Re: dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create file '/run/user/1000/dconf/user'

2015-11-13 Thread Guillaume Caron
Hash: SHA1

Arf, je m'aperçois que je n'avais pas répondu à la liste, je vais
faire les choses bien, cette fois-ci.

Le 13/11/2015 10:58, Hugues MORIN a écrit :
> Bonjour
> Merci :-) J'ai pas tres bien saisie la subtilite de la chose...
> j'ai pas mal de lacune et mon anglais est pas genial Mais si j'ai
> bien compris tmpfiles.d se charge de controler les repertoires et
> les fichiers dont systemd a besoin. Il controle le mode, le
> user/group, la creation, la suppression, etc...
> De plus /etc/tmpfiles.d/*.conf est prioritaire sur 
> /run/tmpfiles.d/*.conf et /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/*.conf
> donc si j'ai dans /etc/tmpfiles.d/user.conf: f
> /run/user/1000/dconf/hugues0600hugueshugues
> Le repertoire /run/user/1000/dconf/hugues devrai etre cree 
> (proprietaire/groupe: hugues, droit: rw)
> C'est bien ca?

C'est exactement ça :-)

Au détail près que ça concerne autant systemd que le reste du système,
donc tu peux y mettre ce que tu veux.

Pour ma part je l'utilise pour définir une valeur par défaut dans
/sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0 et fixer la luminosité de l'écran au

Les possibilités sont infinies.

> L'erreur est : dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create file 
> '/run/user/1000/dconf/user' dconf , a mon sens , demande un
> repertoire nomme user, non?
> Est ce qu'il ne vaudrai pas mieux mettre f
> /run/user/1000/dconf/user0600hugueshugues

Ah, je pensais que c'était le nom de l'utilisateur qui était attendu,
et non pas le terme exact "user". Dans ce cas ça marchera
correctement, en effet.

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1


Re: vpn y debian linux.

2015-11-13 Thread Ala de Dragón
El 8/9/15, Camaleón  escribió:
> Bueno, esos documentos de TLDP son antediluvianos, cierto... hay que
> cogerlos con pinzas. Para manuales prácticos mejor buscar en la wiki de
> Debian a ver si hay algo:
> Saludos,
> --
> Camaleón


Algunos meses mas tarde he conseguido establecer el enlace entre la
vpn y los clientes.
Pero los paquetes no circulan bien, no se si es problema de rutas mal
confiuguradas, nat mal establecido o que se yo.

Mi escenario es sencillo:

servidor VPN tiene un direccion ip externa en el puerto wan. (dmz) aka

el cliente (en este caso "es un ventana" ;) esta dentro del rango de
direcciones privadas El router domestico que se le
proporciona puerta de enlace tiene la direccion ip publica en el puert

Publico mis ficheros de configuracion por si me opueden ayudar.

# cat /etc/openvpn/server.conf

port 1194
proto udp
dev tun
ca /etc/openvpn/ssl/ca.crt
cert /etc/openvpn/ssl/vpn.crt
key /etc/openvpn/ssl/vpn.key  # This file should be kept secret
dh /etc/openvpn/ssl/dh2048.pem
ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt
push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
keepalive 10 120
tls-auth /etc/openvpn/ssl/ta.key 0 # This file is secret
max-clients 10
user nobody
group nogroup
status openvpn-status.log
log /var/log/openvpn/openvpn.log
log-append  /var/log/openvpn/openvpn.log
verb 5
mute 20

 #cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

iptables -L -v

# route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface
default UG0  00 eth0   UG0  00 tun0* UH0  00 tun0* UH0  00 eth0

# ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr fa:16:3e:dd:dc:59
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: blahblahblahblah/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:22022 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:20483 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:1237405 (1.1 MiB)  TX bytes:1201337 (1.1 MiB)

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

tun0  Link encap:UNSPEC  HWaddr
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

Veamos ahora al cliente(win):

dev tun
proto udp
remote 1194
resolv-retry infinite
ca ca.crt
cert cliente1.crt
key cliente1.key
tls-auth ta.key 1
verb 9
mute 20

Configuración IP de Windows

Adaptador de Ethernet Conexión de área local 2:

   Sufijo DNS específico para la conexión. . :
   Dirección IPv4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Máscara de subred . . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Puerta de enlace predeterminada . . . . . :

Adaptador de Ethernet Conexión de área local:

   Sufijo DNS específico para la conexión. . : blah
   Dirección IPv4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Máscara de subred . . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Puerta de enlace predeterminada . . . . . :

Adaptador de túnel isatap.blah:

   Estado de los medios. . . . . . . . . . . : medios desconectados
   Sufijo DNS específico para la conexión. . : blah

Adaptador de túnel isatap.{E5E6D90B768C-97BD-48DA-BA40-E5E6D90B768C}:

   Estado de los medios. . . . . . . . . . . : medios desconectados
   Sufijo DNS específico para la conexión. . :

C:\Users\Almacen>route print -4

Lista de interfaces
 13...00 00 00 00 00 ..TAP-Windows Adapter V9
 11...00 00 00 00 00 ..Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
  1...Software Loopback Interface 1
 12...00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 Adaptador ISATAP de Microsoft
 14...00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 Adaptador ISATAP de Microsoft #2

IPv4 Tabla de enrutamiento
Rutas activas:
Destino de redMáscara de 

Re: jessie/kde: o,ly root can read usb sticks

2015-11-13 Thread baldyeti

Hi Frank and thanks for your reply,

I think i had read a similar suggestion on the net, but mountpoints
are not called usbX in my case. They are called userid/keylabel
(e.g: /media/baldyeti/my4GBkey). These are created (and deleted)
dynamically and have no corresponding line in fstab.

Anyway prompted by your post I looked a little closer at those nodes
created under /media. I deleted the /media/baldyeti directory, and
tada, dolphin was then able to mount a usb key under my regular
account. It recreated the same folder structure or so it seems but at
least now it is working.



Frank Weißer wrote on 2015-11-13 09:17:


Had the same problem with DebianEdu Jessie and found mountpount
/media/usb0 defined in /etc/fstab. Deleting the line resulted in
mounting usb-sticks in /media/[username] with appropriate rights.


Am 12.11.2015 um 16:37 schrieb baldyeti:

Hello, under wheezy i had no problem mounting usb keys
with dolphin and reading their content. Under jessie
only root can do so (and the mount point dynamically
created under /media is owned by root indeed).

Can someone suggest a remedy ?

fsck help

2015-11-13 Thread jbernon

Suite à un blocage de mon pc et à une mise hors tension pour redémarrer, 
celui-ci bloque au démarrage en demandant en boucle un fsck manuel qui échoue 
sans cesse. J'ai pu le redémarrer en mode rescue à partir de la précédente 
version de Debian proposée au boot et tout semble parfaitement normal sauf 

quand j'essaie de faire le fsck sur le système redémarré, j'ai toujours 
exactement le même problème qu'au démarrage 

root@pc-jean-debian:/home/jean# fsck 
fsck de util-linux 2.25.2 
e2fsck 1.42.12 (29-Aug-2014) 
/dev/sda8 est monté. 
e2fsck: Ne peut continuer, arrêt immédiat. 

root@pc-jean-debian:/home/jean# ^C 

J'ai lu pas mal de choses sur Internet et tenté diverses options de fsck avec 
toujours le même résultat. Sur Internet je trouve beaucoup de choses du style 
refaire les partitions disques ou carrément réinstaller, mais cela semble un 
peu extrême pour un système qui marche parfaitement par ailleurs. 

Au boot il y a quelques détails de plus et notamment un retour 4 de fsck qui 
signifie simplement qu'il reste des erreurs de fichiers non corrigées sur 
/dev/sda8 qui est le point de montage de la racine. 

Si quelqu'un a une suggestion, mille mercis. 

Re: Iceweasel + NoScript: Google search results href anomaly

2015-11-13 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 10:46:23PM +0200, Safwat wrote:
> I am running NoScript + Iceweasel, and I observed something weird.
> Consider a Google search result which has this "a href" value:
> When I hover my mouse over it, the value instantly changes to

I'm not going to test that, since

 (a) I excised Javascript out of my default browser profile and only
use a JS enabled profile in rare exceptions (yeah, some would
say I 'crippled' my browser. To each her own)
 (b) I avoid Google as much as possible

but: are you sure that the "value" changes? Perhaps it's just the
visualization what changes, due to some CSS trickery? The way I
understand what you describe, this should be achievable without
Javascript (non-builtin, that is).

> This should be impossible with NoScript, nothing should be able to
> modify the DOM. Google is not white-listed.
> What's going on?

I'd have a look at the CSS. Perhaps that's it. And then, perhaps
NoScript isn't as watertight as it should be (there are enough
reasons to not dismiss *that* possibility, alas)

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: fsck help

2015-11-13 Thread Belaïd
As tu essayé un fsck sur la partition non montée?  Dans le cas ou c'est la
racine,  essai avec un linux live

Le 13 nov. 2015 12:40,  a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Suite à un blocage de mon pc et à une mise hors tension pour redémarrer,
celui-ci bloque au démarrage en demandant en boucle un fsck manuel qui
échoue sans cesse. J'ai pu le redémarrer en mode rescue à partir de la
précédente version de Debian proposée au boot et tout semble parfaitement
normal sauf que...
> quand j'essaie de faire le fsck sur le système redémarré, j'ai toujours
exactement le même problème qu'au démarrage
> root@pc-jean-debian:/home/jean# fsck
> fsck de util-linux 2.25.2
> e2fsck 1.42.12 (29-Aug-2014)
> /dev/sda8 est monté.
> e2fsck: Ne peut continuer, arrêt immédiat.
> root@pc-jean-debian:/home/jean# ^C
> J'ai lu pas mal de choses sur Internet et tenté diverses options de fsck
avec toujours le même résultat. Sur Internet je trouve beaucoup de choses
du style refaire les partitions disques ou carrément réinstaller, mais cela
semble un peu extrême pour un système qui marche parfaitement par ailleurs.
> Au boot il y a quelques détails de plus et notamment un retour 4 de fsck
qui signifie simplement qu'il reste des erreurs de fichiers non corrigées
sur /dev/sda8 qui est le point de montage de la racine.
> Si quelqu'un a une suggestion, mille mercis.
> Jean

problem med extern hårddisk

2015-11-13 Thread jan

Idag har det hänt två gånger. Min externa USB-disk "ballar ur". Det är
en 2,5" disk ansluten via USB2 till en ODROID XU4 (ARM) med Debian 8.

Linux odroid 3.10.82+ #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Oct 16 03:58:03 MDT 2015
armv7l GNU/Linux

Det som händer är att disken blir skrivskyddad.

dmesg ger följande:
[ 9962.787626] [c0] sd 0:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
[ 9963.288536] [c0] sd 0:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
[ 9963.788978] [c0] sd 0:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
[ 9964.289258] [c0] sd 0:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
[ 9964.790003] [c0] sd 0:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
[ 9965.290524] [c0] sd 0:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
[ 9965.791048] [c0] sd 0:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
[ 9966.293220] [c0] sd 0:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
[ 9966.791879] [c0] sd 0:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
[ 9967.292918] [c0] sd 0:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
[ 9967.793436] [c0] sd 0:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
[ 9968.293865] [c0] sd 0:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
[ 9968.794616] [c0] sd 0:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
[ 9968.890520] [c5] systemd-journald[254]: /dev/kmsg buffer overrun,
some messages lost. [ 9969.564994] [c7] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Synchronizing
SCSI cache [ 9969.571042] [c4] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]  
[ 9969.573223] Result: hostbyte=0x01 driverbyte=0x00
[ 9969.686654] [c4] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 3 using
s5p-ehci [ 9973.926865] [c3] Aborting journal on device sda1-8.
[ 9973.930556] [c3] Buffer I/O error on device sda1, logical block
30441472 [ 9973.936965] [c3] lost page write due to I/O error on sda1
[ 9973.942540] [c3] JBD2: Error -5 detected when updating journal
superblock for sda1-8. [ 9974.831871] [c0] usb 1-1: can't set config
#1, error -110 [10038.190714] [c6] EXT4-fs warning (device sda1):
__ext4_read_dirblock:681: error reading directory block (ino 2359386,
block 0) [10130.501449] [c0] EXT4-fs warning (device sda1):
__ext4_read_dirblock:681: error reading directory block (ino 2359386,
block 0) [10130.511709] [c0] EXT4-fs warning (device sda1):
__ext4_read_dirblock:681: error reading directory block (ino 2359386,
block 0) [10130.525231] [c0] EXT4-fs warning (device sda1):
__ext4_read_dirblock:681: error reading directory block (ino 2359386,
block 0) [10130.535316] [c0] EXT4-fs warning (device sda1):
__ext4_read_dirblock:681: error reading directory block (ino 2359386,
block 0) [10459.835036] [c4] EXT4-fs warning (device sda1):
__ext4_read_dirblock:681: error reading directory block (ino 2359386,
block 0) [10459.845479] [c4] EXT4-fs error (device sda1):
__ext4_journal_start_sb:62: Detected aborted journal [10459.853881]
[c4] EXT4-fs (sda1): Remounting filesystem read-only

Vad ska man gissa att problemet är? Disken? Datorn? Bugg?


Re: Compilar paquetes desde las fuentes.

2015-11-13 Thread Ala de Dragón
La solucion en la lista inglesa:
Thanks for the additional info.  I'm assuming you are using the stock
kernel that comes with Jessie?  If so, you'll need to either a)
re-build your own kernel that that uses 4K page sizes and has MSI
interrupts disabled b) download the kernel image provided by Peter
Saisanas that has this done for you already .  More information on
these bugs can be found here:

A bug report has been filed for both issues.
Bug#790690: linux-image-3.16.0-4​-powerpc64: powerpc64 & 64Kb kernel
pagesize not working with nouveau
Bug#790694: linux-image-3.16.0-4​-powerpc64: nouveau driver and msi interrupts

Here is a link to that kernel image.

The only other way "around" this with the stock kernel is to disabled
acceleration on the card by passing in nouveau.noaccel=1 at the yaboot

"El cielo es para los dragones
 lo que el agua es  para las ninfas"

Re: i3 Window manager without any other desktop environment

2015-11-13 Thread Erwan David
On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 10:12:39AM CET, Brian  said:
> On Fri 13 Nov 2015 at 11:00:36 +0400, Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:
> > Hello guys. Now I am facing another problem. Each time the system starts I
> > am getting the console and I have to type 'startx' each time in order to
> > launch i3. What can I do to automatically launch i3 whenever the system
> > starts without passing through the console.
> Install a window manager. For example:
>   apt-get install xdm

xdm is not a window manager. Fvwm, twm, windowmaker, etc... are window managers.

Re: jessie/kde: o,ly root can read usb sticks

2015-11-13 Thread Frank Weißer


Had the same problem with DebianEdu Jessie and found mountpount 
/media/usb0 defined in /etc/fstab. Deleting the line resulted in 
mounting usb-sticks in /media/[username] with appropriate rights.


Am 12.11.2015 um 16:37 schrieb baldyeti:

Hello, under wheezy i had no problem mounting usb keys
with dolphin and reading their content. Under jessie
only root can do so (and the mount point dynamically
created under /media is owned by root indeed).

Can someone suggest a remedy ?

Re: open .cvx format

2015-11-13 Thread Brian
On Fri 13 Nov 2015 at 15:33:54 +0800, lina wrote:

> or which package can be used to convert to other format.
> I tried the imagemagick,
> $ convert a.cvx a.jpeg
> convert: no decode delegate for this image format `CVX' @
> error/constitute.c/ReadImage/501.

Conversion means reading the file. There is nothing in Debian which will
open the file. There is an enhancement request for Libreoffice, but

  Low - quite difficult + not many users will find it to be useful.
  In 2+ years of being on the project this is the first time I've
  seen it requested.

Re: dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create file '/run/user/1000/dconf/user'

2015-11-13 Thread Hugues MORIN

Merci :-)
J'ai pas tres bien saisie la subtilite de la chose... j'ai pas mal de
lacune et mon anglais est pas genial
Mais si j'ai bien compris tmpfiles.d se charge de controler les repertoires
et les fichiers dont systemd a besoin.
Il controle le mode, le user/group, la creation, la suppression, etc...

De plus /etc/tmpfiles.d/*.conf est prioritaire sur /run/tmpfiles.d/*.conf
et /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/*.conf

donc si j'ai dans /etc/tmpfiles.d/user.conf:

Le repertoire /run/user/1000/dconf/hugues devrai etre cree
(proprietaire/groupe: hugues, droit: rw)

C'est bien ca?

L'erreur est : dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create file
dconf , a mon sens , demande un repertoire nomme user, non?

Est ce qu'il ne vaudrai pas mieux mettre


Le 12 novembre 2015 19:26, Guillaume Caron 
a écrit :

> Hash: SHA1
> Le 12/11/2015 13:29, Hugues MORIN a écrit :
> > Bonjour
> >
> >
> Bonsoir,
> > Je viens d'installer Jessie depuis quelques jours
> > J'ai depuis regulierement des log qui depasse l'entendement, plus de
> 500Mo sur un syslog en 3 ou 4 heures O_o
> >
> > L'origine du probleme vient de la repetition plusieurs fois par
> seconde de l'erreur dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create file
> '/run/user/1000/dconf/user'
> >
> > par exemple dans user.log, j'ai ce genre de chose:
> > Nov 12 12:25:00 x /etc/gdm3/Xsession[1271]: (mate-panel:1341):
> dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create file '/run/user/1000/dconf/user':
> Permission non accordée.  dconf will not work properly.
> > Nov 12 12:42:42 x /etc/gdm3/Xsession[2472]: (iceweasel:2795):
> dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create file '/run/user/1000/dconf/user':
> Permission non accordée.  dconf will not work properly.
> > Nov 12 12:44:12 x /etc/gdm3/Xsession[2472]:
> (mate-power-manager:2579): dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create file
> '/run/user/1000/dconf/user': Permission non accordée.  dconf will not
> work properly.
> > Nov 12 12:47:10 x org.gnome.gedit[2517]: (gedit:2863):
> dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create file '/run/user/1000/dconf/user':
> Permission non accordée.  dconf will not work properly.
> >
> >
> > Il semblerait que ce soit un bug qui est deja enregistre (depuis 2013
> O_o):
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > J'ai bien trouve une parade: chown monuser:monuser
> /run/user/1000/dconf/user
> > Mais il faut refaire a chaque demarrage ou changement d'utilisateur.
> >
> > Je n'ai pas reussi a trouver de paliatif permanent.
> >
> > Quel solutions vous avez trouvez face a ce bug?
> >
> Comme palliatif je te propose la fonction tmpfiles de systemd.
> Ça devrait marcher avec ce type de /etc/tmpfiles.d/user.conf :
> f/run/user/1000/dconf/tonuser0600tonusertonuser
> Bien sûr il faudrait une ligne pour chaque utilisateur impacté.
> Plus d'info avec man tmpfiles.d
> >
> > PS: un truc qui me semble bizarre mais qui n'a peut etre aucun
> rapport, j'ai des ? sur gvfs, est ce normal?
> >
> > root@x:/# ls -al /run/user/1000/
> > ls: impossible d'accéder à /run/user/1000/gvfs: Permission non accordée
> > total 0
> > drwx-- 7 monuser monuser 140 nov.  12 12:38 .
> > drwxr-xr-x 3 root   root60 nov.  12 12:38 ..
> > drwx-- 2 monuser monuser  60 nov.  12 13:00 dconf
> > d? ? ?  ??  ? gvfs
> > drwx-- 2 monuser monuser 120 nov.  12 12:38 keyring
> > drwx-- 2 monuser monuser  80 nov.  12 12:38 pulse
> > drwxr-xr-x 2 monuser monuser  80 nov.  12 12:38 systemd
> >
> Là par contre je n'ai pas d'idée :-(
> - --
> Guillaume
> Version: GnuPG v1
> dpcg1LxespgYhg6H/gPQHDHQgg94rzPJ5Nrkej3UIHdeXpAZncVPUuummNEiUP1b
> rF1ZZB/2dEM8y4Nf45TJ2B9VYFcWlvXlHMn2cS+iwKco5cjZcQtJcJTrpK95IOiT
> CHQk1YZu/UF5unMMcAqdpngCKIfjQtZgRjPf/WnOICy/MVhfgm9dII/u/QKbL9uY
> oMts0wK6G0zPisxHMFKW0Z5kg7F8CaibBHBgg19HFLAe4nabzIOQTctMLYwO6cE8
> Q4yUyzN9K+VfqZKWCyJBViWVT0+/3vfu7pODagCdCHyU2IsI3glr4TdT/inVaDFx
> d7wg7U0nMDeSCkBcmFkL8GMYcDtPz8en6e17kSkdYYbhh/4WA7eIWDGInMCSHcUm
> eLB4LkSdwU4/01mBuvb12DBSscwop5dM2b1AMcxof9Gi13FAvZkliIa5Fl3QisyU
> EyXZouwhlO1jx/Gw3f+G/R7xYS1ItSGOKFmEESb5K1JmoiZiIduYT5GcA6+ig0F5
> a2JiI637Q3XwwE6iktCqBQrun+F+agHpWVhxvmEoY15qP7EpoBhD76QDCEntBkqU
> ILzDjDdgaYHwQ3g7WtUj9FzI/kis8vXu+LgwA4rIVxqhRH3+eQQJRGIqxJ3Lyj/A
> HYV6A7d04clFVM8YJ6kp
> =TO4N

Re: i3 Window manager without any other desktop environment

2015-11-13 Thread Brian
On Fri 13 Nov 2015 at 10:47:05 +0100, Erwan David wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 10:12:39AM CET, Brian  said:
> > On Fri 13 Nov 2015 at 11:00:36 +0400, Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:
> > 
> > > Hello guys. Now I am facing another problem. Each time the system starts I
> > > am getting the console and I have to type 'startx' each time in order to
> > > launch i3. What can I do to automatically launch i3 whenever the system
> > > starts without passing through the console.
> > 
> > Install a window manager. For example:
> > 
> >   apt-get install xdm
> > 
> xdm is not a window manager. Fvwm, twm, windowmaker, etc... are window 
> managers.

Indeed it is not! What is the correct term for xdm?

Re: i3 Window manager without any other desktop environment

2015-11-13 Thread Brian
On Fri 13 Nov 2015 at 11:00:36 +0400, Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:

> Hello guys. Now I am facing another problem. Each time the system starts I
> am getting the console and I have to type 'startx' each time in order to
> launch i3. What can I do to automatically launch i3 whenever the system
> starts without passing through the console.

Install a window manager. For example:

  apt-get install xdm

Re: Strong Copyleft licenses other than the GNU GPL family.

2015-11-13 Thread Nicolas George
Le septidi 17 brumaire, an CCXXIV, Joel Rees a écrit :
> > The firs drawback is that it would be incompatible with GPL code and
> > libraries, and even possibly LGPL. That means libraries made using that
> > license can not be used from GPL code or with GPL libraries. Basically,
> > there is logically room for only one widely-adopted copyleft license.
> I'm curious as to your reasoning here.

Copyleft means: if your binary includes bits from my library, then it must
be distributed under the same license.

So, if the binary includes library_A that is under copyleft_license_A and
library_B that is under copyleft_license_B, the requirements can not be met

> > The second drawback is that it would probably have no legal standing.
> > Copyleft is based on copyright, and copyright controls distribution, nothing
> > else. In principle, it can not control API use, since there is no
> > distribution involved. In practice, you can argue that using an API requires
> > copying tiny bits of it in the calling program: function names, macro
> > expansion, etc. But this claim is weak: copyright requires originality, and
> > there is little room for originality in function names; and it is easy to
> > circumvent. The more restrictive you make your license, the stronger the
> > incentive to circumvent it.
> I'm not really seeing your reasoning here, either.

What part of it? That copyrighting API is legally weak? Do you think a judge
will sustain someone's alleged copyright on "create_window"?

That copyrighting API is easy to circumvent? Just wrap the library in a
trivial one, implementing a similar or specialized API with different
function names and structures. Then make a non-working version of the second
API that do not use the copyleft library at all.

That more coercive requirements yields more incentive to circumvent them?
Seems obvious.

> I would disagree (rather strongly) with at least some of what you seem
> to be saying, but I'm not really sure what you are intending to say
> here.

I am saying that looking for that kind of license is a waste of time. It
will not prevent bad guy from using the work, at worse force them to make a
little effort to twist the license. And it will severely annoy people who
insisting on respecting the licenses, like Debian packagers.


  Nicolas George

Description: Digital signature

Re: how execute a script

2015-11-13 Thread David Wright
On Fri 13 Nov 2015 at 14:43:39 (+0100), wrote:

> (as an aside: it's bad custom inherited from DOS to name shell scripts
> with an .sh ending. No ending is the right thing here).

So these were all DOS scripts once, were they?

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1248 Apr 21  2014 /etc/init.d/*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3807 Apr 21  2014 /etc/init.d/*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1072 Apr 21  2014 /etc/init.d/*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9290 Apr 17  2014 /etc/init.d/*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1423 Dec 31  2010 /etc/init.d/*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3916 Oct 15  2014 /etc/init.d/*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  677 Apr 21  2014 /etc/init.d/*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2138 Apr 21  2014 /etc/init.d/*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1461 Apr 21  2014 /etc/init.d/*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1564 Apr 21  2014 /etc/init.d/*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  685 Apr 21  2014 /etc/init.d/*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2456 Apr 21  2014 /etc/init.d/*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2202 Apr 21  2014 /etc/init.d/*

I name my scripts in ~/bin with an extension corresponding to their
contents: .pl .py .sh etc. Where I'm working on alternative versions,
I might have more than one language. Extensionless filenames are
either links or binaries. What's bad about this? Or is it just
snobbery: Look, we don't need extensions.


Re: OT - Pero muy OT - Reflexión

2015-11-13 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 13 Nov 2015 10:45:26 -0300, Javier ArgentinaBBAR escribió:


> Ver cómo Ala de Dragón se está rompiendo el alma para solucionar el
> problema, investigando, probando y compartiendo lo que aprende, es digno
> de encomio.
> Me siento contento, y la alegría compartida es mayor.


Este chico es un auténtico campeón. Cuando coincidí con él (hace ya años) 
en la lista de openSUSE ya era un luchador nato :-)



Re: Iceweasel + NoScript: Google search results href anomaly

2015-11-13 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On Qui, 12 Nov 2015, Safwat wrote:

I am running NoScript + Iceweasel, and I observed something weird.
Consider a Google search result which has this "a href" value:

When I hover my mouse over it, the value instantly changes to

This should be impossible with NoScript, nothing should be able to
modify the DOM. Google is not white-listed.

What's going on?

Could it be NoScript itself, or another extension, changing the link  
to avoid Google tracking?


Re: problem med extern hårddisk

2015-11-13 Thread jan
On Fri, 13 Nov 2015 14:15:32 +0100

> On Fri, 13 Nov 2015 13:00:32 +
> Michael Kjörling  wrote:
> > On 13 Nov 2015 13:08 +0100, from
> > > Vad ska man gissa att problemet är? Disken? Datorn? Bugg?
> > 
> > Min första gissning skulle vara USB-kontrollern. Kan du upprepa
> > felet på en annan dator?
> > 
> Jo jag är precis på väg att testa. Men det kan ta tid. Disken har gått
> flera veckor utan problem och så händer det tre (ja nyss också) gånger
> idag. Fredag den 13:e?

Med risk för att ropa hej lite för tidigt ska jag ändå meddela att jag
misstänker att problemet var för hög strömförbrukning från USB.

På den andra datorn hade den först problem att starta, klick klick
klick... Sedan fick jag den att starta och då fungerade den.

Åter på ODROIDen kopplade jag matning från två USB-kontakter och då har
den funkat felfritt så här långt.

Men som sagt, man ska inte ropa hej...

Michael, så långt verkar det kunna vara USB-relaterat.

Re: Iceweasel + NoScript: Google search results href anomaly

2015-11-13 Thread Safwat
>Could it be NoScript itself, or another extension, changing the link to
avoid Google tracking?

That's definitely possible. I'll check it out.

Apple Macbook Air + Thunderbolt VGA monitor/projector

2015-11-13 Thread Teemu Likonen
A couple of days ago I installed Debian 8 to my Apple Macbook Air (mid
2012). There's no OS X anymore: the only thing left is the small EFI
partition; otherwise it's all just Debian. And I'm happy!

But Thunderbolt port with VGA monitor adapter is not working, and it
would be nice to have that as well. Some person somewhere in the net
said that Linux kernel 3.17 included support for Apple Thunderbolt.
Debian 8 has Linux 3.16, so I installed version 4.2.0-0.bpo.1-amd64 from
Backports. With newer kernel there is one more display in xrandr's

Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1366 x 768, maximum 8192 x 8192
eDP1 connected 1366x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 
256mm x 144mm
   1366x768  60.00*+
   1360x768  59.8059.96  
   1024x768  60.00  
   800x600   60.3256.25  
   640x480   59.94  
VGA1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
HDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
HDMI2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
  848x480 (0xb4) 33.750MHz
h: width   848 start  864 end  976 total 1088 skew0 clock  
v: height  480 start  486 end  494 total  517   clock  

eDP1 is the main display and DP2 is added when Thunderbolt VGA adapter
and external monitor is connected. The resolution 848x480 is odd and
doesn't reflect real resolutions of the monitors I tried. But that's all
I can get currently. Command "xrandr --output DP2 --auto" doesn't seem
to do anything. External monitor remains blank, no signal.

Any suggestions for the next step?

Description: PGP signature

Re: fsck help

2015-11-13 Thread jbernon
On peut le faire sans disque live... puisque je l'ai fait. 

J'ai compris du coup qu'il ne fallait pas le faire avec la partition montée, 
mais : 
- e2fsck semble vérifier ce point puisqu'il refuse de démarrer avec la 
partition montée ; 
- en revanche la documentation Debian n'est pas très claire 

"Une première solution est bien sûr de démarrer sur un autre système, comme un 
liveCD. Mais c'est lourd, donc pour les cas désespérés. 
Une solution bien plus simple est de redémarrer en demandant une vérification 
au démarrage. Toujours en root : shutdown -rF now 
Si on ne veut pas redémarrer immédiatement mais simplement faire un test au 
prochain démarrage : touch / forcefsck" 

Ce qui manque ici c'est que le fsck au démarrage ne marche pas toujours si la 
partition contient des erreurs et qu'il faut le faire manuellement au sein du 
shell initramfs qui est alors lancé. C'est peut-être trop lié à la version 
actuelle de Debian pour être documenté ? 

- Mail original -

> De: "andre debian" < >
> À:
> Envoyé: Vendredi 13 Novembre 2015 13:26:19
> Objet: Re: fsck help

> On Friday 13 November 2015 12:40:25 wrote:
> > Suite à un blocage de mon pc et à une mise hors tension pour
> > redémarrer,
> celui-ci bloque au démarrage en demandant en boucle un fsck manuel
> qui échoue
> sans cesse. J'ai pu le redémarrer en mode rescue à partir de la
> précédente
> version de Debian proposée au boot et tout semble parfaitement normal
> sauf
> que...
> > quand j'essaie de faire le fsck sur le système redémarré, j'ai
> > toujours
> exactement le même problème qu'au démarrage
> > root@pc-jean-debian:/home/jean# fsck
> > fsck de util-linux 2.25.2
> > e2fsck 1.42.12 (29-Aug-2014)
> > /dev/sda8 est monté.
> > e2fsck: Ne peut continuer, arrêt immédiat.

> Ne jamais faire un "e2fsck" sur une partition montée !
> (sinon on flingue le système de fichiers et les données
> de sa partition).

> Utiliser un Linux Live pour faire un :
> e2fsck /dev/sd"xy"

> x = la partition
> y = son n°

> André

KMS y resolución en las consolas (tty)

2015-11-13 Thread Camaleón

Tengo una Debian Wheezy que estoy usando con el driver gráfico de intel 
(chipset 915G) por lo que se activa el modo KMS del kernel 

El equipo está conectado mediante salida analógica VGA a un monitor TFT 
de 21" formato ancho (1680x1050) y el problema que se me presenta es que 
al iniciar el sistema la resolución del monitor no es la correcta, ni en 
las consolas ni en el servidor gráfico. Viva los automatismos >:-)

La parte gráfica ya la he resuelto definiendo manualmente los modos y la 
resolución desde el archivo "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" pero el texto en las 
consolas (tty) sigue siendo gordote y anchorro, no logro que me tome la 
resolución adecuada del monitor.

He probado a poner en "/etc/default/grub.conf" lo siguiente:


Pero no hay forma, tras regenerar el archivo de configuración (update-
grub) y reiniciar el sistema el texto sigue igual. 

¿Alguna sugerencia?



Re: how execute a script

2015-11-13 Thread Don Armstrong
On Fri, 13 Nov 2015, David Wright wrote:
> I name my scripts in ~/bin with an extension corresponding to their
> contents: .pl .py .sh etc. Where I'm working on alternative versions,
> I might have more than one language. Extensionless filenames are
> either links or binaries. What's bad about this? Or is it just
> snobbery: Look, we don't need extensions.

The reason why it's bad is because you're encoding a mostly irrelevant
implementation detail in the interface to your program.

When you run "ls bar"; you don't care if ls was written in perl, python,
C, bash, haskell, go, or fortran. 

Things that live outside of PATH sometimes violate this practice. Often
in cases where the interface is constrained or the actual implementation
language is not an irrelevant detail.

Don Armstrong

Information wants to be free to kill again.
 -- Red Robot

Re: vpn y debian linux.

2015-11-13 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 13 Nov 2015 11:44:04 +0100, Ala de Dragón escribió:

> El 8/9/15, Camaleón  escribió:
> (...)
>> Bueno, esos documentos de TLDP son antediluvianos, cierto... hay que
>> cogerlos con pinzas. Para manuales prácticos mejor buscar en la wiki de
>> Debian a ver si hay algo:


> Algunos meses mas tarde he conseguido establecer el enlace entre la vpn
> y los clientes.
> Pero los paquetes no circulan bien, no se si es problema de rutas mal
> confiuguradas, nat mal establecido o que se yo.
> Mi escenario es sencillo:
> servidor VPN tiene un direccion ip externa en el puerto wan. (dmz) aka
> el cliente (en este caso "es un ventana" ;) esta dentro del rango de
> direcciones privadas El router domestico que se le
> proporciona puerta de enlace tiene la direccion ip publica en el puert
> wan
> Publico mis ficheros de configuracion por si me opueden ayudar.


> Veamos algunos logs


> La parte importante es:
> :15 2015 us=38982 cliente1/ SENT CONTROL [cliente1]:
> 'PUSH_REPLY,redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp,dhcp-option DNS
>,dhcp-option DNS,route
>,topology net30,ping 10,ping-restart 120,ifconfig
>' (status=1)
> Fri Nov 13 10:32:15 2015 us=120015 cliente1/
> MULTI: bad source address from client [::], packet dropped RFri Nov 13
> 10:32:15 2015 us=120121 cliente1/ MULTI:
> bad source address from client [fe80::6169:4ac7:65ac:6283], packet
> dropped


> segun la web
> These errors occur because OpenVPN doesn't have an internal route for
> Si me pueden hechar una mano lo agradezco.
> Un saludo.
> :)

Pues de VPN ni papa pero apuntando a la solución que indican lo que me 
llama la atención es que la dirección IP cliente está en formato IPv6 por 
lo que te recomiendo que busques información sobre eso ya que no parece 
que estés usando (al menos "conscientemente") IPv6 en ninguna de las 

openvpn bad source address from client ipv6



Re: vpn y debian linux.

2015-11-13 Thread Fernando Vicios

El 13/11/15 a las 19:09, Camaleón escribió:

El Fri, 13 Nov 2015 18:48:06 +0100, Fernando Vicios escribió:

El 13/11/15 a las 18:40, Camaleón escribió:

El Fri, 13 Nov 2015 11:44:04 +0100, Ala de Dragón escribió:


segun la web
These errors occur because OpenVPN doesn't have an internal route for

Si me pueden hechar una mano lo agradezco.
Un saludo.

Pues de VPN ni papa pero apuntando a la solución que indican lo que me
llama la atención es que la dirección IP cliente está en formato IPv6
por lo que te recomiendo que busques información sobre eso ya que no
parece que estés usando (al menos "conscientemente") IPv6 en ninguna de
las interfaces:

openvpn bad source address from client ipv6

Lo que dice ese enlace no es realmente lo que has entendido. El servidor
de OpenVPN está detectando que están llegando paquetes con origen o
destino dicha IP y no como no conoce como se llega hasta ella dropea el


No he entrado a valorar si la solución aportada era la correcta (?),
seguramente vayan por ahí los tiros porque la configuración del cliente
y servidor parecen estar bien. Lo que no debe aparecer en ese mensaje es
una IP en notación IPv6 porque dudo que tenga habilitado el soporte para
ello (ni el hardware local ni el ISP) y eso es lo primero que miraría/
corregiría yo.


Esas peticiones las está mandando el cliente, la máquina Windows, y 
están llegando hasta el servidor a través del túnel. Como el servidor no 
tiene constancia de esas rutas ni a quién le corresponden rechaza el 

Puedes probar a deshabilitar el soporte IPv6 del Windows y ver si 
desaparecen los mensajes.


problem e-mailing debian groups

2015-11-13 Thread Steve Kleene
Almost five years ago, I became unable to post questions here by e-mail.  The
e-mail bounces with, for example:

> The following message to  was undeliverable.
> The reason for the problem:
> 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'5.1.7

Re: vpn y debian linux.

2015-11-13 Thread Fernando Vicios

El 13/11/15 a las 18:40, Camaleón escribió:

El Fri, 13 Nov 2015 11:44:04 +0100, Ala de Dragón escribió:

El 8/9/15, Camaleón  escribió:

Bueno, esos documentos de TLDP son antediluvianos, cierto... hay que
cogerlos con pinzas. Para manuales prácticos mejor buscar en la wiki de
Debian a ver si hay algo:


Algunos meses mas tarde he conseguido establecer el enlace entre la vpn
y los clientes.
Pero los paquetes no circulan bien, no se si es problema de rutas mal
confiuguradas, nat mal establecido o que se yo.

Mi escenario es sencillo:

servidor VPN tiene un direccion ip externa en el puerto wan. (dmz) aka

el cliente (en este caso "es un ventana" ;) esta dentro del rango de
direcciones privadas El router domestico que se le
proporciona puerta de enlace tiene la direccion ip publica en el puert

Publico mis ficheros de configuracion por si me opueden ayudar.


Veamos algunos logs


La parte importante es:

:15 2015 us=38982 cliente1/ SENT CONTROL [cliente1]:
'PUSH_REPLY,redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp,dhcp-option DNS,dhcp-option DNS,route,topology net30,ping 10,ping-restart 120,ifconfig' (status=1)
Fri Nov 13 10:32:15 2015 us=120015 cliente1/
MULTI: bad source address from client [::], packet dropped RFri Nov 13
10:32:15 2015 us=120121 cliente1/ MULTI:
bad source address from client [fe80::6169:4ac7:65ac:6283], packet


segun la web


These errors occur because OpenVPN doesn't have an internal route for

Si me pueden hechar una mano lo agradezco.
Un saludo.

Pues de VPN ni papa pero apuntando a la solución que indican lo que me
llama la atención es que la dirección IP cliente está en formato IPv6 por
lo que te recomiendo que busques información sobre eso ya que no parece
que estés usando (al menos "conscientemente") IPv6 en ninguna de las

openvpn bad source address from client ipv6


Lo que dice ese enlace no es realmente lo que has entendido. El servidor 
de OpenVPN está detectando que están llegando paquetes con origen o 
destino dicha IP y no como no conoce como se llega hasta ella dropea el 

These errors occur because OpenVPN doesn't have an internal route for Consequently, it doesn't know how to route the packet 
to this machine, so it drops the packet.

En tu caso la máquina Windows está mandando peticiones desde la red fe80 
que es la interfaz link local de IPv6 y :: que creo recordar que también 
apunta a localhost.

Lo que también dice el enlace es que si quieres publicar una red LAN de 
un cliente utilices la directiva iroute a través de la configuración ccd 
para que el servidor sepa a quien tiene que enviar dichos paquetes una 
vez le llegen.

Hay más información en el siguiente enlace:


Re: vpn y debian linux.

2015-11-13 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 13 Nov 2015 18:48:06 +0100, Fernando Vicios escribió:

> El 13/11/15 a las 18:40, Camaleón escribió:
>> El Fri, 13 Nov 2015 11:44:04 +0100, Ala de Dragón escribió:


>>> segun la web
>>> These errors occur because OpenVPN doesn't have an internal route for
>>> Si me pueden hechar una mano lo agradezco.
>>> Un saludo.
>>> :)
>> Pues de VPN ni papa pero apuntando a la solución que indican lo que me
>> llama la atención es que la dirección IP cliente está en formato IPv6
>> por lo que te recomiendo que busques información sobre eso ya que no
>> parece que estés usando (al menos "conscientemente") IPv6 en ninguna de
>> las interfaces:
>> openvpn bad source address from client ipv6
> Lo que dice ese enlace no es realmente lo que has entendido. El servidor
> de OpenVPN está detectando que están llegando paquetes con origen o
> destino dicha IP y no como no conoce como se llega hasta ella dropea el
> paquete:


No he entrado a valorar si la solución aportada era la correcta (?), 
seguramente vayan por ahí los tiros porque la configuración del cliente 
y servidor parecen estar bien. Lo que no debe aparecer en ese mensaje es 
una IP en notación IPv6 porque dudo que tenga habilitado el soporte para 
ello (ni el hardware local ni el ISP) y eso es lo primero que miraría/
corregiría yo.



Re: Ransomware meets Linux - on the command line!

2015-11-13 Thread Piyavkin

On 12.11.2015 21:14, Ralph Katz wrote:

On 11/11/2015 10:24 PM, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:


Brian Krebs of Krebs On Security had
something on ransomware and Linux, just not labeled Ransm-C or

IF I'm understanding correctly, he appears to have updated that
article with a *potential* way to beat it via a *potential*
vulnerability at least until the perpetrators upgrade their own
tactics, anyway.

I like what Brian's been doing. I can cognitively understand a LOT of
what he writes about. He's caught SlashDot's eye a time or two, too.

Adding another keyword here, Linux.Decoder.1, which Brian says was a
name dubbed by "Russian antivirus and security firm Dr.Web". It may or
may not be the same as the other, but sounds like it works

Next stop is to pop over to a group called BlindWebbers. I'd seen
Brian's email subject line earlier and thought instantly of them, just
didn't get around to opening it then. The guy in Brian's article makes
it sound like it's a little time consuming and still has incidental
glitches afterwards.

That's presumably coming from someone with no visual disabilities. The
difficulty level of getting one's website back would understandably
rise relative to one's ability or lack thereof to actually see what's
going on within the file hierarchy. AND apparently each single
file that reportedly stands to potentially gather random bits AFTER
the files have been decrypted.

As a user, I too, find Krebs informative.  Also notable was this recent
Washington Post article about Linus Torvalds and Linux security:

"Fast, flexible and free, Linux is taking over the online world. But
there is growing unease about security weaknesses."


The ransomware articles from the security companies are pure marketing 
efforts to develop customer's «pain» and to exploit it. There is nothing 
new in the scheme «pay or suffer». And the companies provide nothing new 
as a «cure» either (which haven't been there for decades).

More over, I wonder, what is the difference between the «ransomware» 
business model and so called «planned obsolescence» business model, 
which, I guess, has become worldwide industrial standard nowaday? And in 
what way should differ protective measures for both of them? I mean, 
from the end users point of view, there is no much difference if their 
data have been stolen/encrypted by one crook or if their data have been 
lost because of «sudden» HDD fail planned in advance by another crook. 
Except, may be, the fact that in the first case you still have a tiny 
chance to get your precious data back (may be, which I doubt).

The WP article seems like a spin. It gives us a spooky filling of great 
imminent danger radiating from the Linux, but in the same time it is 
surprisingly shallow and inconcrete. Though it uses security thing as a 
pretext, I guess, it's not about security.

Of course, I don't think the subject of Linux security does not deserve 
attention or discussion. But what the point in such articles as the WP 
example, except from not so subtly playing with mass opinion with pretty 
obvious commercial intention?


Re: Montar unidades de memoria automáticamente en consola

2015-11-13 Thread Jose Maldonado

El 13/11/15 a las 06:39, Rafael Cantos Villanueva escribió:

El 07/11/2015 a las 15:42, Camaleón escribió:

El Fri, 06 Nov 2015 21:15:17 +0100, Rafael Cantos Villanueva escribió:

El 06/11/2015 a las 15:04, Camaleón escribió:

El Thu, 05 Nov 2015 21:48:07 +0100, Rafael Cantos Villanueva escribió:

Estoy intentando hacer un programa, en mi caso en Python, que me liste
las unidades de memoria USB conectadas al sistema. Y aquí empieza mi
lío, que a ver si soy capaz de explicar correctamente.
Por defecto, las unidades USB no se montan automáticamente, ni se


¿Mande? :-?

Yo creo que sí se montan automáticamente al menos en un entorno de
escritorio convencional (GNOME, KDE, XFCE...). Cuando conectas una
llave o disco USB se montan bajo "/media/" por obra y gracia de udev y
los paquetes de automontaje (udisks2).

La nomenclatura que usan de manera predeterminada para identificar a
los dispositivos de almacenamiento masivo suele ser por etiqueta
("LABEL") pero no todos los sistemas de archivo lo admiten así que
puede variar y esto, claro, es modificable desde el propio sistema.

Con "mount" sabes de qué unidad se trata.

Camaleón, me refería en modo consola, no en modo gráfico. En modo
consola no se automontan ni se autodesmontan por defecto. Tienes que
instalar manualmente algún paquete para que lo haga.


Ya, querías decir "sin entorno de escritorio" porque consola sigue
habiendo cuando tienes cargado GNOME, KDE, etc...

Aún así, me parece que en el kernel de Debian se instala como módulo
storage" lo que hace que cuando conectes un dispositivo de almacenamiento
masivo el kernel lo detecte a través de udev por lo que lo único que
tendrías que hacer es crear una regla en udev que te monte
automáticamente la llave USB que conectes sin necesidad de instalar
paquetería adicional aunque si quieres un control más sofisticado
necesitarás pmount/udisks2 o similares.

Eso sí, para puntos de montaje estáticos tienes que saber cómo se llama
el chisme pero eso ya es más sencillo de gestionar.

Al final he creado, como me dijiste Camaleón, una regla con udev y
pmount/pumount. Ahora sólo me falta conseguir que se me monte con la
etiqueta del volumen, si existe, en lugar de como sda o sdb.



El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico en
busca de virus.

Con udevil lo puedes hacer, y udevil de forma automática nombra dichos 
pendrives con la etiqueta del volumen en cuestión.

Dios en su Cielo, todo bien la Tierra

Re: vpn y debian linux.

2015-11-13 Thread Fernando Vicios

El 13/11/15 a las 18:40, Camaleón escribió:

El Fri, 13 Nov 2015 11:44:04 +0100, Ala de Dragón escribió:

El 8/9/15, Camaleón  escribió:

Bueno, esos documentos de TLDP son antediluvianos, cierto... hay que
cogerlos con pinzas. Para manuales prácticos mejor buscar en la wiki de
Debian a ver si hay algo:


Algunos meses mas tarde he conseguido establecer el enlace entre la vpn
y los clientes.
Pero los paquetes no circulan bien, no se si es problema de rutas mal
confiuguradas, nat mal establecido o que se yo.

Mi escenario es sencillo:

servidor VPN tiene un direccion ip externa en el puerto wan. (dmz) aka

el cliente (en este caso "es un ventana" ;) esta dentro del rango de
direcciones privadas El router domestico que se le
proporciona puerta de enlace tiene la direccion ip publica en el puert

Publico mis ficheros de configuracion por si me opueden ayudar.


Veamos algunos logs


La parte importante es:

:15 2015 us=38982 cliente1/ SENT CONTROL [cliente1]:
'PUSH_REPLY,redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp,dhcp-option DNS,dhcp-option DNS,route,topology net30,ping 10,ping-restart 120,ifconfig' (status=1)
Fri Nov 13 10:32:15 2015 us=120015 cliente1/
MULTI: bad source address from client [::], packet dropped RFri Nov 13
10:32:15 2015 us=120121 cliente1/ MULTI:
bad source address from client [fe80::6169:4ac7:65ac:6283], packet


segun la web


These errors occur because OpenVPN doesn't have an internal route for

Si me pueden hechar una mano lo agradezco.
Un saludo.

Pues de VPN ni papa pero apuntando a la solución que indican lo que me
llama la atención es que la dirección IP cliente está en formato IPv6 por
lo que te recomiendo que busques información sobre eso ya que no parece
que estés usando (al menos "conscientemente") IPv6 en ninguna de las

openvpn bad source address from client ipv6


Perdón, lo que quería decir al principio del mensaje es que no habías 
interpretado el mensaje.

No quiero que se me mal interprete ; )

Re: problem e-mailing debian groups

2015-11-13 Thread Charlie Kravetz
On Fri, 13 Nov 2015 19:41:14 + (UTC)
Steve Kleene  wrote:

>Almost five years ago, I became unable to post questions here by e-mail.  The
>e-mail bounces with, for example:
>> The following message to  was undeliverable.
>> The reason for the problem:
>> 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'5.1.7  

Re: Ransomware meets Linux - on the command line!

2015-11-13 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 13 November 2015 14:19:00 Piyavkin wrote:

> On 12.11.2015 21:14, Ralph Katz wrote:
> > On 11/11/2015 10:24 PM, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:
> >
> > [...]
> >
> >> Brian Krebs of Krebs On Security had
> >> something on ransomware and Linux, just not labeled Ransm-C or
> >> anything:
> >>
> >>
> >>web-sites/
> >>
> >> IF I'm understanding correctly, he appears to have updated that
> >> article with a *potential* way to beat it via a *potential*
> >> vulnerability at least until the perpetrators upgrade their own
> >> tactics, anyway.
> >>
> >> I like what Brian's been doing. I can cognitively understand a LOT
> >> of what he writes about. He's caught SlashDot's eye a time or two,
> >> too.
> >>
> >> Adding another keyword here, Linux.Decoder.1, which Brian says was
> >> a name dubbed by "Russian antivirus and security firm Dr.Web". It
> >> may or may not be the same as the other, but sounds like it works
> >> similar'ISH.
> >>
> >> Next stop is to pop over to a group called BlindWebbers. I'd seen
> >> Brian's email subject line earlier and thought instantly of them,
> >> just didn't get around to opening it then. The guy in Brian's
> >> article makes it sound like it's a little time consuming and still
> >> has incidental glitches afterwards.
> >>
> >> That's presumably coming from someone with no visual disabilities.
> >> The difficulty level of getting one's website back would
> >> understandably rise relative to one's ability or lack thereof to
> >> actually see what's going on within the file hierarchy. AND
> >> apparently each single file that reportedly stands to potentially
> >> gather random bits AFTER the files have been decrypted.
> >
> > As a user, I too, find Krebs informative.  Also notable was this
> > recent Washington Post article about Linus Torvalds and Linux
> > security:
> >
> >
> >ty-the-kernel-of-the-argument/
> >
> > "Fast, flexible and free, Linux is taking over the online world. But
> > there is growing unease about security weaknesses."
> >
> > Regards,
> > Ralph
> The ransomware articles from the security companies are pure marketing
> efforts to develop customer's «pain» and to exploit it. There is
> nothing new in the scheme «pay or suffer». And the companies provide
> nothing new as a «cure» either (which haven't been there for decades).
> More over, I wonder, what is the difference between the «ransomware»
> business model and so called «planned obsolescence» business model,
> which, I guess, has become worldwide industrial standard nowaday? And
> in what way should differ protective measures for both of them? I
> mean, from the end users point of view, there is no much difference if
> their data have been stolen/encrypted by one crook or if their data
> have been lost because of «sudden» HDD fail planned in advance by
> another crook. Except, may be, the fact that in the first case you
> still have a tiny chance to get your precious data back (may be, which
> I doubt).
> The WP article seems like a spin. It gives us a spooky filling of
> great imminent danger radiating from the Linux, but in the same time
> it is surprisingly shallow and inconcrete. Though it uses security
> thing as a pretext, I guess, it's not about security.
> Of course, I don't think the subject of Linux security does not
> deserve attention or discussion. But what the point in such articles
> as the WP example, except from not so subtly playing with mass opinion
> with pretty obvious commercial intention?
Shallow?  Devoid of facts was my impression.
> Regards,
> Piyavkin

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: how execute a script

2015-11-13 Thread David Wright
On Fri 13 Nov 2015 at 11:18:17 (-0600), Don Armstrong wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Nov 2015, David Wright wrote:
> > I name my scripts in ~/bin with an extension corresponding to their
> > contents: .pl .py .sh etc. Where I'm working on alternative versions,
> > I might have more than one language. Extensionless filenames are
> > either links or binaries. What's bad about this? Or is it just
> > snobbery: Look, we don't need extensions.
> The reason why it's bad is because you're encoding a mostly irrelevant
> implementation detail in the interface to your program.

No—that's what the links are for, and why they're extensionless.
They're the scripts that are well-defined and often called from a
variety of places.

The implementation isn't necessarily irrelevant when you have to
maintain the scripts yourself. Just at the level of pressing F3 in mc,
or running less, it saves time knowing what you expect to appear on
the screen.

> When you run "ls bar"; you don't care if ls was written in perl, python,
> C, bash, haskell, go, or fortran. 

I also don't care that /usr/sbin/logwatch → 

> Things that live outside of PATH sometimes violate this practice. Often
> in cases where the interface is constrained or the actual implementation
> language is not an irrelevant detail.

Well I do have a few scripts that are off-PATH, mainly helpers for
.bashrc, .xsession etc named .bash-foo... which sit in my home directory
(collating next to the files they help). But I don't have enough
scripts to feel the need for a distinct off-PATH archive directory
structure. Things are different for the system, where one has links like
/usr/bin/hp-print → /usr/share/hplip/
/usr/bin/pdfcrop → /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/scripts/pdfcrop/
each of which is just the tip of an iceberg.

I have links and scripts such as
radio2wav →   stoprecording →
vinyl2wav →
which are used both directly and by cron, but also scripts like which would only ever be used from the command line.
All these reside together in my ~/bin/ which is on-PATH.


Re: how execute a script

2015-11-13 Thread Don Armstrong
On Fri, 13 Nov 2015, David Wright wrote:
> The implementation isn't necessarily irrelevant when you have to
> maintain the scripts yourself. Just at the level of pressing F3 in mc,
> or running less, it saves time knowing what you expect to appear on
> the screen.

A good $EDITOR takes care of that for you.;a=tree is my own ~/bin; never had
any trouble figuring out what language things were... and if I needed
something to do it programmatically, file does a pretty good job itself.

> I have links and scripts such as
> radio2wav →   stoprecording →
> vinyl2wav →
> which are used both directly and by cron, but also scripts like
> which would only ever be used from the command line.
> All these reside together in my ~/bin/ which is on-PATH.

You've now got tab completion going to two different things, and twice
as many entries in ~/bin/ as you might expect. But hey; if it works for
you, great.

Don Armstrong

Q: What Can a Thoughtful Man Hope for Mankind on Earth, Given the
Experience of the Past Million Years?
A: Nothing.
 -- Bokonon _The Fourteenth Book of Bokonon_ (Vonnegut _Cats Cradle_)

Re: problem e-mailing debian groups

2015-11-13 Thread Don Armstrong
On Fri, 13 Nov 2015, Steve Kleene wrote:
> Almost five years ago, I became unable to post questions here by e-mail.  The
> e-mail bounces with, for example:
> > The following message to  was undeliverable.
> > The reason for the problem:
> > 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'5.1.7

Re: Ransomware meets Linux - on the command line!

2015-11-13 Thread Piyavkin

On 13.11.2015 23:35, Gene Heskett wrote:

On Friday 13 November 2015 14:19:00 Piyavkin wrote:

On 12.11.2015 21:14, Ralph Katz wrote:

On 11/11/2015 10:24 PM, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:


Brian Krebs of Krebs On Security had
something on ransomware and Linux, just not labeled Ransm-C or

IF I'm understanding correctly, he appears to have updated that
article with a *potential* way to beat it via a *potential*
vulnerability at least until the perpetrators upgrade their own
tactics, anyway.

I like what Brian's been doing. I can cognitively understand a LOT
of what he writes about. He's caught SlashDot's eye a time or two,

Adding another keyword here, Linux.Decoder.1, which Brian says was
a name dubbed by "Russian antivirus and security firm Dr.Web". It
may or may not be the same as the other, but sounds like it works

Next stop is to pop over to a group called BlindWebbers. I'd seen
Brian's email subject line earlier and thought instantly of them,
just didn't get around to opening it then. The guy in Brian's
article makes it sound like it's a little time consuming and still
has incidental glitches afterwards.

That's presumably coming from someone with no visual disabilities.
The difficulty level of getting one's website back would
understandably rise relative to one's ability or lack thereof to
actually see what's going on within the file hierarchy. AND
apparently each single file that reportedly stands to potentially
gather random bits AFTER the files have been decrypted.

As a user, I too, find Krebs informative.  Also notable was this
recent Washington Post article about Linus Torvalds and Linux

"Fast, flexible and free, Linux is taking over the online world. But
there is growing unease about security weaknesses."


The ransomware articles from the security companies are pure marketing
efforts to develop customer's «pain» and to exploit it. There is
nothing new in the scheme «pay or suffer». And the companies provide
nothing new as a «cure» either (which haven't been there for decades).

More over, I wonder, what is the difference between the «ransomware»
business model and so called «planned obsolescence» business model,
which, I guess, has become worldwide industrial standard nowaday? And
in what way should differ protective measures for both of them? I
mean, from the end users point of view, there is no much difference if
their data have been stolen/encrypted by one crook or if their data
have been lost because of «sudden» HDD fail planned in advance by
another crook. Except, may be, the fact that in the first case you
still have a tiny chance to get your precious data back (may be, which
I doubt).

The WP article seems like a spin. It gives us a spooky filling of
great imminent danger radiating from the Linux, but in the same time
it is surprisingly shallow and inconcrete. Though it uses security
thing as a pretext, I guess, it's not about security.

Of course, I don't think the subject of Linux security does not
deserve attention or discussion. But what the point in such articles
as the WP example, except from not so subtly playing with mass opinion
with pretty obvious commercial intention?

Shallow?  Devoid of facts was my impression.

Yeah, may be it's better to name it in that way.

It seems that author don't care much about facts or even about 
explaining any opinions (what exactly were arguments of Spengler or 
Cook, by the way, and what exactly are the mentioned 6 and 12 points 
from them?). What he really seems be interested in is just constructed 
emotional impression (whom we should admire, whom we should condemn, and 
what we should believe in result), cooked with common journalist devices 
and a good chunk of ideological attitude instillation. It stinks for a mile.


Re: problem med extern hårddisk

2015-11-13 Thread jan
On Fri, 13 Nov 2015 20:04:44 +
Michael Kjörling  wrote:

> On 13 Nov 2015 17:51 +0100, from
> > Med risk för att ropa hej lite för tidigt ska jag ändå meddela att
> > jag misstänker att problemet var för hög strömförbrukning från USB.
> Med tanke på det du skickade så låter det inte otänkbart. Jag skulle
> låta den gå på den lösning du har nu en stund och se om felet
> återuppstår.

Funkar fortfarande...

Re: fsck help

2015-11-13 Thread Pascal Hambourg a écrit :
> le système ouvre un shell initramfs qui permet de faire quelques manips: 
> - on peut lancer fsck bien qu'il n'apparaisse pas dans la liste des commandes 
> possibles

Quelle liste des commandes possibles ?

> Mais tout de même il est ennuyeux que des applis "gèlent" et finissent par 
> tout bloquer.

Des applis ne peuvent pas tout bloquer. On n'est plus au temps de
Windows 9x. Tu as essayé les touches magiques ?

Re: problem med extern hårddisk

2015-11-13 Thread Ludvig Andersson

On 2015-11-13 21:21, wrote:

On Fri, 13 Nov 2015 20:04:44 +
Michael Kjörling  wrote:

On 13 Nov 2015 17:51 +0100, from

Med risk för att ropa hej lite för tidigt ska jag ändå meddela att
jag misstänker att problemet var för hög strömförbrukning från USB.

Med tanke på det du skickade så låter det inte otänkbart. Jag skulle
låta den gå på den lösning du har nu en stund och se om felet

Funkar fortfarande...

Jag känner igen detta beteende. Speciellt om man har
USB-disken kopplad till en bärbar dator. Vissa datorer
lämnar helt enkelt inte den strömstyrka som disken behöver
för att fungera. Därför har vissa leverantörer skickat med
en speciell Y-kabel för att kunna ta kräm från två USB-
portar samtidigt.

Ett sätt att komma runt detta kan vara att koppla
disken till en USB-hubb med egen strömkälla.


Re: problem med extern hårddisk

2015-11-13 Thread Michael Kjörling
On 13 Nov 2015 17:51 +0100, from
> Med risk för att ropa hej lite för tidigt ska jag ändå meddela att jag
> misstänker att problemet var för hög strömförbrukning från USB.

Med tanke på det du skickade så låter det inte otänkbart. Jag skulle
låta den gå på den lösning du har nu en stund och se om felet

Michael Kjörling • •
 “People who think they know everything really annoy
 those of us who know we don’t.” (Bjarne Stroustrup)

Re: problem med extern hårddisk

2015-11-13 Thread jan
On Fri, 13 Nov 2015 21:29:32 +0100
Ludvig Andersson  wrote:

> On 2015-11-13 21:21, wrote:
> > On Fri, 13 Nov 2015 20:04:44 +
> > Michael Kjörling  wrote:
> >
> >> On 13 Nov 2015 17:51 +0100, from
> >>> Med risk för att ropa hej lite för tidigt ska jag ändå meddela att
> >>> jag misstänker att problemet var för hög strömförbrukning från
> >>> USB.
> >>
> >> Med tanke på det du skickade så låter det inte otänkbart. Jag
> >> skulle låta den gå på den lösning du har nu en stund och se om
> >> felet återuppstår.
> >>
> >
> > Funkar fortfarande...
> >
> Jag känner igen detta beteende. Speciellt om man har
> USB-disken kopplad till en bärbar dator. Vissa datorer
> lämnar helt enkelt inte den strömstyrka som disken behöver
> för att fungera. Därför har vissa leverantörer skickat med
> en speciell Y-kabel för att kunna ta kräm från två USB-
> portar samtidigt.
> Ett sätt att komma runt detta kan vara att koppla
> disken till en USB-hubb med egen strömkälla.
> /Ludde

Jo, fortsätter det att fungera med Y-kabeln blir det en hubb med

Det mest förbryllande är att det har fungerat flera veckor men
krånglade tre gånger idag.

Olá , 2016 está chegando

2015-11-13 Thread Tiago Ferigoli
versão para web 






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Re: How to write optimized code for an instruction set not supported by my computer?

2015-11-13 Thread Joel Rees
On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 7:54 AM, Mario Castelán Castro
> [...]
> writes:
>> The question being begged is this -- Do you really want to use AVX
>> enough to sign the Intel agreement that you can't read unless you
>> agree to it before you read it so you can download it and read it?
>> It *is* a valid question, and I can't tell you the answer to that.
>> Maybe you can't answer that question yourself yet.
> No, I am not willing to use Intel's proprietary tools. In an earlier message
> in the same thread I said that I avoid proprietary software. That is one of
> the reasons of why I use Debian: It is easy to avoid the proprietary
> software.

Might I suggest you question (in addition to the questions about
actual performance benefits) whether dealing with Intel's hardware
licensing is significantly less onerous than dealing with their
software licensing. Also whether you can actually escape the software
licensing if you start developing to their hardware.

AVX is a minefield.

> -
> Thanks to everybody who replied. I will probably use Bochs when time comes
> to port the algorithm to AVX. Right now I am writing and perfecting it in
> portable C, to have a base result against which to compare performance and
> complexity.
> Regards.

This is definitely the recommended course. Also check the time spent
in conversion with the time spent in data extraction and storing, etc.

Joel Rees

Be careful when you look at conspiracy.
Arm yourself with knowledge of yourself, as well:

Re: problem e-mailing debian groups

2015-11-13 Thread Miles Fidelman

On 11/13/15 7:15 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Friday 13 November 2015 22:14:30 Don Armstrong wrote:

On Fri, 13 Nov 2015, Steve Kleene wrote:

Almost five years ago, I became unable to post questions here by e-mail.

e-mail bounces with, for example:

The following message to  was
undeliverable. The reason for the problem:
5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'5.1.7

Re: How to write optimized code for an instruction set not supported by my computer?

2015-11-13 Thread Joel Rees
On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 9:08 AM, Mario Castelán Castro
> [...]
> writes:
>> I think the question was: what makes you think AVX will improve
>> the performance of *your* code?  Base64 encoding/decoding should be
>> completely bandwidth-constrained, so it seems very unlikely that AVX
>> could make much of a difference.
> Maybe it's bandwidth constrained; I can't tell beforehand (and I don't think
> you can either);

Some of us do have experience working with base64.  :)

> I could only said that with some certainty after doing
> tests.
> I did some limited testing but not enough yet. Depending on the testing
> method and the specific Base64 implementation, memcpy is significantly
> faster than a typical lookup table in memory implementation of Base64;

memcpy() is a special case. There is usually no computation in the
inner loop(s), although there will often be some carefully crafted
setup and/or loop unrolling, often hand-written to avoid vagueries of
compiler optimimization (and resulting bad interaction with cache
controllers, etc.). (On some CPUs, there is no inner loop, memcpy
being handed off to DMA, but that also implies some scheduling policy
relative to the DMA controller hardware.)

Do you use the -S option to get assembly language output to look at?

> indicating that computation has a non-negligible role in performance
> (opposed to being memory constrained).
> Answering your question: What makes me think that AVX, SSE, or similar SIMD
> instruction sets will improve the performance of my code is:
> [1] SIMD instructions are more efficient for copying memory because they
> have less dispatch overhead since they copy in bigger blocks. memcpy usually
> takes advantage of that; so there is a benefit in the case that the problem
> is bandwidth constrained.

Yeah, SIMD instructions can also be used as a rather expensive
substitute for pure DMA. Expensive because they are used for more than
pure data move.

> [2] Although Base64 is usually implemented with a lookup table, the encoding
> can be performed by relatively simple arithmetical computations, because the
> mapping can be described by bit expansion (6 bits to 8) and mapping a few
> continuous input ranges to output ranges. For example: 0 to 25 are mapped to
> 'A' (ASCII 65) to 'B' (ASCII 90).

Those computations aren't as simple as you might think. Quite a bit of
branching, and the instruction cache having to restart, etc. It's
defnitely not SIMD, unless your SIMD has table lookup that can operate
independently in each data stream.

> [3]: A lookup table implementation access the input data *and* the lookup
> table;

That's a really small table. Thirty years ago, it would have caused
cache thrashing. Not so much now.

> replacing the lookup table with SIMD arithmetic reduces the demand on
> memory (including cache) throughput.

Does the AVX have that kind of table access? If you have a url for the
relevant specs, I'd be interested.

> I do not claim to be certain that this will improve performance, but there
> is a very good possibility that it does, and I will know (in my particular
> case, for my particular CPU) after completing my implementation.
> Regards.

Joel Rees

Be careful when you look at conspiracy.
Arm yourself with knowledge of yourself, as well:

Re: Need ftp program with site-to-site capability

2015-11-13 Thread rlharris
On Fri, November 13, 2015 7:52 pm, Dennis Wicks wrote:
> Been looking but haven't found it yet.
> My hosting has changed servers and I have to move all my
> stuff pretty soon. I need a ftp program that will do site-to-site transfers
> without having to download to my PC first then upload to the destination.
> Anybody know of such a one? I used one at work many years
> ago but don't remember the name or even what system it ran on.

Of course, the first thing you should have done is Google for "ftp remote
to remote"; that would have led you (a dozen or so hits down in the list)
to packages which use the fxp protocol.

Then to learn more, Google "fxp protocol".

And then let Synaptic tell you what fxp packages are in the Debian archive.


Re: Succés després de connectar un disc-dur

2015-11-13 Thread papapep
Aquí tens una forma de fer-ho:


Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Re: Succés després de connectar un disc-dur

2015-11-13 Thread jaume
Gràcies, m'ho miro un altre dia que no tingui perill de caure adormit al 
teclat :)

A 2015-11-14 00:18, papapep escrigué:

Aquí tens una forma de fer-ho: [1]


 Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.


Re: how execute a script

2015-11-13 Thread Lotek

On 11/13/2015 06:43 AM, Pol Hallen wrote:

  (a) the result of the command "ls -l /home/user/bin/"

-rwx-- 1 user000 user000  936 Dec  5  2014

my mistake sorry :-/ checks (using apt-get update && apt-get upgrade) if there're
(or not) any updates availables showing me only the total number of
packages, so inside /home/user/.bashrc, exactly I've:

/home/user/bin/ &

Put the command at the end of ".profile".

It works for me.


the problem is "&" because without it script does run

after executing of script, output goes to shell with "| wall"



Re: problem e-mailing debian groups

2015-11-13 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 14 November 2015 00:43:43 Miles Fidelman wrote:
> On 11/13/15 7:15 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > On Friday 13 November 2015 22:14:30 Don Armstrong wrote:
> >> On Fri, 13 Nov 2015, Steve Kleene wrote:
> >>> Almost five years ago, I became unable to post questions here by
> >>> e-mail. The
> >>>
> >>> e-mail bounces with, for example:
>  The following message to  was
>  undeliverable. The reason for the problem:
>  5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'5.1.7
> >>>
> >>> 

Re: Iceweasel + NoScript: Google search results href anomaly

2015-11-13 Thread Joel Rees
On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 12:00 AM, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI
> On Qui, 12 Nov 2015, Safwat wrote:
>> I am running NoScript + Iceweasel, and I observed something weird.
>> Consider a Google search result which has this "a href" value:
>> When I hover my mouse over it, the value instantly changes to
>> This should be impossible with NoScript, nothing should be able to
>> modify the DOM. Google is not white-listed.
>> What's going on?
> Could it be NoScript itself, or another extension, changing the link to
> avoid Google tracking?

No. It's Google's search re-direction. Been happening for a long time.
My memory is also that it is being done by css rather than by

Joel Rees

Be careful when you look at conspiracy.
Arm yourself with knowledge of yourself, as well:

Re: problem e-mailing debian groups

2015-11-13 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Friday 13 November 2015 22:14:30 Don Armstrong wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Nov 2015, Steve Kleene wrote:
> > Almost five years ago, I became unable to post questions here by e-mail. 
> > The
> >
> > e-mail bounces with, for example:
> > > The following message to  was
> > > undeliverable. The reason for the problem:
> > > 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'5.1.7
> >
> > 

Need ftp program with site-to-site capability

2015-11-13 Thread Dennis Wicks


Been looking but haven't found it yet.

My hosting has changed servers and I have to move all my 
stuff pretty soon. I need a ftp program that will do 
site-to-site transfers without having to download to my PC 
first then upload to the destination.

Anybody know of such a one? I used one at work many years 
ago but don't remember the name or even what system it ran on.

Any favorites?

Many TIA!!

Re: How to write optimized code for an instruction set not supported by my computer?

2015-11-13 Thread Mario Castelán Castro

El 13/11/15 a las 18:50, Joel Rees escribió:

On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 7:54 AM, Mario Castelán Castro

[...] writes:

The question being begged is this -- Do you really want to use AVX
enough to sign the Intel agreement that you can't read unless you
agree to it before you read it so you can download it and read it?

It *is* a valid question, and I can't tell you the answer to that.
Maybe you can't answer that question yourself yet.

No, I am not willing to use Intel's proprietary tools. In an earlier message
in the same thread I said that I avoid proprietary software. That is one of
the reasons of why I use Debian: It is easy to avoid the proprietary

Might I suggest you question (in addition to the questions about
actual performance benefits) whether dealing with Intel's hardware
licensing is significantly less onerous than dealing with their
software licensing. Also whether you can actually escape the software
licensing if you start developing to their hardware.

AVX is a minefield.

Minefield in what regard?. What do you mean by "Intel's hardware 

If you mean licensing the patents that are required to *implement* the 
instruction set, bear in mind that I am not doing that: I am not 
designing nor implementing a CPU. AFAIK, no license is required to 
_write a program_ that uses some instruction set. I have never heard 
that a compiler, assembler, or program written partially in assembly had 
to acquire a license.

Thanks to everybody who replied. I will probably use Bochs when time comes
to port the algorithm to AVX. Right now I am writing and perfecting it in
portable C, to have a base result against which to compare performance and


This is definitely the recommended course. Also check the time spent
in conversion with the time spent in data extraction and storing, etc.

Sure. I have already made a trivial variation of my Base64 encoding code 
that does no conversion, only copies the data. I use this for 
comparison. I also compare speed against memcpy to have an idea of what 
the overhead against just copying is (taking into account that the data 
expands during encoding, some of the input data is duplicated into the 
output when using memcpy to make the comparison more fair).


Re: how execute a script

2015-11-13 Thread David Wright
On Fri 13 Nov 2015 at 16:08:07 (-0600), Don Armstrong wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Nov 2015, David Wright wrote:
> > The implementation isn't necessarily irrelevant when you have to
> > maintain the scripts yourself. Just at the level of pressing F3 in mc,
> > or running less, it saves time knowing what you expect to appear on
> > the screen.
> A good $EDITOR takes care of that for you. 
>;a=tree is my own ~/bin; never had
> any trouble figuring out what language things were... and if I needed
> something to do it programmatically, file does a pretty good job itself.

Well I find, say,   less bin/*py   much easier to type than
fiddling about with file or grep to get the same effect.

> > I have links and scripts such as
> > radio2wav →   stoprecording →
> > vinyl2wav →
> > which are used both directly and by cron, but also scripts like
> > which would only ever be used from the command line.
> > All these reside together in my ~/bin/ which is on-PATH.
> You've now got tab completion going to two different things, and twice
> as many entries in ~/bin/ as you might expect. But hey; if it works for
> you, great.

Tab completion just does the right thing: it matches up to the . and
then pressing return gets to follow the link.

And not twice as many. The only links are to the scripts that get
called from elsewhere. There aren't that many. As I've said, these
are personal scripts so there's no need for it to scale up like the


Re: Strong Copyleft licenses other than the GNU GPL family.

2015-11-13 Thread Joel Rees
On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 12:37 AM, Nicolas George  wrote:
> Le septidi 17 brumaire, an CCXXIV, Joel Rees a écrit :
>> > The firs drawback is that it would be incompatible with GPL code and
>> > libraries, and even possibly LGPL. That means libraries made using that
>> > license can not be used from GPL code or with GPL libraries. Basically,
>> > there is logically room for only one widely-adopted copyleft license.
>> I'm curious as to your reasoning here.
> Copyleft means: if your binary includes bits from my library, then it must
> be distributed under the same license.

Really? Then perhaps you could explain the reason for this fsf FAQ:

> So, if the binary includes library_A that is under copyleft_license_A and
> library_B that is under copyleft_license_B, the requirements can not be met
> both.

Well, incompatible strong copyleft licenses are said to exist. For
such licenses, what you say is correct.

But compatible strong copyleft licenses compatible with the GPL are
also said to exist. (Meaning that your explanation is incorrect
relative to combining code from such licenses with code under the

>> > The second drawback is that it would probably have no legal standing.
>> > Copyleft is based on copyright, and copyright controls distribution, 
>> > nothing
>> > else. In principle, it can not control API use, since there is no
>> > distribution involved. In practice, you can argue that using an API 
>> > requires
>> > copying tiny bits of it in the calling program: function names, macro
>> > expansion, etc. But this claim is weak: copyright requires originality, and
>> > there is little room for originality in function names; and it is easy to
>> > circumvent. The more restrictive you make your license, the stronger the
>> > incentive to circumvent it.
>> I'm not really seeing your reasoning here, either.
> What part of it? That copyrighting API is legally weak? Do you think a judge
> will sustain someone's alleged copyright on "create_window"?

In an ideal world, published APIs were not allowed patent protection
and copyrights on them were not allowed to infer rights over use or
separate implementation of the APIs.

Past tense.

That ideal world no longer exists, unfortunately. The intellectual
property advocates at Oracle, for instance, have demonstrated their
willingness to make assertions over API, and certain courts have
demonstrated their willingness to consider such assertions (and not
turn the lawyers and the companies over to the FBI for racketeering).
So, whether the assertions are valid or not, we are not protected from
some of the financial consequences of breaching such licensing of API.

> That copyrighting API is easy to circumvent? Just wrap the library in a
> trivial one, implementing a similar or specialized API with different
> function names and structures. Then make a non-working version of the second
> API that do not use the copyleft library at all.

In the current courts, such arguments seem to be viewed as logiical
caprice. (How one cannot hold such courts in contempt is beyond me,
but that is not the question we should be asking, if we have much of
anything important invested in anything that could become captured
intellectual property).

> That more coercive requirements yields more incentive to circumvent them?
> Seems obvious.

Unfortunately, engineers are not the ones with the excessive financial
resources to make endless vacuous arguments in courts that seem to
allow such. Making vacuous arguments would not be so bad if they did
not have the power to require you to show up to listen to them, and
also bring a lawyer capable of responding.

>> I would disagree (rather strongly) with at least some of what you seem
>> to be saying, but I'm not really sure what you are intending to say
>> here.
> I am saying that looking for that kind of license is a waste of time. It
> will not prevent bad guy from using the work, at worse force them to make a
> little effort to twist the license.

Bad players are having a field day these days.

> And it will severely annoy people who
> insisting on respecting the licenses, like Debian packagers.

Well, that is something of a separate issue.

Deliberately making a new strong copyleft license for no good reason
is a waste of one's own time and may be a waste of other people's
time, as the fsf points out in numerous places in their literature.

The opensource initiative also strongly recommends looking for an
existing license to use instead of creating a new one that then needs
to be analyzed by your own lawyers to see if it really does what you
want, then by lawyers at osi and fsf to see if your claims relative to
opensource-ness and/or copyleft-ness are correct.

And both the fsf and the osi point out that good reasons for a new
license generally aren't good reasons after all. Or, even if there
might be some good reason, it is usually not good enough, 

Re: problem e-mailing debian groups

2015-11-13 Thread Miles Fidelman

On 11/13/15 8:12 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Saturday 14 November 2015 00:43:43 Miles Fidelman wrote:

On 11/13/15 7:15 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Friday 13 November 2015 22:14:30 Don Armstrong wrote:

On Fri, 13 Nov 2015, Steve Kleene wrote:

Almost five years ago, I became unable to post questions here by
e-mail. The

e-mail bounces with, for example:

The following message to  was
undeliverable. The reason for the problem:
5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'5.1.7

Re: problem e-mailing debian groups

2015-11-13 Thread Steve Kleene
References: ,
<20151113221430.GV4773@geta>, <>

>>>On Fri, 13 Nov 2015 19:41:14 + (UTC), I wrote:
>>> Almost five years ago, I became unable to post questions here by e-mail.
>>> e-mail bounces with, for example:
>>> > The following message to  was undeliverable.
>>> > The reason for the problem:
>>> > 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'5.1.7

Re: How to write optimized code for an instruction set not supported by my computer?

2015-11-13 Thread Mario Castelán Castro writes:

I see. But a soft emulation won't give you an idea of performance
anyway? Just thinking about the whole mess from caching down to
instruction set (all of which the emulator has wildly different
timings for)... I'd guess that the single/multi-thread issue is
just a ripple in a sea of uncertainty.

I think expecting just a guess for the timings from an emulator
(at least at this level) is too much. You'd be better off with
your back-of-theenvelope calculations (and then testing, once you
get your hands on "real" hardware).

I agree. Thanks for pointing this reasoning. writes:

I think the question was: what makes you think AVX will improve
the performance of *your* code?  Base64 encoding/decoding should be
completely bandwidth-constrained, so it seems very unlikely that AVX
could make much of a difference.

Maybe it's bandwidth constrained; I can't tell beforehand (and I don't 
think you can either); I could only said that with some certainty after 
doing tests.

I did some limited testing but not enough yet. Depending on the testing 
method and the specific Base64 implementation, memcpy is significantly 
faster than a typical lookup table in memory implementation of Base64; 
indicating that computation has a non-negligible role in performance 
(opposed to being memory constrained).

Answering your question: What makes me think that AVX, SSE, or similar 
SIMD instruction sets will improve the performance of my code is:

[1] SIMD instructions are more efficient for copying memory because they 
have less dispatch overhead since they copy in bigger blocks. memcpy 
usually takes advantage of that; so there is a benefit in the case that 
the problem is bandwidth constrained.

[2] Although Base64 is usually implemented with a lookup table, the 
encoding can be performed by relatively simple arithmetical 
computations, because the mapping can be described by bit expansion (6 
bits to 8) and mapping a few continuous input ranges to output ranges. 
For example: 0 to 25 are mapped to 'A' (ASCII 65) to 'B' (ASCII 90).

[3]: A lookup table implementation access the input data *and* the 
lookup table; replacing the lookup table with SIMD arithmetic reduces 
the demand on memory (including cache) throughput.

I do not claim to be certain that this will improve performance, but 
there is a very good possibility that it does, and I will know (in my 
particular case, for my particular CPU) after completing my implementation.


Re: Ransomware meets Linux - on the command line!

2015-11-13 Thread Himanshu Shekhar
I do agree with Piyavkin.
AFAIT these are perhaps marketing efforts by corporations exploiting
"customer fear" and implementing their policy of "buy or suffer".
All about Linux, a user should see the message carefully and analyse before
executing a program with root privileges. That's why "sudo" and "su" like
commands were made, and that's why we need "passwords" for many stuffs in
Linux, unlike other ecosystems.

It's natural to be concerned. However, we should be rather be cautious
before giving our root password to execute any program.
If any cure of the "ransomware" arrives, that would be first from the side
of the "development team" as "security updates" rather than "corporations".

Himanshu Shekhar

Re: how execute a script

2015-11-13 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 09:11:34AM -0600, David Wright wrote:
> On Fri 13 Nov 2015 at 14:43:39 (+0100), wrote:
> > (as an aside: it's bad custom inherited from DOS to name shell scripts
> > with an .sh ending. No ending is the right thing here).
> So these were all DOS scripts once, were they?
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1248 Apr 21  2014 /etc/init.d/*
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3807 Apr 21  2014 /etc/init.d/*


Very smart. I didn't say the scripts are inherited from DOS. That bad
habit is, definitely.

> I name my scripts in ~/bin with an extension corresponding to their
> contents: .pl .py .sh etc. Where I'm working on alternative versions,
> I might have more than one language. Extensionless filenames are
> either links or binaries. What's bad about this? Or is it just
> snobbery: Look, we don't need extensions.

No. If you call your scripts from other places, and -- say -- change
the implementation from shell to ruby: do you have to run around and
fix all the call sites? Have fun.

The one case where an "extension" (as you call it: DOS, see?) might
make sense (I'd say a hint in the filename) is when your script isn't
an executable in itself but a collection of functions you *source*
from another shell: this so-called "shell library" has to be shell
code (i.e. you can't change implementation).

And snobbery? Pthttht.

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Need ftp program with site-to-site capability

2015-11-13 Thread Joel Roth
Dennis Wicks wrote:
> Greetings;
> Been looking but haven't found it yet.
> My hosting has changed servers and I have to move all my stuff pretty soon.
> I need a ftp program that will do site-to-site transfers without having to
> download to my PC first then upload to the destination.
> Anybody know of such a one? I used one at work many years ago but don't
> remember the name or even what system it ran on.
> Any favorites?

If you have shell access on your hosts, rsync would worth looking into.
> Many TIA!!
> Dennis

Joel Roth

Re: Succés després de connectar un disc-dur

2015-11-13 Thread alex

A 2015-11-14 00:04, escrigué:

Molt bones a tot@s.

M'ha sorgit la necessitat de crear un "succés" (una comanda) un cop un
disc-dur es connecti a un ordinador.

Us explico la situació. M'agradaria que cada vegada que connecto un
disc dur extern a un servidor aquest fes la còpia de seguretat

Moltes gràcies.

Hola Jaume,

Es pot fer amb l'udev. Jo ho anava a fer servir per tenir accés 
automàtic a una partició encriptada en el disc dur, només en introduir 
una memòria USB amb un fitxer amb la clau de desencriptar, sense haver 
d'interactuar per res.

A aquests enllaços hi ha informació per començar:



Re: problem e-mailing debian groups

2015-11-13 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 01:12:34AM +, Lisi Reisz wrote:


> > Well the solution is to have a talk with the mail system admin who
> > reconfigured the mail system, and did a half-assed job of it.
> Most employers are going to reconfigure their email systems to suit the hobby 
> of one of their employees?  You have obliging employers where you come from!  

Now you're being unfair, Lisi: one can expect from a amil admin of an .edu
domain to get their BATV config right (or just to not do it if (s)he can't).

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: i3 Window manager without any other desktop environment

2015-11-13 Thread Alberto Luaces
Brian writes:

> Indeed it is not! What is the correct term for xdm?

"Display manager", according to the descriptions.


Re: i3 Window manager without any other desktop environment

2015-11-13 Thread Brian
On Fri 13 Nov 2015 at 14:30:11 +0400, Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:

> Okay I will install a display manager. But will I need to configure i3 each
> time I log in ?? Because this what is happening now. Each time the system
> starts, I have to reconfigure i3. Will the display manger solve this
> problem?

No. The i3 wiki should help with saving and restoring a configuration.

Re: i3 Window manager without any other desktop environment

2015-11-13 Thread Dwijesh Gajadur
Okay I will install a display manager. But will I need to configure i3 each
time I log in ?? Because this what is happening now. Each time the system
starts, I have to reconfigure i3. Will the display manger solve this

With Kind regards,


On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 2:11 PM, Alberto Luaces  wrote:

> Brian writes:
> > Indeed it is not! What is the correct term for xdm?
> "Display manager", according to the descriptions.
> --
> Alberto

Re: Montar unidades de memoria automáticamente en consola

2015-11-13 Thread Rafael Cantos Villanueva

El 07/11/2015 a las 15:42, Camaleón escribió:

El Fri, 06 Nov 2015 21:15:17 +0100, Rafael Cantos Villanueva escribió:

El 06/11/2015 a las 15:04, Camaleón escribió:

El Thu, 05 Nov 2015 21:48:07 +0100, Rafael Cantos Villanueva escribió:

Estoy intentando hacer un programa, en mi caso en Python, que me liste
las unidades de memoria USB conectadas al sistema. Y aquí empieza mi
lío, que a ver si soy capaz de explicar correctamente.
Por defecto, las unidades USB no se montan automáticamente, ni se


¿Mande? :-?

Yo creo que sí se montan automáticamente al menos en un entorno de
escritorio convencional (GNOME, KDE, XFCE...). Cuando conectas una
llave o disco USB se montan bajo "/media/" por obra y gracia de udev y
los paquetes de automontaje (udisks2).

La nomenclatura que usan de manera predeterminada para identificar a
los dispositivos de almacenamiento masivo suele ser por etiqueta
("LABEL") pero no todos los sistemas de archivo lo admiten así que
puede variar y esto, claro, es modificable desde el propio sistema.

Con "mount" sabes de qué unidad se trata.

Camaleón, me refería en modo consola, no en modo gráfico. En modo
consola no se automontan ni se autodesmontan por defecto. Tienes que
instalar manualmente algún paquete para que lo haga.


Ya, querías decir "sin entorno de escritorio" porque consola sigue
habiendo cuando tienes cargado GNOME, KDE, etc...

Aún así, me parece que en el kernel de Debian se instala como módulo "usb-
storage" lo que hace que cuando conectes un dispositivo de almacenamiento
masivo el kernel lo detecte a través de udev por lo que lo único que
tendrías que hacer es crear una regla en udev que te monte
automáticamente la llave USB que conectes sin necesidad de instalar
paquetería adicional aunque si quieres un control más sofisticado
necesitarás pmount/udisks2 o similares.

Eso sí, para puntos de montaje estáticos tienes que saber cómo se llama
el chisme pero eso ya es más sencillo de gestionar.

Al final he creado, como me dijiste Camaleón, una regla con udev y 
pmount/pumount. Ahora sólo me falta conseguir que se me monte con la 
etiqueta del volumen, si existe, en lugar de como sda o sdb.



El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico en busca de 

Re: Configurando touchpad de portátil Toshiba Satellite L50-B-23G en Debian 8

2015-11-13 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 12 Nov 2015 14:33:54 -0800, Sergio Iglesias escribió:

> Buenas, llevo un tiempo usando Debian 8 en mi portátil, ya desde un
> principio no me detectaba el touchpad 

¿Qué quieres decir con "no te detectaba"? ¿Que el kernel no lo detectaba 
físicamente (dmesg | grep -i touch) o que al pulsar los botones o 
deslizarte por la superficie no se movía el cursor?

> y decidi usar "xkbset m" como una solución temporal; no obstante tras
> muchas semanas en este estado y tras tirarme horas buscando en la web
> como configurarlo no encontré ninguna manera de hacerlo que funcionase,
> por eso me gustaría preguntar aquí si alguien ha tenido un problema
> semejante y en ese caso como lo solventó.

Habría que saber de qué problema se trata exactamente, pero si el kernel 
lo detecta y sólo es un error de configuración puedes empezar por aquí:



Re: Montar unidades de memoria automáticamente en consola

2015-11-13 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 13 Nov 2015 12:09:04 +0100, Rafael Cantos Villanueva escribió:

> El 07/11/2015 a las 15:42, Camaleón escribió:


>> Aún así, me parece que en el kernel de Debian se instala como módulo
>> "usb-
>> storage" lo que hace que cuando conectes un dispositivo de
>> almacenamiento masivo el kernel lo detecte a través de udev por lo que
>> lo único que tendrías que hacer es crear una regla en udev que te monte
>> automáticamente la llave USB que conectes sin necesidad de instalar
>> paquetería adicional aunque si quieres un control más sofisticado
>> necesitarás pmount/udisks2 o similares.
>> Eso sí, para puntos de montaje estáticos tienes que saber cómo se llama
>> el chisme pero eso ya es más sencillo de gestionar.
> Al final he creado, como me dijiste Camaleón, una regla con udev y
> pmount/pumount. Ahora sólo me falta conseguir que se me monte con la
> etiqueta del volumen, si existe, en lugar de como sda o sdb.

Recuerda que no todos los volúmenes tienen una etiqueta definida.

En cuanto a manuales y ejemplos de montaje de unidades extraíbles USB 
usando LABEL y udev tienes varios, por ejemplo:

Auto-mounting USB storage with udev

automounting usb flash drives on linux with udev and pmount



Re: how execute a script

2015-11-13 Thread Pol Hallen

  (a) the result of the command "ls -l /home/user/bin/"

-rwx-- 1 user000 user000  936 Dec  5  2014

my mistake sorry :-/ checks (using apt-get update && apt-get upgrade) if there're 
(or not) any updates availables showing me only the total number of 
packages, so inside /home/user/.bashrc, exactly I've:

/home/user/bin/ &

the problem is "&" because without it script does run

after executing of script, output goes to shell with "| wall"



Re: Compilar paquetes desde las fuentes.

2015-11-13 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 13 Nov 2015 13:18:36 +0100, Ala de Dragón escribió:

> La solucion en la lista inglesa:


La solución pasa parchear el kernel, como bien decía el bug que mandaste, 
porque desactivar la aceleración gráfica a día de hoy sería poco 
realista. Por suerte parece que ya lo han hecho para facilitarle la vida 
a la gente con equipos endiablados, como los Mac >:-)



Re: problem med extern hårddisk

2015-11-13 Thread jan
On Fri, 13 Nov 2015 13:00:32 +
Michael Kjörling  wrote:

> On 13 Nov 2015 13:08 +0100, from
> > Vad ska man gissa att problemet är? Disken? Datorn? Bugg?
> Min första gissning skulle vara USB-kontrollern. Kan du upprepa felet
> på en annan dator?

Jo jag är precis på väg att testa. Men det kan ta tid. Disken har gått
flera veckor utan problem och så händer det tre (ja nyss också) gånger
idag. Fredag den 13:e?

OT - Pero muy OT - Reflexión

2015-11-13 Thread Javier ArgentinaBBAR
Antes que todo, no aporto nada. (Sí, ya sé, esto no es muro de lamentos).
Pero el hilo "Compilar paquetes desde las fuentes"  es lo más
interesante que he visto en los últimos dos meses.
Es uno de esos pocos que hacen que uno siga suscrito a la lista.
Es de esos, que luego de haberlo leído, uno aprendió; y mucho.
Pues dan ganas de ponerse a investigar, pues uno se percata de lo poco
que sabe de mucho.
Ver cómo Ala de Dragón se está rompiendo el alma para solucionar el
problema, investigando, probando y compartiendo lo que aprende, es
digno de encomio.
Me siento contento, y la alegría compartida es mayor.

Por favor, no inicien un "flame" con esto, no contesten nada de nada.
Si alguno quiere decirme algo al respecto, al privado para no ensuciar la lista.


how execute a script

2015-11-13 Thread Pol Hallen

Hi all :-)

How can I execute a script inside a script?

I putted inside /home/user/.bashrc a line like this:


but the script does not run...

any idea?

thanks for help! :-)


Re: [deb-cat] Trobada 2015

2015-11-13 Thread Narcis Garcia

«Llista de correu: Encara no en tenim però...»
Què és el què no tenim? No és aquesta la llista?

Com a objectiu al Wiki jo afegiria el suport mutu.

I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at archives.

El 13/11/15 a les 14:13, Mònica Ramírez Arceda ha escrit:
> Alex Muntada  writes:
>> Robert Marsellés:
>>> Algú va proporcionar un enllaç a Duddle (que jo ja no sé on és)
>>> i alguns s'hi van apuntar.
>> Anava a suggerir fer una pàgina al però tens raó
>> que ja tenim el dudle:
> Aquí apareix gent que no vindrà, ja que era només una votació per la
> data. Trobeu interessant fer una llista dels que hi anirem segur i que
> confirmem assitència? Es pot posar al wiki que comento més a baix.
>> Dit això, potser ens aniria bé crear un wiki per anar posant les
>> coses que fem, els resums de les trobades, etc.
>> Havent vist la llista d'entrades al wiki dels grups locals, crec
>> que tocaria crear una pàgina LocalGroups/DebianCat:
>> Prefereixo que la pàgina es digui DebianCat perquè sigui ambigu
>> sobre si fa referència a la llengua o al territori. Però és un
>> tema del que podem parlar a Girona.
> L'acabo de crear. Si decidim canviar el nom, cap problema:
>> D'altra banda, crec que estaria bé un recordatori dels detalls
>> del lloc de reunió, de com arribar-hi en transport públic i
>> privat, de l'hora de trobada, etc.
> He posat tot allò que sé, però si us plau complementeu o rectifiqueu el
> que cregueu convenient.
> Salut!

Re: An UML editor for Linux

2015-11-13 Thread ray
I prefer a straight razor.  I have been letting blood to help people live 
better lives.  I have been doing this for decades and I know what I am doing, I 
am a member of the barbers' union.  I have had people suggest that I use this 
gadget or that because it makes a better cut, the scares look nicer, 'you'll 
love it', all sorts of qualities.  Not only is this razor the best tool, but 
you must be well practiced in its use.  

I have heard  about president Washington dying  from the treatment of his blood 
poisoning because his blood letter was not well practiced.  His close 
associates promoted this guy, but Mr. Washington's disease just progressed, 
that letter just didn't know what he was doing.  And then there was that tool 
vendor who convinced president Lincoln's associates to use that new fangled 
multi-bladed tool.  It just caused that horrible gangrenous growth on his neck. 
 It would have taken him out if Booth had not tried so hard to make a name for 

I know what I am doing, I do it all the time and I use the best tools and I 
don't need to account for my methods; I've got a job and take care of my family.

Ray at the Razor's Edge

Problems with TV card "TeVii S472"

2015-11-13 Thread Hendrik Oenings
Hi all,

I've got a DVB-S2 PCI-Express tv card ("Tevii S472",
roducts_S472_1.asp) with Debian testing, but I'm not able to get it
On TeVii's webpage there is a linux driver availible (
Support.asp), but if I try to compile the driver, it says that my
kernel version isn't supported.

The PCIe bridge is cx23885, the demodulator is m88ds3103 and I assume
that the RF Tuner is m88ts2020.

The kernel messages just say:
> $ dmesg | grep dvb
> $ dmesg | grep cx23885
> [8.295142] cx23885[0]:card=46 - DVBSky T980C
> [8.295143] cx23885[0]:card=47 - DVBSky S950C
> [8.295143] cx23885[0]:card=48 - Technotrend TT-budget
> CT2-4500 CI
> [8.295144] cx23885[0]:card=49 - DVBSky S950
> [8.295145] cx23885[0]:card=50 - DVBSky S952
> [8.295145] cx23885[0]:card=51 - DVBSky T982
> [8.295146] cx23885[0]:card=52 - Hauppauge WinTV-HVR5525
> [8.295147] cx23885[0]:card=53 - Hauppauge WinTV Starburst
> [8.295159] CORE cx23885[0]: subsystem: d472:9022, board:
> UNKNOWN/GENERIC [card=0,autodetected]
> [8.47] cx23885_dev_checkrevision() Hardware revision = 0xa5
> [8.422230] cx23885[0]/0: found at :03:00.0, rev: 4, irq: 19,
> latency: 0, mmio: 0xf7c0
> $ dmesg | grep ds3103
> $ dmesg | grep ts2020

The firmware (dvb-fe-ds3103.fw) was copied to /lib/firmware.


Re: how execute a script

2015-11-13 Thread Darac Marjal

On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 02:50:25PM +0100, Pol Hallen wrote:

Hi all :-)

How can I execute a script inside a script?

I putted inside /home/user/.bashrc a line like this:


but the script does not run...

What is your evidence for the statement that it "does not run"? Are 
there any error messages, or do the actions in the script merely not 

Is ~/bin/ executable? Does it have a suitable shebang line 
(#!/bin/sh) at the start (and no UTF-8 bom)?

any idea?

thanks for help! :-)


-- For more information, please reread.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Erro Samba 4 não ingressa maquina no dominio

2015-11-13 Thread Paulino Kenji Sato
Não sei se aplica ao samba 4. no 3.x e necessário mudar algumas chaves de
Verifique ou muda as chaves de registro abaixo.
Se não me engano, o DomainCompatibilityMode em 0, tem o comportamento
descrito (no samba 3).

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



; Win7/Samba 3.4.x - Compat

2015-11-13 10:45 GMT-02:00 Thiago Oliveira :

> Ola galera:
> Apos uma queda de energia, uma maquina da rede não ingressa mais no
> domínio. A maquina é um Windows 7 Profissional. Possuo um Samba 4 como PDC
> do domínio.
> Toda vez que se tenta ingressar esta maquina no domínio  o computador
> informa Erro de usuário e senha, porem os mesmos estão corretos. Possuo 15
> maquinas neste domínio e somente esta maquina está com este problema. Já
> excluímos a conta de maquina do Samba já mudamos o nome do hostname desta
> maquina e nada funcionou. Alguém possui alguma ideia do que posso fazer
> ainda?
> No caso já verifiquei as configurações de DNS, Wins, DHCP e etc e esta
> tudo correto. Não sei mais aonde pode estar o problema para poder
> soluciona-lo.
> --
> *Thiago Oliveira*
> Graduando em Segurança da Informação - FATEC São Caetano do Sul

Paulino Kenji Sato

Re: Debian-Live se va... Debian CD se queda

2015-11-13 Thread Jose Maldonado

El 11/11/15 a las 21:54, Salvador Garcia Z. escribió:

¿Sí esa es su personalidad? Esta bien, y ¿la personalidad de los de más?
Entonces si esta abriendo la boca de tal manera, algunos le van a
contestar igualmente y es normal.

Si como persona te moletas porque han dicho que tu trabajo es una 
literal mierda...mal vamos, porqué aunque te molestes, tu trabajo 
seguirá siendo lo que es, una mierda.

En castellano una queja es muy diferente a pararse al frente y decir que
tal trabajo es una mierda literalmente. Eso no es llamar la atención,
eso es ser un hijo de la chingada y como persona una mierda.

¿Pararse al frente y decir? Me entero que enviar un email y escribir eso 
es equivalente a decir eso frente-a-frente. No se en que empresa ha 
trabajado, pero al menos donde estoy ahora si haces algo mal, te lo van 
y te lo cantan en la próxima reunión de trabajo, y si te sacan los 
trapitos al sol frente a todos.

Por fortuna a parte de desarrollador soy empresario, así que comprendo
perfectamente la situación y si un cliente o proveedor no cumple mis
expectativas, lo reemplazó, así de simple. También puedo optar por hacer
la materia prima que necesitó o implementar mi propio sistema de venta.
Exactamente a eso me refiero cuando digo que si una utilería no le gusta
o esta haciendo que su empresa pierda dinero, pues la puede implementar
el, ¿no?

En eso tienes un punto, en lugar de hacer estos "espectáculos" es mejor 
decirle que se largue y ya.

Muchos están de acuerdo con el, pero muchos no estamos de acuerdo, de
hecho ya no utilizamos su kernel.

Cierto muchos no están de acuerdo, pero la gran mayoría si que lo está. 
Por cierto ¿Que kernel usas? ¿NT, BSD o cuál otro?

Su figura no es algo que me provoque intimidad, para mi es una persona
como cualquier otra, un programador más que personalmente le mente su
madre, así que tampoco le tengo miedo.

Dudo mucho que la finalidad de Linus sea la de intimidar, en especial, 
porque es solo una persona más, dejarse intimidar por su actitud es solo 
una muestra de falta de confianza en ti mismo.

Dios en su Cielo, todo bien la Tierra

Re: how execute a script

2015-11-13 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 02:50:25PM +0100, Pol Hallen wrote:
> Hi all :-)
> How can I execute a script inside a script?
> I putted inside /home/user/.bashrc a line like this:
> /home/user/bin/
> but the script does not run...
> any idea?

Just saying the same as Darac is, but in a slightly different way:

Please post here

 (a) the result of the command "ls -l /home/user/bin/"


 (b) the first couple of lines of this script

(as an aside: it's bad custom inherited from DOS to name shell scripts
with an .sh ending. No ending is the right thing here).

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: how execute a script

2015-11-13 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 13 November 2015 08:50:25 Pol Hallen wrote:

> Hi all :-)
> How can I execute a script inside a script?
> I putted inside /home/user/.bashrc a line like this:
> /home/user/bin/
> but the script does not run...
> any idea?
chmod +x?

> thanks for help! :-)
> Pol

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: Fsview

2015-11-13 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 12 Nov 2015 21:21:12 -0500, Héctor Palacios escribió:

(no sé por qué se ha deshilado el mensaje :-?)

> Bien parece que hay poca información en la red al respecto.
> Y algún par de usuarios se  han preguntrado lo mismo pero sin solución
> definitiva: usar konqueror como navegador de archivos (como hasta
> recientemente lo hacia).


Konqueror se puede usar como explorador de archivos predeterminado, cosa 
aparte es que la versión que tienes instalada no tenga las 
funcionalidades que buscas.



Re: how execute a script

2015-11-13 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 13 November 2015 08:50:25 Pol Hallen wrote:

> Hi all :-)
> How can I execute a script inside a script?
> I putted inside /home/user/.bashrc a line like this:
> /home/user/bin/
> but the script does not run...
> any idea?
Actually chmod +x

> thanks for help! :-)
> Pol

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: fsck help

2015-11-13 Thread andre_debian
On Friday 13 November 2015 12:40:25 wrote:
> Suite à un blocage de mon pc et à une mise hors tension pour redémarrer, 
celui-ci bloque au démarrage en demandant en boucle un fsck manuel qui échoue 
sans cesse. J'ai pu le redémarrer en mode rescue à partir de la précédente 
version de Debian proposée au boot et tout semble parfaitement normal sauf 
> quand j'essaie de faire le fsck sur le système redémarré, j'ai toujours 
exactement le même problème qu'au démarrage 
> root@pc-jean-debian:/home/jean# fsck 
> fsck de util-linux 2.25.2 
> e2fsck 1.42.12 (29-Aug-2014) 
> /dev/sda8 est monté. 
> e2fsck: Ne peut continuer, arrêt immédiat. 

Ne jamais faire un "e2fsck" sur une partition montée !
(sinon on flingue le système de fichiers et les données
 de sa partition).

Utiliser un Linux Live pour faire un :
e2fsck /dev/sd"xy"

x = la partition
y = son n°


Erro Samba 4 não ingressa maquina no dominio

2015-11-13 Thread Thiago Oliveira
Ola galera:

Apos uma queda de energia, uma maquina da rede não ingressa mais no
domínio. A maquina é um Windows 7 Profissional. Possuo um Samba 4 como PDC
do domínio.

Toda vez que se tenta ingressar esta maquina no domínio  o computador
informa Erro de usuário e senha, porem os mesmos estão corretos. Possuo 15
maquinas neste domínio e somente esta maquina está com este problema. Já
excluímos a conta de maquina do Samba já mudamos o nome do hostname desta
maquina e nada funcionou. Alguém possui alguma ideia do que posso fazer

No caso já verifiquei as configurações de DNS, Wins, DHCP e etc e esta tudo
correto. Não sei mais aonde pode estar o problema para poder soluciona-lo.

*Thiago Oliveira*
Graduando em Segurança da Informação - FATEC São Caetano do Sul

Re: problem med extern hårddisk

2015-11-13 Thread Michael Kjörling
On 13 Nov 2015 13:08 +0100, from
> Vad ska man gissa att problemet är? Disken? Datorn? Bugg?

Min första gissning skulle vara USB-kontrollern. Kan du upprepa felet
på en annan dator?

Michael Kjörling • •
 “People who think they know everything really annoy
 those of us who know we don’t.” (Bjarne Stroustrup)

Re: Erro Samba 4 não ingressa maquina no dominio

2015-11-13 Thread Rodrigo Germano de Paula
Já verificou o horário do PDC e da máquina?

*Rodrigo Germano de Paula*
Técnico em Tecnologia da Informação
IFB Campus Planaltina
Contato: (61) 21962601

Em 13 de novembro de 2015 10:45, Thiago Oliveira 

> Ola galera:
> Apos uma queda de energia, uma maquina da rede não ingressa mais no
> domínio. A maquina é um Windows 7 Profissional. Possuo um Samba 4 como PDC
> do domínio.
> Toda vez que se tenta ingressar esta maquina no domínio  o computador
> informa Erro de usuário e senha, porem os mesmos estão corretos. Possuo 15
> maquinas neste domínio e somente esta maquina está com este problema. Já
> excluímos a conta de maquina do Samba já mudamos o nome do hostname desta
> maquina e nada funcionou. Alguém possui alguma ideia do que posso fazer
> ainda?
> No caso já verifiquei as configurações de DNS, Wins, DHCP e etc e esta
> tudo correto. Não sei mais aonde pode estar o problema para poder
> soluciona-lo.
> --
> *Thiago Oliveira*
> Graduando em Segurança da Informação - FATEC São Caetano do Sul

Re: [deb-cat] Trobada 2015

2015-11-13 Thread Mònica Ramírez Arceda
Alex Muntada  writes:

> Robert Marsellés:
>> Algú va proporcionar un enllaç a Duddle (que jo ja no sé on és)
>> i alguns s'hi van apuntar.
> Anava a suggerir fer una pàgina al però tens raó
> que ja tenim el dudle:

Aquí apareix gent que no vindrà, ja que era només una votació per la
data. Trobeu interessant fer una llista dels que hi anirem segur i que
confirmem assitència? Es pot posar al wiki que comento més a baix.

> Dit això, potser ens aniria bé crear un wiki per anar posant les
> coses que fem, els resums de les trobades, etc.
> Havent vist la llista d'entrades al wiki dels grups locals, crec
> que tocaria crear una pàgina LocalGroups/DebianCat:
> Prefereixo que la pàgina es digui DebianCat perquè sigui ambigu
> sobre si fa referència a la llengua o al territori. Però és un
> tema del que podem parlar a Girona.

L'acabo de crear. Si decidim canviar el nom, cap problema:

> D'altra banda, crec que estaria bé un recordatori dels detalls
> del lloc de reunió, de com arribar-hi en transport públic i
> privat, de l'hora de trobada, etc.

He posat tot allò que sé, però si us plau complementeu o rectifiqueu el
que cregueu convenient.


Re: fsck help

2015-11-13 Thread jbernon
Finalement j'ai trouvé la solution. En fait après l'échec du fsck au démarrage, 
le système ouvre un shell initramfs qui permet de faire quelques manips: 
- df montre que seuls sont montés /dev et /run à ce moment là ; 
- on peut lancer fsck bien qu'il n'apparaisse pas dans la liste des commandes 
possibles (?) ; 
- pour que ça marche, il faut préciser que l'on veut vérifier la racine, donc 
dans mon cas la commande était "fsck /dev/sda8" ; 
- il m'a listé des inodes qui lui posaient problème et m'a proposé de fixer les 
choses. J'ai bien sûr accepté. 

Mon système redémarre sans problème et apparemment je n'ai rien qui 
dysfonctionne. Tout est bien qui finit bien. Mais tout de même il est ennuyeux 
que des applis "gèlent" et finissent par tout bloquer. Dans ce cas c'est 
LibreOffice qui a tout bloqué, parfois c'est Iceweasel. Heureusement c'est 
assez rare et en général ça fonctionne vite et bien. Ça n'empêche pas de 
fonctionner, mais ce serait quand même bien de comprendre d'où viennent ces 
blocages occasionnels. 

Merci à Belaïd de sa suggestion. J'étais en train de fouiller dans mes divers 
CD gravés pour trouver un live quand c'est reparti sur le démarrage qui 
bloquait et que j'ai fait cet essai qui a marché. 

- Mail original -

> De: "Belaïd" 
> À:
> Cc: "Liste Debian" 
> Envoyé: Vendredi 13 Novembre 2015 12:46:57
> Objet: Re: fsck help

> Bonjour,
> As tu essayé un fsck sur la partition non montée? Dans le cas ou
> c'est la racine, essai avec un linux live
> Le 13 nov. 2015 12:40, < > a écrit :
> >
> > Bonjour,
> >
> > Suite à un blocage de mon pc et à une mise hors tension pour
> > redémarrer, celui-ci bloque au démarrage en demandant en boucle un
> > fsck manuel qui échoue sans cesse. J'ai pu le redémarrer en mode
> > rescue à partir de la précédente version de Debian proposée au
> > boot et tout semble parfaitement normal sauf que...
> >
> > quand j'essaie de faire le fsck sur le système redémarré, j'ai
> > toujours exactement le même problème qu'au démarrage
> >
> > root@pc-jean-debian:/home/jean# fsck
> > fsck de util-linux 2.25.2
> > e2fsck 1.42.12 (29-Aug-2014)
> > /dev/sda8 est monté.
> > e2fsck: Ne peut continuer, arrêt immédiat.
> >
> >
> > root@pc-jean-debian:/home/jean# ^C
> >
> > J'ai lu pas mal de choses sur Internet et tenté diverses options de
> > fsck avec toujours le même résultat. Sur Internet je trouve
> > beaucoup de choses du style refaire les partitions disques ou
> > carrément réinstaller, mais cela semble un peu extrême pour un
> > système qui marche parfaitement par ailleurs.
> >
> > Au boot il y a quelques détails de plus et notamment un retour 4 de
> > fsck qui signifie simplement qu'il reste des erreurs de fichiers
> > non corrigées sur /dev/sda8 qui est le point de montage de la
> > racine.
> >
> > Si quelqu'un a une suggestion, mille mercis.
> > Jean
> >
> >

Re: Erro Samba 4 não ingressa maquina no dominio

2015-11-13 Thread Thiago Oliveira
Sim, alias este problema começou por causa disto, o servidor NTP ficou
offline e o servidor voltou o horario para a hora normal brasileira, porém
apos corrigido este problema do NTP o computador não entra mais no dominio,
mesmo ele estando com o relogio sincronizado com o servidor

Em 13 de novembro de 2015 11:04, Rodrigo Germano de Paula <> escreveu:

> Já verificou o horário do PDC e da máquina?
> *Rodrigo Germano de Paula*
> Técnico em Tecnologia da Informação
> IFB Campus Planaltina
> Contato: (61) 21962601
> Em 13 de novembro de 2015 10:45, Thiago Oliveira 
> escreveu:
>> Ola galera:
>> Apos uma queda de energia, uma maquina da rede não ingressa mais no
>> domínio. A maquina é um Windows 7 Profissional. Possuo um Samba 4 como PDC
>> do domínio.
>> Toda vez que se tenta ingressar esta maquina no domínio  o computador
>> informa Erro de usuário e senha, porem os mesmos estão corretos. Possuo 15
>> maquinas neste domínio e somente esta maquina está com este problema. Já
>> excluímos a conta de maquina do Samba já mudamos o nome do hostname desta
>> maquina e nada funcionou. Alguém possui alguma ideia do que posso fazer
>> ainda?
>> No caso já verifiquei as configurações de DNS, Wins, DHCP e etc e esta
>> tudo correto. Não sei mais aonde pode estar o problema para poder
>> soluciona-lo.
>> --
>> *Thiago Oliveira*
>> Graduando em Segurança da Informação - FATEC São Caetano do Sul

*Thiago Oliveira*
Graduando em Segurança da Informação - FATEC São Caetano do Sul