On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 15:34, Sebastiaan wrote:

> But still I do not see the problem. You have one harddisk on which win98,
> winNT and Linux is installed. Are win98 and NT on the same partition or on
> a different one? Which was first installed? Is your win98 partition really
> lost or have you just no access to it? We really need more information
> about your harddisk partitionning and windoze installation history to help
> you.

Win98 is partition one. Linux is part two and NT was supposed to be
partition three. On trying to install - it screwed the partition table
up. Therefore, NT is not installed just now.

I think the data is fine in Partition one - its just inaccessible
because the partition info is incorrect. I really need some program that
can "fix" this partition table entry.

> > It is a true pain in the ass to re-install win98 and Ive already done
> > way too many times THIS lifetime.
> >
> > If only linux could run VB, Ms Access and all the Windoze games - I
> > could get rid of windows altogether. (and yes, I tried wine, it does
> > some of the things that I want it to but not enough to be able to just
> > format c)
> >
> Staroffice should have M$ compatible access, afaik. VB? jach.
> And have you tried winex from www.transgaming.com ? They are busy adding
> directx support.

Thats what I use but my clients use Ms Access front ends and so that one
is needed and VB - same reason - RAD in Win. Will look at transgaming
though - looks good.



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