Re: Inestabilidad en Debian?

2020-11-23 Thread user
On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 14:03:29 -0600, Mario Oyorzabal Salgado wrote:

> Hash: SHA512
> Que tal,
> He estado usando debian testing, desde hace un buen rato (años), casi no
> he visto problemas, pero si suceden, lo que te recomiendo es checar con
> cuidado que paquetes se actualizan, ya que en ocasiones he visto que los
> repositorios tardan en actualizar (mirror), y las actualizaciones no
> estan completas, lo que hago en ocasiones es esperar cuando hay
> actualizaciones.
> Por los simbolos, checa si tienes bien configurado el UTF-8 y no exista
> algun problema con el disco, checa que kernel estas usando, si tienes
> opcion de regresar al anterior prueba.
> Saludos.

Gracias por responder:

Es en Estable, el asunto de los caracteres raros y esta en UTF-8; segun 
veo en los log/ messages, reconoce el raton USB, pero lo desconecta sin 
razon visible, supongo que hubo algun aumento de energia, y jodio el USB; 
si conecto el usb por segunda vez, se cargan los manejadores uhci_hdc y 
se desconecta; al insertarlo por segunda vez, se carga usbhid y funciona.

Quizas, tiene que ver, que probe un cargador nuevo no original.
> El 19/11/20 a las 16:46, user escribió:
>> Hola
>> Me pregunto, si solo a mi me sucede, que Estable, falle con 1 raton
>> usb, se cuelgue cinnamon, se cuelgue firefox, los log tienen caracteres
>> extrnos, y etc.
>> Que no funcione el instalador de testing, despues de hacer una
>> instalacion correctamente, se traba en "seleccionar e instalar
>> software".
>> En caso que solo me suceda a mi, hare una instalacion limpia, pero me
>> gustaria saber si alguien mas tiene algo parecido, por favor.
> - --
> GPG - E621 201E 1ACF 773F 2AE0  CC75 B213 173E 97C0 5035 Donaciones -
> Keybase @tuxsoul
> iQIzBAEBCgAdFiEE5iEgHhrPdz8q4Mx1shMXPpfAUDUFAl+8FYwACgkQshMXPpfA
> UDVkfg//em7TXZ7kswYkhcWwSFc3vEXeCf8TqvpD5tsM2bIkbAAqt7sbzY1i9+/b
> mIdiWZjwCClGoFM7gISLzsM/ghxBe1dJEDMDm8QXX5N9urp7U4e8uy+LIpQsTxkP
> pNzqReA/ov6S3KrdvSmfADTwvvSVJme+jzSlSExiIEDdNud/+xxign/RqqfXC0Fr
> l2uOqFuRzbk1R/66tl/N0CEBSqDp9H4MTNNd1qa4JEwNkEfhwI20PX9i1Tx7VxvQ
> s9vcSol4nb/JW15BA7NDyk39KDhf/ZDTjf21/Hv6reQPU4X18YwD9a9mMfhNGd7h
> gT/359lMtwIV9CSX/57frya1If1nxobYVyZn1tMB0xOyFIZhWs+xgGTOnpT8/lIL
> CD75axyM+3C84A4uL7Iylm4hYr2U61jK8EW9bLsSIXcTvtuVvjazqS/7WkxHmtnV
> u+qrXaWc1KHX4+qQk/yxCpgyeTExjeLT0H+YaCzjTWl73qFo5PQz1XfUZk7q2p3o
> nlzq3+NVNUBdDDhTPnWJNsoYMCvjWoHklt6/BR/28j5qGqCy+jmoDoSMUxOKpy65
> P+T4+XlRClMCvHMPTkNQt0q2Vh+LS7OG6lsqh1GUFqn/Kg0VEzbuaCWqB3w9Ncmj
> ia4cutxt1/GTfjxfWZstTv1+W/UOUnYycNcYzZ/uF5gWa9Xm8n8=
> =IM9/

Re: Buster/Vagrant/Libvirt: échec ipxe [RESOLU]

2020-11-23 Thread Olivier
Ce matin, j'ai fait un nouvel essai en ciblant une VM sous Stretch plutôt
que Buster.
Voici mes commandes:
vagrant init debian/stretch64
vagrant up --provider=libvirt

Avec celles-ci, une VM sous Stretch a été créée avec succès même si j'ai à
l'écran de la machine hôte, le message ci-après:
The executable 'sudo' Vagrant is trying to run was not
found in the PATH variable. This is an error. Please verify
this software is installed and on the path.

Ce succès m'a conduit à ré-essayer à nouveau avec Buster et là, ça a
fonctionné !

J'ai l'impression que soit, l'image debian/buster64 a été modifiée ces
dernières heures, soit ma commande initiale vagrant init debian/buster64
avait échoué d'une façon ou d'une autre, sans que je m'en rende compte
(celle-ci m'ayant produit un fichier Vagrantfile, je suis certain de
l'avoir exécutée).

Désolé pour le bruit.


Le lun. 23 nov. 2020 à 13:10, Olivier  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Je teste Vagrant/Libvirt sur Buster. J'ai suivi [1].
> Libvirt fonctionne un minimum puisque que j'arrive à créer et utiliser des
> VM "à la main".
> Par contre, la commande "vagrant up --provider=libvirt" ne donne pas le
> résultat escompté:
> - la commande "vagrant up --provider=libvirt" se termine avec 0 comme code
> de sortie
> - j'accède à la console de la nouvelle VM avec VirtManager
> - le démarrage de celle-ci s'interrompt car la nouvelle image ne reçoit
> pas d'image par PXE:
> Nothing to boot:no such file or directory (
> ...
> No bootable device
> Mon fichier Vagrantfile est simplissime:
> Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
>   config.vm.box_url = "debian/buster64"
> end
> Dans quelle direction chercher ?
> Dois-je configurer dnsmasq/PXE/autre pour que l'obtention de l'image PXE
> réussisse ou bien dois-je au contraire chercher à éviter cette étape ?
> [1]
> Slts

Re: Missing SATA Drives on ROMED8-2T Motherboard

2020-11-23 Thread Sven Hartge
Scott Colby  wrote:

> In all cases, the behavior was the same: all expected drives are
> reported in the firmware, and the drives attached to SATA4_7 show
> up in the OS (sd{a,b,c,d}), but the others are absent.

Which would mean that the Kernel does not have a driver for the chip
driving SATA0_3 as it seems.

Can you provide more information, for example a lspci listing?
What Kernel where you using? Did you try the one from backports?


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

(solved) Re: fibre problem with Intel 82571EB

2020-11-23 Thread Frank Weißer

Thanks to Wolfgang from >

the following did the trick:

IMO this is not a network card issue.
I guess renaming the interface names would help.

Only do the following if the system isn't used by anyone else...

(0) Put down the MAC addresses of eth3 and eth4 (eth4 should be eth0 and
 eth3 should be eth1 later)
(1) Remove 'net.ifnames=0' from the kernel command line in /etc/default/grub
(2) Run 'update-grub'
(3) Reboot. 'ip a' will show you the persistent network interface names
(probably something like enpXsY, where Y is the slot name) and MACs
(4) Add MAC matching lines at the begin of /etc/network/interfaces, e.g.:
rename enp0s3=eth0
rename enp0s8=eth1
(5) Reboot and check if everything works, otherwise fix the renaming lines

Frank Weißer:

Hi folks!
Debian-Edu 10 Server with

eth0 NC(=unused)
00:19.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82566DM-2 Gigabit Network 
Connection (rev 02)
     Subsystem: Fujitsu Technology Solutions 82566DM-2 Gigabit 
Network Connection

     Kernel driver in use: e1000e

eth1 NC
eth2 NC
eth3 flags=4163  mtu 1500
     inet  netmask
eth4 flags=4163  mtu 1500
     inet  netmask
04:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82571EB Gigabit Ethernet 
Controller (Fiber) (rev 06)

     Subsystem: Intel Corporation PRO/1000 PF Quad Port Server Adapter
     Kernel driver in use: e1000e

I can reach tjener via fibre cable and switch and use it with scp, smb 
and so on.

But dhcp, bxe-boot and ltsp-clients don't work.

dhcp requests via
#dhclient eth4
need about 70 seconds to give me an ip. Network manager already gives up 
in that time. Even connecting direct (with a media converter, not using 
other fiber cables or switches) doesn't work.

So cable/switch don't seam to hurt.

How can I tell 82571EB to do its work?

If I switch eth4's address to eth0 (copper) everything works fine. So 
services seem to be running

appreciating any answer


Re: Executing 'systemctl poweroff' from script run by cron.

2020-11-23 Thread Reco

On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 10:55:50PM -, Juan R. de Silva wrote:
> 1. Why, when the script is run by the user cron job, the execution 
> requires authentication, while run from the same user terminal, it does 
> not.

What "systemctl poweroff" actually does (src/systemctl/systemctl.c,
halt_main()) is first checks if the calling user is root. If this check
fails it sends DBUS message to logind to see if a calling user is
allowed to call poweroff.
In the absence of PolicyKit logind's check will only succeed if the
user's systemctl is a part of a current "session" attached to a
"console". I.e. it's OK to shutdown a host from VT or an X session, but
it's big "no" from ssh or cron.
In the presense of PolicyKit user's systemctl may be still allowed the
action if the user supplies a root password to PolicyKit.

tl;dr version - the authentication always happens, but it bothers you
only if it fails.

> 2. Is there a way to get rid of this behaviour, since I prefer the script 
> being executed by the user's cron job?

There's no easy way short of rewriting systemd or writing your own
PolicyKit policy which will allow non-interactive user processes to do
anything via systemctl.
You can always call "sudo systemctl poweroff" in your cron job, but such
approach opens its own, bigger can of worms.

> 3. I am also surprised that 'systemctl poweroff' command can be executed 
> either directly from the user's terminal or by running a script without 
> any authentication request. There's certain inconsistency here, isn't it? 
> IMHO, it does not feel like a safe approach.

It's a FreeDesktop standard, believe it or not.
A user should be allowed to reboot or poweroff the computer which they
have direct console access.


LaTeX to epub

2020-11-23 Thread Emanuel Berg
Can I compile LaTeX to epub? ebook-convert gives an encoding error
ebook-convert from the PDF I mean and, if "PDF sucks" as people
say, how is one supposed to do it? what markup is preferred
for epub?

underground experts united

Missing SATA Drives on ROMED8-2T Motherboard

2020-11-23 Thread Scott Colby

I am running Debian 10 with an Epyc 7232P on an ASRock Rack ROMED8-2T
motherboard. All my packages are up to date, and I have upgraded
my motherboard's firmware to the latest version as well.

This motherboard has two MiniSAS HD connectors (SATA0_3 and SATA4_7)
which are capable of fanning out to 4 SATA drives each, for a total
of 8 SATA connections. I have connected 8 known-working drives via
these connectors; all 8 of the drives show up properly in the system
firmware configuration screens. However, only the drives attached
to SATA4_7 are detected by Debian.

I have performed several troubleshooting steps:

- swapping the cables used for each connector
- swapping the drives between cables
- booting with only one connector in use at a time
- upgrading to the latest kernel available in buster-backports (I
  have since downgraded back to the kernel from the buster repository)
- attaching fewer drives to each cable

In all cases, the behavior was the same: all expected drives are
reported in the firmware, and the drives attached to SATA4_7 show
up in the OS (sd{a,b,c,d}), but the others are absent.

I have contacted ASRock support and they are unable to offer any
other ideas to try. They noted that the PCIe lanes used for SATA4_7
are shared with one of the motherboard's PCIe slots. Which connector
gets the lanes is controlled by two jumpers. However, the fact that
the drives appear for SATA4_7 indicates that I have configured my
jumper settings correctly. According to the block diagram[1] for
the motherboard, the PCIe lanes used by SATA0_3 are connected
directly to the processor.

There are a number of messages from libata in the dmesg logs, and
I can also provide lspci ouptut or anything else deemed useful.
However, none of the information I've been able to extract indicates
any errors, so I don't know what would be useful here. I'll wait
for prompting so I don't clutter the list with many lines of output.

Any help with this would be appreciated. Does anyone have experience
with this motherboard or SAS/SATA connections on the Epyc platform?
What other troubleshooting should I try?

Thank you,
Scott Colby

[1] the block diagram can be found on page 14 of the motherboard
manual at

Re: Re: 780 files in /usr/share/zoneinfo/

2020-11-23 Thread Mike McClain
On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 07:51:09AM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 01:20:39PM -0600, Martin McCormick wrote:
> > I just cd'd to that directory and it looks like there's
> > about 1 GB there.
> unicorn:~$ du -sh /usr/share/zoneinfo
> 3.5M  /usr/share/zoneinfo
> unicorn:~$ find /usr/share/zoneinfo -type f | wc -l
> 780
> Either something's wrong on your system -- in which case you should try
> to figure out what it is -- or something's wrong with your interpretation
> of what you're seeing.
> (And yes, I know find | wc -l isn't an accurate way to count files if
> their names are unrestricted.  Here I'm assuming there aren't a huge
> number of filenames in /usr/share/zoneinfo/ with newlines.)

Since I'm the one that started this discussion, I'd like to say
"Thank You" to all that offered their insight.
I guess I'm just a little old fashioned. My first computer had
no storage and my first hard drive was 20M so having a directory
taking up 3.5MB when all I'm using there is less than 10KB just
doesn't sit well with me.
In over 20 years running Linux I've never found a use for that
extra 3.5MB data and I wonder how many do. I'm curious Greg, how often
have you used that data?
Locale is another area where there is a lot of data that the
average user, I suspect, has no use for and localepurge in Debian, at
least, is hamstrung by the packagers, hooking it to dpkg and
disableing it for any other use. Running localepurge on the CL is a
noop but doesn't tell you so, look at the code.
Sorry I didn't mean to rant.
Thanks again for the input.
Be well,
"At birth, men are by nature of good heart."
- _Young_Fu_Elizabeth F. Lewis

Re: Dual Win10/Linux on HDD+SDD installation & RTL8821CE

2020-11-23 Thread David Christensen

On 2020-11-23 09:10, Kanito 73 wrote:


Finally I bought the laptop with Ryzen 5, it arrived yesterday. At first I 
backed up (clonezilla) the whole brand new system (Windows 10) before running 
for first time to have a virgin copy of the original system. Today I will erase 
the disks to create partitions and install both Windows 10 and Linux, but I'm 
not sure about how to organize the space. The laptop comes with a 1Tb HDD and a 
128Gb SDD. Windows 10 is installed on the 128Gb SDD and the whole 1Tb HDD is 
empty and available for data.

Well, I have two options to organize (partitionate) and want to hear (read) 

- Install Windows 10 on the 1Tb HDD using 150Gb
- Leave the remainder of 1Tb HDD for NTFS data partition (shared for 
- Install Debian 10 on the 128Gb SDD
(Can Linux run on "sdb" (Windows on "sda")?)

- Install Windows 10 on the 1Tb HDD using 150Gb
- Install Debian 10 on the 1Tb HDD using 150Gb
- Leave the remainder of 1Tb HDD for NTFS data partition (shared for 
- Use the 128Gb SDD to edit/render FHD/4K video faster than in HDD

I guess that the original Windows 10 is on SDD to load faster and run programs slightly, 
but Linux is lighter, my current laptop has a normal HDD and never required it to load 
Linux or run programs faster (except for some games or apps used ocasionally). Windows is 
a big elephant while Linux is a cheetah. So I think it would be better to use the SDD 
rendering videos, I know the disk is short but once the videos are edited and rendered 
they are stored on external USB disk and probably I will begin to move to DVD since it is 
a lot of "dead space" on external disks that may have a more dynamic use.

About wifi... Do anybody use RTL8821CE with a latest Debian 10 kernel (package) 
without installing an external driver? My old laptop has RTL8723 that required 
to install rtlwifi_new driver (from GIT) but currently runs fine with the 
kernel driver, would it work also for RTL8821CE? I found a post in a forum 
saying that rtlwifi_new also supports RTL8821CE ...

Well, what do you think?


Please tell us why you want a laptop and how you plan to use it.

Make?  Model?  Part number?  Components?  Options?  URL for technical 
specifications and manuals?

Which Windows edition?

What is the SSD form factor and interface?

A 128 GB system drive is too small today for a Windows daily driver, let 
alone a multi-boot Windows/ Linux enthusiast laptop.

Any HDD in a new laptop today is a waste of money.

Are you comfortable with opening the case and adding, removing, or 
changing components?

Are you interested in ECC memory?

What did you pay?  Can you return it?

What is your budget for upgrades or for a replacement laptop?


Re: Debian 10 and tethering USB

2020-11-23 Thread Gareth Evans
On Tue, 24 Nov 2020, at 00:14, Gareth Evans wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Nov 2020, at 16:08, Charles Curley wrote:
> > On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 13:55:25 +
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > Instead a friend of mine has an iPhone. There were
> > > no problems with Debian 10 and iOS 13, instead with
> > > iOS 14, 14.0.1 and 14.1 tethering USB does non work
> > > anymore. We are both using the graphic interface
> > > Xfce and the icon on the top right is showing a
> > > successful Internet connection. But navigating in
> > > Internet does not work.
> > 
> > I don't know what you mean by that last sentence.
> > 
> > > A ping does resolve the DNS
> > > but there aren't any responses to the ICMP packets.
> > 
> > That, as Tomas has already said, may be your friend's phone carrier
> > dropping ICMP packets.
> > 
> > You might consider using your friend's iPhone as a personal hotspot,
> > and see if that makes a difference. I just used my Phone as a personal
> > hotspot, and, on a brief test, ICMP, mail and HTTPS all worked just
> > fine. Buster, iOS 14.2.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Does anybody read signatures any more?
> > 
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> Personal hotspot over wifi works for me on Debian 10.6 and iOS 14.2, 
> however USB-tethering does not.
> The issue is discussed here and a fix proposed, and according to which 
> it is a Linux problem (or at least not affecting Windows 10)

Correction - Win 10 requires iTunes with Mobile Device Helper Service running

Re: Debian 10 and tethering USB

2020-11-23 Thread Gareth Evans
On Mon, 23 Nov 2020, at 16:08, Charles Curley wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 13:55:25 +
> wrote:
> > Instead a friend of mine has an iPhone. There were
> > no problems with Debian 10 and iOS 13, instead with
> > iOS 14, 14.0.1 and 14.1 tethering USB does non work
> > anymore. We are both using the graphic interface
> > Xfce and the icon on the top right is showing a
> > successful Internet connection. But navigating in
> > Internet does not work.
> I don't know what you mean by that last sentence.
> > A ping does resolve the DNS
> > but there aren't any responses to the ICMP packets.
> That, as Tomas has already said, may be your friend's phone carrier
> dropping ICMP packets.
> You might consider using your friend's iPhone as a personal hotspot,
> and see if that makes a difference. I just used my Phone as a personal
> hotspot, and, on a brief test, ICMP, mail and HTTPS all worked just
> fine. Buster, iOS 14.2.
> -- 
> Does anybody read signatures any more?

Personal hotspot over wifi works for me on Debian 10.6 and iOS 14.2, however 
USB-tethering does not.

The issue is discussed here and a fix proposed, and according to which it is a 
Linux problem (or at least not affecting Windows 10)

Re: initrd inspection

2020-11-23 Thread Stefan Monnier
>> > Hm. Apt-file search says (Buster) that /usr/bin/lsinitrd is in package
>> > dracut-core (not installed in my box, so I can't double check now).
>> initramfs-tools-core: /usr/bin/lsinitramfs

Apparently `lsinitrd` only lists the contents of the first archive,
whereas `lsinitramfs` lists the content of all the concatenated archives
(under the assumption that all but the last one are not compressed).

I assume this is because dracut doesn't generate such
concatenation-of-archives for its initrds.


Re: Size of initrd

2020-11-23 Thread Stefan Monnier
> Use unmkinitramfs. It appears you've only looked at the first archive,
> the early one, which gets the kernel into shape. The second, main one
> is the big one.

OK, for those interested I tracked it down: indeed the machine with the
larger initrd had MODULES=most instead of MODULES=dep.

It took me some effort to figure out that it was actually
LZMA-compressed as I had specified (the first CPIO archive, containing
the intel microcode blob isn't, but the second is): `unmkinitramfs`
splits the initrd into separate CPIO archives but doesn't let you see
them, so I could easily see the content of the archives but they were
silently decompressed so you can't immediately see what compression (if
any) is used.  I had to tweak the code to preserve the intermediate temp
files in order to get to the bottom of it.

In any case, thanks all for the help,


Re: Adaptador de so d'alta fidelitat?

2020-11-23 Thread Narcis Garcia
I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
El 19/11/20 a les 14:22, Carles Pina i Estany ha escrit:
> Hola,
> On Nov/18/2020, Narcis Garcia wrote:
>> Bones, en un ordinador amb GNU/Linux se'm demana que resolgui un
>> problema: Se senten «paràsits» de fons quan s'amplifica molt el so,
>> incloent els sorollets de l'electrònica de la placa quan treballa.
> No hi entenc però justament avui he llegit:
> Per si et serveix...


Veig que al fulletó publicitari del «Behringer U-Control UCA202» parla
de Linux però a les especificacions i manuals només Windows i Mac OS:

L'hauré de provar, per la recomanació que en fa en Richard Neill.
Apart d'esquivar els pirates d'Amazon, hauré de mirar com esquivar
altres taurons com Paypal per a comprar-ho.


Executing 'systemctl poweroff' from script run by cron.

2020-11-23 Thread Juan R. de Silva
I am running Buster after fairly deafult installation. One of my scripts 
executes '/usr/bin/systemctl poweroff' command. And I am having trouble 
executing this script from cron.

1. If run from user's CLI, the script succeeds.
2. If run from root crontab the script succeeds.
3. If run from user's crontab it fails with the following errors:

"Failed to set wall message, ignoring: Interactive authentication 
Failed to power off system via logind: Interactive authentication 
Failed to start Interactive authentication required."

1. Why, when the script is run by the user cron job, the execution 
requires authentication, while run from the same user terminal, it does 

2. Is there a way to get rid of this behaviour, since I prefer the script 
being executed by the user's cron job?

3. I am also surprised that 'systemctl poweroff' command can be executed 
either directly from the user's terminal or by running a script without 
any authentication request. There's certain inconsistency here, isn't it? 
IMHO, it does not feel like a safe approach.


Re: Hijacking Threads [was: Re: rsync link corruption with -H and --link-dest]

2020-11-23 Thread Brad Rogers
On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 11:17:56 -0500
Celejar  wrote:

Hello Celejar,

>I made this same point in another email, but I just want to remind

Indeed you did.  And rightly so;

It's possible that my messages could be construed as saying CM is the
_only_ MUA capable of such configuration.

That was not my intention.  There's definitely Sylpheed.  I have no
first hand knowledge of others, but suspect they exist.

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
It's only the children of the f** wealthy tend to be good looking
Ugly - The Stranglers

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Inestabilidad en Debian?

2020-11-23 Thread Mario Oyorzabal Salgado
Hash: SHA512

Que tal,

He estado usando debian testing, desde hace un buen rato (años), casi no he
visto problemas, pero si suceden, lo que te recomiendo es checar con cuidado
que paquetes se actualizan, ya que en ocasiones he visto que los repositorios
tardan en actualizar (mirror), y las actualizaciones no estan completas, lo
que hago en ocasiones es esperar cuando hay actualizaciones.

Por los simbolos, checa si tienes bien configurado el UTF-8 y no exista algun
problema con el disco, checa que kernel estas usando, si tienes opcion de
regresar al anterior prueba.


El 19/11/20 a las 16:46, user escribió:
> Hola
> Me pregunto, si solo a mi me sucede, que Estable, falle con 1 raton usb, se
> cuelgue cinnamon, se cuelgue firefox, los log tienen caracteres extrnos, y
> etc.
> Que no funcione el instalador de testing, despues de hacer una instalacion
> correctamente, se traba en "seleccionar e instalar software".
> En caso que solo me suceda a mi, hare una instalacion limpia, pero me
> gustaria saber si alguien mas tiene algo parecido, por favor.

- -- 
GPG - E621 201E 1ACF 773F 2AE0  CC75 B213 173E 97C0 5035
Donaciones -
Keybase @tuxsoul


4Second DecTalk Delay? (fwd)

2020-11-23 Thread Karen Lewellen

I am posting the below as requested.
Please send any solutions their way.

From: Chime Hart 
Subject: 4Second DecTalk Delay?

Hi All: Over the years, rather randemly, after ocasional changes in 
hard-drives, my DecTalk U S B has an anoying 4second delay after typing. Lots 
of internet searching as well as interacting with folks from our Linux 
community, think its an IO issue, but even the gentleman who sells this unit 
has no idea how to correct this delay, but to be fair, he is not a Linux 
person. I am running Debian Sid kernel with Speakup which is my 
screen-reader. We tried running Emacsspeak which has a DecTalk server, but I 
got nowhere, including I know nothing about emacs.
Can any1 who is quite familliar with these DecTalks please suggest a fix or 
commands I can type in directly?

For this topic, if you like, you can please write me directly at
I will be eternally greatful to Karen-and-others with solutions. Thanks so much 
in advance


Re: Adaptador de so d'alta fidelitat?

2020-11-23 Thread Eduard Selma

El 23/11/20 a les 20:19, Narcis Garcia ha escrit:


Veig que al fulletó publicitari del «Behringer U-Control UCA202» parla
de Linux però a les especificacions i manuals només Windows i Mac OS:

L'hauré de provar, per la recomanació que en fa en Richard Neill.
Apart d'esquivar els pirates d'Amazon, hauré de mirar com esquivar
altres taurons com Paypal per a comprar-ho.

- Jo tinc un adaptador USB/ 2 x RCA UFO202 de Behringer, més antic i 
segurament més senzill. Funciona correctament amb Debian 8 i els 
successius. El vaig adquirir a Thomann, semblen seriosos:

Ja passa en molts equips, que faciliten dades i explicacions per a M$ i 
Mac, però pensen que els usuaris de Linux "ja s'espavilaran".

Els meu cinc cèntims.

Eduard Selma

Re: Dual Win10/Linux on HDD+SDD installation & RTL8821CE

2020-11-23 Thread Charles Curley
On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 17:10:56 +
Kanito 73  wrote:

> About wifi... Do anybody use RTL8821CE with a latest Debian 10 kernel
> (package) without installing an external driver? My old laptop has
> RTL8723 that required to install rtlwifi_new driver (from GIT) but
> currently runs fine with the kernel driver, would it work also for
> RTL8821CE? I found a post in a forum saying that rtlwifi_new also
> supports RTL8821CE ...

Be sure to install the package firmware-realtek so the driver finds its
binary blob.

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: Dual Win10/Linux on HDD+SDD installation & RTL8821CE

2020-11-23 Thread Kanito 73

> Are you sure that operation will benefit from faster storage (as opposed
> to more CPU and/or RAM)?

It is a new computer, it has good processor/RAM and already has the highest 
memory possible (12Gb), the idea is to help now by speed on the storage 

Relative to the size of partitions I am checking, currently my Linux root 
partition has 25Gb on use and 25Gb free (50 in total).  The same sizes and 
proportions on the 50Gb Windows partition (barely used)... I plan to install 
games on the new computer (Windows and Linux) so maybe I will set 100Gb for 
each OS and leave the rest for shared data storage...

Thanks for the hints, I was thinking about using 150Gb partitions but most 
space would be unused, commonly I use space for data (work, music, video) more 
than programs... 100Gb would be fine 

Thanks again

From: Andrei POPESCU
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2020 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: Dual Win10/Linux on HDD+SDD installation & RTL8821CE

On Lu, 23 nov 20, 17:10:56, Kanito 73 wrote:
> Hello
> Finally I bought the laptop with Ryzen 5, it arrived yesterday. At first I 
> backed up (clonezilla) the whole brand new system (Windows 10) before running 
> for first time to have a virgin copy of the original system. Today I will 
> erase the disks to create partitions and install both Windows 10 and Linux, 
> but I'm not sure about how to organize the space. The laptop comes with a 1Tb 
> HDD and a 128Gb SDD. Windows 10 is installed on the 128Gb SDD and the whole 
> 1Tb HDD is empty and available for data.
> Well, I have two options to organize (partitionate) and want to hear (read) 
> opinions:
> - Install Windows 10 on the 1Tb HDD using 150Gb
> - Leave the remainder of 1Tb HDD for NTFS data partition (shared for 
> Win10+Linux)
> - Install Debian 10 on the 128Gb SDD
> (Can Linux run on "sdb" (Windows on "sda")?)
> - Install Windows 10 on the 1Tb HDD using 150Gb
> - Install Debian 10 on the 1Tb HDD using 150Gb

A (slightly trimmed) LXDE installation is less than 10 GiB. Even if
Gnome or KDE are 3 times bigger, that's still only 30 GiB.

You could check the size of your current installation with something

du -hx --max-depth=1 /

It will show you how the space is distributed among your top-level
directories (assuming all in one partition).

I'm guessing most of your space will be taken up by /home, which could
be its own partition on the HDD.

> - Leave the remainder of 1Tb HDD for NTFS data partition (shared for
> Win10+Linux)
> - Use the 128Gb SDD to edit/render FHD/4K video faster than in HDD
> I guess that the original Windows 10 is on SDD to load faster and run
> programs slightly, but Linux is lighter, my current laptop has a
> normal HDD and never required it to load Linux or run programs faster
> (except for some games or apps used ocasionally).

Debian will benefit from an SSD as well, just try it out ;)

> Windows is a big elephant while Linux is a cheetah. So I think it
> would be better to use the SDD rendering videos, I know the disk is
> short but once the videos are edited and rendered they are stored on
> external USB disk and probably I will begin to move to DVD since it is
> a lot of "dead space" on external disks that may have a more dynamic
> use.

Are you sure that operation will benefit from faster storage (as opposed
to more CPU and/or RAM)?

Kind regards,

Re: Hijacking Threads [was: Re: rsync link corruption with -H and --link-dest]

2020-11-23 Thread Jeremy Nicoll
On Sun, 22 Nov 2020, at 16:55, Gareth Evans wrote:

> > Once one sets up an MUA correctly, one only has to click 'Compose' for
> > all the required fields, apart from Subject, to be filled in.
> When does clicking "compose" have this effect?

In a good (probably standalone) MUA.

In Fastmail's webmail system there's not much of that flexibility, however
in a specific folder's "Advanced Preferences" you can set the identity 
which will be used when you compose a mail when that is the current folder.

So here, if I have my debian-users folder selected, then click on Compose
(which annoyingly needs me to scroll the folders list back to the top), the 
new window will open with "From:" set appropriately.

I have to set the "To:" address manually, but in contacts I defined all my 
mailing list to-addresses as "ML - list name" so typing just ML in the TO
field gives me a picking list of valid values.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

Re: Dual Win10/Linux on HDD+SDD installation & RTL8821CE

2020-11-23 Thread Linux-Fan

Kanito 73 writes:


Finally I bought the laptop with Ryzen 5, it arrived yesterday. At first I  
backed up (clonezilla) the whole brand new system (Windows 10) before running  
for first time to have a virgin copy of the original system. Today I will  
erase the disks to create partitions and install both Windows 10 and Linux,  
but I'm not sure about how to organize the space. The laptop comes with a 1Tb  
HDD and a 128Gb SDD. Windows 10 is installed on the 128Gb SDD and the whole  


(Can Linux run on "sdb" (Windows on "sda")?)

Yes, it can.


My suggestions are as follows

* Install the primary OS (the one you use more) on the SSD.
  It will improve application startup times and update processes
  both of which one needs to perform rather often independently of
  system usage.

* If your primary OS is Linux, consider using the 128 GiB SSD for
  Linux only and put a decent swap partition on it to aid with
  data-intensive applications (how much RAM does your laptop have?)

* Instead of installing the secondary (i.e. less-often-used) OS on
  the 1T HDD, consider running it as a virtual machine under the
  primary OS. For Linux, you can use virt-manager + KVM, for Windows
  (if you have Windows 10 Pro), you can use Microsoft Hyper-V.
  Advantages of this approach:

+ No need to restart the computer to access the secondary OS.
  Especially: No need to restart the computer to install
  security updates for Linux. If you use Linux host systems:
  No need to restart the computer except for
  applying kernel upgrades.

+ No need to worry about Windows' rapid startup feature that
  does not shutdown the computer but rather goes into some
  special suspend-to-disk mode. It can cause file system
  corruption if data is accessed by another OS while Windows
  is in that state. Modern Linux will most likely warn
  you before it happens, though :)

+ You can share data through a networked file system (SMB,
  even if it is only between Host and VM) and store it in
  the host OS' native file system.
  Rationale: I'd advise against using NTFS productively
  for Linux data (although I have not tried it extensively).

+ You can start by putting both OS on the SSD and once space
  gets filled-up move the virtual HDD to the 1T HDD. Depending
  on the usage pattern, 128G SSD may be enough for both
  [I know that I'd exceed it pretty quickly, but I use larger
  SSDs for that reason...]

* If Windows is your primary OS, Microsoft has made some interesting
  progress in supporting the use of Linux applications. Check out the
  "Windows Subsystem for Linux 2" (WSL2) and Linux Docker containers
  on Windows (Docker on Windows boils down to a hidden VM IIRC).



Description: PGP signature

Re: Problem with /var/mail file > 2GB with pop3

2020-11-23 Thread Celejar
On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 17:38:19 +0200
Andrei POPESCU  wrote:

> On Lu, 23 nov 20, 07:24:37, wrote:
> > On Monday, November 23, 2020 06:15:09 AM Sven Hartge wrote:
> > > Joe  wrote:
> > > > That's why we have IMAP, which doesn't use mbox.
> > > 
> > > The IMAP protocal and the backend storage have no connection.
> > 
> > Well, they do in a way -- if you use IMAP from your ISP for example, you 
> > don't 
> > need local storage on your email device (not any of mbox, maildir, or 
> > whatever).
> > 
> > (I don't use IMAP (I use POP3), but I assume that if I were using IMAP as 
> > described, I could save emails on my local device, but I'm not clear on 
> > that 
> > mechanism / storage method.)
> It depends on the software used to retrieve the e-mails (via IMAP), e.g.  
> as far as I recall getmail can be configured to use either mbox or 
> Maildir as local storage.



Re: Dual Win10/Linux on HDD+SDD installation & RTL8821CE

2020-11-23 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 23 nov 20, 17:10:56, Kanito 73 wrote:
> Hello
> Finally I bought the laptop with Ryzen 5, it arrived yesterday. At first I 
> backed up (clonezilla) the whole brand new system (Windows 10) before running 
> for first time to have a virgin copy of the original system. Today I will 
> erase the disks to create partitions and install both Windows 10 and Linux, 
> but I'm not sure about how to organize the space. The laptop comes with a 1Tb 
> HDD and a 128Gb SDD. Windows 10 is installed on the 128Gb SDD and the whole 
> 1Tb HDD is empty and available for data.
> Well, I have two options to organize (partitionate) and want to hear (read) 
> opinions:
> - Install Windows 10 on the 1Tb HDD using 150Gb
> - Leave the remainder of 1Tb HDD for NTFS data partition (shared for 
> Win10+Linux)
> - Install Debian 10 on the 128Gb SDD
> (Can Linux run on "sdb" (Windows on "sda")?)
> - Install Windows 10 on the 1Tb HDD using 150Gb
> - Install Debian 10 on the 1Tb HDD using 150Gb

A (slightly trimmed) LXDE installation is less than 10 GiB. Even if 
Gnome or KDE are 3 times bigger, that's still only 30 GiB.

You could check the size of your current installation with something 

du -hx --max-depth=1 /

It will show you how the space is distributed among your top-level 
directories (assuming all in one partition).

I'm guessing most of your space will be taken up by /home, which could 
be its own partition on the HDD.

> - Leave the remainder of 1Tb HDD for NTFS data partition (shared for 
> Win10+Linux)
> - Use the 128Gb SDD to edit/render FHD/4K video faster than in HDD
> I guess that the original Windows 10 is on SDD to load faster and run 
> programs slightly, but Linux is lighter, my current laptop has a 
> normal HDD and never required it to load Linux or run programs faster 
> (except for some games or apps used ocasionally).

Debian will benefit from an SSD as well, just try it out ;)

> Windows is a big elephant while Linux is a cheetah. So I think it 
> would be better to use the SDD rendering videos, I know the disk is 
> short but once the videos are edited and rendered they are stored on 
> external USB disk and probably I will begin to move to DVD since it is 
> a lot of "dead space" on external disks that may have a more dynamic 
> use.

Are you sure that operation will benefit from faster storage (as opposed 
to more CPU and/or RAM)?

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Dual Win10/Linux on HDD+SDD installation & RTL8821CE

2020-11-23 Thread Kanito 73

Finally I bought the laptop with Ryzen 5, it arrived yesterday. At first I 
backed up (clonezilla) the whole brand new system (Windows 10) before running 
for first time to have a virgin copy of the original system. Today I will erase 
the disks to create partitions and install both Windows 10 and Linux, but I'm 
not sure about how to organize the space. The laptop comes with a 1Tb HDD and a 
128Gb SDD. Windows 10 is installed on the 128Gb SDD and the whole 1Tb HDD is 
empty and available for data.

Well, I have two options to organize (partitionate) and want to hear (read) 

- Install Windows 10 on the 1Tb HDD using 150Gb
- Leave the remainder of 1Tb HDD for NTFS data partition (shared for 
- Install Debian 10 on the 128Gb SDD
(Can Linux run on "sdb" (Windows on "sda")?)

- Install Windows 10 on the 1Tb HDD using 150Gb
- Install Debian 10 on the 1Tb HDD using 150Gb
- Leave the remainder of 1Tb HDD for NTFS data partition (shared for 
- Use the 128Gb SDD to edit/render FHD/4K video faster than in HDD

I guess that the original Windows 10 is on SDD to load faster and run programs 
slightly, but Linux is lighter, my current laptop has a normal HDD and never 
required it to load Linux or run programs faster (except for some games or apps 
used ocasionally). Windows is a big elephant while Linux is a cheetah. So I 
think it would be better to use the SDD rendering videos, I know the disk is 
short but once the videos are edited and rendered they are stored on external 
USB disk and probably I will begin to move to DVD since it is a lot of "dead 
space" on external disks that may have a more dynamic use.

About wifi... Do anybody use RTL8821CE with a latest Debian 10 kernel (package) 
without installing an external driver? My old laptop has RTL8723 that required 
to install rtlwifi_new driver (from GIT) but currently runs fine with the 
kernel driver, would it work also for RTL8821CE? I found a post in a forum 
saying that rtlwifi_new also supports RTL8821CE ...

Well, what do you think?


Re: initrd inspection (was: Size of initrd)

2020-11-23 Thread Felix Miata
Curt composed on 2020-11-23 12:39 (UTC):

> tomas wrote:

>> The initramfs is a compressed cpio archive (of the initial file
>> system at boot time). You can inspect it like so:

>>   gunzip < /boot/initrd.img-4.19.0-10-amd64 | cpio -it | less

> lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img-4.19.0-10-amd64

If /boot/initrd.img-4.19.0-10-amd64 is the current kernel, then:

lsinitramfs /initrd.img

should be identical. ;-)
Evolution as taught in public schools, like religion,
is based on faith, not on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: How to write in Chinese

2020-11-23 Thread Markos

Em 22-11-2020 00:06, Ming escreveu:

On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 08:10:08PM -0300, Markos wrote:


Hi Ming,

That's right, I think I need to choose an "input method".

I'm gradually understanding what I need.

I found a tutorial that explains what the input methods are.

 From what I've seen the most popular method is "pinyin".

I installed:

apt-get install fonts-arphic-bkai00mp
apt-get install fonts-arphic-bsmi00lp
apt-get install fonts-arphic-gbsn00lp
apt-get install fonts-arphic-gkai00mp
apt-get install fonts-arphic-ukai
apt-get install fonts-arphic-uming


apt-get install ibus-pinyin

Please, what I should do now?

Since I am not currently using a debian system with GUI, I may not be
able to guide you in detail.

But in most cases, you just need to find the ibus settings/system
languages setting (with GUI), add an input method, and finally logout
and re-login. Then you can use shortcut keys or click the input method
icon in status bar to switch input methods.

I find some tutorials in Debian Wiki that might can help you:

And this Arch Wiki may also be used for reference:

In addition, I noticed that ibus-pinyin is deprecated, you may
need change to ibus-libpinyin.

Hi Ming,

I followed your tips:

In the Preferences menu -> ibus preferences -> Input method -> Add, then 
I selected Chinese and Pinyin.

And to insert ideograms I just activate Chinese - Pinyin in systray 
(bottom right of desktop)

Then I saw your tip for replacing ibus-pinyin by ibus-libpinyin.

I was in doubt if I should remove the ibus-pinyin first so as not to 
conflict, but I found at

the tip for just install

apt-get install ibus-libpinyin

and change the input method but not removing any packages.

Thank you, 谢谢

[i915/drm error] Cannot control brightness

2020-11-23 Thread prog-amateur
Hello, the brightness doesn't work (cursor moves but not real brightness). 
Could you please help or at least forward to the relevant member ? Thank you 
very much for your kind help. 
Error message :Some messages appear during boot (after grub) :

i915 :00:02.0 : [drm] *ERROR* Failed to get the PMIC PWM chip
i915 :00:02.0 : [drm] *ERROR* [CRTC:51:pipe A] mismatch in pixel_rate
i915 :00:02.0 : [drm] *ERROR* [CRTC:51:pipe A] mismatch in 
i915 :00:02.0 : [drm] *ERROR* [CRTC:51:pipe A] mismatch in port_clock
Information about device and version : My device is an HP Pro Tablet 608 (CPU : 
Intel Atom X5-Z8500, 64 bits, RAM : 4GB)I am using Debian Testing GNU/Linux 5.9 
(but this bug appears also in 5.8, and Stable version), kernel 5.9.0-1-amd64, 
GNOME 3.38.1 under Wayland.

Possible solution after test with Fedora (GNOME/Wayland/similar kernel) 
:Brightness can be controlled fine. It seems that this bug has been already 
fixed in Fedora with patches (c.f. : Summary of this patch is 
below : 
"drivers/acpi/acpi_lpss.c and/or driver/mfd/intel_soc_pmic_core.c 
registers a pwm with the generic name "pwm_backlight" and then 
the i915 panel code makes a pwm_get(dev, "pwm_backlight"). 

Some devices use a PMIC Crystal Cove, but the LCD screen is connected to 
the PWM SoC/LPSS controller (and the VBT indicates it correctly), 
so here the heuristics in drivers/acpi/acpi_lpss.c and 
mfd/intel_soc_pmic_core.c fail.

This series of patches renames the PWM consultations recorded by the 
LPSS / intel_soc_pmic_core.c code from "pwm_backlight" to 
"pwm_soc_backlight" resp. "pwm_pmic_backlight" and, in the case of LPSS, 
also removes the heuristic. This, combined with teaching the 
i915 panel to call pwm_get for the right search name according to the 
bits of the VBT, solves this problem."

Re: Hijacking Threads [was: Re: rsync link corruption with -H and --link-dest]

2020-11-23 Thread Celejar
On Sun, 22 Nov 2020 19:14:05 +
Brad Rogers  wrote:

> On Sun, 22 Nov 2020 11:39:20 -0700
> Charles Curley  wrote:
> Hello Charles,
> >Thank you. I just learned something useful about Claws-Mail.
> You're welcome.
> For those interested, Claws Mail has it's own mailing list.
> Subscribe here;
> or by emailing

I made this same point in another email, but I just want to remind
people generally that Sylpheed, Claws's "parent," has many of the
features that people like Claws for. It also has its own mailing list ;)


Re: Debian 10 and tethering USB

2020-11-23 Thread Charles Curley
On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 13:55:25 + wrote:

> Instead a friend of mine has an iPhone. There were
> no problems with Debian 10 and iOS 13, instead with
> iOS 14, 14.0.1 and 14.1 tethering USB does non work
> anymore. We are both using the graphic interface
> Xfce and the icon on the top right is showing a
> successful Internet connection. But navigating in
> Internet does not work.

I don't know what you mean by that last sentence.

> A ping does resolve the DNS
> but there aren't any responses to the ICMP packets.

That, as Tomas has already said, may be your friend's phone carrier
dropping ICMP packets.

You might consider using your friend's iPhone as a personal hotspot,
and see if that makes a difference. I just used my Phone as a personal
hotspot, and, on a brief test, ICMP, mail and HTTPS all worked just
fine. Buster, iOS 14.2.

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: AMD Ryzen 5 3550H + GPU AMD Radeon Vega 8 (+nVidia)

2020-11-23 Thread Celejar
On Thu, 19 Nov 2020 17:37:17 +
Kanito 73  wrote:

> Hi
> Does it work fine for you? I've read that the AMD (Ryzen) Radeon Vega GPU 
> overheats and becomes slow or laggy when playing or rendering...

[Back on list:]

I've only used it so far for general, non-gaming work, aside from
running various Unigine benchmarks, and it seems to be working fine.
The benchmarks ran well, although as I noted in another message in this
thread, the numbers I get are substantially lower than those reported
in various reviews that involved testing the card on Windows. They are
higher, however, than the ones reported on Phoronix for Linux.

> From: Celejar 
> Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2020 3:56 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: AMD Ryzen 5 3550H + GPU AMD Radeon Vega 8 (+nVidia)
> On Thu, 19 Nov 2020 10:07:58 -0500
> Dan Ritter  wrote:
> ...
> > Ryzen 3 3550H will work quite nicely in Debian Stable; the
> > integrated Radeon GPU is well-supported. You will want to
> > install
> >
> > xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu
> > and
> > firmware-amd-graphics
> ...
> Just to be clear, in case anyone cares: the firmware package is in
> non-free. (I do use it on one of my systems.)
> > Debian has drivers. AMD produces a supported open-source
> > version, which Debian uses, and a supported proprietary version,
> > which you can install yourself, though I don't recommend it.
> Celejar


Re: Why use an email client AND sendmail/popa3d - Does this avoid the hijack?

2020-11-23 Thread John Hasler
I use Fetchmail to fetch my mail every five minutes from Newsguy.  This
means that my mail is never on anyone else's server for more than a few
minutes.  Fetchmail hands it off to Exim which passes it through
Mailagent and Spamassassin and then delivers it to my inbox.  Outgoing
mail is delivered to Newsguy by Exim running in smarthost mode (one of
the menu choices when installing Exim).  Mail to my domains is forwarded
to Newsguy.  I get most of the benefits of running my own email server
without having to administer an Internet-facing server.  I have full
control of filtering and sorting, can use any MUA, and needn't have a
connection up to read or send mail.  Messages I compose while the link
is down go out when it comes up.  All my saved mail is right here on my
machine where I can look through it at will but no one else can.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: 780 files in /usr/share/zoneinfo/

2020-11-23 Thread Charles Curley
On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 07:51:09 -0500
Greg Wooledge  wrote:

> (And yes, I know find | wc -l isn't an accurate way to count files if
> their names are unrestricted.  Here I'm assuming there aren't a huge
> number of filenames in /usr/share/zoneinfo/ with newlines.)

You are also assuming that there are no hard links. In this case, the
assumption is correct.

root@jhegaala:~# find /usr/share/zoneinfo -type f | xargs ls -i | cut -f1 -d' ' 
| sort -n | wc -l

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: Problem with /var/mail file > 2GB with pop3

2020-11-23 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 23 nov 20, 07:24:37, wrote:
> On Monday, November 23, 2020 06:15:09 AM Sven Hartge wrote:
> > Joe  wrote:
> > > That's why we have IMAP, which doesn't use mbox.
> > 
> > The IMAP protocal and the backend storage have no connection.
> Well, they do in a way -- if you use IMAP from your ISP for example, you 
> don't 
> need local storage on your email device (not any of mbox, maildir, or 
> whatever).
> (I don't use IMAP (I use POP3), but I assume that if I were using IMAP as 
> described, I could save emails on my local device, but I'm not clear on that 
> mechanism / storage method.)
It depends on the software used to retrieve the e-mails (via IMAP), e.g.  
as far as I recall getmail can be configured to use either mbox or 
Maildir as local storage.

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian 10 and tethering USB

2020-11-23 Thread tomas
On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 01:55:25PM +, wrote:
> Hi,
> Since years I'm using Debian with tethering USB for
> the Internet connection, without any problems with
> different mobile phones and different versions of
> Android.
> Instead a friend of mine has an iPhone. There were
> no problems with Debian 10 and iOS 13, instead with
> iOS 14, 14.0.1 and 14.1 tethering USB does non work
> anymore. We are both using the graphic interface
> Xfce and the icon on the top right is showing a
> successful Internet connection. But navigating in
> Internet does not work. A ping does resolve the DNS
> but there aren't any responses to the ICMP packets.
> Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Are other TCP connections possible? Like http, https,
ssh, you name it?

Some over-eager firewalls tend to drop ICMP (which tends
to be a Bad Idea for many other reasons).

 - t

Description: Digital signature

Re: Size of initrd

2020-11-23 Thread tomas
On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 08:15:47AM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 10:03:06PM +0100, wrote:
> > The initramfs is a compressed cpio archive (of the initial file
> > system at boot time). You can inspect it like so:
> > 
> >   gunzip < /boot/initrd.img-4.19.0-10-amd64 | cpio -it | less
> Debian's initrd images are actually multiple cpio archives concatenated
> together [...]

I see, thanks

 - t

Description: Digital signature

Re: Problem with /var/mail file > 2GB with pop3

2020-11-23 Thread Sven Hartge
Didar Hossain  wrote:

> Dovecot has "single instance attachment storage" (SIS) as well as its
> own native mdbox binary format (multiple emails per file indexed
> efficiently).

> The SIS is a feature that I am really excited about since we have
> multiple user receiveing the same email - it really saves on storage
> space.

Be careful with SIS in Dovecot. There be dragons!

There are some yet-to-be-solved problems with it, mostly in the "remove
attachments no longer needed" region.

Scour the list archives before using it.


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

Debian 10 and tethering USB

2020-11-23 Thread magnus


Since years I'm using Debian with tethering USB for
the Internet connection, without any problems with
different mobile phones and different versions of

Instead a friend of mine has an iPhone. There were
no problems with Debian 10 and iOS 13, instead with
iOS 14, 14.0.1 and 14.1 tethering USB does non work
anymore. We are both using the graphic interface
Xfce and the icon on the top right is showing a
successful Internet connection. But navigating in
Internet does not work. A ping does resolve the DNS
but there aren't any responses to the ICMP packets.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


PS: Please Cc: me, I'm not subscribed to debian-user.

Re: pygopherd

2020-11-23 Thread Glenn Holmer
On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 12:08 PM Brad Rogers  wrote:

> On Tue, 17 Nov 2020 08:25:12 -0600
> Glenn Holmer  wrote:
> >Is it just for lack of a maintainer? Does it have to do with the Python
> >3 migration?
> Did you look at the reason(s) for removal?  Pretty much all the info you
> require is there.

The info I was hoping to find is in this thread:

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

Re: Problem with /var/mail file > 2GB with pop3

2020-11-23 Thread Didar Hossain
On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 07:24:37AM -0500, wrote:
> On Monday, November 23, 2020 06:15:09 AM Sven Hartge wrote:
> > Joe  wrote:
> > > That's why we have IMAP, which doesn't use mbox.
> > 
> > The IMAP protocal and the backend storage have no connection.
> Well, they do in a way -- if you use IMAP from your ISP for example, you 
> don't 
> need local storage on your email device (not any of mbox, maildir, or 
> whatever).
> (I don't use IMAP (I use POP3), but I assume that if I were using IMAP as 
> described, I could save emails on my local device, but I'm not clear on that 
> mechanism / storage method.)

Thought I would just jump in.

Dovecot has "single instance attachment storage" (SIS) as well as its own native
mdbox binary format (multiple emails per file indexed efficiently).

The SIS is a feature that I am really excited about since we have multiple user
receiveing the same email - it really saves on storage space.

Kind regards,

"I can imagine no greater misfortune for a cultured people than to see in
 the hands of the rulers not only the civil, but also the religious power."
[Caius Valerius Catullus, Roman poet 87-54 BC]

Re: Size of initrd

2020-11-23 Thread Curt
On 2020-11-23, Curt  wrote:
> On 2020-11-21,   wrote:
>> The initramfs is a compressed cpio archive (of the initial file
>> system at boot time). You can inspect it like so:
>>   gunzip < /boot/initrd.img-4.19.0-10-amd64 | cpio -it | less
> lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img-4.19.0-10-amd64

I see this has already been mentioned as a shorter alternative.

Re: Size of initrd

2020-11-23 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 10:03:06PM +0100, wrote:
> The initramfs is a compressed cpio archive (of the initial file
> system at boot time). You can inspect it like so:
>   gunzip < /boot/initrd.img-4.19.0-10-amd64 | cpio -it | less

Debian's initrd images are actually multiple cpio archives concatenated
together.  The command you used here only views the first archive.

Use lsinitramfs instead.  It will open all of the archives inside the

Re: Size of initrd

2020-11-23 Thread Curt
On 2020-11-21,   wrote:
> The initramfs is a compressed cpio archive (of the initial file
> system at boot time). You can inspect it like so:
>   gunzip < /boot/initrd.img-4.19.0-10-amd64 | cpio -it | less

lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img-4.19.0-10-amd64

Re: Re: 780 files in /usr/share/zoneinfo/

2020-11-23 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 01:20:39PM -0600, Martin McCormick wrote:
>   I just cd'd to that directory and it looks like there's
> about 1 GB there.

unicorn:~$ du -sh /usr/share/zoneinfo
unicorn:~$ find /usr/share/zoneinfo -type f | wc -l

Either something's wrong on your system -- in which case you should try
to figure out what it is -- or something's wrong with your interpretation
of what you're seeing.

(And yes, I know find | wc -l isn't an accurate way to count files if
their names are unrestricted.  Here I'm assuming there aren't a huge
number of filenames in /usr/share/zoneinfo/ with newlines.)

Re: Problem with /var/mail file > 2GB with pop3

2020-11-23 Thread rhkramer
On Monday, November 23, 2020 06:15:09 AM Sven Hartge wrote:
> Joe  wrote:
> > That's why we have IMAP, which doesn't use mbox.
> The IMAP protocal and the backend storage have no connection.

Well, they do in a way -- if you use IMAP from your ISP for example, you don't 
need local storage on your email device (not any of mbox, maildir, or 

(I don't use IMAP (I use POP3), but I assume that if I were using IMAP as 
described, I could save emails on my local device, but I'm not clear on that 
mechanism / storage method.)

Re: Why use an email client AND sendmail/popa3d - Does this avoid the hijack?

2020-11-23 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 23 nov 20, 14:27:36, Keith Bainbridge wrote:
> So does htis get a new subject in the list?
> Good afternon All
> I was interested to read that Flo, the OP, uses separate mail
> collection, sendmail and thunderbird. Some of the replies sound like
> this is a common practice.
> What are the advantages of this set of processes over letting tbird do
> it all? - or any other client for that matter?

It makes it easier to switch between different e-mail clients if the 
sending and/or receiving is handled externally, e.g. one might use a 
graphical e-mail client in general and a text mode client occasionally.

Such a setup also typically uses standard locations for the storage (as 
opposed to e-mail client specific), which makes it easier to add more 
functionality (e.g. serve local e-mail via IMAP) or replace individual 

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Buster/Vagrant/Libvirt: échec ipxe

2020-11-23 Thread Olivier

Je teste Vagrant/Libvirt sur Buster. J'ai suivi [1].

Libvirt fonctionne un minimum puisque que j'arrive à créer et utiliser des
VM "à la main".

Par contre, la commande "vagrant up --provider=libvirt" ne donne pas le
résultat escompté:

- la commande "vagrant up --provider=libvirt" se termine avec 0 comme code
de sortie
- j'accède à la console de la nouvelle VM avec VirtManager
- le démarrage de celle-ci s'interrompt car la nouvelle image ne reçoit pas
d'image par PXE:

Nothing to boot:no such file or directory (
No bootable device

Mon fichier Vagrantfile est simplissime:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.box_url = "debian/buster64"

Dans quelle direction chercher ?
Dois-je configurer dnsmasq/PXE/autre pour que l'obtention de l'image PXE
réussisse ou bien dois-je au contraire chercher à éviter cette étape ?



Re: initrd inspection

2020-11-23 Thread tomas
On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 12:19:02PM +0100, Sven Hartge wrote:
> wrote:
> > On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 01:36:05AM -0500, Felix Miata wrote:
> >> Tomas composed on 2020-11-21 22:46 (UTC+0100):
> >>> You can inspect it like so:
> >> 
> >>>   gunzip < /boot/initrd.img-4.19.0-10-amd64 | cpio -it | less


> > Hm. Apt-file search says (Buster) that /usr/bin/lsinitrd is in package
> > dracut-core (not installed in my box, so I can't double check now).
> Try
> initramfs-tools-core: /usr/bin/lsinitramfs

Thanks :-)

 - t

Description: Digital signature

Re: initrd inspection

2020-11-23 Thread Sven Hartge wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 01:36:05AM -0500, Felix Miata wrote:
>> Tomas composed on 2020-11-21 22:46 (UTC+0100):
>>> You can inspect it like so:
>>>   gunzip < /boot/initrd.img-4.19.0-10-amd64 | cpio -it | less
>> That was shortened to 'lsinitrd  | less' in 2008 in openSUSE[1], 
>> which
>> Mandriva already had, eventually upstream'd to dracut, I'm guessing well 
>> over 5
>> years ago, since I can't figure out how to find dracut's changelog. I wonder 
>> why
>> Debian's dracut doesn't have it?

> Hm. Apt-file search says (Buster) that /usr/bin/lsinitrd is in package
> dracut-core (not installed in my box, so I can't double check now).


initramfs-tools-core: /usr/bin/lsinitramfs


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

Re: Problem with /var/mail file > 2GB with pop3

2020-11-23 Thread Sven Hartge
Joe  wrote:

> That's why we have IMAP, which doesn't use mbox.

The IMAP protocal and the backend storage have no connection.

You can for example use mbox with Dovecot just fine. (Not that anyone
would *want* to, but that is a different story.)


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

Re: Why use an email client AND sendmail/popa3d - trying to NOT hijack

2020-11-23 Thread The Wanderer
On 2020-11-23 at 05:43, Joe wrote:

> On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 13:21:25 +1100 Keith Bainbridge
>  wrote:

>> PS  Am I wrong to avoid 'everyting in 1 file' where possible (mail
>> dir rather than mbox in this case)? OK this is probably a whole
>> separate topic.
> As I've posted elsewhere, I have about 3GB of email. I would not
> consider putting that in one file.

Speaking as a user of Thunderbird, I have ~20GB of E-mail (including
archives which date back well over a decade if not further), split
across a few accounts plus the "Local Folders" non-account.

It's divided into a total of 422 different mail-client-displayed
"folders" (although some of them are parent-folder only, they don't
contain actual messages), each of which is stored as a single file (not
mbox or similar, but the internal "Mork" database format, which as I
understand matters even Thunderbird may now be moving away from).

That averages out to ~47MB per file. After discounting the
otherwise-empty parent folders, the realistic figure is actually
probably somewhere in the 100MB-200MB range. When a given mailing list's
folder gets too large for my taste (or large enough that I start to
notice delays reading or writing that folder), I create a separate
"archive" folders for it by year, and move previous years' mail from
that folder into those per-year archive folders; this tends to happen
when the folder's contents reach somewhere between 10,000 and 20,000

This isn't necessarily a particularly ideal way of handling things, but
it's worked well for me thus far.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Why use an email client AND sendmail/popa3d - trying to NOT hijack

2020-11-23 Thread Joe
On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 13:21:25 +1100
Keith Bainbridge  wrote:

> Good afternon All
> I was interested to read that Flo, the OP, uses separate mail
> collection, sendmail and thunderbird. Some of the replies sound like
> this is a common practice.
> What are the advantages of this set of processes over letting tbird do
> it all? - or any other client for that matter?

As far as I know, TB isn't an MTA, it can send email only as a client
to an MTA somewhere else. So it's not doing it all.

A lot depends how you want to send and receive emails. If you're using
an external email service, you can get away with just an email client,
or even use webmail. If you're sending and receiving yourself, you'll
need an MTA and an email distribution method such as POP3 or IMAP, as
well as clients on any devices you have. If you're also collecting
email from an external service, you'll need an email collector such as
fetchmail or procmail, to keep all email centrally stored. 
> Would it save me from my fairly regular 'can't find profile' errors?
> Thanks

Don't know, I gave up TB for Claws-mail long ago, TB was just too
painfully slow.

> PS  Am I wrong to avoid 'everyting in 1 file' where possible (mail dir
> rather than mbox in this case)? OK this is probably a whole separate
> topic.

As I've posted elsewhere, I have about 3GB of email. I would not
consider putting that in one file.


Re: Problem with /var/mail file > 2GB with pop3

2020-11-23 Thread Joe
On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 10:25:28 +0100
Flo  wrote:

> On 11/23/20 7:05 AM, David Wright wrote:
> > On Sun 22 Nov 2020 at 18:57:46 (+0100), Flo wrote:  
> >> On 2020-11-22 01:04, deloptes wrote:  
> >>> David Wright wrote:
> >>>  
>  I can't understand how anyone would want to have a live INBOX
>  file containing 2GB of emails. Apart from the risks, it just
>  seems so disorganised.  
> >>>
> >>> I don't even try - there are all kinds of people out there - and
> >>> everybody is free. And surprisingly the OP recompiles the
> >>> package. In this case it is enough to just point out the nonsense
> >>> of the subject "Problem with /var/mail file > 2GB with pop3".  
> >>
> >> Let's assume an average message size of 20MB. Then 100 messages are
> >> enough to make it INBOX file that big. This doesn't necessarily
> >> mean that this is disorganized.  
> > 
> > Let's assume an average word length of 10 characters, completely
> > excessive. That would give an email of 2 million words. That would
> > give you about 4000 pages of single-spaced text. No one writes
> > emails like that; not even Proust, were he alive.
> > 
> > So these hefty emails are really files being transferred as
> > attachments, aren't they? And having been transferred, one would
> > usually archive the files, and move the emails out of the live
> > INBOX into other mail files or directories.
> > 
> > Perhaps not. What would be the advantage of leaving 100 such
> > sizeable files in a live INBOX?
> >   
> To have them (files and context) available on a other devices as well 
> for a limited amount of time. Not only on the device where the files
> are archived.

That's why we have IMAP, which doesn't use mbox.

I have about 3GB emails live on my IMAP server, accessible to all my
devices, that's about 20 years' worth.


Re: pb de locales : dmenu (i3) segfault et urxvt se comporte pas bien

2020-11-23 Thread ORL - AMMD


Ca y est, j'ai trouvé.

Tu peux également lancer rxvt sous strace pour voir ce que ça lit. Une
commande du genre : strace -f -o strace.log -e open,file rxvt`
et ensuite tu lis le fichier strace.log

Alors, là, par contre, il y a des choses, j'ai plein "Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce 
type" concernant des locales (notamment un - un fichier gettext pour bash ?).

Je l'ai mis là :

Il y a notamment des lignes concernant /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8 qui 
est un dossier vide (bizarrement, il n'y a pas d'autres dossiers de ce type 
dans /usr/share/X11/locale alors que la locale par défaut c'est fr_FR.UTF-8.

OK, le dossier /usr/share/locale/X11 ne contenait aucun dossier de 
locale à part en_US.UTF-8 qui lui-même était vide.

Ces dossiers viennent de libx11-data, que j'ai réinstallé --purge et 
tout est revenu dans l'ordre.

Je vais clore les mes bugreports, du coup.

En revanche, je ne sais toujours pas pourquoi tout cela a été supprimé 
pendant l'upgrade.

Merci à vous.

Re: Problem with /var/mail file > 2GB with pop3

2020-11-23 Thread Flo

On 11/23/20 7:05 AM, David Wright wrote:

On Sun 22 Nov 2020 at 18:57:46 (+0100), Flo wrote:

On 2020-11-22 01:04, deloptes wrote:

David Wright wrote:

I can't understand how anyone would want to have a live INBOX
file containing 2GB of emails. Apart from the risks, it just
seems so disorganised.

I don't even try - there are all kinds of people out there - and everybody
is free. And surprisingly the OP recompiles the package. In this case it is
enough to just point out the nonsense of the subject "Problem
with /var/mail file > 2GB with pop3".

Let's assume an average message size of 20MB. Then 100 messages are
enough to make it INBOX file that big. This doesn't necessarily mean
that this is disorganized.

Let's assume an average word length of 10 characters, completely excessive.
That would give an email of 2 million words. That would give you about
4000 pages of single-spaced text. No one writes emails like that;
not even Proust, were he alive.

So these hefty emails are really files being transferred as attachments,
aren't they? And having been transferred, one would usually archive
the files, and move the emails out of the live INBOX into other mail
files or directories.

Perhaps not. What would be the advantage of leaving 100 such sizeable
files in a live INBOX?

To have them (files and context) available on a other devices as well 
for a limited amount of time. Not only on the device where the files are 


Re: color border in image, drop everything outside of it

2020-11-23 Thread Emanuel Berg
> I don't understand what you mean by "sensible" data.
> Your example
>   .
>   ...sss...
>   ..skkks..
>   ..s..
>   ss...
> is a completely convex blob. Are we to understand that as
> a constraint? Or are re-entrant shaped loops allowed? What sort
> of re-entrants?

I have described the intention using everyday language.

Then I described the algorithm that would accomplish this.

Finally, I provided this ascii art example.

If that still isn't enough, well, you know what they say, it ain't
worth it explaining to someone who doesn't understand.

underground experts united

Re: initrd inspection (was: Size of initrd)

2020-11-23 Thread tomas
On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 01:36:05AM -0500, Felix Miata wrote:
> Tomas composed on 2020-11-21 22:46 (UTC+0100):
> > You can inspect it like so:
> >   gunzip < /boot/initrd.img-4.19.0-10-amd64 | cpio -it | less
> That was shortened to 'lsinitrd  | less' in 2008 in openSUSE[1], 
> which
> Mandriva already had, eventually upstream'd to dracut, I'm guessing well over 
> 5
> years ago, since I can't figure out how to find dracut's changelog. I wonder 
> why
> Debian's dracut doesn't have it?

Hm. Apt-file search says (Buster) that /usr/bin/lsinitrd is in package
dracut-core (not installed in my box, so I can't double check now).

 - t

Description: Digital signature

Changing language of Mate in Buster

2020-11-23 Thread john doe

Hello all,

I installed Buster with Mate and I would like for some users to change
their languages to something other than the default language.

If I understand correctly, I should download the gnome2
language-selector, but I'm not finding what package is responsible for this?

Any help is appriciated.

John Doe