Looking for a Dentist

2011-06-03 Thread chris brown
Hello, My name is Yusuf Rahman with TopPressPublishing.com.
We are a Marketing and Publishing company and we were curious about what
methods you were currently using to grow your business and how effective it
was over the cost?
We are not interested in wasting your time for our time is just as valuable,
however right now we are currently working with Dentist and increasing their
profits 2-400 percent at about a third (1/3rd) of what they are currently
spending now?
There is no risk or obligations and we will share our knowledge and
expertise Totally for FREE.
**If for whatever reason you are not a Dentist owner/operator or
representative but still are looking for ways to grow your business.. We
will still honor a FREE evaluation for you and make the same commitments.
Our system works for Restaurants, Hotels, Insurance Companies, Real Estate
Professionals, Retail Stores and almost any industry. Yes we will give you
FREE information and Yes we can grow your business 2-400 percent within
30-90 days that is our GUARANTEE in WRITING!
Yusuf Rahman
Managing Editor
*Cheap Effective Marketing that really works*
-Post card mailers
-Phone Broadcasting
-Text Message Marketing
-Email Marketing
-Geographical data collection and target marketing
-Web development and traffic generation tactics
-Craigslist Posting and Marketing

apt-get breakage

2001-03-02 Thread Chris Brown
AAA!  apt-get dist-upgrade hosed my system yesterday!

Well, hosed is a bit rough... everything works but it seems 'su' is 
busted.  It says:
su: Unrecognized Linux-PAM error

I've tried reinstalling all packages related to login, libpam, libpam-
modules, etc.  I've tried pwconv'ing and pwuconv'ing.  No dice.  I 
was very surprised to see this, since a) I'm running stable, and b) 
I've been using apt-get for a few weeks to keep this system current. 
 Anyone have any advice as to how to fix this?

C Brown


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ipchains latency

2000-06-12 Thread Chris Brown

Our company LAN is divided into two segments, and I have 
just finished implementing firewalling rules for the router in between 
them, to protect the inner network from the outside world.  After 
meticulously designing an installing my ipchains rules, I was 
dismayed by the performance hit they incurred.  Before installing 
the firewalling rules, connection latency between the networks was 
normally below ~50ms.  telnet, ftp, and other logins took less than 
a second to return a login prompt.  Now, after installing the rules, a 
connection across the firewall takes at least 10sec, occasionally 
taking over 30sec.  Once the login is successful, latency isn't too 
bad, but still noticably worse - well over 200-300ms - when in a 
telnet session.  The router is a 386/33 with 16MB of RAM and two 
ISA Ethernet cards.  Is this an underpowered machine for 
firewalling?  I shouldn't think this is the problem...  Are there any 
errors that add to connection latency that I should be looking for in 
the firewalling rules?

Chris Brown
Seitz Technical Products Inc.


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IPFWADM Problems

2000-03-03 Thread Chris Brown
Hello all,

I have a Debian system running kernel 2.0.38 that is supposed to be 
acting as a router between two networks.  For the past many months, 
we've had our nameserver doing the routing because it was far less 
flaky.  We've fixed the problems in the hardware, finally, and would 
like to go back to using the first box.  However, now we have some 

Enabling IP Forwarding in the kernel does not allow packets to be 
routed between interfaces.  I don't have any more information on 
this, that's all there is.  From net-0 I can ping the net-0 side of 
the router, but I can't ping the net-1 side of the router.  Both 
network cards are hooked up and configured correctly.

Enabling IP Firewalling, flushing all the rules, and setting default 
policy to accept also has no setting.  Once again, no error messages 
anywhere - the box obviously thinks this is right.  I must have 
missed something.

To make matters a bit weirder, IPX route happily between the 
interfaces.  It's only IP that is causeing problems.

Any help would be appreciated.



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ext2 file recovery

2000-01-10 Thread Chris Brown
Hello all,

I administer a few Debian machines around the office, and 
have a question about data recovery.  We have a machine with a 
108GB RAID5 array, and have run into some hardware trouble.

During an e2fsck of the array, *two* drives failed, causing 
massive problems with the array.  I have figured out the low-level 
RAID problems, and the array is now mountable.  The e2fs on top 
of the RAID device, however, isn't doing so hot.

Every inode seems to have lost it's filename, and been 
moved to lost+found.  This sucks the big one --- there was like 29G 
in about 5 million files on the array.  Obviously if the only solution 
is to rename each file with the proper name, the data is as good as 

I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas that might help me 
here.  Is the filename data still stuck in the filesystem somewhere? 
 If so, how can I re-link the names to the files?  I'm a relatively 
experienced GNU/Linux user and have done ext2 file recovery a few 
times before.  I'm not scared of low-level fs editing, so no holds 
barred on prospective solutions.  Thanks for any help!!

Chris Brown


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SIOCADDRT error on boot

1999-04-17 Thread Chris Brown
I'm cleaning up the boot messages of a system we're moving to 
another location, and I ran into a funny message.  When the system 
boots everything looks OK until It mounts the local filesystems.  I 
get this weird error,
SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument
twice, and then it moves on.  I've looked at the 
/etc/init.d/mountall.sh script, /etc/fstab,  and /proc/filesystems 
and I still don't have a clue.  What do I need to change to kill this 

/dev/hda4   /   ext2defaults,errors=remount-ro  0   1
/dev/hda1   noneswapsw,pri=-2   0   0
/dev/md0/home   ext2defaults,errors=remount-ro  0   1
/dev/hdd2   /home/usrsh ext2defaults,errors=remount-
ro,usrquota,grpquota0   1
/dev/hdd1   noneswapsw,pri=-1   0   0
proc/proc   procdefaults

# mountall.sh   Mount all filsystems.
# Version:  @(#)mountall.sh 1.0019-Jun-1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Version:  @(#)mountall.sh 1.1004-Mar-1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

# Mount local filesystems in /etc/fstab
[ $VERBOSE != no ]  echo Mounting local file systems...
#mount -avt nonfs,noproc
mount -at nonfs,noproc
# Execute swapon command again, in case we want to swap to
# a file on a now mounted filesystem
# TEMPORARILY DISABLED -you can swapon a file twice, kernel bug.
#swapon -a 2/dev/null

nodev proc
nodev nfs
nodev autofs
nodev devpts


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RE: du -x

1999-04-12 Thread Chris Brown
Thank you both for your replys...

I  am no unix expert so please bear with me on this one I fully 
understand what you are saying in your responses below, but I don't 
completely agree with the implications.

First off, I'm persuing this because I'd like to make my life a 
little easier when reviewing drive usage; I'd like (need) a way to 
list summerized directory space used on a single filesystem for one 
level of directories (below the current, perhaps).

For example if /home has a different filesystem than / and I'm at / 
then I'd like a response similar to;

/bin   12234
/etc   23456
/home  1  ( directories use 1024 bytes)
/var   34567
Where the totals are the sums of all lower subdirectories. Is there a 
way to do what I want, other than writing a fairly complex script?

Ole, your statement -x only skips the directories that are on 
different filesystems from the argument currently being processed.,
very clearly addresses the area of confusion, but this is precisely 
the point I disagree with.

In my (feeble) mind, in our example above, the argument, /home is a
directory on the root filesystem, its contents are however on another
filesystem. So I would rationalize that /home would be included, but
not its contents.

BTW: this is precisely how find interpets the situation, if I do a
find -mount -maxdepth 16 from / I will get up to 16 subdirectory
depths of all dirs except /home, but I do get /home listed as a
directory of the root filesystem.

Please, any suggestions on this fine point or a suggestion on how to 
accomplish the desired task



Previous responses below;

du is working just fine. What is happening is that the asterix is
interpreted to mean each and every file that is visible, so du is
actually excluding mounted filesystems some of the time -- only it is
explicitly told to calculate the size of the filesystems mounted at a
mount- point in your working directory. `du -sx .` should give no such

Hope that helps,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ole J. Tetlie)
Date: 09 Apr 1999 09:43:27 +0200

With du 4.0 -x seems to work for me. Are you sure the problem isn't
caused by using '*' ?

For example, this machine has /home on a separate filesystem:

When I do 'cd /; du -sx .' /home is not included becuse it is
on a different filesystem from .

but if I do 'cd /; du -sx *' /home will be included because the
command is expanded to 'du -sx bin boot ... home ...' . This will
first do a du on bin, then on boot, and eventually on home.
Since home is on the same filesystem as itself it will not be skipped.

-x only skips the directories that are on different filesystems from
the argument currently being processed.


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laptop filesystem panic

1999-04-12 Thread Chris Brown
Hi all,

I just finished installing slink on my compaq armada with a 6.4 gig 
drive, its partitioned with one 2.1g dos primary, one 2.1 gig dos 
extended, and the balance (approx 2 gig) for linux.

Every now and then I get a string of console messages, as shown 
below. How serious is this probem and what do I do to fix it?  Am I 
correct in assuming the partition with the problem is the extended 
dos partition?

Directory 825174: bad FAT
Filesystem panic (dev 03:03, mounted on 03:01:454739)
FAT error
Filesystem panic (dev 03:03, mounted on 03:01:454739)
fat_free: deleting beyond EOF




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1999-04-11 Thread Chris Brown
Hi all,
Is there any way to tell icmplogd to not write a log entry for a 
ping from a group of ip addresses?  My log files are getting huge but 
I don't want to stop pings completely.


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login/inittab problems

1999-04-10 Thread Chris Brown
Hello all,
I recently did a slink install on one of my machines, but now 
when I log on to my machine on the console it doesn't ask for a root 
password.  The /etc/inittab file looks exactly the same as another 
machine I have that works properly.  
Does anybody know where the offending config is?  The password is 
set for root, and logging through su and over telnet works correctly. 

my /etc/inittab should be attached 


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-- Enclosure number 1 
# /etc/inittab: init(8) configuration.
# $Id: inittab,v 1.8 1998/05/10 10:37:50 miquels Exp $

# The default runlevel.

# Boot-time system configuration/initialization script.
# This is run first except when booting in emergency (-b) mode.

# What to do in single-user mode.

# /etc/init.d executes the S and K scripts upon change
# of runlevel.
# Runlevel 0 is halt.
# Runlevel 1 is single-user.
# Runlevels 2-5 are multi-user.
# Runlevel 6 is reboot.

l0:0:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 0
l1:1:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 1
l2:2:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 2
l3:3:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 3
l4:4:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 4
l5:5:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 5
l6:6:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 6
# Normally not reached, but fallthrough in case of emergency.

# What to do when CTRL-ALT-DEL is pressed.
ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now

# Action on special keypress (ALT-UpArrow).
kb::kbrequest:/bin/echo Keyboard Request--edit /etc/inittab to let this work.

# What to do when the power fails/returns.
pf::powerwait:/etc/init.d/powerfail start
pn::powerfailnow:/etc/init.d/powerfail now
po::powerokwait:/etc/init.d/powerfail stop

# /sbin/getty invocations for the runlevels.
# The id field MUST be the same as the last
# characters of the device (after tty).
# Format:
#  id:runlevels:action:process
1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3
4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4
5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5
6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6

# Example how to put a getty on a serial line (for a terminal)
#T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt100
#T1:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS1 9600 vt100

# Example how to put a getty on a modem line.
#T3:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -x0 -s 57600 ttyS3


1999-04-10 Thread Chris Brown
Hi everyone,

We have Debian 2.1 system here that seems to be rebooting a lot, 
and it seems to be doing it on its own.  Sometimes, according to 
syslog it will reboot multiple times in a row.  Unfortunately, none 
of the logs have any documented reason for a reboot.  The system is a 
backup mail spooler, so the user base is myself, my boss, and the sys-
admin, and none of us are rebooting it.  

What on Earth could cause somthing like this?  To what point 
should I increase the verbosity of syslogd so it will document reboot 



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du -x problem

1999-04-09 Thread Chris Brown
Hi all,
I have a problem with du.  When I do a du * -sx the -x flag 
should exclude other mounted filesystems, but it doesn't.  I was 
using v3.16 and then upgraded to 4.00, both don't work right.  Can 
anybody help?



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kmem_free error/warning..

1999-04-08 Thread Chris Brown
Hi, a question to those more knowledgable than I;

Under periods of heavy disk access my Debian slink system w/ 2.2.3 
kernel and raid-1 on two 13gig IDE's occasionally spits out a console 

kmem_free: Either bad obj addr or double free (objp=c266fe00, 

The machine continues to run fine, is this serious? how do I track 
down the problem?



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Firewall configuration issue

1999-04-08 Thread Chris Brown
We recently installed Debian onto a laptop machine, and ran into 
some weird IP problems.  When we tried to ping out of the laptop, we 
recieved an Operation not permitted error.  With help from the 
lists, the problem was tracked to the IP Firewalling setup.  It 
defaulted to not allowing *any* network traffic.  First of all, I 
specifically chose, while setting up modules to be installed for the 
Debian kernel, not to install the IP Firewall-related ones.  Does 
this mean that the installation program changed my kernel setup 
without telling me, to include those necessary modules?
Second, does it really make sense to have the IP Firewalling 
software default to not allowing any IP traffic?  This is a very non-
intuitive default.  It would be helpful, in my mind, to have a notice 
somewhere saying Enabling this package will disable all IP 
services until configured otherwise.  Does this make any sense?
And finally, to satisfy my own curiosity, is this default of 
blocking all traffic a Debian-set default or a 
kernel/developer/maintainer/historical default?

Thanks a bunch,


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Console Screen Saver

1999-04-07 Thread Chris Brown
We would like to completely and fully disable the screen saver for 
the console. 

We know the command use at the command line and it works, but. 

 we would like to have the system comeup without the screen 
saver, so if it stops somewhere in boot or a the login prompt the 
screen doesnt turn off. The earlier in the boot process the better, a 
kernel option perhaps?

We've tried placing the command line function is various scripts 
associated with bootup and run levels but it doesn't seem to work. 
Its almost as thought maybe something is coming after our disable to 
re-enable it.

Any suggestions,




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Re: Console Screen Saver

1999-04-07 Thread Chris Brown
The command we use is setterm -blank 0

it works once logged in, but we want to disable blanking the screen 
very early on in the boot process. 

On  7 Apr 99 at 8:42, Alan Su wrote:

 what is the command you're using to turn off screen blanking?


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Re: New install: net unreachable

1999-04-06 Thread Chris Brown
Brant  others.   getting desperate here, please help!

To answer your question, I'm not sure *EXACTLY* how to check if the 
PCMCIA packages are installed, but I believe the answer is yes.

If I look at top, I can see cardmgr running. If I insert/remove the 
3c589 I hear the tell-tale hot-swap beeps, and when the system boots 
or the card is inserted, the network active light comes on on the 
adapter at the appropiate times.

Also, a ping of the machine's own address completes properly in a 
millisecond or two. If I remove the card, pinging its own address 
returns the message network is unreachable. Pings to any other 
address with the card in result in:
 ping: sendto: operation not permitted
 ping: wrote 207..  64 chars, ret=-1

I had a linux_guru_friend stop by last night to look at the problem, 
he looked at some low level tcpip functionality and saw that arp 
requests were being received by the laptop, but is wasn't sending 
anything out on the network. After mucking with it for a few hours he 
thought he would try a re-install from the rescue disks. same 
result! We successfully installed debian via nfs over the *EXACT* 
same network and interface, then on rebooting the network doesn't 
work and ping returns operation not allowed

Any suggestions please !!

On  5 Apr 99 at 22:42, Brant Wells wrote:
 Have you checked to make sure that the latptop PCMCIA packages are
 Just checking,
 Chris Brown wrote:
  Please help, this is a newbie being stupid question
  I've done several slink installs that have worked fine.
  I'm trying to install it on my laptop now and am having problems
  with the system once its installed. Basically everything seems
  fine but I can't use the network (3c589 pcmcia ethernet). I can ping
  the machine's own address but pings anywhere else result with ping
  declaring not allowed...
  My ifconfig and route table look fine. I know the driver and network
  is okay because the entire system was nfs installed initially! This
  problem occurs when I reboot after completing the entire install
  I suspect that I've (unknowingly) installed some sort of ip security
  program that is not allowing network access, I see things in the boot
  log like ip paranoia deamon... and others that I don't understand. I
  used the custom package selection of dinstall. I've carefully done
  the process twice with the same results.
  As a newbie, I have no idea how to search the OS to find the
  offending software if that's the problem.
  Besides any suggestions on what might be causing this problem, can
  someone please let me know how I'd (efficiently) go about tracking
  down offending software in general?


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re: new install: network unreachable

1999-04-06 Thread Chris Brown
Brant  others.   getting desperate here, please help!

To answer your question, I'm not sure *EXACTLY* how to check if the 
PCMCIA packages are installed, but I believe the answer is yes.

If I look at top, I can see cardmgr running. If I insert/remove the 
3c589 I hear the tell-tale hot-swap beeps, and when the system boots 
or the card is inserted, the network active light comes on on the 
adapter at the appropiate times.

Also, a ping of the machine's own address completes properly in a 
millisecond or two. If I remove the card, pinging its own address 
returns the message network is unreachable. Pings to any other 
address with the card in result in:
 ping: sendto: operation not permitted
 ping: wrote 207.106...  64 chars, ret=-1

I had a linux_guru_friend stop by last night to look at the problem, 
he looked at some low level tcpip functionality and saw that arp 
requests were being received by the laptop, but is wasn't sending 
anything out on the network. After mucking with it for a few hours he 
thought he would try a re-install from the rescue disks. same 
result! We successfully installed debian via nfs over the *EXACT* 
same network and interface, then on rebooting the network doesn't 
work and ping returns operation not allowed

Any suggestions please !!

On  5 Apr 99 at 22:42, Brant Wells wrote:
 Have you checked to make sure that the latptop PCMCIA packages are
 Just checking,
 Chris Brown wrote:
  Please help, this is a newbie being stupid question
  I've done several slink installs that have worked fine.
  I'm trying to install it on my laptop now and am having problems
  with the system once its installed. Basically everything seems
  fine but I can't use the network (3c589 pcmcia ethernet). I can ping
  the machine's own address but pings anywhere else result with ping
  declaring not allowed...
  My ifconfig and route table look fine. I know the driver and network
  is okay because the entire system was nfs installed initially! This
  problem occurs when I reboot after completing the entire install
  I suspect that I've (unknowingly) installed some sort of ip security
  program that is not allowing network access, I see things in the boot
  log like ip paranoia deamon... and others that I don't understand. I
  used the custom package selection of dinstall. I've carefully done
  the process twice with the same results.
  As a newbie, I have no idea how to search the OS to find the
  offending software if that's the problem.
  Besides any suggestions on what might be causing this problem, can
  someone please let me know how I'd (efficiently) go about tracking
  down offending software in general?


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re: new install: network unreachable

1999-04-06 Thread Chris Brown
Hi csani,
You're a genius!  the ipfwadm -Mf command was rejected, but the
others worked and now I'm back on the net! Can you please explain a
little what was going on and why my config defaulted to

What's the best way to permanently set the correct options?

Many thanks,

On  6 Apr 99 at 16:35, Holanyi Janos, jr. wrote:
 Just wondering... try these commands:
 (for a 2.0 kernel)
 ipfwadm -If
 ipfwadm -Of
 ipfwadm -Ff
 ipfwadm -Mf
 ipfwadm -I -p acc
 ipfwadm -O -p acc
 ipfwadm -F -p acc
 ipfwadm -F -p acc
 ...and ping. Is it better?
 On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Chris Brown wrote:
  Brant  others.   getting desperate here, please help!
  To answer your question, I'm not sure *EXACTLY* how to check if the 
  PCMCIA packages are installed, but I believe the answer is yes.
  If I look at top, I can see cardmgr running. If I insert/remove the 
  3c589 I hear the tell-tale hot-swap beeps, and when the system boots 
  or the card is inserted, the network active light comes on on the 
  adapter at the appropiate times.
  Also, a ping of the machine's own address completes properly in a 
  millisecond or two. If I remove the card, pinging its own address 
  returns the message network is unreachable. Pings to any other 
  address with the card in result in:
   ping: sendto: operation not permitted
   ping: wrote 207..  64 chars, ret=-1
  I had a linux_guru_friend stop by last night to look at the problem, 
  he looked at some low level tcpip functionality and saw that arp 
  requests were being received by the laptop, but is wasn't sending 
  anything out on the network. After mucking with it for a few hours he 
  thought he would try a re-install from the rescue disks. same 
  result! We successfully installed debian via nfs over the *EXACT* 
  same network and interface, then on rebooting the network doesn't 
  work and ping returns operation not allowed
  Any suggestions please !!
  On  5 Apr 99 at 22:42, Brant Wells wrote:
   Have you checked to make sure that the latptop PCMCIA packages are
   Just checking,
   Chris Brown wrote:
Please help, this is a newbie being stupid question
I've done several slink installs that have worked fine.
I'm trying to install it on my laptop now and am having problems
with the system once its installed. Basically everything seems
fine but I can't use the network (3c589 pcmcia ethernet). I can ping
the machine's own address but pings anywhere else result with ping
declaring not allowed...
My ifconfig and route table look fine. I know the driver and network
is okay because the entire system was nfs installed initially! This
problem occurs when I reboot after completing the entire install
I suspect that I've (unknowingly) installed some sort of ip security
program that is not allowing network access, I see things in the boot
log like ip paranoia deamon... and others that I don't understand. I
used the custom package selection of dinstall. I've carefully done
the process twice with the same results.
As a newbie, I have no idea how to search the OS to find the
offending software if that's the problem.
Besides any suggestions on what might be causing this problem, can
someone please let me know how I'd (efficiently) go about tracking
down offending software in general?


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Raid 5 advice...

1999-04-06 Thread Chris Brown
I want to put together a cheap server with lots of space, good 
reliability, performance is not critical.

I was thinking of a Debian Linux system with say 4 UDMA 16-20g IDE 

What is the best kernel and raid tools versions to be using for this, 
from a data security and reliability standpoint?




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Laptop Shutdown

1999-04-06 Thread Chris Brown
I've got an annoying problem with slink on a compaq armada laptop. 

About 4 out of 5 times when I shutdown (#reboot) the shutdown process 
runs to near completion, then hangs with the message:

Rebooting GDT: flushing all host drives. Done.

I have to remove the batteries and power to shut the system down 
after the hang...

Any Suggestions,



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New install: net unreachable

1999-04-04 Thread Chris Brown
Please help, this is a newbie being stupid question

I've done several slink installs that have worked fine.

I'm trying to install it on my laptop now and am having problems 
with the system once its installed. Basically everything seems 
fine but I can't use the network (3c589 pcmcia ethernet). I can ping 
the machine's own address but pings anywhere else result with ping 
declaring not allowed...

My ifconfig and route table look fine. I know the driver and network 
is okay because the entire system was nfs installed initially! This 
problem occurs when I reboot after completing the entire install 

I suspect that I've (unknowingly) installed some sort of ip security 
program that is not allowing network access, I see things in the boot 
log like ip paranoia deamon... and others that I don't understand. I 
used the custom package selection of dinstall. I've carefully done 
the process twice with the same results.

As a newbie, I have no idea how to search the OS to find the 
offending software if that's the problem. 

Besides any suggestions on what might be causing this problem, can 
someone please let me know how I'd (efficiently) go about tracking 
down offending software in general?



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top like drive usage utility?

1999-04-03 Thread Chris Brown
Hello everyone,
Our drives have occasionally been going nuts with disk access.  
They would for no reason just start reading the disk and go solid for 
10 minutes.  Is there a utility like top to check for who or what is 
accessing the disks?


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Disk usage utility?

1999-04-01 Thread Chris Brown
Hi all,
I was wondering if there's a utility like top to see who is 
accessing the drives.  The machine has been going nuts with disk 
access for no obvious reason, and we don't know if it's a program 
running in the background, one of our shell users, or something else.


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dselect.... missing the obvious?

1999-03-31 Thread Chris Brown
Hello again and thanks for all the help this debian-newbie is getting!

I've done several (custom) installs of slink using dselect, and each 
time I waste a bunch of time searching for certain packages I 
want  for instance ntp, sendmail, snmp, pine, joe

I am getting a little more familiar with the organization of the 
packages but it seems I must be doing it the difficult way, manually 
searching through the entire list!

I know about the re-order list options, but there must be a way to 
search the package list for a keyword, package name or catagory, 
how do I do this?

Second, once I have a favorite base system, can I integrate that 
into the dselect program for future installs?



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kernel.org mirror

1999-03-31 Thread Chris Brown


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kernel.org mirror[oops]

1999-03-31 Thread Chris Brown
Hello everyone,
Sorry about that last message, I had a little glitch with my 
computer.  Anyway, my question has to do with mirroring.  We are 
using slink's fmirror package to mirror ftp.us.kernel.org.  We 
realize that ftp.us.kernel.org often fowards ftp requests to other 
servers.  Our problem is that these other servers have different 
file times, and sometimes even completely different 
directory trees.  Every time we run the fmirror script it says it 
needs to redownload about 600 megs of stuff we already have.  It 
sometimes even deletes directories that we want, even though we have 
the nodel: 1 option set in the config file.  Should we chose one of 
the ftp sites that ftp.us.kernel.org fowards to and stick with that?  
If so, which one is best?  Is there a bug in fmirror that causes it 
to delete directories even though the nodel option is set?


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Raid issues

1999-03-31 Thread Chris Brown
Hello all,
We've been having some problems with our software RAID-1 
implementation.  Our machine is being transported out of town soon, 
so we've been trying to give our drives a workout.  What we did was 
making a shell script that constantly cats the 
drives contents to /dev/null.  We ran this script on /dev/hda, 
/dev/hdd, and /dev/md0.  Everything was going fine until it suddenly 
crapped out on us with a kernel panic.  When we rebooted only half of 
the mirror drive came back to life(/dev/hdb).  We mucked around for 
hours with the raidtools that came with slink(0.42-16), but those 
didn't work.  One of the error messages from the raidtools told us to 
go get raidtools-0.90.  We eventually found the tools, but all but 
one site had them in rpm format, and the rpm was of version 0.90-2.  
We were wondering who the maintainer for the raidtools is, and who 
does the .deb packages for them.  We also were curious about why the 
most recent version of the tools were not included in slink.
Chris Brown  


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password problems on slink

1999-03-30 Thread Chris Brown
We just did a fresh install of slink on one of our machines, and set 
the root password just fine.  The install finished, we played around 
with it for a little while, then rebooted.  The problem is that when 
it reboots it doesn't require us to login!  It goes straight to a 
bash prompt assuming we're root.  The password is set, and when we 
telnet to it su works like it should, asking for and accepting the 
root password.  Is automatic root login normal for slink?  If so, 
where can we kill that?


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1999-03-26 Thread Chris Brown
I had a few cpio scripts running in background, noticed an error with 
one of my scripts (it was recursive) and tried to stop it.

kill pid# did not work. Somewhere along the way the jobs attained the 
zombie status, and kill wouldn't touch them. I finally rebooted.

Can someone explain what a zombie is and how to kill it?




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deb2.1 ftp / fmirror problem... HELP!!!!!

1999-03-22 Thread Chris Brown
Is there a place to tweek with TCP protocol parameters?, time outs 
etc?  are there buffer/mtu settings for ftp? Does ftp do any clever 
things like slide the mtu for file transfers?

I'm have a weird problem with fmirror and ftp on a newly built Debian 
2.1 machine. The machine is totally new (hw  sw) but the network 
connection, host name, and ip address were in use for over a year with 
no problems.

I've been trying to establish a mirror of debian.org with fmirror. It 
gets the file lists and maybe even a few small files. But it freezes 
on larger files. Two files in particular stop transfering at EXACTLY 
the same place  all of the 50 or so times I've tried !!! I've tried 
5 different debian ftp sites at different times of the day, all with 
no luck, other machines on our network can get the files. Both ftp 
and fmirror lock up at the same place.

The two files that fail are at the beginning of the download and I 
can't get past them. Every time I try both ftp and fmirror the file 
transfers stop, they are;

file name---   --size--  -stops at-   %
debian/dists/potato/Contents-alpha.gz  1,112,724  112,94410.2
   /Contents-i386.gz   1,483,689  260,64017.6

Permissions in the target directory are correct, the machine serves 
web pages fine with apache, has mirrored (raid1) drives and otherwise 
seems fine. 

I'm going nuts ! any suggestions?



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fmirror problems

1999-03-21 Thread Chris Brown
I'm having a real bear of a time with trying to mirror 
ftp.us.debian.org using fmirror.  I know I have the config script set 
up right, and when I run the command fmirror -f 
/etc/fmirror/debian.conf from console everything looks good.  The 
problem is after only a few hundred Kbytes of downloading it craps 
out.  It doesn't kick me out to a command line, or show any error 
messages, justs halts in its tracks.  It does this every time, even 
though I've changed ftp sites 
several times, and tried running it at different times during the 
day. It even does this with my kernel.org mirror.  Does anybody know 
why it randomly stops downloading?



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screen saver annoyances

1999-03-20 Thread Chris Brown
I'm having trouble finding any documentation on the automatic 
screen saver in linux.  Does anybody know how to turn it off?  It 
gets annoying having the screen black out after 5 minutes.  Thanks!



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Drive test Utility

1999-03-16 Thread Chris Brown
Does anyone know of a package or utility that exercises and surface 
scans hard drives? (IDE in particular)

I've got a system that will be co-located a 1000 miles away and I'd 
like to burn in the system before shipping it out. I've had a drive 
failure before so I'm especially interested in giving these a work 

The IDEAL would be if the program could run in background and do a 
non-destructive surface scan to a mounted drive. I know that's asking 
a lot, but I'd be happy with anything at this point.


Chris Brown


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Laptop install Help Needed

1999-03-08 Thread Chris Brown

I'm a newbie to Linux and want to install debian on my laptop as my 
primary (only) machine, its a compaq armada 1535 w/ 3com 3c575 
pcmcia ethernet.

I've got nfs/ftp access to a linux box on the local network which
has a copy of the hamm distribution and have made the rescue and
driver disks, partitioned the drive but haven't got much further. My
questions are;

1. I'm not using the tecra version disks, but have not had any 
lockups with the standard ones I'm using. Which is the right choice?

2. I can't get the machine to talk on the network. How do I do this?

I know there are a hundred right answers to this question, I'm
looking for the easiest/quickest ways How do I get 3c575
support? I'm not sure I'm up to compiling a kernel yet. Should I
consider other pcmcia cards that I have access to like NE200 or
3c589, or is pcmcia problematic and should I look for a pocket
adatper or something else?

3. Once I get the network working should I use NFS or FTP to access 
the packages? (are there important pro's and con's of each?)

TIA for any suggestions,



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Mirrored Drives?

1998-07-03 Thread Chris Brown

I'm looking to increase the reliability (fault tolerance) of a system 
that's using IDE drives.

Is there a way to add a second identical drive and have the the OS 
mirror the data on the partitions? such that if one drive actually 
crashed, the OS would keep running or at least be restarted with 
little data loss?




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PCI NIC support for 89C940?

1998-01-26 Thread Chris Brown
I've got a bunch of PCI Ethernet adapters lying around, several 
brands like Link-SYS etc. that I'd like to use with Linux.

They all have the LSI Winbond W89C940F on them. I've seen some 
reference to them as being Novell NE2000 Compatible but they 
don't seem to work with that driver and they don't use NE2000 
I/O addresses. The HOW-2's don't seem to list this chip.

Does anyone know if this part is supported, the drive name and how to 
get it?

Many thanks,



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Needed Documentation

1997-11-26 Thread Chris Brown

I'm looking for a flowchart or something that describes the boot 
sequence in detail... haven't found anything like that yet.

I'm a newbie to Linux, installed my first two systems this past 
weekend and have tons to learn. I know the PC inside out and am 
comfortable with OS's in general, have witten my share of x86 
assembly and DOS tsr's. 

I have no idea what happens during the kernel bootup, initialization 
and the starting of processes. Mainly looking for which process 
invokes what, and how and where control is passed around during 
system startup.

Secondly, I'm looking for a breif but complete listing bash and 
external commands.

Any suggestions pointing me towards specific online docs, faqs, 
howto's or published books would be greatly appreciated.




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Re: LILO only says LI 01 01 01 01...

1997-11-13 Thread Chris Brown
  My experiences with this indicate that LILO CANNOT configure itself 
  on any except the first logical drive.  I didn't experiment with it, 
  but since removeable media (jaz drive) can be /dev/sda that made 
  my hard drive /dev/sdb.  When I tried to make lilo insert itself 
  under these conditions I got exactly the response you have described. 
   I believe this is a bug in LILO, but I haven't tried to confirm it.
 Hm, on my other Debian box I got 2 SCSI drives and no IDE.  Linux is
 installed on the second drive (sdb) and everything works as
 expected.  Lilo issues a warning that it's not installed on the
 first (logical) drive, but that's intended and okay.
 I guess, you're right that this is a bug in Lilo, but apparently it
 only happens when IDE and SCSI are mixed.  Any comments anyone?

I don't have scsi and ide mixed, just a removeable dirve in front of 
my install drive (jaz on sda, boot drive on sdb).  As a side not, 
there was also a scsi cdrom in front of the hard drive in terms of 
scsi ids.  Might this make any difference?


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Does Linux use BIOS parameters for disk?

1997-08-07 Thread Chris Brown
 I have several old 386 machines around that would be nice for 
different tasks.  These machines have older BIOSs in them that 
can't deal with larger IDE drives.  My experience with DOS is that 
you need to fdisk and format the drive on a machine that properly 
supports the particular disk but once that is done DOS is happy to 
ignore the BIOS.  Is this the case with Linux?  Is it necessary to 
pass the disk parameters to the kernel at boot time?


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Best mode for uucp over tcp.

1997-08-06 Thread Chris Brown
 I have gotten uucp running properly over tcp.  When using tcp 
which mode is the most effecient?  From what I understand mode t was 
designed for such links but taylor suppores mode i which I haven't 
seen much documentation on.  Which way should I go?

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Easing security on public server.

1997-08-04 Thread Chris Brown
 I have a Debian 1.3 server running wu-ftpd and apache.  This 
server is intended for public use.  Last weak my boss found out 
that he was not able to telnet or ftp to that machine.  It turned out 
that his DNS entry and reverse DNS entries didn't match for his 
laptop so the server was kicking him off.  That problem is fixable 
however with as many screwed up DNS entries that I have seen from 
many ISPs and with the lack of understanding some ISP's have it is
certain that this will come up again.  We really don't want our FTP 
and web servers inaccessible because some ISP doesn't know what he is 

 I don't want to be too open, but on this machine I would 
like to loosen the access a bit.  One thing that I am aware of is 
that there are some options during compile of tcpd so that it 
doesn't worry about DNS.  During setup of NFS I learned a bit about 
the host.allow and host.deny files.  I really don't have a good feel 
for the extent of control that is available thru these files and 
possibly others.

 Basically I need to figure out the best plan of attack on the 

 1. Allowing access to this server right now.
(Nothing too extreme, if possible.  Recompiling tcpd isn't
 that extreme if it's the best approach.)

 2. Learn more about security access.
  - man pages
  - FAQs and HOWTOs
  - Books

In the end I need to understand what's going on fairly well but right 
now it's important to have the server usable for it's intended use.  
It is probably going to take a while to learn as much as is necessary 
so any help is greatly appreciated.

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Setting up sendmail for uucp delivery.

1997-07-30 Thread Chris Brown
 I have a slightly odd configuration that I would like to set up.  
My system at home is set up so that it is not connected to the net 
all the time and currently my sendmail at home and at work are set up 
smtp only.  The server here at work just hammers away trying to dump 
it's queue until I come on line.  I would like that mail to be queued 
for uucp instead.  Currently both the server at work and my home 
system are able to connect via uucp over tcp, all I need is to get 
the server at the shop to queue the mail for my home system.

 When sendmail installed on the server at the shop I told it to 
be able to use uucp but I don't see anything in the sendmail.cf that 
would allow this.  I figure that it should be simple to add a couple 
of lines to the sendmail.cf to take care of all this.


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How to delete a directory tree.

1997-07-22 Thread Chris Brown
 I was looking around the ohter day and found a couple of old 
mirrors that there is no interest in any longer and I want to remove 
the entire directory tree that they are in.  What is the simplest way 
to do this?

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Dselect timeout during FTP install.

1997-07-11 Thread Chris Brown
 I just set up a new machine with 1.3 and am having a bit of a 
problem.  Once the base was installed I went to do an FTP install of 
the rest of the sustem.  When I go to do anything that requites 
attaching to an ftp server the thing times out.  We have just gotten 
our new class C and don't have control of the reverse lookups yet on 
the DNS so it's giving me fits other places too.  The odd part is 
that I tried to ftp the .deb files so that I could do a few things 
manually using dpkg but I can only ger around 1400 bytes before the 
FTP dies of old age.  This happend using ftp.debian.org, 
ftp.crosslink.net and ftp.caldera.com.  I even had to FTP the install 
floppies using netscape on windows.  Any ideas would be helpfull.


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Log of secondary DNS updating from primary.

1997-07-08 Thread Chris Brown

 I need to determine weather my ISP is actually being secondary 
to my primary DNS.  After looking at my log files I found entries 
like this.

Jul  7 23:24:06 oak named[451]: approved AXFR from [].4231 for 

I gather that this says that retrieved the records 
for seitz.com.  Is there any other means of determining weather
their DNS is acting as secondary?


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 It may help to tell [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phillip Lawlor), president of
 AGIS.NET, the only first tier ISP that allows and SUPPORTS spammers
 on the  Internet, what you think of spam.

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How to find out if sendmail has queued mail to forward.

1997-06-30 Thread Chris Brown

 I am trying to test some portions of an email system and want to 
determine weather one of my mail servers is picking up mail to 
forward.  The recieving host is currently off and there is a MX route 
to my server so mail should be queued there right now.  All I need to 
do is check the queue.  What is the appropriat means of doing this 
for mail to be forwarded?


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 It may help to tell [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phillip Lawlor), president of
 AGIS.NET, the only first tier ISP that allows and SUPPORTS spammers
 on the  Internet, what you think of spam.

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Simple sendmail question.

1997-06-17 Thread Chris Brown

 I am looking at setting up setting up several mail hosts.  After 
doing a little reading it looks like sendmail is significantly more 
flexible than smail though possibly a bit more difficult to learn.  
Initially the only need to have a host that will pick up mail if our 
primary server is down or busy then forward it on when the other 
system is back up.  When going thru the sendmailconfig it asks if it 
should accept mail for other hosts by giving their name in this case 
tell it seitz.com .  At that point does it need to be told to forward 
this mail, so that the mail isn't delivered locally, of will it 
automagically forward it?

 Later on, all the interesting little features of sendmail can be 
implemented but at this point that's not necessary.  I really don't 
want to get into one of these deals where I have to learn a bunch of 
different mail systems because one is overkill for a specific task, 
like this.  I'd rather get right at it.

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Big Problem in upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3

1997-06-14 Thread Chris Brown

 I have a machine that I was using on my net here and I upgraded 
it from 1.2 to 1.3 over the last couple of days.  When I rebooted 
this morning the machine came back up with my old 2.0.27 kernel but I 
can't get an aliased address on the ethernet port.  The reason that 
it is a big problem is that the machine is temporarily acting as a 
router between 2 subnets that happen to be running on the same 
ethernet cable.  Once I get my filtering gateway running correctly it 
won't be a problem because these subnets will actually be split but 
until then I'm in real trouble.

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Setting up UUCP over TCP

1997-06-11 Thread Chris Brown

 When setting up Taylor uucp over tcp it looks to me that the 
only configuration files that are needed are.

1. config:

 hostname foo

2. sys:

 system  foo2
 address foo2.bar.com
 chatogin: login_name word: pass_word

3. port:

 service 540

and that's it.  The dial, dialcode and call files are unnecessary in 
this case.

 Here is where I start getting a bit confused.  If this ran over 
a modem line and was logged in using mgetty then life would be simple 
in that the shell of the user would be set to uucico.  When the user 
logged in uucico would run and off they go.  Over tcp there has to 
be a daemon listening to port 540.  In one of the docs that I read 
about uucp mentioned a uucpd that I couldn't find.  In the man page 
for uucico the -l or -e options makes uucico negotiate a login.  Does 
this mean that uucico will naturally listen to port 540?  (It doesn't 
seam likely to me.)  The man page also says that the /etc/passwd file 
is not used but instead /usr/lib/uucp/passwd.  Are these files in the 
same format and could the /etc/passwd file be copied to make the 
/usr/lib/uucp/passwd file?

 I think that this is about it for now.  Sorry about the bother 
but it seams that most of the references to uucp are related to 
dialup lines and tcp is usually only mentioned as an after thought.  
It seams to me that uucp is the ideal way to move mail or news when a 
host is not on all the time and only comes on to gather it's 
information then get off in a polling cycle instead of being poled.

As always any help is tremendously appreciated.  I can't say 
enough about how helpful the folks on this list are.

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X server via network.

1997-06-09 Thread Chris Brown

 The other day I set up a couple of new machines and decided to 
monitor then from home.  One thng that I thought would be nice was to 
run the procmeter on the remote machine.  I'v never run any 
applications on X via a network connection befor so I thought this 
would be interesting.  After doing an rlogin and setting the DISPLAY 
environvent variable like so: foo.bar.com:0.0.  I ran the procmeter 
and it said that it didn't have permission to connect to the X 
server.  Somewhere there must be a file that I need to grant this 
permission in but I am not familiar enough with X to know about 
this one and I'm not even sure where to look.  Can someone point me 
in the right direction.

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NFS mount permission.

1997-06-09 Thread Chris Brown

 I have a machine that is set up with an NFS and I was able to 
mount it's drive one time on my ethernet at home but not after that.  
The host.allow and host.deny are set up and the exports file has an 
entry something like this:

/mnt (ro,insecure,no_root_squash)

but it returns an error that I don't have permission to mount the 
drive from home.  ( I was using it to access a CDROM drive so the 
general open permission to the area wasn't a problem though I'll 
probably tighten it later.)  There are other machines on the same 
subnet that also can't NFS mount the drive.  Earlier it was having 
RPC timeouts before and this was due to the hosts.allow and .deny but 
this is a different problem now.  Any ideas would be greatly 

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Re: 2 ethernet cards and loadlin

1997-06-04 Thread Chris Brown

 Last night I tried the:

loadlin vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1  ether=0,0,eth0 ether=0,0,eth1 ro

There was no success there but I'm a little confused in that I 
thought that you just told the kernel that the second card was there 
and then it would look for it.  Most of the time I have been 
compiling the drivers into the kernel but I haven't gotten to it yet 
on this machine.  Does that mean that you need to take the approach 
that I was going tward if the driver is compiled in and the other 
approach if the driver is a module?  It would be nice it one approach 
would work in both cases so that if I changed from one method to the 
other that I wouldn't have to change things in several places to make 
the cards work.  Would it possibly be better to go to say ne2000 
cards, (which I have around) if there is a problem in probing the 
3c509 cards?  Or possibly having one ne2000 and one 3c509?

 The point to this, by the way, is to set up a machine between a 
DMZ (attached to a cisco router) and the rest of our network.  It 
will initially just route then probably get filtering added and 
finally (if the boss wasnts it) get a proxyserver.  Right now there 
is a different machine doing kind of a strange thing, by having an 
alias address on the single network card.  Both the DMZ and 
the main network are on the same ethernet cable but everything routes 
via this one card.  The addresses on the card are on different 
subnets and the machines on these subnets have it set as their 
gateway.  Strange but it works for now.

 The 3c509 card probe is a little strange and only works if you list
 them in the order of their ethernet MAC addresses.  If you just
 said ether=0,0,eth0 ether=0,0,eth1 it would find them both, but
 the eth0/eth1 names would refer to the wrong cards.

Are you sure that the driver is compiled into the kernel? If you are
loading the driver as a module, you'll have to take another 
approach. Edit /etc/conf.modules and see if these three lines are 

 alias eth0 3c509
 alias eth1 3c509 
 options 3c509 io=300,310

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2 ethernet cards and loadlin

1997-06-03 Thread Chris Brown

 I am trying to get my machine to use 2 3c509 ethernet cards 
booting from loadlin.  Looking at the loadlin docs I think the 
command line should be:

loadlin vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 ether=10,300,eth0 ether=11,310,eth1 ro

eth0 is fine but I don't get eth1 at all.  There isn't even a reference to it 
in /var/log/messages.  Where did I go wrong?

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Multiple subnets on a single ethernet. Related to routes.

1997-05-27 Thread Chris Brown

 I have been doing a bit of planning related to subnetting a 
class C for our ehternet.  One of the problems that I ran into was 
that if I used RIP the entire network had to be on the same 
subnetmask, since RIP doesn't deal with subnet masks.  This was a 
real pain since I have a couple of machines that will need to have 
alliased addresses (WWW and FTP servers) and they will each use up a 
large portion of a subnet each if masked as

 What complications occur if a particular machine has a single IP 
address and needs to communicate with a machine on a different 
subnet even though they share a single ethernet.  I have done this 
before by manually adding the routes to the routing table but the 
connections seam extremely slow in establishment.  Once the 
connection is made everything seams to be ok but the broadcast 
addresses are obviously out of different blocks which may be causing 
problems.  Theoretically it shouldn't be a problem but practice can 
be a different thing all together.

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Class of machine needed for DNS router.

1997-05-19 Thread Chris Brown

 I have to set up a primary DNS that will also route between two 
10base2 ethernets with packet filtering.  The line to the Internet 
will be a 128 K ISDN line so that bandwidth will be limited there.  
What class of machine is necessary for such a task?  I have 3 
machines laying around, a 386-DX 40, 486-DX 33 and a 486-DX2 66.  At 
this point it doesn't make sense to commit too heavy a machine for 
this purpose and I'll put 16 Megs RAM and a 540 Meg had drive in it 
regardless of the processor.  Since it is going to have the DNS 
128 Megs of swap is probably necessary with the cached requests 
setting in the machine.  Any comments would be appreciated.

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apache no longer starting at boot.

1997-05-19 Thread Chris Brown

 I have apache instilled on my home machine to do some testing.  
It was in anticipation of setting it up at work.  Over the last few 
days, when I boot the machine apache doesn't load any longer.  Trying 
to start it manually by doing /etc/init.d/apache start doesn't work 
either.  None of the configuration files were changed from my 
recollection and I don't see anything in a log file complaining about 
it's untimely death.  The current log files in /var/log/apache/ are 
zero length.  I was thinking about uninstalling it and reinstalling 
it to see if that worked but I hate doing that without having an idea 
as to why this is happening.  Any ideas or suggestions as to log 
files to check back on would be greatly appreciated.

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dselect problem.

1997-05-12 Thread Chris Brown

 Quite a while ago I selected netscape 3.01 to be installed.  
When I got the netscape tar.gz file, I got the gold package which was 
not what the .deb file was trying to install it was trying to do the 
non gold 3.01.  Since I had the tar file and didn't feel like getting 
the other one I installed it manually but neglected to unselect 
netscape in dselect.  I have recently updated my packages file and 
the new one has netscale 4 in it.  dselect is still trying to ftp the 
netscape 3 installer and I can't find a way to stop it from doing 
that.  It's not really that big a deal since I can just select the 
packages to ftp and tell it no to netscape but that is a real pain in 
the tail.

Other than this I'v had little problem with dselect.  The 
recursive loop it gets it's self into at times over dependencies is a 
little anoying but all in all it is a lot better that some of the 
alternitives and I'd surely hate to have to write the thing my self.  
It is nice to have people deal with many insuse of install for you in 

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Debian as a server.

1997-05-12 Thread Chris Brown

 I have been using Debian for a while now as a work station for a 
little bit now and have been pleased with it.  I was originally 
quite surprised at the performance and reliability that I 
experienced.  VERY soon I will have to install a server here at work 
for FTP and WWW services.  I have been on the fence as to which way 
to go.  Several people have been trying to convince me to go with 
FreeBSD or OpenBSD for these servers.  One of these folks is my ISP 
who is running on Sun Spark systems with SunOS.  One message that I 
got said that this person was running a FTP server with average loads 
of 100 Megs a day 150 Megs peek and had no problems.  The machine 
never locked up or had to be reset which was not the case previously 
with Linux (Slackware I believe).

 The documentation that I have found on Linux has been Far 
superior to that of FreeBSD, at least for my applications.  This has 
so far lead me to gravitate twards Debian.  The support that I have 
received via this list has also been quite good to the most part.  It 
would not be too far a jump tward BSD at this point though.  

 I would like to hear from folks that are running medium to high 
volume servers related to their experiences.  My boss was talking to 
folks at Netcom and was convinced by them, to some extent, that BSD 
was far superior to any Linux.  That BSD was based on being a 
network oriented system and that Linux was designed as a general 
purpose system that was not really suited to being an effective and
stable server.  Stability is certainly a large concern of mine since 
I really don't want to have to baby sit the thing much once it is set 
up.  As long as other folks don't get in and screw with it,  I don't 
see that that is much to ask.  Part of the key to this may be in 
selecting proper hardware to enable us to utilize the most stable 
drivers etc.  This is one of the things that I often see people 
neglect in the concept of a high reliability system.  It is 
unbelevable the sacrifice in reliability I see in the name of 
minimal performance increases that is after unnecessary.

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Netscape locked up console.

1997-05-08 Thread Chris Brown

 Last night I was running Netscape 3.01 Gold, looking at files on 
my local drive and the machine stopped responding to the keyboard and 
mouse buttons.  The prockmeter was running, monitoring the ppp line 
to my ISP, it was running fine.  When I telneted into the system and 
did ps -a and top, netscape was missing but was still being displayed 
as active on fvwm2.  This happened once before quite a while back.  
The only thing that I could think to do was kill the pppd by 
unplugging the modem, letting it set for a while to flush as much of 
the casch as possoble then reset it.  After this the system booted 
fine with the exception of complaining about the file system not 
being unmounted properly.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Selecting a pci ethernet card.

1997-05-03 Thread Chris Brown

 Very shortly I need to get an order in for new server parts  one 
of the things that I haven't dealt with before is pci bus ethernet 
cards.  Which cards and drivers are the most stable and which the 
best performing?  Most reliable is probably more important.

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How is apache setup for multiple domains?

1997-05-02 Thread Chris Brown

 I have been looking at using apache as our web server and it 
will be necessary to set up the server to appear as 3 different 
domains.  After looking at some of the documentation it appears that 
a machine could be set up so that the server machine will respond 
to 3 different IP addresses each for a different domains then have 
apache determine which domain it should appear to be.

 It would be great if there were some sort of HOWTO type of 
document or some example configuration files for this but I haven't 
seen them.  Can someone point me at something like this?  One of the 
things that I'm not sure of is how to have different document roots 
for each domain and weather there is one or more than one httpd.conf. 
It looks like multiple VirtualHost entries are made in the same 
http.conf but how do the VirtualHosts get refered back to the IP 
address?  Is it via reverse DNS?  I have heard that reverse DNS 
lookups are extremely important on apache.

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Problem printing large PostScript files with GhostScript.

1997-04-22 Thread Chris Brown

 I have little experiance with postsctipt and am having trouble 
printing some files.  One in particular is a 1.4 Meg file of around 
325 pages.  The printers that I have available are HP laserjet series 
2 and 4.  Ghostscript gets to the 100 page point and quits.  This 
happens when I attempt to print them direct and when I attempt to 
convert the files into a PDF file since I can deal with a PDF file.  
The PDF file is some 17+ Megs

 Is there a hard limit on GostScript in this area that I'm not 
aware of?  Would it be a better bet to try to change to 

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What is the standard ethernet frame type?

1997-04-09 Thread Chris Brown

 I will be connecting several different types of systems to an 
ethernet network that is currently running only Netware on ipx.  On 
the Netware server and workstations it is necessary to specify the 
Ethernet frame type.  IPX is running either Ethernet_802.2 or 
Ethernet_803.2.  The Novel books say that the TCP/IP has to run on 
Ethernet_II or Ethernet_SNAP.  In reading the FAQs, HOWTOs and the 
Linux Network Administrator's book I don't recall any mention of 
specifying the frame type.  

 What is the standard type used?  Is there really a question in 
the UN*X world as to which standard to use?  It will also be 
necessary to setup and run a BSD box so that question will also have 
to be addressed but I figure that most of the world must be running 
on one of the particular standards.  Like they say the wonderful 
thing about standards is that there are so many to chose from.


How to properly set up a static IP address.

1997-02-24 Thread Chris Brown

 I have installde debian 1.2 on my desk top machine and 
origionally configured it with an IP address of since my ISP 
uses dymanic IP address allocation.  A few days ago I decided to try 
setting up the desktop machine as a server for my laptop so that I 
could get a little space on the laptop drive.  wu-ftpd was loaded on 
the desk top so quick and dirty I launched that and attached the 
laptop to the desktop using ppp, giving bath the local and remote 
addresses to pppd like so  (pppd /dev/ttyS1 57600

When tried to use the paltop as a client I couldn't get a 
connection to the ftpd however using the loopback address on the 
desktop there was no poblem.  Obviously my routing was screwed up.  
After reading several FAQs and Running Linux I was confused enough 
that I somply did ifconfig lo and it ran.  This is surely 
not the way I want to perminintly set things up.

 Can someone give me some direction on what to read and or what 
file changes I need to make.  The changes should be simple enough.
Thanks for any help.

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Pocket ethernet adaptor

1996-10-03 Thread Chris Brown

 I have several EP200 ethernet adaptors available.  Is there a 
way to use them.  I haven't seen any mention of them in any FAQ or 

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