Re: [debian-users] Integration of development tools

2010-01-04 Thread Ted Hilts

Osamu Aoki wrote:


On Fri, Jan 01, 2010 at 10:38:23PM -0700, Ted Hilts wrote:
I am looking for some advice regarding integration of tools for  
development purposes.  I have obtained the following over the internet.:

1. All debian binary and source DVD ISOs (for the present stable  
version) as the basis of a repository for binary and source code. I  
blasted the binary ISOs onto DVDs in readiness to install a Debian  
system (actually a dual boot system with Debian the primary system and  
MS XP Pro the secondary system).  My difficulty here is regarding the  
source code which I need for a SVN local system starting base as well as  
a SVN update system geared to Debian releases. I am not sure if this is  
the best way (I've been looking a tutorials) and if it is the best way  
how to set up, access, and manage this whole subversion and websvn thing.

The latest Debian is not distributed in subversion.

Debian is binary based distribution and its source are not in a
single uniform VCS.  (We use VCS but distribution of source is basically
through tar.gz like format only as the SATNDARD method on our archive.
See for our VCS usage.)

Each source package comes with debian/control file and it contains VCS
infprmation if available.  Some are git, svn, cvs, bzr, hg 
(I see more Debian packages using git these days.)

If you have such good internat connection to download so much, why
bother? Just use first netinst CD to install system.  You can have
access to required source package and copy by using "apt-get source ..." after 
setting deb-src line.

If you just need readonly VCS access, it may be listed on PTS:

Upstream VCS info maybe in debian/copyright file etc.

I think it is time for you to read few basic documents on Debian.

As first time Debian user:
Installing Debian GNU/Linux via the Internet:
Debian GNU/Linux FAQ
Debian Reference (Especially package related section)

If you want to "Develop", you also need to read Developer info listed:


2.  Closer to the software development issue  I installed Anjuta ...

There is no single method.  Some use emacs, some use vim, and some use
IDE such as Anjuta.  This is not Debian issue.  You need to read manual
of each system.

As a novice learning program on Debian or Linix in general, just use
default gcc on your system.  Using other compilers are advanced topic.


PS: I am no good programmer but almost all good programers seem to use
emacs or vim as main tool while using IDE for some GUI program



First, thank you for taking the time to respond.

You seem to agree that the "package" approach to development is almost universally utilized by every distribution including Debian.  Most distributions including Debian have a GUI for the purpose of installing some application and that GUI resolves the application and all associated dependencies. Also, every distribution has some kind of "package"  that responds to various installation commands such as the Debian apt-get command. 

The Debian apt-get program uses a database to find out how to install packages requested by the user. To update the database list, you would use the command apt-get update. And so on. Ubuntu for example has a GUI called Synaptic which is an interface that interacts with the user to install and update packages in a transparent manner.  Point to be made here is that package manipulation is the way of developing and not some other way. So if you or I were to modify or create a new application within the Linux community the most common Linux approach of packaging would be utilized whether it be Red Hat, SuSE, Ubuntu, etc., where each distribution has it's own package format and package commands and package content and cross dependencies. It was not always that way but good ideas often get snatched up by others. So in this context I can see some people not wanting to encumber themselves with an IDE.  You mentioned EMACS which in it's own right is an IDE. I am not very proficient in EMACS but hope to become more knowledgeable as time goes on. EMACS is first an EDITOR.  Without an editor it is hard to have an IDE.  IDE stands for integrated Development Environment.  Thus the provision for numbered lines and a great variety of features can come into play if one knows how. Most IDEs allow for the integration of one or more EDITORS.  Most IDEs utilize a CONSOLE which is like a shell in that it understands certain commands and allows for the interaction with the editor in which the source code is layed out and also allows for commands for compilation and debugging, etc.  Apparently a lot of the GNU developers utilize a I

[debian-users] Integration of development tools

2010-01-01 Thread Ted Hilts
I am looking for some advice regarding integration of tools for 
development purposes.  I have obtained the following over the internet.:

1. All debian binary and source DVD ISOs (for the present stable 
version) as the basis of a repository for binary and source code. I 
blasted the binary ISOs onto DVDs in readiness to install a Debian 
system (actually a dual boot system with Debian the primary system and 
MS XP Pro the secondary system).  My difficulty here is regarding the 
source code which I need for a SVN local system starting base as well as 
a SVN update system geared to Debian releases. I am not sure if this is 
the best way (I've been looking a tutorials) and if it is the best way 
how to set up, access, and manage this whole subversion and websvn thing.

2.  Closer to the software development issue  I installed Anjuta  and a  
Python consol but it seems by the literature that I should be using 
Eclipse in conjunction with Anjuta and Python in order to handle java 
variants and others. The only obvious thing is that I would need Anjutu 
based IDE for C and C++ compilation probably using gcc but apparently 
there are several c++ linux compilers and I don't know if Anjuta would 
work with them.. It seems that Linux development  has evolved using 
several compilers and some compilations require specific versions for 
the binary to work.  Apparently, this divergence is solved by the use of 
packages which resolve such issues. So it would seem that any 
development has to deal with a package even if the application is brand 
new. So I am assuming that Anjuta is a IDE designed to work with packages.

And advice, clarification or guidance would be appreciated.

Thanks -- Ted Hilts

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[debian-user] Re: Wikipedia

2008-08-19 Thread Ted Hilts
I hope this message is not OT and forgive my ignorance but I received a 
very informative response to some of my questions and several people 
recommended that I make better use of everyones time by first going to 
Wikipedia. The messages were more or less as follows:

See for more information

So, I am being told by some to use wikipedia as a credible reference for 
technical questions.

It is my understanding that use of wikipedia may subject the reader to 
faulty information.  There were several blurbs in the news and in news 
letters that very clearly indicated a "user beware" warning.  Also, 
there was recently an internal conflict between several individuals 
working at wikipedia and the conflict was over the growing content some 
of which was mis-information and in one case submitted by someone using 
false credentials.

So, I became very cautious about wikipedia although there seems to be a 
lot of "sound" information.  I have seen a lot of references to 
wikipedia from the Debian lists to lists that are science oriented and 
mathematically oriented.  Does anyone know what the real facts are on 
wikipedia.  Are all the news items I have read on this subject just 
garbage???  I collect hundreds of news reports every day and all of them 
are credible and responsibly written.  I obtained my information via 
these news reports. So, what's going on here???

Thanks, Ted

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Re: debian-user] Re: AMD vs Intel and the Debian kernel

2008-08-19 Thread Ted Hilts

Daniel Burrows wrote:

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 02:03:57PM -0600, Ted Hilts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was 
heard to say:

  [snipped -- please don't repeat long emails if you're just responding
   to one part]

Also, recently, I discovered that  a dual or quad  CPU board only  
provides  load balancing and not greater speed.  If for example the CPU
speed is given as 3 Gb and there are numerous servers on that machine  
the speed of each of the two (dual core) or 4 (quad core) or 8 core  
components is reduced thus reducing the speed of each process so the  
total processing of core elements is 3 Gb.  This means for an 8 core  
unit the speed is reduced to 3 Gb divided by 8.  At this time I haven't  
got a clue whether the virtual system should be single core or multi  
core as there could be speed advantages and perhaps the manner of  
virtualising might work best by using some kind of quota control???

  This paragraph is an odd combination of truth and confusedness.  It's
true that having more cores gives you load balancing and not better
speed.  Sort of.  Except sometimes it does give you better speed.

  What multiple cores gives you is more processing units -- the chips
that do the actual computation in your computer.  To simplify just a bit:
if you just have one processing unit, your computer can only execute one
instruction at once.  If you have (say) three, it can execute three
instructions at once and do three times as much computation per unit of
time.  That doesn't mean that it's three times as fast at any *given*
task, though, because computing tasks are typically described as a series
of steps that must be performed in a particular order to come out right.
The time it takes to finish a computational task described this way
depends on how long it takes to perform all the steps in the task, in
order.  Since the steps have to be performed one at a time and in order,
having more processors won't give you a speed bonus.

  To put it another way: you can imagine a single-core machine as a guy
sitting at a desk furiously scribbling away at arithmetic problems.  [0] A
multi-core machine gives you more of these guys -- say there are two of
them.  If you have a list of addition problems and you split it into two
lists, you'll find that you can solve twice as many of them in a unit of
time versus just having one guy doing the work.  On the other hand, if
you give them one enormous addition problem (say, adding two
million-digit numbers), only one of them will have work to do and it'll
take just as long as if you had only one "core". [1]  In the context of
a real computer, what this means is that programs which aren't designed
to run efficiently on multi-core machines will run at the same speed on
a multi-core machine as they do on a single-core machine, but you can
run more of them at once without slowing down.

  However, that doesn't mean that you lose speed.  At the worst, your
computer will run just as quickly (or slowly) as with one core. [2]
Besides, for what you're doing multiple cores is exactly right: since
each virtual machine is essentially a separate process, getting more
cores should let you run more virtual machines at once.

  I think you may be thinking of memory, or specifically RAM.  That's
the amount of memory your computer can use as temporary working space
For instance, a high-end computer might have 3 or 4 GB of memory.  All
the virtual machines you run share this space, so you need to make sure
you have enough memory for all of them.  This doesn't really have
anything to do with having multiple cores -- except that multiple cores
make it easier to run more processes at once, which will require more

  The good news is that if you have a 64-bit processor, the
amount of memory you can install is limited only by the amount your
motherboard can recognize.  Also, memory is super-cheap nowadays.  So
if you have 8 virtual machines and you want each to have access to a
gigabyte of memory, throw 8GB in on top of what the host system needs
and you should be good.

  See for more information
on multi-core systems.  I would highly recommend using Wikipedia as a
reference; many of your questions could have been answered more
expeditiously by consulting it first.


  PS: I should mention this but couldn't find a way to fit it into my
  email: if you actually do mean CPU speed, you're using the wrong
  units.  Gb (gigabyte) is a unit of measure for describing amounts
  of memory; the comparable unit for CPU speed is GHz (gigaherz).
  The two have about as much in common as kilometer and kiloliter,
  and if you mix them up people will have trouble understanding
  what you're saying.

  [0] Another metaphor is a multi-lane highway.  Adding lanes doesn't
  let any individual car get down the highwa

Re: Gnome desktop: mouse suddenly won't move to left screen

2008-08-18 Thread Ted Hilts

Andrew Perrin wrote:
I'm sure this is something simple, but on my gnome desktop which uses 
an ATI dual-output card for a dual-screen layout, I suddenly can't 
move the mouse off the right-side screen. The left side is recognized 
by the resolution switcher, and displays fine, but there's no way 
(that I can see) to actually use the real estate. To my knowledge I 
have done nothing to make that happen. Here's my xorg.conf (below).

System is running debian testing, Gnome 2.22.3, kernel 2.6.24.

Thanks for *any* advice-

# /etc/X11/xorg.conf (xorg X Window System server configuration file)
# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, 

# values from the debconf database.
# Edit this file with caution, and see the /etc/X11/xorg.conf manual 

# (Type "man /etc/X11/xorg.conf" at the shell prompt.)
# This file is automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades 

# if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the xserver-xorg
# package.
# If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically 

# again, run the following command:
# sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"
Screen 0 "aticonfig-Screen[0]" 0 0
Screen "aticonfig-Screen[1]" LeftOf "aticonfig-Screen[0]"
InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"
InputDevice "Configured Mouse"

#Section "ServerFlags"
# Option "Xinerama" "ON"

Section "Files"

# path to defoma fonts
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi"
FontPath "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType"

Section "Module"
Load "i2c"
Load "bitmap"
Load "ddc"
Load "dri"
Load "extmod"
Load "freetype"
Load "glx"
Load "int10"
Load "type1"
Load "vbe"
Load "v4l"
# Load "radeon"
Load "fglrx"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
Driver "keyboard"
Option "CoreKeyboard"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
Option "XkbModel" "pc104"
Option "XkbLayout" "us"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Configured Mouse"
Driver "mouse"
Option "CorePointer"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "aticonfig-Monitor[0]"
Option "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver"
Option "ModelName" "Generic Autodetecting Monitor"
Option "DPMS" "true"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "aticonfig-Monitor[1]"
Option "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver"
Option "ModelName" "Generic Autodetecting Monitor"
Option "DPMS" "true"
# Modeline "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 146.10 1440 1472 2024 2056 900 917 928 946
ModeLine "1440x900" 106.5 1440 1520 1672 1904 900 903 909 934
# Modeline "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 108.84 1440 1472 1880 1912 900 918 927 946

Section "Device"
Identifier "aticonfig-Device[0]"
Driver "ati"
BusID "PCI:10:9:0"

Section "Device"
Identifier "aticonfig-Device[1]"
Driver "ati"
BusID "PCI:10:9:0"
Screen 1

Section "Screen"
Identifier "aticonfig-Screen[0]"
Device "aticonfig-Device[0]"
Monitor "aticonfig-Monitor[0]"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 24

Section "Screen"
Identifier "aticonfig-Screen[1]"
Device "aticonfig-Device[1]"
Monitor "aticonfig-Monitor[1]"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 24
Modes "1440x900"

Section "DRI"
Group "video"
Mode 0660

Andrew J Perrin - andrew_perrin (at) -

Associate Professor of Sociology; Book Review Editor, _Social Forces_
University of North Carolina - CB#3210, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210 USA

Andrew J Perrin

Could your problem be in the following section?

# Modeline "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 146.10 1440 1472 2024 2056 900 917 928 946
ModeLine "1440x900" 106.5 1440 1520 1672 1904 900 903 909 934
# Modeline "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 108.84 1440 1472 1880 1912 900 918 927 946

Specifically: "1440x900"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "aticonfig-Monitor[1]"
Option "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver"
Option "ModelName" "Generic Autodetecting Monitor"
Option "DPMS" "true"
# Modeline "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 146.10 1440 1472 2024 2056 900 917 928 946
ModeLine "1440x900" 106.5 1440 1520 1672 1904 900 903 909 934
# Modeline "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 108.84 1440 1472 1880 1912 900 918 927 946

Hope this suggestion helps -

Re: debian-user] Re: AMD vs Intel and the Debian kernel

2008-08-18 Thread Ted Hilts

Jeff Soules wrote:

AMD is a chip manufacturer.  They started out (~20 years ago) as a
"second source" for 286 processors, but since then they have been
producing independently-designed chips within the x86 architecture
(i.e. they use the same instruction set).

x86 architecture:

So 1:
AMD is a separate chip manufacturer.  They are now a competitor, not a
second source.


2. Is there any significant architectural differences between the products
manufactured by these two companies???

Yes.  I'm not an expert on what those differences are, but they are
different chips with different hardware details.
It looks like there are differences in the CPU pipeline length (or
used to be), in the way some instructions are implemented, in number
of cores available, etc.  You can find out more by googling
"difference between amd and intel architecture" or some such, a lot of
the links I was finding are outdated though.  Keep in mind both
companies are releasing new chips every few months; something that was
true in mid-2007 will not necessarily be true any more, etc.


3. I ask the above question because it seems that the chips produced by one
seem not be be plug in capable with the chips produced by the other

That is correct; they are not plug-in compatible.  One needs an Intel
motherboard for Intel processors and an AMD mobo for AMD processors.


4. I also ask the above question because over the last 2 years software
problems "seem" to occur around one but not the other???

I haven't heard anything about this; I'm sure that one chip has
different problems from another, but all have problems.


5. Also, there is a non-i386 computer containing the AMD acronymn listed
with ARM and a dozen other non i386 computers listed by Debian.

Not sure what you're referring to. lists
the different chip architectures supported by Debian.  AMD64 (iirc,
someone will doubtless correct me if I'm wrong) is separate because
AMD chips had real 64-bit support before the Intel ones.
i386 traditionally refers to the 32-bit x86 instruction set.


6. How is it that (for example) the Debian i386 AMD chip (some but not all)
are more condusive to the Debian kernel for certain kinds of operations but
not so with the Intel chip?

Not sure what you're referring to.  This is a pretty vague statement.

What version of Debian were you planning to run?  You should find both
AMD and Intel chips supported perfectly well by the stable branch of
The vendors are correct that you must use AMD motherboards with AMD
processors, Intel motherboards with Intel processors; but either one
should be capable of doing what the other does (within 32-bit
applications).  AMD implements the i386 instruction set; everything
should work fine there.  There will be some differences in 64-bit
land, because not everyone supports 64-bit software at this point
(Java, Flash, etc. are not yet released in 64-bit compatible
versions).  This requires some workaround but is generally manageable;
software that is not available in 64-bit versions will usually just be
run in  32-bit compatibility mode.  (Modern kernels are available for
both 64-bit and 32-bit architectures, of course; they just won't be
identical, because one is built with 64-bit support, one is not).

This isn't a processor-specific mailing list, so while I'm sure people
here will be able to answer your questions, they won't necessarily be
the best answers.  It might be helpful if you could specify why you're
asking, or what exactly you're trying to do.

Jeff Soules

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 1:28 PM, Ted Hilts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can someone enlighten me regarding my confusion with the term AMD.

1, I know that the term AMD (American Micro Devices) is supposed to be a
'second source' for Intel 32bit and 64bit microprocessors.  But it seems
based on what I have read on this relationship between AMD and Intel that
there is controversy, legal actions, competition, and architectural
differences regarding the manufacture and selling of these microprocessors.
 So this suggests to me that AMD is not really a 'second source'  (a
licensed second manufacturing and selling source supplier of identical
products as designed and manufactured by another company).

2. Is there any significant architectural differences between the products
manufactured by these two companies???

3. I ask the above question because it seems that the chips produced by one
seem not be be plug in capable with the chips produced by the other -- it
seems that the boards produced for one are different that the CPU boards
produced for the other???

4. I also ask the above question because over the last 2 years software
problems "seem" to occur around one

Re: debian-user] Re: AMD vs Intel and the Debian kernel

2008-08-18 Thread Ted Hilts

Kent West wrote:

Ted Hilts wrote:

Can someone enlighten me regarding my confusion with the term AMD.

1, I know that the term AMD (American Micro Devices) is supposed to be
a 'second source' for Intel 32bit and 64bit microprocessors.

You're incorrect. They're two totally different chips, which are mostly
compatible at the instruction level.

The two companies are competitors, not allies/partners.


2. Is there any significant architectural differences between the
products manufactured by these two companies???

Absolutely. They're two totally different chips.


3. I ask the above question because it seems that the chips produced
by one seem not be be plug in capable with the chips produced by the
other -- it seems that the boards produced for one are different that
the CPU boards produced for the other???

That's right, because they're two totally different chips, manufactured
by two different competing companies.


4. I also ask the above question because over the last 2 years
software problems "seem" to occur around one but not the other???

"This" problem occurs around "that" chip/company; "that" problem occurs
around "this" chip/company. Everybody have problems, and the two
chips/companies have different problems because they're two totally
different chips/companies.


5. Also, there is a non-i386 computer containing the AMD acronymn
listed with ARM and a dozen other non i386 computers listed by
Debian.   I understand this second listing of non i386 machines (one
example being the Motorola 68xxx) but am confused about the AMD non
i386 machines place in this listing.

AMD manufactures both a 386-compatible chip, and non-386-compatible
chips. One chip is more suited for use in 386-compatible computers (such
as most end-user desktop machines); the other is more suited for use in
different applications, perhaps such as "iPhone"-type phones or PDAs or
car stereos or game consoles, etc. (I'm not "up" on the current
hardware, so this is just a generalized answer, and should not be taken
as specific information. Google has all the "real" answers for you.)


6. How is it that (for example) the Debian i386 AMD chip (some but not
all) are more condusive to the Debian kernel for certain kinds of
operations but not so with the Intel chip???  I base this on Debian
documentation where the Intel chip is not even mentioned.

"Debian i386 AMD chip"? Um, that doesn't even quite make sense. Debian
doesn't manufacture chips. (Well, Ian and Debra may have cooked up a
batch of home-made potato chips on occasion, but I'm not sure about
their home-life, so you'd have to ask them.)


Maybe I have just confused myself and every Intel board/chip
combination is replaceable with every AMD board/chip combination.

No, they are not replaceable with each other. It's much like Ford making
pickups and cars and tractors; they're similar in some generalized way,
and they're similar to pickups and cars and tractors from other
manufacturers, but there are significant differences, and you can't
expect to use a Ford tractor diesel motor in a Chevy Volt straight off
the sales lot.


  But this is not what vendors have been telling me.  They are telling
me that on MS Windows OS (eg: XP) I can use either the AMD board/chip
combination or the Intel board/chip combination but the boards and
chips are not mutually compatible - AMD chips must go into AMD boards
and Intel chips must go into Intel boards.



Also, I am being told that some Debian software will operate on some
AMD board/chip combinations but not others and that this has something
to do with the specific kernel where one Debian kernel version will
not run the same (for certain operations) as another version.

This is true, just as you wouldn't expect a Ford tractor tire to fit on
a Honda Accord. The Debian kernel has been written/modified to fit some
boards/chips, but not others.


So, I am confused and frustrated.  I used to think that Debian kernels
would all run without exception on either AMD or Intel board/chip
combinations and the odd quirk in a kernel version would be resolved
with a newer version.

In the past, Debian has supported more architectures than other
GNU/Linux OSes and  (and I think that may still be true for GNU/Linux,
although I think one of the BSDs has support for more architectures).


Is there a CHART that matches Debian kernels to tested and acceptable
AMD and Intel board/chip set matches while indicating limitations,
constraints, and possible special operations for both???

Hopefully someone else may be able to answer this question.


I have seen this same question (in a variety of forms) asked on this
forum as well as others but I haven't seen a complete answer.

debian-user] Re: AMD vs Intel and the Debian kernel

2008-08-18 Thread Ted Hilts

Can someone enlighten me regarding my confusion with the term AMD.

1, I know that the term AMD (American Micro Devices) is supposed to be a 
'second source' for Intel 32bit and 64bit microprocessors.  But it seems 
based on what I have read on this relationship between AMD and Intel 
that there is controversy, legal actions, competition, and architectural 
differences regarding the manufacture and selling of these 
microprocessors.  So this suggests to me that AMD is not really a 
'second source'  (a licensed second manufacturing and selling source 
supplier of identical products as designed and manufactured by another 

2. Is there any significant architectural differences between the 
products manufactured by these two companies???

3. I ask the above question because it seems that the chips produced by 
one seem not be be plug in capable with the chips produced by the other 
-- it seems that the boards produced for one are different that the CPU 
boards produced for the other???

4. I also ask the above question because over the last 2 years software 
problems "seem" to occur around one but not the other???

5. Also, there is a non-i386 computer containing the AMD acronymn listed 
with ARM and a dozen other non i386 computers listed by Debian.   I 
understand this second listing of non i386 machines (one example being 
the Motorola 68xxx) but am confused about the AMD non i386 machines 
place in this listing.

6. How is it that (for example) the Debian i386 AMD chip (some but not 
all) are more condusive to the Debian kernel for certain kinds of 
operations but not so with the Intel chip???  I base this on Debian 
documentation where the Intel chip is not even mentioned. 

Bottom line, over the past 2 years I have been struggling with the idea 
of using the correct (if there is such a thing) microprocessor 
board/chip combination appropriate for certain operations but not at the 
exclusion of all other possible operations.  Maybe I have just confused 
myself and every Intel board/chip combination is replaceable with every 
AMD board/chip combination.  But this is not what vendors have been 
telling me.  They are telling me that on MS Windows OS (eg: XP) I can 
use either the AMD board/chip combination or the Intel board/chip 
combination but the boards and chips are not mutually compatible - AMD 
chips must go into AMD boards and Intel chips must go into Intel boards. 
Also, I am being told that some Debian software will operate on some AMD 
board/chip combinations but not others and that this has something to do 
with the specific kernel where one Debian kernel version will not run 
the same (for certain operations) as another version.

So, I am confused and frustrated.  I used to think that Debian kernels 
would all run without exception on either AMD or Intel board/chip 
combinations and the odd quirk in a kernel version would be resolved 
with a newer version. I was also told that the chip sets (including the 
MP chip(s) had different parameters and an Intel chip set combination 
was not compatible with an AMD chip set combination thus making the 
boards non compatible with one another.  In fact, I am told, it is these 
other chips (including and working with the MP chip) that account for 
many differences some of which play havoc with certain Linux kernels.  I 
am also told that indiscriminate use of a Debian kernel  may bring 
problems that occur on an Intel system or vice-versa for a AMD system.

Is there a CHART that matches Debian kernels to tested and acceptable 
AMD and Intel board/chip set matches while indicating limitations, 
constraints, and possible special operations for both???

I have seen this same question (in a variety of forms) asked on this 
forum as well as others but I haven't seen a complete answer.

Thanks in advance, for any comments, technical references, etc. == Ted Hilts

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: rsync backup to ext3-formatted usb flash drive?

2008-08-11 Thread Ted Hilts

Brian Wells wrote:

On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 02:21 -0400, Rick Thomas wrote:

On Aug 10, 2008, at 2:12 AM, Brian Wells wrote:

Hi. I'm using svn-fast-backup (in the subversion-tools package) to  
rsync backups of my subversion repository.  The place I'm backing  
up to
is on an ext3-formatted usb flash drive, and I'm wondering if this  
is a

wise thing to do.

I know that flash drive blocks wear out after a certain number of
writes, and rsync uses hard links to avoid duplicate backup files.  My
question is, does this mean that the inodes' reference counts will be
changed frequently enough that it might wear out that block of the  

drive any time soon?  (I currently backup about 900 files one or two
times a day.)  If so, is ext3 capable of using another block for the
inode, or will I lose the ability to read/write some files completely?


Here are some basic facts about USB flash drives:

The underlying NAND flash RAM is guaranteed for 100K writes (older  
technology) or 1M (more recent).  After that it's retention time  
starts to decrease, sometimes to as little as a few weeks, and with  
continued use eventually to complete failure.  The retention time of  
a new, fully-functional NAND flash RAM is hundreds of years.

USB flash drives have controller chips in the drive that, among other  
things, talk USB protocol to the host.  One of the other things they  
do is try to distribute the writes over the available blocks,  
extending the lifetime of the device beyond the raw lifetime of the  
underlying NAND flash.  But the firmware in the controller usually  
assumes you are using a FAT file-system.  If, for example, you use  
EXT3 rather than FAT, you will probably confuse it.  I don't know  
what the effect will be on device life, but I'm guessing it will  
probably be something like a return to the behavior of the raw NAND  

Write blocks are large (4-8K or more).  If you update one inode in a  
block, you have to read the entire block, update the inode and write  
the entire block back again.  Each write to an inode causes an  
effective write to all the inodes in the same block.  So there's  
roughly a 64x multiplier (8Kbytes/block divided by 128bytes/inode =  
64 inodes/block) in the number of writes.  Thus any given single  
inode is good for roughly 16K updates before it wears out.

Let's suppose your rsync backup causes a small number of updates for  
each inode it touches.  Call it 10, conservatively (it very well  
could be as low as 1 or 2 -- I don't know enough of the details of  
how rsync works at the filesystem level).  That gives you about 1600  
rsync runs before you start to wear out the inodes.  At twice a day,  
you can safely use your USB flash drive for 800 days, or between 2  
and 3 years.

So here's what I'd do.  Use your USB flash drive for a year, then  
retire it to the long-term archives and replace it with a new one.   
Let that be one of those things you do on or near your birthday, like  
schedule a checkup with your Doctor.  Also: dismount the flash drive,  
force an fsck, and remount it, every time you do a backup.  This will  
read and sanity-check every inode on the drive, without doing any  
writes.  If the fsck shows random errors, replace the drive because  
it's probably starting to wear out.

Sound reasonable?


It does sound reasonable, with one sticking point: a lot of space in the
flash drive will never be used.  I should have mentioned that; despite
having 900 files, the repository is currently only about 5 MB, and the
drive itself is 4 GB.

I'm looking at an alternative utility, svn-backup-dumps, in the same
package.  I could do ~800 full backups, or many more incremental backups
with a full backup here and there, before running out of space.  That
would only write most blocks once or twice, and once it filled up I
could erase old backups with only one write and reuse it, right?  (If I
do this, should I reformat to FAT so the controllers won't be confused?)


It seems to me (given the above remarks) that you could define a block 
or file that contains your backup with suitable space for the year (as 
already suggested).   I think using the FAT for filename suggestion, at 
the end of each year make the block containing your backup a read only 
block.  FAT does not have the permissions as does EXT3 but can be set 
for read only operation. You can easily try this out using a test 
block.  Each year (since you were concerned about unused space) you 
would then define a new block with the beginning of the new block as the 
contents of the previous block unless of course you don't want to keep 
all the old backup info.

Hope you find this suggestion helpful.

Thanks, Ted Hilts

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Getting started with Xen -- Xen enabled kernel for Lenny?

2008-01-24 Thread Ted Hilts


Thanks for your information, you will find my reply further down.

Martin Marcher wrote:

On Thursday 24 January 2008 17:13 Ted Hilts wrote:


What is the exact kernel version you are running on both machines and
what are their CPU designations?  The problems in the past have not been
with the distribution but with various kernels. Did you compile your
systems from source or did you use pre-compiled packages?  Did you
compile the source and apply a patch for the kernels  or did you use
kernel binaries with the Xen package already compiled into the kernel

the "xen package" isn't compiled into the kernel afaik, you still need some
userland stuff to start/stop (interface) the domUs.


Thanks for your information further down from these comments.

I did not snip out the information below my following comments as I 
thought the information to be useful not just to me but to others that 
may be aware of our dialog.

As I remember, the package as I call it consists of 2 integrated parcels 
of code.  One parcel of code is integrated into the kernel as a patch 
and the other as you mentioned is like a dependent parcel for managing 
the operations.  But definitely, the kernel is altered and has 
attributes the un-patched kernel does not have.  So one either applies 
the patch or one gets a binary that has already been patched.  Sounds to 
me you obtained a kernel binary that was pre-patched for use with Xen.  
There is no way the ordinary kernel can become the core of an Xen system 
without the patch.  However, Intel hardware changes associated with the 
CPU chip may change that -- I simply do not know.

Also, I was talking about kernel versions higher than yours (up in the 
twenties where yours was 18) and 32 bit. But whether the CPU is 32 bit 
on 64bit machines could be a problem, I don't know.  Also, the AMD was 
the only working CPU architecture available on Debian and I don't know 
why that was the case.  Many people do not use AMD  as their CPU 
architecture.  Somewhere, just before etch was declared as STABLE the 
AMD Xen stuff failed to work properly and this condition was verified by 
someone (I don't have the name handy) who was doing some kind of liaison 
between Debian and Xen.  That's why I said it did not work on Debian.  
This liaison person has already confirmed that and was attempting to 
find a way around no Debian Xen until the next stable version (which 
seems to be on its way or is already here). So it seems by my 
information the Xen Debian problem occurred on the 2.6 kernel at some 
point and there were many requests on the debian-user list asking why 
they could not get the AMD Xen stuff to work. So it will be interesting 
to see if things have now changed.  I don't doubt your set up works and 
works well but I am willing to bet that the etch stable kernel version 
will not work for you.  Maybe, with Debian 4.0 the problem has been 
resolved -- hope so!

I did not snip out the rest of the stuff.

Thanks -- Ted

Looking forward to this information.  Thanks, Ted

aptitude install xen-linx-image-2.6-xen-amd64

no i'm not joking, those with the hypervisor and ioemu and i was set, I had
the 2 or 3 minor updates since etch release and all of those kernels worked

the dom0 doesn't have anything apart from the official etch repos

aptitude search ~ixen
i A linux-image-2.6-xen-amd64   - Linux kernel 2.6 image on AMD64
i A linux-image-2.6.18-5-xen-amd64  - Linux 2.6.18 image on AMD64
i   linux-image-xen-amd64   - Linux kernel image on AMD64
i A linux-modules-2.6.18-5-xen-amd6 - Linux 2.6.18 modules on AMD64
i   xen-hypervisor-3.0.3-1-amd64- The Xen Hypervisor on AMD64
i   xen-utils-3.0.3-1   - XEN administrative tools
i A xen-utils-common- XEN administrative tools - common

First Box (2 cores/1 cpu):
cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : AuthenticAMD
cpu family  : 15
model   : 39
model name  : AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 146
stepping: 1
cpu MHz : 2009.290
cache size  : 1024 KB
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 1
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic mtrr mca cmov pat pse36
clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 syscall nx mmxext fxsr_opt lm 3dnowext 3dnow pni
bogomips: 5024.69
TLB size: 1024 4K pages
clflush size: 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management: ts fid vid ttp

Second Box (4 cores/2 cpus):
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : AuthenticAMD
cpu family  : 15
model   : 65
model name  : Dual-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 2212 HE
stepping: 2
cpu MHz : 2000.070
cache size  : 1024 KB
physical id : 0
siblings: 1
core id

Re: Getting started with Xen -- Xen enabled kernel for Lenny?

2008-01-24 Thread Ted Hilts


My reply is at the very bottom.

Martin Marcher wrote:

Jozef Peterka wrote:


Hi all,
I might be rushing in to conversation, but I will try to install Debian
Etch and make it Dom0 this very weekend. I really look forward to it -
although with a little hope to success :)
Nevermind, I wanted wish you good luck with xen, and the important is
let everybody here know what happened. I will do that after weekend as
well, I will post my experience in a short mail to this threat.

xen runs fine in etch i have ~15 domUs running on 2 physical machines with
~50LVs attached. not a single problem regarding xen on either of those.




What is the exact kernel version you are running on both machines and 
what are their CPU designations?  The problems in the past have not been 
with the distribution but with various kernels. Did you compile your 
systems from source or did you use pre-compiled packages?  Did you 
compile the source and apply a patch for the kernels  or did you use 
kernel binaries with the Xen package already compiled into the kernel 

Looking forward to this information.  Thanks, Ted

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Getting started with Xen -- Xen enabled kernel for Lenny?

2008-01-23 Thread Ted Hilts

My response at very bottom.

Rick Thomas wrote:

I'm trying to get started with Xen.

I've installed Lenny and a bunch of packages that looked interesting 
and mentioned Xen in their descriptions.  But there does not seem to 
be a Xen enabled kernel available.  Is Xen built-in to the Lenny 
kernels, or what?

I plan to spend tonite with my feet up in the easy chair reading the 
documents in /usr/share/doc/Xen-docs-3.1/ .  I hope they will be 
helpful, but they don't seem to mention Debian specifically.  I've 
googled every which way, but everything I find is for Etch or Sarge 
and expects me to have a Xen enabled kernel.

More generally, is there a HOWTO or FAQ that would give me some 
pointers to getting Xen up and running?



Hi Rick

Sorry for any typos. There is a problem for newer Debian kernels (as in 
the etch distribution) and Xen.  They just don't work and there is 
currently no patch to save the day.  Ubuntu has Xen based recent kernels 
which apparently work well but I have not yet tried them. The Xen web 
site has 3 Xen options one of which I think is still free. Either one of 
these 3 options can be installed providing a DOM 0  basic virtualizing 
machine. Also, some of the other Linux distributions like SuSE have Xen 
based kernels.  Xen based kernels are regular kernels but have the Xen 
application compiled into them making them the basis for hardware 
virtualization and thus called DOM 0 meaning the virtualization machine 
that redirects system calls from DOM U distributions.  A DOM U 
distribution is virtualized meaning that during the time slice for a 
particular DOM U distribution it's system calls get re-routed to the DOM 
0 computer resources (mostly hardware including CPU, memory, drives, LAN 
interface, etc.).  DOM U distributions each have their own partition and 
are activated by the DOM 0 Xen  application as a virtual machine..  
There can be as many as 64 partitions in total including the partition 
for DOM 0. Most designers prefer to have the DOM 0 Xen system as a 
minimal distribution.  The DOM 0 distribution can create virtual 
machines from it's own distribution so that you might have several 
virtual machines each doing one important thing instead of the 
conventional way where all these things get done on the one 
distribution.  Of course, you can run other Linux distributions as DOM U 
installations. This is what makes Xen most efficient.

Your fastest, safest, and best solution right now would be to get one of 
the 3 optional systems offered by the Xen developers.  Apparently, they 
have a blog and I know they have a list. I have a  download  of the 
free  Xen  package on a CD which is now a year old and which I will be  
installing on  a computer.  I will  install a large Debian distribution 
as well as smaller Debian distributions each in their own partition and 
use them as virtual machines.  DOM 0 will be the free Xen package which 
took me a week to download and now I am trying to find it. The Xen 
documentation describes how the DOM 0 machine is made aware of the DOM U 
partitions with their respective distributions.  BTW, you can now take a 
Windowz distribution like XP or more recent and run it as a DOM U 
virtual machine.That's neat if you have applications like I have that 
can only run on Windowz.  But you have to buy a license from MS. 

Hope this information gets you going.  There is one fellow on the 
debian-user list that has had a Linux Xen system running for about 2 
years or more but that system would be running on an older kernel and he 
would have compiled the Xen application into the kernel and I think he 
used the AMD CPU.  A number of people have tried to update their older 
Debian kernel with patches which automatically makes their system non 
operational. I think Debian really missed the importance of Xen and to 
get a Debian DOM 0 system from the etch distribution was not possible.  
Apparently there is a new distribution by what I hear on the list 
chatter. That distribution I am not aware of other than it is Debian 4.x 
distribution.  Hopefully, if that is the case there may now be kernels 
available with the Xen application installed.

Have a nice day and if you get Xen up and running please be kind enough 
to let the list know about your configuration and other issues as there 
have been many over the last few years that have wanted help and advice. 
I reiterate, your best chance of success is to run out of the Xen box as 
provided by the Xen developers.

Thanks -- Ted

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [debian-user] Dumped off the list

2008-01-08 Thread Ted Hilts

Ron Johnson wrote:

On 01/08/08 15:05, Ted Hilts - Thunderbird Acct. wrote:
I can't seem to stay on this list for more than a couple of weeks and 
then no more list traffic.

This only happens with the debian-user list and not any of the other 
debian lists.

[huge blank line snippage]

Every few weeks I get knocked off the Debian user list and I get no 
more traffic from the list.

This only happens with the debian-user list as I have no problem with 
any of the other debian lists and non debian lists.

When this happens I am unable to resubscribe because the debian list 
emal server still thinks I am subscribed.

This whole situation is getting painful -- does anyone else have this 
problem or a suggestion.  Please send your response directly to me as 
I have not yet been able to subscribe and therefore would not see 
your response.  Sorry if you are one of those who responded to my 
last email to the list.

Thanks -- Ted

[huge blank line snippage]

Maybe you (or your Telus IP range) ae getting blacklisted by spam 

Could be but my ISP is praying for the day they never see me on their 
services so I cannot get any help there if they are the problem.  I 
could not help but notice the large amount of my email for various 
Debian lists that they deem as SPAM.  They apparently take legitimate 
Debian list traffic and generate a SPAM warning which then causes my set 
up to miss the traffic.  But the problem of NO debian-user traffic maybe 
coming directly from the list server or someone who has figured out how 
to mess with it.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[debian-user] Debian Repository Usage

2008-01-08 Thread Ted Hilts - Thunderbird Acct.
I obtained the full set of Ubuntu disks, installed the desktop stuff and 
now have a working system without SERVERS.  It seems the servers come on 
another disk separate from the LIVE/INSTALL desktop software.  The 
server CD is an INSTALL only and not a LIVE CD.  This means I would have 
to over write the desktop installation.  I tried using the Ubuntu POOL 
directory on the sever CD but although it looks like it was installing 
it turns out it was not.  So I tried using aptitude which very nicely 
rushed off to the Ubuntu repository.  But I want it to run off to the 
Debian repository because there are a lot of special packages (like 
OCTAVE) and others.

My question:  Is there a way of telling apt-get or some other debian 
package  to go to the Debian REPOSITORY and fetch and install a 
particular item such as the SAMBA server and other servers.  What would 
be the bash command line for this kind of operation?  Could someone 
provide me with the command line for the SAMBA server as an example. I 
need to over ride the present behavior of apt-get or aptitude so they 
reference packages in the Debian Repository.  I have been reading 
documentation but can't find information on this specific issue.

Thanks in advance, Ted Hilts.  BTW, I have resubscribed but have not 
seen any evidence that list traffic is now coming to me so please be 
sure to include me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) so I at least get the reply.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[debian-user] Dumped off the list

2008-01-08 Thread Ted Hilts - Thunderbird Acct.
I can't seem to stay on this list for more than a couple of weeks and 
then no more list traffic.

This only happens with the debian-user list and not any of the other 
debian lists.

Every few weeks I get knocked off the Debian user list and I get no more 
traffic from the list.

This only happens with the debian-user list as I have no problem with 
any of the other debian lists and non debian lists.

When this happens I am unable to resubscribe because the debian list 
emal server still thinks I am subscribed.

This whole situation is getting painful -- does anyone else have this 
problem or a suggestion.  Please send your response directly to me as I 
have not yet been able to subscribe and therefore would not see your 
response.  Sorry if you are one of those who responded to my last email 
to the list. 

Thanks -- Ted

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Fwd: Bug#454604: linux-2.6: Xen kernel packages for 2.6.22]

2007-12-07 Thread Ted Hilts


Per your subject and attachments. Hope this will be helpful.

I don't think your problem can be resolved at the current time because 
of your kernel patch.

Below find correspondence and URLs which explain why.

* Brian Almeida:

> I've been unable to find an official debian kernel which has
> Xen supporter after 2.6.18-5 (released with etch).  While I realize
> there were changes in later kernels that complicated the patches,
> Ubuntu has had Xen support for 2.6.22 for nearly 3 months (see
> Can you please integrate their Xen patchesets into the official Debian
> kernels?

The XenSource upstream is sort-of defunct these days.  For some
background information, see:


from me:

I am a new subscriber with bug listing and have been following the BUGS. 

I also am very confused and upset with how Debian development and bug 
efforts regarding XEN seem to be avoided. I have followed XEN 
development and bugs since the onset and attempted in vain to create any 
aggressive interest in the debian-user list.  At the time ETCH was released I spoke 
to an individual in Xen development who was also concerned and he said 
he would pressure release people in Debian to make some kind of special 
allowance to add XEN into the ETCH distribution -- apparently he was 
successful but there appears to be little effort to go further (to 
incorporate changes and bugs) because of the way the release mechanism 
works for Debian releases.  So it appears -- until the next official 
Debian release -- there will be no more changes. 

There has to be a way of handling the situation for projects 
external to Debian but need to be part of Debian. I suggest possibly 
something like an unofficial release overlay such that these special 
releases get utilized into the distribution but have no official 
sanction -- which I think Ubuntu has essentially done. Ubuntu has 
sufficient independence from Debian that it can deal with these kind of 
issues it's own way.  Debian should also have that kind of flexibility 
but in a way that does not disrupt Debian releases. With all the 
brilliant Debian developers, maintainers, and people with experience I 
can not see how this kind of situation can persist.

Thanks -- Ted Hilts

Otavio Salvador wrote:

Florian Weimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


* Brian Almeida:


I've been unable to find an official debian kernel which has
Xen supporter after 2.6.18-5 (released with etch).  While I realize
there were changes in later kernels that complicated the patches,
Ubuntu has had Xen support for 2.6.22 for nearly 3 months (see 

Can you please integrate their Xen patchesets into the official Debian

The XenSource upstream is sort-of defunct these days.  For some
background information, see:



Looks like XEN will have bad days until it's done for paravirt_ops
then :-)

See TOP of this email chain!

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact 

Scott Edwards wrote:

Currently I have this installed on the host, running etch:

ii  xen-hypervisor-3.0.3-1-amd643.0.3-0-4 
The Xen Hypervisor
ii  xen-ioemu-3.0.3-1   3.0.3-0-4 
XEN administrative
ii  xen-linux-system-2.6.18-5-xen-vserver-amd64 2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch4 
XEN system with Li
ii  xen-tools   2.8-2 
Tools to manage de
ii  xen-utils-3.0.3-1   3.0.3-0-4 
XEN administrative
ii  xen-utils-common3.0.3-0-2 
XEN administrative

In a vserver guest (roughly root in a chroot with few capabilities) I 
have sid installed.  I setup this vserver guest primarily to isolate 
the build env from the host. Both host and guest are amd64 in 64bit mode.

While trying to compile the xen-unstable source package, I ran into 
bug #399700.  I submitted a patch (attached) to use 
linux-support-2.6.22-3 instead of linux-support-2.6.17-2. 

I'm attempting to backport this (eventually) to etch to hopefully 
overcome an issue where guests are unable to partition the disk.  My 
study of the disk image I provide them, shows no data is modified past 
the partition table.  I tried writing 0x00's and also 0xFF's to the 
first 100 sectors or so with little to no success for the guest.

I decided to try the upstream 3.1.0 tarball, and after applying 
changes to the makefiles 

[debian-user] Browser Question -- Not urgent --respond if you have time

2007-11-29 Thread Ted Hilts
I am trying to pin down a general kind of problem occuring with a number 
of applications on both Windo and Linux.  This is not urgent so look 
at this problem if you have time or interest.

I am having a problem with a number of capture type applications one of 
which is a  Firefox add-on. But this is just one application I use as an 
example as it looks to me like the same or similar kind of problem is 
occurring to several applications running on several machines and I have 
even experiences this same or similar kind of problem on both Windo 
as well as Linux OS platforms.

Here goes -- remember my firefox add-on which is a capture type 
application is just an example.   I think I might better understand the 
source of the problem if I knew better the browser protocol when 
responding to a URL and the RSS protocol. One (of several) applications 
I am having a problem with is called scrapbook but my question is more 
general.  I am trying to figure out if the problem is the result of my 
limited bandwidth (dial up) because the process failure behavior closely 
resembles a failed browser completion or download completion while 
downloading or capturing a web page or other file and the fetch often 
process just hangs part way through the process.  I note that with a 
browser there is the reload or equivalent operation which restarts the 
browser.  With my dial up ISP connection it is very common for me to 
have to reload -- often several times over when the Internet traffic is 
slow and some servers are also slow and the web page is large.  So this 
has got me thinking that my problem with the scrapbook (and other 
capture type) application might be closely related to my problem with 
browsers and I would like to understand that fetching process better.  
For example the he scrapbook web page capture application puts out 
little messages like, connecting, loading, transfer of data, and since 
it is a web page capturing application it indcates capture of the web 
page into a file.  My question is more about the connecting, loading and 
transfer of data which are probably the same kind of operations and 
protocol that a browser uses.  What exactly is the difference between 
loading and transfer of data?  I think loading involves the file names 
and/or sections within the web page and transfer of data involves the 
data in those files -- for example, the CSS file or the use of 
Javascript or tables, etc.  But this is just an educated guess based on 
building web pages and I wanted to get the opinion of others more 
knowledgeable on brower and capture operations. The reason I don't want 
to talk about the scrapbook application specifically is because I have 
the same kind of problem with other capture type applications such as 
Offline Explorer and others and the problem occurs on all my computers.  
All these applications involve interaction with the Internet and the 
acquirement of web pages.  Some of my applications are more robust and 
recover from a broken dial up connection and some don't.  My data 
aquisition  tasks are  (capture of web pages) all done on 3 or 4  
Windozz machines because a lot of these particular applications 
either are not available on Linux. But I have several Linux machines 
doing this kind of acquisition and the problem is the same but fewer 
applications on Linux. For example, the firefox add-ons are often not 
available on Linux.  I did several years ago try to run wget and wput 
and other applications inside perl and bash scripts and even then I 
encountered this hanging problem. 
I am looking for confirmation or other opinions from the Debian user 
group because I may be missing something significant.  I have this 
nagging worry that perhaps OS resources (about which I know little in 
the way of socket operation, etc.) on both Windoz as well as Linux 
may also be involved that may result is time-outs because of a slow and 
crowded Internet connection. I have now waited 2 years for a fast 
Internet connection and it should be soon here and I don't want to find 
out to my surprise that I still have this problem to the same degree.

Any advise from anyone having had similar problems would be very welcome.

Thanks -- Ted
BTW, everyone have a nice day! Our temperature low here in North 
Alberta, Canada is about -15 degrees Celsius. Add in the wind factor and 
the layer of snow and we are talking COLD although I've seen it much 
colder out here. The fast Internet people came out yesterday and they 
could not install the connection because of the ice all over the 
scaffolding and roof.  Waited 2 years and now still waiting.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [debian-users] minicom or ISP? - No urgency - answer if you have time.

2007-11-16 Thread Ted Hilts

Hal Vaughan wrote:

On Saturday 17 November 2007, Ted Hilts wrote:

What I was trying to say is that I am not sure where the "AiiNET"
prompt is coming from.  Is it coming from the ISP or is it being
manufactured by Minicom as some respone.  I think the "AiiNET" prompt
is coming from the ISP just as the "user" and "password" prompts are
coming the the ISP.  If that were not the case then there would have
been by now many Debian Minicom users knowledgeable  regarding the

As I understand it, or from my experience, if Minicom needs input, it 
prompts with a curses type window.  It does not issue prompts in the 
middle of a session.

Just out of curiosity, I loaded the Minicom file into KHexEdit and 
searched for AiiNET.  There's no instance of that string in the file.  
Other prompts and messages are easy to find, so it's definitely NOT 
coming from Minicom.




That's nice to know as it pretty well settles the origin of the "AiiNET" 
prompt as coming from the ISP

Again, thanks for your input, Ted Hilts

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [debian-users] minicom or ISP? - No urgency - answer if you have time.

2007-11-16 Thread Ted Hilts

John Hasler wrote:

Thunderbird Acct. wrote:

When dialing up my ISP in an interactive mode providing user name and
password I get a third prompt with the prompt message "AiiNET".

Some ISPs respond with a username/password prompt when you use an
interactive program but expect PAP authenication when they see a PPP
connection.  Run pppconfig as root, answer the questions, and then use pon
to start the connection and poff to stop it.  If you want dial-on-demand go
into the "Advanced" menu in pppconfig.

Thanks John, I will try that!


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [debian-users] minicom or ISP? - No urgency - answer if you have time.

2007-11-16 Thread Ted Hilts

Hal Vaughan wrote:

On Friday 16 November 2007, Ted Hilts - Thunderbird Acct. wrote:

This question is informational and there is no urgency.

I'm not going to cover what has the first response has said, but I have 
a bit I can add:


When dialing up my ISP in an interactive mode providing user name and
password I get a third prompt with the prompt message "AiiNET".  So
now I get 3 prompts: "user name", "password", and "AiiNET" where
before I just got the 2 prompts "user name" and "password".  The ISP
would not help saying that they don't support Linux.  

Do NOT EVER tell your ISP you're using Linux.  Find whatever way you can 
avoid saying that.  Tell them you're using an old DOS program or 
something.  You could say you're using it as a requirement for your 
job.  Yes, it's a lie, and I don't advocate that, but never tell any 
ISP you're using Linux.  That's their immediate excuse to not help you 
and for everything to be your fault.


...Has anyone
else run into this situation where the "AiiNET" prompt occurs during
manual dial up? In the following paragraph I provide more detail.

Have you tried just asking them what to type in response to this prompt?  
Don't specify an OS or anything else.  Again, you're just using a DOS 

If that doesn't work, do you have any way of connecting with a Windows 
system and monitoring your transmission?  Perhaps using something like 
Ethereal?  (Does Ethereal watch dial up?  Don't remember.)  That might 
let you intercept what their software uses as a response.

I use a package called "minicom" on a Linux machine running Slackware
which is my lan gateway machine to the Internet via dial up to my
ISP. I don't think "minicom" is a debian package (but it may be by
some other name)..  

Minicom is one of the best term programs out there.  I used it a lot in 
testing and developing the software I use for the business I run.  It 
is a Debian package and is a package in most distros.  This is not a 
Minicom question.  It's a "What response to I send to the AiiNet 
prompt?" question.

Have you tried just hitting "enter" and seeing what happens?  What else 
do you use for connecting?  Do you use a program like KPPP without any 
problem?  If so, can you monitor what goes through the device and see 
what you get?

While Minicom is a great program, remember that dial up ISPs don't  
expect a text terminal.  They expect a program that responds to their 
prompts, then establishes a PPP or TCP/IP connection (it's been so long 
I don't remember what they use!), so even if you respond to this 
prompt, you probably won't get anything useful to Minicom.


Thanks for your respnse.  You more or less agree that the AiiNET prompt 
is coming from the ISP.  The ISP technical support department head told 
me they have never seen the prompt and have no idea at all what it could 
be.  In other words, they simply don't know and don't care to know and 
as you said they blame Linux for the problem.

BTW: Isn't it some form of discrimination to provide ISP services and 
support for Windoz and Mac while turning a blind eye to Linux???  
That's how my ISP behaves.  I think that in Europe it is apparently law 
for computer manufacturers not to favor one OS over all the others? 
Also, I think in Europe it is against the law for a computer 
manufacturer to pre-load only Windoz. So this is very much the same 
kind of problem with ISP providers -- would you agree?

Thanks also for all the advice, most of the tracking packages you 
mentioned are knew to me.  Mostly though, I just wanted to be sure from 
where the "AiiNET" was originating.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [debian-users] minicom or ISP? - No urgency - answer if you have time.

2007-11-16 Thread Ted Hilts

Douglas A. Tutty wrote:

On Fri, Nov 16, 2007 at 03:08:11PM -0700, Ted Hilts - Thunderbird Acct. wrote:
When dialing up my ISP in an interactive mode providing user name and 
password I get a third prompt with the prompt message "AiiNET".  So now 
I get 3 prompts: "user name", "password", and "AiiNET" where before I 
just got the 2 prompts "user name" and "password".  The ISP would not 
help saying that they don't support Linux.  The ISP has a monopoly out 
here is rural Alberta, Canada. Since there are some very experienced 
people on the list maybe someone has run into this third prompt.  As I 
said, it is a relatively new prompt which does not always occur (and I 
have a somewhat clumsy work-around).  Has anyone else run into this 
situation where the "AiiNET" prompt occurs during manual dial up? In the 
following paragraph I provide more detail.

I've never seen an "AiiNET" prompt.  What is the required response?

I use a package called "minicom" on a Linux machine running Slackware 
which is my lan gateway machine to the Internet via dial up to my ISP. I 
don't think "minicom" is a debian package (but it may be by some other 

Minicom is a normal debian package.

I am gradually migrating my lan Linux machines over to Debian 
but still have to maintain this Slackware unit until I can get a fast 
Internet connection and the switch or router will head end everything. 

Why?  What can Slackware do that Debian can't?  You don't need a fast
internect connetion to run Debian.


I am not sure if the question is about minicom or about the ISP.  When
the dial up connection is lost minicom is not evoked and so Linux
brings up the connection automatically. 

I don't understand what you're saying here.


Initially using minicom basically sets up the dial up modem and
thereafter all interaction with the ISP is automatic. So when it is
automatic I don't really know the details of the interaction.

You should only need to use minicom to set up a modem once ever (unless
you need to reprogram it again later).  You should be able to set up
pppconfig to issue whatever connection strings you need.


You said: "
I've never seen an "AiiNET" prompt.  What is the required response?'

I wish I knew -- I tried all  kinds of responses!

You also said: "You don't need a fast internet connection to run Debian" 
which is true. I was only commenting that the Slackware Linux machine 
won't be needed once I get a fast Internet connection. At that time 
hopefully I will get a static IP address and the router or switch will 
control all internet connections going into and out of the lan.

You also indicated that Minicom is a Debian package.  That's nice to 
know.  Also, you mentioned that "You should be able to set up pppconfig 
to issue whatever connection strings you need".  I think pppconfig is 
working okay.  But probably I could pass pppconfig the string Minicom 
uses to condition the dial up modem if  I knew how to set it up in 


> I am not sure if the question is about minicom or about the ISP.  When
> the dial up connection is lost minicom is not evoked and so Linux
> brings up the connection automatically. 

I don't understand what you're saying here.

What I was trying to say is that I am not sure where the "AiiNET" prompt is coming from.  Is it coming from 
the ISP or is it being manufactured by Minicom as some respone.  I think the "AiiNET" prompt is coming from 
the ISP just as the "user" and "password" prompts are coming the the ISP.  If that were not the 
case then there would have been by now many Debian Minicom users knowledgeable  regarding the prompt.

Have a nice day Doug and Thanks for your input -- Ted 


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[debian-users] minicom or ISP? - No urgency - answer if you have time.

2007-11-16 Thread Ted Hilts - Thunderbird Acct.

This question is informational and there is no urgency.

When dialing up my ISP in an interactive mode providing user name and 
password I get a third prompt with the prompt message "AiiNET".  So now 
I get 3 prompts: "user name", "password", and "AiiNET" where before I 
just got the 2 prompts "user name" and "password".  The ISP would not 
help saying that they don't support Linux.  The ISP has a monopoly out 
here is rural Alberta, Canada. Since there are some very experienced 
people on the list maybe someone has run into this third prompt.  As I 
said, it is a relatively new prompt which does not always occur (and I 
have a somewhat clumsy work-around).  Has anyone else run into this 
situation where the "AiiNET" prompt occurs during manual dial up? In the 
following paragraph I provide more detail.

I use a package called "minicom" on a Linux machine running Slackware 
which is my lan gateway machine to the Internet via dial up to my ISP. I 
don't think "minicom" is a debian package (but it may be by some other 
name)..  I am gradually migrating my lan Linux machines over to Debian 
but still have to maintain this Slackware unit until I can get a fast 
Internet connection and the switch or router will head end everything. I 
am not sure if the question is about minicom or about the ISP.  When the 
dial up connection is lost minicom is not evoked and so Linux brings up 
the connection automatically. Initially using minicom basically sets up 
the dial up modem and thereafter all interaction with the ISP is 
automatic. So when it is automatic I don't really know the details of 
the interaction.

Thanks, Ted Hilts

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [debian-user] Subject Confusion

2007-07-11 Thread Ted Hilts

Andrew Sackville-West wrote:

On Wed, Jul 11, 2007 at 10:24:48AM -0600, Ted Hilts - Thunderbird Acct. wrote:

Please see the original email (further down) sent yesterday to the list.

Would someone like to explain how my ORIGINAL email to the Debian List 
turned into the following:

I saw your original mail (of which you sent two copies to this
list... at least it appeared that way). That mail spawned a discussion
of how to properly sort email. At least one poster tried to kill the
discussion of subjuect munging as its been chewed to death here many
times. The thread evolved into suggestions that you sort your mail not
by subject but by the various headers that are included in list mail. 

So that subject drifted slightly from your original question, but was
still, to my eye, topical to your problem. Namely, that ou were having
trouble sorting mail from debian-user. 

The standard, accepted practice around here is to sort on the List-Id

Does that answer your question?



On Wed, Jul 11, 2007 at 01:17:27PM +0200, Martin Marcher wrote:


the debian mailing lists use the per RFC[1] suggested headers for
mailing lists, i attached them below, my suggestion is to use the
List-ID header and bug other mailing list admins wherever possible to
use that header, it is the most reliable source to filter mailinglist

As I am subscribed to about 30 Mailing Lists I always find it
disturbing when these header infos are missing as they also provide
the info where to unsubscribe, get help etc.

What mailing list software doesn't include those headers?



P.S. I find it disturbing when people top post.  (I kid)

-- Roberto C. Sánchez

ORIGINAL EMAIL SENT YESTERDAY (emphasis not yelling)

I get hundreds of email a day including email from the Debian List.

Nearly all other Linux lists use square brackets to enclose a meaningful
word for the list identification. Most everyone in the world uses "Re",
"Re ", or "Re:" which is fine when the subject is prefixed with 

I don't seem to have a way of filtering the Debian List email from non
Debian email because of this
insistence of the Debian List to use "Re" at the beginning of the
subject.  Whereas, I have no such problem with the greater majority of
other lists because the first part of the subject identifies these other
lists. Also, and only from the Debian Lists, I get BLANK subjects --
lots of them.

The point here is that it would be nice as well as professional if one
could automatically filter and view email according to a single
convention which most of the other lists have done.  In my view, using
"Re subject" when "subject" can be anything is confusing and blank
"subject" makes no sense to me at all.

I use (and will continue to use) THUNDERBIRD for Linux, MS, and other
email correspondence. Perhaps someone could suggest how I might bridge
this problem with Debian email.

Thanks -- Ted Hilts

subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Yes, I understand what  you and the others  have determined.  I have 
just made the appropriate changes to THUNDERBIRD  using the  "To or cc" 
header with the value ""

Some who responded said to use the "From" header but were corrected to 
use the "To" or the "To or cc" header.

Thanks to all if it works.  Assume it does work unless you hear further 
from me on this issue.


PS: BTW Andrew,  I am posting on the bottom but still feel uncomfortable 
about posting that way because this confuses many who do business on the 
Internet.  At least that's my experience. So now I end up posting at the 
bottom for Linux Lists and posting top and bottom for non Linux Lists.  
I assume posting at the bottom is common to most Linux Lists.

Have a good day -- Ted

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[debian-user] Subject Confusion

2007-07-11 Thread Ted Hilts - Thunderbird Acct.

Please see the original email (further down) sent yesterday to the list.

Would someone like to explain how my ORIGINAL email to the Debian List 
turned into the following:

On Wed, Jul 11, 2007 at 01:17:27PM +0200, Martin Marcher wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > the debian mailing lists use the per RFC[1] suggested headers for
> > mailing lists, i attached them below, my suggestion is to use the
> > List-ID header and bug other mailing list admins wherever possible to
> > use that header, it is the most reliable source to filter mailinglist
> >
> > As I am subscribed to about 30 Mailing Lists I always find it
> > disturbing when these header infos are missing as they also provide
> > the info where to unsubscribe, get help etc.
> >
What mailing list software doesn't include those headers?



P.S. I find it disturbing when people top post.  (I kid)

-- Roberto C. Sánchez

ORIGINAL EMAIL SENT YESTERDAY (emphasis not yelling)

I get hundreds of email a day including email from the Debian List.

Nearly all other Linux lists use square brackets to enclose a meaningful
word for the list identification. Most everyone in the world uses "Re",
"Re ", or "Re:" which is fine when the subject is prefixed with "[List-ID]".

I don't seem to have a way of filtering the Debian List email from non
Debian email because of this
insistence of the Debian List to use "Re" at the beginning of the
subject.  Whereas, I have no such problem with the greater majority of
other lists because the first part of the subject identifies these other
lists. Also, and only from the Debian Lists, I get BLANK subjects --
lots of them.

The point here is that it would be nice as well as professional if one
could automatically filter and view email according to a single
convention which most of the other lists have done.  In my view, using
"Re subject" when "subject" can be anything is confusing and blank
"subject" makes no sense to me at all.

I use (and will continue to use) THUNDERBIRD for Linux, MS, and other
email correspondence. Perhaps someone could suggest how I might bridge
this problem with Debian email.

Thanks -- Ted Hilts

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[debian-user] Subject Confusion

2007-07-10 Thread Ted Hilts

I get hundreds of email a day including email from the Debian List.

Nearly all other Linux lists use square brackets to enclose a meaningful
word for the list identification. Most everyone in the world uses "Re",
"Re ", or "Re:" which is fine when the subject is prefixed with "[List-ID]".

I don't seem to have a way of filtering the Debian List email from non
Debian email because of this
insistence of the Debian List to use "Re" at the beginning of the
subject.  Whereas, I have no such problem with the greater majority of
other lists because the first part of the subject identifies these other
lists. Also, and only from the Debian Lists, I get BLANK subjects --
lots of them.

The point here is that it would be nice as well as professional if one
could automatically filter and view email according to a single
convention which most of the other lists have done.  In my view, using
"Re subject" when "subject" can be anything is confusing and blank
"subject" makes no sense to me at all.

I use (and will continue to use) THUNDERBIRD for Linux, MS, and other
email correspondence. Perhaps someone could suggest how I might bridge
this problem with Debian email.

Thanks -- Ted Hilts

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[debian-user] [OT] Subject Confusion

2007-07-10 Thread Ted Hilts - Thunderbird Acct.

I get hundreds of email a day including email from the Debian List.

Nearly all other Linux lists use square brackets to enclose a meaningful 
word for the list identification. Most everyone in the world uses "Re", 
"Re ", or "Re:" which is fine when the subject is prefixed with "[List-ID]".

I don't seem to have a way of filtering the Debian List email from non 
Debian email because of this
insistence of the Debian List to use "Re" at the beginning of the 
subject.  Whereas, I have no such problem with the greater majority of 
other lists because the first part of the subject identifies these other 
lists. Also, and only from the Debian Lists, I get BLANK subjects -- 
lots of them.

The point here is that it would be nice as well as professional if one 
could automatically filter and view email according to a single 
convention which most of the other lists have done.  In my view, using 
"Re subject" when "subject" can be anything is confusing and blank 
"subject" makes no sense to me at all.

I use (and will continue to use) THUNDERBIRD for Linux, MS, and other 
email correspondence. Perhaps someone could suggest how I might bridge 
this problem with Debian email.

Thanks -- Ted Hilts

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: matlab r2007a installation problems

2007-05-22 Thread Ted Hilts

Hardestadt wrote:

Hi! I have a problem when i try to install matlab r2007a on my debian 

When i execute the installation scipt, i get the following error:

[b]An error status was returned by the program 'xsetup',
   the X Window System version of 'install'. The following
   messages were written to standard error:

   /home/ferran/matlab/update/bin/glnx86/xsetup: error while 
loading shared libraries: 
/home/ferran/matlab/update/bin/glnx86/ invalid ELF header

   Attempt to fix the problem and try again. If X is not available
   or 'xsetup' cannot be made to work then try the terminal
   version of 'install' using the command:

   install* -torINSTALL* -t[/b]

I also tried to install it without X, but it still fail.

Any help will be welcome!
(I have a nvidia correctly installed if it helps)


MatLab is not a Debian product.  Octave however is similar to MatLab and 
Octave is Debian Open and Free. You should give Octave a try even if you 
have MatLab.  Since MatLab is not supported by Debian you should try 
MatLab support.  It would seem you have acquired MatLab under one of the 
purchase plans associated with MatLab.  That means you are entitled to 
installation support from the company that sells MatLab.  I think MatLab 
is supposed to install without problems on both Windows and Linux.  
Personally, I gave up on MatLab because it was too costly to purchase 
and I did not qualify for a student rate.  However, since you have the 
product you should register with the MatLab support group.  They should 
be happy to help you out and MatLab support would be responsible for 
resolving any difficulties with whatever version of Linux on which you 
were installing MatLab.  I am not sure if MatLab works on all versions 
of Linux and I think you should check with the MatLab support or the 
MatLab web page to be sure that MatLab works on the Debian 
distribution.  I kind of remember that it may only work on RedHat so you 
had better check this out.

Sorry I cannot be of any direct help

Thanks, hope things work out, Ted

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SU error

2007-05-18 Thread Ted Hilts

Jake & Betty Kraayenbrink wrote:

I installed debian from the live knoppix CD it’s version 5.1. It works 
great, but I do have trouble when I try to run any thing that needs 
administrator privileges. When I click on something say to configure 
my printer I get this message “Su returned with an error”. If someone 
know what I can do that would be great. Thanks

It sounds to me like you installed a desktop. Drop out of desktop mode 
and (using the printer example) check to see if the normal printer 
commands were loaded. Look up the commands in "man" page so you can see 
the options and try them from the command line. It may be that you were 
not in administrator mode when you downloaded using Knoppix. If the 
commands were installed and do not work -- that is you continue to get 
this error message then check out the permissions. Use ls -l 
path-to-the-command to see if the permissions make sense. For example, 
the printer commands should be executable and that sort of thing. If the 
commands seem to have the right "user" and "permissions" it means 
everything installed okay but if the commands are not there then the 
problem is you need to reinstall and if the commands are there and not 
working you may need to use chown to the correct owner and perhaps chmod 
for the correct permissions. Check "man" pages for use of chown and 
chmod. Just play with one group of commands such as the printer group 
and begin with just one of the commands. If you think the issue is 
permission or ownership try root if it shows something else or something 
else if it shows root. I am assming you understand these concepts. If 
not you will require more detailed help than I am providing. You may 
also have to check to verify if the group and password files are 
functional on your system. Again, I assume you know where to look and 
what to look for.

That's only an overview. Once you have made some checks as explained you 
will then be in a better position to address details and you can get 
more detailed help at that time from others on the group that are more 
familiar with the Debian file layout and computing architecture.

Hope this will help you get started on your problem. I have been 
watching the list very carefully and there are many people working 
together to help those in technical need.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: octave-forge usage?

2007-05-03 Thread Ted Hilts

Miles Bader wrote:

Hi, thanks for the response, but I think I'm asking a slightly different
question than you answered.

I know how to use octave generally, but I want to use some of the
specialized functions which are distributed in the "octave-forge"
package in debian (actually "octave2.9-forge" I think).

When that package is installed, it puts all those functions in various
subdirectories of "/usr/share/octave/site/api-v22/m/octave2.9-forge/",
e.g., the "imread" function is in

What I don't understand is how one is generally supposed to tell octave
to load those files, so one can use the associated functions.

I _could_ just load the file manually by doing:


but that seems rather clumsy, and it looks like there's supposed to be a
more elegant and user-friendly mechanism via the octave "pkg" function.
Unfortunately, I can't get the "pkg" function to actually do anything
useful; I don't know if it's my misunderstanding or whether there's
something broken.



Octave and Matlab both deal with your issue the same way -- at least 
that is how I understand it.  When Octave fires up or when Matlab fires 
up an automatic search occurs to find the m files.  As I understand it,  
your PATH and maybe some other environmental variables need to be set so 
the search captures the "m" files that you want Octave to find when it 
fires up.  All of this is in Matlab documentation and tutorials.  You 
indicated there were certain "m" files such as "imread.m" that you were 
interested in using.  Most probably your PATH has not been set to find 
these "m" files.  The "m" file is just an executable (by Octave or 
Matlab) file and is a way of creating customized commands that are not 
built into Octave or Matlab. Also, you can build your own "m" files.  
You can run commands interactively in both Octave and Matlab and prove 
out your command structure before embedding this script into your own 
"m" file.  You can modify existing "m" files.  The name of the "m" file 
is the name of the command you created.  It's something like creating an 
executable bash file.  Bash needs to know where the file is resident.  
So does Octave and Matlab.  I don't know if an "m" file has to be 
specifically set up as an executeable.  In conclusion, I think your PATH 
has not been properly set in order for Octave to find the "m" files you 
want.  You really should spend some time on the Matlab documentation 
covering this issue of accessibility  of  "m"  files in case I have 
missed something.  It' s also worth while if you play around a bit and 
create one of your own "m" files -- perhaps starting with an existing 
one where you make some very simple alteration and give the file a 
unique name and by that means explore the dependencies on the PATH and 
perhaps other variables you can read about in the documentation.

As far as the packaging is concerned I don't think the package is going 
to resolve the kind of problem you are encountering.  As I previously 
noted there is virtually no documentation on Octave and so you probably 
won't find any kind of instructions regarding this problem you are 
having, nor will you find some script in the package which alters your 
PATH and sets specific variables.. I emphasize that the Matlab 
documentation deals directly with your current issue.  It must have been 
a lot of talented hard work just to get Octave operating so that it 
could do most of what Matlab does.and uses the same syntax and language 

Hope all this helps.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: octave-forge usage?

2007-05-03 Thread Ted Hilts

Miles Bader wrote:

How exactly does one _use_ octave-forge, once it's installed?

I run octave, and ... then what?  How do I make it define the functions
in octave forge so I can use them?

[I see there's a "pkg" command, but none of its subcommands seem to do
anything useful -- e.g. "pkg list" shows nothing, and "pkg install" is
apparently intended for downloaded tar-balls.]





There is very little usage documentation for Octave.

However, the syntax, commands and other word usage appear to be the same 
as Matlab.  You can find lots of Matlab tutorials and user manuals on 
the Internet.  If you have a problem, please get back to me. Also, if 
you are interested there is another package (non Debian) that is also 
compatible with Matlab.  All these packages make use of so called "m" 
files.  Octave and Maxima (available on Debian) can work together just 
as Maple and Matlab work together. Octave works only with MATRICES and 
is very powerful for solving simultaneous equations and is the favored 
choice over Maxima for that purpose.  However, Maxima can also work with 
MATRICES.   I am not sure at this time how to use Maxima and Octave in 
an integrated way.  Again, take a look at the Matlab documentation while 
running Octave and you should be okay except for a few exceptions.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: The List Standard

2007-04-10 Thread Ted Hilts

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:

First:  as I understand your guideline I am not to use the reply key but
simply address my reply back to the list and it will be automatically
added to the descending list.

Most email clients have 3 options : Reply, Reply to All, Reply to List. You
should use Reply to List when replying to list. A list of email clients
which support "Reply to List" feature can be found at

But have you not in your own email broken 
the chain of information because all I get when I read your email is to

see your one extraction and I don't know from that who said what or even
the initial subject content.

I do not know what you mean by "extraction", but usually the previous
emails, discussions are a click away in your email client. The thread
structure lets you see "which email is reply to which email etc.,". It is
customary to snip away irrelevant parts of the previous message and keep
the parts that you are replying to.


Not every one has threads.

If you want to read this mailing list, any attempt to resist threads is
futile. Try to get a mail client with threads.

In a thread before  
yours this statement was made: ' AFAIK Thunderbird can thread even if the

subject is changed. (It uses the 'In-Reply-To:' header)"
This person seems to imply that normally the subject is the key to
establishing the descending threads.  And if Thunderbird for example
utilizes the REPLY TO header then that is at odds with what you seem to be
saying in this guideline.  So I am confused on this matter.

Most email clients can thread without any problem even if the subject is
changed. Some email clients cannot preserve threads if the subject is
changed. I was being considerate about the second category.


Second: Also, when one person removes content they think is irrelevant but
the original author might think otherwise then how does one find that
original information?

Usually all that information (previous emails, previous threads etc.,) is
one click away in a good email client.


Note that I have 3 objections I want to discuss in more detail if that is
okay with you.

I am quite happy that you raised the issues. It helps me improve that
document in the future.

I think I now understand where you are coming from and am in agreement with you 
on these issues.  I have tried to frame this response inside your frame, I'll 
see how it works out.

Thanks Ted

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Re: [debian-user] The List Standard

2007-04-10 Thread Ted Hilts

Chris Lale wrote:

David E. Fox wrote:


Normally, one should just reply-to list, and it's considered bad form
to mail the poster directly, unless asked to do so.

In Thunderbird (Icedove), either

click on "Reply All", change "" from "Cc:" to "To:"
and delete any other "Cc:" or "To:" lines;
Took this advice. I will see how it turns out until I get that extension 
you mentioned.

Also, I'm getting some static about my email wrapping.

I've got Thunderbird (Tools>Options>Wrapping)  set to to 72 which is the 
default standard.  But I'm willing to change it to something else.  What 
would that be?

Also, I am here using an embedded comment to your embedded comment as 
most list members seem to want to do it that way.  I have been using 
threads for a while but when I first came to the list the threads were 
turned off.  Some responders to my email seem to think I am advocating 
Top loading which I am not.  I simply remarked that many in business 
insist on Top loading.  I am doing some negotiations with a very large 
company and they put their reply at the very top of the original 
message.  Also, when I worked for a large Telco they did the same 
thing.  It was only after getting involved with Linux email issues that 
I even realized there were other and better ways of transmitting email 

Thanks, hope your recommendations work out. Here goes!


install the "Reply To List" extension [1] and use Ctrl-I to initiate a reply.




Hope that's useful.

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[debian-user] The List Standard

2007-04-09 Thread Ted Hilts

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

This helps a lot but I have a few issues with a couple of the statements. 

First:  as I understand your guideline I am not to use the reply key but simply 
address my reply back to the list and it will be automatically added to the 
descending list. But have you not in your own email broken the chain of 
information because all I get when I read your email is to see your one 
extraction and I don't know from that who said what or even the initial subject 
content. Not every one has threads. In a thread before yours this statement was 
AFAIK Thunderbird can thread even if the subject is changed. (It uses
the 'In-Reply-To:' header)"
This person seems to imply that normally the subject is the key to establishing 
the descending threads.  And if Thunderbird for example utilizes the REPLY TO 
header then that is at odds with what you seem to be saying in this guideline.  
So I am confused on this matter.

Also my original subject had [debian-user] as the prefix yet Thunderbird 
accepted Re: The list Standard.

Second: Also, when one person removes content they think is irrelevant but the original author might think otherwise then how does one find that original information? 

Third: Altering the original content or injecting statements adds more 
confusion than it saves especially if a lot of people are in disagreement with 
one another.

Anyway, I have in this email not used the REPLY TO key and addressed my response to you using the original subject in order to see what actually happens.  

Note that I have 3 objections I want to discuss in more detail if that is okay 
with you.

Thanks -- Ted

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[debian-user] The List Standard

2007-04-09 Thread Ted Hilts

My browser for mail is Thunderbird and Seamonkey I use for browsing.

Thunderbird runs with threads beginning with the first issue ins the 
subject line and then all successive emails related are tied together in 
a descending fashion.  I take this to mean that one can first see the 
first issue and follow downwards at other inputs as long as the subject 
remains the same. However, most businesses do just the opposite either 
leaving off the original or piling their reply in an ascending fashion.  
This creates a problem for me because my mail client wants me to put the 
next message at the bottom and positions the cursor to this will 
happen.  Also, there are no upward threading that I know of. But a lot 
of people expect a reply at the top.  What I have begun to do is tell 
them to go to the bottom to get at my reply so they can first see what 
they have previously said which they often forget or get it wrong.  
However, I also notice that many people in the list snip out stuff so 
that when the next person responds it is possible they do not have the 
same context and the same information and so go off in a different 

Have I got it all wrong or are there conventions we should all be 
observing.  I usually respond to a part of the original not by embedding 
remarks into the original email (as some do) but by copying the part 
down to the bottom quoted and followed by my email suggestion that way 
the original and all following emails that preceded mine are preserved.  
I have observed conflicts over this issue and I am beginning to wonder 
what the list standard is on this matter -- or should be.

Thanks, Ted

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[debian-user] Reusing LIVE ISO images of CDs and DVDs

2007-03-14 Thread Ted Hilts - Thunderbird Acct.

I know there is a documented debian process for editing existing CDs and 
DVDs but I don't know the details??? The literature just says to edit 
the ISO image placed on the hard drive. I also have some other concerns.

I have a number of live CDs and DVDs.  Apparently, one can copy the CD 
to hard drive and either execute it there or modify it.  This seems to 
be a common process. Some of these are not debian based and some are 
debian based like Ubuntoo or a release of Sarge.  I want to be able to 
play around with both the debian and non-debian ones by editing their 
contents and/or making the live CDs into live DVDs. Also, the editing 
process to make these changes has me confused both from the standpoint 
of inserting new content and deleting or changing old content. Once the 
editing is done I think I have to remake the ISO image using makeiso 
command but the boot and file system will remain intact.  The file 
system varies on this collection of live CDs and DVDs. I don't know the 
internals of makeiso so I wonder if the debian command would work on all 
ISO distributions. Actually I would be wanting to put the ISO image onto 
new blank CDs or DVDs because there are no R/W CDs or DVDs involved. 
Also, I would like to repeat this process over and over as I felt the 
need to do so. I would keep the older ones as a reference archive. So 
that's the whole issue.

Thanks, Ted


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[debian-user] VNC

2007-03-10 Thread Ted Hilts
Two recent posts on this list involving VNC (vncserver) caused me to 
wonder if this package is in any way related to Ultravnc also with a 
vncserver (Open and free and just for Windows machines). Just want to be 
sure I am not missing something or maybe they are somehow compatible or 
have the same functionality.

Thanks - Ted

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[debian-user] Virus, Trojan, and Worm

2007-03-07 Thread Ted Hilts - Thunderbird Acct.
Has antivirus software advanced to the point that the following excerpt 
from Debian Administration (dated late 2004) is now invalid?  I added 
the square brackets and their content.

"Viruses are a fact of life nowadays, be they real viruses or worms 
which require manual intervention on the [be]half of a user to [prevent] 
propogate[propogation]. Unix systems tend to be immune from the viruses 
themselves, but they still have mail queues full of viral messages."

--- Some Remarks ---
On Linux I never worried about such things but on Windows every day was 
a problem, especially with worms. The antivirus software would identify 
the worm and it's location and the antivirus developers said that worm 
extraction was manual and not automated. I found this true until 
recently when the newer versions on Windows now seem to automatically 
extract the worm.  So I was wondering (because of this article) if it is 
now out dated and if the Linux antivirus packages now automatically deal 
with the worms. I could never understand why removal of a worm was a 
problem for an antivirus package.  According to the developers all ll I 
had to do was compress the worm infested file and then delete the file.  
If I remember right I had my own approach which was to move the infested 
file into a temp mail directory and  then delete the directory .

Thanks, Ted

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Debian-User] Nice Job Andrew

2007-03-02 Thread Ted Hilts

Sorry. I have that problem fixed now but have sent very little email 
since the change. The problem occurred because I was fiddling with 
Netscape Mail  trying to create accounts which bridged other email 
accounts on other machines in my LAN and Netscape would not let me use 
the same server or user name and some other stuff  on different accounts 
on the same machine. In the confusion I used the word ADMIN thinking I 
would fix that later but got side tracked on other issues.

Michelle Konzack wrote:

Am 2007-02-19 23:57:36, schrieb Kevin Mark:

ps. could you use something other than 'Admin' in the From line, I'd
prefer 'Ted' or even a nickname. But that's just me. I associate people
by their From line and Admin is not something I'd associate with a

Since I get tonns of "Admin" spam per day, each of his messages can
I found in my Spam-folders.  And writing with an annonym E-Mail on
public discusion lists is annoying.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
   Michelle Konzack
   Tamay Dogan Network
   Debian GNU/Linux Consultant


Re: [Debian-User] Xen Debian Package Management

2007-03-02 Thread Ted Hilts

The subject matter is mine but the content is some else's. I did not 
write what you quoted.  Probably, the original email trail was missing. 
I know that Xen  development is far further along than Xen 2. I have a 
copy of the original email if you want to see it -- just ask. The 
original email from me was addressing what current Xen 3 versions 
(packages)  on Debian matched up to what architectures on Debian.  A 
response was received which indicated that  there were incompatibilities 
and that the problem of incompatibilities was known and  was being 
worked on. One solution using AMD64 was offered to me. At that point I 
considered the email issue concluded until you came along..

I cannot accout for what others say or do.. But I see you went to a lot 
of trouble to be informative. All of which shows you like to be helpful.

You also have a nice day.
Ted Hilts

Michelle Konzack wrote:

Since you do not use a realname in your message I have found it in
the SPAM-Folder.

I do not understand why you are talkong abour Xen 2 if I have Etch-
DVD's from November last year which have already Xen 3:

---[ command 'apt-cache search xen |grep -v roxen' ]
libc6-xen - GNU C Library: Shared libraries [Xen version]
linux-headers-2.6-xen-686 - Header files for Linux kernel 2.6 on 
PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4 machines
linux-headers-2.6-xen-k7 - Header files for Linux kernel 2.6 on AMD K7 machines
linux-headers-2.6-xen-vserver-686 - Header files for Linux kernel 2.6 on 
PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4 machines
linux-headers-2.6.16-2-xen - Common header files for Linux kernel 2.6.16
linux-headers-2.6.16-2-xen-686 - Header files for Linux kernel 2.6.16 on 
PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4 machines
linux-headers-2.6.16-2-xen-k7 - Header files for Linux kernel 2.6.16 on AMD K7 
linux-headers-2.6.16-2-xen-vserver - Common header files for Linux kernel 2.6.16
linux-headers-2.6.16-2-xen-vserver-686 - Header files for Linux kernel 2.6.16 
on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4 machines
linux-image-2.6-xen-686 - Linux kernel 2.6 image on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4 
linux-image-2.6-xen-k7 - Linux kernel 2.6 image on AMD K7 machines
linux-image-2.6-xen-vserver-686 - Linux kernel 2.6 image on 
PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4 machines
linux-image-2.6.16-2-xen-686 - Linux kernel 2.6.16 image on 
PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4 machines
linux-image-2.6.16-2-xen-k7 - Linux kernel 2.6.16 image on AMD K7 machines
linux-image-2.6.16-2-xen-vserver-686 - Linux kernel 2.6.16 image on 
PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4 machines
linux-image-xen-686 - Linux kernel image on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4 machines
linux-image-xen-k7 - Linux kernel image on AMD K7 machines
linux-image-xen-vserver-686 - Linux kernel image on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4 
linux-modules-2.6.16-2-xen-686 - Linux kernel modules 2.6.16 image on 
PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4 machines
linux-modules-2.6.16-2-xen-k7 - Linux kernel modules 2.6.16 image on AMD K7 
linux-modules-2.6.16-2-xen-vserver-686 - Linux kernel modules 2.6.16 image on 
PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4 machines
xen-docs-3.0 - documentation for XEN, a Virtual Machine Monitor
xen-hypervisor-3.0-i386 - The Xen Hypervisor for i386
xen-hypervisor-3.0-i386-pae - The Xen Hypervisor for i386 (pae enabled version)
xen-ioemu-3.0 - XEN administrative tools
xen-tools - Tools to manage debian XEN virtual servers
xen-utils-3.0 - XEN administrative tools

[ command 'apt-cache show libc6-xen xen-docs-3.0 xen-hypervisor-3.0-
i386 xen-ioemu-3.0 xen-tools xen-utils-3.0 |grep -v roxen |grep Version:
' ]-
Version: 2.3.6-15
Version: 3.0.2+hg9697-1
Version: 3.0.2+hg9697-1
Version: 3.0.2+hg9697-1
Version: 2.3-1
Version: 3.0.2+hg9697-1

The only problem is, that my MAIN server and my Devel-Station went
working fine with the k7 images but now all is gone since the last
update (no K7 any more and k6 loads but then it is stoping with
nothing or a Kernel-Oops).

The GRUB does definitivly not work on my Mainboards and the alternative
bootloaders have some other flaws (some of them can rescue boot but
passing parameters wrong to the kernel)

Then, I have tried to compile K7 Xen-Kernels but the xen/ subdirectory
from the kernel is missing and "apt-cache search" show nothing.

In summary:  Debian and Xen is frustrating!

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
   Michelle Konzack
   Tamay Dogan Network
   Debian GNU/Linux Consultant


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