Asus C100PA Flip

2015-08-27 Thread Joakim Svensson

Jag tänkte att jag skulle kunna skrota min iPad och min laptop och ersätta båda 
med den chromebook från Asus (länk nedan). Större delen av mitt digitala liv 
utspelar sig i ios vilket jag inte trivs med och på en Asus zenbook med Debian 
8 på som jag gillar men oftast är för lat för att plocka fram. Min plan är nu 
helt enkelt att jag ska använda denna nya enheten för informations inhämtning 
och när jag får en idé så är det bara att vända runt tangentbordet och greja 
med det som intresserar mig för stunden.

Asus har en större chromebook vid namn C201 som verkar fungera fult ut med 
Debian (se länk nedan). Denna som jag är intresserad av har nästan identiska 
specifikationer så det borde inte vara något större problem att installera 
Debian på den heller. Men utöver dom gemensamma egenskaperna så har ju C100PA 
multitouch skärm och accelerometer för orienteringen i tablet läget.

Om man tittar vidare i Debian-wikin så kan man se att Asus T100TA verkar tjurig 
vad det gäller just dessa egenskaper. Den datorn verkar ju å andra sidan vara 
helt annorlunda vad det gäller hårdvara och konstruerad för windows.

Mina frågor och funderingar innan jag beställer. Är det inte så att i och med 
att chromos är Linux baserat så borde det gå få igång all hårdvara även i 
Debian? Sen så behöver ju givet vis inte allt fungera från dag 1. Jag har dock 
inte lyckats hitta någon på nätet som kör Debian och ingen annan distribution 
heller för den delen på just en C100PA.

Helt enkelt köpa eller inte köpa?

Ang. mig som person: Jag har kört Debian som mitt primära hemma os sedan Slink 
och även i jobbdatorn sedan något år tillbaka. Jag är nog inte bra på någonting 
men jag brukar lösa mina problem med hjälp av lite googling och nu för tiden 
youtube. Jag är inte rädd för tekniska utmaningar men jag har inte obegränsad 

Länk till datorn

Debian på Asus C201

Re: VPN l2tp/ipsec

2015-02-05 Thread Joakim Svensson

Det skiter sig direkt då openswan inte verkar finnas till jessie. Alla 
tutorials jag hittat bygger på just openswan.

Jag uppskattar visat intresse!

Joakim Svensson

5 feb 2015 kl. 13:49 skrev Stefan Alfredsson: skrev den 05/02/15 07:57:
 Jag har skaffat mig en ny dator och nu är det 100%  Debian som gäller.
 Jag har dock ett problem som jag skulle behöva lite hjälp med. Jag
 jobbar nästan endast via vpn mot mina kunder. Jag har satt upp dom
 flesta men jag går bet på en av dom. Det är l2tp over ipsec. Jag har
 fungerande koppling i mac os x men lyckas inte i Debian och Gnome. I osx
 så väljer man bara typen l2tp över ipsec anger ip på gatewayen, delad
 hemlighet, användarnamn och lösen ord. Jag har försökt att googla på
 detta men har inte hittat något relevant. Jag kör Debian Jessie.
 Om du följer guiden på 
 vart misslyckas det?
 Mvh Stefan
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2001-09-10 Thread Joakim Svensson

Prova nåt i stil med

mkisofs -r -graft-points -o cd_image /Mail/=Mail /PICTURES/=PICTURES

skapar cd_image iso med biblioteken Mail och PICTURES  
bränn med tex. cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=1,1,0  -data  cd_image

OBS!!! helt otestat men kanske ger det en ide'

ps testa iso med 
mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 cd_image /cdrom


On mån, 10 sep 2001, Anders Holmberg wrote:

 Jag ger upp.
 Finns här någon som vet hur mkisofs fungerar?
 Manualen är ju urkass.
 Det var bland det sämsta och krångligaste jag läst.
 Finns det något bättre brännar program eller liknande?
 Jag vill kunna göra en iso-image som jag sen kan bränna.
 Vad rekomenderas?
 På min maskin finns cdrecord cdwrite och mkisofs och jag tror att cdroast
 finns men det är väl x och det vill jag inte använda.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

nessus login problem

2001-05-03 Thread Joakim Svensson


Just installed nessus nessusd and nessus-plugins from unstable.

I create a user and start nessusd

... snip
 nessusd -D 

I fire up nessus and try to login. I then get an error stating that
I might be having tcpwrappers. 

What is the correct way to use nessus on a stand alone DSL connected machine
running debian unstable ?

Anyone ?

Best regards
Joakim Svensson

--  Sent with Obbit Webmail 2.1h

Re: Dell dator

2001-02-01 Thread Joakim Svensson
Kolla in


Dell dator

2001-01-30 Thread Joakim Svensson
Hej listan,

Funderar på at   att köpa mig en bärbar dator.
Skulle detta kunna funka om man vill köra linux.
Har bredband hemma och vill kunna koppla in den
på jobbets nätverk.
Kommer att köra debian unstable. 

-* Inspiron 5000e C600LT (5101) *-
   1.44MB FDD
   Sound Blaster Pro compatible 3D Sound
   600MHz Intel Mobile Celeron Processor
   VT - 15 TFT SXGA+ (1400*105k)
   16MB ATI Rage Mobility 128 3D
   128MB DIMM (1x128MB)
   20GB UltraDMA/33
   24X CD-ROM
   Ethernet 10/100 Mbit PCMCIA-kort
   Actiontec Internal mini-PCI 56k V.90 modem

gs and stp

2001-01-16 Thread Joakim Svensson
Hi Debian users,

I am wondering if there is any ghostscript
GhostScript 5.50 or gs-aladdin 6.50 with
the gimp print stp driver compiled in as a
dep packet ?
And also if there is anyone that has this
working with pdq.

Best  regards

RE: XFree86 + NV_GLX

2000-11-27 Thread Joakim Svensson

Hi list,

about the nvidia drivers.
I am running woody with xfree 4.0.1 and it all works great.

While installing the nvidia drivers I do remove the conflicting
mesa files. No big problem.

But since I upgrade almost daily I have to reinstall the nvidia
stuff since mesa is messing things up.

Is there a way to solve this the debian way ? debianize the nvidia
drivers somehow to solve the conflict with mesa ?

I am using a neat shellscript from loki that makes it easy to
check your system.


Printer advice EPSON 740

2000-11-01 Thread Joakim Svensson

Hello list,

I am running woody and am about to get my EPSON 740 printer
up and running.

What are the prefered way to do this ?  I am thinking

gimp-print stp driver
what else ? magicfilter
what are PDQ,CUPS,LPD ? can it help me ?

Has anyone done this ?
Do I have to get gs source and compile myself or are there a
working solution in woody ?

I have done this once before (not with stp) but from what I can
remember there are no drivers (stp740...) included in the gs
debian provides.

Any help and advice in how to do this is most welcomed.

Best regards

Re: Printer advice EPSON 740

2000-11-01 Thread Joakim Svensson
I'd love that!


Epplet question

2000-01-20 Thread Joakim Svensson

i list,

I have an E epplet question. Perhaps its more suitable to
post to the E lists but since I use ljlanes epplet deb I
thought I tried here first.

I happened to start an epplet (some network monitoring epplet)
but since I don't have a network It just returned an error box.
My problem now is that everytime I start X I will get this
error box.

So How do I make this epplet that gives me the error to not
be started ?

Also does anyone know if E-FancyLauncher is to be found as a
deb package ?

I could probably get all the epplets from CVS and compile
myself but since I am not very experienced In doing that
stuff I would prefer a .deb
But if anyone feels like helping me point out where to start
(pointers FAQ etc) using CVS and compiling myself that would
be very nice too.

Best regards

Enlightenment CVS questions

2000-01-20 Thread Joakim Svensson
Hi all,

I would like to try out imlib2 and efm for enlightenment.
As a relative newbie how should I do this, or should I do
it at all ?
Do I need to use CVS and compile myself or is there some
sort of debian CVS (my search so far indicates this) that
should be used (this means I will compile myself but with
some sort of debianized stuff so I wont mess up).
I would like to try these things but wouldn't want to mess
up my debian packages.

Any hints are of interest.

Best regards
Joakim Svensson

Adress magnager

2000-01-13 Thread Joakim Svensson
Hi list,

I am looking for a good way to handle all my adresses, email, phone numbers
Something like Adress book in netscape.

Any suggestions what to use ?

Best regards
Joakim Svensson

Re: Write protected mailbox, mutt

1999-11-11 Thread Joakim Svensson

Re: Sed script

1999-10-22 Thread Joakim Svensson

Hi all,

i need to extract the number 997841138254, or any other number from that
position, from an hl7 file.  The file will look like this :


I can use OBR as the starting point of the search and then use the | to
move to the begginning of the number...

Ok here is an idea how to do it in awk.

awk -v FS=| '{ if ( $1 ~ /OBR/ ) print $4; }'

Could ofcourse be made more advanced if the mumber of | preceeding ORB
is changing.

Runs on the command line or inside vim (vi).
In vim:
:%! awk -v FS=| '{ if ( $1 ~ /OBR/ ) print $4; }'

Hope it helped

Best regards

Write protected mailbox problem

1999-10-13 Thread Joakim Svensson

Hi all,

Just a short question about mail.

I am using exim/fetchmail/mutt
I have all mail from the debain lists going into
a mailbox debian-user. This is done with a .forward
file in my home dir.
Fetchmail is run every 3 minutes or so whenever I am
hooked up to my provider.

Now I sometimes have problems deleting mails in this
I guess it could be related to that fetchmail is writing
to the file while I am using mutt to read/delete mails
at the same time. Even though I have this problem sometimes
when I am not connected to the internet and fetchmail is
not running.

Is there a way to solve this problem ?

Best regards
Joakim Svensson

3dfx and some sound questions

1999-10-12 Thread Joakim Svensson

for a ASUS SC-200 scsi card to hook up my
scanner. I have yet to set up my cdrw but I had it working
on a previous install so that should work without problems.
So what is this post about? Read on..

The rest of this post will be about 3dfx/openGL/Mesa etc
and sound configuration.

A couple of days ago I thought I would try out Myth2 for
linux. Got the cd and intstalled the whole thing. And
guess what :) It worked perfectly right away. I had just
put in a new soundcard (Soundblaster 128PCI) and recompiled
the kernel with 1370 (or was it 1371) support. Well anyway
Myth2 both plays and sounds just right.

Well this little experiment of gaming got me interested in
some more upgrades to my Potato installation.

I would like to have 3d accelleration, Glide, OpenGL, Mesa
or whatever its called :)
So my first question is how I would proceed to get this

What exactly must I download, Is there any .debs that would
help me? Is this any idea at the moment? What will happen in
the next XFree86 (ver. 4?) release?

I have an ASUS V3400. Riva tnt with 16 M. And I am currently
using the SVGA driver in XFree86_3.3.5 (from potato?).

I have been looking at:
Which directs me to nvidias pages

RIVA-X-GLX-1.0-glibc-i386.tar.gz seems to be what i am looking
for ?  Is this correct ?  If so is there something special
to concider here ?
On these drivers are also listed as RPMS.
Is this a better solution? Use Alien to make debs and install
them that way ?

Is this what I need ?  Did I miss something ?


Now just some sound stuff to end this very long mail.

If anyone could just advice me what to do to get a working
sound environment.

Alsa ? OSS ?

or just recompile kernel and skip Alsa altogehter (soundblaster 128PCI).

A list of stuff to install. I don't use Gnome or KDE

cd-player (It should work with scsi emulation for my IDE-cd)
what else ?
Also want to try out speech synthesis system any suggestions?


I am sorry about the length of this post but I hope someone did have
the time to read it thru. Please mail me if more info is required.

Best regards
Joakim Svensson

Re: PAP Authentication Failed

1999-09-25 Thread Joakim Svensson
I have the same problem !
Started today. hmmm
If you solve it please let me know

Good practice (defaults, rxvt)

1999-09-10 Thread Joakim Svensson

Hi all,

After using Debian for a couple of months
I have a pretty well working Potato but
I feel its a bit cluttered with lots
of stuff that I never really needed and
things I couldn't get rid of correctly.

So I did a clean slink install on a new
partition that will be my new main
install. I want to have much more
controll of this new system and am
determined to do everything by the book
the debian way. I am not sure there is
such a way but I am sure there are
good and bad ways to setup,configure
and maintain my Debian box.

So I installed the basic systm from 
my slink cd and created some files to
log all my changes etc.
Started with a dist-upgrade to potato
(yes thats what I want :) )
and have begun to add things like vim
rxvt X etc One piece at a time and it
seems to work very well *smile*.

If anyone is in the same situation
or have done the same and is interested 
in exchanging experiences please mail me.

Now for my question.

I am currently using rxvt. (What term do
you all use ? and why? )

The default settings on rxvt isn't very
nice and I want to add a scrollbar,
history, font, size etc
What is the prefered way to do this globally?
I want to create as much good defaults as
possible and minimize user aliases etc.

Didn't really mean for this post to be this
long but 

Best regards
Joakim Svensson

ps I am not posting from my home machine so
the From line might be incorrect if anyone
wants to cc me. Just reply to the list or
use email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

scsi advice

1999-09-08 Thread Joakim Svensson

Hi all,

Just need some advice/input.

I have just bought a HP scanjet 6200c
and am looking around for a scsi card
for it.

The somewhat pricey Adaptec U2W seems to
work very well with linux so thats
what I have in mind at this moment.

Anyone has any suggestions if this will be
a good buy. At the moment only the scanner
will be connected but I will probably
use it in the future to add for example
scsi hard disk.

Best regards
Joakim Svensson

Datastorm 32+

1999-08-16 Thread Joakim Svensson
Hi all,

Anyone got any experience with DigitalScape
DataStorm32+ SCSI adapter ?
I am looking for a good (supported)
SCSI adapter for my home system.
Main reason is because I want to buy
a scanner (UMAX 1220s) but also for
future upgrades.
If someone got any other suggestions
that would be apprecaited too.

Best regards

Re: soudblaster live and modules in general

1999-08-12 Thread Joakim Svensson
I have the same problem.  I will keep you updated in any progress
I make. Would appreciate if you could mail me if you find any

Best regards
Joakim Svensson

Install questions etc

1999-06-22 Thread Joakim Svensson
This message was sent from by Joakim Svensson [EMAIL 

Hi debian users,

I am a very new user of Linux. I do have some 10+ year users experience
with different unixes though so It feels pretty good.
I am awaiting a new high spec pc and while waiting I picked up an old
used P75 with 32M and 1G hd. Without almost any knowledge about the
hardware (used borrowed 14 monitor) I installed slink and slack 4.0
without any real problems.
I installed slink from a cd set and it worked pretty well.

So now I have some things I do wonder about.

First. On my new system I plan to set up a pretty much complete slink
   and I also will setup a potato wich I would like to have
   very configured.
   Slink will be no problems I think but I could need some advice
   on what tactics to use when installing potato.

I want to have a system (potato) that ofcourse have all the basic stuff 
but I don't want to have 10 different text editors (if I can avoid it) I
really don't want emacs (sorry all emacs users, vi rules *smile*)
I don't want all the games etc etc.
So how will I acomplish this ?  Should I install some very very basic
task or profile and then add on using ftp ?
Should I install a somewhat more complete system and then remove
things I don't need and build from that ? Any other ideas ?

Also could anyone update me on the use of dselect versus apt and dpkg ?
I think I read something like Is anyone really using dselect anymore?
a while ago and would really like to know the current usability.

Thanks in advance for any ideas/hints/further readings/ etc

Best regards
JS - The Knowledge Archive