Re: Problems with open source ati driver

2012-08-05 Thread John Kapnogiannis
On Sun, Aug 5, 2012 at 1:03 PM, Adrian Fita  wrote:
> On 05/08/12 11:59, John Kapnogiannis wrote:
> [...]
>> My problem on all this is that after a while my laptop starts to gain
>> high temperature leading to a complete cut of power. Suppose this is a
>> failsafe method for it to avoid permanent damage. I have searched but
>> I have found no solution. Any help?
> This is an old issue with the open source xorg radeon driver. See
> here[1] a bug report.
>  [1]:
> The best solution that I found was to downgrade to xorg 1.11 and hold
> the packages from upgrading so I can use the fglrx driver. Some
> instructions on how to do the downgrade[2].
>  [2]:
> --
> Adrian Fita

I think downgrading the xorg is not a solution. Sometime you will have
to upgrade. I will try out the setting the power managment profile to
low and report back. :) Thanks

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Re: Problems with open source ati driver

2012-08-05 Thread John Kapnogiannis
On Sun, Aug 5, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Gary Dale  wrote:
> On 05/08/12 04:59 AM, John Kapnogiannis wrote:
>> Hello. I own a dell studio 1555 laptop with an ATI Mobility Radeon HD
>> 4570 (RV710) gpu and I have problems configuring it. I recently found
>> out that support has been dropped from fglrx and that the only
>> solution for me is the open source radeon driver. Here's my story:
>> I edited the xorg.conf file and replaced "fglrx" with "radeon". Except
>> from that there are no more options added to the segment "Device". I
>> istalled all the packages necessary for non-free firmware etc. I use
>> an up-to-date testing installation with KDE. KDM never comes up. I
>> just get a console where i type my login credentials and type "startx"
>> in order to start x server. KDE gets loaded with 3d effects on after
>> an upgrade in some acpi packages. Prior to that upgrade 3d effects
>> failed to load.
>> My problem on all this is that after a while my laptop starts to gain
>> high temperature leading to a complete cut of power. Suppose this is a
>> failsafe method for it to avoid permanent damage. I have searched but
>> I have found no solution. Any help?
>> Please cc me cause I am not currently registered to this mailing list.
>> Thank you very much
> Have you tried it without using an xorg.conf? Also, do you have the radeon
> kernel module loaded?

Yes I have tried deleting the xorg.conf but the results are the same.
I think KMS is enabled. I found that out following a guide in debian

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Problems with open source ati driver

2012-08-05 Thread John Kapnogiannis
Hello. I own a dell studio 1555 laptop with an ATI Mobility Radeon HD
4570 (RV710) gpu and I have problems configuring it. I recently found
out that support has been dropped from fglrx and that the only
solution for me is the open source radeon driver. Here's my story:

I edited the xorg.conf file and replaced "fglrx" with "radeon". Except
from that there are no more options added to the segment "Device". I
istalled all the packages necessary for non-free firmware etc. I use
an up-to-date testing installation with KDE. KDM never comes up. I
just get a console where i type my login credentials and type "startx"
in order to start x server. KDE gets loaded with 3d effects on after
an upgrade in some acpi packages. Prior to that upgrade 3d effects
failed to load.

My problem on all this is that after a while my laptop starts to gain
high temperature leading to a complete cut of power. Suppose this is a
failsafe method for it to avoid permanent damage. I have searched but
I have found no solution. Any help?

Please cc me cause I am not currently registered to this mailing list.

Thank you very much

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Adobe flash sound issues

2011-06-03 Thread John Kapnogiannis
Hello there. I got an annoying problem with flash sound. On some services
(eg Grooveshark) I hear scratches and deformities during playback. The
actuall track is
heard on the background though. I have flash installed through the
flashplugin-nonfree packages. The problem even exists on Google Chrome,
which is supposed to
use a flash installation of its own. As far as I know flash version is not
the latest. I am using Debian testing on a Dell Studio 1555 laptop with kde
and alsa.

00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio
Controller (rev 03) : This is what lspci gives me about my sound card. This
may be related
to my problem, cause for a few weeks vlc gives me an error that the
soundcard is already in use when another sound is already playing.

In case you need more info, just tell.

Thanks in advance for your help,


P.S: Please CC me in your replies cause I am not subscribed to this mailing

"Debian Changelog" on is down

2011-04-06 Thread John Kapnogiannis
Hey the Debian Changelog link on the info page of each debian package seems
dead. Can't tell if this is true for all packages, but
for a few I have tried the problem exists. Consider this e-mail a report
rather than a waiting-answer mail.


Re: Wrong counter in update notifier

2011-01-20 Thread John Kapnogiannis
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Liam O'Toole wrote:

> In gmane.linux.debian.user, you wrote:
> > --002215046c7b454ae8049a3d9e57
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> >
> > Hello. I am using a mix of testing and unstable with kde. The update
> > notifier always shows a wrong counter. If there are
> > no updates it shows 2. Else if the number of updates is n it shows n+2.
> This
> > gets annoying cause it pops up everytime I
> > log in. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
> >
> > Thanks
> > John
> >
> Interesting. I wonder if that behaviour reflects the difference between
> a "safe" upgrade and a "full" upgrade, in aptitude terms? Can you show us
> the output of the commands (as root):
>aptitude -s safe-upgrade
>aptitude -s full-upgrade
> (The "-s" option means that the command will be simulated only. No
> changes will be made to the system.)
> --
> Liam O'Toole
> Cork, Ireland
> Same thing. When I do aptitude update the information in the aptitude
utility about the updates available is correct. But the pop up in kde
notifications always displays that amount + 2. If I do safe-upgrade or
full-upgrade when the update process is finished a notification pops up
again saying 2 updates are available (although all updates have been


Wrong counter in update notifier

2011-01-19 Thread John Kapnogiannis
Hello. I am using a mix of testing and unstable with kde. The update
notifier always shows a wrong counter. If there are
no updates it shows 2. Else if the number of updates is n it shows n+2. This
gets annoying cause it pops up everytime I
log in. Any suggestions on how to fix this?


Re: 2.6.32-trunk + Hardware failure.

2010-02-02 Thread John Kapnogiannis
On Wednesday 03 February 2010 02:54:36 consul tores  
> The Story:
> I did a new installation of Squeeze on a Compaq Presario V3019US using
> kernel 2.6.30, then it came an upgrade to 2.6.32-trunk; after that my
> wireless a PCI Express Minicard 802.11B/G HS - Broadcom 4311BG
> suddenly died.
Well about this one I got something that might help. In my dell studio with a 
broadcom 4312 and with the open source driver I got a fatal error and then the 
card just dissappeared. In order to see it again I just shutdown the laptop, 
removed the AC adaptor and the battery. Then plugged them in again and 
everything was fine.

Hope it helps. :)

> The OS gave me a message related to eec or ecc before
> it happen, and now i have a screen shaking time to time; and a message
> saying that my battery could be broken.
> Question:
> Does kernel 2.6.32-trunk do changes to the BIOS? and if it do it, Why?
> I am conscious that Squeeze is a testing version, but i want to know
> exactly what is going on.
> Thank in advance.
> francisco

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Re: wlan0 disappeared in Squeeze on Dell Mini 10v

2010-01-28 Thread John Kapnogiannis
On Friday 29 January 2010 02:47:09 you wrote:
> > Hello, any help is much appreciated.  Wireless card has worked fine for
> >months on a Dell Mini 10v.  After updates last night, Squeeze doesn't
> > recognize the card.  I removed/purged b43-fwcutter and wicd, and
> > reinstalled both.  Nothing.  I pasted some output below, can anyone help?
> >
> >Thank you!!
> >Mark
> >
> >debian-ro:/home/ro# iwconfig
> >lono wireless extensions.
> >
> >eth0  no wireless extensions.
> >
> >pan0  no wireless extensions.
> >
> >debian-ro:/home/ro# ifconfig
> >eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:24:e8:c5:f7:fc
> >   inet addr:  Bcast: 
> > Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::224:e8ff:fec5:f7fc/64 Scope:Link
> >  RX packets:1436 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
> >   TX packets:1075 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
> >  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
> >  RX bytes:1067859 (1.0 MiB)  TX bytes:196321 (191.7 KiB)
> >  Interrupt:27 Base address:0x6000
> >
> >loLink encap:Local Loopback
> >  inet addr:  Mask:
> >  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
> >  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
> >  RX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
> >   TX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
> >  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
> >  RX bytes:700 (700.0 B)  TX bytes:700 (700.0
> Well hello there. I got a dell studio 1555 myself with a dell wireless 1397
> (broacom 4312 rev1). I got hge problems with this card. As you can see
>  in this thread I opened in debian-laptop [1] I was using the proprietary
>  driver provided by the package broadcom-sta-source fetched from non-free
>  testing. After an upgrade in that package I lost the eth1 interface (which
>  was the wifi). After kernel 2.6.32 came into testing I thougth of trying
>  the b43 driver as of this kernel version my card is supported. To tell you
>  the truth I didn't see better results and I was about to post again. Well
>  I'll tell you what's my problem with b43 driver (of course I got
>  b43-fwcutter installed from testing ;) ). When using the b43 driver the
>  wifi connection will stop working and the interface (named correctly wifi0
>  this time) disappeares. When I shutdown or restart I get a fatal error
>  from the b43 driver and that network manager lost connection with DMA and
>  device phy0 (which is listed as a process in system monitor. Shall I
>  suppose phy0 refers to the wifi card??). Well first time I got this I got
>  paniced. The wifi couldn't be recongnized even under windows. In order to
>  see the device again I had to remove the battery AND the AC power. Well I
>  got through this thing many times today morning, but fortunately after
>  that it stopped and I could work on my laptop. The problem though is not
>  gone, if i suspend or something there it will be. :)
> Sorry for the long post. I think I should fully explain my problem in order
>  to get better feedback. In any case I am using testing packages with the
>  2.6.32 kernel recently migrated. Thank you all.
> And hope the tip with the AC and battery will be usefull to you Mark :)
> [1]
> J

Oh I forgot. If you could, please CC me in your responses cause I am 
subscribed here in digest mode so I won't get the replies immediatelly and 
unfortunately I may not be able to follow up the discussion. Thanks again.


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RE: wlan0 disappeared in Squeeze on Dell Mini 10v

2010-01-28 Thread John Kapnogiannis
> Hello, any help is much appreciated.  Wireless card has worked fine for 
>months on a Dell Mini 10v.  After updates last night, Squeeze doesn't 
> recognize the card.  I removed/purged b43-fwcutter and wicd, and reinstalled 
>both.  Nothing.  I pasted some output below, can anyone help?
>Thank you!!
>debian-ro:/home/ro# iwconfig
>lono wireless extensions.
>eth0  no wireless extensions.
>pan0  no wireless extensions.
>debian-ro:/home/ro# ifconfig
>eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:24:e8:c5:f7:fc  
>   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>  inet6 addr: fe80::224:e8ff:fec5:f7fc/64 Scope:Link
>  RX packets:1436 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:1075 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
>  RX bytes:1067859 (1.0 MiB)  TX bytes:196321 (191.7 KiB)
>  Interrupt:27 Base address:0x6000 
>loLink encap:Local Loopback  
>  inet addr:  Mask:
>  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
>  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
>  RX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
>  RX bytes:700 (700.0 B)  TX bytes:700 (700.0 

Well hello there. I got a dell studio 1555 myself with a dell wireless 1397 
(broacom 4312 rev1). I got hge problems with this card. As you can see in 
this thread I opened in debian-laptop [1] I was using the proprietary driver 
provided by the package broadcom-sta-source fetched from non-free testing. 
After an upgrade in that package I lost the eth1 interface (which was the 
wifi). After kernel 2.6.32 came into testing I thougth of trying the b43 driver 
as of this kernel version my card is supported. To tell you the truth I didn't 
see better results and I was about to post again. Well I'll tell you what's my 
problem with b43 driver (of course I got b43-fwcutter installed from testing 
;) ). When using the b43 driver the wifi connection will stop working and the 
interface (named correctly wifi0 this time) disappeares. When I shutdown or 
restart I get a fatal error from the b43 driver and that network manager lost 
connection with DMA and device phy0 (which is listed as a process in system 
monitor. Shall I suppose phy0 refers to the wifi card??). Well first time I got 
this I got paniced. The wifi couldn't be recongnized even under windows. In 
order to see the device again I had to remove the battery AND the AC power. 
Well I got through this thing many times today morning, but fortunately after 
that it stopped and I could work on my laptop. The problem though is not gone, 
if i suspend or something there it will be. :)

Sorry for the long post. I think I should fully explain my problem in order to 
get better feedback. In any case I am using testing packages with the 2.6.32 
kernel recently migrated. Thank you all.

And hope the tip with the AC and battery will be usefull to you Mark :)



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