Re: how to unsubscribe??

2002-08-31 Thread Jeff Maxson

On Sat, Aug 31, 2002 at 11:32:45AM -0700, Craig Dickson happened to mention:
> Larry Smith wrote:
> > The email I received from this group when I joined
> > indicated a method to unsubscribe -- which doesn't
> > work.
> > 
> > 
> > How do I unsubscribe from this group?
> This text appears at the bottom of every message on this list:
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Is that what you did? I've done it before, and it worked. Are you
> sending the unsubscribe message from the account that is subscribed?
> It won't work if you're sending it from somewhere else.

One common thread that I've noticed on these "can't unsubscribe" notes
is that the people having the problem often are on yahoo or the like.
These services always stick on the tag-line.  Would that mess up the
auto-list stuff?  Someone said that putting "STOP" on the last line of
the request forces the list program to ignore everything else in the
note.  Would that be helpful?

Just checking,

Jeff Maxson

Description: PGP signature

USB EZ-Link network on Linux-to-Win98?

2002-09-08 Thread Jeff Maxson

Awhile back I got myself an EZ-Link cable from Anchor Chips.  Not
exactly sure how they work, but it makes the computer at each end of
the cable think it is talking to a slave somehow so that they
communicate using (I think) ethernet protocol of somekind. 

Of course, this came with Windows drivers. Of course they seem to have
ceased making this now.  and of course I am now a linux convert.  Now,
given that, it sure is nice to have the two computers that our family
has all hooked up very easy-like: I mean, 20 mins, popping in the
driver CD and plugging in the USB cables and they are talking in
Win98.  I am expecting this to be much more non-easy in Linux, but has
anyone got a step-by-step method on how to make this work in Linux so
I can talk to my wife's Win98 laptop?

I googled and there was one thread sort of about this last December on
some newsgroup somewhere, but it was just discussing some things about
it in general.  I can bet I will need to get something new going with
the USB 1.0(1.1?) ports I've got on the Linux box, and I would bet I
need to get samba up and going as well.  That would all be new to me,
but first off, do I need a special linux driver for the thing, and if
so, is there one out there

I'm running unstable-ish Debian on an AMD K6/2 350MHz machine (yes, it
is old, but works fine for me...)

Thanks in advance for any advice, guys.


Jeff Maxson

Description: PGP signature

Re: downgrading from unstable to testing

2002-09-11 Thread Jeff Maxson

On Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 08:08:38AM -0700, Peter Sharp happened to mention:
> Matthew wrote:
> > , so my big question of theday is: how do I 
> > downgrade from unstable to testing? I know I 
> > can"simply" change my apt.sources list to point at 
> > testing, but since mostof the software I have 
> > installed is of a newer version than sarge, won'tit 
> > simply keep telling me I already have the latest 
> > version?Any pointers -- to the correct manuals or 
> > otherwise -- would be greatlyappreciated
> I think if you pin the packages with a pin-priority of
> greather than 1000 then they will be downgraded - see
> the up to date APT-Howto at:
> Pete
> (Too frightened to run unstable myself!)

What I have done in the past is do just like you said: change your
sources.list to "testing", do the apt-get update, and then wait.
Supposedly stuff will ooze from unstable to testing over time, and all
the goodies will then be at your beck-n-call.  I have done it before,
and given what everyone has said lately about the state of unstable, I
just did the move back to testing last I will wait, let
things settle out, and when I get the itch again move back to
unstable.  Worked for me in the past, YMMV.


Jeff Maxson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Need witnesses

2002-09-19 Thread Jeff Maxson

On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 07:56:03AM -0700, Michael Cardenas happened to mention:
> On Mon, Sep 16, 2002 at 07:15:13PM -0700, Bruce Perens wrote:
> > Folks,
> > 
> > Please download
> > 
> > 
> > Please be prepared to stand as witnesses when I expose some odd
things in the 
> > 
> > Oh, this is going to be fun.
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Bruce
> > 
> > 
> Done. The file, the md5sum, and a signed document containing the
> strings and the md5sum can be found at 
> Go get em. 
> -- 
> michael cardenas | lead software
>| GNU/Linux software developer

So for those of us who don't have OO or MSWord, what is the letter
about?  Why the exitement?

Jeff Maxson

Description: PGP signature

Re: MS WINWORD and WINE problems....

2002-09-19 Thread Jeff Maxson

On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 11:07:12PM -0700, Irvin Temp happened to mention:
> Ive been playing with Wine(version in woody) and MS Offcie 2000. I
was to configure 
> wine manually and using winesetup... I also installed MS Office 2000
and was able  
> to launch the MS WORD, EXCEL and POWERPPOINT apps. My problem here 
> is when i close the WORD application i would get a pop-up box with
the message  
> saying 
> "The Disk is full or too many files are open.
> (C:\Windows\..\Templates\" 
> Irvin

Coulda' sworn I've seen this in the past as a Macro virus.  It was
either that or when I went to save something, I kept having to "save
as" because it would never let me save to the same filedon't

Jeff Maxson

Description: PGP signature

Re: email clients

2002-09-21 Thread Jeff Maxson

On Fri, Sep 20, 2002 at 12:03:04PM +0930, Tom Cook happened to mention:
> On  0, Tom Allison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Proably old...  but I've decided that I am getting really tired of 
> > the Mozilla email.  It's OK, but it takes a while for it to load 
> > up and seems a bit heavy at times.
> > 
> > I am wondering two things:
> > First, any recommendations on a mail client?
> Pine is clunky and not free enough to go into Debian.  Use mutt.  It
> is a very useful text based client.

I don't know if I would go that far.  Pine is great for text-based
client.  I use mutt, but for years I used Pine and really had a good
time with it.  My progression from Eudora (win) to Pine (lin) to mutt
(lin) was smooth and somehow comfortable.  If I had gone from Eudora
to mutt, my brain might have popped with all the options.  My
recommendation would be to go get the linux binary from the Pine
website, unzip it, stick it in /usr/local/bin, rename it to simply
"pine" and you are set.  Makes updates easy too, as you can then just
delete the binary, download the new one and repeat the process.  All
your settings stay the same.

May not be the "Debian Way", but it is pretty easy to use, and does
most likely 90% of what you want (folders, GPG with an addon, etc).

Jeff Maxson

Description: PGP signature

Wine/Quicken playing nice? (Re: MS WINWORD and WINE problems....)

2002-09-21 Thread Jeff Maxson

On Thu, Sep 19, 2002 at 04:56:50PM -0400, David P James happened to mention:
> jeff was roused into action on 09/19/02 03:34 and wrote:
> > don't bother running M$ products under linux unless you're running
> > VWware... you'll just end up making a big un-fun mess.
> I can vouch for that. I tried running IE once under wine. It crashed.
> And it hogged system resources in the freeze/lock-up before doing so.
> I've had fairly good experiences with Quicken 99 under wine though.

You are kidding!  I have tried that several times, and though I can
get MSOffice programs to run, my Wine always gets stuck and pukes when
trying to run Quicken.  Did you do anything special?  Can you forward
config files to me?

Thanks!  It's the one app that I need to reboot the machine to use...

Jeff Maxson

Description: PGP signature

Re: A Good FTP Client.

2002-09-27 Thread Jeff Maxson

On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 10:41:37PM -0400, Bob Bernstein happened to mention:
> Quoting Gord Berta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Is there a kde3 freindly version of another ftp client that someone could
> > point me in the right direction.
> You could build from source, or take the leap to a console tool, namely
> ncftp. I guarantee it will be the last "new" ftp client you ever try. (But
> you have to read the man page! )

I think I saw in the Debian Weekly World News this past week that the
ncftp package is now orphaned.  I agree that that program is quite
useful, and I was sad to see that.  (Knowing squat about being a
developer beyond taking it to the photo shop for the 1-hour service,
I'm not volunteering... :)


Jeff Maxson

Description: PGP signature

home ethernet IP addresses

2002-10-02 Thread Jeff Maxson

Hey all, 

please don't spank me here.  I've read the networking and ethernet
howto's and gotten to the point that I have the linksys standard cheap
10/100 LAN card (LNE100TX) plugged in, set up using "etherconf", and
gotten to the point where ifconfig gives me...

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:5A:87:11:5E  
  RX packets:358 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:233 errors:786 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:1572
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 
  RX bytes:83417 (81.4 KiB)  TX bytes:79686 (77.8 KiB)
  Interrupt:5 Base address:0xe000 

my question is, shouldn't there be some way to give it an IP address
for my home 2-computer LAN?  It's dual boot, and I got the windows to
work with the other computer on the LAN (also windows), and now I'd
like to print stuff (using samba) from my computer (sarge) to my
wifes' printer (windows).  don't I need an IP address to do that?

Summary: which FM should I RTFM at this point?  I know there is a
"printing howto" which I will get to later, and there is an SMB howto,
which I have also perused.

Things look like they are going well, but not sure.  Also, i noticed
that when I boot, there is some DHCPSOMETHING (I forget the
"something" part) that pops up, and it sits on it trying many things
for awhile, and then says it is sleeping I think.  Is this related?  I
know DHCP has to do with dynamic IP addresses, right?  or am I "out

Thanks for any help, all.  No huge hurry, just interested in learing
linux networking...


Jeff Maxson

Description: PGP signature

Re: home ethernet IP addresses

2002-10-02 Thread Jeff Maxson

On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 08:07:27PM -0700, Vineet Kumar happened to mention:
> * Jeff Maxson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021002 19:31]:
> > gotten to the point where ifconfig gives me...
> > 
> > eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:5A:87:11:5E  
> >   RX packets:358 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
> >   TX packets:233 errors:786 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:1572
> >   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 
> >   RX bytes:83417 (81.4 KiB)  TX bytes:79686 (77.8 KiB)
> >   Interrupt:5 Base address:0xe000 
> > like to print stuff (using samba) from my computer (sarge) to my
> > wifes' printer (windows).  don't I need an IP address to do that?
> Yes. And btw, afaik, polygyny is illegal (but IANAL). Perhaps you mean
> "wife's" instead of "wifes'"? ;-)

ok, ok... :)

> > But anyway, yes, you do need an IP address to participate on your LAN.
> > know DHCP has to do with dynamic IP addresses, right?  or am I "out
> > there?"
> Yes, DHCP is the protocol by which dynamic IP addresses are assigned.
> It probably does a DHCPREQUEST and/or DHCPDISCOVER.  That means it's

bingo.  DHCPREQUEST is what popped up.

> trying to contact a DHCP server to ask for an address.  Is there a DHCP
> server on your network?  How does the windows machine get its address?
> IIRC, windows gives the option to "get an address automatically" or
> "specify an address manually" or something.  If it's set to "automatic",
> then DHCP should probably work for your debian machine as well.  Is
> there a router or something that on your network that runs a DHCP
> server?  If it's set to something manually, let us know what those
> settings are and we can help you figure out what address you can use for
> the debian machine and tell you how to set it up (TFM in that case is
> 'man 5 interfaces').  In order to print to a windows computer, you will
> probably need to set up samba, but let's get walking before we try to run =)

Holy cow.  Windows is set up as "get an IP address automatically", and
no, there is no router, just a cross-over cable connecting the two.
I'm guessing sticking in a static IP for both would be good, so as to
make sure the IP addresses don't change every time either of us
reboots, but would that make any problems if one of us were to dial

BTW, she is running Win98.

Thanks guys, I appreciate your kind help.  I will check out the
interfaces man page.

Jeff Maxson

Description: PGP signature

Re: The only thing I miss about Windows

2002-10-10 Thread Jeff Maxson

On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 10:19:45AM -0700, Issac Trotts happened to mention:
> ... is being able to capture the contents of a window with something
> like Ctrl+PrtScn and then paste it into a Word document.  It was a
> nice way to keep track of changes to some graphics software I was
> working on.  I wonder if there's a way to do something like this in
> X...
> Issac

In Gnome/Icewm, a right click on the panel bar, go to Panel/Global
Prefs, then the Misc. tab.  There is a window shot and a full
screenshot option there...


Jeff Maxson

Description: PGP signature