Re: Memory usage

1998-10-06 Thread Dirk Bonne
Pat O'Brien wrote:
> If I have 192Mb of ram, how do I indicate to the kernel that I
> have it.



in lilo.conf and run lilo again. The kernel must be said explicitly how
much memory you have if you go above 64M.


Re: Any non-X graphical browsers?

1998-10-02 Thread Dirk Bonne
Kent West wrote:
> Are there any graphical web browsers available that don't need X? I've
> only got 8MB on this laptop, which is unusable with X and Netscape.

take a look at lynx


Re: printing problems

1998-10-02 Thread Dirk Bonne
Bradley Bell wrote:
> I need to print to an HP Laserjet 5Si printer which is hooked up to a
> netware network,
> Can anybody point me to any resources on printing to netware printers?
> I've studied and tried every trick in the IPX- and Printing-HOWTO, and
> the instructions there are pretty insufficient when it comes to this
> problem.
> At the moment, I can almost print text files using nprint, but they come
> out staircased and sideways, and with no banner page.
> If anybody else has gotten this working, can I see your printcap and
> filter files?

Yeah, it works fine here. I use a combination of magicfilter (debian
package) and nprint. We have a number of printers all hooked up to a
host called "ics1". I wrote a wrapper for nprint to make the
authentification and to be able to send data to nprint by stdin.

Attached are the makefiles, source, printcap, and a magicfilter file for
one of the printers.

My set up is like this:

/etc/printer/ics1/.nwclient --> authentification (holds "ICS1/username
 /Makefile  --> rules to make a printer
 /tess-ps-1 --> one of the printers.
 /nw-printer.c --> source to generate a wrapper for each
 /tess-ps   --> a wrapper binary generated by the
You will probably need to make small changes to Makefile and printcap.
Also change a magicfilter generate filter to get it to use the wrapper.

Hope the attachments help you on your way,
NW_WHERE=-DHOME=\"/etc/printer/ics1\" -DSERVER=\"ics1\"
CC=gcc -Wall -W -Werror
all: tess-ps tess-tinte tess-ps-kyo37

tess-ps : tess-ps.o
gcc -o $@ $^
chown root.root $@
chmod ug+s $@
tess-ps.o: nw-printer.c
gcc -o $@ -c $^ -Wall -W -Werror $(NW_WHERE) -DQUEUE=\"tess-ps\"
tess-tinte : tess-tinte.o
gcc -o $@ $^
chown root.root $@
chmod ug+s $@
tess-tinte.o: nw-printer.c
gcc -o $@ -c $^ -Wall -W -Werror $(NW_WHERE) -DQUEUE=\"tess-tinte\"
tess-ps-kyo37 : tess-ps-kyo37.o
gcc -o $@ $^
chown root.root $@
chmod ug+s $@
tess-ps-kyo37.o: nw-printer.c
gcc -o $@ -c $^ -Wall -W -Werror $(NW_WHERE) -DQUEUE=\"tess-ps-kyo37\"

/* -*- c -*- 
   Dirk Bonne

   wrapper for nprint, to get authentification working and
   make it accept data from the stdin ---magicfilter prefers



#define WHO_CAN_RUN_ME "daemon"

main(int argc, char** argv)
  int ret;
  char tmpfile[512] = "/tmp/tmpXX";
  char cmd[1024];
  struct passwd* pass;
  int fd;
  char tmpbuf[8192];
  ssize_t nread;

  if(argc != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
  if(!(pass = getpwnam(WHO_CAN_RUN_ME))) {
fprintf(stderr, "getpwname failed for " WHO_CAN_RUN_ME ": %s", 
return 1;
  if(getuid() != 0 && getuid() != pass->pw_uid) {
fprintf(stderr, "only root or " WHO_CAN_RUN_ME " can run me, not 
return 1;
  if(-1 == setreuid(geteuid(), geteuid())) {
fprintf(stderr, "setreuid: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 1;
  setenv("HOME", HOME, 1); /* so nprint can find .nwclient */
  /* nprint wants a file: */
  if(-1 == (fd=mkstemp(tmpfile))) {
fprintf(stderr, "mkstemp failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 1;
  while(0 != (nread = read(STDIN_FILENO, tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf {
if(nread == -1) {
  if(errno != EINTR) {
fprintf(stderr, "read on stdin failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 1;
} else {
  ssize_t nwrite;
  const char* p = tmpbuf;
  while(nread > 0 && 0 != (nwrite = write(fd, p, nread))) {
nread -= nwrite; /* potentially hangs, if nwrite is zero */
p += nwrite;
  if(nwrite == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "write failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 1;
  sprintf(cmd, "strace /usr/bin/nprint -S " SERVER " -q " QUEUE " %s 1>&2", 
  fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", cmd);
  fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", getenv("HOME"));
  system("env 1>&2");
  system("id 1>&2");
  ret = system(cmd);
  if(ret == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "system(%s): %s", cmd, strerror(errno));
return 1;
  } else if(ret == 127) {
fprintf(stderr, "call of /bin/sh failed for ´%s´\n", cmd);
return 1;
  } else {
return ret;
# Dirk Bonne

# PostScript
#0  %!  postscript 
#0  \004%!   

Re: AIM, Netscape 4.05

1998-08-05 Thread Dirk Bonne
McGill wrote:
> Hello,
> I've recently moved to Debian 2.0 from slackware 3.2 (kernel 2.0.29), and
> I am having trouble getting AOL's instant messenger (AIM) and netscape
> 4.05 running.  When I am in X (using WindowMaker wm...  if that makes a
> difference...) and type ./aim or ./netscape in a xterm, I get
> "Segmentation Fault."  All the correct libs are installed for netscape,
> and I installed and added java support to the kernel.  Does anyone know
> what is causing this problem?

This is due to a bug in netscape. You've only noticed it now because
libc used in debian is less forgiving. The solution is to install
netscape with the aid of "netscape4" debian package (it is in contrib
section I think). 


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Re: boot: unable to open initial console

1998-08-03 Thread Dirk Bonne
Taren wrote:
> > > VHS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
> > > thenUnable to open an initial console
> > >
> >
> > Looks like /dev/tty0 isn't there.
> >
> > Are use sure you did copy the devices correctly (cp does not copy
> > devices correctly, use tar or cpio).
> Or the permissions aren't set right.  I've found that when copying files
> from /dev, the permissions rarely stay the way they were originally

They should with tar. e.g.:

  tar cf - . | (cd somewhere; tar xvf -)

Of course, you must set umask to 000 beforehand


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Re: netinit headers

1998-08-03 Thread Dirk Bonne
Azog wrote:
> Hello! I'm in need of netinet/ip_tcp.h, netinet/ip_udp.h,
> netinet/protocols.h. Which package are these in? TIA

They are called tcp.h udp.h and in.h. They are in kernel-source package.


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Re: boot: unable to open initial console

1998-08-03 Thread Dirk Bonne
G. Crimp wrote:
> I've moved my old system over to a new hard drive.  I thought I was
> fairly meticulous in copying things over (compared all permissions,
> ownerships, links and other special files between the two file systems).  I
> edited lilo.conf and fstab, then shutdown, changed the drives master/slave
> jumpers and rebooted from the rescue floppy.
> I used the install program to mount all the partitions and to
> mkswap.  Next I switched to the console and copied my kernel to a floppy.
> Evidently, I have overlooked something.  I only get through the first little
> bit of the boot sequence (I can write out the whole thing , one screen full,
> if anyone wants it) up to where all the partitions are named and
> VHS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
> thenUnable to open an initial console

Looks like /dev/tty0 isn't there.

Are use sure you did copy the devices correctly (cp does not copy
devices correctly, use tar or cpio). 


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Re: Netscape and wwwoffle

1998-07-30 Thread Dirk Bonne
Alan Tate wrote:
> Sorry, this question is not Debian-specific: I am trying to set up
> wwwoffle with Netscape 4.05. Apparently there shoud be, in the (Netscape)
> Edit/Preferences/Advanced menu, a section relating to proxies. All I have
> there are settings for Java and Cookies etc. Where the devil are the proxy
> settings hidden?

Click on the arrow left of advanced, you'll see a popup menu...


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fvwm2 behaves differently from bo --> hamm?

1998-07-06 Thread Dirk Bonne

I've update from bo to hamm, and now I can't drag a window accross
virtual screens. 

I know about EdgeResistance & EdgeScroll, but they do not seem to give
me exactly what I had: crossing virtual screens was only done when
dragging a window. 

Anybody know how to get the old behaviour back?


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Removing obsolete packages

1997-11-17 Thread Dirk Bonne
> "Lukas" == Lukas Eppler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Lukas> Hi, When I remove a package, which contains files also
Lukas> contained in other packages, is it removed?

Lukas> Or, if I remove a file from perl-base, is /usr/bin/perl
Lukas> still there afterwards, because it's contained in the perl
Lukas> package?  Do I risk perl and dpkg to be unable to run by
Lukas> removing perl-base?

dpkg will refuse to remove a package if it removal would break another
installed package (except if you force dpkg)

Lukas> The following files seem to be shared:

These are not files, but directories.


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need a hint to mount novell netware.

1997-11-13 Thread Dirk Bonne


At work we have a mixed environment: unix/windows/novel. The network
runs on TCP/IP. From my debian box I can mount windows stuff with the
aid of samba.

Is there something simular for novel netware? I´m particulary confused
because there is IPX support in the kernel, and there is a netware
client package (with programs like ncpmount), but all seems to suppose
an IPX network?? What do I need when the network is running TCP/IP?

Any hint would be helpfull, because I do not know much about novell.

Dirk Bonne

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