Mouse locator

2021-11-12 Thread Richard Forst
In Debian I want to locate my mouse pointer. And after searching there are some 
suggestion using 

    gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.mouse locate-pointer 

However following that command, it returns No such key “locate-pointer”

I install Debian 11 with Gnome initially, though later on I switch to i3 + 
slim. But gnome related packages are still kept in my env. Any ways I can 
locate my mouse pointer with e.g. pressing left hand side ctrl key?

My environment information: Debian bookworm/sid, Gnome version 40.4. 


gnome-control-center error: Settings schema 'org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power' does not contain a key named 'power-saver-profile-on-low-battery'

2021-10-04 Thread Richard Forst
My gnome-control-center version is 41.0. 
I started to test changing some setting in gnome-control-center; however it 
suddenly crashed and relaunching (by re-executing gnome-control-center command 
in the terminal) shows the following error. It looks like a key is missing. But 
how can I add it back or fix this error? Thanks
(gnome-control-center:19500): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 01:23:11.959: Settings schema 
'org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power' does not contain a key named 
'power-saver-profile-on-low-battery'Trace/breakpoint trap

Re: Lock screen with Gnome 3 login greeter

2021-09-06 Thread Richard Forst
I have gdm3 running. 

    $ ps -ef | grep gdm
    root 465   1  0 16:57 ?    00:00:00 /usr/sbin/gdm3

I have i3lock installed, but I don't use it. Previously I used xscreensaver, 
and it worked without a problem. This time I just want to give a test to use 
gdm style screen lock (so when the screen is locked, the UI is consistent - 
i.e. UI is presented with the login screen after locked), and it should 
automatically lock after configuring with e.g. 5 mins goes blank and after 30 
seconds delay of going blank the screen should lock automatically. 

The screen doesn't automatically lock. The screen just goes black after 5 mins 
(when inactive). Manually locking the screen works without a problem by issuing 
e.g. i3lock - that would cause the screen goes white with a circle printing 
`verifying ...` keyword while unlocking. 

The configuration is in gnome-control-center set the screen to go black after 5 
mins. And 30 seconds delay after the screen goes black, as below:

    # in gnome-control-center
    Privacy > Screen Lock > Automatic Screen Lock (is configured to turn on 
with a blue round icon moved to the right hand side of the bar)
    Privacy > Screen Lock > Automatic Screen Lock Delay (is configured to 30 
seconds in drop down menu)

My current dm should be gdm3. I check /etc/X11/default-display-manager, it 
shows gdm3. 

    $ cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager

I understand I can switch to use i3lock, or xscreensaver to lock screen. This 
time I just want to test whether the screen can be locked (or present me with 
login screen again after N mins inactive) using gdm3 mechanism, i.e. with login 
to lock the screen.

Sorry I know my intention may look weird. But I found some people seems to get 
it working

And I use the same command, but it doesn't work. So I am merely curious how can 
I achieve the same effect. 

Thank you again for your kindly help. Appreciate it!

Sep 5, 2021, 21:18 by

> On Sun, Sep 05, 2021 at 12:50:43PM +0200, Richard Forst wrote:
>> > I switched to use i3. So now after the screen goes blank, it won't display
>> > greeter asking to login again. I read somewhere else on the internet that
>> > gdm3 (I use Debian 11 with kernel 5.10.0-8-amd64) no longer uses
>> > screensaver to lock the session. Instead it uses dbus to activate login
>> > asking user to enter id, password for login.
> I'm not sure if this is helpful, because our setups are clearly
> different, but:
> What I use is startx + fvwm, and I have installed the i3lock package
> as a replacement for xlockmore, which was removed a very long time
> ago.
> When I want to lock my screen, I run "i3lock" as a command (either in
> a terminal, or activated from a WM menu).  This gives a plain white
> screen.  To unlock it, I simply type my password.  There's a green
> circle in the middle of the screen that appears while typing, to let
> me know that my keystrokes are actually being received.
> In my setup, there is no automatic locking at all.  It's always done
> manually, by running i3lock.
> I don't know what your setup is (you mention gdm3, but you didn't actually
> make it clear that you're *running* gdm3 -- it might simply have been
> something that you found during your Internet searches).  You mentioned
> i3, so I thought it might be possible that you're also using i3lock,
> perhaps in some sort of automatic mode.  I don't know how the rest of i3
> works, outside of the i3lock program.
> When your screen locks, what do you see?  Is it a plain white screen?
> A plain black screen?  A still image?  An animation?
> Which display manager are you using, if any?  If you use "startx", then
> the answer is "none", and your setup is similar to mine.  Otherwise,
> you might be using lightdm, or gdm3, or xdm, or any of several other
> display mangers, most of which have the substring "dm" somewhere in
> their name.
> I wonder if switching from gdm3 to lightdm would be enough to solve
> your problem, if you are in fact using gdm3.  I don't know a lot about
> display managers, since I don't use them myself.  Maybe worth looking
> into...?

Re: Lock screen with Gnome 3 login greeter

2021-09-05 Thread Richard Forst
Ok. The link I found previously is [1]. But executing the command provided in 
that link doesn't work either. 
dbus-send --type=method_call \  --dest=org.gnome.ScreenSaver \  
/org/gnome/ScreenSaver \  org.gnome.ScreenSaver.Lock

I appreciate any suggestions or comments. Many thanks.


Sep 5, 2021, 17:32 by

> I switched to use i3. So now after the screen goes blank, it won't display 
> greeter asking to login again. I read somewhere else on the internet that 
> gdm3 (I use Debian 11 with kernel 5.10.0-8-amd64) no longer uses screensaver 
> to lock the session. Instead it uses dbus to activate login asking user to 
> enter id, password for login. However I don't find any related solutions that 
> work. The closest one is [1] (sorry it's Ubuntu env not Debian). But 
> executing that command (in [1]), 
>     > dbus-send --type=method_call \ 
>     --dest=org.gnome.ScreenSaver \
>     /org/gnome/ScreenSaver \
>     org.gnome.ScreenSaver.Lock
> login screen doesn't come back. So what command should I use so that when the 
> system becomes idle, the login screen will be active? 
> I tried configuring gnome-control-center's Privacy > Screen Lock > Automatic 
> Screen Lock set to on (round icon moved to right). And Automatic Screen Lock 
> Delay is set to 30 seconds. However, it's still active (when becoming idle, 
> screen won't be lock with login display). 
> What steps should I perform in order to lock the screen with login being 
> displayed? I know there is xscreensaver. But this time I want to use login 
> instead of xscreensaver, which is nice of course. 
> Thanks
> [1]. >

Lock screen with Gnome 3 login greeter

2021-09-05 Thread Richard Forst
I switched to use i3. So now after the screen goes blank, it won't display 
greeter asking to login again. I read somewhere else on the internet that gdm3 
(I use Debian 11 with kernel 5.10.0-8-amd64) no longer uses screensaver to lock 
the session. Instead it uses dbus to activate login asking user to enter id, 
password for login. However I don't find any related solutions that work. The 
closest one is [1] (sorry it's Ubuntu env not Debian). But executing that 
command (in [1]), 

    dbus-send --type=method_call \
    --dest=org.gnome.ScreenSaver \
    /org/gnome/ScreenSaver \

login screen doesn't come back. So what command should I use so that when the 
system becomes idle, the login screen will be active? 

I tried configuring gnome-control-center's Privacy > Screen Lock > Automatic 
Screen Lock set to on (round icon moved to right). And Automatic Screen Lock 
Delay is set to 30 seconds. However, it's still active (when becoming idle, 
screen won't be lock with login display). 

What steps should I perform in order to lock the screen with login being 
displayed? I know there is xscreensaver. But this time I want to use login 
instead of xscreensaver, which is nice of course. 



Re: How to update Debian 11 source.list to testing?

2021-09-03 Thread Richard Forst
I will change to testing with all keyword switched to testing because my case 
is more often needing to use newer version software compared to stable, which 
also works fine w/t a problem for most of time. 

Thanks for all your help, and advice! Appreciate it!

Sep 4, 2021, 09:30 by

> On 9/3/21, The Wanderer  wrote:
>> On 2021-09-03 at 15:16, Brian wrote:
>>> On Fri 03 Sep 2021 at 13:40:52 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 03, 2021 at 06:24:31PM +0100, Brian wrote:

 In the absence of "pinning", using the two lines that The Wanderer
 posted would give you a testing system, with the option to pull in
 packages from stable if needed.  It's a viable setup.  Sensible.

>>> (...)
>> Absence in testing is the specific reason why I still include that line:
>> in case I need to install a package because I need its functionality,
>> but it's been temporarily removed from testing for whatever reason.
>> That scenario has actually arisen a handful of times over the years, and
>> the rest of the time, having the line included doesn't seem to have done
>> any harm.
>> --
>>  The Wanderer
> In fact, I'm just right now dealing with kinda situation.
> There's this ``[1] which I use with fluxbox to have a couple
> of system monitors at hand, and that depends on some python2 packages.
> I've just made it work, installing manually (# apt-get install packages.deb)
> this packages that I've downloaded from OldStable official archives:
> python-psutil
> python-is-python2 (this is in fact in Testing)
> python-numpy
> python-pkg-resources
> python-cairo
> libffi6
> python-gobject-2
> python-gtk2
> Therefore, my question:
> Is it better to install them as I did, or adding the line in sources.list as
> The Wanderer does?
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Kind regards!
> [1]

How to update Debian 11 source.list to testing?

2021-09-03 Thread Richard Forst
I just installed Debian using netinstall image. I thought I install testing 
version, but apparently it's Debian 11. So now my source.list looks like below:

    deb bullseye main non-free contrib
    deb-src bullseye main non-free contrib

    deb bullseye-security main 
contrib non-free
    deb-src bullseye-security main 
contrib non-free

    deb bullseye-updates main contrib non-free
    deb-src bullseye-updates main contrib non-free

I want to switch to testing version. In the past I just change the keyword from 
e.g. bullseye to testing, and generally there is no weird problem. But I read 
on the internet saying that the source.list should not mix up with different 
version. For instance, Debian 11 with testing. So I am wondering if there is a 
better way to switch to testing? Or reinstalling is the only way to go?


Re: Install Debian netinstall to HP Elitebook 840 G8 problem

2021-09-03 Thread Richard Forst
Ok I am kind of getting what goes wrong. First configure boot options to usb in 
bios setting as usual. 

Then do rebooting. After the screen displays HP logo, pressing esc button, 
which will again enter the bios seting or that kind of screen but it will ask 
(the screen will display) with several options, such as

continuous boot
boot options
bios setup

Then this time, pressing continuous boot or something similar (sorry can't 
remember the name, but it's at the first option). Now it enters to normal boot 
process where lovely debian installer asks me to install or use gui blah blah

It also possible my iso did not burn correctly. I did rebrun iso to usb using 
etcher, which seemingly do validation step. 

Anyway, hopes  this trivial info may be of help to someone who also runs into 
some annoying issues (not debian side) similar like mine. 


Sep 3, 2021, 15:46 by

> I purchased a new laptop HP Elitebook 840 G8, and am trying to install Debian 
> to it. However I encounter a problem. 
> I change the bios setting, but when booting from usb. What was shown on the 
> screen is simply a grub env command line like
> grub>
> instead of a traditional debian install screen which may describe whether to 
> install with GUI or standard mode (non gui). I've repeated installing from 
> netinstall iso many times, but I had never run into such situation. So 
> actually I am stocked. I don't know that's because of UEFI or because the iso 
> burn to usb stick problem (but I check the usb I can see setup.exe, and those 
> bootable files as usual w/t a problem). 
> The netinstall iso is downloaded from [1]. Is it expected now to install 
> debian from grub? Or maybe because the iso I download is broken? 
> I am scratching my head. So I appreciate any comments or suggestions. Thanks!
> [1]. > 

Install Debian netinstall to HP Elitebook 840 G8 problem

2021-09-03 Thread Richard Forst
I purchased a new laptop HP Elitebook 840 G8, and am trying to install Debian 
to it. However I encounter a problem. 

I change the bios setting, but when booting from usb. What was shown on the 
screen is simply a grub env command line like


instead of a traditional debian install screen which may describe whether to 
install with GUI or standard mode (non gui). I've repeated installing from 
netinstall iso many times, but I had never run into such situation. So actually 
I am stocked. I don't know that's because of UEFI or because the iso burn to 
usb stick problem (but I check the usb I can see setup.exe, and those bootable 
files as usual w/t a problem). 

The netinstall iso is downloaded from [1]. Is it expected now to install debian 
from grub? Or maybe because the iso I download is broken? 

I am scratching my head. So I appreciate any comments or suggestions. Thanks!

Can't do apt-update because code name is changed from bullseye to bookworm

2021-08-17 Thread Richard Forst

When doing apt-get update, debian throws following error. It looks like because 
the code name changed from bullseye to bookworm. 

E: Repository ' testing-security InRelease' changed 
its 'Codename' value from 'bullseye-security' to 'bookworm-security'
N: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be 
applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.
E: Repository ' testing InRelease' changed its 
'Codename' value from 'bullseye' to 'bookworm'
N: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be 
applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.
N: Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/binary-i386/Packages' as 
repository ' stable InRelease' doesn't 
support architecture 'i386'

However in my sources.list is neither bullseye nor bookworm as below (I use 
testing-security). How can I fix this error?Thanks

$ sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list
# security 
deb testing-security main contrib non-free
deb-src testing-security main contrib non-free

My environment are:
$ cat /etc/debian_version 
$ uname -r

ifneq problem

2021-03-22 Thread Richard Forst
I have a Makefile used to check whether svn command existing or not. The 
content is below

    $(eval svnbin=$(shell basename $(shell which svn)))
    $(info X$(svnbin)Y)
    $(echo X$(svnbin)Y)
ifneq ($(strip $(svnbin)),svn)
    @echo "$(svnbin)=/=svn"

However, `make` command prints following to the console


This is weird to me as it looks like no hidden character e.g. \n appended at 
the end of svn. The environment I have 

svn (1.14.1 (r1886195)) installed at /usr/bin/svn (`which svn`)
 Debian version bullseye/sid (`cat /etc/debian_version`)
 Make version 4.3 (`make --version`) 
Kernel 5.6.0-1-rt-amd64 (uname -r)

What might cause this printout to console? Or anywhere I should check for 
