Developing flash on debian

2004-09-15 Thread Miguel Griffa
Hi all
I was wandering how easy is to develop flash on debian, are there
any tools? official or not... I'm quite new to flash world, and old on
java and c world, but I never had contact with flash beyond .swf
before. Thanks for any advice

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Re: networking stopped working on sarge

2004-08-29 Thread Miguel Griffa
IMHO there could be something like this:

1. an upgrade failed. This should not happen in theory, but happend to
me in practice: the thing was that I change lilo configuration, and
when the kernel was upgraded and lilo, by some reason lilo did not run
and I got an unsuable system (until managed to boot and run lilo). Now
that I wrote this, shuold not be your case, since I couldn''t boot

2. A kernel module got corrupted, or a configuration file, which is
the same here, make sure you have your net module loaded, then try to
configure manyually (ifconfg eth0 up ie) that should give you
an idea if the conf was messed or something more serious

3. Something similar to 1 happend to me with sound, but I used
modconf, loaded the sound module and everything worked smooth again

good luck

- Original Message -
From: Kevin Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 10:24:48 -0400
Subject: networking stopped working on sarge

I'm probably missing something obvious here, but my sarge box suddenly
became unable to access the internet (and vice versa) the other day. 
There were two unusal events that day, and unfortunately, many
ill-advised experiments in mixing coffee and beer later,  I don't
remember the order of the events and the onset of my problems ;-)
1) I updated via synaptic -- however, nothing should have been
updated, if I understand how synaptic works, because one package
failed to install correctly (due to dependency problems introduced by
a non-testing package).
2) Also on the same day, power was cut from the box (kicked power
cable).  The fsck made about a dozen repairs upon startup.
Most of the time, I can't ping anything from the box, even by IP
address, and I can't ping the box from the outside.  When I ping from
the box, it says Destination Host Unreachable.
Bizarrely, there was a stretch for a few minutes at one point when
networking was working.
Anyway, I'm not sure what to look for.  Here's what I've done so far: 
* I checked the cable, and that is OK.  As a check, I unplugged a
working cable from the back of another computer and plugged it into my
sarge box, to no avail.
* I rebooted the computer. 
* I did /sbin/ifconfig -a, which shows the machine's correct IP
address under eth0 (I'm typing the following, so excuse any typos):
eth0Link encap:Ethernet   HWaddr blah 
inet addr: Bcast:  Mask: 
inet6 addr: blah 
RX packets: 3507 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 
TX packets: 2789 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
RX bytes:801243 (782 KiB)  TX bytes:262918 (256.7 KiB) 
Interrupt: 11 blah 
* I did /sbin/route, and it spits out:   * U 0 0 0 eth0 
immediately, but 30 or so seconds later (!?), it spits out: 
default UG 0 0 0 eth0 
Is that delay unusual behavior? 
* I looked at /var/log/syslog, and while I don't understand very much
that I see there, the only strange thing (to me) were a few messages
about certain UDP packets that appear somewhat sporadically every once
in a while, usually in bursts of one message every couple minutes. 
These message occur even while I can't get anything else to work, btw.
* Top shows low CPU usage, 46M memory free. 
* df -k shows plenty of space. 
* I updated (via manual download on another machine, copy to CDROM,
and dpkg) from kernel-image-2.6.3-1 to kernel-image-2.6.7-1-k,  just
for the hell of it.
* I have an AMD K7 system with a Kingston KNE100TX NIC.  I'm using a
DLink DI-514 router, and other machines on that router are working
Sorry for the long message.  What should I do next? 
Kevin Murphy

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Re: Strange behaviour updating Sarge

2004-08-27 Thread Miguel Griffa
I haven't used much dselect not aptitude, but AFAIK apt-get utpgrade
is not the same as apt-get dist-upgrade, also, sometimes packages are
put into hold, and you need to apt-get install them specifically to
get the newest version. You can see all this form apt-get, I don't
know how dselect handles this issues, but I thing they are to be
I hope it helps you a bit

On Fri, 27 Aug 2004 11:14:54 -0300, UnKnown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hiya all, I move some machines to sarge to see how it does as production
 server, after a while updating apt-get update; apt-get upgrade,
 a use dselect to add some packages, then I notice that some package not
 within those i select to install or its dependencis where to be install or
 even remove. I did some aditional testin and the same happend in others
 I allways thought that doing apt-get upgrade was exactly the same as
 apdating with dselect or aptitude, but it seams that those package managers
 take into consideration more things than apt-get does.
 Whats the correct method for keeping update a testing or unstable install,
 dselect/aptitude, apt-get or a mixture of the both.
 Just for the record apt-get upgrade works fine in stable ;) just in case,
 someone get mess up.
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Webcam hardware recomendations

2004-08-24 Thread Miguel Griffa
Does anyone know how of a list of compatible webcam hardware for debian/linux?
I'd like to buy a cheap one, not a lot to choose from (I'm in
argentina) and this makes such info more important...

Thanks in advance

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Re: Java problems in browsers with Sid

2004-08-24 Thread Miguel Griffa
seems you have a java runtime, it does not mean you have the browser
plugin installed.

in the sun jdk theres a jre/plugin/i386/ directory where you can find
the plugins that must go in .netscape/plugins (not sure about this,
maybe .mozilla/plugins or similar)

NOTE: I could not get the sun plugin to work, but I downloaded the
blackdown jdk and the plugin worked great

On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 12:12:20 -0700, Charlie Zender [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The Mozilla and Konqueror browsers on my Debian Sid computer are unable
 to view a page that supposedly requires Java to view:
 The browser window just shows up as a blank screen.
 In both browsers I have set enable Java globally.
 However, I'm not sure I have Java on the system.
 I've read the Debian Java HOWTO and it's still not clear to me
 how to get the java executable on my system.
 Here are my installed Java packages:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/zender# dpkg --list '*java*'
 | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
 |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err:
 ||/ Name Version  Description
 ii  java-common  0.22 Base of all Java packages
 un  java-compilernone   (no description available)
 un  java-virtual-mac none   (no description available)
 ii  netscape-java-47 4.77-2   Netscape Java support for version 4.77
 ii  vnc-java 3.3.3r2-5VNC java applet and command line
 Am I missing some plugin required to load Java webpages?
 Charlie Zender, [EMAIL PROTECTED], (949) 824-2987, Department of Earth
 System Science, University of California, Irvine CA 92697-3100
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Best iso image for unstable

2004-08-23 Thread Miguel Griffa
Hi everyone

I'm about to install unstable on a new machine, I have been running
debian for long and I need now a nice cd image for installing
unstable, which is the preferred way? are there any weekly images with
packages for unstable (to save download time)?

Thanks in advance

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Re: Database

2004-08-21 Thread Miguel Griffa
AFAIK both postgres and mysql have command line driven programs which
are quite powerfull.
have you tried them?

On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 19:51:32 -0500, Bradley Pursley
 Does anyone know of a non-X windows dependent database management program?
 I need a program that is reliable and simple but still can import data and
 fairly easily edit data and data structures.  Does not have to be graphical.
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Digital camera corrupted images

2004-03-02 Thread Miguel Griffa
Hi all
I have debian unstable up-to-date and a kodak dx3500
I download images and they get corrupted, while I see them fine on the 
moreover, I had an onld memory card with pictures (I previously 
downloaded) and when downloading them now
they are corrupt (images haf gray, bad colors).

Anyone has any idea of what can I do?
I really need to take pictures of my 5 months old daughter :)
Any help or tip will be greatly appreciated.
please cc me since I'm not currently on the list

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Bad mouse problem in unstable

2003-04-01 Thread Miguel Griffa
Hi, all I have a simple, weird problem:
On a yet unidentified (by me) cause, the mouse cursor will be about 2 
centimeters to the rigth where the actual click will be done.
I have keeping mu system up to date in the hope that this was some sort 
of software bug, but I belive now that it's more a 
configuration/enviroment problem, any help, workarrond or similar 
experience please reply to my personal address as I'm not on the list 
now, thanks in advance.

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seting up debian on presario 1245 laptop

2002-12-05 Thread Miguel Griffa
Hi all,
anyone has installed debian on a compaq presario 1245 (or similar) laptop?
Could you help me a little in setting up sound?
I'm having a real hard time setting up sound wiht alsa and 2.4.19 kernel
the chipset is supported, because I previously had suse and sound worked.

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Getting sound to work

2002-12-04 Thread Miguel Griffa
Hi all,
I finally installed kernel 2.4.19 and alsa-source,
alsa modules seem to be loaded ok,
but I can get no sound,
I use alsaplayer and it keeps printing

null plugin sound output

can anyone give me a hint on how to make this work?

thanks in advance

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2.5.50 kernel compilation problem

2002-12-03 Thread Miguel Griffa
Hi all
I've been trying to compile the 2.5.50 kernel and after _many_ 
configuration changes (to make it comilable) I've arrived to an error 
which I have no clue about.
after compiling/intalling: request_module[ide-disk]: not ready
kernel panic
does anyone have any idea how to interpret this?
is a driver missing? a disk driver?
I'm sorry if to ambiguous but I'm quite lost.
any help or info* would be appreciated.
thanks in advance!

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Re: 2.5.50 kernel compilation problem

2002-12-03 Thread Miguel Griffa
Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:

On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 11:01:26AM -0300, Miguel Griffa wrote:
| Hi all
| I've been trying to compile the 2.5.50 kernel and after _many_ 
| configuration changes (to make it comilable) I've arrived to an error 
| which I have no clue about.

If you're not a C/kernel developer then don't try development

I am a C developer, which is in fact what allowed me to solve syntactic 
compilation problems. My main problem now is semantic, not an unresolved 
symbol or some compiler error, but something dealing with 
configuration(?), or else.

releases.  The 2.5.x kernels aren't guaranteed to work or even
compile.  Use 2.4.20 instead.

I want to use 2.5 becase it is faster and I want to try the incorporated 
alsa support.
I do have the right to test the kernel without being a kernel developer, 
don't I?
do I have the right to ask support to the list for this?

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Re: X problem

2002-12-03 Thread Miguel Griffa
as the regular user who logged in
xhost +
for more info man xhost
there are security issues with this.

Bruce Park wrote:

Hello Debian users,

I was wondering how I can fix this problem regarding the root user and 
X. Normally, I log into the machine as a regular user then use the su 
command to become root. Whenever I need to utilize X(xmms, emacs), I 
get an error stating the following:
Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by the server
Xlib: client is not authorized to connect to Server
emacs: Cannot connect to X server :0.0
Check the DISPLAT environment variable or use `-d'
Also use the xhost program to verify that it is set to permit 
connections fro your machine

I'm thinking that I need to add the root user to the Xlib somehow. 
Unfortunately, I'm a newbie when it comes to linux so


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linux 2.4 freezeing with palm m515 hotsync ?

2002-11-29 Thread Miguel Griffa
Hi all!
I got a palm m515 and when i try to hotsync the machine seemes to freeze 
(no ping answered, kerboard ligths not responding). I was able to 
hotsync before with my 2.4 kernel (unstable) and last pilot-link 
version, but now that the palm is loaded with a bunch of programs 
hotsync dies on different points (as well as the hole OS!).
Does anyone know something about this?
Am I missing something important?
If anyone could point me to any docs, or tell me how did s/he solved the 
problem (or similar) I'd be really thankful.
Thanks in advance!


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Re: recompiling kernel with just one change?

2002-11-29 Thread Miguel Griffa
without erasing the /usr/src/linux,
just cd there and make menuconfig (or whichever you prefer)
the config loaded will be the one you last choosed,
so adding a module should be seconds of typing and minutes of compiling
after config,
make-kpkg clean
and make-kpkg... (usual)
hope it helps

Alex Polite wrote:

When I need to recompile my kernel I usually erase my /usr/src/linux,
get a fresh version copy in my old .config and start working.
Compiling the kernel only takes 10 minutes, so it's no big deal. But
still... I'd rather just recompile the stuff that needs it. Sometimes
It's just a matter of adding a single module. I'm sure there some
smart way of doing this, preferably using kernel-package.



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sooyo 7vca

2002-11-29 Thread Miguel Griffa
anyone has this mainboard?
can anyone help me configuring (onboard) sound on this ?
I'm using unstable and 2.4


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sooyo 7vca

2002-11-29 Thread Miguel Griffa
anyone has this mainboard?
can anyone help me configuring (onboard) sound on this ?
I'm using unstable and 2.4

(reposted due to date mess)

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Sound on motherboard soyo 7vca

2001-10-26 Thread Miguel Griffa
Any one got sound on woody with this board? there are some binaries 
only for RH6.2,
but I couldn't get it to work on woody, any help/advice will be highly 

Re: machine version and platform?

2001-09-03 Thread Miguel Griffa
uname ?

On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 01:26:38PM +0100, Rory Campbell-Lange wrote:
 Is there a command that will show my machine, kernel and (possibly)
 debian version?
 I recall using such a command but cannot, much to my embarassment,
 remember it!
 Thanks for any help.
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Re: woody: segfaulting all over the place

2001-08-28 Thread Miguel Griffa
it happend to me once, it was memory, 
you can donwload a boot disk with a mem tester (memtest86, as mentioned before)
and see what it says

On Tue, Aug 28, 2001 at 06:08:42PM +0200, Frank Preut wrote:
 hello friends,
   i recently did a fresh install of potato and immediately
 dist-upgraded to woody.. now, after playing around with it for a few
 days and installing the stuff i wanted i have this strange windows like
 problem: after i've been working on the computer (or after it has just
 been sitting around idle, even) some program might or might not give me
 a segfault and from then on i can't do anything anymore.. well, almost,
 at least, some apps might or might not work, i can't log on and when i
 get so far as to give the halt command init often says: switching to
 runlevel 0, sending the term signal, sending the kill signal, no more
 processes left in this runlevel and then nothing happens.. or i get Id
 [number] respawning too fast, disabled for five minutes.. gosh, i have
 absolutely no idea what this is all about, i upgraded to kernel
 2.4.8-586 but iirc the strange behaviour started before that.. i
 installed a 3com 905c tx m recently (it has nothing to do so far, no
 network as of yet) but it happens even when i delete the driver and the
 card is not seen by the system..
 what i don't understand is why is almost any app segfaulting on me? i'm
 trying hard to get rid of windows and now my gnu/linux crashes in the
 same haphazard manner as the redmond shit.. is this all about init, is
 something perhaps hosed there? i would be really grateful for any help
 so that we could at least file a bug.. right now this would be against
 woody as a whole, i fear.. :-/
 here's the hardware config:
 pII 350 on an intel board (440bx chipset)
 nVidia riva 128 graphics (btw: x4 doesn't work in 800x600 anymore on
 that one), es1371 soundchip (all on board)
 wd ac26400b harddrive, teac 532ea cdrom
 as mentioned above 3com 905c nic
 all crappy stuff, i know, but it works and as a student i don't have the
 dough to get a new box every two years.. though it's well about time..
 again, thanks for any help offered, i'm at a total loss here..
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mutt quickies

2001-08-24 Thread Miguel Griffa
Hi people

I've set up fetchmail and procmail to do what I want, I'd like to know 
two things now:

1) How do I tell mutt to not go to /var/spool/mail/me and to start 
opening ~/Mail/mbox

2) How can I change from one mbx to another?

Thanks in advance!

Re: mutt quickies

2001-08-24 Thread Miguel Griffa
On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 10:35:32AM -0700, Jason Majors wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 02:19:12PM -0300, Miguel Griffa scribbled...
  1) How do I tell mutt to not go to /var/spool/mail/me and to start 
  opening ~/Mail/mbox 
 in your ~/.muttrc (or ~/.mutt/muttrc choice) add the line:
 set spoolfile=~/Mail/mbox
  2) How can I change from one mbx to another? 
 hit c, then type the name.
 There are special aliases for inbox, mbox (saved), and record (sent box):
 !, , and  respectively.
  Thanks in advance! 

I have now mail pretty much working as I wanted!

Re: Suspicious behavior: cracked or just a dying machine?

2001-08-15 Thread Miguel Griffa

did u try memtest?
I had really wierd behaviour and memory was _totally_ broken... I still 
wonder how the hell it managed to boot...

replacing memory did the magic

At 11:49 a.m. 15/08/01 -0400, Andrew Perrin wrote:


I just logged in (from work) to my home machine to copy a file I
needed. It's behaving very weirdly, and I'd love some advice as to whether
you think I've been cracked or it's likely just a hardware issue. I'd
strongly prefer not to shutdown remotely, but will do so rather than
waiting until I get home tonight if y'all think that's what's appropriate.

The machine is a (rather old) Pentium 200, 92MB RAM, with lots of stuff
plugged in(nVidia graphics, Adaptec SCSI running a CD-ROM and a Zip drive,
and four IDE hard drives of various sizes).  It's running deiban 2.2r3,
kernel 2.2.19pre17 with all current patches.

Here's what's happening:
1.) There's nobody doing anything on the machine, and yet I get the
following load averages:
 11:43am  up 6 days, 22:06,  6 users,  load average: 1.42, 1.50, 1.31

2.) top segfaults:
nujoma:~ top
Segmentation fault

3.) man doesn't work:
nujoma:~ man ps
/usr/bin/man: Input/output error.

4.) scp fails:
nujoma:~ scp paychecks.sdc geingob:
scp: error in loading shared libraries: cannot open shared
object file: Permission denied

5.) Can't write my / filesystem (/home):
nujoma:~ touch foo
touch: foo: Read-only file system

However, mount shows it as rw:
nujoma:~ mount
/dev/hdb3 on / type ext2 (rw,errors=remount-ro,errors=remount-ro)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)
/dev/hdd1 on /src2 type vfat (rw,umask=)
/dev/hdd3 on /share type ext2 (rw)
/dev/hdb1 on /rosa type vfat (rw,umask=)
/dev/hdc1 on /theodor type vfat (rw,umask=)
/dev/hda3 on /karl type ntfs (rw,umask=)
AFS on /afs type afs (rw)
//jacobi/cousins on /mnt/cousins type smbfs (0)

6.) shutdown -r also segfaulted, so I can't reboot remotely.

I don't see anything suspicious in the logs, with the exception of the
following that I seem to get at least once a day:

Aug 14 17:38:43 nujoma /sbin/rpc.statd[257]: gethostbyname error for
Aug 14 17:38:43 nujoma

Thanks for any advice.

Andrew J Perrin - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  269 Hamilton Hall, CB#3210, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210 USA

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Re: dosemu

2001-08-10 Thread Miguel Griffa

it's a MS-DOS emulator
you use it by wirting dos (or dosemu, long time I don't use it)

At 10:40 p.m. 10/08/01 +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How do you use 'dosemu' and what is it ?


Quality can Never be Quantified . It exists by itself and Quantity might 
hand it an
untimely demise if blown out of the very fragile proportions that 
constitute it .

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corrupt /var/lib/dpkg/info

2001-08-08 Thread Miguel Griffa

Can I remove all files in this dir safely?
will it be rebuilt wit apt-get ?
I seems that I have several  corruted (fs problems) there...
Thanks in advance

Re: Debian.

2001-08-08 Thread Miguel Griffa

Hi, I don't speak portugueses (spanish yes)
I think you are looking for

At 04:58 p.m. 08/08/01 -0300, Gilberto Villani Brito wrote:
Olá, sou usuário da Conectiva e gostaria de esperimentar o Debian, vocês 
poderiam me informar onde pego uma imagem ISO do cd do Debian de ultima 
versão estável??? Procurei no FTP mas não encontrei.

Gilberto Villani Brito

problem upgrading packages

2001-08-07 Thread Miguel Griffa

Hi all,
When I try to upgrade or install (my woody box) I get

files list file for package `tcl8.2' is missing final newline

I tried deleting the file manually, also apt-get clean
but the error seems to be on the .deb downloaded
anyone has any idea of how to
a. fix the problem
b. upgrade/install all packages excepe this
Thanks in advance!

Re: problem upgrading packages

2001-08-07 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 11:28 a.m. 07/08/01 -0700, Yvonne Kelly wrote:

I've seen that before -- I've had /etc/fstab complain about it.

These files expect the last character to be a carriage return -- the 
final newline.

If you can edit the offending file, then simply opening it up, paging to 
the end, hitting enter once and then saving, should do the trick.

(Yay, a question I have a clue about! :)  )


how can I edit a file inside a .deb?

-Original Message-
From:Miguel Griffa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:Tue, 07 Aug 2001 15:14:56 -0300
Subject: problem upgrading packages

Hi all,
When I try to upgrade or install (my woody box) I get

files list file for package `tcl8.2' is missing final newline

I tried deleting the file manually, also apt-get clean
but the error seems to be on the .deb downloaded
anyone has any idea of how to
a. fix the problem
b. upgrade/install all packages excepe this
Thanks in advance!

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Re: restarting a service

2001-08-07 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 02:39 p.m. 07/08/01 -0400, Bob Koss wrote:

In Redhat, I would:  /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart
to restart a service.

How do I do that with Debian?

/etc/init.d/samba restart

Robert S. Koss, Ph.D.   | Training and Mentoring
Senior Consultant   | Object Oriented Design
Object Mentor, Inc. | C++, Java| Extreme Programming

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Re: Cable Modem on Linux

2001-08-06 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 08:15 a.m. 06/08/01 -0400, Hall Stevenson wrote:

 What if I choose to just connect my machines
 to a hub hooked up to the cable modem? How
 would I configure them to access the internet

What you probably want is to do masquerading, read the masquerading howto, 
ipchaing how to and so on, you'll need 2 adapters on the machine that is 
hooked to the interrnet AFAIK.

It's quite easy,
You may try rusty's 3 line guide to ipchains (in ipchains howto)

Re: How to detect scans

2001-08-02 Thread Miguel Griffa

Thanks for all data!

At 08:51 a.m. 02/08/01 +0200, Sebastiaan wrote:

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Miguel Griffa wrote:

   Could anyone point me to info on how to detect scans on a 
machine? BTW,

 it's potato.
 Thanks in advance!

Have a look at snort.


Re: hi..reg woody iso selection

2001-08-02 Thread Miguel Griffa

with CD1 you have most you need,
you may want to include CD2,
I burned 3 images for potato, and I *never* used CD3...
so the first to (or 3 for woody) will probably be enough

At 03:16 p.m. 02/08/01 +0100, java guru wrote:

  I have searched the user listing..still have the

I see 6(or 7) woody iso i need all of
them..I dont need source packages...

My primary aim is to have debian with gui running for
home desktop..


Thanks and have great day

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soyo 7vca sound driver

2001-08-01 Thread Miguel Griffa

Hi, anyone knows which module for this?

How to detect scans

2001-08-01 Thread Miguel Griffa

	Could anyone point me to info on how to detect scans on a machine? BTW, 
it's potato.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Who's using a program

2001-07-30 Thread Miguel Griffa

ps aux for programs?

At 07:30 a.m. 30/07/01 -0600, Robert Kerr wrote:

Hi all,
I seem to recall reading (somewhere in my wanderings) of a utility that
would tell me who is currently accessing a file/program.  Does anyone know
of any such beast?


Remember the... the... uhh.
* Robert Kerr, The morphing guy.  *MS 0847 Sandia National Labs  *
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* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  Phone: (505) 844-8606   *
**  Fax: (505) 844-9297 *

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Re: lilo does not work!

2001-07-30 Thread Miguel Griffa

from the manual:
 LI   The first stage boot loader was able to load the second stage boot
loader, but has failed to execute it. This can either be caused by a
geometry mismatch or by moving /boot/boot.b without running the map

could it be possible that you miss a step in compile/install kern?

At 10:00 p.m. 30/07/01 +0200, Markus Hansen wrote:

hi guys
i tried to install a 2.2.19 kernel inseead of a 2.2.17.
after booting it sayed
i dont know, somehow i must have killed my lilo or at least parts of it.

do you know how to fix it?
can it be that i am using a wrong scsi driver in the new kernel?
i am booting now with 3.5 disk the 2.2.17 kernel which takes hours.
thank you for helping.

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Re: using convert to batch convert

2001-07-30 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 01:30 p.m. 30/07/01 -0700, Aaron Brashears wrote:

I have many, many images that I want to scale down using imagemagick's
convert utility. The convert utility doesn't seem to work correctly
unless you give it an output name per input filename, but the man page
doesn't make it clear how to do this, and I'm stumped as to how to
generate a new name for each input file name.

The command I would expect to work:

convert -sample 50% *

only converts the last file in the directory, and converts it twice
(!) to a filename with '.0' and '.0.0' appended. Any way I can use
convert in some kind of batch mode?

I don't know about convert but if this works
convert -samle 50% original.ext new_file.ext
you can easilyu do that with bash
for i in `ls *`; do convert -sample 50% $i `echo $i |sed -es/.*/new_/`; done

bash rocks :)

Re: install dpkg without dpkg

2001-07-27 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 10:23 a.m. 27/07/01 -0700, Osamu Aoki wrote:

On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 09:43:11AM -0500, John Patton wrote:
 Probably the easiest thing would be to reinstall everything,

I agree.

 but if you really want to the ar command (which is built
 into sash, BTW, and is on the rescue disk if I remember
 correctly) will unpack deb files. Just get your hands on
 dpkg...deb, unpack it, and manually move files into their
 proper locations. You may also need to do the same for some
 lib...deb files in order to get dpkg working.

Do we have to move everything manually? dpkg -i has following option

   -R | --root=dir | --admindir=dir | --instdir=dir

to enable chroot install.

Not that I used this.  Was anyone succesful using this?  I am curious if
there is any how-to for this kind of disastor recovery. :-)

That's a good idea...
Or the 

install dpkg without dpkg

2001-07-26 Thread Miguel Griffa

I posted a similar msg few days ago, and having no response, I 
reformule :)

My woody system got severrr FS damage, and lots of binaries are broken 
(including  apt, dpkg...)

how can I install dpkg and apt ?
also, how can I reinstall all installed packages?

Thanks in advance

Re: install dpkg without dpkg

2001-07-26 Thread Miguel Griffa

mmm... in your opinion would it be better to
tar data and cfg
and reinstall?
I'm somewhat afraid of cfg...

but it's good to consider that it may be easier that.

At 06:49 p.m. 26/07/01 +0200, Daniel Faller wrote:

On Thursday 26 July 2001 18:48, Miguel Griffa wrote:
   I posted a similar msg few days ago, and having no response, I 


 My woody system got severrr FS damage, and lots of binaries are broken
 (including  apt, dpkg...)
 how can I install dpkg and apt ?
 also, how can I reinstall all installed packages?

Just some thoughts, not really concrete, but probably it helps:

Try to get some statically linked versions of dpkg, usually installation cd's
have some (- Read the install file). Perhaps you can build static versions

Extract it on another (working) installation (dpkg -x ..), and just copy
the executables to the damaged one.

It is possible that a clean reinstall (after backing up configuraion files)
is much less work, then reinstalling everything on this broken system.


Daniel Faller
Fakultaet fuer Physik
Abt. Honerkamp
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg

Tel.: 0761-203-5875
Fax.: 0761-203-5967

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Re: woody became unusable - how to recover

2001-07-26 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 11:21 a.m. 26/07/01 -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
on Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 10:37:36AM -0300, Miguel Griffa 

 Hi all,
   I'm having a serious problem with my woody installation at home. The
 system freezed, and when I rebooted, fsck reported problems. I booted with
 rescue, fscked and now I have a very weird and unstable system:
 I boots, ok, I login in X (kde2) but almost all programs cause 

 faults, and programs may or may not work on an unknown (to me at least)
 pattern. ie: I su, dpkg --get-selections - segmentation fault (yesterday)
 but today it was ok.
 There were some kernel messages on a free page (sorry don't have it here).
 Fortunatly, I have all data on separate partitions and also CDs.
 but I don't want to reinstall because: 1) it's winnie stuff, and 2)
 recovering configuration takes some time
 NOTE: apt-get, dpkg, and dselect are badly broken (almost). Maybe I should
 reinstall them... how?

 The question:
 Is there any way I could reinstall programs without reconfiguration?

From your system backups.  You have system backups, right?

not system but data and some cfg (X, specially)...
I'm thinking that I'll better reinstall...

woody became unusable - how to recover

2001-07-24 Thread Miguel Griffa

Hi all,
	I'm having a serious problem with my woody installation at home. The 
system freezed, and when I rebooted, fsck reported problems. I booted with 
rescue, fscked and now I have a very weird and unstable system:

I boots, ok, I login in X (kde2) but almost all programs cause segmentation 
faults, and programs may or may not work on an unknown (to me at least) 
pattern. ie: I su, dpkg --get-selections - segmentation fault (yesterday) 
but today it was ok.

There were some kernel messages on a free page (sorry don't have it here).
Fortunatly, I have all data on separate partitions and also CDs.
but I don't want to reinstall because: 1) it's winnie stuff, and 2) 
recovering configuration takes some time
NOTE: apt-get, dpkg, and dselect are badly broken (almost). Maybe I should 
reinstall them... how?

The question:
Is there any way I could reinstall programs without reconfiguration?
Isn't there something like apt-get reinstall-binaries (would be cool)

Well questions are not quite specific, I'd like to get any advice on how to 
recover the system without reinstalling...

Re: Debian Firewall

2001-07-24 Thread Miguel Griffa

I have a potato r3 doing that job some of the tasks you mention,
it's a poor 586 with 32MB ram,
only 500MB of HD
What I did was install base system I did't check any grout in simple mode 

and then, I installed what I needed (apache, ssh, so on)
Just my experience

At 10:11 a.m. 24/07/01 -0400, Case, Benjamin wrote:

I want to setup a firewall for my home LAN. I will have 5 - 10 PC's behind
it. It will be running on a PPro 233 w/ 80mb RAM, and 2 Intel 100mb NIC's. I
want a lot of features. I want a lot of features:

Security, Security, Security
SSH Daemon
NAT (Masq)
Port Forwarding
Graphical (web based ?) Network Analysis
PPPoE support
VPN support
Convenient Method of Configuration (Web based, GUI based ?)

I would also like it to be fairly upgradable. I love APT-GET, and would love
to have the core of this firewall be Debian so that I can do my updates with
this method. I also would like to experiment with the CISH (Cisco simulated)
shell provided by the Linux Router Project.

What is the best apporach to creating this Firewall. Should I start with my
own basic install of Debian and build from there ? Is there a floppy or CD
based image worth trying that is based on Debian ?


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Re: Help with X setup

2001-07-24 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 01:42 p.m. 24/07/01 -0500, Alex Thomas wrote:
Have got potato installed my system, but typing startx starts tvm. Which 
file do I edit to have startx start gnome using sawmill?

Thanks in advance for any help.

try editing ~/.xsession

Re: Another Question regaring X setup

2001-07-24 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 02:32 p.m. 24/07/01 -0500, Alex Thomas wrote:
Thank you for all the help, but as I am a refuge from NT please give me 
the complete path as ~/.xsession or ~/.xinitrc does not make much sense to 
me at this point.

~ is a sort of alias of the username of the current user
try cd ~
the same AFAIK as $HOME

If you userid is peter
~ will point to peter's home dir (defined in /etc/passwd) and probably 


Again Thank You for your help


Re: install debian up redhat 6.2 ...

2001-07-17 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 09:42 a.m. 17/07/01 -0500, Saul Fabian wrote:


I have a problem, ¿How I can format my hard disk ?

I want to change my redhat 6.2's linux to debian, but
I can´t install debian. When I boot the debian
installation disk, my system gives my this message:

loading linux ...

can anibody help my???

I guess you won't be willing to do this unless you:
1) have your home partition separated
2) have backups from all your important data

boot from your debian cd, press alt+F2 (to get a different console) and 
play there with fdisk and mkfs

(be sure to do this before beeing asked in which partition to install debian)
hope it helps

Re: 2 Monitors/1 MG400/X 3.3.6

2001-07-17 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 04:08 p.m. 17/07/01 -0500, Darryl L. Pierce wrote:

I sent an email out yesterday about setting up 2 monitors on my
Matrox Millennium G400 card. The response I received seems to
assume that I'm running X 4.x. I'm not, I'm using Potato and don't
want to dabble with woody if I don't have to. Can someone give me
a lead or hint on what I need to do with a X 3.3.6 system to setup
dual monitor support?

AFAIK it can be done on X3.3, butis far easier in X4.
for what I've heard, try installing X4 (no need to upgrade to woody for 
that, there are sources.list  for potato).

Not much but might help.

Re: No funciona...

2001-07-16 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 06:45 p.m. 15/07/01 +0200, Juan Pablo García Esquerdo wrote:

   Primero felicidades por la calidad de la
informacion de vuestra Web.

   Comunico con vosotros, ya que tengo Corel Linux
desde hace mas o menos un año y hasta ahora el unico
problema que he tenido ha sido que no conseguia Driver
para el Scaner y la Camara Digital (USB) cosa que no
me importaba mucho, pues usaba Windows para
sacarlos.(Si me podeis dar una direccion donde
buscarlos ¡¡¡GRACIAS!!!).

   Mi verdadero problema es que hace poco instale una
tarjeta grafica PCI (antigua a falta de un Slot AGP),
con el fin de usar un monitor secundario. Cual fue mi
sorpresa cuando, arranque Linux y la pantaña empezo a
parpadear usando los drivers de la tarjeta grafica PCI
(S3 Trio2x) con la tarjeta que tenia antes (Voodoo3),
e intentado ajustar los driver, pero, nada. Solo he
conseguido cargar Linux cuando en la BIOS puse PCI,
como tarjeta grafica primaria. Pense en dejarlo asi,
pero Windows no iniciaba la Voodoo como monitor
secundario, a si que he estado cambiando la BIOS segun
el S.O. (Un rollazo)

   ¿Es posible usar dos o mas monitores bajo Linux? Si
es asi ¿Como?, en caso negativo ¿Como puedo ajustar la
configuracion y que no cambie al detectar la S3?

Si se pueden usar dos monitores en linux, aunque no tuve experiencia en la 
configuracion, recuerdo haber visto algunos articulos de configuracion, 
verifique para 2 monitores, linux cinerama (un prgrama 

Finalmente, como esta es una lista en ingles, obtendria mas ayuda 
probablemente escribiendo en ese idima.


Re: Newbie

2001-07-13 Thread Miguel Griffa
search the list archives, as someone posted url for unofficial woody and 
sid images, which you might be intrested on

At 10:47 a.m. 13/07/01 -0400, Case, Benjamin wrote:

Ok..I just moved into a new house and my DSL wont get hooked up for another
week. I have a 28.8 dialup account, but that isnt much for getting most
packages. I went ahead and burned the 3 ISO's for Debian 2.2r3 (Potato). I
want to run UNSTABLE though. Where can I d/l all the UNSTABLE packages to a
CD for use with APT-GET ?


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Re: More SID CD Image questions.

2001-07-13 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 02:56 p.m. 13/07/01 -0500, Case, Benjamin wrote:

OK.. I am d/l all of the SID CD's from .

Would it be possible to mount those images without burning them to CD. If
so, how would I do that ?


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mount -o loop -t iso9660 iso_images.iso /mnt

Re: ssh strangeness

2001-07-12 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 01:57 p.m. 12/07/01 -0400, Andrew Dixon wrote:

Hi All,
I've been having some weird problems with ssh.  I can connect to our
server (RH 7.1) but when I try to connect to another Debian box on the
network (PPC) I get the following message:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ssh -l andrew.dixon stiq
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

I get the same error when I try on a different PPC Deb box as well.

I CAN log into the PPC Deb box from the redhat server and I also CAN log
into my Debian box from the server.

Could this be a problem with reverse name lookups?  We're using M$ as
our DHCP and primary DNS and it works about as well as you'd expect it
to work (read: it sucks).

Any hints, tips, pointers, or other wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

I had that problem when a ssh server was down. Did you try telneting to see 
if ssh answers? Can you access that server form other machine(via ssh)?
I don't think it's a DNS problem, but if you can add the hostname to 
/etc/hosts, It will get faster (at the beginning).

Re: ssh strangeness

2001-07-12 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 08:38 p.m. 12/07/01 +0100, Christian Jaeger wrote:

At 13:57 Uhr -0400 12.7.2001, Andrew Dixon wrote:

Could this be a problem with reverse name lookups?  We're using M$ as
our DHCP and primary DNS and it works about as well as you'd expect it
to work (read: it sucks).

Yes, it's probably exactly that. We experienced the same problem when 
trying to log into our debian box from a machine which didn't have a 
reverse DNS entry. (There must be a configuration option to sshd - we 
didn't need to solve it so I can't tell.)

I used to ssh from woody to potato witout reverse dns, it was a bit slow on 
the beginning, but it ended up working...
maybe is has something to do with the (somewhat obscure to me) ALL: 
PARANOID in hosts.deny...

Re: ssh strangeness

2001-07-12 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 02:51 p.m. 12/07/01 -0400, Andrew Dixon wrote:

Miguel Griffa wrote:

 At 01:57 p.m. 12/07/01 -0400, Andrew Dixon wrote:
 Hi All,
 I've been having some weird problems with ssh.  I can connect to our
 server (RH 7.1) but when I try to connect to another Debian box on the
 network (PPC) I get the following message:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ssh -l andrew.dixon stiq
 ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
 I get the same error when I try on a different PPC Deb box as well.
 I CAN log into the PPC Deb box from the redhat server and I also CAN log
 into my Debian box from the server.
 Could this be a problem with reverse name lookups?  We're using M$ as
 our DHCP and primary DNS and it works about as well as you'd expect it
 to work (read: it sucks).
 Any hints, tips, pointers, or other wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

 I had that problem when a ssh server was down. Did you try telneting to see
 if ssh answers? Can you access that server form other machine(via ssh)?
 I don't think it's a DNS problem, but if you can add the hostname to
 /etc/hosts, It will get faster (at the beginning).

Ah, telnet fails as well.  Very interesting. Here's what I get when I
try to telnet to that box:

go check the logs on debian boxes, pretty nice info is there. Usually, if 
connections are refused for security reasons, you'll see that on the logs,

a bit of grep sshd...
please, post any entry you might find intresting/related


2001-07-12 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 03:03 p.m. 12/07/01 -0400, dude wrote:

Very simply what should i read and
what would it look like
to enable ssh on my firewall so that it accepts
ssh connections (only) from the outside?

apt-get install  and run sshd
one possibility is to edit hosts.deny to something like
sshd: ALL EXCEPT .internal-domain
(notice the starting dot)
check the man page for multiple sintaxes (and also to see if this 
is  correct, I'm kinnda newbie to these files: hosts.allow hosts.deny)


2001-07-12 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 03:03 p.m. 12/07/01 -0400, dude wrote:

Very simply what should i read and
what would it look like
to enable ssh on my firewall so that it accepts
ssh connections (only) from the outside?

I just checked

uncomment this line and put there the outter address of your box.
but if that machine acts as gw, you should also deny sshing from that 
machine to itself, in hosts.deny it would be sshd:

It probably has other ways, but I don't know...

Re: ssh strangeness

2001-07-12 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 02:50 p.m. 12/07/01 -0400, Anthony Fox wrote:

Andrew Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ssh -l andrew.dixon stiq
 ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

Perhaps the versions of ssh are incompatible.  Post the output of

ssh -v -l andrew.dixon stiq

 I CAN log into the PPC Deb box from the redhat server and I also CAN
 log into my Debian box from the server.

How can you log in if you can't ssh into it?  Telnet?

phisical access?

Re: new to debian have questions

2001-07-12 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 02:20 p.m. 12/07/01 -0400, Brian Nelson wrote:

Jeremy Gaddis wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 10:23:31AM -0400, Brian Nelson wrote:

That said, I tend to be highly suspicious of anyone that posts email to
this list with a MS mail client.  It's one thing for a newbie that's
having installation trouble with Debian, but it likely shows ignorance
for a so-called experienced Linux user.  You would be hard-pressed to
find another person on this list that thought MS mail products are
superior to Unix ones.

 Why would you be suspicious?  I happen to like Outlook, and

Because this is a debian-user list, and if you're using Outlook, you're
obviously not using debian.

Just one point:
I've been using linux for some years...
I write may university works on latex
I read my mail on mutt
I write my webpages on vi
I have 4 networked debian boxes at home, and a notebook (debian too)
I have written a couple of programs/docs under the GPL
I happen to be in two projects at work, now one on windows, and another on 
AIX,  I can only access internet form win, an thus, I write from Eudora (I 
happen to hate O/OE),

How right would be to consider me suspicius for writing from win?
I used to think that, before I had to install windows here...

 for the most part I think it's a good product.  If you don't
 like it, don't use it.  Why does it show ignorance for a so-
 called experienced Linux user?  Because I like it?  Because
 I think it's a better client than [mutt|Pine|other MUA here]?
 If you consider someone ignorant because of the mail client
 they use, you jump to conclusions way too quick.

No, I thought you were ignorant because of your comments about dselect,
apt, and dpkg.  In my world, Outlook doesn't automatically make you
ignorant, just suspicious.

 If I were a newbie posting to the list with Outlook/OE,
 spitting HTML messages everywhere, with screwed up line breaks,
 etc. etc. I might understand why I was flamed for using Outlook.
 I *do*, however, take the time to configure my mail clients to
 avoid such crap.

That's good.  I only flamed you because you because your comments were
misinformed, and I hate to see misinformation spread by someone who
isn't even using Debian.

Joost is one of the most knowledgable people on this list, and you
basically said he was wrong.  I thought that was pretty ignorant, and
not surprising from someone who used MS products.  With your reply, you
just proved my point nicely.

 I'm not sure how I said he was wrong.  I try not to be like
 some people and be so quick to judge others, especially when
 it's WRT something as stupid as what mail client one prefers.

Well, he said dselect was an essential tool for package management, and
you replied that dselect didn't do anything apt and dpkg couldn't do.

 FWIW, Joost does seem rather knowledgeable, AFAICT from his
 list posts anyways.  What if he decided to switch mail clients?
 Would you suddenly flame him in the same way and call him
 ignorant also?

Only if he started saying stupid stuff too.

I really don't care what email clients people use.  I've even posted to
this list using MSOE.  The only different was I hated doing it.

All I ask is that you don't try to sound like you know what you're
talking about (but don't) if you're using MS Windows and Outlook.
It's like RMS writing about the evils of closed-source software from a 
Windows machine.  It's just weird.

Ok, let's let this thread die now...


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Re: ssh strangeness

2001-07-12 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 03:20 p.m. 12/07/01 -0400, D-Man wrote:

On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 01:57:48PM -0400, Andrew Dixon wrote:
| Hi All,
| I've been having some weird problems with ssh.  I can connect to our
| server (RH 7.1) but when I try to connect to another Debian box on the
| network (PPC) I get the following message:
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ssh -l andrew.dixon stiq
| ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
| I get the same error when I try on a different PPC Deb box as well.

I got this problem when I upgraded one of my boxes to woody -- the
potato box and the win boxes (with putty) couldn't connect.  I also
couldn't ssh to localhost!  I then started looking at how to generate
keys, since with debug messages turned on it seemed that the new sshd
wanted a key somewhere.  After using ssh-keygen to create RSA and DSA
and ssh1 keys in my home directory everything seems cool.  I didn't
even need to copy the keys over to the client boxes.  (Now I need to
do some research, but for now it works is good enough)

you can append your ~/.ssh/ to your ssh server dir 
~/.ssh/authorized_keys (check the filename in man) and you don't need to 
nasty type the password :)

really cool if you use it a lot, also with scp

| I CAN log into the PPC Deb box from the redhat server and I also CAN log
| into my Debian box from the server.

I didn't have a RH box to try with, but none of the boxes I have could
ssh into my woody box for a while (see above).


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Re: non packaged software (newbie question)

2001-07-11 Thread Miguel Griffa

These tools are packed for debian, I used them and they work just great
check these packages
These give you all you need to compile and run a palm program, check also 

which creates a skeleton for a pilot app,
You can also check, I have there a couple of 
palm programs which I developed on my woody box.

At 08:21 p.m. 10/07/01 -0700, Norbert Froese wrote:

I recently installed Debian and now have to install some software not
available as a .deb package.

(Specifically, PalmOS SDK 3.5 and PRC tools 2.0)

Is there anything I need to know (other than to install it in /usr/local
) when I install/build non-packaged software onto Debian?



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Re: Thin-X-Client-Laptop

2001-07-11 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 12:27 p.m. 11/07/01 +0200, Schoppitsch Dieter wrote:


I want to run X-Applications on my (old) laptop (486; Debian 2.0) while 
connected (via PLIP) to the Server (Pentium, Suse 7.1).

On the laptop I installed the X-server - that means - I am able to move 
the mouse-cursor on the screen only (no menues, no window).

On the server I installed the whole X-stuff (KDE, applications).
In textmode I am able to ping and telnet the server.
While you can use it this way, I'd recomend you to use a small window 
manager (blackbox is really fast and good), and start remote apps from a 
ssh terminal, or a telnet.

open an xterm (or whatever flavor you like)
xhost + (this is easy, but INSECURE, check xhost docs, can also be xhost 

ssh -X otherbox (or telnet otherbox)
then you should be ready to run apps on the other macchine try
xterm  (the '' detachs the process from the console, try without it to 
see what happens), the xterm should open on your other machine and display 
on your laptop

if you have any problem try (after telnet or ssh) export DISPLAY=laptop:0.0

BTW: Is there any chance for a lowmem.bin for Debian 2.2?

You can use top, ps to see what process are running, I'd advice you to 
recompile the kernel with minimum needed, and take out any process/daemon 
you don't really need, By that I got a debian web server with a 586 120Mhz, 
wich is idle most of the time, and only uses 500MB of disk space

have fun

Thanks in advance for any help and greetings from Vienna

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Re: C routine that compares debian package versions

2001-07-11 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 04:14 p.m. 11/07/01 +0200, Alex Suzuki wrote:

Hello debian users,

I'm currently writing a small program in C that is supposed to
show me which packages I have from woody and which ones from
sid (my system is actually a mix of both of them).
Now, a problem I am likely to encounter soon are the version
numbers. Do the follow some kind of scheme?

For instance, package ssh
ssh 1:1.2.3-9.3

If I had the version string saved somewhere, and an other
one like 1:1.2.3-9.4, how can I compare them, is there a
function that can do this?

mmm...  wouldn't just strcmp work?

Alex Suzuki_.
:: Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ¦
:: WWW:  ¦
:: Linux shop: ¦

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Re: winmodem

2001-07-11 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 02:55 p.m. 11/07/01 -0300, GARGIULO Eduardo   INGDESI wrote:

Hi all.

I have a driver for my LT winmodem running on 2.2.12-20 kernel.
Now, I had compiled 2.4.5 kernel, and when I try to load the
driver, it tells unresolved symbols, and a message saying was
compiled for 2.2.12-20 kernel. Is there a way to load the driver
without the kernel check moudule version? Should I compile the
kernel again? Do you know where can I found the sources for the
ltmodem.o driver?

at your own risk,
insmod -f

The modem is LT ITU 56K v90 on a Compaq Presario 1275.

BTW, where did you get the driver? I have a presario 1245...

Re: debian vs suse

2001-07-10 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 10:59 p.m. 07/07/01 -0400, Peter Kok wrote:

Hi all

What is the different between debian and suse?
How are the security and stable?

I was a SuSE user before Debian. This is my opinion:

* SuSE has some really nice and easy admin tools (yast) for the newbie. 
There is a point, however, where you know what this tools do and you find 
easier to just edit the right textfile.
* Both have lots of packages available, wich I find great. However, as for 
suse 7.0, upgrading is quite dfferent in debian and suse: one thig is 
apt-get update  apt-get upgrade and quite another is getting the RPMs and 
upgrading them in the right order, or getting the CDs and staring an 
* Debian is somewhat more extensible, adding sources to sources.list for 
some specific software is really easy and keeps you systems updated quite 
niceley (specially important for security issues).

IMHO, Debian is the distro you want when you pass the first contact with Linux.

Re: debian vs suse

2001-07-10 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 05:28 a.m. 07/07/01 -0700, Osamu Aoki wrote:


On Sat, Jul 07, 2001 at 10:59:46PM -0400, Peter Kok wrote:
 What is the different between debian and suse?

Debian is better!!! You are asking this to debian ML :-)

Seriously, except for packaging system and few minor style differences,
both are quite similar system (SYS-V init).

Major difference is that debian is free volunteer efforts while suse is
commercial distribution.

 How are the security and stable?

System is as secure as its admin's skill and efforts.

If you ask how easy to update to the latest security patched program, I
can say that debian delivers security updates quite fast and updating
system with them in debian is very easy even for active daemon programs.

Judging from suse's RPM packaging, suse may not be as easy to upgrade
active daemons like Redhat.  (I do not know.)

I can tell you that Debian has steep learning curve but it is worth it.

oops, and you can download debian isos but not suse, suse has only that 
trial iso image

I never liked that.

Re: [OT] Extraction of info from PDF file

2001-07-10 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 10:00 a.m. 10/07/01 -0400, Hall Stevenson wrote:

 I might be making a fool of myself by asking this,
 but is there any way of extracting information such
 as text and pictures out of a PDF file that anyone
 knows of? So far I haven't used PDF files to other
 things than view them, and occasionally print them,
 using xpdf, but now I need to cut and paste a piece
 of text and a couple of pictures from as PDF file.

Even with Adobe Acrobat (the real program, not the reader),
I can only Select All and then copy it to the clipboard.
This is on Windows, of course. You'd have to delete a lot if
you're original PDF was a large file and you only needed a
small portion of it...

Can you do anything similar with xpdf ??

I've heard there was a patch for xpdf that allowed sellecting and copying.
I've seen something  on the list some weeks ago, (or maybe debian-devel)
try searching xpdf and patch

Re: How to make a .deb...

2001-07-06 Thread Miguel Griffa

check dh_make and dh_*
They make it quite easy to make packages

At 09:13 a.m. 06/07/01 -0400, Chapman, Matt wrote:


anyone know HP Vectra modem?

2001-07-06 Thread Miguel Griffa

	I'm configuring a potato system on an HP Vectra, I need to configure 
dialup access (which I never did on debian since I got cable modem :). 
Could anyone tellme if the modem in this machine is not a winmodem and what 
tools shall I use for configuring?

Thanks in advance!

RE: networking windows and linux

2001-07-06 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 02:29 p.m. 06/07/01 -0500, Jeremy Gaddis wrote:

Wow, Windows isn't a stable server!?

Damn, I bet that's news to the millions of
people and corporations worldwide who've been
running it for years.  ;)

It's not news, just ask if they reboot servers every week or every morning...


Jeremy L. Gaddis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From: Joost Kooij [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2001 12:35 PM
To: Dan Cox
Subject: Re: networking windows and linux

On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 11:44:53PM -0700, Dan Cox wrote:
 I'm currently trying to network a windows box and a debian box. I'm
 using ethernet cards and am able to ping both boxes respectfully. I
 the windows box for the internet and mail (although once I am
 with Linux I will be converting fully).My question is how do I share
 the files from the windows box with the Linux box? And while I'm at it

Don't do that.  Windows is not a stable server.  It will hurt when you
do it.

 how do I share the Linux files with the windows box (I really don't
 about that right now, but for future reference maybe)? Thanks.

Install samba.  There is a lot of good samba documentation available,
starting there first.



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Re: passing mem=??? to the kernel

2001-07-05 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 08:15 a.m. 05/07/01 -0400, Hall Stevenson wrote:

 ...I recently doubled the RAM on one of my systems
 (from 128 to 256 MB) but the new RAM is not found.

I had the same problem on a dual boot machine, The bios thinks there's 
300M, but there are only 190M

specifying mem=190M is OK

BTW windows belives he has 300M...

so IMHO it's definitly a mother/bios problem (at boot it also says 300M)

Maybe a stupid question, but does your motherboard/BIOS
recognize the new memory *first* ??

 I've never really seen a good explanation of why the kernel
 is not always able to find all the RAM, or under what
 circumstances it happens.

Around kernel 2.0.36, a major change was made in the software
that detects actual memory. On some, if not many systems, this
eliminated the need to pass the mem option to the kernel.

Help with ipchains please

2001-07-05 Thread Miguel Griffa

	I've seached the net and read the howto but I still don't get to realize 
what I need to do for something as simple as ip/port redirection. Here'e goes
I want to accept any incoming connection on and redirect it to 
(internal server) could any one tell me what parameters 
should I send to ipchains (better with little explanation). The involved 
machine is potato.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Help with ipchains please

2001-07-05 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 12:14 p.m. 05/07/01 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 03:06:25PM -0300, Miguel Griffa wrote:
   I've seached the net and read the howto but I still don't get to 
 what I need to do for something as simple as ip/port redirection. 
Here'e goes

 I want to accept any incoming connection on and redirect it to
 (internal server) could any one tell me what parameters
 should I send to ipchains (better with little explanation). The involved
 machine is potato.

ipchains doesn't do this, ipmasqadm does.  Here is an example:

ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L 80 -R 80

Make sure you have port forwarding enabled in your kernel.

I remember now ...
It's very difficult to find a black cat in a completely dark room, but it 
is impossible if it is not there...

kindda similar...
Thanks again, I'll try it right now

Re: Would like to ask for some information regarding about debian's installation

2001-07-04 Thread Miguel Griffa

You may also try vmware, run it in window mode and screenshot that window
also there's plex86, but I haven't tried it yet and is not (the last time I 
saw it) as easy as vmware, but hell it's free software.

At 01:36 p.m. 03/07/01 -0400, D-Man wrote:

On Wed, Jul 04, 2001 at 12:48:18AM +0800, Lamer wrote:
| I'm going to give a free course to the members of a local linux user group,
| and would like to ask if it's possible to get some installation screenshots
| or notes for them.

My suggestion is to get some spare hardware and do an installation
:-).  The only way, that I know of, to get screen shots of an
installation is with a digital camera -- after all you don't
(necessarily) have a filesystem, clipboard, graphics programs, etc yet

Alternatively you could do an installation and take pictures with your
digital camera before the presentation and just show them as slides.


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Re: HELP!!!

2001-07-02 Thread Miguel Griffa

There was a problem with a broken pam that got into sid
check the archives of the list, (1 or 2 weeks ago)
with some luck, that's your problem and soutions are everywhere on past 

At 12:39 p.m. 30/06/01 +0200, vester wrote:

hi everyone --

i fear i did something stupid.

i wanted to try and see how good linux games actually work, so i
downloaded the unreal tournament installer from loki, copied the cds to my
windows hard disk (because i didn't have support for joliet extension in
linux) and well...installed, which seemed to work fine. i then tried to
start, but got some error messages because of missing paths, which didn't
look very serious really. but then i restarted...on boot up, there were a
lot of errors found on the hard disk and thus, the root system was mounted
read-only and i was prompted to run fsck manually. i did that and answered
yes to the questions (i realise now that i maybe shouldn't have done that)
and it seemed as if everything had been fixed, for on the next reboot
everything worked fine...all my scripts were executed and i ended up in
gdm and wanted to log in...but that didn't work. i switched over to the
console and tried to log in from there. no way. login incorrect is what
i get for all my user accounts and for the root account too! i am
desperate...i need to get back into my system! on the one hand i put weeks
and weeks into configuring and customizing everything and on the other
hand all my important data are in there...please, please help me...the
loki support people have not answered me yet and i am on the verge of

oh yes, my system is debian woody (with a few things from sid) with kernel
2.4.5...i don't know what else to say. :-(

thanks all!


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Re: windows manager list in KDM

2001-07-02 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 01:00 p.m. 02/07/01 -0500, techlists wrote:

I just had the problem on 2 computers.  I recently did a fresh install of
Debian 2.2 r2 on my Desktop and my Laptop.  I installed most
packages,xfree86, gnome, etc  From the cd it installs XDM, and makes
Window maker my default.  No biggy, because untill I started using KDE,
window maker was my choice.  So then I connected to the net, set Debian in
my sources list, then did an apt-get update  apt-get upgrade.

After that, comes my first question,  Since the default install use XDM, and
I now have gnome and Window Maker, Where do I set which one starts as

on a per user basis you can start the WM you like in .xsession but I think 
that this depends on the DM you use, not sure. I know it's little info but 
it's a start...

Re: Unidentified subject!

2001-07-02 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 12:52 p.m. 02/07/01 -0700, Jenner Almanzar wrote:

how can i set ftp mode to passive in order to download
some files from a website?

i use this command:


It tells me to wait for an answer, but then it tells
me that i cannot download it 'cause the host doesn't
found a local ip ('cause i got a mask ip).

AFAIK you don't need to set passive because of masq,
but anyway, I downloaded the isos with lftp, which is extremly reliable for 
these tasks...

also, that link doesn't currently work
I issued lftp -e get; 
and I got an html page...

Re: OT vim/uptime

2001-06-29 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 12:23 p.m. 28/06/01 -0500, will trillich wrote:

On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 10:26:43PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
 will trillich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Looking to ENCODE OR DECODE SOME ROT-13 TEXT? No problem.
 Vg'f rnfl jvgu Ivz. It's a simple alphabet substitution where
 each letter changes to its counterpart 13 places away in the
 alphabet (a-n, g-t, etc) . Open the text in Vim, then
 select it (type v at one end of the text to encode/decode,
 then move to the other end) and then type g?.
   Or, to rot-13 a whole line, just g??.  That's all!
 (Try :help g? for more info.)

 Cool, I learn something new about vim every day ...

 Drifting rapidly sideways onto the topic of things learnt today, one of
 my workmates pointed out readline's (and hence bash's) Ctrl-O keystroke,
 the default binding for operate-and-get-next. Try typing a sequence of
 commands, going back in your history to the start of the sequence, and
 then hitting Ctrl-O several times.

cool, a key-typo CTRL-P prints the last command...
what wonderfull world...

Re: Unix administrator

2001-06-29 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 07:47 a.m. 29/06/01 -0500, Chris Parker wrote:

Student here from a micro$oft school of thought and sick of it.  What
do I need to to gain the honor of a unix admin.?

mmm... this is just a guess, maybe be able to repeat by hard any line of 
any given file of the linux kernel source...

Is athere any good online classes or tutorials that i should check into?

There are lots of documentation. You can start by reading all man pages

Also what would be a good route to take for a beginner programming?

Start with c, then c++, perl ,python, then lisp, then java, smalltalk, 
rubi, php
IMHO this is a nice route 

Fwd: Re: security

2001-06-29 Thread Miguel Griffa

The funny thing is that in another mail, he clarifies the situation:
Student here from a micro$oft school of thought and sick of it. 

I'd have tried to hack my school computers, when I was there, if it wasn't 
because there were no computers at all...

If you really want help with this project send a mail signed with a good 
trusted key that proves that you are who you say you are and really do 
work for this Uni. Otherwise I hope everyone on this list is smart enough 
to ignore you.

On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 07:44:05AM -0500, Chris Parker wrote:
 I have a question for the security guru's that hopefully I will get an
 answer for.  The problem is that I have been given an assignment from
 my college's mis head to check their net security from my linux box.
 Where is a good prog for this?  They want to see how easy it is to
 enter their net.  Could someone showe me the way to info on this or
 give a list of progs for this?  They are running a NT server and
 Novell.  Sorry if I'm using this list for hw but this is the first
 place i thought of.  Thanks in advance to any that reply.!


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Re: Routing Problem

2001-06-28 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 12:49 a.m. 28/06/01 -0700, Debian GNU wrote:

Hi all,

My machine running potato has rtl8139 network card. I
have configured it as eth0 and eth0:0 with two ip
addresses. I am able to ping to machines in two ip
ranges and working fine. Now I have added one more
alias as eth0:0 with ip address in
/etc/network/interfaces. When I am pinging to the
machines in this network (and even to this ip) I am
getting operation not permitted error. What could be
the reason. I have tried adding route manually. My
kernel is 2.2.19pre17.

AFAIK operation not permitted looks more like a permission problem that a 
route problem,

route problems often end up in network unreachable
did you try ping as root?

Changing the keboard layout for X

2001-06-27 Thread Miguel Griffa

	Could anyone help me on changing the kb layout for  X, I always used us 
because I know it by hard and it's ok for some programming keys ; `... but 
now I installed debian on my girlfriends computer, and I need to have the 
kb on the proper spanish cfg.

Any hint welcome,

Re: ???

2001-06-27 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 12:12 p.m. 27/06/01 -0700, Jenner Almanzar wrote:

Hi everybody!!!

I need to install a ethernet card on linux, how can i
do that?
First check if it is compatible, then find which kernel module you need for 
it, then modprobe you_kernel_module and you got it. You _may_ need to 
recompile kernel in order have your module

good luck

Re: [probably offtopic] xdm port listening

2001-06-14 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 01:14 p.m. 14/06/01 -0500, will trillich wrote:

On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 01:14:53PM -0400, Sean Morgan wrote:
 I've noticed a disturbing behavior in the version of xdm distributed in 
the x
 strike force's 4.1.0 prerelease series where xdm seems to listen on 
random ports
 in the 3-6 range. I'm not quite sure about this as I don't know 
 how to look up which program is using which port, though the listening 

 seems to be solely dependant on xdm running. If it makes any difference, I
 discovered this while running an 'nmap -p 1- localhost' out of sheer 
boredom and
 so far as I can tell all of the 'nolisten' options are set correctly in 

 config files.

you can also try netstat -l

Creating a custom floppy/cd debian system

2001-06-07 Thread Miguel Griffa

I'm looking for some hints on how to do this:
I need ('d like, actually) to prepare a custom kernel, on a floppy, to boot 
a minimal linux system with only one compiled program (not bash, but it 
doesn't matter, I guess), I could use a cdrom, if I need lots of things, 
the question is: how many things (and how, if possible) do I have to set to 
do this?

maybe starting with boot floopies images (for install).. I'm noot quite sure,
and how could i mount / -o ro definitly (if it was on the cdrom).

Thanks in advance

Re: SiS6326

2001-06-07 Thread Miguel Griffa

At 07:20 p.m. 06/06/01 +0100, Peter Paul Millard wrote:

Hello All

I have the above card which fails to get started.
Storm does not have it on the web site as supported
progeny debian also said that they have had problems with all SiS cards but
will get it sorted on the next release

Does not mean it does not work I have been trying 2.2r2 to get past this text
mode which xf86config will not work any ideas any body my monitor I have all
the vert and hoz figures.

That card has been a real nigthmare to me. I finished by confiugring it 
manually. If you are intrested, I can send you the xf86config file from home.

I could successfully use it with less memory than it has.