Re: I can't get Linux to INSTALL! Help!

2000-02-04 Thread Michael Procario

I have had one experience somewhat like yours. I failed with Redhat and 
Debian. I had a hardware problem in the IDE controller. I moved my harddisk 
onto the second controller and told the BIOS to look there for the boot disk. 
That cured it.

Is the disk bad? Did the system ever have windows on it?  If so can you still 
boot into windows?

Is the controller bad?  Try the secondary controller like I mentioned. 

There are floppy based distributions like Tom's Root-Boot which will boot form 
floppy and let you run diagnostics on the disk.

This is a very hard problem to tackle remotely. I got member of my LUG to come 
over and check out my machine when I had the problem. On the mailing list 
everybody just kept talking about cylinder, head, and sector counts.


> I'd like to apologize for sending out the same question again, but =
> nothing thus far has worked.  Here is my problem, in detail:  I have =
> attempted to install RedHat, TurboLinux, and now I'm on Debian.  None of =
> these have I been able to install.  On every single one of them, as I am =
> doing ANYTHING requiring finding the hard drive, it tells me that there =
> is no hard drive.  This is the error message that I get from Debian:
> No Hard Disk!
> No hard disk drives could be found.  Make sure they are cabled correctly =
> before
> the system's started.  You may have to change driver settings at the =
> boot,... or
> load a driver.
> I've gotten similar error messages from the other Linux's... I have =
> a 13.5 GB hard drive and it is already partitioned for Linux.  What can =
> I do?  All I want to do is get the thing installed, and I can't even do =
> that... someone please help me!

Re: multi-processor kernel

2000-01-04 Thread Michael Procario

> does slink with kernel 2.0.34 support a multi-processor system with 2
> power supplies?

SMP support in 2.0 kernels is not great. I tried it and had crashes about once 
a day.  I am now running with a 2.2 kernel under Redhat on the same machine 
and it is very stable (multi month uptimes).  You can run 2.2 kernels with 
slink although I have not done it myself.

>  So I am thinking about putting debian slink on the machine and not
> running xwindows as we think xwindows may be a contributing factor to
> it crashing.

The few crashes that I have had with Linux on uniprocessor machines have 
always seemed to be X related. I would expect a system without X to extremely 

Department of PhysicsPHONE: 412-268-3887
Carnegie Mellon University   "Another casualty of applied metaphysics"

Re: mail ?

1999-12-29 Thread Michael Procario

I has used this to send mail from scripts. It uses the mh send command. 

/usr/bin/mh/send filename

The file must contain a To: field with the email address for example here is
the file I mail from my backup script.  

--Beginning of the example file
To: procario
Subject: Backup done. Copy it to zip.
The weekly backup has been done. Please copy from /home/backups to a zip
disk and then delete it.   

--End of the example file

With the command line given above the file should live ~/Mail/drafts so that 
send can find it.  It may be possible to put the file elsewhere but I have not 
tried that.

Warning about getting 2.1r4 with http

1999-12-16 Thread Michael Procario

It looks like http is not yet available for 2.1r4 but ftp works fine.

I saw that 2.1r4 was released with y2k and security fixes. I fired up dselect 
which was using apt and tried to get the fixes. My sources.list was

deb stable main contrib non-free
deb i386/ 
deb slink-update main

I did an update and then install and no packages were updated. I looked at the
package list and it still showed cvs-1.9.29 as the available package. I know 
that cvs-1.10 is one of the y2k fixes.

I looked at the ftp site and it looked like 2.1r4 was linked to stable 
correctly. I changed the first line of sources.lsit to ftp from http and it 
worked fine.


Michael Procario   EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics  PHONE: 412/268-3887
Carnegie Mellon University  

  "Another casualty of applied metaphysics"

Re: Problem with g77

1999-12-15 Thread Michael Procario

 I use g77 regularly and linked it against commercial fortran compiled code  
as well as C compiled code. If you use the g77 command to link your code it 
will supply the appropriate run time library.  If you link with gcc then you 
need to include -lg2c in the link. This library seems to provide an interface 
between the standard fortran library routines and  libc which then does most 
of the work.



Michael Procario   EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics  PHONE: 412/268-3887
Carnegie Mellon University  

  "Another casualty of applied metaphysics"

Re: slink-only system, kernel version ceiling?

1999-12-07 Thread Michael Procario

I haven't gotten around to doing that yet, but I have done some investigating. 
You need to update a few packages. There is some documentation at the debian

It does not mention ppp but I think that also needs to be updated. 



Michael Procario   EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics  PHONE: 412/268-3887
Carnegie Mellon University  

  "Another casualty of applied metaphysics"

Re: where to buy Debian (R3)

1999-11-09 Thread Michael Procario

I bought hamm from Linux System Labs when I started on Debian.  
You can get slink for $4.95 or $9.95 with $5.00 going to Debian.  I checked 
their site and could not tell which release they have now.

> I am looking for i place to buy reliable Debian CDs which are NOT CD-Rs. 
> CheapBytes seems popular, but they sell R2...where can i get R3 while not 
> being ripped off?
> -Scott
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: problem with 'find'

1999-08-30 Thread Michael Procario

Put the *.deb in quotes as in 

find / -name "*.deb" -print

You want find to see the *. Without the quotes the shell expands *.deb to a 
list of debs which may or may not be empty. Th equotes prevent shell 


Michael Procario   EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics  
Carnegie Mellon University  

  "Another casualty of applied metaphysics"

Different mailer called from netscape??

1999-06-02 Thread Michael Procario

When I click on a mailto link in Netscape Communicator 4.5, it brings up its
mailer but I would prefer that it bring up exmh which I use for everything
else. I have looked for a way to do this but I have not found one. 

At home I still use Navigator instead of Communicator and it would be there to 
have mailto capability.


Michael Procario   EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics  PHONE: 412/268-3887
Carnegie Mellon University  

  "Another casualty of applied metaphysics"

Re: ISPs

1999-06-01 Thread Michael Procario

I use Netcom (now Mindspring) they have pages on using Linux buried in their
support site, but you do not even need those.  You need the DNS server 
addresses and the phone number. I use wvdial (its comes with Debian) to do the 
dialup and it is very simple.

Michael Procario   EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics  PHONE: 412/268-3887
Carnegie Mellon University  

  "Another casualty of applied metaphysics"

Re: disabling sshd and gpm

1999-05-14 Thread Michael Procario

You only need to remove it from /etc/rc?.d. That way if you want to
turn it back on at some later time the actual script still lives in 

I do not understand your statement about some other package using the gpm 
library.  I thought the gpm library allowed applications to talk to the gpm
server, so the server needs to run for the library to be useful.


Michael Procario   EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics  PHONE: 412/268-3887
Carnegie Mellon University  

  "Another casualty of applied metaphysics"

Re: Newbie: Installation problems

1999-05-07 Thread Michael Procario

On a i586 system, your cdrom is probably connected to the second IDE controller
and it will be on /dev/hdc or less likely /dev/hdd.  Try using that during the
installation. /dev/cdrom is usually a link that points to /dev/hdc or /dev/hdd.

If Redhat works, boot into Redhat and look at /etc/fstab.  See if there is
a line mentioning the cdrom. You can even send your redhat fstab. 

> Hi,
> Please excuse me for the wide distribution. And do excuse me for not
> being able to give the exact technical terms in the following. I have
> tried to explain the situation to the best extent that I can (now).
> My present set up:
> --
> I have an i586 system in which I have dos, linux (Redhat and Debian)
> installed (after lot of goof-ups and struggles, being a novice that I
> am).
> The partition details are as follows
> /dev/hda1 - DOS
> /dev/hda2 - Linux partition (I suppose, I am not very confortable with
> this naming
> convention, so please excuse me)
> /dev/hda5 - RedHat Linux (kernel - 2.0.36)
> /dev/hda6 - Swap space (common to both Redhat and Debian)
> /dev/hda7 - Debian Linux (kernel - 2.0.36)
> The MBR contains the LILO. My lilo.conf in /dev/hda5 (Redhat) contains
> details of the setup, and the details about Debian kernel (being present
> in /dev/hda7, boot-label="debian"). I am assuming that this is where it
> is taking information from when I type "debian" at my lilo prompt, the
> kernel being loaded from /dev/hda7.
> Dos (Windows-95) and Redhat are fully operational. There is some problem
> with debian however.
> I am not able to go beyond the base-kernel installation. I have
> configured in the kernel to support cd-roms with the "common CD-ROMs"
> option that is available for CD-ROM device drivers.
> There is a part of the installation where u have to give details about
> the "access" medium (default being /dev/cdrom). When I accept this as my
> default or even type in "/dev/cdrom", it is reported as an error. It
> says that it is unable to find the device (even though installation is
> going on from the device).
> If I go to another virtual-terminal and try: mount /dev/cdrom, 
> it gives an error message stating that there is no entry in the
> /etc/fstab. If I make an entry in the same, and issue "mount
> /dev/cdroom", an error message stating that the kernel doesn't support
> this filesystem (iso9660) is issued.
> I am unable to go beyond this. No packages are being installed as I
> haven't been able to specify /dev/cdrom as my source.
> I hope that I have explained the situation clearly enough. In case you
> require more details, please mail me.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Sudhir.P
> -- 
> When you hit rock bottom, there is no way, but, up.
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: Quasi-mirror for local net

1999-03-18 Thread Michael Procario

I would like to something similar. I have downloaded the i386 branches and 
have them nfs mounted on one of my systems. I copied the package files and
that has caused me some problems. How do I build the package files correctly 
for myself?



Re: fortran compilier recommendations

1999-03-18 Thread Michael Procario

I have used the Absoft compiler because it supported Vax style fortran 
structures which we needed for some code we were porting.  It is OK as
a compiler. I needed it to work with g77 since we used several libraries built 
with g77 which proved to be very difficult to compile with ABSOFT due to
many workarounds to get them to work with g77. 

I succeeded with significant work in linking and correctly running a program 
that used Absoft f77, g77, gcc and g++.  I consider that to be to ABSOFT's 
credit.  I did find one compiler bug involving character functions, and I
had trouble with debugging symbols not being properly included if the object 
file was sent to a different directory from the source file.

I have not investigated optimization significantly. It turns out the g++ piece 
is the slowpoke and that is not my responsibility.  If I could survive with
g77 I would do so.  ABSOFT is not that great advantage over g77 in my case 
except for the fortran structures.

Have tried the comp.lang.fortran newsgroup. They have significant discussions
of issues like this.



Michael Procario   EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics  PHONE: 412/268-3887
Carnegie Mellon University  

  "Another casualty of applied metaphysics"

emacs20 crashes

1999-03-16 Thread Michael Procario

I have just upgraded from hamm to slink, and I have a problem with emacs20. It
crashes with this error message. 

[222]hepc06_bash> emacs20 assignment.m4 &
[1] 12469
[223]hepc06_bash> free(): invalid pointer 82addb8!
realloc(): invalid pointer 8212fe0!

I also have xemacs and emacs19 installed without any problem. I find xemacs 
somewhat big and slow. I would prefer to emacs20 running.


Michael Procario   EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics  PHONE: 412/268-3887
Carnegie Mellon University  

  "Another casualty of applied metaphysics"

Re: Best partitioning scheme?

1999-02-16 Thread Michael Procario

The /var looks large unless you are running servers that keep their files 
The mail spools are in /var and the web server can be configured to keep files 
there. On my machine which is a single user desktop which does run a mail 
server I have 26 currently MB in my /var directory.  I use procmail to my mail 
out the spool and into my home directory automatically.

You cannot spread /home across two partitions unless you use raid. You could 
create /home and /home2 and then symlink all directories on /home2 to appear 
on /home.

There is no magic partitioning scheme. You have to think about what you will 
be storing and allow room for it. I like a /usr/local partition so my hand 
installed code is separate from the system installed code. I can wipe out
my /usr partition such as when I went from Redhat to Debian without harming my 
local installs.



Michael Procario   EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics  PHONE: 412/268-3887
Carnegie Mellon University  

  "Another casualty of applied metaphysics"

Re: A pipe dream?

1999-01-26 Thread Michael Procario

That is basically what I do. I back up my /etc tree and my /home tree to a 
zip. I do a complete backup once a week in a cron job and it still all fits on 
one zip.

It does not require much of script

tar -cf /zip/home.tar.gz -C /home .
tar -cf /zip/etc.tar.gz -C /etc .


Michael Procario   EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics  PHONE: 412/268-3887
Carnegie Mellon University  

  "Another casualty of applied metaphysics"

Re: OPL3SAx sound card

1999-01-26 Thread Michael Procario

Here is the configuration info I found

It discusses using isapnp to configure the card but the sound on my laptop
is not on an isa card. isapnp does not see the sound card although it sees my 

I got it to work with the commercial OSS driver but after the free trial I 
decided I did not really need sound, so I gave up. I may take another whack at 
it when I have the time.


Michael Procario   EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics  PHONE: 412/268-3887
Carnegie Mellon University  

  "Another casualty of applied metaphysics"

Re: More Admin Questions

1999-01-25 Thread Michael Procario

> I installed the smail package and related files. How can I be sure
> this is being used and not sendmail? Also when I su to root from a
> user account and try to run an X program I get the following message:
> Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
> Initialization error: X server not responding
> : ":0.0"

You need to xauth as root. 

Before you do su

Issue the command 

xauth list

This will return a list of authorizations keys 

It will look like this  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  1a3124188bbd456213456112
/unix:0  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-11a3124188bbd456213456112

find the one for you machine that is not trailing by unix:0.0

Do the su

As root issue

Make sure your display variable is correct, then issue

xauth add  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  1a3124188bbd456213456112

where the argument came from the previous xauth list.

A correctly configured ssh can eliminate the need for this. I have seen it 
work but I currently have having trouble with my ssh configuration, so I have 
been using this workaround.


Michael Procario   EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics  PHONE: 412/268-3887
Carnegie Mellon University  

  "Another casualty of applied metaphysics"

Install problem at partition check

1998-12-11 Thread Michael Procario

I am trying to install hamm on Pentium 120 MHz system with 48 Meg that is 
currently running Redhat 5.0.

When I boot with the rescue disk, I get the boot prompt and return. Things
proceed ok for awhile.  Until I get this error:

Partition check:
 hda:hda: dma_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequestError }
hda: dma_int: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }

Earlier in the boot sequence it reports:

that the harddrive is a 
MAXTOR 90288D2, 2747 MB with 256 kb cache CHS=5583/16/63, DMA

and that the ide controller is 
i82371 PIIX (Triton)

Since the system runs fine under Redhat with a custom 2.0.33 kernel, I think
the hardware is ok. I initially suspected a kernel incompatibility since the
rescue disk is 2.0.34. However, I checked and I can run with a custom 2.0.35
kernel, that I had been playing with.


Michael Procario   EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics  PHONE: 412/268-3887
Carnegie Mellon University  

  "Another casualty of applied metaphysics"

Re: Xemacs 20.4

1998-12-02 Thread Michael Procario
> Xemacs 19 paid attention to the line in .Xdefaults : xemacs.geometry,
> why doesn't Xemacs20 pay attention too?
> thanks

Use xemacs*geometry. It works for me. There must be more elements between the 
xemacs and geometry than there use to be.


Michael Procario   EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics  PHONE: 412/268-3887
Carnegie Mellon University  

  "Another casualty of applied metaphysics"

Re: kmail stopped working

1998-11-22 Thread Michael Procario

I had this problem and I found that the missing files were from
/usr/share/toolbar.I had Redhat installation and got the files from there.
Now kmail works.

On Fri, 20 Nov 1998, Jesse Evans wrote:

> Folks,
>   Ok, all those files are where you say they should be and I was able to 
> view each of them using KView. So, that's not the problem. What's next?
> On Thu, Nov 19, 1998 at 11:20:27PM -0500, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
> > 
> > On Thu, 19 Nov 1998, Jesse Evans wrote:
> > 
> > > sh-2.01$ kmail 
> > > Calling deinstallTimer()
> > > kmail: QPixmap::convertToImage: Cannot convert a null pixmap
> > > kmail: QPixmap::convertToImage: Cannot convert a null pixmap
> > > kmail: QPixmap::convertFromImage: Cannot convert a null image
> > > kmail: QPixmap::convertFromImage: Cannot convert a null image
> > > kmail: QPixmap::convertToImage: Cannot convert a null pixmap
> > > kmail: QPixmap::convertToImage: Cannot convert a null pixmap
> > > kmail: QPixmap::convertFromImage: Cannot convert a null image
> > > kmail: QPixmap::convertFromImage: Cannot convert a null image
> > > kmail: QPainter::begin: Cannot paint null pixmap
> > > kmail: QPainter::begin: Cannot paint null pixmap
> > > kmail: QPainter::setPen: Will be reset by begin()
> > > kmail: QPainter::setPen: Will be reset by begin()
> > > *** KMail got signal 11
> > > *** KMail got signal 11
> > 
> > Kmail reads in pixmaps from /usr/share/apps/kmail/pics/.  Be sure the
> > pixmaps exist there.  Here's what I get when I run ls on that dir:
> > 
> > attach.xpm  green-bullet.xpmkmmsgforwarded.xpm
> > pub_key_red.xpm
> > checkmail.xpm   kdelogo.xpm kmmsgnew.xpmred-bullet.xpm
> > closed.xpm  kmfldin.xpm kmmsgold.xpmsend.xpm
> > feather_white.xpm   kmfldout.xpmkmmsgqueued.xpm stopwatch.xbm
> > filedel2.xpmkmfldsent.xpm   kmmsgreplied.xpm
> > stopwatchMask.xbm
> > fileforward.xpm kmfolder.xpmkmmsgsent.xpm   thumb_up.xpm
> > filereply.xpm   kminsorgmsg.xpm kmmsgunseen.xpm
> > filereplyall.xpmkmmsgdel.xpmkmtrash.xpm
> > 
> > 
> > So you should have all of those.  Be sure they're readable by the user
> > who is trying to run Kmail.  If you don't have these files, try installing
> > kdelibs0g-dev, which erroneously contains some runtime files (including, I
> > believe, some pixmaps, which might be the ones you need).  If that doesn't
> > work, try re-installing kdenetwork.
> > 
> > noah
> > 
> >   PGP public key available at
> >
> >   or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Version: 2.6.2
> > 
> > iQCVAwUBNlTuD4dCcpBjGWoFAQFqCwP/bpcfY5/7JvstmdSCETxR3IZE8NPK9yL0
> > bAPjYi1YTHmJd8VLb6AXowunOjI5JKwe/wtnNtAzWckkbL027nzgUZNB52lBzOAQ
> > PHUS+4v+Wflv93fliFaETmoB0alW50JyH7c1Lu/KryJg+AfLg4MLMCPNW/f4aHeR
> > 59+Ad2n4/fI=
> > =xB82
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> 'til next we type...
> HAVE FUN!! -- Jesse
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null