Accelstar graphics card

1999-03-18 Thread G. Kapetanios


If anybody uses Accelstar II graphics card could you tell me the right
Xserver for this card ? Any other tips for X use wiould be appreciated

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:


Re: network help

1999-03-12 Thread G. Kapetanios

Following your suggestion I pinged my gateway by IP rsther than name. 
The thing hang after printing a line. So maybe what you say about the card
not working correctly is right.

I was wondering: Win98 has no problem with recognizing and using
the card. Why should Linux ? 
As this is not my computer tha card is there to stay.
Additonally I would like to use the box as a server for math application
to be accessed through telnet only .
So I need to be sure that the card is the problem and if so remove Deibian 
Do you know any methods that can tell me fpor certain that the card is to
blame ?
Thanks again for your help

On Thu, 11 Mar 1999, Paul Miller wrote:

> "G. Kapetanios" wrote:
> > 
> > Thanks for the reply
> > 
> > ifconfig gives the followng
> > 
> > loLink encap:Local Loopback
> >   inet addr:  Bcast:
> >   Mask:
> >  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
> >  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
> >  Collisions:0
> > eth0  Link encap:Ethernet
> >  HWaddr 00:00:E8:CC:28:7D
> >inet addr:  Bcast:
> > Mask:
> >   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
> >   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
> > Collisions:0   Interrupt:3 Base address:0x300
> > 
> > route -n gives
> > 
> > Kernel IP routing table
> > Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
> > Iface
> >   U 0  01
> > eth0
> >   U 0  00 lo
> > UG1  01
> > eth0
> > 
> > Notice that is the gateway I have given in the configuration
> > 
> This info looks fine to me.
> > dmesg gives the following network card related info.
> > 
> > loading  device 'eth0'...
> > ne.c:v1.10 9/23/94 Donald Becker ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > NE*000 ethercard probe at 0x300: 00 00 e8 cc 28 7d
> > eth0: NE2000 found at 0x300, using IRQ 3.
> > loading device 'eth1'...
> > 
> Now why does it say loading device eth1? I have no clue. Hmmm...
> > It seems to me that the card is correctly detected the problem is with the
> > gateway I guess since route (not route -n) hangs
> > 
> Just for grins try pinging Do not use the host name. Use
> the IP address. Does it still give you problems?
> If it does not, you should take a look at /etc/resolve.conf and make
> sure you have your DNS server listed there. The reason why route hangs
> is because your machine cannot find a host name for the IP address of
> your gateway. 
> If you cannot ping an IP address, the network card might not be workign
> right. It could be a bad network cable or wall jack.
> Hope this helps
> -- 
> Paul Miller

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:


Re: network help

1999-03-11 Thread G. Kapetanios

Thanks for the reply 

ifconfig gives the followng 

loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Bcast:
 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 
 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet 
 HWaddr 00:00:E8:CC:28:7D 
   inet addr:  Bcast: 
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0  
Collisions:0   Interrupt:3 Base address:0x300 

route -n gives

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface   U 0  01
eth0   U 0  00 lo UG1  01

Notice that is the gateway I have given in the configuration

dmesg gives the following network card related info.

loading  device 'eth0'...
ne.c:v1.10 9/23/94 Donald Becker ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NE*000 ethercard probe at 0x300: 00 00 e8 cc 28 7d
eth0: NE2000 found at 0x300, using IRQ 3.
loading device 'eth1'...

It seems to me that the card is correctly detected the problem is with the
gateway I guess since route (not route -n) hangs

Any help will be appreciated

On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Paul Miller wrote:

> "G. Kapetanios" wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am trying to set up thi computer at work with Debian. All works
> > fine apart from the network. This is a novell environment. I have set
> > up one computer in a novell environment before and it was fine.
> > however here I have problems. The newtwork card is working OK as
> > far as  I can tell. On boot the kernel finds it and although some
> > mention of the eth1 interface is made at that stage, ifconfig states
> > that eth0 is used. I can ping myself either using localhost or the IP
> Can you give us the output of dmesg dealing with your network card?
> > address or the name of the machine. Ifconfig reports that lo and
> > eth0 is up. But any attempt to ftp ping telnet  anything outside of
> > the machine does not work. route reports the localnet and
> > and then hangs. No gateway seems to be available as *
> > is in place of the gateway. However I am using the same number
> > as the other Win98 computers report in the TCP/IP installed
> > gateways in network in control panel. I have not seen this problem
> > before and I am at a loss for solving. Any help will be appreciated.
> > 
> What would help here would be the output of ifconfig and 'route -n'. The
> -n tells route not to do DNS lookup for host names, but print IP
> addresses. What is your gateway's IP, and what is your netmask?
> > Thanks
> > George
> > 
> > ---
> > George Kapetanios
> > Churchill College
> > Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > U.K.  WWW: 
> >
> > 
> > ---
> > 
> > --
> > Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
> -- 
> Paul Miller

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:


network help

1999-03-10 Thread G. Kapetanios


I am trying to set up thi computer at work with Debian. All works 
fine apart from the network. This is a novell environment. I have set 
up one computer in a novell environment before and it was fine. 
however here I have problems. The newtwork card is working OK as 
far as  I can tell. On boot the kernel finds it and although some 
mention of the eth1 interface is made at that stage, ifconfig states 
that eth0 is used. I can ping myself either using localhost or the IP 
address or the name of the machine. Ifconfig reports that lo and 
eth0 is up. But any attempt to ftp ping telnet  anything outside of 
the machine does not work. route reports the localnet and and then hangs. No gateway seems to be available as * 
is in place of the gateway. However I am using the same number 
as the other Win98 computers report in the TCP/IP installed 
gateways in network in control panel. I have not seen this problem 
before and I am at a loss for solving. Any help will be appreciated. 


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:


Re: Partition confusion

1998-12-16 Thread G. Kapetanios

Shouldn't you create an ext2 filesystem on that partition with mkfs ?

On Wed, 16 Dec 1998, Jeff Miller wrote:

> Hello,
> My drive 0 (hda) has three partitions.  The first two are FAT32 Windoze and I 
> have wiped, removed, and re-created the third with cfdisk.  I selected 
> 'Logical' as the type, through cfdisk, and it was assigned a Type of 83 
> (Linux).  I can mount it and everything seems to be ok.  My problem is this:  
> I want to copy everything from my Linux drive (hdc) /usr directory to this 
> new partition but when I do 'cp -r * /newpartition' I get error messages that 
> report the drive type as UMSDOS.  The files seem to copy, but it doesn't 
> appear that I have the correct format on that partition.  Is any of this 
> making sense?  My goal is to mount that partition as /usr to make use of the 
> extra space, but I don't think I'm doing something right.  Do I have to do 
> something beside setup a partition with cfdisk?  
> Thanks In Advance
> Jeff Miller
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:


anyone using xringd in the UK?

1998-12-14 Thread G. Kapetanios


I would like to know if anyone has had any luck with getting xringd to
work with an ISP service in the UK?
If yes could you send me an email  with more details ?


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:


exim question

1998-12-10 Thread G. Kapetanios


I was wondering whether anyone could send me a sample exim config file.
I am trying to get email to work over ppp to my ISP. I can'yt figure out
how to specify the smtp server in exim.conf. Or is it not sepcified there
? A related question. What setup should I prefer iif I want my email 
sent from my machine and delivered  to my machine from my ISP 
automatically and once or twice per day ? Fetchmail and POP3 plus exim 
or exim on its own ? Any ideas for preffered setups will be greatky


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:


Re: HP 5L still giving problems!!

1998-10-23 Thread G. Kapetanios

I had the same proble. My HP 6L would not work. I tried magicfilter. ASCII 
text printed fine but postscript dvi e.t.c. were garbage. 
I then wrote a little script which uses explicitly gs and dvihp as filters
to turn ps and dvi files into the printers native languge (PCL I think )
It essentially involves the same lines as in the ljet4l filter of
magicfilter but put in a script file which is being executed every time
printing is required. It worked for me 
I can send the scripts if you want but it has to be early next week 
as I am away from my computer.
Let m eknow if you want them 

On Fri, 23 Oct 1998, Jose L Gomez Dans wrote:

> Hi!
>   First of all, I'd like to thank the response that my previous
> posting to the list had. Most welcome :D Anyway, I tried one of the
> most common references people gave me (ie, use magicfilter, and use
> the ljet4l package). The printer prints now text fine, but when a
> postscript file is sent to it, it prints out all sorts of weird
> characters, and something that resembles the file. Does anybody know
> what's wrong with this? I've got gs (v3.33),  and I've got my
> magicfilter for ljet4l (among others :D).
>   Any more help would be appreciated.
>   Thanks!
>   Jose
> --
> Jose L. Gomez DansRadar & Comms Group
>   Dept. Electronic Engineering
>   University of Sheffield
>   Mappin St S1 3JD
>   Sheffield UK
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

(UK question) Help with diald and ISP

1998-10-20 Thread G. Kapetanios

I was wondering whether anyone on the list has managed to use diald with 
the UK ISP demon. If so could you help help with the setup of the connect
script ?
Thanks very much
George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

cdrom device not there

1998-10-16 Thread G. Kapetanios

After reinstalling my system (hamm) from scratch I have no /dev/cdrom 
Is this obselete ? If yes then what is the name of the new device ?
I have tried ./MAKEDEV cdrom and got an error 
Any ideas ?

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

Is there an official debian CD-ROM ?

1998-10-14 Thread G. Kapetanios


I was wondering if there is an official debian CD-ROM and if 
there is where it is available from ?
As I have lost my ethernet connection,  getting slink by modem is

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

root partition deleted (resolved, hopefully)

1998-10-14 Thread G. Kapetanios

Following my numerous emails in my efforts to restore my machine
I would like to thank everybody who respondd to my questions .
I have managed to salvage my data but not my system since I did a total
reinstallation. Anything less that that would not work. However 
compared to my experience with Debian 1.1 which was the first distribution
I installed debian 2.0 is greatly susperior I installed all the sysem
(i chose the sceintific suggestion from th initial configuration)
in less than two hours. 

Thanks again

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

help !!! cannot log on to my machine

1998-10-13 Thread G. Kapetanios

Hi all , 

After dleting my root partition I have managed to install a minimal syste.
I tried to install some new packages but te installation script for
cpp failed and I cannot login to my machine. The error i get is

sh: Error in loading shared libraries 
: undefined symbol : history_get_string_value_hook

Any ideas ?

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

HELP!!!!! binaries not executed (fwd)

1998-10-12 Thread G. Kapetanios

I 'd like to thank you for all your help with my problem when the root
partition on my box was deleted. 

The current situatrion is that I managed to install 2.0 from the dos
partitiopn the system is minimally working. BUT i have no configuration 
files. No /lib libraries.  I could reinstall but I thought that it would
be easier if I retrieve staff from my backup. I use tob for my backups 
But of course tob does not work becasuse I have a generic kernel and the
modules needed for ftape do not have the hardware configuration of my
So the uestion is how do I pass on the memory adress irq and dma which I
know to the ftape module without recompilingthe ftape (which for some
reason I can'yt do anyway) 
Any help will be really appreciated

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

HELP!! binaries not executed (fwd)

1998-10-08 Thread G. Kapetanios

This email explains the problems I had with
my deleted root partition

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1998 14:04:46 +0100 (BST)
From: "G. Kapetanios" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP!! binaries not executed (fwd)

On Thu, 8 Oct 1998, Chris wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 08, 1998 at 01:12:30PM +0100, G. Kapetanios wrote:
> > 
> > > What kernel are you running?
> > it is debian 1.0 kernel 2.0.0 (the only disks that would work)
> > 
> > > What shell are you using (and from what dist)?
> > the initial shell of debian i think ash and then bash from debian 1.0
> > > Have you run e2fsck on the partition?
> > 
> > yes no errors reported
> > i was thinking it may help if i check the hidden characteristics of the
> > files in /usr.
> > As i remember (i am at work now ) if i copy the file to / it still does
> > not work if i copy a file from / to /usr it works 
> > 
> > > 
> > > BTW, I've had no problems with current boot dists, is that the only thing
> > > stopping you reinstalling the entire system?
> > yes i tried the final bo disks but the disks were not reliable and i cant 
> > find them on the net any more. i tried the hamm july 21 1998 
> > both from floppies and hard disk
> > there seems to a problem in base2_0 for my system. error goes by too 
> > quickly to see i think it has something to do with a file not found 
> > could be connected to the other problem, i guess.
> > thanks very much for your help 
> > hope you can give me some advice. 
> > george 
> Sorry for the delay, was on the phone to the gf (geez she can talk!)
> Now, from my guess I'd say that the kernel you are using does not support
> ELF binaries (I haven't verified this, it's just a guess - I'll check
> later).  I think this especially as you can copy a file into usr and
> still execute it, which means a problem with the file type (The only other
> possiblity is if the binaries in /usr/ are ALL corrupted - very unlikely.
> If you want to check this send me a binary (say less) with your next mail).
> I would suggest updating the kernel.  Now, there are two ways of going...
> you can try to update the system by install 2.0, which means we'll have to
> deal with the error mentioned above, or you can try to install a new kernel.
> To install a new kernel, try downloading a precompiled kernel, putting this
> on your root partition, and pointing lilo to it (I assume you know how to
> do that?  If not let me know).  I think you can get a debian package
> containing a precompiled kernel (but it's a new package format, you'd have
> to extract the image from it) or I can send you one if you like.  An even
> better solution is to use another machine to compile one.  Id say to use 
> kernel 2.0.3x (although it doesn't really matter).
> Otherwise we can try and fix that error, in which case you'll need to tell
> me *exactly* what steps you went through during your attempted install.
> (ie.  where got the files from, what installation media your using, where
> you put the base2_0.tgz file, what options you use in the installation tool,
> etc, etc).

Thanks very much for your help.
Now I would rather go for the debian 2.0 installation so that I can avoid
the problematic libc5-libc6 upgrade. The story is as follows 
Two days ago I had installed the bo disks ok. But I made a stupid (yet
another ) mistake I had the system installed on /dev/hda4 which should be
/usr and not on /dev/hda3 which is normally my / 
Then i had a lilo.con pointing to /dev/hda3 and therefore I could boot
from the floppy but not from the disk. I tried installing the hamm disks
from the second hard disk.  (I have the debian hamm disks and distribution
in /dev/hdc2 and /dev/hdc3  The critical stuff I do not want to lose re in
/dev/hdc1 All these partitions seem ok I don't want to access them too
often in case something goes wrong.)
The installation broke down at the base2_0.tgz stage with an error
similar to that I have now (but not the saem I think) This was probably
becasue of the / /usr mixup 
 When i
realised the e / /usr mixup I decided to reinstall from scratch
rather than copy the
because i thought the t the e.t.c. would have to chnage 
 But the bo disks would not work now (disks corrupted) (very unluckI could
download t

boot floppies (july 21 1998) error ?

1998-10-08 Thread G. Kapetanios

I am wondering whether the boot floppies in curent are ok. 
the rescue disk and drivers isk is working fine but when the base system
gets installed and after all the floppies have been read (so no floppy
eliability issue) the installation exits with an error. 
The same happens when installation from hard disk is carried out.
Has something drastic chnged in those boot floppies

Is there any other set of floppies which are reliable and I can try?
I am trying to install a current system because after root partition 
was deleted I have installed a Debian 1.0 system from old disks
Any help would be really, really appreciated 


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

HELP!! binaries not executed

1998-10-08 Thread G. Kapetanios

My question is a result of problems explained in another email.
They concer a deleded root partition. My question has to do with 
binaries which are there can be seen can be read but cannot be executed.

for example
# /usr/bin/less
/usr/bin/less : No such file o directory 
The same happens to all binaries in /usr
which is a mounted partition
Tosummarise the setup
I have installed an old debian 1.0 system in / 
and I have all my hamm stuff in /usr 
Is this a libc5 / libc6 problem

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

more trouble with deleted root partition please help !!!!!

1998-10-07 Thread G. Kapetanios

I have manage to salvage a minimal system after accidentally deleting my
root partitioon. I tried to install debian stable but it did not work. 
I did floppy disk installation butfloppy relaiobility does not seem to be
the problem. Let me explain why I have the debian disks on an unharmed
partiotin which I can access. However the file base2.0_... produces an
on my system it goes away too fast to read it. Obviously the same error
appear with floppies even  when I re-downloaded the floppies from the net. 
I am using july 21 1998 floppies is there a problem with thith those ? 

Anyway I installed a debian 1.0 ( yes !!) from some old floppies
The installation went ok. I have the distribution in a 
another partiton and I tried to use dselect but the Package file had a
problem and  dpkg does not work.  I can solve the problem only if I could 
run program from my /usr partiton which I can access
This is the second problem I can see the binary 
I can cat the binary but I can't run it 
# /usr/bin/less 
/usr/bin/less: No such file or dicrectory

Any ideas ?

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:


1998-10-06 Thread G. Kapetanios

Following to my prvious email
I have installed lilo. the system can boot from floppy. 
However, when I try to boot from disk the boot starts 
but it hangs with the following message 

VFS Mounted root (ext2) filesystem
Unable to open an initial console

This does not happen with the floppy boot. 
Any ideas ?


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:


1998-10-06 Thread G. Kapetanios

Hi all, 

Following  my previous email concerning a deleted root partition the
following has happened. I tried to install debian from the hamm base disks
which I  had in another partition but an error kept coming which did not
permit installation. Both installation from disk and floppies did not
work. I have managed to install a system with a 2.0.29 kernel (bo) Problem
1 the /usr partition contains my old files a df command shows that the
data are still there. But a du /usr shows only the new files from the new
installation. How do I access the old data ? The data are not critical as
they only the debian programs. My personal critical files are in a asecond
disk which I can
access but I rather not mount automatically in case something goes wrong
In the second disk I also haver the hamm debian distribution 
Now I would like to get the usr  stuff working since it is hamm, and I
don't want to have to go through installing libc6 (last time was a
nightmare) how do I go about doing that ?
Please help as I am desperate to get my machine which is critical back in
 some workjing order. 

Any suggestion are welcome 

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:


1998-10-06 Thread G. Kapetanios

Hi all, 

I was having problems with the network so I deided to use the rescue disk
to configure my machine with no network. By mistake (big mistake !!!)
I chose to initialise the root partition rather than mount a previously
initialised partition. The hard disk did not work a lot but my root
partition seems lost. I did not search for bad blocks on the partition. 
I have not installed anything apart from the stuff on the rescue disk. Is
there a way to save the stuff on my root partition. Nothing is critical
all the important stuff is in the other partitions which I can see but 
I will have to reconfigure the system. Please help 

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

xdm not working

1998-10-05 Thread G. Kapetanios

Following an earlier email concerning failure to look up a host adress 
which also prevented xdm from running I have included my ISP nameserver 
address in /etc/resolv.conf. Now xdm starts, I log in and the system waits 
before starting the window manager for some time I still havent waited
long enough for the window manager to start as I close down the xserver. 
The question I have is how do you set up xdm for a system not conneted to
the net and with loopback as the only network inteface.  I still have my
kernel comiled with etherner support should IU recompile without ethernet
support ?
Any help will be greatly appreciated

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

PPP, host lookup failure and related questions

1998-10-04 Thread G. Kapetanios

Hi all,

I have moved from an ethernet connection to ppp. I have a couple of
questions. I would really appreciate some help
1) pppd comes up on boot fine and I can telnet to a remote host as long as
I use the ip numeric address. When I use the word address
e.g. instead of 131 I get a message saying there was a
host lookup failure. This is not a ppp specific problem as xdm will not
start either giving a message of a non valid address. I have purged my
system of all references to the previous name and ip address of machine
(at leastas far as I know ) but I must be missing something .
Any ideas ?
2) a related question. I have a static ip address with my isp. Do
files such as /etc/network /etc/reoslv.conf
e.t.c need to be reset or is everything taking happening with the
/etc/ppp/* files  ? Hoe about the /etc/init.d related files 
like /etc/network , /etc/netbase ?
by the way is the command ifconfig ppp0  valid ?
The system complains about an unknown inteface. 
I am asking this because I would like to set up services 
such as xntp sshd e.t.c. 
3) How can the connection be used only when a service is required and 
not all the time as in the u.k. there is no flat telephone rate ?
4) Finally (thanks for your patience) is a setup where a
single telephone line supports both the modem and the phone 
able to support incoming connections ? How does it work ? 
If any of the questions can be answered by RTFMing please 
let me know of the appropriate manual. Thanks for any help


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

question on connecting two computers

1998-09-25 Thread G. Kapetanios

I am looking for info on how to connect two PCs running linux outside of a
network. I.e. I want to be able to access information on both computers
fron both computers (nfs e.t.c.) Is there a manual explaining the details?
Any other source of info ? 

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

ISDN question

1998-09-23 Thread G. Kapetanios

I have the ooportunity to have an ISDN line instead of modem at my home. I
was wondering whether having an ISDN connection is straighforward with
debian ? there is a package in hamm called isdnutils. However, 
what I found on the net was a FAQ (rather old) for a package called
isdn4linux. Are these the same ? Any ideas about a good external terminal
adpter ? Any other manuals around ? 
Thanks very much for any help

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

Is the 8Mb ATI expert 98 AGP 2x graphics card supported ?

1998-09-23 Thread G. Kapetanios

Hi all, 

The subject says it all. Is this card supported by Linux ?
If not what can be done ? 
Any suggestions are very welcome

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

Modem recommendation

1998-09-22 Thread G. Kapetanios

Hi all, 

I am switching from ethernet to modem (end of school days) and I would be
grateful about suggestion for a good external modem that works well under

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

printing when network is disconnected

1998-09-13 Thread G. Kapetanios


I ahve an ethernet connection which I will loose shortly.. When I remove 
all network relatwed init files from /etc/rc4d (my runlevel for no network
) the system boots up ok but when the  printing init file runs it hangs
the system. 
Any help ?

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

is enlightenment 0.14 available as a deb package ?

1998-07-20 Thread G. Kapetanios

I was wondering if enlightenment v. 0.14 has been made available as a
debian package. If not, any ideas when it will happen ?

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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Anyone using plplot ?

1998-07-14 Thread G. Kapetanios

I have installed plplot and plplot-tcl. All went ok. When I try to run
pltcl I get the error

pltcl: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I can't find the lib anywhere in my system or in

I contacted the maintener but he is not available until mid -august. 
Can anyone help ?

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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Re: Powerpoint equiv. for Linux?

1998-07-01 Thread G. Kapetanios

mgp is in the japan site, but it needs vflib >= 2.22
I can't seem to find vflib
Can anyone help ?

On Wed, 1 Jul 1998, Keita Maehara wrote:

> From: Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Powerpoint equiv. for Linux?
> Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 12:07:44 +0200
> > > There's MagicPoint.  It's absolutely free!
> > > 
> > >
> > 
> > Then why don't we have this already included?
> You can get the prepackaged version of MagicPoint (mgp) from Debian JP
> ftp site:
> main/binary-i386/x11/mgp_1.03a-1.deb
> Keita Maehara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> PGP Key fingerprint = 82 37 2F 1E 06 ED C4 37  1E E2 C2 96 22 B8 B3 F1
> --  
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

URGENT e2fsprogs problem

1998-06-16 Thread G. Kapetanios

I decided to upgrade to e2fsprogs 1.10-17. Mistake..
It wants an newer version of dump which requires libe2p2. I can't find
package anywhere. Can anyone help ??

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Truning off shadowed password file

1998-06-16 Thread G. Kapetanios

Use shadowconfig off | on 

On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Ramon Nieva wrote:

> Ok, I installed my system (bo) with shadowed.
> Just for testing purpose, I want to get rid of them, how do I do this?
> Ramon
> --  
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

user can delete kernel images (cont)

1998-06-12 Thread G. Kapetanios

Following to my previous email I have to say some things. 

the /boot directory in my machine is 

drwxrwsr-x   2 root disk 2048 Jun 12 17:58 boot
the user who can do that belongs to the disk group but the file which was
deleted (/boot/vmlinuz.2.0.0) does not belong to the disk group it is
root.root So obviously although I hadn;t realised that before if a group
you belong to owns a directory which is writable by the group you can
delete stuff from it without owning
the files and without belonging to the group which owns the files. Is this
safe ?? More importantly I don't know if this is a bug of the installation
procedure about 1 1/2 years ago but the permission to /boot were set by
that procedure and I never changed them. I know users should not probably
belong to group disk but I could have damaged my system really bad if I
had no spare kernels. I guess I must remove the user from the disk group
as soon as possible. 

By the way why is /boot writable by the group disk?

Sorry for the long email

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

user can delete kernel images

1998-06-12 Thread G. Kapetanios


Something very strange has happened to my system. I have my kernels in
/boot (the usual setup ) with permission 644. I have never touched that
after they are created by the kernel-package. I am doing some experiments
concerning security. So I tried as a user with no root privileges and no
root group privileges to delete the files /boot/vmlinuz.2.0.0 and
/boot/vmlinuz.2.0.27 I was asked whether 644  should be overrided I said
yes and it removed the files  Why ?? This is of no immediate risk
since I have several more kernels which I use but this is scary. Can
anayone explain this ??


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

where is slink ?

1998-06-12 Thread G. Kapetanios

Hi all, 

I have been trying for a number of days now to find a site that contains
slink as I am looking for new packages such as apt to try them out 
but can't seem to find it. Any ideas ?? ( seems to have only


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Upgrade bo-> hamm, Problems !

1998-06-08 Thread G. Kapetanios

It looks there is some trouble with the gpm daemon. See if it is running
try killing it to see whether it makes any difference.

On Mon, 8 Jun 1998, Sindelfingen Office wrote:   ~

> Hi there.
> during the weekend i upgraded my system from 1.3.1-XYZ to hamm (using the 
> frozen- tree on ftp.debian) with the aid of the autoup script. 
> Surprisingly everything went fine with no bigger problems. But when i 
> tried to start the menuconfig programm to compile a new kernel it failed 
> with the error message below :
> Script started on Mon Jun  8 09:37:01 1998
> asterix# cd /usr/src/ln inux
> asterix# mkae   ake menuconfig
> rm -f include/asm
> ( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
> make -C scripts/lxdialog all
> make[1]: Entering directory 
> `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.33/scripts/lxdialog'
> gcc -O2 -Wall -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE  -DCURSES_LOC=""   
> -c lxdialog.c -o lxdialog.o
> In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
> dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
> make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory 
> `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.33/scripts/lxdialog'
> make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
> asterix# exit
> exit
> Script done on Mon Jun  8 09:37:19 1998
> An older message on this list stated that i need 
> ncurses3.0-altdev_1.9.9e-2.1.deb from the oldlibs section. Ok, i 
> installed it 
> but menuconfig is still failing. I saw that the curses.h header file is 
> under /usr/include/i486-libc1. How can i tell the system where to find 
> the old ncurses header files ?
> The other problem is that i cannot login with xdm any more. Neither as 
> root nor as a normal user.  I updated the following  x11 packages :
> xaw3dg_1.3-6.2.deb
> xext_3.3.2.1-1.deb
> xfnt100_3.3.2.1-1.deb
> xfnt75_3.3.2.1-1.deb
> xfntbase_3.3.2.1-1.deb
> xfntpex_3.3.2-4.deb
> xfntscl_3.3.2-4.deb
> xlib6g_3.3.2.1-1.deb
> xpm4g_3.4j-0.6.deb
> xserver-s3_3.3.2.1-1.deb
> xserver-vga16_3.3.2.1-1.deb
> xviewg_3.2p1.4-3.deb
> After the login the X server immediately shuts down and xdm comes up 
> again. Could it be that there's a problem with the 
> authentication procedure ?  I think i saw a program xauth running with 
> the parameters A:0 -a ..something  -  shoulnd't it be 0:0 ?
> Can anybody point me to some documents describing the procedure how the X 
> window server is started ? (especially with Debian)
> XFree86 Version 3.3.2 / X Window System
> (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
> Release Date: March 2 1998
>   If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
>   than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
>   problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
> Operating System: Linux 2.0.32 i686 [ELF] 
> Configured drivers:
>   S3: accelerated server for S3 graphics adaptors (Patchlevel 0)
>   newmmio, mmio_928, s3_generic
> (using VT number 7)
> XF86Config: /etc/X11/XF86Config
> (**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
> (**) XKB: keymap: "xfree86(de)" (overrides other XKB settings)
> (**) Mouse: type: MouseSystems, device: /dev/gpmdata, baudrate: 1200
> (**) Mouse: buttons: 3, 3 button emulation (timeout: 50ms)
> (**) S3: Graphics device ID: "Elsa 1000Trio 64/V+"
> (**) S3: Monitor ID: "Sony 15 Zoll Multiscan"
> .
> .
> .
> (--) S3: Mode "1800X1440" needs hsync freq of 104.52 kHz. Deleted.
> (**) FontPath set to 
> "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled,
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/,/usr/X11R
> 6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/freefont/"
> (--) S3: PCI: Trio32/64 rev 40, Linear FB @ 0xf400
> (--) S3: chipset:   Trio64V+ rev. 41
> (--) S3: chipset driver: newmmio
> (--) S3: card type: PCI
> (--) S3: videoram:  2048k
> WARNING: Did not detect a ramdac of type "s3_gendac" as specified!
> (**) S3: Ramdac type: s3gendac
> (--) S3: Ramdac speed: 110 MHz
> (**) S3: Using S3 Gendac/SDAC programmable clock (MCLK 4.990 MHz)
> (--) S3: Maximum allowed dot-clock: 110.000 MHz
> .
> .
> .
> (--) S3: Using a single 64x64 area at (1216,1025) for expanding pixmaps
> (--) S3: Using 8 planes of 1216x613 at (0,1025) aligned 8 as font cache
> System: `/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/xkbcomp -w 1 -R/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb 
> -xkm -m de -em1 "The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:" -emp 
> "> " -eml "Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server" 
> keymap/xfree86 compiled/xfree86.xkm'
>  Warning: /dev/gpmdata unable to get status of mouse fd (Invalid 
> argument)
> X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
> Any help is greatly appreciated. 
> Please send your response NOT to the original senders email address. Send 
> it to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" as i cannot use the Netscape email client at 
> the moment.
> bye, Stefan Frank
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Building Kernel for Sound

1998-06-06 Thread G. Kapetanios

Try the make-kpkg package.
Then make menuconfig
make-kpkg --revision (version nunber) buildpackage  in /usr/src/linux
and dpkg -i kernel-imagedeb
and you are done
It is much simpler than the standard procedure

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Printing

1998-05-18 Thread G. Kapetanios

Have you considered installing magicfilter ? 
My HP LJ 6L works fine with the lj4l filter from mgicfilter and the
following entry i /etc/printcap

lp|Generic dot-matrix printer entry

Hope this helps 

On Mon, 18 May 1998, John C. Ellingboe wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using Debian Linux 1.3.1 on a 486-DX40 (Cyrix).  The FTP Linux
> installation is about two weeks old.
> Originally I could print to lp using the generic printer in printcap,
> but got the classic stair step effect on my HP LaserJet 5L.  After
> editing my printcap file and adding the filter script per the
> printing-howto I no longer get any printed output.  
> I added the following line to printcap.
> :if=/var/spool/lpd/lp/filter:\
> and in /var/spool/lpd/lp I created the following perl script.
> #!/bin/perl
> while (){chop $_; print "$_\r\n";};
> The printer came alive, ejected a page without any printed text and the
> filter script indicated a problem in line 2 near "; print".  Execution
> of /var/spool/lpd/lp/filter aborted due to compilation errors.  I even
> removed the added line in printcap and still get a clean sheet of paper
> with no print.  What would have happened to printcap by adding a line
> and then deleting it?  
> Suggestions please.
> Also does any have a good printcap entry for the HP Laserjet 5L.
> John
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

trick in dpkg ; obsolete package

1998-05-13 Thread G. Kapetanios

Hi all, 
I have two questions to ask. One concerns the probelmatic missing package
elf-x11r6lib. the package gs-alladin version 4.03-7 depends on this (I
know there is a newer version but this is another story ) As the elf-.. 
package is nowhehre to be found I did the following. I edited the
/var/lib/dpkg/status file and included the following 

Package: elf-x11r6lib
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Version: 2.4-3

Since I knew from past mails that this dependence is a bug and should not
affect the installation of gs I thought it was a good idea. Is there any
risk involved ?? 

Second question: I have noticed that the  bdflush is obsolete abd should
be replaced wwith update Is there any risk in removing bdflush and
installing update with force if necessary ?? Somebody said that doing this
with base package mesed up his computer Any ideas ?? Any reason for doing
the upgrade to update ??


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ssh question

1998-05-10 Thread G. Kapetanios

Thanks for all the replys. The RSA keys method can be made not to ask for
anything if you put no passphrase, and that is my question. I can do what
I want without a passphrase. But is this safe ?? 
The man page of ssh-keygen says that if you put no passphrase YOU SHOULD
KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. This is the scary bit. The man page does not
bother to explain what the consequences of no passphrase are. Does anyone
know ??

On Sun, 10 May 1998, Norbert Veber wrote:

> > ssh CAN replace both rsh and rlogin,  To do things as you would with rsh,
> > you use 'ssh '.  The trick is that you must first put the public
> > keys for each system into either /etc/ssh or your .ssh directory (in the
> > files ssh_known_keys or known_keys respectively).  The easiest way to do
> > this is to slogin from one machine to the other, and then do the same from
> > the other machine back again - manually approving authentication each
> > time (by the way - slogin is just an alias for ssh).
> yes, but even then ssh asks for a password, I've tried every authentication
> method described in the ssh man page, but I couldn't get it to login without
> manual authentication (with rsa keys it asks for the passphrase).  The other
> thing I don't like about ssh is that it doesn't enforce the
> /etc/login.access /etc/limits or the comment field in /etc/passwd (which
> allows you to set the priority at which users processes run at)..  As I have
> no real need to have my sessions encrypted, I see no advantage to using ssh
> over telnet..

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ssh question

1998-05-10 Thread G. Kapetanios

Hi all, 

After some security incident on my network I decided to set up ssh.
I think I have figured most things of interest to me out. However, 
before I had rsh in ascript to start my mail program which is another host
through FvwmButtons. Now that I disabled rsh I tried to figure a way to do
the same with slogin. I figured the way but it involves setting 
authorisation keys without passphrases. How bad is this ? Am I loosing all
security ? Am I better off with rsh in this case ? And another related
wuestion: When I disabled rsh I simply chmoded the programs 700.
Now I can't use rsh as a simple user (although I can as root) even if I
set the permissions as they used to be. I get a message saying 
rcmd: socket: Permission denied
Obviously the programs to set sssh involve some secure sockets. Is there a
workaround or not for this  ??

Thanks for any comment 

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: StarOffice 4.0 *.deb

1998-05-02 Thread G. Kapetanios

After all the discussion I tried to install staroffice 4 as well. 
I have a slightly out-of-date hamm. I tried installing the net
installation all went ok. Then I tried installing it on my directory
as a user. The first thing to note is that there is a huge duplication of
files. The net installlation takes up about 110 Mb, the user about 88 Mb
obviously muh is common between the two. As I did not know that and did
not expect that I tried installing it on my home dir which has its own 500
Mb partition. As it took too much space I decided to delete all the stuff
in /home/gk205/Office40 and start again by symlinking the /home dir to
some other partition to avoid space problems. I deleteed everythinh and
tried user installation again . It did not let me saying it was already
installed. OK fair enought I delete everything from ./usre/local 
and reinstall the net installation from what I though was scratch. All is
ok but when I try the
user install it says it is already installed. 
I solved the problem by installing it as another user, copy all user files
to my home staroofice dir , uninstalll staroffice as a user throught
the installation program and reinstall. It was pretty convoluted. Anyway
it now works and loooks quite good. Much better that staroffice 3.1

On Sat, 2 May 1998, Randy Edwards wrote:

> > staroffice 4 on my hamm system just segv's (installed with its own
> > installer)
>After getting some replies on this thread, I went ahead and dove in too.  
> I'm
> running the latest hamm and extracted the tarball into /tmp.  I then read the
>, looked at the license, and said, "what the heck, I'll give it a 
> shot."
>I thought that /net thingie installation sounded neat, so I did a "./setup
> /net" as root.  Fine, it installed okay.  I then logged out and logged back 
> in as
> "redwards" (non-root).  I ran StarOffice and it segv'ed.  Hmm, I thought, 
> maybe
> it needs a setup for each user.  So still as redwards I ran
> /usr/local/Office4/bin/setup (which is where I put it) and voila!, it runs 
> fine.
> Give it a try...
> --
>  Regards,|Debian GNU/__ o
>  .   |  / /__  _  _  _  _ __  __
>  Randy   | / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
>  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) |// /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
>  Teacher/Tech. Coord.|...because lockups are for convicts...
>  |What is or why Linux?  Click on the below:
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1998-05-02 Thread G. Kapetanios

Hi all,

Sorry for the stupid quiestion but where is the debian package for
staroffice ? I can't seem to find it in my nirror.


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1998-03-21 Thread G. Kapetanios

Dear All,

I would like to change my window manager because I am a bit bored with
fvwm2. I have chaecked enlightenment and liked what I saw. Has anayone had
experience with installing it? It seems to require alot of libraries which
exists as rpm packages but I can't install them using alien. I haven;t
used alien before so I don't know if I am to blame or alien cannot handle
those rpm files. Could someone briefly descrie how they installed
enlightenment on their debian system. I though of using theosurce files
and compiling everything but am a bit worried of messing up my system by
installing libraries which already exist and am not very sure as to where
things shoul;d go Any help would be appreciated.


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

tetex question

1998-03-16 Thread G. Kapetanios

Hi all,

My question is more tex oriented but involves knowledge of tetex. Tha is
why I am asking the list. The book documentclass creates page headers with
the title of the chapter. However, if the title is long the whole thing is
meesed up. Is there a way to change that and either hjave no page headers
or use title abbreveations ? Do I need to play around with the style files
or some other sort of files ? Where would those files be in the tetex
distribution of debian ? Any ideas would be appreciated.

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

E-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

possible network attack question

1998-03-10 Thread G. Kapetanios


In the last few weeks I have been receiving the following message in
syslog with increasing frequency

Mar 10 22:19:46 garfield kernel: eth0: Oversized Ethernet frame spanned
multiple  buffers, status 7fffceff! 

I have been told that this is "normal" and should not worry me. However,
as the frequency has increased dramatically, I was wondering aboutwhat it
actually is and secondly whether it could be some sort of attack from the
net. I have the iplogger package and it reports nothing suspicious. Could
it be something that iplogger is not designed to notice ? Any help would
be appreacited as this is really buffling me 

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

E-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ethernet question

1998-01-22 Thread G. Kapetanios

Hi all,

For about 12 hours I get through syslog every couple of minutes messages
messages such as Oversized Ethernet frame spanned multiple buffers status
... . Now I have gotten this message before but only a couple of time and
then it stopped. I asked the list about it and was told that it is
beacause of high network load and nothing to do with hardware. However I
now get it not only in tty8 where syslog messages appear but in my working
console . As a matter of fact while I write this message through telenet
to my mail sever I get the messages on my screen, I can't delete them and
can't really see what I am writing as the messages get jumbled up with the
text . Is this normal ? 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It does not happen in xterms (that is something at least ) 


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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Moving from ethernet to a modem

1998-01-18 Thread G. Kapetanios

Hi all,

I have friend whom I have persuaded to use Debian instead of Win95 :-)
He wants to \have an internet connection   from his home. As his situation
is of interest to me since my studying days will soon be over and I will
ghave to move from ethernet to modem as well I have the following
question. Will setting up PPP be straightforward or tricky for a novice
like him (I will be helping but I am a novice in PPP as well ) ? What
is the best setup in temrs of the internet providers i.e. what is
1) simple email, 2)just telneting to an internet provider's host machine
3) a whole IP address (like I have now) 4) some other setup ). More
specifically is it
possible (and not extremely expensive ) to be connected all the time and
have his own ip address ? I guess that all the questions apart from the
first one will be more relevant to UK users.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.  

George Kapetanios
Ph.D. student
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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upgrade to development kernel

1998-01-10 Thread G. Kapetanios


Today for the first time I tried to compile a devwelopment kernel.
Using the kernel package everything went ok during compilation. I
installed the kernel at /boot as usual run lilo and did everything I
uisually do for a kernel upgrade. However when I rebooted 
and chose my new kenel it said something about kernel 2.1.78 as usual and
then rebooted immediately as it started loading the kernel. Anybody has
any ideas ???

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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Re: 'math error' on irq 13?

1998-01-07 Thread G. Kapetanios

I think it is supposed to be like that. It is like that on my system and I
think this has been asked before and it was mentioned in the list that 
for some reason it appears so in /proc/interrupts


On Wed, 7 Jan 1998, Britton wrote:

> While trying (and failing) to get my no-name (well KTI networks)
> PnP PCI Ethernet card to work, I noticed this:
> $ cat interrupts
>  0:   87414006   timer
>  1: 799266   keyboard
>  2:  0   cascade
>  3:6901359 + serial
>  4: 462426 + serial
>  5:  16194   sound blaster
>  8:  0 + rtc
> 13:  1   math error
> 14: 340701 + ide0
> Things don't look right on IRQ 13.  Anyone know what would tend to cause
> this type of error?
> Incidently here are my PCI devices:
> $ cat pci
> PCI devices found:
>   Bus  0, device  12, function  0:
> VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. Vision 968 (rev 0).
>   Medium devsel.  IRQ 11.  
>   Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xf800.
>   Bus  0, device  11, function  0:
> Ethernet controller: Unknown vendor Unknown device (rev 0).
>   Vendor id=8e2e. Device id=3000.
>   Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  
>   I/O at 0xe000.
>   Bus  0, device   7, function  1:
> IDE interface: Intel 82371SB Natoma/Triton II PIIX3 (rev 0).
>   Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  Master Capable.
> Latency=32.  
>   I/O at 0xe800.
>   Bus  0, device   7, function  0:
> ISA bridge: Intel 82371SB Natoma/Triton II PIIX3 (rev 1).
>   Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  Master Capable.  No
> bursts.  
>   Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
> Host bridge: Intel 82439HX Triton II (rev 3).
>   Medium devsel.  Master Capable.  Latency=32. 
> I know the Ethernet card has been reported as being on IRQ 12 in the
> listing before, so I assume it is one of those cards which requires
> 'reset-key' rebooting from Win95 in order to be recognized.  Anyway, and
> ideas on this interupt problem or the network would be greatly
> appreciated.
> --
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George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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1997-12-06 Thread G. Kapetanios


How does one move to the libc6 e2fsprogs without using force in dpkg ? I
tried installing commer2g and dpkg tried removing e2fsprogs. How does go
about upgrading ?

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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kernel warning

1997-12-04 Thread G. Kapetanios


I got a new message from my kernel today:

Dec  4 13:22:07 garfield kernel: Warning: dev (03:01) tty->count(1) !=
#fd's(2) in do_tty_hangup 

anybody knows what this is ?

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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Re: undeletable file

1997-12-03 Thread G. Kapetanios
I had an examople of such behaviour a while back. It occured for some
files in a  mounted dos filesystem. If it is not a ext2 filesystem could
you be mounting it read only ? (come to think of it maybe it is ext2 and
mounted read only as well ) Just a thought 

On Wed, 3 Dec 1997, Ken Lauffenburger wrote:

> Hello,
> I remember seeing something about this on the list awhile back,
> but I haven't been able to find it in the archives.
> I have a file that has somehow been commandeered by an undefined
> group, and I can't seem to remove, move, or change its ownership:
> leisure# ls -l fstobdf
> -rwxr-xr-x   1 root 65535   29640 Oct 17 23:58 fstobdf
> rm: remove `fstobdf', overriding mode 0755? y
> rm: fstobdf: Operation not permitted
> leisure# chown root.root fstobdf
> chown: fstobdf: Operation not permitted
> leisure# rm fstobdf
> leisure# mv fstobdf fstobdf.1
> mv: cannot move `fstobdf' to `fstobdf.1': Operation not permitted
> I have no idea how the file's ownership got this way, or how to
> remove it.  I haven't tried going to single-user mode yet; I'm on
> a remote connection to this box.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks.
> --ken
>   __
>   Ken Lauffenburger  / /__  __
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] / /  D e b i a n  G N U \ \/ /
>/ / __     __  __ \  /
>   / / / / / _  \ / / / / /  \
>   ...Look out Bill,  / /___  / / / / ) // (_/ / / /\ \
>  here comes...  (__)(_/ (_/ (_/ \/ (_/  \_)
> --
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George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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libc5 to libc6

1997-12-03 Thread G. Kapetanios


A friend wants to upadate from libc5 to 6 . I have done that some time ago
and can't rember the exact order . Can somebody let me know of the http
address for libc5 tp libc6 HOWTO ?


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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processes after exit from X

1997-12-03 Thread G. Kapetanios


A while back I send an email to the effect that X processes survive X and
eat up huge amount sof CPU time. IN my case it is the FVWMbuttons. Other
people said that happened on their compuiters too. I am using 3.3.1-1 and
haven't moved to 3.3.1-2 yet but I was wondering if there is a script 
which get executed at the very end of the X session where I might be able
to put a line which will kill the problematic x processes.


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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magifilter problems

1997-12-02 Thread G. Kapetanios

I have a pretty strage problem with my new printer. 
I have a HP 6L with the latest version of magicfilter from hamm When I try
to print anything but text and pcl files nothing happens. I have gs-alldin
installed. If however, I process ps files with the same exact options as
in the filter I am using and print with lp the output file it works. 

lp , nothing happens 
but if I run the following sscript I wrote then success
while [ "$2" ]
  if [ "$1" = ps ]
gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r600 -sDEVICE=ljet4 -sOutputFile=/tmp/tmp.pcl
lp /tmp/tmp.pcl
rm /tmp/tmp.pcl
echo "$2 printed"

the relevant part of the filter is 
# PostScript
0   %!  filter  /usr/bin/gs  -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r300
=ljet4 -sOutputFile=- - 
0   \004%!  filter  /usr/bin/gs  -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r300
=ljet4 -sOutputFile=- - 

Anybody has any clue. Of course I can keep working like that but a) can't
print through application b) it is not very elegant since after the gs
works I get a GS> prompt and have to type quit to continue with the lp

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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HP printer and printcap (cont.)

1997-12-01 Thread G. Kapetanios
Thanks very much for your help. I am using  magicfilter and from what I
heard in the list, people think it might be slightly better, it has worked
for my bubblejet anyway. In the last few minutes I managed to print dvi
files by using the dvihp command. However the most important thing for me
is to print ps files. Does anyone know of a utility that turns ps files to
pcl ?? It seems likely that the ljet4l-filter that comes with magicfilter
is not dealing very well with any file type apart from test files for
which it removes the staircase effect and now pcl files. 


On Mon, 1 Dec 1997, Pancho Horrillo wrote:

> Hi!
> I have a HP550C working under debian, just using apsfilter / lpr
> It's easy to configure, it asks everything necessary.
> note: apsfilter doesn't work with LPRng, there is a package named
> magicfilter for it, but i haven't tried it.
> here is my printcap:
> ## /etc/printcap: printer capability database. See printcap(5).
> ## You can use the filter entries df, tf, cf, gf etc. for
> ## your own filters. See /etc/, /etc/filter.pcl and
> ## the printcap(5) manual page for further details.
> #
> #lp|Generic dot-matrix printer entry:\
> #:lp=/dev/lp1:\
> #:sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp:\
> #:df=/etc/\
> #:tf=/etc/filter.pcl:\
> #:af=/var/log/lp-acct:\
> #:lf=/var/log/lp-errs:\
> #:pl#66:\
> #:pw#80:\
> #:pc#150:\
> #:mx#0:\
> #:sh:
> #
> ## rlp|Remote printer entry:\
> ## :lp=:\
> ## :rm=remotehost:\
> ## :rp=remoteprinter:\
> ## :sd=/var/spool/lpd/remote:\
> ## :mx#0:\
> ## :sh:
> # LABEL apsfilter
> # apsfilter setup Sun Nov  9 13:52:17 CET 1997
> #
> # APS_BASEDIR:/usr/lib/apsfilter
> #
> #
> ascii|lp1|ljet4-a4-ascii-mono|ljet4 ascii mono:\
>   :lp=/dev/lp1:\
>   :sd=/var/spool/lpd/ljet4-a4-ascii-mono:\
>   :lf=/var/spool/lpd/ljet4-a4-ascii-mono/log:\
>   :af=/var/spool/lpd/ljet4-a4-ascii-mono/acct:\
>   :if=/usr/lib/apsfilter/filter/aps-ljet4-a4-ascii-mono:\
>   :mx#0:\
>   :sh:
> #
> lp|lp2|ljet4-a4-auto-mono|ljet4 auto mono:\
>   :lp=/dev/lp1:\
>   :sd=/var/spool/lpd/ljet4-a4-auto-mono:\
>   :lf=/var/spool/lpd/ljet4-a4-auto-mono/log:\
>   :af=/var/spool/lpd/ljet4-a4-auto-mono/acct:\
>   :if=/usr/lib/apsfilter/filter/aps-ljet4-a4-auto-mono:\
>   :mx#0:\
>   :sh:
> #
> raw|lp3|ljet4-a4-raw|ljet4 auto raw:\
>   :lp=/dev/lp1:\
>   :sd=/var/spool/lpd/ljet4-raw:\
>   :lf=/var/spool/lpd/ljet4-raw/log:\
>   :af=/var/spool/lpd/ljet4-raw/acct:\
>   :if=/usr/lib/apsfilter/filter/aps-ljet4-a4-raw:\
>   :mx#0:\
>   :sh:
> Ok. Good Luck!
> note: you need ghostcript also
> --
> Pancho Horrillo

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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HP printer and printcap

1997-12-01 Thread G. Kapetanios


I have just installed a new HP 6L printer. It works fine under Windows. It
works under DEbian but only reacts when text files are sent to it. When ps
or dvi files are sent it does nothing. I am using the ljet4l-filter but
otherwise changed nothing in my printcap which worked fine with a bubble
jet printer. Can someone please describe their setup with this or a
similar printer. I would like to have a printcap file  example if
possibke. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am really desperate
here because I have deadlines by tomorrow and can't print Please help !

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

taper question

1997-11-30 Thread G. Kapetanios

Hi all,

I have managed to install my tape drive ( Seagate travan 3200 on a floppy
controller ) and to have it work under Debian . I even managed to figure
out how to make the modules detect the new floppy controller ( not easy in
my case :-) ) . As far as I can see only taper exists for user friemdly
backup setup ( I need something user friendly at first ) . Is there
anything else ? Is taper stable and trustworthy ( always relatively ) ? 
Is there a way to use taper to have backups through cron ( incremental
as well as total)  ? Is there
another more straightforward way to pick directories, put them on tape and
then pick them out from the tape ? I guess tar could do that but is there
some documentation ? Taper can't start a backup child process when a user
is using it , only root manages that. However the user belongs to the
group disk which has the same permissions as the root for all the
/dev/*ft* devices and the taper program. What is problem ? Do i need to
give the user of the group permissions for some other files ? I know these
are alot  of questions but if somebody could sort of answer any of them it
would be really helpful. Thanks in advance and sorry for the bother.


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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tape driver configuration

1997-11-24 Thread G. Kapetanios


I have just installed a new tape driver ( seagate travan 3200 ). I have
tried it u der windows and it works ok. I am trying to make it work under
Linux. I have installed ftape-2.0.30 and am using a 2.0.30 kernel. When
ftape was installed it complain that the modules were unresolved symbols.
I thought I should recomplile with modversion switched off but I gave it a
try with modprobe and the modules seemed to load OK. Then I tried
garfield:~# ftmt -f /dev/qft0 status
as mentioned in the manual but got 
ftmt: /dev/qft0: Device not configured
after the floppy disk was accesed brielfy the tape driver was not accessed
at all. What am I doing wrong ?. A quick look at the documwentation
included mainly info on compiling. What about some debian specific info ?
Any help will be appreciated.

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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tape driver configuration(cont)

1997-11-24 Thread G. Kapetanios

following my previous email. A note: all devices seem to be where and how
they should be,  permissions and all ...
George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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URGENT: strange floppy behaviour

1997-11-19 Thread G. Kapetanios


I tried to mount my floppy, the mount failed. I had to press  CTRL-C
a number of times to get apropmpt
and got the following messages in syslog

Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: floppy driver state 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: --- 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: now=35953273 last interrupt=35952973 last
ed handler=0017f04c 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: timeout_message=floppy start 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: last output bytes: 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel:  8 80 35952971 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield last message repeated 4 times
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel:  3 80 35952973 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: c1 90 35952973 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: 10 90 35952973 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel:  7 80 35952973 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel:  0 90 35952973 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel:  8 81 35952973 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: e6 80 35952973 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel:  0 90 35952973 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield last message repeated 2 times
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel:  1 90 35952973 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel:  2 90 35952973 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: 12 90 35952973 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: 1b 90 35952973 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: ff 90 35952973 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: last result at 35952973 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: last redo_fd_request at 35952973 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: 20  0  
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: status=10 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: fdc_busy=1 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: DEVICE_INTR=0017dfa8 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: fd_timer.function=0017df10 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: cont=001d51bc 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: CURRENT=001ead7c 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: command_status=-1 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel:  
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: floppy0: floppy timeout called 
Nov 19 14:26:34 garfield kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector
Nov 19 14:26:46 garfield kernel: VFS: Disk change detected on device 02:00 
Nov 19 14:26:53 garfield kernel: floppy0: probe failed... 
Nov 19 14:26:59 garfield last message repeated 15 times
Nov 19 14:26:59 garfield kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector
Nov 19 14:26:59 garfield kernel: VFS: Disk change detected on device 02:00 
Nov 19 14:27:06 garfield kernel: floppy0: probe failed... 
Nov 19 14:27:12 garfield last message repeated 15 times
Nov 19 14:27:12 garfield kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector
Nov 19 14:27:19 garfield kernel: floppy0: probe failed... 
Nov 19 14:27:25 garfield last message repeated 15 times
Nov 19 14:27:25 garfield kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector
Nov 19 14:27:25 garfield kernel: FAT bread failed 
Nov 19 14:27:27 garfield kernel: VFS: Disk change detected on device 02:00 
Nov 19 14:27:33 garfield kernel: floppy0: probe failed... 
Nov 19 14:27:39 garfield last message repeated 15 times
Nov 19 14:27:39 garfield kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector
Nov 19 14:27:39 garfield kernel: VFS: Disk change detected on device 02:00 
Nov 19 14:27:46 garfield kernel: floppy0: probe failed... 
Nov 19 14:27:52 garfield last message repeated 15 times
Nov 19 14:27:52 garfield kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector
Nov 19 14:27:59 garfield kernel: floppy0: probe failed... 
Nov 19 14:28:05 garfield last message repeated 15 times
Nov 19 14:28:05 garfield kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector
Nov 19 14:28:05 garfield kernel: FAT bread failed 
Nov 19 14:28:40 garfield kernel: VFS: Disk change detected on device 02:00 
Nov 19 14:28:48 garfield kernel: floppy0: probe failed... 
Nov 19 14:28:53 garfield last message repeated 15 times
Nov 19 14:28:53 garfield kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector
Nov 19 14:28:53 garfield kernel: VFS: Disk change detected on device 02:00 
Nov 19 14:29:00 garfield kernel: floppy0: probe failed... 

What is going on ? PLease help !!
It might help to note that I have installed a second HD between the last
time I used the flopy and now. However the floppy gets acessed  because
the light goes on...


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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suggestion for tape driver

1997-11-19 Thread G. Kapetanios


Thanks for all the help on the question of printer memory. I was thinking
at the same time of bying a tape driver fo backing up my system. 
Has anyone got any suggestion for a good tape driver which works with
Debian ? The system I will be backing up is about 2 Gig.  Any suggestions
will be appreciated. 


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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Memory and printing

1997-11-18 Thread G. Kapetanios


I am thinking of bying a laser printer but I have one question. I will be
printing some large documents with lots of graphics in them. The files
will have the postscript format. For example one file I recently printed
was 6.2 Mb. The cheapest laser printer is HP 6L with 1 Mb of memory. Does
this mean I will not be able to print  my files which are larger than 1
Mb? Or doesn't it matter as long as my computer memory is large enough ?
Any hint will be appreciated. 

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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autofs and ncpfs

1997-11-15 Thread G. Kapetanios


Anyone knows whether autofs can support novell filesystems ?

(I guess the answer is no but you never know :-) )


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: xdm/X not terminating processes on logout

1997-11-14 Thread G. Kapetanios
Almost exactly the same thing is happening to my machine. I n case
FVWMButtons does not terminate. It has starrted happening after I
upgradeed to 3.3.1-1

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Brian M. Rectanus wrote:

> > 
> > For some reason processes are not being terminated after a user logs out of 
> > an
> > X session (via xdm).
> > 
> > Example:
> >  User  logs in and starts up "vi someprogram", then user xxx kills the X
> > session (ie kills WM, thus killing session).  User xxx logs in again and 
> > 's
> > "vi someprogram" is STILL running and using (according to top) about 92% of 
> > CPU.
> > 
> > 
> > I noticed this after I logged out one night and when I logged in the next 
> > day
> > my load was about 4.7 withnothing special (except the vi session) running.
> > Any Ideas why xdm would not kill all of the users processes?  Or is it xdm 
> > that
> > is supposed to do it?
> > 
> > -Brian
> < ... snip ... >
> In addition to this, I found that the ONLY processes that are not killed, are
> text-based programes like vi or top.  The xterm that they were running in DOES
> get killed.
> -Brian
> -- 
> Brian Rectanus
> Kansas State University
> Computing and Informational Sciences
> Multimedia/Web Programmer
> --
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George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2.0.31 kernel

1997-11-13 Thread G. Kapetanios


I have just installed 2.0.31. I have heard from the list that it might be
unstable. However, the statistical package I use for my work seems to be
working noticeably faster with this kernel. Has anyone noticed any marked
performance improvement or am I mistaken ?


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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autofs and 2.0.31

1997-11-13 Thread G. Kapetanios


I have compiled a 2.0.31 kernel. One of the reasons for doing so was to
use autofs. However when I did make menuconfig I didn't see an option for
autofs support. I thought it was in the kernel anyway and instaled he
package. However the package does not find autofs support and won't start.
Does anyone use this package? If yes, how I go about activating autofs
support ?

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: need a hint to mount novell netware.

1997-11-13 Thread G. Kapetanios

I am running on a TCP/IP network, have a kernel configured with IPX, use
the package ncpfs and have no trouble accessing Novell networks.  So you
should be OK using the above.
  Good Luck

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Dirk Bonne wrote:

> Hello,
> At work we have a mixed environment: unix/windows/novel. The network
> runs on TCP/IP. From my debian box I can mount windows stuff with the
> aid of samba.
> Is there something simular for novel netware? I´m particulary confused
> because there is IPX support in the kernel, and there is a netware
> client package (with programs like ncpmount), but all seems to suppose
> an IPX network?? What do I need when the network is running TCP/IP?
> Any hint would be helpfull, because I do not know much about novell.
> Dirk Bonne
> --
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George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Panasonic KxP 6300

1997-11-12 Thread G. Kapetanios


I am thinking of bying a laser printer and the cheapest one I found is the
Panasonic KxP 6300. Is anyone using this printer with Debian ? Are there
any problems ? Is it any good ? 


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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X process takes over cpu

1997-11-09 Thread G. Kapetanios


Something strange has happened to my X sessions since upgrading to glibc6
stuf (3.3.1-1). Sometimes whan I finish the session an X process (
FvwmButtons ) remains active and uses about 50% of my cpu time. In order
to stop it I have to use kill -9. Has anyone else noticed that ? Might
this be a bug ?

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2.0.31 kernel source

1997-11-08 Thread G. Kapetanios

Does anyone know when the kernel-source-2.0.31 package will be ready ?
Or is it exactly the same as the tar.gz source files available from, say, in which case getting that would do the job ?


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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web question

1997-11-06 Thread G. Kapetanios


I must apologise for asking an irrelevant question but I can't get any
help from elewhere. Can anyone give me some references to documentation
discussing setting up password protected web pages (or even better 
a description of how do that :-) )?

 Sorry and thanks

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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Re: tty uses only bottom line of screen

1997-11-06 Thread G. Kapetanios

I had the same problem some time ago. It would happen when I used less. 
As time went by more and moreof my consoles would suffer that. It stopped 
on its own after upgrading to a new kernel (at the time I was using 2.0.0 
) and I guess I must have upgraded less at some point. 

I know this isn't much help but try upgrading relevant packges and see 
what happens.

On Thu, 6 Nov 1997, James Dietrich wrote:

> Several times I have had it happen that after running (and quitting) top
> on one of my virtual terminals, the terminal then uses only the bottom
> line of the screen.  Everything seems to work all right, because I can
> type commands and login and logout just fine except for the fact that all
> output is restricted to the bottom line.  When the terminal is in this
> state, top will run and use the entire screen, but it redraws in a strange
> way--quite a bit of flickering and blinking at the top of the screen
> during each redraw/update.
> FWIW, this only seems to happen after my computer has been up for a
> while--a day or two.  I am running Debian 1.3 and kernel 2.0.30.  And I
> have tried killing all the process on the offending tty, but the problem
> still persists.
> Anyone else seen this quirk?  Any ideas on how to fix it?  I would like to
> be able to fix it without rebooting ( it must be possible :-) )
> Thanks for your help.
> James
> --
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George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Ethernet frame spanned multiple buffers

1997-10-27 Thread G. Kapetanios


I have a question every so often I get messages of the following form

Oct 27 20:58:27 garfield kernel: eth0: Ethernet frame spanned multiple
tatus 7fffceff! 
Oct 27 20:58:27 garfield kernel: eth0: Ethernet frame spanned multiple
tatus 073a858e! 
Oct 27 20:58:27 garfield kernel: eth0: Ethernet frame spanned multiple
tatus 7fffceff! 
Oct 27 20:58:27 garfield kernel: eth0: Ethernet frame spanned multiple
tatus 0618858a! 

Anybody knows what this is all about ?? 


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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X problems

1997-10-24 Thread G. Kapetanios


I have tried to upgrade to the libc6 X. All was going alright apart from
some ldso warnigs when I upgraded xlib6, most of which went away when I
installed xlib6-altdev and installed xlib6g and xlib6g-dev. I upgraded 
all the other stuff and all seemed fine. Then I tried running X -query
localhost as I usually do. I got the xdm prompt and logged in, then 
I started getting some of the fvwm2 stuff I have but then X stopped 
and I got back to the xdm prompt. I saw no other way but to downgrade to
3.3.4 Anybody has any idea as to what happened ? 

Additionally, I now get an xdm window whenever I boot up despite having
the no-xdm-start-server in /etc/X11/config.

As it has been a long time since I played around with X I don't remember
what to do.
Any help would be appreciated


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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X upgrade

1997-10-22 Thread G. Kapetanios


>From my mirror I see that the setup for X has changed considerably. I am
wondering what is the correct procedure to upgrade. I have X 3.3-4 
Here is what i think i should do.

First upgrade xlib6 to 3.3.1-1, then remove xlib6-dev and everything that
depnds on it and install xlib6-altdev, then install xlib6g and xlib6g-dev
and then install all the xfnt and the rest of 3.3.1-1

Is this the right way ? Will I have any trouble ? Having a working X on my
machine is critical for me.



George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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administration tool for command logging

1997-10-17 Thread G. Kapetanios


I was wondering whether there is a system administration tool 
which permits the monitoring of specified commands, file access attempts,
by users. 

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Wordperfect files in linux

1997-10-12 Thread G. Kapetanios


And thanks to everybody who answered my question. To summarise,
unless I am prepared to pay some money ( and I am not :-) ) there is no
straightforward solution. The only thing available is wp2latex which is
not in a Debian package. I 'll probably give it a try.

As far as MS-Word is concerned, Staroffice does a decent job for me. Pity
it only accepts Word documents from the widely available comercial
  Thanks to all

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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Wordperfect files in linux

1997-10-10 Thread G. Kapetanios


Does anyone know of a  program that will read WP files in linux ??


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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question on free

1997-10-09 Thread G. Kapetanios


Whenever the memory usage on my machine goes up and I use free I get the

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 63252  57316   5936  31364   9492
-/+ buffers:478244190748
Swap:   130748  0 130748  31016

Obviously this is wrong. Is this a bug or what ?


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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user cron question

1997-10-07 Thread G. Kapetanios


I have cron installed and it works fine. However, I need to run a backup
script as a user since I mount a novell network acount with the same
username and save my data. So I tried to set up a cron job as a user. 
I created a file called allow in /var/spool/cron which contained 
only my username. I edited my crontab file using the command crontab -e
and I restarted the cron daemon just in case , but the thing didn't work.

I am wondering what I might hve done wrong 

Any help will be appreciated 


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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.fvwm2rc question

1997-10-06 Thread G. Kapetanios


I have a pretty minor question which however is bothering me. I am asking
fvwm2 through a menu definition in .fvwmrc to kill a process with the
Exec"Stop It"   exec kill -9 $(ps aux | grep xlock | grep
-v grep | awk '{print $2}')

This works in the shell but not from the menu. Any ideas why ?


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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X 3.3-6

1997-10-03 Thread G. Kapetanios


I am considering moving from X 3.3-3 which I currently have to X 3.3-6 .
However in the last few  weeks a number of messages point that there are a
number of problems with this upgrade associated also with xlib6g. Can
somebody briefly summarise what
these are and how to upgrade safely ?

  Thanks very much

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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Pascal question

1997-10-01 Thread G. Kapetanios


I have installed the pascal package and downgraded my gcc to
for compatibility reasons. In the beginning I got some errors concerning
files the package could find By linking then I got through that stage 
.Now I am getting the following errors

garfield:/usr/home/guest$ gpc program~pdp~.txt 
ld:program~pdp~.txt: file format not recognized; treating as linker script
ld:program~pdp~.txt:1: parse error

Running the strace command gives

access("/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/", R_OK) = 0
access("/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/", X_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
access("/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/ld", X_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file
or directory)
access("/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux/", X_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such
file or directory)
access("/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux/ld", X_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
access("/usr/i486-linux/bin/i486-linux/", X_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
access("/usr/i486-linux/bin/ld", X_OK)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
fork()  = 1160
wait4(-1, ld:program~pdp~.txt: file format not recognized; treating as
linker script
ld:program~pdp~.txt:1: parse error
[WIFEXITED(s) && WEXITSTATUS(s) == 1], 0, NULL) = 1160
--- SIGCHLD (Child exited) ---
_exit(1)= ?

It is looking for the command ld in /usr/lib/gcc... and can't find

Can anyone tell me what is going on ?
The program is not my own but the person who gave it to me told me it had
no bugs.

   Any help will be appreciated 

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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pascal (cont)

1997-10-01 Thread G. Kapetanios


Thanks to all who replied to my question. 

I have juct installed gpc on my system . However, it requires gcc << So I downgraded gcc to I was wondering whether it would be
possible to have the newest gcc ( ) together with gpc . Does
anyone know if this is possible or when the newest version of gpc will be

Thanks very much 

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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1997-10-01 Thread G. Kapetanios


Could someone tell me which debian package provides  pascal support ?

   Thanks very much

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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quota bug ?

1997-09-19 Thread G. Kapetanios


I have just installed  the quota utility on my system. 
I did everything by the book but when I would run quota as a user it would
say Disk quotas for ... : None . I checked and rechecked everything but it
didn't help. I  run  quotacehk
about 2 times and also /etc/init.d/quota start . Then I rebooted and it
worked fine. I thought that /etc/fstab can be read immediatelly after it
is written and no deamon needs to be restarted . I guess I am wrong.

Any ideas ?

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Mail command

1997-09-18 Thread G. Kapetanios


As I am on a university network I have no right to send mail on my
machine. So I haven't installed any mail software until now. However, I
have set up my web page with stuff for downloading and a form. I would
like to have the cgi script to send an internal mail to a user on my
machine , no mail messages will be leaving the machine. Thw script
requires the binary /usr/bin/mail , the standard mail program, or
equivalent,  which I
haven't been able to find. I have installed smail with no network and
pine. It works fine but if I can't get some form of non-interative mail
program I can't get the cgi script to work.

Anybody can tell me of the equivalent of /usr/bin/mail for Debian ??


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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permission on dos filesystem

1997-09-16 Thread G. Kapetanios

I have been using my dos partition as a store for data files I don't use
very often. Creating the files as a normal user, these files and the
directories belonged to my username. Today I just found out that the
ownerships had changed to root. I tried changing them back as root 
using chown and chgrp only to find out i could not do that.
It kept saying Permission denied. When i tried changing the group from
root to adm it said that I as root was not member of the group.
What is going on ???
Any help would be appreciated.

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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Re: Security issues for nfs mount

1997-09-12 Thread G. Kapetanios


Although I am not familiar at all with the inner workings of nfs 
the description below indicates a risk that an unauthorised client may
read files on the specific directory which is being exported by nfs read
only. However my worry is not whether somebody else will read the files 
which in my cased is only a piece of software. My worry is whether anybody
can write to the directory being exported or any other directory of my
computer , given that the stuff on the exported directory are
mathematical software unrelated with the workings of the operating system
. I would be grateful if someone could clarify this point 


On Fri, 12 Sep 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  I could resist to your request, Jim, and appear before you with further 
>  clarifications, for you are an active contributor in the Debian project
>  and we are quite fortunate to have you here among us; moreover, there in 
>  an ancient saying, that "hard is the knowledge of the good."  And the
>  knowledge of nfs is a great part of knowledge. If I had not been busy, I
>  might have reviewed all the relevant rcf's, which is a complete education 
>  in nfs mechanics and then I should have been at once able to answer your
>  question about the IO mechanics. But, indeed, I have only a limited time,
>  and therefore, I do not know the truth about such matters; I will, however, 
>  gladly assist you in the investigation of them. We say that an nfs server
>  running nfs-ver_1, or nfs-ver_2, can be tricked to perform unauthorized IO.
>  But, there is a good deal of difficulty in describing this sort of knowledge
>  in a public list, therefore we better investigate the description of it,
>  instead on the specific steps that we are now supposing.
>  Lets reflect on the nature of the io request.
>  The file handle is a simple structure of 32 bytes for version 2 (although
>  this was increased with version 3 to 64 bytes) and is created by the
>  server, who passes it back to the client, and then the client uses the 
>  file handle to access the file. All the server does does is validate the
>  file handle (the ticket) when the io request is made. Supply the right 
>  handle and you are in. 
>  Guessing the fields of the structure is not extremely difficult. Most
>  of the information is already known: major and minor device numbers,
>  i-node number, etc. Everything is known except the i-node
>  generation number whose purpose is to provide security and is chosen 
>  when the open request is made. The generation number is implementation
>  dependent; it may, even, be a sequential(!) number, but allow, for the 
>  sake of this discussion, this to be a truly random number. My distinct 
>  recollection from the relevant rfc [1] is that the width of this number
>  is small, either 16 or 32 bits, we could, of course, if we must, go back
>  to the specification and verify the truth of this, yet this weakness of
>  (traditional) nfs is so well known and is as old as I dare remember. It will
>  not take a giant to place many requests until one succeeds, and it does 
>  not prevent an 12-year old to run an exploit that was written very many
>  years ago. 
> [1] The "opaque" structure, the file handle definition, is a simple
> typedef in rfc1094 . The actual details should then be in the XDR
> rfc1014 , I must assume, for I do not have it here locally to examine.
> > >   The traditional unix nfs filesystem is _insecure_ : the
> > >  i-node generation number, which is part of the file handles, is easy
> > >  to guess. 
> > 
> > I'm curious.  How would an attack on nfs using this method proceed?
> -- 
> Ioannis Tambouras 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], West Palm Beach, Florida
> Signed pgp-key on key server. 
> --
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George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: X boot not automatic SOLVED--

1997-09-12 Thread G. Kapetanios

Maybe I am wrong but doesn't the automatic start of X or not depend on
/etc/X11/config ? So if you have no-xdm-start-server in /etc/X11/config, 
even runing the xdm daemon would not start X automatically ?


On Fri, 12 Sep 1997, Victor Torrico wrote:

>-- Wildflower Hill, Head Waters, Virginia --   
> On 97/09/12 at 05:22 AM -0400, Victor Torrico wrote: 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Installed X from debian 1.31 CD.
> > 
> > Upon boot the screen comes up with the console login prompt.  After I log
> > in the console and do a "/etc/init.d/xdm start" the X login window comes 
> > up and X works fine after logging in.
> > 
> > What must be done to get X to come up automatically instead of stopping at
> > the console login prompt?
> The /etc/rc2.d/S99xdm symlink was missing.  Made symlink in the /etc/rc2.d
> directory of "ln -s /etc/init.d/xdm S99xdm" and all was well.
> Regards, 
> -- 
> Victor Torrico
>-- Wildflower Hill, Head Waters, Virginia --
> --
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George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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Security issues for nfs mount

1997-09-11 Thread G. Kapetanios


I was wondering whether there is anything to worry about if I let 
another machine nfs mount, read only, root-squash, one directory on my
machine. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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xlib6g package

1997-08-30 Thread G. Kapetanios

Hi all,

I tried updating to libc6-dev and in the efort I had to reinstall tk42-dev 
However this now depends on tk4.2 which in turn depends on xlib6g 
But I can't find xlib6g anywhere. Can somebody help ?


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Question on libc5 5.4.33-5

1997-07-24 Thread G. Kapetanios


I am trynig to upgrade my libc5 to 5.4.33-5 from unstable 
When  I do dpkg it tries to replace libc5-dev with libc5-altdev . However
stuff dependes on libc5-dev and dpkg doesn't know that libc5-altdev
contains the same stuff as libc5-dev . So it crushes I tried to remove
anything that dependes on libc5-dev before changing to libc5-altdev but
but I get an unspecifief post-installation error when I try to replace
libc5-5.23 with libc5-33.3-5

Any help would be appreciated 

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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question on emacs and xterm under XFree 3.3-3

1997-07-14 Thread G. Kapetanios

I have just upgraded to XFree 3.3-3 . All went smoothly but I have two
Firstly when I start emacs I get the following warning

Warning: Cannot convert string "%s" to type %s

Can anyone tell me what this is ?

Secondly I used to have xterm-color as my default xterm Now I get the
standard xterm. How can I get xterm color back?

  Thanks for any help

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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Printer question

1997-07-05 Thread G. Kapetanios


I have an old bubble jet BJ-10SX cannon printer. 
I have just set up lprng and magicfilter. I can print but only text . 
I am not very sure as to how to incorporate the filter in /etc/printcap
I have triad the if statement and it didn't work.
( :if=\usr\sbin\magicfilter:\ ) I would be grateful if
someone could send me their printcap file to see how it is done. Also I
would like o know the
appropriate name e.t.c. for my printer. Any help will be much appreciated 

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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Quick question on /etc/modules

1997-06-25 Thread G. Kapetanios


I accidentally  sent a job to the print queue while the lpd daemon was
running . I have no printer and no printer support in my kernel . Now I
get  a message from modprobe about the module char-major-6 not being
found. This fills up my log files. I probably have to stop kerneld and put
a line in /etc/modules ( I have seen that on the list sometime ).
Unfortunatyely I dont know the syntax ( something about alias module ) and
can't find the relevant docs. 
Can anyone help ?? Thanks very much

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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1997-06-09 Thread G. Kapetanios

Sorry for the e-mail which is not strictly on a debain matter,

I am looking for the non-commercial version of staroffice. The
stardivision www page says that it is available from 
However I can't get through. I also checked sunsite and couldn't get it. 
Anybody know a mirror that has it for Linux ?


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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