Re: mplayer: jumping around

2009-10-11 Thread JoeHill
Liviu Andronic wrote: 

 Recently I encountered this nasty, aggravating behaviour in mplayer:
 moving the computer (say, creating a little vibration by knocking on
 the table, or simply moving a muscle when on my laps) will cause
 mplayer to scroll forwards or backwards (any of the available 10 or 60
 sec, or 5 min). At times it continues like this until the
 end/beginning of the file. Many times it seems to appear randomly,
 perhaps on earth quakes or when a heavy truck passes in the
 I suspect that the behaviour is caused by the accelerometer that
 should be present on the notebook, the one that should catch
 out-of-norm accelerations, shut down the hard drive and prevent data
 loss. I was once curious on how this works on Linux, and installed
 couple of packages similar to hdapsd and hdaps-utils. Since I removed
 these, without any change in mplayer behaviour. As a final note,
 mplayer looks like the only misbehaving application. Oh, and all this
 happens on an HP Pavilion dv3.
 Any ideas on how to work around this issue? Thank you

This is a long shot, but mplayer sometimes does that to me in a
relatively minor way because the mousewheel moves slightly without me touching
it (my mouse is kinda old).

Is it possible that the scroll pad on your laptop is being activated by shocks
or vibrations? Is there some way you could temporarily disable the touchpad and
test it?

Anyway, like I say, this is a totally wild guess, but the problem did sound
somewhat familiar to me.

Another thing to try is to run mplayer from a terminal and see if the output
gives you any hints as to what's happening in the background.


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see ya

2009-10-11 Thread JoeHill

When half the list can't figure out how to use a goddamned e-mail client, and
so insists on sending out double the number of e-mails just because they feel
like it; when the other half seems to mostly enjoy posting links to LMGTFY so
they feel like a big shot; when most of the answers have absolutely nothing to
do with what was asked, but are instead what the person replying thinks
_should_ be the question, it's really time to go.

I've been on here a year, and I've gotten decent help from exactly _one_
person, and that was Florian, IIANM. Otherwise, this list just takes up space.


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Re: Could you recommend CD/DVD writer program?

2009-10-10 Thread JoeHill
J.Hwan.Kim wrote: 

 Could you recommend CD/DVD writer program except gnomebaker ?

Brasero is awesome.


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Re: Could you recommend CD/DVD writer program?

2009-10-10 Thread JoeHill
Mark Goldshtein wrote: 

 On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 6:43 PM, JoeHill wrote:
  J.Hwan.Kim wrote:
  Could you recommend CD/DVD writer program except gnomebaker ?  
  Brasero is awesome.  
 According to my experience, Brasero is not such stable. Also, a
 support for external devices is not as good as it supposed to be for a
 component of a stable distro.

Do you have any actual facts to back that up, or just a baseless opinion?

 So, sorry for mix up KDE and Gnome - k3b is the choice.
 O course, if you feel yourself familiar with a console - all the tools
 are already there.

Please _do not_ cc me, I am subscribed to the list, and I really don't care
what your needs might be in this regard.


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Re: Could you recommend CD/DVD writer program?

2009-10-10 Thread JoeHill
Mark Goldshtein wrote: 

 On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 7:51 PM, JoeHill wrote:
  Please _do not_ cc me, I am subscribed to the list, and I really don't care
  what your needs might be in this regard.  
 Looks like I am really sorry what Debian Mailing List works this way.

No it does _not_ work this way. _You_ are doing it this way, and I have asked
you politely not to. If you continue, I will not be polite, and you will
fucking regret it.


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Re: Could you recommend CD/DVD writer program?

2009-10-10 Thread JoeHill
randall wrote: 

 it might be more productive to send a polite request to change this
 default behavior to the list maintainer instead of some other remarks
 made in this thread.

I suppose that was indirectly aimed at me...

Seriously, I asked politely for the guy to not CC me, and he _deliberately_
ignored my request. He actually looked at what I asked him to do, thought 'no',
and did it anyway.

I deal with this kind of crap all day from a 5 year old, I really don't need it
from someone who is presumably an adult who can do up his own goddamned pants.


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Re: warning about nautilus and brasero

2009-09-25 Thread JoeHill
Francesco Pietra wrote: 

 With my debian squeeze i386 (upgraded to yesterday) calling nautilus
 and trying to workout Preferences, removes all icons from the gnome
 I reenter as user and installed brasero with
 # apt-get install brasero
 without paying much attention to what was going on. Well, the X-system
 was removed. I had to reinstall, and reconfigure, X.

Yeah, I've been in the same situation for awhile now. If I want to install
Brasero, it will remove all of the Gnome desktop. I don't need Brasero really,
so it hasn't been a big deal.


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Re: How do you install flash player?

2009-09-25 Thread JoeHill
Charlie Dorff wrote: 

 I was wondering if someone could explain how to install flash player on
 debian? Thank you.

I'm going to catch hell for this, but download the tar.gz from here:

unzip, and run the installer from a terminal. It will install to your home
directory, and it will work like a charm.

If it doesn't you may have a conflicting install. In that case, in Firefox, go
to Tools -- Addons, and disable any older versions of flashplayer that have
been installed by Debian (assuming Mozilla Firefox/Iceweasel).


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Re: Debian vs. ATI Radeon x1650

2009-09-24 Thread JoeHill
Brent Clark wrote: 

 On 24/09/2009 15:12, Dominik Smatana wrote:
  Ubuntu 9.04 kernel 2.6.27-14-generic = OK (strange)  
 Close your eyes, save yourself time and effort and just use Ubuntu.

...or, save himself even more time and effort and get an NVidia card.


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Re: Debian vs. ATI Radeon x1650

2009-09-24 Thread JoeHill
Dominik Smatana wrote: 

 Brent Clark wrote:
  On 24/09/2009 15:12, Dominik Smatana wrote:  
  Ubuntu 9.04 kernel 2.6.27-14-generic = OK (strange)  
  Close your eyes, save yourself time and effort and just use Ubuntu.  
 Hey, thanks for the advice, but Debian is my #1 priority... I'd rather 
 buy a new card if needed =)

lol, I guess I should have read your post first, instead of Brent's :-)

Yes, get an NVidia card and your troubles will be over forever. I have never
once been unable to get an NVidia card working, and I've been using them with
Linux for about 8 years.


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Re: only one workspace when using compiz

2009-09-23 Thread JoeHill
Leonardo Canducci wrote: 

 2009/9/23 JoeHill
  Leonardo Canducci wrote:
  When I turn on compiz I only have one virtual desktop. Desktop
  switcher shows two available desktops but I can't change to the second
  clicking on it.
  I've tried to change number of desktops option in
  compiz-config-settings-manager (ccsm) but this particular option is
  grayed out. Am I missing something or is it a known bug? Should I load
  some plugin?
  Btw, I'm using gnome and sid (but the same happens with lenny) on
  intel 965 graphics.
  Try under 'Desktop', enable Viewport Switcher.  
 Had to install compiz-fusion-plugin-main to have it but anyway nothing
 changed. number of desktops in general options is still grayed out
 and set to 1. I also tried assigning a keyboard combo in ccsm's
 viewport switcher but it has no effect either. Where am I wrong?

In the same place where you increase the number of desktops, can you increase
the 'horizontal virtual size'? I just noticed that I cannot change the 'number
of desktops' either, but I get the same result with 'horizontal virtual size'.

I can then switch viewports either by mousewheel on the background or with the
'expo' plugin (under Desktop), in my case I just zip the mouse pointer up to the
top left corner. This is set in the Expo prefs.

I think it's possible that Compiz settings are a bit more complicated than they
need to be ;)


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Re: only one workspace when using compiz

2009-09-23 Thread JoeHill
Leonardo Canducci wrote: 

 2009/9/23 JoeHill
  Leonardo Canducci wrote:
  2009/9/23 JoeHill  
   Leonardo Canducci wrote:

   When I turn on compiz I only have one virtual desktop. Desktop
   switcher shows two available desktops but I can't change to the second
   clicking on it.
   I've tried to change number of desktops option in
   compiz-config-settings-manager (ccsm) but this particular option is
   grayed out. Am I missing something or is it a known bug? Should I load
   some plugin?
   Btw, I'm using gnome and sid (but the same happens with lenny) on
   intel 965 graphics.
   Try under 'Desktop', enable Viewport Switcher.  
  Had to install compiz-fusion-plugin-main to have it but anyway nothing
  changed. number of desktops in general options is still grayed out
  and set to 1. I also tried assigning a keyboard combo in ccsm's
  viewport switcher but it has no effect either. Where am I wrong?  
  In the same place where you increase the number of desktops, can you
  increase the 'horizontal virtual size'? I just noticed that I cannot change
  the 'number of desktops' either, but I get the same result with 'horizontal
  virtual size'.  
 I can change horizontal virtual size and the switcher applet shows me
 more desktops but clicking on it doesn't switch desktop. I'm stuck
 with only one.
  I can then switch viewports either by mousewheel on the background or with
  the 'expo' plugin (under Desktop), in my case I just zip the mouse pointer
  up to the top left corner. This is set in the Expo prefs.  
 Expo plugin works and now I can change desktop.
 At last I found rotate plugin had to be enabled to get the desktop
 switcher applet to work and this plugin wasn't enabled because I
 didn't check rotate cube in ccsm.
 Thanks for helping.
  I think it's possible that Compiz settings are a bit more complicated than
  they need to be ;)  
 Well, it's a shame compiz isn't packaged with a working configuration
 out of the box. I had to struggle to get normal things like windows to
 move or decoration when I first tried it out and I had to check the
 web to find answers to have a usable configuration.

Absolutely agreed. Same thing here. Once it is working though, I find it hard
to do without :-)


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Re: only one workspace when using compiz

2009-09-22 Thread JoeHill
Leonardo Canducci wrote: 

 When I turn on compiz I only have one virtual desktop. Desktop
 switcher shows two available desktops but I can't change to the second
 clicking on it.
 I've tried to change number of desktops option in
 compiz-config-settings-manager (ccsm) but this particular option is
 grayed out. Am I missing something or is it a known bug? Should I load
 some plugin?
 Btw, I'm using gnome and sid (but the same happens with lenny) on
 intel 965 graphics.

Try under 'Desktop', enable Viewport Switcher.


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Re: Losing Debian to the cancer known as HAL

2009-09-13 Thread JoeHill
Dirk wrote: 

 I am not affiliated with Gentoo but I see a raising demand for Linux without
 HAL (Yes, almost 500.000

Yeah, and 3,750,000 for 'linux install hal'. So what?


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Re: Losing Debian to the cancer known as HAL

2009-09-13 Thread JoeHill
Sam Leon wrote: 

 JoeHill wrote:
  Dirk wrote: 

  I am not affiliated with Gentoo but I see a raising demand for Linux
  without HAL (Yes, almost
  500.000 results)  
  Yeah, and 3,750,000 for 'linux install hal'. So what?

 I don't even know what HAL is

You don't need to. It just works :-)

Just in case you're curious:


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I would like to eject my cdrom

2009-09-07 Thread JoeHill

I don't care if 'an appication is preventing' or whatever, I want to damned
cdrom to eject. I cannot believe that my hardware is being overridden by
software. When I hit the eject button, I really don't give a rat's ass what
someone thinks about it, I want it to eject.

How can I regain control of this?


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Re: I would like to eject my cdrom

2009-09-07 Thread JoeHill
JoeHill wrote: 

 I don't care if 'an appication is preventing' or whatever, I want to damned
 cdrom to eject. I cannot believe that my hardware is being overridden by
 software. When I hit the eject button, I really don't give a rat's ass what
 someone thinks about it, I want it to eject.
 How can I regain control of this?

In this specific situation, where I was trying to install a 2 disc game through
Wine, it turns out there's a 'wine eject' command, and that will override
whatever mojo Gnome and Linux are using on me ;)


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Re: I would like to eject my cdrom

2009-09-07 Thread JoeHill
John Hasler wrote: 

 J writes:
  How can I regain control of this?  
 man eject, and pay special attention to the -a, -i, and -T options.

'eject'? well, that's kind of counterintuitive, isn't it? ;)



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Re: I would like to eject my cdrom

2009-09-07 Thread JoeHill
Jerome BENOIT wrote: 

 Hello Joe !
 JoeHill wrote:
  I don't care if 'an appication is preventing' or whatever, I want to damned
  cdrom to eject. I cannot believe that my hardware is being overridden by
  software. When I hit the eject button, I really don't give a rat's ass what
  someone thinks about it, I want it to eject.
  How can I regain control of this?

 have you  try eject from a console ?

I will next time, many thanks.


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Re: Video editing software on Lenny

2009-09-01 Thread JoeHill
Roman Gelfand wrote: 

 Can somebody recommend a mp4, vob, etc.. video editing software?

Avidemux, Lives, Open Movie Editor, and many others. It depends a lot on your
preferences and what you want to accomplish.


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Re: Epiphany browser always starts up off-line

2009-09-01 Thread JoeHill
Arthur Barlow wrote: 

 I have a fairly recent clean install of Debian testing and everything
 works well.  Just one thing I find annoying.  Whenever I start up the
 Epiphany web browser, it by default begins in the work offline mode.
 There's nothing under preferences that I have found to turn this off.  Any

I always get this same problem, and the sol'n has always been to remove network
manager. NM tells your applications whether you are online or off, and for some
reason it is almost always completely wrong about it.


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What is this PulseAudio applet?

2009-09-01 Thread JoeHill

No complaints so far, but I've got this new Pulseaudio applet in my
notification area (looks like a little headphone jack) and I'm not sure what
it's all about. There are a lot of options for things that sound really cool,
but there's not much of an explanation.

I checked on for some information about it, but it was pretty
sketchy. Can anyone point me to some more detailed info about what this applet



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Re: What is this PulseAudio applet?

2009-09-01 Thread JoeHill
Andrew Sackville-West wrote: 

 On Tue, Sep 01, 2009 at 11:55:20AM -0400, JoeHill wrote:
  No complaints so far, but I've got this new Pulseaudio applet in my
  notification area (looks like a little headphone jack) and I'm not sure what
  it's all about. There are a lot of options for things that sound really
  cool, but there's not much of an explanation.
  I checked on for some information about it, but it was pretty
  sketchy. Can anyone point me to some more detailed info about what this
  applet does?  
 google much? ;-) is a good starting point. there is documentation

That's great, but my question wasn't 'what is pulseaudio?'. I was hoping to get
some information about the applet and the options/settings therein.


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Re: Reason #14749 to hate gmail (was Re: List Ettiquette)

2009-08-30 Thread JoeHill
Patrick Wiseman wrote: 

 [Yikes!  I just sent this to the poster instead of the list, because
 gmail defaults that way.  Oh, the irony (at my own expense)!]
 On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 4:42 AM, Rakotomandimby wrote:
  08/30/2009 07:28 AM, Neal Hogan:  
  As with all subject changing threads, stuff gets confusing . . .
  mailing list etiquette 101?  
  We should add somewhere in another etiquette dont post from Gmail ;-)  
 I realize that was meant in jest, but, as you see, posting from gmail
 works perfectly well.  It just has some features which require thought
 before posting to a list with particular requirements, such as this
 one.  Think before posting.  Hmm.  Maybe we should REQUIRE gmail ;)

Strangely, I use gmail for one list I'm on, and it's worked really well. I
don't like the non-tree view of threaded messages, but other than that the in
line replying works well, the line wrap is accurate, and the quoting is good.

Compared to Outlook or Yahoo, GMail is pure heaven.


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Re: List Ettiquette

2009-08-30 Thread JoeHill
Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote: 

 Ron Johnson wrote:
  We keepers of the in-line posting flame are a shrinking minority, 
  now dominant only on Very Geeky lists.
 I have to agree. It's sad, but it's true.
 But this is not only Gmail's fault. Long before it existed The Proper
 Way of replying was dying. Outlook and Hotmail (which are so bad that
 even the most geeky user probably could not send a properly formatted
 e-mail with them) are probably to blame.
 One thing, however, that is entirely Gmail's fault is showing e-mails as
 a list, not a tree with ramifications. Along with the reply box in the
 bottom, this causes unaware users to reply to the last message, even if
 they are replying to what was said in a previous message. (Not a problem
 in this list, but I see this happen in other places.)

The horrors of GMail pale in comparison to the damage that can be done to a
mailing list by one person replying from Yahoo mail. I can't even describe the
carnage, it's too horrifying.


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Network Manager cannot be removed

2009-08-30 Thread JoeHill

This is going to drive me nuts.

I've removed Network Manager in the past because it causes no end of trouble,
especially because it never seems to think I'm connected to the Internet, so
everything starts in 'offline' mode.

Major Gnome update today, and sure enough, Network Manager is installed again.
This time however, I cannot remove it without removing Gnome.

Can someone please tell me how I can permanently, and with great malice,
annihilate Network Manager once and for all?


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Re: Network Manager cannot be removed

2009-08-30 Thread JoeHill
Sven Joachim wrote: 

 On 2009-08-30 20:47 +0200, JoeHill wrote:
  This is going to drive me nuts.
  I've removed Network Manager in the past because it causes no end of
  trouble, especially because it never seems to think I'm connected to the
  Internet, so everything starts in 'offline' mode.
  Major Gnome update today, and sure enough, Network Manager is installed
  again. This time however, I cannot remove it without removing Gnome.
  Can someone please tell me how I can permanently, and with great malice,
  annihilate Network Manager once and for all?  
 Remove the gnome metapackage.  Make sure to mark everything it depends
 on and which you want to keep as manually installed.

Do you mean in Synaptic? I can't see any way to do what you suggest...



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Re: Network Manager cannot be removed

2009-08-30 Thread JoeHill
John Hasler wrote: 

 JoeHill writes:
  Can someone please tell me how I can permanently, and with great
  malice, annihilate Network Manager once and for all?  
 apt-get remove --purge network-manager.  Let it remove the gnome
 metapackage.  It's already done its job.

That worked, thanks :-)


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Re: Network Manager cannot be removed

2009-08-30 Thread JoeHill
Sven Joachim wrote: 

 On 2009-08-30 20:58 +0200, JoeHill wrote:
  Sven Joachim wrote:   
  Remove the gnome metapackage.  Make sure to mark everything it depends
  on and which you want to keep as manually installed.  
  Do you mean in Synaptic? I can't see any way to do what you suggest...  
 I don't know anything about Synaptic (never used it), but there are
 apt-mark unmarkauto packages and aptitude unmarkauto packages
 which you can use at the commandline.

Okay, so now I've removed the gnome metapackage, and aptitude keeps wanting to
remove all of gnome. I looked at the explanations for unmarkauto, but I'm not
sure how I would use that for all of the gnome packages. I mean, not all of
them even have the word gnome in them, so what kind of wildcard argument could
I use?

Is there somewhere I could look for examples of how to use this command?

Many thanks for any tips.


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Re: dvd playback application

2009-08-29 Thread JoeHill
jeremy jozwik wrote: 

 On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:07 AM, Aioanei
  If you try some Google search for, say, dvd playback Debian, I'm sure your
  problem will be solved in minutes. Hint : debian-multimedia.  
 i thought that is the point of a mailing list. ask other people how
 they have fixed things.

Yeah, but sometimes people get tired of answering the same questions over and
over again every time someone tries Linux for the first time ;)

I've asked a lot of FAQ questions in my time, though, so I don't complain about
it too much.

Just add the Debian Multimedia repository to your sources, according to the
version of Debian you are using (ie. Lenny, Sid, or Squeeze):

If you install Xine, Ogle or VLC from there, any of them should do DVD playback.

For really detailed instructions you can Google 'enable dvd playback debian'.
If after this you are still having trouble, then write back and someone will
gladly assist you.



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Re: List Ettiquette

2009-08-29 Thread JoeHill
Kevin Ross wrote: 

  From: Eduardo M KALINOWSKI [] 
  Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 2:07 PM
  Jason C. Wells wrote:  
   Is it customary here to CC both respondents and the list,   
  or just the   
   list?  In BSD-land we CC every individual in a discussion   
  plus the list.  
  Just the list. (After all, the purpose of the mailing list software is
  to distribute e-mails to those who want them, so no need to do that
 How come the list software makes it a hassle to reply to just the list?  The
 CoC specifically states:
 When replying to messages on the mailing list, do not send a carbon copy
 (CC) to the original poster unless they explicitly request to be copied.
 If this is official Debian policy, then why don't they set the Reply-To
 header to be the list?

Aw, crap, here we go again :-(

 As it is now, every time I reply, I have to manually edit the addressee
 list.  Hitting Reply only goes to the original poster. Reply All goes to the
 poster and the list.

That's because you have a broken mail client. It should have separate buttons
or key bindings for reply-sender and reply-list.

This debate had been done, something like a billion times. It is the way it is,
that's it.

There are plenty of discussions of this issue you can read through, in fact
it's happened at least three times on this list since I joined just a year or
so ago.


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Re: dvd playback application

2009-08-29 Thread JoeHill
jeremy jozwik wrote: 

 On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 2:14 PM, wrote:
  Yeah, but sometimes people get tired of answering the same questions over
  and over again every time someone tries Linux for the first time ;)  

 ive been on the openmoko lists for just under a year now and have
 helped out plenty of newbies with there questions that could easily
 have been answered searching around the internet. i really dont
 understand the annoyance that a lot of people on the debian list seem
 to have. i see it as if i dont feel like reading or responding i
 simply do not do so. why bother wasting the energy saying google it

That is a good question.

  If you install Xine, Ogle or VLC from there, any of them should do DVD
 i have already installed and tried those applications, like i said in
 my original email. and for some reason of another they simply do not

You need to install them from Debian Multimedia, not from the default repos.

  For really detailed instructions you can Google 'enable dvd playback
  debian'. If after this you are still having trouble, then write back and
  someone will gladly assist you. 

 search result
 lists several steps.

Sometimes you have to put in a little more effort than just looking at the
first link that comes up. The third one down, if you used the search term I
suggested, is this one:

 the only thing i did not do was
 # ln -s /dev/hdc /dev/dvd
 but that link already exists.
 everything else is fine.
 now when i get to the step:
 4.2.1. MPlayer
 Type mplayer dvd://1 to begin playing title #1 on the disc. To play
 other title numbers, substitute the appropriate number in place of 1.
 the drive spins up, terminal displays some bits and pieces says
 playing dvd, MPEG-PS file format detected.
 and nothing else happens. which is the same thing i said in the first post.
 im getting pritty frustrated here and just asking for a bit more help
 then google


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Re: List Ettiquette

2009-08-29 Thread JoeHill
Kevin Ross wrote: 

  From: JoeHill [] 
  Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 3:11 PM

   As it is now, every time I reply, I have to manually edit   
  the addressee  
   list.  Hitting Reply only goes to the original poster.   
  Reply All goes to the  
   poster and the list.  
  That's because you have a broken mail client. It should have 
  separate buttons
  or key bindings for reply-sender and reply-list.  
 It's true I'm currently using Outlook from my Windows computer. 

So that's why the line-wrap is so fscked. Outlook should just be banned
outright. It's a blight on all things decent and good.

 But when I'm at a Linux computer, I use Icedove, with the same results.  Same
 with SquirrelMail webmail client.  And RoundCube webmail.  (The two that I've
 had installed on my mail servers).  Is there an official mail client of this
 mailing list that I should be using, on all computers (and OSes) that I
 access email from?

lol, very funny, but no. You just need reply-list, which now that I look
(Google), you need an extension to enable this in Icedove.

If there _was_ an official mail client, it would be Claws ;)

  This debate had been done, something like a billion times. It 
  is the way it is,
  that's it.
  There are plenty of discussions of this issue you can read 
  through, in fact
  it's happened at least three times on this list since I 
  joined just a year or
  so ago.  
 Sorry, I'm new on this list.  I guess I'll drop the discussion.

Thanks! :-)


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Re: dvd playback application

2009-08-29 Thread JoeHill
jeremy jozwik wrote: 

 On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 3:20 PM, wrote:
  You need to install them from Debian Multimedia, not from the default
 the first time i ran the install for mplayer and ogle it was from add/remove.
 after you suggested i install them from debian multi i removed them
 from add/remove. seems that they were not really removed.
 removing from the synaptic manager got rid of them completely and now
 re installing from the debian multi ogle works.
 thanks very much

No problem! Enjoy your Venture Bros. :-)


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Re: List Ettiquette

2009-08-29 Thread JoeHill
Tim Tebbit wrote: 

 JoeHill wrote:
  If there _was_ an official mail client, it would be Claws ;)  

Okay, Claws _or_ Mutt.


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Re: List Ettiquette

2009-08-29 Thread JoeHill
Neal Hogan wrote: 

 using gmail . . . rich formatting . . . clicked repy to all
 oh . . . and this is top-posted
 get over the email format!

It's called being polite, and putting other people's needs ahead of your own.
It's not a bad thing, it's a human thing.

 gmail provides a nice gui-riffic format that many feel comfortable
 using. I don't get where this complaining about client usage is going.
 If you a want  more pure OS, then . . . u . . . go somewhere

It's not a question of 'pure', it's a question of standards. The reason we are
all able to communicate is that we all agree to a standard set of symbols to
convey meaning. If someone comes on here and starts asking us to forgive the
fact that they use different letters than we do, we're gonna say 'go f
yourself', and with good reason.

Standards are the reason we're all here. Standards are the reason we use things
like Debian. Standards are the reason that Debian works.

Can people deviate? Yes. Is it a good thing for people to deviate from
standards once in awhile? Absolutely. Should they be surprised or confused when
someone calls them on it? Not if they have a working brain.


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Re: Nvidia cards

2009-08-26 Thread JoeHill
Kevin Ross wrote: 

  From: Patrick Wiseman []
  Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 3:49 PM
  On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 6:38 PM, Boyd Stephen Smith wrote:
   On Wednesday 26 August 2009 16:52:06 Jeff H. wrote:  
   Been thinking of switching to Debian. Does it support Nvidia laptop  
   The nv X11 driver is in the Offical Free-Software-Only Debian  
   repository.  I think the nouveau X11 driver is also being packaged  
  by a DD  
   but is not in, or scheduled to be in any release of Debian.
   The nvidia X11 driver and the kernel module of the same name are  
  part of the  
   non-free repository.  These packages are second-class citizens; their  
   source nature makes it impossible to resolve non-packaging issues  
   Packages in Official Stable Debian do not get upgraded to new version  
   upstream, so it will not include the latest release from NVidia.  In  
   the kernel module is not always kept in sync with the latest kernel,  
  so you  
   may need to compile that yourself.  There are helper scripts and  
   packages available.  
  While this used to be the case, I think it is no longer so (although
  I'm on testing, not stable).  There is now a package for the nividia
  kernel and module which keeps everything in sync; I have not had to
  recompile the kernel to catch up with the nvidia module in a very long
  time.  And it works very nicely.
 Only the legacy 173.xx kernel module is in non-free, even in Sid.  If you
 want the new 185.xx series, like for VDPAU for hardware-accelerated video
 playback, you still need to do it the hard way, which still isn't very hard.

What is the 'hard way'?


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Re: Nvidia cards

2009-08-26 Thread JoeHill
Jerome BENOIT wrote: 

 Hello List,
 you can find the new 185.xx series in Sid.

Yeah, that's what I just saw. Unfortunately I get this:

node1:/home/joehill# aptitude -t unstable install nvidia-glx
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
Reading extended state information  
Initializing package states... Done
Writing extended state information... Done
Reading task descriptions... Done 
The following packages are BROKEN:
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  gnome-vfs-obexftp{u} libevolution5.0-cil{u} libhesiod0{u} libkadm5srv5{u} 
  libopal3.6.1{u} libpam-cracklib{u} libpt2.6.1{u} libusb-1.0-0{u} 
  libzephyr3{u} nvidia-kernel-2.6.26-1-686{u} 
  nvidia-kernel-2.6.26-2-686-bigmem{u} padevchooser{u} paman{u} paprefs{u} 
  pavumeter{u} pulseaudio-module-gconf{u} pulseaudio-module-zeroconf{u} 
1 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 18 to remove and 426 not upgraded.
Need to get 7129kB of archives. After unpacking 33.2MB will be freed.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  nvidia-glx: Depends: nvidia-kernel-185.18.31 which is a virtual package.
The following actions will resolve these dependencies:

Remove the following packages:

Score is -9881

Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?]

Does this mean that nvidia-glx will be upgraded?


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Re: Nvidia cards

2009-08-26 Thread JoeHill
Jerome BENOIT wrote: 
 JoeHill wrote:
  Jerome BENOIT wrote: 

  Hello List,
  you can find the new 185.xx series in Sid.  
  Yeah, that's what I just saw. Unfortunately I get this:
  node1:/home/joehill# aptitude -t unstable install nvidia-glx
  Reading package lists... Done
  Building dependency tree   
  Reading state information... Done
  Reading extended state information  
  Initializing package states... Done
  Writing extended state information... Done
  Reading task descriptions... Done 
  The following packages are BROKEN:
  The following packages will be REMOVED:
gnome-vfs-obexftp{u} libevolution5.0-cil{u} libhesiod0{u} libkadm5srv5{u} 
libopal3.6.1{u} libpam-cracklib{u} libpt2.6.1{u} libusb-1.0-0{u} 
libzephyr3{u} nvidia-kernel-2.6.26-1-686{u} 
nvidia-kernel-2.6.26-2-686-bigmem{u} padevchooser{u} paman{u} paprefs{u} 
pavumeter{u} pulseaudio-module-gconf{u} pulseaudio-module-zeroconf{u} 
  1 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 18 to remove and 426 not upgraded.
  Need to get 7129kB of archives. After unpacking 33.2MB will be freed.
  The following packages have unmet dependencies:
nvidia-glx: Depends: nvidia-kernel-185.18.31 which is a virtual package.
  The following actions will resolve these dependencies:
  Remove the following packages:
  Score is -9881
  Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?]
  Does this mean that nvidia-glx will be upgraded?

 Hello List,
 actually what I am doing, given that my box is a Lenny box,
 I grab the Sid source and I build the Debian packages with dpkg tools.
Your top-post is no match for my cut and paste ;)

Do you have a link to a howto for building those packages?



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Re: x won't start as a particular user. for other users works fine. what file is causing it? how to troubleshoot?

2009-08-25 Thread JoeHill
Kevin Ross wrote: 

  From: Mitchell Laks []
  Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 2:48 PM
  On 16:06 Tue 25 Aug , Ron Johnson wrote:  
   On 2009-08-25 15:58, Mitchell Laks wrote:  
   On 19:20 Mon 24 Aug , Ron Johnson wrote:  
   startx or gdm?  
   i shut off gdm and am working with startx at the command line.
   Good for you!
   Have you tried startx -- -v?  It might not work, but couldn't hurt.

  i had tried that and it did not work.
  i was looking for the options of X itself...  
 Is there something in your ~/.xinitrc, ~/.Xsessionrc, or ~/.xserverrc file
 causing startup to fail?
 Have you looked for errors in the ~/.xsession-errors file?

Okay, c'mon, did you read his original post? I mean, really:

I looked for .xinitrc .xsession files .xsession-error  files etc.

I looked in the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file and no information...



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Re: Iceweasel 3.5

2009-08-11 Thread JoeHill
Charlie Kroeger wrote: 

  So how does one use the latest version of this web browser on Stable ?  
 You could put these sources in your /etc/apt/sources.list and do an #apt-get
 deb sid main contrib non-free
 If you have a GUI type package manager like smartpm it will show a list of all
 the available versions of Ice Weasel after the update. If not that then
 #apt-cache showpkg package will give a lot of verbose information regarding
 versions dependencies and anything with the word iceweasel in it including the
 versions in your package cache
 As a last resort if you have problems with the dependencies running lenny you
 can always go to /etc/apt/apt.conf and put in the line:
 APT::Default-Release sid;

If there were an award for informative responses, you would win for this :)


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2009-07-27 Thread JoeHill
lee wrote: 

 On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 10:31:51AM -0500, Michael Ekstrand wrote:
   * The Debian user community has a high population of jerks, don't
  ask them for help.  
  Yes, typical disclaimers are nonsensical on public lists.  BUT, taking
  the poster to task so aggressively and for so long when it is likely
  entirely outside his or her control is entirely inappropriate.  
 It is entirely inappropriate to post the disclaimer on the list. It is
 also entirely inappropriate for the poster not to say anything to that
 and not even to say thanks for your answers. He or she also didn't
 respond to a mail I sent her/him with some answer and a suggestion to
 remove the disclaimer.
 And yes, there are too many jerks on this list.

If so many people are treating you with some disdain, you might want to take a
good long look at your own behaviour.

Personally, I hit 'ignore thread' on everything you post, because every single
thread that you participate in ends in a repetitive and uninteresting argument.


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-08 Thread JoeHill
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 On Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 14:28:13 -0400, JoeHill wrote:
  Florian Kulzer wrote:   
   On Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 11:29:50 -0400, JoeHill wrote:  
JoeHill wrote: 
 Florian Kulzer wrote: 
  Try modprobe -v wl as root; that should either give you wlan0 or
  some error messages that tell us what goes wrong. (I suspect that
  you might need a newer kernel.)  
Okay, now it's hosed again. When I boot up and do 'modprobe -v wl', I
get no 'rmmod' lines, as above, it's totally different:
tablet:/home/lajolla# modprobe -v wl
WARNING: All config files
need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it will be ignored in a
future release.
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/net/ieee80211/ieee80211_crypt.ko
install /sbin/modprobe -qr b43 ssb; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install wl
WARNING: All config files
need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it will be ignored in a
future release.
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/wl.ko 

And, of course, I get no wireless :-(
   Try what I suggested earlier regarding rf switch, BIOS settings and
   configuration under Windows. If nothing else helps, install a newer
   kernel and rebuild the wl module.  
  I've been through all the BIOS options, nothing in there about wireless as
  far as I can tell. The switch for the wireless has no effect, other than to
  cause the device to disappear from lsusb.  
 Since you keep ignoring my questions about this device under Windows, I
 will assume that you do not have Windows installed on this laptop.
  This is the weird thing: I did a reinstall of the OS yesterday to get 'clean
  slate' (hopefully), and when I first booted up the new install I did lspci
  and lsusb. lspci showed the Broadcom device as I originally posted, lsusb
  showed the HP integrated wireless device.  
 I do not understand why you are not posting the relevant part of the
 lspci -knn output; I have asked for it repeatedly.
  I would like to try to install a newer kernel, but I'm having trouble
  finding where to get that. I did apt-cache search linux-image to see what
  was available, but nothing newer than mine was listed. Right now I have
  2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP.  
 If you run Squeeze then it should be possible to install a 2.6.30 kernel
 from Sid; has 2.6.30 kernel images for Lenny.

Okay, I upgraded the kernel to 2.6.30 and rebuilt the driver with

tablet:/home/lajolla# lspci -knn | grep -iEA2 'broadcom|bcm|wireless|wifi'
tablet:/home/lajolla# modprobe -v wl
WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it
will be ignored in a future release.
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.30-1-686/kernel/net/wireless/lib80211.ko
install /sbin/modprobe -qr b43 ssb; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install wl WARNING:
All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it will be
ignored in a future release.
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.30-1-686/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/wl.ko 

It's just not there anymore. I'm not sure how to proceed from here.


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Re: Upgrade to Testing Reading package lists... Error!

2009-07-08 Thread JoeHill
Brian wrote: 

 Looks like I am OJ now.

lol, very nice.


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-08 Thread JoeHill
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 On Wed, Jul 08, 2009 at 10:47:03 -0400, JoeHill wrote:
  Okay, I upgraded the kernel to 2.6.30 and rebuilt the driver with
  tablet:/home/lajolla# lspci -knn | grep -iEA2 'broadcom|bcm|wireless|wifi'
  tablet:/home/lajolla# modprobe -v wl
  WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it
  will be ignored in a future release.
  insmod /lib/modules/2.6.30-1-686/kernel/net/wireless/lib80211.ko
  install /sbin/modprobe -qr b43 ssb; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install wl
  WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it
  will be ignored in a future release.
  insmod /lib/modules/2.6.30-1-686/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/wl.ko 
  It's just not there anymore. I'm not sure how to proceed from here.  
 Your problem might be due to broken hardware, see Rob Owens's message
 earlier in this thread:
 If you cannot get a warranty replacement then you should consider buying
 a cheap and well-supported USB or PCMCIA wireless device, as Rob also
 suggested; this approach is often preferable to endless fighting with
 flaky built-in hardware.

Good point. I'm certainly not in any hurry to continue this masochistic
exercise. I definitely appreciate your patience.

I found this:

and this:

and I've found a couple of people who can confirm that they are using the rt73
driver without hassle. If anyone else is looking for Linux compatible wireless
devices, this was a useful link for me:

 (The possibility of hardware failure was the main reason why I kept
  nagging about trying the device under Windows, to have an independent
  test under an OS that is officially supported by the manufacturer.)

If only there were some sort of Windows 'live cd' for testing purposes.

Thanks very much for all your help :)


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Wireless not loaded at boot

2009-07-07 Thread JoeHill

I've got wireless working on a notebook (after much assistance) with a Broadcom
driver. However, the module is not loaded a boot, and so I have to do a
'modprobe wl' to get it working.

Before anyone posts a 'lmgtfy', I am looking at the Debian Wiki right now
for articles about how to load kernel modules at boot. However, I've had this
friend's notebook for a week and a half, you know ;)



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Re: Wireless not loaded at boot

2009-07-07 Thread JoeHill
Andrei Popescu wrote: 

 On Tue,07.Jul.09, 02:00:59, JoeHill wrote:
  I've got wireless working on a notebook (after much assistance) with a
  Broadcom driver. However, the module is not loaded a boot, and so I have to
  do a 'modprobe wl' to get it working.  
 $ cat /etc/modules

I tried adding 'wl' as the comments suggest, and now it shows up in lsmod, but
the situation is much worse. Now when I do iwconfig, the interface is not there.


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Re: Wireless not loaded at boot

2009-07-07 Thread JoeHill
Andrei Popescu wrote: 

 On Tue,07.Jul.09, 02:00:59, JoeHill wrote:
  I've got wireless working on a notebook (after much assistance) with a
  Broadcom driver. However, the module is not loaded a boot, and so I have to
  do a 'modprobe wl' to get it working.  
 $ cat /etc/modules

Well, now I've lost wireless again. I have rebooted without the line I added in
modules, and I can modprobe the driver as before, but now I get no eth1 as
before. It's broken again. Great.


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-07 Thread JoeHill
JoeHill wrote: 

 Florian Kulzer wrote: 
  Try modprobe -v wl as root; that should either give you wlan0 or some
  error messages that tell us what goes wrong. (I suspect that you might
  need a newer kernel.)  
 It worked!
 Well, I still am not on wireless, because I use WPA on my router and I'm not
 sure how to get that configured yet on the notebook, but at least this time
 when I repeated your instructions, I got this:
 tablet:/home/lajolla# modprobe -v wl
 insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/net/ieee80211/ieee80211_crypt.ko 
 install /sbin/modprobe -qr b43 ssb; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install wl 
 rmmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/ssb/ssb.ko
 rmmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/pcmcia/pcmcia.ko
 rmmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/base/firmware_class.ko
 rmmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.ko
 insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/wl.ko 
 tablet:/home/lajolla# iwconfig 
 lono wireless extensions.
 eth0  no wireless extensions.
 eth1  IEEE 802.11abgn  ESSID:  Nickname:
   Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated   
   Bit Rate:14 Mb/s   Tx-Power:32 dBm   
   Retry min limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
   Power Managementmode:All packets received
   Link Quality=5/5  Signal level=0 dBm  Noise level=0 dBm
   Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
   Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0

Okay, now it's hosed again. When I boot up and do 'modprobe -v wl', I get no
'rmmod' lines, as above, it's totally different:
tablet:/home/lajolla# modprobe -v wl
WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it
will be ignored in a future release.
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/net/ieee80211/ieee80211_crypt.ko
install /sbin/modprobe -qr b43 ssb; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install wl WARNING:
All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it will be
ignored in a future release.
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/wl.ko 

And, of course, I get no wireless :-(



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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-07 Thread JoeHill
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 On Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 11:29:50 -0400, JoeHill wrote:
  JoeHill wrote:   
   Florian Kulzer wrote:   
Try modprobe -v wl as root; that should either give you wlan0 or some
error messages that tell us what goes wrong. (I suspect that you might
need a newer kernel.)
   It worked!
   Well, I still am not on wireless, because I use WPA on my router and I'm
   not sure how to get that configured yet on the notebook, but at least
   this time when I repeated your instructions, I got this:
   tablet:/home/lajolla# modprobe -v wl
   insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/net/ieee80211/ieee80211_crypt.ko 
   install /sbin/modprobe -qr b43 ssb; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install wl 
   rmmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/ssb/ssb.ko
   rmmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/pcmcia/pcmcia.ko
   rmmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/base/firmware_class.ko
   rmmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.ko
   insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/wl.ko 
   tablet:/home/lajolla# iwconfig 
   lono wireless extensions.
   eth0  no wireless extensions.
   eth1  IEEE 802.11abgn  ESSID:  Nickname:
 Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point:
   Not-Associated Bit Rate:14 Mb/s   Tx-Power:32 dBm   
 Retry min limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
 Power Managementmode:All packets received
 Link Quality=5/5  Signal level=0 dBm  Noise level=0 dBm
 Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
 Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0  
  Okay, now it's hosed again. When I boot up and do 'modprobe -v wl', I get no
  'rmmod' lines, as above, it's totally different:
  tablet:/home/lajolla# modprobe -v wl
  WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it
  will be ignored in a future release.
  insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/net/ieee80211/ieee80211_crypt.ko
  install /sbin/modprobe -qr b43 ssb; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install wl
  WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it
  will be ignored in a future release.
  insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/wl.ko 
  And, of course, I get no wireless :-(  
 It seems that your system still does not recognize the presence of the
 Broadcom device reliably. You have to check the lspci output before
 anything else. (The rmmod lines for the successful attempts show that
 the system had already loaded another driver for the device, which only
 happens if it is recognized.)

 Try what I suggested earlier regarding rf switch, BIOS settings and
 configuration under Windows. If nothing else helps, install a newer
 kernel and rebuild the wl module.

I've been through all the BIOS options, nothing in there about wireless as far
as I can tell. The switch for the wireless has no effect, other than to cause
the device to disappear from lsusb.

This is the weird thing: I did a reinstall of the OS yesterday to get 'clean
slate' (hopefully), and when I first booted up the new install I did lspci and
lsusb. lspci showed the Broadcom device as I originally posted, lsusb showed
the HP integrated wireless device.

I would like to try to install a newer kernel, but I'm having trouble finding
where to get that. I did apt-cache search linux-image to see what was
available, but nothing newer than mine was listed. Right now I have
2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP.

Thanks again.


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-07 Thread JoeHill
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 On Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 14:28:13 -0400, JoeHill wrote:
  Florian Kulzer wrote:   
   On Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 11:29:50 -0400, JoeHill wrote:  
JoeHill wrote: 
 Florian Kulzer wrote: 
  Try modprobe -v wl as root; that should either give you wlan0 or
  some error messages that tell us what goes wrong. (I suspect that
  you might need a newer kernel.)  
Okay, now it's hosed again. When I boot up and do 'modprobe -v wl', I
get no 'rmmod' lines, as above, it's totally different:
tablet:/home/lajolla# modprobe -v wl
WARNING: All config files
need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it will be ignored in a
future release.
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/net/ieee80211/ieee80211_crypt.ko
install /sbin/modprobe -qr b43 ssb; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install wl
WARNING: All config files
need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it will be ignored in a
future release.
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/wl.ko 

And, of course, I get no wireless :-(
   Try what I suggested earlier regarding rf switch, BIOS settings and
   configuration under Windows. If nothing else helps, install a newer
   kernel and rebuild the wl module.  
  I've been through all the BIOS options, nothing in there about wireless as
  far as I can tell. The switch for the wireless has no effect, other than to
  cause the device to disappear from lsusb.  
 Since you keep ignoring my questions about this device under Windows, I
 will assume that you do not have Windows installed on this laptop.

Sorry about that, but yes, you're right. I don't even know where I would get
Windows from anymore.

  This is the weird thing: I did a reinstall of the OS yesterday to get 'clean
  slate' (hopefully), and when I first booted up the new install I did lspci
  and lsusb. lspci showed the Broadcom device as I originally posted, lsusb
  showed the HP integrated wireless device.  
 I do not understand why you are not posting the relevant part of the
 lspci -knn output; I have asked for it repeatedly.

Okay, but the device is gone again. There is no output for it in lspci right

tablet:/home/lajolla# lspci -knn | grep -iEA2 'broadcom|bcm|wireless|wifi'

  I would like to try to install a newer kernel, but I'm having trouble
  finding where to get that. I did apt-cache search linux-image to see what
  was available, but nothing newer than mine was listed. Right now I have
  2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP.  
 If you run Squeeze then it should be possible to install a 2.6.30 kernel
 from Sid; has 2.6.30 kernel images for Lenny.

I'm going to give that a shot, then and I'll report back. Thanks again for all
of your assistance.


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-06 Thread JoeHill
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 Try modprobe -v wl as root; that should either give you wlan0 or some
 error messages that tell us what goes wrong. (I suspect that you might
 need a newer kernel.)

It worked!

Well, I still am not on wireless, because I use WPA on my router and I'm not
sure how to get that configured yet on the notebook, but at least this time
when I repeated your instructions, I got this:

tablet:/home/lajolla# modprobe -v wl
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/net/ieee80211/ieee80211_crypt.ko 
install /sbin/modprobe -qr b43 ssb; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install wl 
rmmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/ssb/ssb.ko
rmmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/pcmcia/pcmcia.ko
rmmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/base/firmware_class.ko
rmmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.ko
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/wl.ko 
tablet:/home/lajolla# iwconfig 
lono wireless extensions.

eth0  no wireless extensions.

eth1  IEEE 802.11abgn  ESSID:  Nickname:
  Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated   
  Bit Rate:14 Mb/s   Tx-Power:32 dBm   
  Retry min limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
  Power Managementmode:All packets received
  Link Quality=5/5  Signal level=0 dBm  Noise level=0 dBm
  Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
  Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0

I learned quite a bit from this exercise, in particular that I will never buy a
machine with a Broadcom chip ;)

Many, many thanks for all your time.


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-05 Thread JoeHill
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 16:22:40 -0400, JoeHill wrote:
  Florian Kulzer wrote: 

   Try modprobe -v wl as root; that should either give you wlan0 or some
   error messages that tell us what goes wrong. (I suspect that you might
   need a newer kernel.)  
  Tried again after a reboot:
  tablet:/home/lajolla# modprobe -v wl
  WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it
  will be ignored in a future release.
  insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/net/ieee80211/ieee80211_crypt.ko
  install /sbin/modprobe -qr b43 ssb; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install wl
  WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it
  will be ignored in a future release.
  insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/wl.ko 
  tablet:/home/lajolla# lsmod | grep -E 'bcm|b43|wl|ndis'
  wl   1267176  0 
  ieee80211_crypt 5124  1 wl
  but still:
  tablet:/home/lajolla# iwconfig 
  lono wireless extensions.
  eth0  no wireless extensions.
  tablet:/home/lajolla# ifconfig wlan0 up
  wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device  
 Note: There is no point in trying to ifup the device as long as it is
 not listed by iwconfig.

Heh, okay.

 So, your kernel does load the module without obvious problems, but no
 new network device becomes available. This means that the kernel does
 not recognize your hardware as supported by this module (or by any other
 driver that it knows).

Is that maybe remedied by a newer kernel? 

 Please post the output of this:
 lspci -knn | grep -iEA2 'broadcom|bcm|wireless|wifi'

No output :-(


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-05 Thread JoeHill
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 10:35:38 -0400, JoeHill wrote:
  Florian Kulzer wrote:   
   On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 16:22:40 -0400, JoeHill wrote:  
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 Try modprobe -v wl as root; that should either give you wlan0 or
 some error messages that tell us what goes wrong. (I suspect that you
 might need a newer kernel.)

Tried again after a reboot:

tablet:/home/lajolla# modprobe -v wl
WARNING: All config files
need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it will be ignored in a
future release.
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/net/ieee80211/ieee80211_crypt.ko
install /sbin/modprobe -qr b43 ssb; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install wl
WARNING: All config files
need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it will be ignored in a
future release.
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/wl.ko 

tablet:/home/lajolla# lsmod | grep -E 'bcm|b43|wl|ndis'
wl   1267176  0 
ieee80211_crypt 5124  1 wl

but still:

tablet:/home/lajolla# iwconfig 
lono wireless extensions.

eth0  no wireless extensions.  
   Please post the output of this:
   lspci -knn | grep -iEA2 'broadcom|bcm|wireless|wifi'  
  No output :-(  
 What about this:
 lspci -nn | grep -Ei 'net|lan|14e4|4328'

tablet:/home/lajolla# lspci -nn | grep -Ei 'net|lan|14e4|4328'
00:14.0 Bridge [0680]: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Ethernet Controller [10de:0269]
(rev a3) 
00:18.3 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8
[Athlon64/Opteron] Miscellaneous Control [1022:1103]


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-05 Thread JoeHill
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 11:55:06 -0400, JoeHill wrote:
  Florian Kulzer wrote:   
   Earlier, JoeHill wrote:  
Florian Kulzer wrote: 
 Please post the output of this:
 lspci -knn | grep -iEA2 'broadcom|bcm|wireless|wifi'

No output :-(
   What about this:
   lspci -nn | grep -Ei 'net|lan|14e4|4328'  
  tablet:/home/lajolla# lspci -nn | grep -Ei 'net|lan|14e4|4328'
  00:14.0 Bridge [0680]: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Ethernet Controller
  [10de:0269] (rev a3) 
  00:18.3 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8
  [Athlon64/Opteron] Miscellaneous Control [1022:1103]  
 What, then, makes you think that you have a Broadcom Corporation
 BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03) wireless adapter? Is there a PCMCIA card
 with this chipset?

That's weird. I swear when I started this whole thing, I ran 'lspci', and got
that output. I mean, really, where else could I have gotten that? It was pasted
from a terminal, and I don't have any other machines in here with wireless :-)

On the front of the notebook, there a label which says 'Broadcom Wireless', and
underneath that is an antenna symbol, the word 'Wireless', and a switch to turn
the wireless on or off. I of course have tried all this with the indicator in
both positions.

However, now when I run lsusb, I get this:

Bus 002 Device 003: ID 03f0:171d Hewlett-Packard Wireless (Bluetooth + WLAN)
Interface [Integrated Module]

Could I have changed something when I installed the Windows driver from HP with
ndiswrapper? I've since removed the driver _and_ ndiswrapper.


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 On Fri, Jul 03, 2009 at 12:12:06 +0200, Klistvud wrote:
  Another suggestion: the proprietary driver downloadable from broadcom's 
  website works exceedingly well for BCM4321, so chances are it would 
  work with your hardware as well. The driver comes with exhaustive 
  instructions for compiling, so it is relatively hassle-free to install. 
  But, needless to say, it does not follow the Debian free software 
  guidelines... and is therefore not supported by Debian in any way, I 
 The Broadcom STA driver (a.k.a. wl) is included in Squeeze and Sid in
 the non-free section; it can be built with module-assistant:

Do I need to remove ndiswrapper first, or is it enough to simply unload the
Windows driver?

Many thanks!


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 On Fri, Jul 03, 2009 at 12:12:06 +0200, Klistvud wrote:
  Another suggestion: the proprietary driver downloadable from broadcom's 
  website works exceedingly well for BCM4321, so chances are it would 
  work with your hardware as well. The driver comes with exhaustive 
  instructions for compiling, so it is relatively hassle-free to install. 
  But, needless to say, it does not follow the Debian free software 
  guidelines... and is therefore not supported by Debian in any way, I 
 The Broadcom STA driver (a.k.a. wl) is included in Squeeze and Sid in
 the non-free section; it can be built with module-assistant:

Okay, went ahead with this and now I'm a bit further along. Wicd netork manager
will now start, though it shows 'no wireless networks found'. Also, when I look
at the preferences dialogue, there is no entry for 'wireless interface'.

Gnome network manager also shows no wireless interface.


tablet:/home/lajolla# iwconfig 
lono wireless extensions.

eth0  no wireless extensions.

tablet:/home/lajolla# ifconfig wlan0 up
wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill
Thierry Chatelet wrote: 

 On Thursday 02 July 2009 05:09:51 JoeHill wrote:
  I first tried to get wireless working following this page on the Debian
  but then found out that my particular device was not supported by that
  I then tried the tutorial on this page:
  I have a Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03), so I got the
  driver from HP, the vendor of this notebook. It is installed, and shows up
  in ndisgtk, but shows 'Hardware present: no'.
  I installed wicd to see if that would at least let me see more of what was
  going on, but although it says it's running, when I try to access the wicd
  network manager, nothing opens. Gnome network manager shows no wireless
  Any tips really greatly appreciated.
 A Linux driver for the Broadcom bcm43xx wireless chips.
 Broadcom never released details about these chips. So this driver is based 
 upon reverse engineered specifications.
 This driver was included into the Linux kernel since 2.6.17-rc2.
 Another branch of this driver, based on the Devicescape 802.11 Stack, which 
 should be the future in Linux wireless support and which supports advanced 
 capabilities (namely, full WPA support), can be found in the wireless-dev 

I would like to try this, but I am completely unfamiliar with how to approach
this. Is this similar to subversion? How to I retrieve this code?
 The bcm43xx-fwcutter tool (required - see documentation for further info) can 
 install with aptitude.
 So remove ndiswrapper and try again.
 Give some detail from ifconfig, iwconfig..

I already have the fwcutter tool installed from previous attempts, and I've
removed ndiswrapper. ifconfig and iwconfig both show no wireless devices.

Many thanks!


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill
Klistvud wrote: 

 Dne, 02. 07. 2009 06:22:48 je Thierry Chatelet napisal(a):
  On Thursday 02 July 2009 05:09:51 JoeHill wrote:  
   I first tried to get wireless working following this page on the  
   but then found out that my particular device was not supported by  
   I then tried the tutorial on this page:
   I have a Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03), so I  
  got the  
   driver from HP, the vendor of this notebook. It is installed, and  
  shows up  
   in ndisgtk, but shows 'Hardware present: no'.
   I installed wicd to see if that would at least let me see more of  
  what was  
   going on, but although it says it's running, when I try to access  
  the wicd  
   network manager, nothing opens. Gnome network manager shows no  
   Any tips really greatly appreciated.
  A Linux driver for the Broadcom bcm43xx wireless chips.
  Broadcom never released details about these chips. So this driver is
  upon reverse engineered specifications.
  This driver was included into the Linux kernel since 2.6.17-rc2.
  Another branch of this driver, based on the Devicescape 802.11 Stack,
  should be the future in Linux wireless support and which supports
  capabilities (namely, full WPA support), can be found in the
  The bcm43xx-fwcutter tool (required - see documentation for further
  info) can 
  install with aptitude.
  So remove ndiswrapper and try again.
  Give some detail from ifconfig, iwconfig..
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 Another suggestion: the proprietary driver downloadable from broadcom's 
 website works exceedingly well for BCM4321, so chances are it would 
 work with your hardware as well. The driver comes with exhaustive 
 instructions for compiling, so it is relatively hassle-free to install. 
 But, needless to say, it does not follow the Debian free software 
 guidelines... and is therefore not supported by Debian in any way, I 

I am having a lot of trouble locating the driver for this device on the
broadcom site. The only network drivers I see so far are for ethernet NIC's.


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 13:46:08 -0400, JoeHill wrote:
  Florian Kulzer wrote:   
   The Broadcom STA driver (a.k.a. wl) is included in Squeeze and Sid in
   the non-free section; it can be built with module-assistant:  
  Okay, went ahead with this and now I'm a bit further along. Wicd netork
  manager will now start, though it shows 'no wireless networks found'. Also,
  when I look at the preferences dialogue, there is no entry for 'wireless
  Gnome network manager also shows no wireless interface.
  tablet:/home/lajolla# iwconfig 
  lono wireless extensions.
  eth0  no wireless extensions.
  tablet:/home/lajolla# ifconfig wlan0 up
  wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device  
 I would like to see the output of these three commands:
 uname -a
 dpkg -l broadcom-\* ndiswrapper-\* | awk '/^[^D|+]/{print $1,$2,$3}'
 lsmod | grep -E 'bcm|b43|wl|ndis'

tablet:/home/lajolla# uname -a
Linux tablet 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Sun Jun 21 04:57:38 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

tablet:/home/lajolla# dpkg -l broadcom-\* ndiswrapper-\* | awk '/^[^D|+]/{print
ii broadcom-sta-common
un broadcom-sta-modules none
ii broadcom-sta-modules-2.6.26-2-686
ii broadcom-sta-source
pn ndiswrapper-common none
rc ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.26-2-686 1.54-2+2.6.26-17
ii ndiswrapper-source 1.54-2
un ndiswrapper-utils none
pn ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 none

tablet:/home/lajolla# lsmod | grep -E 'bcm|b43|wl|ndis'

I'm thinking that last command should have had _some_ output...


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 14:30:56 -0400, JoeHill wrote:
  Florian Kulzer wrote:   
   On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 13:46:08 -0400, JoeHill wrote:  
Florian Kulzer wrote: 
 The Broadcom STA driver (a.k.a. wl) is included in Squeeze and Sid
 in the non-free section; it can be built with module-assistant:
tablet:/home/lajolla# iwconfig 
lono wireless extensions.

eth0  no wireless extensions.

tablet:/home/lajolla# ifconfig wlan0 up
wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
  tablet:/home/lajolla# uname -a
  Linux tablet 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Sun Jun 21 04:57:38 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
  tablet:/home/lajolla# dpkg -l broadcom-\* ndiswrapper-\* | awk
  '/^[^D|+]/{print $1,$2,$3}' 
  ii broadcom-sta-common
  un broadcom-sta-modules none
  ii broadcom-sta-modules-2.6.26-2-686
  ii broadcom-sta-source
  pn ndiswrapper-common none
  rc ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.26-2-686 1.54-2+2.6.26-17
  ii ndiswrapper-source 1.54-2
  un ndiswrapper-utils none
  pn ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 none
  tablet:/home/lajolla# lsmod | grep -E 'bcm|b43|wl|ndis'
  I'm thinking that last command should have had _some_ output...  
 Try modprobe -v wl as root; that should either give you wlan0 or some
 error messages that tell us what goes wrong. (I suspect that you might
 need a newer kernel.)

The only output I get from modprobe (every time) is:

WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it
will be ignored in a future release.


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 Try modprobe -v wl as root; that should either give you wlan0 or some
 error messages that tell us what goes wrong. (I suspect that you might
 need a newer kernel.)

Tried again after a reboot:

tablet:/home/lajolla# modprobe -v wl
WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it
will be ignored in a future release.
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/net/ieee80211/ieee80211_crypt.ko
install /sbin/modprobe -qr b43 ssb; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install wl WARNING:
All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it will be
ignored in a future release.
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/wl.ko 

tablet:/home/lajolla# lsmod | grep -E 'bcm|b43|wl|ndis'
wl   1267176  0 
ieee80211_crypt 5124  1 wl

but still:

tablet:/home/lajolla# iwconfig 
lono wireless extensions.

eth0  no wireless extensions.

tablet:/home/lajolla# ifconfig wlan0 up
wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device


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Re: how do i grep boobies

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill
Tyler MacDonald wrote: 

 Lisi Reisz wrote:
...unless there might still be some women somewhere on Usenet.  
   alias woman locate; talk; date; uptime; gawk; head; clean; sleep  
  And then they wonder why some women find IT a hostile area
  Seriously, there are female readers of this list.  Could we at least
  pretend that the rest of you think we are human beings, not blow-up toys
  for men to grope?
  In other words, please can we lay this rather offensive thread to rest?  
   If a homosexual makes a pass at me or otherwise speaks in a sexual
 manner, I'm not offended, I'm just not interested.  I would have hoped that
 that the level of bigotry that causes people to be offended by such things,
 was removed from heterosexual relationships in 20th century as well.
   I think the common misconception that results in this mistaken
 offence, is that sexual attraction/desire is dehumanizing.  If anything, it
 promotes humanization.  I mean, how would you feel if this thread was about

I don't think she cares if _you're_ offended or not, she's asking nicely if
you'll stop because it does bother some people. Your feelings on the issue are
totally irrelevant, since you have no experience being constantly treated like
an object of someone's infantile desires, in the media, in the workplace, on
the bus or subway, _everywhere_.

It's called being polite and mature enough to put other people's feelings
before your own. Grow the hell up.


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Experimental repo

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill

For apt pinning, if I want to add the experimental repo, do I also need to add
the qualifiers for 'non-free', 'restricted', etc.?

or is it simply

deb experimental main



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Re: Experimental repo

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill
Osamu Aoki wrote: 

 On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 08:37:14PM -0400, JoeHill wrote:
  For apt pinning, if I want to add the experimental repo, do I also need to
  add the qualifiers for 'non-free', 'restricted', etc.?
  or is it simply
  deb experimental main
 Check this URL yourself to find how our archives are arranged!
 I only see:
 [DIR]   contrib/05-Apr-2009 13:31   -
 [DIR]   main/   05-Apr-2009 13:31   -
 [DIR]   non-free/   05-Apr-2009 13:31   - 
 If you need contents in non-free and contrib, add them.  There is no
 restricted in Debian.  You are confused with Ubuntu.

That answers my question, thanks!

 By the way, in experimental we only have 
  * povray in non-free and 
  * bitlbee-skype and libjgrapht-java in contrib.

Ah, okay, the Debian Wiki article didn't mention that part. I was hoping to
snag the new Iceweasel a little bit ahead of everyone else ;)

 Quite honestly, if you are asking this question, you may not be ready
 for experimental.  Please read following first:

That link just generates a huge error dialogue in my browser.

BTW, please, please, please, do _not_ reply to me directly. It serves no
purpose for _anyone_ _ever_ and is a complete waste and messes up the threading
for me.



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Re: Experimental repo

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill
JoeHill wrote: 

  Quite honestly, if you are asking this question, you may not be ready
  for experimental.  Please read following first:  
 That link just generates a huge error dialogue in my browser.

My fault, bad pasting.



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glibc too old to install Flash on Testing?

2009-07-01 Thread JoeHill


I've definitely never seen this before. I'm running a Testing system myself and
Flash works fine (well, to the extent that Flash can ever be said to work

On a Testing system I just installed, however, I'm getting an error that:

ERROR: Your glibc library is older than 2.3.
   Please update your glibc library.

I've applied all updates since installing the system, so not too sure how I
could be out of date at this point. I tried just copying the
to .mozilla/plugins, but it is still not found by Iceweasel.

Any tips?



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Nautilus default view is...bad.

2009-07-01 Thread JoeHill

Can someone remind me how I get Nautilus to behave like a normal file manager?
You know, one that is useful, with a side pane and a toolbar and actual
navigation buttons?



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Re: Nautilus default view is...bad.

2009-07-01 Thread JoeHill
Lachlan wrote: 

  Can someone remind me how I get Nautilus to behave like a normal file
  manager? You know, one that is useful, with a side pane and a toolbar and
  actual navigation buttons?
 Edit - Preferences - Behaviour - Always open in browser windows

I swear, that option was not there when I checked a few minutes ago. It just
magically appeared now!

Honest... ;)



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Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-01 Thread JoeHill

I first tried to get wireless working following this page on the Debian Wiki:

but then found out that my particular device was not supported by that driver.

I then tried the tutorial on this page:

I have a Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03), so I got the
driver from HP, the vendor of this notebook. It is installed, and shows up in
ndisgtk, but shows 'Hardware present: no'.

I installed wicd to see if that would at least let me see more of what was
going on, but although it says it's running, when I try to access the wicd
network manager, nothing opens. Gnome network manager shows no wireless

Any tips really greatly appreciated.


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No music playback

2009-06-29 Thread JoeHill

This is strange: I can play video files with sound, I can play flash video with
sound, but when I try to play a music file (mp3) in either Rhythmbox or Exaile
the progress bar does not move and the file will not play.

I don't know if this is related, but I have two volume icons in my panel, the
one that I added myself and now one in the notification area. They appear the
same, but the icon in my panel has the usual config options, whereas the icon
in the notification area has a minimal menu with prefs that look like the ones
for Pulseaudio.

System is Testing/Unstable.


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Re: No music playback

2009-06-29 Thread JoeHill
Daryl Styrk wrote: 

 On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 06:41:46PM -0400, JoeHill wrote:
  This is strange: I can play video files with sound, I can play flash video
  with sound, but when I try to play a music file (mp3) in either Rhythmbox
  or Exaile the progress bar does not move and the file will not play.
  I don't know if this is related, but I have two volume icons in my panel,
  the one that I added myself and now one in the notification area. They
  appear the same, but the icon in my panel has the usual config options,
  whereas the icon in the notification area has a minimal menu with prefs
  that look like the ones for Pulseaudio.
  System is Testing/Unstable.
 I don't think Debian ships with mp3 playback out of the box.  I don't know
 the exact package that handles it.  Amarok pulls everything it needs.. 
 $ aptitude search ~dmp3 | grep ^i
 i A libflac8- Free Lossless Audio Codec - runtime C
 libr i A libmad0 - MPEG audio decoder
 library i A libmp3lame0 - LAME Ain't an MP3
 Encoder i A libmpcdec3  - Musepack (MPC) format
 library i A libmtp7 - Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
 library i A libmusicbrainz4c2a  - Second generation incarnation
 of the CD In i A libnjb5 - Creative Labs Nomad
 Jukebox library i A libopenal1  - Software implementation
 of the OpenAL API i A libsdl-mixer1.2 - mixer library for
 Simple DirectMedia Layer i A libshout3   - MP3/Ogg Vorbis
 broadcast streaming library i A libsmpeg0   - SDL MPEG
 Player Library - shared libraries i A libtag1c2a  -
 TagLib Audio Meta-Data Library i A libtagc0- TagLib
 Audio Meta-Data Library (C bindings i A libtunepimp5-
 MusicBrainz tagging library i A libtwolame0 - MPEG Audio
 Layer 2 encoding library i A libvlc0 - multimedia
 player and streamer library i A libxine1- the xine
 video/media player library, meta- i A libxine1-plugins- the
 xine video/media player library, meta i A python-mutagen  -
 audio metadata editing library i A rhythmbox   - music
 player and organizer for GNOME i A serpentine  - An
 application for creating audio CDs i   vlc -
 multimedia player and streamer i A vlc-nox -
 multimedia player and streamer (without X 
 Everything works fine here.  I assume one of the above will take care of

I'm pretty sure I've got everything I need:

joeh...@node1:~$ aptitude search ~dmp3 | grep ^i
i   audacity- A fast, cross-platform audio editor   
i A exfalso - audio tag editor for GTK+ 
i   gpodder - A free podcast aggregator written in PyGTK
i   gstreamer0.10-lame  - GStreamer lame plugin 
i A lame- LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder 
i A libflac++6  - Free Lossless Audio Codec - C++ runtime li
i   libflac-dev - Free Lossless Audio Codec - C development 
i   libflac8- Free Lossless Audio Codec - runtime C libr
i A libmad0 - MPEG audio decoder library
i   libmp3lame-dev  - LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder 
i A libmp3lame0 - LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder 
i   libmpcdec3  - Musepack (MPC) format library 
i A libmpeg3-1  - MPEG streams decoding library 
i   libmpg123-0 - MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio decoder -- runtime 
i   libmtp7 - Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) library 
i A libmusicbrainz4c2a  - Second generation incarnation of the CD In
i A libopenal1  - Software implementation of the OpenAL API 
i A libsdl-mixer1.2 - mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer
i A libshout3   - MP3/Ogg Vorbis broadcast streaming library
i A libsmpeg0   - SDL MPEG Player Library - shared libraries
i A libsox-fmt-mp3  - SoX MP3 format library
i   libtag1-vanilla - TagLib Audio Meta-Data Library (Vanilla fl
i A libtag1c2a  - TagLib Audio Meta-Data Library
i A libtagc0- TagLib Audio Meta-Data Library (C bindings
i A libtwolame0 - MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoding library   
i   libvlc2 - multimedia player and streamer library
i A libvlccore0 - base library for VLC and its

Re: Gimp and unstable

2009-06-14 Thread JoeHill
Alan Chandler wrote: 

 Andrei Popescu wrote:
  On Sun,14.Jun.09, 11:53:26, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
  The libwebkit-1.0-1 package is still available in testing:  
  So, enabling testing in your sources.list should allow installation of
  gimp without affecting other packages (since you are already running
  Adeodato Simó (Debian Release Manager) said in regard to libpoppler3 not 
  being installable in sid [1]:
  | Personally I couldn’t care less about installability problems on user’s 
  | machines running unstable: my take is that those machines should have 
  | testing in sources.list, period.
 I am glad that policy is imparted by hearsay :-(

Would you rather the policy be dictated by a 'Chief Software Architect' or
something? ;)

A little bit of anarchy is a Good Thing. Enjoy it while it lasts.


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Re: What packages work like: DVDFab and / or ConvertXtoDvd under Debian?

2009-06-07 Thread JoeHill
StOrM3 wrote: 

 The only thing stopping me from dropping Micro$haft all together is that I
 use these programs faithfully on a  regular basis.  I need a good DVD
 Ripping / Converting application that is graphical based like DVDFab, so I
 don't have to figure out which switches to use, etc.. from a command line
 tool.  Second, and most importantly is an application very similar if not
 almost identical in function and ease of use to VSO ConvertX to DVD, also
 Graphically GUI'd if possible.

Try Tovid, DeVeDe or Qdvdauthor for authoring DVD's, they're all available
through Synaptic. 

Nothing will touch ConvertXtoDVD, ie. 'drag and drop, yer done' kinda thing,
but none of the three are in any way difficult to figure out. Tovid is either
gui or command line, the command line could be as simple as this:

tovid -in infile.avi -out outfile

makexml outfile.mpg -out dvdname

makedvd -burn dvdname

Qdvdauthor has a crazy amount of features, but is therefore crazily complicated.

 Also, I Use quite alot of different apps for programming games, but since I
 own Garage Games game engine, which does have linux versions, I think I will
 be okay on that, but what about some easy nice 3D apps similar to Milkshape3D
 and / or Fragmotion 3D, and how about Wine is it good enough now to run
 Direct3D applications now?

Not sure about those.


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Re: mp4 video file to mp3 audio file

2009-06-07 Thread JoeHill
ronggui wong wrote: 

 Dear all,
 Thanks for your response. I find that the output is mp2 if I use
 ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output.mp3. Of course, I can use lame to further
 convert the mp2 file to mp3. How can I achieve the same mp3 by one
 I tried add the command mentioned by Sjoerd, but it says Unknown
 encoder 'libmp3lame', what package should I install to make it works?

That means your ffmpeg was compiled without libmp3lame. You need to get your
ffmpeg from the Debian Multimedia repository here:


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Re: mplayer screensaver

2009-06-07 Thread JoeHill
steef wrote: 

 Tony Asnicar wrote:
  how can I disable gnome-screensaver when using mplayer?
  mplayer -stop-xscreensaver
  doesn't work :S
 and shut the screensaver off on the appearing panel.

Are gnome-screensaver and xscreensaver the same thing?


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Re: How do you get iceweasel (or another browser) to save what otherwise the flashplayer plays?

2009-05-30 Thread JoeHill
lee wrote: 

 the subject says it all: How do you get iceweasel (or another browser)
 to save what otherwise the flashplayer plays?
 Some sites feed the data too slow to watch while it's being fed, so I
 want to download what's being send instead and save it to a file that
 I can play later when all the data has arrived.
 Can this somehow be done with wget, maybe?

Try this:


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Re: [OT] Gmail posters! turn off html! (was: Re: How to improve performance on laptop?)

2009-05-30 Thread JoeHill
s. keeling wrote: 

 This is a mailing list.  The text is all that's needed.  Thanks.
 [html makes your posts ugly and difficult to read.]

Okay, I wasn't going to say anything cuz I'm usually so shy (har), but that's a
big second from me. gmail, yahoo, all those, please tone it down. Please.

And the top-posting.



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Re: How do you get iceweasel (or another browser) to save what otherwise the flashplayer plays?

2009-05-30 Thread JoeHill
s. keeling wrote: 

   lee wrote: 

   the subject says it all: How do you get iceweasel (or another browser)
   to save what otherwise the flashplayer plays?  
   Try this:  
 ITYM:  aptitude update  aptitude install clive

Nag, nag, nag ;)


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Re: How do you get iceweasel (or another browser) to save what otherwise the flashplayer plays?

2009-05-30 Thread JoeHill
lee wrote: 

 On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 07:26:24PM +, s. keeling wrote:
lee wrote: 
the subject says it all: How do you get iceweasel (or another browser)
to save what otherwise the flashplayer plays?  
Try this:  
  ITYM:  aptitude update  aptitude install clive  
 Thanks, I'll try that. Maybe it even helps against the spying ...
 Isn't there something that can convert the data as it's recieved so
 that it can be viewed with another player? Their spying is outrageous.


You could probably rig up some complicated script that would download and
convert web content on the fly. When you do, you should let us know, there
would be a huge audience for something so sweet :-)

In the meantime, ffmpeg will convert anything to anything else. If you are not
as comfortable on the command line, you could try a utility like Handbrake.


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Re: How do you get iceweasel (or another browser) to save what otherwise the flashplayer plays?

2009-05-30 Thread JoeHill
lee wrote: 

 On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 06:10:58PM +0100, thveillon.debian wrote:
  If you tweak you flashplayer not to cache content locally, just tweak it
  back using the setting panel from Adobe there :
  the image in the upper right part of the page is a setting panel, what
  you set there is set locally on your computer in ~/.macromedia/.  
 That is interesting, I haven't given them permission to access that
 information. How do I protect myself against that kind of spying?

Never use the Internet?


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Re: KDE is now broken (Fwd: Heads-up: KDE4 hitting testing tonight (UTC) )

2009-05-27 Thread JoeHill
Brendan wrote: 

  Where do you get a good case for $20? Shop around a bit and you'll
  find that useable ones start at about $250, and good ones cost more
  --- if you can find one at all.  
 250? Is this a gold case?

Nah, Adamantium ;)


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Re: Debian Linux

2009-05-26 Thread JoeHill
Daryl Styrk wrote: 

 Hash: SHA1
 On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 12:05:51PM +0100, Martyn Dowling wrote:
  Please could you let me know if Debian Linix is compatible with a HP
  Proliant DL360 G5 server? 
 I can resist.

Okay, that is just too cool. :)


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Re: KDE is now broken (Fwd: Heads-up: KDE4 hitting testing tonight (UTC) )

2009-05-26 Thread JoeHill
lee wrote: 

 There seems to be too much windoze thinking entering Debian: Hide
 everything from the users, take control of their computers away from
 them, make things unfixable --- and the next step is to provide them
 with only crappy software. I'm beginning to become more and more
 unhappy with Debian. The quality has gone down quite a bit already. If
 they keep going this way, we'll all be using windoze in about 10

Ha! I swear, I think I remember someone saying this before. I think it was...
about ten years ago ;)

Man, if I had a dollar...


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Re: mass conversion from ogg to mp3

2009-05-25 Thread JoeHill
ZephyrQ wrote: 

 I have a large number of music files (17 gig worth...yes, for all prying 
 eyes they are legal...) that I find I need to convert from .ogg to .mp3.
 Not that I want to...but between a teenager with an iphone and being 
 saddled with cell phone that won't play .ogg...well, you get the picture.
 What is the best way to do this?  I would prefer a CLI option that I can 
 run in the background, but I want to save as much sound quality as I can 
 with the transfer...

The _first hit_ when I googled 'convert ogg to mp3 linux command line':

There are probably a kajillion others :-)


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Re: CompizConfig Settings Manager - controls not working in Squeeze

2009-05-20 Thread JoeHill
Tomek Kruszona wrote: 

 I have a problem with CompizConfig Manager. It starts ok, then I can
 enable or disable plugins, but when I click on plugin button to
 configure options of this plugin nothing happens.
 Last lines of
 $strace fusion-icon
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/ccm/, line 1302, in ShowPlugin
 pluginPage = PluginPage(plugin)
   File /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/ccm/, line 125, in __init__
 sortedGroups = sorted(plugin.Groups.items(), key=GroupIndexKeyFunc)
   File /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/ccm/, line 374, in
 return item[1][0]
 KeyError: 0
 Is this python issue or maybe FusionIcon is broken?
 ii  compiz-fusion-plugins-extra  0.8.2-3
 ii  compiz-fusion-plugins-main   0.8.2-3
 ii  compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported0.8.2-1
 ii  fusion-icon  0.1.0-2
 ii  libcompizconfig0 0.7.6-1
 My system is Debian Squeeze.

I'm on Testing/Unstable mixed and I'm getting the same thing.

I think our shared problem might be python related, because I'm getting similar
issues in other apps, including, ironically, Reportbug. I tried to use that to
report this bug with Compiz last night, and Reportbug crashed out with a python

Also, I upgraded my Compiz packages to unstable, and the problem has not been


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Re: problem with amule

2009-05-18 Thread JoeHill
javier wrote: 

 I have a problem with amule. 
 When I run amule on the console, the output is: 
 jav...@debian:~$ amule
 Violación de segmento
 Violación de segmento = segmentation fault ( violation ) ??? 
 I use debian unstable.
 Linux debian 2.6.29-2-686 #1 SMP Sun May 17 17:56:29 UTC 2009 i686
 Thanks for your help.

You might be seeing this:

What version is your amule?


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Re: What is the preferred way to install packages from testing/unstable in stable?

2009-05-17 Thread JoeHill
Aniruddha wrote: 

 I would like to install the latest version swfdec-mozilla (because it
 offers autoplay). I intent to track stable as closely as possible. As
 far I can tell there are four possibilities to achieve this:
 1) Temporary enable testing/unstable repositories and install the program
 2) Download *.deb from packages.debian org
 3) Use apt-pinning
 4) Compile from source, this requires option 1 to be enabled.

I use apt-pinning and it works really well. I followed the Debian apt-pinning
howto and now run a mix of Testing and Unstable.


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Re: What is the preferred way to install packages from testing/unstable in stable?

2009-05-17 Thread JoeHill
Aniruddha wrote: 

 On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 4:38 PM, JoeHill wrote:
  Aniruddha wrote:
  I would like to install the latest version swfdec-mozilla (because it
  offers autoplay). I intent to track stable as closely as possible. As
  far I can tell there are four possibilities to achieve this:
  1) Temporary enable testing/unstable repositories and install the program
  2) Download *.deb from packages.debian org
  3) Use apt-pinning
  4) Compile from source, this requires option 1 to be enabled.  
  I use apt-pinning and it works really well. I followed the Debian
  apt-pinning howto and now run a mix of Testing and Unstable.
 Thanks for the tip. Are there any downsides to be expected from this
 method? e.g. accidentally pulling in dependencies for lots of packages
 turning my 'stable' into 'testing'.

Well, there's no 'accidental' about anything ;) You just have to pay attention
when you install something to see what changes it's making to your system.
Aptitude is not going to surprise you unless you are perhaps asleep... :-\

 Is this a better option then temporary enabling testing/unstable repositories
 or downloading the debs from the And if so why? 

I don't know much about Debian, but I know this is a really really bad idea.
Aptitude is an incredibly intelligent system for managing dependencies, let it
do it's job and don't fsck with it.

 I'm really curious to find the best way to run stable while installing an
 occasional testing/unstable package. :)

Pinning is the best way to go for this. This way, Aptitude can keep things nice
and tidy for you. You will not be impervious to bugs, but you will be far
better off than trying to keep track of things yourself.


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Re: install proprietary nvidia driver without xorg.conf?

2009-05-17 Thread JoeHill
Michael M. Moore wrote: 

 I thought I'd try the proprietary nvidia driver (currently using 'nv'),
 so I've been reading through the how-to on the wiki here:
 I'm a little concerned, though, that it might be out-of-date (for one,
 because it keeps talking about Etch), especially given the changes in
 xorg.  Specifically, step 3:
 It says for Lenny you have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to load glx
 module and remove dri or GLCore modules, under the Module section;
 and that you need to change the driver (from nv to nvidia) under the
 Device section.
 My xorg.conf has no module section and the Device section is only:
 Section Device
 Identifier  Configured Video Device
 I thought HAL had taken over some of the functions formerly handled in
 xorg.conf, but there's no mention of that on the wiki doc.
 So what exactly is the procedure for installing the proprietary driver

For me, on Testing, it was 'aptitude install nvidia-glx'. That was it. Oh,
wait, maybe I had to run 'nvidia-xconfig', but that was definitely _it_. I
absolutely, positively, did not have to edit any config files.


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Re: Debian's glacial movement--a rant

2009-05-12 Thread JoeHill
Freddy Freeloader wrote: 

 Just an update on this. I have asked on #gnucash if the patch for this 
 bug can be backported to 2.2.6 upstream and they say this is a Debian 
 problem as it is fixed in Gnucash. They will not do anything to help.
 Here's the short conversation from #gnucash.
 * Now talking on #gnucash
 * Topic for #gnucash is: Free GPL Personal and Small Business Accounting 
 || Please don't ask to ask, just ask and wait! || publically-logged 
 channel || latest stable: 2.2.9
 * Topic for #gnucash set by jsled at Wed May 6 07:46:39 2009
 garyk Is it possible to have the patch for bug #564928 backported to 
 2.2.6? I have all my business records in gnucash and this bug crashes 
 gnucash every time I start it. I run Debian and who knows how long it 
 will take for Debian to catch up. Right now they are almost a year 
 behind in version numbers.
 * twunder ( has 
 joined #gnucash
 * warlord-afk is now known as warlord
 warlord garyk: you need to ask that of Debian. The GnuCash releases 
 dont have the bug.
 * warlord is now known as warlord-afk
 garyk The Debian devs say it needs to be done upstream as they 
 won't/can't backport the patch. That's why I asked here.
 This looks to be the classic answer given by my stepkids when they were 
 growing up and didn't want to take responsibility for anything: Who's 
 responsible? Not me. Not me was responsible for everything done 
 wrong in our house for a couple of years. I didn't know one person could 
 get into that much mischief all their own. ;)
 Gnucash version 2.2.6 was released July 31, 2008. The fixed version of 
 Gnucash, 2.2.9 was released February 4, 2009. It's now May 11, 2009 and 
 counting. The patch for this critical bug was released 3 months ago and 
 nothing has been done. It's now 5 weeks since I was told I was being a 
 jerk for saying Debian was slow in moving on this as they were 3 
 versions, and 9 months, behind. Well, Debian is now 3 versions and 10 
 months behind, and the patch has been available for 120+ days while the 
 bug has been archived in Debian since the day after it was reported.
 It couldn't be that this critical bug just isn't on anyone's list of 
 priorities could it?

There were a couple of suggestions made a while back. Just curious, did you try
any of those?

One was to build a patched version of Gnucash yourself, with a patch supplied
by Florian Kulzer along with detailed instrucions on how to build.

Another was to contact Debian backports and ask if anyone there would build a
deb for you.


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Re: Unexplained changes in Gnome functionality

2009-05-11 Thread JoeHill
Andrew G wrote: 

 Hi list
 Of late, Gnome has been behaving in unpredictable ways.  I am using
 testing/Squeeze and sometime over the last few weeks, a number of changes
 have taken place that I am unable to reverse, and I would really appreciate
 a bit of help from this list if that is not too much trouble.
 In no order of priority:
 1) When I right-click on an image file in my home directory in order to
 access the properties of that image to add notes to it, the whole set of
 desktop icons, including my home directory and Conky all disappear for a few
 seconds and then re-appear (except when it does, Conky has been killed).
 This happens all the time now and so on the multiple images I have which I
 need to work with, I cannot access any of the notes pertaining to those
 images because (a) to be able to do so seems to be specifically a Nautillus
 or is it Metacity (?) functionality and unless I am in Gnome this function
 doesn't even exist, and (b) there is no way that I can access the notes if
 the system keeps throwing a wobbly like that.

This part I didn't really understand, sorry. Is this just Conky acting up? 
 2) When double-clicking on an image file, EOG is opened as the default image
 viewer.  It used to be, and I would prefer, GQView.  However, I cannot see
 anywhere in Gnome to set this as the default behaviour so I have to right
 click and select GQView from the open with option.  Not my preferred
 action, but as I said, there isn't any (obvious) way around this.

For any file, right click, go to properies, go to the 'open with' tab.

 3) Despite setting up a script to be called when Gnome starts up, Conky
 appears briefly and then is replaced/ over-written by the desktop image.  I
 have set the script to sleep for about 10 seconds before being drawn, but
 this just doesn't happen.  I can only get Conky going if I manually call
 it.  Again, not a big issue, just a PITA really.
 4) Finally, icons from removable media are not being placed on my desktop
 like they used to.  This may well have something to do with UDEV, but beyond
 that I haven't a clue on what's up nor - even more critically - what I can
 do about it.

I don't like desktop icons anyway, but I know what you mean. I am no expert,
but what I've observed seems to be that this happens whenever there is an
update that has anything to do with HAL or UDEV, and the only thing that I've
found that puts everything back in order is to reboot the system. Otherwise,
drives are not mounted automatically, and so I need to mount them manually
(right click in Nautilus, choose 'mount').

Keep in mind that Testing is going to be pretty volatile for the next while,
there are going to be hiccups.

 I've asked this list for help before on a couple of these issues and the
 response has been - with the exception of one kind soul who did respond -
 crap.  I don't know if there is a secret code or something that I am
 supposed to be using to get some response?  I am using a Debian system, the
 Debian community is supposed to be helpful, I am asking questions politely
 and giving as much info as possible.  I have tried to help myself through
 using Google, but in many instances if one doesn't know what one is looking
 for, it becomes very hard to find an answer.

I know what you mean, but in the end this is absolutlely free support from
people who do have other lives. I have learned that the quality and accuracy of
the question I ask is incredibly important.

This guy can come off as a bit of dick, so please don't think that I feel the
same way about everything, but he has some good points to make:

 So, if some generous person on these Debian lists could lend me the benefit
 of their experience and knowledge, that would be immense benefit and I would
 be grateful.


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Re: Firefox and testing

2009-05-09 Thread JoeHill
Frank McCormick wrote: 

  I am running testing on a dual core Pentium...and this morning after
 the latest updates, Firefox comes up all the time in offline mode.
 I assume the two are connected...anybody have a fix??

I've run into that twice, both times same sol'n: Uninstall network-manager.


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Re: Nvidia TNT Riva 2

2009-05-09 Thread JoeHill
brad wrote: 

    I have an older TNT Riva 2 Model 64 graphics card. Is it possible to
 install the correct driver for this card in Debian Lenny?
    Would appreciate any help.

I know this is going to annoy you, but I have to say it: you could get a card
that is 1000 times more powerful for about $10.

However if there is some compelling reason then you could try loading the
nvidia-glx-legacy drivers from non-free. I see they have a 71xx series, which
the nvidia website shows as appropriate for the TNT2.

I think I still have one of those lying around somewhere, it was my first
Nvidia card, and the one that I first got working on Linux. I played a lot
of Quake back then :-)


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Re: Nvidia TNT Riva 2

2009-05-09 Thread JoeHill
Felix Miata wrote: 

 On 2009/05/09 19:17 (GMT-0400) JoeHill composed:
  brad wrote:   
  Â Â  I have an older TNT Riva 2 Model 64 graphics card. Is it possible to
  install the correct driver for this card in Debian Lenny?  
  I know this is going to annoy you, but I have to say it: you could get a
  card that is 1000 times more powerful for about $10.  
 Maybe. Maybe he has no AGP or PCIe slot. Maybe he doesn't need 3D.

  However if there is some compelling reason then you could try loading the
  nvidia-glx-legacy drivers from non-free. I see they have a 71xx series,
  which the nvidia website shows as appropriate for the TNT2.  
 Or he could use the FOSS nv driver.

You're right, it was so silly of me to assume that he had a working X with the
default nv driver which is loaded automatically, and that he wanted to find out
about something other than that.


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Re: Wine and itunes

2009-05-06 Thread JoeHill
Raquel wrote: 

 On Wed, 6 May 2009 08:14:28 -0500
 Neal Hogan wrote:
  On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 7:56 AM, Christopher Judd wrote:
          My son is fed up with Windows and wants to purge it from
   his system, and run ubuntu or debian.  The only thing holding him
   back at this time is itunes.  

  There are a handful of packages that can deal with an ipod (transfer
  to and from). I've had success with Amarok. I understand that others
  have used gtkpod and Banshee.
  Also, these don't require windows . . . I mean, wine.

 I must insert here that this depends upon your iPod.  Amarok will not
 work with the new gen 4 Nano.  So far, I've found nothing in Linux
 that will work with the gen 4 Nano (my spouse and I each got one for

I think that might be the version of software you're using. libgpod, which
Amarok and GTKPods use to access iPods, has supported those for awhile.

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Re: Wine and itunes

2009-05-06 Thread JoeHill
Raquel wrote: 

 On Wed, 6 May 2009 08:56:15 -0400
 Christopher Judd wrote:
  My son is fed up with Windows and wants to purge it from his
  system, and run ubuntu or debian.  The only thing holding him back
  at this time is itunes.  
 You will hear a lot of it works with $someplayer.  That is a VERY
 broad statement considering all the different iPods and generations
 of iPods.  For instance, just moving files from a player to a 4th gen
 Nano will make it unusable and make it necessary to start over again
 by using a Windows/mac machine and iTunes.  I know.  I have a 4th gen
 Nano and have tried.  I have made several trips over to the
 neighbor's house to use iTunes.

That just means you're using an outdated version of libgpod which does not
understand the iPod's encrypted database, and so cannot write to it properly.
The database gets corrupted and it looks like there's nothing on it.

You just need to upgrade to a newer version of libgpod. You should drop by the
IRC channel at #gtkpod, that's where I got help so many months ago when I was
running into the same problem.


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Re: Wine and itunes

2009-05-06 Thread JoeHill
Christopher Judd wrote: 

   My son is fed up with Windows and wants to purge it from his system, 
 and run ubuntu or debian.  The only thing holding him back at this time 
 is itunes.  Like most teenagers, he uses it regularly and has a rather 
 large itunes library.  Does anyone have experience running a recent 
 version of itunes (preferably 8.something) in wine on a debian box?
 I've done some looking online, but haven't found a definite answer.  I 
 tried it with the package in experimental on my box at work (which is 
 amd64), but was not successful.  I have a 32 bit system at home that I 
 can try it on.

i just tried (again) to install iTunes under Wine (latest version available,
built from source), and it failed (again). I've seen reports that with a patched
version of Wine it will work, or that if you use an older version of iTunes it
might work. I have never personally seen it work, and I've tried a lot of times.

I use gtkpod with my 5th gen Classic, and I've never had one single problem. Of
course, I cannot access the iTunes music store.


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Re: Wine and itunes

2009-05-06 Thread JoeHill
Raquel wrote: 

 On Wed, 6 May 2009 11:39:25 -0400
 JoeHill wrote:
  Raquel wrote: 

   On Wed, 6 May 2009 08:56:15 -0400
   Christopher Judd wrote:
My son is fed up with Windows and wants to purge it from his
system, and run ubuntu or debian.  The only thing holding him
back at this time is itunes.
   You will hear a lot of it works with $someplayer.  That is a
   VERY broad statement considering all the different iPods and
   generations of iPods.  For instance, just moving files from a
   player to a 4th gen Nano will make it unusable and make it
   necessary to start over again by using a Windows/mac machine and
   iTunes.  I know.  I have a 4th gen Nano and have tried.  I have
   made several trips over to the neighbor's house to use iTunes.  
  That just means you're using an outdated version of libgpod which
  does not understand the iPod's encrypted database, and so cannot
  write to it properly. The database gets corrupted and it looks like
  there's nothing on it.
  You just need to upgrade to a newer version of libgpod. You should
  drop by the IRC channel at #gtkpod, that's where I got help so many
  months ago when I was running into the same problem.
 According to their web site, the iPod Shuffle is NOT supported, as of

The new 4GB Shuffle? That one just came out in the last month, no? You said you
had the Nano 4G, from last year...

As for the Shuffle, give them a few weeks, they'll get to it ;)


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Re: Wine and itunes

2009-05-06 Thread JoeHill
Raquel wrote: 

 On Wed, 6 May 2009 11:39:25 -0400
 JoeHill wrote:
  Raquel wrote: 

   On Wed, 6 May 2009 08:56:15 -0400
   Christopher Judd wrote:
My son is fed up with Windows and wants to purge it from his
system, and run ubuntu or debian.  The only thing holding him
back at this time is itunes.
   You will hear a lot of it works with $someplayer.  That is a
   VERY broad statement considering all the different iPods and
   generations of iPods.  For instance, just moving files from a
   player to a 4th gen Nano will make it unusable and make it
   necessary to start over again by using a Windows/mac machine and
   iTunes.  I know.  I have a 4th gen Nano and have tried.  I have
   made several trips over to the neighbor's house to use iTunes.  
  That just means you're using an outdated version of libgpod which
  does not understand the iPod's encrypted database, and so cannot
  write to it properly. The database gets corrupted and it looks like
  there's nothing on it.
  You just need to upgrade to a newer version of libgpod. You should
  drop by the IRC channel at #gtkpod, that's where I got help so many
  months ago when I was running into the same problem.
 According to their web site, the iPod Shuffle is NOT supported, as of

BTW, what version of libgpod do you have installed?


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