], device 1: Voice rt5640-aif2-1 []
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: baytrailaudio [baytrailaudio], device 3: BYT_BTSCO 
snd-soc-dummy-dai-3 []

  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: baytrailaudio [baytrailaudio], device 4: BYT_MODEM_MIXING 
snd-soc-dummy-dai-4 []

  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: IntelHDMI [IntelHDMI], device 0: IntelHDMI [IntelHDMI]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

mplayer -novideo -v -af resample=48000 -ao alsa:device=hw=0.0 film.avi
uilding audio filter chain for 44100Hz/2ch/s16le - 0Hz/0ch/??...
[libaf] Adding filter resample
[resample] Changing sample rate to 48000Hz
[resample] Using integer processing and inexact frequecy conversion.
[resample] New filter designed up: 160 down: 147
[resample] Using integer processing and inexact frequecy conversion.
Trying preferred audio driver 'alsa', options 'device=hw=0.0'
alsa-init: requested format: 48000 Hz, 2 channels, 9
alsa-init: using ALSA 1.0.25
alsa-init: setup for 1/2 channel(s)
alsa-init: using device hw:0,0
alsa-init: pcm opened in blocking mode
alsa-init: got buffersize=96000
alsa-init: got period size 1500
alsa: 48000 Hz/2 channels/4 bpf/96000 bytes buffer/Signed 16 bit Little 

AO: [alsa] 48000Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
AO: Description: ALSA-0.9.x-1.x audio output
AO: Author: Alex Beregszaszi, Zsolt Barat
AO: Comment: under development
Building audio filter chain for 44100Hz/2ch/s16le - 48000Hz/2ch/s16le...
[resample] Using integer processing and inexact frequecy conversion.
[resample] Using integer processing and inexact frequecy conversion.
Video: no video
Freeing 0 unused video chunks.
Starting playback...
[libaf] Reallocating memory in module resample, old len = 0, new len = 98225
Increasing filtered audio buffer size from 0 to 98224
A:   0.0 (00.0) of 448.0 (07:28.0)  6.9%

(stops at 0.0 no sound, I must use ctrl-c to terminate mplayer)

snd_intel_sst: runtime_resume called
snd_intel_sst: FW Version 02.08.0a.05
snd_intel_sst: Build date Feb 18 2014 Time 10:11:36
snd_intel_sst: runtime_idle called

cannot load mixer controls: Inappropriate ioctl for device

second test: with alsa.conf minimal config

aplay -l
 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
card 0: baytrailaudio [baytrailaudio], device 0: 1 []
  Subdevices: 2/2
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
  Subdevice #1: subdevice #1
card 0: baytrailaudio [baytrailaudio], device 1: Voice rt5640-aif2-1 []
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: baytrailaudio [baytrailaudio], device 3: BYT_BTSCO 
snd-soc-dummy-dai-3 []

  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: baytrailaudio [baytrailaudio], device 4: BYT_MODEM_MIXING 
snd-soc-dummy-dai-4 []

  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: IntelHDMI [IntelHDMI], device 0: IntelHDMI [IntelHDMI]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

mplayer -novideo -v -af 

Re: New Kernel but there is no screen... :(

2014-12-30 Thread Curt
On 2014-12-30, Hans wrote:

 The problem is, that we do still not know, what the real reason is for the 

He might want to look in the log for errors, if that detail hasn't
already been mentioned (/var/log/Xorg.0.log).

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Speed up a WiFI interface ??

2014-12-30 Thread Bernhard Frühmesser


For a friend i setup a small RAID-1 config using Wheezy on one of his 
old machines, just to backup his most important stuff. Unfortunately the 
location where the box is placed can not be reached via cable because of 
building conditions, so only Wireless is possible.

I have installed package firmware-ralink for the network card and 
these modules are loaded after reboot:


After using wpa_passphrase and adding wlan0 to /etc/network/interfaces 
all works so far, the client get´s an ip from the dhcp server, can copy 
stuff and so on.

The Problem is that it´s extremely slow.

The WLAN-Router is setup to support 11bgn mixed mode, channel bandwith 
audo and max transfer rate 150Mbit/s.

But when i check the client side with iwconfig i get this:

wlan0 IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:My friends SSID
  Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Access Point:MAC-Adress
  Bit Rate=58.5 Mb/s   Tx-Power=20 dBm
  Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
  Encryption key:off
  Power Management:off
  Link Quality=45/70  Signal level=-65 dBm
  Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
  Tx excessive retries:5788  Invalid misc:58   Missed beacon:0

The wlan-card is supposed to support 150Mbit/s as well.

I have tested and position the box right next to the wlan-Router but 
this doesn´t help much except the Link Quality is then 70/70.

I have used iptraf to check for the data rates and the overall input 
rate for this interface is about 5,8 Mbit/s which is not even 5% of the 
max (theoretical) speed. I know that the max speed of a WLAN is never 
reached but 5,8 Mbit/s overall speed seems very slow to me - no?

Anything i can do to speed this up?



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Re: multiple versions of python

2014-12-30 Thread Boruch Baum
Thanks. Are you recommending virtualenv from experience having used it,
or from heresay? I would want to know what possible pitfalls and gotchas
there might be. Specifically, the description for the package says that
it creates ... virtual Python instances, each invokable  with its own
Python executable.  Each instance can have different sets of
modules..., but I'm not looking for running two instances with
individual custom modules or libraries - I think I'm looking at having
two ENTIRE python tool-chains (v2.7  v2.6). So, I would be asking
virtualenv, a python2.7 package itself, to be running an entire
python2.6 instance. Would that be in the scope of solution you've suggested?

On 12/29/2014 04:30 PM, Alex Mestiashvili wrote:
 On 12/29/2014 09:17 PM, Boruch Baum wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 I'm preparing two bug reports, and in trying to sort one of them out, it
 seems that it may be linked to an incompatibility of a script with
 python2.7 (see bug #659831). So, in test that possibility, what I would
 like to do is install some other version of python (I see 2.5 and 2.6 in
 the repositories), in order to see whether the package works with
 another version.

 My questions revolve around how time-consuming and worthwhile this
 exercise will be:

 1] Can I have multiple versions of python simultaneously?

 2] Is there a way to specify that one package use a non-default version
 of python? (I don't want to set an old version of python as default, if
 that risks having other packages, depending on 2.7, break).

 3] Is this a quick, straightforward install? Or is it going to be
 something like an emacs install, with all kinds of time-consuming,
 interminable local compilations and configurations?

 Please respond to me directly, and on list. Thanks.
 It sounds like you need virtualenv:

CA45 09B5 5351 7C11 A9D1  7286 0036 9E45 1595 8BC0

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Speed up a WiFI interface ??

2014-12-30 Thread Mike McGinn

On Tuesday, December 30, 2014 13:14:19 Bernhard Frühmesser wrote:
 For a friend i setup a small RAID-1 config using Wheezy on one of his
 old machines, just to backup his most important stuff. Unfortunately the
 location where the box is placed can not be reached via cable because of
 building conditions, so only Wireless is possible.
 I have installed package firmware-ralink for the network card and
 these modules are loaded after reboot:
 After using wpa_passphrase and adding wlan0 to /etc/network/interfaces
 all works so far, the client get´s an ip from the dhcp server, can copy
 stuff and so on.
 The Problem is that it´s extremely slow.
 The WLAN-Router is setup to support 11bgn mixed mode, channel bandwith
 audo and max transfer rate 150Mbit/s.
 But when i check the client side with iwconfig i get this:
 wlan0 IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:My friends SSID
Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Access Point:MAC-Adress
Bit Rate=58.5 Mb/s   Tx-Power=20 dBm
Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
Encryption key:off
Power Management:off
Link Quality=45/70  Signal level=-65 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:5788  Invalid misc:58   Missed beacon:0
 The wlan-card is supposed to support 150Mbit/s as well.
 I have tested and position the box right next to the wlan-Router but
 this doesn´t help much except the Link Quality is then 70/70.
 I have used iptraf to check for the data rates and the overall input
 rate for this interface is about 5,8 Mbit/s which is not even 5% of the
 max (theoretical) speed. I know that the max speed of a WLAN is never
 reached but 5,8 Mbit/s overall speed seems very slow to me - no?
 Anything i can do to speed this up?

Just because the card  will support 150Mbit/s does not mean the system will. 
The computer has other things to do besides see to the network, and the router 
has other connections to service and the system on the other side has other 
things to do too. It all adds up.

Mike McGinn KD2CNU
Be happy that brainfarts don't smell.
No electrons were harmed in sending this message, some were inconvenienced.
** Registered Linux User 377849

Re: Speed up a WiFI interface ??

2014-12-30 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 07:14:19PM +0100, Bernhard Frühmesser wrote:
 For a friend i setup a small RAID-1 config using Wheezy on one of his old
 machines, just to backup his most important stuff. Unfortunately the
 location where the box is placed can not be reached via cable because of
 building conditions, so only Wireless is possible.
 I have installed package firmware-ralink for the network card and these
 modules are loaded after reboot:
 After using wpa_passphrase and adding wlan0 to /etc/network/interfaces all
 works so far, the client get´s an ip from the dhcp server, can copy stuff
 and so on.
 The Problem is that it´s extremely slow.
 The WLAN-Router is setup to support 11bgn mixed mode, channel bandwith
 audo and max transfer rate 150Mbit/s.
 But when i check the client side with iwconfig i get this:
 wlan0 IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:My friends SSID
   Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Access Point:MAC-Adress
   Bit Rate=58.5 Mb/s   Tx-Power=20 dBm
   Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
   Encryption key:off
   Power Management:off
   Link Quality=45/70  Signal level=-65 dBm
   Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
   Tx excessive retries:5788  Invalid misc:58   Missed beacon:0
 The wlan-card is supposed to support 150Mbit/s as well.
 I have tested and position the box right next to the wlan-Router but this
 doesn´t help much except the Link Quality is then 70/70.
 I have used iptraf to check for the data rates and the overall input rate
 for this interface is about 5,8 Mbit/s which is not even 5% of the max
 (theoretical) speed. I know that the max speed of a WLAN is never reached
 but 5,8 Mbit/s overall speed seems very slow to me - no?
 Anything i can do to speed this up?
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Megabits are not the same as megabytes. Eight bits in byte + start/stop and 

150Mb is probably closer to 150/10MB - so 150Mb = 15MB in ideal conditions 
without any loss.

Add in radio noisy environments / other interference and you can soon lose 
speed :(

All the best,


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Re: wifi connection tool?

2014-12-30 Thread Matt Ventura

On 12/30/2014 07:26 AM, Mart van de Wege wrote:

Andrei POPESCU writes:

On Lu, 29 dec 14, 15:58:06, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

This is for Network Manager (which I'm not using since it handles
the full network configuration, but I already have my own for
Ethernet, and I don't want it to be broken).

If I'm not mistaken it can be configured to not handle connections
already handled by ifupdown.

Network devices which are configured in /etc/network/interfaces will
   typically be managed by ifupdown. Such devices will by default be
   marked as unmanaged in NetworkManager.

From /usr/share/doc/network-manager/README.Debian

I used to run a configuration like that, so I can confirm that this
works indeed.

(For completeness' sake: I used to have the static network config of my
workstation configured on the box itself, until I decided that it would
be a lot simpler to just set up a static association on my DHCP server
and just let NM handle all the network issues on my clients)


In addition, if you'd like to manually tell n-m to not manage 
interfaces, you

can add a section like this to your /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf:


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Re: Help me run an old Windows game. PlayOnLinux? Wine?

2014-12-30 Thread Elimar Riesebieter
* Kevin O'Gorman [2014-12-29 14:58 -0800]:

 I have an image of the old Windows 98 Entertainment Pack floppy.  I'd like
 to run one of the games that's on it, TIC.EXE.  It's not in PlayOnLinux's
 list of applications or games, and I'm completely new to trying this.
 I could use help, advice, warnings or pointers to a better place to get

$ apt-cache show dosemu

  Alles was viel bedacht wird ist bedenklich!;-)
 Friedrich Nietzsche

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Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS [Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?]

2014-12-30 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 12/30/2014 9:45 AM, Don Armstrong wrote:
 On Mon, 29 Dec 2014, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 I should also add - that's why they are looking at other distros now.
 They are planning to stay on Wheezy as long as possible. It will
 probably take two years for them to get another distro ready for
 If switching to systemd is their main concern, then they can just stay
 with SysV for jessie. They should probably also consider contributing
 developer time (or your time) to the continued support of SysV in
 jessie+1 (and beyond.)
 If they want to stick with wheezy for other reasons, they should help
 make squeeze LTS a success so people are more likely to also contribute
 to wheezy LTS when it is inevitably EOLed by the stable security team.
 If it's something else that bothers them, the way to influence Debian is
 to do the work.

Don, that's a good, but impractical idea.  The people there have enough
to do at work, and like to have a life outside of work.  Believer it or
not, not everyone is capable (or interested) in spending their life
working on Linux.

And they are concerned enough with the way Debian is moving to make the
investment in switching.  Better to do it now, when they have time, than
later when they find out they have to switch quickly.


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Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS [Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?]

2014-12-30 Thread Don Armstrong
On Tue, 30 Dec 2014, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 The people there have enough to do at work, and like to have a life
 outside of work. Believer it or not, not everyone is capable (or
 interested) in spending their life working on Linux.

If Debian is important to their business, then they should hire people
to work on the bits of Debian that matter to them. Pretty much everyone
who is serious about using Debian in production does this.

If they (or anyone else) is interested in doing this, there are numerous
people who could be hired straight off of the consultants list. If they
(or anyone else) is having a hard time finding contributors to fund,

 And they are concerned enough with the way Debian is moving to make
 the investment in switching. Better to do it now, when they have time,
 than later when they find out they have to switch quickly.

If they have already decided to switch, then they should start
contributing to whatever distribution they're going to switch to.

Don Armstrong

unbeingdead isn't beingalive
 -- e.e. cummings 31 _73 Poems_

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Re: Question about MultiArch and dependencies

2014-12-30 Thread Raphaël Halimi
Le 30/12/2014 17:23, Gary Dale a écrit :
 Then again, knowing how to ask a question is also important. It would

Then again, not everybody is born in an english-speaking country.

 seem that your real concern is having two terminals on the menu.

It is _one_ of my concerns. The other one being apt not resolving these
dependencies the way I expected it to. Unlike you, Sven understood the
question immediately and unlike you, he gave an appropriate answer. I
filed a bug report against mate-terminal. Problem solved.

 However, did you actually test that it would happen? Would installing 
 the multiarch version give you two xterms or would the last one 
 installed overwrite the first?
 Could you simply remove the second menu item if one did in fact show up?
 Did you try removing the mate version of xterm before installing the one 
 steam prefers?

What does it have to do with my initial question about dependencies
resolving ? Stop trying to justify yourself and just admit you were
gratuitously rude to someone you mistook for a newbie.

Raphaël Halimi

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Question about MultiArch and dependencies

2014-12-30 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Tuesday 30 December 2014 23:47:18 Raphaël Halimi wrote:
 Stop trying to justify yourself

Pot and kettle???


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Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS [Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?]

2014-12-30 Thread Joel Rees
On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 7:49 AM, Don Armstrong wrote:
 On Tue, 30 Dec 2014, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 The people there have enough to do at work, and like to have a life
 outside of work. Believer it or not, not everyone is capable (or
 interested) in spending their life working on Linux.

 If Debian is important to their business, then they should hire people
 to work on the bits of Debian that matter to them.

I have to admit, this is a thought that has been on my mind lately.

 Pretty much everyone
 who is serious about using Debian in production does this.

Unfortunately, I don't think that's exactly true, for some defintions
of serious.

Lots of companies think they are serious about using Linux, but not
feeding their profits back upstream.

On the contrary, they tend to be trying to use the (imaginary, but
much touted) cost differential as a competitive wedge, pushing down
their profits and squeezing the market. Killing the goose that laid
the golden egg.

Not facing up to the freedom vs. zero (initial) cost dillemma. Not
really serious even though they are seriously thinking they are

(Yeah, I'm sort of looking at myself in the mirror, as an individual.
I don't contribute as much as I should because it has been too easy to
get distracted, playing with all the zero initial cost stuff.)

 If they (or anyone else) is interested in doing this, there are numerous
 people who could be hired straight off of the consultants list. If they
 (or anyone else) is having a hard time finding contributors to fund,

 And they are concerned enough with the way Debian is moving to make
 the investment in switching. Better to do it now, when they have time,
 than later when they find out they have to switch quickly.

 If they have already decided to switch, then they should start
 contributing to whatever distribution they're going to switch to.

And I'm thinking that, if more of the people who think they are
serious about FOSS had been taking the duties of freedom more
seriously, the systemd debacle might have been avoided. (By making
more work generalizing the several init approaches publically
available, and by making the inits more interchangeable, more
manageable by people who don't have time to learn shell scripting --
although managers scared of learning programming languages is yet
another manifestation of the problem.)

I'm moving to openbsd partly to make sure I start contributing. (Also
because I see too many devs in the debian community who either don't
want to learn programming or whose ideas about programming are
diametrically opposed to what I think is my experience.)

Joel Rees

Be careful when you look at conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart,
and ask yourself if you are not your own worst enemy.
Arm yourself with knowledge of yourself, as well.

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Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS [Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?]

2014-12-30 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 12/30/2014 5:49 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
 On Tue, 30 Dec 2014, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 The people there have enough to do at work, and like to have a life
 outside of work. Believer it or not, not everyone is capable (or
 interested) in spending their life working on Linux.
 If Debian is important to their business, then they should hire people
 to work on the bits of Debian that matter to them. Pretty much everyone
 who is serious about using Debian in production does this.

That's a great idea.  Who's going to pay these people - you?

My clients are not IT folks.  They don't need Debian per say - they DO
need Linux.  And, like all companies, they have a limited budget for
software implementations.

 If they (or anyone else) is interested in doing this, there are numerous
 people who could be hired straight off of the consultants list. If they
 (or anyone else) is having a hard time finding contributors to fund,

And you're going to pay those consultants, right?

 And they are concerned enough with the way Debian is moving to make
 the investment in switching. Better to do it now, when they have time,
 than later when they find out they have to switch quickly.
 If they have already decided to switch, then they should start
 contributing to whatever distribution they're going to switch to.

And you're going to pay for these consultants?

Again - these companies are not NOT IT companies.  They are
manufacturers of equipment.  Right now, Debian just happens to be the
distribution they are using.  Yes, they have a couple of people familiar
with Linux administration, but that's about it.  And these administering
Linux is only a very small part of their job.  That's why they hire
people like me to write specific device drivers and other software.  But
they are not going to spend money hiring consultants to work on the OS.

They could use pretty much any distro.  They liked Debian because of its
stability.  But they don't NEED Debian.  If they wanted to spend lots of
time trying to maintain the OS, they would have gone to slackware.


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Re: multiple versions of python

2014-12-30 Thread Rusi Mody
On Wednesday, December 31, 2014 12:00:05 AM UTC+5:30, Boruch Baum wrote:
 Thanks. Are you recommending virtualenv from experience having used it,
 or from heresay? 

In general there is a spectrum for resources 
In decreasing order of weight
1. Buy a new machine
2. Use a VM
3. Use docker
4. Use virtualenv

You may find 3 suitable:

There are probably more points in the spectrum between 2 and 3
[chroot jails??]


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Fwd: Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS [Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?]

2014-12-30 Thread William Unruh

On 12/30/2014 5:49 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
 On Tue, 30 Dec 2014, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 The people there have enough to do at work, and like to have a life
 outside of work. Believer it or not, not everyone is capable (or
 interested) in spending their life working on Linux.
 If Debian is important to their business, then they should hire people
 to work on the bits of Debian that matter to them. Pretty much everyone
 who is serious about using Debian in production does this.

That's a great idea.  Who's going to pay these people - you?

They apparently pay you.
Who pays the hardware people who design the boards/etc? 

My clients are not IT folks.  They don't need Debian per say - they DO
need Linux.  And, like all companies, they have a limited budget for
software implementations.

Fair enough, but then if it is critical to their business, they will
have to pay. 


Again - these companies are not NOT IT companies.  They are
manufacturers of equipment.  Right now, Debian just happens to be the

But now adays, software it the largest part of an equipment business. To
say they do not have software people is to say they do not have a

distribution they are using.  Yes, they have a couple of people familiar
with Linux administration, but that's about it.  And these administering
Linux is only a very small part of their job.  That's why they hire
people like me to write specific device drivers and other software.  But
they are not going to spend money hiring consultants to work on the OS.

But they need to adapt the software for their use. 
That is a critical part of their business. In fact it is the part that
sets them apart from all their competitors. Hardware is easy these days. 

They could use pretty much any distro.  They liked Debian because of its
stability.  But they don't NEED Debian.  If they wanted to spend lots of
time trying to maintain the OS, they would have gone to slackware.

Whether Debian is the best choice for them is of course something they
will have to decide. It is modular, stable, conservative, old


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Re: Fwd: Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS [Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?]

2014-12-30 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 12/30/2014 10:07 PM, William Unruh wrote:

 On 12/30/2014 5:49 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
 On Tue, 30 Dec 2014, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 The people there have enough to do at work, and like to have a life
 outside of work. Believer it or not, not everyone is capable (or
 interested) in spending their life working on Linux.

 If Debian is important to their business, then they should hire people
 to work on the bits of Debian that matter to them. Pretty much everyone
 who is serious about using Debian in production does this.

 That's a great idea.  Who's going to pay these people - you?
 They apparently pay you.
 Who pays the hardware people who design the boards/etc? 

Yes, they pay me because the device drivers are custom (and
proprietary).  Nothing exists in public or other private hands.

And they have EE's who design the electronics.  But that is a different

You seem to think money is unending.  It isn't, believe me.  They have
budgets, and must stay within them.  There is no money available to hire
consultants to maintain a distro.

Of course, there's another option (and only one other one).  The company
could go out of business.  Then the problem would go away.

 My clients are not IT folks.  They don't need Debian per say - they DO
 need Linux.  And, like all companies, they have a limited budget for
 software implementations.
 Fair enough, but then if it is critical to their business, they will
 have to pay. 

You don't get it, do you.  THERE IS NO MONEY TO PAY!


 Again - these companies are not NOT IT companies.  They are
 manufacturers of equipment.  Right now, Debian just happens to be the
 But now adays, software it the largest part of an equipment business. To
 say they do not have software people is to say they do not have a

Maybe YOUR businesses.  Not all, by any means.  And in these companies,
software is only a very SMALL part of their business.  Even the
electronics is a small part of the business.  The money is in the
equipment being controlled.

 distribution they are using.  Yes, they have a couple of people familiar
 with Linux administration, but that's about it.  And these administering
 Linux is only a very small part of their job.  That's why they hire
 people like me to write specific device drivers and other software.  But
 they are not going to spend money hiring consultants to work on the OS.
 But they need to adapt the software for their use. 
 That is a critical part of their business. In fact it is the part that
 sets them apart from all their competitors. Hardware is easy these days. 

Electronic hardware is easy.  But that isn't these company's business.
That what you guys don't understand.

Consider an automobile.  It has a computer to control the car.  But that
computer is maybe a $500 part in a $35K machine.  Sure, new cars NEED
that computer.  But it is one of the least important parts of the car.
The engine, body, interior, handling and a couple of dozen other things
are much more important to the buyer.  And that's where the money goes.
 The computer is the minimum necessary to do the job.

Although my clients are not automobile manufacturers, the comparison

 They could use pretty much any distro.  They liked Debian because of its
 stability.  But they don't NEED Debian.  If they wanted to spend lots of
 time trying to maintain the OS, they would have gone to slackware.
 Whether Debian is the best choice for them is of course something they
 will have to decide. It is modular, stable, conservative, old

And its continued stability is seriously being questions.

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Re: Question about MultiArch and dependencies

2014-12-30 Thread Gary Dale

On 30/12/14 06:47 PM, Raphaël Halimi wrote:

Le 30/12/2014 17:23, Gary Dale a écrit :

Then again, knowing how to ask a question is also important. It would

Then again, not everybody is born in an english-speaking country.

seem that your real concern is having two terminals on the menu.

It is _one_ of my concerns. The other one being apt not resolving these
dependencies the way I expected it to. Unlike you, Sven understood the
question immediately and unlike you, he gave an appropriate answer. I
filed a bug report against mate-terminal. Problem solved.

However, did you actually test that it would happen? Would installing
the multiarch version give you two xterms or would the last one
installed overwrite the first?

Could you simply remove the second menu item if one did in fact show up?

Did you try removing the mate version of xterm before installing the one
steam prefers?

What does it have to do with my initial question about dependencies
resolving ? Stop trying to justify yourself and just admit you were
gratuitously rude to someone you mistook for a newbie.

There is an old saying that it is better to light one candle than to 
curse the darkness. If you want to report a bug, report it. If you want 
a solution to a problem, ask for help.

I'd like to find out what happens if you try the solutions that I have 
suggested. I've got multiple terminals on my setup and it's never 
bothered me. I use the one I like most. That's a nice thing about Linux. 
But you apparently feel differently. That's also your choice. Has your 
bug report been addressed yet?

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Jumbo frame Debian Wheezy.

2014-12-30 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
i am trying to enable jumbo frame on Debian wheezy however nothing works.

i ran a command ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000

and receive invalid argument

then i edit /etc/network/interfaces and added mtu 9000
when i ifdown and ifup eth0
it shows the same error invalid argument

Please help.


Re: Question about MultiArch and dependencies

2014-12-30 Thread Ric Moore

On 12/31/2014 12:25 AM, Gary Dale wrote:

On 30/12/14 06:47 PM, Raphaël Halimi wrote:

Le 30/12/2014 17:23, Gary Dale a écrit :

Then again, knowing how to ask a question is also important. It would

Then again, not everybody is born in an english-speaking country.

seem that your real concern is having two terminals on the menu.

It is _one_ of my concerns. The other one being apt not resolving these
dependencies the way I expected it to. Unlike you, Sven understood the
question immediately and unlike you, he gave an appropriate answer. I
filed a bug report against mate-terminal. Problem solved.

However, did you actually test that it would happen? Would installing
the multiarch version give you two xterms or would the last one
installed overwrite the first?

Could you simply remove the second menu item if one did in fact show up?

Did you try removing the mate version of xterm before installing the one
steam prefers?

What does it have to do with my initial question about dependencies
resolving ? Stop trying to justify yourself and just admit you were
gratuitously rude to someone you mistook for a newbie.

There is an old saying that it is better to light one candle than to
curse the darkness. If you want to report a bug, report it. If you want
a solution to a problem, ask for help.

I'd like to find out what happens if you try the solutions that I have
suggested. I've got multiple terminals on my setup and it's never
bothered me. I use the one I like most. That's a nice thing about Linux.
But you apparently feel differently. That's also your choice. Has your
bug report been addressed yet?

I thought that was a feature, where you can just download all the things 
for free. You all made me look. I have installed:

Gnome Term  1155k
XFCE Term   1559k
Xterm   1750k

For what I pay the packagers, I can live with it. I think the points 
Dale raised were not disrespectful in any way. Maybe multiarch pulled in 
a 32bit xterm? That is quite possible. You would need one ya know, 
running 32bit apps one of them, like steam, would probably demand it. 
Just checked, steam does. But you already knew that.  :) Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome. R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256
Linux _is_ user-friendly. It is not ignorant-friendly or idiot-friendly.

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Re: Installing Linux on a Mac Mini without OSX

2014-12-30 Thread Brian Sammon
On Thu, 4 Dec 2014 13:25:37 -0500
Brian Sammon wrote:

 I was recently given a Mac Mini (Intel Mid 2007) that had been wiped.
 Is there a way to install Debian/Linux on this machine that doesn't involve 
 buying or borrowing (or borrowing) a copy of OSX?  Is it easier to install 
 linux on a USB disk and run it off of that?

As a followup, I got Linux installed on it, but not (quite) Debian.
I burned a CD of the Ubuntu Trusty +mac image.  It booted and installed Linux 
and Grub successfully on the first try.
Some things I noticed:
  It used version 2.02 of grub, which is newer than that used in the Wheezy I
  The Ubuntu installer (somewhat strongly) encouraged me to create a
  Reserved BIOS boot area partition.  I followed that advice.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that most/all of the features that helped with 
Trusty are also found in Jessie.

Now that I have a bootloader installed, I think I'll have more success 
installing Debian on it.

 Two particular subtasks that I may need to do that seem to require OSX:
 1) Blessing a partition

Recent versions of GRUB come with a grub_macbless command, but I haven't 
tested it.

 2) Checking what version of firmware it has (some versions have BIOS

The Boot CD for rEFInd ( reported a firmware 
version number, but it was a very different format from the firmware versions 
on Apple's site.
For upgrading firmware without MacOSX, the Firmware Restoration CD might be 
the thing:
This was apparently moot for my Mac Mini, as Apple's website doesn't list any 
available firmware updates for my model.

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