Re: LILO (DOH!!) J.B. does it again.

1997-04-25 Thread Richard Sharman
Rick Jones writes:
   New BIOS may support cylinders higher than 1023, but old BIOS doesn't.
   Lilo may not make a distinction. I think you should check again what
   cylinder hda2 starts on. The important fact is where the disk blocks for
   your *kernel* are. With a large disk people often create a root
  I was thinking that it was in the range since it was in / God knows why.
   partition which the *know* is well withing 1024 cylinders so that the
   kernel is always guaranteed to be within range. 

Don't forget that if you use LILO's message parameter, the
file it refers to must also be accessible to LILO!

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Re: kernel 2.1.3x?

1997-04-23 Thread Richard Sharman
Douglas Bates writes:
  It appears that the 2.1.3x series of kernels are indeed development
  versions.  I think I will stay with the 2.0.3x series for a while.

2.1.29 seems pretty stable.  From what I gather, for later ones you
are better off not using modules and then I think you're safe.

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Re: ISDN Support

1997-04-23 Thread Richard Sharman
Dave Cinege writes:
  On 21 Apr 1997 03:58:51 -, Richard Sharman wrote:
  Dave Cinege writes:
Aaaa! And you are using this with linux? Are you sure it is opening 
16650 at 230K?

  Well, I *think* so.  How can I tell?  I use setserial with spd_cust
  and a divisor of 1 with the card jumpered to a base of 3.6864 Mhz;
  this is supposed to produce 230.4K.  Before doing that, using spd_vhi
  giving 115000 bps I tell the Bitsurf the speed is now 230400.  I then
  switch speeds and the bitsrfr responds.  It no longer talks to me if I
  talk to it at 115000.  In fact, it often resets when I do.
  Hmmm, this doesn't sound right. Sorry but this is getting beyond my 
  knowledge. I've never even used spd optionsmy file looks like this:
  STD_FLAGS=session_lockout ^fourport
  echo -n Configuring serial ports
  ${SETSERIAL} -b  /dev/ttyS0 uart 16550A port 0x3F8 irq 4 ${STD_FLAGS}
  ${SETSERIAL} -b  /dev/ttyS1 uart 16550A port 0x2F8 irq 3 ${STD_FLAGS}
  ${SETSERIAL} -bg /dev/ttyS*
  In ppp.options_out I just set a rate of 115200 and everything seems to work 
  fine with my modem. I assumed all you would have to do is change the rate in
  this file to 230400.
  Anybody know whats going on here? 
  I'm certainly interested because I intend to be getting a byte runner 16650 
  card and ISDN TA in a about a week.

I didn't think that the speed parameter actually did anything in pppd.
A quick look at the code shows that it seems to actually set the speed.
I tried changing it to 23.  It didn't produce any error (nor log),
but the ip-up script was now called with $3 (the speed) of 0, prevoiusly
it was 38400.  Actually, it's not that simple.  I'm using diald, so
the speed is specified as a diald option not a pppd option.

The documentation from Byte Runner is a bit skimpy on details (but at
least they did have a Linux directory on their disk,  containing a
recent version of setserial).

This is what I found from experimenting,  in case it helps.  If anyone
knows anything different, plesae let me know.  Assuming you have the
card jumped to the middle base frequency (3.6874 MHz), then:

- if you DON'T set the baud_base parameter on setserial
  - setting the speed with stty of N gives you 2*N,  e.g. an
stty 9600  /dev/ttyS2 gives a speed of 19200.

- if you DO set baud_base to 230400 with setsetserial, then
   what you set with stty is what you get.

So one method of getting the card to be 230400 is to leave baud_base
at its default of 115200,  do a setserail spd_vhi and use 38400 as the

However,  if you want any other speed you have to remember to half the

Alternatively,  if you set baud_base to 230400 then speed up to 38400
are ok as is,  spd_vhi give you 115200.   To get 230400,  you have to
(I think!) use spd_cust and set the divisor to 1.

It seemed to me that if you want to go lower and use something other
than spd_cust you must also set divisor to 0.  It seems that if the
divisor is non zero this overrides everything else.


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Re: ISDN Support

1997-04-21 Thread Richard Sharman
Dave Cinege writes:
  Until recently I just used the built-in serial ports, which are 16650a
  limited to 115000 bps.  I have recently bought a Byte Runner card and
  am talking to the Bitsurfr at 230400 bps.  Have I noticed a big
  Aaaa! And you are using this with linux? Are you sure it is opening the 
  16650 at 230K?
  difference?  No.  I've started trying some tests, and will switch back
  to 115000 and see if it I can measure any difference.  There are
  typically delays at so many points its hard to get consistent results.
  Subjectively (very!) 2 channels are faster than 1, but not twice as
  They sure aremaybe the serial ISN'T opening past 115K.

Well, I *think* so.  How can I tell?  I use setserial with spd_cust
and a divisor of 1 with the card jumpered to a base of 3.6864 Mhz;
this is supposed to produce 230.4K.  Before doing that, using spd_vhi
giving 115000 bps I tell the Bitsurf the speed is now 230400.  I then
switch speeds and the bitsrfr responds.  It no longer talks to me if I
talk to it at 115000.  In fact, it often resets when I do.

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Re: ISDN Support

1997-04-20 Thread Richard Sharman
Kevin Traas writes:
   I have a Motorola Bitsurfr Pro (external).  It works fine under Linux;
   it looks like a modem.  (It has a zillion AT commands.)
  Thanks for the info.  Just a couple of questions grin
  What type of serial port do you have?  16550?  How fast are you running the
  serial connection?   Higher than 115,200bps?  Do you connect at 64K or 128K
  or either?
(Apologies if I should have replied privately rather than following up.
I'm not sure if anyone else on this list is interested...)

Until recently I just used the built-in serial ports, which are 16650a
limited to 115000 bps.  I have recently bought a Byte Runner card and
am talking to the Bitsurfr at 230400 bps.  Have I noticed a big
difference?  No.  I've started trying some tests, and will switch back
to 115000 and see if it I can measure any difference.  There are
typically delays at so many points its hard to get consistent results.
Subjectively (very!) 2 channels are faster than 1, but not twice as

When I connect to work I always use 2 channels (if I can, sometimes it
only connects with 1; I'm not sure why).  Since when connecting to my
ISP I have to pay per-channel per-time I often connect with just 1
channel.  Since I have a static address and ISDN connect time is quite
fast compared with an analog I can disconnect and reconnect
differently (e.g. to download a large file I might switch to 2-channel
operation).  My connect file sees if a specific file exists, and based
on that connects with 1 or 2 channels.

From what I have read, an ISDN router is a much nicer route to go,
but costs more;  at least 50% more and up (way up).

The Linux Journal usually has an ad for an internal ISDN board
with drivers for Linux;  Spellcaster - .

 Canada probably has a National ISDN protocol of it's own
No, I don't think so.  I live in Canada and my Bitsurfr is working!
Actually,  there is one model of Bitsurfr for Canada/US,  and another
for elsewhere (or is it just Europe?  I'm not sure).

 One thing I'm interested in is configuring things so that I can
 establish a 1 or 2 B channel connection on demand.  My ISP supports
 Multilink PPP; therefore, I'd like to set things up so that if I
 know I'm going to be needing all the bandwidth I can get, I'll
 establish the connection using the two B channels. 

I think many routers can change 1 or 2 operations on the fly, but I'm
not sure.  An ISDN-card might let you (especially if you had the
source to the driver!!!).   

 (It would be great if the Linux box could be set to timeout after a
 period of bandwidth saturation, drop the single B channel
 connection, and then reconnect using both B channels)

You might be able to hack diald to do this.  However, if your ISP
assigns you a dynamic IP address you might run into problems.  With a
static IP address you can drop the connection and call back (within a
limited time) and still talk to the telnet or ftp session.  With a
dynamic address the other end would think you were a different person
and so you'd lose your connection.  I think.


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Re: ISDN Support

1997-04-20 Thread Richard Sharman
Oops!  I wrote
  The Linux Journal usually has an ad for an internal ISDN board
  with drivers for Linux;  Spellcaster - .

That should have been

I don't know anything about the card,  but they do support Linux:

From their web page:

  November 6/96 -- SpellCaster ISDN adapter drivers to be added to Linux
  2.1.X kernel release. SpellCaster Telecommunications Inc. is today
  announcing that it's ISDN4Linux based driver is being added to the growing
  list of drivers shipping with the Linux 2.1.X development kernel release. We
  are proud to support and participate in the Linux project and are excited
  about this event.

  November 4

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ISDN Support

1997-04-19 Thread Richard Sharman
Kevin Traas writes:
  Are other ISDN TA's supported by Linux?  i.e. USR Sportster ISDN, Motorola
  Bitsurfer Pro, etc.

Jens B. Jorgensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] said in a reply
| Any external should work as long as it supports PPP Sync-to-Async
| conversion. You just set up a dial script and once you get CONNECT
| you return from the chat script and off it goes.

I have a Motorola Bitsurfr Pro (external).  It works fine under Linux;
it looks like a modem.  (It has a zillion AT commands.)

The Bitsurfr pro supports Multilink PPP which you had mentioned earlier.

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Soundblaster and the kernel

1997-04-19 Thread Richard Sharman
Geoff R Deasey writes:
  Thanks for all the help, I did recompile the kernel and made the modules.
  however I ran into a little problem, cc1 was not found in the path.  I 
  manually added it to the path (strange that it was not in the path).

Do you mean cc1 as in the compliler's cc1?  It shouldn't be in the
path,  you shouldn't be accessing it directly;  it's location is
built into gcc.

  I noticed that there are 2 places to define modules
  which one should I use ?

From man depmod(1):

   The  behaviour  of  depmod and modprobe can be adjusted by
   the (optional) configuration file /etc/conf.modules

Whearas /etc/modules contains the names of kernel modules that are
to be loaded at boot time.

See Documentation/modules.txt in the Linux source for more infomation.

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Emacs keys differences between console and X

1997-04-18 Thread Richard Sharman
Andreas Tille writes:
  I've done some key bindings in my .emacs (more detailed in an
  *.el file called from .emacs but this is not the point):
  (global-set-key [C-left]  'backward-word)
  (global-set-key [C-right] 'forward-word)
  (global-set-key [C-prior] 'beginning-of-buffer)
  (global-set-key [C-next]  'end-of-buffer)
  Well, this works fine under X :-). But under X the Alt-key
  refuses to work as Meta. In any case I have to press ESC-... .

Check that your XF86Config file has this in it (in the 
Section keyboard):

LeftAlt Meta

  While working at the console my Alt-key works fina as Meta,
  but the key bindings mentioned above don't work. C-x or any
  C-[a-z] works fine but it seems me that the Control key didn't
  work together with other special keys.  A hint for this
  behaviour is that C-h kCTRL-LeftArrow says that left
  was pressed (the same when trying C-h kCTRL-F? seems only
  the F?-key to be pressed).

This is much harder.   Here's how to do it.  Basically we use
dumpkeys and loadkeys to specify what happens when you press
Control-left,  then we teach emacs about it.  

1. Use dumpkeys to dump the current key table

% dumpkeys  k

We'll copy that to k.orig to compare our changes after.

2.  Search in this file for Left and we find

keycode 105 = Left
alt keycode 105 = Decr_Console

Now, it would seem that all we have to do would be to add
control keycode 105 = Control_left

But this doesn't work, because loadkeys doesn't know the symbol name
Control_left (or anything like it).  However, there are lots of spare
keysym names.  We'll start with F50.

So we make 2 changes.  Define control left to use string F50
control keycode 105 = F50
and then tell it what characters to produce for F50.

But what should they be?  They could be anything you want,  even
something silly like control left was pressed.  However, this
wouldn't be useful in emacs.  Since left generated the sequence
Esc [ D
I tried using
Esc [ C-d
(meaning escape, left square bracked, control D).  You want to ensure
that this isn't used by anything else, and isn't a prefix of an
existing emacs binding.  I was lucky in this choice.

So, we add this to file k:

# left is  Esc [ D,  so make  Control-left Esc [ C-d
string F50 = \033[\004

3.  Now use loadkeys to load these definitions in.
You'll have to be root to do this bit.

# loadkeys k
Loading k

4. Now, press C-h c Control-left in emacs.   It should say 

ESC [ C-d is undefined

That's good!  Now to teach emacs what it means.  We could do this:

(global-set-key \M-[\C-d   'backward-word)

which works,  but better would be to actually tell emacs that
Esc [ C-d  (or Meta-[ C-d as emacs prints it) is Control-left.
To do this:

(define-key function-key-map \M-[\C-d  '[C-left])

Now pressing C-h C-left should show:

C-left runs the command backward-word

It turns out that emacs already have backward-word bound to
Control-left;  otherwise we would have used

(global-set-key '[C-left] 'backward-word)

5.  Repeat for control-right.  Since right is  Esc [ D   we can
use Esc [ C-d.   Prior is   Esc [ 5 ~  so what should C-Prior
generate?  I tried   C-h c  Esc [ 5 #and that that wasn't used so
I went with that,  and   Esc [ 6 #   for Control-next.a

So,  the differences for loadkey are:

% diff -c k.orig k
*** k.orig  Wed Apr 16 21:42:20 1997
--- k   Wed Apr 16 22:41:01 1997
*** 223,236 
--- 223,243 
  keycode 103 = Up  
  keycode 104 = Prior   
shift   keycode 104 = Scroll_Backward 
+   control keycode 104 = F52
  keycode 105 = Left
alt keycode 105 = Decr_Console
+ # This doesn't work:
+ # control keycode 105 = Control_left
+ # So use F50
+   control keycode 105 = F50
  keycode 106 = Right   
alt keycode 106 = Incr_Console
+   control keycode 106 = F51
  keycode 107 = Select  
  keycode 108 = Down
  keycode 109 = Next
shift   keycode 109 = Scroll_Forward  
+   control keycode 109 = F53
  keycode 110 = Insert  
  keycode 111 = Remove  
control alt keycode 111 = Boot
*** 346,348 
--- 353,371 
  compose '' 'y' to 'ÿ'
  compose 's' 'z' to 'ß'
  compose 'i' 'j' to 'ÿ'
+ # left is  Esc [ D,  so make  Control-left Esc [ C-d
+ string F50 = \033[\004
+ # similarly, make Control-Left  Esc [ C-c
+ string F51 = \033[\003
+ # F52:  Control-Prior
+ # prior is Esc [ 5 ~   Let's use Esc [ 5 # for it
+ string F52 = \033[5#
+ # F53:  Control-Next
+ # next is Esc [ 6 ~
+ string F53 = \033[6#

And the required elisp code is:

(define-key function-key-map \M-[\C-d  '[C-left])
(define-key function-key-map \M-[\C-c  '[C-right])
(define-key function-key-map \M-[5# '[C-prior])
(define-key function-key-map \M-[6# '[C-next])

Re: DEITY TEAM -- one comment

1997-04-17 Thread Richard Sharman
François Gouget writes:
  robert havoc pennington wrote:
When I first installed debian I selected more packages than would fit on
   the disk, and so I ended up with tons of broken packages and had to
   install again.  dselect recovered nicely (something other distributions
   don't do) but since each package has a predictable size it seems dselect
   could have predicted the problem, which would have been even nicer.
  Unfortunately in some cases it is not so simple to check for space 
  availability as /var may be on one partition, /usr on another and /lib yet 
  somewhere else. Yet for most newbie installations it should be no problem 
  one partition anyway), those that made up many partitions probably already 
  what the space requirements will be. Otherwise how did they decide on the 
  partition sizes !

Yes, it may not be foolproof,  but it would be useful to be able to
give a grand total.  For someone just starting who has maybe partitioned
but not loaded yet they could at least see if their partition is big 
enough before they start (rather than doing an install and then find
they have to go back to the vey beginning).   (I'm thinking here of
someone who has started from DOS,  used fips (? I think) to reclaim
space from their DOS partiion and created a Linux one.)

Now, if it could also give totals by the first filename of the path,
I mean like
/var 2,134 K
/usr   203,837 K
/   12,232 K
this would be useful for people who are looking at having multiple
filesystems -- a separate one for /usr for example.

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Help with using ISP name for email

1997-04-16 Thread Richard Sharman
Jason Ish writes:
  I connect to the internet using my school PPP account which gives me a
  user name not very close to my real name and chose to use my first name to
  logon to my personal linux box.  I would like to send email but have it
  come from my school email name and not my localhost name.  I have already
  managed (using smail/mailx) to have the @hostname field changed but mail
  still comes from jason rather than jbi130 (my email username).  
  To fix this I have starting using pine, I start it using sudo as user
  jbi130 on my home system but these becomes a pain (as far as file
  permissions) are concerned when add folders and deleting stuff and so on.
  Is there a better way to go about this.  I use fetchmail ro retrieve from
  my POP3 server but I don't think this has any effect on the sending of the
  Would a better solution maybe to sart using mh and exmh?

I like to send mail from home but want the return address to be valid
so need to change the username to the username I have at the ISP
(rather than the short username at home) and the host name to be the
ISP rather than the home machine. The problem was that I didn't
want this used on local mail.  (No real reason to send myself mail,
but I wanted to be able to do it!!!)  I also wanted to be able to change
both (differently) if I was sending mail to work.   

I spend a while delving into sendmail and came up with a kludge with
sort of worked as far as local vs remote mail,  but wasn't
satisfactory.  Then I found qmail which very easily allows you to do
just these kind of things.

Then I found I needn't have bothered at all!  Since as I send mail from
within Emacs all I have to do is have it automatically add the From
line at the top!

Richard  (locally [EMAIL PROTECTED]  remotely [EMAIL PROTECTED])


1997-04-16 Thread Richard Sharman
Regarding the wish list for the dselect replacement:

1 A what if command:  Tell me what you would do if I said do it.
  I found with dselect I'd somehow told it to remove lots of
  things I hand't meant to, so recently I've been using dpkg directly
  rather than trying to figure out dselect.

2 A merge in command: Someone mentioned the get_selections and 
  set_selections which is useful.  But if I understand correctly
  set_selections replaces everything.  I think it would be nice to
  have a way of adding it to the current set from something.  I
  doubt if it would be useful for single machine situations,  but for
  an installation of several machines one might have a core set
  which is on all machines,  but a few extra sets of packages which
  are enabled on other sets of machines.

3 In the less important but nice to have category:
  Choice of interfaces:  e.g a perl/tk interface and an emacs


Re: Dependency ordering

1997-04-13 Thread Richard Sharman
Paul Wade writes:
  Manoj is outlining a specification that would be great for the above
  method. Standardized components could be tied into mc and similar
  interfaces easily. I would love to be able to hit the F3 (view) key in mc
  on a .deb file and get a nice summary of control info and status. Then hit
  the F4 (edit) or other appropriate key and get an option menu (remove,
  force, upgrade, ) and act on it.
  We definitely need a new dselect, but providing a way to handle packages
  from existing shells, file managers, etc. would solve a lot of the interim

Emacs has a nice feature that when you do a find-file on a (possibly
gzipped) tar file you can look at the individual files.  I was
thinking it would be nice to be able to do the same with a .deb
file.   Maybe there exists such a thing already?

Re: bi

1997-04-12 Thread Richard Sharman
Jason Costomiris writes:
  On 11 Apr 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Bwah.  Real men edit with cat, sed, awk, head and tail.  Better yet, they
  write directly to the disk with a hex sector editor.

sed, head AND tail?   Isn't that a bit extravagent?
head -4 f==   sed 4q f

Actually, if you have awk I don't think you need sed.

Here's head and tail with awk

Head() {
awk (NR  $1) {exit} {print} $2

Tail() {
n=`wc -l $2 | awk {print \\$1 - $1}`
awk ( NR  $n ) {next} {print} $2

The syntax is a little different,  use Head 4 f  instead of head -4 f

% Head 4 f
line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4
% Tail 4 f
line 6
line 7
line 8
line 9
line 10

If you have tac,  tail is much easier:

% tac f | Head 4 - | tac
line 7
line 8
line 9
line 10

xplaycd cddb

1997-04-03 Thread Richard Sharman
I'm not familiar with Xplaycd but a couple of things struck me
as possible problems.

1. Did you xrdb your .Xresources file after the change?

2. Are you sure that xplaycd understands the ~ notation?
   Try putting the full path name in and see if that makes a
   difference.  I mean, something likle
xplaycd*cddb:   /home/pedo/cddb
   (Just guessing at your home directory!)

3. Check the resource name is xplaycd (and not, for example,
   Xplaycd or XPlaycd.  (It it's not in the man page, many window
managers support an info command to give a brief description of
things like resource names.  If not,  you may be able to use
something like xlsclients to find it.)

Pedro Quaresma de Almeida writes:
   I am using Xplaycd and Xmixer (from multimedia package) to
  listen to my CDs and all works fine.
   But when I try to use the cd database (right mouse button)
  the message. 
  cddb resource is not set.
  Using current directory.
  I have already put the line
  on my .Xresources file
  and I have put the line
  *cddb:   ~/cddb
  on /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/XPlaycd
  but I have always the same message, and if I ignore the message and
  save the file it appears in the correct directory (~/cddb) but the
  next time it is not accessed.
  Can you help me?

Probably not!

Re: getting the screen to suspend/turn off: the sage continues

1997-04-03 Thread Richard Sharman
It took me quite a while to get the power-saving blanking to work
under X.   Here's what I did (for a Number Nine (S3-based) card).
I don't know if it is necessary,  but it seemed to me that I had
to make 2 changes;  one in the Device section and one in the
Screen section.  I put both changes at the bottom of the sections.

Section Device
Option power_saver

Section Screen
#  power-saving stuff 
# BlankTime time
#sets the inactivity timeout for the blanking phase
#of the screensaver.  time is in minutes,  and  the
#default   is   10.   This  is  equivalent  to  the
#Xserver's `-s' flag, and the value can be  changed
#at run-time with xset(1).
BlankTime   10
# SuspendTime time
#sets  the  inactivity  timeout for the ``suspend''
#phase of the screensaver.  time is in minutes, the
#default  is  15, and it can be changed at run-time
#with xvidtune(1).  This is only suitable for  VESA
#DPMS  compatible  monitors,  and is only supported
#currently by  some  Xservers.   The  power_saver
#Option must be set for this to be enabled.
SuspendTime 60

# OffTime time
#sets  the inactivity timeout for the ``off'' phase
#of the  screensaver.   time  is  in  minutes,  the
#default  is  30, and it can be changed at run-time
#with xvidtune(1).  This is only suitable for  VESA
#DPMS  compatible  monitors,  and is only supported
#currently by  some  Xservers.   The  power_saver
#Option must be set for this to be enabled.
OffTime 120

# # Refer to /usr/X11R6/lib/doc/README.S3, and the XF86_S3 man page.
# /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/README.S3

Syrus Nemat-Nasser writes:
  On Tue, 1 Apr 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I wrote a week or so ago about getting the screen to suspend/turn off.
   Many replies (correctly) said to use 'Option power_saver' in XF86Config.
   Within 5 minutes, I had it working. The problem is, I haven't been
   able to get it to work since! The one thing different from many that
   posted is that with my system I have to use 'xset s noblank' to even
   get the screensaver to kick in (otherwise only the cursor disappears).
   Also, the screensaver won't work if 'xset s noexpose' is used.
   Using SuspendTime and OffTime don't make a difference. There aren't
   any other options to play with. Has anyone else had problems like this?
   The system uses an ATI Mach64 CT if that matters.
  I've found that I cannot use 'xset s noblank' or the power saver will not 
  work.  I use xlockmore, and it works with screen blanking set.  What I've 
  done is to set the blank time equal to the suspend time.  Note that I 
  manually start xlock from a menu under X.  Note also that xlock must be 
  started with the option -enablesaver to allow the powerdown of the 
  Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

/dev/cua* and /dev/ttyS*

1997-03-21 Thread Richard Sharman
There have been various mailings here along the lines of
/dev/cua* names are deprepcated in favour of /dev/ttyS*.

I was just wondering why the change (and when).  I thought it used to
be that ttyS* was dial-in and cua* was dial-out (or possibly

I looked in /usr/src/linux/Documentation,  and the only reference
I saw was in devices.txt which stated:

  4 charTTY devices
 64 = /dev/ttyS0First serial port
127 = /dev/ttyS63   64th serial port

  5 charAlternate TTY devices
 64 = /dev/cua0 Callout device corresponding to ttyS0
127 = /dev/cua63Callout device corresponding to ttyS63

I was just wondering,  what exactly has changed,  and why?


Re: Where is modutils? bind syntax error

1997-03-13 Thread Richard Sharman
Lawrence Chim writes:
  In a previous message Lawrence Chim said:
   These are the files in modules_2.1.23-1.deb.  It seems that all
   binaries and manpages are missing.
  modules_2.1.23-1 is a dummy package used when upgrading from modules to
  the newer modutils. Unfortunately modutils has not been installed yet.

I ran into this and simply grabbed the latest modutils
(modutils-2.1.23.tar.gz (at that time) from
(in /pub/Linux/kernel/src/v2.1).

diald and dctrl

1997-03-11 Thread Richard Sharman
Richard Morin writes:
  Hi Folks, 
  Does anyone know what the forcing timeout box means in dctrl?  dctrl
  doesn't run every time, but when it does, it has a countdown going on in
  the forcing timeout box.  To me, this means it is forcing the link down,
  but how do I stop it from doing this?
I don't think it means that.   For me, it couuts down from 23:xx:xx,
and never seems to have any affect.  

As far as I can tell,  and in my expeirience,  It is *not* forcing the
link down,   and I strongly suggest you *don't do anything about it*!!!

I checked the documentation,  but couldn't find out what it is meant
for.  I checked the code and still wasn't much the wiser!  I guessed
it might have something to do with the restrict fields whereby you
can have different rules at different times of the day,  so I addded
one but id didn't seem to change things.

(diald is a neat program which dials on demand,  bringing up a link
to the outside world when there is traffic for it.  Very nice if
you're being charged for online time!)


zsh vs bash

1997-03-08 Thread Richard Sharman
Thought writes:
  Hey, what do you guys think is better, zsh or bash?

I prefer zsh,  I find it easier to work with.   For a while it had
several features missing from bash (and most shells),  but bash has
caught up on many of them.   It still has some features which don't
seem to be in bash (though perhaps it's just a matter of finding out
how to setup bash):

* ability to line edit a multi-line command.  I find this very
  useful.  Say you've just typed in a multi-line for...done line
  and need to fix a type or redo it slightly differently.   Under zsh
  you simply using ^p like any single line.
* the vared builtin -- allows you to line edit a variable
  (e.g.  vared path).
* allows you to defined what a word is (e.g. for using
  backward-word).   Using the vared command makes it nice and simple, 
  just do vared WORDCHARS.
* accepts both csh and sh syntax,  which is useful if you're used to a
  tcsh environment at work,  or just like some of the csh things like 
  prompt instead of PS1,  or using a wordlist $path rather than a
  colon-separated $PATH.
* ability to try out an interactive command with M-x without having
  to specifically bind it.
* the infer next command.   (Hmmm,  this seems to be broken now;
  it used to work and was very nice.)   (Bash now has something limilar,
  operate-and-get-next (C-o).  I like zsh's approach where you use this
  command when you want the next command;  bash requires you to think
  ahead and realize before submitting that you will want the next command.)
* automatic completion on variables names,  e.g. type
 export DISP and hit tab.  (I just checked,  in bash you can use
  Esc-$ to specifically complete a variable name;  in zsh the default
  compctl (completion) has been setup to complete for a variable name
  if the command is export.   While the zsh seemed easier,  I guess
  the bash approach allows you to control it more.)

However,  bash has some advantages:

* better built-in help (zsh has some if you set it up as suggested,
  but bash seems better and works out-of-the-box)
* Ability to interactively define keyboard macros (similar to within
* Bash uses the GNU readline which can be used from any C-program.

Actually,  I think the last point is probably a very important one.
Both shell's line editing is good,  but bash's readline can be included
in any C program.   By putting your preferences in your ~/.inputrc file
you can thus customize many programs in one fell swoop.

In any case,  I would say try them both,  and then pick one and read the
manual or info and get familiar with it.  And every so often read it
again to pick some more hints.

There are 2 programs that really pay off putting a bit of effort into
learning: the shell you use and the editor you use.   Picking a simple
and easy to use editor is a short sighted approach.  Pick a powerful
editor and invest some time in learning it.   (You don't have to learn
it all,  and you don't have to learn all that much at first, either.)
It will really pack off.   And I think the same philosophy applies,
perhaps to a lesser degree,  to the shell you use.


very small bash script question

1997-03-08 Thread Richard Sharman
Lawrence Chim writes:
  Does anyone know how to check a directory is empty
  in bash script?

This seems to work for me.   

---  dir_is_empty ---
#! /bin/bash

# syntax dir_is_empty [optional_directory]
# return 0 if it is empty
#1 if it isn't empty (but is a directory)
#2 if parameter is not a directory (error)
#  or too many args given (error)

# Thee 2 varriables must be set for bash to expand the way
# we want it to.   See man bash(1).

case $# in
0 ) DIR=. ;;
1 ) DIR=$1
if [ ! -d $DIR ] ; then
echo 1 $DIR is not a directory
exit 2
fi ;;
* ) echo 1 syntax is $0 [optional directory]
exit 2 ;;

X=`(cd $DIR ; echo *)` 

if [ $X = . .. ] ; then
exit 0
exit 1

Testing it.

ls -al Empty Non1 Non2
total 3
drwxr-xr-x   2 rs   rs   1024 Mar  8 16:56 .
drwxr-xr-x  11 rs   rs   2048 Mar  8 17:26 ..

total 4
drwxr-xr-x   2 rs   rs   1024 Mar  8 16:56 .
drwxr-xr-x  11 rs   rs   2048 Mar  8 17:26 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 rs   rs 29 Mar  8 16:56 date

total 4
drwxr-xr-x   2 rs   rs   1024 Mar  8 16:56 .
drwxr-xr-x  11 rs   rs   2048 Mar  8 17:26 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 rs   rs 29 Mar  8 16:56 .date
./dir_is_empty Empty/ ; echo $?
./dir_is_empty Non1/ ; echo $?
./dir_is_empty Non2/ ; echo $?
./dir_is_empty  ; echo $?
./dir_is_empty  dir_is_emptry  ; echo $?
dir_is_emptry is not a directory