Fujitsu S751 BIOS password [was: I don't have word pass bios?]

2023-01-30 Thread tomas
On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 08:04:34PM +, Simeone Dominique wrote:

(Hi, I changed the subject and started a new thread, to avoid
confusing people here on list)

> Good evening,
> I have a computer Lifebook Fujitsu S751 I installed debian, linŭx mint and 
> deepin but the computer boot on the bios I don't have password.
> Do you have a solution?

A web search gives this result, perhaps it is helpful:

Perhaps someone around here has other ideas.

Good luck!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Opencv quelqu’un pour me donner l’info ?

2023-01-30 Thread ptilou
Le lundi 30 janvier 2023 à 14:00:04 UTC+1, ptilou a écrit :
> Slt, 


> Est ce que quelqu’un peut me dire ce que donne ca (sur les fichier dans la 
> dropbox ? : 
> from skimage.metrics import structural_similarity 
> import cv2 
> import numpy as np 
> first = cv2.imread('clownfish_1.jpeg') 
> second = cv2.imread('clownfish_2.jpeg') 
> # Convert images to grayscale 
> first_gray = cv2.cvtColor(first, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) 
> second_gray = cv2.cvtColor(second, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) 
> # Compute SSIM between two images 
> score, diff = structural_similarity(first_gray, second_gray, full=True) 
> print("Similarity Score: {:.3f}%".format(score * 100)) 
> # The diff image contains the actual image differences between the two images 
> # and is represented as a floating point data type so we must convert the 
> array 
> # to 8-bit unsigned integers in the range [0,255] before we can use it with 
> OpenCV 
> diff = (diff * 255).astype("uint8") 
> # Threshold the difference image, followed by finding contours to 
> # obtain the regions that differ between the two images 
> thresh = cv2.threshold(diff, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV | 
> cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1] 
> contours = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, 
> contours = contours[0] if len(contours) == 2 else contours[1] 
> # Highlight differences 
> mask = np.zeros(first.shape, dtype='uint8') 
> filled = second.copy() 
> for c in contours: 
> area = cv2.contourArea(c) 
> if area > 100: 
> x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(c) 
> cv2.rectangle(first, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (36,255,12), 2) 
> cv2.rectangle(second, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (36,255,12), 2) 
> cv2.drawContours(mask, [c], 0, (0,255,0), -1) 
> cv2.drawContours(filled, [c], 0, (0,255,0), -1) 
> cv2.imshow('first', first) 
> cv2.imshow('second', second) 
> cv2.imshow('diff', diff) 
> cv2.imshow('mask', mask) 
> cv2.imshow('filled', filled) 
> cv2.waitKey() 

Je vois que je ne suis pas le seul, comme opencv a ete ecrit en #C par intel, 
je me dis quels interets de passer par python, pourquoi ne pas appeler 
directement la librairie en bash, un script ?

Je piose la question le scripting dans bash, c’est pas l’equivalent du bon vieu 
basic de Microsoft ?

> ( je veux faire un script pour me gerer du hdr dans une data base, mais je 
> cherche comment detecter les images similaire, j’ai lance un fil sur gid hup 
> mais je dois pas etre claire il propose une cles de hash par fichier !) 
> D’apres MikeRobinson : 
> convert -append `counter=0; for x in in-*; do if [[ $(($counter % 2)) == 0 
> ]]; then echo $x; fi; counter=$((counter + 1)); done` out.jpg 

Je ne vois pas dans ce script ou les image rentre en in, donc si quelqu’un sait 
, bon sinon du stack, peut etre comme mots cles est plus a proprie ?

> Pour le script avec imagemagick, y a des script pour assemblee les images 
> d’etoiles ! Mais peut etre quelqu’un connait mieux ? 


> — 



Re: Pas le mot passe bios?

2023-01-30 Thread Haricophile
Le lundi 30 janvier 2023 à 20:26 +, Simeone Dominique a écrit :
> Bonsoir,
> j'ai un portable Lifebook Fujitsu S751 reconditionné et j'ai fait
> installé Debian, Linŭx mint et deepin mais il boot sur le bios dont je
> n'ai pas pu avoir le mot passe. le constructeur peut faire sauter le
> mot passe.
> Y-a-t-il un moyen sans passer par le constructeur?
> Bien à vous. 
> Mr.Dominique Simeone

Chercher sur internet. Chaque constructeur a ses astuces selon le type
de matériel. Sur les fixes, il y a bien souvent un strap ou un coup de
tournevis entre 2 soudures. Pour les portables, et plus encore pour les
tablettes il y a souvent des combinaisons digne d'un jeu vidéo, genre
combinaison d'actions improbables pouvant impliquer des appuis de
touche, utilisation des touches de volume, maintient du bouton marche
pendant 35 secondes, succession de codes...

Bref, chercher sur internet, c'est rare qu'on ne trouve pas, souvent su
Youtube d'ailleurs.

Re: Pas le mot passe bios?

2023-01-30 Thread Haricophile
J'oubliais un détail important :

Potentiellement, un reset du bios peut entraîner un reset du système en
«configuration d'usine» si le système est chiffré quelque part. Donc
toujours sauvegarder ses données avant !

Re: Xfce destop environment

2023-01-30 Thread Mike Kupfer
William Torrez Corea wrote:

>  On Mon, 2023-01-30 at 00:07 -0600, William Torrez Corea wrote:
>  > What happened with my desktop environment?
>  > 
>  > My desktop environment has problems, the title bar is hidden.
> The problem started 1 month ago. I don't know what caused the problem, a
> day logged in on my laptop and the desktop environment is ruined. 

It could be a case where the window manager (xfwm4) died or failed to
start for some reason.  If the system is configured to remember what
applications were running when you exit a session, future logins will
not have xfwm4, either.

I'm not running Xfce at the moment, so I can't give you exact
instructions.  But if you start the settings manager, look for "session"
and click on that.  Then click on the tab for current applications and
see if xfwm4 is listed there.  If it is, then my guess is wrong and the
problem is something else.  If it is not, start xfwm4 by hand, and
everything should be good.


Research is indicating…

2023-01-30 Thread sunilrathadia11
How are things going? Most organizations are showing that the goals of 
technology groups and business groups are now completely aligned. This is 
impacting all levels of business, like organizational charts and the workflow 
of decision making processes.

Re: Pas le mot passe bios?

2023-01-30 Thread Dethegeek

Attention avec le retrait de la pile de la carte mère.

J'ai rencontré un pc (fixe) avec un mot de passe BIOS inconnu. J'ai tenté
cette manipulation, très classique, dessus.

Résultat : la carte mère a brické. Il y avait un dispositif de blocage la
rendant inexploitable (un message d'erreur disant explicitement que la pile
à été retirée, et refus de donner l'accès au bios, ni même démarrer).

C'est vraiment vicieux, il faut l'admettre. Mais aujourd'hui, avec toutes
les protections contre le boot avec du code malveillant, les sécurités
antivol, ce genre de bêtise pourrait être plus fréquent qu'il y a 15 ans
(date approximative de mon expérience).
Il vaut mieux s'appuyer sur le déblocage avec un mot de passe constructeur,
comme décrit en 1ere réponse.

Le lun. 30 janv. 2023 à 22:12,  a écrit :

> Bonsoir,
> Si l'ordinateur est démontable, il faut pas hésiter à retirer la pile de
> la carte-mère, attendre dix minutes ou plus, puis la remettre. Avec la
> réinitialisation de la carte-mère, le mot de passe saute.
> Le 30/01/2023 à 21:35, a écrit :
> > On 1/30/23 21:26, Simeone Dominique wrote:
> >> Bonsoir,
> >>
> >> j'ai un portable Lifebook Fujitsu S751 reconditionné et j'ai fait
> >> installé Debian, Linŭx mint et deepin mais il boot sur le bios dont je
> >> n'ai pas pu avoir le mot passe. le constructeur peut faire sauter le
> >> mot passe.
> >>
> >> Y-a-t-il un moyen sans passer par le constructeur?
> >>
> >> Bien à vous.
> >>
> >> Mr.Dominique Simeone
> >>
> >>
> >>
> > j'ai eu le même genre de protable pour le boulot, sauf que c'est moi qui
> > avait oublié le mot de passe de bios.
> > il existe des scripts pour obtenir le mot de passe par defaut ou un truc
> > dans le genre, je ne sais plus, ça fait longtemps.
> > en gros il faut guetter une chaine de caractères une fois qu'on a échoué
> > à rentrer le mot de passe plusieurs fois.
> > c'est cette chaine de caractères qu'il faudra utiliser pour pouvoir
> > obtenir un mot de passe qui va permetre de débloquer le portable.
> > ça va aussi remettre les paramettres par defaut.
> >

Re :Re: Pas le mot passe bios?

2023-01-30 Thread Simeone Dominique
La pile est inaccessible. 
Nous avons essayé. 
Bien cordialement 

Envoyé depuis Yahoo Mail pour Android 
  Le lun., janv. 30, 2023 à 22:12, a 
écrit:   Bonsoir,

Si l'ordinateur est démontable, il faut pas hésiter à retirer la pile de 
la carte-mère, attendre dix minutes ou plus, puis la remettre. Avec la 
réinitialisation de la carte-mère, le mot de passe saute.

Le 30/01/2023 à 21:35, a écrit :
> On 1/30/23 21:26, Simeone Dominique wrote:
>> Bonsoir,
>> j'ai un portable Lifebook Fujitsu S751 reconditionné et j'ai fait 
>> installé Debian, Linŭx mint et deepin mais il boot sur le bios dont je 
>> n'ai pas pu avoir le mot passe. le constructeur peut faire sauter le 
>> mot passe.
>> Y-a-t-il un moyen sans passer par le constructeur?
>> Bien à vous.
>> Mr.Dominique Simeone
> j'ai eu le même genre de protable pour le boulot, sauf que c'est moi qui 
> avait oublié le mot de passe de bios.
> il existe des scripts pour obtenir le mot de passe par defaut ou un truc 
> dans le genre, je ne sais plus, ça fait longtemps.
> en gros il faut guetter une chaine de caractères une fois qu'on a échoué 
> à rentrer le mot de passe plusieurs fois.
> c'est cette chaine de caractères qu'il faudra utiliser pour pouvoir 
> obtenir un mot de passe qui va permetre de débloquer le portable.
> ça va aussi remettre les paramettres par defaut.


Re: Pas le mot passe bios?

2023-01-30 Thread firenze . rt


Si l'ordinateur est démontable, il faut pas hésiter à retirer la pile de 
la carte-mère, attendre dix minutes ou plus, puis la remettre. Avec la 
réinitialisation de la carte-mère, le mot de passe saute.

Le 30/01/2023 à 21:35, a écrit :

On 1/30/23 21:26, Simeone Dominique wrote:


j'ai un portable Lifebook Fujitsu S751 reconditionné et j'ai fait 
installé Debian, Linŭx mint et deepin mais il boot sur le bios dont je 
n'ai pas pu avoir le mot passe. le constructeur peut faire sauter le 
mot passe.

Y-a-t-il un moyen sans passer par le constructeur?

Bien à vous.

Mr.Dominique Simeone

j'ai eu le même genre de protable pour le boulot, sauf que c'est moi qui 
avait oublié le mot de passe de bios.
il existe des scripts pour obtenir le mot de passe par defaut ou un truc 
dans le genre, je ne sais plus, ça fait longtemps.
en gros il faut guetter une chaine de caractères une fois qu'on a échoué 
à rentrer le mot de passe plusieurs fois.
c'est cette chaine de caractères qu'il faudra utiliser pour pouvoir 
obtenir un mot de passe qui va permetre de débloquer le portable.

ça va aussi remettre les paramettres par defaut.

Re: Pas le mot passe bios?

2023-01-30 Thread err404

On 1/30/23 21:26, Simeone Dominique wrote:


j'ai un portable Lifebook Fujitsu S751 reconditionné et j'ai fait installé 
Debian, Linŭx mint et deepin mais il boot sur le bios dont je n'ai pas pu avoir 
le mot passe. le constructeur peut faire sauter le mot passe.

Y-a-t-il un moyen sans passer par le constructeur?

Bien à vous.

Mr.Dominique Simeone

j'ai eu le même genre de protable pour le boulot, sauf que c'est moi qui avait 
oublié le mot de passe de bios.
il existe des scripts pour obtenir le mot de passe par defaut ou un truc dans 
le genre, je ne sais plus, ça fait longtemps.
en gros il faut guetter une chaine de caractères une fois qu'on a échoué à 
rentrer le mot de passe plusieurs fois.
c'est cette chaine de caractères qu'il faudra utiliser pour pouvoir obtenir un 
mot de passe qui va permetre de débloquer le portable.
ça va aussi remettre les paramettres par defaut.

Pas le mot passe bios?

2023-01-30 Thread Simeone Dominique
j'ai un portable Lifebook Fujitsu S751 reconditionné et j'ai fait installé 
Debian, Linŭx mint et deepin mais il boot sur le bios dont je n'ai pas pu avoir 
le mot passe. le constructeur peut faire sauter le mot passe.
Y-a-t-il un moyen sans passer par le constructeur?
Bien à vous. 
Mr.Dominique Simeone


I don't have word pass bios?

2023-01-30 Thread Simeone Dominique

Good evening,

I have a computer Lifebook Fujitsu S751 I installed debian, linŭx mint and 
deepin but the computer boot on the bios I don't have password.

Do you have a solution?

Best wishes

Mr.Dominique Simeone 


Re: Bookworm 1/28/23 updates - No Audio Devices Found

2023-01-30 Thread Timothy M Butterworth
On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 12:59 PM Georgi Naplatanov  wrote:

> On 1/28/23 12:04, Timothy M Butterworth wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > I just upgraded to the 1/28/23 updates to KF5 102 and now I have no
> > audio devices found. My USB headset is plugged in but KDE does not see
> it.
> >
> > lsusb lists my USB headphones:
> > Bus 001 Device 009: ID 046d:0a37 Logitech, Inc. USB Headset H540
> >
> > lspci lists my audio devices
> > 04:00.5 Multimedia controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD]
> > ACP/ACP3X/ACP6x Audio Coprocessor (rev 01)
> > 04:00.6 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 17h/19h
> > HD Audio Controller
> >
> > This appears to be a KDE issue. Is anyone else having this problem?
> > Please note the problem started after installing KF5-102 and a reboot.
> >
> Hi Timothy!
> These are a few things to check
> - run alsamixer in console as your user and check that needed channels
> are not muted and volume levels are high enough
> - be sure that you use one of these - PulseAudio or PipeWire (not both)

I had PulseAudio and Pipewire installed. I uninstalled PipeWire and now my
sound cards show up again.


> - chances for missing firmware are small for this device but Debian has
> a new section "non-free-firmware" so check output of dmesg command and
> in case of missing firmware you can add "non-free-firmware" to
> /etc/apt/sources.list (something like this)
> deb bookworm main non-free
> non-free-firmware contrib
> Files containing firmware files, you can find with "apt-file"
> package/command. Example:
> # apt-file search firware101.bin
> Kind regards
> Georgi

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: laptop freezes randomly - please help!! dell xps 15 with debian testing

2023-01-30 Thread Shalom Ben-Zvii Kazaz
I can get lspci listing with Gnome terminal with no problem , but when i
try with Terminator, the second i press the enter key the computer freezes,
well most of the time at least once it succeeded with Terminator too.

On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 8:43 PM Charles Curley <> wrote:

> On Mon, 30 Jan 2023 18:59:19 +0200
> Shalom Ben-Zvii Kazaz  wrote:
> > In the past week my laptop freezes randomly, I can say it happens
> > every 2-3 hours. but there are actions that consistently always cause
> > a freeze, like opening Zoom or executing lspci in Terminator.
> lspci leads me to wonder if lspci is triggering a hardware flaw
> somewhere on the PCI bus. And Zoom might do the same thing: I
> conjecture that it looks for cameras on the PCI and USB busses.
> Does it always freeze at the same point in the lspci listing? What
> happens if you do a verbose listing? 'lspci -v'
> Can you get a complete lspci listing using an older version of Linux,
> or a live CD version (e.g. finnix)?
> --
> Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: laptop freezes randomly - please help!! dell xps 15 with debian testing

2023-01-30 Thread Shalom Ben-Zvii Kazaz
I tried SysRQ and there is no response when the computer freezes. i tried
before freeze to make sure i know how to use it and it worked, i tried b
and k and it worked. but when the computer freezes there is nothing, no

On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 8:00 PM Alexandre Rossi  wrote:

> Hi,
> > In the past week my laptop freezes randomly, I can say it happens every
> 2-3
> > hours. but there are actions that consistently always cause a freeze,
> like
> > opening Zoom or executing lspci in Terminator.
> I would suggest:
> - try to get more debugging info using SysRQ keys [1]
> - try to get more debugging info using netconsole[2] (needs wired
> connection)
> - try another OS (Ubuntu live CD, Windows) to rule out hardware problem
> [1]
> [2]
> Alex

RE: ecran vide après la connexion

2023-01-30 Thread Frédéric BOITEUX

  Je regarderais le log de Xorg (a priori dans /var/log/xorg.0.log ou quelque 
chose d’approchant) : peut-être que le pilote Radeon ne se charge pas 
correctement ?
Une autre idée est de tester avec le dernier noyau dispo (un 6.0 dans les 
backports Debian 11)…

Bon courage,

Re: Xfce destop environment

2023-01-30 Thread Martin Petersen

Hi William,

xfce configuration files relevant to your user session are stored in 
your home dir.

you can more or less just delete / move the config files and they should 
get recreated upon logging in to a xfce session.

I searched on google for "reset xfce configuration" and found many posts 
like this:

"Open a terminal, back up your current configuration:

Code: Select all

mv ~/.config/xfce4  ~/.config/xfce4.bak

Then either leave it like that, which will reset to a default Xfce 
desktop (no Linux Mint customizations), or copy the skeleton files with 
the following command, which will reset to a default Linux Mint Xfce 

Code: Select all

cp -r /etc/xdg/xfce4 ~/.config

Then log out and log in again to effectuate the new configuration."

I believe you good get results in such a way.

It also might be just smth small which is broken.

Could you describe "broken" some more? A panel might be hidden but u can 
access all xfce configuration panels by right clicking on the empty 
desktop open a menu, than applications follwed by settings.

Also take a look at the xfce project documentation, it's quite large 
with many screenshots to demonstrate the principles of xfce

Nearly everything is just a right click from configuration separated.

You could also create a new user account with xfce configured as default 
session and copy your files over :)

Good luck :)



On 2023-01-30  19:57, William Torrez Corea wrote:

On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 12:43 AM David  wrote:

On Mon, 2023-01-30 at 00:07 -0600, William Torrez Corea wrote:

What happened with my desktop environment?

My desktop environment has problems, the title bar is hidden.

Well, William, from your extensive description of the situation, you
may well have enabled full-screen or have a resolution problem.
It could be anything.
When did this first start happening?
Is there any possible causative action you might have taken which
initiated this behaviour?

The problem started 1 month ago. I don't know what caused the problem, a
day logged in on my laptop and the desktop environment is ruined.

I decided to change my desktop environment for gnome but I want to recover
my old desktop environment XFCE.

*What command is needed to show the error?*

In this way I can supply more information about the problem.

P.D: I search some help in but the problem
still exist

Re: Xfce destop environment

2023-01-30 Thread David
On Mon, 2023-01-30 at 12:57 -0600, William Torrez Corea wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 12:43 AM David 
> wrote:
> > On Mon, 2023-01-30 at 00:07 -0600, William Torrez Corea wrote:
> > > What happened with my desktop environment?
> > > 
> > > My desktop environment has problems, the title bar is hidden.
> > 
> > Well, William, from your extensive description of the situation,
> > you
> > may well have enabled full-screen or have a resolution problem.
> > It could be anything.
> > When did this first start happening?
> > Is there any possible causative action you might have taken which
> > initiated this behaviour?
> > Cheers!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> The problem started 1 month ago. I don't know what caused the
> problem, a
> day logged in on my laptop and the desktop environment is ruined.
> I decided to change my desktop environment for gnome but I want to
> recover
> my old desktop environment XFCE.
> *What command is needed to show the error?*
> In this way I can supply more information about the problem.
> P.D: I search some help in but the
> problem
> still exist

I think the fastest way in this instance would be to simply reinstall
If the problem persists, come back to the list.

Re: Xfce destop environment

2023-01-30 Thread William Torrez Corea
On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 12:43 AM David  wrote:

> On Mon, 2023-01-30 at 00:07 -0600, William Torrez Corea wrote:
> > What happened with my desktop environment?
> >
> > My desktop environment has problems, the title bar is hidden.
> Well, William, from your extensive description of the situation, you
> may well have enabled full-screen or have a resolution problem.
> It could be anything.
> When did this first start happening?
> Is there any possible causative action you might have taken which
> initiated this behaviour?
> Cheers!
The problem started 1 month ago. I don't know what caused the problem, a
day logged in on my laptop and the desktop environment is ruined.

I decided to change my desktop environment for gnome but I want to recover
my old desktop environment XFCE.

*What command is needed to show the error?*

In this way I can supply more information about the problem.

P.D: I search some help in but the problem
still exist


With kindest regards, William.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: laptop freezes randomly - please help!! dell xps 15 with debian testing

2023-01-30 Thread Charles Curley
On Mon, 30 Jan 2023 18:59:19 +0200
Shalom Ben-Zvii Kazaz  wrote:

> In the past week my laptop freezes randomly, I can say it happens
> every 2-3 hours. but there are actions that consistently always cause
> a freeze, like opening Zoom or executing lspci in Terminator.

lspci leads me to wonder if lspci is triggering a hardware flaw
somewhere on the PCI bus. And Zoom might do the same thing: I
conjecture that it looks for cameras on the PCI and USB busses.

Does it always freeze at the same point in the lspci listing? What
happens if you do a verbose listing? 'lspci -v'

Can you get a complete lspci listing using an older version of Linux,
or a live CD version (e.g. finnix)?

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: Openbox documentation.

2023-01-30 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 09:42:49AM -0800, wrote:
> me@computer:/home/me# head -n 4 /etc/xdg/openbox/rc.xml
> How would rc.xml be available to edit before Openbox is installed?  The 
> writer had a time machine?

On install of a new version, is what I would assume it means.

Openbox documentation.

2023-01-30 Thread peter
me@computer:/home/me# head -n 4 /etc/xdg/openbox/rc.xml

How would rc.xml be available to edit before Openbox is installed?  The 
writer had a time machine?

Thx,... P.

mobile: +1 778 951 5147
  VoIP: +1 604 670 0140

Re: laptop freezes randomly - please help!! dell xps 15 with debian testing

2023-01-30 Thread Alexandre Rossi

> In the past week my laptop freezes randomly, I can say it happens every 2-3
> hours. but there are actions that consistently always cause a freeze, like
> opening Zoom or executing lspci in Terminator.

I would suggest:
- try to get more debugging info using SysRQ keys [1]
- try to get more debugging info using netconsole[2] (needs wired connection)
- try another OS (Ubuntu live CD, Windows) to rule out hardware problem



Re: Bookworm 1/28/23 updates - No Audio Devices Found

2023-01-30 Thread Georgi Naplatanov

On 1/28/23 12:04, Timothy M Butterworth wrote:


I just upgraded to the 1/28/23 updates to KF5 102 and now I have no 
audio devices found. My USB headset is plugged in but KDE does not see it.

lsusb lists my USB headphones:
Bus 001 Device 009: ID 046d:0a37 Logitech, Inc. USB Headset H540

lspci lists my audio devices
04:00.5 Multimedia controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] 
ACP/ACP3X/ACP6x Audio Coprocessor (rev 01)
04:00.6 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 17h/19h 
HD Audio Controller

This appears to be a KDE issue. Is anyone else having this problem? 
Please note the problem started after installing KF5-102 and a reboot.

Hi Timothy!

These are a few things to check

- run alsamixer in console as your user and check that needed channels 
are not muted and volume levels are high enough

- be sure that you use one of these - PulseAudio or PipeWire (not both)
- chances for missing firmware are small for this device but Debian has 
a new section "non-free-firmware" so check output of dmesg command and 
in case of missing firmware you can add "non-free-firmware" to 
/etc/apt/sources.list (something like this)

deb bookworm main non-free 
non-free-firmware contrib

Files containing firmware files, you can find with "apt-file" 
package/command. Example:

# apt-file search firware101.bin

Kind regards

laptop freezes randomly - please help!! dell xps 15 with debian testing

2023-01-30 Thread Shalom Ben-Zvii Kazaz
Sorry for starting a new conversation, the previous one didn't help me and
I hope that now I have more details.
I don't have any idea how to approach that, its my workstation and the past
few days I just couldn't really work.
I'm also not experienced with this mailing list and a bit confused how to
reply here. I hope this time I will do it right.

In the past week my laptop freezes randomly, I can say it happens every 2-3
hours. but there are actions that consistently always cause a freeze, like
opening Zoom or executing lspci in Terminator.

Its a dell xps 15 7590, Intel® Core™ i9-9980HK × 16, 64.0 GiB memory, Mesa
Intel® UHD Graphics 630 (CFL GT2),
The laptop is attached to a dell docking station wd19 with an external
monitor and keyboard and external mouse.
It's running Debian GNU/Linux bookworm (debian testing) with Gnome.
I've been using this laptop for the past 3 years with the same setup with
debian testing since its new.
two month ago an official Dell technician replaced the keyboard and fans
and cooling board while still under Dell warranty.

The freeze started a few days ago after I did full-upgrade. Since then I
did full-upgrade again a few times hoping that it's a bug that was fixed
but it's still freezing.

I always have a few projects open in Jetbrains Intellij idea and rider. I
configure Intellij with 20GB memory, always a few browser windows open with
many tabs, usually brave and chromium. I always have a few windows and tabs
open in Terminator. and more.
The freeze always happens as a result of some UI action. examples are when
i tried to open settings, or some action in Intellij idea. It's completely
random and happens with other applications too.
there are actions that always cause a freeze, i tried that again and again
restarting the computer every time and it's always the same result, and
something suspicious with terminator:
trying to open the Zoom app always causes a freeze, I use zoom regularly
and there was never a problem until a few days ago.
trying to execute the command lspci in Terminator always causes a freeze,
everything else in terminator works. executing lspci in Gnome terminal
works, that looks to me very suspicious. I tried that at least 10 times to
make sure that it's not a coincidence and it's always the same, typing
lspci in Terminator and then Enter freezes the computer, but not in Gnome

What I did:
As suggested to me here, I connected an ssh session with top and
journalctrl -f  from another computer and waited for a freeze. I have the
latest messages from both at the bottom of this message.

I started the computer with a gnome classic session, same thing, computer
freeze. started with xfce session, same thing.

I ran the Dell pre-boot performance test including a full memory test and
it passed OK.
I removed all the devices connected like external mouse and keyboard and
same thing.
I detached the laptop from the docking station and the computer freezes
when trying to open zoom or execute lspci in Terminator.

I hope someone can help in finding the cause of that freeze.

this is info i collected
This is journalctrl from another computer in ssh session just before the
computer freeze, the freeze was exactly at 16:39

Jan 30 16:38:57 xps-debian jetbrains-idea-ce.desktop[82252]:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot invoke (class=,
method=projectClosing, topic=ProjectManagerListener)
Jan 30 16:38:57 xps-debian jetbrains-idea-ce.desktop[82252]:
Jan 30 16:38:57 xps-debian jetbrains-idea-ce.desktop[82252]:
Jan 30 16:38:57 xps-debian jetbrains-idea-ce.desktop[82252]:
Jan 30 16:38:57 xps-debian jetbrains-idea-ce.desktop[82252]:
Jan 30 16:38:57 xps-debian jetbrains-idea-ce.desktop[82252]:
at jdk.proxy2/jdk.proxy2.$Proxy97.projectClosing(Unknown Source)
Jan 30 16:38:57 xps-debian jetbrains-idea-ce.desktop[82252]:
Jan 30 16:38:57 xps-debian jetbrains-idea-ce.desktop[82252]:
Jan 30 16:38:57 xps-debian jetbrains-idea-ce.desktop[82252]:
Jan 30 16:38:57 xps-debian jetbrains-idea-ce.desktop[82252]:
Jan 30 16:38:57 xps-debian jetbrains-idea-ce.desktop[82252]:

Re: Initramfs/ Initrd Resolution

2023-01-30 Thread Tixy
On Mon, 2023-01-30 at 12:48 +0100, basti wrote:
> Is there an option to setup the resolution in the Initramfs (initrd)?

I set the linux console mode with via a grub config option in
/etc/default/grub. i.e.


Which I believe stops grub changing the display mode before starting
linux, and linux itself just uses whatever mode the hardware is set to.


Re: Bookworm 1/28/23 updates - No Audio Devices Found

2023-01-30 Thread Timothy M Butterworth
On Sun, Jan 29, 2023 at 12:59 PM Brad Rogers  wrote:

> On Sun, 29 Jan 2023 12:11:33 -0500
> Timothy M Butterworth  wrote:
> Hello Timothy,
> >I did not try a new user. I did try deleting "~/.config/pulseaudio"
> Sorry to say, I've reached the limit of my knowledge on the subject.
> :-(
> --
>  Regards  _   "Valid sig separator is {dash}{dash}{space}"
>  / )  "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
> / _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
> All these things are mine!
> Money is Not Our God -  Killing Joke

sudo alsactl init
Found hardware: "HDA-Intel" "ATI R6xx HDMI"
"HDA:1002aa01,00aa0100,00100700" "0x103c" "0x87c5"
Hardware is initialized using a generic method
Found hardware: "USB-Audio" "USB Mixer" "USB046d:0a37" "" ""
Hardware is initialized using a generic method
Found hardware: "acp" "" "" "" ""
Hardware is initialized using a generic method

I also fixed alsa-state daemon.

sudo vim /lib/systemd/system/alsa-state.service, I know I should have put
this in /etc but I am not concerned at the moment.
added ! to ConditionPathExists
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart alsa-state

sudo systemctl status  alsa-state
● alsa-state.service - Manage Sound Card State (restore and store)
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/alsa-state.service; static)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-01-30 10:59:40 EST; 11min ago

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: ecran vide après la connexion

2023-01-30 Thread steve


Que donne 'lspci -kv' sous root ?

As-tu essayé un live-cd pour voir si le problème est identique ?


ecran vide après la connexion

2023-01-30 Thread hamster


Je suis entrain d'installer debian 11 sur un ordi et j'ai des soucis 
avec l'affichage.

Après l'install, l'affichage est mauvais : basse résolution, images 
étirées, glxgears avec un score bas et le ventilo qui se met a tourner a 
fond pendant que glxgears tourne.

C'est des symptomes que je connais : problème de pilote de la carte 

C'est une carte [AMD/ATI] RV620/M82 [Mobility Radeon HD 3450/3470]

Coté pilote, xserver-xorg-video-radeon est déjà installé.
Coté firmware, je rajoute non-free au sources.list, j'installe 
firmware-linux-nonfree (ca installe plusieurs firmwares dont 

Je redemarre.

J'obtiens l'écran de connexion, avec des cases pour taper le login et le 
mot de passe sur fond bleu avec le logo debian.

Je tape mon login et mon mot de passe… et j'obtiens l'image de fond 
bleue avec le logo debian (la meme que sur l'écran de connexion) avec la 
fleche de la souris au milieu. Et puis c'est tout. Si je bouge la 
souris, la fleche bouge, mais rien d'autre ne se passe, meme si j'attend 
longtemps, meme si j'appuie sur une touche du clavier comme entree, ou 
espace, ou autre.

je fais ctrl-alt-F1, j'obtiens un shell, je m'y logue en root.

dmesg ne m'apprend rien, htop non plus.

Si je fais alt-F7 pour retourner dans l'interface graphique, rien ne 
change a l'écran mais je perd totalement la main et je suis obligé 
d'eteindre l'ordi en tirant la prise parce que plus rien ne répond.

J'ai cherché sur le web, je suis tombé sur plein de trucs qui disent 
d'installer le firmware (c'est fait) ou d'installer le pilote 
proprietaire avec une procedure périmée datant d'avant systemd.

J'ai essayé d'éditer, ou meme d'effacer le xorg.conf mais… y'en a plus 
depuis que systemd est arrivé.

Je sais plus quoi faire, en particulier je sais pas comment investiguer 
pour affiner mon diagnostic. J'ai un écran bleu avec la fleche de la 
souris au milieu, je n'ai aucun message d'erreur a taper dans google.

Si quelqu'un a des bonnes idées je suis preneur.

Opencv quelqu’un pour me donner l’info ?

2023-01-30 Thread ptilou

Est ce que quelqu’un peut me dire ce que donne ca (sur les fichier dans la 
dropbox ? :

from skimage.metrics import structural_similarity
import cv2
import numpy as np
first = cv2.imread('clownfish_1.jpeg')
second = cv2.imread('clownfish_2.jpeg')
# Convert images to grayscale
first_gray = cv2.cvtColor(first, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
second_gray = cv2.cvtColor(second, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# Compute SSIM between two images
score, diff = structural_similarity(first_gray, second_gray, full=True)
print("Similarity Score: {:.3f}%".format(score * 100))
# The diff image contains the actual image differences between the two images
# and is represented as a floating point data type so we must convert the array 
# to 8-bit unsigned integers in the range [0,255] before we can use it with 
diff = (diff * 255).astype("uint8")
# Threshold the difference image, followed by finding contours to
# obtain the regions that differ between the two images
thresh = cv2.threshold(diff, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1]
contours = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
contours = contours[0] if len(contours) == 2 else contours[1]
# Highlight differences
mask = np.zeros(first.shape, dtype='uint8')
filled = second.copy()
for c in contours:
area = cv2.contourArea(c)
if area > 100:
x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(c)
cv2.rectangle(first, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (36,255,12), 2)
cv2.rectangle(second, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (36,255,12), 2)
cv2.drawContours(mask, [c], 0, (0,255,0), -1)
cv2.drawContours(filled, [c], 0, (0,255,0), -1)
cv2.imshow('first', first)
cv2.imshow('second', second)
cv2.imshow('diff', diff)
cv2.imshow('mask', mask)
cv2.imshow('filled', filled)

 ( je veux faire un script pour me gerer du hdr dans une data base, mais je 
cherche comment detecter les images similaire, j’ai lance un fil sur gid hup 
mais je dois pas etre claire il propose une cles de hash par fichier !)

D’apres MikeRobinson :

convert -append `counter=0; for x in in-*; do if [[ $(($counter % 2)) == 0 ]]; 
then echo $x; fi; counter=$((counter + 1)); done` out.jpg 

Pour le script avec imagemagick, y a des script pour assemblee les images 
d’etoiles ! Mais peut etre quelqu’un connait mieux ?



Re: Initramfs/ Initrd Resolution

2023-01-30 Thread didier gaumet
Le lundi 30 janvier 2023 à 12:48 +0100, basti a écrit :
> Hello,
> I have setup a Laptop with 3K display (2880 x 1800 pixels).
> In Grub I can set the Resolution with gfxmode.
> Is there an option to setup the resolution in the Initramfs (initrd)?
> Best regards


(I 've never tried this)

Perhaps you could look at this paragraph of the Archlinux wiki:> 

Re: systemd systemd-random-seed.service et mount

2023-01-30 Thread ajh-valmer
On Monday 30 January 2023 11:12:06 Christophe Maquaire wrote:

Désolé, ce lien (désolé sur Ubuntu) semble répondre à la question :

# systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl start fwupd-refresh.service

ne m'affiche plus d'erreurs.

To fix, edit the file: /lib/systemd/system/fwupd-refresh.service :
And change this line:
So that it reads:
Dynamic User=no

Hope it helps,

A. Valmer

On Monday 30 January 2023 11:12:06 Christophe Maquaire wrote:
> J'ai une machine en unstable depuis un certain temps (plusieurs années)
> J'ai un souci avec le service systemd-random-seed (depuis plusieurs mois)
> root@salicyline:~# systemctl status --failed
> Son démarrage échoue systematiquement au boot, mais tout se passe bien
> ensuite... 
> Il semble qu'il y ait un problème d'accès au système de fichier.
> Bon, ce n'est pas bien grave, mais si quelqu'un a une idée...
> Christophe

Initramfs/ Initrd Resolution

2023-01-30 Thread basti


I have setup a Laptop with 3K display (2880 x 1800 pixels).
In Grub I can set the Resolution with gfxmode.

Is there an option to setup the resolution in the Initramfs (initrd)?

Best regards

Re: systemd systemd-random-seed.service et mount

2023-01-30 Thread didier gaumet
Le lundi 30 janvier 2023 à 11:12 +0100, Christophe Maquaire a écrit :
> Bonjour la liste,
> J'ai une machine en unstable depuis un certain temps (plusieurs
> années)
> J'ai un souci avec le service systemd-random-seed (depuis plusieurs
> mois)
> janv. 30 10:18:34 salicyline systemd-random-seed[568]: Failed to
> create directory /var/lib/systemd: No such file or directory


pour situer mon niveau: tu viens de m'apprendre l'existence de ce
service, donc ne t'attends à des conseils pointus de ma part ;-)

mais le deuxième paragraphe de la page man du service semble pointer
vers l'origine de ton souci:
Note that this service runs relatively late during the early boot
phase, i.e. generally after the initial RAM disk (initrd) completed its
work, and the /var/ file system has been mounted writable. Many system
services require entropy much earlier than this — this service is hence
of limited use for complex system. It is recommended to use a
bootloader that can pass an initial random seed to the kernel to ensure
that entropy is available from earliest boot on, for example systemd-
boot(7), with its bootctl random-seed functionality.

systemd systemd-random-seed.service et mount

2023-01-30 Thread Christophe Maquaire
Bonjour la liste,

J'ai une machine en unstable depuis un certain temps (plusieurs années)

J'ai un souci avec le service systemd-random-seed (depuis plusieurs

root@salicyline:~# systemctl status --failed
× systemd-random-seed.service - Load/Save Random Seed
 Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/systemd-random-seed.service;
 Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2023-01-30 10:18:34
CET; 18min ago
   Docs: man:systemd-random-seed.service(8)
   Main PID: 568 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
CPU: 4ms

janv. 30 10:18:34 salicyline systemd[1]: Starting Load/Save Random
janv. 30 10:18:34 salicyline systemd-random-seed[568]: Failed to create
directory /var/lib/systemd: No such file or directory
janv. 30 10:18:34 salicyline systemd[1]: systemd-random-seed.service:
Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 30 10:18:34 salicyline systemd[1]: systemd-random-seed.service:
Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 30 10:18:34 salicyline systemd[1]: Failed to start Load/Save
Random Seed.
root@salicyline:~# systemctl start systemd-random-seed
root@salicyline:~# systemctl status --failed

Son démarrage échoue systematiquement au boot, mais tout se passe bien

Il semble qu'il y ait un problème d'accès au système de fichier.

Mon fstab ne présente pas de bizarerie

root@salicyline:~# cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
/dev/mapper/salicyline--vg-root /   ext4errors=remount-
ro 0   1
# /boot was on /dev/sda1 during installation
UUID=90a03453-e990-418c-8dd6-92f7748e2f8c /boot   ext2   
defaults0   2
# /lent was on /dev/sdb2 during installation
UUID=141168c4-7dc2-4d10-83ef-80dd68829111 /lent   ext4   
defaults0   2
# swap was on /dev/sdb1 during installation
UUID=7558e382-d940-4e14-856d-7695f3c1d7db noneswapsw  
0   0

Et je ne maîtrise pas suffisemment systemd pour avoir toucher à

root@salicyline:/# cat
#  SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
#  This file is part of systemd.
#  systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.

Description=Load/Save Random Seed
Documentation=man:systemd-random-seed.service(8) man:random(4)

ExecStart=/lib/systemd/systemd-random-seed load
ExecStop=/lib/systemd/systemd-random-seed save

# This service waits until the kernel's entropy pool is initialized,
and may be
# used as ordering barrier for service that require an initialized
# pool. Since initialization can take a while on entropy-starved
systems, let's
# increase the timeout substantially here.

Bon, ce n'est pas bien grave, mais si quelqu'un a une idée...
