dselect updating when Debian config changes

1999-09-15 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
G'day, all.

How can I prevent dselect from downloading packages that are already 
installed, merely because the Debian version has changed?

Really, it is intolerable that that happens.  It can cost a lot of money 
in download fees.

I have attepted to defeat it by general freezes, but that makes it a lot 
of work to select something when I want to upgrade.  It is made worse by 
the terrible practice of splitting up the author's source into multiple 
Debian packages.

Several weeks ago I decided that my Debian system had become totally 
unmaintainable.  That was after I had modified a lot of selections so I 
could install something, and dselect for some reason told me that if I 
went ahead it would uninstall 90% of my system.  I guess, instead of 
looking at thousands of listed packages I was doing group selections.

I have reached total lockup.

Please reply to the list, because I'm not going to ask again if no 
replies show up.  Apologies if you've recently discussed it - I've 
resubscribed to the list only to ask this question.

Michael Talbot-Wilson

Re: dselect updating when Debian config changes

1999-09-15 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
 If you wish to get a new package that is released WITHOUT updating
 all existing packages that have new versions, just use apt-get to install
 tha package directly.
 apt-get update  #update the package DB
 apt-get install package
 Note, this WILL download and install updates to dependancies,
 if they are needed.

Okay.  Thanks.

  How can I prevent dselect from downloading packages that are already 
  installed, merely because the Debian version has changed?

Re: bash scripting

1999-07-26 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
 On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 08:18:48AM +0200, Gerhard Kroder wrote:
  ever RTFM for bash? it says:
   I love how people insist on firing off this remark. It is sooo much more
 explanatory than pasting in a piece of the manpage then breaking it
 down to a newbies' terms. Then _calmly_ telling them (OFF THE LIST) that th=
 should RTFM without using the RTFM flame. I just think we spend way too much
 time falming, and not enough time correcting these people who neglect to re=
 the docs. Just my 2 cents.

People start to say it after they have politely answered the same 
question approximately 500 times.

There are about 10,000 new newbies coming onto the Internet every day, 
all with the same cluelessness and the same questions.  Every day, every 
week, every month, every year.  

The manual should only need to be written once, not thousands of times.  
The person who did write it is usually best qualified to do so.  You seem 
to think anyone else in the world can express the matter better than the 
original author.  If you were to read the bash manual page yourself you 
would see that it is a brilliant piece of writing that no-one is going to 

The kindest thing you can do for anyone in difficulty is to persuade him 
that he really does need to study the manual.

He shouldn't even be posting questions until he has looked into the matter
himself and drawn a blank on all fronts.  So any question answered in the
manual deserves either to be totally ignored or to be flamed.  It does NOT
deserve an answer.

It is bad netiquette to paste part of the man page, because it creates 
traffic delivering something that the recipient already has.  And no-one 
owes the newbie that kind of favor.  He can cut from the man page 
himself.  He has it, and he can do it.  The rest of us are busy people 
and life is running out.  Help where it is needed is one thing.  A crutch 
for the lazy, or foolishly trying to do for someone else what he must 
surely do for himself, merely because he sent a message out into the wide 
world, is quite another.

Re: bash scripting

1999-07-26 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
 The kindest thing you can do for anyone in difficulty is to persuade him 
 that he really does need to study the manual.
 He shouldn't even be posting questions until he has looked into the matter
 himself and drawn a blank on all fronts.  So any question answered in the
 manual deserves either to be totally ignored or to be flamed.  It does NOT
 deserve an answer.
 This is a bit strong isn't it? Sometimes newbies don't know how to find the

A bit, but only a bit.  And the first quoted para not at all.

Re: ftping through a router

1999-06-28 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson

 I guess that you used ipfwadm/ipchains to set your box as a router.  What's 
 probably happening is that you have blocked the incoming connection from the 
 ftp server.  To solve this you can either change your ip rules or try and use 
 the passive (pasv) form of ftp where the server tells the client the port to 
 connect to and the client then does the connection: note that some windows 
 FTP clients can't do this commonly the dos box ones can't.
 On Sun, Jun 27, 1999 at 12:00:40AM -0500, Robert Rati wrote:
  I setup a router for a home network, and everything seems to work fine but
  one thing.  I can't use ftp.  I can connection to sites outside my network
  via ftp, but I can't do the ls command.  Usually, when you do a lsc,
  you get something back like:
  200 Port Command
  or something like that, but instead, I get:
  500 Illegal PORT Command

If you are masquerading, make sure you have the module ip_masq_ftp.

Re: A stylistic question?

1999-06-28 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
 Hi.  I finally worked out how to do the Linux equivalent of batch files
 (scripts) and was wondering if there was a generally accepted directory
 for keeping user (and/or root) scripts in.

I don't think there is, but it is generally accepted that anything that is not 
host-specific (such as binaries, which depend on the CPU) should go under 

Unless someone has a better idea I would put general-purpose scripts in 

Re: still configuring PPP :-(

1999-06-27 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
 Hello and thanks a million to those who have responded to my request for
 taking some of your precious time to help me out.
 I downloaded wvdial and minicom like some of you suggested and wvdial
 cannot find my modem. I sent a message to them like they suggested because
 I am 100% sure that my modem is in Com3.  For some reason Linux is not
 detecting it in ttyS2.

COM1 and COM3 typically share IRQ4, and COM2 and COM4 typically share IRQ3.  If 
you look at the output of the dmesg command (dmesg | grep ttyS) soon after 
booting you should be able to see the Linux kernel's detection of these devices.

I guess that Linux will have no problems with the modem in COM3.  Certainly it 
handles multiport serial cards that share interrupts with no problems.

Still, in your present predicament I would be trying the modem on ttyS0 or 
ttyS1.  Maybe you can move your two other serial devices and give this a try.

Re: still configuring PPP :-(

1999-06-27 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
And I think that sharing of IRQs by serial ports is a kernel config 
option.  It may be that your particular kernel can't do it.

fvwm pager window

1999-06-27 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
When I exit fvwm and restart it the pager window background goes black.  
This is on Debian Potato Fvwm 2.2.2.

Re: Danger of software patents in Europe

1999-06-20 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson

 Software patents are threating the freedom of programmers and users of
 free software in Europe alike. If this becomes a reality then the Free
 Software Community will suffer a hard blow to say the least. So if you
 live in Europe please take this seriously, make your voice heard and
 tell all other satisfied users of free software products about it!

The exploitive nature of software patents is shown pretty clearly by 
Microsoft's US patent on cascading style sheets, applied for in 1995 and 
granted this year.


It appears that a company can discover the Internet and then take out 
patents on the technology it finds there.

(You mentioned this in your mail but it was lost in the detail.)

But these are really ordinary patents.  If you invent a method of doing 
something it doesn't matter whether it is implemented in hardware or 

If the EU is legislating patents for software specifically, then (without 
knowing the details) it may be a good thing.

It could mean that software is being taken out of the scrum of patents in 
general, and that more appropriate rules will therefore be applied to it.

It may be that is will become extremely difficult to patent the solutions 
to software problems.  And that is what cascading style sheets are.

Rather than railing at software patents, maybe we should do just what the 
EU is doing, introduce patents for software, thereby making software 
unpatentable except under special rules that take account of the nature 
of software invention and development.

Re: Netscape crashing -- a lot.

1999-06-17 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
 On Tue, 15 Jun 1999, Craig McPherson wrote:
  Are any of the earier versions of Netscape more stable than 4.6?  
  I'm willing to use whatever is stable.  I haven't yet tried earlier 
 same thing happens to me with 4.51 and 4.08, both linked with glibc2.  i
 think it's a glibc2.1 issue.
 anyone have libc5 debian packages for 4.08/51/6?

It's not glibc2.  Netscape 4.6 (Potato) runs fine, at least if you have a 
Cirrus CL-GD5446 (PCI), kernel 2.2.9 and plenty of RAM.  Look for something 
else.  And I don't think it's the window manager.  At least, Netscape's okay on 

Have you tried the SVGA X server (acceleration off)?  Does XF86Setup find any 
parameters specific to your card?  Have you upgraded XFree86 to glibc2?

Re: Netscape crashing -- a lot.

1999-06-17 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
 Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:
  i found 4.6.1 even more unstable than 4.08. at least i know that, if
  i don't close windows, 4.08 is unlikely to crash. 4.6 just died all
  the time.
 well, then it seems, that the poor glibc2.1 people should go to the
 libc5 version.

Nope.  This poor, underprivileged glibc2.1 person has cleared libc5 off his 
system and (so far) is happy as a lark.  Netscape 4.6 is fine.

Some people are having problems with several versions of Netscape.  Some 
people.  Several versions.  But guys, there are a few installations of Netscape 
around, and this looks like a minority thing.  Maybe you should be looking for 
a different cause.

Or maybe, for you, you are right.  If libc5 fixes your problem, terrific.

Re: Year 2000 status of debian

1999-06-14 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
Wait a while.  In six months no-one will care.

Locating fdformat...

1999-06-13 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
Where in potato are fdformat and setfdprm?  They aren't in util-linux.

Does Debian have a cross-reference of programs to the packages that 
contain them?


1999-06-12 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
On Fri, 11 Jun 1999, Andy Bottman wrote:

   Thanks, I have done this at least 10 times in the last 2 days, I
 don't think I am missing any prompts.  I am looking for more than the
 obvius, is there somting that I could not recognize as related to PPP.

Well, the next step is to give more information on what you did.  Post the
.config file and tell us every command you issued between 'make config'
and booting the new kernel.

 Andy Bottman wrote:
  How do include PPP support in the kernel when I compile?  I have
  been using 'make config' and 'make menu config' to configure the kernel and
  even though I thought I have been choosing ppp support under networking I
  am still without.
  This whole issue started after I was compiling to support my ISA
  NE2000 ethernet card.
 hm, what would i do in such a case?
 certainly, i would run ´make menuconfig´, go to _every_ point and read
 the help page.
 sure, this costs time, but it´s worth ;-)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-06-12 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
On Sat, 12 Jun 1999, Gertjan Klein wrote:

 point-and-click interfaces suck, because they are too easy. Windows
 could learn a lot from Linux in terms of performance, power and
 stability, but Linux doesn't even come close to the ease of installation
 and use you'll find with Windows. This is not something to be proud of,

Who said it was?

 or something to blame on (new) users. It would be nice if the people you

It is not blamed on users.  Contemptible complaints and demands attract
contemptuous replies.  Ignorance does not.  Love of ease does not.  These 
have nothing to do with it.

 mention above realize that the vast majority of computer users in
 general are absolutely not interested in learning about operating
 systems, file systems, the files in /etc, and so on - they just want to
 get a job done, as quickly and easily as possible. There is absolutley
 nothing wrong with that.

This self-important and self-serving claim is made too often.  There is a
pretence that I am a serious, business-like person with a job to do, and
therefore I am too important and too busy to learn how to do it.  That is

 If you like to do things the hard way, then fine.  But it doesn't really

Not many people like to do things the hard way.  That is not intelligent.
This is absolutely irrelevant.

 mean that you're more intelligent or more knowledgeable than people who
 click a few buttons in a GUI to accomplish the same thing.

   Even if it did mean that, so what?

And intelligence has nothing to do with it either.  It is laughable to
think high intelligence is required to discover the Install Manual on the
Debian Web site or to discover install.txt on a Debian CD.  The problem
was that too much explanation was given.  That is hard to avoid in the
circumstances.  The information is addressed to people who know nothing,
who need background in everything.  But this has nothing to do with
intelligence.  Simpler here means save me the effort of reading all this.

   Alan Cooper has written an interesting book about user interface
 design (he prefers to call it interaction design). It addresses a lot of
 the issues that users have to deal with when operating high-tech
 equipment like computers; these issues are universal, and apply to
 interacting with Linux as well. A sample chapter is available online at

So what?  What is the relevance of saying that user interfaces can be
designed, and that we can move beyond the present to better systems in

We would all like the installation of Debian to be simpler.  Debian is a
huge effort directed to making installation and maintenance of Linux
simpler.  That is exactly what it is about.  However simple it is we would
like it simpler. We'd like to do everything more easily.

But only a shithead screams MAKE IT SIMPLE! so that he won't personally
have to make any effort.  If you want someone to MAKE IT SIMPLE! all you
have to do is ante up a billion dollars.  Come to the party with
Microsoft's development budget. 

Debian is developed and maintained gratis, by volunteers.  Linux is
developed and maintained gratis, by volunteers.  A few, with very good
track records in free software development, may in the end get do to paid
development on tiny parts of these systems by the likes of RedHat.  But in
essence, if anyone gets paid it is a donation, a grant.  Ditto the GNU
utilities.  The person who screamed MAKE IT SIMPLE! had not paid a cent
for the software.

It is completely bogus to suggest that the world is divided into
businesslike people who want to do serious work with the computer, just
want to get on with using the software, and masturbators who just like to
fool with it.  The real distinction is between the tolerant and
appreciative who will make an effort to solve their problems, and the
intolerant and demanding who will not, who think people who have given
them free software are their servants and that they have a right to
complain about anything not perfectly to their liking.  And a right to
demand to be helped by the user community at large.

Those in the first group learn by their first efforts.  They find their
problems are soluble.  And then they are better placed when they strike
other problems.  They grow in knowledge and ability.  They are able to
help others.  And to judge and flame others who will not do what they did. 
But they are still users who have the software to use it.

People in the first group, even if they stick to Microsoft Windows and
leave Linux alone, use the software effectively.  The person who is too
busy to make an effort to learn how to use Microsoft Excel, who just wants
to use the program for real work, who is too busy and too important and
too demanding to direct any attention to the software itself, will remain
a lame and inefficient user, just limping along, wasting vastly more time
than he pretends to save.

My employer once sent me to a two-day course in Excel.  No-one recoils in
surprise that there are such courses and such 


1999-06-12 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
On Sat, 12 Jun 1999, Gertjan Klein wrote:

 On Sat, 12 Jun 1999 21:04:56 +0930 (CST), Michael Talbot-Wilson
   A few phrases of your mail:
 Contemptible complaints and demands, self-important and self-serving
 claim, laughable, a shithead, completely bogus, intolerant and
 demanding, a lame and inefficient user.
   I don't think this was justified, and I don't want to be dragged into
 a flame war, so I won't respond other than saying that my mail, although
 bearing critisism, was intended constructive, while yours obviously was
 intended demeaning.

Ouch.  I didn't think I intended that.

Re: Poisonous xdm

1999-06-12 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson

On 12 Jun 1999, Martin Bialasinski wrote:

  MT == Michael Talbot-Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 MT When I start xdm my keyboard locks and I have to switch the
 MT computer off.  The mouse works.
 This happens when more than one display manager or getty tries to
 handle a virtual console.
 Check /etc/inittab which is the first unclaimed by getty console. Then 
 check that xdm uses this one in /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers .

You were right.  Changed vt7 to vt24.  Fixed it.  Thanks.

 Also make sure xdm doesn't try to use the same console as wdm, gdm or


Poisonous xdm

1999-06-11 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
When I start xdm my keyboard locks and I have to switch the computer off.
The mouse works.

Clues, anyone?

And is there any way of rebooting with the mouse in X11 (as can be done
with gpm)?  I don't really like switching off a running Linux system.


P.S. Potato's xdm (, Linux 2.2.9.  X is fine when started with
startx. I've purged and re-installed xdm with no luck. 

Re: initrd and booting SCSI

1999-06-10 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, Gareth wrote:

 G'day Just a quick point me in the right direction question.
 I am trying to get my system to boot from the SCSI disk and pass some 
 parameters to the kernel (mem=128M is one of them)
 however I cannot get it to boot from the SCSI disk! (it hangs at LI)

I had this problem exactly (but with additional parameters, and AFAIK your
syntax is wrong for mem=, or is not what I found in the doco).

The LILO User's Guide says it's caused by a geometry mismatch.  In my case
it was not that, and I fixed it by setting boot=/dev/sda instead of
putting the boot sector on a primary Linux partition.  (Someone recently
wondered out loud on this list why anyone would put LILO on the MBR...)

Probably the cause, if not a geometry mismatch, is corruption of the MBR. 
You might try lilo -u or lilo -U to uninstall LILO, and start again.  Or
restore it from your backup if lilo refuses these requests.  Or boot
another operating system -- e.g. use Microsoft's FDISK with the /MBR
option.  You should then be able to put LILO on the boot sector of a
primary Linux file system, e.g. boot=/dev/sda1. Or if you are nervous
about a dd onto /dev/sda, just install LILO on the MBR, i.e. 

My take on the mem= parameter is that I need

append=mem=0x1000 ...

for 256 MB of RAM.  Maybe decimal megabyte parameters are okay; I'm just
going by what I read. 

 I have checked and double checked the LILO stuff and disk partions.
 I have been told I shoud use a 2 stage bootup with initrd to load SCSI
 stuff to boot from the SCSI disk. (I am currently using a bootfloppy)

Okay, in full I have

append=mem=0x1000 reboot=warm aha152x=0x340,10,7,1

but that is only because I have a second SCSI adapter.  I think the first
should be probed.  I.e. you should not need a 2 stage bootup with initrd
to load the SCSI driver to boot from the SCSI disk.  IMHO.

Re: [off topic] installing linux from scratch

1999-06-08 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
On Tue, 8 Jun 1999, Armin Wegner wrote:

 can anybody tell where to find information on how to install linux
 from c source code. 

This is not quite clear.  You can't install the Linux kernel from its
source code on a bare computer---you have to bootstrap via simpler systems
to get to the point of having a running kernel.

I think you are asking about installing programs on an existing Linux
system using the source code as released by the developer.  The
information is in the source packages themselves.  They are generally
available as *.tar.gz or *.tgz files.  Look on sites like tsx-11.mit.edu,
not sites that are specific to single distributions.  Once you have some
version of the source, look in it for the location of the principal
release site, which will have the latest version.

You need the C compiler (gcc), the binutils, the Linux kernel source or
its .h files, and other programs commonly needed to build from source,
including make, bison, flex, sed and a couple of others (you will find out
what's missing when you try to do it).  Then you can follow the directions
that usually come with the source, and generally build and install the
binary, though there are sometimes portability problems. 

 Currently I'm using Debian. Debian is fine. But there is no support for
 my Riva TNT chipset in X So I've installed version from 
 source to /usr/local. Now there are many very anoying problems with the

Hmm... Okay.  It is quite unclear what you are trying to ask.

 dpkg dependency check, when installing application for X. dpkg won't let
 me install twm without installing xbase, etc. before. 

If you've installed XFree86 3.3.3 from source I think you will have twm. 
If not, install X11 with the binaries from ftp.xfree86.org and you will
certainly have it. 

 dpkg is missing an option to tell it, that an package has been installed
 by hand and there is no need to install the .deb package.

If you already have a program installed but Debian doesn't know it and
thinks there is a missing dependency, and you want to run a Debian system,
in my limited experience your simplest option is to download and install
the corresponding Debian package.  In fact I've just done this with X11 -
I deleted a /usr/X11R6 installed from the xfree86.org binaries, and
installed Debian's idea of the same thing (from potato).  Someone else 
may have a better idea, but that is a simple (if not quick) way.

If I have some program or documentation that was installed by hand
on a Debian Linux system, I want to install the corresponding Debian
package over the top of it and get rid of what is not Debian, to improve
the consistency, simplicity and intelligibility of the total system. 

On the other hand I wouldn't want to pollute a Slackware system with
Debian packages, for the same reason.

 I'm using very few package. Propably it's an option for me, to install
 linux from source code. My /usr/local is bigger then /usr.

Given the attitudes you seem to be expressing, I think Debian is probably
a bad fit for you.  You might be happier with Slackware.

Using hold (dselect)

1999-06-06 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
Is there any simple way to toggle hold on all installed packages?

Unwanted package downloaded

1999-06-05 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
Hi.  I didn't select doc-linux-text.  How come it is downloaded?

Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  tetex-base kernel-source-2.2.9 tetex-bin xmanpages xserver-svga emacs20
5 packages upgraded, 7 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 47.5Mb/48.0Mb of archives. After unpacking 97.1Mb will be
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
Get:1 ftp://ftp.au.debian.org unstable/main tetex-base 0.9.990510-2
Err ftp://ftp.au.debian.org unstable/main tetex-base 0.9.990510-2
  Unable to fetch file, server said
No such file or directory.  '
Get:2 ftp://ftp.au.debian.org unstable/main tetex-bin 0.9.990510-2
Err ftp://ftp.au.debian.org unstable/main tetex-bin 0.9.990510-2
  Unable to fetch file, server said
No such file or directory.  '
Get:3 ftp://ftp.au.debian.org unstable/main doc-linux-text 1999.04-1
3% [3 doc-linux-text 1747184/3721kb 46%]   1944b/s

Getting rid of vi color

1999-06-05 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
For some reason, vi (elvis) has started to display colors and behave in a
generally unpredictable way.  I first (just now) noticed this in a .h file
in which it is also disallowing things I want to do, e.g. it beeps when I
try to delete (with 'x') the first character of a commented-out line,
although the file is world-writable.  It works sometimes, but not after I
have done a search with '/' to get to the line I want to amend. 

It turns out that sane behavior can be obtained by deleting or renaming
the directory /etc/elvis.  That directory contains 10 files containing
program code in a language unknown to me.  Well, I see from the man
page that they are EX commands.

I would like to make a mild protest against the unnecessary complexity
of this setup.  I would like to be able to run the program without
interference due to the maintainer's over-elaborate configuration.  If
I have to delete the Debian configuration to make the system work, that
tends to defeat much of the rationale for using Debian.  And makes the
KISS approach of another distribution appear brilliant, inspired, and
a great time-saver.

The problem with the color is that dark blue against a black screen is
not, for me, very readable.  The file is mostly commented out and I
guess the blue signifies that and some people may like it.  But I
should think the onus should be on those who want the elaboration
to configure it, rather than for the rest of us to have to learn
more than we wanted to know about vi in order to defeat it.

It is a very good idea to provide full configuration files for
a program if it is configurable; but the default configuration should
produce the default configuration.  I.e. /etc/elvis/ should contain
files which explicitly require the default vi behavior.  That way,
they serve as documentation for those who might want to investigate



1999-06-05 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
I guess this is because I installed bo, upgraded to slink and then
potato, but...

There is a /usr/lib/elvis directory that contains documentation and
trash (MS-DOS stuff).  There is also a /usr/doc/elvis directory.

There are directories /usr/lib/developers-reference,
/usr/doc/developers-reference and /usr/share/developers-reference. 

Re: Mail Relay for Debian

1999-06-03 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Anthony Landreneau wrote:

   I host several domains and would like to have my DNSs get and hold mail
 when remote WAN host  drop off line.  I had been using sendmail, but it has
 become MUCH to complicated for this task.  I am looking for a simple, yet
 controllable, program that will relay mail for my hosted domains.  

S'funny, I thought sendmail had become simpler with the improvements in
the M4 config.

But if that is what you are doing the MTA is pretty irrelevant, IMHO. 
There should be nothing you need to do, because if the host is not
answering the mail will be queued.  That is how SMTP works.  Unless you
are serving the remote WAN hosts with dynamic IP addresses.  And then the
problem is not with the MTA, but with the name server.  What you need is
dynamic updating of your name server config, giving the host, when it is
off line, an IP address (in the DNS config) that will never be used.  And
when it connects, adjusting named.hosts (e.g. with an include file) and
running named.reload. 

Incidentally, I notice that smail is the MTA favoured by Debian.


RE: why make partitions?

1999-06-02 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, Person, Roderick wrote:

 I used to wonder the samething. When I started using Linux, I always wonder
 why partition a disk to use the same OS on all the partitions. Then I made a
 big boo boo and hosed system and re-installed all 500MB of downloads again,
 that took over a week to get!! So, I decided to try the partition and I even
 dedicated partition to only hold .debs and .tars and all downloaded stuff
  From:   Jens B. Jorgensen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The best reason I can ever come up with for creating separate partitions
  is to
  allocate space which can't be spared: eg. create a separate /home so users
  accounts on the system can't screw up the system by filling up the disk or
  so that
  runaway log files can't fill up / and screw things up.
  Remco van 't Veer wrote:
   Is the any technical reason why I should fdisk an extra IDE hdd and
   not mkfs the whole thing at ones?  Apart from: hdb: unknown partition
   table at boot time everything works perfectly..

As well as the other reasons, you can't predict what you are going to want
to do with the disk.  Many people have had to re-partition their disks
because they lacked to elementary foresight to create multiple partitions
in the first place; and even if you plan to use fips or some other
supposedly non-destructive means, you aren't going to do that until you
have gone out and bought a tape drive, installed it, and backed up the

Well, you aren't unless you are prepared to lose everything on the disk,
or unless you are a little naive or reckless.  The every first law of
computers is Murphy's, if anything can go wrong it will.

Multiple partitions are a little inconvenient when you have filled one and
another is empty, but you can even things up with symlinks, e.g. move
/usr/lib to a half-empty partition, and plant a symbolic link to it in
/usr, before upgrading from lib5 to lib6.

It doesn't do much harm to keep some of your spare disk space in some
spare partitions.  Then you have more freedom to do things you haven't
thought of yet, or just now are sure you will never want to do, e.g.
increasing the size of your swap space.

The average size of new hard disks has been growing a lot faster than the
bloat of operating systems.  The question you should probably be asking
is, when I have this huge blank space, do I have any sufficiently good
reason to not divide it into ten partitions before doing anything else?

In other words, you don't need a reason to carve it up, you need a reason
not to.

Re: apt ftp can't download

1999-06-02 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
Oops -- sorry to trouble you.  I had some other difficulty and had
renamed the destination directory.

On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Michael Talbot-Wilson wrote:

  Could not open file
  /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/libpng2_1.0.2b-0.1_i386.deb - open (2 No
  such file or directory)^M

apt ftp can't download

1999-06-01 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
Good day.  I can't upgrade.  I've tried both apt and ftp access methods
and several mirror sites.  I'm getting messages like this saying that there
is no file, but (script session below) I can do Update from all sites.

 Could not open file
 /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/libpng2_1.0.2b-0.1_i386.deb - open (2 No
 such file or directory)^M

What is wrong here?


Script started on Wed Jun  2 06:40:13 1999
chameleon:/u1/debian_dl# whoami
chameleon:/u1/debian_dl# pwd
chameleon:/u1/debian_dl# df .
Filesystem 1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/sda32974550  20  2820708  0%   /u1
chameleon:/u1/debian_dl# dselect
Debian Linux `dselect' package handling frontend.

 * 0. [A]ccess  Choose the access method to use.   
   1. [U]pdate  Update list of available packages, if possible.
   2. [S]elect  Request which packages you want on your system.
   3. [I]nstall Install and upgrade wanted packages.
   4. [C]onfig  Configure any packages that are unconfigured.
   5. [R]emove  Remove unwanted software.
   6. [Q]uitQuit dselect.

Use ^P and ^N, cursor keys, initial letters, or digits to select;
Press ENTER to confirm selection.   ^L to redraw screen.

Version (i386 elf).  Copyright (C) 1994-1996 Ian Jackson.   This is
free software; see the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later for
copying conditions.  There is NO warranty.  See dselect --licence for details.

   0. [A]ccess  Choose the access method to use.
 * 1. [U]pdate  Update list of available packages, if possible.

0% [Logging in]
0% [Logging in]
0% [Logging in]
0% [Query]
Hit ftp://ftp.au.debian.org stable/main Packages

14% [Working]
Hit ftp://ftp.au.debian.org stable/main Release

28% [Working]
Hit ftp://ftp.au.debian.org stable/contrib Packages

42% [Working]
Hit ftp://ftp.au.debian.org stable/contrib Release

57% [Working]
Hit ftp://ftp.au.debian.org stable/non-free Packages

71% [Working]
Hit ftp://ftp.au.debian.org stable/non-free Release

85% [Working]

Reading Package Lists... 0%

Reading Package Lists... 100%

Reading Package Lists... Done

Building Dependency Tree... 0%

Building Dependency Tree... 0%

Building Dependency Tree... 50%

Building Dependency Tree... 50%

Building Dependency Tree... Done
Merging Available information
Replacing available packages info, using /var/cache/apt/available.
Information about 2651 package(s) was updated.
Debian Linux `dselect' package handling frontend.

   0. [A]ccessChoose the access method to use.
   1. [U]pdateUpdate list of available packages, if possible.
 * 2. [S]elect  Request which packages you want on your system.
   3. [I]nstall Install and upgrade wanted packages.
   4. [C]onfigConfigure any packages that are unconfigured.
   5. [R]emoveRemove unwanted software.
   6. [Q]uitQuit dselect.

Use ^P and ^N, cursor keys, initial letters, or digits to select;
Press ENTER to confirm selection.   ^L to redraw screen.

Version (i386 elf).  Copyright (C) 1994-1996 Ian Jackson.   This is
free software; see the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later for
copying conditions.  There is NO warranty.  See dselect --licence for details.

   2. [S]elect  Request which packages you want on your system.
 * 3. [I]nstall Install and upgrade wanted packages.

Reading Package Lists... 0%

Reading Package Lists... 100%

Reading Package Lists... Done

Building Dependency Tree... 0%

Building Dependency Tree... 0%

Building Dependency Tree... 50%

Building Dependency Tree... 50%

Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  mdutils syslinux wenglish lsof-2.0.35 
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libpaperg netscape-base-4 picon-unknown raidtools libmpeg1 picon-news
  fakeroot diffstat xfonts-scalable debhelper libpng2 tetex-base libgtk1.1
  libglib1.1 xbase-clients netscape-base-406 esound perl-debug xterm motifnls
  debmake glademm xserver-common gv libmagick4g ghostview libgtkxmhtml0
  dupload gdk-imlib1 orbit xbooks libgtk1.1-doc xfonts-75dpi tetex-bin
  libgnome0 emacsen-common navigator-dmotif-406 freetype1 freetype2
  xfonts-base libesd0 devscripts lilo-doc glade libtiff3g hello xmanpages file
  netscape-java-406 lesstifg libaudiofile0 libgtk1 egcs-docs
  navigator-base-406 xfonts-100dpi gnome-hello tcl8.0 twm xdm imlib-base
  libjpeg62 libmime-base64-perl picon-weather xserver-vga16 liborbit0 tk8.0
  emacs20 giflib3g svgalibg1 imagemagick xaw3dg indent imlib-progs debsums
  kernel-package dh-make lintian xf86setup xpm4g gs-aladdin picon-users
0 packages upgraded, 82 newly installed, 4 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 63.0Mb of archives. After 

Re: AIC7xxx not recognised

1999-05-30 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
On Sun, 30 May 1999, Roy Coates wrote:

 Hi, I'm having a real problem getting a custom kernel to recognise
 an Adaptec 2940UW-Pro (AIC7xxx) controller on bootup.
 The kernel (2.0.36) has been configured with only the AIC7xxx driver
 as an internal module - no other scsi drivers have been selected.

 On bootup it simply refuses to recognise the scsi card, causes a
 kernel panic (unable to mount root FS) and I'm back to the drawing
 I've been building kernels (slackware  redhat) for some years now
 but I'm a newbie to debian. Any help would be very much appreciated.
 (I installed using the 'unoffical' AIC7xxx rescue disk kindly built

This may be no consolation if you want to stick to an old kernel, but I'm
also a Debian newbie using a 2.2.9 kernel compiled on a hacked Slackware
setup (but would not wish to be suspected of having be a Red Hat user:),
and my AIC-7880 is detected.

I don't think I've done anything Debian-specific... but I was appalled by
the Debian liloconfig, and edited /etc/lilo.conf by hand.  Presumably
you've done the same. 
I've configured for another SCSI adapter as well and pass boot parameters
for it.  It shows up in the boot messages before the AIC-7880 which is
detected without hints.  The disk drives are on the AIC.  I'm using the
standard driver that comes with the kernel, not something 'unofficial'. :)

It comes up like this:
scsi1 : Adaptec AHA274x/284x/294x (EISA/VLB/PCI-Fast SCSI) 5.1.10/3.2.4
   Adaptec AIC-7880 Ultra SCSI host adapter

Depending on how LILO works you may be able to use an append= for the
AIC7xxx even though you can't read the disk.  Check the boot something
HOWTO.  Or perhaps someone using it with 2.0.36 will pipe up. 

Re: getting out of fvwm

1999-05-30 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
On Sat, 29 May 1999, Bob Nielsen wrote:

 On Sat, May 29, 1999 at 09:28:11PM +0800, Barry Kauler wrote:
  I'm *still* installing my first Debian Linux!
  I got X windows running, with default window
  manager fvwm, but next time I logged in it
  didn't stop at the commandline --- went straight
  into graphics mode and gave me a login window
  for fvwm.
  In Red Hat, this is controlled by /etc/inittab, which
  sets the initial runlevel to 3.  5 is required to launch
  In Debian, inittab has default runlevel set to 2, so
  why is it launching straight into fvwm?
  Does anyone know what config file needs to be
  changed so I can login to commandline only?
  Also when I exit from fvwm, refuses to exit to
  the commandline. I'm back at that darn login
  window again. Even ctrl-alt-backspace
  won't get me out.
 You have installed xdm.  This gives you the X login screen.  To get out
 of X, type ctrl-alt-F1 and you should have a command-line login prompt.
 If you do not want to have the xdm login in the future, type (as root)
 dpkg -r xdm 

Surely it's possible to have it installed and still be able to choose
whether to run it?

RE: getting out of fvwm

1999-05-30 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
On Sun, 30 May 1999, Christian Pernegger wrote:

 cd /etc/rc2.d // for the standard runlvel,e.g.
 mv S99xdm _99xdm

Thanks for the info.  There is one advantage in the Slackware method of
dedicating a run level to xdm--you can kill it off by changing to the
non-xdm run level (telinit 3).  Of course with Debian you could go
/etc/rc2.d/S99xdm stop. 

Also when I exit from fvwm, refuses to exit to
the commandline. I'm back at that darn login
window again. Even ctrl-alt-backspace
won't get me out.

(1) Upgrade failure; (2) /usr/lib/man.conf

1999-05-29 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
Hello.  I've installed Debian from a Debian 1.3 CD and partly upgraded to
2.1 by downloading with apt.  This is my first encounter with Debian. 

(1) The upgrade failed because the ftp server hung up on a small number
of files.  They are represented in the partial directory.

How can I restart this process?  It seems that a server timeout is pretty
devastating in that there is no recovery and the upgrade aborts.  I got
messages like this: 

 Get:22 http://http.us.debian.org stable/main libdb2 2.4.14-1 [192kb]
 Err http://http.us.debian.org stable/main libdb2 2.4.14-1
   Error reading from server - read (104 Connection reset by peer)
 Get:23 http://http.us.debian.org stable/main m4 1.4-9 [105kb]

I tried to find out what --fix-missing did, and eventually
discovered that it's not very useful, i.e. it doesn't make another
attempt to download the missing files.  Is there any automated way
of doing that or do I have do download them one at a time?

When I attempt to complete the operation by running dselect install
with the existing settings it seems to want to download every file
again.  It just downloaded 35 MB, failing on a few small files.  How
can I get it to just finish the job rather than starting all over

(2) One of the packages I installed was man-db which is supposed to supply
the man pager and presumably its configuration file, /usr/lib/man.conf. 
But that file is missing (or is not installed), and running man dumps (I
assume) compressed data on the screen.  I can uncompress all the man
pages, or get a config file from somewhere else, but I guess dselect/apt
should be able to do this. 
