Re: Debian 6.0 'Squeeze' home server - Installation guide

2010-10-22 Thread Pinguim Ribeiro
lee lee at writes:

 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 08:25:03PM +, Pinguim.ribeiro wrote:
  I mean the popularity-contest depends on exim4 | mail-transport-agent,
  packages to be installed later and not by the debian installer.

 You would select to install exim4-daemon-heavy anyway, along with
 clamav and spamassassin. The installer installs these for you, but
 it´s up to you to set them up.

I'll install postfix: easy to setup and integrates clamav and 
spamassassin too

 If you need IMAP, you´d install courier-imap (if you don´t want to use
 cyrus). I haven´t tried courier-imap yet, but it seems to be pretty
 much the only IMAP server that supports maildir.
I'm using dovecot: it also supports maildir

 Having that said, once you have set up a minimal system capable of
 providing the services you need, you could put the output of 'dpkg
 --get-selections' into the guide :)

Great idea! I will!

thanks once again, Lee!
Fernando Ribeiro

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Re: Debian 6.0 'Squeeze' home server - Installation guide

2010-10-21 Thread Pinguim . ribeiro
B. Alexander storm16 at writes:

 Another couple of items that I came up with, to follow up to Lee's post. You
might want to discuss having bastion hosts, such that each server performs a
function. The most obvious (though probably out-of-scope for a home server)
would be that it would be a Bad Idea to put a public anonymous ftp server on the
same machine as your production database server. Now that example would be
overkill for your typical home environment, though it might be valid for a small
business. However, in a home environment, a parallel case might be that you
wouldn't want your mythtv installation running on your backup server. In any
case, you should discuss bastion hosts vs. all-in-one servers. In this
discussion, you could bring up the point that while you can place them on
physical boxes, it might be more cost effective to virtualize them. There are a
number of options here, including * openvz* linux-vserver* kvm* xen* vmware*
virtualboxAll have pros and cons. (I'm still looking for the ultimate solution.)
The first two will only support Linux guests, while KVM requires a 64-bit cpu
with the virtualization instructions (e.g. VT-x or it's AMD equivalent). Xen is
sort of messy to install and vmware...Well, I have real issues with vmware. They
only pay lip service to Linux. There is no Linux client to manage it, except for
vmware server, and that is its own nightmare...VBox is an option, but really
isn't scaled for server-type virtualization.Personally, most of my VMs are on
openvz.In any case, you should definitely have your firewall on a separate
machine, bare metal if possible. I also recommend your backup machine be on a
separate bare metal machine. That said, you can probably combine your various
web servers, etc.--b

Hi b.

You are far more ambitious than I am ;-)

These are great ideas for the future! But I want to keep focused on the
goals for this project: To set up a small home sever and keep things really

I agree with you about virtualization - it was something that crossed my
mind at the beginning - but, as you said, it would be out of scope for a
home server.

Anyway, many thanks for all you suggestions! I'm taking notes, maybe for a
future project ;-)

By the way, following Lee's suggestions I wrote a before you begin page
I hope the helps to clarify the purpose of this project.

Many thanks once again for all your help, support an suggestions!

Fernando Ribeiro

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Debian 6.0 'Squeeze' home server - Installation guide

2010-10-20 Thread Pinguim Ribeiro
Hello all,

Since a few year, I'm maintaining a couple of 'Debian Home Server Installation
Guides' in Portuguese. Now for the third edition I became more ambitious and the
guide will be available also in English ;-)

The main goals are the same as the previews editions: to share with all Linux
enthusiasts how to set up a full featured Linux home (or small office) server,
but keeping implementation and maintenance as simple as possible.

In a easy to follow way (you can copy and paste all you need) this site will
guide you step by step through:

* Debian 6.0 'Squeeze' installation
* System configuration (network, software, remote access,
  system clock, ...)
* Internal server (local network auto configuration,
  file sharing with Windows or Mac clients,
  antivirus and anti-spam filtering, ...)
* Intranet server (web server, instant messaging,
  proxy server with content filtering, media server,
  revision control server, ...)
* E-mail server (secure IMAP server, webmail interface,
  anti-spam e anti-virus filtering integration, e-mail fetching, ...)
* Internet server (http e https with php and MySQL support,
  secure ftp, webdav, ...)
* System monitoring (graphical interface, system statistics,
  e-mail notifications, ...)
* Security (intrusion detection system, security auditing,
  e-mail notifications, )

So please take a look at:

Your feedback will be very welcomed, so please share your opinion, corrections,
questions and suggestions here or in the forum!

For years Linux and the Linux community helped me a lot! These sites are my
retribution to the Linux community!

I hope this guide will help you to!

And if you like it, please spread the word: tell a friend, tell the world!


Portuguese sister projects:

 * Debian 4.0 'Etch' home server:

 * Debian 5.0 'Lenny' home server:

 * Debian 6.0 'Squeeze' home server:

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Re: Debian 6.0 'Squeeze' home server - Installation guide

2010-10-20 Thread Pinguim . ribeiro
lee lee at writes:

Hi lee

Thank you for your notes!

My envision for this tutorial is a guy like me, a bit curious and very
enthusiast about Linux, but not an expert at all ;-) This guy and his
wife both have a desktop PC, a laptop, a few email accounts and lots
of files and they want to have everything in one centralized place.

I know, a NAS would be enought, bu did I mention I'm a curious and very
enthusiast guy about Linux ;-) ?

 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 01:59:42PM +, Pinguim Ribeiro wrote:
  In a easy to follow way (you can copy and paste all you need) this 
  site will
  guide you step by step through:
 There doesn´t seem to be more than the before you begin and
 installation part 1 and part 2?

Yes, for the moment, I just set up the site and wrote the installer guide.
Soon I'll continue to publish other sections. The site will always be a work in
progress: I'll add more and more features over time.

My model is the previous 'Debian lenny server' site at It's in Portuguese but
you can check out the toc on the right side.

 There´s no mentioning about setting up RAID and reasonably

This guide is just for newbies ( like me ;-) ). The idea is to keep it very
simple. But maybe in the near future I'll write a tutorial about-it.

 recommend not to use DHCP but --- if provided by some router --- to
 turn it off in the router and to do all network configuration in the
 LAN manually.

That will be the next section: 'Network Configuration' with static IP address,
DNS and DHCP server, etc.

 you might want to consider to use the server as a firewall and
 router. This would be a topic that could be discussed in the before

For the moment, I'll rely on the router/DSL/Cable modem for that. Most of them
have some sort of firewall set up.

 There doesn´t seem to be a section planned about compiling the
 kernel. Though it´s possible to use a kernel out of the box, the

Yes, for the moment I have no plans for a kernel compilation tutorial.

 One mistake that ppl starting to use Linux often seem to make is
 demanding that everything they can think of somehow magically starts
 to work all by itself. They have no idea about how much there is to
 learn about every aspect, and they don´t realize that they will have
 to do the learning, how time consuming that will be, how much effort
 it takes and how annoying it can be. Instead, they get frustrated

You are absolutely right on that point. Growing pains are inevitable.
Some people gave up, some don't. But everybody can learn a lot with it.
My hope is that this guide will make (at least) a few people to try
and became more curious about the Linux world and eager to learn more
about it.

 Any guide giving even the slightest suggestion that they could easily
 and reasonably set up and administrate a server as complex as you
 envision would mislead them. Trying to give them an idea of what they
 are eventually about to get into and that they need to make one very
 small step after another rather than demanding that everything has to
 work right now is something I´d tell them even before the before you
 begin section.

Again I agree with you. This guide is a step by step guide but it must be
clarified at the beginning. Do you have any suggestions on how to do that

Many thanks once again for your help and support!

Best regards
Fernando Ribeiro

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Re: Debian 6.0 'Squeeze' home server - Installation guide

2010-10-20 Thread Pinguim . ribeiro
Andrei Popescu andreimpopescu at writes:

 On Mi, 20 oct 10, 13:59:42, Pinguim Ribeiro wrote:
  Your feedback will be very welcomed, so please share your
  opinion, corrections,
  questions and suggestions here or in the forum!
 What do you mean by:
 To avoid installation of dependent software packages, answer NO to the 
 popularity contest participation:

hi Andrei

I mean the popularity-contest depends on exim4 | mail-transport-agent,
packages to be installed later and not by the debian installer.

I'll clarify that sentence.

Fernando Ribeiro

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Servidor Debian '6.0' Squeeze' - Guia de Instalação

2010-10-19 Thread Pinguim Ribeiro
Servidor Debian '6.0' Squeeze' - Guia de Instalação

Depois do sucesso que foi o guia de instalação do servidor Debian 4.0 'Etch' e
do servidor Debian 5.0 'Lenny', surge naturalmente o sucessor Servidor Debian
6.0 'Squeeze', baseado na versão 6.0 ou 'Squeeze' da excelente distribuição
linux Debian.

Os objectivos permanecem os mesmos: possibilitar aos entusiastas do Linux a
configuração de um servidor caseiro super-equipado, mas ao mesmo tempo simples
de implementar e manter.

O site pretende ser um guia fácil de como instalar um servidor Linux com um
máximo de funcionalidades e um mínimo de dificuldades.

De um modo claro e fácil de seguir (é possível copiar e colar as instruções)
este guia explica, passo a passo, como:

   * Instalar o linux debian Lenny;
   * Configurar o sistema (rede, software, acesso remoto e relógio do sistema);
   * Servidor interno (configuração automática de rede, partilha de ficheiros
com clientes Windows, filtros antivirus e anti-spam, servidor de proxy, servidor
de media);
   * Servidor de e-mail (servidor seguro de IMAP, interface webmail, filtragem
anti-spam e anti-vírus integrada, recolha e centralização de emails)
   * Servidor Internet (http e https com php e MySQL, ftp seguro, webdav)
   * Monitorização (interface gráfica, análise e informação via email)
   * Segurança (sistemas de detecção de intrusos, auditoria de segurança e
sistemas de alerta via email)

Espreitem então o Servidor Debian 6.0 'Squeeze', disponível em

Deixem opiniões, dúvidas, correcções ou sugestões no fórum ou contactem-me.

E, caso gostem, recomendem a um amigo!

Projectos irmãos:
 - Servidor Debian 5.0. Lenny:
 - Servidor Debian 4.0 Etch:


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Servidor Debian Lenny: Interface webmail: roundcube

2010-06-07 Thread Pinguim . ribeiro
Nenhum servido de email fica completo sem uma interface webmail. O pacote
roundcube fornece uma interface webmail moderna e muito intuitiva. Além disso, é
muito fácil de instalar, como se pode ver no tutorial em


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Howto: Servidor proxy (squid) com filtro de conteúdos (dansguardian) e anti-vírus (clamav) no Debian Lenny 5.0

2009-07-31 Thread Pinguim . Ribeiro
Um proxy é um serviço de rede pelo qual um sistema cliente se liga
indirectamente a outro sistema. Os dados deixam de ser trocados directamente e
passam a ser tratados pelo serviço proxy, que se coloca entre o servidor e o

Graças a esta arquitectura, é possível implementar diversos serviços, tais como
regras de acesso, caches web, filtros de conteúdos, anti-vírus, comunicações
anónimas, etc.

Este guia mostra como instalar um servidor proxy (squid) com filtro de conteúdos
(dansguardian) e anti-vírus (clamav)  no Debian Lenny 5.0:


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Howto: rkhunter: Detecção de rootkits no Debian Lenny 5.0

2009-07-06 Thread Pinguim . Ribeiro
Um rootkit é um pedaço de código malicioso que tenta alterar
componentes do sistema de modo a camuflar a sua existência ou a
existência de ficheiros associados.

Por exemplo, um rootkit que altere os comandos ls ou ps de modo a que
não liste o ou os seus ficheiros e processos em execução, será de
muito difícil detecção e poderá assim abrir uma porta de entrada para
o sistema, comprometendo seriamente a sua segurança.

É portanto imperativo que seja verificado periodicamente a possível
existência de rootkits no sistema, de modo a tomar medidas para os
eliminar o mais rapidamente possível.

Essa é a função do rkhunter e sua a instalação é tão simples quanto
seguir este guia:


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Servidor Debian Lenny: Guia de instalação do Debian Lenny

2008-12-23 Thread Pinguim Ribeiro
A próxima versão da mais sólida distribuição de Linux será a versão
5.0 Lenny.
Para quem não pode esperar mais para a testar, ou simplesmente para
saber o que há de novo, está disponível um guia de instalação da
distribuição debian, versão Lenny, em português, em


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servidor debian: agregação de interfaces de rede

2008-12-14 Thread Pinguim Ribeiro
A maior parte dos sistemas actuais dispõe de 2 ligações Ethernet. Estas podem
ser utilizadas em separado ou em paralelo, numa técnica chamada bonding, que
possibilita o balanceamento de dados (os dados são transmitidos pelas 2
interfaces) e tolerância a falhas (caso uma ligação falhe, a transmissão é
assegurada pela outra).
E é tão fácil agregar as duas interfaces físicas do sistema (eth0 e eth1) para
criar uma nova interface de rede (bond0) de alta disponibilidade:

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Servidor debian etch: monitorização do servidor: munin

2008-12-12 Thread Pinguim Ribeiro
Monitorização do servidor

Por vezes é importante ter um painel de informações onde, rapidamente, possamos
verificar diversos parâmetros do servidor, desde a ocupação da memória, à carga
do processador, passando pelo estado de vários serviços, espaço em disco, etc. A
aplicação de monitorização munin dá-nos essa perspectiva global e imediata.

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