exim4 - tls errors

2016-04-10 Thread Kamil Jońca

I recently upgraded my box and now I got

--8<---cut here---start->8---
Warning: No server certificate defined; TLS connections will fail.
 Suggested action: either install a certificate or change tls_advertise_hosts 
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
with every mail I sent (but mails are delivered)
I tried to set

--8<---cut here---start->8---
tls_advertise_host = !* 
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
or remove it completely but with no success.
How can I get rid of this message? (Assuming I'm too lazy to create self
signed cert for this?)


Flame on!
-- Johnny Storm

Re: arquivo de senhas

2016-04-10 Thread Linux - Junior Polegato

Na minha humilde opinião, a melhor forma de proteger as senhas é um
caderninho de senhas dentro de um "cofre" que somente pessoas chaves terão
a senha/chave desse cofre, como você , os donos da empresa e/ou filhos.

Assim evita-se o trabalho de resetar aparelhos e ter que reconfigurá-los
para redefinir a senha. Pensando como o dono da empresa, todos deveriam
exigir isso, visto que todos estamos susceptíveis a temporiamente (ou não)
"sumir do mapa" (férias ou acidentes).


Junior Polegato
Em 10/04/2016 13:34, "Rodolfo"  escreveu:

> Até hoje eu só utilizo o recurso da memória para guardar minhas senhas.
> Quando eu cuidava de 1 servidor Unix, 1 Windows e 1 de Backup da DELL (que
> eu não lembro o nome mas era Red Hat) e da senha WiFi da fábrica onde eu
> trabalhava ficava tudo na minha memória (que era de mais de 12 caracteres
> sem nenhum significado, os chefes da fábrica até me chamavam de menino
> prodígio, hehehehe). E se eu perdesse ? Teria que resetar a senha, e se não
> desse pra resetar ? Já era =D.
> Lado bom disso é que você não corre risco tendo alguém xeretando seus
> arquivos atrás de senhas.
> Lado ruim, é o trabalho que você terá de realizar pra recuperar ou resetar
> a senha perdida.
> Eu particularmente nunca esqueci, porque todos os dias fazia trabalho de
> memorização das senhas pela manhã, =D.
> Até hoje faço isso, e aconselho, você terá menos dor de cabeça, e falando
> nisso, a pouco tempo invadiram os servidores da playstation network e
> divulgaram um arquivo que tinha todas as senhas dos servidores da sony, o
> adm que cuidava das senhas criou um arquivo e os hackers acabaram
> conseguindo esse arquivo, resultado, a playstation network ficou fora do ar
> por um bom tempo e muita gente teve seus dados comprometidos, porque os
> cara roubaram os dados de muitos clientes.
> 2016-04-09 17:26 GMT-04:00 Henrique de Moraes Holschuh :
>> On Wed, Apr 6, 2016, at 21:54, G.Paulo wrote:
>> > É tudo simples, diretamente no bash e rápido. Então, o keepassx seria
>> > mais simples e seguro do que isso? Se for, vou considerar a mudança.
>> Se você usar o gnupg direito, ele será bem mais seguro que o keepassx.
>> --
>>   "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
>>   them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
>>   where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
>>   Henrique de Moraes Holschuh 

Re: What Package?

2016-04-10 Thread The Wanderer
(Quoting fixed.)

On 2016-04-10 at 18:54, Harris Paltrowitz wrote:

> On Apr 10, 2016, at 11:56 AM, Curt  wrote:
>> Those that do still use it (Flash) should upgrade to the newest
>> version (which I believe is as they've recently fixed
>> some critical vulnerabilities (on 4-7-2016).
> Any idea whether the package "flashplugin-nonfree" is being updated
> in the same way?"

The package itself is just a downloader+installer, with a few associated
utility programs. It doesn't always get updated when the plugin it
downloads does, but you can trigger the download yourself.

To check whether a new version is available upstream, run:
update-flashplugin-nonfree --status

To initiate an update attempt, run:
update-flashplugin-nonfree --install

Both commands will only work as root. (You can get the 'status' command
to work as an ordinary user with fakeroot and the full path, but that's
a bit more complicated.)

Unfortunately, however, just because the 'status' command shows a new
version as being available that doesn't mean the 'install' command will
necessarily pick it up. The 'install' process checks the upstream binary
against a validation list available on the package maintainer's personal
Debian Webspace, and if it doesn't find a match, it doesn't download or
install the new version. (This rather surprised me, the first time I
encountered it.)

In my experience, the new version will become installable via this
procedure within a week or so after it gets released. There's no visible
indication of when this has happened that I know of; you just have to
keep retrying the 'install' command until it goes through.

Anyone interested in exactly how this works is encouraged to examine the
update-flashplugin-nonfree executable; it's a standard shell script,
although a somewhat involved one.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [OFF-TOPIC] Dificuldade para cadastrar DNS Reverso na GVT

2016-04-10 Thread Moacir Hardt Godoy
Meu caro Henrique, creio que você e todos os brasileiros que possuem
internet já tiveram esse desprazer.
O que deveria chamar help desk é help esquece. Em uma única e memorável
oportunidade, uma atendente
do UOL (isso faz muito, muito tempo mesmo) me transferiu para alguém que
falava a mesma língua que eu.

Eu costumo deixar essas coisas registradas no reclameaqui só para
engrossar as estatísticas. Ah sim, não se
ache um "privilegiado" porque TODAS as operadoras são assim. E os bancos

Abraços e boa sorte


Em 10/04/2016 18:17, Henrique Fagundes escreveu:
> *Prezados Colegas,*
> Primeiramente, saudações pinguianas a todos.
> Estou passando tempos terríveis junto a Vivo (Antiga GVT).
> Sou do Rio de Janeiro e possuo um link com IP FIXO, e hoje solicitei a
> configuração do DNS reverso, pois vou precisar para o mailserver.
> Entrei em contato com o suporte, mas a impressão que dá é que o
> atendente não faz a menor ideia do que eu estou solicitando. Eu tenho
> no meu aparelho celular um aplicativo que grava ligações e por
> precaução e pra prevenir futuros problemas, resolvi gravar.
> Segue a gravação editada por mim (tirei o tempo de espera telefônica,
> aquela música chata):
> http://temporario.aprendendolinux.com/gvt/GVT_DNS_REVERSO_ATENDENTE_NADIA_E_RODRIGO-2015-04-10.mp3
> Essa aqui é a versão completa, com a espera telefônica:
> http://temporario.aprendendolinux.com/gvt/GVT_DNS_REVERSO_ATENDENTE_NADIA_E_RODRIGO-2015-04-10_SEM_EDECAO.mp3
> Estou muito desconfiado.
> Alguém mais já passou por isso? O que devo fazer?
> Isso é só um desabafo.
> Tenso, viu?
> Atenciosamente,
> Henrique Fagundes
> henri...@linuxadmin.com.br

Rua Joaquim Eduardo de Farias, 211, Apto 501 B
59091-130 - Ponta Negra - Natal - RN
Caixa Postal/P.O. Box 1520 AC UFRN
59078-970 - Lagoa Nova - Natal - RN
(84)99957 6720 - (84)3301 2881 (fixo)

Re: What Package?

2016-04-10 Thread Harris Paltrowitz
On Apr 10, 2016, at 11:56 AM, Curt  wrote:

Those that do still use it (Flash) should upgrade to the newest version
(which I believe is as they've recently fixed some
critical vulnerabilities (on 4-7-2016).

Any idea whether the package "flashplugin-nonfree" is being updated in the same 

ISCTE ACM Student Chapter

2016-04-10 Thread Jorge Quiterio
Olá eu sou o Jorge Quitério, Vice-Chair do ISCTE ACM Student Chapter
http://iscte.acm.org/ ).

O ISCTE-IUL ( http://iscte-iul.pt )- Instituto Universitário de Lisboa,
situado no campus da Cidade Universitária de Lisboa e é um dos institutos
universitários que mais artigos científicos publica ao nível Nacional.

A ACM ( http://acm.org )- Association for Computer Machinery é a primeira
sociedade cientifica educacional dedicada a ciencias da computação e com um
repositório de artigos cientificos bastante considerável. Mais de 500
Universidades ao redor do mundo têm os seus chapters em representação local
da ACM, onde são organizados eventos locais sobre diversas áreas da
ciências da computação.

O ISCTE ACM Student Chapter organiza eventos semanais - SmartTalks, mensais
SmartEvents e SmartClasses em que são apresentados e debatidos diversos
temas conforme o plano interno da ACM local... e toda a gente é convidada a
participar e/ou apresentar um tema que ache relevante.

No dia 20 do corrente mês vai ser a vez do tema "Sistemas Operativos".
Temos vários convidados a falar sobre vários sistemas operativos.

Gostaria de deixar aqui um desafio à comunidade Debian a participar dos
eventos e a se possível apresentarem o Sistema Operativo Debian!

Quem estiver interessado, por favor, envia um email para quiter...@acm.org
ou j...@iscte-iul.pt

A apresentação é muito simples, só têm de falar sobre o Debian que acho que
não é um problema para os membros desta comunidade.

Os possíveis temas são:

Sistema Operativo GNU/Linux
­ Sistema Operativo Caixa Mágica
­ Sistema Operativo Debian
­ Sistema Operativo Ubuntu
­ Sistema Operativo RedHat
­ Sistema Operativo CentOS
­ Sistema Operativo Suse Linux
­ Sistema Operativo FreeBSD
­ Sistema Operativo OpenBSD
­ Sistema Operativo OS/400
­ Sistemas Operativo UNIX
­ Sistema Operativo Minix
­ Sistemas Operativo Windows
­ Sistemas Operativos Baseados em Debian
­ Sistemas Operativos Baseados em Ubuntu
­ Sistemas Operativos baseados em RedHat
­ Sistemas Operativos BSD
­ Sistemas de Monitorização (Nagios, Zabbix, Etc)
­ Sistemas de Gestão de Configuração (Chef, Pupet, Ansible, etc)
­ Shell Script
­ Windows Power Shell
­ CL400

Estes são "temas-base" podem sempre sugerir sub-temas ou outro temasmais
focados numa certa área que tenha haver directamente sobre sistemas

Um grande abraço.

Aguardo contacto!


Jorge Quiterio


Re: Conseils sur la sécurisation de ses accès par SSH

2016-04-10 Thread Francois Lafont
On 10/04/2016 19:35, Grégory Reinbold wrote:

> C'est une bonne question et j'avoue que perso je n'ai rien mis en place.

Tout pareil.

À partir du moment où on se fait piquer sa clé privée, comment un serveur 
pourrait-il détecter qu'une connexion ssh est illicite alors que justement le 
contrat est "seul le détenteur de la clé privée pourra se connecter" ? Je 
serais curieux d'avoir des infos sur tout ça.

François Lafont

Re: Pourquoi drupal7 a besoin de MySQL ? / Choix d'un CMS

2016-04-10 Thread kaliderus
> Surprenant ? Au contraire, je la trouve fien fichue puisqu'elle laisse
> le choix du SGBDR à l'utilisateur et choisit pour lui s'il n'exprime
> aucune préférence.
Pouvoir choisir la base ok c'est cool, mais proposer un paquets pour
un autre (ou 4) qui est déjà présent et satisfait les dépendances, je
ne vois pas la logique.
Cette idée poussée un peu plus loin et on peut se retrouver avec 40
paquets à désélectionner sans raison, moi vraiment pas comprendre :-/
En tout cas merci tu m'as aidé, je pense que le sujet peut être clos.
A une prochaine.

Re: Gnome Desktop w/ icons

2016-04-10 Thread Anders Andersson
On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 8:05 PM, Ethan Rosenberg
> How do I get a desktop with normal icons.  All I am getting now is a heading
> on the left saying "activities" w/ no ability to place Icons on the desktop.

Install gnome-tweak-tool (this is a must for everyone using Gnome3,
you can't modify anything without it). Then go to "Desktop" and enable
"Icons on Desktop".

Re: Pourquoi drupal7 a besoin de MySQL ? / Choix d'un CMS

2016-04-10 Thread Sébastien Dinot
kaliderus a écrit :
> Ceci dit c'est quand même surprenant cette gestion des dépendances, va
> comprendre...

Surprenant ? Au contraire, je la trouve fien fichue puisqu'elle laisse
le choix du SGBDR à l'utilisateur et choisit pour lui s'il n'exprime
aucune préférence.


Sébastien Dinot, sebastien.di...@free.fr
Ne goûtez pas au logiciel libre, vous ne pourriez plus vous en passer !

[OFF-TOPIC] Dificuldade para cadastrar DNS Reverso na GVT

2016-04-10 Thread Henrique Fagundes

*Prezados Colegas,*

Primeiramente, saudações pinguianas a todos.
Estou passando tempos terríveis junto a Vivo (Antiga GVT).

Sou do Rio de Janeiro e possuo um link com IP FIXO, e hoje solicitei a 
configuração do DNS reverso, pois vou precisar para o mailserver.

Entrei em contato com o suporte, mas a impressão que dá é que o 
atendente não faz a menor ideia do que eu estou solicitando. Eu tenho no 
meu aparelho celular um aplicativo que grava ligações e por precaução e 
pra prevenir futuros problemas, resolvi gravar.

Segue a gravação editada por mim (tirei o tempo de espera telefônica, 
aquela música chata):


Essa aqui é a versão completa, com a espera telefônica:

Estou muito desconfiado.
Alguém mais já passou por isso? O que devo fazer?

Isso é só um desabafo.

Tenso, viu?


Henrique Fagundes

Re: arquivo de senhas

2016-04-10 Thread Isaac Ferreira Filho

On 10-04-2016 13:34, Rodolfo wrote:
> Até hoje faço isso, e aconselho, você terá menos dor de cabeça, e
> falando nisso, a pouco tempo invadiram os servidores da playstation
> network e divulgaram um arquivo que tinha todas as senhas dos servidores
> da sony, o adm que cuidava das senhas criou um arquivo e os hackers
> acabaram conseguindo esse arquivo, resultado, a playstation network
> ficou fora do ar por um bom tempo e muita gente teve seus dados
> comprometidos, porque os cara roubaram os dados de muitos clientes.

Ok, mas lembrando que:

a PSN é uma furada em vários sentidos. Há um tempo atrás tiveram
problemas com certificado e você tinha que acessar página trocando o
https pelo http... Acho que daí dá para perceber o comprometimento deles.


Isaac Ferreira Filho
Key fingerprint = DA22 20DE 519D A32E 59A0  1158 678A 3A2C E577 1896
Jabber: isaacmob arroba riseup.net

Re: Gnome Desktop w/ icons

2016-04-10 Thread Gary Dale
On 10/04/16 02:05 PM, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:
> Dear List -
> How do I get a desktop with normal icons.  All I am getting now is a
> heading on the left saying "activities" w/ no ability to place Icons
> on the desktop.
> Ethan

I don't use Gnome normally but I believe you can drag icons from the
menu onto the desktop.

Re: Annoying pop-up window

2016-04-10 Thread Ron
On Sun, 10 Apr 2016 14:24:14 -0400
Ric Moore  wrote:

> I'm running XFCE as well. If the popup to alert me to media being 
> inserted were to happen correctly, I'd be bragging about it. :) Ric

Chacun son sale goût !

(Or to each according to his own disgusting taste, as they say in Froggish   
  In love, she who gives her portrait promises the original.
   -- Bruton

   -- http://www.olgiati-in-paraguay.org --

Re: Pourquoi drupal7 a besoin de MySQL ? / Choix d'un CMS

2016-04-10 Thread kaliderus
> J'ai fait l'essai. À l'instar de ce qui se passe en ligne de commande la
> sélection du paquet drupal7 pour installation entraine automatiquement celle
> des paquets mysql, mysql-client et php5-mysql. Mais si l'on sélectionne
> ensuite manuellement les paquets postgresql, postgresql-client et php5-pgsql,
> on peut sans problème désactiver les paquets liés à mysql.
> Du coup, pour éviter une fastidieuse désélection, il faut commencer par
> sélectionner les paquets liés à PostgreSQL (postgresql, postgresql-client et
> php5-pgsql) et ne sélectionner le paquet drupal7 qu'ensuite.
Yep, le comportement est le même en ligne de commande ou console, ce
qui est normal.
Ceci dit c'est quand même surprenant cette gestion des dépendances, va

Re: Conseils sur la sécurisation de ses accès par SSH

2016-04-10 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Fri, Apr 08, 2016 at 02:37:56PM +0200, honeyshell wrote:
> Si tu utilises Putty tu as du te rendre compte que putty ne gère pas
> la phrase de passe.

Bah si, y'a même un PAGENT.EXE qui est un agent SSH pour


Re: Annoying pop-up window

2016-04-10 Thread Ric Moore

On 04/10/2016 02:08 PM, Patrick Wiseman wrote:

On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 1:29 PM, Renaud OLGIATI

On Sun, 10 Apr 2016 18:06:19 +0100
Brad Rogers > wrote:

> Look at "Device Notifier settings" or whatever your chosen DE calls it.

Running XFCE, I find nothing about the pop-up window in either
Notifications, or in Removable Drives and Media  ;-3(

I'm on XFCE and don't see this popup behavior.  Under Settings, Session
and Startup, Advanced, are you starting any GNOME or KDE services? I'm
not, so possibly that's the reason.

I'm running XFCE as well. If the popup to alert me to media being 
inserted were to happen correctly, I'd be bragging about it. :) Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

Re: Annoying pop-up window

2016-04-10 Thread Ron
On Sun, 10 Apr 2016 14:08:56 -0400
Patrick Wiseman  wrote:

> I'm on XFCE and don't see this popup behavior.  Under Settings, Session and
> Startup, Advanced, are you starting any GNOME or KDE services? I'm not, so
> possibly that's the reason.

Nothing, but then I renounced a long time ago both Gnome and Kde, their pomps, 
their works and their bloat...
  In love, she who gives her portrait promises the original.
   -- Bruton

   -- http://www.olgiati-in-paraguay.org --

Gnome Desktop w/ icons

2016-04-10 Thread Ethan Rosenberg

Dear List -

How do I get a desktop with normal icons.  All I am getting now is a heading on the left saying 
"activities" w/ no ability to place Icons on the desktop.



Re: Annoying pop-up window

2016-04-10 Thread Patrick Wiseman
On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 1:29 PM, Renaud OLGIATI <
ren...@olgiati-in-paraguay.org> wrote:

> On Sun, 10 Apr 2016 18:06:19 +0100
> Brad Rogers  wrote:
> > Look at "Device Notifier settings" or whatever your chosen DE calls it.
> Running XFCE, I find nothing about the pop-up window in either
> Notifications, or in Removable Drives and Media  ;-3(

I'm on XFCE and don't see this popup behavior.  Under Settings, Session and
Startup, Advanced, are you starting any GNOME or KDE services? I'm not, so
possibly that's the reason.


Re: Annoying pop-up window

2016-04-10 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sun, 10 Apr 2016 13:29:06 -0400
Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI  wrote:

Hello Renaud,

>Running XFCE, I find nothing about the pop-up window in either
>Notifications, or in Removable Drives and Media  ;-3(

I don't use XFCE, but a quick 'net search threw up the following:


Particularly the section "Managing Removable Drives and Media"

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
Love is a temple, love is a shrine
You Have Placed A Chill In My Heart - Eurythmics

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Tristesse : Yves Badel nous a quitté vendredi

2016-04-10 Thread Yannick
Le 09/04/2016 17:05, Yannick a écrit :
> Bonjour à toutes et tous,
> C'est avec une boule au ventre et des larmes dans les yeux que je vous
> transfère ce message du président de l'ALDIL.
> Un grand Debianiste nous a quitté.
> Je transmet le message et son entête afin de vous laisser réagir.
> Amitiés
>  Message transféré 
> Sujet : [Membres] Tristesse : Yves Badel nous a quitté vendredi
> Date : Sat, 9 Apr 2016 10:50:02 +0200
> De : Président ALDIL 
> Répondre à : Liste de discussion privée réservée aux membres de l'ALDIL
> Pour : membres ALDIL 
> Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
> C'est une bien triste nouvelle que nous partageons avec vous aujourd'hui :
> Yves Badel nous a quitté ce matin, vendredi 8 avril, des suites d'un
> accident cardiaque survenu le 24 mars au soir, au retour du
> Jeudi-Bidouille, et qui n'a pu être patché par les chirurgiens qui n'ont
> finalement pas pu l'opérer.
> Yves est une légende de l'ALDIL.
> S'il n'en est pas un père fondateur, il est en devenu une sorte de
> tonton bienveillant pour tous les nouveaux arrivants.
> Sa gentillesse et sa disponibilité en ont fait une personnalité
> incontournable et unanimement appréciée au sein de notre communauté
> comme peu de personnes le sont.
> Il s'est occupé de nos serveurs, de notre trésorerie, de notre buvette,
> il a été une inlassable cheville ouvrière au service du libre qu'il
> défendait comme une cause, un bon sens, une stimulation mais aussi une
> communauté au sein de laquelle il avait des amis.
> Pour parler de lui, nous pourrions évoquer deux des derniers projets sur
> lesquels il était à la manœuvre la semaine dernière :
> - L'adaptation d'une application de gestion de billetterie avec
> toute une petite bande qui s'encanaillait à coder à ses côtés.
> Venu reprendre un projet serpent de mer, il avait accepté d'embarquer
> avec lui Anaïs, Stan et Michèle pour colmater. Avec lui ils ont repris
> entièrement le logiciel que la MPT avait adopté en nous faisant confiance.
> Et pour honorer les principes que le libre c'est modifiable et
> adaptable, ils s'y sont collés tous ensemble en mélangeant astuces,
> expériences et innovations : Un projet qu'il a contribué à remettre sur
> de bons rails. Il lui a donné de l'élan et du collectif.
> - La rénovation du Tux : Alors que le Tux errait dans notre grenier
> de l'ALR, Yves a entrepris avec Bernard et Jean de redonner corps à une
> de nos élucubrations.
> Cette mascotte qui habillait initialement un PC et un graveur,
> pouvait-elle un jour être restaurée pour embarquer du matériel libre et
> aller incarner l'émancipation et l'écosystème du numérique libre en
> permettant de tester et distribuer logiciels, ressources, musiques,
> jeux, livres, films tous libres?
> Une semaine avant les JdLL Yves avait quasiment fini le Tux, il en
> avait confié les dernières pièces à remplir et installer à Quentin pour
> que samedi dernier, au matin de l'événement, la mascotte redémarre.
> Gavée avec un Raspberry et une Sharebox, la bestiole a repris du
> service. Pari réussi, les photos du tux flambant neuf  ont circulé
> depuis, témoignant de la réussite de ce projet fédérateur et constructif.
>Nous sommes plein de tristesse de perdre un ami et souhaitons garder
> de lui son insatiable curiosité, sa jovialité et son enthousiasme à
> faire connaître le libre autour de lui, toujours présents sur les
> install parties, dans le coin pour les bidouilles, il venait aussi
> participer aux ateliers des uns et écouter les conférences des autres.
> Parce que nous voulons garder de lui le sens du partage
> communautaire, nous vous invitons sur ce pad
> (https://annuel.framapad.org/p/yves ) à raconter ou partager une
> anecdote, un truc ou une astuce qu'il vous a transmis pour que nous
> puissions compiler plein de lignes magiques qu'il nous a transmis.
> Le conseil d'administration de l'ALDIL


Compléments d'informations tirés de 3 messages différents

Message 1
> Une liste a été créée pour diffuser l'information de façon large et
> Elle est sur le serveur Irstea ( ex Cemagref) pour lequel Yves a œuvré
pendant 4 ans.
> Le temps nous manquait pour mettre en place cette liste sur aldil.org
(pb d'accès)
> Pour s'abonner : envoyer un mail à sy...@lists.irstea.fr avec dans le
sujet : SUBSCRIBE hommage.yves
> Vous pouvez diffuser  !

Message 2
Les obsèques d'Yves auront lieu au cimetière de Firminy à 14h30  ce
mercredi 13/04

Il est recommandé d'être sur place à 14h15 à l'entrée du cimetière,
Chemin de la Pâte (au bout de la rue de l'Éternité).

N'hésitez pas à indiquer sur la liste si vous avez besoin d'un
covoiturage ou que vous avez des places.

Message 3
Je viens de recevoir un appel téléphonique de Norbert Badel, le fils
aîné d'Yves, né en 1978.
Il m'informe qu'Yves sera enterré mercredi 13 avril à 14h30 au cimetière
de Firminy.
Il est prévu que 

Re: Conseils sur la sécurisation de ses accès par SSH

2016-04-10 Thread Grégory Reinbold
C'est une bonne question et j'avoue que perso je n'ai rien mis en place. 
J'imagine mal le jour où mes accès ssh seraient corrompus et pourtant, 
cela peut arriver.

Tu as des suggestions de solution pour détecter l'intrusion ?

Bonne fin de dimanche -_-

Le 10/04/2016 13:12, honeyshell a écrit :

Je pense que la question sur l'utilisation des clefs ssh à bien fait 
son tour. Chacun pourra prendre la méthode qui lui semble la plus 
commode et sécuritaire en fonction de l'importance des serveurs 

Une question reste en suspent: quelle techno avez vous mis en place 
pour être alerté d'une intrusion vi ssh avant que le vole 
d'informations ne commence?

Bon dimanche à tous :-)

Grégory Reinbold

Re: Annoying pop-up window

2016-04-10 Thread Ron
On Sun, 10 Apr 2016 18:06:19 +0100
Brad Rogers  wrote:

> Look at "Device Notifier settings" or whatever your chosen DE calls it.

Running XFCE, I find nothing about the pop-up window in either Notifications, 
or in Removable Drives and Media  ;-3(
 To succeed, planning alone is insufficient.
 One must improvise as well.
-- Salvor Hardin

   -- http://www.olgiati-in-paraguay.org --

Re: Annoying pop-up window

2016-04-10 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sun, 10 Apr 2016 12:50:11 -0400
Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI  wrote:

Hello Renaud,

>Is there a way to prevent the window from popping up ?

Look at "Device Notifier settings" or whatever your chosen DE calls it.

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
Why do they try to hide our past pulling down houses and build car parks
Bricks & Mortar - The Jam

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Changing Window Title in Putty

2016-04-10 Thread Andrew McGlashan

On 11/04/2016 2:04 AM, Aero Maxx wrote:
> So what is $PROMPT_COMMAND actually for ? is this the command prompt or
> the windows title.

This from the prior reference page:


Bash shell executes the content of the PROMPT_COMMAND just before
displaying the PS1 variable.

And that page again:



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Annoying pop-up window

2016-04-10 Thread Ron
Whenever I plug in a USB drive, camera or Kindle I get a pop-up window advising 
me that "Removable medium is inserted, select action...

Given that I will open the medium from Pcmanfm, which is always open on one 
desktop, this is an annoyance/waste of time and clicks.

Is there a way to prevent the window from popping up ?
   La perfection est atteinte non quand il ne reste rien à ajouter,
mais quand il ne reste rien à enlever.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

   -- http://www.olgiati-in-paraguay.org --

Re: arquivo de senhas

2016-04-10 Thread Rodolfo
Até hoje eu só utilizo o recurso da memória para guardar minhas senhas.

Quando eu cuidava de 1 servidor Unix, 1 Windows e 1 de Backup da DELL (que
eu não lembro o nome mas era Red Hat) e da senha WiFi da fábrica onde eu
trabalhava ficava tudo na minha memória (que era de mais de 12 caracteres
sem nenhum significado, os chefes da fábrica até me chamavam de menino
prodígio, hehehehe). E se eu perdesse ? Teria que resetar a senha, e se não
desse pra resetar ? Já era =D.

Lado bom disso é que você não corre risco tendo alguém xeretando seus
arquivos atrás de senhas.

Lado ruim, é o trabalho que você terá de realizar pra recuperar ou resetar
a senha perdida.

Eu particularmente nunca esqueci, porque todos os dias fazia trabalho de
memorização das senhas pela manhã, =D.

Até hoje faço isso, e aconselho, você terá menos dor de cabeça, e falando
nisso, a pouco tempo invadiram os servidores da playstation network e
divulgaram um arquivo que tinha todas as senhas dos servidores da sony, o
adm que cuidava das senhas criou um arquivo e os hackers acabaram
conseguindo esse arquivo, resultado, a playstation network ficou fora do ar
por um bom tempo e muita gente teve seus dados comprometidos, porque os
cara roubaram os dados de muitos clientes.

2016-04-09 17:26 GMT-04:00 Henrique de Moraes Holschuh :

> On Wed, Apr 6, 2016, at 21:54, G.Paulo wrote:
> > É tudo simples, diretamente no bash e rápido. Então, o keepassx seria
> > mais simples e seguro do que isso? Se for, vou considerar a mudança.
> Se você usar o gnupg direito, ele será bem mais seguro que o keepassx.
> --
>   "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
>   them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
>   where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
>   Henrique de Moraes Holschuh 

Re: Changing Window Title in Putty

2016-04-10 Thread Aero Maxx

I believe I have the command prompt set correctly as to how I want it.

For this I want it to show at all times, regardless of if I am in a 
screen or not.

"[root@localhost ~]# "

For the window title in whatever ssh client I happen to be using I would 
like it to be as follows when not in a screen session


When I am in a screen I want the windows title to show
"[screen 0: root@localhost ~]# "

At present I have managed to get the window title to be correct when not 
in a screen, but when I am in a screen it shows as follows

"[screen 0: bash] root@localhost ~ "

In Fedora $PROMPT_COMMAND is set with
PROMPT_COMMAND='printf "\033]0;%s@%s:%s\007" "${USER}" 
"${HOSTNAME%%.*}" "${PWD/#$HOME/\~}"'

PROMPT_COMMAND='printf "\033k%s@%s:%s\033\\" "${USER}" 
"${HOSTNAME%%.*}" "${PWD/#$HOME/\~}"'


In Debian $PROMPT_COMMAND isn't set with anything.

I'm a little more confused now as I thought $PS1 was for the command 
prompt as this has a setting for it to be coloured in the .bashrc file, 
and obviously the window title bar wouldn't pay any attention to the 

So what is $PROMPT_COMMAND actually for ? is this the command prompt or 
the windows title.

On 10/04/2016 15:21, John L. Ries wrote:
You definitely confused me, and I'm still not entirely sure what you 
want. But you can set the window title for a PuTTY session and keep it 
from changing in the manner I described in my initial response. I 
assume you have a different PuTTY profile for each server to which you 
connect, so there should be no difficulty in customizing each to get 
the desired behavior.

Regardless, your settings on each server are only relevant to window 
titles if you want the server to control them instead of your terminal 
emulator; and in that case, it would be helpful to know such gory 
details as what shell you're running on the server, and what you 
actually want displayed locally.

I assume you're discussing windows on your local desktop, in which 
case, .screenrc is irrelevant (that only governs screen sessions).

On April 10, 2016 7:25:06 AM MDT, Aero Maxx  

On 10/04/2016 14:13, Andrew McGlashan wrote:

You see I had to change the /etc/screenrc file and turn
the hardstatus line to show that I was in a screen. 

Well, you did ask specifically about putty and the solution
would do what is needed for putty. In which case, it wouldn't
matter what the /etc/screen settings are. 

Ok well perhaps that was some confusion there as I merely meant that I
was using putty, but the window title would appear in other programs
also, not just putty.

I think your getting confused as what I want to do has
nothing to do with putty. 

"Changing Window Title in Putty" -- subject line?

As I can also use terminal on my Apple Mac and it also
shows the window title different on the two servers which
I am comparing, so if one shows it how I want and the
other one does not, and the putty client or whatever
client has the configurations identically for each server,
then the only thing that must be different is the server
itself surely, as they have both been configured the same
do you follow me ? 

Yes, I follow. The other thing you can do is adjust the PS1 /
PS2 lines on the terminal. That won't involve putty or screen
settings A.

I've played about with the PS1 line, I wasn't aware of a PS2 line,

I've done as much as I am able to on my own through trial and error.

This is what appear on fedora
  [screen 0: user@localhost:~]

This is what appears on debian 8
  [screen 0: bash] user@localhost:~

See the difference? i'd like the debian 8 one to be the same as the
fedora one if at all possible.
I guess this is merely a file change somewhere but I am unable to find
what I need to change to get it to be the same.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity. 

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: What Package?

2016-04-10 Thread Curt
On 2016-04-09, Adam Wilson  wrote:
> Running non-free JavaScript is one of the compromises I am prepared to
> make- but I draw the line at Flash.
Those that do still use it (Flash) should upgrade to the newest version
(which I believe is as they've recently fixed some
critical vulnerabilities (on 4-7-2016).

Hypertext--or should I say the ideology of hypertext?--is ultrademocratic and
so entirely in harmony with the demagogic appeals to cultural democracy that
accompany (and distract one’s attention from) the ever-tightening grip of 
plutocratic capitalism. - Susan Sontag

Re: Changing Window Title in Putty

2016-04-10 Thread John L. Ries
You definitely confused me, and I'm still not entirely sure what you want.  But 
you can set the window title for a PuTTY session and keep it from changing in 
the manner I described in my initial response.  I assume you have a different 
PuTTY profile for each server to which you connect, so there should be no 
difficulty in customizing each to get the desired  behavior.

Regardless, your settings on each server are only relevant to window titles if 
you want the server to control them instead of your terminal emulator; and in 
that case, it would be helpful to know such gory details as what shell you're 
running on the server, and what you actually want displayed locally.

I assume you're discussing windows on your local desktop, in which case, 
.screenrc is irrelevant (that only governs screen sessions).

On April 10, 2016 7:25:06 AM MDT, Aero Maxx  wrote:
>On 10/04/2016 14:13, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
>>> You see I had to change the /etc/screenrc file and turn the
>>> line to show that I was in a screen.
>> Well, you did ask specifically about putty and the solution would do
>> what is needed for putty.  In which case, it wouldn't matter what the
>> /etc/screen settings are.
>Ok well perhaps that was some confusion there as I merely meant that I 
>was using putty, but the window title would appear in other programs 
>also, not just putty.
>>> I think your getting confused as what I want to do has nothing to do
>>> with putty.
>> "Changing Window Title in Putty" -- subject line?
>>> As I can also use terminal on my Apple Mac and it also shows the
>>> title different on the two servers which I am comparing, so if one
>>> it how I want and the other one does not, and the putty client or
>>> whatever client has the configurations identically for each server,
>>> the only thing that must be different is the server itself surely,
>>> they have both been configured the same do you follow me ?
>> Yes, I follow.
>> The other thing you can do is adjust the PS1 / PS2 lines on the
>> terminal.  That won't involve putty or screen settings
>> A.
>I've played about with the PS1 line, I wasn't aware of a PS2 line,
>I've done as much as I am able to on my own through trial and error.
>This is what appear on fedora
> [screen 0: user@localhost:~]
>This is what appears on debian 8
> [screen 0: bash] user@localhost:~
>See the difference? i'd like the debian 8 one to be the same as the 
>fedora one if at all possible.
>I guess this is merely a file change somewhere but I am unable to find 
>what I need to change to get it to be the same.
>This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Re: Changing Window Title in Putty

2016-04-10 Thread Andrew McGlashan

On 10/04/2016 11:25 PM, Aero Maxx wrote:
> I've played about with the PS1 line, I wasn't aware of a PS2 line,


> I've done as much as I am able to on my own through trial and error.
> This is what appear on fedora
> [screen 0: user@localhost:~]
> This is what appears on debian 8
> [screen 0: bash] user@localhost:~
> See the difference? i'd like the debian 8 one to be the same as the
> fedora one if at all possible.
> I guess this is merely a file change somewhere but I am unable to find
> what I need to change to get it to be the same.

Does localhost show the actual hostname?  That would be better.  Anyway
the link above should help you get a nice PS1/PS2 setup where you can
tell the user and the host easily and quickly


Re: P r o x m o x e t D e b i a n

2016-04-10 Thread Olivier Bitsch

Comme promis, voici ma réponse, je ne reprends pas tous les points, la
réponse un peu longue.

*Version raspberry* : bien que possédant un Raspberry, je n'ai pas testé,
je ne sais pas si le processeur supporte la virtualisation et j'ai de gros
doute. LXC fonctionnera cependant à mon avis très bien puisqu'il ne s'agit
pas de virtualisation complète.

*Pour Promox* : je l'ai testé rapidement, et il ne me semble pas avoir vu
de problème particulier. Cependant, ayant un coté plutôt puriste, je
préfère utiliser Debian de base comme hyperviseur. De plus j'aime maîtriser
l'environnement complètement pour des raisons évidente de support.

*Pour un environnement de mail* : je dirais tout dépend des compétences de
la personne qui l'installe. Il est possible d'installer une instance
virtuelle avec un simple Postfix + Dovecot + Roundcube par exemple. Ou bien
n'importe quelle autre service de mail. L'avantage bien entendu de la
virtualisation est de s'épargner une réinstallation complète et parfois
fastidieuse d'un service comme un serveur de mail. Et c'est tout à fait
indiqué dans un environnement auto-hébergé par exemple.

*Pour le domaine* : j'ai utilisé pendant des années un domaine en *.homeip.net
*, mais un jour Dyndns l'a rendu payant, et pour plus
onéreux qu'un domaine classic, donc j'ai fait l'impasse et pris un domaine
perso en *.net* chez Gandi, couplé à un petit script python qui fonctionne
très bien pour la mise à jour de l'IP dynamique.

*>* *En somme, est-ce qu'un conteneur ou une technologie apparentée est
capable de prendre en charge de façon transparente pour l'utilisateur et
opaque de l'extérieur une messagerie privé ouverte sur le net ; telle est
la question* : tout à fait, la configuration d'une machine virtuelle reste
identique à celle d'une machine physique, il est juste plus simple de
sauvegarder l'intégralité du système sur un disque externe. Sécurité et
facilité de restauration après une panne matérielle.

Voila en sommes, je ne sais pas ou en est votre réflexion, mais
personnellement, je ne m'amuserais plus à faire de l'auto-hébergement sans
virtualisation (surtout pour des mails).

Très bon courage dans tous les cas pour votre projet.


Le 9 avril 2016 à 09:49, Olivier Bitsch  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Merci pour votre réponse, je ne vais pas avoir le temps de répondre pour
> la suite et je ne vais pas détailler l'intérêt de la virtualisation. Mais
> l'idée est de pouvoir facilement déployer ensuite n'importe quelle solution
> comme yunohost, sans devoir se soucier de la sauvegarde (partie qui manque
> encore dans mon tuto, mais qui est déjà prêt de mon coté).
> Je reviens donc très vite.
> Olivier.
> Le 8 avril 2016 à 23:28,  a écrit :
>> J'ai regardé, lu et bien suivi votre exposé : clair, concis, cohérent et
>> complet.
>> KVM / LXC est un choix des plus pertinent selon certains.
>> L'ensemble est d'une élégance et d"une simplicité des plus géniale.
>> Votre approche modulaire atteint presque la perfection me semble-t-il.
>> Je suppose que vous avez déjà mis au point une version compatible pour
>> rapsberry ... vous devriez le faire ; cela à mon avis serait un juste
>> retour en forte popularité et gratitude _que vous méritez amplement_ lié à
>> votre travail d'exellence qui atteste d'une réelle maîtrise et intelligence
>> de la question.
>> Je pense en tout cas que c'est tout à fait adapté pour cas énoncé.<
>> Mais, bien qu'il reprenne les pré-requis(vt = kvm sur debian en
>> virtuel_hyperviseur) ; il ne correspond pas du tout au "cas énoncé".
>> En effet, si la gestion hyperviseur est bien intégrée et parfaitement
>> ajustée au cas précis ; elle ne tient pas compte de l'objectif premier à
>> savoir l'installation de SA messagerie sur SA bécane en virtuel en
>> profitant des nouveaux potentiels accessibles tels que vt ou
>> hyper_para-virtualisation.
>> il ne s'agit donc pas de gérer plusieurs postes ou serveurs ni d'établir
>> une messagerie pour tous ou pour un service local ou pour mettre une
>> plateforme -service applicatif- de communication en suivi de projet ou de
>> tester ni de créer ex-nihilo un service virtuel pour démarrer un iso pour
>> le fun ou pour voir mais bel et bien : d'installer une messagerie en
>> utilisant au mieux la virtualisation (car vt-intel est un des pré-requis et
>> les nouvelles optiques virtuelles aussi) afin d'en tirer partie pour
>> privileger l'anonymat, la sécurité, les atteintes à la vie privé et tuti
>> quanti ...
>> Il y a beaucoup de tutoriels à ce sujet souvent issus d'o.s hors debian
>> d'ailleurs.
>> Si intel avait implémenté cette fonction au coeur de ses processeurs , le
>> problème ne se poserait pas. Par contre , il a ouvert des plateformes et
>> des tas de services avec SES partenaires.
>> Comment détourner un accès au virtuel pour qu'il soit plus rentable et
>> bénéfique à l'utilisateur lambda ?
>> En 

Re: Guardar registro de actividad con diagonales / y enviarlo por mail o por mensaje

2016-04-10 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 09 Apr 2016 23:04:16 -0500, Debia Linux escribió:


>> Les he comentado que tengo un sistema de avisos automaticos para ver
>> como se encuentra el sistema y si esta funcionando a la perfeccion...
>> hasta ahora con un ligero detalle que explico a continuacion.


>> La pregunta es ¿Como le hago para que el registro quede sin los
>> backslashes y que al mismo tiempo el mensaje tambien llegue sin los
>> backslashes?.

Hum... pues a mí eso no me pasa:

sm01@stt008:~$ echo "www.example.com/user/login.asp" > $HOME/Escritorio/`date 

sm01@stt008:~$ cat Escritorio/2016-04-10-15:56 

De todas formas, si el texto es fijo, puedes escapar la barra ("\\")
únicamente en el comando de los logs y mantener la cadena original en el 
comando de gnokii.

> Se me olvidaba que al recibir el mensaje de respuesta con alguna
> diagonal, no podemos guardar el registro, como si solo pudieramos leerlo
> pero no guardarlo.

Esto no lo entiendo... ¿no puedes guardarlo dónde?



Re: Guardar registro de actividad con diagonales / y enviarlo por mail o por mensaje

2016-04-10 Thread listascor...@msjs.co

El 09/04/16 a las 23:04, Debia Linux escribió:

2016-04-09 22:59 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux :


Les he comentado que tengo un sistema de avisos automaticos para ver
como se encuentra el sistema y si esta funcionando a la perfeccion...
hasta ahora con un ligero detalle que explico a continuacion.

Tengo un script que envia mensajes al area de sistemas para cualquier
imprevisto. Tambien se puede enviar un mensaje de manera manual de la
siguiente forma


echo "Escribe el mensaje a enviar"
read mensaje

echo "$mensaje" | gnokii --sendsms 4587956452

echo "$mensaje" > /home/system/logs/`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M`


Hasta aqui no hay problema, el problema es que ahora tenemos la
necesidad de enviar direcciones de paginas web algo asi como

Podemos escribirlo sin ningun problema quedando de la siguiente manera

echo "Escribe el mensaje a enviar"
read mensaje

echo "www.miip.com/user/login.asp" | gnokii --sendsms 4587956452

echo "www.miip.com/user/login.asp" > /home/system/logs/`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M`

Al revisar el archivo log, no aparece la direccion pero si le pogo dos
"backslashes" antes de cada diagonal, entonces si me aparece en el log
pero el problema es que al enviarlo por mensaje de texto, tambien se
envian los "backslashes"

echo "Escribe el mensaje a enviar"
read mensaje

echo "www.miip.com\\/user\\/login.asp" | gnokii --sendsms 4587956452

echo "www.miip.com\\/user\\/login.asp" > /home/system/logs/`date

En el log /home/system/logs/`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M` aparece lo siguiente:


Pero el mensaje de texto que le llega al responsable en turno le llega
de la siguiente manera

SMS Recibido

La pregunta es ¿Como le hago para que el registro quede sin los
backslashes y que al mismo tiempo el mensaje tambien llegue sin los

Se me olvidaba que al recibir el mensaje de respuesta con alguna
diagonal, no podemos guardar el registro, como si solo pudieramos
leerlo pero no guardarlo.

Agradezco su ayuda.



echo no imprime ciertos caracteres.
printf imprime caracteres especiales.

printf "Escribe el mensaje a enviar"
read mensaje

printf "www.miip.com/user/login.asp" | gnokii --sendsms 4587956452

printf "www.miip.com/user/login.asp" > /home/system/logs/`date 


Re: Pourquoi drupal7 a besoin de MySQL ? / Choix d'un CMS

2016-04-10 Thread Sébastien Dinot
kaliderus a écrit :
> Le 8 avril 2016 à 23:41, Sébastien Dinot  a écrit :
> > kaliderus a écrit :
> >> Ce qui est surprenant c'est que sur ma machine j'ai bien PostgreSQL
> >> d'installé mais si je demande drupal7, aptitude m'oblige à installer
> >> MySQL.
> >
> > Puis-je avoir plus d'infos sur les commandes lancées, les paquets
> > PostgreSQL installés ?
> >
> Avec plaisir :
> - Je lance aptitude (mode console)
> - Je sélectionne le paquet drupal7 ( touche +)
> - J'appuie sur g

J'ai fait l'essai. À l'instar de ce qui se passe en ligne de commande la
sélection du paquet drupal7 pour installation entraine automatiquement celle
des paquets mysql, mysql-client et php5-mysql. Mais si l'on sélectionne
ensuite manuellement les paquets postgresql, postgresql-client et php5-pgsql,
on peut sans problème désactiver les paquets liés à mysql.

Du coup, pour éviter une fastidieuse désélection, il faut commencer par
sélectionner les paquets liés à PostgreSQL (postgresql, postgresql-client et
php5-pgsql) et ne sélectionner le paquet drupal7 qu'ensuite.


Sébastien Dinot, sebastien.di...@free.fr
Ne goûtez pas au logiciel libre, vous ne pourriez plus vous en passer !

Re: Changing Window Title in Putty

2016-04-10 Thread Aero Maxx

On 10/04/2016 14:13, Andrew McGlashan wrote:

You see I had to change the /etc/screenrc file and turn the hardstatus
line to show that I was in a screen.

Well, you did ask specifically about putty and the solution would do
what is needed for putty.  In which case, it wouldn't matter what the
/etc/screen settings are.

Ok well perhaps that was some confusion there as I merely meant that I 
was using putty, but the window title would appear in other programs 
also, not just putty.

I think your getting confused as what I want to do has nothing to do
with putty.

"Changing Window Title in Putty" -- subject line?

As I can also use terminal on my Apple Mac and it also shows the window
title different on the two servers which I am comparing, so if one shows
it how I want and the other one does not, and the putty client or
whatever client has the configurations identically for each server, then
the only thing that must be different is the server itself surely, as
they have both been configured the same do you follow me ?

Yes, I follow.

The other thing you can do is adjust the PS1 / PS2 lines on the
terminal.  That won't involve putty or screen settings


I've played about with the PS1 line, I wasn't aware of a PS2 line,

I've done as much as I am able to on my own through trial and error.

This is what appear on fedora
[screen 0: user@localhost:~]

This is what appears on debian 8
[screen 0: bash] user@localhost:~

See the difference? i'd like the debian 8 one to be the same as the 
fedora one if at all possible.
I guess this is merely a file change somewhere but I am unable to find 
what I need to change to get it to be the same.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: Changing Window Title in Putty

2016-04-10 Thread Andrew McGlashan
> You see I had to change the /etc/screenrc file and turn the hardstatus
> line to show that I was in a screen.

Well, you did ask specifically about putty and the solution would do
what is needed for putty.  In which case, it wouldn't matter what the
/etc/screen settings are.

> I think your getting confused as what I want to do has nothing to do
> with putty.

"Changing Window Title in Putty" -- subject line?

> As I can also use terminal on my Apple Mac and it also shows the window
> title different on the two servers which I am comparing, so if one shows
> it how I want and the other one does not, and the putty client or
> whatever client has the configurations identically for each server, then
> the only thing that must be different is the server itself surely, as
> they have both been configured the same do you follow me ?

Yes, I follow.

The other thing you can do is adjust the PS1 / PS2 lines on the
terminal.  That won't involve putty or screen settings


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Changing Window Title in Putty

2016-04-10 Thread Aero Maxx

On 10/04/2016 09:14, Andrew McGlashan wrote:

The first thing I do with Putty is adjust the "default settings" to my
liking, save it and then use that as a base for new entries for each
server that I need to connect to; I save each server's settings.

That lends itself well to giving each saved session it's own window
title in the manner that you've been given.  It's the perfect answer for


Actually it's not.

You see I had to change the /etc/screenrc file and turn the hardstatus 
line to show that I was in a screen.

I think your getting confused as what I want to do has nothing to do 
with putty.

As I can also use terminal on my Apple Mac and it also shows the window 
title different on the two servers which I am comparing, so if one shows 
it how I want and the other one does not, and the putty client or 
whatever client has the configurations identically for each server, then 
the only thing that must be different is the server itself surely, as 
they have both been configured the same do you follow me ?

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: New Weather Protocol?

2016-04-10 Thread Anders Andersson
On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 9:51 AM, David Baron  wrote:
> Non of my weather widgets work any longer. OK, Yahoo changed their API, but
> the updated widget still does not work. Neither does open weathermap?
> So ... is there something new I must enable in the firewall??

The firewall should have nothing to do with it, assuming you can
browse the web. Openweathermap "recently" (months ago) turned nazi
with their API which forced all applications relying on it to get a
special "application key" or similar. That has finally been fixed for
the openweathermap gadget in gnome3 on debian testing, but I'm not
sure exactly about your widget. It's something to look in to.

https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=801979 may be related.

Re: New Weather Protocol?

2016-04-10 Thread Andrew McGlashan

On 10/04/2016 7:59 PM, David Baron wrote:
> On Sunday 10 April 2016 19:06:46 Andrew McGlashan wrote:
>> On 10/04/2016 5:51 PM, David Baron wrote:
>>> Non of my weather widgets work any longer. OK, Yahoo changed their API,
>>> but
>>> the updated widget still does not work. Neither does open weathermap?
>>> So ... is there something new I must enable in the firewall??
>> Does this help?
>> http://wttr.in/tlv
> This site displays fine, great ascii art like I used to enjoy. Had animated 
> games doing stuff like this.
> However, does not answer the question, why connect and transfer of 
> information 
> to plasma widgets of Yahoo weather and openweathermap seems blocked. 
> Apparently (maybe I am wrong, 'tis something else) these are not using 
> straightup http protocols any longer.

True, but no firewalls to worry about and sometimes simple is just
better and more than enough. ;)


Re: Conseils sur la sécurisation de ses accès par SSH

2016-04-10 Thread honeyshell
Je pense que la question sur l'utilisation des clefs ssh à bien fait son
tour. Chacun pourra prendre la méthode qui lui semble la plus commode et
sécuritaire en fonction de l'importance des serveurs administrés.

Une question reste en suspent: quelle techno avez vous mis en place pour
être alerté d'une intrusion vi ssh avant que le vole d'informations ne

Bon dimanche à tous :-)

Re: Guardar registro de actividad con diagonales / y enviarlo por mail o por mensaje

2016-04-10 Thread Javier Barroso

2016-04-10 5:59 GMT+02:00 Debia Linux :
> Debianeros:
> Les he comentado que tengo un sistema de avisos automaticos para ver
> como se encuentra el sistema y si esta funcionando a la perfeccion...
> hasta ahora con un ligero detalle que explico a continuacion.
> Tengo un script que envia mensajes al area de sistemas para cualquier
> imprevisto. Tambien se puede enviar un mensaje de manera manual de la
> siguiente forma
> ...etc
> echo "Escribe el mensaje a enviar"
> read mensaje
> echo "$mensaje" | gnokii --sendsms 4587956452
> echo "$mensaje" > /home/system/logs/`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M`
> ...etc
> Hasta aqui no hay problema, el problema es que ahora tenemos la
> necesidad de enviar direcciones de paginas web algo asi como
> www.miip.com/user/login.asp
> Podemos escribirlo sin ningun problema quedando de la siguiente manera
> ...etc
> echo "Escribe el mensaje a enviar"
> read mensaje
> echo "www.miip.com/user/login.asp" | gnokii --sendsms 4587956452
> echo "www.miip.com/user/login.asp" > /home/system/logs/`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M`
> ...etc
> Al revisar el archivo log, no aparece la direccion

¿Seguro? Lo único que se me ocurre, si estás usando bash, es que te
hayan hecho un alias o algo que te esté fastidiando. Normalmente
debería salir la url tal cual

Prueba con \echo y con printf "xxx\n"


Re: New Weather Protocol?

2016-04-10 Thread Paul Johnson
On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 4:59 AM, David Baron  wrote:

> On Sunday 10 April 2016 19:06:46 Andrew McGlashan wrote:
> > On 10/04/2016 5:51 PM, David Baron wrote:
> > > Non of my weather widgets work any longer. OK, Yahoo changed their API,
> > > but
> > > the updated widget still does not work. Neither does open weathermap?
> > >
> > > So ... is there something new I must enable in the firewall??
> >
> > Does this help?
> >
> > http://wttr.in/tlv
> >
> This site displays fine, great ascii art like I used to enjoy. Had animated
> games doing stuff like this.
> However, does not answer the question, why connect and transfer of
> information
> to plasma widgets of Yahoo weather and openweathermap seems blocked.
> Apparently (maybe I am wrong, 'tis something else) these are not using
> straightup http protocols any longer.

Slightly OT...I'm surprised so many weather applets don't use the
regionally official sources for this information.  At least in North
America, Environment Canada and the National Weather Service have standard
APIs and update frequently, sometimes minutely during major events.

Re: New Weather Protocol?

2016-04-10 Thread David Baron
On Sunday 10 April 2016 19:06:46 Andrew McGlashan wrote:
> On 10/04/2016 5:51 PM, David Baron wrote:
> > Non of my weather widgets work any longer. OK, Yahoo changed their API,
> > but
> > the updated widget still does not work. Neither does open weathermap?
> > 
> > So ... is there something new I must enable in the firewall??
> Does this help?
> http://wttr.in/tlv
This site displays fine, great ascii art like I used to enjoy. Had animated 
games doing stuff like this.

However, does not answer the question, why connect and transfer of information 
to plasma widgets of Yahoo weather and openweathermap seems blocked. 
Apparently (maybe I am wrong, 'tis something else) these are not using 
straightup http protocols any longer.

Re: Trouble getting posted

2016-04-10 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 10 April 2016 03:40:26 Andrew McGlashan wrote:
> On 10/04/2016 2:14 AM, Patrick Wiseman wrote:
> > On Sat, Apr 9, 2016 at 12:04 PM, Gary Roach  > > wrote:
> >
> > I have tried to post a couple of things in the last few days with no
> > results. My posts never show up. So this is another test.
> >
> > Is it possible that your email client is not showing your post in your
> > inbox until it gets a reply? Gmail does that (annoyingly).
> That's just threading.
> What you see when you get a reply is the "conversation" or linked list
> of emails that refer backwards to earlier ones.
> I think gmail just has a bucket of emails, then tags on each one to show
> which folder(s) the email is shown in.

No.  That is  not correct.  At least, it is correct as far as it goes, but it 
completely misses the point.  If one uses Gmail's POP3 facility, it does not 
allow you download copies of emails you sent - to mailing lists etc. - in the 
list, in the thread to which they belong.  You will see that although I use 
Gmail's POP3 facility, I do not use the Gmail SMTP for mailing list emails 
precisely because of this.  I use Zen's SMTP server.  I like getting my 
emails in the list in the proper place in the thread.

Gmail's "conversations" are not threading, and break threads for threading 
email clients.


Re: New Weather Protocol?

2016-04-10 Thread Gene Heskett
On Sunday 10 April 2016 03:51:31 David Baron wrote:

> Non of my weather widgets work any longer. OK, Yahoo changed their
> API, but the updated widget still does not work. Neither does open
> weathermap?
> So ... is there something new I must enable in the firewall??

I should probably point out that gkrellm's weather gizmo fetches that 
info from the net site it is configured to get it from, in my case the 
north central regional airport server 20 miles NE of me, at 15 minute 
intervals.  And it does so simply by my entering the "call letters" of 
the airport, in my case KCKB in the config screen.  That hasn't changed 
in decades.  And that locks out any lockin that other commercial 
services try to do so they can charge yti for the service.

If I hover the mouse over the temp display, I get a full report, same as 
the pilots do, as a popup.  Whats not to like?  Get your nearest 
stations call sign at

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: New Weather Protocol?

2016-04-10 Thread Andrew McGlashan

On 10/04/2016 5:51 PM, David Baron wrote:
> Non of my weather widgets work any longer. OK, Yahoo changed their API, but 
> the updated widget still does not work. Neither does open weathermap?
> So ... is there something new I must enable in the firewall??

Does this help?



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Changing Window Title in Putty

2016-04-10 Thread Andrew McGlashan
The first thing I do with Putty is adjust the "default settings" to my
liking, save it and then use that as a base for new entries for each
server that I need to connect to; I save each server's settings.

That lends itself well to giving each saved session it's own window
title in the manner that you've been given.  It's the perfect answer for


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

New Weather Protocol?

2016-04-10 Thread David Baron
Non of my weather widgets work any longer. OK, Yahoo changed their API, but 
the updated widget still does not work. Neither does open weathermap?

So ... is there something new I must enable in the firewall??

Re: Changing Window Title in Putty

2016-04-10 Thread Aero Maxx

On 10/04/2016 04:24, Andrew McGlashan wrote:

On 10/04/2016 6:12 AM, Aero Maxx wrote:

I only have ssh access to the server, no gui.

Umm, the instruction looks very good for putty as you asked for.

Which version of putty are you using and what type of machine are you
running it from?


That maybe the case but it's nothing something in putty that I need to 

When I use the same putty client to log into both a debian 8 server and 
a fedora server, the fedora one has the window title how I want it, the 
debian server has the window title different.

So I must need to change a file on debian surely else why would they be 
different when using the same putty client and having it configured the 
same for both servers.


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.