Stretch para al final del nucleo?

2018-11-21 Thread Me
En Stretch actualizado, se detiene al final del nucleo y muestra BusyBox 
para introducir comandos! No se que hacer, asi que apago forzado. Se 
queda esperando la particion de Root, ocurre 3 o 4 veces, y por fin 
inicia. Se me ocurre, que pasando ese SO a Testing, podria salvar lo que 
tengo alli, pero agradeceria sugerencias e informacion. Tambien, se me 
ocurre cambiar el Nucleo. Gracias.

Re: Appli pour plan reseau

2018-11-21 Thread contact
je conseille la version en développement de plus il existe des images 
des anciennes versions au cas ou .

François-Marie BILLARD
Le 21/11/2018 à 18:50, wanadoo a écrit :


+1 pour QElectrotec ... et qui existe aussi pour windows, au cas ou il
faudrait travailler avec une personne qui n'est que Microsoft (r)
compatible ;)


Fernand COSTA

Le 21/11/2018 à 18:42, contact a écrit :

pour le schéma éléctrique

Qelectrotech un très bon produit


François-Marie BILLARD
Le 21/11/2018 à 15:56, Basile Starynkevitch a écrit :

On 11/21/18 3:38 PM, Basile Starynkevitch wrote:

On 11/21/18 11:52 AM, Frederic Zulian wrote:
Je dois créer le plan d'un réseau constitué essentiellement de liens
Wifi, répéteurs et AP. Le tout avec quelques liaisons filaires et en

Si le plan est juste un dessin,  un bon utilitaire de dessin
vectoriel suffit. Je recommande inkscape. Voir

Si on veut un outil qui organise le dessin à partir d'un graphe (au
sens plus ou moins mathématique) en disposant "astucieusement" les
noeuds du graphe, voir le projet graphviz
(et son utilitaire dot

Il existe aussi un projet qui simule et dessine un tel réseau, je
crois qu'il est développé dans une école d'ingénieurs française.
Mais je ne me souviens plus du nom.

J'ai oublié de préciser que les éléments graphiques de base pour
dessiner des répéteurs etc... sont très probablement disponibles sur (probablement au format SVG, donc utilisable
dans inkscape comme dans graphviz)


opinions are mine only - les opinions sont seulement miennes
Bourg La Reine, France

RE: Problemas con las acturaliuzasiones

2018-11-21 Thread Andrés DG

De: Roberto C. Sánchez 
Enviado: miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2018 22:09
Asunto: Re: Problemas con las acturaliuzasiones

On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 04:09:02PM +, Andrés DG wrote:
>Gracias a todos por las respuestas. Se me pasó la respuesta de porque
>Gnome en un servidor No soy un experto de la línea de comandos por eso
>cuando tengo que trabajar directamente con el servidor (revisiones,
>búsqueda en internet, mantenimiento de la BD - postgresql, etc). Si bien
>muchas cosas las hago por consola a través de conexión remota, me gusta
>tener un seguro a mano en caso de que se me quemen los papeles. Por otro
>lado el servidor no tiene mucha demanda así que  con los recursos no hay
El riesgo con manejar remotamente un servidor a travéz de un ambiente
gráfico es que a veces hace falta reiniciar servicios que pueden causar
la caída de la conexión.  Usando ssh con screen casi siempre se evitan
tales dificultades (porque aunque se cae la conexión, uno puede
reconectar y continuar).



Roberto C. Sánchez

Ante todo gracias Roberto por la observación. La voy a tener en cuenta y a 
tratar de mejorar mi manejo de la consola y probar screen.
Por otro lado disculpen todos no haber escrito alguna novedad sobre el problema 
citado correos atrás, estoy bastante desbordado. Les cuento que el problema no 
poder descargar las actualizaciones eran (cómo mencionaron por ahí) errores en 
los DNS. Estaban configurados en automático (o algo así figura), o sea pedía no 
tenía establecidos, de forma fija, los DNS y esto hacia que el servidor de 
forma aleatoria lograba salir a Internet (a veces si a veces no). La conexión 
remota por SSH no se afectaba porque la petición de conexión llegaba de afuera 
entonces el camino lo dejaba trazado el cliente SSH. Dejando fijos los DNS el 
problema de conexión con los repositorios se solucionó. Peeero... he aquí otro 
problema, tanto meter mano en las configuraciones u archivos del apt sigo sin 
poder bajar actualizaciones, ahora me saltan los siguientes errores:

# apt-get update
Ign:1 stretch InRelease
Des:2 stretch/updates InRelease [94,3 kB]
Des:3 stretch/updates InRelease [94,3 kB]
Ign:2 stretch/updates InRelease
Err:3 stretch/updates InRelease
  Las firmas siguientes no se pudieron verificar porque su clave pública no 
está  disponible: NO_PUBKEY 
9D6D8F6BC857C906 NO_PUBKEY 8B48AD6246925553
Des:4 stretch/updates/contrib amd64 Packages [1.760 
B ]
Des:5 stretch-updates InRelease [91,0 kB]
Des:6 stretch/updates/main amd64 Packages [459 kB]
Des:7 stretch Release [118 kB]
Err:5 stretch-updates InRelease
  Las firmas siguientes no se pudieron verificar porque su clave pública no 
está  disponible: NO_PUBKEY 
8B48AD6246925553 NO_PUBKEY 7638D0442B90D010
Des:8 stretch Release.gpg [2.434 B]
Err:8 stretch Release.gpg
  Las firmas siguientes no se pudieron verificar porque su clave pública no 
está  disponible: NO_PUBKEY 
8B48AD6246925553 NO_PUBKEY 7638D0442B90D010 NO_PUBKEY EF0   
Descargados 743 kB en 2s (359 kB/s)
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
W: Error de GPG: stretch/updates InRelease: Las 
firma s siguientes no se pudieron verificar 
porque su clave pública no está disponible 
: NO_PUBKEY 9D6D8F6BC857C906 NO_PUBKEY 8B48AD6246925553
W: El repositorio « stretch/updates InRelease» no 
está  firmado.
N: Los datos de un repositorio como este no se pueden autenticar y por tanto su 
 uso es potencialmente peligroso.
N: Vea la página de manual apt-secure(8) para los detalles sobre la creación de 
 repositorios y la configuración de 
W: Se produjo un error durante la verificación de las firmas. El repositorio no 
 está actualizado y se utilizarán los 
ficheros de índice antiguos. Error de GPG: stretch/updates InRelease: Las firmas 
sigu ientes no se pudieron verificar porque 
su clave pública no está disponible: NO_P 
UBKEY 9D6D8F6BC857C906 NO_PUBKEY 8B48AD6246925553
W: Se produjo un error 

Re: VLC doesn't shutdown when closed

2018-11-21 Thread Cindy-Sue Causey
On 11/21/18, Gary Dale  wrote:
> On 2018-11-21 2:55 a.m., wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 08:29:18PM -0500, Gary Dale wrote:
>>> I'm running Debian/Buster with a Plasma 5 desktop. After I close a
>>> VLC session [...]
>>> Note that just ending the process doesn't work. I need to send the
>>> Kill signal.
>> Not a VLC user here, so take my advice with a fist of salt (or two),
>> but I think you might want to describe more precisely what you mean
>> by "close a VLC session" resp. "end the process". You close the
>> program's main window?
>> Cheers
>> -- tomás
> Close - click on the close button, which closes the window and should
> also shut down the application
> End Process - click on the End Process option in the System Activity
> monitor after selecting the VLC process. According the manual, this is
> supposed to send the SIGKILL signal but it doesn't seem to work in this
> case. Instead I need to send the Kill signal to the process.

Cliff's Notes version > jump down to where I said I might have found
something. :)

The rambling version > More apples and oranges, Thunar file manager
was doing that to me a couple years ago to the point it was still
alive *after reboots*. That's bad. At some point, I stopped noticing
it occurring.

Am writing to ask.. is there a toggle switch anywhere, e.g. in
Preferences, that gives you the option of leaving it running in the
background? I've seen programs do that but can't remember what did.
Some browsers have something along that line, for one thing.

I just installed Samba and noticed a "background" option for it via
its manpages. That wouldn't be something that users necessary knew was
occurring because it was about a command line option in Samba's case.

One of the players I've used had the option to postpone screensavers
until videos finish playing, too. Maybe... well, I don't know. It's
nice when the screensaver does NOT kick in while something's playing.
But if it's a royal pain for whatever reason, maybe untoggling that
might somehow help *if that option exists*.

Might have found something. After I wrote the above, I took a quick
peek at "apt-cache show vlc" before sending this:

"VLC can also be used as a streaming server that duplicates the stream it
 reads and multicasts them through the network to other clients, or serves
 them through HTTP."

Maybe that has something to do with it not going gentle into that good
night? That "show me" there even references an additional plugin
package for-r-r-r-r. backgrounding happy Samba.

Cindy :)

Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with duct tape *

Re: Mounting LVM logical volumes in break=premount

2018-11-21 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Le 21/11/2018 à 22:09, Sophie Loewenthal a écrit :

but when I ran ,
% mount /dev/mapper/vg0-root /tmp/a
I recall a message stating the fs count not be mounted because of

wrong file system type.

1) Make sure the LV is activated, e.g. with vgchange -ay
2) The mount command in the initramfs may require to specify the
filesystem type explicitly with -t.

Hi Pascal,
Thanks. I must have been alseep and missed the -t ext4 . makes sence hevause 
there is no fstab available for it to look up the fs type.

AFAIK mount does not look up fstab when both the device and the mount 
point are specified. The initramfs uses a different mount command (from 
klibc-utils) from the regular mount (from util-linux). Util-linux mount 
auto-detects the filesystem type when missing, klibc-utils mount does not.

Re: keyboard configuration issue

2018-11-21 Thread Cindy-Sue Causey
*Whoops!* The mangled one that's working is *BUSTER*, not Stretch.
Just realized that as I ran another "apt-get update". That's comparing
apples and oranges in that case with respect to 1 1/2 to ~2-year-old
Buster's keyboard working while shiny new Stretch's is being a tiny
bit flaky. Sorry about that. :)

On 11/21/18, Cindy-Sue Causey  wrote:
> On 11/21/18, redmood  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just installed debian 9 on my laptop. I encrypted the disk, so I have
>> to type a keyphrase before accessing the data on the disk. I also have a
>> user account and have to type my password to log in. I have been trying
>> to set the french bepo keyboard, instead of the default azerty one. I
>> followed the instruction from this link :
>>  From this point, when I had to type my password to decrypt the disk, I
>> had to type in azerty, but when I had to log in my user account, I had
>> to type the password with the bepo keyboard. And then, once logged in,
>> the keyboard was set back to the classic french azerty layout again. So
>> I tried the commands given in the first answer here :
>> Now, when I power on my computer, I have to type the decrypt password in
>> bepo as well as my log in password, but once logged in, the layout is
>> still set back to the azerty layout.
>> How can I force the layout to stay consistent once logged in my user
>> account ?
> Hi.. Do you have a(n) Fn key that comes into play at all? I'm on an
> older ASUS 1015px (looks like a happy little Valentine card, grin). I
> just in the last couple hours rsync'ed over a newly debootstrap'ed
> Stretch to it. Hadn't done that in a LONG time. Means everything is
> nice and shiny new.
> BUT.. It's currently not recognizing my LAN wired network so I'm
> rebooting in and out while searching the Internet for answers then
> going back in to try to fix things...
> EVERY TIME I boot back in, I don't get letters, I get numbers when I
> click those particular keys in the middle of the keyboard. It was
> obvious that the Fn function had been triggered somehow. I seriously
> thought the dogs did it... the FIRST time it happened.
> The immediate fix for THAT is to hit my Fn key along with the numlock
> one at the end of the top row. A painless pain... :)
> Rerunning "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" didn't change the
> outcome on the next couple reboots...
> I'm not in there right now, but my uname is similar to "Linux
> northpole 4.9.0-6-amd64" with a
> date that was maybe May of this year?
> That version's older, SERIOUSLY frazzled, borked, mangled sister here
> (4.9.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.2-2 2017-01-12 x86_64) is working
> fine for both recognizing the LAN network AND not touching my Fn key
> on every reboot.
> There are some 390+ packages currently on Developer inspired hold in
> my old botched system here. Dpkg is on hold, but things like locales
> and console-setup are not. Wonder if one of the ones on hold for this
> older setup is the offender that found its way into the shiny new
> version where no packages are currently on Developer hold...
> OR NOT. :)
> Cindy :)
> --
> Cindy-Sue Causey
> Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
> * runs with duct tape *

Re: Mounting LVM logical volumes in break=premount

2018-11-21 Thread Sophie Loewenthal

On November 21, 2018 8:33:25 PM CET, Pascal Hambourg  
>Le 21/11/2018 à 09:31, Sophie Loewenthal a écrit :
>> I could not mount some LVM ext4 filesystems on a server earlier this
>week and was trying to work out what I had to do to make it work.
>> I had booted into break=premount ( added to the end of the linux line
>in Grub ) to fix an error in /etc/fstab that caused root from mounting
>> I could access volume groups via the LVM command:
>> %  lvm vgs
>> VG  #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSizeVFree
>> vg0 1   4   0 wz--n-  <99.50g  <28.11g
>> vg1 1   1   0 wz--n- <500.00g 1020.00m
>> but when I ran ,
>> % mount /dev/mapper/vg0-root /tmp/a
>> I recall a message stating the fs count not be mounted because of
>wrong file system type.
>1) Make sure the LV is activated, e.g. with vgchange -ay
>2) The mount command in the initramfs may require to specify the 
>filesystem type explicitly with -t.

Hi Pascal,
Thanks. I must have been alseep and missed the -t ext4 . makes sence hevause 
there is no fstab available for it to look up the fs type.

I know the vg was activated.


Re: keyboard configuration issue

2018-11-21 Thread Cindy-Sue Causey
On 11/21/18, redmood  wrote:
> Hello,
> I just installed debian 9 on my laptop. I encrypted the disk, so I have
> to type a keyphrase before accessing the data on the disk. I also have a
> user account and have to type my password to log in. I have been trying
> to set the french bepo keyboard, instead of the default azerty one. I
> followed the instruction from this link :
>  From this point, when I had to type my password to decrypt the disk, I
> had to type in azerty, but when I had to log in my user account, I had
> to type the password with the bepo keyboard. And then, once logged in,
> the keyboard was set back to the classic french azerty layout again. So
> I tried the commands given in the first answer here :
> Now, when I power on my computer, I have to type the decrypt password in
> bepo as well as my log in password, but once logged in, the layout is
> still set back to the azerty layout.
> How can I force the layout to stay consistent once logged in my user
> account ?

Hi.. Do you have a(n) Fn key that comes into play at all? I'm on an
older ASUS 1015px (looks like a happy little Valentine card, grin). I
just in the last couple hours rsync'ed over a newly debootstrap'ed
Stretch to it. Hadn't done that in a LONG time. Means everything is
nice and shiny new.

BUT.. It's currently not recognizing my LAN wired network so I'm
rebooting in and out while searching the Internet for answers then
going back in to try to fix things...

EVERY TIME I boot back in, I don't get letters, I get numbers when I
click those particular keys in the middle of the keyboard. It was
obvious that the Fn function had been triggered somehow. I seriously
thought the dogs did it... the FIRST time it happened.

The immediate fix for THAT is to hit my Fn key along with the numlock
one at the end of the top row. A painless pain... :)

Rerunning "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" didn't change the
outcome on the next couple reboots...

I'm not in there right now, but my uname is similar to "Linux
northpole 4.9.0-6-amd64" with a
date that was maybe May of this year?

That version's older, SERIOUSLY frazzled, borked, mangled sister here
(4.9.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.2-2 2017-01-12 x86_64) is working
fine for both recognizing the LAN network AND not touching my Fn key
on every reboot.

There are some 390+ packages currently on Developer inspired hold in
my old botched system here. Dpkg is on hold, but things like locales
and console-setup are not. Wonder if one of the ones on hold for this
older setup is the offender that found its way into the shiny new
version where no packages are currently on Developer hold...

OR NOT. :)

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with duct tape *

Re: need google chrome installation instructions that work

2018-11-21 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Wed, 21 Nov 2018 11:21:15 -0500
Greg Wooledge  wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 08:02:23AM -0800, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> > I use gdebi (it's in the repos) to install locally saved .deb files.
> > Apt-get won't install local files, that is, not in a repo.  
> Yes, it will.  But you have to supply the filename with a
> leading / or ./ or ../ prefix.
> sudo apt-get install ./google-chrome-stable*.deb

That never worked for me.  I've tried. Numerous times. Even with
complete paths, changing to directory where file was, full names, etc.,
etc. Both with Wheezy & Stretch. Read somewhere when troubleshooting,
apt-get wouldn't install local .deb.  Only way it would was if you
created a local repo and put it in your sources.list. Too much
trouble. That's why I starting using gdebi for those very rare times
I need to.

Don't know if apt does.  Never tried.

Just occurred to me that since I did customized installs of both Wheezy
and Stretch (No desktop environment, window manager only) starting with
a terminal only system that could be why apt-get won't install
local .deb.  Doesn't matter.  Gdebi works fine.   


Re: Mounting LVM logical volumes in break=premount

2018-11-21 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Le 21/11/2018 à 09:31, Sophie Loewenthal a écrit :

I could not mount some LVM ext4 filesystems on a server earlier this week and 
was trying to work out what I had to do to make it work.

I had booted into break=premount ( added to the end of the linux line in Grub ) 
to fix an error in /etc/fstab that caused root from mounting

I could access volume groups via the LVM command:
%  lvm vgs
VG  #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSizeVFree
vg0 1   4   0 wz--n-  <99.50g  <28.11g
vg1 1   1   0 wz--n- <500.00g 1020.00m

but when I ran ,
% mount /dev/mapper/vg0-root /tmp/a
I recall a message stating the fs count not be mounted because of wrong file 
system type.

1) Make sure the LV is activated, e.g. with vgchange -ay
2) The mount command in the initramfs may require to specify the 
filesystem type explicitly with -t.

re:Construcción de obras menores -pintura

2018-11-21 Thread construccion y pintura


Junto con saludar, expongo a continuación nuestra propuesta para
Construcción de obras menores

Nuestra empresa ofrece una gran variedad de servicios orientados a la
construcción y obras menores. El dinamismo, la seriedad y el compromiso
definen a nuestro equipo de especialistas con mas de 10 años de
experiencia en el sector de la construcción.

Construcción y mantención de galpones
Desechos de escombros
Construcción de obras menores
Pulido Parquet y vitrificado
Pintura interior –exterior.
Pintura de demarcación vial
Pintura epoxica
Reparación y pintura de piscinas

Nuestra empresa ofrece una gran variedad de servicios orientados a la
construcción y obras menores. El dinamismo, la seriedad y el compromiso
definen a nuestro equipo de especialistas con mas de 10 años de
experiencia en el sector de la construcción

Jose luis Gutierrez
celular : +56 9 6389 8666
whatsapp +56 9 6389 8666
Fijo santiago :+56 2 3234 1432
Barros borgono of 1105
Click this link to unsubscribe:

re:Construcción de obras menores -pintura

2018-11-21 Thread construccion y pintura


Junto con saludar, expongo a continuación nuestra propuesta para
Construcción de obras menores

Nuestra empresa ofrece una gran variedad de servicios orientados a la
construcción y obras menores. El dinamismo, la seriedad y el compromiso
definen a nuestro equipo de especialistas con mas de 10 años de
experiencia en el sector de la construcción.

Construcción y mantención de galpones
Desechos de escombros
Construcción de obras menores
Pulido Parquet y vitrificado
Pintura interior –exterior.
Pintura de demarcación vial
Pintura epoxica
Reparación y pintura de piscinas

Nuestra empresa ofrece una gran variedad de servicios orientados a la
construcción y obras menores. El dinamismo, la seriedad y el compromiso
definen a nuestro equipo de especialistas con mas de 10 años de
experiencia en el sector de la construcción

Jose luis Gutierrez
celular : +56 9 6389 8666
whatsapp +56 9 6389 8666
Fijo santiago :+56 2 3234 1432
Barros borgono of 1105
Click this link to unsubscribe:

Re: Appli pour plan reseau

2018-11-21 Thread wanadoo

+1 pour QElectrotec ... et qui existe aussi pour windows, au cas ou il
faudrait travailler avec une personne qui n'est que Microsoft (r)
compatible ;)


Fernand COSTA

Le 21/11/2018 à 18:42, contact a écrit :
> pour le schéma éléctrique
> Qelectrotech un très bon produit
> Cordialement
> François-Marie BILLARD
> Le 21/11/2018 à 15:56, Basile Starynkevitch a écrit :
>> On 11/21/18 3:38 PM, Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
>>> On 11/21/18 11:52 AM, Frederic Zulian wrote:
>>> Je dois créer le plan d'un réseau constitué essentiellement de liens
>>> Wifi, répéteurs et AP. Le tout avec quelques liaisons filaires et en
>>> CPL.
>>> Si le plan est juste un dessin,  un bon utilitaire de dessin
>>> vectoriel suffit. Je recommande inkscape. Voir
>>> Si on veut un outil qui organise le dessin à partir d'un graphe (au
>>> sens plus ou moins mathématique) en disposant "astucieusement" les
>>> noeuds du graphe, voir le projet graphviz
>>> (et son utilitaire dot
>>> )
>>> Il existe aussi un projet qui simule et dessine un tel réseau, je
>>> crois qu'il est développé dans une école d'ingénieurs française.
>>> Mais je ne me souviens plus du nom.
>> J'ai oublié de préciser que les éléments graphiques de base pour
>> dessiner des répéteurs etc... sont très probablement disponibles sur
>> (probablement au format SVG, donc utilisable
>> dans inkscape comme dans graphviz)
>> Cordialement
>> -- 
>> Basile STARYNKEVITCH   ==
>> opinions are mine only - les opinions sont seulement miennes
>> Bourg La Reine, France

Re: Appli pour plan reseau

2018-11-21 Thread contact

pour le schéma éléctrique

Qelectrotech un très bon produit


François-Marie BILLARD
Le 21/11/2018 à 15:56, Basile Starynkevitch a écrit :

On 11/21/18 3:38 PM, Basile Starynkevitch wrote:

On 11/21/18 11:52 AM, Frederic Zulian wrote:
Je dois créer le plan d'un réseau constitué essentiellement de liens 
Wifi, répéteurs et AP. Le tout avec quelques liaisons filaires et en 

Si le plan est juste un dessin,  un bon utilitaire de dessin 
vectoriel suffit. Je recommande inkscape. Voir

Si on veut un outil qui organise le dessin à partir d'un graphe (au 
sens plus ou moins mathématique) en disposant "astucieusement" les 
noeuds du graphe, voir le projet graphviz 
(et son utilitaire dot 

Il existe aussi un projet qui simule et dessine un tel réseau, je 
crois qu'il est développé dans une école d'ingénieurs française. Mais 
je ne me souviens plus du nom.

J'ai oublié de préciser que les éléments graphiques de base pour 
dessiner des répéteurs etc... sont très probablement disponibles sur (probablement au format SVG, donc utilisable 
dans inkscape comme dans graphviz)


opinions are mine only - les opinions sont seulement miennes
Bourg La Reine, France

Re: need google chrome installation instructions that work

2018-11-21 Thread Robert Crawford
On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 7:46 AM Greg Wooledge  wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 04:44:14AM -0500, Felix Miata wrote:
> > It seems Curt's instructions to use dpkg to install the downloaded deb 
> > resulted in
> > creation of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list containing
> >
> >   deb [arch=amd64] stable main
> >
> > With any luck the next to search for such instruction will find this post 
> > instead of needing to
> > ask here, or better yet a Debian wiki page somewhere updated or created to 
> > include them and
> > googling to produce on first results page. :-p
> Or, and I know this is like SUPER surprising, right, but...
> ... maybe you could try searching on Google's web search engine for the
> way to install Google's web browser.
> Having just done this myself, the surprising part is that the answer was
> NOT the first result.  It was part way down the first page for me:
> On this page, there is a "Download Chrome" button.  Clicking this
> gives me a pop-up overlay panel thingy which asks me to select
> between "64 bit .deb" and "64 bit .rpm".  There is a note that tells
> me how to avoid adding the Google repository if for some reason I
> wouldn't want that.
> I'm not going to go through the entire download process again here,
> having already done it long ago.  Suffice to say, there are no
> detailed instructions on the wiki for how to do this, because it's
> incredibly simple and obvious, and nobody should NEED detailed
> instructions.
> You download the .deb from Google and you install it with dpkg -i
> or apt install ./ or whatever you prefer.  Then you're done.
> Those are the instructions.

This is the way I install Google Chrome from the terminal.

cd Downloads &&
sudo apt install gdebi -y &&
sudo gdebi google*

Re: Buster Apt-Get Upgrade removed Group "nobody".

2018-11-21 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2018-11-21 10:25 -0500, Kenneth Parker wrote:

> I saw that message scroll by, during the processing of the Upgrade.
> I guess my question is, where did that come from, and why?

Previous versions of systemd used to create it, a mistake that has just
been corrected:

| systemd (239-12) unstable; urgency=high
|   [ Martin Pitt ]
|   * Fix wrong "nobody" group from sysusers.d.
| Fix our make-sysusers-basic sysusers.d generator to special-case the
| nobody group. "nobody" user and "nogroup" group both have the same ID
| 65534, which is the only special case for Debian's static users/groups.
| So specify the gid explicitly, to avoid systemd-sysusers creating a
| dynamic system group for "nobody".

So, nothing to worry about.


Re: need google chrome installation instructions that work

2018-11-21 Thread Felix Miata
Greg Wooledge composed on 2018-11-21 11:50 (UTC-0500):

> On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 11:31:53AM -0500, Felix Miata wrote:

>> I did try ./google-chrome... but apt wouldn't find it.

> In stretch, right?  What was the exact command you used, and the exact
> output?

Sorry, I thought I had, but NAICT from .bash_history what I keyed in Stretch 

cd /tmp
aptitude install ./google-chr

Can't be sure what the actual filename was on disk because of the move from 
$HOME/Downloads to
/tmp which was since emptied.
Evolution as taught in public schools is religion, not science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: Appli pour plan reseau

2018-11-21 Thread Michel
Le 21/11/2018 à 15:30, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :
> - Mail original - 
>> De: "Frederic Zulian" 
>> À: "ML Debian User French" 
>> Envoyé: Mercredi 21 Novembre 2018 11:52:05
>> Objet: Appli pour plan reseau
>> Bonjour,
>> Je dois créer le plan d'un réseau constitué essentiellement de liens
>> Wifi, répéteurs et AP. Le tout avec quelques liaisons filaires et en
>> CPL.
>> GNS3 convient pour un réseau filaire mais pas pour un réseau avec
>> divers matériels Wifi.
>> Même chose pour Packet tracer.
>> Une idée ?
>> --
>> Frédéric ZULIAN
> bonjour,
> serait il possible de voir vers un logiciel de dessin orienté
> electricité ?
> en premier je pense à dia
> en deuxième : librecad
> dommage, il y avais un logiciel pour électricien
> sous linux mais il a disparu
> merci
> slt
> bernard

kicad ?

Re: need google chrome installation instructions that work

2018-11-21 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 11:31:53AM -0500, Felix Miata wrote:
> I did try ./google-chrome... but apt wouldn't find it.

In stretch, right?  What was the exact command you used, and the exact

Re: pdfjoin loses web links in the PDFs

2018-11-21 Thread Gary Dale

On 2018-11-21 6:26 a.m., Vincent Lefevre wrote:

On 2018-11-18 16:16:21 -0500, Gary Dale wrote:

This is frustrating. I'm running Debian/Buster (AMD64) and just finished
creating web links (mostly mailto: in a two-part directory I
created using Scribus. I exported the files to PDF on a Debian/Stretch
machine because Buster uses a version of Ghostscript that breaks the PDF
export in Scribus (they recently broke it on Stretch as well, but I put the
older Ghostscript 9.20 version on hold so I can still use Scribus).

FYI, there's a workaround (see the bug reports), but this may drop
print metadata as a consequence.

To which problem - the PDF export or the missing links?

Re: VLC doesn't shutdown when closed

2018-11-21 Thread Gary Dale

On 2018-11-21 2:55 a.m., wrote:

On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 08:29:18PM -0500, Gary Dale wrote:

I'm running Debian/Buster with a Plasma 5 desktop. After I close a
VLC session [...]
Note that just ending the process doesn't work. I need to send the
Kill signal.

Not a VLC user here, so take my advice with a fist of salt (or two),
but I think you might want to describe more precisely what you mean
by "close a VLC session" resp. "end the process". You close the
program's main window?

-- tomás

Close - click on the close button, which closes the window and should 
also shut down the application

End Process - click on the End Process option in the System Activity 
monitor after selecting the VLC process. According the manual, this is 
supposed to send the SIGKILL signal but it doesn't seem to work in this 
case. Instead I need to send the Kill signal to the process.

Re: need google chrome installation instructions that work

2018-11-21 Thread Felix Miata
Greg Wooledge composed on 2018-11-21 11:21 (UTC-0500):

> On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 08:02:23AM -0800, Patrick Bartek wrote:

>> I use gdebi (it's in the repos) to install locally saved .deb files.
>> Apt-get won't install local files, that is, not in a repo.

> Yes, it will.  But you have to supply the filename with a
> leading / or ./ or ../ prefix.

> sudo apt-get install ./google-chrome-stable*.deb

> It will resolve the dependencies from your repositories and everything,
> just like gdebi.

I did try ./google-chrome... but apt wouldn't find it.
Evolution as taught in public schools is religion, not science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: need google chrome installation instructions that work

2018-11-21 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 08:02:23AM -0800, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> I use gdebi (it's in the repos) to install locally saved .deb files.
> Apt-get won't install local files, that is, not in a repo.

Yes, it will.  But you have to supply the filename with a
leading / or ./ or ../ prefix.

sudo apt-get install ./google-chrome-stable*.deb

It will resolve the dependencies from your repositories and everything,
just like gdebi.

Re: need google chrome installation instructions that work

2018-11-21 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Wed, 21 Nov 2018 03:30:26 -0500
Felix Miata  wrote:

> (Stretch)
> Downloading Chrome is easy. Installing is not. The download page says 
> "download and install",
> but all that happens is firefox fetches, and no auto install via apt* or dpkg 
> is attempted. Apt
> and aptitude won't install the local file because it "isn't found". The
> "Google Linux Software 
> Repositories" page says how to
> configure GPG, but nothing about configuring repo in sources.list. Where are 
> the secret
> incantations to be found?

I use gdebi (it's in the repos) to install locally saved .deb files.
Apt-get won't install local files, that is, not in a repo. GDebi also
takes care of dependencies which dpkg does not. I use the commandline
version.  IIRC, there's GUI interface, too, if you prefer that.


Buster Apt-Get Upgrade removed Group "nobody".

2018-11-21 Thread Kenneth Parker
I saw that message scroll by, during the processing of the Upgrade.

I guess my question is, where did that come from, and why?

(I thought that "Nobody" was set up, to give "little or no" Privileges to
something "Automagic").

Thank you!

Kenneth Parker

Re: Appli pour plan reseau

2018-11-21 Thread Basile Starynkevitch

On 11/21/18 3:38 PM, Basile Starynkevitch wrote:

On 11/21/18 11:52 AM, Frederic Zulian wrote:
Je dois créer le plan d'un réseau constitué essentiellement de liens 
Wifi, répéteurs et AP. Le tout avec quelques liaisons filaires et en CPL.

Si le plan est juste un dessin,  un bon utilitaire de dessin vectoriel 
suffit. Je recommande inkscape. Voir

Si on veut un outil qui organise le dessin à partir d'un graphe (au 
sens plus ou moins mathématique) en disposant "astucieusement" les 
noeuds du graphe, voir le projet graphviz 
(et son utilitaire dot 

Il existe aussi un projet qui simule et dessine un tel réseau, je 
crois qu'il est développé dans une école d'ingénieurs française. Mais 
je ne me souviens plus du nom.

J'ai oublié de préciser que les éléments graphiques de base pour 
dessiner des répéteurs etc... sont très probablement disponibles sur (probablement au format SVG, donc utilisable 
dans inkscape comme dans graphviz)


opinions are mine only - les opinions sont seulement miennes
Bourg La Reine, France

Re: Appli pour plan reseau

2018-11-21 Thread Basile Starynkevitch

On 11/21/18 11:52 AM, Frederic Zulian wrote:


Je dois créer le plan d'un réseau constitué essentiellement de liens 
Wifi, répéteurs et AP. Le tout avec quelques liaisons filaires et en CPL.

Si le plan est juste un dessin,  un bon utilitaire de dessin vectoriel 
suffit. Je recommande inkscape. Voir

Si on veut un outil qui organise le dessin à partir d'un graphe (au sens 
plus ou moins mathématique) en disposant "astucieusement" les noeuds du 
graphe, voir le projet graphviz (et son 
utilitaire dot )

Il existe aussi un projet qui simule et dessine un tel réseau, je crois 
qu'il est développé dans une école d'ingénieurs française. Mais je ne me 
souviens plus du nom.


opinions are mine only - les opinions sont seulement miennes
Bourg La Reine, France

Re: Appli pour plan reseau

2018-11-21 Thread Bernard Schoenacker

- Mail original - 

> De: "Frederic Zulian" 
> À: "ML Debian User French" 
> Envoyé: Mercredi 21 Novembre 2018 11:52:05
> Objet: Appli pour plan reseau

> Bonjour,

> Je dois créer le plan d'un réseau constitué essentiellement de liens
> Wifi, répéteurs et AP. Le tout avec quelques liaisons filaires et en
> CPL.

> GNS3 convient pour un réseau filaire mais pas pour un réseau avec
> divers matériels Wifi.

> Même chose pour Packet tracer.

> Une idée ?

> --
> Frédéric ZULIAN


serait il possible de voir vers un logiciel de dessin orienté
electricité ?

en premier je pense à dia
en deuxième : librecad

dommage, il y avais un logiciel pour électricien
sous linux mais il a disparu


Re: need google chrome installation instructions that work

2018-11-21 Thread Dejan Jocic
On 21-11-18, Felix Miata wrote:
> john doe composed on 2018-11-21 10:06 (UTC+0100):
> > Felix Miata wrote:
> >> (Stretch)
> >> Downloading Chrome is easy. Installing is not. The download page says 
> >> "download and install",
> >> but all that happens is firefox fetches, and no auto install via apt* or 
> >> dpkg is attempted. Apt
> >> and aptitude won't install the local file because it "isn't found". The
> >> "Google Linux Software 
> >> Repositories" page says how to
> >> configure GPG, but nothing about configuring repo in sources.list. Where 
> >> are the secret
> >> incantations to be found?
> > The below link might be useful:
> >
> It worked. I had tried on previous occasions downloaded debs with 'dpkg -i' 
> without any
> successes that I can recall. The provided deps on that page did the trick.
> > you should also consider googling "installing chrome on linux".
> Before posting here that's sort of what I did with DuckDuckGo:
> google chrome debian sources.list
> google chrome for debian configuration
> Nothing I had clicked on seemed appropriate to the expected task. I'm not a 
> Chrome user. This is
> for a friend whose vision is about 5% and tasks me with his upgrades.
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Evolution as taught in public schools is religion, not science.
>  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
> Felix Miata  ***

Bit late on party, but as others already said dpkg -i followed by
apt-get -f ( --fix-broken ) should do the trick. It will add it to the
sources list. 

One new thing to add would be that it will very annoyingly mess up with
alternatives and after install and after every damn update/upgrade it
will set itself up with crazy high preference in alternatives, that will
always be with priority higher than other browsers. So, if you want to
keep some other browser as your x-www-browser, or gnome-www-browser as
primary, you will need to amend those settings.

All best,

Re: need google chrome installation instructions that work

2018-11-21 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 04:44:14AM -0500, Felix Miata wrote:
> It seems Curt's instructions to use dpkg to install the downloaded deb 
> resulted in
> creation of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list containing
>   deb [arch=amd64] stable main
> With any luck the next to search for such instruction will find this post 
> instead of needing to
> ask here, or better yet a Debian wiki page somewhere updated or created to 
> include them and
> googling to produce on first results page. :-p

Or, and I know this is like SUPER surprising, right, but...

... maybe you could try searching on Google's web search engine for the
way to install Google's web browser.

Having just done this myself, the surprising part is that the answer was
NOT the first result.  It was part way down the first page for me:

On this page, there is a "Download Chrome" button.  Clicking this
gives me a pop-up overlay panel thingy which asks me to select
between "64 bit .deb" and "64 bit .rpm".  There is a note that tells
me how to avoid adding the Google repository if for some reason I
wouldn't want that.

I'm not going to go through the entire download process again here,
having already done it long ago.  Suffice to say, there are no
detailed instructions on the wiki for how to do this, because it's
incredibly simple and obvious, and nobody should NEED detailed

You download the .deb from Google and you install it with dpkg -i
or apt install ./ or whatever you prefer.  Then you're done.

Those are the instructions.

Re: need google chrome installation instructions that work

2018-11-21 Thread rhkramer
One suggestion (and, yes, I'm intentionally top posting) -- why don't you 
repost you're reply with:

   * the Subject changed to say Solved (was: need G...)

   * Top post the solution in as concise a fashion as you can -- my first 
feeble partial attempt:

"I  had trouble installing Google Chrome using dpkg -i until I 
followed the instructions at  
which required that I add a line in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list

deb [arch=amd64] stable main

I  am not sure of the accuracy of what I wrote as I only read the 
other posts in this thread superficially.

For extra credit, you could modify the wiki page you mention if appropriate.

regards,  and if you celebrate (American) thanksgiving, happy Thanksgiving.

Randy Kramer

On Wednesday, November 21, 2018 04:44:14 AM Felix Miata wrote:
> Curt composed on 2018-11-21 09:15 (UTC):
> > Felix Miata wrote:
> >> (Stretch)
> >> Downloading Chrome is easy. Installing is not. The download page says
> >> "download and install", but all that happens is firefox fetches, and no
> >> auto install via apt* or dpkg is attempted. Apt and aptitude won't
> >> install the local file because it "isn't found". The
> >> "Google Linux Software
> >> Repositories" page says how to configure GPG, but nothing about
> >> configuring repo in sources.list. Where are the secret incantations to
> >> be found?
> > 
> > deb [arch=amd64] stable main
> > 
> > in /etc/apt/sources.list
> It seems Curt's instructions to use dpkg to install the downloaded deb
> resulted in creation of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list
> containing
>   deb [arch=amd64] stable main
> With any luck the next to search for such instruction will find this post
> instead of needing to ask here, or better yet a Debian wiki page somewhere
> updated or created to include them and googling to produce on first
> results page. :-p

Re: Appli pour plan reseau

2018-11-21 Thread Alexandre Goethals


sur il y a pas mal de choses pour ça (notamment en ajoutant les 
collections de "shapes" Cisco).

Le 21/11/2018 à 11:52, Frederic Zulian a écrit :


Je dois créer le plan d'un réseau constitué essentiellement de liens 
Wifi, répéteurs et AP. Le tout avec quelques liaisons filaires et en CPL.

GNS3  convient pour un réseau filaire mais pas pour un réseau avec 
divers matériels Wifi.

Même chose pour Packet tracer.

Une idée ?

Frédéric ZULIAN

Re: pdfjoin loses web links in the PDFs

2018-11-21 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2018-11-18 16:16:21 -0500, Gary Dale wrote:
> This is frustrating. I'm running Debian/Buster (AMD64) and just finished
> creating web links (mostly mailto: in a two-part directory I
> created using Scribus. I exported the files to PDF on a Debian/Stretch
> machine because Buster uses a version of Ghostscript that breaks the PDF
> export in Scribus (they recently broke it on Stretch as well, but I put the
> older Ghostscript 9.20 version on hold so I can still use Scribus).

FYI, there's a workaround (see the bug reports), but this may drop
print metadata as a consequence.

Vincent Lefèvre  - Web: 
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: 
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

Re: keyboard configuration issue

2018-11-21 Thread tomas
On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 12:05:51PM +0100, redmood wrote:
> Hello,


> Now, when I power on my computer, I have to type the decrypt
> password in bepo as well as my log in password,


> but once logged in,
> the layout is still set back to the azerty layout.

At this point your desktop environment has taken over. Perhaps it has
a life of its own and is ignoring the system's default setting (note
that this still might make sense, since perhaps different users on
the same system may want different keyboard layouts).

> How can I force the layout to stay consistent once logged in my user
> account ?

What desktop environment are you using?

-- tomás

Description: Digital signature

keyboard configuration issue

2018-11-21 Thread redmood


I just installed debian 9 on my laptop. I encrypted the disk, so I have 
to type a keyphrase before accessing the data on the disk. I also have a 
user account and have to type my password to log in. I have been trying 
to set the french bepo keyboard, instead of the default azerty one. I 
followed the instruction from this link :

From this point, when I had to type my password to decrypt the disk, I 
had to type in azerty, but when I had to log in my user account, I had 
to type the password with the bepo keyboard. And then, once logged in, 
the keyboard was set back to the classic french azerty layout again. So 
I tried the commands given in the first answer here :

Now, when I power on my computer, I have to type the decrypt password in 
bepo as well as my log in password, but once logged in, the layout is 
still set back to the azerty layout.

How can I force the layout to stay consistent once logged in my user 
account ?

Thank you for your time and help.


Appli pour plan reseau

2018-11-21 Thread Frederic Zulian

Je dois créer le plan d'un réseau constitué essentiellement de liens Wifi,
répéteurs et AP. Le tout avec quelques liaisons filaires et en CPL.

GNS3  convient pour un réseau filaire mais pas pour un réseau avec divers
matériels Wifi.

Même chose pour Packet tracer.

Une idée ?

Frédéric ZULIAN

Re: need google chrome installation instructions that work

2018-11-21 Thread tomas
On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 04:44:14AM -0500, Felix Miata wrote:


> It seems Curt's instructions to use dpkg to install the downloaded deb 
> resulted in
> creation of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list containing
>   deb [arch=amd64] stable main


Comfy, yes. Possible, too (after all, pre- and post-install scripts run
as root and can do anything). But scary... a bit. Installing a browser
reachs deep into the whole system.

Not *my* cup of tea, to be honest.

-- tomás

Description: Digital signature

Re: need google chrome installation instructions that work

2018-11-21 Thread Felix Miata
Curt composed on 2018-11-21 09:15 (UTC):

> Felix Miata wrote:

>> (Stretch)
>> Downloading Chrome is easy. Installing is not. The download page says 
>> "download and install",
>> but all that happens is firefox fetches, and no auto install via apt* or 
>> dpkg is attempted. Apt
>> and aptitude won't install the local file because it "isn't found". The
>> "Google Linux Software 
>> Repositories" page says how to
>> configure GPG, but nothing about configuring repo in sources.list. Where are 
>> the secret
>> incantations to be found?

> deb [arch=amd64] stable main

> in /etc/apt/sources.list

It seems Curt's instructions to use dpkg to install the downloaded deb resulted 
creation of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list containing

deb [arch=amd64] stable main

With any luck the next to search for such instruction will find this post 
instead of needing to
ask here, or better yet a Debian wiki page somewhere updated or created to 
include them and
googling to produce on first results page. :-p
Evolution as taught in public schools is religion, not science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: need google chrome installation instructions that work

2018-11-21 Thread Felix Miata
john doe composed on 2018-11-21 10:06 (UTC+0100):

> Felix Miata wrote:

>> (Stretch)
>> Downloading Chrome is easy. Installing is not. The download page says 
>> "download and install",
>> but all that happens is firefox fetches, and no auto install via apt* or 
>> dpkg is attempted. Apt
>> and aptitude won't install the local file because it "isn't found". The
>> "Google Linux Software 
>> Repositories" page says how to
>> configure GPG, but nothing about configuring repo in sources.list. Where are 
>> the secret
>> incantations to be found?

> The below link might be useful:


It worked. I had tried on previous occasions downloaded debs with 'dpkg -i' 
without any
successes that I can recall. The provided deps on that page did the trick.

> you should also consider googling "installing chrome on linux".

Before posting here that's sort of what I did with DuckDuckGo:

google chrome debian sources.list
google chrome for debian configuration

Nothing I had clicked on seemed appropriate to the expected task. I'm not a 
Chrome user. This is
for a friend whose vision is about 5% and tasks me with his upgrades.

Evolution as taught in public schools is religion, not science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: need google chrome installation instructions that work

2018-11-21 Thread Curt
On 2018-11-21, Felix Miata  wrote:
> (Stretch)
> Downloading Chrome is easy. Installing is not. The download page says 
> "download and install",
> but all that happens is firefox fetches, and no auto install via apt* or dpkg 
> is attempted. Apt
> and aptitude won't install the local file because it "isn't found". The
> "Google Linux Software 
> Repositories" page says how to
> configure GPG, but nothing about configuring repo in sources.list. Where are 
> the secret
> incantations to be found?

deb [arch=amd64] stable main

in /etc/apt/sources.list

He used sentences differently from any other prose writer. He always sounded
like a slightly drunk man who is very melancholy, who has no illusions about
life, who is very strong but whose strength is entirely unnecessary.
--Krasznahorkai on Krúdy

Re: need google chrome installation instructions that work

2018-11-21 Thread john doe
On 11/21/2018 9:30 AM, Felix Miata wrote:
> (Stretch)
> Downloading Chrome is easy. Installing is not. The download page says 
> "download and install",
> but all that happens is firefox fetches, and no auto install via apt* or dpkg 
> is attempted. Apt
> and aptitude won't install the local file because it "isn't found". The
> "Google Linux Software 
> Repositories" page says how to
> configure GPG, but nothing about configuring repo in sources.list. Where are 
> the secret
> incantations to be found?

The below link might be useful:

you should also consider googling "installing chrome on linux".

John Doe

Mounting LVM logical volumes in break=premount

2018-11-21 Thread Sophie Loewenthal

I could not mount some LVM ext4 filesystems on a server earlier this week and 
was trying to work out what I had to do to make it work.  

I had booted into break=premount ( added to the end of the linux line in Grub ) 
to fix an error in /etc/fstab that caused root from mounting

I could access volume groups via the LVM command:
%  lvm vgs
VG  #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSizeVFree   
vg0 1   4   0 wz--n-  <99.50g  <28.11g
vg1 1   1   0 wz--n- <500.00g 1020.00m

but when I ran ,
% mount /dev/mapper/vg0-root /tmp/a
I recall a message stating the fs count not be mounted because of wrong file 
system type.

Did I miss a module that had to be loaded for this to work, or is premount the 
wrong place to try this?

( In the end I rolled back to a snapshot that worked, but I should know for the 
future. )

Regards, S
Sent from phone, thus brief

récuperer une copie de mkdebidx ? (ou signer le resultat d'un dpkg-scanpackage?)

2018-11-21 Thread Marc Chantreux

salut à tous,

j'aimerais m'installer un depot debian pour y poser mes paquets. pour le 
moment je procédais comme suit

mais c'est chiant parceque les paquets ne sont pas signés. j'ai donc 
cherché a faire mieux et je tombe sur:

qui fait référence à mkdebidx qui était hebergé sur mirbsd aujourd'hui 
disparu (

je n'ai pas envie de mettre en place une des autres solutions, toutes 
ressemblent de loin a des usines à gaz.

deux pistes que j'aimerais donc explorer:

* faire évoluer mon petit script en signant les paquets

* retrouver mkdeidx

si vous pouvez m'aider pour l'un ou l'autre, j'en serais ravi.



need google chrome installation instructions that work

2018-11-21 Thread Felix Miata
Downloading Chrome is easy. Installing is not. The download page says "download 
and install",
but all that happens is firefox fetches, and no auto install via apt* or dpkg 
is attempted. Apt
and aptitude won't install the local file because it "isn't found". The "Google Linux Software Repositories" 
page says how to
configure GPG, but nothing about configuring repo in sources.list. Where are 
the secret
incantations to be found?
Evolution as taught in public schools is religion, not science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***