Re: how to use the X chooser?

1997-07-01 Thread J . R . Blaakmeer
On Mon, 30 Jun 1997 15:41:22 -0400 , Joey Hess wrote:
> I'm trying to set up a machine as an xterm, so I want it to run the chooser
> on bootup and then xdm... the Xaccess file seems to indicate that if you
> make it contain just this line, it'll work:
> But if I make that change, xdm still just comes up and I don't see the
> chooser. What do I need to do to get the chooser to come up?

Do you mean that you are running xdm on the supposed-to-be xterm? You
shouldn't do that in your case. The only things you need are:
- xdm with the above config on the computer that is supposed to run the
programs (the server)
- an X server on the computer with the display

So if you want to set up an X treminal, have it run something like
/usr/bin/X11/X -indirect 
/usr/bin/X11/X -query 
at boot time.

The first line tries to get the chooser from the server, the second
directly opens a connection to the server. Do 'man Xserver' for more
options you might like.


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Re: How to change default font

1997-06-30 Thread J . R . Blaakmeer
On Sun, 29 Jun 1997 18:45:48 -0500 , Gary L. Dolan wrote:
> I just dl'ed 1.3, and the default font on bootup needs to be changed. I barely
> recall that when I installed 1.2, there was a config question about the fonts,
> but I have no idea how or where to make the change in 1.3.

The setfont program is what you want if you only want to change the font.
It is in the kbd package. BTW, have you run Slackware before? I do
remember Slackware asking me to choose a font, but I can't remember a
question about fonts in Debian.

But if you want a nice way to also change the resolution and/or the
refresh rate of your text screen, take a look at the svgatextmode package.
SVGATextMode can change it to whatever your videocard and monitor support
using X-like modelines. My text screen is 116x51 at 65.8 Hz right now.
This looks very cool.

Talking about this, I have a question about the kbd package. When I ran
Slackware, I could choose from a lot of nice and/or weird fonts. I miss
those in Debian. I really liked the 'T' font. Currently I am using it, but
only because I took it out of Slackware's keytbls.tgz.


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Re: [Q] How to create a FTP only account.. for...

1997-06-29 Thread J . R . Blaakmeer
Please do not Cc: to my e-mail address. I will only get the same message twice.

On Sun, 29 Jun 1997 15:50:25 -0400 (EDT) , System Account wrote:
> Ok this is what i have setup right now
> miller:passwd:5000:5000:Miller:/ftp/./web/miller:/bin/true
> the /bin/true is in /etc/shells

This seems to be good at first sight.

> webusers:*:109:
> miller::5000:
> should this be webusers:*:109:miller and all other users?

Yes, it should. Or you would have to add a 'guestgroup' entry in ftpaccess
for each web user.

> now i made a /home/ftp/webusers dir
> drwxr-xr-x   3 root webusers 1024 Jun 29 14:50 web
> and then /home/ftp/webusers/miller dir
> drwxr-xr-x   2 miller   webusers 1024 Jun 29 14:50 miller

And this would be miller's home directory? Then you should change the home
directory in /etc/passwd from /ftp/./web/miller to

About the permissions: I would make each directory like
/home/ftp/webusers/miller like this:
drwxr-x--x   2 miller   miller   1024 Jun 29 14:50 miller

This way only the user himself (and root) would be able to read his home
directory. If his web pages are stored in $HOME/pub_html or something like
that, this directory should be like:
drwxr-xr-x   2 miller   miller   1024 Jun 29 14:5 pub_html

The home directory should have execute permission for all users or nobody
would be able to view the web pages. Read permission is not necessary,
because the www server already knows the name of the pub_html dir.

> #added
> guestgroup  webusers 
> guestgroupmiller

If all users are in the 'webusers' group, you only need the entry for that
group. This means you have one file less to maintain if you add or remove
a user.

> Now after doing this i try to ftp in:
> >ftp
> Connected to
> 220 timberwolf FTP server (Version wu-2.4(14) Wed Jan 8 21:17:19 MET 1997)
> ready.
> Name ( miller
> 331 Password required for miller.
> Password:
> 550 Can't set guest privileges.
> Login failed.
> Remote system type is UNIX.
> Using binary mode to transfer files.
> ftp> bye
> 221 Goodbye.
>   I do not want users logging in with a group login. Each user
> should have thier own login and passwd. Because of this i don't see a
> reason for the group. I have read the manpages for ftpaccess and i'm still
> not sure why this isn't working. Is there something i'm over looking as
> the error 550 Can't set guest privileges. leads me to believe that i'm
> close? 

The only reason for the group is that you don;t have to add each user's
personal group to the ftpaccess file. If you want to do that, fine. Drop
the webusers group and put a 'guestgroup ' line in ftpaccess for
each web user.

> Also if i remove guestgroup miller (or both) from the ftpaccess file it
> does log me in but cann't find a home directory: 
> 331 Password required for miller.
> Password:
> 230-No directory! Logging in with home=/
> 230 User miller logged in.  

This looks like a message you would get if your home directory doesn't
exist. Are you sure that /ftp/web/miller exists or is this an error in


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Re: [Q] How to create a FTP only account.. for...

1997-06-28 Thread J . R . Blaakmeer
> Hi all


>   regarding this subject...  I have used /bin/true for ftp-only
> accounts but i need to go one step farther. I have a /home/webusers
> directory where i have user accounts who with web space only. Right now
> they ftp in and put there html files there. But the thing is they still
> have access to the rest of the machine. So..
>   How can i have /home/webusers setup as a root dir (chroot
> environment)? 

Set up wu-ftpd as your ftp server. Then put all users into one group. This
doesn't need to be the only group they are in. Call this group 'ftponly'
just to be obvious. Then edit the ftpaccess file and place a line
guestgroup  ftponly
in it.

Then put files like bin/ls, etc/passwd and etc/group into their home
directories just as if they were the home directory for an anonymous ftp
account. If you forget this they won't be able to do 'ls'.

Now you should be all set up. Don't forget to read the right man
pages so you understand what I am talking about (ftpaccess has its own

>   Also i'm not sure if i want then all grouped together in one
> group? Can anyone explain pros/cons for this?

I have no idea about really bad or really good things, but if they have
a umask 002 like in a standard Debian system, their primary group should
not be ftponly and their files should not be group-owned by this group. A
pro is of course that the thing with wu-ftpd actually works if they are in
one group.

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Re: Multiple kernels & /

1997-06-21 Thread J . R . Blaakmeer
On Fri, 20 Jun 1997 15:36:17 -0700 , Stephen Zander wrote:
> Is there some way to pass an alternate name from / (or
> /boot/ to the kernel at boot?  I'm mucking with a
> custom kernel but want to leave the 2.0.30 image safely intact.
> I've setup lilo.confto recognise /vmlinuz.2.0.30 as a valid
> kernel but can't figure out how to seperate the files

AFAIK, the file is read by klogd only. You can pass an option
to klogd to specify which it should use. Look at the comments
in your /etc/init.d/syslogd for an example of this.

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Elvis problems in X (was: Re: No Termcap)

1997-06-16 Thread J . R . Blaakmeer
On Mon, 16 Jun 1997 21:22:55 +0200 (MET DST) , Santiago Vila Doncel wrote:
> Debian uses ncurses instead of termcap, which is considered "obsolete".
> Just replacing -ltermcap by -lncurses will do the trick.

I have a question about elvis, rxvt and termcap. I think the Debian package
of elvis still needs termcap.

If I start elvis on a console (/dev/tty[1-9]), everything is normal.
Problems arise only in X.

If I run elvis in an xterm, nothing is wrong.  But if I use rxvt instead
of xterm, I get a blank 'screen' (within the rxvt) and I know ':q' works,
so vi is started and it works. Only the output is wrong.

If I run elvis as editor from knews, using the resource:
Knews.editCommand:  elvis -G x11 +%i %s
I get a window with the title 'stderr', a message 'termcap needs up' and a
button 'ok'. Knews then says the editor exited abnormally.

Does anybody have the same experience or am I the only one with this
problem? BTW, the only reason I have for running rxvt is the color support
that is default. Does anyone know an easy way to get color support in the
xterm that comes with the Debian installation of X?


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Re: ftp only user account?

1997-06-05 Thread J . R . Blaakmeer
On Wed, 4 Jun 1997 19:45:15 -0400 , Joey Hess wrote:
> How can I set up a user account that can only ftp in, and is restricted to
> their home directory in a chroot environment?

Add the user to /etc/passwd and put it in a group called 'ftponly' (or make
up a name, but this is the easiest to remember). If the group doesn't
exist, create it. The shell should be /bin/false. Add a line '/bin/false'
to /etc/shells. Now, you have a user that can't log in. Try it. I might
have forgotten something.

Now, set up wu-ftpd as your ftp server if you haven't done so already. In
/etc/ftpd/ftpaccess, add a line 'guestgroup ftponly'.

Now you should be all set up, if my memory serves me correctly. 'Guest'
users can do all normal ftp things, but wu-ftpd does a chroot to their
home directory. They can't get anything that is not in their home
directory (or mounted under it).


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Re: Help me to build a fileserver!!!

1997-06-03 Thread J . R . Blaakmeer
On Tue, 03 Jun 1997 13:36:03 PDT , Eliezer Figueroa Puello wrote:
>   I heard that Linux can to use  the IPX protocol. I think that maybe I 
> can to configure  Linux to emulate a novell network server and then 
> configure the windows 95 computers as novell network clients. I'm 
> writing this letter because I want to know how to configure Linux as a 
> novell server or any other server that windows 95 has client for. If 
> that is not possible I will appreciate if you email me telling that is 
> not possible. I will also thank any other suggest of how to use Linux as 
> a fileserver for windows 95 computers. The only think I do not want to 
> hear is that I have to open a UNIX shell in the windows computers in 
> order to have access to Linux server. 
You could try to set up a Novell emulator under Linux but setting up Samba
is much easier. Just install Samba on the Linux machine and instal the
'Client for Microsoft Networks' on the Win95 machine. Also install the
tcp/ip protocol in Win95 and you are all setup. You now only need to
configure the server and you are ready.

Note that this works both ways. Win95 also has a server and there is a
Samba client for Linux.
>   If you help me to learn how to configure the fileserver with Linux 
> then I will write a howto under the terms of GNU to help others newbies 
> like me to that.

You don't need to. There already is a SMB-HOWTO and Samba comes with some


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Re: 2 ethernet cards and loadlin

1997-06-03 Thread J . R . Blaakmeer
On 03 Jun 97 16:40:49 -0500 , Chris Brown wrote:
>  I am trying to get my machine to use 2 3c509 ethernet cards 
> booting from loadlin.  Looking at the loadlin docs I think the 
> command line should be:
> "loadlin vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 ether=10,300,eth0 ether=11,310,eth1 ro"
> eth0 is fine but I don't get eth1 at all.  There isn't even a reference to it 
> in /var/log/messages.  Where did I go wrong?

Are you sure that the driver is compiled into the kernel? If you are
loading the driver as a module, you'll have to take another approach. Edit
/etc/conf.modules and see if these three lines are there:
alias eth0 3c509
alias eth1 3c509
options 3c509 io=300,310

I am not sure this is entirely correct since I am using two different
network cards, but this is definately the way to do it if the driver is a
module and not a compiled-in driver. If you use kerneld to autoload the
modules that are needed, you might need to assign an IP number to the card
using ifconfig to get the module to be loaded. You can edit
/etc/init.d/network so that it configures the IP numbers etc. for both

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Re: bind output in /var/adm/debug

1997-05-27 Thread J . R . Blaakmeer
On Tue, 27 May 1997 03:30:24 -0700 (PDT) , Douglas L Stewart wrote:
> I'm seeing a lot of warnings in /var/adm/debug because NS and MX records
> are pointing to CNAME's.  Is this not allowed?  If it's not, could someone
> point me to a reference that says that it's not, so I can point it out to
> the ISP that's got things set up this way.

I have installed the Debian 'bind' package, so I'll refer to this. In
/usr/doc/bind are at least three documents that say this is not allowed:

manual.txt.gz  Name Server Operations Guide for BIND
rfc1033.txt.gz RFC1033
rfc1034.txt.gz RFC1034

Do a text search on 'CNAME' and you'll find it.


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Re: fixes for delgroup

1997-05-15 Thread J . R . Blaakmeer

On Wed, 14 May 1997, George Bonser wrote:

> I fixed a couple of things in /usr/sbin/delgroup (but did not save the
> file first so I could make a diff). The changes are minor and at the top
> of the file.
> was:
> if [ -f /etc/gtmp];
> changed to:
> if [-f /etc/gtmp]; then

You're right here, the original has a syntax error.
> Was:
> $GID='id -g mail'
> changed to
> GID=$(id -d mail)
> (which really makes no sense unless the author wants to pick a "safe"
> GID. but I did not look into it any deeper ... the script appears to run
> now).

This indeed doesn't make any sense. I think it must be

GID=$(id -g $1)

This way $GID becomes the GID of the group youare deleting. It is only
used for checking if there are any references to this GID in /etc/passwd.
This might occur if you are deleting a group and the user with the same
name hasn't been deleted.


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