Re: Two Operating Systems

1998-05-07 Thread Travis Cole
Keep Win95 on the first primary partition. Install Debian on
that 700 megs you have free.  The install process should make it quite easy.
Then install LILO and have it boot both Win95 and Linux.

If you want specificst let me know.

On Thu, May 07, 1998 at 10:37:48AM -0600, Chris Betz wrote:
> I am in a situation where it is manditory for me to maintain my Windows
> 95 OS on my computer along with most of the software. However for my own
> personal use I have partitioned my drive and have over 700 megs where I
> would like to install Linux. I am curious as to the best way to do this
> so I can use the Windows as necessary and be able to use Linux (possibly
> after restarting, I don't know). 
> Thank you,
> Chris


Compare the performance: Buy the most expensive Sun box you can and 
compare its Web performance to an inexpensive Windows NT box. 
Let's not joke around: Pentium Pro processors have more performance 
than the RISC community is putting out. I'm not talking about 
price/performance; I'm talking about performance in the absolute." 
-Bill Gates  "March 1996 interview with InfoWorld"

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Re: Alternative to MS Frontpage web design?

1998-04-29 Thread Travis Cole
You may want to try Netscape Composer.  It comes with
Netscape Communicator. 
We use it here at WWU for a ton of stuff.  Unfortunatly we 
use the Win95 version.

I think the Linux version works pretty well, although I haven't
played with it for a while.  Vi is my HTML composer of choice.


Compare the performance: Buy the most expensive Sun box you can and 
compare its Web performance to an inexpensive Windows NT box. 
Let's not joke around: Pentium Pro processors have more performance 
than the RISC community is putting out. I'm not talking about 
price/performance; I'm talking about performance in the absolute." 
-Bill Gates  "March 1996 interview with InfoWorld"

On Wed, Apr 29, 1998 at 06:43:36PM -0400, Alain Toussaint wrote:
> i'll try to find something tonight,there is some utility for doing the
> stuff you describe here (though i'm not sure about the DHTML thingie).
> Alain (who did his last night searching program and d/l documents).

> > >I really don't have the time or the patience to write all the HTML codes,
> > so
> > >I would like a decent web designing package that I can use in linux. Please
> > >could I have some recommendations/suggestions of such a package, commercial
> > >or not...
> > >
> > >Thanks,
> > >
> > >Tristan

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Re: convert wav to mpg3?

1998-04-29 Thread Travis Cole

I think there is only one Linux encoder currently available and it
is time limited crippleware.

Get it from:

I have heard rumors of a project to make a GPL'ed mp3 encoder
but it may be at least a few months off.  I am looking forward 
to it.

Also the best place for mp3 info is

On Tue, Mar 31, 1998 at 10:40:09AM -0500, Will Lowe wrote:
> Is there any linux sound utility that can convert wav to mpg3?  I know
> there are a few windows ones ... 
>   Will


Compare the performance: Buy the most expensive Sun box you can and 
compare its Web performance to an inexpensive Windows NT box. 
Let's not joke around: Pentium Pro processors have more performance 
than the RISC community is putting out. I'm not talking about 
price/performance; I'm talking about performance in the absolute." 
-Bill Gates  "March 1996 interview with InfoWorld"

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Design of Debian web site

1998-03-28 Thread Travis Cole
On Sat, Mar 28, 1998 at 05:12:18PM -0600, Ender Wigin wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Please do not forget that there are users who access the site
> > using text-based browsers like Lynx. Navigation bars and like make a site
> > more difficult to navigate for them.
> That should not be an isue ... you can write a script that autoloads a
> lynx version automaticly if you can't handle frames  I may be wrong
> about this but I realy think I've seen this somewhere before

The best thing to do is not even use frames (I hate them, personally) and
use alt tags for images and test the pages in a lot of browsers.

Take a look at for a page that looks great, has
cool graphics, tables and all that, yet still works very well in lynx.

Keeping lynx compatibility is trivial.

Also, I am in the camp who would love to see an updated Debian home
page.  Same emphasis on content, but with a more consistent look and 
fell and some cooler graphics.

I would even be willing to help any one who want to go in on this endeavor.


At the end of the day, all we care about is doing great software.

-Bill Gates 

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Re: Linux Systems Labs - Orders and Ignorance

1998-03-27 Thread Travis Cole
On Thu, Mar 26, 1998 at 04:56:32PM -0700, Fulgham, Brent/SCO wrote:
> I ordered from LSL (from a US address) and it took several weeks to show up
> because they had some problem with a bad address label, so it bounced back
> and forth a few times.  I e-mailed them for help, and they took almost a
> week to get a response.
> Other than that, they seem reputable and offer Debian at an excellent price.

I have ordered several times from CheapBytes with great sucess.

I messed the credit card number for my last order an they got back to
me within less than 24 hours.  

They also ship very very fast.  I have never received anything from them
which took more than a week (probably never more than 5 days) for it to 

Thus far CheapBytes is where I will be spending my money.


At the end of the day, all we care about is doing great software.

-Bill Gates 

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: dselect mystification (fwd)

1998-03-12 Thread Travis Cole

Try a hitting "Q" that should make it ignore any errors it is having.

On Wed, 11 Mar 1998, Henry Hollenberg wrote:

> This message didn't make it to the list first time so I'm trying again.
>   Henry Hollenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I'm in the middle of upgrade from 1.3.1 to hamm upgrade and was trying to
> upgrade the packages in dists/unstable/main using dselect.  I have already
> run the script.
> I am confused about where I am in dselect...some sort of package
> dependency issue and I can't seem to exit my keystroke cycle.
> %%
> dselect  - recursive package listing  mark:+/=/- verbose:...
> EIOM Pri Section PackageDescription
> *** Std devel   libreadline2  
> *** Opt libstk40
> *** Opt oldlibs  libreadline2 GNU readline and history libr
> libreadline2-dev installed;  install (was: install).  Standard<<>>
> libreadline2-dev depends on libreadline2 (= 2.1-2)
> interrelationships affecting libreadline2-dev
> %%
> Ok, I've tried the enter key and the + keydoesn't seem to like those,
> it just keeps cycling me thru help...any idea what I'm supposed to do at
> this point?
> Thanks
>   Henry Hollenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


At the end of the day, all we care about is doing great software.

-Bill Gates 

E-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Help installing NT and Linux

1998-03-01 Thread Travis Cole

I just got a new drive and I want to put a few more Operating Systems on
it.  Even thought NT is a pain to use I would like to have it around just
to run a few apps.  But I am having some problems getting it to install.

Here is the situation:

I have two 4.3 gig UltraATA Quantum Fireballs.  The primary master has only
Linux partitions on it (containing Debian 2.0)  I would like to install NT 
on the first partition of the Primary slave drive.

Here is where the problems come in.  With that setup NT would not install.
It complained because there was no "NT compatible" partition on the primary
master.  I am assuming it wanted to install thinks like the boot.ini and
ntldr on the first partition of the primary master.  Since that partition
is Linux, NT can't touch it.

So what I did was make the drive which NT needs to go on, the primary
master.  I installed NT and it works fine, if that drive is the master.  I
need the Linux drive to be the master because I don't want to reinstall
Linux or let NT win this battle :)

Is there a way for me to boot NT using lilo?  Will my little drive swap
trick work with some more playing?

I have tired booting NT with Lilo and it doesn't want to work.
Here is the NT part of my lilo.conf:


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.  Also please reply directly to me,
as it can be easy to miss replies in all the list traffic.


It's backup day today so I'm pissed off. Being the BOFH, however, does
have it's advantages. I reassign null to be the tape device - it's so much
more economical on my time as I don't have to keep getting up to change
tapes every 5 minutes. And it speeds up backups too, so it can't be all
bad can it? Of course not. 

-The Bastard Operator From Hell.

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Re: [Q] StarOffice and Spell check

1997-09-24 Thread Travis Cole
On Wed, 24 Sep 1997, Vladislav Papayan x285 wrote:

> Hi,
> I installed a version (3.1) of StarrOficce (ENGLISH) -- but
> when I click on Spell check button -- it does not do anything.
> Do I need to configure somehow ispell package -- or it is just
> a problem with StarOffice?
> Thanks in advance,
> Vladislav
What you want is the Star Office dpkg installer.  I believe it can be
found under hamm, contrib, editors, or something like that.  Just
put the tarballs in /tmp and install the staroffice*.deb, it will find
the tarballs, install them and do all the configurations you need.  All
works well.

Hope this helps.

 Travis Cole   _ _ _   _ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
_ __  ___ _ _  ___| (_) |_| |_  Monolith Internet Services [tm]
  _| '  \/ _ \ ' \/ _ \ | |  _| ' \ _  Technical Support
 (_)_|_|_\___/_||_\___/_|_|\__|_||_(_)   <===>
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RE: Where can I find gs-aladdin 5.03?

1997-09-01 Thread Travis Cole

Take a look at the non-free section of your local debian mirror.  You will find
it there.

On 01-Sep-97 Jack Chung wrote:
>Hello everyone,
>   I'm a newbie to Debian. I hope everyone can forgive my rudeness.
>I uses my printer a lot. I used aps-filter + gs-aladdin 5.03 in my slackware
>times. I now uses Debian instead. I used dselect and painlessly installed 
>aps-filter, but I can't find gs-alddin. The only "gs" on the CD doesn't have
>the driver of my printer. I wonder where can I get the debian package of
>gs-aladdin 5.03? I've already tired of making packages myself...:~~
>Jack Chung
>Not using M$-software is a struggle for most people.
>But it is definitly a GOOD achievement for all of us!!
>-- Quoted from "My Journey to Linux"
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E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 01-Sep-97
Time: 00:12:58
Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all
evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still
Thomas Edison (inventor)

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RE: Pls Help: Re: [OFF-TOPIC] RC5 challenge and linux

1997-08-30 Thread Travis Cole

I may be able to help you a little.

On 30-Aug-97 Britton wrote:
>I'm a little confused on some of these options.  If someone could fill in
>the blanks for an average ppp connection started with pon about twice a
>day approximately it might be very helpful to the effort.  I also
>encourage everyone to take part in this, extremely cool!  Only two files
>in the tar archieve and it is easy except for this menu which will
>hopefully soon be cleared up.  I assume there is a way for a not-too
>systematic connection to be useful, but It might be possible to cripple
>the connection with wrong options?
>Who can fill in the blanks? :)
>1)  Email to report as [default:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ==>

If you want to support Linux, change the email address to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>2)  Blocks to Buffer [default:5] ==> 100

I am also on a dial up connection activated by pon but I am on quite often. 
About 4-8 hours a day.  I just tell it to buffer about 75 blocks and that goes
for quite a while.  If it runs out of blocks it will just generate a random
block and try again.  There is no harm done by being off line when it is trying
to communicate with the network.  Just makes it less efficient.  But as long as
it can communicate with the network at some time things will be fine.

>3)  Blocks to complete in run [default:0] ==> 0
>4)  Hours to complete in a run [default:0] ==> 0
>5)  Keys per timeslice - for Macs etc [default:65536] ==> 65536
>6)  Level of niceness to run at [default:0] ==> 0
>7)  File to log to [default:] ==> ~/rm_log
>8)  Network communication mode [default:1] ==> 1
>14)  Optimize performance for CPU type [default:-1] ==> -1
>0)  Quit and Save

You can leave the rest of these where they are.

>Also, I am getting the following when I run:
>Network::Open Error 1 - sleeping for 3 seconds
>The proxy says: "Welcome to, Happy hunting!"
>[08/30/97 06:56:48 GMT] Retrieved 5 block(s) from server
>[08/30/97 06:56:48 GMT] Block: 54E58A:6000 being processed
>[08/30/97 06:56:48 GMT] 4 Blocks remain in file buff-in.rc5
>is it working right now and what is the cause of that error?  I said I can
>communicate freely on telnet ports, is that right?  What a thrilling
>project, very exciting.  I have often though how about Linux community
>looking for primes?  and here is something like it.

I am not sure what is causing the error but it seems to be receiving the
blocks so all should be good.

I don't think you have to worry about messing things up with the settings you
have.  The only problems I can see is it may waste time when you are not
connected to the net and it wants to send or receive blocks.

Try running rc5v2 -h

It will give you some options.  If you are about to go off line for a while you
can have it send all the completed blocks and fill up the buffers.

You could also write some scripts or mess with cron jobs to bring up the
connection when it is needed.  But I don't bother with that.  I fill the
buffers before I go to sleep and when I get up it is usually still cranking.  
It should be no big deal if you are off line when if wants to send.

If you want more info take a look at and

Hope this helps.

E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 30-Aug-97
Time: 02:18:46
Do you guys know what you are doing, or are you just hacking?

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Re: Problems with bash 2.01

1997-08-26 Thread Travis Cole

Could some one with an FTP site please let Hong upload his bash packages to it.
  And if you do could you please tell me the address.  I really would like to
have a working copy of Bash 2.01 as I can't seem to get one I have compiled to


On 26-Aug-97 H Huang wrote:
>> Also is there going to be a stable and safe way to upgrade to bash 2.01
>> (by way
>> of a deb package) any time soon?  Of is there already and I don't know
>> about it?
>>  I would like to install as few programs from unstable as possible.
>I've built a dozen libc5 version deb's including bash 2.01 and ncurses
>3.4.  They've been working great for me so far, and might be useful for
>someone who are not ready for glibc. The problem is I don't have a place
>to upload to. If someone has a ftp site and is willing to hold these
>packages, I'd be glad to upload. Let me know via email, since I'm not on
>this list.
>(P.S. XFree 3.3.1 is out for a while. It's basically a bug-fixed release. 
>AFAIK, the debian maitainer is busy migrating the packages to glibc,
>therefore it's very unlikely there will be a libc5 version going into the
>bo tree. I'm not going to upgrade to hamm before it gets more stable since
>I've something important going on on my debian box. However, I don't wait
>too long for X 3.3.1 either, because it claimed a bug related to my video
>card driver had been fixed. So I intended to build a libc5 version of X
>3.3.1. But the problem is that I don't have enough space to do so (the
>largest package I can build is XEmacs). To build X, I believe, I at least
>need 500 mb disk space. Again, if someone out there is interested in this
>and willing to provide me a temporary account on his/her debian libc5 box
>for the weekend, I'm willing to build the packages and make them available
>to all interested parties. Thanks.)
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E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 25-Aug-97
Time: 22:52:40
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music. 

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Problems with bash 2.01

1997-08-25 Thread Travis Cole

I recently downloaded the source for bash2.01 from sunsite and compiled it my
self.  I copied the bash executable to /bin, being sure to backup the old
executable.  Now most things seem to work fine.  I had read the reason helper
apps don't work with Netscape was a bug in bash 2.0.  I can now call Real Audio
Player from Netscape with no problems.

But I am having one really annoying problem.  In Netscape and XFMail the
backspace key now works as delete.  It deletes the character to the right of the
cursor.  I am running Debian 1.3.1 with the key mappings unmodified.  In my
xterms and at the console the backspace key works correctly.  In XFMail it
actually works correctly in the subject and to fields but not in the composition

I know this is caused by bash because I can change back to the old executable
and the backspace key works correctly.  

Can any one help?

Also is there going to be a stable and safe way to upgrade to bash 2.01 (by way
of a deb package) any time soon?  Of is there already and I don't know about it?
 I would like to install as few programs from unstable as possible.


E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 25-Aug-97
Time: 14:10:22
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music. 

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Comunicator 4.02b7 is out

1997-08-04 Thread Travis Cole

To those of you interested, it is out but I don't think it is on all of the
Netscape ftp sites.

I am downloading it right now from

The final verion is also out for IRIX, Solaris and SunOS, but I guess all the
other Unix versions still needed some work.  4.02b7 can be found for 15
versions of unix, counting Linux 1.2 and 2.0 as seperate versions.
- -
E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 02-Aug-97
Time: 17:25:11
640Kb should be enough for anybody
Bill Gates
- -
Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv


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RE: Netscape beta install package gone... Re: Comunicator 4.02b7

1997-08-04 Thread Travis Cole

On 03-Aug-97 Dave Cinege wrote:
>On Sun, 3 Aug 1997 08:58:29 -0400 (EDT), Randy Edwards wrote:
>>On Sat, 2 Aug 1997, Rick Macdonald wrote:
>>> Strange, when I look all I see is an empty directory at
>>   It's only on some ftp servers.  I found it on ftp25; others gave me the
>>same empty directory as what you found.
>I was able to grab itover 9mb!!!
>What happened to the netscape beta install package? I went to install it, 
>and even doesn't have it in contrib.
>Is it being updated for b7, or did it just vanish? Damn, I'm getting so 
>spoiled by Debian I don't even want to run an install script  : P
>Been a LONG time since I compiled anything beside kernels
>Elite MicroComputers   908-541-4214

Don't worry about the install script.  I alwasy install Netscape with it
because I don't want to wait for the debian install package.

The install script for b7 is pretty good.  It asks you where you wan't to put
it.  I use the default, /usr/local/netscape.  Then it goes and installs.  It
you have an older version sitting there it keeps all the old stuff intact and
just renames them, I guess this would be good if for some reason the new
version doesn't work and you wan't to go back to the old one without
reinstalling it.

But I didn't want to waste the disk space so I just deleted to old one, ran the
install script and all it good.  I also made a soft link in /usr/local/bin to
the netscape executable in /usr/local/netscape.  Now I I wan't to uninstall it
is about 3 commands harder than if I had installed the DEB.  cd to /usr/local
and then rm -r netscape then cd to /usr/local/bin and rm netscape and I am
done, besides the .netscape files in user directorys.

But I think you can trust it.  And the deb doen't make it much easier.

- -
E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 03-Aug-97
Time: 12:42:08
640Kb should be enough for anybody
Bill Gates
- -
Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv


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Unziping encrypted zip files

1997-08-04 Thread Travis Cole

I have a DOS zip file that I need to unzip but it needs me to input a password
to unzip it.  Where can I find a version of unzip that will do this.  The man
page for unzip says the encryption enabled version can't be distributed in the
US.  So where can I find this package?

I have looked at almost all of the official debian-non-US mirrors for this but
none of them seem to have it.  Is there a Debian package with this available?

Thanks a lot.

- -
E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 04-Aug-97
Time: 00:06:14
Friends Don't Let Friends Eat Meat
- -
Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv


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1997-08-02 Thread Travis Cole

First off, thanks.   You brought up a lot of points my limited knowlege did not
allow me to see.

On 31-Jul-97 Riku Saikkonen wrote:
>Travis Cole wrote:
>>On 30-Jul-97 Riku Saikkonen wrote:
>>>To tell if someone is online:
>>> - finger
>>> - rwho (but rwhod isn't installed in most places)
>>> - talk (try to talk...)
>>Now if my friend runs Win95 and his ISP doesn't support shell accounts or
>>finger, then how is finger going to do any good?  You defeated your own point
>Have him run a finger daemon on the Win95. I think those already exist; at
>least I've heard of one. (I don't use Win95, so I don't know for sure... But
>fingerd is easy to write.)

I will have to look for that.  But I will run into that dynamic IP problem. 
Once I start school I will have a static IP so  any one can contact me whenver
they want, I will just have to figure out how to contact them on their dynamic
IP, WinNT, no finger, ISPs

>>of rwho.  And I think there are some Win95 talk clients but you need to know
>>your friends IP which can present a problem.
>>And I fully realize that ICQ at this point is only good if all parties
>>are running Windows.  I am trying to defent my point that ICQ for Linux would
>>be good.  Well unless I had to pay $10 a month for it.
>What I'm trying to say is that ICQ for Linux would be no better than
>fingerd+talkd+... for Win95. ICQ has nothing new; it's just MS's proprietary
>implementation of things that finger, talk, IRC, and friends have done for
>And ICQ is not free, and likely never will be. The client may be free of
>charge right now, but an ICQ server isn't. Not all want to use MS's
>centralised server; for example, if you're on a network not connected to the
>Internet (or MS's ICQ server has crashed, or MS has shut it down in favour
>of some newer, cooler, and more expensive "invention"), ICQ doesn't work at
>all, but finger and friends do. And it looks like even the (use of the) ICQ
>client won't be free for long...
>(Not to even speak of the other, usually more important, meaning of "free":
>free with source code that anyone can modify and distribute.)

My initial point in starting this thread so many (years, months?)days ago was
that I liked ICQ enought to pay for it as long as I didn't have to pay to much.
 And I was looking for other Linux users to support me in getting a version for
Linux or at least Java.

>>>To message:
>>> - rwrite / rmsg, if installed (it's not in most places)
>>> - e-mail
>>> - perhaps ytalk (I seem to remember that ytalkd had a feature for this,
>>>   but I'm not sure)
>>> - IRC, if he's on there (tell him to be [1])
>>>To chat:
>>> - talk (ytalk for more than two people at a time)
>>> - IRC
>>> - one of the voice chat programs for voice
>>Once again same points.  Most of these are not supported for someone with
>>and a dynamic IP.  The IRC networks are terribly unreliable and who whants to
>>keep an IRC clent open all day just to receive messages that you may not see
>>unless you can setup your IRC client to give you some kind of notification
>>you are send a message.  I will admit I don't fully understand the feasablity
>>of your IRC suggestion, that may very well be possible.
>Unreliable IRC networks are solved by running your own reliable IRC
>"network" (one or two servers are enough for quite a few people), or finding
>a reliable IRC network (EFnet probably isn't a good choice :)). (But I think
>(y)talk would be better than IRC for this kind of thing, at least if you can
>find out the IP somehow (see below).)

See above, about my plans to do this.

>>And the problem with email is how many people check their email every 2
>>minutes.  With ICQ the message when you send someone a message they are made
>>immediatly aware of it.  The also have the option of turning that
>If you run an e-mail notifier such as xbiff (I'm pretty sure those exist for
>Win95 too), you get the same thing with e-mail. If you write a procmail (or
>equivalent) script, you can do much more, for example playing a tune on the
>sound card when a certain friend mails you.
>>>The major problem with these is that they're not installed everywhere. But
>>>neither is ICQ. And if we're going to get a system that's in common use, I'd
>>>much rather have it be something free, decentralised and tried-and-true
>>>(like IRC or fingerd+talkd+smtpd) than 

RE: Accessing NTFS partition.

1997-08-02 Thread Travis Cole

I think there is a utility to do this in linux but it may be alpha code.
Look around on sunsite for it.  It think it would be in some directory named

Also there are some utilities that allow you to have read only access to NTFS
drive from DOS/Windows[3.1,95]

You can find these at and if this is not what you
need take  a look at that web page any way because it may give you some

I hope this small amount of info helps.

On 01-Aug-97 Paulo Ramos wrote:
>Hi people,
>Unfortunally, I have to work with Window$ NT (Not There). Four weeks ago,
>NT crash, freezing the computer (crash proof, they say), so I press the
>reset button. After that, when NT is starting up, in the blue screen
>appear a message saying that NT can't acess the disk. The hard disk as two
>partitions, 20 MB primary partition in FAT format and a 180 MB extended
>partition in NTFS. In the NTFS partition I have all my work (one year of
>work) and no backup. When this happen I contact Micro$oft support, but
>they know less then me. Since I read that debian is capable of access NTFS
>partition, can any one tell me how I can do that?
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Date: 01-Aug-97
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Re: Debian-lite

1997-08-02 Thread Travis Cole

On 01-Aug-97 Paul Wade wrote:
>A single CD that allowed a wide range of installation types should have a
>powerful name.
>Debian Complete?
>Debian Universal Linux?
>Multiple Personality Debian? :)
>+ Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation +
>+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +
>+ Now shipping version 1.3.X +

Take a look at Caldara's naming conventions.  Open Linux Base, Open Linux
Standard, and Open Linux Deluxe.

Then Maybe Debian Base or Standard for the basic Debian Distribution and Debian
Deluxe for the full thing?

But then again some one probably could come up with something original, but why
reinvent the wheel.  If the good Ideas are allready here then use them.

Just my thoughts.

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E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 01-Aug-97
Time: 17:29:13
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Re: Debian and Red Hat and Slackware prevalence

1997-07-31 Thread Travis Cole

On 31-Jul-97 Martin Schulze wrote:
>A. M. Varon writes:
>> > Perhaps Debian's becoming the developers' OS of choice, while Red Hat
>> > is replacing Slackware as the introduction to Linux.
>> > 
>> > Thoughts?
>> Another thought what distribution is linus using?
>RedHat and he seems to be quite happy with it.
>   Joey
>  / Martin Schulze  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  26129 Oldenburg /
> /  No question is too silly to ask, /
>/but, of course, some are too silly to answer  -- perl book /

I read some where that he actualy considered taking a job there but decided
against it so as to not create contention amoung the distrubution vendors.

I guess he can also be seen wearing RedHat T-shits at conventions and the like.

Hey is their any one who sells Debian T-shirts?  And is there even a Debian
Logo.  If no I think both would be cool.   We will seek

Just my thoughts

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E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 31-Jul-97
Time: 10:37:17
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Re: Debian-lite

1997-07-31 Thread Travis Cole

On 31-Jul-97 George Bonser wrote:
>On Thu, 31 Jul 1997, Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
>>  I think would be a not good idea to have a OS been installed
>> without graphics interface nowadays. The great appeal of the others OS is
>> exactly their nice interface and trying to convince somebody, mainly a
>> newbie, to change to a powerful OS, but w/o X is, at least, harder. 
>>  XFree should be a default installation in Debian-Lite.
>What I had in mind to do for the local distribution that I was going to
>make was fvwm and a nice set of default menus. The default X install can
>be made a little nicer than Debian because I would only give them one
>choice  X or no X with fvwm installed as the window manager if they
>choose it.
>George Bonser
>Why is it that the same people that tell us that manned space flight
>is a waste of money also tell us that we have been visited by aliens?

Even better, I think would be a realy nicely, but not overly complicated, setup
Afterstep, or (future version or) WindowMaker.

And possibly have the install program tailor the config files for the
windowmanager specificly for the programs installed.

Perhaps choose a default setup for Wharf (or the dock) with some of the most
often used apps and if the user didn't install some have it check for that and
substitute another app and an Icon to go with it.

And do the same with the pull up menues, just add more applications.

But I think the key to attracting and keeping newbies is good and plentifull
documentation.   And if aimed at newbies, not assuming a whole lot of prior
Unix experience.

Just  my thoughts.

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E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 31-Jul-97
Time: 10:30:51
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Re: Debian and Red Hat and Slackware prevalence

1997-07-31 Thread Travis Cole

On 31-Jul-97 Shaya Potter wrote:
>On 30 Jul 1997, Ben Gertzfield wrote:
>> I've been noticing quite in interesting trend, lately.
>> Seems most newbies to Linux, way back when, would use
>> Slackware. 'cause that was the only thing available.
>> Nowadays, since you can buy Red Hat at Fry's, and Egghead, and every
>> other electronics store in the US, it seems there are throbbing hordes
>> of newbies running it. (At least that's what I've determined in
>> comp.os.linux.misc :)
>> But! On the linux-kernel developers' list, most people are talking
>> about Debian.
>> Perhaps Debian's becoming the developers' OS of choice, while Red Hat
>> is replacing Slackware as the introduction to Linux.
>I don't know how true that is about Debian.  Doesn't Linus, Ted T'so, and
>a host of other prominent kernel developers use Red Hat.  I knowin talking
>to David Taylor (one of the programers of quake, and the guy who did the
>original port to Linux) of, they use Red Hat.  Actually their
>building their next games, Golgotha, on Linux box's and plan for it to be
>released simultanously for Win95 and Linux.

But they probably used to use Slackware.  Now the RedHat stage.  And then

We Hope :)

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E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 31-Jul-97
Time: 10:27:37
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Re: Debian and Red Hat and Slackware prevalence

1997-07-31 Thread Travis Cole

On 31-Jul-97 Alex Yukhimets wrote:
>> I've been noticing quite in interesting trend, lately.
>> Seems most newbies to Linux, way back when, would use
>> Slackware. 'cause that was the only thing available.
>> Nowadays, since you can buy Red Hat at Fry's, and Egghead, and every
>> other electronics store in the US, it seems there are throbbing hordes
>> of newbies running it. (At least that's what I've determined in
>> comp.os.linux.misc :)
>> But! On the linux-kernel developers' list, most people are talking
>> about Debian.
>> Perhaps Debian's becoming the developers' OS of choice, while Red Hat
>> is replacing Slackware as the introduction to Linux.
>> Thoughts?
>I'd love the intention of Debian to support its image as 
>"developer's OS of choice". 

But one thing to consider is RedHat makes it a habit to give free CDs to many
of the developers.  The author of fetchmail uses RedHat for just this reason. 
I also think Linus uses RedHat.

It would be really cool if Debian had some way of doing this.  Possibly get one
of the CD vendors to be nice enough

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E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 30-Jul-97
Time: 21:42:46
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1997-07-31 Thread Travis Cole

On 31-Jul-97 Christopher Jason Morrone wrote:
>On 30 Jul 1997, Stephen Witt wrote:
>> So, I would hate to see the continuation of a proprietary solution to 
>> a particular problem by the free software development population of
>> the general public.  It goes against nearly every basic part of the
>> Linux/Unix/IP philosopy and in the end denies us functionality and
>> choice.
>I pretty much agree with you.  However I also think that something like
>ICQ might be neat.  I'm thinking of an app with a nice little interface
>like ICQ's, but uses already well established IP tools.
>I, like many others, find it very difficult to tell when my friends are on
>line.  The University of Delaware has some X.500 thing installed, so noone
>can finger into the university and find out if you're logged in.  And even
>if they could, they might have to guess which computer you're
>on...although there are ways to make a finger daemon search multiple
>computers, I know, but more often than not people don't.  (Too much work
>on top of what they already have to do I suppose)
>I'd like an app that will announce to a central server that I'm online (or
>maybe distributed servers that communicate with each other for better
>stability), and that my client can check to see if my friends are logged
>in, where they're logged in, etc.
>Then it could fire up a talk client for you easily.  Personally, I think
>that ytalk is all I need.  Its excellent.  Might need to implement some
>kind of ability to accept talk requests built in to the client on MS and
>Macs and such...I don't know, I haven't thought this out too much yet.
>In any event, there should be an RFC, and the source should be free.  And
>if it isn't written soon ICQ will take over the world. :)

This is also exactly what I would like.  Just a way to find out when and where
my freinds are logged in so I can send them a message they will see imediatly,
and the ability to chat and possibly send files to them.  This would also have
to be a multiplatform system.

I would love to have this as in a free and open form but now the only option I
can see is ICQ or AOL's AIM and right now AIM is the only one working for more
than Windows.

If I were a programer (which I am trying to learn, but not even close yet) I
would try to get something like this started.  But alas I do not yet poses the
technical skills necessary.  Possibly there is someone who does and is

I really think something like this would happen and I have a lot of ideas about
it.  Please let me know if you wan't to talk more.

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E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 30-Jul-97
Time: 21:36:30
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1997-07-30 Thread Travis Cole

On 30-Jul-97 Riku Saikkonen wrote:
>Travis Cole wrote:
>>If they are going to charge that much, then I don't really care for an ICQ
>>version for Linux.  But I still would like a program that allows me to tell
>>my freiends are online and then message or chat them.
>To tell if someone is online:
> - finger
> - rwho (but rwhod isn't installed in most places)
> - talk (try to talk...)

Now if my friend runs Win95 and his ISP doesn't support shell accounts or
finger, then how is finger going to do any good?  You defeated your own point
of rwho.  And I think there are some Win95 talk clients but you need to know
your friends IP which can present a problem.

And I fully realize that ICQ at this point is only good if all parties involved
are running Windows.  I am trying to defent my point that ICQ for Linux would
be good.  Well unless I had to pay $10 a month for it.

>To message:
> - rwrite / rmsg, if installed (it's not in most places)
> - e-mail
> - perhaps ytalk (I seem to remember that ytalkd had a feature for this,
>   but I'm not sure)
> - IRC, if he's on there (tell him to be [1])
>To chat:
> - talk (ytalk for more than two people at a time)
> - IRC
> - one of the voice chat programs for voice

Once again same points.  Most of these are not supported for someone with Win95
and a dynamic IP.  The IRC networks are terribly unreliable and who whants to
keep an IRC clent open all day just to receive messages that you may not see
unless you can setup your IRC client to give you some kind of notification when
you are send a message.  I will admit I don't fully understand the feasablity
of your IRC suggestion, that may very well be possible.

talk, or ytalk, would work if you know the IP like I said before.

Most of your suggestion require the IP address of all you friends and if they
are on dynamic IPs this is hard.  The one option I do know to get around this

And the problem with email is how many people check their email every 2
minutes.  With ICQ the message when you send someone a message they are made
immediatly aware of it.  The also have the option of turning that notification

>The major problem with these is that they're not installed everywhere. But
>neither is ICQ. And if we're going to get a system that's in common use, I'd
>much rather have it be something free, decentralised and tried-and-true
>(like IRC or fingerd+talkd+smtpd) than something proprietary like ICQ.

I also would much rather have something like IRC, finger, talk, or email but
finger and talk do not work well if at all with non Unix computers.  In light
of this a multiplatform program like ICQ may be better.

>It appears to me that the only "advantage" of ICQ is that it's being
>actively marketed...
>[1] In any case, he'll need to have something running to receive the
>messages. Whether he runs some form of daemon (ytalkd, rmsgd, or some
>custom thing), an ICQ client, an IRC client, or an e-mail notifier such
>as biff (or, e.g., a procmail script that alerts him when he gets mail
>from friends but not otherwise) doesn't really matter in terms of
>If he doesn't have fingerd running for privacy or security reasons, the
>same reasons should not "allow" him to run ICQ either, because ICQ has
>the same breach of privacy (but a good fingerd is more configurable) and
>security (and ICQ is likely just as "secure" as MSIE).
>If you're concerned about the security of IRC (i.e., crackers attack IRC
>networks frequently), form a closed IRC server (or network) that only
>your friends can access... The problem of crackers will most likely
>be there in any popular "public" chat system. (Though the IRC protocol
>is not very security-oriented; but you can do things like run your
>closed IRC server so that it can only be accessed through ssh from an
>authenticated machine.)

You still seem to be assuming that every one has a static IP or that I can
easily find my friends dynamic IP and this is usualy not the case.  For email
notification if you are not directly on the network your email goes to (dial up
connection) then that may be a little to slow for what I would like. 

As for privacy and security I am not really too concerned, but probably should

Also AOL just released a beta version of AIM, an ICQ like program.  There is a
java version out that works well in Linux.  Take a look at AOLs web page.

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E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get


1997-07-30 Thread Travis Cole

On 29-Jul-97 Chad D. Zimmerman wrote:
>On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, Christopher Jason Morrone wrote:
>> On Wed, 30 Jul 1997, Adam Shand wrote:
>> [cut]
>> > ICQ is free in that it doesn't cost any money, however it's not public
>> > license or source code available.  The problem with IRC is that it simply
>> [cut]
>> AND I don't believe that it will remain free once it gets out of the beta
>> testing phase...give it away free to get them hooked, then start
>> charging...
>They are wanting to start charging $10 a month once they are out of beta.
>Last I heard, October or November.
>Chad D. Zimmerman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Southwest Technology Development Institute
>New Mexico State University

Take a look at this.  It looks promising for any one who is looking for an ICQ
like application

Made by AOL but the Java version works fine on my system, although I don't know
any one else who has it so I can't test it.

If any one gets it and wants to tests it, my Screen Name is TravisCole

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E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 29-Jul-97
Time: 19:39:35
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1997-07-29 Thread Travis Cole

On 29-Jul-97 Chad D. Zimmerman wrote:
>On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, Christopher Jason Morrone wrote:
>> On Wed, 30 Jul 1997, Adam Shand wrote:
>> [cut]
>> > ICQ is free in that it doesn't cost any money, however it's not public
>> > license or source code available.  The problem with IRC is that it simply
>> [cut]
>> AND I don't believe that it will remain free once it gets out of the beta
>> testing phase...give it away free to get them hooked, then start
>> charging...
>They are wanting to start charging $10 a month once they are out of beta.
>Last I heard, October or November.

They have 2,000,000 users now, that should decrease the numbers really quick. 

If they are going to charge that much, then I don't really care for an ICQ
version for Linux.  But I still would like a program that allows me to tell if
my freiends are online and then message or chat them.

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E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 29-Jul-97
Time: 16:15:13
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1997-07-29 Thread Travis Cole

On 29-Jul-97 Clint Adams wrote:
>> I would be verry happy with that.  A chat feature whould also be nice.  How
>> would you run the server side?  Possibly run it off the established IRC
>> networks?  Which, by the way, are far from reliable.  I think the realy cool
>You could conceivably just write a stripped-down IRC client that would use
>the standard IRC services.  But from what I've heard about ICQ, everyone's
>given a unique identifier, while IRC has that nick problem.

That is why running it through a different network would be cool.  But if it
ever got very popular it could present some real problems to adminaster
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E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 29-Jul-97
Time: 13:04:27
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1997-07-29 Thread Travis Cole

On 29-Jul-97 Clint Adams wrote:
>>  The only function that can't be replaced with email and talk (or
>> other chat proggie) is the online notification.
>So someone just needs to write a free daemon that handles online notification.

I would be verry happy with that.  A chat feature whould also be nice.  How
would you run the server side?  Possibly run it off the established IRC
networks?  Which, by the way, are far from reliable.  I think the realy cool
thing to do would be to organize a new network for this or talk to some
organization like  It would also be cool if there was a Win95 compatible
client.  I am not a programer so I couln't do it, at least not until I learn
how to program, but it would be really cool if some one else who was into
writeing it like the idea as much as I do.  But what I am proposing could
develope into a large undertaking.  Possible something I may like to do my self
once I start college.

Let me know if the is alread a way to do this besides IRC.  The deamon idea is
a great one.  And maybe make an Xprogram that would do some kind of small
visual notification when you get a message.  

But I still think ICQ is a cool little app.  I really don't like using IRC for
several reasons.

You can't leave messages for someone.  Most IRC channels I have been on are
populated by a large number or complete morons.  Netsplits.  Irc servers are
frequent targets of cracker attacks.  And sending files by DCC has to be the
slowest thing ever.  Usualy when I have sent files with ICQ I get near the max
throuput of my modem.  But I could have been doing something wrong whith DCC.

Just my thoughts.
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E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 29-Jul-97
Time: 11:43:52
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RE: Running Netscape Communicator

1997-07-29 Thread Travis Cole

Usualy you need to move a file called moz40p3 to your .netscape directory.  You
should find it in the directory you installed Netscape in.

But usulay if you do not have this file in the correct place it will also
generate the error message when you start Netscape from an Xterm.

You may wan't to look at the path entries in your .*rc files.  Possibly there
is a path pointing to the moz40p3 file which is effecting the shell your
fvwm95rc is calling Netscape from and not effecting the shell in your Xterms.

Just some guesses.  Hope this helps 

On 29-Jul-97 Victor Torrico wrote:
>When starting Netscape Communicator 4.01 v6 from xterm, using the  "Netscape
>command, there are no error messages generated.  All works well including
>encryption and decryption.
>When starting it using the "Netscape" button on the fvwm95 button bar an error
>message appears and everything works well except for encryption and
>The error message reads "No valid encryption policy file was found for this
>English language version of Communicator.  All encryption and decryption will
>be disabled."
>Pertinent excerpt from .fvwm2rc95 file follows immediately:
>-- [ snip ] -
>*FvwmButtons(Title Netscape, Icon nscape.xpm, \
> Action 'Exec "Netscape" netscape -geometry 920x622+90+5 &')
>-- [ snip ] -
>How can Communicator be started from the button bar without generating the
>error message?
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E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 29-Jul-97
Time: 11:33:21
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1997-07-29 Thread Travis Cole

I don't use Win95 either, but I used to so that is how I know what it is and
why I want a Linux version.

Andy way it is a cool little app.  Pretty much what it does is let you make a
list of people and then notify you when they are on line.  It then lets you
find out there IP address, send them messages, chat, send files and all that
fun stuff.  These other people have to have ICQ also of course.  It is pretty
neat because you can just drop someone a message and if they are on line then
the get it right then or if the are off it sends it to a server run bye
Mirabilis wick waits for them to come on line and then forward it to them. 
You can open up multiple person chat and send people URLs, pictures, files and
email.  It is built in with a lot of Win95 junk that wouldn't be needed on a
Linux version.  Like it will automaticly call an app if say someone sends you a
wav file it calls a wav player or it will call your web browse if they send you
a URL.  It only does this when you want it to so don't worry about your web
browser opening up all the sudden if someone sends you a URL.  It is also very

This is in my opinion one of the better little Utils out there.  It would be
really cool if they got it multiplatoform so I could use it with my buddies who
use Win95, or Mac, or Linux the ICQ would be a killer app.

Want more info?  go to

On 28-Jul-97 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Mind letting us non-Win95 users know just what Mirabilis ICQ is, that we
>should all want it on Linux?
>John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
>Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
>Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.
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E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 28-Jul-97
Time: 17:47:03
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1997-07-28 Thread Travis Cole

On 28-Jul-97 Luke Bussanmas wrote:
>On Sun, 27 Jul 1997, Travis Cole wrote:
>> I hope this is an appropriate posting for this list.
>> I have used the ICQ program from Mirabilis LTD
>> In Windows 95 and I would love to be able to use this great software with
>> Linux.  But unfortunately as far as I know Mirabilis has no plans to make a
>> Linux
>> version available.  
>> We need to let our numbers be known and tell Mirabilis that we want a Linux
>> version.
>What you really need to do is to encourage their programming team to
>finish up the Java version of their program which would allow you to run
>ICQ under Linux and every other platform available.  Just my thoughts.

The thing about Java is that is s sl.  I would much rather have a
native Linux version, but If java is all we get then that is good.  And I am
not the only one who needs  to encourage them.   We all do.  If we make our
numbers known we can make things happen

- -
E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 28-Jul-97
Time: 14:40:12
640Kb should be enough for anybody
Bill Gates
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The Gimp?

1997-07-28 Thread Travis Cole

Is there a Gimp-0.99.10 deb package that can be installed on a Libc 5 system?
Or can I safely install Libc 6 on my Debian 1.3.1 system?

I downloaded the Gimp files from and
got a dependiancy error because I don't have Libc6.

Is there any way to make this work or will I just have to see how well the rpms
the tar balls work?

- -
E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 25-Jul-97
Time: 19:32:18
640Kb should be enough for anybody
Bill Gates
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Version: 2.6.3a
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Re: device access (specifically ttySx)

1997-07-28 Thread Travis Cole

On 26-Jul-97 Paul Miller wrote:
>George Bonser wrote:
>> Onw way is to have those ports owned by certain groups.  You then
>> place
>> the users that you want to allow access into the group for that port.
>how do you do that?  mc won't make any changes.. should I just use

Try using chgrp to change the groups of the files, then edit your /etc/group
file to add your users to the group you need.  I can't remember the command to
add a new group (damn RedHat and those GUI tools)

You may just want to change your ttySx file to group dip and make the user you
want belong to that group also.

Hope this helps

- -
E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 26-Jul-97
Time: 05:56:49
640Kb should be enough for anybody
Bill Gates
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Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv


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1997-07-28 Thread Travis Cole

I hope this is an appropriate posting for this list.

I have used the ICQ program from Mirabilis LTD
In Windows 95 and I would love to be able to use this great software with
Linux.  But unfortunately as far as I know Mirabilis has no plans to make a
version available.  

We need to let our numbers be known and tell Mirabilis that we want a Linux

If you want to help contact them.
go to
there you will find several contact addresses.

- -
E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 27-Jul-97
Time: 21:37:07
640Kb should be enough for anybody
Bill Gates
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Version: 2.6.3a
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How do you get the Spell Check in StarOffice to work?

1997-07-24 Thread Travis Cole

I installed the StarOffice 3.1 tarballs on my brand new Debian 1.3.1 system and
I can't get the spell check to work.  I changed the line in the file that
LANG=us   to
in case that has anything to do with it
Everything else seem to work fine but when I do the spell check it asks to
continue spell checking at the begining of the document, then does nothing.  In
tools, options, linguistics.  I have upper and lower case checked and online
checking is also on.  I am running the Static version, I don't have Motif. 

Does any one else have this problem, have a fix for it?
This happens in StarWriter if that was not clear.

Thanks in Advance.
- -
E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 23-Jul-97
Time: 19:23:36
640Kb should be enough for anybody
Bill Gates
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Version: 2.6.3a
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Re: Bash Prompt and XTerms

1997-07-22 Thread Travis Cole

Im replying to my own post.
I figured it out.  Just add the PS1 line to my .bashrc.
I figure stuff like that would just go in the .bash_profile and when that
didn't work I had no idea what to do.  To make it all global I will just make a

Sorry for the wasted bandwith.
- -
E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 21-Jul-97
Time: 21:51:55
640Kb should be enough for anybody
Bill Gates
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Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv


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Bash Prompt in an XTerm

1997-07-22 Thread Travis Cole

I just switched from Red Hat 4.2 to Debian 1.3.1 and I am now realizing how much
Red Hat really hides you from things.

I don't like the default setting for the bash prompt Debian give you and I want
to change it.  I edited my /etc/profile and added the line:


So my prompt looks like"


tcole is the user, atheist is the computers name and the second tcole is the
last part of the working dir.
This works fine when I am at the console as a normal user but as root I only


and In XFree86 it gives me:


I can live with the way root's prompt as I try to use root very little but I
would like to change the prompt in my XTerms.

What file would I edit to do this?  I tried adding this to my .bash_profile
and looked through the bash man page.  I would also like to make these changes

And help would be cool.  Thanks.
- -----
E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 21-Jul-97
Time: 21:02:35
640Kb should be enough for anybody
Bill Gates
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Version: 2.6.3a
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RE: Staroffice

1997-07-17 Thread Travis Cole

You can download the RPMs from caldera.  They are on the caldera ftp site but
in a hidden directory so you will have to go to and fill
out a survey for them before they give you the path to download it from.

On 17-Jul-97 Tim O'Brien wrote:
>I'd like to download the non-commercial version of Staroffice, but the FTP
>site listed on their webpage is down. Does anyone know of a mirror I can
>get the latest (linux) version from? Any hints or specific gotchas I should
>know about? 
>Tim O'Brien
>Linux 2.0.6 i486   Because reboots are for upgrades!
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E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 17-Jul-97
Time: 13:16:09
640Kb should be enough for anybody
Bill Gates
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Version: 2.6.3a
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Debian vs RedHat

1997-07-10 Thread Travis Cole

I know this will start a holly way so please reply to my by mail so we don't
follood the list.  I currently run RedHat 4.2 but I am considering Debian 1.3.1
What are the important differences?  What made you choose Debian over RedHat or
some other Distribution? How does .deb compare to .rpm?  Would it be verry hard
or even possible to switch from RedHat to Debian without a full reinstall.   Or
can I use dbpkg on a RedHat system?
Anything else you could add would be cool also.

Thanks a lot.
- -
E-Mail: Travis Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 10-Jul-97
Time: 14:25:58
640Kb should be enough for anybody
Bill Gates
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Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv


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