Re: No logre instalar Debian 9

2019-06-12 Thread Fabián Bonetti
Aparentementme... Aqui el bug

Enviado desde Android 5.1.1
-- Mensaje original--Desde: Juan LavieriFecha: mar., 11 de jun. de 2019 
20:46Para:;Cc:Asunto:Re: No logre instalar 
Debian 9
HolaEl 11/6/2019 a las 7:34 p. m., Fabián Bonetti escribió:> > Hola gente.> > > 
Pc de mi cuñado, con win7. Con problemas en el arranque.> > > Quise 
cancherearla con mi cd de debian9, propaganda le hice hasta que > decidio que 
le instale debian.> > > Llego el dia... Redimencione las particiones y al 
Instalar el Sistema > Base. Solto ... O algo asi. "debootstrap error"> > Que 
sera?¿En verdad eres tu preguntando eso?Hermano creo que tu tiene casi tanto 
tiempo como yo en esta lista y ni que decir usando debian.Un simple google y 
resuelves.Saludos.> > > > Enviado desde Android 5.1.1Esto explica muchas 
cosas.> -- Errar es de humanos, pero es mas humano culpar a los demás

Re: Lançamento da Buster

2019-06-12 Thread Humberto A. Sousa


E a festa?  Vai rolar ?


Humberto Araujo de Sousa

Em 12/06/2019 10:48, Lucas Castro escreveu:

On 12/06/2019 05:35, Paulo Alexandre A.P. de Oliveira wrote:

É só um proformio, porque o Buster já existe há muito tempo e a 
funcionar muito bem, pelo menos é o que tenho instalado e a funcionar 
bem :)

Existe há muito tempo, mas não como versão estável.


On 11/06/19 23:09, Deivite Cardoso wrote:

Boa noite!

Francisco, existe um grupo no telegram chamado Debian SP Eventos, o 
grupo anda um pouco parado, se você e os demais quiserem entrar pra 
dar uma força. Podemos agitar essa festa de lançamento lá.



Em 11 de junho de 2019 18:58:40 BRT, Francisco M Neto 

Boa noite!

Acabei de receber um email do Niels Thykier, via debian-devel-announce,
informando que o Lançamento da Buster está planejado para o dia 06 de
Julho (link para a mensagem:

Eles sempre incentivam que o pessoal faça "festas de lançamento", mas eu
nunca me envolvi em uma. Alguma chance de uma dessas acontecer em SP?


Enviado de meu dispositivo Android com K-9 mail. Desculpe-me pela 

Lucas Castro

Re: No logre instalar Debian 9

2019-06-12 Thread Saúl Morales
instalar debían 9 es mas facil que darle que decirle no voto ni  mas al
mentiroso de Macri y si voto a la formula F/F de los Fernandez PJ.

El mié., 12 de jun. de 2019 a la(s) 16:25, Aradenatorix Veckhôm Avecælus ( escribió:

> No creo que ser groseros sea la solución. Igualmente me extraña esa
> pregunta viniendo de Fabian... pero asumo que si pregunta es porque algo
> pasa con el arranque que no logra resolver, pero no puedo mas que especular
> al respecto mientras él mismo no diga algo más.
> Suerte

Re: [HS] GAFAM est devenu GAFA

2019-06-12 Thread Marc Chantreux

> > * le fait que ce soit préinstallé
> > * la logithèque spécifique à microsoft (qui a mon avis va se faire de
> >plus en plus rare si on fait abstraction des gamers)
> Je crains qu'ils n'aient encore un autre atout, et de taille: l'emprise
> qu'ils ont, notamment dans des écoles; et pis encore, dans des écoles
> d'informatique.

c'est une analyse toute personnelle qui ne repose que sur la perception
de l'évolution de la réaction des gens quand on leur parle de libre et
et sur une periode de 20 ans:

jusqu'à il y a encore quelques années, quand tu parlais libre dans les
écoles, on t'expliquait que tu étais pret à mettre l'éducation des
enfants en péril pour vivre pleinement ton rêve d'utopie communiste:
salaud de technicien.

aujourd'hui le discours est plutot: on aimerait bien mais on a pas les

pour les écoles d'informatique: mon experience sur le sujet date un peu
mais les echos que j'en ai actuellement de la contredit pas: les écles
d'informatique n'ont pas le début de la compréhension de ce qu'ils
vendent: c'est juste des nombres d'heures de formation. l'offre suivra
donc la demande sans broncher. c'est donc à la demande de s'imposer.

> machine pour s'y faire la main (et s'amuser): "Linux, je ne peux rien faire
> avec, je n'en ai pas l'utilité".

bon ... j'ai pas dis qu'il fallait pas encore travailler ... mais
vraiment il faut quand même se rendre compte qu'on revient de *très*
*très* loin...


> > ils ont encore plein de petetes et un marché bien captif mais ils vont
> > devoir changer de metier: ms windows est condamné je pense.
> C'est ce que je pensais jusqu'à l'an dernier. Mais là, ma dernière
> expérience m'a empli d'amertume et de fatalité.

on va encore rencontrer nombre d'experience démoralisantes mais je crois
vraiment qu'on se rapproche du moment ou l'exponentielle décolle. ça a
fait ca sur le marché du serveur aussi: alors que tout le monde nous
riait encore fin des années 90, l'adoption a été fulgurante (je trouve)
courant 2000.

> Je pense que si windoze doit être condamné, ce sera plutôt par les
> ransomouaires et autres saletés dont il a la spécialité.

trop d'amertume en toi il y a ...


Re: [HS] GAFAM est devenu GAFA

2019-06-12 Thread Pierre Chevalier

Le 06/06/2019 à 20:50, Marc Chantreux a écrit :

du coup microsoft n'a plus que 2 atouts pour tenir
son marché:
* le fait que ce soit préinstallé
* la logithèque spécifique à microsoft (qui a mon avis va se faire de
   plus en plus rare si on fait abstraction des gamers)

Je crains qu'ils n'aient encore un autre atout, et de taille: l'emprise 
qu'ils ont, notamment dans des écoles; et pis encore, dans des écoles 

Moi qui étais persuadé que dans ces formations, tout le monde caguait 
sur cet OS pourri et sur son éditeur richissime: non point!

J'ai eu l'occasion de bosser avec des têtes blondes en cours de 
formation et qui ignorent tout de GNU/Linux, ne jurent que par Ô Fils 
365, AoûtLouque et autres Timz.

Ça m'a affligé.

Un gars m'a sorti, alors que je lui montrais le fonctionnement d'un 
serveur GNU/Linux et que je lui conseillai de s'installer un GNU/Linux 
sur sa machine pour s'y faire la main (et s'amuser): "Linux, je ne peux 
rien faire avec, je n'en ai pas l'utilité".

Comme 2 ronds de flan, je suis resté.

Et je passe sur l'assistance technique informatique, quand je leurs 
disais que je bossais avec Debian: "mais pourquoi vous avez ça, qui vous 
y a obligé?"...

Sur le Q, j'en suis resté.

ils ont encore plein de petetes et un marché bien captif mais ils vont
devoir changer de metier: ms windows est condamné je pense.

C'est ce que je pensais jusqu'à l'an dernier. Mais là, ma dernière 
expérience m'a empli d'amertume et de fatalité.

Je pense que si windoze doit être condamné, ce sera plutôt par les 
ransomouaires et autres saletés dont il a la spécialité. À nous de nous 
protéger nos OS afin de résister encore et toujours à ces envahisseurs 
de marde, de manière à ce que, à terme, la sélection naturelle ne garde 
que les survivants, les mieux adaptés.

Pierre Un Peu Dépité
Pierre Chevalier

Re: konquerer access to Stretch with fish or sftp not working

2019-06-12 Thread Étienne Mollier
Thomas, on 2019-06-12 :
> Am Dienstag, 11. Juni 2019, 20:56:44 schrieb Étienne Mollier:
> > Or did the connection to your SSH server actually worked ?
> #ssh root@
> .
> ECDSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict
> checking.
> Host key verification failed.
> .
> I did change the key und now fish is running very well, AND
> also ssh in console

Good Day Thomas,

Glad to read you could reach your goal.  :)

> Iam using # fish://root@ in konquerer beacuse I
> can use the mouse to put an filename in kate and kate is open
> this file, I can edit and save it on the remote system.
> May be not an standard way but very easy way for me:)

There are plenty of ways to get and share files on remote
machines; your use of fish is one of these.  To work, it has to
follow the SSH protocol, which seem pretty standard to me.
The most unorthodox bit I see with fish is that it does not
require the SFTP subsystem to operate properly.

If one day you wish to be able to use any program to access your
remote files, an not just konqueror, you may be interested in
setting up an sshfs(1) mount point to your machine.  There are a
few people here that are actually quite fond of this setting.

> # sftp is now on console working!
> #sftp root@
> root@'s password:
> Connected to
> sftp>
> BUT sftp in konquerer NOT working
> sftp://root@
> error: different host key

Hmn, I spent a bit of time to check that both sftp in command
line, and konqueror (independently of fish:// or sftp:// URL)
were using the same file $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts.  Unless the
HOME variable differs, the known_hosts file is used in all

Your use of a hash "#" as a prompt suggests you launched your
sftp command line as the administrative user "root".  In the
meantime your konqueror instance is probably running as your
regular user account.  Was the fish:// connection attempt done
on the same konqueror window as the sftp:// attempt?  If not,
maybe you just need to cleanup your host key for your regular
user account too.

Kind Regards,
Étienne Mollier 

Re: No logre instalar Debian 9

2019-06-12 Thread Aradenatorix Veckhôm Avecælus
No creo que ser groseros sea la solución. Igualmente me extraña esa
pregunta viniendo de Fabian... pero asumo que si pregunta es porque algo
pasa con el arranque que no logra resolver, pero no puedo mas que especular
al respecto mientras él mismo no diga algo más.


Re: Dual Boot Two Debian Versions

2019-06-12 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Le 11/06/2019 à 21:45, Stephen P. Molnar a écrit :

On 06/11/2019 02:20 PM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:

IMO installing GRUB can be desirable for two reasons.

1) Obviously, it allows the drive to boot by itself so that you can 
move it into another machine, or remove the current boot drive, or 
change the boot order.

The OP uses legacy boot, but be aware that this won't work the same 
with EFI boot : installing a second instance of a Debian system will 
overwrite the existing EFI boot entry "debian".

2) It creates a grub.cfg file which provides hints about kernel 
parameters and so on when running update-grub from another system.

Should I, or should I not, install the the Buster grub sub-directory on 
sdd, the drive on which I intend installing Buster?

I thought I was clear enough in my previous post : I recommend to 
install GRUB with Buster on its own drive for the two reasons exposed above.

My understanding 
has been that I could install Buster, but not boot it at the end of the 

Why not ?

but rather close buster, reboot the computer into Stretch 
as root and then run update-grub in Stretch. Is this still a safe way to 

Neither safe nor unsafe. What matters is whether you install GRUB with 
Buster or not.

My intent is to remove Stretch from the platform once that I'm confident 
with the performance of Buster, and the inevitable first problems with a 
new version of the OS have been resolved. But now I wondering about that 
course of action.

When you remove Stretch, you need Buster to have its own boot loader.

Re: No logre instalar Debian 9

2019-06-12 Thread qorg11
El 12 de junio de 2019 21:04:07 CEST, Raimundo Baravaglio  
>Yo veo una única falla. Se encuentra entre el teclado y la silla.
No hombre no que lo ha enviado desde andorid

Re: No logre instalar Debian 9

2019-06-12 Thread Raimundo Baravaglio
Yo veo una única falla. Se encuentra entre el teclado y la silla.

El mar., 11 jun. 2019 a las 23:13, Deiby Herrera ()

> Monta debian en una usb y listo
> El mar., 11 jun. 2019 6:53 p. m., richar Muñico Samaniego <
>> escribió:
>> creo que por aquí no hay emoticones ni gif's de laugh, si no, entonces,
>> nomás el clásico jajaja
>> El mar., 11 de jun. de 2019 6:46 p. m., Juan Lavieri 
>> escribió:
>>> Hola
>>> El 11/6/2019 a las 7:34 p. m., Fabián Bonetti escribió:
>>> >
>>> > Hola gente.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Pc de mi cuñado, con win7. Con problemas en el arranque.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Quise cancherearla con mi cd de debian9, propaganda le hice hasta que
>>> > decidio que le instale debian.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Llego el dia... Redimencione las particiones y al Instalar el Sistema
>>> > Base. Solto ... O algo asi. "debootstrap error"
>>> >
>>> > Que sera?
>>> ¿En verdad eres tu preguntando eso?
>>> Hermano creo que tu tiene casi tanto tiempo como yo en esta lista y ni
>>> que decir usando debian.
>>> Un simple google y resuelves.
>>> Saludos.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Enviado desde Android 5.1.1
>>> Esto explica muchas cosas.
>>> >
>>> --
>>> Errar es de humanos, pero es mas humano culpar a los demás

Re: No logre instalar Debian 9

2019-06-12 Thread Debian

El 11/6/19 a las 20:34, Fabián Bonetti escribió:

"debootstrap error"


Re: Publication de Buster

2019-06-12 Thread Jean-Marc
Wed, 12 Jun 2019 17:00:40 +0200
"ajh-valmer"  écrivait :

> On Wednesday 12 June 2019 08:29:30 steve wrote:
> > Sur -devel, hier:
> > We plan to release on 2019-07-06.
> > If you want to celebrate it, please consider attending a Debian release
> > party, or hosting your own!  See
> > for more information.
> > Mettez le champagne au frais !
> Je lis :
> "La prochaine version de Debian a pour nom de code "Buster" 
> — aucune date de sortie n'a été fixée" :

Pour que ce soit le plus clair possible, je reprends tous les mails.

Donc, comme indiqué dans le mail original : « > > Sur -devel, hier: ».


À vrai dire, je trouve la référence au wiki un peu «confusante».

Mais utile si quelqu'un veut organiser une Release Party pour fêter la sortie 
de Buster !

Happy Release, Debian !!!


Description: PGP signature

Re: Publication de Buster

2019-06-12 Thread steve

(c'était sur -devel-annouce, sorry)

Re: Publication de Buster

2019-06-12 Thread ajh-valmer
On Wednesday 12 June 2019 08:29:30 steve wrote:
> Sur -devel, hier:
> We plan to release on 2019-07-06.
> If you want to celebrate it, please consider attending a Debian release
> party, or hosting your own!  See
> for more information.
> Mettez le champagne au frais !

Je lis :

"La prochaine version de Debian a pour nom de code "Buster" 
— aucune date de sortie n'a été fixée" :

Re: How to disable automatic core dumps in Debian 9?

2019-06-12 Thread Reco

On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 05:14:09PM +0300, Martin T wrote:
> Reco,
> thanks for reply!
> > rgrep core /etc/security/limits*
> > Would be more correct. Files at /etc/security/limits.d/ can override 
> > limits.conf.
> Indeed. Output of "rgrep core /etc/security/limits*" is following:
> $ rgrep core /etc/security/limits*
> /etc/security/limits.conf:#- core - limits the core file size (KB)
> /etc/security/limits.conf:*   hardcore0
> /etc/security/limits.conf:roothardcore0
> /etc/security/limits.conf:#roothardcore10
> $
> So in short, the configuration in my initial e-mail was enough to
> disable core dumps?

I prefer to do it this way, but that's a matter of a personal preference
(note that it works for root too):

*   -   core0

Overriding kernel.core_pattern is way too limiting for me. I need those
core files in certain cases (but live happily without them by default).

> After reading the "man 5 core", I also set the "kernel.core_uses_pid" to 0.

Zero is a default value for this in Debian anyway. So - can't hurt, but
I doubt it'll change something for you.


Re: failles de sécurité sur vim et neovim

2019-06-12 Thread Eric Degenetais
Le mer. 12 juin 2019 4:05 PM, BERTRAND Joël  a
écrit :

> Nisar JAGABAR a écrit :
> > Ou en mieux :
> > bash# apt autoremove --purge vim* && apt install emacs
> Faut pas exagérer, je n'ai que 32 Go de mémoire sur mon poste de
> travail !...

Déjà vendredi ?
Wow, je n'ai pas vu passer la semaine :p

Éric Dégenètais

Re: failles de sécurité sur vim et neovim

2019-06-12 Thread fab


Faut pas exagérer, je n'ai que 32 Go de mémoire sur mon poste de
travail !...

Le vendredi arrive de plus en plus vite sur cette liste!

Tant mieux, ça nous rapproche du we ;)


Re: How to disable automatic core dumps in Debian 9?

2019-06-12 Thread Martin T

thanks for reply!

> rgrep core /etc/security/limits*
> Would be more correct. Files at /etc/security/limits.d/ can override 
> limits.conf.

Indeed. Output of "rgrep core /etc/security/limits*" is following:

$ rgrep core /etc/security/limits*
/etc/security/limits.conf:#- core - limits the core file size (KB)
/etc/security/limits.conf:*   hardcore0

So in short, the configuration in my initial e-mail was enough to
disable core dumps? After reading the "man 5 core", I also set the
"kernel.core_uses_pid" to 0.


Re: failles de sécurité sur vim et neovim

2019-06-12 Thread BERTRAND Joël
Nisar JAGABAR a écrit :
> Ou en mieux :
> bash# apt autoremove --purge vim* && apt install emacs

Faut pas exagérer, je n'ai que 32 Go de mémoire sur mon poste de
travail !...

Re: Preseed file and hostname not used on installed system

2019-06-12 Thread john doe
On 6/12/2019 1:38 PM, Brian wrote:
> On Wed 12 Jun 2019 at 11:12:45 +0200, john doe wrote:
>> On 6/11/2019 7:44 PM, Brian wrote:
>>> On Tue 11 Jun 2019 at 18:25:47 +0200, john doe wrote:
 On 6/10/2019 8:24 PM, john doe wrote:
> Hi, I'm installing Debian Stretch using a preseed file, the preseed file
> is common for multiple hosts with the exception of the hostname.
> boot: auto hostname=try ...
> url=tftp://hostname/preseed.cfg
> The host name specified is not used when Debian is installed, it is
> always set to 'bad'.
> I understand the limitations but what is the proper way to specify the
> desired hostname or are workarounds (1) the way to go?
> Any help/hints is appriciated.

 After some digging/testing I'm not able to supply by kernel boot
 parameter the hostname:

 boot: auto hostname=foobar url=...

 From what I understand, 'hostname' as kernel boot parameter takes
 precedence over the hostname provided by dhcp.
>>> The notes in my preseed.cfg say this is not so if the file is presented
>>> to the installer on a GRUB command line. What works is to have nothing
>>> about hostname in preseed.cfg but put "hostname=..." on the command
>>> line.
>> Can you share those notes or  which notes are you refering to in (1)?
> These notes are just comments I have made myself in preseed.cfg.
>  # This sets the hostname for the system; it ignores names provided by
>  # DHCP or DNS. 'hostname=' on the command line of the installer does
>  # not override it. Comment out the next line to use 'hostname='.
>  d-i netcfg/hostname string stretch

Actually, this line is already commented out in my preseed file!
With this same file passing 'hostname' and 'domaine' as kernel boot
parameters works when installing Stretch in a VM.

I'm still missing something here but I need to move on.

My thanks goes to you Brian and also to Curt and Jude.

John Doe

Re: Lançamento da Buster

2019-06-12 Thread Lucas Castro

On 12/06/2019 05:35, Paulo Alexandre A.P. de Oliveira wrote:

É só um proformio, porque o Buster já existe há muito tempo e a 
funcionar muito bem, pelo menos é o que tenho instalado e a funcionar 
bem :)

Existe há muito tempo, mas não como versão estável.


On 11/06/19 23:09, Deivite Cardoso wrote:

Boa noite!

Francisco, existe um grupo no telegram chamado Debian SP Eventos, o 
grupo anda um pouco parado, se você e os demais quiserem entrar pra 
dar uma força. Podemos agitar essa festa de lançamento lá.



Em 11 de junho de 2019 18:58:40 BRT, Francisco M Neto 

Boa noite!

Acabei de receber um email do Niels Thykier, via debian-devel-announce,
informando que o Lançamento da Buster está planejado para o dia 06 de
Julho (link para a mensagem:

Eles sempre incentivam que o pessoal faça "festas de lançamento", mas eu
nunca me envolvi em uma. Alguma chance de uma dessas acontecer em SP?


Enviado de meu dispositivo Android com K-9 mail. Desculpe-me pela 

Lucas Castro

Re: failles de sécurité sur vim et neovim

2019-06-12 Thread Nisar JAGABAR

Ou en mieux :
bash# apt autoremove --purge vim* && apt install emacs

Le 11/06/2019 à 18:08, Florian Blanc a écrit :

en plus rapide :
editez le fichier ~/.vimrc
insérez ceci :
:set modelines=0
:set nomodeline

chmod 600 ~/.vimrc

Le mar. 11 juin 2019 à 18:03, Florian Blanc > a écrit :

Le mar. 11 juin 2019 à 10:43, Bernard Schoenacker>> a
écrit :


voici la nouvelle ainsi que l'explication
de la faille :



 ,= ,-_-. =.
((_/)o o(\_))
 `-'(. .)`-'

Re: How to disable automatic core dumps in Debian 9?

2019-06-12 Thread Reco

On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 12:49:14PM +0300, Martin T wrote:
> As Debian does not seem to use systemd-coredump,

It's a feature, not a flaw.

> then I set the "kernel.core_pattern=|/bin/false" kernel configuration
> in sysctl.conf

sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern=/dev/null

There's no need to pipe the core to /bin/false if you don't need the
core in the first place.

> and following module configuration:
> $ grep -w core /etc/security/limits.conf
> #- core - limits the core file size (KB)
> *   hardcore0
> roothardcore0
> #roothardcore10
> $

rgrep core /etc/security/limits*

Would be more correct. Files at /etc/security/limits.d/ can override

> Ween I execute a program, which crashes, then while the "core dumped"
> is printed:

A simple 'ulimit -c' would suffice.


Re: festes per la sortida de Debian 10 estable

2019-06-12 Thread Joan

Joan Cervan i Andreu

"El meu paper no és transformar el món ni l'home sinó, potser, el de
ser útil, des del meu lloc, als pocs valors sense els quals un món no
val la pena viure'l" A. Camus

i pels que teniu fe:
"Déu no és la Veritat, la Veritat és Déu"

El Wed, 12 Jun 2019 09:19:19 +0200
Àlex  va escriure:

> Bon dia
> Sembla que el dissabte 6 de juliol Debian Buster passa a ser la nova
> estable
> Comencen a apuntar-se per cel.lebrar-ho:
> Us veieu amb forces per fer algo? Quedem per anar a fer un mos?
> Salutacions
>     Àlex

Joan Cervan i Andreu

"El meu paper no és transformar el món ni l'home sinó, potser, el de
ser útil, des del meu lloc, als pocs valors sense els quals un món no
val la pena viure'l" A. Camus

i pels que teniu fe:
"Déu no és la Veritat, la Veritat és Déu"

Re: Preseed file and hostname not used on installed system

2019-06-12 Thread Brian
On Wed 12 Jun 2019 at 11:12:45 +0200, john doe wrote:

> On 6/11/2019 7:44 PM, Brian wrote:
> > On Tue 11 Jun 2019 at 18:25:47 +0200, john doe wrote:
> >
> >> On 6/10/2019 8:24 PM, john doe wrote:
> >>> Hi, I'm installing Debian Stretch using a preseed file, the preseed file
> >>> is common for multiple hosts with the exception of the hostname.
> >>>
> >>> boot: auto hostname=try ...
> >>> url=tftp://hostname/preseed.cfg
> >>>
> >>> The host name specified is not used when Debian is installed, it is
> >>> always set to 'bad'.
> >>>
> >>> I understand the limitations but what is the proper way to specify the
> >>> desired hostname or are workarounds (1) the way to go?
> >>>
> >>> Any help/hints is appriciated.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> After some digging/testing I'm not able to supply by kernel boot
> >> parameter the hostname:
> >>
> >> boot: auto hostname=foobar url=...
> >>
> >> From what I understand, 'hostname' as kernel boot parameter takes
> >> precedence over the hostname provided by dhcp.
> >
> > The notes in my preseed.cfg say this is not so if the file is presented
> > to the installer on a GRUB command line. What works is to have nothing
> > about hostname in preseed.cfg but put "hostname=..." on the command
> > line.
> >
> Can you share those notes or  which notes are you refering to in (1)?

These notes are just comments I have made myself in preseed.cfg.

 # This sets the hostname for the system; it ignores names provided by
 # DHCP or DNS. 'hostname=' on the command line of the installer does
 # not override it. Comment out the next line to use 'hostname='.
 d-i netcfg/hostname string stretch

Re: Output from apt-get update.

2019-06-12 Thread Francisco M Neto
On Wed, 2019-06-12 at 06:00 +0200, Matthew Crews wrote:
> On 6/11/19 7:28 PM, wrote:
> **SNIP*
> What does your "/etc/apt/sources.list" file look like on your two
> machines?
> Its unusual to directly point to an IP address for the Debian repos,
> as opposed to point to the domain name.

It's also worth checking if there's anything under


Francisco M Neto 

GPG: 4096R/D692FBF0

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Output from apt-get update.

2019-06-12 Thread Andy Smith
Hi Peter,

On Tue, Jun 11, 2019 at 07:28:12PM -0700, wrote:
> E: Failed to fetch file:/full/path/to/build/packaging/deb/./Packages  File 
> not found - /full/path/to/build/packaging/deb/./Packages (2: No such file or 
> directory)
> E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones 
> used instead.
> root@imager:/home/peter# 
> The last two lines, "E: ...", appear to be error messages.  The two 
> systems have the same /etc/apt/sources.list.  Any ideas about the 
> difficulty in imager?

The second machine seems to have additional sources. They may be in
a file under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ rather than in
/etc/apt/sources.list itself.


-- -- No-nonsense VPS hosting

Re: Lançamento da Buster

2019-06-12 Thread Francisco M Neto
Discordo. Não é "só um proformio", porque o lançamento significa o fim
do freeze e a entrada de novos pacotes. Então é novidade pra quem usa a
Buster e também pra quem vai começar a usar a Bullseye.


On Wed, 2019-06-12 at 08:35 +, Paulo Alexandre A.P. de Oliveira
> É só um proformio, porque o Buster já existe há muito tempo e a
> funcionar muito bem, pelo menos é o que tenho instalado e a funcionar
> bem :)
> Paulo.
> On 11/06/19 23:09, Deivite Cardoso wrote:
> > Boa noite!
> > 
> > Francisco, existe um grupo no telegram chamado Debian SP Eventos, o
> > grupo anda um pouco parado, se você e os demais quiserem entrar pra
> > dar uma força. Podemos agitar essa festa de lançamento lá.
> > 
> > @debiandaysp
> > 
> > Att.
> > 
> > Em 11 de junho de 2019 18:58:40 BRT, Francisco M Neto <
> >> escreveu: 
> > > Boa noite!
> > > 
> > > Acabei de receber um email do Niels Thykier, via debian-devel-
> > > announce,
> > > informando que o Lançamento da Buster está planejado para o dia 06
> > > de
> > > Julho (link para a mensagem: 
> > >
> > > 
> > > Eles sempre incentivam que o pessoal faça "festas de lançamento",
> > > mas eu
> > > nunca me envolvi em uma. Alguma chance de uma dessas acontecer em
> > > SP?
> > > 
> > > Abraços,
> > > Francisco
> > > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Enviado de meu dispositivo Android com K-9 mail. Desculpe-me pela
> > brevidade.

Francisco M Neto 

GPG: 4096R/D692FBF0

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Another one

2019-06-12 Thread Francisco M Neto
On Wed, 2019-06-12 at 08:22 +0100, Tixy wrote:
> On Tue, 2019-06-11 at 17:38 -0300, Francisco M Neto wrote:
> > I've posted another blog about my adventures with the Debian Release
> > Cycle. Or,
> > rather, how I'm hoping to estimate Buster's release date.
> I estimate a release date of 2019-07-06 ;-)

Yeah, Thykier completely stole my thunder there haha

I even posted another one about that:


Francisco M Neto 

GPG: 4096R/D692FBF0

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: konquerer access to Stretch with fish or sftp not working

2019-06-12 Thread Thomas
Am Dienstag, 11. Juni 2019, 20:56:44 schrieb Étienne Mollier:
Hi Étienne

> I'm not quite sure to follow you well here.  Are you meaning
> that the connection attempt is stuck at this debug message?
> (in which case you probably have a more general issue that
> should also appear when running `ssh root@`)
> Did it crash afterwards ?
yes was timed out
#sftp -v root@
# debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.
# Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer

> Or did the connection to your SSH server actually worked ?
#ssh root@
ECDSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict 
Host key verification failed.

I did change the key und now fish is running very well, AND also ssh in console

At the end of the day I semmed that in was an problem with an wrong/old key, 
because of chaning OS.

I did not understand why this message is not comming or seeing bey my before 
beacuse I know this massage I was quite sure that ssh was OK before and I 
could access the

Thanks for helping and findig out!

additional Info 1
Iam using # fish://root@ in konquerer beacuse I can use the mouse 
to put an filename in kate and kate is open this file, I can edit and save it 
the remote system.
May be not an standard way but very easy way for me:)

additional Info 2
# sftp is now on console working!

#sftp root@
root@'s password: 
Connected to

BUT sftp in konquerer NOT working
error: different host key

anyway, Iam using fish in konquerer and Iam happy!

Sorry, it got now confusing...

Kind Regards,

How to disable automatic core dumps in Debian 9?

2019-06-12 Thread Martin T

how to disable all automatic core dumps upon the process termination
in Debian 9? As Debian does not seem to use systemd-coredump, then I
set the "kernel.core_pattern=|/bin/false" kernel configuration in
sysctl.conf and following module configuration:

$ grep -w core /etc/security/limits.conf
#- core - limits the core file size (KB)
*   hardcore0

When I execute a program, which crashes, then while the "core dumped"
is printed:

$ ./testprogram
Floating point exception (core dumped)

..then no actual core dump does not seem to be created.

Is the configuration above enough to disable core dumps or am I
missing something?


Re: Preseed file and hostname not used on installed system

2019-06-12 Thread john doe
On 6/11/2019 7:44 PM, Brian wrote:
> On Tue 11 Jun 2019 at 18:25:47 +0200, john doe wrote:
>> On 6/10/2019 8:24 PM, john doe wrote:
>>> Hi, I'm installing Debian Stretch using a preseed file, the preseed file
>>> is common for multiple hosts with the exception of the hostname.
>>> boot: auto hostname=try ...
>>> url=tftp://hostname/preseed.cfg
>>> The host name specified is not used when Debian is installed, it is
>>> always set to 'bad'.
>>> I understand the limitations but what is the proper way to specify the
>>> desired hostname or are workarounds (1) the way to go?
>>> Any help/hints is appriciated.
>> After some digging/testing I'm not able to supply by kernel boot
>> parameter the hostname:
>> boot: auto hostname=foobar url=...
>> From what I understand, 'hostname' as kernel boot parameter takes
>> precedence over the hostname provided by dhcp.
> The notes in my preseed.cfg say this is not so if the file is presented
> to the installer on a GRUB command line. What works is to have nothing
> about hostname in preseed.cfg but put "hostname=..." on the command
> line.

Can you share those notes or  which notes are you refering to in (1)?

John Doe

Re: Lançamento da Buster

2019-06-12 Thread Paulo Alexandre A.P. de Oliveira
É só um proformio, porque o Buster já existe há muito tempo e a 
funcionar muito bem, pelo menos é o que tenho instalado e a funcionar bem :)


On 11/06/19 23:09, Deivite Cardoso wrote:

Boa noite!

Francisco, existe um grupo no telegram chamado Debian SP Eventos, o 
grupo anda um pouco parado, se você e os demais quiserem entrar pra 
dar uma força. Podemos agitar essa festa de lançamento lá.



Em 11 de junho de 2019 18:58:40 BRT, Francisco M Neto 

Boa noite!

Acabei de receber um email do Niels Thykier, via debian-devel-announce,
informando que o Lançamento da Buster está planejado para o dia 06 de
Julho (link para a mensagem:

Eles sempre incentivam que o pessoal faça "festas de lançamento", mas eu
nunca me envolvi em uma. Alguma chance de uma dessas acontecer em SP?


Enviado de meu dispositivo Android com K-9 mail. Desculpe-me pela 

Re: Another one

2019-06-12 Thread Tixy
On Tue, 2019-06-11 at 17:38 -0300, Francisco M Neto wrote:
> I've posted another blog about my adventures with the Debian Release
> Cycle. Or,
> rather, how I'm hoping to estimate Buster's release date.

I estimate a release date of 2019-07-06 ;-)


festes per la sortida de Debian 10 estable

2019-06-12 Thread Àlex
Bon dia

Sembla que el dissabte 6 de juliol Debian Buster passa a ser la nova estable

Comencen a apuntar-se per cel.lebrar-ho:

Us veieu amb forces per fer algo? Quedem per anar a fer un mos?




Publication de Buster

2019-06-12 Thread steve

Sur -devel, hier:

Release date

We plan to release on 2019-07-06.

If you want to celebrate it, please consider attending a Debian release
party, or hosting your own!  See for more information.

Mettez le champagne au frais !

Re: failles de sécurité sur vim et neovim

2019-06-12 Thread steve

Le 11-06-2019, à 19:04:11 +0200, Florian Blanc a écrit :

  steve, si tu utilises cette fonctionnalité go build, le patch est présent
  : [1]

Already done my friend :)

vim --version
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.1 (2018 May 18, compilé Jun 11 2019 11:00:51)
Rustines incluses : 1-1517