Mirroring a failing HDD

2006-11-10 Thread Shri Shrikumar

Hi All,

I tried posting this yesterday while not subscribed and didn't look like 
it got through - so trying again after subscribing. If it gets through 
twice - please accept my apologies.

I wonder if someone can help me with a problem that I am having.

There is a server(sarge) that I maintain that used to be mirrored and
all was well. However, the mirror was recently broken and when trying to
rebuild, I run into an interesting problem.

The array rebuilds to about 80% and then restarts. dmesg has the following:

RAID1 conf printout:
--- wd:1 rd:2
disk 0, wo:1, o:1, dev:sda3
disk 1, wo:0, o:1, dev:sdb3
..<6>md: syncing RAID array md1
md: minimum _guaranteed_ reconstruction speed: 1000 KB/sec/disc.
md: using maximum available idle IO bandwith (but not more than 20
KB/sec) for reconstruction.
md: using 128k window, over a total of 155276160 blocks.
ata2: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
ata2: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }
ata2: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
ata2: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }
ata2: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
ata2: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }
ata2: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
ata2: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }
ata2: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
ata2: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }
SCSI error : <1 0 0 0> return code = 0x802
sdb: Current: sense key: Medium Error
   Additional sense: Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed
end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 268475518
ata2: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
ata2: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }
SCSI error : <1 0 0 0> return code = 0x802
sdb: Current: sense key: Medium Error
   Additional sense: Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed
end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 268475526
ata2: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
ata2: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }

//. removed few more of these lines

..<6>md: syncing RAID array md1
md: minimum _guaranteed_ reconstruction speed: 1000 KB/sec/disc.
md: using maximum available idle IO bandwith (but not more than 20
KB/sec) for reconstruction.
md: using 128k window, over a total of 155276160 blocks.

Mirror information as follows:

$ sudo mdadm -D /dev/md1
   Version : 00.90.01
 Creation Time : Tue Nov  8 16:54:09 2005
Raid Level : raid1
Array Size : 155276160 (148.08 GiB 159.00 GB)
   Device Size : 155276160 (148.08 GiB 159.00 GB)
  Raid Devices : 2
 Total Devices : 2
Preferred Minor : 1
   Persistence : Superblock is persistent

   Update Time : Thu Nov  9 17:56:27 2006
 State : active, degraded, recovering
Active Devices : 1
Working Devices : 2
Failed Devices : 0
 Spare Devices : 1

Rebuild Status : 59% complete

  UUID : 526093bb:9a1af158:1faa9404:008c0621
Events : 0.35102711

   Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
  0   00-  removed
  1   8   191  active sync   /dev/sdb3

  2   830  spare rebuilding   /dev/sda3

of the 159GB, only 60gb is allocated(using LVM) and I am guessing that
the failing part is within the unallocated section.

Any help in resolving this would be greatly appreciated. Please let me
know if you require any additional information.

Best Wishes,

PS: I am not subscribed to the list (too much traffic), so a cc: would
be greatly appreciated.

Shri Shrikumar
Technologist Extraordinaire

t: 0845 644 4745
d: 0131 247 8021
f: 0131 478 7377
w: www.kraya.co.uk

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mirroring a failing HDD

2006-11-10 Thread Shri Shrikumar

Douglas Tutty wrote:

On Fri, Nov 10, 2006 at 12:38:43PM +, Shri Shrikumar wrote:

There is a server(sarge) that I maintain that used to be mirrored and
all was well. However, the mirror was recently broken and when trying to
rebuild, I run into an interesting problem.

The array rebuilds to about 80% and then restarts. dmesg has the following:

Hi Doug,

Thanks for you response.

You had a raid consisting of two drives, one of which is /dev/sdb3.  One
died, leaving sdb3.  However, during rebuild /dev/sdb is having read

Not quite. The other drive did not die. I upgraded the kernel and on 
re-boot, the other drive
was mis-read and not re-linked as part of the raid. It was not a hard 
disk failure that caused

the mirror to be broken.

Was the origional failed drive on the same controller?  Could that
drive failure also have killed the controller?  Could it have been a
controller failure and not a drive failure?  Do you have another
controller in the box to which you could connect the drive that is now
hdb?  Are there other drives on this controller that are working OK?

The problem is that its a live server, so can't fiddle around with it 
much. There is another disk on
it which seems to be running just fine. I am fairly confident that it is 
the disk that is failing and not

the controller.

Can you read other partitions on hdb? (and therefore prove that both the
controller and drive are OK)

Yes, there is another partition that is mirrored just fine with sda.

I hope you have good backups.  

Thankfully, I do. It continues to run fine as well due to the corruption 
being outside of the disk being


How does the system work if you disconnect the new drive (sda) so that the
raid runs in degradded mode?  Do you still get read errors?  If you

The raid is currently in degraded mode with just sdb. There are no read 
errors. I am using LVM on raid
to allocate disk space and there is about 60gb unallocated. I am 
guessing that the failed part of the disk is

in this unallocated area.

I suppose the worst case would be to build a brand new mirror using just 
the new disk and pvmove the
data across and then de-commission the dying hdd. I am hoping for an 
easier (and quicker solution though)

Best Wishes,


Shri Shrikumar
Technologist Extraordinaire

t: 0845 644 4745
d: 0131 247 8021
f: 0131 478 7377
w: www.kraya.co.uk

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reporting brute force ssh login attempts

2006-11-15 Thread Shri Shrikumar

Hi All,

I have a few servers on which there is a regular penetration attempts 
using brute force password guessing bots.

There is little risk to the server but am getting more and more annoyed 
by this and as far as I can see am left with two options.

1. Report each ip address that does this. However, a lot of them seems 
to be from asia with no proper abuse@ address to contact. Additionally, 
this can be very time consuming.

2. Change the port number that ssh uses to something else. This has the 
annoyance that I need to pass the new port number in each time I want to 

3. Ignore the issue. Very annoying since logwatch and logcheck 
constantly complain about it. However, I can add filters so it annoys me 

Is there a another option? Alternatively, is there a way of 
automatically reporting offending ip's?

Any input in this matter greatly appreciated.

Best Wishes,


Shri Shrikumar
Technologist Extraordinaire

t: 0845 644 4745
d: 0131 247 8021
f: 0131 478 7377
w: www.kraya.co.uk

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Reporting brute force ssh login attempts

2006-11-15 Thread Shri Shrikumar

Hi Peter,

Peter Colton wrote:
A handy tool I use to cut down on ssh brute force attacks is fail2ban :  You 
can install  it from backports.org. 
Add the backport url to your sources.list

Then after you have installed fail2ban comment out www.backports.org url in 
your apt sources.list so that you will not bring in any unwanted packages in 
the future.


Thank you. That looks like a useful tool. I have already installed it on 
one server to see how it goes. Is there some way of also automatically 
reporting these ip's so that whoever is responsible for that server is 
alerted to a worm or whatever might be causing this?


Shri Shrikumar
Technologist Extraordinaire

t: 0845 644 4745
d: 0131 247 8021
f: 0131 478 7377
w: www.kraya.co.uk

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Running postgresql-7.4 and postgresql-8.1 simultaneously

2006-11-28 Thread Shri Shrikumar


Is it possible to run both the 7.4 and 8.1 versions of postgresql 
simultaneously on the same box. I assume that if I was to download and 
install manually that it would work but is there a way of doing it 
through the package management system?

Best Wishes,


Shri Shrikumar
Technologist Extraordinaire

t: 0845 644 4745
d: 0131 247 8021
f: 0131 478 7377
w: www.kraya.co.uk

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Running postgresql-7.4 and postgresql-8.1 simultaneously

2006-11-28 Thread Shri Shrikumar

Hi Dave,

Dave Ewart wrote:

On Tuesday, 28.11.2006 at 11:04 +, Shri Shrikumar wrote:

Is it possible to run both the 7.4 and 8.1 versions of postgresql
simultaneously on the same box. I assume that if I was to download and
install manually that it would work but is there a way of doing it
through the package management system?

Perhaps we can help further if you explain exactly what you're trying to
achieve by installing both simultaneously?
Thanks for your response. We are working on migrating website from 7.4 
to 8.1 and need to some analysis and benchmarking to compare the two 
systems. We also need to have the 7.4 running in case we need to make 
changes to the live site.

Hope this makes sense.

Best Wishes,


Shri Shrikumar
Technologist Extraordinaire

t: 0845 644 4745
d: 0131 247 8021
f: 0131 478 7377
w: www.kraya.co.uk

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: access to IP address for a machine on inet behind a firewall?

2002-02-24 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Sun, 2002-02-24 at 04:02, Ron Johnson wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Feb 2002 13:33:40 +1000 Alan E. Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > 4 machines in my classroom are attached to a private IP LAN, which is
> > attached through a gateway to the Inet.  I can FTP and so forth from
> > these machines, but I cannot access them directly through the IP
> > addresses I have been assigned.  I want to set up a web server and
> > also to have access to these machines from home.  
> Because your "interior" LAN boxen have private addresses, you can
> not directly address them from the outside.  That's why they have
> private, or non-routable addresses.  Otherwise, if you could access
> them, then there's a route, so they'd need public, routable addresses!
> Get it?  Or am I rambling incoherently?
> Along comes port-forwarding.  Configure it on the firewall and it 
> allows you to, well, forward all the incoming packets directed at
> port X on the firewall to port Y (which may equal X) on an interal
> machine.
> So, If the firewall has IPs and, and 3
> internal machines, and, then
> I could put an externally accessably http daemon on 
> and ftp daemon on
> The ftp and http could both be on, but can not have
> http daemons on &
> Note!! ftp is almost as evil as telnet, since it is just as insecure.
> > Is it possible to discover what INET IP addresses are assigned to
> > these machines (if any)?  How can I learn what IP address a machine
> > outside the LAN associates with my machine? 
> No, but ssh is your friend!  ssh to the firewall, then from there,
> ssh to any other internal 

You could also use VPN - I have four machines at my home office and my
brother and I wanted to play half-life with a friend of ours (who had
cable internet and so do we). Problem was that when authenticating - it
said both me and my brother had the same cd key.

The only solution was if we played a lan game as opposed to an internet

To do this, I set up NT to be a VPN server (I could've used Linux but I
needed Netbios Tunnelling and also to recompile the kernel - which I was
not keen on doing again).

Now the external computer can log onto this network and pretend like it
was connected directly to the hub.

You can do the same with Linux - 

apt-get install pptpd

for more info try,

man pptpd.

There are also some howtos that you find easily from google.

This of course does not work for web access for other people, only for
you / someone else to be able to access the LAN.

Good luck,



3d with nvidia

2002-03-01 Thread Shri Shrikumar

Hi All, 

I have xlibmesa3(4.1.0-14) as well and xserver-xfree86(4.1.0-14)
installed as well as make install(ed) NVIDIA_Kernel(v.2314) and

Relevant parts from my XF86Config-4 is at the end of this email. 

Any thoughts as to why I still get only around 10fps (with ssystem



--XF86Config Extract- 

Section "Module"

Section "Device"
Identifier  "Generic Video Card"
Driver  "nvidia"

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier  "Default Layout"
Screen  "Default Screen"
InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"
InputDevice "Configured Mouse"
InputDevice "Generic Mouse"

Section "DRI"

Re: 3d with nvidia

2002-03-02 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Fri, 2002-03-01 at 22:09, David Bellows wrote:
> According to the README you are also supposed to remove the "dri" and 
> "GLcore" options under the Module section.  

I got a couple of additional frames but still. from 13fps to around
15fps now.

I had gtop running at the same time which showed the CPU at around 50%
with X at around 35%.

Here is the relevant part of the updated XF86Config-4 File

Section "Module"

Section "Device"
Identifier  "Generic Video Card"
Driver  "nvidia"
Option  "NvAGP" "2"
Option  "NoLogo" "true"

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier  "Default Layout"
Screen  "Default Screen"
InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"
InputDevice "Configured Mouse"
InputDevice "Generic Mouse"

Ive also looked throught the readme and here is the output of

- Driver Info - 
NVRM Version: NVIDIA NVdriver Kernel Module  1.0.2314  Fri Nov 30 19:33:20 PST 
Compiled with: gcc version 2.95.4 (Debian prerelease)
-- Card Info --
Model:RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro
IRQ:  11
Video BIOS:
-- AGP Info ---
AGP status:   Enabled
Bridge:   Via Apollo Pro KT133
SBA:  Supported [disabled]
FW:   Supported [disabled]
Rates:4x 2x 1x  [4x]

What is SBA / FW - Why are they disabled ? Any thoughts.

My system seems to be compliant with other parts of the Readme.

The log file does not flag any warnings / errors with regards to the 
card. Im stumped - any ideas.



OT: linuxfund.org

2002-03-06 Thread Shri Shrikumar

Hi All,
just wondering if there was a reason why Debian 
isn't registered at http://www.linuxfund.org

Re: courier-imap setup

2002-03-08 Thread Shri Shrikumar
>I'm having some trouble getting courier-imap to work on my unstable
>box. (courier-imap-ssl is currently not installable due to
>dependency-problem, I filed a bug already).
>So, I installed it, and tried to connect with gnus and
>netscape-messenger. To no avail. My user/pw combination is not
>I investigated further (starting imapd in a shell) and had to realize
>that imapd requires the file /etc/courier/imapd-ssl, which isn't
>there. Even if I touch that file, imapd does only exit right away,
>instead of expecting imapd talk on stdin/out.
>> Any ideas, hints, tips?

I remember trying to set IMAP up but dont remember anything about requiring
ssl or such. I did however have to create a Maildir folder in the users home



Re: Truly stupid menu seting

2002-03-10 Thread Shri Shrikumar

>ON the default woody install, one of the Gnome menu picks is :IDE setup
>tool". Trying to run this as a suer results in the message that you need
>to be root to run it. Cool.
>Trying to login as root using gdm is not allowed.
>Can anyone explain what the **k somebody was thinking when tehy set
>this up!

I think other "more user friendly" distros allow root logins and therefore
comes in handy for them.

I only remember that this as possible with RH6 (which I tried at least two
years ago) so I may be remembering wrong

also, xhost + is probably not the safest thing to do if untrusted machines
have network access to your machine


Re: Moving /var to another drive

2002-03-12 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 15:42, François Chenais wrote:
> And what happens if the /var/log and /var/run dirs that can change during
> the tar ?
>   François

Go into single user mode telinit 1 and then tar. I actually use cp -a
which seems to preserve all the required attributes.

I have done this process before.

%telinit 1
%mkdir mnt/var
%mkdir mnt/usr
%mount /dev/ /mnt/var
%mount /dev/ /mnt/usr
%cp -a /usr/* /mnt/var
%cp -a /var/* /mnt/usr
%umount /mnt/var
%umount /mnt/usr
%rm -r /mnt/var
%rm -r /mnt/usr
%umount /var
%umount /usr
%mv  /var /var.old
%mv /usr /usr.old
%mkdir /var
%mkdir /usr
%mkdir /dev/ /var
%mkdir /dev/ /usr

update /etc/fstab to reflect new changes

%telinit 2

to come back to multiuser

Please note that above steps are from memory - no guarantees - it worked
for me atleast three times. make backups blah blah.

Good luck


> On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 15:33:55 +0200 (EET)
> George Karaolides <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Andrew,
> > 
> > You need to be root on your machine to do this.
> > 
> > Make two partitions on the new drive using
> > 
> > cfdisk /dev/
> > 
> > Then make a filesystem on each partition.  Stick to the tried-and-tested
> > ext2, or go for one of the new journalling ones like ext3 or reiserfs, if
> > you're running a kernel recent enough to support them or can compile one
> > that does.
> > 
> > E.g. mke2fs /dev/
> > 
> > Then mount the first partition e.g. under /mnt
> > 
> > mount /dev/ /mnt
> > 
> > And transfer the data using tar:
> > 
> > tar cplf - -C / var | tar xvf - -C /mnt
> > 
> > Unmount the partition
> > 
> > umount /mnt
> > 
> > Mount the other one and do the same thing for /usr:
> > 
> > mount /dev/
> > tar cplf - -C / usr | tar xvf - -C /mnt
> > umount /mnt
> > 
> > Make sure you type the tar commands exactly as above, you don't want to go
> > dropping the entire copnmtents of /var or /usr (or even / if you v=get it
> > wrong) in the wrong place!
> > 
> > Edit /etc/fstab and either add lines for /usr and /var, or change existing
> > ones, to mount your new filesystems instead of the old ones.  Here's an
> > example:
> > 
> > --- fstab excerpt ---
> > 
> > /dev/sdb6 /usr ext2 rw  0   2
> > /dev/sdb7 /var ext2 rw  0   2
> > 
> > --- end fstab excerpt ---
> > 
> > Then go to single user mode:
> > 
> > telinit S
> > 
> > Unmount /usr and /var:
> > 
> > umount /usr
> > umount /var
> > 
> > Mount all partitions using your new fstab:
> > 
> > mount -a
> > 
> > Check that everything is mounted where it should be:
> > 
> > mount
> > 
> > And go back to your usual runlevel (usually 2 on Debian):
> > 
> > telinit 2
> > 
> > That's it.  Note that if /usr and /var were originally part of your root
> > filesystem, the data will still be there but the new filesystem will be
> > mounted on the top level directory so you won't see it.  After you've
> > successfully transferred /usr and /var out of the root filesystem, you can
> > reclaim the space by going to single user mode, unmounting /usr and /var,
> > and doing the following:
> > 
> > rm -rvf /var
> > rm -rvf /usr
> > mkdir /var
> > mkdir /usr
> > 
> > Be VERY careful that /usr and /var are NOT mounted when you do this!
> > Also note, a space or a slash in the wrong place in either of the above
> > commands can wreck your system completely!
> > 
> > Good luck,
> > 
> > |   George Karaolides  Linustech Advanced Solutions,  |
> > |   tel:   +357 22 55 61 29  86 Ifigenias Street, 3rd Floor,  |
> > |   web:   www.linustech.com.cy  Strovolos, Nicosia CY 2003,  |
> > |   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Republic  of Cyprus.  |
> > 
> > On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, Andrew Stephen wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi
> > >
> > > My /var and /usr partitions have just run out of space and I was wondering
> > > what is the best way to copy them to a new drive that has just been
> > > installed.
> > >
> > > Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Andrew
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Spamassassin: how to "whitelist" a subject?

2002-03-13 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "Anthony Campbell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 2:28 AM
Subject: Spamassassin: how to "whitelist" a subject?

> I get replies from a form on my website; they arrive with a subject
> line: WWW Submission.
> These get detected as spam by Spamassassin. Is there any way to tell
> that they are not?  Whitelist just seems to filter addresses, not
> subjects, and the address at the head of these forms is variable.

If you use procmail, you could filter these into the inbox or another
folder before executing the spamassin recipe

> AC
> --
> Anthony Campbell - running Linux GNU/Debian (Windows-free zone)
> For electronic books on the Assassins and on homeopathy, skeptical
> essays, and over 150 book reviews, go to: http://www.acampbell.org.uk/
> Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In
> obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come
> from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. [Carl Sagan]
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: soundcard use as non-root

2002-03-14 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "George Teodor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 12:54 AM
Subject: soundcard use as non-root

> I have an ess1868 soundcard which works fine but only logged in as
> I can't make it work as user.I'm using potato. Any solutions?

Error messages and such would help. Make sure the user is part of the
audio group

%adduser  audio

as root
logout and back in and now it *should* work



slightly OT: making donation to debian using paypal or such.

2002-03-18 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Hi All,

just wondering if it was / would be possible to make donations to debian
using Paypal or something like that making it a lot easier for people
who are not US based to make donations.



Shri Shrikumar   U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant   23 McDonald RoadTel:
(0131) 558 9990
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web:

backing up /etc

2002-03-19 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Hi All,

Simple question - is there a way to backup merely the files in /etc that
have been modified.

Only a dozen or so config files have been modified and it seems a bit of
a waste to backup around 5Mb of config files when the ones that have
been modified could easily fit on a floppy along with a copy of
dpkg --get-selections.

The other reason is what happens if one of the packges (whose config I
havent touched) has a new standard config file perhaps with better
security - I would then be overwriting the new one.

How does apt figure out when config files have been modified before
asking whether it should install the package maintainers version or keep
the current one.

I hope this makes sense and thank you for your time.



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

Re: backing up /etc

2002-03-20 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "Alvin Oga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Shri Shrikumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "debian users" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 2:48 AM
Subject: Re: backing up /etc

> hi ya
> assuming oyu have a different disk   mounted as /mnt/backup
> ( never backup important data to the same hard disk )
> #
> # backup of last 7 days
> #
> # adjust days to when the last time you did your manual backups
> #
> days=7
> ymd=(date +20%y.%m.%d)
> #
> mount /dev/hd /mnt/backup
> find /etc -mtime -$days -print |tar
zcvf/mnt/backup/etc.$ymd.$days.tgz -T -
> umount /mnt/backup

Thanks, that was certainly helpful.

On a sidenote, if a package installed new config files today and I
didn't touch them - would they still be backup up ? If so, is there any
way to stop them from being backup up. If not, is there any way to get
them to be backed up ? Just curious.



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

Re: dosemu

2002-03-20 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "Phil Reardon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Cheryl Homiak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;

Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: dosemu

> I installed dosemu on my potato box to try to help Cheryl, but it did
> give me any man or info pages.  Who maintains dosemu, anyway?


shows Herbert Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> as the maintainer of this package.

Havent looked at it in depth but it seems that it strongly prefers X and
at least in some cases seems like it just wont work in console mode.

Kind Regards,

Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

> Phil Reardon
> > I've tried doing this several ways; my most recent, which I realize
> > totally accurate, was to put '/dev/hda2" under the hdimage entry in
> > dosemu.conf. This actually did get me some results as I was able to
> > wp5.1 with this setup, but it had other problems. For one thing,
> > apparently bypassed the commands in /usr/lib/dosemu so I couldn't
exit not
> > having access to the exitemu command. Of course, once could copy
> > commands to /dev/hda1 (/dos when mounted) but that made me wonder if
I was
> > also bypassing other important things by this setup. I'm also
confused by
> > the link to
> > /var/lib/dosemu whic contains freedos. Do I still want this stuff in
> > /var/lib/dosemu to be there since i'm not using freedos. Also
there's an
> > autoexec.bat in the /var/lib/dosemu/freedos directory, but most of
> > commands there seem to relate to freedos. Are there any commands
from that
> > autoexec.bat that I need or extra ones that i need to put into my
> > autoexec.bat in /dev/had2 to have this run correctly?
> > My second problem, which may or may not be caused simply by the fact
that I
> > don't have this set up correctly, is that I can't get my com ports
to work.
> > I do have the appropriate /dev indications in my /etc/dosemu.conf in
> > com lines, and if i try to copy something to a braille storage
device I
> > have on com2, I'm told the file was copied but com2, with my storage
> > device, is never actually being accessed.
> > I really do usually try to figure out thing on my own with linux
> > running to a list, but this is getting me totally frustrated and
> > just reading the docs again isn't going to help me if I'm not
> > some key points. Help would be appreciated.
> > TIA.
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: apt-get reinstall?

2002-03-20 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "Elizabeth Barham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 3:33 PM
Subject: apt-get reinstall?

> Hi,
> Is there an easy method to re-install a package? I rebooted my machine
> and apache is segfaulting right as it starts up. Other applications
> are running fine, even Tomcat which taxes memory.
> Any ideas on how to diagnosis this or any ideas on how to re-install?

Your subject line is your answer

apt-get --reinstall install 



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

Re: kermel oops 0002 (Potato, kernel 2.2.17)

2002-03-21 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "Martin Edward John Waller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 9:10 AM
Subject: kermel oops 0002 (Potato, kernel 2.2.17)

> Hello,
> What's a kernel ooops? I've started getting them
> on my home system which freezes when they occur.
> Could it be failing hardware, or will a kernel
> upgrade solve it?

If there is a pattern - ie always crashed at the same place or when you
do the same thing, then maybe a kernel upgrde will fix it.

If however the crashed seem to be random - it seems more like a hardware
issue. Try compiling the kernel a few times and if that is ok, it may be
software. There are also software to check memory like memtest86 which
is apt-gettable.



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

Re: Almost there!

2002-03-22 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "John Bruner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 4:54 AM
Subject: Almost there!

> Hi,
> I have received help getting this far, but now am stuck.
> On my Mac IIfx, I can get to the configuration screen. I tell the
> installer which keyboard I have. The next thing the installer wants to
> do is partition the Hard drive. I select that option. When the screen
> changes, I lose approximately 4 characters on the left side of my
> screen.
> The entire screen is visible up to that point. With those characters
> missing, I cannot choose the commands necessary to partition the
> I believe I am using "woody". One of the initial screens says: Debian
> GNU Linux 3.0
Hi John,

Dont know what kind of monitor you have but you can usually just fiddle
with the monitor controls to move the display to be able to see the rest
of the screen.



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

Re: Sound works, but not for Gnome

2002-03-22 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "stan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Debian User List" 
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: Sound works, but not for Gnome

> On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 07:22:16PM +0800, Crispin Wellington wrote:
> > On Fri, 2002-03-22 at 08:04, stan wrote:
> > > I have a woody machine with sound working for things like
> > > xwatv, etc.
> > >
> > > However, even though I have "use sound" check in Gonems
configuratior, I'm
> > > not geting it's sounds.
> > >
> > > Sugestiosn
> >
> > Try starting esound as a daemon process. Make sure nothing is using
> > sound device and then as root go
> >
> > esd &
> >
> Thanks.
> A quick ps reveals that esd is already runing:
> stan 17623 1  0 Mar17 ?00:00:00 esd -nobeeps
> "stan" is the user that I'm loged intot a gnome session as.
>  And here isa line  form /etc/group
>  audio:x:29:stan,sandi

hi stan,

Try killing that one and just reloading esd no parameters- it should
play a little intro - if it doesn't - you know esd cant access
something. I have esd set to suid root (maybe unsafe - dont care since
only I use the machine)



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

Re: fstab mounted windows shares

2002-03-22 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "curtis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Debian List" 
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 1:33 AM
Subject: fstab mounted windows shares

> Question:
> In order to mount at boot windows shares I have the following fstab
> //Server/sharename/home/Serversharesmb
> username=user,password=password12
> In order for this to work, of course, the username and password are in
> my case, my Domain Username and Password.  These are entered in the
> fstab in plain text.
> The problems are evident.
> 1. There is the issue of safety.
> My password is basically available in text format.
> 2. There is the issue of password changes.
> We have an policy whereby everyone must change their password every 4
> months, which would mean going in and having to change this every 4
> months as well.
> Surely there is a way to not have to enter my username and password in
> the fstab. Or is there?

Here is what I used to do,

I used to have a script in my home directory which asked me for password
and then mounted the sytems - I suppose you could just as well put the
password in your script and set it user readable only.

I used smbmount

from smbmount man page

smbmount service mountpoint [ -o options ]

Options to smbmount are specified  as  a  comma  separated
   list of key=value pairs.

  specifies  the  username  to connect as. If this is
  not given then the  environment  variable  USER  is
  used. This option can also take the form user%pass­
  word or user/workgroup  or  user/workgroup%password
  to allow the password and workgroup to be specified
  as part of the username.

  specifies the SMB password. If not given then  smb­
  mount will prompt for a passeword, unless the guest
  option is given.



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

Re: How to install Debian on NEC Versa 6030X with NO floppy, nor a CD-ROM drive?

2002-03-22 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "Mr. Jan Hearthstone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 6:32 AM
Subject: How to install Debian on NEC Versa 6030X with NO floppy, nor a
CD-ROM drive?

>   Sorry about the previous incomplete message!
>   I understand that there is a way of installing some
> files on the DOS partition, and that I could install
> the rest with the dial-up connection.
>   But - would some kind soul either - give me a "cook
> book" recipe, - or guide me through the installation
> with a lot of messages?
>   Thanks, Hearthstone.


You could try the loadlin utility that you can find in,


more help at http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/mini/Loadlin+Win95-98-ME.html

haven't used it myself but the above should give you some pointers.



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

Re: Sound works, but not for Gnome

2002-03-22 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "stan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Debian User List" 
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: Sound works, but not for Gnome

> On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 01:28:25PM -, Shri Shrikumar wrote:
> Yes, if I run esd as root before loging in as a normal user with gdm,
> works.
> But surely this is not the "debian" way?

Methinks esd needs to be suid root as this is what I had to do. There
might however, be another solution that I dont know about.

If you make esd setuid root - sound will work fine next time you log
into gnome.

chown root /usr/bin/esd (I dont have it installed so this is a guess of
the path)

chmod +u /usr/bin/esd (from memory - man chmod)

I suppose you could also try an strace on esd to see what it doesn't
have permissions for when run as a regular user. I think it has
something to do with creating unix sockets. I dont know much about
strace so cant help you much there either.




Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

Re: dosemu: com ports; /var/lock problem

2002-03-22 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "Cheryl Homiak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 3:13 PM
Subject: dosemu: com ports; /var/lock problem

> I got an email from dosemu's maintainer, Herbert Xu, telling me to
check the
> permissions of /var/lock. when I do "ls -l" it says: "total 0" and
still says
> that when ai do "chmod 1777 /var/lock". However, if I do "ls -l /var"
for "lock"
> it says 'drwxr-xr-x". i have /var on a separate partition. Should I
change the
> permissions for /var?
> My fstab entry for this partition says:
> /dev/hda7 /var ext2 defaults 0 2

in /var, you have to do

%ls lock -dl

to set the perms for lock, you just have to do,

chmod a+rw /var/lock/

dont know about security issues here but im pretty sure that you *dont*
want to set /var to be writable.



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

Re: Are these machines up to it?

2002-03-22 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "Keith O'Connell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 2:39 PM
Subject: Are these machines up to it?

> Hi,
> Over the comming months I am starting a "teach-your-self" program. I
> am learning more of linux than just a desktop. I have a small lan at
> for my wife, daughters and myself. The three of them use WinXP, and I
> have a desktop of myown running stable and a file server for all of
> us, also running stable.
> I now have come by two old machines that I want to employ, but before
> I throw mt self at it, I want to know if they are up to the task, and
> also if they are, will they likley remain suitable for the tasks as
> new versions of software are released
> 1: I have a 133MHz pentium, 1Gb disk and 32Mb ram. I want to use this
>as a firewall.
> 2: Also an 400MHz AMD K6-2, 6Gb disk and 80Mb ram. This is to be a
>name server and an email server
> Neither of them will have X on them, so what I need to know is;
> a: they are not up to the tasks
> b: they are just up to the tasks
> c: they are easily up to the tasks

Hi Keith,

I would definitely say c:

I have a 200MHz 64Mb Ram 4Gb HDD running as a firewall, mail server and
local webserver - no problems whatsoever (3 users). Web is a little slow
but not enough to get me to upgrade.

I have a KDE with evolution and galeon and such memory hungry stuff
running on a 450MHz with 256MB RAM so there.



Re: dosemu: com ports: /var/lock

2002-03-22 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Fri, 2002-03-22 at 17:36, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
> Ok, I restored everything as before as far as the partition permission and
> /etc/fstab and rebooted to be sure, then used "chmod  a+rw /var/lock". That
> worked. The output of "ls -dl lock" is now
> drwxrw-rw- 2 root root" etc.
> I relogged in.
> Ran dosemu as me wit the debugging option.
> Still no com ports; still because you must be suid root.
> Having read some other posts on this through google, I really think the 
> problem
> is in the dosemu coding and not in my lock permissions now, because they are 
> now
> ok.

Have you tried running it as root - does it work? If it doesn't, you
might still have something else left to tweak.



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

plex86-kernel-src not creating deb file

2002-03-23 Thread Shri Shrikumar

I wonder if anybody can help me with this one. I was trying out plex86
and it tries to install the kernel-source package and everything seems
to go well except that the deb isn't actually created. I've tried
looking through the output but it doesn't seem to show any error

Ive copied the debian/lib/modules/./plex86.o to /lib/. and
insmod . lsmod shows plex86 up

% lsmod
Module  Size  Used byTainted: P
plex86158624   0  (unused)
NVdriver  820064  14  (autoclean)

Ive also copied the files from debian/usr but there doesnt seem to be
anything there of real value.

I found some instructions to add /dev/plex86 and here is the dir listing

crw-rw-rw-1 root root  63,   0 Mar 23 15:39 /dev/plex86

ive created the .plex86/win95.hd0, win95.fd0, user.conf(empty) and conf/win95

Ive looked at the help files at plex86.org which talks about a
./misc/load_module.sh which I cant find.

The error message that I get when running plex86 win95 is

/usr/bin/plex86: /usr/lib/plex86//plex86: No such file or directory

I've also attached the output of the build. Does anyone have any ideas
as to what I may be missing here ?

Thanks for your time,


Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Re: Gnome sound not working, how to troubleshoot?

2002-03-23 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Sat, 2002-03-23 at 00:22, stan wrote:
> I'm seting up 2 machines, both have working sound, using mp3blaster
> for instance.
> However niether on iringaly had working sounds from Gnome sessions.
> A helpful list member sugested setting esd to SUID root.
> This cured the problem on one, but not the other.
> I can run esd as a user, and I get the startup beeps/ I've checked mixer
> levels, and they are all set to max. Still no Gnome sounds on the second 
> mahcine.

Try running a sound application like xmms (with the esd plugin) to check
what error it shows



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Gnome sound not working, how to troubleshoot?

2002-03-25 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Sun, 2002-03-24 at 18:32, stan wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 23, 2002 at 04:14:53PM +0000, Shri Shrikumar wrote:
> > On Sat, 2002-03-23 at 00:22, stan wrote:
> > > I'm seting up 2 machines, both have working sound, using mp3blaster
> > > for instance.
> > > 
> > > However niether on iringaly had working sounds from Gnome sessions.
> > > 
> > > A helpful list member sugested setting esd to SUID root.
> > > 
> > > This cured the problem on one, but not the other.
> > > 
> > > I can run esd as a user, and I get the startup beeps/ I've checked mixer
> > > levels, and they are all set to max. Still no Gnome sounds on the second 
> > > mahcine.
> > 
> > Try running a sound application like xmms (with the esd plugin) to check
> > what error it shows
> > 
> xmms works perfectly.
> The problem is specificaly sounds generated by Gnome itself.

If xmms works *with the esd plugin*, esd must be fine. Check to make
sure that you enabled system sounds in the control panel as well as the
starting of the sound server.




Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Still stuck on install of 68k

2002-03-25 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Sun, 2002-03-24 at 09:34, John Bruner wrote:
> Hi,
> It's me again, IIfx. I can't complete an install because my screen
> looses characters on the left side when I get to the part where the
> installer wants to partition the hard drive. I have a full screen up
> until then.
> If someone could send me the commands/options list for that screen,
> ( the one where it says some thing about /sda or ? for help), I might be
> able to complete the install.
> The full screen was there before, it may come back once the install is
> complete. The lost screen real estate may come back.

You might find it easier to partition the hard disk using fdisk - hit
CTRL-F2 to get the second console, press return to get a shell and then
type in

%fdisk /dev/

HD device could be hda hdb hdc...hdX for IDE or sda sdb sdc...sdX for
SCSI. I dont know about other kind of hard drives and their device
names. type m for help.

If you still want  to use cfdisk (the default one that is loaded up),
the important options are (B)ootable, (D)elete, (P)rint, (Q)uit, (W)rite
(with yes or no as expected input).

You could also look up for help on cfdisk on google.com



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Gnome sound not working, how to troubleshoot?

2002-03-26 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 00:07, stan wrote:
> Not certain what special flags ? you want me to give to xmms?

If u right click xmms and choose options -> preferences and for the
output plugin, select esd. If its not in the list - you will have to
isntall  one of the xmms plugins



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to install Debian on NEC Versa 6030X with NO floppy, nor a CD-ROM drive?

2002-03-28 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "Mr. Jan Hearthstone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: How to install Debian on NEC Versa 6030X with NO floppy,
nor a CD-ROM drive?

> --- Shri Shrikumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Mr. Jan Hearthstone"
> > To: 
> > Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 6:32 AM
> > Subject: How to install Debian on NEC Versa 6030X
> > with NO floppy, nor a
> > CD-ROM drive?
> >
> >
> > >   Sorry about the previous incomplete message!
> > >   I understand that there is a way of installing
> > some
> > > files on the DOS partition, and that I could
> > install
> > > the rest with the dial-up connection.
> > >   But - would some kind soul either - give me a
> > "cook
> > > book" recipe, - or guide me through the
> > installation
> > > with a lot of messages?
> > >   Thanks, Hearthstone.
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > You could try the loadlin utility that you can find
> > in,
> >
> > /main/disks-i386/current/dosutils.
> >
> > more help at
> >
> http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/mini/Loadlin+Win95-98-ME.html
> >
> > haven't used it myself but the above should give you
> > some pointers.
> >
> >
> > HTH,
> >
> >
> > Shri
> >
> >
> --
> > Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
> > I.T. Consultant23 McDonald Road
> > Tel: (0131) 558 9990
> > Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX
> > Web: www.urbyte.com
>   Hearthstone writes:
>   I looked at the site you suggested, but it seems to
> me that the site refers to dual OS - Win and Linux.
>   I just want to replace the Win95 with Debian - I
> don't care for the Win95.
>   Hearthstone.

Thats fine - I was under the impression that you win95 currently
installed and want to be able to boot into linux without disk / cd. If
so, just use loadlin to boot into linux.

Once you are there, you can just delete the dos / win partition although
you will want to make sure that linux boots ok using lilo / grub before
eliminating dos entirely.



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What dumps files like magicCfLHA0 into my $HOME?

2002-03-28 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "Mario Vukelic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 6:32 PM
Subject: What dumps files like magicCfLHA0 into my $HOME?

> All with filenames like magic and contents like
> push graphic-context
> viewbox 0 0 26.661 42.525
> affine 0.975207 0 0 0.987654 0 0
> push graphic-context
> fill-rule nonzero
> clip-rule nonzero
> stroke #00
> stroke-miterlimit 4
> push graphic-context
> push graphic-context
> push graphic-context
> push graphic-context
> pop graphic-context
> pop graphic-context
> pop graphic-context
> push graphic-context
> fill #264C8B
> stroke none
> path 'M0,4.69l12.855,37.835l4.558-9.247l9.248,4.558L13.805,0L0,4.69z'
> pop graphic-context
> push graphic-context
> fill #FFE64C
> stroke none
> (etc)
> And how can I stop it from doing that? Any ideas? Thanks

check the date / time on those files - any pattern ? if so, you could
try running lsof at those times.

just a thought


Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: maintenance mode in woody

2002-03-28 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "Marcelo Chiapparini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 4:48 PM
Subject: maintenance mode in woody

> Hello!
> how can I enter the maintenance mode in woody at boot time, for
example for
> run e2fsck?

If u use lilo, when the menu appears, press ctrl, then type in single
after your boot label.

So if you OS label was linux, it would looke like,

linux single



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

clipboard between kde & gnome apps

2002-03-31 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Hi All,

I wonder if there is a solution to this problem. The clipboard doesnt
seem to work between applications from different frameworks (i.e. GNOME
and KDE).

If Im running KDE with klipper at the bottom right of the screen, it
will copy the clipboard from the GNOME apps so they paste into other
apps but it *doesnt* do it the other way. i.e. copy the clipboard
contents from the KDE apps for GNOME to use.

What does everyone else do to copy and paste between applications in X.

All thoughts appreciated,


Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Is this enough ?

2002-03-31 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "faisal gillani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "list debaun" 
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2002 3:25 PM
Subject: Is this enough ?

> Well i have a machine which is intel 200 mhz with 32
> mb ram sitting in my backward can i use it as a debain
> + apache web server on my network for small load "30
> users to be exact "of users ?

I would think so although upgrading RAM would certainly not hurt. There
was a similar question asked not so long ago(last coupla months)- I
would recommend checking the archives at lists.debian.org

the thread starts at




Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: clipboard between kde & gnome apps

2002-04-01 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Sun, 2002-03-31 at 17:26, Joachim Fahnenmueller wrote:
> Hi Shri,
> the standard X way should always be possible:
> mark text with left mouse button, then click with middle mouse button where 
> you want to paste it.
Hi Joachim

That works perfectly - thanks - I knew there must be a better way.


Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: cd-rom Help!!!

2002-04-05 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "fti International" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 9:11 PM
Subject: cd-rom Help!!!

> I think the cd-rom on my pc is an IDE deice, so I tried
> "/dev/hdb", "/dev/hdc", and "/dev/hdc".  All of them resulted
> in an error like
>  " ...not recognized by kernel as a block devie"

try /dev/cdrom (which is usually linked to the right device)

If you have a fast inet connection, I would recommend using that instead
of the cd's



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Linux/Windows Universal Benchmark

2001-12-01 Thread Shri Shrikumar
> No, of course not. Different systems do different things well and 
> poorly. For example: Write a "benchmark" that starts and stops 10,000 
> processes and Linux will beat Windows hands-down. Write a "benchmark" 
> that starts and stops 10,000 threads and Windows will beat Linux 
> hands-down (if it's not still running the process benchmark...).

U out of curiosity, Why / how does windows beat Linux ? Is it
technically very difficult / impossible to have an OS that does
processes and threads very fast or has Linux CHOSEN to give more
importance to processes than to threads and why ?



Re: galeon

2001-12-01 Thread Shri Shrikumar

On Sat, 2001-12-01 at 23:42, Warren A. Layton wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 01, 2001 at 03:24:17PM -0800, ben wrote:
> where is galeon? i've run every manipulation of apt-get and dpkg i
know but i 
> can't find it anywhere.
> I did a search on http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages and found:
>   unstable galeon 1.0-2 (1823.6k)
unstable non-us

it didn't work for me until I added non-us as well

deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US unstable/non-US main contrib

to my /etc/apt/sources.list

you might not need the contrib non-free parts

Good luck,


Re: Alcatel SpeedTouch USB Modem Setup...

2001-12-03 Thread Shri Shrikumar
 agpgart: Maximum main memory to use for agp
> memory: 86M
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: agpgart: Detected Ali M1632 chipset
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: agpgart: AGP aperture is 64M @ 0xe000
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: [drm] Initialized tdfx 1.0.0 20010216 on
> minor 0
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: [drm] AGP 0.99 on ALi M1621 @ 0xe000 64MB
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: [drm] Initialized radeon 1.1.1 20010405 on
> minor 1
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: es1371: version v0.30 time 22:39:30 Nov 30
> 2001
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: Linux Kernel Card Services 3.1.22
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: options: [pci] [cardbus] [pm]
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: PCI: Guessed IRQ 11 for device 00:13.0
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 00:13.1
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: PCI: Guessed IRQ 11 for device 00:13.1
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 00:13.0
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: usb.c: registered new driver usbdevfs
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: usb.c: registered new driver hub
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: Yenta IRQ list 0638, PCI irq11
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: Socket status: 3006
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: Yenta IRQ list 0638, PCI irq11
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: Socket status: 3410
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: usb.c: registered new driver usb-storage
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: USB Mass Storage support registered.
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP, IGMP
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: IP: routing cache hash table of 512 buckets,
> 4Kbytes
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192
> bind 8192)
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux
> NET4.0.
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: Freeing unused kernel memory: 220k freed
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: PCI: Guessed IRQ 11 for device 00:14.0
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: usb-ohci.c: USB OHCI at membase 0xc8022000,
> IRQ 11
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: usb-ohci.c: usb-00:14.0, Acer Laboratories
> Inc. [ALi] M5237 USB
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: usb.c: new USB bus registered, assigned bus
> number 1
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: hub.c: USB hub found
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: hub.c: 3 ports detected
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: usb-uhci.c: $Revision: 1.268 $ time 22:43:44
> Nov 30 2001
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: usb-uhci.c: High bandwidth mode enabled
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: usb-uhci.c: v1.268:USB Universal Host
> Controller Interface driver
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: Adding Swap: 192740k swap-space (priority -1)
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: usb-uhci.c: $Revision: 1.268 $ time 22:43:44
> Nov 30 2001
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: usb-uhci.c: High bandwidth mode enabled
> Dec 3 13:19:08 kungfoo kernel: usb-uhci.c: v1.268:USB Universal Host
> Controller Interface driver
> Dec 3 13:19:09 kungfoo kernel: cs: IO port probe 0x0c00-0x0cff: clean.
> Dec 3 13:19:09 kungfoo kernel: cs: IO port probe 0x0800-0x08ff: clean.
> Dec 3 13:19:09 kungfoo kernel: cs: IO port probe 0x0100-0x04ff: excluding
> 0x378-0x37f 0x408-0x40f 0x480-0x48f 0x4d0-0x4d7
> Dec 3 13:19:09 kungfoo kernel: cs: IO port probe 0x0a00-0x0aff: clean.
> Dec 3 13:19:09 kungfoo kernel: cs: memory probe 0xa000-0xa0ff:
> clean.
> Dec 3 13:28:55 kungfoo kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/2,
> assigned device number 2
> Dec 3 13:28:56 kungfoo kernel: usb.c: USB device 2 (vend/prod 0x6b9/0x4061)
> is not claimed by any active driver.
> Dec 3 13:28:56 kungfoo /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: Modprobe and setup speedtouch
> for USB product 6b9/4061/0
> Dec 3 13:28:56 kungfoo /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: Module setup speedtouch for
> USB product 6b9/4061/0
> Dec 3 13:28:56 kungfoo kernel: usb.c: registered new driver Alcatel
> SpeedTouch USB
> Dec 3 13:28:56 kungfoo kernel: usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout
> Dec 3 13:28:56 kungfoo kernel: usbdevfs: USBDEVFS_BULK failed dev 2 ep 0x85
> len 512 ret -110
> Dec 3 13:29:30 kungfoo kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the
> University of California
> Dec 3 13:29:30 kungfoo kernel: PPP generic driver version 2.4.1
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Shri Shrikumar

U R Byte Solutions
23 McDonald Road
Edinburgh EH7 4LX


Only three fonts available in KDE ?

2001-12-03 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Hi All,

I seem to only be able to access three fonts in KDE (Bitstream Charter,
Courier 10 Pitch & Cursor)for some strange reason. Everything seems to
be fine under GNOME. 

Even if I load up a KDE application in GNOME like kdevelop - the fonts
show up fine in the font list.

Any Ideas.



Re: Only three fonts available in KDE ? (FIXED)

2001-12-03 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Thank you Nathan,

It was indeed the anti-aliasing and now things are starting to get
legible again.



On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 21:03, Nathan Weston wrote:
> You probably have font anti-aliasing turned on... I believe this limits your 
> selection of fonts to those for which AA works.
> Or, you may not have specified all of your font directories in your 
> /etc/X11/XftConfig
> Try adding "dir" lines to XftConfig, turning off AA (Control 
> Center->Look&Feel->Fonts), or getting more truetype fonts (apt-get install 
> msttcorefonts).
> Good luck,
> Nathan

Re: ARGH!! Now It's WORSE :-(

2001-12-05 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Wed, 2001-12-05 at 18:19, Stan Brown wrote:
> Somehow I have installed something on the machine at work that spits out an
> erro meesgae about every 5 minutes about an I/O error on the floppy (which
> I NEVER use). 

Find out if your floppy drive is mounted by using just 




df would also show an error if there was some problem accessing the
device. if there is an error on any device - just try umounting it and
using umount -f (as root) if necessary.

> I've posted about this twice in the last week or so, but never goy any
> useful answers. So this morning I wnet through dselect trying to compare
> packages between teh machines, I dleted a few packages on the machine at
> work in an effort to get rid of this (since it make using the console
> impossible). Now it's worse! Now in addiation to that error I'm geting
> "cdrom: open failed"

Do you use cdrom sources with apt - if so, you might want to switch that
off. check your fstab to see if the cdrom or floppy are mounted
automatically (they probably shouldn't be and there should be noauto in
their options)

With regards to access to console, Have you tried switching to another
console like tty2 - tty6 to see if the messages show up there as well.

Also, if you ssh in, the messages should not show up. this should make
troubleshooting easier.

check your /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog and run dmesg, see if
there is anything *interesting* there. also run ps -e to see if there
are any processes running that shouldn't be.

Just some thoughts as to where the problem might be.

Good Luck


Re: apt-get connect takes forever, download instantaneous

2001-12-09 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Just a thought,

try ping www.debian.org. if it takes a while to resolve the ip address,
then the problem is something to do with the dns server (yours /

you could also try dig www.debian.org and see how long that takes.

good luck,


Shri Shrikumar

U R Byte Solutions
23 McDonald Road
Edinburgh EH7 4LX


On Sun, 2001-12-09 at 07:35, Seth Delackner wrote:
> First, hello and thanks.  Please be gentle, this is my first debian-users
> post.
> Whilst installing debian-stable I am encountering the most bizarre
> behavior: During the apt-setup stage, using ftp or http,
> the "Connecting" stage of opening an apt mirror takes upwards of a
> minute, but the actual file transfers happen quite fast over my DSL.
> First I thought this might be alleviated by forcing apt to do passive
> ftp transfers using the apt.conf line 'Acquire::ftp::passive "true";',
> but this didn't help.
> Because the linux machine is behind a NAT firewall that might have
> been causing grief, I tried setting apt-setup to use http, though
> this didn't help.  So I set apt.conf to include 'Acquire::http::Proxy'
> of my firewall's http proxy.  While apt was happy to now use my proxy,
> it still took about a minute to connect.
> Now, I've been watching my firewall's debug output, and after the
> apt-setup program DNS queries the mirror's name, nothing  happens
> for a minute or so, then suddenly a burst of http requests flow by
> as it retrieves the files.
> I've tried looking through the archive and searched google a million
> different ways, but have failed utterly to find an answer to this.
> Also! If anyone is still reading: The debian install guide makes
> absolutely no mention of the apt.conf options and I had to look
> far and wide to stumble on the apt.conf man page because by that
> stage of my net install man pages were not yet available...
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Linux 2.4.14 and Integrated IPtables?

2001-12-13 Thread Shri Shrikumar

There is a package called iptables in woody / sid that you need to
install to be able to make use of it.



On Thu, 2001-12-13 at 23:57, Bender, Jeff wrote:
> I just recently upgraded my kernel to Linux 2.4.14 with the IPTables
> compilied into the kernel.  Supposedly it comes integrated into the kernel.
> I looked everywhere for the iptables binary and couldn't find it.  I did a
> 'find / -name iptables' and even an 'updatedb' then 'locate iptables'.  No
> binary found.  I resorted to downloading the source code and  make it on my
> system.
> Am I missing something or did they forget to add the binary?
> ~ Clueless
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: URGENT: sid update - now can't start X

2001-12-18 Thread Shri Shrikumar

you might have to download and install nvidia_glx and nvidia_kernel
packages if you haven't done so already and change your driver from nv
to nvidia - I was stuck at that for a day or so.

good luck,


Shri Shrikumar
I.T. Consultant

U R Byte Solutions
23 McDonald Road
Edinburgh EH7 4LX
United Kingdom

Tel: (0131) 558 9990
Web: www.urbyte.com

On Tue, 2001-12-18 at 22:33, Rick Macdonald wrote:
> I've been running sid for some time now, but only update occasionally. I
> updated my laptop last week without problems and today did my desktop.
> Now I can't start gnome, or even run "startx". The last few lines that I
> get are:
> Error loading keymap /var/tmp/server-0.xkm
> Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap
> Could not init font path element ...speedo... removing from list!
> Waiting for X server to shut down
> The speedo problem has been there for months so isn't related.
> I didn't think I was using XKB extensions of any kind.
> The upgrade made no changes to my XF86Config-4 file.
> I'm using an older nvidia driver (#799 or so).
> Any ideas?
> ...RickM...
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

stable gcc for sid

2001-12-21 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Hi All,

Im keen on getting a stable version of a c++ compiler for sid. the
version I have says that it is a debian prerelease version and tends to
show internal error when compiling an application.

I've tried getting gcc from testing but that too seems to be a
pre-release and the one froms stable seems to want to remove a buch of
stuff I think I would like to keep.

I also have gcc-3.0 installed - would simply removing this bring gcc
back to a stable state ?

I upgrade quite regularly - once every few days.

Any thoughts / ideas. All Welcome.


Shri Shrikumar
I.T. Consultant

U R Byte Solutions
23 McDonald Road
Edinburgh EH7 4LX
United Kingdom

Tel: (0131) 558 9990
Web: www.urbyte.com

Re: stable gcc for sid

2001-12-21 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Fri, 2001-12-21 at 15:10, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 21, 2001 at 14:56:06 +0000, Shri Shrikumar wrote:
> > Im keen on getting a stable version of a c++ compiler for sid. the version
> > I have says that it is a debian prerelease version
> That's because, technically speaking, it is. It is a stable release of gcc,
> updated with CVS changes from the relevant branch (which essentially should
> be bugfixes only).

except if I run make again(without doing anything else), it goes through
fine so I _cant_ reproduce the problem. Its seems to be almost random. 

It hasn't happened since the last upgrade though so I guess it may be
eliminated. I was just a little concerned maybe the compiler was working
incorrectly for some reason.

Thanx for the help,


Shri Shrikumar
I.T. Consultant

U R Byte Solutions
23 McDonald Road
Edinburgh EH7 4LX
United Kingdom

Tel: (0131) 558 9990
Web: www.urbyte.com

Re: stable gcc for sid

2001-12-21 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Fri, 2001-12-21 at 16:38, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 21, 2001 at 16:41:27 +0000, Shri Shrikumar wrote:
> > except if I run make again(without doing anything else), it goes through
> > fine so I _cant_ reproduce the problem. Its seems to be almost random. 
> That's a typical sign of bad or badly configured hardware. Time to read
> http://www.bitwizard.nl/sig11/ .

It doesn't segfault - it merely says internal compiler error. A lot of
warnings are being spewed out through the compiles - I figured it may be
the number of warnings that is triggering this instead of popping an
error saying "Too Many Warnings."

I am nevertheless checking the site out; you never know - it may be
harware related.



Shri Shrikumar
I.T. Consultant

U R Byte Solutions
23 McDonald Road
Edinburgh EH7 4LX
United Kingdom

Tel: (0131) 558 9990
Web: www.urbyte.com

Re: OT: performance problems.

2002-01-06 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Sun, 2002-01-06 at 15:52, martin f krafft wrote:
> folks, sorry if i am posting this here, but i am sort of clueless, and
> i'd love some advise from you wise people!
> i have this AMD Thunderbird 1.3 GHz machine with 512Mb of SD-RAM, a 1Gb
> swap partition on a 20Gb 5400 seagate IDE drive. that's quite powerful,
> isn't it?
> Linux piper 2.4.9 #1 Tue Sep 11 15:39:28 CEST 2001 i686 unknown
> 16:45:25 up 13 days,  1:17,  7 users,  load average: 3.40, 3.56, 3.70
> 84 processes: 83 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
> CPU states:   0.8% user,  22.3% system,   1.0% nice,  75.9% idle
> Mem:505844K total,   502788K used, 3056K free,11456K buffers
> Swap:   996020K total,31172K used,   964848K free,   438552K cached
> however, i am continuously having troubles. for instance, in a typical
> situation, i'd have windowmaker running with four terms, xmms playing
> some 192kbps MP3s, some ssh sessions into it, and an rsync, bzip/gzip,
> or make-kpkg process running. i am not usually interactively using X.
> in such a situation, xmms (or mpg123 without X, it doesn't matter)
> continuously skips on MP3s and it's *very* annoying. i even went as far
> as to renice xmms to -20 *and* rsync/bzip/gzip/make-kpkg to 20, but it
> doesn't really help.
> this is ridiculous. a 1.3 GHz machine should really be able to handle
> two intense processes at the same time, after all, UNIX is a true
> time-sharing OS. but i am at a loss why this thing is unable to handle
> two processes.

only thing I can think of is to try xmms without the cpu hogging stuff
to make sure that it is the cpu causing the skips and not a slow
internet connection.

I dont enough about how all the stuff works in linux but it may also be
that it isn't xmms that is skipping but the internet connection is
somehow being interrupted by the cpu-intensive tasks. just a thought.



umsdos and vfat works but no uvfat - any ideas?

2002-06-15 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Hi All,

I've been trying to get uvfat working and it says that I just need to
enable umsdos and vfat (which I have) and they both work fine.

However, when I do 

mount -t uvfat /dev/hda11 /mnt

it tells me that uvfat is not supported by the kernel.

Anybody get uvfat working and if so, how ? Im running kernel 2.4.18 BTW
on Deb Woody.



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problems getting crontab to execute my script

2002-06-15 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Sat, 2002-06-15 at 11:55, Søren Neigaard wrote:
> I have made a script that restarts a Java app., and I have no trouble
> running it manually. But when I try to run it with crontab, nothing
> happends!?
> Here is my crontab line (as root):
> 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * 
> /projects/proximus/bin/restart_proximus.sh
> Should this not call my script every 5 minutes?
> --
> Med venlig hilsen/Best regards,
>  Søren Neigaard mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
>  "First we thought the PC was a calculator. Then we found out how to turn 
> numbers into letters with ASCII — and we thought it was a typewriter. Then we 
> discovered graphics, and we thought it was a television. With the World Wide 
> Web, we've realized it's a brochure."

Maybe defining java classpath and other env variables in the script
would help.




with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: umsdos and vfat works but no uvfat - any ideas?

2002-06-16 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Sun, 2002-06-16 at 20:03, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 15, 2002 at 04:36:28PM +0100, Shri Shrikumar wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > I've been trying to get uvfat working and it says that I just need to
> > enable umsdos and vfat (which I have) and they both work fine.
> > 
> > However, when I do 
> > 
> > mount -t uvfat /dev/hda11 /mnt
> > 
> > it tells me that uvfat is not supported by the kernel.
> > 
> > Anybody get uvfat working and if so, how ? Im running kernel 2.4.18 BTW
> > on Deb Woody.
> root # modprobe umsdos
> root # modprobe vfat
> root # cat /proc/filesystems
> nodev   rootfs
> nodev   bdev
> nodev   proc
> nodev   sockfs
> nodev   tmpfs
> nodev   shm
> nodev   pipefs
> cramfs
> nodev   devfs
> nodev   devpts
> ext3
> ext2
> nodev   autofs
> msdos
> umsdos
> vfat
> Looks like no support for "uvfat".  But I do not see "uvfat" in manual
> page of "mount".  I see no occurance of "uvfat" in 2.4 kernel source.
> Where did you get idea for "uvfat"?

just google for it (I was originally looking for vfat with unix meta
information like umsdos for msdos)

It looks like it existed at least at some point. Any ideas where I might
be able to get more info on it - couldn't really find any email
addresses in my hunt.

All help appreciated.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

msdos has umsdos and vfat has ?????

2002-06-18 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Hi Guys n Gals,

I would like to have umsdos with the long file name ability. Does anyone
have such a setup ? If so, how ?

My googling brought up uvfat (from around 1997-1998) but that seems to
have disappeared altogether from most everywhere.



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

most secure services (DNS, Web, Mail)

2002-06-18 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Hi All,

Ive finally decided to venture and let people see my machine permanently
connected to the net. This machine is of course running debian. It is
running testing as of a couple of months or so. I plan to let it go into
woody and stay there (upgraded to woody so many months ago primarily for

The machine is 200Mhz with 96Mb RAM. It already takes care of my
personal as well as some work mail(including this list) and apache for
the webmail stuff and PHPgroupware, so its under a bit of
load(Masquerade, Exim, IMAP, Procmail, Spamassasin, Apache, PHP etc.)

Im about to buy a domain name and host that on this server. Im a little
paranoid about letting people access this machine from the world. Due to
this, I would like to know what the most secure services that I can run
on this server. I want it to handle dns for this domain as well as the
web and mail.

I am on ADSL and so have a static ip address and intend to use this ip
for hosting this domain. Maybe even try some virtual hosting.

What would you guys recommend for this setup. I am using bind just now
which I hear is a pita for security. Doing a apt-cache search with
secure dns brings up maradns.

I haven't noticed much security issues with exim on the net. Where would
the best place be to find information about stopping the server from
relaying mail for anyone else as well.

Also, how secure is Apache / PHP. I would guess that there wouldn't be
many issues considering that around 60% of all web servers around the
world are running Apache last time I checked(albeit a few years ago)

Im really not expecting many hits on this size (dozen a day or so) and
the email from this site wouldn't be that much either.

I am however, considering upgrading this into a PII with 450MHz and
128Mb to 256Mb Memory.

I would really appreciate any advice on this. I dont have a DMZ just now
and can't really afford one.

Thanks for your time,


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

autoplaying cd's

2002-06-18 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Hi All,

Is it possible to get linux to autoplay audio / mp3 cd's in xmms like
winamp does in windoze.

Also, can xmms autodetect whether to use esd or arts.




Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: most secure services (DNS, Web, Mail)

2002-06-19 Thread Shri Shrikumar

> > The machine is 200Mhz with 96Mb RAM. It already takes care of my
> > personal as well as some work mail(including this list) and apache for
> > the webmail stuff and PHPgroupware, so its under a bit of
> woh. hold it.
> maybe its just me but it seems phpgroupware earns more rights to
> have security advisories then the other apps ..at least from what
> ive seen on vuln-dev and bugtraq.phpgroupware seems to come up
> a LOT. maybe just because its widely used, i don't know. but theres
> been what seems to be a ton of security issues with it in the recent
> past
> my opinion is phpgroupware is probably your weakest link here.
> maybe look into something like ezpub - http://developer.ez.no
> but i dont know what your needs are. and i don't know if ezpub
> is secure, i just don't remember seeing advisories on it yet.

PHPGroupware is just for internal stuff. I *dont* want to give access to
that for the external hits. Presumably, PHPGroupware wouldn't make the
machine less secure if used like this.



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loading linux.bin.............ready (and hangs there during woody install)

2002-06-20 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Hi All,

Hope someone can help me with this.

I've tried the standard boot images using loadlin as well as floppy
images. With loadlin, it says loading and then hangs after clearing the
screen and with the floppy images it gets as far as saying ready(as in
the subject line) goes to the next line and hangs.

I dont have a bootable cd or would have tried that too.

Any ideas why this would be happening. I have install redhat on this
machine a couple of years ago although it has been running only m$ stuff
for a while.

Any ideas ?


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Re: problem with bootdisks - not booting

2002-06-21 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Fri, 2002-06-21 at 05:11, Duke wrote:
> I'm a first time Debian user - not even that, since I can't even install 
> it ;)  I'm using the boot disks found in 
> http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/dists/Debian2.2r6/main/disks-i386/2.2.26-2001-06-14/images-1.44/
> /compact and /safe.
> After successfully dd'ing the images to a few floppies, I tried booting 
> first with the "rescue.bin" disk.  I see all the Debian stuff come up, 
> and I get to the "boot:" prompt.  There are no parameters I'm aware of 
> that I need to pass, so I hit enter to continue.  I then get "Loading 
> linux..." and soon after, I get "Boot failed: please change disks and 
> press a key to continue."  I assumed that meant I needed the root disk, 
> but that didn't work.  I've tried a dozen different floppy disks, with 
> images from both /current and /safe, with no success.

I had the same problem yesterday. Check your floppy. Mine had some bad
sectors. Use a brand new floppy if possible. The debian boot process
seems to be finicky about the floppy disks.




Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

accessing Ms Access(*.mdb) files

2001-10-30 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Hi All,

As the title suggests, are there any linux packages that can be used to
access mdb files. Im running sid.

Thanks for your help,


Shri Shrikumar

U R Byte Solutions
23 McDonald Road
Edinburgh EH7 4LX


Re: accessing Ms Access(*.mdb) files

2001-10-30 Thread Shri Shrikumar

By accessing, I meant, a replacement app in Linux for Ms Access - not to
access it for a web app.



On Tue, 2001-10-30 at 15:07, nik butler wrote:
> This is going to depend on your experience with perl and iodbc neither of 
> which are relevant enough for me to post back to the list so I am forwarding 
> this link for your assistance
> http://tlowery.hypermart.net/perl_dbi_dbd_faq.html#HowDoIAccessMSWindowsDB
> Hope that helps
> for more advice
> search.cpan.org
> Regards
> Nik

Re: kernel recompile takes the "work" out of "network"

2002-04-09 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Tue, 2002-04-09 at 08:22, Crispin Wellington wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-04-09 at 11:49, Yury Sulsky wrote:
> > Crispin, thanks for replying.
> > 
> > I checked "dmesg | grep tulip" and "dmesg | grep eth0", and the returned
> > lines looked the same as what I got with the default kernel. Besides,
> > wouldn't "ifconfig -a" not find eth0 if the tulip driver wasn't working?
> yes. true.
> > I also installed the dhcping package, which checks to see if DHCP is
> > working, and while it worked with the default kernel, there was no response
> > in the recompiled one.
> > 
> > I've attached the config file for the kernel like you asked - you're
> > probably right in saying it's the config file, since I'm pretty new at this
> > and so had almost no clue what I was choosing when I configured it.
> It looks fine to me. Perhaps theres some obscure parameter that needs to
> be set that DHCP uses internally. Perhaps someone else knows exactly
> what? Somebody? Somebody? Bueller?
> What errors if any does DHCP give you? Can you run it under strace and
> see what its doing, or is it just silently (not) running?

Is it just DHCP that doesn't work or is there other bits of the network
that are not working. Try using ifconfig to set an address and netmask
and to bring the interface up - then try pinging that interface. If this
works, the network driver should be working fine.

What client are you using - i remember a little while ago that a client
that worked on 2.2 doesnt work on 2.4. I use dhclient and that works
fine. pump is also supposed to work fine.



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: apache/php...feeling like an idiot

2002-04-09 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 03:28, Bill Bell wrote:
> Quoting Matthew Daubenspeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > > 3) is the problem not in the httpd.conf file?
> > > 4) is there something I need to apt-get that would have configured
> > this
> > > correctly "out-of-the-box" (during the apt-getting installation?)

I remember running into some problems with mime types as well. This may
be fixed now though but worth checking



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Courier-IMAP, useradd, skel problems

2002-04-15 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 18:39, Matthew Daubenspeck wrote:
> I am currently using squirrelmail and courier-imap for a webmail only
> mail server and am having problems adding new users. I created a new
> user and sent a test message to the account to which exim creates the
> correct ~/Maildir directories, and delivers the mail into the correct
> folder. However, when I try to login through squirrelmail, I get the
> following error:
> Preference database error (connect failed). Exiting abnormally
> I checked with other servers where I use the same config/setup, and I
> noticed that in the ~/Maildir directory, there are two files named
> courierimapsubscribed and courierimapuiddb, which is not on the new
> system. How can I create this?

those two files are created automatically. Make sure that exim is using
the maildir format - i.e. there are the cur, new and tmp folders in
~/Maildir. Also, you could check syslog / messages for errors.



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant23 McDonald RoadTel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4LX   Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: empty emails every morning from debian box

2002-02-07 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "Andrea Vettorello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "debian-user mailing list" 
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: empty emails every morning from debian box

> On Thu, 2002-02-07 at 13:17, shri wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > here's a weird occurance. A blank email gets sent to me every morning
> > half past six. I have attached a copy - any ideas ?
> >
> [...]
> Do you have snort installed?

Actually yes and I think the whole empty emails started with that. I
however, cannot find any references to snort in syslog or messages (which
has just has a bunch of -- MARK -- messages in it)

Karl, I checked your suggestion and there is one entry in the syslog at
06:25:01 (2secs before the email) which runs anacron

Feb  7 06:25:01 ganesh /USR/SBIN/CRON[10426]: (root) CMD (test -e
/usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily)

this same line is there each day. But,

dpkg -l anacron gives me

pn  anacron   (no
description available)

and there is no anacron in /usr/sbin

Any ideas ?



PS - Does CRON not always put some headers into the email which is *not*
present in these ones.

Re: empty emails every morning from debian box

2002-02-07 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "Andrea Vettorello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "debian-user mailing list" 
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: empty emails every morning from debian box

> On Thu, 2002-02-07 at 14:34, Shri Shrikumar wrote:
> > > On Thu, 2002-02-07 at 13:17, shri wrote:
> > > > Hi All,
> > > >
> > > > here's a weird occurance. A blank email gets sent to me every
> > around
> > > > half past six. I have attached a copy - any ideas ?
> > > >
> > >
> > > [...]
> > >
> > > Do you have snort installed?
> >
> Look in the debian bug report for snort, there should be a
> workaround/patch to stop the empty message...

Found it and upgraded my package.

Thanks for your help,


Re: empty emails every morning from debian box. FIXED

2002-02-08 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "Andrea Vettorello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "debian-user mailing list" 
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: empty emails every morning from debian box

> On Thu, 2002-02-07 at 14:34, Shri Shrikumar wrote:
> > > On Thu, 2002-02-07 at 13:17, shri wrote:
> > > > Hi All,
> > > >
> > > > here's a weird occurance. A blank email gets sent to me every
> > around
> > > > half past six. I have attached a copy - any ideas ?
> > > >
> > >
> > > [...]
> > >
> > > Do you have snort installed?
> >
> Look in the debian bug report for snort, there should be a
> workaround/patch to stop the empty message...


Just wanted to let you guys know that upgrading snort did fix that problem.
No blank email this morning.

Thank you for your help / suggestions,


Re: Games on Linux?

2002-02-08 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "D & E Radel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 6:40 AM
Subject: Games on Linux?

> Sad to hear about Loki Game's demise. What good free/GPL 3D games are
> for Linux, now that they are gone. Am I gonna be stuck with tuxracer? No
> disrespect
> for ol' tuxracer intended. :-)
> grol.

Have you tried wine. A lot of windows games play just fine on that although
you may need to install them from windows. It might need a little fiddling
to get D3D / GL to work but, don't think there is nothing too complex there.

you can always check http://appdb.codeweavers.com/ to see if the game you
want to play works under wine.

It is soo sucky that you get so many good games for windows like Half
Life and Diablo II and very few for Linux. I for one would like to see more
games supporting the linux os. I obviously wouldn't expect Microsoft to
release Age of Empires (a good game) for the linux os but would like
companies like Blizzard and Valve to put a little more effort into the linux

I keep my windows partition alive primarily for games(sad :(. but true).



Re: Unable to boot from disk

2002-02-12 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "Bodnyk, Bruce W" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 1:20 PM
Subject: Unable to boot from disk

> Hi,
> I'm trying to install Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 on an HP pc. The install seems
> to proceed ok but when the machine reboots at the end of the install it
> fails with the following messages:
> LAN option: AMD PCnet - PCI II/PCnet - Fast Ethernet Adapter
> DHCP MAC ADDR: 00 60 B0 ED 32 CE
> PXE-E53: No boot filename received from BINL, DHCP or BOOTP.
> PXE-M0F: Exiting PXE.
> Operating System not found
> I am however able to boot from the floppy that is created during the
> install process. In booting from the floppy I noticed something
> strange. I can successfully ping other Unix machines on the network
> using their network name but when I attempt to ping an NT machine
> the system seems to have problems resolving the name and the
> ping fails.

It sounds like you have set your network card to use bootp. All I can
suggest is you take a look at /etc/init.d/networking and /etc/network once
booting via floppy.


Shri Shrikumar

windows can actually crash quicker
than you can reboot it

Re: a modest proposal - Debian needs more $

2002-02-12 Thread Shri Shrikumar
- Original Message -
From: "Anthony Campbell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: a modest proposal - Debian needs more $

> On 12 Feb 2002, Roderick Cummings wrote:
> > >From: Nathan E Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> > >Subject: Re: a modest proposal - Debian needs more $
> > >Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 10:21:27 -0600
> > >
> >
> > I assume the reason why US-based people have it easy when they make
> > donations is because the treasurer is in the US. For whatever the
reason, I
> > say rather than force debian to build some complicated financial
> > people who don't have trivial access to US Dollars and/or an easy way to
> > send them to debian should take the extra effort and cost to
> > the cash. Consider that part of your donation.
> >
> Surely the point is to increase the number of donations rather than to
> make the givers feel a greater sense of virtue. The more complicated it
> is, the more people will just give up.
> I'm no kind of expert on financial matters, but would it be difficult
> for Debian to have a credit card facility which people outside the USA
> could use to transfer money without too great a penalty?

I am in total agreement with this. I wanted to donate some money to debian -
not much but just a little and more often. However, the effort of sending
money to debian far outweighs the "feel good factor." Being able to
contribute using credit card would be great - even if its using paypal or



partition does not end on cylinder boundary error.

2002-02-19 Thread Shri Shrikumar

Hi All,

I wonder if any of you can point me in the right direction here. STUPID
NT (I need it to do some work) destroyed my Windoze 98 (I need THIS to
play games) partition.

Now fdisk says that Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary:
phys=(1023, 24, 30) should be (1023, 254, 63)

If fdisk knows what it should be, is there like a little command I can
use to fix it or even another program.

It is a true pain in the ass to re-install win98 and Ive already done
way too many times THIS lifetime.

If only linux could run VB, Ms Access and all the Windoze games - I
could get rid of windows altogether. (and yes, I tried wine, it does
some of the things that I want it to but not enough to be able to just
format c)

I read some of the newsgroups saying that this doesnt matter - but it
should be said that this is a new motherboard that understands my hard
drive geometry and I didn't have this error before attempting to install
NT. Also LILO chokes on this.

Thankx for you help and patience in this slightly OT post.


Re: partition does not end on cylinder boundary error.

2002-02-19 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 15:34, Sebastiaan wrote:

> But still I do not see the problem. You have one harddisk on which win98,
> winNT and Linux is installed. Are win98 and NT on the same partition or on
> a different one? Which was first installed? Is your win98 partition really
> lost or have you just no access to it? We really need more information
> about your harddisk partitionning and windoze installation history to help
> you.

Win98 is partition one. Linux is part two and NT was supposed to be
partition three. On trying to install - it screwed the partition table
up. Therefore, NT is not installed just now.

I think the data is fine in Partition one - its just inaccessible
because the partition info is incorrect. I really need some program that
can "fix" this partition table entry.

> > It is a true pain in the ass to re-install win98 and Ive already done
> > way too many times THIS lifetime.
> >
> > If only linux could run VB, Ms Access and all the Windoze games - I
> > could get rid of windows altogether. (and yes, I tried wine, it does
> > some of the things that I want it to but not enough to be able to just
> > format c)
> >
> Staroffice should have M$ compatible access, afaik. VB? jach.
> And have you tried winex from www.transgaming.com ? They are busy adding
> directx support.

Thats what I use but my clients use Ms Access front ends and so that one
is needed and VB - same reason - RAD in Win. Will look at transgaming
though - looks good.



Reserving space for mail on /var

2004-06-22 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Hi All,

I have a quick question - one of the servers that I manage have a
problem in that /var/log/syslog and /var/log/daemon.log get filled up
with a message from bind and subsequently bounces all mail since there
is no space left.

What is the best solution for this? Do I have to create another mount
point for /var/spool/mail ? Quotas perhaps? Alternatively, how can I get
syslog to ignore the lines that fill the log up.

Thanks in advance,

Best wishes,


Shri Shrikumar   U R Byte Solutions   Tel:   0845 644 4745
I.T. Consultant  Edinburgh, Scotland  Mob:   0773 980 3499
 Web: www.urbyte.com  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Reserving space for mail on /var

2004-06-22 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Tue, 2004-06-22 at 12:09, Clive Menzies wrote:
> On (22/06/04 11:42), Shri Shrikumar wrote:
> > I have a quick question - one of the servers that I manage have a
> > problem in that /var/log/syslog and /var/log/daemon.log get filled up
> > with a message from bind and subsequently bounces all mail since there
> > is no space left.
> > 
> > What is the best solution for this? Do I have to create another mount
> > point for /var/spool/mail ? Quotas perhaps? Alternatively, how can I get
> > syslog to ignore the lines that fill the log up.
> Is this after using the new sarge d-i? I've experienced the same problem
> and had to delete these two log files to get packages installed.  This
> was on a test system where only /home and swap are on separate
> partitions, whereas my production system has a separate /var
> partition.  Nevertheless, it would seem that the new d-i is creating
> huge versions of these two logs (>1G each in the first day or so).

Hi Clive,

no, im using stable with var on a separate partition.


Shri Shrikumar   U R Byte Solutions   Tel:   0845 644 4745
I.T. Consultant  Edinburgh, Scotland  Mob:   0773 980 3499
 Web: www.urbyte.com  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Reserving space for mail on /var

2004-06-22 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Tue, 2004-06-22 at 12:04, Thomas Adam wrote:
> Those files are handled by logrotate -- you can get that to delete them on
> each rotation.

If the file gets bigger than 1gb during the day, will it still rotate it
out of existence or does logrotate just run daily? Also, I am not that
keen on deleting log files - who knows when I might need the one that I
just deleted.


Shri Shrikumar   U R Byte Solutions   Tel:   0845 644 4745
I.T. Consultant  Edinburgh, Scotland  Mob:   0773 980 3499
 Web: www.urbyte.com  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: LVM over RAID

2004-07-23 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 13:37, Pete Clarke wrote:
> I am basically looking for the solution that provides the best balance
> between performance (speed is really an issue) and flexibility.

One point to make which others might point out as well is the risk of
going to raid0. if one disk dies, you will lose all your data. If you
are interested in read performance (a lot of reads with a few writes),
look into mirroring the drives as this will give you some redundancy as

With regards to whether you should use raid / lvm. This depends, if you
have a good hardware raid card, use that as it may have an onboard CPU.
Otherwise, just use software raid.

What I tend to do is use raidtools / mdadm to raid all the hdd's
together and then run lvm on top of that purely for space partitioning
so that it is easier to re-allocate space when necessary.

If you then add hard drives, raid them as necessary and join them to the
lvm volume.



Shri Shrikumar   U R Byte Solutions   Tel:   0845 644 4745
I.T. Consultant  Edinburgh, Scotland  Mob:   0773 980 3499
 Web: www.urbyte.com  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

deleting a raid array completely

2004-08-13 Thread Shri Shrikumar

I created a two raid devices and no longer want the first one. How can I
delete it? I use mdadm and have tried lots of different things including
trying to fail and remove both the disks from the array. Googling didnt
help much either.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks and best wishes,



Shri Shrikumar   U R Byte Solutions   Tel:   0845 644 4745
I.T. Consultant  Edinburgh, Scotland  Mob:   0773 980 3499
 Web: www.urbyte.com  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

/var/log/syslog and /var/log/daemon.log getting very big

2004-04-18 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Hi List,

I just experienced a pseudo denial of service issue. A server of ours 
runs woody and bind seems to have filled syslog and daemon.log with 
about 1.3g worth of messages along the lines of

Apr 18 18:25:38 server named[241]: sysquery: no addrs found for root NS 
Apr 18 18:25:38 server named[241]: sysquery: no addrs found for root NS 
Apr 18 18:25:38 server named[241]: sysquery: no addrs found for root NS 

This in itself was not much of issue except that logcheck started to eat 
up all the memory and the kernel starts to kill processes.

What I have done is to recreate syslog and daemon.log with the above 
lines stripped out with grep and restarted the the logging daemons. 
However, I would like to know how to prevent something like this from 
happening in the future.

Any help / pointers in this matter will be appreciated.

Thanks and best wishes,



Shri Shrikumar   U R Byte Solutions   Tel:   0845 644 4745
I.T. Consultant  Edinburgh, Scotland  Mob:   0773 980 3499
 Web: www.urbyte.com  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

syslog filling up with "no addrs found for root NS"

2004-04-18 Thread shri shrikumar
Hi List,

I just experienced a pseudo denial of service issue. A server of ours 
runs woody and bind seems to have filled syslog and daemon.log with 
about 1.3g worth of messages along the lines of

Apr 18 18:25:38 server named[241]: sysquery: no addrs found for root NS 
Apr 18 18:25:38 server named[241]: sysquery: no addrs found for root NS 
Apr 18 18:25:38 server named[241]: sysquery: no addrs found for root NS 

This in itself was not much of issue except that logcheck started to eat 
up all the memory and the kernel starts to kill processes.

What I have done is to recreate syslog and daemon.log with the above 
lines stripped out with grep and restarted the the logging daemons. 
However, I would like to know how to prevent something like this from 
happening in the future.

Any help / pointers in this matter will be appreciated.

Thanks and best wishes,


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] Yahoo's Antispam proposal

2004-05-24 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Mon, 2004-05-24 at 14:34, David P James wrote:
> >
> > > The reasons for that is a whole other
> > >issue, but it's safe to conclude that free email access isn't going
> > > to solve their destitution (because if it would, it would already
> > > have happened or at least be underway).
> >
> > Communication is the beginning of every solution.
> > It *is* under way, e.g:-
> >
> > http://www.globalcn.org/es/article.ntd?id=178&sort=1.11
> >
> > http://europa.eu.int/comm/regional_policy/innovation/pdf/award/extrem
> >adura.pdf
> >
> > The implementation of open source software, along with internet
> > access and associated email, is creating the basis for an economic
> > (in the comprehensively true sense of the word) revolution in
> > Extremadura.
> Very well, but would you care to enlighten us how providing free email 
> is going to help feed starving people in war torn countries in Africa, 
> like Somalia? That's what you've been arguing all along, so I'd love to 
> hear some details about it.

It might not solve starvation but it will give them the same access to
information and knowledge that people is countries that are better off
take for granted.



Shri Shrikumar   U R Byte Solutions   Tel:   0845 644 4745
I.T. Consultant  Edinburgh, Scotland  Mob:   0773 980 3499
 Web: www.urbyte.com  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HELP] keyboard dont work with netbeans

2003-02-19 Thread Shri Shrikumar

Some java Runtime's have a problem with the numlock key being on - try
switching that off.



On Wed, 2003-02-19 at 15:07, Gilberto Garcia Jr. wrote:
> I installed netbeans, and other softwares that use netbeans as their basis
> (sun one studio, forte for java) and all of it kills my keyboard.
> Can someone help me?
> thanks
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant26/3 Annandale Street   Tel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4AN   Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to duplicate a CD?

2003-02-20 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 03:41, stan wrote:
> I posted this a few months agoa, and got an answer involving cdparnoia, and
> cdrecord. But I sem to have lost the emails, and I can't seem to get the
> mailing list archive search engine to find it :-(
> So, how can I duplicat an audio CD? 

I think you can use dd

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cdrom.iso

then, you just burn cdrom.iso



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant26/3 Annandale Street   Tel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4AN   Web: www.urbyte.com

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: (Newbie) Functioning In Debian

2003-02-22 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Sat, 2003-02-22 at 02:32, M. Kirchhoff wrote:


> Another site I frequent uses streaming Windows Media.  Am I totally out
> of luck there?  I know there's this Crossover package that will run WM,
> but it's definitely non-free.  I haven't run into needing RealPlayer
> support yet, but I wonder if there's a free clone of that that works
> under debian-mozilla.  


You should check out plugger. It will make sure that the right app is
used to play the MIME types and mplayer to play a plethora of av stuff
including ms asf and I think it supports real format as well.


Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant26/3 Annandale Street   Tel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4AN   Web: www.urbyte.com

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: About to go all Deb

2003-02-25 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 15:24, John Anderson wrote:


> Any way to cut a long story short I have come up with the following, and would 
> appreciate thoughts and guidence.
> /boot 20meg

You dont usually need a seperate /boot partition. I have installed a few
linux machines and have never bothered with making it seperate

> / 4gig
I dont think that you will need this much space for the root partition.
A few hundred megs should be more than enough.

I have 2 20Gb hard drives and my root is only 200Mb although it is 90%
full. Nothing much goes on there.
> /var  8gig

Here as well, I cant see you needing much more than about 4Gb unless you
intend to use large databases / websites or somesuch. I have a
workstation which has a var 256Mb and a small server with a couple of
small databases and a couple of sites with var of 10Gb but it actually
so far uses only 1Gb. This is including a couple of hundred megs for
squid proxy

> /tmp  2gig

/tmp get used only during boot and such and like boot, doesnt usually
require a seperate partition. If you are going to provide a seperate
partition, it could be alot smaller. 512Mb should be enough

> /usr  5gig

5Gb should be more than enough although I dont think you will need much
more than 2 - 3 unless you plan to install *that* much software

> /swap ??? 750meg ram, and from what I have read it should equal the ram up to 
> 256meg

One way to do this If you have over 256Mb Ram, match the amount of ram
you have, so 750Mb. If the memory is less than 256Mb, then double the
amount of ram.

There are good guides for this stuff that you can find online and would
be a bit more complete than what I just said. YMMV,



Shri Shrikumar   Vital State
Web: http://www.vitalstate.co.uk An Open Source FPS

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Re: About to go all Deb

2003-02-25 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 18:15, John Anderson wrote:
> Well I recently tried out Mondo, and it filed the / partition and killed the 
> machine it was using /tmp, probably due to new stupid user (me) however I 
> don't want that to ever happen again, so will most likely end up with say 2 
> Cd's worth or 1.5gig

You can ask mondo to use another dir for its scratch (using the -S flag)
temp page (using the -T flag). I recommend /var/tmp which would mean
that you dont need a big /


Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant26/3 Annandale Street   Tel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4AN   Web: www.urbyte.com

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

XFree86 & Virutal Screen

2003-02-27 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Hi All,

I have been trying to configure XFRee86 to *not* have a Virtual Desktop.
Is this possible. I have found information about the Virtual Desktop
being the same size as the largest screen resolution mentioned in the
config file.

Is there a way to actually turn it off entirely so pressing Ctrl+Alt+[+]
or Ctrl+Alt+[-] will actually switch the screen *and* desktop

Thanks for all info.



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. ConsultantEdinburgh, Scotland Tel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: www.urbyte.com

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Using one mailbox at ISP for many people

2003-02-28 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 15:45, Jonathan Matthews wrote:
> Hi all
> [BRIEF SUMMARY - How do I segregate one mail stream from one mailbox 
> at my ISP into different users locally?]
> At the moment, I'm the only person using my machine.  However, having 
> installed the GNOME 2.2 backport, I've finally got a desktop that I feel 
> happy in sitting my SO down in front of and not worrying that she'll 
> find it so confusing that she runs screaming from the room.  Yes, she's 
> not the most technical of sorts, but she tries hard :-)
> I'm trying to set her up using, for the sake of simplicity and general 
> "nicely-integrated" reasons, balsa as her MUA.
> She's been using mail.com for a web-based account for a while, but it 
> sucks (slow AND featureless).  I'd like to get her up and running with 
> my machine, and using my email ISP.
> I receive all email to @jaycee.uklinux.net.  I'd like her to 
> have a specific one at that domain.  For the benefit of any 
> bottom-feeders harvesting the archives, let's say she's going to get 
> The problem is that I get only one actual physical mailbox at 
> uklinux.net, and all email to @jaycee.uklinux.net gets delivered to it.  
> The username it's sent to /is/ preserved in the headers, however.
> What combination of programs do I use to get one mailbox successfully 
> segregated when it hits my machine?  I'm using fetchmail -> exim -> 
> procmail at the moment, but I've lurked on the procmail list long enough 
> not to ask about using it as a MDA (or is it an MTA that it shouldn't 
> be treated as?).

You can configure exim with jaycee.uklinux.net as the domain name to
automatically route the emails to @jaycee.uklinux.net as long
as  is a valid local user. You can also set it up to redirect
all email to non-local user somewhere else.

The problem that you are going face with this is that you wont know who
a particular email is addressed to if the bcc: you since mail envelope
is removed after delivery.

Most mailing lists posts would not have a valid email address for exim
to filter on based on the To: CC: address.

There might be other disadavantages with this that I am not aware of. I
did this a while ago and apart from some annoyances with it not
delivering the bcc:'d emails properly, it was ok.

There is a page on the internet somewhere which states all the
disadvantages of this scheme but I unforunately dont have the link




Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. ConsultantEdinburgh, Scotland Tel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: www.urbyte.com

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Note

2003-03-01 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Sat, 2003-03-01 at 05:50, Barry deFreese wrote:
> Teilhard Knight wrote:
> >Just to let you know that I do not seem to be able to get through the list
> >my replies to the people who is helping me. Only fresh posts show. ???
> >
> >Teilhard Knight
> >The Extraterrestrial
> >
> >Who ate my sandwich?
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> I have that same problem with my home account???

Make sure you do Reply All (and delete every recipient except
debian-user) or Reply to List instead of just reply.

You can search the archives for more information as to why changing the
reply-to header is considered harmful.



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. ConsultantEdinburgh, Scotland Tel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: (Newbie) Knoppix.

2003-03-02 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Sun, 2003-03-02 at 11:43, Brian Durant wrote:
> The only thing interesting that I found, was with the "dmesg" command. 
> The response was "eth0: Media Link Off". I have run into this response 
> with Deb 3 rev. 1 as well. Don't know what it means one of the replies 
> from the thread stated that it wasn't even in the source code!

Does it work for another OS ? I think that Media Link Off means that the
cable is physically not attached to the card.



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. ConsultantEdinburgh, Scotland Tel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: www.urbyte.com

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

annoying problem with TFT on dell laptop

2003-03-05 Thread Shri Shrikumar

I have spent the last few hours installing debian testing on a brand new
dell inspiron laptop and have managed to get it very close to working
properly. I am however, having two problems that are throwing me off
both to do with the display.

The first is that every second time I load linux up, it shrinks the
screen size to the center. I have a 15" screen but it only uses the
center (maybe 12" or something - looked like 640x480 or something). When
I reboot, the bios post screen is *also* this size and so is the grub

However, when it goes into linux the next time, it will resize it to the
proper size. This just keeps on alternating. I have built a kernel
(2.4.20) manually (make bzImage) and I can post the config if anyone is
interested. I am *not* using a framebuffer device. The display card is
an NVidia Geforce 2

The second problem that I am having may or may not be related to the
above and is that once the xserve-xfree86 has been run, the consoles 1-6
dont display properly anymore - there is serious flicker there. I wonder
if this might even damage the TFT.

I also noticed that installing xserver-xfree86 did not install all of
the necessary files that we necessary like xfonts-base and
xbase-clients. Would this just be because I was silly in running 

apt-get install xserver-xfree86

instead of using dselect ?

Has anyone met with the strange behaviour of the TFT before ? One thing
to mention is that I used 2.2.20-idepci kernel to boot the installation
and compile the new kernel all the time with no problems with screen
shrinking or anything like that. I did not however, run the xserver on
that so cant say if the terminal display corruption is due to the new

I am sure that I have enabled an option that I shouldnt have or not
enabled on I should have but having recompiled it a few times, havent
found the right combination.

Any and all help or pointers very much appreciated.

Thank you for your time,


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kernel: lp0 on fire ????

2003-03-06 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Hi All,

I got this very interesting logcheck email with this line

Mar  6 14:24:35 server kernel: lp0 on fire

What does this mean - I can confirm that there is no actual fire as of
yet but it does have me worried - any thoughts ?


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RE: kernel: lp0 on fire ????

2003-03-06 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 22:10, Narins, Josh wrote:
> > Quoting Shri Shrikumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > Hi All,
> > > 
> > > I got this very interesting logcheck email with this line
> > > 
> > > Mar  6 14:24:35 server kernel: lp0 on fire
> > > 
> > > What does this mean - I can confirm that there is no actual 
> > fire as of
> > > yet but it does have me worried - any thoughts ?
> > > 
> > 
> > Ahh, geek humor.  It means that the parallel port status bits were set
> > to a pattern that the printer driver doesn't understand.  If it is was
> > momentary, ignore.  If there was a real problem, fix it and ignore.
> > If you have something besides a printer on the parallel port, you have
> > a configuration problem.  Perhaps "alias lp0 off" in /etc/modules.conf
> > or somewhere in the /etc/modutils/ tree.
> > 
> I set my printer ablaze, and did not get this message.
> Am I doing something wrong?

I guess you forgot to install the firealarm package.


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Re: Unistalling Gnome, Wmaker, KDE and re-installing KDE

2003-03-07 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 17:54, D. wrote:
> --- Didier Caamano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello everyone, could anybody give me some direction
> > to how can I uninstall 
> > wmaker, Gnome and kde?
> > 
> > I accidentally remove Konqueror and most of KDE
> > libraries while I was 
> > installing wine. I have tried several times to run
> > apt-get install kde, 
> > everything goes well, but when I issue startx it
> > goes straight to Gnome, 
> > but, it show me a green background full of lines.
> > 
> > I issue apt-get remove gnome, and everything goes
> > well, and when I do an 
> > startx again it goes to gnome. How can I get rid of
> > every single package 
> > related to gnome, and wmaker, and kde that is on the
> > system? I have tried 
> > apt-get -p remove gnome and the other 2, but
> > nothing, just an error telling 
> > me that -p is an unrecognized argument, or something
> > like that.
> > 
> > Can anybody please guide me in this journey? Any
> > hint will be appreciated.
> > 
> > Have a nice day,
> > Didier.
> > 
> I believe what you want to do is dpkg--purge gnome kde
> wmaker 

This works with apt as well

apt-get remove --purge gnome kde wmaker



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. ConsultantEdinburgh, Scotland Tel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

snort log has a bunch of different attacks - should I be worried

2003-03-08 Thread Shri Shrikumar

I have been running a server for a few months now for a hobby site and
had installed snort. I have reports of a whole range of attacks on the
server IP including

The distribution of attack methods
#  of
  %attacks   method
32.2339  SCAN Proxy attempt  
11.5714  WEB-CGI finger access   
 8.2610  WEB-MISC long basic authorization string 
 6.618   WEB-CGI redirect access 
 5.797   WEB-CGI tcsh access 
 5.797   STEALTH ACTIVITY (nmap XMAS scan) detection {TCP}
 5.797   INFO - Possible Squid Scan  
 4.135   WEB-IIS scripts access  
 4.135   BAD TRAFFIC tcp port 0 traffic  
 3.314   WEB-MISC count.cgi access   

Which of these should I be worried about. Also, some of these scans seem
to be going *out*. Has this box beeen compromised ? If so, how do I go
about tracking the compromise. I have a firewall running on this machine
with the following config (modified to remove irrelevant stuff). eth0 is
the external interface and eth1 the internal.

ganesh:/home/shri# iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination
block  all  --  anywhere anywhere

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination
block  all  --  anywhere anywhere

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain block (2 references)
target prot opt source   destination
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere   tcp
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere   tcp dpt:smtp
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere   tcp dpt:www
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere   tcp dpt:ssh
ACCEPT all  --  anywhere anywhere   state
ACCEPT all  --  anywhere anywhere   state NEW
DROP   all  --  anywhere anywhere

ganesh:/home/shri# iptables -t nat -L
target prot opt source   destination

target prot opt source   destination
MASQUERADE  all  --  anywhere anywhere

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

If this is not the right place to ask, I would very much appreciate if
someone could point me in the right direction.

Any and all info appreciated.

Thanks for your time.



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. ConsultantEdinburgh, Scotland Tel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: snort log has a bunch of different attacks - should I be worried

2003-03-08 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Sat, 2003-03-08 at 15:54, nate wrote:
> Shri Shrikumar said:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have been running a server for a few months now for a hobby site and had
> > installed snort. I have reports of a whole range of attacks on the server
> > IP including
> in default configuration snort will detect about 97-99% false positives
> as far as "intrusion" goes. at my last employer, without configuration
> on 2 T1s with ~5% utilization on each I got upwards of 40,000 events per
> hour. It took about 75 hours of log analysis and tuning to get that
> number down to a more managable level of ~20 events/hour.
> so in most cases your fine. all of the attacks you list look pretty
> harmless to me.

Thanks nate. Is there a site which lists these things in more detail so
I know if the ones that show up are safe or not.


Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. ConsultantEdinburgh, Scotland Tel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian freezes

2003-03-08 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Sat, 2003-03-08 at 11:49, Subba Rao wrote:
> I am running Debian 3.0r (woody) and in many ways can be still considered a
> Debian newbie, since I am moving from the Slackware camp.
> One thing I like about Debian is the "apt" package.  I have installed several
> packages via the net very conveniently.  However I do not know if there are any
> best practices in setting up "sources.list".  When I wanted some package I
> would add the source to the sources.list file and then update my system. Is
> this a sound practice?

I dont think that adding "unofficial" sources would be considered a good
practise unless you really wanted thoses packages, the version is
unstable inappropriate *and* you know what you are doing.

You are running the stable distribution which runs older packages to
ensure reliability. If you want newer packages, why dont you just try
the testing distribution.

Just remove all the lines in sources.list and replace with (make sure
you remove the line breaks that are put in by the mailer)

deb ftp://ftp.fi.debian.org/debian/ testing main non-free contrib
deb-src ftp://ftp.fi.debian.org/debian/ testing main non-free contrib

#NON US packages
deb ftp://ftp.fi.debian.org/non-US testing/non-US main contrib non-free
deb-src ftp://ftp.fi.debian.org/non-US testing/non-US main contrib

If the packages there are still too old for you. Try the replacing the
testing with unstable. Although, be warned, unstable is prone to

You can also run a testing distro with some unstable packages which is
what a *lot* of people do. For this, include the line

APT::Default-Release "testing";

in your /etc/apt/apt.conf

install a package from unstable using

apt-get -t unstable install 

You will have to have source lines in sources.list for the testing *and*
unstable branch.

> There are quite a few packages that I have downloaded such as Gnome 2.2
> XFree86 4.2.2 and several more.  Debian freezes more frequently now i.e. each
> time that the screensaver runs more than X hours. I simply have to reboot the
> system.  Without the forum taking offence I never experienced this kind of
> system freezing on Slackware.  

gnome 2.2 is available in unstable and so is XFree 4.2.1. Also, 

A common mistake with debian newbies is to installed packages randomly
just because you can. Try sticking with debian packages and you should
find that these kind of problems happen *far* less often.

Update your sources to point only to the debian packages, "upgrade" your
system and see how that goes.

You can also reinstall specific packages that are giving you problems
using the command

apt-get install --reinstall 




Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. ConsultantEdinburgh, Scotland Tel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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