Re: Zoom en Debían 11

2023-06-25 Thread Carlos Villiere
Hola lista!!
Probé  el Zoom en mi plataforma educativa y el problema persiste.
Lo extraño es que puedo bajar los archivos (de tipo .zip) desde el cliente
de Zoom en un móvil Android (Samsung Galaxy j5) sin problemas, aunque
aparecen caracteres aleatorios delante el nombre del archivo como por
ejemplo "ea2f -fd3ab...etc. , lo que hace suponer que en vez de subir el
archivo lo están copiando y pegando en el chat, la mayoría usa Windows.
¿Podria ser el problema? En el chat parece que estuviese pintado, la opción
de download no funciona, pero si me permite subir archivos, ya que intente
y la opción funcionó aunque no complete la opción
Desde ya gracias
Carlos Villiere

El mié, 21 jun 2023 a las 3:28, Camaleón () escribió:

> El 2023-06-20 a las 22:02 -0300, Carlos Villiere escribió:
> (corrijo el top-posting)
> > El sáb, 17 jun 2023 a las 5:09, Camaleón ()
> escribió:
> >
> > > El 2023-06-16 a las 19:04 -0300, Carlos Augusto ARES escribió:
> > >
> > > (corrijo el top-posting)
> > >
> > > > El jue, 15 jun 2023 a las 3:50, Camaleón ()
> > > escribió:
> > > >
> > > > > El 2023-06-14 a las 17:03 -0300, Carlos Villiere escribió:
> > > > >
> > > > > > Estoy realizando un curso en línea a través de una plataforma que
> > > utiliza
> > > > > > Zoom para conectar a los alumnos, coaches y mentores.
> > > > > > Para la comunicación entre los participantes, todo funciona
> > > > > correctamente:
> > > > > > audio ,video y chat.
> > > > > > El problema es que no permite compartir archivos por el chat,
> dando
> > > el
> > > > > > siguiente error "Access to file restricted by your account admin"
> > > > > > Prove cambiar los permisos de los ejecutables, pero no funciono
> > > > > > Instale Zoom version 5.14.7 (2928) con "sudo apt install
> > > > > ./zoom_amd64.deb"
> > > > > > No se que puedo hacer,que me aconsejan
> > > > >
> > > > > Por el mensaje que recibes, diría que es Zoom quien te está
> limitando,
> > > > > que no tiene nada que ver con los permisos que tengas definidos en
> los
> > > > > archivos del equipo local.
> > > > >
> > > > > Quizá el administrador del chat no permita compratir archivos pero
> lo
> > > > > veo un poco incongruente para una plataforma de aprendizaje :-?
> > > > >
> > > > > Por aquí hablan sobre eso:
> > > > >
> > > > > Managing file transfers in Zoom Team Chat
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Comprueba que tu versión del kernel sea igual o superior a la
> 5.10.6
> > > > > (yo tengo la 5.10.0 en Debian 11):
> > > > >
> > > > > Description:Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
> > > > > 5.10.0-23-amd64
> > >
> > > > Desde 1983 y continuó hoy viernes 16 de Junio del año 2023 # 19:3:30
> hs
> > > mi
> > > > kernel libre gnu es :
> > > > labestiatomy@labestiatomy-Inspiron-3420:~$ uname -r
> > > > 6.3.0-gnu  #
> > >
> > > Vale, no reconozco esa nomenclatura.
> > >
> > > Entonces ni es Debian 11 ni un kernel de Debian ;-)
> > >
> > > En Debian veo disponibles las versiones 5.10.179 (oldstable), 6.1.27
> > > (estable y testing) y 6.3.7 (unstable), por lo que seguramente lo
> habrás
> > > compilado tú mismo.
> > >
> > > Contacta con el administardor de chat, quizá haya puesto alguna
> > > restricción para el envío de archivos.
> > >
> > > Buscando por Internet, a este usuario le pasa lo mismo en Linux:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Quizá sea un bug de la aplicación de Zoom para Linux, no descartes
> > > contactar con ellos y/o preguntar en sus foros:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > ¡Hola a todos!
> > Después de leer una tonelada de páginas web, encontré que en el cliente
> > Linux de Zoom tenía una configuración para realizar que no encontré
> > documentada y es la de utilización de un proxy localmente. Está abajo a
> la
> > derecha en la primera pantalla que aparece.
> > En mi caso decía que había un proxy, y no tengo instalado ninguno. Aunque
> > me asegure con
> > env | grep -i proxy
> > Hice una prueba con mi cuenta de usuario de Zoom y mi teléfono celular y
> > funciono correctamente, la única duda es si funcionará en la plataforma
> > educativa.
> > Espero que si,por que con clientes de Windows si lo hace.
> Ya nos dirás cómo te fue :-)
> > Por otro lado, en la web de Zoom no encontré donde especificara que hay
> que
> > tener un Kernel en particular, lo que sí indica que la versión mínima del
> > Zoom es la 5.2.0.
> > Desde ya muchas gracias por sus comentarios
> > Abrazo
> > Carlos
> Hum... pues tienes toda la razón.
> Efectivamente, como bien dices lo que pone en la página web de ayuda de
> Zoom es un requisito de la versión del cliente de la aplicación, no del
> kernel:
> Managing file transfers in Zoom Team Chat

Re: Machine vérolée

2023-06-25 Thread Sébastien Dinot
BERTRAND Joël a écrit :
> Porte d'entrée trouvée :

Merci pour ce retour, toujours intéressant à avoir.


Sébastien Dinot,
Ne goutez pas au logiciel libre, vous ne pourriez plus vous en passer !

Re: How to create a systemd service that interact with nftables service

2023-06-25 Thread Anssi Saari
André Rodier  writes:

> Hello, all.
> I have a simple script, to save / and store dynamic nftables sets.
> I would like to create a systemd service, that starts -after- nftables is 
> started, and stops -before- nftables
> is
> stopped.
> Any idea on how to achieve this, please ?

It depends, but possibly you could just add calls to your "simple
script" on the ExecStart= and ExecStop= lines of the nftables
service. It's a list of commands with semicolons as separators.

> I tried to play a little with ‘Requires’ or ‘After’, without success.

I think those are a little more complicated than it seems on the
surface. Obvious point being, Before= and After= are ordering
constraints, Requires= is not.

Re: Machine vérolée

2023-06-25 Thread BERTRAND Joël
Porte d'entrée trouvée :



La seconde requête échoue (firewall sortant et script inexistant). Ce
que je ne saisis pas, c'est pourquoi la première est passée, awstats
étant protégé par .htpasswd.


Re: How to create a systemd service that interact with nftables service

2023-06-25 Thread Nicolas George
Greg Wooledge (12023-06-25):
> I think most of the time, this is not done as a systemd service at
> all.  It's usually invoked from the "up" hook when your network interface
> is brought up, assuming you use /etc/network/interfaces.  If you use
> NetworkManager, then I don't know.
> Check interfaces(5) and look for "up", "post-up" and "pre-down".

Linux's firewall is designed so that it can be configured before the
interfaces are up, or even exist. Without that, there would be a short
time with the interface up but no firewall.


  Nicolas George

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to create a systemd service that interact with nftables service

2023-06-25 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Sun, Jun 25, 2023 at 05:51:46PM +0200, André Rodier wrote:
> I have a simple script, to save / and store dynamic nftables sets.
> I would like to create a systemd service, that starts -after- nftables is 
> started, and stops -before- nftables is
> stopped.

I think most of the time, this is not done as a systemd service at
all.  It's usually invoked from the "up" hook when your network interface
is brought up, assuming you use /etc/network/interfaces.  If you use
NetworkManager, then I don't know.

Check interfaces(5) and look for "up", "post-up" and "pre-down".

Package relevant to backlight control?

2023-06-25 Thread Gerald Anzalone

Since upgrading to Bookworm, the backlight control on my Apple iMac no
longer works. I would like to report this bug, but don't know which package
to associate it with.

Thank you,


How to create a systemd service that interact with nftables service

2023-06-25 Thread André Rodier
Hello, all.

I have a simple script, to save / and store dynamic nftables sets.

I would like to create a systemd service, that starts -after- nftables is 
started, and stops -before- nftables is

Any idea on how to achieve this, please ?

I tried to play a little with ‘Requires’ or ‘After’, without success.

Thanks for your help.

Re: Machine vérolée

2023-06-25 Thread BERTRAND Joël
Quelques nouvelles.

Le bot en question est une version moderne d'un vieux truc (on en
trouve des traces depuis 2003) :

Je n'ai rien trouvé de bizarre en examinant les disques. Je me demande
si ce vers ne vient pas par une injection externe, la machine ayant été
tagguée quelque part comme vulnérable. Le bot ne se lance pas à une
heure précise comme dans le cas d'un cron (apache2 utilise mod-secure).

Petite remarque : j'ai modifié allow_url_fopen de on à off dans le
fichier de configuration de php 8.2 (je ne vois pas pourquoi c'est 'on'
par défaut). /tmp est maintenant en noexec.

À suivre.


Re: Re : Re: RAID5 (Mdadm) non fonctionnel sous Debian 11

2023-06-25 Thread didier gaumet

Rappel: RAID, je n'y connais rien, jamais utilisé, jamais configuré

Comme Hughes le dit, sous Debian (je ne sais pas sous d'autres 
distributions comment c'est géré), la manière habituelle de gérer le 
Fakeraid (les cartes RAID logicielles (via l'UEFI/BIOS), pas les vraies 
cartes RAID matérielles (un peu la même distinction qu'il y a 20 ans les 
winmodems et les vrais modems matériels)  c'est via dmraid, pas via mdadm.

Ceci dit, il semblerait qu'on puisse forcer l'emploi de mdadm même pour 
du Fakeraid (au lieu de son emploi habituel pour du raid strictement 
logiciel au niveau de l'OS Linux):
(sauter au paragraphe "Troubleshooting / Alternatives (mdadm)"

pour l'utilisation de mdadm (que je ne maîtrise pas), je te renvoie vers 
les wiki Debian et Archlinux):

Je crains de ne pas pouvoir t'aiguiller davantage sur ce sujet (je peux 
continuer à discuter mais ça ne va pas t'avancer à grand chose vu mon 
faible (euphémisme) niveau sur toutes les sortes de RAID :-)

Re: on/off alimentation port USB

2023-06-25 Thread didier gaumet


connecte ton smartphone à ton PC via USB, il y a une notification dans 
la barre des tâches Android informant que l'appareil est en charge: 
clique dessus et tu te vois offrir un menu au sujet:
- du directeur de la liaison: le PC dirige ou le smartphone dirige (ce 
dernier par défaut)
- du type de liaison: charge ou transfert (avec choix du sous-type de 

donc dans ce menu, je pense que si tu veux que le PC puisse forcer la 
charge ou au contraire l'interdire, il faut que tu sélectionnes ton Pc 
en tant que directeur

SOLUCIONADO Re: OFF TOPIC - openvpn en Debian 12 error

2023-06-25 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Gracias estimado. Me funcionó perfecto.

Pero tuve que hacer algunas cosas que yo no sabía:

primero modifiqué el archivo ovpn directamente y no el archivo que 
estaba alojado



Re: on/off alimentation port USB

2023-06-25 Thread Billard François-Marie


je ne suis pas spécialiste mais ici il semblerait que cette option 
/power/level ai changé

peut être dans cette page une piste sur la gestion de l'alimentation :



Le 25/06/2023 à 10:08, Vincent charente a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,

Je suis sur Debian Buster et je cherche un moyen de piloter 
l'alimentation d'un port USB.
J'ai branché mon smartphone sur un port usb et essayé les commandes 
suivantes :
|echo on > /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb1/power/level # turn on echo 
suspend > /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb1/power/level # turn off |

|Mais rien à faire, mon smartphone indique toujours qu'il est en charge. |
|Une idée ? |
|Merci |

Re: Fan speed and control

2023-06-25 Thread Richmond
Emanuel Berg  writes:

> Richmond wrote:
>> Smart fan control is enabled in the CMOS
> Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor, AKA sea-moss?

I meant CMOS settings.

>> for both CPU and System. Is there something I can use which
>> will automatically configure fan speed?
> I'm not aware of a way to do this from software, but you can
> do this with the UEFI (modern-day BIOS) for PWM and DC fans.
> But you knew that ...

Well no I didn't know that. I don't have a modern day UEFI. But I
concluded that there is some control of the fan from the fact that
Windows 10 does it, and that the fan speed is lower in the winter even
with Debian. But I suppose that could be the BIOS.

> A bunch of monitoring functions mostly based on sensors(1)
> "My name is Bugs, as in bunny - and tech that listens."


on/off alimentation port USB

2023-06-25 Thread Vincent charente
Bonjour à tous,

Je suis sur Debian Buster et je cherche un moyen de piloter l'alimentation
d'un port USB.
J'ai branché mon smartphone sur un port usb et essayé les commandes
suivantes :

echo on > /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb1/power/level   # turn on
echo suspend > /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb1/power/level  # turn off

Mais rien à faire, mon smartphone indique toujours qu'il est en charge.

Une idée ?


Re: FOSS tool to do general stats from text indata

2023-06-25 Thread tomas
On Sun, Jun 25, 2023 at 08:28:05AM +0200, Emanuel Berg wrote:
> tomas wrote:
>  I mean a general tool, but with options to tweak the
>  report included, of course.
> >>>
> >>> If you can bear some tweaking, R is it.
> >> 
> >> Sure! Let's run R on this e-mail. Does it work and if so, what
> >> does it say?
> >
> > T a generic question -- a generic answer
> R is a programming language, I'm looking for a tool that
> produces stats from text [...]

I give up.


Description: PGP signature

Re : Re: RAID5 (Mdadm) non fonctionnel sous Debian 11

2023-06-25 Thread Hugues Larrive

Je vais peut-être dire des bêtises je crois que mdadm gère le raid software 
sous linux avec son propre format. Pour les formats proprios il me semble que 
c'est dmraid qu'il faut utiliser.


--- Original Message ---
Le dimanche 25 juin 2023 à 00:45, Romain P.  a écrit :



> Le 23/06/2023 à 10:10, Didier gaumet a écrit :

> > tu dis être passé de Debian 10 Buster à Debian 11 Bullseye mais la trace
> > de tentative d'installation citée ci-dessus me semble indiquer
> > clairement que tu es toujours sous Debian 10 Buster (paquet mdmadm 4.1.1
> > au lieu de 4.1.11, source "Buster" au lieu de Bullseye, noyau(x) 4.19 au
> > lieu de 5.10).


> Bonjour

> J'ai désinstallé et réinstallé mdadm et c'est la version 4.1-11 qui est
> installée.

> Les informations indiquées précédemment correspondaient à un ancien
> fichier, probablement car j'ai gardé la même partition pour Home sans la
> formater.

> Mais mon RAID5 n'est toujours pas reconnu automatiquement.

> En essayant de forcer l'assemblage ça ne fonctionne pas :
> "
> sudo mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd

> mdadm: No OROM/EFI properties for /dev/sda
> mdadm: no RAID superblock on /dev/sda
> mdadm: /dev/sda has no superblock - assembly aborted
> "

> Mais en examinant les partitions, c'est bien du RAID5 :
> "
> sudo mdadm --examine /dev/sda

> /dev/sda:
> Magic : Intel Raid ISM Cfg Sig.
> Version : 1.3.00
> Orig Family : f751d0bb
> Family : f751d0bb
> Generation : 000b1946
> Attributes : All supported
> UUID : 348fae05:95609190:20c5dbcb:2fefd6f4
> Checksum : 98449c4d correct
> MPB Sectors : 2
> Disks : 4
> RAID Devices : 1

> Disk00 Serial : WD-WCC3F5XC5TJS
> State : active
> Id : 0002
> Usable Size : 1953520384 (931.51 GiB 1000.20 GB)

> [RAID5_4WD_Blue]:
> UUID : 3155a654:c22e1cde:d82116aa:d6bae2ce
> RAID Level : 5
> Members : 4
> Slots : []
> Failed disk : none
> This Slot : 0
> Sector Size : 512
> Array Size : 5860560896 (2794.53 GiB 3000.61 GB)
> Per Dev Size : 1953520648 (931.51 GiB 1000.20 GB)
> Sector Offset : 0
> Num Stripes : 15261878
> Chunk Size : 64 KiB
> Reserved : 0
> Migrate State : idle
> Map State : normal
> Dirty State : clean
> RWH Policy : off

> Disk01 Serial : WD-WCC3F3EY6D66
> State : active
> Id : 0005
> Usable Size : 1953520384 (931.51 GiB 1000.20 GB)

> Disk02 Serial : WD-WCC3F6SZK26H
> State : active
> Id : 0004
> Usable Size : 1953520384 (931.51 GiB 1000.20 GB)

> Disk03 Serial : WD-WCC3F5XC5E5N
> State : active
> Id : 0003
> Usable Size : 1953520384 (931.51 GiB 1000.20 GB)
> "

> Merci

> Romain

publickey - - 0xE9429B87.asc
Description: application/pgp-keys

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: OFF TOPIC - openvpn en Debian 12 error

2023-06-25 Thread Camaleón
El 2023-06-24 a las 18:09 -0300, Marcelo Eduardo Giordano escribió:

> me sigue saliendo el mismo mensaje de error.

Vaya :-?

¿Te conectas mediante consola o algún componente gráfico?

> Alguna otra alternativa?

Revisa este otro hilo, el error parece bastante común y la solución 
rápida pasa por lo mismo (bajar los requisitos de seguridad), pero 
según se desprende de los que comentan en el hilo, dependiendo de cómo 
te conectes (consola o cliente gráfico) tendrás que configurar el 
parámetro en un archivo o en otro:

Lab Access Openvpn certificate verify failed

Prueba a añadirlo en el archivo que indican y a conectar mediante 
consola, a ver qué sucede.

> Gracias por tan importante ayuda
> openvpn megiordano.ovpn
> 2023-06-24 18:04:56 WARNING: Compression for receiving enabled. Compression
> has been used in the past to break encryption. Sent packets are not
> compressed unless "allow-compression yes" is also set.
> 2023-06-24 18:04:56 Note: --cipher is not set. OpenVPN versions before 2.5
> defaulted to BF-CBC as fallback when cipher negotiation failed in this case.
> If you need this fallback please add '--data-ciphers-fallback BF-CBC' to
> your config
> uration and/or add BF-CBC to --data-ciphers.
> 2023-06-24 18:04:56 OpenVPN 2.6.3 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO]
> 2023-06-24 18:04:56 library versions: OpenSSL 3.0.9 30 May 2023, LZO 2.10
> 2023-06-24 18:04:56 DCO version: N/A
> 2023-06-24 18:04:56 WARNING: No server certificate verification method has
> been enabled.  See for more info.
> Enter Private Key Password: 
> 2023-06-24 18:05:58 WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in
> memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this
> 2023-06-24 18:05:58 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address:
> 2023-06-24 18:05:58 UDPv4 link local: (not bound)
> 2023-06-24 18:05:58 UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET]
> 2023-06-24 18:05:58 VERIFY ERROR: depth=0, error=CA signature digest
> algorithm too weak: C=AR, ST=MZ, L=Mendoza, O=DIC, CN=server,
>, serial=465
> 2023-06-24 18:05:58 OpenSSL: error:0A86:SSL routines::certificate verify
> failed
> 2023-06-24 18:05:58 TLS_ERROR: BIO read tls_read_plaintext error
> 2023-06-24 18:05:58 TLS Error: TLS object -> incoming plaintext read error
> 2023-06-24 18:05:58 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed



Re: When to sudo apt clean?

2023-06-25 Thread Emanuel Berg
Max Nikulin wrote:

>> sudo apt autoremove -y && sudo apt update && sudo apt
>> upgrade -y
> Almost from the start of this thread I am curious if there
> is a reason to not run autoremove immediately after upgrade.
> What is the purpose of retaining unnecessary packages till
> next upgrade?

Indeed, it makes sense to do cleanup after, but it also makes
sense to upgrade from a clean state.

> I usually add --purge to apt autoremove to avoid remnants of
> deleted kernel packages. On the other hand I am not brave
> enough to use -y.
> This thread started from a question concerning
> /var/cache/apt/archives. I do not remember if somebody
> already mentioned that "apt upgrade" by default removes
> downloaded .deb files in the case of success, however
> "apt-get upgrade" does no do it.

Good ideas, made 2 changes below accordingly.

a1 () {
sudo apt-get -qq check
sudo apt-get -qq update
sudo apt-get -qq --purge -y autoremove
sudo aptitude -q=99 autoclean
apt -a list --upgradable

a2 () {
sudo apt -qq upgrade
sudo apt dist-upgrade

underground experts united

Re: FOSS tool to do general stats from text indata

2023-06-25 Thread Emanuel Berg
tomas wrote:

 I mean a general tool, but with options to tweak the
 report included, of course.
>>> If you can bear some tweaking, R is it.
>> Sure! Let's run R on this e-mail. Does it work and if so, what
>> does it say?
> T a generic question -- a generic answer

R is a programming language, I'm looking for a tool that
produces stats from text. If such a tool uses R, or any other
programming language or stats engine to produce the outcome,
for me as a potential user that is entirely up to them who
write it.

> I don't even know what you mean by "general stats"

Some examples from doing stats on text are: average word
lenght, most commonly used words, the longest paragraphs ...

Those are simple examples, the next step it gets more
interesting as it could show what is statistically unusual,
that would be fun/exotic stats that a human user would
probably not spot.

E.g., parsing this mail, it could say "Emanuel Berg is almost
always calm and collective, entirely professional in his
approach, but here in the 4th paragraph of his mail he gets
VISIBLY UPSET using CAPS ONLY, possibly expressing FRUSTRATION

> the sports example you put in the other mail suggests that
> you want statistics gathered about a subject from written
> text

In the sports world they input the stats manually and that
data is then crunched by computers to produce lists and neat
graphics for their broadcasts. This is the first step
described above. This isn't unlike for example Emacs
`count-words-region' in combination with gnuplot - indeed, it
is exactly the same, almost, as these chars I type now are
produced manually, then Emacs could count and gnuplot
could show.

This first step would be neat depending on how much stuff is
quantified, the more the better obviously.

The second step however, that would be those "fun facts" the
commentators say, these are more advanced, like, and now
I just make something up, "Here is an amazing figure.
Player X has the worst stats on face-offs in his team, except
when the team plays on its home field and is down by two or
more goals, then he is 2nd best".

That second step, to have with text, would of course be even
more exciting.

I don't know if those crazy stats are discovered by a bunch of
fanatic hockey nerds just using the "step 1 stats" in creative
combinations - maybe using some sort of relational algebra
approach? - _or_ if they have some stats engine that crunches
the stats further to the meta-stats level, if you will, to
have the weird facts pop up automatically?

But yeah, if we don't even have a proper "step 1 stats" tool
for text - which is impossible to believe BTW - well,
obviously one can only dream of a "step 2 stats", a stats tool
on the meta level ...

> involves "understanding texts written in human languages",
> another big can of worms (which has become somewhat
> fashionable as of late).

It is not about understanding, it is about finding patterns
and meta-patterns, finding statistics that are themselves
statistically uncommon, which is why they are interesting.
Think exceptions and unexpected interrelations. Again, the
best example is probably a combination of the different stats
available at the "step 1 stats" level.

> If it's text statistics, good statistics packages have lots
> of resources. R is a good statistics package

Yeah, maybe I should ask them but as Debian is such a huge
system one would think someone here could show us how it, or
similar software can be used on a bunch of text, for
example on a mail like this.

It is already a bunch of data, surely you are not saying there
isn't a tool to tell us something of that data?

underground experts united