export PATH=.:$PATH (was:Re: Mailing list headers )

1999-12-11 Thread Eberhard Burr
aphro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 i have thios in my .bashrc :
 export PATH=.:$PATH

ouch. One day, you'll execute something by accident...

make that 

  export PATH=${HOME}/bin/:${PATH}
instead and put your shell scripts into ~/bin/ 

kind Regards,
Eberhard Burr  PGP key ID: DAF93D11fingerprint: 1D 0B F9 53 E1 CA 21 1A
91 55 DB C8 1F 4C 0C B6
Diplomacy is the art of saying nice doggie until you can find a rock.
-- Wynn Catlin

Re: Xemacs problem

1999-09-14 Thread Eberhard Burr
David Kanter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 When I try to start xemacs, I occasionally get this error message:
 Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
 Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
 emacs: Cannot connect to X server :0.0.
 Check the DISPLAY environment variable or use `-d'.
 Also use the `xhost' program to verify that it is set to permit
 connections from your machine.
 Again, it doesn't happen all the time. However, nox-emacs works fine.
 What is going on?

You have by chance logged in as one user, su()d to another and try to
start xemacs as that other user?
Putting xhost +localhost in your .xsession might be what you want,
but only do that on a single-user machine, since it will allow anyone
who is logged into your machine to start X clients on your display.
(that could be nasty things like kbd-sniffers)

Eberhard Burrcheck http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Eberhard.Burr/publickey.asc
 for PGP Key -- #include stddisc.h -- electric cookie follows
I didn't believe in reincarnation in any of my other lives.  I don't see why
I should have to believe in it in this one.
-- Strange de Jim

Re: Configuring a monitor (and video card)?

1999-08-19 Thread Eberhard Burr
virtanen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  This is a FAQ.  You need a more recent version of XFree.
  You can download it with apt-get from:
  deb http://ftp.netgod.net/ x/
 There is no apt-get available. The machine is not netted (yet). 
 Where is it there? 
 I can use another OS to get it.

I succeeded by just downloading the binary of the server from
xfree.org and putting it in place.

kind Regards,
Eberhard Burrcheck http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Eberhard.Burr/publickey.asc
 for PGP Key -- #include stddisc.h -- electric cookie follows
Don't try to outweird me, three-eyes.  I get stranger things than you free
with my breakfast cereal.
- Zaphod Beeblebrox in Hithiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Re: make slink SMP-clean?

1999-08-13 Thread Eberhard Burr
Norris Preyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm using slink with a 2.2.10 SMP kernel, and top (from procps
 1:1.2.9-3) works just fine:

I have installed 2.2.7 because I was nervous about some filesystem
problem reports with Adaptec controllers. 

  10:36am  up 5 days, 14 min,  1 user,  load average: 2.05, 2.04, 2.01
 75 processes: 72 sleeping, 3 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
 CPU states: 142.2% user, 57.3% system, 124.1% nice,  0.0% idle
 Mem:  257876K av, 244436K used,  13440K free,  47824K shrd,  94092K buff
 Swap: 128516K av,   3208K used, 125308K free 67888K cached
  6433 preyern   1944 1944   524 R N  96.1  0.7  1021m slave3
  6432 preyern   1944 1944   524 R N  95.2  0.7  1021m slave3
 14667 preyern748  748   572 R 5.7  0.2   0:00 top 
  ^  ^^^  ^^

I was seeing weird, sometimes negative Values there. It all went well, 
after the dealer replaced the second CPU which was supposed to be a
P3-450 like the first one; by accident they had installed a P2-400
into the second slot :-(
The BIOS had shown two P3s but a look in /proc/cpuinfo and /me thinks
the technician who assembled that machine will now have to look for a
new job.

Note that the Machine worked well otherwise and was heavily loaded
during two days. Only X was a bit... nasty. I had attributed that to
flaky Mouse. I'm a few hundred Kilometers away from the machine, so I
do not even know the exact symptoms, but my pal reported mouse-clicks
being unreliable and the windowmanager being somewhat tiresome (3 sec 
to change focus).

Anyway: ASUS Boards seem to run nicely with different CPUs as does
Linux. Only Graphics and top are troublesome and who knows, perhaps
with switching off MTRR in the kernel would have helped there too.

kind Regards,
Eberhard Burrcheck http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Eberhard.Burr/publickey.asc
 for PGP Key -- #include stddisc.h -- electric cookie follows
Just remember: when you go to court, you are trusting your fate to
twelve people that weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty!

Re: please someone send me their working exim.conf for ppp?

1999-08-13 Thread Eberhard Burr
David Teague [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If you get anything on the exim.conf file that you actually can hack
 into submission, I'd appreciate your either sending it on to me or
 posting it here. (preferably both:)

 My problem is that my ISP requires the login name on the from: 
 address be that of the account at the ISP. My machine isn't named
 the same as my ISP, and the account here is different too. 

Note that there's a difference between From: and From  (the
envelope-From). Most likely, your isp like mine rejects everything
with an envelope-from that differs from what you've been given as mail 
address by your isp. In smail, cou can add a line with your local
logname as trusted user. Then move your sendmail executable away
(rename it to sendmail_ for example) and make a fmall script in the
place of sendmail, that calls sendmail_ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

works nicely for me.

kind regards,
Eberhard Burrcheck http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Eberhard.Burr/publickey.asc
 for PGP Key -- #include stddisc.h -- electric cookie follows
An open mind has but one disadvantage: it collects dirt.
-- a saying at RPI

Re: magicfilter and 1200 dpi

1999-08-13 Thread Eberhard Burr
Joachim Trinkwitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi all,
 I just wanted to install my new LaserJet 4000 printer with
 magicfilter, and found that there isn't a filter for a 1200 dpi
 printer. Is there a way to modify an existing filter (I'm thinking of
 the psonly600-filter, which works with the LJ 4000) to get the 1200
 dpi capability?

just replace all occurrences of 600 by 1200 in

Eberhard Burrcheck http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Eberhard.Burr/publickey.asc
 for PGP Key -- #include stddisc.h -- electric cookie follows
An Italian is COMBING his hair in suburban DES MOINES!

Re: How to minimize need for manual fsck after unclean unmount

1999-08-13 Thread Eberhard Burr
Joseph Chung [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 kernel parameter I can tweak so that I'll never have to intervene even if
 the FS is not unmounted cleanly?

Three possible solutions (one and a half, that is.):

1) get a UPS and remove the main switch from the pooter. When your
   parents switch off the ups, Linux still has enough time to cleanly
   shut down

2) similarly, get a mainboard with functioning power-off and remove
   the main switch. The pooter can only be switched off with software
   assistance then and you should be ok. To switch on the computer,
   the D/V button of the modem can be used to generate an interrupt on 
   the serial line (most modems generate an OK when D/V is pressed).

3) mount /usr readonly and the rest with the sync option. This will
   make the computer much slower wrt to filesystem performance and is
   not entirely fool-proof but you usually get away without severe

Kind regards,
Eberhard Burrcheck http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Eberhard.Burr/publickey.asc
 for PGP Key -- #include stddisc.h -- electric cookie follows
God instructs the heart, not by ideas, but by pains and contradictions.
-- De Caussade

Re: scsi hd idle spin down

1999-08-11 Thread Eberhard Burr
Peter Palfrader aka Weasel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  what makes you believe that spinning down drives is needed at all?
 The reason that the fans to keep the disks cool are too loud for me to
 have my box running during the night (my box is in my room). :)

I bet you don't want to hear this, but /me thinks you made a mistake
purchasing those drives :-/  [1]

   PS: fyi: the scsi controller is an AHA 2940 U2W, the disks are IBM
   DRVS09V and there's one swap partition on each of them. I've five md
  have you had a look at IBM's specs as to how many spin-up-spin-down
  cycles these drives are specified for? IIRC, these are server-drives
  and thus not specified to survive a lot of power-cycles but rather a
  log time of continuous operation.
 I doubt I'll have problems.. (At least I hope so :)

unfortunately, I disposed off these old issues of C't[2] but by rotten
brain clearly recalls being nervous about my own drives after reading
that article about the matter of silencing (sp?) pooters and the issue 
of loud and hot drives. I disassembled my own case just to see that I
got the letters wrong (I'm using DCAS drives) and that my drives are
spec'd for more power-cycles than I usually do by powering down the
machine twice a day in more than five years (siesta and night) but
also said article told me to immediately get a spare drive of the same 
series because the newer drives are spec'd for less power-cycles (the
really fast ones, that is). I recall only one number exactly, and that 
was a 1rpm drive by Seagate which is specified for ten years of
non-stop operation but for only as few as 4000 power-cycles. (roughly
once a day in it's useful lifetime!)

so my advice is to check IBMs specs before asking for trouble
first. Second, go for passive drive coolers and see how that works

in the end, this is only my opinion and you're free to disagree. I've
had my share of dying drives, though, and my DAT is one of the more
frequently-used devices.

[1] not, that they're bad, it's just that they lead to bad sleep in
your case.
[2] if you're really interested, I might dig up the issue from my old
mail archives; after all, this came up more than once.

kind Regards,
Eberhard Burrcheck http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Eberhard.Burr/publickey.asc
 for PGP Key -- #include stddisc.h -- electric cookie follows
You have not converted a man because you have silenced him.
-- John Viscount Morley

Re: scsi hd idle spin down

1999-08-10 Thread Eberhard Burr
Weasel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've two SCSI harddisks and what I'm looking for is a tool/kernel patch
 that spins down those drives after some idle time and up again when

what makes you believe that spinning down drives is needed at all?

 PS: fyi: the scsi controller is an AHA 2940 U2W, the disks are IBM
 DRVS09V and there's one swap partition on each of them. I've five md

have you had a look at IBM's specs as to how many spin-up-spin-down
cycles these drives are specified for? IIRC, these are server-drives
and thus not specified to survive a lot of power-cycles but rather a
log time of continuous operation.

kind Regards,
Eberhard Burrcheck http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Eberhard.Burr/publickey.asc
 for PGP Key -- #include stddisc.h -- electric cookie follows
If you have never been hated by your child, you have never been a parent.
-- Bette Davis

make slink SMP-clean?

1999-08-10 Thread Eberhard Burr

I've just installed slink on a dual P3 box, and all went smoothly. I
then fetched kernel sources and compiled a 2.2 SMP kernel and
installed that. Still everything smooth (except for some minor
no-brainers on my side). But now some commands, namely top and ps show 
funny results like negative loads and such. Are there precompiled
packages somewhere to fix this or do I need to recompile the affected

kind regards,
Eberhard Burrcheck http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Eberhard.Burr/publickey.asc
 for PGP Key -- #include stddisc.h -- electric cookie follows
Where you stand depends on where you sit.
-- Rufus Miles, HEW

Re: How to escape this for the bash shell...

1999-08-04 Thread Eberhard Burr
Nate Duehr [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have a file named :
 ... in my home directory. 
 I am wondering how to escape this properly for rm to work on it in

bash will properly escape it if you use file-name completion. Thus if
you type ? and then tab after the command you'd like to operate on
that file, bash will complete the name (unless you have other files
beginning with ? too).

 Someone suggested using Midnight Commander, but it doesn't even list
 it as showing up in the directory, so it obviously doesn't know what to
 do with it either! 

Are you sure it's a file at all? It looks more like a misconfigured
ls. Does the file show up in your $HOME only or in every directory?

Eberhard Burrcheck http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Eberhard.Burr/publickey.asc
 for PGP Key -- #include stddisc.h -- electric cookie follows
BARRY ... That was the most HEART-WARMING rendition of I DID IT MY
WAY I've ever heard!!