[NOISE]Re: Certificate printer software? / turboprint

2002-03-09 Thread Christophe Courtois
> Optionally we could adopt "kostenlos" as we have "kaput," "dumkopf,"
> and "blitzkrieg."  Unlike the French, English speakers have no
> problem using/stealing the words that best do the job. :-)

 If half of the words in the vocabulary in English came from French, 
you would have a problem...

 ...Oh wait, it's the case since William the Conquerer :o)

Christophe Courtois - Strasbourg, France
http://courtois.multimania.com - Clé PGP : 0F33E837

Re: security updates for testing distibution

2002-04-07 Thread Christophe Courtois
> Anyhow, woody will be released Real Soon Now(tm), and then the
> security policy will be the same as it was for potato.

 Does it mean too that I must update from potato rather quickly after 
Woody's release if I want all security releases ? Is the maintenance of 
potato totally stopped after 1st May ?

Christophe Courtois - Strasbourg, France
http://courtois.multimania.com - Clé PGP : 0F33E837

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Re: Solved Re: amazon search with konqueror shortcuts

2002-04-07 Thread Christophe Courtois
> > > Any idea how to get the correct search-url for "all products"?
> ==> The correct search-url is
> http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=blended&fiel

BTW: Seems to work with the French and the American version of the site 

Christophe Courtois - Strasbourg, France
http://courtois.multimania.com - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
- Les sacrifices humains etait courants chez les pazteques
 (Bêtisier du bac 1999 (parait-il))

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Re: Handling lots of mail

2002-04-25 Thread Christophe Courtois
> > I also note that kmail is popular, but as far as I can tell it
> > would suffer the same speed problems as mutt.
> Depends.  If it indexes its mailboxes (and many GUI mail clients do),
> probably not.

 It does use indexes, and having thousands of mails in a folder is not 
really a problem.

Christophe Courtois - Strasbourg, France
http://courtois.multimania.com - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
 O  : J'aimerais savoir si en plus d'être cocu, je suis con...
 BG : Si ce n'est pas par le cul que se font les cocons,
 c'est bien par le con que ce font les cocus.
 -+- in: Guide du Cabaliste Usenet - Bien configurer son cocon -+-

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Re: install debian 2.2.x on ciryx166Mhz 32 MRam EDO???

2002-04-25 Thread Christophe Courtois
> Ciryx 166Mhz and 32MRam EDO.
> Perhaps this 32MRam EDO is not sufficient
> for this debian

 I've got a P75/24 Mo RAM running Debian, it runs a potato : X (with a 
smal window manager) is available,  Netscape 4 is usable.
 It runs fine as a router, small web/mail/dns/dhcp server and for 
backups. Only a loaded PostgreSQL seems to be too much for him.

Christophe Courtois - Strasbourg, France
http://courtois.multimania.com - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
101 manieres bizarres de commander une pizza par telephone :
73. Apprenez a jouer un riff de blues a l'harmonica. Interrompez-vous 
regulierement pour jouer.

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Re: Read AAC (.m4a) with xmms [SOLVED]

2004-10-26 Thread Christophe Courtois
>  I'd like to know if there is a way to play AAC file (.m4a from CDs
> ripped on a Mac for example) with XMMS. Is something already packaged

 Christian Marillat was kind enough to build the xmms-m4a package 
as soon as I asked (THAT is service!  ;-). It is in in its well-known 
 (Source is from audiocoding.com or hydrogenaudio.org ; the Debian 
packages from rarewares.org does not seem to work anymore).
 Thank you to Renan and Andrea too.

Christophe Courtois
Old programmers never die, they just branch to a new address.

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Read AAC (.m4a) with xmms

2004-10-14 Thread Christophe Courtois
 I'd like to know if there is a way to play AAC file (.m4a from CDs 
ripped on a Mac for example) with XMMS. Is something already packaged ? 

(This is already possible with mplayer and the packages from Marillat, 
but I prefer xmms).

 Thanks for any answer!

Christophe Courtois
 The brain can be seen as a complex machine, 
 like a gooey computer.
 - Robert C. Solomon

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Re: how do i read from memory stick, fire wire?

2003-10-19 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Dimanche 19 Octobre 2003 00:04, TR a déclamé :
> I want to be able to access the pics and short movies in my memory
> stick, but I can't figure out how to do it. After googling, I found
> some recommendation about adding the /etc/fstab entry: /dev/sda1 etc...
> Well, I tried that, but when I try to mount it to its mounting point I
> get the response:/dev/sda1 is not a valid device.

 Try with sdb1, sdc1, sdd1, etc.

(without using fstab : 
mount -t vfat -o sync,user /dev/sdb1 /mountpoint

 I've got a USB stick, a CF/SD/MS card reader, a Palm, all connected at 
the same time, and the device seems to change with the order of 
connection, it changes after each reboot... 

 (If someone knows how to make them stick to one /dev/sdX, I'd be glad to 

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837

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re:palm on debian

2003-10-27 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Lundi 27 Octobre 2003 17:44, Marc Shapiro a déclamé :

> Oct 27 11:37:24 local kernel: usb.c: USB device 11 (vend/prod
> 0x82d/0x100) is not claimed by any active driver.
> What am I doing wrong?  Am I missing a driver that needs to be loaded? 
> If so, where do I find it and how do I load it?

 My Zire 71 was not detected by a 2.4.18 kernel (the latest is OK), so I 
had to had this in /etc/modules (try to change the value):

usbserial vendor=0x830 product=0x60

 My 0.0.2¤

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
Cherche une femme qui te plaise à toi, non aux autres.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

re:palm on debian

2003-10-28 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Mardi 28 Octobre 2003 20:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a déclamé :
> I use coldsync (console sync) But one of the best things for the palm
> is plucker!

 À propos plucker : the 1.6 version is available (or will be), but sid 
contains only 1.2 :-(  
 Worse : the 1.2 was incompatible with palmOS5 (my Zire 71 for example). 
The trick is to use the .prc from the 1.4 on the Palm (see the plucker 
site), and get the debian package v1.2 on the PC.   (Yes, I'm too lazy to 
install a fresh version myself, I want an official package).

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
(Douglas Adams)

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Debconf can't be upgraded

2003-10-30 Thread Christophe Courtois
 I'd like to upgrade my system to testing (parts of which are already 
sid), but debconf has a problem, and upgrading it involves to remove 
whole parts of the system.  

 For another package, I'd try a dpkg --remove --force-depends and 
reinstallation of the upgraded package, but as debconf is a bit 
important, I'd rather ask for advice here before... 

 Thanks in advance !

choupi:~# apt-cache policy debconf
  Installés : 1.2.35
  Candidat : 1.3.15
 Table de version :
 1.3.18 0
 99 http://ftp.fr.debian.org sid/main Packages
 1.3.15 0
600 http://ftp.fr.debian.org sarge/main Packages
 *** 1.2.35 0
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
 1.0.32 0
700 http://ftp.fr.debian.org woody/main Packages

choupi:~# apt-cache policy debconf-i18n
  Installés : 1.3.18
  Candidat : 1.3.18
 Table de version :
 *** 1.3.18 0
 99 http://ftp.fr.debian.org sid/main Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
 1.3.15 0
600 http://ftp.fr.debian.org sarge/main Packages

choupi:~# apt-get install -t testing debconf/testing
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances... Fait
Version choisie 1.3.15 (Debian:testing) pour debconf
Les paquets supplémentaires suivants seront installés :
  debconf dialog glade-common gpaint libgnomeprint-bin libkpathsea3 
libncursesw5 libwww0 lirc menu
  pppconfig tetex-base whiptail
Paquets suggérés :
  libgnome-perl lirc-modules-source lirc-svga
Les paquets suivants seront ENLEVÉS :
  afterstep autotrace bonobo cdcover cjk-latex cupsomatic-ppd cupsys 
cupsys-driver-gimpprint curator
  dfontmgr findimagedupes ghostview glade-gnome gnome-gv gnucash gnumeric 
gphotocoll gs gs-common gs-esp
  gsfonts gsfonts-other gsfonts-x11 gv hpijs html2ps igal imagemagick kde 
kde-amusements kde-core kdebase
  kdegraphics kdeprint kghostview koffice krita kword latex2html 
libautotrace3 libbonobo2 libgal23
  libgnomeprint-data libgnomeprint15 libgtkhtml20 libguppi16 libmagick+
+5.5.7 libmagick5.5.7 libpstoedit0
  libwmf0.2-6 libwmf0.2-7 ocamlweb pdftohtml perlmagick pixieplus 
psfontmgr pstoedit pstotext
  scalable-cyrfonts tetex-bin tetex-extra tfm-arphic-bkai00mp transcode 
  ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp ttf-arphic-gkai00mp ttf-baekmuk ttf-baramond 
ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dustin
  ttf-freefont ttf-kochi-gothic ttf-thryomanes ttf-xfree86-nonfree 
ttf-xtt-watanabe-mincho webmagick
  x-ttcidfont-conf xpdf xpdf-i xpdf-reader
Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants seront installés :
  libncursesw5 libwww0
Les paquets suivants seront mis à jour
  debconf dialog glade-common gpaint libgnomeprint-bin libkpathsea3 lirc 
menu pppconfig tetex-base
11 mis à jour, 2 nouvellement installés, 80 à enlever et 778 non mis à 
1 partiellement installés ou enlevés.
Il est nécessaire de prendre 15,8Mo dans les archives.
Après dépaquetage, 256Mo d'espace disque seront libérés.
Souhaitez-vous continuer ? [O/n] n

choupi:~# apt-get dist-upgrade
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances... Fait
Calcul de la mise à jour... Fait
Les paquets suivants seront ENLEVÉS :
  afterstep autotrace bonobo cdcover cupsomatic-ppd cupsys 
cupsys-driver-gimpprint curator deborphan
  dfontmgr findimagedupes ghostview glade-gnome gnome-gv gnucash gnumeric 
gpaint gphotocoll gs gs-common
  gs-esp gsfonts gsfonts-other gsfonts-x11 gv hpijs html2ps igal 
imagemagick kde kde-amusements kde-core
  kdebase kdegraphics kdeprint kghostview koffice krita kword latex2html 
libautotrace3 libbonobo2 libgal23
  libgnomeprint-bin libgnomeprint-data libgnomeprint15 libgtkhtml20 
libguppi16 libmagick++5.5.7
  libmagick5.5.7 libpstoedit0 libwmf0.2-6 libwmf0.2-7 lirc modconf 
ocamlweb pdftohtml perlmagick pixieplus
  pppconfig pppoeconf psfontmgr pstoedit pstotext scalable-cyrfonts 
tetex-extra tfm-arphic-bkai00mp
  transcode ttf-arphic-bkai00mp ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp ttf-arphic-gkai00mp 
ttf-baekmuk ttf-baramond
  ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dustin ttf-freefont ttf-kochi-gothic 
ttf-thryomanes ttf-xfree86-nonfree
  ttf-xtt-watanabe-mincho webmagick x-ttcidfont-conf xpdf xpdf-i 
Les paquets suivants ont été conservés
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 85 à enlever et 1 non mis à jour.
1 partiellement installés ou enlevés.
Il est nécessaire de prendre 0o dans les archives.
Après dépaquetage, 275Mo d'espace disque seront libérés.
Souhaitez-vous continuer ? [O/n] n

choupi:~# apt-get check
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances... Fait

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
16:48 du ftp ou y'a du DIVX, ca existe ca ??
17:11 16:48 J'ai une 20aine de DivX ici :
17:17 attention l'url de 17.11 et un piege a con..
17:21 17:17 e

Re: [ot] Linux gender in French

2003-11-01 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Samedi 1 Novembre 2003 15:12, Rus Foster a déclamé :
> Just trying to work out in French is Linux masculine or feminine?

 Masculine (ex: "Un Linux est plus stable qu'un Windows").

 Don't ask me why.

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837

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Re: [ot] Linux gender in French

2003-11-01 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Samedi 1 Novembre 2003 17:48, Wesley J Landaker a déclamé :
> "Le Linux" is typically used as masculine, but I've seen it, less
> often, used as feminine, "la Linux". I'm not aware that it is
> "officially" anything, but to me as a French-speaker, it "feels" more
> like a masculine noun.

 (I'm French) I've never heard "La Linux". It is masculine as are 
'ordinateur' (computer) and 'système d'exploitation' (OS). 
 If someone says "la Linux", I would think for example of a car 
('voiture', feminine) whose brand is Linux, or the soap for 
washing-machine ("la lessive") called Linux (I've heard there is one).

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837

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Re: [ot] Linux gender in French

2003-11-02 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Dimanche 2 Novembre 2003 04:55, Bijan Soleymani a déclamé :
> On Sat, Nov 01, 2003 at 09:01:38PM -0600, John Hasler wrote:
> > What is the gender of Unix?
> Also masculine I believe.


> I think Debian is feminine though.
> Un Unix proprietaire.
> Une Debian Sid.
> La Debian, la distribution la plus libre.

 Right. I've always said "une Debian" (feminine), like "une Redhat", "une 
Suse", "une Mandrake", because it is supposed to be a distribution 

> I think people might pronounce Debian as though it was written as
> Debiane though.

 ...as written as Déb-iane to be correct (with the last e not pronounced, 
like most French words) ; this pronunciation comes from English and does 
not match fully with regular French rules.

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
Linux and BSD have combined to form LSD.
That will bring totally new meaning to downloading patches.
-- EvilTwinSkippy, Slashdot, 07/06/03 3:03

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Re: [ot] Linux gender in French

2003-11-02 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Dimanche 2 Novembre 2003 05:17, Bijan Soleymani a déclamé :
> > What is the gender of "geek"?
 The same as the person who is called a geek.
 (Pronunciation : djik , from English )

> Il est un geek.

"C'est un geek."

> Sa femme est une geeke.

 "Sa femme est une geek."  
(no feminine form, this is not an adjective; and don't forget we have 
difficulties making feminine forms of many words ;-)

> Leurs enfants, Lise, Claire et Paul, sont des geeks.


> A family of geeks :)

 Oh God...

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
For every complex problem there is an answer 
that is clear, simple, and wrong. -- H L Mencken

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Re: [ot] Linux gender in French

2003-11-02 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Dimanche 2 Novembre 2003 03:42, Wesley J Landaker a déclamé :
> Then again, as I said, I'm not
> a native French speaker, and although I've got *fairly* good inuition
> into a word's gender, I still make mistakes! ;)

 Don't worry, even French people don't always know all genders :-)

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
 If speed scares you, try Microsoft Windows.

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Re: [ot] Linux gender in French

2003-11-02 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Dimanche 2 Novembre 2003 11:29, Ron Johnson a déclamé :
> >  The same as the person who is called a geek.
> >  (Pronunciation : djik , from English )
> Jeek?  Not a "hard G", like the word Gaul?

 Yes, more like an English would say 'jeek'.
 Probably because g+e in French is pronounced the same as j+e. Mix of 
English and French rules ?

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
 Unix is not a "A-ha" experience, it is more of a "holy-shit" experience.
 - Colin McFadyen in alt.folklore.computers

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Re: [ot] Linux gender in French

2003-11-02 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Dimanche 2 Novembre 2003 16:56, Hugo Vanwoerkom a déclamé :
> Christophe Courtois wrote:
> > Le Dimanche 2 Novembre 2003 03:42, Wesley J Landaker a déclamé :
> >>a native French speaker, and although I've got *fairly* good inuition
> >>into a word's gender, I still make mistakes! ;)
> >  Don't worry, even French people don't always know all genders :-)
> True, but having lived in Mexico for the last 10 years and speaking
> Spanish, I note with regret that genders are "built-in" and if you come
> from a more or less genderless background (the Netherlands, US) then
> you never get it: it just refuses to become automatic.

 As there is almost no logic, this normal. And it changes from language to 
language: when speaking German I always wonder which gender to use for 
half of words - and they have three genders... :-(
 When learning Latin, I had to learn many of them too - as French comes 
from it, you could expect some coherence - but no! 

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
 A black hole is when the gods divide by zero
 And a galaxy is a core dump when a segmentation fault occurs.

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Re: [ot] Linux gender in French

2003-11-02 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Dimanche 2 Novembre 2003 07:20, Bijan Soleymani a déclamé :
> > Hmmm... what exactly does the word "Linux" sound like in French?
> The Li is kind of like Lee,
> the nux is kind of like nooks.

 It seems that people speaking only English can't pronounce the 'u' the 
way we use it - does not seem to exist in English. This is the same as 
the 'ü' in German if it can help someone (we're the only language to 
pronounce 'u' that way...)

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
I disagree _strongly_ that pointers are a misfeature of C.
They are a very useful tool. However, misuse of pointers
is a misfeature of some programmers.
 -- Anthony DeReobertis, Debian-user list, 12th March 2002

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Re: [HS et plus si VITAL] , vraiment!

2003-11-11 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Lundi 10 Novembre 2003 21:31, François Boisson a déclamé :
> De façon étonnante, ce ne serait pas un canular (j'ai un peu + de 40ans
> et suis A-, ça m'a perturbé).

 C'est bien la première fois. Ce qui m'étonnait était qu'il y avait des 
coordonnées apparemment réelles - mais pas de date précise, signe d'un 
hoax destiné à tourner un million d'années.

 J'étais parti sur une autre piste : l'attaque par déni de service 
téléphonique. Qu'un abruti relance la chose avec quelque chose qui 
concerne plus de monde (A+ au lieu de A-, sans préciser l'âge), en 
insistant sur une urgence de l'ordre de la journée, et je me demande 
combien de coups de fil le pauvre service va recevoir. Déjà rien que 
celui-là a dû faire tourner en bourrique le standardiste.

Christophe Courtois, A-
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
Si tu ne disposes pas de prise de terre, tu peux toujours prendre une
prise de lune, mais il faut un long câble.
  Jean-Yves Rehby, 3 janvier 1994

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Compiling kernel with patches

2003-07-04 Thread Christophe Courtois
 I'd like to add debianlogo (from sarge ; as a first patch before trying 
something else) to my 2.4.21 kernel. The command line is :

nice -n 19 fakeroot make-kpkg --append-to-version=.ccs.25+debianlogo 
--revision 1 --added-patches=debianlogo kernel_image

 ...but it does not seem to work (still the pinguin at boot).

 I tried to set up this (although I thought make-kpkg would set it up 

KPATCH_debianlogo=2.4.20   # as debianlogo does not seem to be available 
for 2.4.21

 But that's not better. 

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
For future reference - don't anybody else try to send patches as vi
scripts, please. Yes, it's manly, but let's face it, so is
bungee-jumping with the cord tied to your testicles.
 -- Linus Torvalds, linux-kernel, Sun Jul 14 2002 - 19:10:40 EST

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Re: Compiling kernel with patches

2003-07-05 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Vendredi 4 Juillet 2003 21:42, Kevin McKinley a déclamé :
> >  ...but it does not seem to work (still the pinguin at boot).
> You seem to have a good command line.
> Do you have a directory /usr/src/kernel-patches/all/debianlogo? How is
> it owned? Does it contain the files "debian-logo-2.2.x.gz" and
> "debian-logo-2.4.x.gz"?

 It does. It is readable. (see below).
 But to avoid any right problems, I'll try again as root.

 BTW, I don't rellay need debianlogo, it's just a way to be sure I patched 
it well.

> Have you successfully applied the debianlogo patch to any other
> kernels?

 No, I didn't try.
 Do you know a way to check if a patch was successfully applied ? There 
seems to be nothing obvious...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/kernel-patches/all$ ls -lRt
total 16
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 2003-07-04 20:28 apply
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 2003-07-04 20:28 debianlogo
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 2003-07-04 20:28 unpatch
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 2003-06-09 16:54 preempt

total 16
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root 6728 2003-05-13 19:57 preempt
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root 6323 2002-12-07 18:50 debianlogo

total 32
-rw-r--r--1 root root12543 2002-12-07 18:50 
-rw-r--r--1 root root14517 2002-12-07 18:49 

total 8
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root 2040 2003-05-13 19:57 preempt
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root 2008 2002-12-07 18:50 debianlogo

total 192
-rw-r--r--1 root root 9160 2003-05-13 19:57 
-rw-r--r--1 root root12555 2003-05-13 19:57 
-rw-r--r--1 root root12615 2003-05-13 19:57 
-rw-r--r--1 root root12639 2003-05-13 19:57 
-rw-r--r--1 root root12634 2003-05-13 19:57 
-rw-r--r--1 root root15186 2003-05-13 19:57 
-rw-r--r--1 root root14525 2003-05-13 19:57 
-rw-r--r--1 root root16020 2003-05-13 19:57 
-rw-r--r--1 root root19344 2003-05-13 19:57 
-rw-r--r--1 root root24980 2003-05-13 19:57 
-rw-r--r--1 root root20088 2003-05-13 19:57 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/kernel-patches/all$
Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
Perles d'ecoliers :
* Le nuit tombee, le renard s'approcha a pas de loup.

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Re: compiling the kernel with GCC 3.3

2003-07-05 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Samedi 5 Juillet 2003 10:24, Marino Fernandez a déclamé :
> Yes, that's what it seems. I had the same problem with 2.4.21... GCC
> 2.95 and 3.2 work, but no 3.3.

 I compile with 2.95 ; is there a difference for a user with 3.2 ? 

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
Yet Mr. Sklyarov still languishes in jail, puzzled, no doubt, about
how a free society can jail someone for writing code that was legal
where written, just because he comes to the United States and gives
a report on encryption weaknesses.
-- Lawrence Lessig in the New York Times.

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Re: Compiling kernel with patches

2003-07-05 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Samedi 5 Juillet 2003 18:14, Kevin McKinley a déclamé :
> >  Do you know a way to check if a patch was successfully applied ?
> If you redirect the output of your make-kpkg command line to a file,
> you can examine the file. There will be messages to let you know
> whether or not the patches were applied.

 Done, and I didn't find anything about 'patch' :-(

> When you install the kernel .deb, the file /boot/patches-
> has the names of all patches that were applied.

 Nothing there. One proof more that it has failed.

> I would suggest changing the ownership of your /usr/src/kernel-patches
> tree to your_user_name.src:
> bash:/usr/src# chown -R christophe.src kernel-patches
 I will uninstall all source packages, install clean versions from a 
2.4.20, and run the compilation as root. That at least should work...

 BTW, which package shall I use to have the recent patches to improve 
responsivness ? kernel-patch-ck ? lowlatency (and which version ??) ? 
preempt ? I've found all these :


Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
Perles d'ecoliers :
* La nuit, pour eviter les moustiques, il faut dormir avec un 

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Re: kernel compile the debian way

2003-07-05 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Samedi 5 Juillet 2003 18:42, Rudy Gevaert a déclamé :
> Every time I install a new kernel it moves the kernel I am using at
> that time to vmlinuz.old (the symlink).
> Can I configure that it just adds a new entry in lilo?

 Perhaps see in /etc/kernel-img.conf (and a config example in 
/usr/share/doc/make-kpkg) ? I think you can at least deactivate the 
current behaviour.

 BTW, always have a 'good' kernel in lilo, different of vmlinuz or 
vmlinuz.old. It could be your current kernel without the symlink.

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
 Typed slowly for those who cannot read fast.

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(half-solved) Re: Compiling kernel with patches

2003-07-06 Thread Christophe Courtois
 Okay, it seems to work:

- I had a PATCH_KERNEL=YES in my compilation script, instead of 
- Anyway, it did not work anymore, whatever the value of --added-patches 
on the command line.
- The debianlogo patch can be applied and un-applied without any problem, 
and it compiles. (For some unknown reason, sometimes it failed, when 
applying or unapplying... I had to re-untar the source to reverse the 
 - The 'right' solution is to add 'patch_the_kernel=YES' in 
/etc/kernel-pkg.conf. Now the patch is automatically unapplied in a 
'make-kpkg clean', and applied when compiling.

 The real question for me is why '--added-patches=debianlogo' is not 
enough. Is it some typo too obvious to be seen ?

nice -n 19 make-kpkg --append-to-version=$VERS --revision $2 
--added-patches=$PATCHES kernel_image

 (And I have now to see if ALL patches are now applied or now, and if 
debianlogo is ok with a 2.4.21. )

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
"I called Linus at home to fix a problem on the latest kernel and he
just hung up on me. Called back and got the answering machine. Bad
tech support for sure."
 Anonymous Coward, Slashdot, 01 May 2001

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-ck patches and sound with skips

2003-07-08 Thread Christophe Courtois

 I've applied the -ck patches to my 2.4.20 kernel (lowlatency, preempt, 
O(1), rmap and other patches). At first sight, KDE and X seem to be more 
responsive, but I can hear xmms skip when I click on something. It was 
almost never the case with previous unpatched kernels.

 Priority of X is 0 (changed from -10 as suggesting on CK's website) and 
others are at 0. Renicing xmms to -10 helps much only X niceness is 0.
 The computer is a Athlon600 MHz.

 Has someone seen this problem ? Is it normal behaviour ? (And how to set 
xmms always to -10 by default ?)

 Thanks !

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds.
Biochemistry is the study of carbon compounds that crawl.
-- Mike Adams

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Palm Zire 71 & Debian

2003-07-11 Thread Christophe Courtois
 Trying to mix Debian and Palm. If someone did succeed with a Zire 71, I'd 
have a few questions for him...  
 Thanks ! 

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
Bovinopsychopathie : maladie de la vache folle 
  Page xyloglotte : http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/3117/xylo.htm 

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Re: Palm Zire 71 & Debian

2003-07-12 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Samedi 12 Juillet 2003 04:24, Stewart Jenkins a déclamé :
> Happy to report that the Zire 71 synced with Debian Woody just fine. 
> You must have the kpilot daemon running first, then plug in the cradle
> the Zire 71, wait two seconds and press Hot Sync and all should then
> work.

 Thank you very much for having checked.
 That's more or less what I've tried and failed :-)  
 Can you tell me what modules you have loaded (manually or not ?), and 
where your /dev/pilot points to ?

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
Lois de Murphy de l'informatique :  Precaution de Brandwein
 Mefiez-vous des programmeurs qui portent des tournevis.

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Re: Accidently uninstalled KDE

2003-07-12 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Samedi 12 Juillet 2003 18:15, Brian Gonzales a déclamé :
> Used apt-get to install a couple of packages the other day, and somehow
> uninstalled KDE 

 I know this problem :-) I suppose this is KDE3.
 The second time, I was fed up with this dependency problem, and each time 
I use dselect, I make a backup of /var/lib/dpkg/status to make a rollback 
if I forget to type Ctrl-X when dselect suggests to get rid of half of 
the system (dselect is not very good for a mix of woody, sarge and 

cp /var/lib/dpkg/status /mnt/bak/sys/status.`date +%F-%X`

> Can I just shitcan all of KDE and start with a fresh install?

 If I suppose you want KDE3 from Sid, you can force apt to install 
everything by taking its dependencies in Sid too :
 apt-get install -t unstable kde/unstable (same for other packages)

 But I suppose it will ask you to remove the package which was the cause 
of the problem.

 My 0.02 ¤...

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
>Ever heard of .cshrc?
 That's a city in Bosnia.  Right?
 -- J.C. Vollmer, comp.os.linux.advocacy, 22/04/1995

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SOLVED !!!(Re: Palm Zire 71 & Debian)

2003-07-12 Thread Christophe Courtois
 Okay, according to what I've found on Google (comp.sys.palmtops 
2003-05-26 23:44:38 PST), a 2.4.20 kernel does not automatically links 
visor and usbserial. [Stewart, which kernel do you use?]

 The steps for a Zire 71 are : 
 - be sure /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB1 exist (/dev/pilot is only a link 
to ttyUSB1)  (it's more complicated for devfs, I don't use it)
 - chmod a+rw /dev:ttyUSB*

 The kernel must support USB, and especially USB serial and the Visor 
module. The key is to tell usbserial which 

(provided usbcore, usb-ohci or usb-uhci are already loaded) : 
 insmod usbserial vendor=0x830 product=0x60
 insmod visor 

"tail /var/log/kern.log" tells if it was successfull (opens ttyUSB0 and 
1). Then I could launch (as a normal user) kpilot and make a backup. (But 
I don't think I will Kpilot...)

 I'll add the two modules in /etc/modules for the next reboot.

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
Aucune race ne peut prospérer si elle n'apprend qu'il y a autant de
dignité à cultiver son champ qu'à composer un poème.
 B.T. Washington, Hors de l'Esclavage

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Simple analyze of squid

2003-07-16 Thread Christophe Courtois

 I've found half a dozen analyzers for squid in Debian with apt-cache 
search squid.
 Can someone with a bit experience just spare me some time and tell me 
which one is/are easy and simple. I just want to see which sites were 
utsed and how many times.
 Thanks !

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
>Does this mean that they can exhibit unpredictable behavior...
Yes our W2K exchange server became self-aware today and
decided to commit suicide...
-- KingRamsis, Slashdot, 03/04/03 14:02
Well, what would YOU do if you suddenly became self-aware,
and realize you were an Exchange server?
-- gosand, Slashdot, 03/04/03 14:41

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Automatic renice

2003-07-21 Thread Christophe Courtois
 Do you know a way to set the niceness of a process without typing renice 
at the command line after each reboot? Especially when renicing to -10, 
which needs to be root... 

 Problem : xmms skips sometimes due to the -ck patches ; I'd like to keep 
the patches, KDE is much more responsive, and setting xmms to -10 
(everything else is 0).

 As a last solution, I'd cron a script as root to renice automatically, 
but I can't obtain a list of the xmms processes (' ps -A | grep xmms | 
awk "{print $1}" ' gives the whole line, same with 'cut -f1  -d" "'


PS : I've tried the schedutils, they don't seem t be useful.

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
"Prior to MS Outlook, if you suggested to ANYONE that a mail client
should be able to execute foreign code sent to you through e-mail,
they'd have looked at you like you just grew an extra head."
 A System administrator, quoted on Slashdot, 23/7/2001

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Re: Automatic renice

2003-07-23 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Mardi 22 Juillet 2003 02:41, Johannes Zarl a déclamé :
> The program ``pidof'' could help you in getting the list of
> xmms-processes: $ pidof xmms

 Thanks, that will make my scripts trivial to make :-)

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
A true friend stabs you in the front.
[Un véritable ami vous poignarde de face.]
  Oscar Wilde

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Re: Ethernet Alias

2003-08-04 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Lundi 4 Août 2003 11:51, Rus Foster a déclamé :
> Hi All,
> Looking over interfaces(5) I can't see how I could define an alias for
> an interface. Could someone push me in the right direction?

 I've got this in /etc/modutils/aliases.

alias eth0  ne
alias eth1  ne

 Then it seems that I have run update-modules to generate 

 Be careful, as this example comes from my old P75, installed with slink 
years ago and upgraded ; I'm not sure that modules in woody still work 
exactly this way.

 Hope this helps...

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
Give a man a fish, he owes you one fish.
Teach a man to fish, you give up your monopoly on fisheries.

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--purge when package already gone ?

2003-08-04 Thread Christophe Courtois
 Slrn is gone a long time ago on my small server, but cron.weekly 
complains it is not there. I could rm the script, but that's not 'clean'. 
I'd like to do a 'apt-get remove --purge', but apt-get doesn't want to. 
Any way through the standard tools ?
 (And how could it occur ? I installed slrn through Debian packages)

/etc/cron.weekly/slrn: /usr/sbin/slrn_getdescs: No such file or directory
run-parts: /etc/cron.weekly/slrn exited with return code 127

tartine:/etc/cron.weekly# ll slrn
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root  334 Oct  8  1998 slrn

 Thanks !

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
After I published the doc, I kind of picked up intellectual
property law as sort of a hobby. I figured that between
Linux programming and studying Japanese linguistics,
one more esoteric hobby couldn't hurt.
 Hal-Kun, http://www.execpc.com/~halkun/PS2/

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Re: --purge when package already gone ?

2003-08-04 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Lundi 4 Août 2003 17:25, Andreas Janssen a déclamé :
> Try
> dpkg --purge slrn

 I should have thought of it myself... It works, thanks !

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
 Heisenberg might have been here.

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[OT] Re: Unusual idea..

2003-08-14 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Vendredi 8 Août 2003 10:22, Craig Tinson a déclamé :
> Can anyone come up with a theory on how to "convert an mp3 into a
> number"? I know that sounds weird so I'll explain what I mean...
> When I say "number" I don't mean as in integer, long etc.. I mean as in
> a huge set of individual integers..

 A Wav is an integer. 
 You can put this Wav in a not lossy format (Flac, zip...) and obtain 
another shorter integer which could be identified as your Wav.
 You can search in pi (or every other "universe-number") for the place 
where your Wav begins in the flow of the decimals of pi. That would be 
another (huge) number.
 You can compute the Wav (or the Flac or the gzip) any way you like with 
every bijective mathematical function, that would give you other numbers.
 You can associate to your wav its physical location (from GPS coordinates 
to the sector of your HD), that would another unique identifier.
 You can create a timestamp on your computer (08/08/2003, 
13:40:52,5639782154611666840007) from the day it is classified, and add 
it to the serial numbers of your hardware, that would be another key.
 And perhaps could you tell us what it would be useful for ?

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
Any suficiently stupid /. poster is indistinguishable from a troll

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Re: Unicode: is it safe to use it ?

2003-08-22 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Vendredi 22 Août 2003 00:08, Alex Malinovich a déclamé :
> Assuming you're exchanging messages with friends who have French,
> Japanese, and English fonts installed, and that their mailers support
> Unicode, you'll obviously have no problem. Assuming that they speak and

  Yeah, it's OK. With Kmail, I can use : French ( œ æ € Ç ), 
German ( ß), 
Polish (całego świata. Dostępne są też ŽŽ),  
Chinese ( 新聞、商業信息、文化藝  ), 
Japanese  (ダンス・エレクトロニカ ), 
Hebrew (זכרמב - הבכרמה טקיורפ), 
something from India (ैं ओर राष्ट्रपति सद्दाम 
हुसैन से मिल चुके हैं. ), 
Russian (Слова и музыка)...

 The only problem is to have a nice font to display the message. For 
example, I use Bitstream fonts.

 Charset here is utf-8.

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
 I have personally worked with a highly productive (and higly
respected) programmer who for months had high negative KLOC numbers
because his job was replacing kludgy cruft with clean code that
actually worked. It was a standing department joke.
 -- dbc, Slashdot, 18/03/02 17:49

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Re: Unicode: is it safe to use it ?

2003-08-23 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Vendredi 22 Août 2003 22:45, Alex Malinovich a déclamé :
> > Polish (całego świata. Dostępne są też ŽŽ),
> > Chinese ( 新聞、商業信息、文化藝  ),
> > Japanese  (ダンス・エレクトロニカ ),
> > Thaï 
> > (พระราชดำริสมเด็จพระเทพรัตนราชสุดาฯ
> >  สยามบ),
> > Hebrew (זכרמב - הבכרמה טקיורפ),
> > something from India (ैं ओर राष्ट्रपति 
> > सद्दाम हुसैन से मिल चुके हैं.
> > ), Russian (Слова и музыка)...
> > example, I use Bitstream fonts.
> Which font packages do you have installed for the Chinese, Japanese,
> Thai and "something from India"? 

 I just use a font which contains enough parts of Unicode (Bitstream Vera 
Sans for Kmail, package is in sarge). I just swapped, as Arial (the one 
from MS I think) could handle Japanese but not Chinese.

> Just out of curiosity, do you actually speak all of those languages or

 I really would like to :-  But I don't even have time to try to learn 
something as 'basic' as Spanish and at the same time improve my German, 
so Chinese and Russian will wait... (I'm French and only Americans are 
worse than us for foreign languages ;-)

> are you just tossing out a few words? 

 Cut-and-paste from websites ;o)  (I tried to add something from Cambodia, 
but all their websites are for foreigners, in English or French).

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
" I'm a bastard. I have absolutely no clue why people can ever think
otherwise. Yet they do. People think I'm a nice guy, and the fact is
that I'm a scheming, conniving bastard who doesn't care for any hurt
feelings or lost hours of work if it just results in what I consider to
be a better system. "
 Linus Torvalds, linux-kernel, 6 September 2000

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Re: network configuration

2003-08-28 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Mercredi 27 Août 2003 13:03, James LeClair a déclamé :
>The problem is that I can not get both eth0 and eth1
> working at the same time. eth0: io=0x300 irq=10
> eth1: io=0x240 irq=3

 I've got this on my old P75 (2 ISA cards too), in /etc/modutils/aliases

alias eth0  ne
alias eth1  ne
options ne  io=0x240,0x280 irq=11,10

 And eth0 and eth1 are activated in /etc/modules.

 Hope it helps...

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
 If speed scares you, try Microsoft Windows.

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Re: network coniguration

2003-08-30 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Samedi 30 Août 2003 18:04, James LeClair a déclamé :
> also, will i need to specify the modules in lilo with an append
> referance?
 A long time ago (with slink and a 2.0 kernel, IIRC), I had this in my 
lilo.conf (2 isa ne cards too) :

append="ether=11,0x240,eth0 ether=10,0x280,eth1"

 But it does work without it since potato and 2.2.

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
"I'm Zaphod Beeblbrox"
"Are you the Zaphod Beeblbrox?"
"No, I'm a zaphod Beeblbrox - I come in six-packs!"
(Douglas Adams)

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Can't umount SD card (famd)

2003-09-05 Thread Christophe Courtois
 I can't umount a SD card from my drive, famd uses it.
 I don't really know what is this famd, I d'ont really understand its goal 
in the man page, and uninstalling it would be a bit harsh. "Sync" does 
not help. I haven't found anything useful on Google.
 I had the same problem with a CD-ROM once.

choupi:~# umount /mnt/carte/
umount : /mnt/carte : périphérique occupé
choupi:~# lsof /mnt/carte/
famd15930 root  178r   DIR8,1 163841 /mnt/carte/

 Thanks for any help (and explanations) !

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837

>I've never done what you are looking at, but it doesn't
> seem like it should be that difficult.
 You have a very promising career in technical management.
-- dillon_rinker, Slashdot, 08/01/2002

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Re: Can't umount SD card (famd)

2003-09-06 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Vendredi 5 Septembre 2003 22:54, Stefan Waidele jun. a déclamé :
> >  I can't umount a SD card from my drive, famd uses it.
> Fam monitors files & directories for changes.
> I guess that some application told fam to watch /mnt/carte and
> a) did not tell fam to stop watching when it finished or
> b) is still running

 Closing the X session, without rebooting, solved the problem. Probably a 
Konqueror bug :(

 I'll upgrade to sarge this package, it seems to be only bug-fixes.

 Thanks for the answer !

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837

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Spam (ex:Re: Unicode: is it safe to use it ?)

2003-09-07 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Dimanche 7 Septembre 2003 06:19, Karsten M. Self a déclamé :
> Well, another risk is people who use a fairly popular set of filters
> which tag as spam anything that's more than a few percent (my own
> threshold is 10%) non-roman characters, or specified in any of the
> following charsets:

 It depends with who you communicate.

 When I see a mail from an anglo-saxon name, with a subject in English, 
and not already in a mailing-list folder, I'm 99% sure that it is a spam. 
This filter would be far more useful for me :-)

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
"Bill [Gates] is very successful. Bill is Bill. The company is well 
managed. They are also wonderful intellectual terrorists."
- Jean-Louis Gassée, Wired Magazine, Issue 4.05

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Re: where is netscape 4 in testing?

2003-09-07 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Dimanche 7 Septembre 2003 17:51, Stefan Waidele jun. a déclamé :
> Well, first I ask myself: Why would anyone use Netscape 4?

 For some people who are used to it and won't change
 For some badly coded enterprise websites...

> Numbers have arrived at 7.1 and there is Mozilla as a free alternative
> and there is mozilla-firebird,...

 For computers too old to run anything else than NS 3 or 4.

> Since not even the company that made it supports yesterdays browser,
> why should the 'next generation' of Debian?

 I thought one of the points of open source [Ok, it is not open source, 
but free] was that a project was never dead, and that you upgrade when 
YOU want.

 So, why not NS 4.77 in Sarge ? Assuming someone wants to maintain it, of 

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
 We have a spider that comes crawling around our cubes every now
and then. We don't kill him, figuring he helps keep the other bug
populations inside down. We call him our little web developer.
-- peterdaly, Slashdot, 26/06/02 19:59

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CUPS gone mad

2003-09-09 Thread Christophe Courtois
 I'm going crazy. Thanks for any idea how to solve this mess:

 * Although it worked perfectly some times ago When trying to print 
something from Gimp or KDE, Cups creates hundred thousands of files 
(000) in /var/spool/cups/. These are almost all 34796 bytes long,a d 
and file says these are "PostScript document text conforming at level 1.0
" . 
 I must stop cups by /etc/init.d/cupsys stop to gain control on my 
computer back, or it swaps until death.

 * I've tried to delete the printer and reinstall it. All seems perfect 
through KDE or the web interface. But when trying to print the test page, 
it fails immediately. The jobs list indicates : "Aborted".

 T've found this in my logs :

/var/spool/error_log :

I [09/Sep/2003:22:06:08 +0200] Job 9 queued on 'HP690C' by ''.
I [09/Sep/2003:22:06:08 +0200] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops 
(PID 5382) for job 9.
I [09/Sep/2003:22:06:09 +0200] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/
cupsomatic (PID 5383) for job 9.
I [09/Sep/2003:22:06:09 +0200] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/
parallel (PID 5384) for job 9.
E [09/Sep/2003:22:06:09 +0200] PID 5383 stopped with status 32!

 => The parallel program (a binary) seems to fail. This is part of the 
cupsys package (1.1.14-5). All of my CUPS packages come from Woody 
(+updates) although tome parts of my system come from Sarge or Sid.

 BTW : gs seems to work (I've created a .ps from an HTML page, gs shows it 
at screen).

 Google shows some people with the same problem this year, usually without 
any answer ;-(

 This new setup has not solved the first problem, I've still got thousand 
of files if I want to print a simple mail :-(

 Once again, thanks for any help.

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Tora & PostgreSQL

2003-09-10 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Mercredi 10 Septembre 2003 10:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a déclamé :
> I don´t if you've solved your problem with TOra. I've done
> "apt-getting" every packet of the freshrpms list with "SQL" in its
> name. I suppose it's a mistake with the dependencies of the libraries.
> Now it works. Sorry for my English.

 Tora works now well with a .torarc from Oliver Elphick. Don't know if it 
was or the more recent libraries.

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
Intelligent wife + intelligent mistress = single again soon
Intelligent wife + stupid mistress = supadupa mistress
Stupid wife + intelligent mistress = divorce soon
Stupid wife + stupid mistress = male dream

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: CUPS gone mad

2003-09-10 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Mercredi 10 Septembre 2003 04:24, Russell Shaw a déclamé :
> Check the partition with fsck. If that doesn't help, reinstall CUPS.

 !!! ...but it worked (dpkg -r --force-depends and apt-get). Thanks !

 But my first problem is not solved (only when printing is from KDE ; lp, 
gimp, openoffice all work). I have to investigate there, but no time 
tonight, so if you have an idea...

> >  * Although it worked perfectly some times ago When trying to print
> > something from Gimp or KDE, Cups creates hundred thousands of files
> > (000) in /var/spool/cups/. These are almost all 34796 bytes
> > long,a d and file says these are "PostScript document text conforming
> > at level 1.0 " .
> >  I must stop cups by /etc/init.d/cupsys stop to gain control on my
> > computer back, or it swaps until death.

 I found this in error_log (hundred of lines of errors) for a simple print 
of a single line from kedit :

I [10/Sep/2003:22:38:17 +0200] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/
jobs.cgi" (pid=23598)
E [10/Sep/2003:22:42:34 +0200] ReadClient() 4 IPP Read Error!
E [10/Sep/2003:22:42:34 +0200] ReadClient() 4 IPP Read Error!
E [10/Sep/2003:22:42:34 +0200] ReadClient() 4 IPP Read Error!
E [10/Sep/2003:22:42:34 +0200] ReadClient() 4 IPP Read Error!
E [10/Sep/2003:22:42:34 +0200] ReadClient() 4 IPP Read Error!
E [10/Sep/2003:22:42:34 +0200] ReadClient() 4 IPP Read Error!
E [10/Sep/2003:22:42:34 +0200] ReadClient() 4 IPP Read Error!
E [10/Sep/2003:22:42:34 +0200] ReadClient() 4 IPP Read Error!
E [10/Sep/2003:22:42:34 +0200] ReadClient() 4 IPP Read Error!
E [10/Sep/2003:22:42:34 +0200] ReadClient() 4 IPP Read Error!
E [10/Sep/2003:22:42:34 +0200] ReadClient() 4 IPP Read Error!
E [10/Sep/2003:22:42:34 +0200] ReadClient() 4 IPP Read Error!
E [10/Sep/2003:22:42:34 +0200] ReadClient() 4 IPP Read Error!

(jobs.cgi is part of the freshly re-installed cupsys from woody).

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
 It is far more impressive when others discover 
 your good qualities without your help.

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Howto on one pages

2003-09-14 Thread Christophe Courtois

 The Howtos that I find on the Debian site are often in HTML format ; 
getting them page by page is very painful. Pdf 

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
Don't try to outweird me, six-eyes, I get stranger things than you free 
with my breakfast cereal! 
(Douglas Adams)

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(SOLVED) Re: CUPS gone mad

2003-09-19 Thread Christophe Courtois
> >  * Although it worked perfectly some times ago When trying to print
> > something from Gimp or KDE, Cups creates hundred thousands of files
> > (000) in /var/spool/cups/. These are almost all 34796 bytes
> > long,a d and file says these are "PostScript document text conforming
> > at level 1.0 " .
> >  I must stop cups by /etc/init.d/cupsys stop to gain control on my
> > computer back, or it swaps until death.

 Solved by upgrading cupsys-client/server/bsd... and hpijs (for a HP 
Deskjet) to sarge (cups 1.14).
 It may have been another corrupted file on my system, but it was well 
hidden (I had reinstalled most of them).

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
Cherchez avec ce qu'il faut de conviction préétablie et vous
 Stephen Jay Gould, The Panda's Thumb (Le Pouce du Panda)

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network / networking scripts + firewall script

2003-06-16 Thread Christophe Courtois

 1) My old P75 has a /etc/init.d/network script, which dates back to the 
first installation (slink). If I remember correctly, this script is 
obsolete (not found on a fresh woody). I used it a long time ago to 
connect to cable, before I had a router, I have no idea what the original 
content was.
 Can I get rid of it now ? Is /etc/init.d/networking enough ? (Both 
scripts are called in /etc/init.d/rcX.d/) What else must I check ?
 2) Where would you put a hand-made firewall script ? Is there a 'default' 
location ?

 Thanks for answers and advices.

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
Ten Commandments for Stress Free Programming
5. Thou shalt not optimize.
 Your user are very thankful to get the information,
they don't worry about speed and efficiency.

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2.2->2.4 : kernel conflict problem, NICs not recognized

2004-02-25 Thread Christophe Courtois

 I want to upgrade the kernel of a Woody from 2.2.22 to 2.4.25. The 
computer is an old Pentium 75 with two NICs (NE2000) ; everything goes 
well with 2.2 (io and irq in modules.conf), but NICs are not recognized 
with 2.4, even with insmod followed by the io and irq parameters. 

 The module is ne.o , which needs 8390.o. When loading this last one, I 
obtain this:

Using /lib/modules/2.4.25.v/kernel/drivers/net/8390.o
/lib/modules/2.4.25.v/kernel/drivers/net/8390.o: unresolved symbol 
/lib/modules/2.4.25.v/kernel/drivers/net/8390.o: unresolved symbol 

=> No idea where the problem could be. Just searching for the cause of the 
conflict led me to find the same definition of bitreverse in ksyms.c and 
crc32.c. As I don't know much about the kernel, I have no idea if this is 
really a conflict and/or if this involves the "CRC32" module that I have 
 Any idea is welcomed, thanks in advance!

tartine:/usr/src/linux-2.4.25# grep -r "bitreverse" *
include/linux/crc32.h:extern u32  bitreverse(u32 in);
include/linux/crc32.h:#define ether_crc(length, data)
bitreverse(crc32_le(~0, data, length))
include/linux/modules/crc32.ver:#define __ver_bitreversebaeb160c
include/linux/modules/crc32.ver:#define bitreverse  
lib/crc32.c:u32 bitreverse(u32 x)
lib/crc32.c:init = bitreverse(init);
lib/crc32.c:crc2 = bitreverse(crc1);
lib/crc32.c:if (crc1 != bitreverse(crc2))
lib/crc32.c:   crc1, crc2, bitreverse(crc2));


Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
 Join the Army,
 travel to exciting new places,
 meet interesting new people,
 and kill them.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: New CD Vendor in United Kingdom

2003-02-02 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Vendredi 31 Janvier 2003 05:04, John Hasler a déclamé :
> Eric Nelson writes:
> The fee for advertisments is a donation of USD 1000 or more to
> "Software in the Public Interest" (SPI).

 Do you know a package which would make something similar like this for 
exim :

christ@choupi:~$ telnet tartine 25
Connected to tartine.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 christophecourtois.org ESMTP Exim 3.35 #1 Sun, 02 Feb 2003 18:55:44 
+0100 - Any commercial advertisement is accepted against a 100 euros 
administration fee to be paid to Christophe Courtois. You agree to this 
contract by not sending 'QUIT'. 

 Would make spam much more acceptable :-)

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
Don't anthropomorphize computers. They hate that.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Version to use?

2002-11-17 Thread Christophe Courtois
Hash: SHA1

> i'd recommend just starting with stable.  one release will probably
> not be horribly faster or slower than any other release, but in
> about debian is that you can configure it to have only what you want

 I've got a small problem with that : my P75 takes time when using 
dselect or apt-get ; it seems to have too many package dependencies to 
deal with. It's painful but usable on my P75, I wonder what it would be 
like on a 486.
 (There is only woody including securities and non-free in source.list)

- -- 
Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
- --
"Most European technology just isn't worth our stealing,"
 -- Former CIA chief James Woolsey, referring to Echelon 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: Version to use?

2002-11-17 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Dimanche 17 Novembre 2002 19:00, sean finney a déclamé :
> >  I've got a small problem with that : my P75 takes time when using
> > dselect or apt-get ; it seems to have too many package dependencies
> oh yeah, i'm not arguing that it's not dog-slow, but how much longer
> would it take to download all of the sources yourself, figure out all
> of their dependencies, repeat said process for them, compile, and
> then install? :)

 Sure :o)
 Anyway, the answer is : installing a woody on a 486 will be long, it 
would be better to avoid using non-free, and to protect it and strip 
down so it should not be necessary to apt-upgrade too often (or put it 
in the crontab).

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
Lois de Murphy et corollaires :  Regle de Crane 
 Il y a trois manieres de faire quelque chose : le faire soi-meme, 
embaucher quelqu'un, ou interdire a vos enfants de le faire. 

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Re: Version To Use? (2)

2002-11-17 Thread Christophe Courtois
> You seem to miss the point, or so I understand it.  I want to
> download the distribution on a DIFFERENT computer, burn a

 If you have only a 56k modem, you should better buy the CDs. I don't 
know where you live, but for example Ikarios.com sells them for almost 
nothing (10¤) from France.

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
  A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tora & PostgreSQL

2002-11-24 Thread Christophe Courtois

 I've tried TORA from both woody and sarge, but after launching it, it 
always says "No enabled connection provider, plugin probably missing". 
No base or connection can ce selected after that.

 Although it seems everybody is there : 
 christ@choupi:/usr/lib/qt3/plugins/sqldrivers$ ll
-rw-r--r--1 root root86200 2002-03-29 22:11 
-rw-r--r--1 root root47644 2002-04-24 06:45 

 I've got a similar plugin-mt directory too (don't know the 
difference). I've set this directory in the OPtions box, without any 

 psql, pgaccess and co work perfectly. 

 A search on Google was not helpful. Any idea or somewhere to RTFM 
would be appreciated, I'm lost :(  Thanks in advance.

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
"We can, in the first chapter, explain to people what the meaning
of life is. We get them hooked that way. Once they're hooked and pay
for the book, we can just fill up the rest with random crap."
 -- Linus Torvalds, _Just for Fun_, Preface

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Re: Tora & PostgreSQL

2002-11-24 Thread Christophe Courtois
Le Dimanche 24 Novembre 2002 21:22, Oliver Elphick a déclamé :
> > it always says "No enabled connection provider, plugin probably
> Judging by my setup (which works) the plugin directory should be
> /usr/lib/tora.  There should be a symbolic link there to

 Thanks for the answer.
 I've setup it this way... and it doesn't work better :-(((

christ@choupi:/usr/lib/tora$ ll *.so
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   46 2002-11-24 23:03 
libqsqlodbc.so -> /usr/lib/qt3/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlodbc.so
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   46 2002-11-24 23:02 
libqsqlpsql.so -> /usr/lib/qt3/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlpsql.so

 Don't know if there is a link, but my version always ends with a core 
dump when leaving...

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc - Clé PGP : 0F33E837

 The new generation may be different, but the older of us view
backups as somewhere between a religion and an obsession.
 -- Todd Knarr, Slashdot, 03/06/2002

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