Dave Cinege writes:
 > >
 > >Until recently I just used the built-in serial ports, which are 16650a
 > >limited to 115000 bps.  I have recently bought a Byte Runner card and
 > >am talking to the Bitsurfr at 230400 bps.  Have I noticed a big
 > Ahhhhaaa! And you are using this with linux? Are you sure it is opening the 
 > 16650 at 230K?
 > >difference?  No.  I've started trying some tests, and will switch back
 > >to 115000 and see if it I can measure any difference.  There are
 > >typically delays at so many points its hard to get consistent results.
 > >Subjectively (very!) 2 channels are faster than 1, but not twice as
 > >fast.
 > They sure are....maybe the serial ISN'T opening past 115K.

Well, I *think* so.  How can I tell?  I use setserial with spd_cust
and a divisor of 1 with the card jumpered to a base of 3.6864 Mhz;
this is supposed to produce 230.4K.  Before doing that, using spd_vhi
giving 115000 bps I tell the Bitsurf the speed is now 230400.  I then
switch speeds and the bitsrfr responds.  It no longer talks to me if I
talk to it at 115000.  In fact, it often resets when I do.

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