Re: How to cause a process started in .xsessionrc to terminate with x-session termination?

2021-11-18 Thread Mark Neyhart
On 11/17/21 12:39 PM, Arkadiusz Dabrowski wrote:
> Hi all
> I have a problem with unison sync termination when it is started from
> .xsessionrc.
> It works flawlessly but when I log out it is orphaned and not terminated.
> I start it like this:
> nice -n18 ionice -c2 -n7 unison unison_profile &>/dev/null &
> Once started the parent is x-session-manager and they the same process
> group.
> What can I do to terminate the process with x-session?

/etc/X11/Xreset.d is a directory which holds scripts to be executed
upon termination of a display manager.  It may work to put a kill
script in there.  The /etc/X11/Xreset.d/README file has more details.
I use it to terminate non-X tasks which are started by my window manager.


Re: A bug in Vim, in Mate Terminal or in Debian 11?

2021-09-20 Thread Mark Neyhart
On 9/18/21 5:14 PM, Dedeco Balaco wrote:
> Vim is one of these programs. While it is running, the terminal title
> shows the name of the file currently being edited, and the number of
> files that was opened with it, when it was launched.
> After the upgrade, when i quit vim, the terminal title becomes empty,
> instead of returning to the default title "Terminal".
> Why is this happening? A bug in Vim? In mate-terminal? Or in Debian 11?

I did not see it mentioned anywhere, but $PROMPT_COMMAND (if it
exists) might be setting the terminal title.

Re: Why ``color_prompt`` is only set for ``xterm``?

2021-09-03 Thread Mark Neyhart
On 9/2/21 5:45 PM, piorunz wrote:
> On 03/09/2021 01:34, David Wright wrote:
>> (I use my own customisations for distinct colours on each host,
>> and inverse colours for root's prompt.)
> Can you please share your root prompt invocation? Thanks!

In /root/.bashrc I use this to give a red prompt including host and
full path followed by a new line.  This leaves more room for a long
command when the full path is long.

export PS1='\[\e[1;31m\]\h:\w\$\[\e[0m\]\n'

Re: Bullseye: setting and using $DISPLAY after su -

2020-12-31 Thread Mark Neyhart
On 12/31/20 12:50 PM, Charles Curley wrote:
> I am using Bullseye as updated to yesterday. It is my custom to log in
> to XFCE as my regular user, then "su -" in order to run as root,
> including GUI programs. In the process, in the past $DISPLAY has been
> set.
> I now find on bullseye that $DISPLAY is not being set. However, even if
> I set DISPLAY manually or run 'su -w DISPLAY -', programs like xclock
> complain that they cannot open the display.
> How do I allow root to use the display?

Before the su try

xhost SI:localuser:root

or just

xhost +

You will still have to set $DISPLAY manually

Re: Raid 1 borked

2020-10-26 Thread Mark Neyhart
On 10/26/20 4:55 AM, Bill wrote:

> lsblk reveals sda and sdb with sda[1-5] and sdb[1-5] but no md[0-5].
> blkid reveals that sda[1-5] and sdb[1-5] are still listed as
> TYPE="linux_raid_member".
> So first of all I'd like to be able to diagnose what's going on. What
> commands should I use for that? And secondly, I'd like to get the raid
> arrays remounted as separate partitions. How to do that?

mdadm will give you some information about which partitions have been
configured as part of a raid device.

mdadm --examine /dev/sda1

It can also report on a raid device

mdadm --detail /dev/md1

If these commands don't report anything, you will need to define the
raid devices again.


Re: Linux startup, Wheezy -- a required script won't run on startup, but can run manually without any trouble

2016-06-09 Thread Mark Neyhart
On 06/09/2016 12:17 PM, Dan Purgert wrote:
> Andrew McGlashan wrote:
>> On 10/06/2016 5:06 AM, Dan Purgert wrote:
>>> Andrew McGlashan wrote:
 Now, I want the archiving script to run on system startup, I don't
 want dovecot or exim4 to be running when the script starts, it
 simply needs to have the /backup and /var file systems mounted to do
 it's required job
>>> Looks like it might also need syslog running...
>> Perhaps, but why?  I'm not asking it to log anything to syslog; just to
>> create it's own log file in the /var/log directory.
> Just going off the comments at the top -- states "required-start:
> $syslog".  Although, I suppose that you could've just forgotten to
> remove that bit.
>> [snip]
>> Weird artifcat of something (perhaps GPG due to signing?), my copy as
>> sent to the list is clean.  The script works perfectly if ran with an
>> interactive shell; right now the script isn't destructive, so I can run
>> it as many times as I like and it works fine.  The plan is to adjust the
>> script, I think you can see how, but not until it works as expected.
> How are you calling it while logged in?  I'm starting to wonder if it's
> a difference between [da]sh and bash (or whatever your standard login
> shell is).  
> Also, not entirely sure what the 'VER=$x" assignment is doing, as you
> don't seem to read $VER anywhere else.
Something you might do just to see if the script is called at all is
to add a simple logging line right after the initial comments such as

echo $(date) mailarchive entered >>/tmp/mailarchive.log

If this proves that the script is called, then as Dan mentions, there
might be a shell incompatibility between what you use at the command
line and what the system shell is.  If so, add more echos until you
find the statement(s) which don't work.

Re: bash-complete errors

2015-07-23 Thread Mark Neyhart
On 07/23/2015 08:45 AM, Dennis Wicks wrote:
> Greetings,
> Frequently when I run a command in a terminal window (Debian 8.1 Xfce)
> I get a bunch of errors.
>> /bin/bash: _parse_usage: line 16: syntax error near unexpected token
>> `('

This will happen if you are running a command with an unescaped ( in
the parameters.  It may work to enclose the whole parameter string in
double quotes.  Or escape any ( and ) with a leading \.  For example:

mycommand "(34)"

mycommand stuff \(34\)

Mark Neyhart

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Re: Very small fonts in KDE after installing Nvidia drivers

2015-02-26 Thread Mark Neyhart
On 02/26/2015 02:28 AM, James Allsopp wrote:
> Hello,
> I've just installed the nvidia drivers after following the instructions
> here
> but now my fonts are so small they are unreadable. My display is a HDMI
> television.
> I think this could be related to the EDID settings but I'm not sure how to
> set this. I'm using the small piecewise Xorg described in the document.
> echo -e 'Section "Device"\n\tIdentifier "My GPU"\n\tDriver
> "nvidia"\nEndSection' > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf

I just went through this last week with Debian Wheezy using a large
television driven by an Nvidia card with the proprietary Nvidia
driver.  I added

Option "DPI" "100 x 100"

to my xorg.conf in the Device section for the Nvidia card.

In your case I think you should be able to replace your echo statement

echo -e 'Section "Device"\n\tIdentifier "My GPU"\n\tDriver
"nvidia"\n\tOption "DPI" "100 x 100"\nEndSection' >

Watch out for line wrapping, this should all be on one line.

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Re: Q: wheezy: how to increase X resolution?

2014-11-20 Thread Mark Neyhart
On 11/20/2014 02:00 PM, D. R. Evans wrote:
> Andrei POPESCU wrote on 11/20/2014 02:03 PM:
>> your adapter. It might be prudent to give more details about where you 
>> obtained it from (e.g. the download page). 
> I downloaded it from:
> Select Linux, then VGA. The actual downloaded file is also available directly 
> at:
> The update ( executed without error with the message:
>   "ASPEED Graphics Family Linux XORG 7.7 driver update finished"
This should result in the file in

Is it there?

Mark Neyhart

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Re: key troubles

2014-06-20 Thread Mark Neyhart
On 06/18/2014 01:29 PM, Glenn English wrote:

> When debmirror runs, the reported problem is a failed checksum verification:
>> sent 228 bytes  received 1702 bytes  1286.67 bytes/sec
>> total size is 918  speedup is 0.48
>> Getting meta files ...
>> [  0%]#** GET 
>> ==> 200 OK (1s)
>> [  0%]#** GET 
>> ==> 200 OK
>> [  0%]#** GET 
>> ==> 200 OK (1s)
>> [  0%]#** GET 
>> ==> 200 OK
>> [ 75%]#** GET 
>>  ==> 200 OK
>> [ 75%]#** GET 
>>  ==> 200 OK (1s)
>> [ 75%]#** GET 
>>  ==> 200 OK
>> [ 75%]#** GET 
>> ==> 200 OK (50s)
>> [ 80%]#** GET 
>> ==> 
>> 404 Not Found
>> failed 404 Not Found
>> Errors:
>>  Download of dists/jessie/main/binary-amd64/Packages failed: 404 Not Found
>>  dists/jessie/main/binary-amd64/Packages failed checksum verification
>> Failed to download some Package, Sources or Release files!
>> WARNING: releasing 1 pending lock...
> I have what claims to be the most recent key for both wheezy and jessie, and 
> I've looked for others. The keys aptitude uses work fine for reloading its 
> repositories, but apparently not for debmirror. These all worked a few days 
> ago, and, IIRC, they all broke at the same time...
> Can someone see what's going wrong?

The 404 Not Found on the Packages file is because that file does not
exist in the repositories.  You can get rid of the debmirror error by
using an --exclude='/Packages$' option.

I don't know what might be causing the aptitude update errors.

Mark Neyhart

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Re: I need to hear PC Speaker Beeps through the Audio Output.

2014-05-12 Thread Mark Neyhart
On 05/12/2014 09:00 AM, Martin G. McCormick wrote:
>   Is there any kind of debian module that will reproduce
> PC speaker sounds through the sound card?
If you run alsamixer, the pc-speaker settings can be unmuted to
duplicate the beeps sent to the onboard speaker.  If you have more
sources than fit on the screen (multiple > in right border), you can
use the right-arrow key to see more.

Mark Neyhart

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Re: BD-R and wheezy

2014-04-09 Thread Mark Neyhart
On 04/09/2014 02:32 PM, Kevin Price wrote:
> Is there an easy way to burn BD-R on wheezy? I met a guy at a LUG that wanted 
> to try linux but he lives out in the middle of nowhere and has 56k. Since I 
> have cable, I downloaded the Blu Ray images using jigdo. I am having a lot of 
> trouble burning them to disk. I tried basero, but that gives the error that 
> the disk isn't supported. Is there a way to get this working? 

I've burned several Blu-Rays with growisofs.  I ran it as root on Lenny.

#growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvd5=blurayImage.iso

It completed with a message about "CLOSE SESSION failed", but it
didn't seem to matter.  Note that /dev/dvd5 should be your own device
name, and blurayImage.iso should be your own iso image.

Mark Neyhart

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Re: dirvish still a good choice?

2014-03-31 Thread Mark Neyhart
On 03/29/2014 01:32 PM, Peter Michaux wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 5:02 PM, Mark Neyhart  wrote:
>> On 03/28/2014 03:22 PM, Peter Michaux wrote:
>>> Is Dirvish still a good choice in 2014?
>> Dirvish just works.  I've been using it for years.
> Where is your bank directory?
> The example configuration file has /backups but that is not ok
> according to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.
> | Applications must never create or require special files or
> | subdirectories in the root directory.
I set it up before I read the FHS, so I used /backups.  If I were to
do it now, I'd probably use /srv/backups.

> Would /var/backups/dirvish be a good choice? The only thing the FHS
> has to say about /var/backups is
> | Several directories are 'reserved' in the sense that they
> | must not be used arbitrarily by some new application,
> | since they would conflict with historical and/or local practice.

It's just a personal preference, but I try not to use /var for
anything which has the potential to get really big.  I don't think you
would have a problem with /var/backups/dirvish as long as it was a
mount point for your actual backup volume.


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Re: dirvish still a good choice?

2014-03-28 Thread Mark Neyhart
On 03/28/2014 03:22 PM, Peter Michaux wrote:
> Is Dirvish still a good choice in 2014?

Dirvish just works.  I've been using it for years.

Mark Neyhart

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Re: images that play nicely with revision control?

2014-02-10 Thread Mark Neyhart
On 02/09/2014 03:28 AM, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> I'm looking for a file format for images that plays nicely with revision 
> control. Ideally I'd like to edit them while seeing what I'm editing, 
> whether it's a line drawing (like inkscape) or a pixel map.

The X PixMap (.xpm) format may work for you.  It is based upon C
source code.  I don't know which image editors support it directly,
but the convert program from the Imagemagick suite will read and write it.

Mark Neyhart

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Re: Long delays caused by rpcinfo

2013-09-24 Thread Mark Neyhart
David Parker wrote:
> root@test-vm-1:~# cat /etc/hosts
>   testbed
> test-vm-1
> test-vm-2
> test-vm-3
> test-vm-4
> /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny are the Debian-delivered versions;
> they only contain comments, no actual rules.

I don't see anything broken here.

Does "rpcinfo -p" work?

Does /var/log/daemon.log have any entries at the time when
"rpcinfo -p localhost" is run?


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Re: Long delays caused by rpcinfo

2013-09-24 Thread Mark Neyhart
David Parker wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.  Unfortunately, it looks like rpcbind is not the
> culprit.  I verified that rpcbind installed and running:
> Anything else I can look into?  FWIW, an strace shows that rpcbind gets
> stuck when trying to connect to a socket on the loopback interface.  The
> relevant portion of the strace output is below:
Maybe rpcbind is not listening on the loopback interface.

What are the contents of /etc/hosts, /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow?


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Re: Finding a working udev rule for a device

2013-04-11 Thread Mark Neyhart
Franz Zinn wrote:
> Hi,
> I have tried making a udev rule for the device
>, such that it is group owner
> is "plugdev" and has group read/write permissions. However every thing
> I tried does not seem to work. The device nodes (/dev/ttyUSB0) group
> always stays as "dialout". I would be grateful for some insight into
> what is going  wrong. I am using Debian/Squeeze with udev version 164.
> I have tried various choices for SUBSYSTEM(S) include usb, usb-serial,
> and ATTRS including,
> manufacturer, serial etc. I have also tried using a lower number
> (10-wgm.rule) for my custom rule.
>   looking at parent device '/devices/pci:00/:00:1a.0/usb3/3-2':
> KERNELS=="3-2"
> DRIVERS=="usb"
> ATTRS{configuration}==""
> ATTRS{bNumInterfaces}==" 1"
> ATTRS{bConfigurationValue}=="1"
> ATTRS{bmAttributes}=="80"
> ATTRS{bMaxPower}=="450mA"
> ATTRS{urbnum}=="16"
> ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403"
> ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001"
> ATTRS{bcdDevice}=="0600"
> ATTRS{bDeviceClass}=="00"
> ATTRS{bDeviceSubClass}=="00"
> ATTRS{bDeviceProtocol}=="00"
> ATTRS{bNumConfigurations}=="1"
> ATTRS{bMaxPacketSize0}=="8"
> ATTRS{speed}=="12"
> ATTRS{busnum}=="3"
> ATTRS{devnum}=="38"
> ATTRS{devpath}=="2"
> ATTRS{version}==" 2.00"
> ATTRS{maxchild}=="0"
> ATTRS{quirks}=="0x0"
> ATTRS{avoid_reset_quirk}=="0"
> ATTRS{authorized}=="1"
> ATTRS{manufacturer}=="Syscomp"
> ATTRS{product}=="WGM-201"
> ATTRS{serial}=="WGVTFKAJ"
> parse_file: reading '/etc/udev/rules.d/90-wgm.rules' as rules file
> parse_file: reading '/lib/udev/rules.d/91-permissions.rules' as rules file
> parse_file: reading '/etc/udev/rules.d/z60_usbprog.rules' as rules

It looks like your permissions are being overwritten by the next rule
in line.  Try making the name of your rule begin with z61_ or higher
because the last rule in your directory appears to be
z60_usbprog.rules.  You mentioned trying a name earlier in the order,
but not later.

>  /etc/udev/rules.d/90-wgm.rules
> -
> SUBSYSTEMS=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001",
> ATTR{serial}=="WGVTFKAJ", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0666"
I'd recommend SUBSYSTEMS=="usb" since that is what is in the block of
attributes which include ATTRS{idVendor}.  You should also be using
ATTRS{serial} instead of ATTR{serial}.

Mark Neyhart

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Re: Help with NIS+NFS in Squeeze

2013-02-04 Thread Mark Neyhart
Markos wrote:
> Dear Bob,
> Em Dom, 2013-02-03 Ã s 12:48 -0700, Bob Proulx escreveu:
>> Markos wrote:

>>> But I can manually mount the /home partition on the clients with the
>>> command:
>>> mount /home
>> Good.

The ip address in the above mount command agrees with the address in

> The file /etc/network/interfaces of the server is:
> # The loopback network interface
> it self
> inet loopback iface it
> auto eth0
> iface eth0 inet static
> address
> netmask

But the ip address you list below in /etc/fstab does not agree with
the address in etc/network/interfaces.

> I copied these options from a site. I was thinking to simplify and
> replace with just "defaults"
> /home nfs defaults 0 0

You should replace with

>>In /etc/nsswitch.conf file:
>>   passwd: files nis
>>   group:  files nis
>>   shadow: files nis
>But what about the files /etc/passwd ... /etc/gshadow. Should remove
>the "+" at the end of these files?

If you modify the /etc/nsswitch.conf as Bob recommends, remove the +
at the end of /etc/passwd ... /etc/gshadow.

Mark Neyhart

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Re: unable to print certain pages from Iceweasel

2013-01-16 Thread Mark Neyhart
Mark Copper wrote:
> Hi,
> I am unable to print some web pages from Iceweasel.
> This is Iceweasel 10.0.11 on wheezy.  The printer is Brother HL-5370DW.
> Several PPD files have been tried.
> When printing fails with Brother provided or foomatic ppd files, first a
> page is printed which appears to contain only the horizontal rules of the
> source page (that is, the parts that don't depend on the font), then a page
> is printed with these messages:

If you are using CUPS, you may wish to try the extra filter provided
in the cupswrapper driver.

I have found that these filters are sometimes needed in addition to
the PPD file.

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Re: Visualization of directory tree of my machine

2012-11-09 Thread Mark Neyhart
Richard Owlett wrote:
> I'm running Debian 6.0.5 with the default gnome desktop.
> The default file browser (Nautilus?) does not give the view/perspective
> I need.
> I'm looking for something closer to (do I dare say it ;) Windows Explorer.

If you are looking for something similar to Windows Explorer, you
might want to take a look at X File Explorer.  It is available as a
debian package named xfe.  Here is a link to the project page:

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Re: dirvish banks empty

2012-08-06 Thread Mark Neyhart
Fred Zinsli wrote:
> Hi All
> I have installed and configured dirvish, but the banks on the backup
> server don't contain any files from the production server.
> My configuration.
> /etc/dirvish/master.conf
> bank:
>   /var/backup
> index:text
> exclude:
>   lost+found/
>   /proc
>   /sys
>   /etc/mtab
>   /var/cache/apt
>   core
>   *~
>   .nfs*
>   /tmp/*
> Runall:
>   abigail
> image-default: %Y%m%d
> expire-default: +9 days
> rsh: ssh -o "BatchMode yes" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no"
> /var/backup/abigail/dirvish/default.conf
> rsync-client: sudo rsync
> client: dirvish@
> tree: /
> exclude:
>   + /etc/mlmmj
>   + /var/www
>   /*/
>   /*
I don't think you can use + in the exclude list.  Since you want to
back up two specific trees from the server, I would recommend using
two separate backup definitions.

In /var/backup/abigail_www/dirvish/default.conf

rsync-client: sudo rsync
client: dirvish@
tree: /var/www

and in /var/backup/abigail_mlmmj/dirvish/default.conf

rsync-client: sudo rsync
client: dirvish@
tree: /etc/mlmmj

In /etc/dirvish/master.conf

index:  text



image-default: %Y%m%d
expire-default: +9 days
rsh: ssh -o "BatchMode yes" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no"

> No files were transfered when I initiated the backup "dirvish --vault
> abigail --init"

Remember to initialize both backups

dirvish --vault abigail_www --init
dirvish --vault abigail_mlmmj --init

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Re: VNC into a Debian Machine

2012-01-31 Thread Mark Neyhart
James Allsopp wrote:
> I really want to be able to use VNC to be able to view the full Gnome
> desktop on my laptop. I've been able to view a grey screen and a
> terminal, using vnc4server and tigervnc or vinagre, but what I'd like to
> be able to do is just view a whole screen as if I was actually there.
If I understand you correctly, you wish to access what is showing on
your laptop screen.

I've had success with x11vnc from the package with the same name.
After connecting to a machine via ssh, you can use this command to
setup a VNC server which serves up the X session currently on the
display via port 5900.

x11vnc -display :0.0

This command as listed will run without any authentication at all, so
you will need to specify an appropriate authentication method.  Note
that when the remote viewer is closed, this command terminates itself.
 Setting up an ssh tunnel would also be advisable in order to encrypt
the traffic.

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Re: nano and color

2011-09-08 Thread Mark Neyhart
> When using nano on a Squeeze system and I open a file with I will
> see color coded script Lines. When I open a file line with the same
> content there is no color coding.
> On a Lenny system I never have color coding.
> 1) Where is this behaviour defined on my Squeeze system?
> 2) Can I enable it on my Lenny systems?

On my lenny system there is a file called /etc/nanorc.  If you
uncomment the line which looks like

#  include "/usr/share/nano/sh.nanorc"

so it looks like

include "/usr/share/nano/sh.nanorc"

you should get syntax highlighting for files with the .sh extension.
Highlighting for other languages can be enabled in the same way.

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Re: Whitespace problem with bash script for Icedove

2011-07-26 Thread Mark Neyhart
Jimmy Wu wrote:

> 1. Just use the shell's globbing - it was meant for this purpose -
> instead of assigning a glob to a variable.  Glob expansions can be
> iterated over in loops correctly and safely.  Expanded strings are
> much more tricky to get right (if it is even possible) and less safe
> when you don't.
> FILES="/home/bill/.../Local Folders/2-Personal.sbd"
> for i in "$FILES"/*
> note the glob is outside the quotes
I like this solution better than the one I had suggested.

Mark Neyhart

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Re: Whitespace problem with bash script for Icedove

2011-07-25 Thread Mark Neyhart
Bill M wrote:

> FILES=/home/bill/.icedove/qjimvr85.default/Mail/Local\ 
> Folders/2-Personal.sbd/*
> # or "/home/bill/.icedove/qjimvr85.default/Mail/Local 
> Folders/2-Personal.sbd/*"
> for i in $FILES
> do
>  mv "$i" ""$i".saved"
>  formail -D 65536 .msgid.cache -s < ""$i".saved" > "$i"
> done
> mv: cannot stat `/home/bill/.icedove/qjimvr85.default/Mail/Local': No 
> such file or directory
> ./mailscript: line 10: 
> /home/bill/.icedove/qjimvr85.default/Mail/Local.saved: No such file or 
> directory
> mv: cannot stat `Folders/2-Personal.sbd/*': No such file or directory
> ./mailscript: line 10: Folders/2-Personal.sbd/*.saved: No such file or 
> directory

This appears to be related to the default value of the BASH internal
variable $IFS (internal field separator).  It defaults to whitespace,
which includes the space character.  The for loop interprets the space
inside $FILES as a field separator.  Try setting $IFS to ONLY new line
above the for loop.

for i in $FILES

Mark Neyhart

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Re: installing X with apt-get

2010-12-31 Thread Mark Neyhart
Attila Csosz wrote:
> I'd like to install a minimal X window system with 'apt-get install', with a 
> simple window manager (for example icewm). How to do that?
> I tried "apt-get install xserver-xorg xbase-clients xinit" but still have a 
> font problem (X exiting)
> What is the simplest command for later use?

I use icewm on a Lenny system.  I installed two X packages and then icewm.

apt-get install xserver-xorg-core
apt-get install xfonts-base
apt-get install icewm

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Re: Icewm menu not working properly

2010-02-26 Thread Mark Neyhart
Anthony Campbell wrote:
> I have used icewm for a long time and have not had any trouble with the
> menu. Recently all the entries for browsers have stopped working on my
> HP laptop (not on my desktop).
> The entries are of this form:
> prog Iceweasel -  iceweasel 
> prog Iceape - iceape 
> prog Lynx - lynx
> Nothing happens at all with these -no error messages, nothing. I can run
> all the browsers easily from a terminal.

It could be a problem with the path used by icewm.  Have you tried
specifying the full path in the menu file?

prog Iceweasel - /usr/bin/iceweasel


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Re: Back up routines

2009-07-28 Thread Mark Neyhart
John Magolske wrote:
> I've been trying to decide between dirvish & rdiff-backup. I read
> something [1] arguing in favor of dirvish, citing it's advantage of
> having images that are complete file systems. But dirvish does use
> hard links, so the issue of such a backup not being exactly 1:1 gives
> me some pause. I'm wondering if the archfs [2] you mentioned helps
> address the "complete file system" issue.

I've been a satisfied dirvish user for a couple of years now.  I have
two backup servers, one on site and one off site via an ssh tunnel.

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Re: Date always wrong after reboot.

2009-06-02 Thread Mark Neyhart
Nuno Magalhães wrote:
> I know it's a silly question with a simple answer, but i can't find
> the culprit. I've checked /etc/init.d/ and rc2.d/ and there's nothing
> that would change the time. However, every time i boot the system
> always defaults to one hour ahead. I assume i can dpkg-reconfigure
> something, but i don't know what. I'd rather not depend on ntp.

What is your timezone?  Do you have your CMOS clock set to universal
time or local time?  If you wish to keep your CMOS clock set to
local time, make sure you have a line in /etc/default/rcS which

Mark Neyhart

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Re: Can you recommend any screen capture utility for etch

2009-05-20 Thread Mark Neyhart
Long Wind wrote:
> I have try gimp for sarge
> It seems to have problem with capturing window
> I have tried scrot for etch
> It does not capture title bar when capturing window
> Thanks!

import from the imagemagick package works quite well.  For example,
to capture a window including the title bar and save it as a file
called ~/WindowCapture.png just type this:

import -frame ~/WindowCapture.png

and click on the title bar of the window you wish to capture.

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Re: Suggestions for multilevel backup of single machine?

2009-04-13 Thread Mark Neyhart
James Youngman wrote:

> (2) It would be useful to have a historic backup capability too (e.g.
> the way the filesystem looked yesterday, last week, last month and a
> year ago), at least for filesystems like /home.
I am currently using Disk Dirvish  which does
an excellent job of keeping multiple backup copies.  It uses the
--link option of rsync to reduce the amount of disk space required.

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Re: Suggestions for multilevel backup of single machine?

2009-04-13 Thread Mark Neyhart
James Youngman wrote:

> (2) It would be useful to have a historic backup capability too (e.g.
> the way the filesystem looked yesterday, last week, last month and a
> year ago), at least for filesystems like /home.

I am currently using Disk Dirvish which does an excellent job of keeping
multiple backup copies.  It uses the --link option of rsync to reduce the amount
of disk space required.  You can check it out at

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