Re: Gnome Sound Problems Continued

2000-11-29 Thread Andrew Dwight Dixon
Arlen Carlson wrote:

 Well I'm making progress on my Gnome sound problem...seems that esd is at
 fault.  If I kill the esd process I get my sound back under Gnome.

 The big question is why?  And how did this problem start?  How do I prevent 
 from running under Gnome, or do I need it?

in the GNOME menu go to:
then you can disable the esd.

alternately you can right click on the panel then go to:
applets-multimedia-sound monitor
which will put an applet on the panel that if you right click on you can suspend
the esp.

You should also read the GNOME manual on sound.  I think I remember it saying 
sound that works through the esd and sound that does not (i.e. controls the 
card directly) may conflict.  There are also GNOME mailling lists where people
would be better suited to answering your question.

good luck,

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sound volume

2000-11-27 Thread Andrew Dwight Dixon
Hi All,
I recently got sound working on my machine and I was wondering how to
turn up the volume?


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Re: html man pages, tutor?

2000-11-26 Thread Andrew Dwight Dixon
 Antonio Rodriguez wrote:

   Does anyone know of a downloadable HTML comprehensive tutorial? Do we
   have one in the man pages?

try the rute user's tutorial.  You can find it at:
I think it's in the guides section

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running X in a telnet session

2000-11-26 Thread Andrew Dwight Dixon
Hi All,
I'm using telnet to log into my desktop machine from my laptop and
I would like to be able to run an application on the desktop machine and
have the display be on the laptop.  After loging into the desktop and
switching the DISPLAY variable:

export DISPLAY=

I get this error message when I try to run a program:

Xlib: connection to refused by server
Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
Application initialization failed: couldn't connect to display

Any ideas?


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Re: starting gnome from kde

2000-11-25 Thread Andrew Dwight Dixon

 On Fri, Nov 17, 2000 at 09:22:54AM -0500, Andrew Dwight Dixon wrote:
  Hi All,
  I'm an old-school fvwm fan but I recently decided to try gnome and kde
  because I told my sister I'd help her install Linux and she'll
  definitely want to use one or the other.  Anyway, to make a long story
  short, I'm using kdm right now and I'd like to be able to start gnome
  from it as well.
  Any pointers/leads on how to do this?
 Although I'm not sure why you'd want to,
 just pop open a command prompt (Alt-F2 in KDE2) and issue
 $ gnome-session

Sorry, I wasn't verry clear in my question.  I was trying to figure out how
to start gnome from kdm.  My intention is to be able to start one or the
other when I log in.


 When I tested this, the gnome panel covered the kde one, but
 you can hide move it. Also, all of the gnome desktop icons appear
 as apps in kde's tasklist.

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Re: sound question

2000-11-24 Thread Andrew Dwight Dixon
Adam C Powell IV wrote:

  Andrew Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 The right way to do this is to add it using modconf.  But AFAIK this just 
 it to /etc/modules (along with any arguments the module might need).

Thanks for the info it's great to know about tools like modconf.  I do think 
right that it adds them to /etc/modules because it showed that my nm256 was 
configured, but, the man page looks like this tool is more powerful than *just*
adding them to the /etc/modules file.

thanks again,

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Re: Debianizing tarballs: a Big Deal or a routine skill?

2000-11-24 Thread Andrew Dwight Dixon
Stan Kaufman wrote:

 Since this seems to be a widespread situation, I want to figure out how
 to do this process. I'd be happy to write up a mini-HOWTO. But before I
 start, I'd like to know what I'm running into.

HI Stan,
looks like were in the same situation.  I'm looking into building .debs now but 
don't know how.  If you need some help on that HOW-TO please let me know.  
Again I
have no experience here but it's about time to start.


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Re: I want out!

2000-11-23 Thread Andrew Dwight Dixon
ktb wrote:

 I've been on and off this list for a couple years.  I just started using
 Debian again after about a 6 month layoff.  I'm glad to see this string is
 still going:)  Maybe it is perverse of me but I would hate to see the
 instructions change.  It is a tradition:)

I agree.  Not that I have any clue how to unsubscribe using the instructions at 
bottom of the page, but I've decided that I should stay on the list untill I can
figure that out.


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Re: simple network card setup (netgear 10/100 tulip)

2000-11-23 Thread Andrew Dwight Dixon
HI Jeff,
I've got the same card and for me it worked right out of the box.  I guess that
doesn't help, but:

If you think the CD you have is bad look at the checksums (md5sum I think).

Try a clean install and don't do anything to the modules when prompted (I left 
alone and it worked).

There shouldn't be an eth0.  The pcmcia stuff (sorry I forget which stuff but 
the how-to) takes care of brining up an interface when needed.  There shouldn't 
be an
eth0 because this would confuse the system.

Hope at least some of this was helpful,

Jeff Davis wrote:

 I have been reading docs all day but I cannot figure this one out. Note
 that I am used to Redhat/Mandrake, and I don't know as much as I would
 like to about Debian.

 I have a Netgear 10/100 card. I am sure it works, and I have used the
 same type of card with other distros. In it's linux.txt it describes
 an object file called tulip.o, which I assume to be the same as in the
 Debian distro (I am using 2.2). I tried first to do modprobe tulip and
 I get an error from insmod (I think modprobe is just a higher-level
 version of insmod, but I am not sure of this. I tried both) like device
 or resource busy and then something about how I might try changing the

 I have no /dev/eth* devices at all in my system. When I try to load the
 tulip module during the initial install I get the same insmod error (but
 before it asks for parameters).

 I recorded the CDs, so I am not sure of their integrity. I tried copying
 files, etc, but it won't be easy to get the good CDs (I think the
 downloaded ISOs should be correct) until I have network access.

 I half expected Debian to see the card immediately and to work
 automatically. I was somewhat surprised to see no eth devices, and more
 surprised when I couldn't just load the module to use it.

 I added a few modules during the setup, including ip_masq modules and
 more notably traffic shaper. Could these be conflicting? I tried
 removing them and inserting the other, but no effect.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated. I like Debian so far, but
 I haven't seen much :)

 Jeff Davis

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Re: Problems wit ps/2 mouse

2000-11-22 Thread Andrew Dwight Dixon
Edwin Hoff wrote:

 I'm running debian potato on my computer. The problem is, that the
 system doesn't  initialize my ps/2-mouse automatically. To get access to
 the mouse i always run gpmconfig manually as root, after this
 procedure the mouse works. Which settings are necessary to have the
 mouse configured automatically.

I set this up with xf86config.  Just tell it you have a:
ps/2 mouse
and that the location is:
that's always done the trick for me.


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starting gnome from kde

2000-11-22 Thread Andrew Dwight Dixon
Hi All,
I'm an old-school fvwm fan but I recently decided to try gnome and kde
because I told my sister I'd help her install Linux and she'll
definitely want to use one or the other.  Anyway, to make a long story
short, I'm using kdm right now and I'd like to be able to start gnome
from it as well.

Any pointers/leads on how to do this?


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Re: Quake 3 ran, I upgraded. . . Well, It doesn't run any more

2000-11-22 Thread Andrew Dwight Dixon
Brandt Dusthimer wrote:

 Well, like I said, there aren't any other GL stuffs ( other than the
 NVidia stuffs that is) on my box.  I was running Quake 3 fine and dandy (and
 everything else too) with Woody and the NVidia stuffs before.  Then, since
 for some reason I had to remake the NVidia driver everytime I booted up, I
 decided to upgrade to the most recent version of Woody.  Ouch. . . it kind
 of broke my box.  I've fixed a lot of the stuff, but there are still some
 things that aren't quite working yet.  For example, Quake 3.  Also, right
 now only root can use the Emu10k1 (sound) driver.  Can't play any sounds
 with any other user.

You might need to add the other users to the audio group.  I think it looks like

   #adduser user audio


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Re: sound question

2000-11-22 Thread Andrew Dwight Dixon
Daniel Pittman wrote:

 Add the name of any modules you want loaded at startup to the file

That works beautifully.  Thank you very much.


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Re: Printing under Debian..

2000-11-12 Thread Andrew Dwight Dixon
David Z Maze wrote:

 Paul Schulz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 PS How does print filtering work under Debian.  I had a system (which was
 PS Redhat) which did all the magic.  What packages/setup do I need to get
 PS this to work.

 You probably want a print spooler (either lpr or lprng) and the
 magicfilter package.  Installing magicfilter will ask you some
 questions about the sort of printer you have, and create the
 appropriate configuration files for you.

There's also a port of Red Hat's printtool in the unstable distribution.  So if 
what you know and love you can still use it.  I, however, couldn't get my 
Laserjet 3p
working with it so I had to try magicfilter and after about 2 seconds with this
wonderful tool my printer was up and running.


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network printing

2000-11-12 Thread Andrew Dwight Dixon
Hi All,
I'm having some trouble getting my printer to work across my network.
The printer works like a champ on the local machine (sendack,  But when I try from the remote machine (derico, nothing happens and when I run lpq I get this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ lpr HelloWorld
derico: waiting for queue to be enabled on
Rank   Owner  Job  Files Total Size
1stdixon  3HelloWorld21 bytes
2nddixon  4HelloWorld21 bytes

/usr/sbin/lpd: lp: Host name for your address ( unknown
On, sendack, there is this message in
lp is ready and printing
so I don't understand why it is waiting for the queue to be enabled.  I
also have resolved to derico in /etc/hosts on both machines
so I don't understand why lp doesn't know the host  name.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: remote login advice / bonehead spelling [OT]

2000-11-10 Thread Andrew Dwight Dixon
will trillich wrote:

 we're lucky that webster and his cronies didn't get their
 wish to start a whole new langauge after the u.s. split
 off from the u.k...

 if you wanna discuss bonehead spellings, how about

 what do you spoze they were smoking?

I think Mark Twain said it best, Anyone who can only think of one way to spell 
word has absolutely no immagination at all. ;)

Thanks for all of the help,

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remote login advice

2000-11-09 Thread Andrew Dwight Dixon
Hi All,
I have a small network at my home consisting of an old desktop machine
and my laptop.  I use the desktop for IP Masquerading and a few other
things.  My questionis this.  How can I set up these machines so that
I can log into the desktop from my laptop so I can get rid of the large
monitor on top of my desk?

Any advice or pointers to documentation would be greatly appreciated.


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