
1998-04-25 Thread Marcelo E . Magallón

I'm currently using Pine as my mail reader, but I'm
considering switching to Mutt (or Rmail). I'm having a little trouble
with mutt. First, I can't get it NOT to display characters with a bold
font on an rxvt (on an xterm the colors are a total mess[1]). And
second, I can't get the pager to display things like áéíóú (accented
characters, or anything not ascii for that matter). Instead of the
characters, it prints a "."

Also, does anybody have a muttrc with more pine-like bindings?
(The one's on Pine.muttrc are not close enough) I don't mind getting
used to new bindings, but some of them are annoying. For example, on
the pager, it'd be nice to scroll by lines instead of pages using
"down" (I haven't looked into this particular one, I'm just asking)



[1] If I say color index white black, I get normal (not bold) white
text on black, but if I change black for something else (using ":color
index white something" from mutt) I no longer have white text.

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Re: menus don't show up in hamm

1998-03-29 Thread Marcelo E . Magallón
On Sat, 28 Mar 1998, Bob Nielsen wrote:

> Thanks for looking into this.

My pleasure.

It does look ok... are /etc/menu-methods/{wmaker,wmstyle} executable?
(This gotta be it!)

If you do:

$ chmod +x /etc/menu-methods/{wmaker,wmstyle}
$ update-menus -v

does it work?


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Re: Anybody know how to tell for how long has ppp-if been up?

1998-03-23 Thread Marcelo E . Magallón
On Mon, 23 Mar 1998, Michael Beattie wrote:

> Cant help jumping in, is there an easy way to add/subtract times from the
> output of "date"???
> Or do you mean that the time-stamp file would be null length and use its
> creation time? even then, how can you work out the time since creation?

I'm thinking C... use time_t, and add and substract that. strftime is your
friend here. From the shell, use date with some funky formating (something
like "date +%Y%m%d%H%M.%S"). You man add and substract that, and convert
it to another format.

And yes, for what I asked, it would be a null file, and use creation date
for reference.


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Random "Broken Pipe"

1998-03-23 Thread Marcelo E . Magallón
I get this:

[79 jacinta:~] while true ; do echo -n . ; /usr/sbin/update-alternatives
--display WindowMaker | grep -q 'WindowMaker-newstyle' ; done
.Broken pipe
..Broken pipe
..Broken pipe
...Broken pipe

do you see a problem with the statement? (It's just for test purposes, I'm
only interested on the 'update-alternatives ... -newstyle' part) It says
"broken pipe" randomly.



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Anybody know how to tell for how long has ppp-if been up?

1998-03-23 Thread Marcelo E . Magallón

I'm looking into hacking asmodem/wmppp to make one of them display
for how long has the ppp line been up, but I don't have a clue on how to
do that. Any ideas?

Just for the record. wmppp already does that, but it depends on its own
scripts to do that, and I want it to use Debian's pon and poff. asmodem is
really neat, 'cause it can be started after the line has come up, and it
works, but it does very little besides flashing TX/RX/CD.


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Re: Compute Farm

1998-02-13 Thread Marcelo E . Magallón
On Tue, 10 Feb 1998, Tim Sailer wrote:

> The powers-that-be around here have almost decided to scrap Slowaris x86
> for the 200 machine PPro compouter farm, and go with Linux... I need to
> convince them to use Debian and not RH. They want to be able to
> configure 1 machine and mirror the setup to each machine in the farm,
> without having to go to each of the remaining 199 and configure it by
> hand. Someone told them that RH made this easy, and no other dist could
> do it!

Other people have given some excellent advice already. I may be doing
something like this in the near future, in a much smaller scale (20+2 node
farm aiming at 4+ Gflop/s).

Reading the documentation, bootp seems like a good option for network
configuration detailts, but, as Craig Sanders pointed out, not a very
dependable one. In a more "fixed"  situation, it seems better to
statically configure the machines using smart scripts... 

I don't know if this is what you are up to, but you may want to check out
Beowulf's home page (shows up in Yahoo! rather easily). It's RH based, but
I don't see anything there that's Red Hat specific. There are a couple of
kernel patches and and bunch of rpm's. I recall there's PVM and MPP. Drake
Diedrich has already packaged PVM and dqs. If I ever get the time, I'd
like to try to make a Debian version of the requiered packages.


PS: What I'm still pondering is exactly how RH "does this easy". Last time
I poked at RH, it didn't had anything to automate this kind of task. 

PPS: Since neither RH nor Debian actually have anything built-in for this
task, Debian is still a better choice: several times ppl in the
developer's list have expressed interest in further developing Deity into
this direction. I know this doesn't buy you anything right now, but it may
be worth mentioning.

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Re: wmaker_0.12.3-0.4 install scripts ...

1998-01-26 Thread Marcelo E . Magallón
On Sat, 24 Jan 1998, Damir J. Naden wrote:

> I was wondering if anybody else has yet installed the latest (as of Jan
> 24 98) package of wmaker (ver. 0.12.3-0.4). I had some problems with the
> install scripts; one I'm sure is a bug - somewher along in the install
> process, I got an error saying that the 'ldconfing' command is not
> available. 

I made that non-maintainer release... and yes, it's a bug, and I don't
know how it went unnoticed, that is, until it was uploaded. Unfortunately
it was incorporated into main rather quickly, and I didn't notice the bug
reports until a few days ago. Anyway, it's fixed in 0.5. It also fixes a
stupid mistake I made and nobody seems to have noticed yet. It doesn't
show unless you are upgrading from 0.12.3-0.x to 0.12.3-0.y. And as a
bonus, I managed to add wmaker-traditional for those of you who doesn't
like the newstyle.

> That solved the problem. The second problem was with updating the menus,
> (you know the part, where the dpkg forks in the background...).  Well,
> in this case the install script never exited from that forking -- it
> hung for about 10 minutes with the error saying 'aborting' and in the
> end I just Ctrl-c out of the dpkg process.

I can't reproduce this. wmaker depends on libwraster0, which is the
package that had the typo. You have to --configure libwraster0, and then
--configure wmaker. 

> P.S. Is anyone running hamm Ddebian with the wmaker_0.12* and has a
> working asmail docked?

It won't dock. As I understand it, asmail has to be patched.

> I can get the 'noMail" icon in the dock, but the asmail won't start
> unless it creates additional window...Any solutions?

Install wmmail. It's the same as asmail. It's on incoming right now. It's
based on asmail 0.50. The author seems to have corrected a few bugs (?) on
asmail, and has plans to add more capabilities to it. The catch here is it
doesn't work with AfterStep's Wharf.

Sorry for the troubles I might have caused.


PS: I'll upload 0.12.3-0.5 tomorrow...

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nsgmls and W3C HTML 4.0 recommendation

1998-01-01 Thread Marcelo E . Magallón

I was trying to feed the HTML declaration that comes with the
HTML 4.0 recommendation to nsgmls (sp version 1.1.1-4.1), but it
complains a lot. When I do: 

$ nsgmls -e -g -s -u HTML4.dec
nsgmls:HTML4.decl:23:32:E: this system requires that characters in the
document character set not have numbers exceeding 65535
nsgmls:HTML4.decl:25:0:E: the specified character set is invalid because
it does not contain the minimum data characters having the following
numbers in ISO 646: 39-41, 43-58, 61, 63, 65-90, 97-122

The first error can be fixed changing the number of characters in the
last line of the DESCSET. The other one can be fixed, but only if the
BASESET is changed. I don't think that's right...

This is what sp doesn't like:

  BASESET  "ISO Registration Number 177//CHARSET
ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993 UCS-4 with
implementation level 3//ESC 2/5 2/15 4/6"
Basically it doesn't understand ESC 2/5 2/15 4/6. Is there a new version
of sp that supports this? 


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Problem with cfdisk

1997-12-18 Thread Marcelo E . Magallón
Someone here is having a problem with the dos side of his machine... 

He installed Debian 1.3.1r6. He has a computer with two IDE disks. One
is Windows (/dev/hdb), the other is Debian (/dev/hda). At installation
time he didn't touch the second this, and for some reason or other, he
had to pull the plug on the Debian disk (he nedeed desperatedly a file
on the Windows side, and he didn't know about "mount -t vfat ...")

He expected nothig to happen, but he got 1FA: on boot (remember, the
Debian disk was not plugged). He said 1, and it started to load, but
nothing happened.

Plugging back the Debian disk, he wrote a lilo.conf, lilo agreed with
it, and when he got to the prompt "LILO boot:" he wrote "win", and lilo
said "Loading win..." and nothing.

He tried booting with a dos disk, and did FDISK /MBR, but DOS doesn't
see the disk (no matter if it's set as primary or secondary or the other
disks is plugged or not) 

dos's fdisk does not see the partition.

cfdisk /dev/hdb sees the partition, but it writes

DOS FAT16 (big) [^D9] (I know, ^D9 is the disk label... it's funny)

mount cann't mount the partition. It gives an error about an invalid
super block, or something like that (he is getting anxious, and he's
starting not to read what's on the screen... I bet many of you know the
tune, and I can't get to his computer right now) 

If you can reply to me (or the list) and also cc
[EMAIL PROTECTED] that'd be most appreciated. 


Marcelo Magallón

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BS in rxvt+ncurses

1997-12-05 Thread Marcelo E . Magallón

I've already asked this, and I'm sure someone must be having the
same problem...

No matter how I set the backspace in X11, it won't work under rxvt +
some ncurses program, for example, pine. At some point the entry in
/etc/terminfo/r/rxvt was changed, and the backspace stopped working. The
change isn't documented in the Debian changelog, it just says "Munged
rxvt entry a bit more", and also makes reference to an update to the
terminfo database...  

xterm does work, and infocmp says:

comparing rxvt to xterm.
comparing booleans.
comparing numbers.
colors: -1:8.
pairs: -1:64.
comparing strings.
hpa: NULL, '\E[%i%p1%dG'.
kend: '\E[4~', '\E[F'.
khome: '\E[1~', '\E[H'.
kmous: NULL, '\E[M'.
vpa: NULL, '\E[%i%p1%dd'.

I don't see anything relevant here. There are far more differences
between the entry that worked and the one that doesn't.

I have:

ii  ncurses-base1.9.9g-6
ii  rxvt2.20-8

The only thing I see that may be relevant is that xterm does use
libncurses and rxvt doesn't. I don't think rxvt is broken... it worked
before... the problem is, I don't know before what. Also, I don't want
to blindy move the old entry over the new one, because I see there are
other differences between them and some of them are indeed good. 

Thank you very much in advance (I mean it, this is getting annoying)

Marcelo Magallón

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Diskless WS with Debian/nfsroot 0.5

1997-07-23 Thread Marcelo E. Magallón
Hi, I'm trying to setup a diskless workstation using Debian. In the not so near 
future this can grow to a lab with 10 or more diskless WS's, and I'm just 
exploring right now.

I installed nfsroot (it's the one in hamm as of 07/22, 0.5-1 I think), read 
use.doc, and also NFSroot and NFSroot-Client howto's. So far, nfsroot looks 
promising. I set up everything according to use.doc, and as far as I can tell, 
everythig's OK. First I used the kernel provided by nfsroot but later I rolled 
one of my own that had everythig that the howto's and use.doc pointed out. The 
client boots, sends a BOOTP request, the server answers, the client gets it's 
IP and mounts root... and that's it. It freezes there. I scanned the logs on 
the server but there's nothing that seems to be related to this. Where do I 
look for possible problems? (The server machine is hamm, as close to lastest as 
my local mirror is... that would be,'s contents as of 
07/22/97 ~1200 GMT)

As far as I can remember, after printing "VFS mounted root..." the machine 
should print "Switching to runlevel 4", but it doesn't. What does the machine 
run to make the switch?


Marcelo Magallon

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Machine rebooting randomly

1997-07-16 Thread Marcelo E. Magallón

A couple of people here (including myself) are trying to set up a 
router (IP forwarder really) based on Debian. We have an old 486 (it's a Cyrix 
486-40) with 4 MB of RAM for the router. According to what I have found on the 
web, this should do the work.

We have installed Debian using the lowmem procedure (kudos to the developers, 
very very cleaver!) and it works. I replaced the kernel with a custom version 
that has EVERYTHING stripped (I mean it... this thing has the necessary network 
functions, netcard, IDE, ELF and nothing else) and uses as little memory as 
possible. I started stripping other things too, for example, there aren't 
virtual terminals, the only way to get in is via telnet or rescue floppy. 
setserial is gone, and I was thinking of disablig the syslog daemon, too.

The problem I have right now (and this showed up long before I started tweaking 
the computer) is that the machine reboots randomly. For example, I was using ae 
to edit /etc/init.d/network to add a second interface, and the machine 
rebooted. I was looking for /etc/modules to remove the modules for the ethernet 
card and the machine rebooted. Sometimes the machine boots, stays there for a 
while minding its own bussiness and it suddenly reboots. Sometimes it sits 
there for a little longer. In fact, I used dselect to fetch some upgraded 
packages via ftp, and it completed successfully (even installed perl... which I 
didn't want, WTH!)

While I was recompiling the kernel I read something about no-hlt, but I haven't 
tried it yet. Also, I read about no-387 but I guess this disables FPU (which I 
didn't know was requiered) emulation. I'm recompiling the kernel optimized for 
a 386 not a 486, and I stripped the floppy (physically and from the kernel).

Pointers are sincerely welcomed...


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Re: Debian Installation experience

1997-07-06 Thread Marcelo E. Magallón
| I installed debian a few weeks ago and I noticed that when an installation
| disk is corrupted you have to start the installation all over again. If I

Well. Here's what I say to new users here: take seven disks, format them under 
DOS using a full format (not quick), copy the disks images using rawrite, and 
verify them. I know it's not "nice", but it's better than having to do the 
whole thing several times. (This happened to me once).

Nowadays Debian can be installed using zero, two or seven disks. For 
floppy-less installations you'll need a CD. For two, you'll need either a CD or 
NFS, or copy base.tgz to a DOS partition.

| Also I have trouble understanding what all those diskettes are for.

Five of those disks have the base system. Everything needed to boot linux but 
the kernel, and a little more. An editor, for example. Several libraries. dpkg. 
perl-base (bare bones Perl). A shell.

The kernel is on the rescue floppy. And there's a ton of drivers for several 
net cards and stuff like that on the remaining disk.

| I think the fact that the debian installation requires 7 diskettes as
| opposed to redhat which requires two (three?) and the seemlingly(?) slow
| ftp-installation makes a debian-installation _almost_ an order of
| magintude slower/more frustrating to install than redhat.

I've never used the ftp method. I know stick to "mountable". RedHat is a fine 
product, but it lacks Debian's solid foundation. It's *too* PnP. Once you "get 
it" with Debian, it's pretty easy to guess where something is to be found. 
Debian support is better, too. And Debian went "up there" and came back. ;-)



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How does Debian sound?

1997-06-22 Thread Marcelo E. Magallón
While I was thinking of a logo for Debian, I started brainstorming about what 
"debian" is... I know, it's Debbie and Ian, but was thinking of something else. 
You know, Red Hat is just that, a red hat, and Slackware is, oh, well, slack. 
Then it occured to me that I don't know how do native English speakers (Bruce, 
Ian, and plenty of others) pronounce "Debian". I speak Spanish, and in Spanish 
there's a unique way of pronouncing "Debian". According to my dictionary, it 
goes like this:

* D, like the d in day
* e, like the e in pet
* b, much softer than the b in bass
* i, like see
* a, like a in father (american english)
* n, like in now

It's De-bian, two syllabes. For some reason, the first time I saw the word 
Debian, it reminded me of something supernatural. Browsing in my dictionary, 
I've come to the conclusion that Debian in English sounds *a little* like 
"divine". Something like "di'baian", with the last "a" like the one in "bat".


Marcelo Magallón

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Re: IMPORTANT: RSA Data Security Challenge participants please read

1997-02-27 Thread Marcelo E. Magallón
Bruce, I feel I have to reply after reading some follow ups, including yours.

> It was OK for us to participate as "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in the RSA Data
> Security Challenge as long as we didn't have any chance of beating
> the "Linux" group. It looks as if we do have a chance. It would be real

Well Bruce, with all due respect, have you looked at the numbers? This "linux" 
group has been participating for 150 hours. We ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) have been 
participating for about 110... but they have 10 times the keyblocks! Doesn't 
that tell you something? I don't think there's a real chance of beating them.

> embarassing to beat them. So please, if you are participating, change your
> reporting address to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" NOW. I have asked the
> statistics-keepers to add the figure for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to that for

I'll change it as soon as someone explains to me what the heck is "linuxnet". 
It's not They don't have a web server, and a simple search using 
AltaVista reveals this is some sort of IRC network based on linux servers. They 
are NOT Linux.

On the other hand I know what is... well, maybe. Isn't Debian about 
group collaboration worldwide? That's what the "controversial" press release 
said. I think THIS is worldwide collaboration. A LOT of people willing to put 
machine time to make a POLITICAL STATEMENT. The money? I don't care about it. 
If I'd care about the prize I'll be running the thing under [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
who knows? I may get lucky. But that's not it. I beleive in the Debian Project, 
and I prefer Debian over RedHat and others because of it's users (along with 
many incredible features it has)! If one of the machines I administer turns out 
to find the correct answer, I'm donating the money to Debian/FSF/Linux.

You have made some really good bad-points about what the people may perceive 
about Debian if it wins. But I think we can make some really good good-points 
if that happens.

We are not trying to beat Linux. We ARE (part of) Linux. We are Debian/GNU 
Linux. We are NOT RedHat/Slackware/whatever. We like them, but we are not them.

Please reconsider.

Marcelo Magallon

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