Re: Removing libsystemd0 from a non-systemd system

2018-05-07 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, May 08, 2018 at 02:23:57AM +0300, Abdullah Ramazanoğlu wrote:


> >> Is anyone working on a mechanism to allow for install-time selection
> >> of a desired init?  I brought this up a few times since systemd came
> >> to Debian, but I've never heard anything more on this.  
> > 
> > I asked that question when Jessie debuted.  No one is.  Certainly not
> > Debian. The only suggestion I got was to build my own preseeded install
> > disk, but that's not the answer -- You still have to install systemd
> > first and convert.
> This is probably because Debian is commited to systemd and going that way
> further and further. The fact that today it is possible to convert to sysvinit
> is because systemd migration is still in transient. Upcoming release or the
> next one possibly won't even allow switching to sysvinit easily (or at all).

I think that will depend on whether there are enough people willing
to put in the necessary work to maintain two inits or not.

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


[linux.debian.user] question about exim.

2018-05-07 Thread Kamil Jońca

(onet was blocked, second try)
Recently I found, that some mails (fetched witch fetchmail) does not reach my 
Done some check and:

--8<---cut here---start->8---
2018-05-07 11:44:14.306 [9516] 1fFcgn-0002TU-Pb H=(alfa.kjonca) 
[]:53574 I=[]:25 F= rejected after DATA: 
header syntax ("@" or "." expected after "Undisclosed-Recipient": failing 
address in "To:" header is: ): "@" 
or "." expected after "Undisclosed-Recipient": failing address in "To:" header 
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

If I am not wrong default configuration changed in
/etc/exim4/conf.d/acl/40_exim4-config_check_data (now headers are
syntactically checked by default)

Unfortunately I got quite a lot "Undisclosed-Recipient:;" mails from
outlook users, and this is not going to be changed :(

How can I made exim accept these emails?

Temporarily I defined NO_CHECK_DATA_VERIFY_HEADER_SYNTAX macro (to
disable header syntax check) , but I
would prefer configure exim for accept "Undisclosed-Recipient:;" as only
exeption from header check.

How can I achieve this?
I looks like I have  write custom acl, but it is not obvious to me how to write
proper condition in such acl.


He who is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.

Re: Instalar Certificado digital Debian 8.2

2018-05-07 Thread Rodolfo
Esqueci de mandar o link do chrome:

Em 7 de maio de 2018 23:55, Rodolfo  escreveu:
> Lucas, os applets(NPAPI plugins) foram desativados em algumas
> versões(maioria no caso do firefox) dos Firefox e do Google Chrome(em
> todas as novas versões), não funcionará e não funciona já há algum
> tempo.
> Em 7 de maio de 2018 21:10, Lucas Rodrigues de Sá
>  escreveu:
>> Junior,
>> Consegui instalar o certificado conforme sua explicação.
>> Instalei o Java 8 e fiz o procedimento no Firefox 52.
>> Porém não habilita o Applet Java no site.
>> Após a instalação do Java 8 tenho que fazer alguma outra coisa?
>> Em seg, 7 de mai de 2018 19:08, Lucas Rodrigues de Sá
>>  escreveu:
>>> Boa Noite,
>>> Desculpe a falta de atenção estava faltando a instalação de 1 pacote, o
>>> instalei e deu certo!
>>> Vou prosseguir com a instalação!
>>> Obrigado pelo tutorial via e-mail 
>>> Em 7 de maio de 2018 18:59, Lucas Rodrigues de Sá
>>>  escreveu:

 Em 7 de maio de 2018 11:31, Linux - Junior Polegato
> Em 04-05-2018 19:10, Lucas Rodrigues de Sá escreveu:
> Boa Noite Junior,
> Estou tentando fazer o que vocẽ me sugeriu porém sem sucesso.
> Baixei o pacote libjpeg8_8d.orig.tar.gz e o descompactei com o comando
> tar -zxvf , entrei no diretório e rodei o ./configure, make e make 
> install e
> logo após tentei reinstalar o arquivo Libtiff4_3.9.6-6ubuntu1, porém não 
> deu
> certo ele reclama e fala que falta o pacote para libjpeg8.
> [..]
> Olá!
> O que sugeri foi baixar o pacote .deb já compilado para sua
> arquitetura (geralmente 32 bits i386 ou 64 bits amd64), aí instalar com
> "dpkg -i ".
> Vou tentar fazer um passo-a-passo rápido aqui:
> 1. Instalar o pacote Safe Sign:
> root@machine:~# dpkg -i SafeSignIC3.0.112-i386-ub1204-tu-admin.deb
> A seleccionar pacote anteriormente não seleccionado
> safesignidentityclient.
> (Lendo banco de dados ... 235805 ficheiros e directórios actualmente
> instalados.)
> A preparar para desempacotar
> .../SafeSignIC3.0.112-i386-ub1204-tu-admin.deb ...
> A descompactar safesignidentityclient (3.0.112-10) ...
> dpkg: problemas com dependências impedem a configuração de
> safesignidentityclient:
>  safesignidentityclient depende de libwxbase2.8-0 (>=; porém:
>   Pacote libwxbase2.8-0 não está instalado.
>  safesignidentityclient depende de libwxgtk2.8-0 (>=; porém:
>   Pacote libwxgtk2.8-0 não está instalado.
> dpkg: erro ao processar o pacote safesignidentityclient (--install):
>  problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
> A processar 'triggers' para hicolor-icon-theme (0.17-2) ...
> A processar 'triggers' para man-db (2.8.3-2) ...
> A processar 'triggers' para desktop-file-utils (0.23-3) ...
> A processar 'triggers' para gnome-menus (3.13.3-11) ...
> A processar 'triggers' para mime-support (3.60) ...
> Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:
>  safesignidentityclient
> __
> 2. Verificado que faltaram os pacotes libwxbase2.8-0 e libwxgtk2.8-0,
> vou procurar esses pacotes em:
> Nesse ponto coloco "Palavra-Chave:" o pacote "libwxbase2.8-0", troco
> "Distribuição:" para "quaquer (any)" e clico pesquisar.
> Nessa próximo site, clico então em "wheezy (oldoldstable)", que vai
> abrir um site, rolo a página e no final após "Download libwxbase2.8-0" 
> irão
> aparecer a possíveis arquiteturas, então escolho a minha, no caso a minha 
> é
> 32 bits, escolho i386.
> Agora aparece um site com vários links desse pacote pronto .deb para a
> arquitetura que selecionei, clico em um dos links e baixo o pacote, que no
> meu caso tem nome "libwxbase2.8-0_2.8.12.1-12_i386.deb".
> Depois disso faço o mesmo para o pacote "libwxgtk2.8-0", "libjpeg8" e
> "libtiff4", então movo todos para o diretório do root.


 safesignidentityclient_3.0.77-Ubuntu_amd64.deb APRECE O SEGUINTE ERRO :

 dpkg: erro ao processar o pacote safesignidentityclient (--install):
  problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
 A processar 'triggers' para hicolor-icon-theme (0.13-1) ...
 A processar 'triggers' para man-db ( ...

Re: Instalar Certificado digital Debian 8.2

2018-05-07 Thread Rodolfo
Lucas, os applets(NPAPI plugins) foram desativados em algumas
versões(maioria no caso do firefox) dos Firefox e do Google Chrome(em
todas as novas versões), não funcionará e não funciona já há algum

Em 7 de maio de 2018 21:10, Lucas Rodrigues de Sá
> Junior,
> Consegui instalar o certificado conforme sua explicação.
> Instalei o Java 8 e fiz o procedimento no Firefox 52.
> Porém não habilita o Applet Java no site.
> Após a instalação do Java 8 tenho que fazer alguma outra coisa?
> Em seg, 7 de mai de 2018 19:08, Lucas Rodrigues de Sá
>  escreveu:
>> Boa Noite,
>> Desculpe a falta de atenção estava faltando a instalação de 1 pacote, o
>> instalei e deu certo!
>> Vou prosseguir com a instalação!
>> Obrigado pelo tutorial via e-mail 
>> Em 7 de maio de 2018 18:59, Lucas Rodrigues de Sá
>>  escreveu:
>>> Em 7 de maio de 2018 11:31, Linux - Junior Polegato
>>>  escreveu:

 Em 04-05-2018 19:10, Lucas Rodrigues de Sá escreveu:

 Boa Noite Junior,

 Estou tentando fazer o que vocẽ me sugeriu porém sem sucesso.

 Baixei o pacote libjpeg8_8d.orig.tar.gz e o descompactei com o comando
 tar -zxvf , entrei no diretório e rodei o ./configure, make e make install 
 logo após tentei reinstalar o arquivo Libtiff4_3.9.6-6ubuntu1, porém não 
 certo ele reclama e fala que falta o pacote para libjpeg8.


 O que sugeri foi baixar o pacote .deb já compilado para sua
 arquitetura (geralmente 32 bits i386 ou 64 bits amd64), aí instalar com
 "dpkg -i ".

 Vou tentar fazer um passo-a-passo rápido aqui:

 1. Instalar o pacote Safe Sign:

 root@machine:~# dpkg -i SafeSignIC3.0.112-i386-ub1204-tu-admin.deb
 A seleccionar pacote anteriormente não seleccionado
 (Lendo banco de dados ... 235805 ficheiros e directórios actualmente
 A preparar para desempacotar
 .../SafeSignIC3.0.112-i386-ub1204-tu-admin.deb ...
 A descompactar safesignidentityclient (3.0.112-10) ...
 dpkg: problemas com dependências impedem a configuração de
  safesignidentityclient depende de libwxbase2.8-0 (>=; porém:
   Pacote libwxbase2.8-0 não está instalado.
  safesignidentityclient depende de libwxgtk2.8-0 (>=; porém:
   Pacote libwxgtk2.8-0 não está instalado.

 dpkg: erro ao processar o pacote safesignidentityclient (--install):
  problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
 A processar 'triggers' para hicolor-icon-theme (0.17-2) ...
 A processar 'triggers' para man-db (2.8.3-2) ...
 A processar 'triggers' para desktop-file-utils (0.23-3) ...
 A processar 'triggers' para gnome-menus (3.13.3-11) ...
 A processar 'triggers' para mime-support (3.60) ...
 Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:

 2. Verificado que faltaram os pacotes libwxbase2.8-0 e libwxgtk2.8-0,
 vou procurar esses pacotes em:

 Nesse ponto coloco "Palavra-Chave:" o pacote "libwxbase2.8-0", troco
 "Distribuição:" para "quaquer (any)" e clico pesquisar.

 Nessa próximo site, clico então em "wheezy (oldoldstable)", que vai
 abrir um site, rolo a página e no final após "Download libwxbase2.8-0" irão
 aparecer a possíveis arquiteturas, então escolho a minha, no caso a minha é
 32 bits, escolho i386.

 Agora aparece um site com vários links desse pacote pronto .deb para a
 arquitetura que selecionei, clico em um dos links e baixo o pacote, que no
 meu caso tem nome "libwxbase2.8-0_2.8.12.1-12_i386.deb".

 Depois disso faço o mesmo para o pacote "libwxgtk2.8-0", "libjpeg8" e
 "libtiff4", então movo todos para o diretório do root.
>>> safesignidentityclient_3.0.77-Ubuntu_amd64.deb APRECE O SEGUINTE ERRO :
>>> dpkg: erro ao processar o pacote safesignidentityclient (--install):
>>>  problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
>>> A processar 'triggers' para hicolor-icon-theme (0.13-1) ...
>>> A processar 'triggers' para man-db ( ...
>>> A processar 'triggers' para desktop-file-utils (0.22-1) ...
>>> A processar 'triggers' para gnome-menus (3.13.3-6) ...
>>> A processar 'triggers' para mime-support (3.58) ...
>>> Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:
>>>  safesignidentityclient

Re: pointless systemd dependencies

2018-05-07 Thread Andrew McGlashan

On 08/05/18 04:52, songbird wrote:
> David Griffith wrote:
> ...
>> I found someone who has already done most if not all of this analysis and =
>> has set up a repo containing non-systemd-using packages=2E  Perhaps this ca=
>> n be used as a foundation for something official=2E
>   devuan is already there (is it not?)...

Devuan is great, but if upstream packages rely unnecessarily on systemd
for any reason, then those packages may or may not have a port that is
sans systemd.  An alternative competing option may be necessary if the
"bad" package cannot be used sans systemd as required.

What we are looking at here [at a minimum] is to remove dependencies
that are actually there due to laziness rather than actually being
required; which is quite different.  If there is a "real" dependency,
then that needs to be coded around to fix it, if it, in fact, can be
coded around... which would take more work (possibly much more work).

Kind Regards

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: pointless systemd dependencies

2018-05-07 Thread The Wanderer
On 2018-05-07 at 14:34, Abdullah Ramazanoğlu wrote:

> On Mon, 07 May 2018 07:39:22 -0400 The Wanderer said:
>> 3. See whether it tries to install systemd, either by direct
>> dependency or by an indirect cascade of dependencies.
> ...
>> 5. If it tries to install systemd by indirect dependency, identify
>> the package in the dependency chain which results in pulling in
>> systemd, and
> ~$ apt-cache rdepends libsystemd0 systemd

At a glance, this appears to only list the packages which directly
depend on libsystemd0 or systemd.

I'm thinking of multi-step dependency chains. The one which I mentioned
having noticed, reported, and gotten the maintainer to find a way to
drop, was four packages long:

[the original package] -> gvfs -> gvfs-daemons -> udisks2 -> libpam-systemd

The final step of which which is not systemd itself, but does introduce
behavior changes which I find undesirable, even with systemd not

I don't know of any single command - or even self-contained set of
readily reusable commands - which would have identified the fact that
installing the original package would have pulled in libpam-systemd,
except for trying to install it. Even once that's been determined, I
don't know of any way to determine what part of the dependency chain
results in that happening, except to 'apt-get install [packagename]
libpam-systemd-' (and repeat, adding more "no, don't install this
package either" blockings of alternative dependency resolutions, until
the resolver fails to find a solution).

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: regex in apt preferences

2018-05-07 Thread Abdullah Ramazanoğlu
On Tue, 8 May 2018 00:30:31 + (UTC) David Griffith said:

> Through trial and error, I found that these worked in this order:
> Package: libsystemd0
> Pin: release *
> Pin-Priority: 500
> Package: *systemd*
> Pin: release *
> Pin-Priority: -1
> In the order as you describe, EVERYTHING matching *systemd* was blocked, 
> with no allowance for libsystemd0.

Oh yes, you're right, sorry for misleading. My error was in that I counted
*systemd* as a wildcard (with lower precedence to specific form) while in fact
only "*" is treated as wildcard by apt. So *systemd*, being a specific-form
record, got precedence over the next line with libsystemd0.

Rechecked with apt_preferences(5) man page and indeed it says:

"The first specific-form record matching an available package version
determines the priority of the package version. Failing that, the priority of
the package is defined as the maximum of all priorities defined by generic-form
records matching the version. Records defined using patterns in the Pin field
other than "*" are treated like specific-form records."

> When I followed your suggestion, I got this:
>   0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
> I have no clue what package is "not upgraded".  Reversing the order of the 
> pins did nothing.

I don't know which tool you are using, but I think apt-get should point out
which package will not be upgraded and why.

BTW you don't need to really attempt an upgrade to see what happens. The
"-s" (simulate, or dry-run) option of apt can be helpful here. And it doesn't
need root privileges as it is not intrusive.

Abdullah Ramazanoğlu

Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread David Wright
On Mon 07 May 2018 at 09:11:08 (-0500), Richard Owlett wrote:
> On 05/07/2018 08:49 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Andy Smith wrote:
> >>It would still be good to establish why "cp -x" was seemingly able
> >>to cross filesystem boundaries as that would be a bug.
> >
> >Yep. Leaving behind too many maybe-bugs can make the ground swampy.
> >
> >I forgot to mention that the theory of David Wright is not outruled yet:
> >
> >David Wright wrote:
> >>The loop is generating a source filename
> >>/home/richard/.local/share/Trash/expunged/73080846/grub2
> >>problem-2018-02-13/grub2 problem-2018-02-13/grub2 problem-2018-02-13
> >>which is likely within length limits, and resides on the correct
> >>filesytem.
> >
> >Loop and size overflow could indeed have been separated.
> >- First some step-on-own-foot loop would have created the deep directory
> >   tree until it failed due to path size. May have happened months ago.
> >   Now barely legal paths are lurking.
> >- This would then cause another failure when a non-looping copy attempt
> >   lengthens the path by prefix "/media/richard/MISCbackups/dev_sda14".
> >
> >Richard would have to check whether there is such a deep tree on the disk
> >that shall be source of the copy.
> It was. I deleted. I emptied trash.

I read these words, but have no idea what events actually take place.

> It reappeared on my next run of cp.
> My machine is still tied up and haven't rerun 'Check the device
> numbers of "/" and "/media/richard/MISC...". '

What would interest me is a listing of these files
(including their inodes (-i) too):

/home/richard/.local/share/Trash/expunged/73080846/grub2 problem-2018-02-13/
problem-2018-02-13/grub2 problem-2018-02-13/


Re: Instalar Certificado digital Debian 8.2

2018-05-07 Thread Lucas Rodrigues de Sá

Consegui instalar o certificado conforme sua explicação.

Instalei o Java 8 e fiz o procedimento no Firefox 52.

Porém não habilita o Applet Java no site.

Após a instalação do Java 8 tenho que fazer alguma outra coisa?

Em seg, 7 de mai de 2018 19:08, Lucas Rodrigues de Sá <> escreveu:

> Boa Noite,
> Desculpe a falta de atenção estava faltando a instalação de 1 pacote, o
> instalei e deu certo!
> Vou prosseguir com a instalação!
> Obrigado pelo tutorial via e-mail 
> Em 7 de maio de 2018 18:59, Lucas Rodrigues de Sá <
>> escreveu:
>> Em 7 de maio de 2018 11:31, Linux - Junior Polegato <
>>> escreveu:
>>> Em 04-05-2018 19:10, Lucas Rodrigues de Sá escreveu:
>>> Boa Noite Junior,
>>> Estou tentando fazer o que vocẽ me sugeriu porém sem sucesso.
>>> Baixei o pacote libjpeg8_8d.orig.tar.gz
>>> e o descompactei com o comando tar -zxvf , entrei no diretório e rodei o
>>> ./configure, make e make install e logo após tentei reinstalar o arquivo 
>>> Libtiff4_3.9.6-6ubuntu1,
>>> porém não deu certo ele reclama e fala que falta o pacote para libjpeg8.
>>> [..]
>>> Olá!
>>> O que sugeri foi baixar o pacote .deb já compilado para sua
>>> arquitetura (geralmente 32 bits i386 ou 64 bits amd64), aí instalar com
>>> "dpkg -i ".
>>> Vou tentar fazer um passo-a-passo rápido aqui:
>>> 1. Instalar o pacote Safe Sign:
>>> root@machine:~# dpkg -i SafeSignIC3.0.112-i386-ub1204-tu-admin.deb
>>> A seleccionar pacote anteriormente não seleccionado
>>> safesignidentityclient.
>>> (Lendo banco de dados ... 235805 ficheiros e directórios actualmente
>>> instalados.)
>>> A preparar para desempacotar
>>> .../SafeSignIC3.0.112-i386-ub1204-tu-admin.deb ...
>>> A descompactar safesignidentityclient (3.0.112-10) ...
>>> dpkg: problemas com dependências impedem a configuração de
>>> safesignidentityclient:
>>>  safesignidentityclient depende de libwxbase2.8-0 (>=; porém:
>>>   Pacote libwxbase2.8-0 não está instalado.
>>>  safesignidentityclient depende de libwxgtk2.8-0 (>=; porém:
>>>   Pacote libwxgtk2.8-0 não está instalado.
>>> dpkg: erro ao processar o pacote safesignidentityclient (--install):
>>>  problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
>>> A processar 'triggers' para hicolor-icon-theme (0.17-2) ...
>>> A processar 'triggers' para man-db (2.8.3-2) ...
>>> A processar 'triggers' para desktop-file-utils (0.23-3) ...
>>> A processar 'triggers' para gnome-menus (3.13.3-11) ...
>>> A processar 'triggers' para mime-support (3.60) ...
>>> Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:
>>>  safesignidentityclient
>>> __
>>> 2. Verificado que faltaram os pacotes libwxbase2.8-0 e libwxgtk2.8-0,
>>> vou procurar esses pacotes em:
>>> Nesse ponto coloco "Palavra-Chave:" o pacote "libwxbase2.8-0", troco
>>> "Distribuição:" para "quaquer (any)" e clico pesquisar.
>>> Nessa próximo site, clico então em "wheezy (oldoldstable)", que vai
>>> abrir um site, rolo a página e no final após "Download libwxbase2.8-0" irão
>>> aparecer a possíveis arquiteturas, então escolho a minha, no caso a minha é
>>> 32 bits, escolho i386.
>>> Agora aparece um site com vários links desse pacote pronto .deb para a
>>> arquitetura que selecionei, clico em um dos links e baixo o pacote, que no
>>> meu caso tem nome "libwxbase2.8-0_2.8.12.1-12_i386.deb".
>>> Depois disso faço o mesmo para o pacote "libwxgtk2.8-0", "libjpeg8" e
>>> "libtiff4", então movo todos para o diretório do root.
>> safesignidentityclient_3.0.77-Ubuntu_amd64.deb APRECE O SEGUINTE ERRO :
>> dpkg: erro ao processar o pacote safesignidentityclient (--install):
>>  problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
>> A processar 'triggers' para hicolor-icon-theme (0.13-1) ...
>> A processar 'triggers' para man-db ( ...
>> A processar 'triggers' para desktop-file-utils (0.22-1) ...
>> A processar 'triggers' para gnome-menus (3.13.3-6) ...
>> A processar 'triggers' para mime-support (3.58) ...
>> Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:
>>  safesignidentityclient
>>> __
>>> 3. Agora instalo esses pacotes baixados anteriormente numa linha só:
>>> root@machine:~# dpkg -i libtiff4_3.9.6-11+deb7u10_i386.deb
>>> libjpeg8_8d-1+deb7u1_i386.deb libwxbase2.8-0_2.8.12.1-12_i386.deb
>>> libwxgtk2.8-0_2.8.12.1-12_i386.deb
>>> A seleccionar pacote anteriormente não seleccionado 

Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread David Wright
On Mon 07 May 2018 at 15:28:14 (+0200), Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> Hi,
> Richard Owlett wrote:
> > My goal was to copy root and its sub-directory to a directory on another
> > physical device.
> Well understood.
> In a slightly different scenario (backup on Blu-ray) i do this several
> times per day.
> But i would not dare to give the whole root tree as input to any copying
> program or backup archiver.

I've cloned live systems in the past by writing:

# cd /
# find -xdev -path './lost+found' -prune -o -print | cpio -vdamp /mnt

(omitting v to make it quieter).

> Not only because of the risk of stepping on my
> own foot but also because there are several trees which do not deserve
> backup or could even make trouble when being fully read.
> In my root directory that would be: /dev /mnt /proc /run /sys
> E.g. because of
>   $ ls -l /proc/kcore
>   -r 1 root root 140737477877760 May  7 15:22 /proc/kcore
> (Somebody else shall try whether it's really readable and what comes out.
>  The announced size is nearly 128 TiB.)

The -xdev (or cp -x) deals with those.


Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread David Wright
On Mon 07 May 2018 at 06:31:16 (-0500), Richard Owlett wrote:
> On 05/06/2018 10:11 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Richard Owlett wrote:
> >>Thought I was doing that by specifying -x.
> >
> >Either cp -x has a bug or the target directory is not in a different
> >filesystem than "/" and not a mount point of such a filesystem.
> >
> >Check the device numbers of "/" and "/media/richard/MISC...".
> >E.g. like this
> >
> >   $ stat / | fgrep Device
> >   Device: 803h/2051d  Inode: 2   Links: 25
> >   $ stat /bkp | fgrep Device
> >   Device: 814h/2068d  Inode: 2   Links: 7
> >
> >Here "/bkp" has a different device number (2068) than "/" (2051).
> >So it (its inode, to be exacting) is in a different filesystem.
> >
> >As contrast see a directory in the same filesystem as "/":
> >
> >   $ stat /home | fgrep Device
> >   Device: 803h/2051d  Inode: 2228225 Links: 60
> I get:
> richard@debian-jan13:~$ stat / | fgrep Device
> Device: 80eh/2062dInode: 2   Links: 22
> richard@debian-jan13:~$ stat /media | fgrep Device
> Device: 80eh/2062dInode: 131073  Links: 5
> richard@debian-jan13:~$
> I gather that "cp" is then an inappropriate tool.
> "tar" is inappropriate for my preferences - I was attempting to use
> "cp" as there would be multiple files &/or directories as input
> *and* output.

If you have multiple outputs, I'm intrigued to know how you automate
the decision between writing to one output or another.

> I suspect long term I want "rsync" [ *MUCH* reading to do! ]
> >>Any way to accomplish that without explicitly listing all directories except
> >>/media ?
> >
> >If it is indeed a bug with cp -x, then you could use some archiver like
> >"tar" which has options to exclude a file.
> > > Get inspiration from googling "tar pipe for copying".
> Although I wish to avoid "tar", I did get inspiration for a brute
> force method - I'll try it first before commenting.

I'm interested to know, if you have a file with a pathname that's,
say, 4090 characters long, how that gets written to a directory
whose name is more than half a dozen characters. IOW how does
tar succeed where cp failed?


Re: regex in apt preferences

2018-05-07 Thread David Griffith

On Tue, 8 May 2018, Abdullah Ramazanoğlu wrote:

On Mon, 7 May 2018 08:26:35 + (UTC) David Griffith said:

Package: *systemd*
Pin: release *
Pin-Priority: -1

This will prevent anything requiring systemd from being accidentally
installed.  This also prevents libsystemd0 from being updated.

Package: *systemd*
Pin: release *
Pin-Priority: -1

Package: libsystemd0
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 500

Second entry overrides the first one, so all *systemd* packages except
libsystemd0 are given -1 priority.

Through trial and error, I found that these worked in this order:

Package: libsystemd0
Pin: release *
Pin-Priority: 500

Package: *systemd*
Pin: release *
Pin-Priority: -1

In the order as you describe, EVERYTHING matching *systemd* was blocked, 
with no allowance for libsystemd0.

When I followed your suggestion, I got this:
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
I have no clue what package is "not upgraded".  Reversing the order of the 
pins did nothing.

David Griffith

A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

Re: minimal installation

2018-05-07 Thread Felix Miata
Brian composed on 2018-05-07 23:22 (UTC+0100):

> On Mon 07 May 2018 at 18:04:47 -0400, Dan Norton wrote:

>> On Mon, 7 May 2018 10:42:17 -0400 Felix Miata wrote:

>>   linux   /install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 --- tasks=standard
>>   base-installer/install-recommends=false

>> Is that going to result in a minimum installation?

> Leave off tasks=standard for more minimalness.

NAICT without starting an installation now, including it causes at least one
installer question to be bypassed. I don't remember seeing asked whether or
which bootloader to install or where to install it in a long time, if ever, but
my memory today is noticeably short of 100%.

> (base-installer/install-recommends=false doesn't do anything. The base
> system is always installed without Recommends:).

Doing that,

APT::Install-Recommends "false";

showed up in


two minutes before


on my last Stretch installation, and likely all the rest at least in recent 
"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Whatever else you
get, get wisdom." Proverbs 4:7 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: Removing libsystemd0 from a non-systemd system

2018-05-07 Thread Abdullah Ramazanoğlu
On Mon, 7 May 2018 12:40:13 -0700 Patrick Bartek said:
> On Mon, 7 May 2018 01:25:15 + (UTC) David Griffith 
> wrote:
>> Is anyone working on a mechanism to allow for install-time selection
>> of a desired init?  I brought this up a few times since systemd came
>> to Debian, but I've never heard anything more on this.  
> I asked that question when Jessie debuted.  No one is.  Certainly not
> Debian. The only suggestion I got was to build my own preseeded install
> disk, but that's not the answer -- You still have to install systemd
> first and convert.

This is probably because Debian is commited to systemd and going that way
further and further. The fact that today it is possible to convert to sysvinit
is because systemd migration is still in transient. Upcoming release or the
next one possibly won't even allow switching to sysvinit easily (or at all).

Abdullah Ramazanoğlu

Re: minimal installation

2018-05-07 Thread Dan Norton
On Mon, 7 May 2018 18:24:04 -0400
Felix Miata  wrote:

> Dan Norton composed on 2018-05-07 18:04 (UTC-0400):
> > On Mon, 7 May 2018 10:42:17 -0400 Felix Miata  wrote:  
> >> IME, virtually any distro's installation media when its presence
> >> first appears on screen allows for some method of appending
> >> parameters to the kernel cmdline  
> > That "kernel cmdline" phrase is a point of confusion.  
> It shouldn't be. The kernel cmdline is the starting element of every
> Linux boot. The kernel may go by various names in different
> environments and distros, but it's still the Linux kernel that
> originates from the project whether named linux or
> vmlinuz-numericalgobbledegook or some random string (here, every most
> recently installed kernel prior to first use acquires two
> symlinks: /boot/vmlinuz, and /boot/vmlinuz-cur).
> > By editing
> > the "Install" item in the netinst menu, I can change:  
> >   linux   /install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 --- quiet  
> > this, all on one line:  
> >   linux   /install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 --- tasks=standard
> >   base-installer/install-recommends=false  
> > Is that going to result in a minimum installation?  
> Other than the .amd part, it's what happens here. It should for you
> too. :-)
> A n00b might rather leave off
> base-installer/install-recommends=false. I don't think I've ever
> tried it that way. I'd be leery of something from Gnome getting
> installed. ;-)

Yeah, that would be at cross purposes, wouldn't it?

Re: minimal installation (was: A long rant on Debian 9)

2018-05-07 Thread Brian
On Mon 07 May 2018 at 18:37:16 -0400, Dan Norton wrote:

> On Mon, 7 May 2018 23:22:46 +0100
> Brian  wrote:
> > On Mon 07 May 2018 at 18:04:47 -0400, Dan Norton wrote:
> > 
> > > On Mon, 7 May 2018 10:42:17 -0400
> > > Felix Miata  wrote:
> > >   
> > > > jpff composed on 2018-05-07 12:34 (UTC+0100):
> > > >   
> > > > > Felix Miata wrote:
> > > >   
> > > > >> My Debian installations are all net installs that include
> > > >   
> > > > >>  tasks=standard
> > > > >> base-installer/install-recommends=false
> > > >   
> > > > >> on the kernel cmdline. I get nothing I don't need installed
> > > > >> that way. Xorg and whatever else I need I get with apt* once
> > > > >> booted normally.
> > > >   
> > > > > That looks interesting; it attemts to answer my deep problem
> > > > > about no X, xdm, xterm etc.
> > > >   
> > > > > My problem nowis I do not know where/how to apply this.  I have
> > > > > not seen any mention of a kernel command line in the net
> > > > > install.  More please!
> > > > 
> > > > I'm not up to speed on the conventional HOWTO for answering this.
> > > > I rarely use conventional installation boot media. Virtually all
> > > > my installs are in multiboot environments. This enables
> > > > installation booting by using a bootloader already present on the
> > > > system, by loading an installation kernel and initrd, complete
> > > > with the parameters mentioned, plus several others, such as
> > > > network configuration, and leaving off quiet and splash=silent.
> > > > 
> > > > IME, virtually any distro's installation media when its presence
> > > > first appears on screen allows for some method of appending
> > > > parameters to the kernel cmdline. It may be an "e" key, or an ESC
> > > > key, or an up or down arrow key, or a function key, and likely
> > > > will suggest how when its screen first paints.  
> > > 
> > > That "kernel cmdline" phrase is a point of confusion. By editing
> > > the "Install" item in the netinst menu, I can change:
> > > 
> > >   linux   /install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 --- quiet
> > > 
> > > this, all on one line:
> > > 
> > >   linux   /install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 --- tasks=standard
> > >   base-installer/install-recommends=false
> > > 
> > > Is that going to result in a minimum installation?  
> > 
> > Leave off tasks=standard for more minimalness.
> > 
> This is getting exciting. Will I still get a command line?

If you mean at first boot; yes.

I preseed in a file with "tasksel tasksel/first multiselect", which
means no task is selected for installation. I've never done it from
a prompt. Perhaps "tasks="?


Re: minimal installation (was: A long rant on Debian 9)

2018-05-07 Thread Dan Norton
On Mon, 7 May 2018 23:22:46 +0100
Brian  wrote:

> On Mon 07 May 2018 at 18:04:47 -0400, Dan Norton wrote:
> > On Mon, 7 May 2018 10:42:17 -0400
> > Felix Miata  wrote:
> >   
> > > jpff composed on 2018-05-07 12:34 (UTC+0100):
> > >   
> > > > Felix Miata wrote:
> > >   
> > > >> My Debian installations are all net installs that include
> > >   
> > > >>tasks=standard
> > > >> base-installer/install-recommends=false
> > >   
> > > >> on the kernel cmdline. I get nothing I don't need installed
> > > >> that way. Xorg and whatever else I need I get with apt* once
> > > >> booted normally.
> > >   
> > > > That looks interesting; it attemts to answer my deep problem
> > > > about no X, xdm, xterm etc.
> > >   
> > > > My problem nowis I do not know where/how to apply this.  I have
> > > > not seen any mention of a kernel command line in the net
> > > > install.  More please!
> > > 
> > > I'm not up to speed on the conventional HOWTO for answering this.
> > > I rarely use conventional installation boot media. Virtually all
> > > my installs are in multiboot environments. This enables
> > > installation booting by using a bootloader already present on the
> > > system, by loading an installation kernel and initrd, complete
> > > with the parameters mentioned, plus several others, such as
> > > network configuration, and leaving off quiet and splash=silent.
> > > 
> > > IME, virtually any distro's installation media when its presence
> > > first appears on screen allows for some method of appending
> > > parameters to the kernel cmdline. It may be an "e" key, or an ESC
> > > key, or an up or down arrow key, or a function key, and likely
> > > will suggest how when its screen first paints.  
> > 
> > That "kernel cmdline" phrase is a point of confusion. By editing
> > the "Install" item in the netinst menu, I can change:
> > 
> >   linux   /install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 --- quiet
> > 
> > this, all on one line:
> > 
> >   linux   /install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 --- tasks=standard
> >   base-installer/install-recommends=false
> > 
> > Is that going to result in a minimum installation?  
> Leave off tasks=standard for more minimalness.

This is getting exciting. Will I still get a command line?

> (base-installer/install-recommends=false doesn't do anything. The base
> system is always installed without Recommends:).

Re: minimal installation

2018-05-07 Thread Felix Miata
Dan Norton composed on 2018-05-07 18:04 (UTC-0400):

> On Mon, 7 May 2018 10:42:17 -0400 Felix Miata  wrote:

>> IME, virtually any distro's installation media when its presence
>> first appears on screen allows for some method of appending
>> parameters to the kernel cmdline

> That "kernel cmdline" phrase is a point of confusion.

It shouldn't be. The kernel cmdline is the starting element of every Linux boot.
The kernel may go by various names in different environments and distros, but
it's still the Linux kernel that originates from the project whether
named linux or vmlinuz-numericalgobbledegook or some random string (here, every
most recently installed kernel prior to first use acquires two symlinks:
/boot/vmlinuz, and /boot/vmlinuz-cur).

> By editing
> the "Install" item in the netinst menu, I can change:

>   linux   /install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 --- quiet

> this, all on one line:

>   linux   /install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 --- tasks=standard
>   base-installer/install-recommends=false

> Is that going to result in a minimum installation?

Other than the .amd part, it's what happens here. It should for you too. :-)

A n00b might rather leave off base-installer/install-recommends=false. I don't
think I've ever tried it that way. I'd be leery of something from Gnome getting
installed. ;-)
"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Whatever else you
get, get wisdom." Proverbs 4:7 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: minimal installation (was: A long rant on Debian 9)

2018-05-07 Thread Brian
On Mon 07 May 2018 at 18:04:47 -0400, Dan Norton wrote:

> On Mon, 7 May 2018 10:42:17 -0400
> Felix Miata  wrote:
> > jpff composed on 2018-05-07 12:34 (UTC+0100):
> > 
> > > Felix Miata wrote:  
> > 
> > >> My Debian installations are all net installs that include  
> > 
> > >>  tasks=standard base-installer/install-recommends=false  
> > 
> > >> on the kernel cmdline. I get nothing I don't need installed that
> > >> way. Xorg and whatever else I need I get with apt* once booted
> > >> normally.  
> > 
> > > That looks interesting; it attemts to answer my deep problem about
> > > no X, xdm, xterm etc.  
> > 
> > > My problem nowis I do not know where/how to apply this.  I have not
> > > seen any mention of a kernel command line in the net install.  More
> > > please!  
> > 
> > I'm not up to speed on the conventional HOWTO for answering this. I
> > rarely use conventional installation boot media. Virtually all my
> > installs are in multiboot environments. This enables installation
> > booting by using a bootloader already present on the system, by
> > loading an installation kernel and initrd, complete with the
> > parameters mentioned, plus several others, such as network
> > configuration, and leaving off quiet and splash=silent.
> > 
> > IME, virtually any distro's installation media when its presence
> > first appears on screen allows for some method of appending
> > parameters to the kernel cmdline. It may be an "e" key, or an ESC
> > key, or an up or down arrow key, or a function key, and likely will
> > suggest how when its screen first paints.
> That "kernel cmdline" phrase is a point of confusion. By editing
> the "Install" item in the netinst menu, I can change:
>   linux   /install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 --- quiet
> this, all on one line:
>   linux   /install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 --- tasks=standard
>   base-installer/install-recommends=false
> Is that going to result in a minimum installation?

Leave off tasks=standard for more minimalness.

(base-installer/install-recommends=false doesn't do anything. The base
system is always installed without Recommends:).


Re: pointless systemd dependencies

2018-05-07 Thread David Griffith

On Mon, 7 May 2018, Brian wrote:
[snip notes on analysing each and every systemd-touching package]

I found someone who has already done most if not all of this analysis
and has set up a repo containing non-systemd-using packages.  Perhaps
this can be used as a foundation for something official.

Someone might be motivated if they could find what you are referring to.

This is nowhere near as radical as the Devuan approach and is something I 
think can be pulled into Debian proper without much hassle.

David Griffith

A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

Re: Instalar Certificado digital Debian 8.2

2018-05-07 Thread Lucas Rodrigues de Sá
Boa Noite,

Desculpe a falta de atenção estava faltando a instalação de 1 pacote, o
instalei e deu certo!

Vou prosseguir com a instalação!

Obrigado pelo tutorial via e-mail 

Em 7 de maio de 2018 18:59, Lucas Rodrigues de Sá 

> Em 7 de maio de 2018 11:31, Linux - Junior Polegato <
>> escreveu:
>> Em 04-05-2018 19:10, Lucas Rodrigues de Sá escreveu:
>> Boa Noite Junior,
>> Estou tentando fazer o que vocẽ me sugeriu porém sem sucesso.
>> Baixei o pacote libjpeg8_8d.orig.tar.gz
>> e o descompactei com o comando tar -zxvf , entrei no diretório e rodei o
>> ./configure, make e make install e logo após tentei reinstalar o arquivo 
>> Libtiff4_3.9.6-6ubuntu1,
>> porém não deu certo ele reclama e fala que falta o pacote para libjpeg8.
>> [..]
>> Olá!
>> O que sugeri foi baixar o pacote .deb já compilado para sua
>> arquitetura (geralmente 32 bits i386 ou 64 bits amd64), aí instalar com
>> "dpkg -i ".
>> Vou tentar fazer um passo-a-passo rápido aqui:
>> 1. Instalar o pacote Safe Sign:
>> root@machine:~# dpkg -i SafeSignIC3.0.112-i386-ub1204-tu-admin.deb
>> A seleccionar pacote anteriormente não seleccionado
>> safesignidentityclient.
>> (Lendo banco de dados ... 235805 ficheiros e directórios actualmente
>> instalados.)
>> A preparar para desempacotar .../SafeSignIC3.0.112-i386-ub1204-tu-admin.deb
>> ...
>> A descompactar safesignidentityclient (3.0.112-10) ...
>> dpkg: problemas com dependências impedem a configuração de
>> safesignidentityclient:
>>  safesignidentityclient depende de libwxbase2.8-0 (>=; porém:
>>   Pacote libwxbase2.8-0 não está instalado.
>>  safesignidentityclient depende de libwxgtk2.8-0 (>=; porém:
>>   Pacote libwxgtk2.8-0 não está instalado.
>> dpkg: erro ao processar o pacote safesignidentityclient (--install):
>>  problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
>> A processar 'triggers' para hicolor-icon-theme (0.17-2) ...
>> A processar 'triggers' para man-db (2.8.3-2) ...
>> A processar 'triggers' para desktop-file-utils (0.23-3) ...
>> A processar 'triggers' para gnome-menus (3.13.3-11) ...
>> A processar 'triggers' para mime-support (3.60) ...
>> Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:
>>  safesignidentityclient
>> __
>> 2. Verificado que faltaram os pacotes libwxbase2.8-0 e libwxgtk2.8-0, vou
>> procurar esses pacotes em:
>> Nesse ponto coloco "Palavra-Chave:" o pacote "libwxbase2.8-0", troco
>> "Distribuição:" para "quaquer (any)" e clico pesquisar.
>> Nessa próximo site, clico então em "wheezy (oldoldstable)", que vai abrir
>> um site, rolo a página e no final após "Download libwxbase2.8-0" irão
>> aparecer a possíveis arquiteturas, então escolho a minha, no caso a minha é
>> 32 bits, escolho i386.
>> Agora aparece um site com vários links desse pacote pronto .deb para a
>> arquitetura que selecionei, clico em um dos links e baixo o pacote, que no
>> meu caso tem nome "libwxbase2.8-0_2.8.12.1-12_i386.deb".
>> Depois disso faço o mesmo para o pacote "libwxgtk2.8-0", "libjpeg8" e
>> "libtiff4", então movo todos para o diretório do root.
> E LOGO APÓS TENTO INSTALAR O safesignidentityclient_3.0.77-Ubuntu_amd64.deb
> dpkg: erro ao processar o pacote safesignidentityclient (--install):
>  problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
> A processar 'triggers' para hicolor-icon-theme (0.13-1) ...
> A processar 'triggers' para man-db ( ...
> A processar 'triggers' para desktop-file-utils (0.22-1) ...
> A processar 'triggers' para gnome-menus (3.13.3-6) ...
> A processar 'triggers' para mime-support (3.58) ...
> Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:
>  safesignidentityclient
>> __
>> 3. Agora instalo esses pacotes baixados anteriormente numa linha só:
>> root@machine:~# dpkg -i libtiff4_3.9.6-11+deb7u10_i386.deb
>> libjpeg8_8d-1+deb7u1_i386.deb libwxbase2.8-0_2.8.12.1-12_i386.deb
>> libwxgtk2.8-0_2.8.12.1-12_i386.deb
>> A seleccionar pacote anteriormente não seleccionado libtiff4:i386.
>> (Lendo banco de dados ... 235891 ficheiros e directórios actualmente
>> instalados.)
>> A preparar para desempacotar libtiff4_3.9.6-11+deb7u10_i386.deb ...
>> A descompactar libtiff4:i386 (3.9.6-11+deb7u10) ...
>> A seleccionar pacote anteriormente não seleccionado libjpeg8:i386.
>> A preparar para desempacotar libjpeg8_8d-1+deb7u1_i386.deb ...
>> A descompactar libjpeg8:i386 (8d-1+deb7u1) ...
>> A seleccionar pacote anteriormente não 

Re: minimal installation (was: A long rant on Debian 9)

2018-05-07 Thread Dan Norton
On Mon, 7 May 2018 10:42:17 -0400
Felix Miata  wrote:

> jpff composed on 2018-05-07 12:34 (UTC+0100):
> > Felix Miata wrote:  
> >> My Debian installations are all net installs that include  
> >>tasks=standard base-installer/install-recommends=false  
> >> on the kernel cmdline. I get nothing I don't need installed that
> >> way. Xorg and whatever else I need I get with apt* once booted
> >> normally.  
> > That looks interesting; it attemts to answer my deep problem about
> > no X, xdm, xterm etc.  
> > My problem nowis I do not know where/how to apply this.  I have not
> > seen any mention of a kernel command line in the net install.  More
> > please!  
> I'm not up to speed on the conventional HOWTO for answering this. I
> rarely use conventional installation boot media. Virtually all my
> installs are in multiboot environments. This enables installation
> booting by using a bootloader already present on the system, by
> loading an installation kernel and initrd, complete with the
> parameters mentioned, plus several others, such as network
> configuration, and leaving off quiet and splash=silent.
> IME, virtually any distro's installation media when its presence
> first appears on screen allows for some method of appending
> parameters to the kernel cmdline. It may be an "e" key, or an ESC
> key, or an up or down arrow key, or a function key, and likely will
> suggest how when its screen first paints.

That "kernel cmdline" phrase is a point of confusion. By editing
the "Install" item in the netinst menu, I can change:

  linux   /install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 --- quiet this, all on one line:

  linux   /install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 --- tasks=standard

Is that going to result in a minimum installation?

 - Dan

Re: minimal installation (was: A long rant on Debian 9)

2018-05-07 Thread Felix Miata
Dan Norton composed on 2018-05-07 17:47 (UTC-0400):

> Felix wrote:

> "My Debian installations are all net installs that include

>   tasks=standard base-installer/install-recommends=false

> on the kernel cmdline."

> What's the kernel here? The one for the installer, right? We need to
> pass the above parms to the installer at boot time. Selecting "Install"
> and typing "E" we see the following: 

> setparams 'Install'
>   set background_color=black
>   linux   /install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 --- quiet
>   initrd  /install.amd/initrd.gz

> So, do Felix's parms get appended to the end of the linux line or
> where? 

"linux" is kernel. Get rid of quiet and put them there. You might like vga=791
or 794 better if you don't have Intel, NVidia or ATI/AMD gfx.
"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Whatever else you
get, get wisdom." Proverbs 4:7 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: A long rant on Debian 9

2018-05-07 Thread Felix Miata
Dan Norton composed on 2018-05-07 17:47 (UTC-0400):

> Felix wrote:

> "My Debian installations are all net installs that include

>   tasks=standard base-installer/install-recommends=false

> on the kernel cmdline."

> What's the kernel here? The one for the installer, right? We need to
> pass the above parms to the installer at boot time. Selecting "Install"
> and typing "E" we see the following: 

> setparams 'Install'
>   set background_color=black
>   linux   /install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 --- quiet
>   initrd  /install.amd/initrd.gz

> So, do Felix's parms get appended to the end of the linux line or
> where? 

"linux" is kernel. Get rid of quiet and put them there. You might like vga=791
or 794 better if you don't have Intel, NVidia or ATI/AMD gfx.
"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Whatever else you
get, get wisdom." Proverbs 4:7 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: Instalar Certificado digital Debian 8.2

2018-05-07 Thread Lucas Rodrigues de Sá
Em 7 de maio de 2018 11:31, Linux - Junior Polegato <> escreveu:

> Em 04-05-2018 19:10, Lucas Rodrigues de Sá escreveu:
> Boa Noite Junior,
> Estou tentando fazer o que vocẽ me sugeriu porém sem sucesso.
> Baixei o pacote libjpeg8_8d.orig.tar.gz
> e o descompactei com o comando tar -zxvf , entrei no diretório e rodei o
> ./configure, make e make install e logo após tentei reinstalar o arquivo 
> Libtiff4_3.9.6-6ubuntu1,
> porém não deu certo ele reclama e fala que falta o pacote para libjpeg8.
> [..]
> Olá!
> O que sugeri foi baixar o pacote .deb já compilado para sua
> arquitetura (geralmente 32 bits i386 ou 64 bits amd64), aí instalar com
> "dpkg -i ".
> Vou tentar fazer um passo-a-passo rápido aqui:
> 1. Instalar o pacote Safe Sign:
> root@machine:~# dpkg -i SafeSignIC3.0.112-i386-ub1204-tu-admin.deb
> A seleccionar pacote anteriormente não seleccionado safesignidentityclient.
> (Lendo banco de dados ... 235805 ficheiros e directórios actualmente
> instalados.)
> A preparar para desempacotar .../SafeSignIC3.0.112-i386-ub1204-tu-admin.deb
> ...
> A descompactar safesignidentityclient (3.0.112-10) ...
> dpkg: problemas com dependências impedem a configuração de
> safesignidentityclient:
>  safesignidentityclient depende de libwxbase2.8-0 (>=; porém:
>   Pacote libwxbase2.8-0 não está instalado.
>  safesignidentityclient depende de libwxgtk2.8-0 (>=; porém:
>   Pacote libwxgtk2.8-0 não está instalado.
> dpkg: erro ao processar o pacote safesignidentityclient (--install):
>  problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
> A processar 'triggers' para hicolor-icon-theme (0.17-2) ...
> A processar 'triggers' para man-db (2.8.3-2) ...
> A processar 'triggers' para desktop-file-utils (0.23-3) ...
> A processar 'triggers' para gnome-menus (3.13.3-11) ...
> A processar 'triggers' para mime-support (3.60) ...
> Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:
>  safesignidentityclient
> __
> 2. Verificado que faltaram os pacotes libwxbase2.8-0 e libwxgtk2.8-0, vou
> procurar esses pacotes em:
> Nesse ponto coloco "Palavra-Chave:" o pacote "libwxbase2.8-0", troco
> "Distribuição:" para "quaquer (any)" e clico pesquisar.
> Nessa próximo site, clico então em "wheezy (oldoldstable)", que vai abrir
> um site, rolo a página e no final após "Download libwxbase2.8-0" irão
> aparecer a possíveis arquiteturas, então escolho a minha, no caso a minha é
> 32 bits, escolho i386.
> Agora aparece um site com vários links desse pacote pronto .deb para a
> arquitetura que selecionei, clico em um dos links e baixo o pacote, que no
> meu caso tem nome "libwxbase2.8-0_2.8.12.1-12_i386.deb".
> Depois disso faço o mesmo para o pacote "libwxgtk2.8-0", "libjpeg8" e
> "libtiff4", então movo todos para o diretório do root.


E LOGO APÓS TENTO INSTALAR O safesignidentityclient_3.0.77-Ubuntu_amd64.deb

dpkg: erro ao processar o pacote safesignidentityclient (--install):
 problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
A processar 'triggers' para hicolor-icon-theme (0.13-1) ...
A processar 'triggers' para man-db ( ...
A processar 'triggers' para desktop-file-utils (0.22-1) ...
A processar 'triggers' para gnome-menus (3.13.3-6) ...
A processar 'triggers' para mime-support (3.58) ...
Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:


> __
> 3. Agora instalo esses pacotes baixados anteriormente numa linha só:
> root@machine:~# dpkg -i libtiff4_3.9.6-11+deb7u10_i386.deb
> libjpeg8_8d-1+deb7u1_i386.deb libwxbase2.8-0_2.8.12.1-12_i386.deb
> libwxgtk2.8-0_2.8.12.1-12_i386.deb
> A seleccionar pacote anteriormente não seleccionado libtiff4:i386.
> (Lendo banco de dados ... 235891 ficheiros e directórios actualmente
> instalados.)
> A preparar para desempacotar libtiff4_3.9.6-11+deb7u10_i386.deb ...
> A descompactar libtiff4:i386 (3.9.6-11+deb7u10) ...
> A seleccionar pacote anteriormente não seleccionado libjpeg8:i386.
> A preparar para desempacotar libjpeg8_8d-1+deb7u1_i386.deb ...
> A descompactar libjpeg8:i386 (8d-1+deb7u1) ...
> A seleccionar pacote anteriormente não seleccionado libwxbase2.8-0:i386.
> A preparar para desempacotar libwxbase2.8-0_2.8.12.1-12_i386.deb ...
> A descompactar libwxbase2.8-0:i386 ( ...
> A seleccionar pacote anteriormente não seleccionado libwxgtk2.8-0:i386.
> A preparar para desempacotar libwxgtk2.8-0_2.8.12.1-12_i386.deb ...
> A descompactar libwxgtk2.8-0:i386 ( ...
> Configurando libjpeg8:i386 (8d-1+deb7u1) ...

Re: Dead computer after system shutdown. - Resolved for Now

2018-05-07 Thread Brad Rogers
On Mon, 07 May 2018 21:54:48 +0200
deloptes  wrote:

Hello deloptes,

>years it dropped, because of this. USA and UK started first, so it must
>be more than 10y there ... or they do not produce anything at all -

Here in the UK, almost as long as I can remember.  It even applies to
meat;  "British" beef has often had only the last 'major' activity
performed here.  The carcass could some from somewhere in South America,
for example.

>Very sad - it makes quality products really expensive and hard to find.

True.   :-(

Rather Off Topic for DU though

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
Where will you be when the bodies burn?
The Gasman Cometh - Crass

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: A long rant on Debian 9

2018-05-07 Thread Dan Norton
On Mon, 7 May 2018 15:30:54 + (UTC)
Curt  wrote:

> On 2018-05-07, Curt  wrote:
> > On 2018-05-07, Dan Norton  wrote:  
> >>> 
> >>> on the kernel cmdline. I get nothing I don't need installed that
> >>> way. Xorg and whatever else I need I get with apt* once booted
> >>> normally. 
> >>
> >> How do you get that on the kernel cmdline? My guess is that when
> >> the net-install medium boots, showing the menu which grub
> >> displays, you edit and append "tasks=..." to the line that starts
> >> "linux" right?  
> >
> > Inside the installer (I booted with kvm this outdated? one I had
> > hanging around--'firmware-stretch-DI-rc3-amd64-netinst.iso') if you
> > press tab rather than enter on "Graphical Install" or "Install",
> > you get the kernel command line (to which you can append your extra
> > parameter(s)).
> >
> > If you press escape, you get a prompt that looks like this:
> >
> >  boot:
> >  
> I should have just referred you to the Debian Handbook here:
>  Each menu entry hides a specific boot command line, which can be
> configured as needed by pressing the TAB key before validating the
> entry and booting. The “Help” menu entry displays the old command
> line interface, where the F1 to F10 keys display different help
> screens detailing the various options available at the prompt. You
> will rarely need to use this option except in very specific cases. 

Unfortunately, that does not work. The Boot Screen does not look like
"Figure 4.1. Boot screen" and more to the point, tab has no effect. One
can move selection up or down, enter to select, E to edit, or C for
a GRUB command line. Boot a Debian 9.4 netinst iso and you'll see
what I mean. 

Felix wrote:
"My Debian installations are all net installs that include

tasks=standard base-installer/install-recommends=false

on the kernel cmdline."

What's the kernel here? The one for the installer, right? We need to
pass the above parms to the installer at boot time. Selecting "Install"
and typing "E" we see the following: 

setparams 'Install'
  set background_color=black
  linux   /install.amd/vmlinuz vga=788 --- quiet
  initrd  /install.amd/initrd.gz

So, do Felix's parms get appended to the end of the linux line or

 - Dan

Reboot électrique distant

2018-05-07 Thread kaliderus

Je cherche une solution pour rebooter électriquement (comme dans
l'ancien temps) quelques équipements à distance (une box et 2 ou 3
autres bricoles).

Avec ceci par exemple ?

Mais avec ce truc (je ne sais même pas comment l'appeler en Français),
est-ce que je vais pouvoir établir une communication analogique (comme
dans l'ancien temps) avec le modem qui lui sera collé au derrière,
sachant que je suis avec Free en dégroupé.

Ou un switch administrable, et dans ce cas, je suis tributaire de la
présence d'un réseau ip bien accessible et adéquatement configuré.

Je me tâte, si vous avez d'autres
pistes/conseils/tuyaux/infos/idées/ou/que/sais/je j'en serai


Re: A long rant on Debian 9

2018-05-07 Thread Ric Moore

On 05/07/2018 02:16 PM, Brian wrote:

Answering a question or two might see a dramatic increase in betterness.

I'm stealing that one! Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

Ajout d'une route sur une interface virtuelle

2018-05-07 Thread Frederic Zulian

J'ai une Freebox en mode routeur avec un PC portable faisant office de
serveur Web.​

Je souhaite transformer mon pc portable en routeur et mettre la Freebox en

Est-il techniquement possible de passer ma Freebox en bridge puis de
transformer le PC portable en routeur
en utilisant sa seule interface physique.

Dans ce cas il y aurait sur la même interface physique trois interfaces
virtuelles  :

- eth0 ou enp2s0  avec mon ip  publique

- eth0:1 192.168.1.x

- tunl0 en 44.151.31.x

Les seuls routeurs que j'ai pu monter sur la base de PC  disposaient d'une
carte réseau par interface
(une pour l'ip publique, une pour un réseau privé, une troisième carte pour
un deuxième réseau privé.

D'ou la question  est-ce que le routage peut-être fonctionnel avec une
seule carte réseau ?

Frédéric ZULIAN

Re: Dead computer after system shutdown. - Resolved for Now

2018-05-07 Thread deloptes
Brad Rogers wrote:

> Hardly unique;  USA, UK, etc, etc. (ad nauseam) do the same thing.

well Germany was delivering always a good quality, but in the past couple of
years it dropped, because of this. USA and UK started first, so it must be
more than 10y there ... or they do not produce anything at all - services
and money laundering.
Very sad - it makes quality products really expensive and hard to find.


Re: Removing libsystemd0 from a non-systemd system

2018-05-07 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Mon, 7 May 2018 01:25:15 + (UTC) David Griffith 

> On Sun, 6 May 2018, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> > On Sun, 6 May 2018 02:44:16 + (UTC) David Griffith
> >  wrote:
> >
> >> Have any advances been made in figuring out just how to remove 
> >> libsystemd0 from a Debian 9 machine that's running sysvinit?  The 
> >> ongoing presence of libsystemd0 has caused slowly-progressing
> >> trouble with several machines of mine culminating in complete
> >> failure a couple days ago.  Initially I thought this was unrelated
> >> to systemd, but now I tracked it down to systemd's remnants and
> >> the problem is progressing much faster with freshly-installed
> >> machines.
> >
> > First, how exactly did you convert to sysvinit, etc? And what kind
> > of trouble?
> >
> > I've been running Stretch with sysvinit for almost a year -- as
> > a personal machine, not a server -- and have had absolutely NO
> > problems.  Here's the link I used:
> >
> >
> >
> > I used the very first conversion steps, the simplest one, and none
> > of the optional ones.  No pinning.  No third-party systemdless
> > repos, etc. I still have systemd libraries including libsystemd0
> > for those apps that have systemd as a dependenciy.  No problems.
> > Totally removing systemd is a pain requiring third-party
> > systemdless repos and keeping a wary eye out for problems. I did it
> > a couple times as part of my experiments, and always had glitches.
> >
> > One thing did just occur to me: Are you using the GNOME desktop?
> > I've heard stories about it and systemd.  It is VERY dependent on
> > it. I haven't used GNOME whatever version for about 7 years. I use
> > only a window manager Openbox.
> I followed that same thing you did as soon as the machine was
> installed. I also did optional steps 2 and 3.  I didn't do 1 because
> all the machines in question are headless.  I stopped using GNOME
> when version 3 came out and switched to MATE for most of my desktop
> needs.

I started with a basic terminal-only netinstall system. No X. No GUI,
etc. Once I had that initial system running, I converted it to sysvinit,
rebooted, and then added the rest leaving the systemd libraries
installed treating them like any other dependency. I left the system to
boot to a terminal where I log in and run startx, if I need the GUI.
So, no login manager or session manager.

I decided after numerous experiments with and without systemd
installed, and with and without third-party "no systemd" repos that
overall leaving the systemd libraries installed did nothing except take
up space, and they were there if some app needed them. I tried never to
install anything that had systemd or any part of it as a direct
dependency.  So far, I've had no systemd issues.

> One of the symptoms that made me think libsystemd0 had something to
> do with it was the output of "apt-get upgrade".  It would always
> report "1 not upgraded" or "2 not upgraded".

I experienced issues with trying to totally remove systemd.  That's one
reason I went with the just leaving systemd installed philosophy.  Plus,
I was wary of the third-party "no systemd" repos.  Would the owner keep
them up-to-date, etc.? I wanted a stable, unbreakable system.

That "not upgraded" thing is the default to prevent, for stability's
sake, major number upgrades of installed files.  Just do an "apt-get
dist-upgrade" to override.  So, you installed of something. A
standard upgrade will only install 3.2.X.XX.  A dist-upgrade will
install 3.4.X.XX for example, but will not install 4.X.X.XX.

> The trouble manifested in dependency hell and networking that would 
> mysteriously stop for no readily apparent reason (on reboot after
> kernel upgrade or out of the blue).  Usually networking could be
> regained by doing a LISH login and manually turning on the network
> interfaces.  Then interface names started changing randomly.  This
> was after names like "eth0" and friends were abandoned.  Servers died
> by way of networking only working halfway, no matter what I did.  I
> was able to ssh in and do scp and rsync transfers, but that was about
> it.

Can't help here.  Probably, removing some systemd library that some
utility needs is the culprit. I've discovered that sometimes something
that doesn't have a direct systemd dependency may depend on
something that does. That's why among other reasons I abandoned the "no
systemd" approach.

> What's the point of allowing libsystemd0 to exist when systemd has
> been purged?

That was answered by others.
> Is anyone working on a mechanism to allow for install-time selection
> of a desired init?  I brought this up a few times since systemd came
> to Debian, but I've never heard anything more on this.

I asked that question when Jessie debuted.  No one is.  Certainly not
Debian. The only suggestion I got was to build my own preseeded 

Re: Kde 3.5 ...

2018-05-07 Thread deloptes
Martin Steigerwald wrote:

> I think mainly Akonadi, Nepomuk, Plasma, a bit also Phonon needs
> quite some more stabilization and performance work.

After 10years - those basic applications still cause problems ... and you
call it "more stabilization and performance work" ... come on - jokes.

The problem as I understood it is fundamental disagreement between stability
and functionality. 
New KDE missed the target in my opinion, but as free software, it has always
another chance. It missed the target, because they promised to deliver and
delivered never in the past 10y.
Same story with systemd - only mess and problems - and it seems it will stay
like this.
So I stick to the old 3.5 which is now trinity 14 and for a desktop it is
great. Indeed there are still some bugs here and there, but nothing you
could call criticall.
For mobile devices - meego and mer are again the better choice. However a
friend uses KDE5 and it looks much better, works much better and is more
promising ... but again with issues.
If they finally manage to deliver now - it will be great and I will be
glad - after 10y.
>From code perspective (design etc) new KDE looks great, compared to old KDE
it is much easier to work with the code, but I guess there are still some
fundamental misunderstandings.

Just my 5cent.


Re: pointless systemd dependencies

2018-05-07 Thread songbird
David Griffith wrote:
> I found someone who has already done most if not all of this analysis and =
> has set up a repo containing non-systemd-using packages=2E  Perhaps this ca=
> n be used as a foundation for something official=2E

  devuan is already there (is it not?)...


Re: pointless systemd dependencies

2018-05-07 Thread Brian
On Mon 07 May 2018 at 05:50:27 -0700, David Griffith wrote:

> On May 7, 2018 4:39:22 AM PDT, The Wanderer  wrote:
> >On 2018-05-06 at 21:47, David Griffith wrote:
> >
> >> Could we start the process of identifying packages that have
> >> dependencies on systemd in some way that is are not actually
> >> required?
> >
> >This is a seriously nontrivial task.
> >
> >As I understand matters, the only sure way to do it would be something
> >like:
> >
> >1. Start with a systemd-free computer.
> >
> >2. Attempt to install a package.
> >
> >3. See whether it tries to install systemd, either by direct dependency
> >or by an indirect cascade of dependencies.
> >
> >4. If it tries to install systemd by direct dependency, analyze the
> >source and functionality of the package, to determine whether or not
> >there would be a way to get it to do what it needs to do without
> >referencing systemd in a way which would require the dependency.
> >
> >5. If it tries to install systemd by indirect dependency, identify the
> >package in the dependency chain which results in pulling in systemd,
> >and
> >then either:
> >
> >5a. Analyze that package in the same way as under step 4.
> >
> >5b. Analyze the package above that one in the dependency chain to
> >determine whether or not it can be made to do what it needs to do
> >without referencing that package in a way which would require the
> >dependency.
> >
> >5.b.1. If not, repeat step 5b for the next package up the chain, and
> >keep repeating for as many packages are in the chain.
> >
> >6. Repeat from step 2 with another package, until every package has
> >been
> >checked.
> >
> >And all of that is just to identify the packages in question. Modifying
> >them to remove the dependencies would be another nontrivial task in
> >many
> >cases; getting the package maintainer to accept patches which do so
> >would be still another nontrivial task.
> >
> >
> >I did notice when one package which I run on my primary (systemd-free)
> >computer developed an indirect dependency on libpam-systemd (as part of
> >fixing an arguably minor bug in a feature I don't use), reported that
> >as
> >a possible unintended result to the maintainer (asking whether there
> >was
> >any possibility of a way forward which wouldn't require me to build
> >that
> >package locally going forward in order to avoid systemd), and was
> >fortunate enough that the maintainer found an alternative dependency
> >which would avoid the indirect chain to libpam-systemd.
> >
> >But that was something I noticed in the course of checking a routine
> >dist-upgrade, not the result of embarking on a project to analyze the
> >archive in search of such packages - and even then, I was lucky that A:
> >an alternative solution could be found and B: the maintainer was
> >sufficiently non-unsympathetic to the desire to avoid systemd to be
> >willing to look for and implement one.
> >
> >
> >All of which is to say: I am not at all certain that this project would
> >be at all worth the time and effort it would require.
> >
> >But I am not one to tell others not to do work they think is
> >beneficial.
> >
> >-- 
> >   The Wanderer
> >
> >The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
> >persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
> >progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard
> >Shaw
> I found someone who has already done most if not all of this analysis
> and has set up a repo containing non-systemd-using packages.  Perhaps
> this can be used as a foundation for something official.

Someone might be motivated if they could find what you are referring to.


Re: pointless systemd dependencies

2018-05-07 Thread Abdullah Ramazanoğlu
On Mon, 07 May 2018 07:39:22 -0400 The Wanderer said:

> 3. See whether it tries to install systemd, either by direct dependency
> or by an indirect cascade of dependencies.
> 5. If it tries to install systemd by indirect dependency, identify the
> package in the dependency chain which results in pulling in systemd, and

~$ apt-cache rdepends libsystemd0 systemd

Abdullah Ramazanoğlu

Re: pointless systemd dependencies

2018-05-07 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, May 07, 2018 at 08:49:00PM +0300, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Good evening,
> Am 2018-05-07 hackte in die Tasten:
> > If "no systemd" purism is your thing, there's Devuan. There are
> > pretty smart folks over there too.
> Without security updates...
> I used some to get rid of systemd entirely, BUT,
> those packages are some versions behind Debian!

This is to be expected: keeping a distro up to date is real work.
They surely could use some help (hint, hint).

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread Charlie Gibbs

On 07/05/18 04:31 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:

I gather that "cp" is then an inappropriate tool.

"tar" is inappropriate for my preferences - I was attempting to use "cp"
as there would be multiple files &/or directories as input *and* output.

I suspect long term I want "rsync" [ *MUCH* reading to do! ]

I went way too long before switching to rsync.  I always thought that 
the command-line parameters were too complex (the man page _does_ get a 
bit intimidating).  However, I've come up with a standard that works 
well enough to tide me over until I really study it:

rsync -avzh --delete -n  

Note the -n parameter; it causes rsync to go through the motions but not 
actually do anything.  You'll get a complete list of what it would have 
done on stdout, followed by the message "DRY RUN".  Once you're happy 
with what you see, repeat the command without the -n and away you go. 
(The --delete parameter tells rsync to delete any file in the output 
directory that isn't in the input directory; you may or may not want this.)

Someday in my copious free time (hah!) I'll study how to tell it not to 
back up those hundreds of browser cache files when backing up /home. 
But for now it works well enough, and is still much faster than cp.

-- (Charlie Gibbs)

Re: Quelle stratégie contre le vol d'un serveur ?

2018-05-07 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Le 07/05/2018 à 17:39, Olivier a écrit :

Le 7 mai 2018 à 16:00, hamster  a écrit :

Pour les oublis de phrase de passe par contre, y'a pas de solution
miracle : il faut s'en rappeller.

Il y a d'autres solutions.

Faut-il saisir une  phrase de passe quand un système est chiffré ?

Pas forcément.
D'une part, il n'y a pas forcément de phrase de passe. Par exemple 
dm-crypt, l'infrastructure de chiffrement sur laquelle se base LUKS, 
n'en utilise pas. Si on utilise dm-crypt sans LUKS, il faut fournir la 
clé de chiffrement (une des rôles de LUKS consiste à chiffrer et 
déchiffrer la clé de chiffrement grâce à une phrase de passe).
D'autre part, il ne faut pas forcément la /saisir/. On peut la /fournir/ 
par tout moyen.

Si oui, à quel moment (au boot, uniquement si on boote avec une clé, ...) ?

Au moment où on a besoin de déchiffrer le contenu. S'il s'agit du 
système, au démarrage évidemment.

Re: A long rant on Debian 9

2018-05-07 Thread Brian
On Mon 07 May 2018 at 18:17:07 +0100, jpff wrote:

> Things are getting better if not quite right.  I have a lean x/fvwm system
> installed and I have managed to get an xterm displayed.  The major issues I
> have left outstanding are

If you have fvwm on the system it was installed after first boot. To
state the obvious, either WiFi or ethernet was used. Which one was it?

> 1:  The X40 has a three-mbutton trackpoint but while button 1 works, button
> 2 has no affect and button 3 does what button 2 should do.  Not seen that
> before and not sure where to look.

Dunno. It is not critical. Put it on the back burner.

> 2:  Still no wifi.  iwconfig allows me to set key and essid etc but ifup
> says it has not heard about wlp2s2 which is the name "ip link" gives.
> Sometimes the wifi is active judging from the flashing of the lights but no
> connection.  I am used to using ifconfig/iwconfig on other machines.

You have installed wireless-tools (the installer doesn't). You could
also install net-tools if you feel more comfortable with it. Please
post the contents of /etc/network/interfaces and the output of 'ip a'.
> 3:  My wifi is WPA-PSK (I think version 2).  Is teresoe package I eed for
> this?  Just realised that I have never used wifi on debian boxes

Apart from wpasupplicant, no.

> And again thank you all for your advice and comments. It is getting better.

Answering a question or two might see a dramatic increase in betterness.


Re: pointless systemd dependencies

2018-05-07 Thread Michelle Konzack
Good evening,

Am 2018-05-07 hackte in die Tasten:
> If "no systemd" purism is your thing, there's Devuan. There are
> pretty smart folks over there too.

Without security updates...

I used some to get rid of systemd entirely, BUT,
those packages are some versions behind Debian!


Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400

Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread Jude DaShiell

On Mon, 7 May 2018, Kushal Kumaran wrote:

Date: Mon, 7 May 2018 13:15:48
From: Kushal Kumaran 
Subject: Re: Backup problem using "cp"
Resent-Date: Mon,  7 May 2018 17:16:09 + (UTC)

Richard Owlett  writes:

On 05/07/2018 07:01 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


Richard Owlett wrote:

richard@debian-jan13:~$ stat / | fgrep Device
Device: 80eh/2062d  Inode: 2   Links: 22
richard@debian-jan13:~$ stat /media | fgrep Device
Device: 80eh/2062d  Inode: 131073  Links: 5

"/media" was not the directory to examine.
You need to examine the directory which you gave as second argument to cp.
In your initial post of this thread the cp command is quoted as

   cp -ax /  "/media/richard/MISC

(Dunno whether the line break in that mail is significant.)

No the _apparent_ line break was an artifact of email quoting process.
I can't rerun the diagnostic at the moment - hardware fully occupied
with testing my proposed workaround, which works so far but progress
resembles molasses running uphill on Pluto in winter ;/

I gather that "cp" is then an inappropriate tool.

That's not decided yet.

If your cp target directory had a different device number, then cp option -x
did not what it is supposed to do.

But if your target directory was not the mount point of the USB disk and
not inside the filesystem of the USB disk, then you made a mistake by
giving that directory as target.


"tar" is inappropriate for my preferences - I was attempting to use "cp" as
there would be multiple files &/or directories as input *and* output.

You could use multiple tar commands.
(I doubt that you can talk cp into addressing more than one target.)

Communication confusion.
My goal was to copy root and its sub-directory to a directory on
another physical device.

Are you using an LVM volume as your root?  Then mounting a snapshot at
some location and copying from there is a good option.  This is what I
do for my own backups.

If you're not using LVM volumes, you could still use bind mounts for
this.  Run:

 # mkdir -p /mnt/source
 # mount --bind -o ro / /mnt/source

(The -o ro option is to make the /mnt/source mount read only.  I
understand you intend to use this as a backup source, so read-only
access should be sufficient.  If you change it to not be read-only, be
cautious when changing things in /mnt/source, because it is the same
filesystem as /)

Now /mnt/source is exactly the root filesystem.  Other filesystems
mounted (such as /dev or /proc) would only be present as empty
directories in /mnt/source.  After you're done copying, remove the bind
by running:

 # umount /mnt/source

This way, you do not have to figure out an exclude list or instruct
tools to stop at filesystem boundaries.

Make sure you do verify the files and directories you need are included.
If some of the required files are not part of the root filesystem, then
bind-mount them at the proper location under /mnt/source as well.  For
example, if your /home is a different filesystem, and you need it to be
part of your copying:

 # mkdir -p /mnt/source
 # mount --bind -o ro / /mnt/source
 # mount --bind -o ro /home /mnt/source/home

Then unmounting after you finish copying will be in the reverse order:

 # umount /mnt/source/home
 # umount /mnt/source

Tar has a -T file and an -X file set of options too.  Of course files 
with includes and excludes will have to exist before the copying for that 
to work.


Re: longue attente au boot

2018-05-07 Thread Eric Degenetais
D'après ce que j'ai compris, le traitement proposé repose sur deux pistes
extérieures au noyau :
1) vérifier s'il y a vraiment besoin d'un nombre aléatoire de qualité,
sinon utiliser un autre appel système
2) utiliser le bootloader pour conserver l'entropie lors d'un reboot pour
que le générateur soit plus rapidement près sans sacrifier la sécurité

Éric Dégenètais

Le 7 mai 2018 17:42,  a écrit :


C'est un bug lié au fonctionnement du générateur d'entropie du noyau...
Un bug est ouvert mais apparemment ça ne sera pas corrigé sur le noyau car
ça corrige une faille de sécu mais dans les programmes en espace
utilisateur (en gros, ton système attend qu'il y ait assez d'entropie pour
démarrer gdm).

Tu peux booter sur l'ancien noyau en attendant.


Re: A long rant on Debian 9

2018-05-07 Thread jpff
Things are getting better if not quite right.  I have a lean x/fvwm system 
installed and I have managed to get an xterm displayed.  The major issues 
I have left outstanding are

1:  The X40 has a three-mbutton trackpoint but while button 1 works, 
button 2 has no affect and button 3 does what button 2 should do.  Not 
seen that before and not sure where to look.

2:  Still no wifi.  iwconfig allows me to set key and essid etc but ifup 
says it has not heard about wlp2s2 which is the name "ip link" gives. 
Sometimes the wifi is active judging from the flashing of the lights but 
no connection.  I am used to using ifconfig/iwconfig on other machines.

3:  My wifi is WPA-PSK (I think version 2).  Is teresoe package I eed for 
this?  Just realised that I have never used wifi on debian boxes

And again thank you all for your advice and comments. It is getting 

==John ff

Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread Kushal Kumaran
Richard Owlett  writes:

> On 05/07/2018 07:01 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Richard Owlett wrote:
>>> richard@debian-jan13:~$ stat / | fgrep Device
>>> Device: 80eh/2062d  Inode: 2   Links: 22
>>> richard@debian-jan13:~$ stat /media | fgrep Device
>>> Device: 80eh/2062d  Inode: 131073  Links: 5
>> "/media" was not the directory to examine.
>> You need to examine the directory which you gave as second argument to cp.
>> In your initial post of this thread the cp command is quoted as
>>cp -ax /  "/media/richard/MISC
>> (Dunno whether the line break in that mail is significant.)
> No the _apparent_ line break was an artifact of email quoting process.
> I can't rerun the diagnostic at the moment - hardware fully occupied
> with testing my proposed workaround, which works so far but progress
> resembles molasses running uphill on Pluto in winter ;/
>>> I gather that "cp" is then an inappropriate tool.
>> That's not decided yet.
>> If your cp target directory had a different device number, then cp option -x
>> did not what it is supposed to do.
>> But if your target directory was not the mount point of the USB disk and
>> not inside the filesystem of the USB disk, then you made a mistake by
>> giving that directory as target.
> Understood.
>>> "tar" is inappropriate for my preferences - I was attempting to use "cp" as
>>> there would be multiple files &/or directories as input *and* output.
>> You could use multiple tar commands.
>> (I doubt that you can talk cp into addressing more than one target.)
> Communication confusion.
> My goal was to copy root and its sub-directory to a directory on
> another physical device.

Are you using an LVM volume as your root?  Then mounting a snapshot at
some location and copying from there is a good option.  This is what I
do for my own backups.

If you're not using LVM volumes, you could still use bind mounts for
this.  Run:

  # mkdir -p /mnt/source
  # mount --bind -o ro / /mnt/source

(The -o ro option is to make the /mnt/source mount read only.  I
understand you intend to use this as a backup source, so read-only
access should be sufficient.  If you change it to not be read-only, be
cautious when changing things in /mnt/source, because it is the same
filesystem as /)

Now /mnt/source is exactly the root filesystem.  Other filesystems
mounted (such as /dev or /proc) would only be present as empty
directories in /mnt/source.  After you're done copying, remove the bind
by running:

  # umount /mnt/source

This way, you do not have to figure out an exclude list or instruct
tools to stop at filesystem boundaries.

Make sure you do verify the files and directories you need are included.
If some of the required files are not part of the root filesystem, then
bind-mount them at the proper location under /mnt/source as well.  For
example, if your /home is a different filesystem, and you need it to be
part of your copying:

  # mkdir -p /mnt/source
  # mount --bind -o ro / /mnt/source
  # mount --bind -o ro /home /mnt/source/home

Then unmounting after you finish copying will be in the reverse order:

  # umount /mnt/source/home
  # umount /mnt/source


Re: Station diskless et Debian testing

2018-05-07 Thread BERTRAND Joël
BOITEUX, Frederic a écrit :
>   Bonjour,
>   Je crois que depuis Stretch, le protocole NFS est passé par défaut en TCP, 
> est-ce que tu as bien configuré ton accès NFS si tu veux accéder à un serveur 
> qui est toujours en UDP (j'imagine en NFSv3) ? Voir les options de mount, 
> comme « proto=udp » …


Tout est en TCP et en v3, client comme serveur. J'ai viré le lockd et
fait un rapport d'erreur sur le noyau. Avec un noyau plus ancien et la
même version de nfsd/lockd, ça ne provoque pas ce genre d'erreur sur le

Bien cordialement,


Re: What needs to improve in KDE 4?

2018-05-07 Thread rhkramer
On Sunday, May 06, 2018 11:54:51 PM Felix Miata wrote:
> composed on 2018-05-06 21:28 (UTC-0400):
> > @Martin Steigerwald
> > 
> > What a clever idea--security by obscurity, by setting your clock 8 years
> > off...
> > 
> > On Monday, May 10, 2010 05:58:42 PM Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> >> Am Montag 10 Mai 2010 schrieb Nate Bargmann:
> >> > * On 2010 10 May 11:50 -0500, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Martin & I have been communicating about this offlist. These are apparently
> some kind of new Beijing China spam we both have been seeing. Check the
> originating IP address in the headers.

Ahh, ok, thanks for the (partial) explanation / clarification (and for 
confirming I'm not the only one seeing these).

Still, it might be a clever idea (no, I'm kidding) ;-)

Re: Quelle stratégie contre le vol d'un serveur ?

2018-05-07 Thread Wallace

Le 07/05/2018 à 17:22, a écrit :
> On Monday 07 May 2018 15:06:41 Olivier wrote:
>> Imaginons un serveur Debian :
> ou tout autre serveur finalement :-)
>> Quelle stratégie mettre en place pour diminuer au maximum les 
>> conséquences néfastes suite à un vol du serveur ?
> Sauf si le contenu de la partition du serveur est chiffré,
> si le serveur est physiquement volé, 
> ou que le pirate a le temps de rester devant l'ordinateur seul,
> il pourra faire ce qu'il veut avec un live-CD.
> Aucune parade possible dans ce cas.
> C'est très rare que des ordinateurs soient volés dans des data-center,
> ils sont tellement sécurisés au niveau des entrées.
Alors sans parler de vol, on peut parler de vol légal ou d'abus de
pouvoir, exemple :
- requête judiciaire par forcément fondée (pour constater et embêter
plus qu'autre chose) avec retrait des serveurs pour expertise judiciaire
- duplication de machine virtuelle et analyse vécu plusieurs fois fait
par des hébergeurs pas neutres du tout ou par des clients curieux de
comprendre comment nos installations Linux marchaient mieux que les
leurs sur leur cloud privé

Le chiffrement de serveur est donc plus utile qu'on ne le pense.

> Ce qui explique, entre autres, que plus de 50% des serveurs pros 
> sont maintenant sous GNU/Linux.
Une personne chez Azur MS disait lors d'une conférence d'une solution
open source que plus de 60% de leurs serveurs hébergés sur leur cloud
sont sous Linux. Et un autre chiffre d'estimation basé plus sur la
partie web parle de 80% de serveurs Linux. Vu le nombre d'instance chez
Azur plutôt orienté Windows et le taux bien plus haut en usage web donne
la fourchette de la vrai valeur entre 60 et 80%.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Quelle stratégie contre le vol d'un serveur ?

2018-05-07 Thread Olivier
Le 7 mai 2018 à 17:53, hamster  a écrit :

> Si tu chiffre l'intégralité d'une partoche avec luks, il faut donner la
> phrase de passe au boot si tu le démarre normalement, et au moment ou tu
> veux accéder a la partoche si tu boote avec une clef puis essaye de la
> lire.
Merci beaucoup pour ces précisions.

Dans mon cas, je chiffre la totalité du système. Au (re-)démarrage, il
faudra saisir une passe-phrase à la console, c'est bien ça ?

Re: Dead computer after system shutdown. - Resolved for Now

2018-05-07 Thread Curt
On 2018-05-07, Cindy-Sue Causey  wrote:
> On 5/6/18,  wrote:
>> On Sunday, May 06, 2018 04:57:13 PM wrote:
>>> On Sun, May 06, 2018 at 09:19:24PM +0200, Hans wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> > Check also the elkos, if they are blown thick, they are also a problem.
>>>  ^ electrolytic capacitors, for you non-German
>>> speakers
>>> :)
>> Thank you!
> Ditto because a quick Internet search is primarily bringing up pens.
> That would have been a head scratcher where I'd have been wondering
> what inference was being missed. :)

Yeah I surfed a few pages about moose herds blowing their tops.

> Cindy :)


Re: Chinese file name problem in xterm

2018-05-07 Thread Curt
On 2018-05-06, Long Wind  wrote:
> some Chinese file names are properly shown in xterm in stretch, but other are 
> not
> all Chinese characters can be properly shown in firefox
> how to solve it? Thanks!

I really don't know, but this fellow Eric Ma

has this in his '~/.Xresources' file (amongst other things):

 ! Chinese fonts
 XTerm*faceNameDoublesize: AR PL UMing HK

Re: Quelle stratégie contre le vol d'un serveur ?

2018-05-07 Thread hamster
Le 07/05/2018 à 17:39, Olivier a écrit :
> Le 7 mai 2018 à 16:00, hamster  > a écrit :
> Pour les oublis de phrase de passe par contre, y'a pas de solution
> miracle : il faut s'en rappeller.
> Faut-il saisir une  phrase de passe quand un système est chiffré ?

Bien sur, sinon le fait de chiffrer n'a pas de sens. Quand tu met une
serrure sur une porte, il faut donner un tour de clef a chaque fois que
tu veux l'ouvrir…

> Si oui, à quel moment (au boot, uniquement si on boote avec une clé,
> ...) ?

Ca dépend ce que tu chiffre et comment.

Si tu chiffre un fichier ou un dossier, il faut donner la phrase de
passe au moment ou tu veux y accéder.

Si tu chiffre l'intégralité d'une partoche avec luks, il faut donner la
phrase de passe au boot si tu le démarre normalement, et au moment ou tu
veux accéder a la partoche si tu boote avec une clef puis essaye de la lire.

Re: A long rant on Debian 9

2018-05-07 Thread Brian
On Mon 07 May 2018 at 15:46:12 +0100, jpff wrote:

> > 
> > > And thank you all who pointed me at the non-free installer files.  I will
> > > try that later today with luck
> > > 
> > > 
> well, modified rapture1
> i booted from the usb stick with the firmware .iso and tried an install. I
> accepted the licence for the firmware and proceeded to configure the wifi.
> It asked for the ESSID offering me the correct one, and I said it was PSK.
> It then asked for the passphrase which I provided, and then into a loop
> which network?
> which essid?
> what passphrase?

No idea on why this failed. I'd advise using a cabled connection when a
user has the choice.
> until I got bored. So it still does not configure the wifi
> So for want f a better idea I plugged in the wired network and just did a
> reboot.  Working from the tty on alt-f1 I tried to look at the network --

Ah, you did. Good. There should be no need to reboot (but it does no
harm); just go back and do the network detection and configuring again.
Stop when it is done and from a tty check with 'ip a' that the link is
up and active. 'ping' should confirm.

> not sure what I did but I eventually noticed the wifi was working with the
> same ip  address as the wired.  Pulled the plug on ethernet and carried on

No idea here either. You continued with a wireless connection. Depending
on what you did later, you could be doomed not to have any connectivity
at first boot.

> trying to get a more reasonable software base.  Actually got xorg/xdm/fvwm
> all "working" with missing stuff on the menus, in particular xterm.  So
> tried to install it, and then I rebooted --- no wifi now an no idea how to
> fix.

This I do not understand. You got xorg/xdm/fvwm/xterm via the installer?

> Would ubuntu give me a stable base i wonder.  I do not seem to be getting
> anywhere yet.

Ubuntu uses more or less the same installer as Debian.


> ==John ff

Re: Quelle stratégie contre le vol d'un serveur ?

2018-05-07 Thread Pierre Malard

> Le 7 mai 2018 à 17:31, Raphaël POITEVIN  a écrit :
> writes:
>> As tu vu l'émission d'Élise Lucet sur FR2 il y a peu,
>> le danger est le chiffrage à distance d'un ordinateur.
>> Le pirate (et non le hacker) enverra le code de déchiffrage
>> contre quelques bitcoins anonymes.
>> Des entreprises sont alors contraintes de payer,
>> une ne l'a pas fait et elle a dû fermer boutique.
>> Mais il s'agit d'ordinateurs sous Windows...
>> Ce qui explique, entre autres, que plus de 50% des serveurs pros
>> sont maintenant sous GNU/Linux.
> Avez-vous remarqué d’ailleurs, que quand on interviewe des spécialistes
> du sujet et quand on leur demande si GNU/Linux es plus sécurisé que
> Windows, ils sont toujours embêté et n’osent pas répondre clairement ?
> Serait-ce une volonté de ne pas se mettre les éditeurs de logiciels à
> dos ?

Ou plus simplement pour ne pas susciter de stériles challenges… Genre
« j’en ai une plus longue que la tienne ».

Sinon, je serait très intéressé pour avoir des sources sur la répartition
réelle GNU/Linux vs Windows. Les 50% annoncés, d’où viennent ils ?


Pierre Malard

   « Tous les Français ambitionnent pour la France un grand rôle
   dans le monde. Ce n'est point par des aventures guerrières qu'elle
   le trouvera, c'est en donnant aux peuples l'exemple et le signal
   de justice. »
Jean Jaures - "L'idéal de justice" 
- 1889
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 '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)   πr

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(  `'"'"'-'"'"': '"'"'-3'"'"'2(_/--'"'"'  `-'"'"'\_): 
- --> Ce message n’engage que son auteur <--

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP

Re: Deshabilitar la cortina de GDM

2018-05-07 Thread cubells
El 7/5/18 a les 17:17, Narcis Garcia ha escrit:

> La meva pregunta és: Com?

Això està a paràmetres del sistema, a britness and lock crec recordar.

Atentament, cubells.

Re: longue attente au boot

2018-05-07 Thread julien

C'est un bug lié au fonctionnement du générateur d'entropie du noyau...
Un bug est ouvert mais apparemment ça ne sera pas corrigé sur le noyau car ça 
corrige une faille de sécu mais dans les programmes en espace utilisateur (en 
gros, ton système attend qu'il y ait assez d'entropie pour démarrer gdm).

Tu peux booter sur l'ancien noyau en attendant.


Re: Quelle stratégie contre le vol d'un serveur ?

2018-05-07 Thread Olivier
Le 7 mai 2018 à 16:00, hamster  a écrit :

> Pour les oublis de phrase de passe par contre, y'a pas de solution
> miracle : il faut s'en rappeller.
Faut-il saisir une  phrase de passe quand un système est chiffré ?
Si oui, à quel moment (au boot, uniquement si on boote avec une clé, ...) ?

Re: Kde 3.5 ...

2018-05-07 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Donnerstag 06 Mai 2010 schrieb Sune Vuorela:
> On 2010-05-06, Curt Howland  wrote:
> > On Thursday 06 May 2010, Ana Guerrero was heard to say:
> >> On Thu, May 06, 2010 at 03:17:43AM -0300, Jorge Gonçalves wrote:
> >> > Maybe use dummy packages, or rename the packages so that KDE 3.5
> >> > could remain installed, and not be forced to upgrade to Kde4.
> >> 
> >> No, there is not sane way and there is nobody interested on it.
> > 
> > While the former is certainly true, the latter is demonstrably false.
> Where is your code?
> I will repeat "No one is interested in doing it".

That does not seem to be entirely true as was mentioned elsewhere in this 

However this seems far away from the man-power behind KDE 3 until 3.5.10. 
To truly get forward with this one it appears to me that way more 
developers are needed. Who then would have less or no time to work on 
improving KDE 4.

I will stick with KDE 4 - as long as it - as a whole - does get better 
from release to release. It already got better. It already takes longer 
than with KDE 3 to get as stable and nice to work with as KDE 3.5.10, but 
with help of everyone it eventually will get there. And KDE 3.5.10 had 
issues as well. Especially with KMail that Boyd is so interested in. KMail 
as of KDE 4.3 *and* 4.4 appears to be way more stable to me regarding that 
annoying index handling issues. And it has been improved a lot by Thomas 
McGuire and others. Okular is fine, Dolphin is fine, KWrite, Kate are fine, 
Dragon player is quite fine, Amarok is quite fine lots of other apps are 
fine. I think mainly Akonadi, Nepomuk, Plasma, a bit also Phonon needs 
quite some more stabilization and performance work.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: longue attente au boot

2018-05-07 Thread Eric Degenetais
ça semble lié à la résolution d'une CVE récente : une faille de sécurité
était créée par le fait que les générateurs de nombres aléatoires
n'attendaient pas d'avoir assez d'entropie pour générer des nombres
vraiment aléatoires, ce qui rend les clefs générées prédictibles.
Le patch a semble-t'il rendu l'appel bloquant jusqu'à accumulation d'une
entropie suffisante (ce qui se traduit par des comportements surprenants,
comme par exemple une accélération du boot par l'appui de touches ou le
déplacement de la souris), d'où l'allongement du délai au boot.


Éric Dégenètais

Le 7 mai 2018 à 15:30, Frédéric Baldit  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> j'expérimente, depuis une réinstallation de stretch sous un PC portable
> amd64 (ASUS N55JV) avec le bureau gnome un long temps d'attente au boot.
> Je n'ai pas chronométré à la seconde près, mais à ma montre l'écran de
> login apparaît, de façon reproductible, au bout de deux minutes.
> Auparavant sur le même ordi. et sous stretch cela durait moins de
> 30s (je pense).
> Lors de la réinstall. le disque dur (un SSD) a été repartitionné (j'ai
> gardé le même schéma que lors d'une install. de stretch précédente et
> le système a été entièrement réinstallé.
> J'utilise le pilote propriétaire nvidia et bumblebee pour gérer (avec
> optimus) le démarrage à la demande de ma carte dédiée.
> J'ai testé (avec gnome-disks) l'état de mon SSD (le test long): cela
> dit il est sain (même si l'indicateur wear-leveling-count est à 25, le
> disque ayant (environ) 5 ans.
> Aussi, curieusement, j'ai une situation (que je n'avais pas avant): une
> fois connecté sous gnome (après les 2 min d'attente), un Ctrl+Alt+F1 me
> renvoit sur un nouvel écran de login graphique (et pas sur un login en
> mode console). Je ne sais pas si c'est normal...
> Je n'ai trouvé aucune piste prometteuse sur les posts des forum. Les
> messages de dmesg indiquent une grosse attente lors du boot (justement
> de environ 120s) qui se termine par la ligne:
> random: crng init done
> En fichier attaché la sortie texte de la commande dmesg.
> Apparemment (recherche sur google) il se pourrait que le (nouveau)
> système de boot systemd puisse être fautif, mais je n'en sait rien.
> Si quelqu'un a une idée, merci d'avance. Comme d'habitude toute
> suggestion est bienvenue. Je peux fournir les renseignements
> susceptibles d'aider (sur la machine et le système).
> Cordialement,
> --
>   Frédéric Baldit

Re: A long rant on Debian 9

2018-05-07 Thread Curt
On 2018-05-07, Curt  wrote:
> On 2018-05-07, Dan Norton  wrote:
>>> on the kernel cmdline. I get nothing I don't need installed that way.
>>> Xorg and whatever else I need I get with apt* once booted normally.
>> How do you get that on the kernel cmdline? My guess is that when the
>> net-install medium boots, showing the menu which grub displays, you
>> edit and append "tasks=..." to the line that starts "linux" right?
> Inside the installer (I booted with kvm this outdated? one I had hanging
> around--'firmware-stretch-DI-rc3-amd64-netinst.iso') if you press tab
> rather than enter on "Graphical Install" or "Install", you get the
> kernel command line (to which you can append your extra parameter(s)).
> If you press escape, you get a prompt that looks like this:
>  boot:

I should have just referred you to the Debian Handbook here:

 Each menu entry hides a specific boot command line, which can be configured
 as needed by pressing the TAB key before validating the entry and booting. The
 “Help” menu entry displays the old command line interface, where the F1 to F10
 keys display different help screens detailing the various options available at
 the prompt. You will rarely need to use this option except in very specific 


Re: Quelle stratégie contre le vol d'un serveur ?

2018-05-07 Thread Raphaël POITEVIN writes:
> As tu vu l'émission d'Élise Lucet sur FR2 il y a peu, 
> le danger est le chiffrage à distance d'un ordinateur.
> Le pirate (et non le hacker) enverra le code de déchiffrage
> contre quelques bitcoins anonymes.
> Des entreprises sont alors contraintes de payer,
> une ne l'a pas fait et elle a dû fermer boutique.
> Mais il s'agit d'ordinateurs sous Windows...
> Ce qui explique, entre autres, que plus de 50% des serveurs pros 
> sont maintenant sous GNU/Linux.

Avez-vous remarqué d’ailleurs, que quand on interviewe des spécialistes
du sujet et quand on leur demande si GNU/Linux es plus sécurisé que
Windows, ils sont toujours embêté et n’osent pas répondre clairement ?
Serait-ce une volonté de ne pas se mettre les éditeurs de logiciels à
dos ?

longue attente au boot

2018-05-07 Thread Frédéric Baldit


j'expérimente, depuis une réinstallation de stretch sous un PC portable
amd64 (ASUS N55JV) avec le bureau gnome un long temps d'attente au boot.

Je n'ai pas chronométré à la seconde près, mais à ma montre l'écran de
login apparaît, de façon reproductible, au bout de deux minutes.
Auparavant sur le même ordi. et sous stretch cela durait moins de
30s (je pense).

Lors de la réinstall. le disque dur (un SSD) a été repartitionné (j'ai
gardé le même schéma que lors d'une install. de stretch précédente et
le système a été entièrement réinstallé.

J'utilise le pilote propriétaire nvidia et bumblebee pour gérer (avec
optimus) le démarrage à la demande de ma carte dédiée.

J'ai testé (avec gnome-disks) l'état de mon SSD (le test long): cela
dit il est sain (même si l'indicateur wear-leveling-count est à 25, le
disque ayant (environ) 5 ans.

Aussi, curieusement, j'ai une situation (que je n'avais pas avant): une
fois connecté sous gnome (après les 2 min d'attente), un Ctrl+Alt+F1 me
renvoit sur un nouvel écran de login graphique (et pas sur un login en
mode console). Je ne sais pas si c'est normal...

Je n'ai trouvé aucune piste prometteuse sur les posts des forum. Les
messages de dmesg indiquent une grosse attente lors du boot (justement
de environ 120s) qui se termine par la ligne:

random: crng init done

En fichier attaché la sortie texte de la commande dmesg.

Apparemment (recherche sur google) il se pourrait que le (nouveau)
système de boot systemd puisse être fautif, mais je n'en sait rien.

Si quelqu'un a une idée, merci d'avance. Comme d'habitude toute
suggestion est bienvenue. Je peux fournir les renseignements
susceptibles d'aider (sur la machine et le système).


  Frédéric Baldit

[0.00] microcode: microcode updated early to revision 0x22, date = 
[0.00] Linux version 4.9.0-6-amd64 ( 
(gcc version 6.3.0 20170516 (Debian 6.3.0-18+deb9u1) ) #1 SMP Debian 4.9.88-1 
[0.00] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.9.0-6-amd64 
root=UUID=008405b6-78a7-45b4-960a-fac0a3cebfac ro quiet
[0.00] x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x001: 'x87 floating point 
[0.00] x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x002: 'SSE registers'
[0.00] x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x004: 'AVX registers'
[0.00] x86/fpu: xstate_offset[2]:  576, xstate_sizes[2]:  256
[0.00] x86/fpu: Enabled xstate features 0x7, context size is 832 bytes, 
using 'standard' format.
[0.00] x86/fpu: Using 'eager' FPU context switches.
[0.00] e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x-0x00057fff] usable
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00058000-0x00058fff] reserved
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00059000-0x0009dfff] usable
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0009e000-0x0009] reserved
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0010-0x9e010fff] usable
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x9e011000-0x9e017fff] ACPI NVS
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x9e018000-0x9e84] usable
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x9e85-0x9ead5fff] reserved
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x9ead6000-0xad8edfff] usable
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xad8ee000-0xadaf2fff] reserved
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xadaf3000-0xade25fff] usable
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xade26000-0xaeb25fff] ACPI NVS
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xaeb26000-0xaef59fff] reserved
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xaef5a000-0xaeffefff] type 20
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xaefff000-0xaeff] usable
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xafc0-0xcfdf] reserved
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xf800-0xfbff] reserved
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xfec0-0xfec00fff] reserved
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xfed0-0xfed03fff] reserved
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xfed1c000-0xfed1] reserved
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xfee0-0xfee00fff] reserved
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xff00-0x] reserved
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0001-0x00042f1f] usable
[0.00] NX (Execute Disable) protection: active
[0.00] efi: EFI v2.31 by American Megatrends
[0.00] efi:  ACPI 2.0=0xadeae000  ACPI=0xadeae000  SMBIOS=0xaef58418 
[0.00] SMBIOS 2.7 present.
[0.00] e820: update [mem 0x-0x0fff] usable ==> reserved
[0.00] e820: remove [mem 0x000a-0x000f] usable
[0.00] e820: last_pfn = 0x42f200 max_arch_pfn = 0x4
[0.00] MTRR default type: 

Re: A long rant on Debian 9

2018-05-07 Thread Curt
On 2018-05-07, Dan Norton  wrote:
>> on the kernel cmdline. I get nothing I don't need installed that way.
>> Xorg and whatever else I need I get with apt* once booted normally.
> How do you get that on the kernel cmdline? My guess is that when the
> net-install medium boots, showing the menu which grub displays, you
> edit and append "tasks=..." to the line that starts "linux" right?

Inside the installer (I booted with kvm this outdated? one I had hanging
around--'firmware-stretch-DI-rc3-amd64-netinst.iso') if you press tab
rather than enter on "Graphical Install" or "Install", you get the
kernel command line (to which you can append your extra parameter(s)).

If you press escape, you get a prompt that looks like this:


>  - Dan


Re: D-Bus

2018-05-07 Thread Matias Mucciolo
On Monday, May 7, 2018 12:02:09 PM -03 Andrés Benevento wrote:
> Hola gente, tengo instalado Debian 8 y utilizo el navegador Opera. Para
> actualizarlo a la última versión me indica que libdbus-1-3 debe ser
> mayor igual a la versión 1.9.14 pero tengo la versión 1.8.22 y no se
> actualiza desde hace tiempo.
> Alguna sugerencia? Quizás cambiar de repositorios. Gracias!
> --
> Atte.
> *Andrés Benevento*

lo mejor seria pasarte a stable..
sino la otra opción quizás seria mezclar los repos de debian 8/9
a ver si lo instala sin tantas dependencias.
quizás la tercera opción(no me fije) es que en backports de debian 8 tenga
una versión mas nueva.


Re: Quelle stratégie contre le vol d'un serveur ?

2018-05-07 Thread andre_debian
On Monday 07 May 2018 15:06:41 Olivier wrote:
> Imaginons un serveur Debian :

ou tout autre serveur finalement :-)

> Quelle stratégie mettre en place pour diminuer au maximum les 
> conséquences néfastes suite à un vol du serveur ?

Sauf si le contenu de la partition du serveur est chiffré,
si le serveur est physiquement volé, 
ou que le pirate a le temps de rester devant l'ordinateur seul,
il pourra faire ce qu'il veut avec un live-CD.
Aucune parade possible dans ce cas.

C'est très rare que des ordinateurs soient volés dans des data-center,
ils sont tellement sécurisés au niveau des entrées.

> Quelques réflexions en vrac:
> 1. J'imagine possible de différencier les  moyens de protection selon la
> confidentialité des informations du serveur (pas besoin de protéger le code
> binaire du programme cp, mais impératif de protéger un fichier contenant
> des mots de passe) mais c'est peut-être fastidieux de maintenir dans le
> temps une telle classification. Est-il possible de tout chiffrer ?
> 2. Comment se protéger contre un attaquant qui essaie une infinité de
> combinaison login-mot de passe ?
> 3. Comment se protéger contre un attaquant qui boote avec un disque 
> externe ?
> 4. Un disque chiffré est-il plus fragile face aux problèmes hardware (bad
> sector, ...) ou plus compliqué à exploiter (sauvegarde, restauration, ...) ?
> 5. Existe-t-il des dispositifs matériels à prévoir pour faciliter ce qui
> précède ?

La menace réside plutôt ici :
Pour empêcher des intrusions à distance sur le serveur, que veux tu blinder ?
C'est un vaste sujet.
SSH essentiellement je pense, 
et le serveur Web + site, empêcher des réinjections de codes php et sql.
Il y a bien des solutions proposées sur le net.

As tu vu l'émission d'Élise Lucet sur FR2 il y a peu, 
le danger est le chiffrage à distance d'un ordinateur.
Le pirate (et non le hacker) enverra le code de déchiffrage
contre quelques bitcoins anonymes.
Des entreprises sont alors contraintes de payer,
une ne l'a pas fait et elle a dû fermer boutique.
Mais il s'agit d'ordinateurs sous Windows...
Ce qui explique, entre autres, que plus de 50% des serveurs pros 
sont maintenant sous GNU/Linux.


Re: Detectar cambios de hardware

2018-05-07 Thread Carlos Castillo
Si no estoy equivocado, OCS Inventory en combinación con GLPI pueden hacer
ese tipo de acciones. Si no estoy mal, OCS inventory detecta el cambio,
pero solo actualiza el inventario y no quedan registros de como estaba la
maquina antes.

El lun., 7 may. 2018 a las 9:29, Matias Mucciolo ()

> On Monday, May 7, 2018 9:18:26 AM -03 Leonidch wrote:
> > Hola,
> >
> > estoy buscando algun programa que me permite detectar cambios en el
> > hardware de alguna pc en la red, seria alguna combinacion de cliente y
> > servidor, este ultimo administrado en linux, y los clientes en windows.
> >
> > Saludos
> recuerdo que existe un programa llamado ocs
> que es para inventarios de pc(soporta ambos OS).
> Lo que no estoy seguro es si detecta cambios.
> Pero quizas con ese programa mas algun diff
> se pueda hacer algo :)
> saludos
> Matias.-
> --

Carlos J. Castillo N.
Arquitecto de soluciones de T.I.

Re: Deshabilitar la cortina de GDM

2018-05-07 Thread Narcis Garcia
I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
El 07/05/18 a les 16:59, cubells ha escrit:
> El 7/5/18 a les 16:27, Narcis Garcia ha escrit:
>> __
>> Engego l'ordinador únicament polsant el botó de la carcassa.
>> El sistema arriba fins a la pantalla d'inicis de sessió (GDM). No faig res.
>> Després d'una estona, el monitor s'apaga (per l'estalvi d'energia,
>> entenc). No faig res.
>> Després d'una estona, moc el ratolí, es desperta la pantalla i veig la
>> cortina. Arrossegant la cortina cap amunt, torno a veure la pantalla
>> d'inicis de sessió (GDM).
>> També passa si s'ha utilitzat un dels usuaris, després de tancar la
>> sessió d'escriptori.
> Correcte, has de desactivar les dues coses: el blocat de pantalla i la
> suspensió automàtica.

La meva pregunta és: Com?

Re: A long rant on Debian 9

2018-05-07 Thread bw

On Mon, 7 May 2018, jpff wrote:

> > 
> > > And thank you all who pointed me at the non-free installer files.  I will
> > > try that later today with luck
> > > 
> > > 
> well, modified rapture1
> i booted from the usb stick with the firmware .iso and tried an install. I
> accepted the licence for the firmware and proceeded to configure the wifi.
> It asked for the ESSID offering me the correct one, and I said it was PSK. It
> then asked for the passphrase which I provided, and then into a loop which
> network?
> which essid?
> what passphrase?
> until I got bored. So it still does not configure the wifi
> So for want f a better idea I plugged in the wired network and just did a
> reboot.  Working from the tty on alt-f1 I tried to look at the network -- not
> sure what I did but I eventually noticed the wifi was working with the same ip
> address as the wired.  Pulled the plug on ethernet and carried on trying to
> get a more reasonable software base.  Actually got xorg/xdm/fvwm all "working"
> with missing stuff on the menus, in particular xterm.  So tried to install it,
> and then I rebooted --- no wifi now an no idea how to fix.
> Would ubuntu give me a stable base i wonder.  I do not seem to be getting
> anywhere yet.
> ==John ff

I think you should shop around different distros/installers if you want 
one that does all the configuration for you.


2018-05-07 Thread Andrés Benevento
Hola gente, tengo instalado Debian 8 y utilizo el navegador Opera. Para 
actualizarlo a la última versión me indica que libdbus-1-3 debe ser 
mayor igual a la versión 1.9.14 pero tengo la versión 1.8.22 y no se 
actualiza desde hace tiempo.

Alguna sugerencia? Quizás cambiar de repositorios. Gracias!

*Andrés Benevento*

Re: Deshabilitar la cortina de GDM

2018-05-07 Thread cubells
El 7/5/18 a les 16:27, Narcis Garcia ha escrit:
> __
> Engego l'ordinador únicament polsant el botó de la carcassa.
> El sistema arriba fins a la pantalla d'inicis de sessió (GDM). No faig res.
> Després d'una estona, el monitor s'apaga (per l'estalvi d'energia,
> entenc). No faig res.
> Després d'una estona, moc el ratolí, es desperta la pantalla i veig la
> cortina. Arrossegant la cortina cap amunt, torno a veure la pantalla
> d'inicis de sessió (GDM).
> També passa si s'ha utilitzat un dels usuaris, després de tancar la
> sessió d'escriptori.

Correcte, has de desactivar les dues coses: el blocat de pantalla i la
suspensió automàtica.

Atentament, cubells.

Re: A long rant on Debian 9

2018-05-07 Thread Roberto C . Sánchez
On Mon, May 07, 2018 at 01:09:33PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> On Mon 07 May 2018 at 12:34:07 +0100, jpff wrote:
> > That looks interesting; it attemts to answer my deep problem about no X,
> > xdm, xterm etc.
> > 
> > My problem nowis I do not know where/how to apply this.  I have not seen any
> > mention of a kernel command line in the net install.  More please!
> We could really do with someone writing an Installation Guide and making
> it available on Debian's home page for things like this. :)

The installation manual is linked directly from
and the link to Appendix B, "Automating the installation using
presseing" is available from the TOC.



Roberto C. Sánchez

Re: Perfils 'mobils' d'escriptori

2018-05-07 Thread Narcis Garcia
Tot això sona molt bé!

El 07/05/18 a les 15:55, Adrià ha escrit:
> On Mon, May 07, 2018 at 01:52:22PM +0200, Narcis Garcia wrote:
>> Algú sap si hi ha alguna eina que s'ocupi de sincronitzar un perfil
>> d'usuari (/home/usuari) per a què aquest usuari pugui iniciar sessió
>> indistintament des de diferents ordinadors i trobar el mateix?
> Si tens un servidor central, se m'acut fer córrer Rsync en iniciar i
> en tancar la sessió, de manera que el primer rsync recupera la
> informació del servidor, i el segon la hi desa.
> Si no tens un servidor central, fer el mateix però amb Syncthing [0].
>> Per exemple: que si com a «narcis» canvio el fons d'escriptori i deso la
>> contrasenya d'un web al M.Firefox amb l'ordinador «A», en entrar com a
>> «narcis» a l'ordinador «B» ja em trobi el nou fons d'escriptori i el
>> M.Firefox amb la nova informació desada.
> En el cas particular de Firefox, també podries usar Firefox Sync [1].
> I si no et refies de posar segons quines dades fora del teu abast,
> sempre pots muntar-lo en el teu propi servidor [2].
>> Gràcies.
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]

Re: A long rant on Debian 9

2018-05-07 Thread jpff

And thank you all who pointed me at the non-free installer files.  I will
try that later today with luck

well, modified rapture1

i booted from the usb stick with the firmware .iso and tried an install. I 
accepted the licence for the firmware and proceeded to configure the wifi.

It asked for the ESSID offering me the correct one, and I said it was PSK. 
It then asked for the passphrase which I provided, and then into a loop 
which network?

which essid?
what passphrase?

until I got bored. So it still does not configure the wifi

So for want f a better idea I plugged in the wired network and just did a 
reboot.  Working from the tty on alt-f1 I tried to look at the network -- 
not sure what I did but I eventually noticed the wifi was working with the 
same ip  address as the wired.  Pulled the plug on ethernet and carried on 
trying to get a more reasonable software base.  Actually got xorg/xdm/fvwm 
all "working" with missing stuff on the menus, in particular xterm.  So 
tried to install it, and then I rebooted --- no wifi now an no idea how to 

Would ubuntu give me a stable base i wonder.  I do not seem to be getting 
anywhere yet.

==John ff

Re: minimal installation (was: A long rant on Debian 9)

2018-05-07 Thread Felix Miata
jpff composed on 2018-05-07 12:34 (UTC+0100):

> Felix Miata wrote:

>> My Debian installations are all net installs that include

>>  tasks=standard base-installer/install-recommends=false

>> on the kernel cmdline. I get nothing I don't need installed that way. Xorg 
>> and
>> whatever else I need I get with apt* once booted normally.

> That looks interesting; it attemts to answer my deep problem about no X, 
> xdm, xterm etc.

> My problem nowis I do not know where/how to apply this.  I have not seen 
> any mention of a kernel command line in the net install.  More please!

I'm not up to speed on the conventional HOWTO for answering this. I rarely use
conventional installation boot media. Virtually all my installs are in multiboot
environments. This enables installation booting by using a bootloader already
present on the system, by loading an installation kernel and initrd, complete
with the parameters mentioned, plus several others, such as network
configuration, and leaving off quiet and splash=silent.

IME, virtually any distro's installation media when its presence first appears
on screen allows for some method of appending parameters to the kernel cmdline.
It may be an "e" key, or an ESC key, or an up or down arrow key, or a function
key, and likely will suggest how when its screen first paints.
"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Whatever else you
get, get wisdom." Proverbs 4:7 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread Dan Norton
On Mon, 7 May 2018 09:59:01 -0400
Bob Weber  wrote:

> On 5/7/18 9:28 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Richard Owlett wrote:  
> >> My goal was to copy root and its sub-directory to a directory on
> >> another physical device.  
> > Well understood.
> > In a slightly different scenario (backup on Blu-ray) i do this
> > several times per day.
> >
> > But i would not dare to give the whole root tree as input to any
> > copying program or backup archiver. Not only because of the risk of
> > stepping on my own foot but also because there are several trees
> > which do not deserve backup or could even make trouble when being
> > fully read.
> >
> > In my root directory that would be: /dev /mnt /proc /run /sys
> > E.g. because of
> >$ ls -l /proc/kcore
> >-r 1 root root 140737477877760 May  7 15:22 /proc/kcore
> >
> > (Somebody else shall try whether it's really readable and what
> > comes out. The announced size is nearly 128 TiB.)
> >
> >
> > Have a nice day :)
> >
> > Thomas
> >
> >  
> There is a program called rsnapshot that uses rsync for the actual
> work of copying but has a config file where you can supply exclude
> directories (like /media).  I just run "rsnapshot hourly" to copy my
> root file system before an apt upgrade command just in case a major
> problem occurs with the update.  The /proc /sys and /dev directories
> are not copied since they are "mounted" system directories.
> rsnapshot uses hard links between backups so only the changed files
> are actually copied.  The number of versions to keep is configured
> in /etc/rsnapshot.conf.
> In using your cp command, rsync or rsnapshot it is very important
> that the destination filesystem be able to handle hard links and all
> the file attributes of a linux file system.  So make sure that at
> least there is an ext3 or ext4 type file system on the destination
> drive.  If you are not sure what file system is in use for the backup
> destination just run the mount command (as root) without any
> arguments and it will print out all the mounted file systems and
> types.

Another way to show fs type, without showing so much system stuff:

$ lsblk -f

This also shows labels (if any) and mount points.

 - Dan

Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread Richard Owlett

On 05/07/2018 08:54 AM, Richard Hector wrote:

On 08/05/18 00:55, David Griffith wrote:

On May 7, 2018 4:31:16 AM PDT, Richard Owlett  wrote:

On 05/06/2018 10:11 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


Richard Owlett wrote:

Thought I was doing that by specifying -x.

Either cp -x has a bug or the target directory is not in a different
filesystem than "/" and not a mount point of such a filesystem.

Check the device numbers of "/" and "/media/richard/MISC...".
E.g. like this

$ stat / | fgrep Device
Device: 803h/2051d  Inode: 2   Links: 25
$ stat /bkp | fgrep Device
Device: 814h/2068d  Inode: 2   Links: 7

Here "/bkp" has a different device number (2068) than "/" (2051).
So it (its inode, to be exacting) is in a different filesystem.

As contrast see a directory in the same filesystem as "/":

$ stat /home | fgrep Device
Device: 803h/2051d  Inode: 2228225 Links: 60

I get:
richard@debian-jan13:~$ stat / | fgrep Device
Device: 80eh/2062d  Inode: 2   Links: 22
richard@debian-jan13:~$ stat /media | fgrep Device
Device: 80eh/2062d  Inode: 131073  Links: 5

I gather that "cp" is then an inappropriate tool.

"tar" is inappropriate for my preferences - I was attempting to use
as there would be multiple files &/or directories as input *and*

I suspect long term I want "rsync" [ *MUCH* reading to do! ]

You will indeed want rsync.  Essentially, "rsync -av [--delete]  
 will serve most of your backup needs.

I habitually include -x in there as well, which I suspect will be needed

And for my uses, I always make sure there are trailing slashes on both
source and destination.

My last run was:
 cp -ax / "/media/richard/MISC backups/dev_sda14/"

Re: Instalar Certificado digital Debian 8.2

2018-05-07 Thread Linux - Junior Polegato

Em 04-05-2018 19:10, Lucas Rodrigues de Sá escreveu:

Boa Noite Junior,

Estou tentando fazer o que vocẽ me sugeriu porém sem sucesso.

Baixei o pacote libjpeg8_8d.orig.tar.gz 
e o descompactei com o comando tar -zxvf , entrei no diretório e rodei 
o ./configure, make e make install e logo após tentei reinstalar o 
arquivo Libtiff4_3.9.6-6ubuntu1, porém não deu certo ele reclama e 
fala que falta o pacote para libjpeg8.



        O que sugeri foi baixar o pacote .deb já compilado para sua 
arquitetura (geralmente 32 bits i386 ou 64 bits amd64), aí instalar com 
"dpkg -i ".

        Vou tentar fazer um passo-a-passo rápido aqui:

1. Instalar o pacote Safe Sign:

root@machine:~# dpkg -i SafeSignIC3.0.112-i386-ub1204-tu-admin.deb
A seleccionar pacote anteriormente não seleccionado safesignidentityclient.
(Lendo banco de dados ... 235805 ficheiros e directórios actualmente 
A preparar para desempacotar 
.../SafeSignIC3.0.112-i386-ub1204-tu-admin.deb ...

A descompactar safesignidentityclient (3.0.112-10) ...
dpkg: problemas com dependências impedem a configuração de 

 safesignidentityclient depende de libwxbase2.8-0 (>=; porém:
  Pacote libwxbase2.8-0 não está instalado.
 safesignidentityclient depende de libwxgtk2.8-0 (>=; porém:
  Pacote libwxgtk2.8-0 não está instalado.

dpkg: erro ao processar o pacote safesignidentityclient (--install):
 problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
A processar 'triggers' para hicolor-icon-theme (0.17-2) ...
A processar 'triggers' para man-db (2.8.3-2) ...
A processar 'triggers' para desktop-file-utils (0.23-3) ...
A processar 'triggers' para gnome-menus (3.13.3-11) ...
A processar 'triggers' para mime-support (3.60) ...
Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:

2. Verificado que faltaram os pacotes libwxbase2.8-0 e libwxgtk2.8-0, 
vou procurar esses pacotes em:

Nesse ponto coloco "Palavra-Chave:" o pacote "libwxbase2.8-0", troco 
"Distribuição:" para "quaquer (any)" e clico pesquisar.

Nessa próximo site, clico então em "wheezy (oldoldstable)", que vai 
abrir um site, rolo a página e no final após "Download libwxbase2.8-0" 
irão aparecer a possíveis arquiteturas, então escolho a minha, no caso a 
minha é 32 bits, escolho i386.

Agora aparece um site com vários links desse pacote pronto .deb para a 
arquitetura que selecionei, clico em um dos links e baixo o pacote, que 
no meu caso tem nome "libwxbase2.8-0_2.8.12.1-12_i386.deb".

Depois disso faço o mesmo para o pacote "libwxgtk2.8-0", "libjpeg8" e 
"libtiff4", então movo todos para o diretório do root.


3. Agora instalo esses pacotes baixados anteriormente numa linha só:

root@machine:~# dpkg -i libtiff4_3.9.6-11+deb7u10_i386.deb 
libjpeg8_8d-1+deb7u1_i386.deb libwxbase2.8-0_2.8.12.1-12_i386.deb 

A seleccionar pacote anteriormente não seleccionado libtiff4:i386.
(Lendo banco de dados ... 235891 ficheiros e directórios actualmente 

A preparar para desempacotar libtiff4_3.9.6-11+deb7u10_i386.deb ...
A descompactar libtiff4:i386 (3.9.6-11+deb7u10) ...
A seleccionar pacote anteriormente não seleccionado libjpeg8:i386.
A preparar para desempacotar libjpeg8_8d-1+deb7u1_i386.deb ...
A descompactar libjpeg8:i386 (8d-1+deb7u1) ...
A seleccionar pacote anteriormente não seleccionado libwxbase2.8-0:i386.
A preparar para desempacotar libwxbase2.8-0_2.8.12.1-12_i386.deb ...
A descompactar libwxbase2.8-0:i386 ( ...
A seleccionar pacote anteriormente não seleccionado libwxgtk2.8-0:i386.
A preparar para desempacotar libwxgtk2.8-0_2.8.12.1-12_i386.deb ...
A descompactar libwxgtk2.8-0:i386 ( ...
Configurando libjpeg8:i386 (8d-1+deb7u1) ...
Configurando libwxbase2.8-0:i386 ( ...
Configurando libtiff4:i386 (3.9.6-11+deb7u10) ...
Configurando libwxgtk2.8-0:i386 ( ...

4. Executo a linha abaixo para terminar a instalação do Safe Sign:

root@machine:~# apt-get -f install
Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
Construindo árvore de dependências
Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
0 pacotes atualizados, 0 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos e 
76 não atualizados.

1 pacotes não totalmente instalados ou removidos.
Depois desta operação, 0 B adicionais de espaço em disco serão usados.
Configurando safesignidentityclient (3.0.112-10) ...

4. Instalado! Agora executo "tokenadmin", abre a janela e testo, 100%, 
ressalto que minha leitora é:

root@machine:~# lsusb
Bus 003 Device 004: ID 08e6:3437 Gemalto (was 

Re: Deshabilitar la cortina de GDM

2018-05-07 Thread Narcis Garcia

I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
El 07/05/18 a les 15:55, cubells ha escrit:
> El 7/5/18 a les 13:47, Narcis Garcia ha escrit:
>> Havent instal·lat uns quants ordinadors amb Debian 9 +Gnome amb
>> múltiples usuaris d'escriptori, ara m'adono que, quan passa l'estona a
>> la pantalla d'inicis de sessió (GDM), apart de l'estalvi de pantalla
>> s'activa la famosa «cortina».
>> Això vol dir que, en moure el ratolí encara que es «desperti» la
>> pantalla no es veuen els usuaris per iniciar, sinó que cal apartar la
>> ditxosa (i poc útil) cortina.
>> Algú té idea de com deshabilitar això, independentment de la
>> configuració que tingui cadascú al seu perfil personal d'escriptori?
> Aquesta cortina que dius tu és la pantalla de blocat de sessió quan tens
> molt de temps inactiu el teu ordinador. No és res del gdm. Hauràs de
> desactivar la pantalla de blocat o instal·lar-te'n un paquet que el
> substitueixi.

Engego l'ordinador únicament polsant el botó de la carcassa.
El sistema arriba fins a la pantalla d'inicis de sessió (GDM). No faig res.
Després d'una estona, el monitor s'apaga (per l'estalvi d'energia,
entenc). No faig res.
Després d'una estona, moc el ratolí, es desperta la pantalla i veig la
cortina. Arrossegant la cortina cap amunt, torno a veure la pantalla
d'inicis de sessió (GDM).

També passa si s'ha utilitzat un dels usuaris, després de tancar la
sessió d'escriptori.

KVM et OpenVSwitch

2018-05-07 Thread Olivier

Je vais refondre dans les prochaines semaines mon infrastructure pour la
virtualisation avec KVM.

Actuellement :
- mes VMs ont des interfaces réseau virtuelles qui correspondent chacune à
un pont (paquet bridge-utils)
- j'ai quelques VMs Debian qui implémentent du routage (IP forwading + NAT
avec iptables) et quelques services annexes (DHCP, DNS) quand une des VMs a
besoin de ce type de service, (ie quand je simule l'environnement réseau
d'un projet).

J'ai découvert l'existence du projet OpenVSwitch.
Je découvre qu'il est intégrable à KVM.
Il apporte, semble-t-il, la possibilité de virtualiser sur plusieurs hôtes

Voici mes questions:

1. J'ai du mal à comprendre si oui ou non un switch virtuel OVS pourrait ou
non remplacer mes VMs dédiées au routage. Qu'en penser sachant que je cible
une implémentation sous Stretch ? Buster changerait-il la donne sur ce
sujet ?

2. J'imagine que la prise en main d'un OpenVSwitch ne doit pas être facile;
qu'en pensez-vous ? Existe-t-il des interfaces graphiques pour aider à
cette prise en main (j'ai en mémoire de grands moments de solitude quand le
réseau ne fonctionne pas comme on l'espère alors toute aide pour comprendre
ce qui se passe est la bienvenue) ?


Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread Richard Owlett

On 05/07/2018 08:49 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


Andy Smith wrote:

It would still be good to establish why "cp -x" was seemingly able
to cross filesystem boundaries as that would be a bug.

Yep. Leaving behind too many maybe-bugs can make the ground swampy.

I forgot to mention that the theory of David Wright is not outruled yet:

David Wright wrote:

The loop is generating a source filename
problem-2018-02-13/grub2 problem-2018-02-13/grub2 problem-2018-02-13
which is likely within length limits, and resides on the correct

Loop and size overflow could indeed have been separated.
- First some step-on-own-foot loop would have created the deep directory
   tree until it failed due to path size. May have happened months ago.
   Now barely legal paths are lurking.
- This would then cause another failure when a non-looping copy attempt
   lengthens the path by prefix "/media/richard/MISCbackups/dev_sda14".

Richard would have to check whether there is such a deep tree on the disk
that shall be source of the copy.

It was. I deleted. I emptied trash. It reappeared on my next run of cp.
My machine is still tied up and haven't rerun 'Check the device numbers 
of "/" and "/media/richard/MISC...". '

Re: Dead computer after system shutdown. - Resolved for Now

2018-05-07 Thread Mike McClain
On Sun, May 06, 2018 at 02:36:50PM -0400, Thomas George wrote:
> Box is between two tables but managed to remove side cover and with
> mirror confirmed green light on motherboard. Unplugged power cord,
> green light goes out, reconnected power, green light on and power
> switch works, BIOS message Asus surge protection shut system down
> because of unstable power supply..
> My records show I assembled this box from components in 2008. Should
> I be worried? Expected lifetimes of cpu, mb, power supply?
> On 05/06/2018 12:14 PM, Thomas George wrote:
> >Selected shutdown from the window manager and the operating system
> >turned off the computer as usual. Tried to restart the computer
> >from the switch on the desktop box but it was totally dead.
> >
> >Where to look for the failure? CPU, motherboard, power supply or
> >mechanical switch?
> >
> >I never thought before about how the operating system shuts down
> >the computer. I know there are two wires from the power supply
> >which the desktop switch connects to turn on the power supply. How
> >does the operating system turn it off?

Dirt, dust will greatly affect a computer's life expectancy.
I try to clean my old PIII twice a year. Open it up, take outside and
blow all the dust out. Then pop the cover off the PS and give it the
same treatment. Clean all the fan blades with Qtips and alcohol as
well as the CPU heat sink.
ESD  procedures are called for but all that really amounts to is
putting a hand on the chassis before touching anything inside so any
charge you have built up is disappated through the chassis rather than
through a chip's gate.
Best of luck,
"Computers have enabled people to make more mistakes faster than
almost any invention in history, with the possible exception of
tequila and hand guns." - Mitch Ratcliffe

Re: Deshabilitar la cortina de GDM

2018-05-07 Thread cubells
El 7/5/18 a les 13:47, Narcis Garcia ha escrit:
> Havent instal·lat uns quants ordinadors amb Debian 9 +Gnome amb
> múltiples usuaris d'escriptori, ara m'adono que, quan passa l'estona a
> la pantalla d'inicis de sessió (GDM), apart de l'estalvi de pantalla
> s'activa la famosa «cortina».
> Això vol dir que, en moure el ratolí encara que es «desperti» la
> pantalla no es veuen els usuaris per iniciar, sinó que cal apartar la
> ditxosa (i poc útil) cortina.
> Algú té idea de com deshabilitar això, independentment de la
> configuració que tingui cadascú al seu perfil personal d'escriptori?

Aquesta cortina que dius tu és la pantalla de blocat de sessió quan tens
molt de temps inactiu el teu ordinador. No és res del gdm. Hauràs de
desactivar la pantalla de blocat o instal·lar-te'n un paquet que el

Atentament, cubells.

Re: Chinese file name problem in xterm

2018-05-07 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On dom, 06 mai 2018, Long Wind wrote:
some Chinese file names are properly shown in xterm in stretch, but  
other are not

all Chinese characters can be properly shown in firefox

When you say Firefox shows the characters, do you mean it correctly  
shows those file names, or just that you can see somewhere else the  
characters used in the filenames?

Maybe some filenames are incorrectly encoded.

It would really help if you showed us what you get, and what you expected.


Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread Richard Owlett

On 05/07/2018 08:24 AM, Andy Smith wrote:


On Mon, May 07, 2018 at 07:51:23AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

I'll likely abandon further immediate investigation of cp. I've other
projects to complete 

It would still be good to establish why "cp -x" was seemingly able
to cross filesystem boundaries as that would be a bug.

Agreed. That's why I said "immediate investigation".

Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread Richard Owlett

On 05/07/2018 08:28 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


Richard Owlett wrote:

My goal was to copy root and its sub-directory to a directory on another
physical device.

Well understood.
In a slightly different scenario (backup on Blu-ray) i do this several
times per day.

But i would not dare to give the whole root tree as input to any copying
program or backup archiver. Not only because of the risk of stepping on my
own foot but also because there are several trees which do not deserve
backup or could even make trouble when being fully read.

In my root directory that would be: /dev /mnt /proc /run /sys

For my purposes I would add /media .

Re: Quelle stratégie contre le vol d'un serveur ?

2018-05-07 Thread hamster
Le 07/05/2018 à 15:06, Olivier a écrit :
> 1. J'imagine possible de différencier les  moyens de protection selon
> la confidentialité des informations du serveur (pas besoin de protéger
> le code binaire du programme cp, mais impératif de protéger un fichier
> contenant des mots de passe) mais c'est peut-être fastidieux de
> maintenir dans le temps une telle classification. Est-il possible de
> tout chiffrer ?

Oui, et c'est meme le mieux. Quand je dis "tout chiffrer", c'est toute
la partition, meme la "table of contents", meme le journal. Et c'est une
bonne idée de tout chiffrer, meme la partition sytème, et en particulier
la swap. Pour faire ca, luks est ton ami.

> 2. Comment se protéger contre un attaquant qui essaie une infinité de
> combinaison login-mot de passe ?


> 3. Comment se protéger contre un attaquant qui boote avec un disque
> externe ?

Tout chiffrer avec luks.

> 4. Un disque chiffré est-il plus fragile face aux problèmes hardware
> (bad sector, ...) ou plus compliqué à exploiter (sauvegarde,
> restauration, ...) ?

Si tu chiffre la partoche elle meme avec luks, tu y accède (et donc le
sauvegarde) comme n'importe quel système de fichier. Le noyau se charge
de tout chiffrer / déchiffrer a la volée, mais toit tu ne le vois pas.
Pour les soucis de type bloc défectueux, je sais pas te répondre. C'est
a ca que servent les sauvegardes et/ou la redondance (un serveur avec
les disques qui sont pas en raid, ca fait bizarre).

Pour les oublis de phrase de passe par contre, y'a pas de solution
miracle : il faut s'en rappeller.

Les attaques les plus difficiles a contrer sont de type "evil maid". On
ne peut pas tout chiffrer : quand il démarre, il te demande ta phrase de
passe, le petit bout de code qui te demande ta phrase de passe ne peut
pas etre chiffré puisqu'il doit etre lu avant que tu ne donne ta phrase
de passe. Le danger est donc un attaquant qui modifie ce petit bout de
code non chiffré et lui rajoute une fonction d'enregistrement de ta
phrase de passe. Puis il laisse le serveur fonctionner comme si de rien
n'etait. La prochaine fois que tu reboote, tu tape ta phrase de passe,
ca l'enregistre quelque part et l'attaquant peut alors te voler ton truc
et lire les partitions chiffrées vu qu'il a la phrase de passe.

> 5. Existe-t-il des dispositifs matériels à prévoir pour faciliter ce
> qui précède ?

Je sais pas te répondre.

Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread Bob Weber

On 5/7/18 9:28 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


Richard Owlett wrote:

My goal was to copy root and its sub-directory to a directory on another
physical device.

Well understood.
In a slightly different scenario (backup on Blu-ray) i do this several
times per day.

But i would not dare to give the whole root tree as input to any copying
program or backup archiver. Not only because of the risk of stepping on my
own foot but also because there are several trees which do not deserve
backup or could even make trouble when being fully read.

In my root directory that would be: /dev /mnt /proc /run /sys
E.g. because of
   $ ls -l /proc/kcore
   -r 1 root root 140737477877760 May  7 15:22 /proc/kcore

(Somebody else shall try whether it's really readable and what comes out.
  The announced size is nearly 128 TiB.)

Have a nice day :)


There is a program called rsnapshot that uses rsync for the actual work of 
copying but has a config file where you can supply exclude directories (like 
/media).  I just run "rsnapshot hourly" to copy my root file system before an 
apt upgrade command just in case a major problem occurs with the update.  The 
/proc /sys and /dev directories are not copied since they are "mounted" system 
directories.  rsnapshot uses hard links between backups so only the changed 
files are actually copied.  The number of versions to keep is configured in 

In using your cp command, rsync or rsnapshot it is very important that the 
destination filesystem be able to handle hard links and all the file attributes 
of a linux file system.  So make sure that at least there is an ext3 or ext4 
type file system on the destination drive.  If you are not sure what file system 
is in use for the backup destination just run the mount command (as root) 
without any arguments and it will print out all the mounted file systems and 
types.  I get this line for my /home directory:

/dev/md2 on /home type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)

If I plug in a flash drive and have the system mount it I get (all one line):

/dev/sdg1 on /media/bob/3A78-573B type vfat 

Notice the type vfat which is NOT what you want to see on the destination file 



Re: Perfils 'mobils' d'escriptori

2018-05-07 Thread Adrià
On Mon, May 07, 2018 at 01:52:22PM +0200, Narcis Garcia wrote:
> Algú sap si hi ha alguna eina que s'ocupi de sincronitzar un perfil
> d'usuari (/home/usuari) per a què aquest usuari pugui iniciar sessió
> indistintament des de diferents ordinadors i trobar el mateix?

Si tens un servidor central, se m'acut fer córrer Rsync en iniciar i
en tancar la sessió, de manera que el primer rsync recupera la
informació del servidor, i el segon la hi desa.

Si no tens un servidor central, fer el mateix però amb Syncthing [0].
> Per exemple: que si com a «narcis» canvio el fons d'escriptori i deso la
> contrasenya d'un web al M.Firefox amb l'ordinador «A», en entrar com a
> «narcis» a l'ordinador «B» ja em trobi el nou fons d'escriptori i el
> M.Firefox amb la nova informació desada.

En el cas particular de Firefox, també podries usar Firefox Sync [1].
I si no et refies de posar segons quines dades fora del teu abast,
sempre pots muntar-lo en el teu propi servidor [2].
> Gràcies.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread Richard Hector
On 08/05/18 00:55, David Griffith wrote:
> On May 7, 2018 4:31:16 AM PDT, Richard Owlett  wrote:
>> On 05/06/2018 10:11 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Richard Owlett wrote:
 Thought I was doing that by specifying -x.
>>> Either cp -x has a bug or the target directory is not in a different
>>> filesystem than "/" and not a mount point of such a filesystem.
>>> Check the device numbers of "/" and "/media/richard/MISC...".
>>> E.g. like this
>>>$ stat / | fgrep Device
>>>Device: 803h/2051d  Inode: 2   Links: 25
>>>$ stat /bkp | fgrep Device
>>>Device: 814h/2068d  Inode: 2   Links: 7
>>> Here "/bkp" has a different device number (2068) than "/" (2051).
>>> So it (its inode, to be exacting) is in a different filesystem.
>>> As contrast see a directory in the same filesystem as "/":
>>>$ stat /home | fgrep Device
>>>Device: 803h/2051d  Inode: 2228225 Links: 60
>> I get:
>> richard@debian-jan13:~$ stat / | fgrep Device
>> Device: 80eh/2062d   Inode: 2   Links: 22
>> richard@debian-jan13:~$ stat /media | fgrep Device
>> Device: 80eh/2062d   Inode: 131073  Links: 5
>> richard@debian-jan13:~$
>> I gather that "cp" is then an inappropriate tool.
>> "tar" is inappropriate for my preferences - I was attempting to use
>> "cp" 
>> as there would be multiple files &/or directories as input *and*
>> output.
>> I suspect long term I want "rsync" [ *MUCH* reading to do! ]
> You will indeed want rsync.  Essentially, "rsync -av [--delete]  
>  will serve most of your backup needs.

I habitually include -x in there as well, which I suspect will be needed

And for my uses, I always make sure there are trailing slashes on both
source and destination.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: A long rant on Debian 9

2018-05-07 Thread Richard Owlett

On 05/07/2018 08:07 AM, Greg Wooledge wrote:
It sounds like you un-checked the specific desktop environments (KDE,

GNOME, XFCE, etc.) but left "Debian desktop environment" selected.
I honestly have no idea what happens in that case.  I always un-check
that one.  The only Tasks I select during the install are Standard, and
SSH server.

It upchucks Gnome3 on the innocent user.
I'm very happy with MATE.

Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Andy Smith wrote:
> It would still be good to establish why "cp -x" was seemingly able
> to cross filesystem boundaries as that would be a bug.

Yep. Leaving behind too many maybe-bugs can make the ground swampy.

I forgot to mention that the theory of David Wright is not outruled yet:

David Wright wrote:
> The loop is generating a source filename
> /home/richard/.local/share/Trash/expunged/73080846/grub2
> problem-2018-02-13/grub2 problem-2018-02-13/grub2 problem-2018-02-13
> which is likely within length limits, and resides on the correct
> filesytem.

Loop and size overflow could indeed have been separated.
- First some step-on-own-foot loop would have created the deep directory
  tree until it failed due to path size. May have happened months ago.
  Now barely legal paths are lurking.
- This would then cause another failure when a non-looping copy attempt
  lengthens the path by prefix "/media/richard/MISCbackups/dev_sda14".

Richard would have to check whether there is such a deep tree on the disk
that shall be source of the copy.

Have a nice day :)


Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread Richard Owlett

On 05/07/2018 07:55 AM, David Griffith wrote:

On May 7, 2018 4:31:16 AM PDT, Richard Owlett  wrote:

On 05/06/2018 10:11 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


Richard Owlett wrote:

Thought I was doing that by specifying -x.

Either cp -x has a bug or the target directory is not in a different
filesystem than "/" and not a mount point of such a filesystem.

Check the device numbers of "/" and "/media/richard/MISC...".
E.g. like this

$ stat / | fgrep Device
Device: 803h/2051d  Inode: 2   Links: 25
$ stat /bkp | fgrep Device
Device: 814h/2068d  Inode: 2   Links: 7

Here "/bkp" has a different device number (2068) than "/" (2051).
So it (its inode, to be exacting) is in a different filesystem.

As contrast see a directory in the same filesystem as "/":

$ stat /home | fgrep Device
Device: 803h/2051d  Inode: 2228225 Links: 60

I get:
richard@debian-jan13:~$ stat / | fgrep Device
Device: 80eh/2062d  Inode: 2   Links: 22
richard@debian-jan13:~$ stat /media | fgrep Device
Device: 80eh/2062d  Inode: 131073  Links: 5

I gather that "cp" is then an inappropriate tool.

"tar" is inappropriate for my preferences - I was attempting to use
as there would be multiple files &/or directories as input *and*

I suspect long term I want "rsync" [ *MUCH* reading to do! ]

You will indeed want rsync.  Essentially, "rsync -av [--delete]  
 will serve most of your backup needs.

I have an explicit need for --exclude. Man page terminally terse ;/
So far the tutorials I've found try to show off the super powers of 
rsync to power users :{

Re: A long rant on Debian 9

2018-05-07 Thread Steve McIntyre wrote:
>It sounds like you un-checked the specific desktop environments (KDE,
>GNOME, XFCE, etc.) but left "Debian desktop environment" selected.
>I honestly have no idea what happens in that case.  I always un-check
>that one.  The only Tasks I select during the install are Standard, and
>SSH server.

The desktop task setup in tasksel is defined by the Recommends:
defined by the task-desktop task package (aka "Debian desktop

tack:~$ apt-cache show task-desktop  | grep Recommends
Recommends: task-gnome-desktop | task-xfce-desktop | task-kde-desktop | 
task-lxde-desktop | task-cinnamon-desktop | task-mate-desktop | 
task-lxqt-desktop, xdg-utils, avahi-daemon, libnss-mdns, anacron, eject, iw, 

So, if you leave the "Debian desktop environment" enabled in tasksel,
then *any* of the (gnome,xfce,kde,lxde,cinnamon,mate) desktop task
packages will satisfy its recommendation. If you select it alongside
any of those desktop task packages it will therefore have very little
effect. However, if you select it alone *with no specific desktop
chosen* then it will default to the first in that list: gnome.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge,
"Further comment on how I feel about IBM will appear once I've worked out
 whether they're being malicious or incompetent. Capital letters are forecast."
 Matthew Garrett,

Re: Detectar cambios de hardware

2018-05-07 Thread Matias Mucciolo
On Monday, May 7, 2018 9:18:26 AM -03 Leonidch wrote:
> Hola,
> estoy buscando algun programa que me permite detectar cambios en el
> hardware de alguna pc en la red, seria alguna combinacion de cliente y
> servidor, este ultimo administrado en linux, y los clientes en windows.
> Saludos

recuerdo que existe un programa llamado ocs
que es para inventarios de pc(soporta ambos OS).
Lo que no estoy seguro es si detecta cambios.
Pero quizas con ese programa mas algun diff 
se pueda hacer algo :)


Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Richard Owlett wrote:
> My goal was to copy root and its sub-directory to a directory on another
> physical device.

Well understood.
In a slightly different scenario (backup on Blu-ray) i do this several
times per day.

But i would not dare to give the whole root tree as input to any copying
program or backup archiver. Not only because of the risk of stepping on my
own foot but also because there are several trees which do not deserve
backup or could even make trouble when being fully read.

In my root directory that would be: /dev /mnt /proc /run /sys
E.g. because of
  $ ls -l /proc/kcore
  -r 1 root root 140737477877760 May  7 15:22 /proc/kcore

(Somebody else shall try whether it's really readable and what comes out.
 The announced size is nearly 128 TiB.)

Have a nice day :)


Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread Andy Smith

On Mon, May 07, 2018 at 07:51:23AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
> I'll likely abandon further immediate investigation of cp. I've other
> projects to complete 

It would still be good to establish why "cp -x" was seemingly able
to cross filesystem boundaries as that would be a bug.


Detectar cambios de hardware

2018-05-07 Thread Leonidch


estoy buscando algun programa que me permite detectar cambios en el
hardware de alguna pc en la red, seria alguna combinacion de cliente y
servidor, este ultimo administrado en linux, y los clientes en windows.


Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread Dan Purgert
Richard Owlett wrote:
> On 05/07/2018 06:54 AM, Dan Purgert wrote:
>> Richard Owlett wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> I suspect long term I want "rsync" [ *MUCH* reading to do! ]
>> Perhaps; although depending on the source / target pathing, you may run
>> into the same length issues.
> 1st - I suspect that --exclude will eliminate multiple pit falls.

Yep, it should.
> 2nd - It appears that cp creates a tangle of sub-directories >100
>levels deep - each sub-directory has same string as its name ;{

If you did something that resolved to stick 'cp' into a recursive loop,
yup that'd definitely happen. Same with rsync.

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Re: Backup problem using "cp"

2018-05-07 Thread Richard Owlett

On 05/07/2018 07:01 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


Richard Owlett wrote:

richard@debian-jan13:~$ stat / | fgrep Device
Device: 80eh/2062d  Inode: 2   Links: 22
richard@debian-jan13:~$ stat /media | fgrep Device
Device: 80eh/2062d  Inode: 131073  Links: 5

"/media" was not the directory to examine.
You need to examine the directory which you gave as second argument to cp.
In your initial post of this thread the cp command is quoted as

   cp -ax /  "/media/richard/MISC

(Dunno whether the line break in that mail is significant.)

No the _apparent_ line break was an artifact of email quoting process.
I can't rerun the diagnostic at the moment - hardware fully occupied 
with testing my proposed workaround, which works so far but progress 
resembles molasses running uphill on Pluto in winter ;/

I gather that "cp" is then an inappropriate tool.

That's not decided yet.

If your cp target directory had a different device number, then cp option -x
did not what it is supposed to do.

But if your target directory was not the mount point of the USB disk and
not inside the filesystem of the USB disk, then you made a mistake by
giving that directory as target.


"tar" is inappropriate for my preferences - I was attempting to use "cp" as
there would be multiple files &/or directories as input *and* output.

You could use multiple tar commands.
(I doubt that you can talk cp into addressing more than one target.)

Communication confusion.
My goal was to copy root and its sub-directory to a directory on another 
physical device.

Have a nice day :)


Re: A long rant on Debian 9

2018-05-07 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Sun, May 06, 2018 at 09:51:09PM +0100, John wrote:
> After rather a long time it said it was installed so I rebooted -- a
> big mistake!  I was hoping for a computer where I could write
> programs, mainly with xterm, emacs (with elisp) and C.  I had asked
> for no gnome no kde no xfce...  I usually run fvwm on X but I got a
> screen with nothing obvious to do.  I did get icons (spit!) offering
> games and firefox but no xterm -- I was expecting to install emacs
> myself as I use a very recent system -- but it was in effect not a
> computer but some kind of toy. I do not play computer games and
> thought I had said not to install any

It looks like other people have already covered the non-free firmware
issues.  So I'll just focus on this part.

I forget the exact wording, but at the end of the installation, there
is a tasksel dialog, in which you are presented with a list of "Tasks"
that can be installed (Web server, SSH server, Debian desktop environment,
and so on).

It sounds like you un-checked the specific desktop environments (KDE,
GNOME, XFCE, etc.) but left "Debian desktop environment" selected.
I honestly have no idea what happens in that case.  I always un-check
that one.  The only Tasks I select during the install are Standard, and
SSH server.

In that configuration, when you reboot, you get a text console login
prompt.  At that point, you can login and install the specific packages
you want.  In your case, I would start with:

  build-essential xorg fvwm xterm

That should get you quite close to what you described, minus the emacs
part, which I don't use and don't know how to install.  I'm hoping you
will know that part.

This list does not include a Display Manager, so you'll still login
on the console and need to type "startx" to get into X.  This is how
I use Debian, and also how many other people use Debian.  If you want
a graphical login, you can install a Display Manager package (possibly
lightdm or xdm).  But I'd wait until "startx" is known to work, just in
case you have issues with video drivers/firmware.  Having a DM installed
and trying to start X at boot time and FAILING is a situtation you don't
want to be in.  It's a whole lot easier to work on the problem if you
know you can boot to a console and login to fix things.

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