1999-01-05 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

Well, currently I'm trying to connect to the Inet using DIP, and scripts
Here is my script which doesn't work well:

get $local
get $remote
port modem
echo on
#init ATn1L3X3S11=70
init ATX3
dial 111222
wait 00
if $errlvl != 0 goto loop
wait name: 
send somebody\n
#if $errlvl != 0
goto error
#wait word: 
#send pass\n
#if errlvl != 0 goto error
#send slip
wait is 15
if $errlvl != 0 goto error
get $locip remote
get $mtu
mode CSLIP
goto exit
SLIP to $remote failed.

I would like also to connect with PPP, using script, instead of SLIP and to
configure tone dilaling
As you can see, my provider asks me for username and password.

852 code page

1999-01-04 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

With new kernel (2.0.36) I installed a support for 852 code page, how do I
use it ?

Thanx !


1999-01-04 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

I created 'lilo.conf' but when I enter command 'lilo' I get message
something with LOADER and BIOS ???

Thanx !


1999-01-04 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

Well, I still have a problem using EzPPP. As EzPPP use pppd program, I try
to run it manualy, and all I get was something like:
&/$%(&%$/%$( /&%(%&)/(&%)#/T C#N/)N )(/$#&)BC$#&)BC&/($#(/&/(
and such things, and it couldn't stop, so I had to kill that process.

Any ideas ?

Thanx !

activate with mouse over

1999-01-04 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

How to configure WindowMaker to activate some window when mouse goes over
it, without a click?

Thanx !

while loading

1999-01-04 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

While loading a get a line where says 'ppp can't locate module ppp', and
the same thing for slip. Could that be a reason why EzPPP after calling and
when I have to enter username always says 'The pppd daemon died
unexpectedly' ? and why is he saying that ?

Thanx !


1999-01-03 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

How to extract/use .RPM files.

Thanx !


1999-01-03 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

OK, I set up the default resolution and default color depth.
But, just for testing I set for default 800x600 and I still have that
virtual screen larger then physical, I don't have 'virtual' line.
I still couldn't set those Modeline. Which Modeline line is in use, there
are several. Modeline lines of my currently XF86Config file are the exact
same as the line that are in XF86Config file created with MiniLinux (based
on Slackware distribution) and on MiniLinux it worked, so I supose that
maybe I should get a newer XF86_Mach64 file, could you send me your one,
that work, maybe or give me a link where could I download it? Where exactly
can I find those Modelines on the net? The higer resolution or even just
color depth I set, the screen is uglyer. The higher resolution I can use to
recognize something on the screen is 800x600, beside 640x480 :(

Thanx !


1999-01-03 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

I solve that problem with links. but I have now another problem, when I
make connection and when I have to enter username for ISP, I get message
(in a new window): "The pppd daemon died unexpectedly". When I was using
MiniLinux distributio based on Slackware EyPPP wored (I had pppd2-2), but
now on Debian... As README file say to make chmod or something to pppd2-2 ,
here on Debian I have pppd (without 2-2), maybe that is the problem. So how
do I solve it ?

Thanx !


1999-01-03 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

I just install Eterm and I can't start it because it keep saying something
like: "can't open". Yes, I have installed all those library but
again that message.

Thank you !

hamm, slink

1999-01-02 Thread Darko Martic

What are those (in subject) ?

Thanx !

modem cua1

1999-01-01 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

I just make stupid thing. While I was playing with EzPPP, couse I couldn't
install xisp, I delete /dev/modem and then crete 'ls -s cua1 modem' and now
I can't use EzPPP so what should I do ? Could someone send origial
/dev/modem file or tell me how to create one ?

Thanx !

WM comfig files

1999-01-01 Thread Darko Martic

If you think that your configuration file of aftrestep or windowmaker is
cool I would appreciate if you send it to me.

Thanx !

sound card

1999-01-01 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

I have Yamaha OPL3-SAx sound card (SoundBlaster, SoundBlaster PRO and
Windows Sound System compatible) and I have a problem installing/using it.
After the Debian installation I manualy installed a newer kernel (from 1.3
to 2.0.33) and for it's configuration I used 'make menuconfig' where I
choosed to install SounBlaster drivers or so, and as I'm booting linux from
diskette I'm not sure if I'm booting with newer kernel cause I didn't make
a new boot diskette (I don't know how) with newer kernel. So when I tried
to play an MP3 file with splay program I get message 'segmentation fault'
or something.

Thanx !

during linux boot

1999-01-01 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

When I'm booting linux (from hda2 cause hda1 is swap) sometimes I get
message something like '/dev/hda2 was not unmounted .' and then it's
'fixed' I supose. What am I doing wrong? When I'm shuting down or rebooting
I enter halt or reboot.

Thanx !

AMD K6-2 3D Now 300 MHz

1999-01-01 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

Are there any problems about using the processor from the subject with
Debian linux ? I'm buying a new processor and I think I'll buy that one.

Thanx !

Switching X managers

1999-01-01 Thread Darko Martic

I see that some of you have a problem with switcing between several window
managers, so I decided to help you :)
At you can download a program
XwmChooser 0.5 which is in graphical form and help you switch from one wm
to another.

linux window manager

1998-12-30 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

Which window manager is the best? I meen, which one has graphical
configurations, which one users prefer (za one koji znaju hrvatski: koji je
najzastupljeniji) and software is specialy created for, like KPPP, and such

Thanx !


1998-12-30 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

Could someone tell me how do I install LILO and where, in what files, do I
configure it, and of course how ?

Thanx !

Xfree86 instalation problems

1998-12-30 Thread Darko Martic
Pozdrav !

I have some problems during the configuration of Xfree86. I'm guessing that
problem is in video card and monitor configuration. I have ATI 3D
Xpression+PC2TV 4MB and ADI ProVista E44 15" monitor. I chooseright video
card prom the card list and enter the right horizontal and vertical
frequencies numbers and when I click on DONE then when he tries to do
whatever he needs to, I wait for a minute or so, and all I get is black
screen, then I do alt+f1 and it says something like 'unable to connect to x
server' and then he tries one more time but with the same results. What
should I do?
I installed xserver-mach64, vga and svga xservers with dselect.
/etc/X11/Xserver exist line with /usr/bin/X11/XF86_Mach64. What is debian
distro? Could anyone send me a copy of his own XF86Config file if has the
same or so card as I have? I tried to copy XF86Config file in /etc/, which
I created a long time ago with MiniLinux and it worked there, but I just
couldn't, like I haven't even write cp ... Yes, I'm logged as root. Where
can I, if neccessery, downoad newer version of Xfree86, and how do I know
which version do I have?

Thanx a lot !

P.S. another question. I had kernel version 1.3 and I succesfully upgrade
it to 2.0.33, but as I am booting linux from floppy disk on which is old
kernel, how do I create a new floppy disk with the new kernel?

molim pomoc

1998-12-30 Thread Darko Martic
Pozdrav !

Posto iz subjecta mozete zakljuciti o cemu se radi, prijeci cu odmah na
stvar. Evo upravo sam vec treci put pokusao instalirati taj OS sa VIDI CDa
iz broja 29/30 no sve prodje ok osim instalacije X Window systema. Naime
podesim u xbase-configure sve kako i je, sto se tice graficke kartice i
monitora, no kada pokusa nakon toga ga pokrenuti, jedno vrijeme ekran je
crn i onda stisnem alt+f1 i onda mi javi nesto u stilu unable to connect to
X server i onda pokusa ponovo no isto. Pretpostavljam da je rijec o
podesavanju graficke kartice no isprobao sam dosta kombinacija no nista.
Graficka kartica je ATI 3D Xpression sa 4 MB (mach64) a monitor ADI
ProVista E44 (15").

Jos jedna stvar no nevezana uz X Windows. Naime kao root htio sam
promijeniti shell sa chsh iz bash u tcsh i vidio sam putanju za bash da je
/usr/bash i pretpostavio da je isto i za tcsh no ocito nije, i sada se vise
ne mogu prijaviti kao root jer mi javi da /usr/tcsh ne postoji i vrati me
na upit za login.

Puno Vam hvala unaprijed !