Re: dosemu and OpenDOS

1997-05-19 Thread Gleb Arshinov
> "John" == jghasler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

John> I just downloaded OpenDOS.  Ironically, it comes in a
John> self-extracting archive which requires MSDOS.  No problem,

Alternately, (if you haven't done so already) you may try unzipping
the archive, since you can unzip self extracting zip archives without
running them.  If the archive is not zip base, of course this will not


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Re: "pg" command for linux?

1997-05-02 Thread Gleb Arshinov
> "Harmon" == Harmon Sequoya Nine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Harmon> Something of note -- it's odd that "less" doesn't allow
Harmon> you to use control-C to abort it, nor does it allow you to
Harmon> use ENTER or SPACE to get out of it when you're at the end
Harmon> of the file.  This was driving my students crazy since
Harmon> they are in the pg-rut -- I had to keep reminding them to
Harmon> use "q".

Using command-line switch -e or -E or appropriate environment variable
should do what you want.  Check out the manpage for less.


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Re: SB16 with waveblaster daughterboard. What setup ?

1997-03-18 Thread Gleb Arshinov
> "Martin" == Martin Bialasinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Martin> Hi, before I spend my time recompiling the kernel severel
Martin> times:

Martin> Does anyone have a SB16 with a wavetable daughterboard up
Martin> and working ?

Yes, Yamaha's DB50XG here.

Martin> Which driver should I use when compiling the kernel ?
Martin> Some other setup to care about ?

Here is my config:
glebland:~>cat /dev/sndstat
Sound Driver:3.5.4-960630 (Tue Sep 10 18:00:47 PDT 1996 root,
Linux glebland 2.0.18 #1 Mon Sep 9 17:59:38 PDT 1996 i686)
Kernel: Linux glebland 2.0.18 #1 Tue Sep 10 18:01:55 PDT 1996 i686
Config options: 0

Installed drivers: 
Type 1: OPL-2/OPL-3 FM
Type 2: Sound Blaster
Type 7: SB MPU-401

Card config: 
Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 5 drq 1,5
SB MPU-401 at 0x330 irq 5 drq 0
OPL-2/OPL-3 FM at 0x388 drq 0

Audio devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16 (4.13)

Synth devices:
0: Yamaha OPL-3

Midi devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16

0: System clock

0: Sound Blaster

So, basically, the only thing involved in setting this up is
specifying proper parameters for SB MPU-401 during kernel compilation.


NT and Microsoft can go to hell!

1997-02-25 Thread Gleb Arshinov
> "Robert" == Robert Nicholson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Robert> Well I guess I was expecting a little too much of NT when
Robert> I just tried to shift partitions around.

Ahh, the beauties of NT Disk Administrator :-) Which version of NT are
you using, 3.51? It had this bug for disks with more than 2 logical
partitions.  I am really curious if M$ left it in there for 4.0 (I am
too afraid to try it out myself).  For full description of the problem
and solution check out:


PS I coulnd't even use fdisk from Linux/OS/2/Dos after I had this
problem. Norton Disk Doctor was reporting physically damaged disk.  I
had to fiddle with Norton Disk Editor to even get fdisk to work.
Gotta love NT

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Re: Filesystemsize

1997-02-25 Thread Gleb Arshinov
> "Paul" == Paul Rightley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Paul> That says 'file' not 'filesystem.'  Last I remember, no file
Paul> could be over 2GB, but filesystems up to 4TB are possible.

I remember reading an article calculating these limits, and the
filesystem limit was a bit lower, between 2 and 3TB's I think.  Deja
News may be able to uncover this post (it was in one of
c.o.l. newsgroups).


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RC5 challenge proposal

1997-02-24 Thread Gleb Arshinov
IMO, it would be good publicity to promise 1/3 of potential prize to
Linux International, 1/3 to FSF, 1/3 to keep for debian, and keep
running with [EMAIL PROTECTED] identity.


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Re: noteboot install

1996-12-13 Thread Gleb Arshinov
> "Philippe" == Philippe Troin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> still compiling after *7 hours*! And... it died with

Philippe> How much memory do hou have ?  7 hours seems quite long,
Philippe> even without cache...

You'd be surprised what turning off cache can do to your computer.
For instance my PPro200 took 10minutes to boot when I turned off cache
(and I didn't even get to see X start up properly, since I managed to
switch over to the console to shut the beast down).  I have a feeling
that turning cache off hurts performance significantly more than not
having it in the first place, not sure why.  On the other had, PPro
on-chip cache might be a whole different beast than a "normal" L2


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xinitrc, X11, and cpp/GLUT

1996-11-02 Thread Gleb Arshinov
> "Fulko" == Fulko van Westrenen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Fulko> On all
Fulko> Unix/Linux systems I worked on there was a dos-unix
Fulko> conversion program (todos/fromdos, dos2unix,...) I haven't
Fulko> been able to find it in Debian. Is this correct?

Check out cr:

glebland:~>cr -h

CR useage: CR option in_file_name out_file_name

where 'option' is + to add CR and - to remove CR.
and 'in_file_name' is the file name of the file to read.
and 'out_file_name' is the file name of the modified file to create.

the output file will have carriage returns either added or removed
from the line feeds at the end of lines.

Dos files have carriage return, *nix ones don't.


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