X hangs

2001-02-08 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
Greetings -

  I set up X 4 recently, and have finally succeeded in making the tdfx drm
module cooperate with me... It works great, except for one thing: if I leave
the room for any period of time, say an hour, I can't expect my system to be
functioning when I come back.

  I can't quite put my finger on the circumstances, but I come back, my
console is blanked, and my system won't respond.

  Even the SysRq key won't do anything. An unRaw, Sync, and Reboot command
via sysrq do nothing.

  This always seems to happen sometime after the console blanks. I'm running
xautolock but it wasn't the cause -- i tried turning it off. Anyone have
an idea of how to circumvent this problem?

Thanks in advance.
..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin: http://www.berlin-consortium.org
Debian GNU/Linux:   http://www.debian.org

A witty saying proves nothing.
-- Voltaire

XF 4.0.2 and glide for v3

2001-01-16 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
Hi -

  I've been trying to configure drm support for my voodoo3 (hence I'm using
xf4 from unstable), and having very little luck.

I went through all the configuration questions, insmod'd the 3dfx drm
module, and typed startx. this is what I get:

(II) GLIDE: driver for Glide devices (Voodoo cards): Voodoo
(II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:00:0
(EE) No devices detected.

Fatal server error:
no screens found

But wait, I think I see that it successfully detected my v3?

Is anyone else using sid's XFree86-4.0.2 series with a v3 and having any


PS, I have libglide2 installed, as per instructions.

I've tried linking libglide3 into the module directory instead and that
didn't solve any problems.

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin: http://www.berlin-consortium.org
Debian GNU/Linux:   http://www.debian.org

A witty saying proves nothing.
-- Voltaire

xemacs and the docbook 3.1 dtd's

2000-04-01 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
Hey people -

  I'm just trying to edit docbook here, and it's quite obvious that emacs
doesn't know to look for DTDs. I've found that  emacs has a number
of options for setting custom search paths for these kinds of files, but I
can't decide what to set... It's somewhere under:


Any ideas? thanks in advance for any help.

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin: http://www.berlin-consortium.org
Debian GNU/Linux:   http://www.debian.org

A witty saying proves nothing.
-- Voltaire

How to apply stylesheets to docbook?

1999-12-06 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
Hi all -

  I have been trying to figure out how to make something useful out of
docbook documents. I'd like to render to pdf, latex, groff, and html, but
available documentation is archaic and conflicting.

Where do I start? I'd previously been trying with jade, but I caught wind
that sgml-tools gained support for docbook 3.1. This doesn't appear to be

Executing sgml2latex on a minimal document:

 ..~/docs$ sgml2latex DB-article.sgml
Processing file DB-article.sgml
/usr/bin/sgmlsasp: can't open
/usr/lib/sgml-tools/dist/article/latex2e/mapping': No such file or directory

Executing jade on the same minimal document:

 ..~/docs$ jade -t tex DB-article.sgml -d
/usr/lib/sgml/stylesheet/dsssl/docbook/nwalsh/print/docbook.dsl -o
[about 500 lines of errors follow]

Even norm walsh's book doesn't offer any help here. Ideas anyone? ;)

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin: http://www.berlin-consortium.org
Debian GNU/Linux:   http://www.debian.org

About the use of language: it is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt
ax.  It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead.
-- Edsger Dijkstra

kpathsea/metafont/docbook and fonts

1999-12-05 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
Hi all --

  I was recently trying to render a pdf from docbook, but the farthest I got
was TeX. Upon calling jadetex on jade's output, metafont dumped a bunch of
complaints about missing files.

What font packages do I need installed?


..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin: http://www.berlin-consortium.org
Debian GNU/Linux:   http://www.debian.org

About the use of language: it is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt
ax.  It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead.
-- Edsger Dijkstra

Recording audio...

1999-11-14 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
Hi all -

  Is there any way to *record* the audio that's playing to /dev/dsp? You'd
think it'd be as simple as cat /dev/dsp  myaudio, but no. Is there a
program that will allow you to do this?

Thx in advance.

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin: http://www.berlin-consortium.org
Debian GNU/Linux:   http://www.debian.org

0 7 * * *   echo ...Linux is just a fad | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] -s 
And remember...

Winbond-based generic NICs

1999-10-24 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
Hi all -

  I'm doing some superhero work here, rescuing fellow students from the
Gates of hell and introducing them to sweet, brand GNU, true freedom.

  Trouble is, on this one machine I can't get the NIC driver to load :(.

  It has a winbond chip in it, and it's supposed to be 'ne2k compatible,'
but the ne2k-pci module won't load. I get some of the more common module
loading errors (device is busy... etc).

  My question is this: does anyone know what to do about not-quite ne2000
clones (PCI) that won't probe? the card's plug and play, and the kernel sees
it -- a cat of /proc/pci lists the NIC loud and clear, including IRQ and
base I/O address.

  Any help would be appreciated ;)

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin: http://www.berlin-consortium.org
Debian GNU/Linux:   http://www.debian.org

xemacs: modifying cc-mode formatting rules

1999-10-02 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
I know that I've run across a facility that lets you modify cc-mode's style
conventions for autoformatting. However, I blew it off, because I figured
I'd never use it, and the default was fine for me.

  Now I'm in a class where I'm required to conform to very specific style,
and I can't use xemacs if I can't modify the autoformatting rules. Could
someone help me out?


..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin: http://www.berlin-consortium.org
Debian GNU/Linux:   http://www.debian.org

There are three kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

Using ssh with fetchmail?

1999-09-22 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
I know I've seen a procedure for doing this before. However, browsing
fetchmail's docs, I can think of no way. Can someone that's doing this send
me an example fetchmailrc? Thanks.

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin: http://www.berlin-consortium.org
Debian GNU/Linux:   http://www.debian.org

There are three kinds of people in this world: those who can count and
those who can't.

Allowing root to display to X...

1999-09-12 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
Hi all -

  I remember hearing once that if you linked your ~/.Xauthority to
/root/.Xauthority, a root shell would be able to run X applications (within
your regular user's X session). However, I tried this, and it doesn't seem
to work for me.

Any ideas? I'm trying to install Sun's latest Star Office.

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin: http://www.berlin-consortium.org
Debian GNU/Linux:   http://www.debian.org

There are three kinds of people in this world: those who can count and
those who can't.

cvs log -d superfluous

1999-09-04 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
Hi all -

  I've a question about cvs log. I'm writing a web page that will display
log info on demand for a software project I'm involved in.

  the problem is that the repository is somewhat large, and cvs log seems to
want to display log info on *every single file* therein, even if it wasn't
changed during the date range specified.

  At least, when I tell it to get logs from so few as five days ago, I'm
flooded with pages upon pages of useless garbage. I know for a fact that
within this time there have been only a handful of files committed, and a
slightly larger number of files modified.

  Anyone know how to narrow the output?

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin: http://www.berlin-consortium.org
Debian GNU/Linux:   http://www.debian.org

There are three kinds of people in this world: those who can count and
those who can't.

perl leap year function?

1999-09-01 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
Just a question -

  I need an algorithm that can match a number of days with any month. For
this to be useful, I need a function that can tell me if it's a leap year
this year.

Is there one available in any of the perl modules? If not I could just
hardcode the next few into my script...

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin: http://www.berlin-consortium.org
Debian GNU/Linux:   http://www.debian.org

There are three kinds of people in this world: those who can count and
those who can't.

Sound: DMA (output) timed out - IRQ/DRQ config error?

1999-08-22 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
g'day all -

  I'm running OSS/Free SB16 drivers with my AWE64 on Linux 2.2.10.

  Whenever I try to send anything to /dev/dsp or /dev/audio, I xconsole
shows this message:

spire kernel: Sound: DMA (output) timed out - IRQ/DRQ config error?
(Yes, I've done all the necessary pry-configuration -- isapnp configures the
card correctly, and the modules load fine)

... and I recieve no output from my speakers. Many applications cause this
same situation, such as grip (a graphical CD player/track ripper).
Strangely, however, some applications (notably bb and wine) are able to play
sound without any difficulty.

This strikes me as somewhat odd. Does it sound like an OSS/Free problem?
Should I try alsa or a newer kernel version, perhaps?

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin: http://www.berlin-consortium.org
Debian GNU/Linux:   http://www.debian.org

There are three kinds of people in this world: those who can count and
those who can't.

Remote print spooling, Debian/LPRng

1999-06-15 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
Hi all -

I've got a LAN behind an IPMasq gateway, and want to share a printer
between all of my Debian machines. So, on machine 'spire' which has the
printer (set up and working as well), I've added the following line to
/etc/hosts.equiv (which is supposed to grant machine awac user aaron printer
spool access) as a test:

+ awac aaron

Note, the man page stressed that FQDN was important for security reasons,
but I trust everyone behind my firewall.

On machine awac, /etc/printcap looks as follows:

# REMOTE djet695c

on machine spire it is as such:

lp|hpdj695c|HP Deskjet 695C:\

... and this was generated by magicfilterconfig.

On machine awac, whenever I attempt to invoke lpr I recieve:

 ...~$ lpr dpkg2-spec.tov 
no connect permissions
job 'cfA939awac' transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed

Does anyone have any ideas?

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin: http://www.berlin-consortium.org
Debian GNU/Linux:   http://www.debian.org

There are three kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

Gateway 2000 solo 2500se

1999-05-02 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
I'm looking into getting a gateway laptop.

One thing I'm very leery of, however, is that both the CD-ROM drive and
floppy are hot-swappable PCMCIA. I've directed an inquiry at gateway's
techies about whether Linux will run on the thing, but I'd also like to ask
the debian audience.

Anyone with any series on the solo 2500 series from gateway, could you get
back to me? Thanks in advance!

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin: http://www.berlin-consortium.org
Debian GNU/Linux:   http://www.debian.org

...Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing...
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Custom headers -- outgoing email

1999-03-07 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
Hi all

I need to set some custom headers in my outgoing mail; however, it
appears the MUA doesn't have final say in this matter; the MTA does some
tinkering of its own in this field.
I'm running mutt, and am using the exim MTA. Here are the relevant
headers from most of my mails:

From: Aaron Van Couwenberghe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have mutt set up to include ~/.muttrc-local for each user. My
.muttrc-local has (among other things) the following commands:

set hdrs
my_hdr From: Aaron Van Couwenberghe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
my_hdr Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Now, where is the Sender: header being replaced? Does the MTA override this
setting? If so, how can one get a mail system useful for a single,
periodically connected account?

I ask this because some MDA's reject mails with inappropriate Sender
envelopes. IE my mails to certain private individuals bounce predictably.

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin: http://www.berlin-consortium.org
Debian GNU/Linux:   http://www.debian.org

...Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing...
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Converting Docbook .sgml to .html?

1999-02-10 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
Hello all --

I'm trying to convert a Docbook document to HTML. upon executing
'sgml2html libgii-api.sgml' I recieve

Processing file libgii-api.sgml
/usr/bin/sgmlsasp: can't open /usr/lib/sgml-tools/dist/book/html/mapping':
No such file or directory

I've known in the past how to do this with jade, but documentation is *very*
sketchy. What is the correct way to do this? can sgmltools be made to
recognize docbook?

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin: http://www.berlin-consortium.org
Debian GNU/Linux:   http://www.debian.org

Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit. -- Seneca

reverse order printing?

1999-01-03 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
I've been using an HP Deskjet 540 with spud, and it's worked fine so far.
One annoying thing though -- the pages come out with the last page on top.
Is there a simple way to reverse the order? would it be a gs or lpd/lpr

Thanks in advance!

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin: http://www.berlin-consortium.org
Debian GNU/Linux:   http://www.debian.org

Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit.
[There is no great genius without some touch of madness.]
-- Seneca

Mutt and automatic archiving

1998-12-12 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
Hi all -

I've finally got my system back up. Now, I'm trying to put into
place a more sophisticated mail subsystem. The one thing I want to do is to
move all old messages in ~/mail/mailbox to an equivalent place in
~/mail/arch/mailbox, in the maildir format. However, mutt continually
complains about such an arrangement; I suspect it doesn't know how to create
the mailboxes itself.

Anyway, for anyone who has done this before, here is the applicable config

set folder=~/mail/

[snip unimportant stuff]

set delete=yes
set move=yes
set mbox=+read
# this will probably never get used, I have multiple mbox-hooks defined
# later
set postponed=+postponed
set record=+sent

set mbox_type=Maildir
mailboxes ! +personal +berlin-devel +debian-devel +debian-private \
+debian-mentors +debian-policy +ggi-develop +debian-devel-changes \
+debian-changes +debian-user

lists berlin-devel debian-devel debian-devel-changes debian-policy \
debian-mentors debian-private debian-user debian-canges ggi-develop

mbox-hook berlin-design +arch/berlin-design
mbox-hook debian-devel +arch/debian-devel
mbox-hook debian-private +arch/debian-private
mbox-hook debian-mentors +arch/debian-mentors
mbox-hook debian-policy +arch/debian-policy
mbox-hook ggi-develop +arch/ggi-develop
mbox-hook debian-user +arch/debian-user

alias debian-user Debian User debian-user@lists.debian.org
alias berlin-design Berlin Development [EMAIL PROTECTED]
alias debian-devel Debian Development debian-devel@lists.debian.org
alias debian-private Debian Private [EMAIL PROTECTED]
alias debian-mentors Debian Mentors debian-mentors@lists.debian.org
alias debian-policy Debian Policy debian-policy@lists.debian.org
alias ggi-develop GGI Development ggi-develop@eskimo.com

# ---END---

does this look right? It doesn't seem to work.

thanks in advance!


Re: Restricted group-writable directories

1998-11-26 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
On Wed, Nov 25, 1998 at 05:57:03PM -0500, Ben Collins wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 25, 1998 at 02:41:33PM -0800, Aaron Van Couwenberghe wrote:
   ... ~$  groups
  aaron dip
   ... ~$  su
... /home/aaron#  groups aaron
  aaron : aaron dip source
 the account aaron needs to logout anf log back in for the new groups to
 take affect.

I tried. no luck. But thanks ;)

Aaron Van Couwenberghe  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Debian GNU/Linux: finally, a distribution tailored for the administrator,
  not the cluebie. http://www.debian.org

Restricted group-writable directories

1998-11-25 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
Hello all -

I recently have been running low on drive space in my home partition. I've
much free space on /usr, so I was considering moving my development to
/usr/local/src rather than ~/src. So I did this:

addgroup source
usermod -G source aaron
mkdir /usr/local/src
chmod 775 /usr/local/src
chgroup source /usr/local/src

permissions appear correct. However, user 'aaron' can't write to
/usr/local/src. Here is one discrepancy I discovered in this process:

 ... ~$  groups
aaron dip
 ... ~$  su

  ... /home/aaron#  groups aaron
aaron : aaron dip source
  ... /home/aaron#  

Hmm. why is this happening? I'd love to be able to do this in a
secure way, rather than making /usr/local/src world-writable.

Aaron Van Couwenberghe  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Debian GNU/Linux: finally, a distribution tailored for the administrator,
  not the cluebie. http://www.debian.org