Re: Debian 8 how to install and run init.d scripts?

2019-10-21 Thread Peter Wiersig
Steffen Dettmer  writes:
> So you propose not to use init.d scripts. I usually prefer a simple shell
> script that is easy to test, systemd is just way to complex. But probably
> for Debian you are right, if I understood correctly, newer versions do not
> even support init.d / LSB anymore, so using systemd units seems to be
> required there.

Like Greg says, systemd units are really much simpler.

The thing with the compatibility mode is that that part has do *guess*
what the init.d tries to call and adapt that to its inner working and
can fail. 

it's documentation with Debian 9 (stretch) is in
man:systemd-sysv-generator(8), but it's also so short that it would
probably not help.

furthermore quoting from "man systemd.service":
1. Incompatibilities with SysV

and from the referenced doc: 
"If your distribution removes SysV init scripts in favor of systemd unit
files typing "/etc/init.d/foobar start" to start a service will not
work, since the script will not be available. Use the more correct
"/sbin/service foobar start" instead, and your command will be forwarded
to systemd." 

There are many more details on that page and maybe buried in there is a
hint why the init.d you have does not work.

> About your gitlab-runner.service failure:
>> HINT: Extensive debugging information about systemd is on this
>> FreeDesktop page.
> I didn't find anything about init.d or DPKG_MAINTSCRIPT_PACKAGE in these
> pages.

Correct, as they are about systemd units/services/timers etc.

> Only I found using "status", but this does not help either:
>   root@node17-0:/etc/init.d# systemctl status gitlab-runner2.service
>   - gitlab-runner2.service
>  Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory)
>  Active: inactive (dead)

Was the ...-runner2 intentional? Your other quoted error showed

> funny that it does not even tell WHICH file was not found and why it was
> loaded anyway.

Yeah, that's probably jessies ancient systemd at fault. Newer output
is more detailed and looks like that:

   server:/etc/apt/sources.list.d# systemctl status atd.service
 ● atd.service - Deferred execution scheduler
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/atd.service; enabled; vendor 
preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2019-07-24 04:48:30 CEST; 2 months 
29 days ago
  Docs: man:atd(8)
  Main PID: 570 (atd)

> There is no such file "gitlab-runner.service" (I tried "find /etc" and
> "locate").
> It seem that some systemd magic applies here. Maybe, if its content is
> needed for technical reasons, systemd creates some "virtual unit" on the
> fly, who knows.

There is also a possible gitlab-runner@.service file to check, for the
indeed rather magic stuff from systemd.

Did you install gitlab as whole from packages or from source? Is the
gitlab-runner version compatible to the other parts?

Did you use the gitlab runner packages from the gitlab repo?

Debian 8 should be jessie, so supported until summer if i get that page
correctly, and remember the codename to version number correct.

Where did you get the init.d file from? Can you put it in a gist or pastebin?

Hmm, strange apparently there is a correct runner service in play when
the installer parts find systemd:
" The system services of GitLab Runner

GitLab Runner uses the Go service library to detect the underlying OS
and eventually install the service file based on the init system.

Note: service will install / un-install, start / stop, and run a program
as a service (daemon). Currently supports Windows XP+, Linux/(systemd |
Upstart | SysV), and macOS/Launchd.

Once GitLab Runner is installed, the service file will be automatically be 

systemd: /etc/systemd/system/gitlab-runner.service
upstart: /etc/init/gitlab-runner"

Annoying that those are generated and not packaged. Try to share them
with us also, so we may to look for errors in there 


Re: Debian 8 how to install and run init.d scripts?

2019-10-20 Thread Peter Wiersig
Instead of init.d scripts create systemd units.

About your gitlab-runner.service failure:
HINT: Extensive debugging information about systemd is on this
FreeDesktop page.

What is in gitlab-runner.service on that one server anyways?

Somewhen in 2016-2018 someone on debian planet posted multiple blogs of
a great systemd introduction series, I can't find my bookmark right now


Re: awstats problem

2019-07-26 Thread Peter Wiersig
Greg Wooledge  writes:
Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 11:48:46AM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> root@coyote:~$ su www-data
>> This account is currently not available.
> If you want a shell as a system account, use sudo instead.
> sudo -s -u www-data

or set the shell using su:
su -s /bin/bash -u www-data

This behaviour is caused due to the shell in /etc/passwd:

$ getent passwd www-data


Re: Need help analyzing (kernel?) memory usage and reclaiming RAM (Debian Stretch)

2019-04-16 Thread Peter Wiersig
Martin Schwarz  writes:
> Here's the output from some commands I hope to be helpful:
> The machine in this example is a RADIUS server but has not even gone
> productive ... no incoming client requests yet.  (But the problem is not
> related to the RADIUS server software - OSC Radiator - since the same
> symptoms show on different machines: not only RADIUS servers but also
> nameservers, shell servers or jumphosts, etc.)
> [values while the problem persists:]
> root 34718 12.0  0.5  29596  5672 ?D09:01   0:00 
> /usr/bin/python3 -Es /usr/bin/lsb_release --short --description
> root 26491  3.1  0.2  79328  2860 ?D08:04   1:50 apt-get 
> update -qq
> root 32551  6.8  0.2 119036  2800 ?D08:51   0:43 
> /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/unattended-upgrade

Disable this, do your upgrades by some schedule for the duration in
which you're debugging this problem.  Think about system orchestration
tools with push mechanisms if you want to minimize RAM allocated to
VMs.  We're thinking about deploying ansible for patch management.

> root 12792  2.2  0.1 159720  1748 ?D06:06   3:54 
> /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/bin/apt-show-versions -i
> root 15502  2.4  0.1 167660  1608 ?D06:25   3:51 
> /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/bin/apt-show-versions -i

Do they need to run on 6:06 and then parallel at 6:25?  What's their
process tree calling structure, ie. what's starting them?

> root 34527  1.7  0.1  14096  1596 ?Ss   09:01   0:00 /bin/bash 
> /usr/bin/check_mk_agent

Can you show a zoomed image of the memory graph prior to a problem?  And
a load graph of the same duration?

I had some webservers which were also prone to death spiraling, the only
real solution was to throw RAM at them until they were able to process
the requests and to optimize the database indices to speed up the time
spent fetching and sorting rows.


Re: Need help analyzing (kernel?) memory usage and reclaiming RAM (Debian Stretch)

2019-04-16 Thread Peter Wiersig
Reco  writes:

Hi Reco,

> On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 04:39:32PM +0200, Peter Wiersig wrote:
>> VSZ is the Virtual Memory Size. (...),
>>including memory that is swapped out,
>> memory that is allocated, but not used,
>> and memory that is from shared libraries.""
> Given this:
> == cut ==
> One can expect the process to "consume" 4Gb of VSZ, and about 700kb of
> RSS.
> Do you really suggest to treat all this VSZ as a "used memory"? A hint -
> compile the sample, run it a hundred times.

No, but that is all in the explanation above albeit tersely. I
underlined the part which comes into play with your example code.

If Martin wants to find out what's using his memory during timespans
with degraded performance, it will not be helpful to list the processes
and sort by thenot swapped amount.  If the system is thrashing due to
swapping in and out, I always look at the VSZ values to find out where I
should direct my attention to.

If Martin or if you want, I can explode the the previous sentence about
what VSZ is but you'd probably find better answers if you read about

Feel free to ask, I think I can explain more, but not better than
stackexchange answers or for example LWN kernel article series.

Have fun,

Re: Need help analyzing (kernel?) memory usage and reclaiming RAM (Debian Stretch)

2019-04-16 Thread Peter Wiersig
Martin Schwarz  writes:
> root@rad-m2m-srv02:~# ps aux --sort=-rss | head -15

you're choosing the wrong sort field to debug your problem here:
man ps:
   rss RSS   resident set size, the non-swapped physical memory 
that a task has used (in kiloBytes).
 (alias rssize, rsz).
   vsz VSZ   virtual memory size of the process in KiB 
(1024-byte units).  Device mappings are currently
 excluded; this is subject to change. (alias 

try the latter field if the problem is repeating.  VSZ can be very
misleading with graphical processes, but that should not occur here.
""RSS is the Resident Set Size and is used to show how much memory is
allocated to that process and is in RAM. It does not include memory that
is swapped out. It does include memory from shared libraries as long as
the pages from those libraries are actually in memory. It does include
all stack and heap memory.

VSZ is the Virtual Memory Size. It includes all memory that the process
can access, including memory that is swapped out, memory that is
allocated, but not used, and memory that is from shared libraries.""


Re: Exploring package interrelationships

2019-04-15 Thread Peter Wiersig
Richard Owlett  writes:
> Long term goal: *personal* definition of a minimalist Debian
> current goal: grok how packages interact
$ apt-cache dotty mate-desktop >
$ dot -Tpng

That either creates files named after the input or at least shows a
graphic of the package you specified.

I think I remember and older post where someone else
had done similar.  Have not found it in a very short research session.

Alternatively explore interactive with aptitude when you disable the
solver there and pick the resulting installation by hand, and decide
which suggest/recommend you follow, and which non-essential package you
might even not install.


Re: BTRFS snapshot space consumption (was: New laptop: need advice on choice...)

2019-04-14 Thread Peter Wiersig
Dan Ritter  writes:

> Peter Wiersig wrote: 
> ZFS is now in two incompatible versions: Oracle's, and ZFSonLinux,
> which is now effectively the parent for all the other efforts including
> FreeBSD's ZFS.

The biggest problem is the incompatible license which makes the code

How Oracle is able to distribute a Linux kernel with ZFS support without
either releasing the whole thing under a GPL compatible license or
violating the kernel GPL is a miracle I didn't found the time or need to
investigate.  I consider ZFS a poisoned gift from Oracle to the Linux
community and will not be surprised when they go for one vendor, on
their whim.  If they wanted to, they could release their code under a
compatible license.

My knowledge on the whole affair is bit vague as I had no real interest
past reading LWN or cks articles on ZFS, and I noted the problems around
the CDDL once Illumos was released.

I understand from cks that the real development nowadays happens on
ZFSonLinux as the other OSes were stopped in development, but I would
not touch that patch on the future prospect on a lawsuit analog to the
SCO one.


ZFS is licensed under the Common Development and Distribution License
(CDDL), and the Linux kernel is licensed under the GNU General Public
License Version 2 (GPLv2). While both are free open source licenses they
are restrictive licenses. The combination of them causes problems
because it prevents using pieces of code exclusively available under one
license with pieces of code exclusively available under the other in the
same binary. In the case of the kernel, this prevents us from
distributing ZFS on Linux as part of the kernel binary. However, there
is nothing in either license that prevents distributing it in the form
of a binary module or in the form of source code."""


Re: BTRFS snapshot space consumption (was: New laptop: need advice on choice...)

2019-04-14 Thread Peter Wiersig
Matthew Crews  writes:
> Here is a good talk on the subject by Michael Lucas, one of the premier
> experts on ZFS. Its worth noting that a lot of the concepts apply to
> BTRFS to varying degrees:

I don't have time yet, I think I will watch the whole thing later the

But I hate the ZFS pushing going around, I think it's a almost fine idea
from the technical standpoint, it will work if you decide to use it, but

I surely don't trust the commercial parties behind ZFS as
- they have acted malicious in the past,

- cost us in the linux community a whole lot of energy with
that lawsuit

- were bought by the most twisting corporation which put Microsofts
embrace, extend and extinguish campaigns back on the amateur level.

I would never put my business on ZFS, I'd always go the "more backups,
and maybe less perfect GPL solution" route.

I would really like if the hostile Linux patchset would be off-topic
here and sorry BSD guys, while I know that there were (or are) things
like debian-kfreebsd, but I'm just your average (A/L)GPL-fanboy which
only grudgingly accepts BSD licensed code.  Because FSFs license
protects me better as a developer and as a user, is a non-malicous
cancer from my point of view.  And yes, the FSF GFDL is a mistake.


Re: BTRFS snapshot space consumption (was: New laptop: need advice on choice...)

2019-04-13 Thread Peter Wiersig
Peter Wiersig  writes:
> I would be pissed if my OS removes snapshots I might or might not need
> in the future.  That's a release critical bug in my eyes.  Yeah, I know
> Microsoft and Apple do that automatically if your capacity runs out, but
> that's also why I don't recommend them at all.

Ok, I checked and they do support
LVM and ext4, and they have a bullet of auto-removing old snapshots.  I
hope they did it right, perhaps I need to make a new test drive with the
latest release.

Snapshots on ZFS can't be zero cost, so you need to account for them
there, too.


Re: BTRFS snapshot space consumption (was: New laptop: need advice on choice...)

2019-04-13 Thread Peter Wiersig
Felix Miata  writes:

> Anders Andersson composed on 2019-04-13 17:31 (UTC+0200):
>> Felix Miata wrote:
>>> Because of its snapshotting, BTRFS requires considerably more space than 
>>> older
>>> filesystems, as much as double.
>> A btrfs snapshot takes approximately zero space. Where did you get
>> this idea from? 
> 1: "Disk Space Full Because of Snapper" on

i only skimmed that, good resource for anyone even not on SUSE.

> 2: Since 2015, BTRFS has been the default / filesystem on openSUSE, which
> recommends minimum / filesystem size of 20GB for EXT4, compared to 40GB for 

>From my experience I think they only use snapshotting on BTRFS volumes,
I don't know if they support it with LVM, but is it even possible with
ext4 only?

And yeah, no surprise, if you want snapshots, you'll need more capacity,
it would probably the same recommendation with LVM

And the effects of using snapshots is assuring, you simply set the
system to auto-update everything, and if your system doesn't boot, you
simply select the older snapshot from the grub menu and have your system
running in no time. (This was my scenario with a SUSE desktop, I tried
tumbleweed aka SUSEs unstable/experimental distribution, where some
instability was expected)

I would never recommend something like that for server updates/upgrades,
as there a other far more procedures you can follow to test verify and
prevent service loss on failed updates, if you simply cluster your

I would be pissed if my OS removes snapshots I might or might not need
in the future.  That's a release critical bug in my eyes.  Yeah, I know
Microsoft and Apple do that automatically if your capacity runs out, but
that's also why I don't recommend them at all.

Have a monitoring on all your systems, track each and every possible
value in compact rrd databases, calculate trends from those values and
you'll never be surprised by filled up disks, growing defects detected
by SMART etc.

I'd like a debian desktop/notebook/tablet where snapshots were
implemented in a openSUSE manner, so that I can simply forget about
updates, have them installed in background und can go to the snapshot if
problems arise.


Detour: notmuch advertisement (was: emacs save and kill buffer for (neo)mutt)

2019-04-12 Thread Peter Wiersig
Pétùr  writes:

> I use neomutt with emacs.

If you're using the kitchen sink, why not stay completely in emacs?
(Disclaimer: I wrote one of the answers to that meta question)

I used mutt for decades, I still think it's a fine tool, but I found
more happiness in my chosen "notmuch" mail setup.  David & the bunch are
doing a terrific job with the project as whole and the debian packages
in focus, and even if you're building the project directly from the
repository, it's no bother with dabian (even stable).

What I gained by dropping mutt was an uninterupted access to the rest of
my life in emacs, and the user interface is streamlined to hundreds or
thousands of replied messages a day.

A I finish this post, the next keypress will be C-c C-c like many other
emacs modes, which will send the mail to the list, bury the buffer and
redisplay the search results, where I filtered for debian-user and
unread before.


Re: terminal with right-click = paste?

2019-04-10 Thread Peter Wiersig
Lee  writes:
> How does one tell if putty (0.67-3+deb9u1) has all the security fixes
> that are in 0.71?

I think that's what p.d.o is trying to communicate with the bold red
[SECURITY] badge I cut out while pasting the info.


Re: terminal with right-click = paste?

2019-04-10 Thread Peter Wiersig
Lee  writes:
> But again.. wow.  And not in a good way.  Install putty on debian, run
> putty, right click on the putty menu bar (title bar?) and the menu is
> lacking _anything_ to do with how putty behaves.

I never tried PuTTY on linux, but I also grew up with X so middle mouse
paste is my default operandus.

Under Windows the menu is also available with Ctrl-Rightclick in PuTTY,
maybe that behaves the same?

Under Linux a right click on the titlebar is window manager dependant
behaviour (same as with windows, but PuTTY hooks into MS API).

> Not being able to change things on the fly with the
> debian version of putty is .. disappointing at best.

I only saw screenshots of linux PuTTY but the settings menu was featured
in the Gnome Desktop screenshot.


Re: terminal with right-click = paste?

2019-04-10 Thread Peter Wiersig
Lee  writes:
> How do I find out what other terminal programs are already installed
> that I can try?

Installed? I don't know your package list
Installable? see below.

> What terminal programs are available that have a 'right click pastes
> text' option _and_ has a scroll bar that is
> 1. easily visible
> 2. goes up/down a page at a time when left-clicking above/below the scroll bar
> 3. has up/down buttons on the scroll bar that scrolls a line at a time
> when clicking on the button

Package: putty (0.67-3+deb9u1)
Telnet/SSH client for X

also available in jessie or buster


Re: putty go slow

2019-04-10 Thread Peter Wiersig
Michael Stone  writes:
> There's more debugging that could be done if needed, but for .01% I'd
> write it off as a momentary blip, maybe related to load during startup
> of a network service, and ignore it unless it started growing.

Yeah, currently I'm working as a monitoring specialist and after getting
the counters I ran the numbers and put my scale against the result.

I recently watched a conference talk[1] on network monitoring and the
consultant quoted the default settings of .01% for warning and .1% for
critical package errors when averaging the traffic over 15 minutes or
so, coming from the monitoring solution defaults, which we use here in
our datacenter.


[1] german presenter, english slides
english dubbed

Re: putty go slow

2019-04-10 Thread Peter Wiersig
mick crane  writes:
> Just looking I had a misspelled entry in hosts file on windows for the 
> PC that is name server which can't have been helping matters.

No, but problems that arise from that manifest in different ways
contrary to what you posted in the initial mail.

> I'll get some decent cables, a couple of these the plastic clip has 
> broken off.

Here I would put my money, if I was betting where your problems come
from.  There's nothing nicer in the datacenter but to open a transport
bag for a fine new cable and click it in the patch port and the NIC of a
new installed machine, audible (lucky me if I can hear it) and tactile
feedback that send shivers of joy down my spine.

Post to here or a new thread if you need another idea, if that cable
swap doesn't help.  I hope it does.

Mick, have you ever read ESRs and Rick Moens howto on how to ask good questions?

I ask because I almost skipped your initial post because of the way you
asked your question without giving us the technical background into your
setup, which is always hard to get, and during our exchange you'd always
skip past questions and give almost relevant info but with little to zero

Have fun.


Re: putty go slow

2019-04-10 Thread Peter Wiersig
Michael Stone  writes:

> On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 12:00:01PM +0200, Peter Wiersig wrote:
>>> /sbin/ifconfig
>>> enp0s25: flags=4163  mtu 1500
>>>  inet  netmask  broadcast
>>>  inet6 fe80::219:d1ff:fe41:c769  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20
>>>  ether 00:19:d1:41:c7:69  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
>>>  RX packets 47732498  bytes 13998322190 (13.0 GiB)
>>>  RX errors 0  dropped 5642  overruns 0  frame 0
>>Your errors are higher when your received packets are half of mine. But
>>still, 5k of of 47m is a error rate of 0.01%, so a hint, but not
> 5000 drops is insignificant, and you're having him waste his time 
> chasing something that isn't a problem.

No, I encouraged him to reboot the linux side of the puzzle, reproduce
his problem and then check the counters.  I doubt that that would entour
13 GiB datatransfers if the problem is reproducible, I got the
impression the problem is intermittend and I suggested he goes and swaps
the cables for about $10 and see if that helps or not.

I also stated that that error-rate is not the solution, and I guess that
I wont be able to help him solve this problem.  Dan thought the 5k
counter value would indicate a more serious problem.

I also asked for kernel messages regarding his network card, because I
think in his case the error might lie in the link negotiation or duplex
settings for the relevant machines.

I strive for local networks that would have single digit drops in 47m
packets and I'm willing to spend the money for the equipment to achieve
that.  My quoted ifconfig output comes from a rented server in some
datacenter where I don't have the power to choose anything HW related
apart from my price point for the server cost, and they almost reach my
goal in error counters.  I have no idea how critical micks hardware is
and what budget choices he makes.

You have a nice day please, Michael.  Thanks for your contribution to
debian btw.


Re: putty go slow

2019-04-10 Thread Peter Wiersig
mick crane  writes:
> On 2019-04-09 07:46, Peter Wiersig wrote:
>> Is anything else connected to this hub?  If your problems occur, is
>> anything else using the hub concurrently?  Can you reduce the
>> connections only to server and client and maybe a internet uplink?
>> Network printers can do unimaginably bad things in regard to hubs, and
>> even switches.

A second time to point you to a possible problem with network printers.
If you can reproduce the problem and then try to reproduce without the
network printer you might have possible solution.  I came across a best
practice lately to isolate network printers to their own broadcast
segments (VLAN/bridges) and concur.

>> Can you change the hub to a real switch?
>>> but I think it might be a hub.
>>> Perhaps that is the culprit ?
>> Perhaps. Check the "ifconfig" output on the Linux side, maybe reset the
>> server, connect from windows and if you're having problems check the
>> dmesg output regarding the interface.
> how do I tell if it's a switch or a hub ?
> I thought a switch sends data over the required port but a hub sends 
> over all the ports ?

Correct, after a learning phase.

> It's got "8 port switch" printed on it but if there is network activity 
> all the lights seem to flash.

Ok, that simple you can't distinguish between hubs and switches:
If you connect a new device to your network, the switch has still to ask
for IP->MAC resolutions on unknown IPs, and broadcast packets need to be
transmitted on all ports.  But a file transfer for say a linux
distribution ISO should only be flickering 2 LEDs.

I found that there is a price point below which the device is no true
switch anymore and should be replaced.  Over here it's 50 EUR or so,
for your quoted 8 ports.  Correction: Probably lower at 35 EUR. Mazbe I
had more ports with that other price point.

> /sbin/ifconfig
> enp0s25: flags=4163  mtu 1500
>  inet  netmask  broadcast
>  inet6 fe80::219:d1ff:fe41:c769  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20
>  ether 00:19:d1:41:c7:69  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
>  RX packets 47732498  bytes 13998322190 (13.0 GiB)
>  RX errors 0  dropped 5642  overruns 0  frame 0

Your errors are higher when your received packets are half of mine. But
still, 5k of of 47m is a error rate of 0.01%, so a hint, but not

Does the system have any kernel messages for enp0s25 since the last
boot-up?  Alternatively produce new messages by disconnecting the
cable for about 5 seconds and reconnect the network cable. 

> I've got a Buster PC with apache2, cups, dovecot, roundcube as mail and 
> print server.
> a Buster PC I mess about on, a win 10 PC and a printer all connected to 
> the "switch"
> the gateway is a PC with pfsense on it which is connected to "switch" 
> and its other network card connected to ISP router thing.
> Maybe the sluggishness I sometimes observed is Windows updating itself ?

Is your network speed near your downlink speed?  Do you have more than
one Windows 10 machine connected to your network?  I doubt that you can
saturate your windows 10 network interface (probably 1 gbps) with enough
bandwidth so that you could see detoriation in a ssh connection, even
less possible if your devices adhere to QoS packet hints.

>> For reference, here's my output:
>> eth0: flags=4163  mtu 1500
>> inet  netmask  broadcast 
>> ether 00:19:66:f1:43:9e  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
>> RX packets 81994186  bytes 14753508445 (13.7 GiB)
>> RX errors 14  dropped 0  overruns 14  frame 0
>> TX packets 107524155  bytes 14836289080 (13.8 GiB)
>> TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
>> Take note of the 2nd line of RX and TX status lines, there should be no
>> counters there, in my case 14 overruns in regard to 819 million packets
>> is a very low error rate.

and indeed I misread my number and it's a magnitude lower. 81.9m as
Celejar noted.

but mick's error-rate is 2-3 magitudes higher.

>> If in doubt verify that both sides are set to auto-negotiate and 
>> replace both wires from the machines to the hub with new cables.

Like I said, invest in a new set of cables and see if things get better.
You don't need to buy gold-plated ones, but it shouldn't be factory
dropout quality either.


Re: putty go slow

2019-04-08 Thread Peter Wiersig
mick crane  writes:
> the PCs are physically adjacent connected with the RJ45 ( isn't it )
> cables through what is supposed to be a switch I got in B&Q several 
> years ago.

Almost, RJ-45 is the specification for the plug and jacks, what you're
having here is ethernet wiring in twisted pairs between client and
server connected by a hub.  Or switch, please clarify that as that
changes a lot.

Is anything else connected to this hub?  If your problems occur, is
anything else using the hub concurrently?  Can you reduce the
connections only to server and client and maybe a internet uplink?
Network printers can do unimaginably bad things in regard to hubs, and
even switches.

Can you change the hub to a real switch?

> but I think it might be a hub.
> Perhaps that is the culprit ?

Perhaps. Check the "ifconfig" output on the Linux side, maybe reset the
server, connect from windows and if you're having problems check the
dmesg output regarding the interface.

For reference, here's my output:

eth0: flags=4163  mtu 1500
inet  netmask  broadcast
ether 00:19:66:f1:43:9e  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
RX packets 81994186  bytes 14753508445 (13.7 GiB)
RX errors 14  dropped 0  overruns 14  frame 0
TX packets 107524155  bytes 14836289080 (13.8 GiB)
TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

Take note of the 2nd line of RX and TX status lines, there should be no
counters there, in my case 14 overruns in regard to 819 million packets
is a very low error rate.  I suspect that if there's a network problem
it would manifest in some higher relative values on your side.

If in doubt verify that both sides are set to auto-negotiate and replace
both wires from the machines to the hub with new cables.


Re: Tracking the next Stable release

2019-04-08 Thread Peter Wiersig
Francisco M Neto  writes:
>   Sometimes people ask me when is Debian going to release its next Stable;
> that is not an easy answer, since it is not time-based but rather based on the
> number of Release-Critical bugs. 

It's done when it's done and
get's notified.  You'd probably want to subscribe there.


Re: putty go slow

2019-04-08 Thread Peter Wiersig
You'd at least have to explain the type of connection from the putty
client to the server.  But your symptoms don't ring a bell over here
aside from a saturated uplink.


Re: php.ini ignored

2019-03-31 Thread Peter Wiersig
Andrew Wood  writes:
> Configuration File (php.ini) Path /etc/php/7.0/apache2
> Loaded Configuration File /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini
> Scan this dir for additional .ini files   /etc/php/7.0/apache2/conf.d

IIRC the latter files override the main config file. So if your changes
in apache2/php.ini are ignored, check if they are in any of the conf.d


Re: chroot jail for user with rssh

2019-03-28 Thread Peter Wiersig
basti  writes:
> On 28.03.19 08:21, Peter Wiersig wrote:
>> basti  writes:
> Try scp:
> /usr/sbin/sshd -d -p 
> Starting session: command for alice from port 45296 id 0

So that reads as if all is fine, but then the next line indicates that
the client has terminated the connection, without telling the server AFAIK.

> debug1: Received SIGCHLD.
> debug1: session_by_pid: pid 12078
> debug1: session_exit_message: session 0 channel 0 pid 12078
> debug1: session_exit_message: release channel 0
> Received disconnect from port 45296:11: disconnected by user
> Disconnected from port 45296
> ...
> debug1: audit_event: unhandled event 12

that last line is a bit strange. Are your client/server programs


Re: chroot jail for user with rssh

2019-03-28 Thread Peter Wiersig
basti  writes:
> Files inside chroot:
> /home/user# find ./
> ./
> ./bin
> ./bin/ls
> ./bin/date
> ./bin/bash
> ./.ssh
> ./.ssh/authorized_keys
> ./lib
> ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
> ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> ./etc
> ./etc/group
> ./etc/rssh.conf
> ./etc/passwd
> ./foo
> ./usr
> ./usr/bin
> ./usr/bin/rssh
> ./usr/bin/sftp
> ./usr/bin/rsync
> ./usr/bin/scp
> ./usr/lib
> ./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
> ./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> ./dev
> ./dev/random
> ./dev/zero
> ./dev/null
> ./dev/tty
> ./lib64
> ./lib64/

Did you use Russ' supplied script
/usr/share/doc/rss/examples/ to create that environment?

My contents after that script look quite different to your presented

Did you act on the logging notice after using the script, so that the
syslogd listens to the ./dev/log in the chroot?


Re: chroot jail for user with rssh

2019-03-28 Thread Peter Wiersig
basti  writes:

> sftp -vv
> Transferred: sent 2508, received 2260 bytes, in 0.2 seconds
> Bytes per second: sent 15924.1, received 14349.5
> debug1: Exit status 1
> Connection closed
> scp -vv /tmp
> Transferred: sent 2508, received 2304 bytes, in 0.2 seconds
> Bytes per second: sent 15051.0, received 13826.7
> debug1: Exit status 255
> (...)
> I have no idea anymore whats wrong and how can I debug.

You can't debug such setups from the client side.

Have a look in /var/log/auth.log on the server and if that doesn't help:

a) if necessary modify the firewall
b) launch sshd on a different port with no backgrounding and debug
  => sshd -d -p 1234
c) retry above steps with the alternate port



2018-09-12 Thread Peter Wiersig
Lucio  writes:
> undocumented line IGNORE_SMTP_LINE_LENGTH_LIMIT=1 found in
> /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf, generating exim macro
> and that does not sound good to me.

Yeah, remove that.

I think there is quite a lot of *.Debian.gz documentation in the various
exim4 packages.

> What's the correct way to specify a 
> macro (that one or others) in the Exim configuration?

I created /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/00_peter-localmacros for the stuff I
need to control via macros.

But I don't know if you use split config-file or you like the giant


   "2.1.3  Using Exim Macros to control the configuration
   ...  For a non-split configuration,
   /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.localmacros gets read before

Good luck,

Re: a dh keys question?

2018-08-03 Thread Peter Wiersig
Karen Lewellen  writes:

> 1.
> I am not using Linux, but an ssh client compiled from a combination of 
> tools, Linux and otherwise, including putty.

Putty has a "Event Log" entry in its system menu.


Re: apache 2.4 envvars ? Deb 9.4

2018-07-16 Thread Peter Wiersig
Dave  writes:

> when i run apache2, i get an error APACHE_PID_FILE missspelled or 
> unknown var.
> and how do i include the "envvars" in the apache2.conf file ?
> please advise.


   Apache2 Configuration under Debian GNU/Linux

   Please be aware that this layout is quite different from the standard
   Apache configuration. Due to the use of environment variables, apache2
   needs to be started/stopped with '/etc/init.d/apache2', apachectl, or
   apache2ctl. Calling '/usr/bin/apache2' directly will not work with the
   default configuration. To call apache2 with specific command line
   arguments, just call apache2ctl with the same arguments.

I guess both of your problems vanish after you use apache2ctl instead.


Re: Have blkid reports on newly added devices

2011-08-05 Thread Peter Wiersig
On Thu, 4 Aug 2011 17:55:19 + (UTC), T o n g  
> $ blkid | grep sdc || echo no found 
> no found
> Any workaround? 

sudo blkid

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Re: diff original .conf files in packages with the ones installed

2011-07-01 Thread Peter Wiersig
On Fri, 1 Jul 2011 09:44:41 +0200, alberto fuentes  wrote:
> The easier way it comes to mind is to dpkg --get-selections, debootstrap,
> chroot and install the selection and then make the diff.

dpkg-repack and the debdiff command from the package devscripts?


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Re: Features Missing in Debian's Package Management System

2011-06-15 Thread Peter Wiersig
On Wed, 15 Jun 2011 19:32:13 +0200, "Hans-J. Ullrich"  
> Additional to this, my suggestion:
> 1. An option, to read the changelog BEFORE a package is installed or upgraded.


> 2. An option, to see, which files will be installed BEFORE the first 
> installation or at renewing (although, I think, apt-file might be able to 
> handle this somehow, not sure)

Hm, what's interesting here? Config files are preserved if replaced by
the upgrade or left alone with the new file provided under a new name.

> 3. And last but not least: An option, to blacklisting broken packages! (very 
> important)

Built in aptitude and with pinning possible with apt, but I know of no
tool to modify the config.

> mentioned kernel version above are broken. How are those problems handled? If 

testing and unstable are meant to be used along together. no problem
running a mostly testing system with one or two hand picked packages
from unstable.


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Re: Proper Use of adduser.conf

2011-06-14 Thread Peter Wiersig
On Fri, 10 Jun 2011 06:29:26 -0500, Martin McCormick 
> Peter Wiersig writes:
> > What result is printed on "getent passwd testuser"?
> # getent passwd testuser
> testuser:x:28000:28000:a b c,,,:/srv/backups/testuser:/bin/bash

looking ok. 

> > what's the result of "ls -ld ~testuser /srv/backups /srv /"?
> # ls -ld ~testuser /srv/backups/testuser
> drwxr-xr-x 2 testuser testuser 54 Jun  9 13:28/srv/backups/testuser
> drwxr-xr-x 2 testuser testuser 54 Jun  9 13:28/srv/backups/testuser

Here you left out the three directories "/srv/backups /srv /"

Could you please run "ls -ld /srv/backups /srv /"?


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Re: X host will not connect

2011-06-10 Thread Peter Wiersig
On Fri, 10 Jun 2011 06:11:09 +0200, Mark Panen  wrote:
> "synaptic
> X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
> (synaptic:12730): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: localhost:10.0"

Try "ln -sf /home/mark/.Xauthority /root/" as root if mark is the user
logged in via ssh -X.

Note that this link is then permanent and if you wish to revoke roots
access to your display you can rm /root/.Xauthority


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Re: Proper Use of adduser.conf

2011-06-10 Thread Peter Wiersig
On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 15:13:27 -0500, Martin McCormick 
>   When I ran adduser, it appeared to work and placed the
> home directory in /srv/backups but if you su - testuser, it
> complains that there is no home directory.

What result is printed on "getent passwd testuser"?

what's the result of "ls -ld ~testuser /srv/backups /srv /"?


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Re: A dpkg puzzle on debian testing.

2011-03-07 Thread Peter Wiersig
On Mon, 07 Mar 2011 11:53:00 -0500, (R. Clayton) wrote:
> Thus the puzzle: how is it that a package that's not installed prevents an
> installed package from being purged?

smbclient != sambaclient


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