Re: Can't access aliased ip address

2002-01-03 Thread Chad Morgan

   It sounds like you've fallen prey to the perils of assymmetric
 routing. For simplicity, I'll refer to your (my machine) external
 to be machine A, eth0 to be ip-address B, and eth0:1 to be ip-address C.
 Here is how things are happening :
   Machine A sends echo request to C. 
   C replies. The routing table on your multihomed server says that
 the packet needs to travel out via eth0. The outgoing echo reply
 will contain the source address of B.
   A is not listening for replies from B. It is listening for
 from C. Hence your problem.
   To see if I am right, filter tcpdump on the icmp protocol, rather
 than the host of C. If you see echo replies from B coming in, and echo
 requests for C going out, what I said is correct.

This doesn't appear to be the problem. When I ping ip address C, from
machine A (my computer at a remote location) tcpdump icmp -i eth0 yields
only a request.
However, once I ping ip address B from Machine A it will show both the
request and the reply.

Also, I just looked at the syslog, which I probably should've done earlier
and found the following:

Jan  2 15:23:46 hostname kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth0 PROTO=1
MACHINEA:8 IPADDRC:0 L=92 S=0x00 I=0 F=0x4000 T=43 (#9)

Should I be looking at the firewall as the cause of the problem. However
temporarily using
ipchains -P input ACCEPT and ipchains -P output ACCEPT before going back to
the regular firewall settings gave me the exact same result. Do I need to
specifically specifiy IP Address C in the firewall script or am I chasing a
dead end?


Re: Can't access aliased ip address

2002-01-03 Thread Chad Morgan
On 2002.01.02 22:19 Jor-el wrote:

 The hostnames in your prev. post were truncated and it was hard to guess
 how the routing was setup.
Here is an easier to read routing table:
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface UH0  00
eth0 UH0  00
eth0   U 0  00
eth1   U 0  00
eth0 UG1  00

   Also try the following : from B / C, do 
 1.  traceroute A
 2.  traceroute A -s C
traceroute A works as expected. However traceroute A -s C results in:

 1 traceroute: wrote 38 chars, ret=-1
 *traceroute: wrote 38 chars, ret=-1
 *traceroute: wrote 38 chars, ret=-1

Note: each of the above lines were preceded by:
traceroute: sendto: Operation not permitted

which for somereason wasn't included in the output oftraceroute A -s C

I've noticed this on a few other procedures I've tried to do, but it isn't
really that big of a deal to add the other information. But I know there is
a way to capture the screen, I just don't know how to do it. 

   On A, monitor the traffic using a filter for src = A or dst = A
 and post the results.

I don't think that I can do this. A is a D-Link Wireless cable modem/dsl
router. I tried it anyway and didn't pick up anything from things that I
know work.
  Jan  2 15:23:46 hostname kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth0 PROTO=1
  MACHINEA:8 IPADDRC:0 L=92 S=0x00 I=0 F=0x4000 T=43 (#9)
   I dont know what this log entry means. Its possible that you have
 a firewall problem but your symptoms are more indicative of a routing
 problem. Perhaps the output of 'ipchains -L -v -n' would help (Note: I
 iptables and I'm guessing that its options are similar to ipchains. The
 will produce numeric, rather than symbolic output).

That worked just fine, here is the output:

Chain input (policy ACCEPT: 0 packets, 0 bytes):
 pkts bytes target prot opttosa tosx  ifname mark   outsize
 sourcedestination   ports
39536 3757K ACCEPT all  -- 0xFF 0x00  lo n/a
0 0 DENY   all  l- 0xFF 0x00  !lo n/a
89474 7888K ACCEPT all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
 204K   21M ACCEPT all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth1 n/a
0 0 DENY   all  l- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
0 0 DENY   all  l- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
 234K  189M ACCEPT all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
0 0 ACCEPT all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0
17858 1487K DENY   all  l- 0xFF 0x00  * n/a
Chain forward (policy DENY: 0 packets, 0 bytes):
 pkts bytes target prot opttosa tosx  ifname mark   outsize
 sourcedestination   ports
0 0 MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
0 0 MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
 4464  690K MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
  443 66229 MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
  257 38564 MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
   58  4837 MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
0 0 MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
 2606  571K MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
 2641  367K MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
0 0 MASQ   all  -- 0xFF 0x00  eth0 n/a
Chain output (policy ACCEPT: 0 packets, 0 bytes):
 pkts bytes target prot opttosa tosx  ifname mark   

SOLVED Can't access aliased ip address

2002-01-03 Thread Chad Morgan
It turns out it was in fact a firewall problem. I discovered that I wasn't
resetting the firewall to no restrictions right. I thought that resetting
the policy would reset all of the rules and didn't realize I needed to do a
flush first. Now that I think about it makes good sense to do it this way.

Now I just need to go in and see which rule was causing the problem.

Thanks for the help


Can't access aliased ip address

2002-01-02 Thread Chad Morgan
I have a gateway to share a dsl line with about 20 users that all use win
9x or a more recent windows product. One of the users wants to be able to
setup pcanywhere so he can access his office computer using his cable modem
at home instead of the phone line.

This is the output of ifconfig:

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:A0:CC:23:A3:AC  
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:241367 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:260291 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:41 txqueuelen:100 
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0x6000 

eth0:1Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:A0:CC:23:A3:AC  
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0x6000 

eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:A0:CC:5A:CB:A2  
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:191550 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:233023 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 
  Interrupt:11 Base address:0x6100 

loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:38940 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:38940 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 

And this is the output of route:

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
adsl-gte-la-216 * UH0  00
adsl-gte-la-216 * UH0  00
eth0 *   U 0  00
eth1*   U 0  00
default adsl-gte-la-216 UG1  00

Note: the the first two entires are the hosts associated with eth:0 and

Now, I'm a remote location but when logged into this machine I can ping all
ip addresses.

From my machine I get no responce when I try and ping the address
associated with eth0:1 however when I use tcpdump host I get
the following result while pinging that address from my machine so it looks
like it is getting something but not answering.

11:31:07.232889 icmp: echo request (DF)

Also, it is not possible for me to ask someone at the site to try to ping
the eth0:1 address from a machine on the 192.168.0 segment, however I'll be
in the area tomorrow (only 15-20 minutes out of my way) and can swing by
and see if it is working from there if absolutely necessary.

This is also a repost, I've incorporated all of the advice from my original
post but more important priorities forced me to put this on the back
burner. That always catches up with me since now this is a fire that I need
to put out.

If I can't get the aliasing to work the way I want it to, I'll have to go
down there tomorrow and throw in another NIC for the second address but I
don' really want to do that because it is possible that more people will
want the same and I don't want to have to keep adding cards. Space and
maintenance are more of issues than cost. 

Also, it isn't practical to just give that computer an external ip address
because it is behind another hub on the 192 segment.

Any assistance or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Chad Morgan

Re: Can't access aliased ip address

2002-01-02 Thread Chad Morgan
On 2002.01.02 18:29 Jason M. Harvey wrote:
 if this person wants to use pcanywhere from home... which ip address is
 he using for pcanywhere to connect to? unless he's using some sort of
 vpn setup between home and work, he won't get to his office pc.
 are you running masquerading on the pc if the 196.168
 network is translated to that ip, you'll need to forward ports 5631 and
 5632 from back to his ip (192.168.y.z). once you've done
 that, he will be able to pcanywhere to and invisible
 to him will be the forwarding of pcanywhere to his private ip.
This is actually a better idea for my worst case scenario of having to add
another NIC if I can't get the aliased address to work.
However, there is someone else that has been toying with the pcanywhere
idea as well and I'm pretty sure once it is working for this guy the other
one will want it too.
I don't use pcanywhere so I don't know if you can manually specify a
different port. If you can I guess I could give everyone that wants it a
different port on the *.93 address but not using the defaults could create
some unique support situations when people forget their assigned port or
don't know how to change the defaults and I'd like to avoid that.

 i've configured many routers that run NAT and needed to do the same
 thing. i've never done port forwarding with ipchains/iptables but i'm
 positive that it can be done. 
I haven't setup the port forwarding yet since traffic to the address I
wanted to use wasn't getting there anyway.
I was planning on using ipmasqadm to do the port fowarding once I can
forward traffic on the address that I would like to use.


 it sounds like what i'm advising is a little off-track of what you were
 looking at before... if someone else has better suggestion, listen to
 them! the port-forwarding will work, but it may be a little more for you
 to set up...
 good luck,
 On Wed, Jan 02, 2002 at 06:19:46PM -0800, Chad Morgan wrote:
 | I have a gateway to share a dsl line with about 20 users that all use
 | 9x or a more recent windows product. One of the users wants to be able
 | setup pcanywhere so he can access his office computer using his cable
 | at home instead of the phone line.
 | This is the output of ifconfig:
 | eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:A0:CC:23:A3:AC  
 |   inet addr:  Bcast: 
 |   RX packets:241367 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 |   TX packets:260291 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 |   collisions:41 txqueuelen:100 
 |   Interrupt:10 Base address:0x6000 
 | eth0:1Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:A0:CC:23:A3:AC  
 |   inet addr:  Bcast: 
 |   Interrupt:10 Base address:0x6000 
 | eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:A0:CC:5A:CB:A2  
 |   inet addr:  Bcast: 
 |   RX packets:191550 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 |   TX packets:233023 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 |   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 
 |   Interrupt:11 Base address:0x6100 
 | loLink encap:Local Loopback  
 |   inet addr:  Mask:
 |   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1
 |   RX packets:38940 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 |   TX packets:38940 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 |   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
 | And this is the output of route:
 | Kernel IP routing table
 | Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
 | Iface
 | adsl-gte-la-216 * UH0  00
 | eth0
 | adsl-gte-la-216 * UH0  00
 | eth0
 | *   U 0  00
 | eth1
 |*   U 0  00
 | eth0
 | default adsl-gte-la-216 UG1  00
 | eth0
 | Note: the the first two entires are the hosts associated with eth:0 and
 | eth0:1
 | Now, I'm a remote location but when logged into this machine I can ping
 | ip addresses.
 | From my machine I get no responce when I try and ping the address
 | associated with eth0:1 however when I use tcpdump host I
 | the following result while pinging that address from my machine so it
 | like it is getting something but not answering.
 | 11:31:07.232889 
 | icmp: echo request (DF)
 | Also, it is not possible for me

/dev/st0 doesn't exist

2001-12-11 Thread Chad Morgan
I'm trying to setup a SCSI tape drive. 

For the record it is an HP C1537A 12/24GB DDS Drive

This is the output of /proc/scsi/scsi:
Attached devices: 
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 04 Lun: 00
  Vendor: HP   Model: C1537A   Rev: L610
  Type:   Sequential-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02

If anyone wants to see it, the output of /proc/scsi/advansys/0 is at the
bottom of the message.

My problem is that /dev/st0 and /dev/nst0 do not exist. Ie: ls /dev/st0
would result in No such file or directory.

SCSI Support and my low level drive (advansys) are compiled into the
kernel. I'm loading the scsi tape support as a module.

modprobe st reults in:
Detected scsi tape st0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 4, lun 0

yet /dev/st0 is not there.

Is there another way I'm supposed to access the drive or do I need to
install a package that would set that up for me. cpio was already installed
and I tried installing taper to see what that would do. It didn't
accomplish anything.

My laptop, which has Redhat 7.2 because my debian 2.1 CD didn't have the
right drivers for my pcmcia network card and I was too lazy to make a CD
that had them (although I'm begining to regret that now). I guess that
bears mentioning that the machine that is giving me probelms is running
potato with 2.2.19. And the reason for mentioning RedHat was, an ls
/dev/st* there includes /dev/st0 through /st61 and a lot in between.

Also, just remembered to check some of my other debian machines to see if
they have any /dev/st0. Of the two that I checked, none of them have
anything related to st.

I'm thinking there might be something debian specific that I'm missing.

Any help would be appreciated.


Output of /proc/scsi/advansys/0:
AdvanSys SCSI 3.3D: PCI Ultra-Wide: BIOS C8000/7FFF, IO C000/3F, IRQ 11

ROM BIOS Version: 3.2?

Device Information for AdvanSys SCSI Host 0:
Target IDs Detected: 4, 7, (7=Host Adapter)
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 04 Lun: 00
  Vendor: HP   Model: C1537A   Rev: L610
  Type:   Sequential-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02

EEPROM Settings for AdvanSys SCSI Host 0:
 Serial Number: AA09E111B111
 Host SCSI ID: 7, Host Queue Size: 253, Device Queue Size: 63
 termination: 0 (Automatic), bios_ctrl: ffe7
 Target ID:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
 Disconnects:  Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
 Command Queuing:  Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
 Start Motor:  Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
 Synchronous Transfer: Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
 Ultra Transfer:   Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
 Wide Transfer:Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Linux Driver Configuration and Information for AdvanSys SCSI Host 0:
 host_busy 0, last_reset 0, max_id 16, max_lun 8, max_channel 0
 unique_id 0, can_queue 253, this_id 7, sg_tablesize 255, cmd_per_lun 0
 unchecked_isa_dma 0, use_clustering 1, loaded_as_module 0
 flags c, last_reset 0, jiffies 1f5ad
 queue_depth: 4:63

Linux Driver Statistics for AdvanSys SCSI Host 0:
 command 0, queuecommand 23, abort 0, reset 0, biosparam 0
 interrupt 23, callback 23, done 23
 exe_noerror 23, exe_busy 0, exe_error 0, exe_unknown 0
 build_error 0, build_noreq 0, build_nosg 0
 cont_cnt 23, cont_xfer 11.5 kb avg_xfer 0.4 kb
 Active and Waiting Request Queues (Time Unit: 100 HZ):
 target 4
   active: cnt [cur 0, max 1, tot 9], time [min 0, max 1, avg 0.7]
   waiting: cnt [cur 0, max 0, tot 0], time [min 0, max 0, avg 0.0]

Adv Library Configuration and Statistics for AdvanSys SCSI Host 0:
 iop_base e080, cable_detect: 3, err_code 0
 chip_version 64, lib_version 50c, mcode_date 1502, mcode_version 50c
 Queuing Enabled: 4:N
 Queue Limit: 4:1
 Command Pending: 4:0
 Wide Enabled: 4:Y
 Transfer Bit Width: 4:8
 Synchronous Enabled: 4:Y
  4: Transfer Period Factor: 25 (10.0 Mhz), REQ/ACK Offset: 15

Re: /dev/st0 doesn't exist

2001-12-11 Thread Chad Morgan
On 2001.12.11 20:15 Nathan E Norman wrote:
  yet /dev/st0 is not there.
 The message from the driver doesn't imply file creation :)  I assume
 you're using the old dev directory and not using devfs?
 In any case, you probably simply need to create the device files.  I
 now use devfs so it's been a while since I worried about device files,
 but let's see if  remember ...
 Method 1:
  # cd /dev; MAKEDEV st
 Method 2:
  # cd /dev
  # mknod -m 660 st0 c 9 0
  # mknod -m 660 nst0 c 9 128
  # chown root:tape st0 nst0

That did it. Thanks for the reply. I was going to say that mknod wasn't
needed after MAKEDEV, however if I would've read your post better I
would've noticed that it was METHOD 12 and not STEP 12 :)

 Method 3:
  Install a kernel that does devfs :)

Since this is the first I've heard of devfs, I'll look into it.


Re: Homework

2001-12-10 Thread Chad Morgan
This topic has been discussed in great depth on many occasions. If you
really want to know what how every feels about this I suggest that YOU read
the archives before filling up everyone's mail box with more why don't
people RTFM posts.


On 2001.12.10 09:01 Nicolás Conde wrote:
I don't mean to be rude with this, but i've noticed that few people
 do their homework before posting. I've seen some questions over and over
 again for which answers exist in the {manual pages | list archives}.
Looking for existing answers (IOW doing your own research) before
 posting helps everyone: you learn about your OS and your computer,
 becoming a better {admin | user}; and also reduces the amount of
 messages received by subscribers everyday.
So, without wanting to ofend anyone, before you post a question
 1. RTFM (Read The Friendly Manual)
 2. Search the {archives | HOW-TOs}
 3. Ask your local {Linux | Unix} guru (if you have one)
 and if this doesn't help (which I doubt) drop some lines to this list.
Thanks all, enjoy Linux.
 -= Nicolás Conde - SSAA =-
 La verdad te hara libre, pero antes te hara enojar.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: ayuda

2001-12-05 Thread Chad Morgan
Hay un package para el chip de nvidia en testing. Necesita suplmentar
/etc/apt/sources.list con testing y hacer apt-cache search nivida para el
nombre del package.

Tambien, para mas informacion puede usar esta lista en espanol

On 2001.12.05 18:43 arturo camacho vazquez wrote:
 Hola a todos instale el debian2.2 r0,pero no pude levantar la tarjeta de 
 video que es una gforce con chip de nvidia, lo levante con vga y una
 generica de nvidia , quise hacer una actualizacion con apt-get  pero como
 todo esta en ingles no logre hacerlo, saben ustedes donde puedo bajar un 
 amnual para poner y utilizar el apt get o como iunstalo un kernel mas 
 reciente con el xfree86 para que reconosca mi tarjeta de antemano gracias
 todos .
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

IP Alias

2001-10-02 Thread Chad Morgan


I set up an IP Alias on my system but I'm unable to 
access the aliased IP address from other computers. 

I have:
eth0, IP Address A - can ping from my computer and 
from other computers
eth0:0, IP Address B - can ping ONLY from my 
computer but not from others. It is listed in ifconfig

When I reverse the addresses
eth0 = IP Address B and
eth0:0 = IP Address A 
the same thing occurs.

I've followed the HOWTO and haven't been able to 
find any thing that I'm missing. Any ideas on something else I should be looking 
Chad Morgan

RE: Mount Problem

2001-08-30 Thread Chad Morgan
When I run e2fsck I get the following:

/dev/hdb4: clean, 54908/1202944 files, 576697/2401717 blocks


-Original Message-
From: Alberto Cabello Sánchez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 11:30 PM
Subject: Re: Mount Problem

Have you tried running e2fsck?

Alberto Cabello Sánchez
Servicio de Informática
Universidad de Extremadura
924 298 351 - 924 289 352
Debian Woody
Sylpheed 0.5.2

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Mount Problem

2001-08-29 Thread Chad Morgan
I'm trying to recover some data off my old hard drive and am having some
problems with the mounting.

I use:

mount -t ext2 /dev/hdb4 /old_home

and that results in:

EXT2-fs: 03:44: couldn't mount because of unsupported option features.
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb4, or too many
mounted file systems.

hdb1 was the swap partition
hdb2 was the old root partion and that mounts with the same command just
hdb3 was partioned for FAT32 but I never even got around to formatting it,
let along installing Windows again

There are no other partions on the drive.

I'm 95% sure that it is not the wrong fs type, especially considering hdb2
is ext2. When looking at the partion list it is listed as Linux Native is
there any other fs types it could be.

Since I didn't add any options to the mount command I don't think it is a a
bad option, unless I'm leaving off an option that I need. Although no
options were needed for hdb2.

I'm afraid that it may be a bad superblock and I'm not entirely sure what a
superblock is. Is there any way that I can correct this (should it be the
problem) so that I can recover the data.

I have less than 5 fs's mounted so I don't think this is it. BTW, how many
fs's can be mounted.

Also: It is a 20GB drive in an old computer with a 60MHz Pentium. Could
there be a bios restriction for large hard drives that is preventing me from
accessing the partition.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


Sendmail DNS Problem???

2001-08-24 Thread Chad Morgan
I'm a newbie to sendmail and am installing for the first time. When sending
a message to an account on the server I have no problem. But when I send to
an external account I get a host name lookup failure. The domain I'm sending
to doesn't matter because all the ones that I've tried has failed.

The log entries for a message and the failure are below. I think that it has
something to do with the

Name server:

entry, I think that there should probably be a name server listed after the
: but I'm not sure and am looking for confirmation of my suspicious, or a
correction. Also if someone could help me with the proper entries, or point
me to where I can find the proper entries for, or



Aug 24 11:38:08 ns sendmail[247]: LAA00247:
from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=1160, class=0, pri=31160, nrcpts=1,
msgid=[EMAIL PROTECTED], proto=SMTP, []
Aug 24 11:39:54 ns sendmail[249]: LAA00247: to=[EMAIL PROTECTED],
ctladdr=[EMAIL PROTECTED] (1000/1000), delay=00:01:46,
xdelay=00:01:46, mailer=relay, relay=n, stat=Deferred: Name server: n: host
name lookup failure