Re: Poor glxgears perfomance with unstable and radeon 7500

2006-04-08 Thread Linas Zvirblis
 I can't achieve to get good performance from my ati radeon 7500.


 8036 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1607.024 FPS

Would you expect more from such card? I get...

 3137 frames in 5.0 seconds = 627.234 FPS

...on GeForce2 MX200 32MB. So your 1600 FPS seems normal to me.

 what is surprising me is that glxinfo says DRI is working :
 name of display: :0.0
 display: :0  screen: 0
 direct rendering: Yes

So it works.

 I don't understand what's going on...
 Please help !

glxgears is a very lousy way to measure performance. It only uses a
few very basic OpenGL commands, and the number of FPS depends more on
general load of your system, not the capabilities of graphics card.

You will never be able to reach such high number of FPS in general use
anyway. If you want to test performance, you should install some
graphics intensive game (Scorched3D, VegaStrike) and see how that runs.

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Re: AudioCD mount kernel 2.6.16-1

2006-04-07 Thread Linas Zvirblis
Mirco Piccin wrote:

 Can anyone help me? A world without music is like a world


 I'm running a Kernel 2.6.16-1, and i've this problem:
 I'm not able to play audiocd! :-(
 Before upgrade kernel i remember there was not problem.
 Now, if i insert audiocd, dmseg tell me something like:
  hdc: command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
  hdc: command error: error=0x51 { IllegalLengthIndication
 LastFailedSense=0x05 }
  ide: failed opcode was: unknown
  end_request: I/O error, dev hdc, sector 64
  isofs_fill_super: bread failed, dev=hdc, iso_blknum=16, block=16

This error happens if you try to _mount_ an audio CD. I have never seen
it happen while trying to play an audio CD.

 ..and if i try to mount it:
  mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc,
missing codepage or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail  or so
 Yes, i know:
 - it is not possible to mount audiocd as normal cd (iso9660), and i've read
 somewhere that

You indeed cannot. An audio CD has no file system on it, only raw analog

 - i need the cdfs-src package,
 but in any repository i'm looking for i'm not able to found the right one
 for my kernel.

I was not aware of CDfs before, but it seems to be quite complicated and
would not recommend messing with it if you are not an expert (or close
enough). It is an interesting project, but you do not need it to play
audio CDs. I suggest you remove it, at least until your original problem
is solved.

You provided little information, so please answer my questions:

 1. How are you trying to play a CD? Please explain it step by step.
 2. Were you able to play CDs the _same_ way before kernel 2.6.16-1?
 3. Are you able to use data (iso9660) CDs?
 4. Do all audio CDs fail?
 5. Can you play audio files? Does sound work in general?
 6. Have you upgraded anything else besides the kernel?

At the meantime, here are some things that you should look at:

 1. Assuming that you use ALSA, check if CD sound is not muted in
alsamixer. It is in alsa-utils package.
 2. Try installing cdtool package and playing an audio CD with
cdplay. You will not see any output on the terminal, but you should
hear sound. If you do, it works.
 3. Run cdinfo -v while an audio CD is in the drive. Does it show
something like no-status 0 56:35.20  0:01.66 (it works), or no_disc
(does not work).
 4. Install setcd package and run setcd -i. Does it see your CD?

Good luck.

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Re: soundcard via ac97

2006-04-07 Thread Linas Zvirblis
Mark Walter wrote:

 Does this mean my soundcard is not supported from alsa ?

That is possible, but I have a similar card (VIA 8233) and, as far as I
know, they both are supported.

In case you have not resolved your problem yet, please post output of
cat /your/kernel.config | grep -e SND\|SOUND | grep -v ^#

Here is mine:


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Re: Getting Thunderbird to use Firebird as default browser

2006-04-07 Thread Linas Zvirblis
Don Jackson wrote:

 I wish to (again) be able to click on a URL link in an email in
 Thunderbird and have that link brought up on Firefox rather than
 Konqueror.  Some time ago, this was possible, but I cannot find the
 magic combination of settings to do this any more.

You could try usind Debian alternatives system:

 update-alternatives --config x-www-browser

Many other packages (listen in /etc/alternatives/) can be configured the
same way, but I am not sure how that will interact with KDEs internal

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Re: soundcard via ac97

2006-04-01 Thread Linas Zvirblis
Mark Walter wrote:

 Is this the wrong driver as I can't hear sound with xmms or xine ?

Did you check sound levels with alsamixer? They are all mute by default.

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Re: Will wine|win4lin|VMWare save my XP bacon?

2006-03-31 Thread Linas Zvirblis
John wrote:

 Is there a third family of choices? Would wine, win4lin, VMWare or
 something else be able to run XP where it is?

Not sure about your original problem, but as for emulation, it goes like

Wine allows you to run Windows applications (and games), not drivers and
not the operating system itself. In fact, it does not need Windows at
all. Many applications run, but some do not.

VMWare and Win4Lin run entire operating system in a virtual computer.
Most applications will run, but with a more or less significant
slowdown, not to mention the fact that you will be running two full
blown operating systems at the same time. Not for gaming. Note: there is
a free computer emulator called QEMU.

None of these will make Windows drivers work on a Linux system. None of
these can replace an entire operating system.

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Re: I missed the kernel-image to linux-image thing!

2006-03-08 Thread Linas Zvirblis
Adam Funk wrote:

 In that case, should linux-image-2.4.27 indicate Conflicts to
 prevent apt from letting them both be installed simultaneously?

I guess it should. But to tell you the truth, I cannot see a package
named linux-image-2.4.27 anywhere, only kernel-image-2.4.27. Either
I am blind, or such package does not exist in Debian. I am a little
confused here...

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Re: I missed the kernel-image to linux-image thing!

2006-03-07 Thread Linas Zvirblis
Patrick Wiseman wrote:

 I guess I missed something in the weekly update of my testing system.  I
 needed to recompile my 2.4.27 kernel (because USB mass storage suddenly
 broke, on which I'll post seperately if I can't figure it out).  So, I go to
 'dpkg -i linux-image-2.4.27_...' and it bails because installation will
 overwrite a file (it turns out LOTS of files) provided by '
 kernel-image-2.4.27'.  I used the --force-overwrite option to dpkg to
 install anyway, and it seems no harm was done.  I'm sure there was some good
 reason for the change, but the transition could have been made a little more

I cannot speak for how transparent it is or it is not, but you should
have uninstalled kernel-image-2.4.27 before installing
linux-image-2.4.27, and not let it overwrite things. Now if you
uninstall one of them, it will take part of files belonging to another
with it. You should now uninstall (purge) both of them and only install
one, or things may break when you least expect it.

The rename itself was done because Debian supports not only Linux
kernels, but also FreeBSD, HURD and probably more, so kernel-image
would make it impossible to tell them apart.

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Re: can't find /selinux

2006-03-05 Thread Linas Zvirblis
ericradt wrote:

 I  am running sarge,kernel 2.6.14,and  choose all  option about selinux for
 N when compile kernel,
 but  the error can't find /selinux is appear every boot,how can i get rid
 of this error,

You do not have to do anything. This is not an error, but an indication
that SELinux is disabled.

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Re: firefox memory leak

2006-02-22 Thread Linas Zvirblis

L.V.Gandhi wrote:

Please post output of top -b -n 1 after you start loosing memory.

When firefox screen went blank
output as below


This does not seem to be a full list.

Any comments.

CPU usage of Firefox is indeed a bit high, but everything else seems 
normal. This looks like a simple Firefox crash to me. Things happen.

On the other hand, if Firefox (and Firefox only) crashes very often, you 
should investigate. Crashes can be caused by some (especially non-free) 
plugins, extensions, and last but not least - lousy backport.

It is also available in Debian Unstable. You might want to try it, if

I though instead of having mixed system, it is better to have
backports. apt-get upgrade for sarge with backports will be better
than for mixed system. I may be corrected and explained if I am wrong.

Sometimes, but not necessary. When using mixed system, you can run into 
various dependency problems, but these packages are maintained by Debian 
Developers. Backports have no dependency problems, but they are usually 
made by people not directly related to Debian, so there is no guarantee 
for quality of package. So you see, it depends.

You can also download the source and compile it yourself.

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Re: Upgraded 2.4 to 2.6 kernel: how to get pmount to work?

2006-02-21 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Adam Funk wrote:

I had assumed that pmount's dependencies would be sufficient for it to
work, so I'm curious: why aren't they?

Well, it is possible to use pmount without HAL if you pass all the 
parameters to it yourself. Many people do just that, and there is no 
reason to force HAL on them.

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Re: only root can access the camera

2006-02-21 Thread Linas Zvirblis

ochnap2 wrote:

Hi, I have a Kodak C330 that I want to use with digikam, but it seems that 
only root can access it. I'm using a fully updated sid. 

If I remember correctly, you need to put users in camera group to grant 
access. But do not quote me on that, I do not own a camera.

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Re: sarge iso cd

2006-02-20 Thread Linas Zvirblis

L.V.Gandhi wrote:

I saw some posts talking abour debian 3.1r1.  what is this r1?

This _is_ Sarge + security updates. Just go to [1] and look for 
up-to-date mirror that contains this release. Look at [2] to find out 
what was updated.


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Re: firefox memory leak

2006-02-20 Thread Linas Zvirblis

L.V.Gandhi wrote:

I am running sarge with backports using firefox. I found many times
system hanging. I am now only running firefox and konsole.
In the last 30 mins, free gives the following results at various
points of time sequentially as below. first one when I started


Any comments.

And what makes you think it is Firefox to blame? Do you regain the 
memory after shutting down Firefox? Please check memory usage using 
top or similar application and post the outcomes.

By the way, is it backported Firefox? If so, Debian project can take no 
responsibility for it.

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Re: Upgraded 2.4 to 2.6 kernel: how to get pmount to work?

2006-02-20 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Adam Funk wrote:

$ pmount-hal /dev/sdb1
Error: could not connect to dbus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: No reply 
within specified time

Are DBus (package dbus) and HAL (package hal) installed and running?

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Re: firefox memory leak

2006-02-20 Thread Linas Zvirblis

L.V.Gandhi wrote:

I am not BLAMING but SUSPECTING firefox from bacports NOT from debian.

I did not mean to use word blame in any negative way.

I think memory leak will not be regained after the application is

It will.

Even after closing the application causing leak, memory can't

be regained as it hangs anf becomes unusable. I hope dev gurus here
will agree with me.

What hangs? Your computer or the application (Firefox)?

further as I said no other application was


That is not true. You said that you run konsole. If this is not a 
typo, konsole is a terminal emulator for KDE, and KDE is a set of 
applications. Not all applications are visible in your desktop.

Yes I have checked randomly FF uses CPU time even 90% and memory 40%.
Here is the timed free for this boot

Please post output of top -b -n 1 after you start loosing memory.

I am not talking about responsibilty. Many users here use firefox from
bacports as ff1.5 is vailable there.

It is also available in Debian Unstable. You might want to try it, if 

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Re: Debian equivalent to service?

2006-02-05 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Rob Blomquist wrote:

Under RH, to type service sensord restart will kill and restart sensord.

I can't find an equivalent command. Is there one? Otherwise, how to I kill and 
restart a service? Can I find a list of running services, the same as 
service -s?

/etc/init.d/service start|stop|restart

Or you can install sysvconfig package that contains the service script 
that works much like the one in RH.

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Re: keyboard is stopping

2006-02-04 Thread Linas Zvirblis

It is unlikely (TM) that woody on its own causes keyboard hangs.

it's only from time to time not precisely to say ...

A couple of questions:

1) Are you using NVIDIA video card and their propiertary drivers?
2) Does pressing Num Lock or Caps Lock change the keyboard leds?
3) Can you still move the mouse?
4) Do the programs respond to mouse actions?

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Re: package manager question

2006-02-02 Thread Linas Zvirblis

 I've been reading some stuff about apt, dpkg  and I wonder if it is
possible to have more control on package's dependencies. Is there other
package managers for debian that are able to support it?
 I've found this at
 As you can see in the above example, APT also takes care of
removing packages which depend on the package you have asked to remove.
There is no way to remove a package using APT without also removing those
packages that depend on it..
  I hope this only matters to apt. :S

what is your goal here? Removing a package that another depends on would leave 
that other package broken and unusable (unless you get the dependencies outside 
the apt system). Package foo needs package bar to function. If you remove 
package bar, then package foo will be broken and will be removed as well.

If you really want to break something, you can force this with dpkg, but 
this can instantly break your entire system. You have been warned.

What you really need is aptitude, the most powerful package manager on 
Earth. Once you learn it, you will wonder how you have ever lived 
without it.

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Re: Kernel compile fails.

2006-01-26 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Alejandro Bonilla Beeche wrote:

   I have a box with Sid with the latest upgrades, (almost cause 
dist-upgrade wants to remove a lot of stuff)

Anyway, fact is that I can't compile any kernel on the Linus tree. This, 
for more than a month.

Could anyone please help me find out which package is the broken one? 
/bin/sh in Bash.

2.6.16-rc1 has a bug that trashes /dev/null and is the cause for this 
error. Recreate /dev/null and compile it as a non-root user. LKML people 
seem to be aware of this, so it likely to be fixed in the future release 
(2.6.16-rc1-git4 is still affected). I also learned the lesson the hard 
way by forgetting to exit root before compiling. Oh well...

Other than that, 2.6.16-rc1 works fine, but may break iptables on some 
systems (also a known bug).

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Re: gv bug, maintainer please?

2006-01-26 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Does anyone know who the gv maintainer is?

Martin A. Godisch

I have a bug report for him.

Bug are not reported against maintainers, but against packages they 
maintain. Read [ ].

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Re: system hosed by udev in dist-upgrade

2006-01-22 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Matt Price wrote:

So it semes to me I have to somehow temporarily run udev, or
temporarily disable udev, or something, so that I can create the
/dev/hda devices I need to mount the relevant partitions.  BUt I don't
know how to do that.  

Try running MAKEDEV, it should give all the missing devices the old 
fashioned way. If that does not work, mknod /dev/hda b 3 0.

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Building Linux 2.6.16-rc1-git4

2006-01-21 Thread Linas Zvirblis

I cannot get 2.6.16-rc1[-git4] to build, so am seeking advice here.

make vmlinux gives me this:

/bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/bin/sh: -c: line 0: `set -e; echo '  CHK include/linux/version.h'; 
mkdir -p include/linux/;if [ `echo -n 2.6.16-rc1-git4 .file 
null .ident GCC:(GNU)4.0.320060115(prerelease)(Debian4.0.2-7) .section 
.note.GNU-stack,,@progbits | wc -c ` -gt 64 ]; then echo 
'2.6.16-rc1-git4 .file null .ident 
GCC:(GNU)4.0.320060115(prerelease)(Debian4.0.2-7) .section 
.note.GNU-stack,,@progbits exceeds 64 characters' 2; exit 1; fi; 
(echo \#define UTS_RELEASE \2.6.16-rc1-git4 .file null .ident 
GCC:(GNU)4.0.320060115(prerelease)(Debian4.0.2-7) .section 
.note.GNU-stack,,@progbits\; echo \#define LINUX_VERSION_CODE `expr 2 
\\* 65536 + 6 \\* 256 + 16`; echo '#define KERNEL_VERSION(a,b,c) (((a) 
 16) + ((b)  8) + (c))'; )  /usr/src/linux/Makefile  
include/linux/version.h.tmp; if [ -r include/linux/version.h ]  cmp -s 
include/linux/version.h include/linux/version.h.tmp; then rm -f 
include/linux/version.h.tmp; else echo '  UPD 
include/linux/version.h'; mv -f include/linux/version.h.tmp 
include/linux/version.h; fi'

make: *** [include/linux/version.h] Error 2

I managed to get rid of this error by removing the trailing newline 
slash in Makefile on line 902, but then I get this:

  CHK include/linux/version.h
2.6.16-rc1-git4 .file null .ident 
GCC:(GNU)4.0.320060115(prerelease)(Debian4.0.2-7) .section 
.note.GNU-stack,,@progbits exceeds 64 characters

make: *** [include/linux/version.h] Error 1

This error seems to originate in code that handles .kernelrelease file, 
which, I am pretty sure, was not used in 2.6.15 Makefile. From what I 
understand, this file should contain the release number plus 
localversion, but on my system it contains this (in one line):

2.6.16-rc1-git4 .file null .ident 
GCC:(GNU)4.0.320060115(prerelease)(Debian4.0.2-7) .section 

Does not look right to me. I tried to locate the code that generates the 
weirdness, but failed. Only managed to somewhat narrow it down to make 

/bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/bin/sh: -c: line 0: `echo 2.6.16-rc1-git4 .file null .ident 
GCC:(GNU)4.0.320060115(prerelease)(Debian4.0.2-7) .section 

make: *** [kernelrelease] Error 2

The funny thing is that I can start the build by not reading the 
.kernelrelease on line 347. The .kernelrelease still gets filled with 
the same content, but no errors occur. I did not wait for it to finish, 
because getting it to work is not the fun part. The fun part is figuring 
out why it does not work.

This is my soft:

Gnu C  4.0.3
Gnu make   3.81beta4
binutils   2.16.91
util-linux 2.12r
mount  2.12r
module-init-tools  3.2.2
e2fsprogs  1.39-WIP
Linux C Library2.3.5
Dynamic linker (ldd)   2.3.5
Procps 3.2.6
Net-tools  1.60
Sh-utils   5.93
udev   081

I tried downgrading make to 3.80-9, because I have heard of breakage 
with recent versions, but it only resulted in slightly different error 

I am not really experienced with Makefiles, so I do not really know how 
to debug them properly. Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: File system overhead

2006-01-20 Thread Linas Zvirblis
did you execute the df command as root? if not, it might report less 
free space. there is a reserved space (5% is default for ext2/3, iirc, 
however you can set it up differently) that is available only for 
root... and since you report 5% in your case...

You can set the percentage of reserved blocks like this...

 tune2fs -m number /dev/partition

...where number is number of reserved blocks of your total space in 
percents and /dev/partition is the device that contains EXT2/3 file 
system. In this case it would look like...

 tune2fs -m 1 /dev/sda9

tune2fs can be found in e2fsprogs package.

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Re: File system overhead

2006-01-20 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Tony Heal wrote:

OK below is what I have. I have another question now. If the 'reserved'
space is for root, why does root need space on all partitions for? For
example why would I need to reserve space for the root user on /home, /tmp,
/opt, /tmp. I can see this as being need for /var and /root, but what use is
this on the other partitions?

The reserved blocks are also used for file system journal and are needed 
to avoid fragmentation.

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Re: virtual machine

2006-01-20 Thread Linas Zvirblis

You might already know about this. But I will say it anyway. There are
various alternatives for matlab and maple in Debian Linux.

You can use octave instead of matlab. It is probably not a 100%
replacement but it is reasonably good.

Instead of maple, you can use maxima inside texmacs.

All the three maxima, texmacs, octave are available in Debian
(apt-gettable). Give them a shot!

Also if you want a matlab similar feel and look, sci-lab is also available...

And, of course, there is Wine. Virtual machine would be my last resort.

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Re: Bug in translation of aptitude

2006-01-20 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Paolo Pantaleo wrote:

I found a bug in aptitude italian translation: the help (called with
?) is not displayed. So I would like to fire a bug, I looked around
and it seems that the bug must be fired  aptitude for package, is it
right? Is there a place where all translation bugs must be sent

Report it against aptitude. The easiest way to do it is with reportbug 
tool. Translation bugs should be reported with l10n tag set. Read the 
links below if you do not understand what I am talking about.

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Re: GMail like offline email client

2006-01-20 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Maybe he's asking about labels?  That's kind of the gmail feature I
wouldn't find in any email client.  It would be sort of email
directories as under any email client plus soft links between them? 
Any ways, if someone knows about such thing I would like to know as

well, :)

Something like virtual folders in Evolution?

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Re: rpc.statd paranoia

2006-01-18 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Does anybody know the correct procedure for eliminating this daemon from
booting? Should I be using update-rc.d or do I have to manually edit config

I use sysv-rc-conf to edit runlevels (there are also other tools that 
do the same), but the best solution is, of course, to uninstall the 
daemons you do not need.

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Re: Error inserting genrtc

2006-01-14 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Dan Jacobson wrote:

Looking at the hwclock docs, I suppose this is unsightly but harmless?:
# grep rtc /var/log/boot
Sat Jan 14 00:38:28 2006: Setting the system clock:modprobe: WARNING:
 Error inserting genrtc
 (/lib/modules/2.6.14-2-k7/kernel/drivers/char/genrtc.ko): Device or
 resource busy
Sat Jan 14 00:39:21 2006:  rtc: loaded successfully

Odd how hotplug[?] has a more cheery message?

If I recall correctly genrtc is a driver that emulates RTC on machines 
that have none, and rtc is a driver for a real RTC.

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Re: gpm problem

2006-01-14 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

This is the problem:

At times, after a copying and pasting operation, the mouse cursor 
disappears and the last item copied appears at the prompt all the time. 
In midnight commander, with the gpm option enabled, all lines are 
selected all the time when the mouse is moved.

Starting stopping gpm do nothing. I have to reboot for the mouse cursor 
to appear again.

Are you running X and gpm at the same time? If they both are configured 
to use the same device, conflicts may occur and gpm may stop responding.

If this is the case, you can configure gpm to repeat mouse events and 
set /dev/gpmdata as mouse device in X configuration file. Here are mine:




 Section InputDevice
Identifier  Configured Mouse
Driver  mouse
Option  CorePointer
Option  Device/dev/gpmdata
Option  Protocol  ImPS/2
Option  Emulate3Buttons   false
Option  ZAxisMapping  4 5

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Re: Re-installing lost package

2006-01-14 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Is my solution safe and appropriate?  Should stable be included in my
sources.list permanently?

It is pretty safe and I would recommend leaving Stable in sources.list 
because of security updates. You can set the default release in 
/etc/apt/apt.conf like this:

 APT::Default-Release release;

Of course you should investigate why it was removed in the first place. 
Maybe it was replaced by some other package or was too buggy. Just a 
word of warning.

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Re: Where to find latest unstable kernel src without messing sarge?

2006-01-14 Thread Linas Zvirblis

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Re: camera and mounting

2006-01-12 Thread Linas Zvirblis

 I get this message when I try to open:
 mount: special device /dev/sdc1 does not exist

 Please check that the disk is entered correctly.
 Any sugestions?

Well, does it exist? Post output of ls -al /dev/sd*. Also try 
installing hal-device-manager. It gives you a great deal of 
information about what and how.

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Re: OpenOffice GTK Gnome

2006-01-10 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Brian Clark wrote:

Yes, although it will work, surely that isn't the best solution.

It is a common thing to do, but...

Unless I've done something else wrong, I'm starting to think it's a bug.

...I have just read the documentation and tested this method. It does 
indeed not work. I seems that /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin 
does not even try to read either /etc/openoffice/, or 
/etc/openoffice/openoffice.conf, so no wonder it does not work.

It is possible that I overlooked something while debugging OpenOffice, 
but I am pretty sure this _is_ a bug. Feel free to report it, otherwise 
I will do it.

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Re: OpenOffice GTK Gnome

2006-01-09 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Brian Clark wrote:

After upgrading to 2.0 in testing, it doesn't seem to
pick up and use GTK widgets, themes, et cetera, unless I run it from a
shell (see below).

I have this:

~$ cat /etc/openoffice/ 

(I've also tried `export OO_FORCE_DESKTOP=Gnome' in that file)

When I issue export OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=Gnome in a shell, then launch
oowriter , it picks up the GTK look correctly.

And I'm using Openbox as my window manager. In 1.1 it worked as

Just put export OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=gnome in .xsession in your home 
directory and restart X.

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Re: what file removes modules at boot?

2006-01-09 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Dan Jacobson wrote:

/etc/modules is for adding modules at boot.
What is the file for taking away modules at boot?


But you should probably create your own file so that it will not be 
overwritten on upgrades. Something like...


...which would contain...

 blacklist tsdev
 blacklist something-else

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Re: mc not loading and not dying (sid)

2006-01-08 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Richard Lyons wrote:

Anyone else had funny behaviour from mc lately?  I have a recent sid
install with mc 1:1.6.1-1.  It was working yesterday (or maybe the day
before).  Today, when I call it, the terminal (xterm, mrxvt, or in
console, makes no difference) background is blacked, and a small cursor
appears at the end of the first line -- then it freezes and is
unkillable.  I now have six mc processes showing in ps, but cannot
kill any of them.  I haven't updated the system, the only changes I
remember are installing DBI modules and, this morning, acroread.  And
acroread is also freezing if I try to save a file -- on second thoughts,
perhaps this is related.  I've just checked and there are immortal
acroreads in there too.

My bets are on acroread, because:

1) It is not in Debian, so nobody checked for what it does on ones system.
2) Being non-free software it can do whatever weird things it does 
without you knowing it.

Run debsums and see if it messed up anything and reinstall the affected 
packages. By the way, there is no such thing as unkillable, killall -9 
mc and killall -9 acroread should get rid of them.

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Re: mc not loading and not dying (sid)

2006-01-08 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Richard Lyons wrote:

I had not even installed debsums!
Getting it now.

Some packages do not provide checksums (boo to them!), so on your first 
run debsums can report A LOT of broken packages. It might take very 
long, but I do suggest you reinstall all of them. The checksums will be 
generated by debsums on reinstall. Do not forget to check out them 
manual of debsums.

They are still there...

bordello:/home/richard# killall -9 mc
bordello:/home/richard# ps ax | grep mc
32642 ?S  0:00 mc
32659 ?S  0:00 mc
32662 ?S  0:00 mc
32681 ?S  0:00 mc
  315 tty2 S+ 0:00 mc
 1311 ?S  0:00 mc
 1525 pts/15   R+ 0:00 grep mc 

Hard to kill bastards aren't they? You might want to reboot before 
proceeding with the reinstalls. I am not 100% sure The Evil One is 
acroread, but you should know that OpenOffice can export to PDF and 
Evince is a very nice viewer. They are both free and do not break stuff.

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Re: How to disable 'rivafb' at boot ?

2006-01-07 Thread Linas Zvirblis

alan bonard wrote:

Can anyone suggest how to disable 'rivafb' at boot ?

Did you try video=vesafb? If you do not want any frame buffer, not 
loading the modules (assuming they are compiled as modules) should do 
it. Search the list for loadable kernel modules if you do not know how 
to prevent them from loading.

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Re: java for jabref

2006-01-07 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Please, what is the common way for java development  under debian sarge?

Is it better to develop under solaris
and simply run and test it under debian ?

netbeans  and  eclipse are both open source, so they should  qualify for 

Eclipse 3.1 is already in Debian Unstable. I was pretty sure that 
Eclipse 2.1 was included in Stable, but it seems that it was not.

You could try using Unstable packages, but chances are they will not 
work on Sarge. You might also want to look at Anjuta. It is a rather 
simple programmers editor and requires some manual configuration to make 
it Java compatible (Google is your friend), but it works.

Of course you can download Eclipse from and it should work 
just fine.

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Re: amixer no longer working when using 2.6.15

2006-01-06 Thread Linas Zvirblis

John Covici wrote:

Hi.  I am trying to use kernel 2.6.15 and whenever I try to use amixer
I get the following error:

ALSA lib simple_none.c:1216:(simple_add1) helem (MIXER,'Front Playback
Volume',0,0,0) appears twice or more
amixer: Mixer default load error: Invalid argument

I am using Debian SID and have the latest versions of the appropriate
alsa packages.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

2.6.15 (vanilla) and latest ALSA in Sid works fine here. Maybe some 
options changed their name since last version?

Try this:

 alsamixer (and set everything there)
 alsactl store
 alsactl restore

Also double check that all appropriate modules are loaded. There are 
also latest prerelease ALSA packages in Experimental. You might want to 
give them a try.

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Re: amixer no longer working when using 2.6.15

2006-01-06 Thread Linas Zvirblis
This does look like incompatibility between kernel drivers and ALSA 
libs. I strongly suggest you try Experimental ALSA packages. It may also 
be that your ALSA libs are newer that the kernel drivers. In that case 
you might want to try building latest ALSA modules from source (package 

By the way, did you try running alsaconf?

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Re: Unthreaded Perl and Apache mod_perl

2006-01-06 Thread Linas Zvirblis
Does anyone have a good step by step how to source for recompiling a 
debian package?

Take a look at apt-src and apt-build packages.

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Re: The print screen key

2006-01-06 Thread Linas Zvirblis

The print screen key is next to the BS key on my keyboard. Every time
when I miss the BS key but hit the print screen key, a screen snapshot
is printed from my (InkJet) printer. 

This has been so annoying that I decided to solve it. I'm using fluxbox,
but I didn't find any such action in its hot-key def file
(/etc/X11/fluxbox/keys). Is such feature defined in X?

How can I disable the print screen key from printing to my printer? 

Just I wild guess, but maybe assigning it some kind of action would 
help? For example None Print :ExecCommand /bin/true. Not that I know 
what is the cause of such behavior...

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Re: newbies needing help for graphic login

2006-01-05 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Richard Lyons wrote:

The increasing frequency of 'help help help' messages from new users who
arrive at a command line console and don't know what to do next is a
good sign: more people moving from doze to Linux, more moving from
fedora and suze to debian.  But there is a real danger of scaring them
off -- and I think their plight is a sign that debian should offer a
little extra help for them.  What do others here think?

What I have in mind is that the new installer could rewrite the welcome
text to say something like 

This is a new install of
Debian GNU/Linux stable thisbox tty1

If you expected to get a graphic logon and desktop, 
please login as root and run makemegraphic

Otherwise, run installdone to get rid of this message.

thisbox login: _

With, obviously, a couple of scripts to either revert to the normal
situation or install kde and kdm (easiest, IMHO, for beginners -- but
gnome and gdm would do too, or perhaps the two alternatives could be
offered by the script, with a brief description of pros and cons).

I'm guessing this would be a trivial exercise, but I think it would make
for a much sweeter experience for many of the growing numbers of Debian

Improvements?  Disagreement?  Consensus?

This is a very interesting approach, but I am afraid it is even more 
confusing to the new users. Also, this (booting into X by default) 
should be done (and is done?) by default if the user chooses Desktop 
during install. There was a discussion about this in debian-devel some 
time ago, and the proposed solution was something like asking a user to 
choose from KDE Desktop and GNOME Desktop during install. Not sure 
what the conclusion was (or was there none?), but this problem will be 
solved in the next Debian release one way or another.

On the other hand, what you propose could be implemented as a fallback 
in case a user manages to misconfigure something and X fails to start 
(this is already done by at least GDM by some degree). If you are 
familiar with what is going on in development of the latest Debian 
Installer and feel that your way is somewhat better, I suggest you post 
your ideas to debian-devel.

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Re: apt-get Ign followed by Hit/Get

2006-01-04 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Chris Stiles wrote:

I have noticed that on several sources in my sources.list file I'm
getting a Ignore followed by Hit/Get like so, when running apt-get:

Ign testing/updates/main Packages
Hit testing/updates/main Packages

I assume that it is looking for some something and failing to find it
- from the first message, then later finding the same thing from the
second message.

Hit means that something did not change from the last update, and 
Ign tells you that it will not be downloaded. It is perfectly normal.

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Re: apt-get Ign followed by Hit/Get

2006-01-04 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Chris Stiles wrote:

Okay - in that case wouldn't Hit more logically come before Ign -
and how to explain Ign followed by a Get ? Though the latter only
occurs on a local archive i've built with apt-move.

Well, that was a very rough explanation. Ign can also occur in 
slightly different situations. I am not an expert of internals of 
apt-get, but if you feel that something is wrong, please post your 
sources.lits and all the messages from apt-get and I (or somebody 
else) will look at it.

Otherwise, if you are just _really_ interested in how apt-get does 
things, you can always read the source code.

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Re: Sound device not shared

2006-01-04 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Presumably your sound card has only one channel. To play sounds from
more than one program together, you must use another program to mix them
together. Two such programs are esd and arts. To use those, the programs
playing the sounds will have to support output to esd or arts

But ALSA should do the mixing on its own. If we are talking about an 
older version of ALSA, perhaps an upgrade is the solution.

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Re: 2 eth and boot

2006-01-03 Thread Linas Zvirblis

I have a box with 2 eth (1 intel, 1 3com)

each time it boot, eth0 and eth1 are different:

boot one: intel=eth0 3com=eth1
boot two: intel=eth1 3com=eth0

well, not alwais change, it seams to be random.

How i make to alwais be the same?

Interesting... i have two identical cards and they are always the same...
Having two different ones you might try putting the respective modules in 
/etc/modules in the order you want them, but i'm no expert. You can check dmesg 
in order to see what modules you need

This is a known problem and is currently being worked on by Debian 
Developers. For now, putting the modules in /etc/modules should be 

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Re: setting up the text-console on a compaq presario 2100 laptop

2006-01-03 Thread Linas Zvirblis

Sorry for not being specific enough.

when I sad a bit small I was talking about the part of the screen used
by the console -- alredy from booting. That is getty is  not
responsible, but I now recalls, that the problem also exits when Windows
fails to boot.

I'll just take a look at the settings in the BIOS.

I am not sure I understood you correctly, but maybe you want to read 
svga.txt in kernel documentation. If this is what you are looking for, 
please also read the docs in fb, especially fb/fbcon.txt and 

You might need to install a kernel-doc package to find these files. They 
will be in either linux-doc or kernel-doc at /usr/share/doc.

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