Restoring file capabilities in /usr

2022-02-16 Thread deb
Hi All,

Is there an easy method of restoring original file capabilities for the
entire /usr directory?

The background is I wanted to move my /usr directory to another
partition and I copied it with "cp -ar ..." and deleted the original
content of /usr to find out my ping does not work because of the lack of
the required capabilities for the binary.
That is not too much of an issue, because I can fix the ping command.
However, I am afraid there might be some other binaries lurking to bite
me when I need it least...

Is there an easy method (like apt based for instance) of restoring file 
capabilities for the whole
/usr directory?


Re: need to reinstall pulseaudio every day

2021-02-23 Thread fm+deb+user
>the problem is exactly what says my subject.
>every morning, ls /usr/bin/pulseaudio gives:
> ls: cannot access '/usr/bin/pulseaudio': No such file or directory
>and I must issue "aptitude reinstall pulseaudio" 
>I plan to put the ls command every minute to find when it disappears,
>unless somebody can give me an axplanation (and a fix...)
>best regards,
>Pierre Frenkiel

maybe change your disk, but for now, try:

# chattr +i /usr/bin/pulseaudio

and see if it continues disappearing.


Fabio Martins
GPG: 0xCC59C123
Fingerprint: D06E 24DE 2A72 1BB3 A1A0  C790 E51E 33C4 CC59 C123

mpv crashes on exit and all windows that have not been closed up to this point hang

2021-01-11 Thread
Package: mpv
Version: 0.29.1-1


I hope this ist the correctly mailinglist, I am not shure whether I
interprets the trigger of the bug correctly. But in my opinion, the
reason of the error is not by doublecmd, I have tested many Versions of
doublecmd, all with the same result. Other players (like vlc, cvlc)
did not crash in this case.

Perhaps someone here has a starting point to further isolate the
error ? or even a solution ?

Here comes the error description:

In mpv, maybe, I detected following bug.

OS: Devuan, beowulf
Windowmanager: openbox 3.6.1
Filemanager:  doublecmd 0.9.1, 0.7.1. also tested 0.8.0 and 0.9.9 and
spacefm 1.0.6
mpv Version: 0.29.1-1
vlc  revision 3.0.11-0-gdc0c5ced72
cvlc revision 3.0.11-0-gdc0c5ced72

The error occurs since updating the repository from devuan-ascii to
devuan-beowulf (all configuration files in ~ are the same)

After opening any video file, using doublecmd in mpv, mpv crashes on
exit (trying to close the mpv window). All windows (e.g. mpv,
kaffeine, doublecmd, xterm, etc.) that have not been closed (up to this
point) hang. All this windows have to be closed with pkill -9 or
killall -9 .

On testing this behaviour, I find out following points:

- the bug occurs in all named versions of doublecmd, mentioned above,
but not in spacefm.

- this will only happens with mpv, not with other players, like vlc,

- this will not be happend, when doublecmd will be started in an xterm

- the only workaround I found, is to put nohup in the openbox
  rc.xml . See below:

nohup doublecmd

thank you for your help and many greetings

Frank Noack

Re: Fwd: nemo crashes with no error [in Stretch]

2019-07-30 Thread deb

On 7/28/19 11:21 AM, Curt wrote:

On 2019-07-28, deb  wrote:

(Just trying this one again. No one else has seen this?)

on Debian Stretch 9.8 to 9.9 --has anyone else run into nemo just flat
out crashing?

Martin ran into it.

Thank you Curt.

There's at least stuff there for me to dig into.


Fwd: nemo crashes with no error [in Stretch]

2019-07-28 Thread deb

(Just trying this one again. No one else has seen this?)

on Debian Stretch 9.8 to 9.9 --has anyone else run into nemo just flat 
out crashing?

No errors shown at crash.
No errors that I can dig out in logs.
nemo just "goes away", often at the end of completing a copy. Sometimes 
just when tapping a folder.

No set type of copy.
No set folder.

If more than one nemo is open -- they all go away at the same time.

 * Memory usage is generally 30% at all times.
 * Plenty of swap space.

No such error from nautilus.

I was just wondering if other folks have seen this -- because I did not 
catch it mentioned here.

Thoughts on where to look for the cause would be welcomed.

Thank you.

Re: Programming pointer? -- options to run Python3 from web page (not via Flask/cgi/Django)

2019-07-26 Thread deb

On 7/25/19 11:27 PM, Carl Fink wrote:

On 7/25/19 11:23 PM, deb wrote:

On 7/25/19 6:45 PM, Carl Fink wrote:

Is there any specific reason you don't just use mod_python, to 
remove the overhead of a CGI script?

Lack of knowledge only.

If I can use mod_python to get that one script to run, I'd be mighty 

I could not find an example of that, searching around.

What do you want to do that you can't manage by extending the 
example right on this page?

Thank you Carl

This is the right idea for what I'm looking for.

Something just to execute a given, simple, .py file.
In my case, the baskend for a contact form.

mod_python (looks to) require pulling from github, compiling, and 
several steps to get into place.

It also hasn't been updated since 2013 -- so I need to look at any 
security-related impacts.

This answer will end up on a production server,
running other sites (including a Flask one),
so I want to go slowly into mod_python to make sure it drops in seamlessly.

Thank you!

Re: Programming pointer? -- options to run Python3 from web page (not via Flask/cgi/Django)

2019-07-25 Thread deb

On 7/25/19 6:45 PM, Carl Fink wrote:

On 7/25/19 5:06 PM, Joel Roth wrote:

On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 02:16:09PM -0400, deb wrote:

I have a large static html/AJAX .js apache2 site.

If I want to have a server-side script just to
handle a contact  and push mail out;
is there a non-(Django/cgi**/Flask) way to
run a small Python3 script to do this?

What not cgi? Isn't that the original and minimal
way to accomplish this?

The python3 mail script already works standalone (tests out fine 
from CLI,

on the server).

I'd rather not Flask out the whole website just to get the ability 
to run

one .py script for contact mail.

I'd rather not add .php to the server just to do this contact form.

** /cgi-bin to run the single python3 script is deprecated [Correct?].

Supported by existing protocols and running millions of


It is a straight-up HTML5 form ... that USED to post to .aspx.

While I would prefer the answer to be python-ish,
it does to Have to be python.

Is there any specific reason you don't just use mod_python, to remove 
the overhead of a CGI script?

Lack of knowledge only.

If I can use mod_python to get that one script to run, I'd be mighty happy.

I could not find an example of that, searching around.


nemo, no error-crashes [in Stretch]

2019-07-24 Thread deb

on Debian Stretch 9.8 to 9.9,
has anyone else run into nemo just flat out crashing?

No errors shown at crash.
No errors that I can dig out in logs.

nemo just flat out "goes away", often at the end of completing a copy. 
Sometimes just when tapping a folder. No set type of copy. No set folder.

If more than one nemo is open -- they all go away at the same time.

No such error from nautilus.

 * Memory usage is generally 30% at all times.
 * Plenty of swap space.

I was just wondering if other folks have seen this -- because I did not 
catch it mentioned in the lists' subject-lines.

Thank you.

Programming pointer? -- options to run Python3 from web page (not via Flask/cgi/Django)

2019-07-24 Thread deb

I have a large static html/AJAX .js apache2 site.

If I want to have a server-side script just to
handle a contact  and push mail out;
is there a non-(Django/cgi**/Flask) way to
run a small Python3 script to do this?

The python3 mail script already works standalone (tests out fine from 
CLI, on the server).

I'd rather not Flask out the whole website just to get the ability to 
run one .py script for contact mail.

I'd rather not add .php to the server just to do this contact form.

** /cgi-bin to run the single python3 script is deprecated [Correct?].

It is a straight-up HTML5 form ... that USED to post to .aspx.

While I would prefer the answer to be python-ish,
it does to Have to be python.

Thank you!

Re: apt-cacher errors

2019-03-25 Thread deb

On 3/25/19 9:21 AM, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 12:11:21PM +, Adam Weremczuk wrote:

I've found 30 entries referencing wheezy and removed them all:

sudo find /var/cache/apt-cacher/ -type f -name *wheezy* | xargs rm

sudo find /var/cache/apt-cacher -type f -name '*wheezy*' -delete

There are three mistakes in your command:

1) The glob must be quoted, or the shell will expand it based on the files
in the current working directory, wherever that happens to be.

2) xargs without -0 is unsafe to use for filenames, because they may contain
whitespace or single quotes or double quotes, all of which are special
to xargs.

3) You ran find with sudo privileges (probably not necessary), and failed
to run the rm with sudo privileges.  All of the removals are therefore
going to fail.

You might argue that "apt-cacher never has any files with spaces!"
That may be true.  But it's still a good habit to develop.  Also, -delete
is more efficient than | xargs rm, albeit not portable to POSIX scripts.

If you want it to be portable as well as safe, then:

sudo find /var/cache/apt-cacher -type f -name '*wheezy*' -exec rm {} +

That's less efficient than -delete, but it's the best you can do if
POSIX portability is required.

Great thoughts Greg.

Helped me too.

Thanks for the help today folks

2019-03-22 Thread deb

I will summarize them all up.


Re: iotop - or, checking what is accessing a drive

2019-03-22 Thread deb

On 3/22/19 4:25 PM, David Wright wrote:

On Fri 22 Mar 2019 at 16:07:24 (-0400), Michael Stone wrote:

On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 03:00:23PM -0500, David Wright wrote:

If you're really worried, first remount the partitions readonly, which
will fail if they're in use. Then unmount them and disconnect.

Just unmount--that will fail if the partition is in use unless extra
options are added.

Sorry, it hadn't occurred to me that the OP wasn't just doing that
(because they had said they used "Safely Remove" in Windows).
Nor had it occurred to me that one might need a bettery of tools
like iotop, hdparm, iostat, pidstat, perf top, and the rest,
rather than just unmounting. I thought they wanted a belt and braces
method, a bit of redundancy.

So it's just the usual Pose Problem A, Solve Problem B.


To summarize, I had been unmounting (multiple times, NO errors)
as well as eject -ing.
Drives still have hard light on.
This is different behavior than on Windows, where the light goes off 
signaling it's ready to to be removed.

Same drives in both cases.

I am quite happy to have the battery of recommended tools to see what is 
accessing the drives BEFORE ever unmounting at all.

At least Linux has these tools.

It is often a sysinternals-level jaunt on Windows to figure out what's 
tying up a drive. Their default error messages are a joke.

Re: iotop - or, checking what is accessing a drive

2019-03-22 Thread deb

On 3/22/19 7:39 PM, Michael Stone wrote:

On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 04:23:32PM -0400, deb wrote:

On 3/22/19 4:07 PM, Michael Stone wrote:

On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 03:00:23PM -0500, David Wright wrote:

If you're really worried, first remount the partitions readonly, which
will fail if they're in use. Then unmount them and disconnect.

Just unmount--that will fail if the partition is in use unless extra 
options are added.

Mike Stone

Actually no.

Actually, yes.

That's where I started at.

A given drive should behave the same on Windows & Linux as far as 
lights on/off/dimming.

But as I noted earlier, on Windows, the light is OFF, signaling no 
drive activity upon being removed.

On debian 9.8, it stays on, after repeated dismounts.

Then there's nothing using the drive and you're barking up the wrong 

What you're seeing is that windows does a disconnect if you're using 
the "safely remove" thing. You might be able to get the same effect in 
linux by running "eject" on the drive, depends on what specifically 
the drive is looking for.

Mike Stone

I had previously tried eject as well.

Hard light was still on.

My choice was shutdown and pull the cable or pull it out seemingly hot.

Hopefully the tool choices from the others will provide info.

Re: iotop - or, checking what is accessing a drive

2019-03-22 Thread deb

On 3/22/19 4:21 PM, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:

On 3/22/19, David Wright  wrote:

On Fri 22 Mar 2019 at 14:00:24 (-0400), deb wrote:

Just a reminder -- the bulk of mine are Seagate Backup Plus (1-5TB.
USB 3.0).
On Windows, when you dismount (Safely Remove) these
the light goes off.

I've never seen the light go off until it spins down (those that do).

You're reminding me of something I read and have now mostly forgotten.
It was something about today's hard drives being *maybe*

On some (presumably newer) hardware, there are one or more BIOS
settings that affect how hard drives function. A quickly attempted
search landed the potentially useful phrases of "sleep mode" and "HDD

Cindy :)

Yes Cindy.

In fact, I fought against uying Western Digital drives once they stuck a 
password protected section on their drives; and refused to give the 
credentials to customers.

That was too Intel Management Engine-y for me.

I don't think this is it, or the sleep mode on the Seagates.

At least, that is not an issue when running on Windows.


Re: Ways to verify tools/applications? Fire support for new users

2019-03-22 Thread deb

On 3/22/19 4:22 PM, Nicholas Geovanis wrote:
On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 2:52 PM deb <>> wrote:

They won't all be admins, but the top tech folks will be.
(But, those are likely the ones who will cause the most trouble).

Do you know how to "disable" select administrative commands using 

It can be useful in these situations. Your top tech folks can defeat it.

Yes, but I am A admin, these other folks will demand sudo privileges to 
even think about Linux.

Not optimal, I know.

Thanks Nicholas!

One thing they do do is backup.

Lots and lots of backups.

I will add the bug list check to my list (good idea).

> Some suggested reading here to get started.
> I think this forum is a good place to read first, post later.  The
> archives have a ton of info. Many issues have already been done
to death.
Thank you bw!

Re: Ways to verify tools/applications? Fire support for new users

2019-03-22 Thread deb

On 3/22/19 7:43 PM, Andy Smith wrote:


On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 11:44:15AM -0400, deb wrote:

Are there list-suggested ways to help verify non-free / out-of-stable-distro
or even seldomly updated in-distro tools, PRE-INSTALL?

If in your /etc/apt/sources.list you stick to one distribution and
don't include "contrib" and "non-free" suites then you aren't going
to get any non-free software and the packages you install will at
least have been considered acceptable by Debian for release.

Are there suggested sites to look up Linux tools to verify them a bit;
rather than just one-off searches?

Are there suggested sites where KNOWN BAD tools are listed?

That all sounds highly subjective and don't see how you could have
any such definitive thing.

There is no substitute for proper research but as a blunt tool, once
you have identified multiple different packages that do what you
want you could look at Debian's popcon to compare how many reported
installations there are of each of them:


This popcorn page looks useful Andy!

Thank you -- I did not know about that one.

This gets added to my little list of things to check with.


Re: iotop - or, checking what is accessing a drive

2019-03-22 Thread deb

On 3/22/19 4:07 PM, Michael Stone wrote:

On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 03:00:23PM -0500, David Wright wrote:

If you're really worried, first remount the partitions readonly, which
will fail if they're in use. Then unmount them and disconnect.

Just unmount--that will fail if the partition is in use unless extra 
options are added.

Mike Stone

Actually no.

That's where I started at.

A given drive should behave the same on Windows & Linux as far as lights 

But as I noted earlier, on Windows, the light is OFF, signaling no drive 
activity upon being removed.

On debian 9.8, it stays on, after repeated dismounts.

Hence my request for tools to (easily) see what's going on.

*Something* is hitting the drive.


Re: iotop - or, checking what is accessing a drive

2019-03-22 Thread deb

On 3/22/19 4:00 PM, David Wright wrote:

On Fri 22 Mar 2019 at 14:00:24 (-0400), deb wrote:

On 3/22/19 1:48 PM, Curt wrote:

On 2019-03-22, deb  wrote:

Depending on what's on the disk, it might be more useful to just use
lsof to see what files are open and try to understand what those might
be doing.

I believe you said that the external USB drive's LED remains on, even
after unmounting, and that indicates to you that there's activity on the
drive. I've always labored under the idea that a *flashing* light
indicated activity and a steady one an idle state.

Now it occurs to me that these signal indications may depend on the make
and model of the drive itself.

What should be the behavior of the LED on your drive when the drive is
unmounted and/or inactive?

YES -- this differs by manufacturer.

… and by model, in the case of Seagate.

Just a reminder -- the bulk of mine are Seagate Backup Plus (1-5TB.
USB 3.0).
On Windows, when you dismount (Safely Remove) these
the light goes off.

I've never seen the light go off until it spins down (those that do).

It is On when connected and very dimmly flashed when being accessed.
So, it can flash a bit when indexes are up[dated,
or a file is flushed -- and go right back to steady on.

My 5TB doesn't ever flash or dim; a little annoying.

I only *feel* safe, pulling the cable when the light is OFF.

If you're really worried, first remount the partitions readonly, which
will fail if they're in use. Then unmount them and disconnect.

Good idea David.

I'll add this to the list.

by-the-by, (when I last checked) Windows does NOT have a mount read-only 

The recommended approach when I last looked was to rip through each file 
and folder setting them individually to read-only.

Guess how long that takes on a 5TB?

Now multiply that guess by an office of drives; with people wanting to 
switch them back and forth R-O -> W -> R-O

I love Linux.

Again, I can NOT suffer a data-loss-because-of-Evil-Linux situation,
giving the Windows-folk ammo.

Disks occasionally fail for everyone, irrespective of OS.

I wanted to switch to your name in the Subject Curt,
but Jim P. will yell at me. :-)

Screw it --- I switched it anyway.

I can already see whose post yours is commenting on. The rule is simple:
Change the subject line if the subject changes,
Don't change the subject line if the subject doesn't change.

Ack on the subject-line change.

I am one-time switching this one's back.

Now then -- where ARE these rules?

I'd like to hand a list to new users.

Obviously, I don't know them all.

On a technical point, there are those whose less functional
mail clients thread by subject line rather than Message-ID.
Their threading get totally fragmented by all your changes.


Re: Ways to verify tools/applications? Fire support for new users

2019-03-22 Thread deb

On 3/22/19 3:14 PM, bw wrote:


Are there list-suggested ways to help verify non-free /
out-of-stable-distro or even seldomly updated in-distro tools,

Well... that's a deep subject.  You mention three different categories of
pkgs, but I think many people would say there are only two main

"in-repo" and "out-of-repo"

Everything in the repo has a bug page at and
also a page at

"out-of-repo" stuff, well... again that's a deep subject.  Not enough
time.  If you want to pull win users into linux, start them off right.
They don't need to all be administrators, do they?  If you just want to
let them trash the system and play around that's cool.  Make an hourly

They won't all be admins, but the top tech folks will be.

(But, those are likely the ones who will cause the most trouble).

One thing they do do is backup.

Lots and lots of backups.

I will add the bug list check to my list (good idea).

Some suggested reading here to get started.

I think this forum is a good place to read first, post later.  The
archives have a ton of info. Many issues have already been done to death.

Thank you bw!

Curt --- Re: iotop - or, checking what is accessing a drive

2019-03-22 Thread deb

On 3/22/19 1:48 PM, Curt wrote:

On 2019-03-22, deb  wrote:

Depending on what's on the disk, it might be more useful to just use
lsof to see what files are open and try to understand what those might
be doing.

Thank you Michael.

I'll build up a list of these recommendations for here.

I believe you said that the external USB drive's LED remains on, even
after unmounting, and that indicates to you that there's activity on the
drive. I've always labored under the idea that a *flashing* light
indicated activity and a steady one an idle state.

Now it occurs to me that these signal indications may depend on the make
and model of the drive itself.

What should be the behavior of the LED on your drive when the drive is
unmounted and/or inactive?

(This is probably a waste of everybody's time.)

> (This is probably a waste of everybody's time.)

Not of mine.

Or a bunch of users.

YES -- this differs by manufacturer.

Just a reminder -- the bulk of mine are Seagate Backup Plus (1-5TB. USB 

On Windows, when you dismount (Safely Remove) these
the light goes off.

It is On when connected and very dimmly flashed when being accessed.
So, it can flash a bit when indexes are up[dated,
or a file is flushed -- and go right back to steady on.

I only *feel* safe, pulling the cable when the light is OFF.

Again, I can NOT suffer a data-loss-because-of-Evil-Linux situation,
giving the Windows-folk ammo.

I wanted to switch to your name in the Subject Curt,
but Jim P. will yell at me. :-)

Screw it --- I switched it anyway.

Re: (Paul) Re: Other lists? Fire support for new users

2019-03-22 Thread deb

On 3/22/19 1:36 PM, Jim Popovitch wrote:

On Fri, 2019-03-22 at 13:14 -0400, deb wrote:

I guess I found that some folks here (not many, but vocal) can be gruff
and insensitive; and I just wanted to see if there were more "yielding"

The last thing I want to do is have new users rebuffed in the spot I
send them to for help.

One of the sure ways to do that is to unnecessarily modify the Subject line of
emails you send..

-Jim P.

Like that ^

I was told before to do that if I was talking (or thanking) one person 
BUT also sharing the data with all.

I personally would want the name in the subject so that I can see if 
someone is asking me something directly.

Some days, there are a lot of emails.

So --- from the gruff perspective -- which way is it?

Michael - Re: iotop - or, checking what is accessing a drive

2019-03-22 Thread deb

On 3/22/19 12:24 PM, Michael Stone wrote:

On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 11:23:29AM -0400, deb wrote:

a.  Has anyone used iotop? thoughts?

(I did -- it's CLI-based. I was underwhelmed. Hard-ish to use; can't 

pinpoint processes accessing the drives)

Well, it's hard to say what would work better if you can't explain 
what the problem is with iotop. By default it sorts by io %, which 
isn't necessarily the best view. Left and right arrows highlight and 
sort by other columns, and it may be more useful to look at reads and 
writes individually.

Depending on what's on the disk, it might be more useful to just use 
lsof to see what files are open and try to understand what those might 
be doing.

Thank you Michael.

I'll build up a list of these recommendations for here.

I'm looking at hdparm -C too.

No --help on that one.

man hdparm

-C  Check  the  current  IDE power mode status, which will always be
  one  of  unknown  (drive  does  not   support this   
  active/idle  (normal  operation), standby (low power 
mode, drive
  has spun down), or sleeping (lowest power mode, drive  
is  com‐
  pletely  shut down).  The -S, -y, -Y, and -Z options can 
be used

  to manipulate the IDE power modes.

Thank you

Reco - Re: iotop - or, checking what is accessing a drive

2019-03-22 Thread deb

On 3/22/19 11:56 AM, Reco wrote:


On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 11:23:29AM -0400, deb wrote:

a.  Has anyone used iotop? thoughts?

Implemented in Python, so it's a toy. Was*the*  thing back in 2.6.x
kernel's days.

b. Can anyone recommend a different tool?

"iostat -kx 1" to pinpoint a drive.
"pidstat -dl 1" to point at a process eating I/O.

Both come with "sysstat" package.

"perf top", but it*does*  require skill, knowledge and determination.


There you go!

Good answer.

I saw the python in iotop as well and had doubts from there.

If it was an ext4 drive on Linux, I'd be thinking lazy ext4 init,

I'm looking at hdparm -C too.

Thank you Reco

(Paul) Re: Other lists? Fire support for new users

2019-03-22 Thread deb

On 3/22/19 12:39 PM, Paul Sutton wrote:

On 22/03/2019 15:31, deb wrote:

Hello folks:

For someone trying to pull Windows (and Mac) users into Linux
does anyone have:

Preferred other email lists, for new users?

Perhaps more basic than this one?

There are forums, but the emails are a good way to work too.


Why not direct them here,  just perhaps set up their e-mail client so
that all e-mails are sent to a folder,  that way the main inbox doesn't
get full of e-mail from here, as there can be quite a lot at times.
Maybe teach them how to watch specific threads,  so they post a
question, when it arrives in their inbox from the list, tag it to watch.

I suggest this, as it is the main list for Debian,  plus I am not a full
expert but can still help with some stuff,  and happy to do so.

Also new users asking questions here can highlight specific issues,  a
task that should (and is considered simple, by developers or more
experienced users) may not be,  and may need looking in to as to how
that task can be made less complex (if that makes sense) or explained

Sometimes when new users and developers (including documentation
editors) can communicate good things happen.  if may also help us
develop good documentation too, as even writing that can throw up


Thanks Paul:

And I agree -- it would be great to have one place to send them to and 
Yes, old pros can get trends (or early leads) of problems this way.

I guess I found that some folks here (not many, but vocal) can be gruff 
and insensitive; and I just wanted to see if there were more "yielding" 

The last thing I want to do is have new users rebuffed in the spot I 
send them to for help.

I was just checking to see what else was available :-)


Thank you!

Ways to verify tools/applications? Fire support for new users

2019-03-22 Thread deb

Hello folks:

Again, for someone trying to pull Windows (and Mac) users into Linux ...

Are there list-suggested ways to help verify non-free / 
out-of-stable-distro or even seldomly updated in-distro tools, PRE-INSTALL?

A portion of the users are going to have the ability to sudo apt-get 

No way around that.

I have them (at least) do this first:

 * $ apt-cache search the-thing  # shows variants

 * $ apt-cache show the-thing # Let's them see more, pre-install

 * the-thing

 * talk to me.    # gives me a chance to 
brace myself.

Are there suggested sites to look up Linux tools to verify them a bit; 
rather than just one-off searches?

Are there suggested sites where KNOWN BAD tools are listed?

Thanks again

Other lists? Fire support for new users

2019-03-22 Thread deb

Hello folks:

For someone trying to pull Windows (and Mac) users into Linux
does anyone have:

Preferred other email lists, for new users?

Perhaps more basic than this one?

There are forums, but the emails are a good way to work too.


iotop - or, checking what is accessing a drive

2019-03-22 Thread deb

Hello folks:


  Plenty of portable NTFS drives, occasionally hooked to debian.

  The drive's light stays on [indicating use] even when dismounted (but 
still connected via USB).

  I'd like to try and find out what's using the drive.

  I don't like the idea of just yanking the cable...

  I can not afford to trash data.

  I found iotop below (a top for processes creating I/O).

a.  Has anyone used iotop? thoughts?

(I did -- it's CLI-based. I was underwhelmed. Hard-ish to use; can't 
easily pinpoint processes accessing the drives)

b. Can anyone recommend a different tool?


My info was found here:

 "My Newly Formatted (‘Ext4’) External Hard Disk is Busy, Even at Idle

January 8, 2015 
by Gayan 

I recently purchased a Western Digital My Passport Ultra (1TB, USB 3.0) 
external hard disk as I was running out of space to save my 
files. Although I dual-boot a GNU/Linux 
 distribution (which is the 
awesome Fedora 21 
 nowadays) with 
Windows 8.1, and almost all of my friends rely on the Windows operating 
system, I took the decision to format it into ‘Ext4’ anyway, despite 
having the obvious drawback to which I am bound (that would be sharing 
data of course  ).

To be honest, I never had used a native GNU/Linux file system on a large 
USB hard disk before, thus, after creating an ‘Ext4’ file system on the 
1TB USB drive, I made an interesting (and irritating) observation. What 
happened was that, after formatting the drive into ‘Ext4’, whenever I 
mounted the USB disk, even when I was not using it, the LED starts to 
indicate (by blinking) a mild disk activity.

I ignored it the first time, but every time I mounted the drive, it 
happened again and again. And on all these instances the LED kept 
blinking non-stop for minutes and the only way stop it was to detach the 
USB disk from the computer. So in an attempt to isolate its cause, I 
used the ‘iotop 
utility (it’s a tool that sorts & lists processes by their disk I/O 
consumption). And as soon as I opened it, ‘iotop’ listed a process 
called ‘ext4lazyinit’ that was consuming a mild I/O bandwidth (about 
11-13 Mb/s) out of my WD USB hard disk."

[OT] EE, Re: Tangentially: on Canonical being a great company?

2019-03-14 Thread deb

On 3/14/19 10:35 AM, David Wright wrote:

On Wed 13 Mar 2019 at 23:19:09 (-0400), Gene Heskett wrote:

On Wednesday 13 March 2019 22:19:37 David wrote:

On Thu, 14 Mar 2019 at 08:24,  wrote:

On Wednesday, March 13, 2019 04:51:57 PM deb wrote:

* they sleep with Microsoft of E-E-E fame.

Ok, I'll bite -- what is E-E-E?,_extend,_and_extinguish

To further clarify, they buy (the Embrace) then Extend both it and their
OS in incompatible ways so everyone has to buy the new version, and when
that very predictably fails to generate the sales surge they were
expecting, they discontinue it, thereby Extinguishing the competition.

Worked well thru the 90's and 2000's but not being done quite so
obviously now.

Less by Microsoft, and perhaps less by Walmart nowadays, but the
tradition is continued by the likes of Facebook, Google, Amazon, etc.
while any idea of government regulation is branded as "socialist".



[OT] is what I as after as a subject predecessor :-)

I guess I do not see Microsoft doing this less in 2019.

It just has changed from one product [WordPro, Lotus 1-2-3; Spinrite; 
dBase Netscape] to entire infrastructures.


Microsoft is "open sourcing" Windows Calculator and inviting open source 
developers (for free)  to:

 * improve the tool

 * "Learn the Microsoft development Way".

BUT THEY WILL STILL MAKE Money on Windows 10 that uses calculator.

Microsoft buys their way into Linux Foundation as "advisors". Into 
Canonical, etc.  When they pay their million dollar fees; they exercise 
much more influence on Linux than a company calling "Linux a Cancer" should.

An while Microsoft has opened all of their patents to Linux; they are 
STILL suing companies using Linux (and Android) through proxy companies; 
claiming  payments are still due on these patents.

I think that Microsoft is just playing the open source community; until 
Microsoft can control that too.

I live this.

For folks whose knee-jerk response is to say "prove that","show that", 
"show me"  -- see

Roberto [SOLVED] -- #pffffft -- Re: Tangentially: on Canonical being a great company?

2019-03-13 Thread deb

On 3/13/19 5:32 PM, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:

On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 04:51:57PM -0400, deb wrote:

On 3/13/19 4:26 PM, *Jonathan Dowland* wrote:

On Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 01:48:04PM -0400, deb wrote:

  So, like Redhat, thousands of volunteers working the code for
years, will see nothing when canonical is sold.

Red Hat employs thousands of people who are writing code, so when IBM
acquires them, they will see something. You might have to revise this
point (for Red Hat, at least) up from "thousands" to a higher number.


So you are saying that you do Not think that thousands of people since the
beginning of Redhat have busted their butt on this or that module that went
into the "product" Redhat execs [and some thousands] later made millions on
- but got zero dollars for their efforts from the sale?

You seem to imply that the only possible reason that someone would have
to work on code would be to eventually receive money.

Some people do it for fun, some for recognition, some for money, and
some for a combination of those things.

If you personally have made contributions to open source and you feel
that they are being misappropriated, then there are organizations that
will help you determine if licenses on your code are being violated.
You could do that and if you find that is the case then you can choose
whether to seek legal remedy.

If you personally have made contributions to open source and you feel
unhappy that someone else is benefitting financially from your work but
they are otherwise abiding by the terms of the open source license under
which you placed your work, then I encourage you to consider your
objective in working on open source software.  It may be that you
fundamentally misunderstand open source and why people sometimes develop
it without monetary compensation.

Or are you saying if [Some] make money on the backs of open source work;
that justifies the means to get there?

What means and to get where?  If I write code and sell it or give it
away under an open source license (whether that be copyleft or
non-copyleft) then what difference does it make if someone makes a
little money or a bunch of money?  So long as the abide by the terms of
the license, that is.

Do you have examples or evidence of Canonical benefiting improperly from
open source licensed software?  That is, not abiding by the terms of the

I, on the other hand, have ample evidence of both Red Hat and Canonical
paying people to write millions of lines of code that have been given
away to open source projects and the larger community as well.

(I fear this will happen to All meaningful open-source projects.)

And ... just so the cherry-picked point above does not fall out of context;
here was my full thought::

re: Canonical being a great company as postured by one here:

   * They have already been caught selling search results to Amazon.

That is a business decision.  Likely a poor one.  However, I do not see
what it has to do with the issue of compensating those who work on open
source software, which seems to be the main point of your message.

   * the board let go ALL non-corporate members - the People's voice.

What negative impact, specifically, do you think this will have?  How
does this relate to your central point of compensating open source

   * they sleep with Microsoft of E-E-E fame.

Please define "sleep with" in this context.

   * The owner is hell bent on getting to IPO level.

Canonical is privately held.  It is the owners' prerogative whether to
remain privately held or to try for a public offering.  How does this
relate to your central point?

  So, like Redhat, thousands of volunteers working the code for years,
will see nothing when canonical is sold.

   * I have more

I find that doubtful.

Ubuntu would be one of the last distributions

I would ever recommend.

I have my own reasons for not being particularly fond of Ubuntu, but
they are technical in nature.

Do you happen to have anything concrete?  Or do you only have the sale
of Amazon search results accompanied by a bunch of hand waving?



You *obviously* know best Roberto.

> I find that doubtful.

This single line shouts out that our communications are complete.

Have a great day.

I'm marking this one [Solved] and leaving it right there.


2019-03-13 Thread deb

On 3/13/19 5:24 PM, wrote:

On Wednesday, March 13, 2019 04:51:57 PM deb wrote:

    * they sleep with Microsoft of E-E-E fame.

Ok, I'll bite -- what is E-E-E?


Never heard of it?

Embrace, Extend, Extinguish?,_extend,_and_extinguish

Many a Microsoft competitor has been crushed by this.

I have been part of two; so crushed.

* Some of you folk Really ARE far from the Microsoft realm.

* Remember that I fight it daily; before yelling at me.

Better answers than privacy-stealing gmail

    Privacy-Conscious Email Services

Jonathan -- #pffffft -- Re: Tangentially: on Canonical being a great company?

2019-03-13 Thread deb

On 3/13/19 4:26 PM, *Jonathan Dowland* wrote:

On Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 01:48:04PM -0400, deb wrote:
 So, like Redhat, thousands of volunteers working the code for 
years, will see nothing when canonical is sold.

Red Hat employs thousands of people who are writing code, so when IBM
acquires them, they will see something. You might have to revise this
point (for Red Hat, at least) up from "thousands" to a higher number.


So you are saying that you do Not think that thousands of people since 
the beginning of Redhat have busted their butt on this or that module 
that went into the "product" Redhat execs [and some thousands] later 
made millions on - but got zero dollars for their efforts from the sale?

Or are you saying if [Some] make money on the backs of open source work; 
that justifies the means to get there?

(I fear this will happen to All meaningful open-source projects.)

And ... just so the cherry-picked point above does not fall out of context;
here was my full thought::

re: Canonical being a great company as postured by one here:

  * They have already been caught selling search results to Amazon.

  * the board let go ALL non-corporate members - the People's voice.

  * they sleep with Microsoft of E-E-E fame.

  * The owner is hell bent on getting to IPO level.

 So, like Redhat, thousands of volunteers working the code for 
years, will see nothing when canonical is sold.

  * I have more

Ubuntu would be one of the last distributions

I would ever recommend.

(Thank you Tom) Re: David --- Re: WRITING to NTFS drives

2019-03-13 Thread deb

On 3/13/19 3:43 PM, Thomas D Dial wrote:

On Wed, 2019-03-13 at 11:12 -0400, deb wrote:

On 3/12/19 9:50 PM, David Christensen wrote:

On 3/11/19 11:13 AM, deb wrote:

I saw this question come up

and it set off bells.

Someone asked what the status of WRITING to NTFS drives was.

That it was not yet supported (?) .

*MY* Assumptions:

   * MIXED NETWORK, with Win, Mac, Linux (EXT4 formatted).

   * many portable 1-5TB drives making the rounds, formatted with

   * data loss is unacceptable [to the highest degree that is

I know that I can read (and verify) files just fine from NTFS on
Debian 9.8

but [if you have direct experience with this]

is writing to these drives from debian actually safe?

[if you have direct experience with this]

what process/tool(s) do you use to validate the writes?

What are other places to ask this?

Thank you!

On 3/12/19 4:40 PM, deb wrote:

I'm faced with people running everywhere with these things, and
dozens of drives.

Writing to NTFS file systems using Debian has worked for me for the
current and past few releases of Debian Stable.  It is not a common
use-case for me any more, so I'll refrain from making comments.

However, it seems like you have a large sneaker net with many
and even more feet.  My experiences with a few sneakers and two
prompted me to pursue better solutions (Ethernet network, file
version control server, backups, archives, images, etc.).  I am
curious why you don't do the same?


Brace yourself.

They take the drives back and forth *Home*.

(As well as back & forth to clients)..

There is equal volume pumping around the LAN as well.

It appears you have a problem that is more managerial in nature than
technical, that the best technical measures can do no more than

Scary. My employment was in a US DoD agency that was pretty careful
about information assurance generally, where such activity was forbidden
and punished if found. I do not like to think about having to make it

I contacted a relative who does this routinely. Windows alternately, I
contacted a relative who does this routinely about the initial queston
about writing to NTFS file systems from Linux and Windows alternately.
Although he does this in a dual boot environment, and with either Ubuntu
or Mint, they should be similar enough to Debian and the proposed use to
be meaningful.

He did not report problems with NTFS as such, but mentioned possible
OneDrive sync issues and inability of Linux to write to a Windows drive
if it was closed down in a locked state. I knew nothing of such a
"locked state" and Google search for it indicated only issues that
suggest prior file system corruption that needed chkdsk or SFC (and
possibly bootrec, or even Windows refresh or reinstall), so probably not
a meaningful barrier.

Prior testing would be appropriate, with verification of the 90% or more
most common use cases, maybe with help of a relatively knowledgable user
or a few of them.

Tom Dial

Thank You!

David --- Re: WRITING to NTFS drives

2019-03-13 Thread deb

On 3/12/19 9:50 PM, David Christensen wrote:

On 3/11/19 11:13 AM, deb wrote:

I saw this question come up

and it set off bells.

Someone asked what the status of WRITING to NTFS drives was.

That it was not yet supported (?) .

*MY* Assumptions:

  * MIXED NETWORK, with Win, Mac, Linux (EXT4 formatted).

  * many portable 1-5TB drives making the rounds, formatted with NTFS.

  * data loss is unacceptable [to the highest degree that is possible].

I know that I can read (and verify) files just fine from NTFS on 
Debian 9.8

but [if you have direct experience with this]

is writing to these drives from debian actually safe?

[if you have direct experience with this]

what process/tool(s) do you use to validate the writes?

What are other places to ask this?

Thank you!

On 3/12/19 4:40 PM, deb wrote:
I'm faced with people running everywhere with these things, and 
dozens of drives.

Writing to NTFS file systems using Debian has worked for me for the 
current and past few releases of Debian Stable.  It is not a common 
use-case for me any more, so I'll refrain from making comments.

However, it seems like you have a large sneaker net with many sneakers 
and even more feet.  My experiences with a few sneakers and two feet 
prompted me to pursue better solutions (Ethernet network, file server, 
version control server, backups, archives, images, etc.).  I am 
curious why you don't do the same?


Brace yourself.

They take the drives back and forth *Home*.

(As well as back & forth to clients)..

There is equal volume pumping around the LAN as well.

Tom --- Re: WRITING to NTFS drives

2019-03-12 Thread deb

On 3/11/19 3:35 PM, Thomas D Dial wrote:

On Mon, 2019-03-11 at 14:13 -0400, deb wrote:

I saw this question come up

and it set off bells.

Someone asked what the status of WRITING to NTFS drives was.

That it was not yet supported (?) .

*MY* Assumptions:

   * MIXED NETWORK, with Win, Mac, Linux (EXT4 formatted).

   * many portable 1-5TB drives making the rounds, formatted with NTFS.

   * data loss is unacceptable [to the highest degree that is

I know that I can read (and verify) files just fine from NTFS on
Debian 9.8

but [if you have direct experience with this]

is writing to these drives from debian actually safe?

[if you have direct experience with this]

what process/tool(s) do you use to validate the writes?

One data point, clearly in need of additional support (or refutation).

I will lay claim to having, in a small number of cases, written to NTFS
file systems using recent (jessie, stretch, buster) Debian versions.

Validation was that the files subsequently were readable, modifiable,
and rewritable by Windows 10 or Windows 7 applications. Some of them
later were readable, modifiable, and rewritable on the originating Linux

This is a somewhat weak claim, since it involved only a small (but
double digit) number of files, and only a few applications (mostly
OpenOffice or LibreOffice Calc and MS-Office Excel).

On one occasion I managed, largely by trial and error, to repair an NTFS
file system using tools available on Debian (buster, I think, but maybe

Tom Dial


Thank you!

It's good to hear it has worked, even in small samples.

I'm faced with people running everywhere with these things, and dozens 
of drives.

[potential] shudder.

Alexander -- Re: WRITING to NTFS drives

2019-03-12 Thread deb

On 3/11/19 3:47 PM, Alexander V. Makartsev wrote:

On 11.03.2019 23:13, deb wrote:

I saw this question come up

and it set off bells.

Someone asked what the status of WRITING to NTFS drives was.

That it was not yet supported (?) .

*MY* Assumptions:

 * MIXED NETWORK, with Win, Mac, Linux (EXT4 formatted).

 * many portable 1-5TB drives making the rounds, formatted with NTFS.

 * data loss is unacceptable [to the highest degree that is possible].

I know that I can read (and verify) files just fine from NTFS on 
Debian 9.8

but [if you have direct experience with this]

is writing to these drives from debian actually safe?

Short answer: Yes, it is safe.
Long answer: Yes, but it depends, because NTFS is not just a bunch of 
files, it has hidden metadata sections, journal, substream files, 
junctions, windows-style ACLs and permissions, file compression, disk 
quotas, file audit, probably more (hidden) features.
You've probably read my answer to that previous question about NTFS, 
so I just want to add to that. Writing data\files to NTFS is fine as 
long as you take into account that some of the features could be not 
fully supported.
So you should be careful with writing\deleting\moving files on a 
system partition (with installed windows os), but if you use NTFS with 
Portable USB Storage devices it should be fine, as long as you(your 
users) don't unplug USB connector as soon as progress bar of file 
transfer process has reached 100%.

[if you have direct experience with this]

what process/tool(s) do you use to validate the writes?
Take into account that USB storage devices are quick to send data into 
memory buffer, but much slower to actually write data to drive. So 
"sync" command is useful to ensure data is fully written, before you 
send command to unmount\eject the device and physically disconnect it 
from USB port, otherwise data loss or filesystem corruption will occur.

What are other places to ask this?

You can go to homepage of "ntfs-3g" driver [1] and its support forums. [2]

Thank you!


Excellent answer Alexander.

(I'm back to scared again).

This will take some onsite research and testing.

My initial thought is to restrict Linux users to using a /linux folder 
on the drives; if not a flat-out separate partition (but that would be 
hard to make happen).

Thank you for the response!

Thanks Mart -- Re: Mart -- [Solved] [Well, not solved,. but sickened by] Re: Group thoughts on: Anti-virus tools

2019-03-12 Thread deb

On 3/11/19 5:08 PM, Mart van de Wege wrote:

And yeah, Debian is an upstream distribution, so you will have a lot of
people who are being overly purist about Linux solutions, because they
have the luxury of working in homogenous environments. Unfortunately a
lot of them are lousy communicators.

I'll say...


Fortunately Brian has blocked me, so that will enhance the noise::answer 
ratio :-)

What a tin-foil wearing curmudgeon that one is.

At least others want to help as bit.

Thank you Mart !

(non-free issue) Re: Installing Debian on SSD

2019-03-12 Thread deb

I have installed Stretch on an SSD, with uefi, without any trouble.

Me, as well (9.8).

Here's one thing to watch out for.

Unlike Ubuntu, MInt, etc, debian will not install non-free drivers by 

In the virtualbox scenario you had before, VB does an excellent of 
emulating the network (esp) WiFi and it "just works".

But once you actually install debian**; wifi won't work if the drivers 
needed are from a non-free vendor; like the sneaky-ME-blackbox Intel types.


a. Check into your wifi hardware first -- and have the appropriate 
drivers ready to install via a flash drive (into /lib/firmware) or the 
network; etc.

b. My own install asked for Intel drivers iwlwifi-8265-26.ucode, 
iwlwifi-8265-25.ucode, iwlwifi-8265-24.ucode, iwlwifi-8265-23.ucode that 
do not actually exist. I finally went with iwlwifi-8265-22.ucode; which 
does exist and it all worked beautifully. I just rebooted and wifi 
popped right up.

c. ** You CAN install using the full stretch + non-free iso; and that 
will probably work fine.

Good luck


At the risk of stoning -- has anyone USED tiger for checking security?

2019-03-12 Thread deb

I see this with an apt-cache search but I drew back when
I saw that it wants to include "john-data" to crack passwords.

*`tiger *- checks system security but uses john-data, which cracks 

I look forward to comments from those who have used either or want to 
suggest an alternative.

Thank you

David -- [Solved] [Well, not solved,. but sickened by] Re: Group thoughts on: Anti-virus tools

2019-03-12 Thread deb

On 3/12/19 11:05 AM, David Wright wrote:

On Tue 12 Mar 2019 at 15:01:32 (+0100), Mart van de Wege wrote:

Stefan Monnier  writes:

OP has a point though. The real world happens to have a huge amount of
heterogeneous networks, and asking for tools to keep those systems safe
is legitimate.

I did not perceive the OP's request to be about the case where you
administer lots of machines and you want to use a Debian machine as
a virus-filter for all those other machines running Windows or whatnot.

So I assumed he meant "I do want to run A/V" to mean that he wants to
run an A/V just like all random Windows users feel the need to run some
A/V software on their machine to feel safer.

I tend to make assumptions that the asker of a question knows what they
are talking about. In this case that meant assuming OP had a
heterogeneous environment they wanted to secure.

Sure, this is not always true, but assuming 'just a random Windows user'
is a tad...uncharitable, to say the least. Again proving OP's
disappointment to be correct, alas.

I thought just the opposite, ie that the OP ran a linux system in a
Windows dominated culture. (Isn't the OP posting from a linux system?)
I spent seven years working with linux in an almost totally Windows
(administration)/Mac (proselytising academics) institution, being eyed
suspiciously whenever their fragile systems misbehaved.

This is exactly my situation.

And in more recent years, I've signed up to many systems that carry
warnings like this:

"If you use […], your computer, modem and mobile phone must meet
 any reasonable requirements we may set; you must carry out your
 own regular virus checks; […] "

A lot of peer pressure (if not T) to be always virus-scanning things …


Thank you David


Clamscan caught a trojan and a browser miner in downloaded web pages today.

I feel completely justified in ignoring all the 

Joe - Re: WRITING to NTFS drives

2019-03-11 Thread deb

On 3/11/19 2:47 PM, Joe wrote:

On Mon, 11 Mar 2019 14:13:38 -0400
deb  wrote:

I saw this question come up

and it set off bells.

Someone asked what the status of WRITING to NTFS drives was.

That it was not yet supported (?) .

I don't think that has been true for several years, though it certainly
was at one time.

*MY* Assumptions:

   * MIXED NETWORK, with Win, Mac, Linux (EXT4 formatted).

   * many portable 1-5TB drives making the rounds, formatted with NTFS.

   * data loss is unacceptable [to the highest degree that is

I know that I can read (and verify) files just fine from NTFS on
Debian 9.8

but [if you have direct experience with this]

is writing to these drives from debian actually safe?

[if you have direct experience with this]

what process/tool(s) do you use to validate the writes?

Yes, that is my current belief. If I need media that supports larger
files than FAT provides for, between OSes, I have no hesitation in using

BUT... if I have the means easily available, and I usually do, I would
initially format the media in Windows. I don't suppose its actually
necessary, but in the past I've seen Windows complain about the
formatting of media carried out under Linux, though never to the point
of losing data. I have a couple of USB sticks in current use that
Windows always complains about and offers to fix (though it never
does). It costs me nothing to be sure.

Similarly, there are programs running on Windows that can deal with
various extN filesystems, but I would never use such a program for an
initial formatting if I also had a Linux machine available. Why take a


a. Whew!

b. Understood on NTFS drives should be formatted on Windows machines.

The very last thing that I want to do is to have systematic data 
corruption on Windowsy drives traced back to Linux-anything.

Thank you!

WRITING to NTFS drives

2019-03-11 Thread deb

I saw this question come up

and it set off bells.

Someone asked what the status of WRITING to NTFS drives was.

That it was not yet supported (?) .

*MY* Assumptions:

 * MIXED NETWORK, with Win, Mac, Linux (EXT4 formatted).

 * many portable 1-5TB drives making the rounds, formatted with NTFS.

 * data loss is unacceptable [to the highest degree that is possible].

I know that I can read (and verify) files just fine from NTFS on Debian 9.8

but [if you have direct experience with this]

is writing to these drives from debian actually safe?

[if you have direct experience with this]

what process/tool(s) do you use to validate the writes?

What are other places to ask this?

Thank you!

Tangentially: on Canonical being a great company?

2019-03-11 Thread deb

re: Canonical being a great company as postured by one here:

  * They have already been caught selling search results to Amazon.

  * the board let go ALL non-corporate members - the People's voice.

  * they sleep with Microsoft of E-E-E fame.

  * The owner is hell bent on getting to IPO level.

 So, like Redhat, thousands of volunteers working the code for 
years, will see nothing when canonical is sold.

  * I have more :-)

Ubuntu would be one of the last distributions

I would ever recommend.

Mart -- [Solved] [Well, not solved,. but sickened by] Re: Group thoughts on: Anti-virus tools

2019-03-11 Thread deb

On 3/10/19 1:33 PM, Mart van de Wege wrote:

deb  writes:

Starting assumption: I do want to run A/V.

  * I get that it may actually INCREASE attack surface.

  * But I have Windows & Mac stuff going back and forth to Debian 9.8
and just want to check.

When you say going back and forth, do you mean over the network?

On Linux the best solution right now is clamav, which is not 100%. Is it
an option for you to run a network based solution, like an IDS?


Yes Mart.

Over the network.

4 files were found being passed by just one Windows machine, which was 
running a paid A/'V (actually 3 different A/Vs!). 2 were in emails.

I will push along the ClamAV path.

It has worked.

I have to figure out if it really does real-time detection [it says it 

That would allow it to beat out Malwarebytes.

 * I will be using ClamAV.

   It *seems* little shaky, but it worked.

 * I will ask elsewhere if there are better options.

  * Companies I push #debian into will be doing at least ClamAV [ [IF]

   they have or will have networked Windows/Mac machines, or receive 

   (and probably anyway).

 * I'm not interested in cloud-based solutions,

    where "suspect" files are sent to the "cloud".

    That, to me, seems the worst answer.

I'm not interested in listening to noise from Brian (defines curmudgeon),

trying to guess what evil agenda I am backing; and all of that other 

about just compile your own code; review every line first, and all all 
is well.

People pass crap around on mixed networks.

They do.

I *ALREADY* caught it.

re: apt solving all? I understand it recently had a long-time 
vulnerability itself...

Linux will get hit more as it gets more popular.

I want to be ahead of that however possible.

So thank you for a real answer Mart.

What a pile of chest-thumping on this.


And now, from the Nice people? Re: Group thoughts on: Anti-virus tools

2019-03-10 Thread deb

I posted a question A/Vs and got negative waves like the below.

Several people ASS-UMED I was trying to kludge Windows into Linux,
(see Canonical if you want to find Linux-folk sucking up to Windows)
instead of working to bring Linux into Windows strongholds (and
be aware of the problems there.)

Some just crushed my starting points, without alternatives.


It is little wonder that Linux can not beat Windows on the desktop (as 
it should),

if this is how people are helped who are trying to Bring In Linux.

Crumogeon tip: It is no longer 1972.   If you have nothing nice or at 
least helpful to say on a  USER list, say nothing at all.

But you will anyways...

"assorted help"

Not that I'm aware of. The thing is - instead of taking an insecure OS
and building assorted kludges (in the form of anti-virus) around it,
it's considered wise here to use a secure OS from the beginning.

I thought he was saying the surest approach is not touching Windows with
a ten foot pole, for which I doubt there's a list to read.

Group thoughts on: Anti-virus tools

2019-03-10 Thread deb

Starting assumption: I do want to run A/V.

 * I get that it may actually INCREASE attack surface.

 * But I have Windows & Mac stuff going back and forth to Debian 9.8 
and just want to check.

 * (Clamscan already caught 4 things)

a. What does the group suggest running on debian beyond

    - chkrootkit

    - rkhunter

    - ClamAV

b. Does the list keep a ~ "pinned" answer for these kinds of questions?

Thank you!

David - Re: Bash file to variable string problem -- must be simple. What am I missing?

2019-03-04 Thread deb

On 3/3/19 2:38 PM, David Wright wrote:

Are you using a proportional font, by any chance, for working
on these scripts. Not a good idea.

I am not using a proportional font anywhere.

Had the original string been pasted into the OP, like your error
message at the end, it would have been obvious to those of us using
fixed-width fonts.


Interestingly -- two people got to different, correct, answers quickly, 
without seeing the actual string (that you mentioned a couple of times).


Greg: Re: Bash file to variable string problem -- must be simple. What am I missing?

2019-03-04 Thread deb

On 3/4/19 8:33 AM, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Sun, Mar 03, 2019 at 09:33:07AM -0600, David Wright wrote:

Letting the shell parse and reparse is rarely a good idea
and can lead to quoting hell, necessitating a visit to one
of Greg's wikis.

For this particular thread, I recommend:

Good link Greg.

Thank you.

[SOLVED II] (Thomas) Re: Bash file to variable string problem -- must be simple. What am I missing?

2019-03-03 Thread deb

On 3/3/19 2:43 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


if spaces are involved, then quotation marks hould be put around the
argument of "echo".

Using the leading blank from David Wright's post:

   $ fname=" long file with spaces.mp4"
   $ x=`echo $fname | rev | cut -d. -f2 | rev`
   $ test "$x".mp4 = "$fname" && echo IS EQUAL

I.e. "$x".mp4 and "$fname" are not equal.
That's because the leading blank got lost in the "echo" run:

   $ echo "'$x'"
   'long file with spaces'

Now with quotation marks around $fname to preserve the leading blank:

   $ x=`echo "$fname" | rev | cut -d. -f2 | rev`
   $ test "$x".mp4 = "$fname" && echo IS EQUAL

A similar effect would happen with double blanks inside the name:

   $ fname="long file with  double  spaces.mp4"
   $ x=`echo $fname | rev | cut -d. -f2 | rev`
   $ echo "'$x'"
   'long file with double spaces'
   $ x=`echo "$fname" | rev | cut -d. -f2 | rev`
   $ echo "'$x'"
   'long file with  double  spaces'

Have a nice day :)


Good thought Thomas!

This also worked:

  $ fname=`echo "$fname" | rev | cut -d. -f2

Now, the actual file did not have a leading (or trailing) space --- 
which I focused on.

But IT DID have 2 adjoining spaces Within the filename.

Enclosing $fname in "", worked perfectly.

That simple thing, that I thought I was missing, I would not have 
guessed at. Two adjoining spaces. :-)

*Thank you!*

[SOLVED] Re: Bash file to variable string problem -- must be simple. What am I missing?

2019-03-03 Thread deb

On 3/2/19 10:22 PM, der.hans wrote:

Am 02. Mar, 2019 schwätzte deb so:

moin moin,

rather than the double-reverse, try the truncate operator.


$ ( fname=fred.mp4; echo ${fname%.*} )
$ ( fname=fred.georg.mp4; echo ${fname%.*} )
$ ( fname=fred.txt; echo ${fname%.*} )
$ ( fname=fred; echo ${fname%.*} )

'%' says to look for the named pattern at the end of the value.

In this case '.*' says the last dot and everything after it if there is a
period in the value.

'%' is not greedy, so will match as little as possible, use '%%' to get
greedy if you need it.



On 3/2/19 8:07 PM, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:

On Sat, Mar 02, 2019 at 07:56:58PM -0500, deb wrote:

    This has to be simple and I'm just missing it.

    If I pull a filename from a temp file into a variable, I can ls 
it fine.

    If I cut off the extension, and tack on my own SAME EXT, ls no 


    (The actual script is more elaborate, loading vlc , etc -- but 

    summarizes & shows my issue)

    # mp4file.txt holds just 'long file with spaces.mp4'

    fname=$(    # THIS LS FAILS, WITH FILE NOT FOUND (but actually reports the 

    string that worked above, but not being found here).

    ls -al "$fname".mp4

    ls: cannot access 'long file with spaces.mp4': No such file or 

I cannot replicate the behavior you describe.  Here is how it looks for

root@chroot:~# touch "long file with spaces.mp4"
root@chroot:~# echo "long file with spaces.mp4" >mp4file.txt
root@chroot:~# cat mp4file.txt
long file with spaces.mp4
root@chroot:~# ls -l
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  0 Mar  3 01:02 long file with spaces.mp4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 26 Mar  3 01:02 mp4file.txt
root@chroot:~# fname=$(

    It is not:

    * a special character thing,

    * a carriage return thing,

    * a character case thing,

    * not helped with './' or '~/' added in front of the filename.

    * It's the same string in both spots.

    Any thoughts folks?

I am not sure about the overall problem, but I can say I would replace

fname=`echo $fname | rev | cut -d. -f2 | rev`

with this:

fname=$(basename "$fname" .mp4)




*Thank you Roberto.*

# Cut off the extension.
# fname=`echo $fname | rev | cut -d. -f2 | rev`

fname=$(basename "$fname" .mp4)

^ this does work for the *ls*, but I do not know that it will be a .mp4.

(It could be a .mkv, .webm, .ogg, .mp4, etc.)

What is certain is the filename to  the left of the final '.'.

So I was building up the different choices to file test for, hence 
the fname=`echo $fname | rev | cut -d. -f2 | rev`

I'm running:

cat /etc/issue

bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.4.12(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

This did it!


# Works perfectly *

*Thank you der.hans!*


(I am working through these responses in delivered order -- but this was 
the first one to work).

re: Bash file to variable string problem -- must be simple. What am I missing?

2019-03-02 Thread deb

On 3/2/19 8:07 PM, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:

On Sat, Mar 02, 2019 at 07:56:58PM -0500, deb wrote:

This has to be simple and I'm just missing it.

If I pull a filename from a temp file into a variable, I can ls it fine.

If I cut off the extension, and tack on my own SAME EXT, ls no longer

(The actual script is more elaborate, loading vlc , etc -- but this
summarizes & shows my issue)

# mp4file.txt holds just 'long file with spaces.mp4'

I cannot replicate the behavior you describe.  Here is how it looks for

root@chroot:~# touch "long file with spaces.mp4"
root@chroot:~# echo "long file with spaces.mp4" >mp4file.txt
root@chroot:~# cat mp4file.txt
long file with spaces.mp4
root@chroot:~# ls -l
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  0 Mar  3 01:02 long file with spaces.mp4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 26 Mar  3 01:02 mp4file.txt
root@chroot:~# fname=$(

It is not:

* a special character thing,

* a carriage return thing,

* a character case thing,

* not helped with './' or '~/' added in front of the filename.

* It's the same string in both spots.

Any thoughts folks?

I am not sure about the overall problem, but I can say I would replace

fname=`echo $fname | rev | cut -d. -f2 | rev`

with this:

fname=$(basename "$fname" .mp4)




*Thank you Roberto.*

# Cut off the extension.
# fname=`echo $fname | rev | cut -d. -f2 | rev`

fname=$(basename "$fname" .mp4)

^ this does work for the *ls*, but I do not know that it will be a .mp4.

(It could be a .mkv, .webm, .ogg, .mp4, etc.)

What is certain is the filename to  the left of the final '.'.

So I was building up the different choices to file test for, hence the 
fname=`echo $fname | rev | cut -d. -f2 | rev`

I'm running:

cat /etc/issue

bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.4.12(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

Bash file to variable string problem -- must be simple. What am I missing?

2019-03-02 Thread deb

This has to be simple and I'm just missing it.

If I pull a filename from a temp file into a variable, I can *ls* it fine.

If I cut off the extension, and tack on my own SAME EXT, *ls* no longer 

(The actual script is more elaborate, loading *vlc* , etc -- but this 
summarizes & shows my issue)

# mp4file.txt holds just '*long file with spaces.mp4'*


fname=$(# THIS LS FAILS, WITH FILE NOT FOUND (but actually reports the exact 
string that worked above, but not being found here).

*ls -al "$fname".mp4**

*ls: cannot access 'long file with spaces.mp4': No such file or directory


It is not:

* a special character thing,

* a carriage return thing,

* a character case thing,

* not helped with './' or '~/' added in front of the filename.

* It's the same string in both spots.

Any thoughts folks?


[Solved] Re: Simplified -- Re: Quick pointer please? Installing Intel wireless, post OS installation

2019-02-23 Thread deb

On Fri, 22 Feb 2019 19:10:45 +
Brian  wrote:

On Fri 22 Feb 2019 at 13:52:02 -0500, deb wrote:

Simplified query:

After installing Debian 9.7, without Networking, and without an Ethernet

how does one go about installing Intel Wireless (with the non-free bits
available on a USB drive)?

Firmware (free or non-free) goes in /lib/firmware.


Dropping the iwlwifi-8265-22.ucode (and -21.ucode just to be safe)

into /lib/firmware AND REBOOTING brought the system right into

functioning wifi networking.

The spurious -26, -25, -24, -23.ucode files that the network 
installation section

of the off-line 9.6 and 9.7 installs had requested; do not seem to be 

Of course, /etc/apt/sources.list was still pointing at the cdrom 
repository and needed to be updated after everything was running to 
point to the stretch repositories.

Everything is running fine.

Thank you all.

Simplified -- Re: Quick pointer please? Installing Intel wireless, post OS installation

2019-02-22 Thread deb

Simplified query:

After installing Debian 9.7, without Networking, and without an Ethernet 

how does one go about installing Intel Wireless (with the non-free bits 
available on a USB drive)?


On 2/21/2019 7:21 PM, deb wrote:

On 2/21/2019 7:12 PM, deb wrote:

So, I punched on to install Debian 9.7 onto the Intel NUC


bypassing the wireless part, as I was still stuck on it asking for 
iwlwifi-8265-26.ucode, iwlwifi-8265-25.ucode, iwlwifi-8265-24.ucode,  

in the networking section. (Those .ucode files do not exist as far as 
we've seen).

So I have a running Debian now, but no internet connection either.

(No immediate Ethernet access).

If I now want to attempt the Intel wireless setup/install,

using the iwlwifi-8265-22.ucode that it also asked for

where do I do this at | from?

Any starter pointers?


*Is it just do this?*

*| then install the **|firmware-iwlwifi|**package using your favorite 
package management utility, then reboot and the driver should be 
auto-loaded and ready for use.*

found here 

... and I'll have the iwlwifi-8265-22.ucode and iwlwifi-8265-21.ucode 
in a /lib/firmware folder on a USB drive to pull from, whilst 

Re: Quick pointer please? Installing Intel wireless, post OS installation

2019-02-21 Thread deb

On 2/21/2019 7:12 PM, deb wrote:

So, I punched on to install Debian 9.7 onto the Intel NUC


bypassing the wireless part, as I was still stuck on it asking for 
iwlwifi-8265-26.ucode, iwlwifi-8265-25.ucode, iwlwifi-8265-24.ucode,  

in the networking section. (Those .ucode files do not exist as far as 
we've seen).

So I have a running Debian now, but no internet connection either.

(No immediate Ethernet access).

If I now want to attempt the Intel wireless setup/install,

using the iwlwifi-8265-22.ucode that it also asked for

where do I do this at | from?

Any starter pointers?


*Is it just do this?*

*| then install the **|firmware-iwlwifi|**package using your favorite 
package management utility, then reboot and the driver should be 
auto-loaded and ready for use.*

found here 

... and I'll have the iwlwifi-8265-22.ucode and iwlwifi-8265-21.ucode in 
a /lib/firmware folder on a USB drive to pull from, whilst synaptics-ing.

Quick pointer please? Installing Intel wireless, post OS installation

2019-02-21 Thread deb

So, I punched on to install Debian 9.7 onto the Intel NUC


bypassing the wireless part, as I was still stuck on it asking for 
iwlwifi-8265-26.ucode, iwlwifi-8265-25.ucode, iwlwifi-8265-24.ucode,  

in the networking section. (Those .ucode files do not exist as far as 
we've seen).

So I have a running Debian now, but no internet connection either.

(No immediate Ethernet access).

If I now want to attempt the Intel wireless setup/install,

using the iwlwifi-8265-22.ucode that it also asked for

where do I do this at | from?

Any starter pointers?


*Is it just do this?*

*| then install the **|firmware-iwlwifi|**package using your favorite 
package management utility, then reboot and the driver should be 
auto-loaded and ready for use.*

found here

Some other Personal Server options -- - Re: GnuBee: freedom-respecting Network Attached Storage

2019-02-17 Thread deb

On 2/16/2019 8:25 PM, Ben Finney wrote:

Andy Smith  writes:

If all you require is access to your data when you are out and about,
and you do currently have always-on Internet at home, you could build
a cheap server, attach your existing USB storage to it, and serve it
with owncloud

Other Personal Server options

❓ YunoHost:

 FreedomBox:

 FreedomBone:

 Lollipop Cloud:

Re: Can't scan new disk

2019-02-15 Thread deb

On 2/15/2019 6:24 PM, Mark Allums wrote:

umount /dev/sdb1
root@martha:~# e2fsck -c -c -C 0 -f -F -k -p /dev/sdb1 

Just curious, is it a Western Digital disk?

Peter -- Re: (Stuck! Fresh 9.6 install) iwlwifi-8625-26.ucode <- Can not find/what is it? Spot of help please?

2019-02-15 Thread deb

On 2/15/2019 11:01 AM, Peter Ehlert wrote:

Buster install on 820 Friday, February 15 2019
on USB #1: firmware-buster-DI-alpha5-amd64-netinst.iso
I also have on USB #2: firmware-9.4.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso

booted with #1, ... It did ask for firmware, I put #2 in and pressed 
"continue" and install continued and I was able to select my wifi

Hopefully the same will work for you

Thanks Peter

This will be my fallback.

It will ask me if it then uses those ISOs to install OTHER firmware 
things, correct?

I don't want an Ubuntu-scenario, where it just dumps in all kinds of 
non-free things to make a nice "user experience".


How's Buster overall?

Should I just jump to that?


Guillermo -> Re: P2V Debian 9 with VMware Converter

2019-02-15 Thread deb

On 2/15/2019 10:38 AM, Calabaza wrote:

I'm a Spanish speaker, sorry for my bad English.

-- Guillermo Galeano Fernández

Your English (and help) are excellent Guillermo.

I'm sure that the majority of others could not help in Spanish, were the 
situations reversed.

Thank you!

Thanks Dan. Re: Swap space choice on a SSD <- Current best practice on?

2019-02-13 Thread deb

Thank you.

On 2/13/2019 9:11 AM, Dan Ritter wrote:

deb wrote:

On 2/13/2019 8:46 AM, Michael Stone wrote:

On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 08:41:33AM -0500, deb wrote:

#1 Given that it's not great to pound the same area of a SSD with
writes; is it indeed still best practice to go with a swap partition
on a SSD rather than a swap FILE?

That's not a thing: the SSD will balance writes physically across the
drive regardless of where they are logically.

OK, that's interesting.

I though the partition might physically lock a section of writes.

Is there a link that goes into that *partitions are not a boundary on
physical SSD writes* further?

For a spinning disk, your OS generally has control of what will
go where*. For an SSD, the incentive to not rewrite a sector
until absolutely necessary is so high that the geometry of the
disk is completely mythical. The SSD controller will pretend
that there are contiguous sectors for partitions to be in, but
they can all be remapped anywhere at any time.

If you want maximum SSD longevity, increase the amount of space
that the SSD can use for remapping by never writing to some
amount of space. Easiest is to not fill the disk with partitions
-- leave 5-10% empty.

*The disk may remap a known bad sector to a pool of reserve
sectors without the OS being told about it. Or not.

If I'm sure, I'll just let Debian partition for Swap.

... I'm still curious how to get the installer to go with a swap FILE rather
than a swap PARTITION though.

The installer doesn't have that option, but if you tell it to go
ahead without a swap partition, you can create a swapfile
later. Or multiple swapfiles. Or use the swapspace package,
which will create and destroy swapfiles as memory requirements


Re: Swap space choice on a SSD <- Current best practice on?

2019-02-13 Thread deb

On 2/13/2019 8:46 AM, Michael Stone wrote:

On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 08:41:33AM -0500, deb wrote:
#1 Given that it's not great to pound the same area of a SSD with 
writes; is it indeed still best practice to go with a swap partition 
on a SSD rather than a swap FILE?

That's not a thing: the SSD will balance writes physically across the 
drive regardless of where they are logically.

OK, that's interesting.

I though the partition might physically lock a section of writes.

Is there a link that goes into that *partitions are not a boundary on 
physical SSD writes* further?

If I'm sure, I'll just let Debian partition for Swap.

... I'm still curious how to get the installer to go with a swap FILE 
rather than a swap PARTITION though.


Swap space choice on a SSD <- Current best practice on?

2019-02-13 Thread deb

Hello folks:

Again -- fussing with a full (not from a live .iso) 9.7 install; the 
Debian GUI installer is suggesting a Swap partition on a Kingston SSD.

#1 Given that it's not great to pound the same area of a SSD with 
writes; is it indeed still best practice to go with a swap partition on 
a SSD rather than a swap FILE?

(Or is this a legacy spinning hard disk install suggestion?)

#2 How DO you get the installer to go with a Swap FILE?

Just delete that recommended Swap partition during the install?

I looked; but did not run across any best practice docs for Swap on SSD.

Thank you

Re: WiFi without Network Manager

2019-02-13 Thread deb

note: this is why I think top-posting is best.

People don't have to scroll through tons of crap to get to "Thanks" :-)

On 2/12/2019 3:07 PM, ghe wrote:

On 2/12/19 9:15 AM, deb wrote:

Glenn, thanks for this!

More than welcome.

For your amazement, here's the from my laptop, running
Buster. This is run just after the WiFi interface has been brought up
and Comcast has scribbled all over my IP files. It looks like maybe I'm
removing the default the twice on the WiFi...

#! /bin/bash

echo 'Adding Comcast routes'
route del default
route add default gw 

# Debian mirrors:
# picosecond
route add -host gw wlan0
route add -host gw wlan0
route add -host gw wlan0
# Georgia Tech
route add -host gw wlan0
# Wikimedia
route add -host gw wlan0

route del default wlan0
route del -net netmask

cp -a /etc/resolv.conf.sls /etc/resolv.conf

Thank you!

I'll give that a crack!

(Alexander) Re: (Stuck! Fresh 9.6 install) iwlwifi-8625-26.ucode <- Can not find/what is it? Spot of help please?

2019-02-13 Thread deb

On 2/12/2019 3:25 PM, Alexander V. Makartsev wrote:

In response to that painful "(still installing 9.7 ...)".
You can also use these official and unofficial at the same time images
to install Debian. [1]
As a last resort you can disassemble laptop and physically remove Intel
WiFi NIC before installation and put it back after installation is
Depending on the model of laptop that procedure could be a matter of
unplugging battery and unscrewing a few screws to remove plastic cover.
But if you are not feeling comfortable doing that then skip this suggestion.


Thank you Alexander.

I kinda like the idea of pulling the Intel wifi and just going with a 
Think Penguin free software wifi.

I hear you on this:

But I kind of want to know what all Debian is indeed pulling in, 
non-free wise.

(I may need to go the full non-free CD route though; if I can't find 
those files elsewhere).

Thank you!

Glenn -> Re: WiFi without Network Manager

2019-02-12 Thread deb

On 2/12/2019 9:46 AM, ghe wrote: is a shell script that fixes the routing table and
resolv.conf to

Glenn, thanks for this!

Is there much to and resolv.conf that would require 
scrubbing so that you might be able to share these?

(I'm on comcast as well; and I want to set this up too.)


(still installing 9.7 ...)

Re: Sound stoped unecpected

2019-02-11 Thread deb

Hello Michelle.

Just an obvious question -- do you have any way to ensure that the 
actual speaker hardware was not fried in the hardware crash?

Are you getting ANY sound from the speakers?

On 2/11/2019 4:37 PM, Michelle Konzack wrote:

Good evening *,

I have a ThinkPad T400 with Docking Station and whenever I have a power
failer, the ThinkPad crash... I have Stretch with sysv-init running.

However, I can hard reset the ThinkPad and thath it is.

Today I got an unexpected result AFTER A HARD REBOOT.

The sound stoped...

If I run "Pulse Audio Volume Control" I see the streams from VLC,
Audacity and Firefox, but no sound is comming out of the loudspeakers.

Doe someone had a similar problem and know how to solv it?

I have already called alsamixer and moved all settings arround,
but noting helps.

Thanks in advance

Re: (Stuck! Fresh 9.6 install) iwlwifi-8625-26.ucode <- Can not find/what is it? Spot of help please?

2019-02-11 Thread deb

Thanks ~everyone:

Do I gather correctly that Brian is the resident, sarcastic, 
cranky-pants herein?

I stopped reading his replies to folks.


> A suggestion, especially when installing on unfamiliar hardware, is 
to download the firmware archive for your platform and unpack it into a 
directory named firmware

I hear you on this @Peter^

I guess I'm kinda with Debian, in that I really want to know which 
non-free bits are being added in.

Providing a directory with EVERYTHING in there for it to be auto-loaded 
everywhere scares me.

@Étienne -- I'll try the -22.ucode alone one next -- but your warning on 
not using 9.7 strikes home.

I'm going to do that next  ... getting the 9.7 .iso going, that is.

Thanks for the helpful replies!

On 2/11/2019 3:08 PM, Peter Ehlert wrote:
the last time I had such a problem (Buster net install using wifi) I 
bookmarked this

I believe restarting the installer (from USB) with a second USB 
inserted with the firmware solved it... needed packages were found and 

sorry, I don't have my notes, and my memory is crap today

On 2/11/19 10:33 AM, deb wrote:

Hello folks:

When I hit the networking section on a fresh install of 9.6 (full 
install .ISO, not live),

I'm told to insert a USB of these non-free bits.

   iwlwifi-8625-26.ucode, iwlwifi-8625-25.ucode, 
iwlwifi-8625-24.ucode, iwlwifi-8625-23.ucode, iwlwifi-8625-22.ucode

The Problem is - I can't find 26-to-23 anywhere online.

My research attempts are below.



* What *are* 26, 25, 24, 23 for? I'm guessing Intel wifi; as that's 
what I believe -22 is for.

   But I don't see 26 to 23 listed anywhere...

* wouldn't it be useful for the installer to Also say what exact 
hardware it is, that is requiring various bits & pieces?



 * 1 yr old Intel NUC, i7; new.

 * Crucial memory, new.

 * Kingston A400 SSD, new.

 * aforementioned full 9.6 Stretch install .iso on a USB stick. I'm 
using the graphical install.

  My research attempts before emailing the list, are below.


1. THIS is a good resource, from a fellow with a similar 
Jessie-related problem. 

    However neither this, nor the /stretch versions have anything on 

2. The archive files that I found with -22, do not include any 26-23 

3. Package Search turns up nothing: 

4. Intel's current wireless section only has -22 files.

    (also see 2. above) 

5. A flat out search turns up nothing. 

A spot of help please?

Thank you

(Stuck! Fresh 9.6 install) iwlwifi-8625-26.ucode <- Can not find/what is it? Spot of help please?

2019-02-11 Thread deb

Hello folks:

When I hit the networking section on a fresh install of 9.6 (full 
install .ISO, not live),

I'm told to insert a USB of these non-free bits.

   iwlwifi-8625-26.ucode, iwlwifi-8625-25.ucode, iwlwifi-8625-24.ucode, 
iwlwifi-8625-23.ucode, iwlwifi-8625-22.ucode

The Problem is - I can't find 26-to-23 anywhere online.

My research attempts are below.



* What *are* 26, 25, 24, 23 for? I'm guessing Intel wifi; as that's what 
I believe -22 is for.

   But I don't see 26 to 23 listed anywhere...

* wouldn't it be useful for the installer to Also say what exact 
hardware it is, that is requiring various bits & pieces?



 * 1 yr old Intel NUC, i7; new.

 * Crucial memory, new.

 * Kingston A400 SSD, new.

 * aforementioned full 9.6 Stretch install .iso on a USB stick. I'm 
using the graphical install.

  My research attempts before emailing the list, are below.


1. THIS is a good resource, from a fellow with a similar Jessie-related 

    However neither this, nor the /stretch versions have anything on 26-23.

2. The archive files that I found with -22, do not include any 26-23 files.

3. Package Search turns up nothing:

4. Intel's current wireless section only has -22 files.

    (also see 2. above)

5. A flat out search turns up nothing.

A spot of help please?

Thank you

Re: Viruses and rootkits WAS Re: weird problem with one mail account in Thunderbird....ISP or what ?

2015-05-28 Thread Deb

On 05/28/2015 01:23 PM, John Hasler wrote:

Frank writes:

It's the ISP security guys who are insisting in their words the
account or perhaps your whole computer is infected.

The only Linux malware in the wild attacks Web sites via vulnerabilities
in things like PHP.  Aside from the difficulty there is no motivation
for creating malware to attack Linux desktops.  There are not enough of
them (and you'd need a version of your malware for every dist) to make
it profitable.  A good piece of Windows malware can turn a million
Windows desktop boxes into bots.  How many Linux bots would the same
effort yield?
That's for profit, but why wouldn't at least a few random amateurs 
create Linux malware for fun and practice? Or is it too difficult for 
the pimples-and-braces crowd?


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dmesg BIOS error

2015-05-28 Thread Deb

What does this error listing in my dmesg mean:

[0.00] ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): 32/64X FACS address mismatch in 
FADT: 0xCF7E4E40/0xCF7E4D40, using 32-bit address 


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Re: Viruses and rootkits WAS Re: weird problem with one mail account in Thunderbird....ISP or what ?

2015-05-28 Thread Deb

On 05/28/2015 06:39 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
I once told a lawyer that she couldn't do arithemetic. She was put out 
and said that she had an A in A level Mathematics. I said that she 
still couldn't do arithmetic. Lisi 
A mathematician told me that, once you start doing fourth-year 
university math, the stuff you learned in ninth grade starts to trip you 
up unless you get refreshers. I'm betting the onerous grind of a 
professional school almost makes people forget how to use a fork.


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Re: Laptops, UEFI, Secure Boot and Debian

2015-05-28 Thread Deb

On 05/28/2015 01:41 AM, Patrick Bartek wrote:

On Wed, 27 May 2015, Deb wrote:

On 27/05/15 05:21 PM, deloptes wrote:

Patrick Bartek wrote:

Researching a laptop purchase (within the next 6 months or so) to
replace my aging Desktop (1 to 8.5 years depending on which
parts).  Going to abandoned the Big Box forever.  Need to be very
portable in the next year or two. Two questions to begin:

1. Many laptops seem to only be able to turn off Secure Boot
through the OS, Windows 8.x, or so I've researched.  However, I've
read some makes (Asus, Lenovo, Dell and HP) can do it directly
through BIOS without needing to boot Windows?  True?  Any others?

I recently replaced my old notebook Dell D520 for Dell E5440 ( 8GB
RAM Intel i5 cpu).
Everything is working great. Later models like E7*** use the
DisplayLink technology for docking station and do not work with
Linux at all.

Secure Boot and all other options can be (de)activated/configured
in the BIOS GUI.

2. How UEFI compatible is Debian Wheezy?  What I'm running on the
Desktop. Or is Jessie the better choice.  Or something else
entirely?  Except Ubuntu variants (Hate it!).  I don't want to run
in Legacy mode for future compatibility.  I won't be installing a
desktop, just a window manager. Probably Openbox.

I did not test UEFI, but should be supported and working.

Other option I considered was HP ... I was looking for 1000€
replacement/solution, but somehow I liked Dell over HP.


I just want to add that my Jessie 8.0 is fully UEFI-compatible and
boots UEFI with zero issues. So did the netinstaller. But I don't
remember whether I've ever seen Wheezy installed for UEFI boot.

Figured Jessie was, just NOT Secure Boot compatible.  Have read
some more and Wheezy can do UEFI, too, if you use Expert mode in the
installer and set up the HD with a GPT.


No, the secure boot disabled warning was a persistent aspect of Wheezy 
boots, and Jessie doesn't give that error message.

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mysterious cruft output on Jessie amd64

2015-05-27 Thread Deb
I ran cruft through sudo in my three-day-old Jessie amd64 install on my 
personal home tower, and redirected output to a text file. This error 
message displayed on standard console output and was absent from the file:

 find: `/run/user/1000/gvfs': Permission denied

Tne application did output successfully and I got a 1,219-line file with 
only one missing DPKG:


and I got the following broken symlinks:


The rest were unexplained files.

Could someone explain the standard console output to me and tell me 
whether the dpkg and symlink outputs are anything to worry about?


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Re: How to boot without GUI

2015-05-27 Thread Deb

On 27/05/15 03:32 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Wednesday 27 May 2015 19:44:38 Sven Arvidsson wrote:

On Wed, 2015-05-27 at 08:37 -0700, Patrick Bartek wrote:

If it's enabled, CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE will halt X and all GUI stuff, and
drop you to a terminal.  Once you've installed the nVidia driver,
etc., just type startx.

If you use gdm or similar I think that usually just leads to the display
manager restarting.

Yes, that is my experience.  It doesn't get rid of X.


They could hack /etc/X11/default-display-manager to comment out what's 
there or redirect it to /bin/true, then reboot and start from console 
only with the display manager disabled. Then, once they'd done what they 
wanted in console, they could hack the file back to uncomment or put 
back the original configuration. Just a thought.


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Re: mysterious cruft output on Jessie amd64

2015-05-27 Thread Deb

On 27/05/15 03:43 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

Sorry I'm not quoting, but my Icedove seems to be buggy and refuses to 
quote your post.

I'm intimidated by the bug reporting system and kind of afraid to use 
it, but I'll read up on it thoroughly and see whether I can file a bug 
report without getting yelled at (or filing a duplicate by mistake).

I just reinstalled that library as per your instructions and plan to 
rerun cruft when I have time to check whether it still gives me the same 
missing dpkg. Im betting it won't.

Thanks for the link to the manpages bug. I read it and am not concerned, 
unless I should post in that bug report that I've duplicated the findings.

Thanks very much for your reply.


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Re: mysterious cruft output on Jessie amd64

2015-05-27 Thread Deb
I reran cruft and it still reports that library as a missing package. 
But when I run the command you (Bob Proulx) showed me:

 dpkg -L libept1.4.12 | grep

...the library shows up in the listing as installed. This appears to be 
an issue with cruft.

Honestly, I don't like a program that lists 
/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/grub.efi as a questionable file, along with 
about a thousand other files that don't look all that questionable. Is 
there a better tool for the purposes that cruft is normally used for? 
(You've told me some things I can do but are there others?)


P.S.: cruft no longer lists the broken symlinks I listed in my orignal 
post. I haven't run update and upgrade so I don't know what gives.

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Re: mysterious cruft output on Jessie amd64

2015-05-27 Thread Deb

On 27/05/15 04:08 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

Deb wrote:

I'm intimidated by the bug reporting system and kind of afraid to use it,
but I'll read up on it thoroughly and see whether I can file a bug report
without getting yelled at (or filing a duplicate by mistake).

LOL!  I have been yelled at in so many bug reports that I am
desensitized to it.  I rather expect that every time I file a report
that I am going to get griped at for it.  So I sympathize.  I have
stopped filing reports against some packages due to this.  But that
shouldn't stop people from doing so when it is the right thing to do.
But I completely understand if you want to avoid the conflict.  In
which case discussing the issues here will motivate someone (perhaps
even me) to file a bug about it.  I have cruft installed but I don't
run it.  It is one of those grand experiments that is perpetually in
development that doesn't seem to have been finished off yet.  I would
hope that someone who actually uses and likes cruft would jump in and
help with it.
It should anyway be reported as a bug only if it's really a bug and not 
just some oddity of my own install. That would mean other people having 
to reproduce it. Hopefully someone who is reading this will do so.

I just reinstalled that library as per your instructions and plan to rerun
cruft when I have time to check whether it still gives me the same missing
dpkg. Im betting it won't.

I should have also mentioned this in my message.  Let me mention it now.

   # apt-mark markauto libept1.4.12

Normally libraries are installed as dependencies of other packages.
But if you install any package manually that package will be marked as
manually installed.  By installing that library manually it was marked
as manually installed.  Meaning that it would never be a candidate for
autoremove cleaning later.  In order to keep the system tidy (and
you are running cruft so I know you care about keeping it tidy) it
should be marked as auto again.

Jessie complained that the markauto option is deprecated and I should 
use apt-mark auto instead. So I did and was informed that the library 
package was already marked auto.

If you wish to review the list you can list all of the manually
installed packages and all of the automatically installed packages.
They are long lists so I suggest browsing them with the 'less' screen

   $ apt-mark showmanual | less
   $ apt-mark showauto | less

Okay, this is bizarre. The first command shows that apt, bash, whiptail 
and a whole bunch of other packages that were installed by the 
netinstaller are marked manual. In total there are 263 manual packages 
on my system.

There are 1,048 auto packages listed, including nearly all lib* 
packages. I'm thinking that Jessie must be configured to mark lib* 
packages as auto even if the parent package install is manual.

Python 3 and python3.4 are listed under auto, but python 2.7 is listed 
under manual even though the OS still depends more heavily on 2.7 than 
on 3 or 3.4.

The only package I've installed through curl and make rather than 
apt-get, and the only package that isn't from the Jessie main 
repository, is valgrind3.10.1. It is listed under neither manual nor 
auto, but ir runs perfectly.

I'm putting off installing etckeeper until I can find out whether it 
will mess with my version of valgrind, which is later than the Jessie 
main repository version.

Thanks again for all your help.


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Re: Laptops, UEFI, Secure Boot and Debian

2015-05-27 Thread Deb

On 27/05/15 05:21 PM, deloptes wrote:

Patrick Bartek wrote:

Researching a laptop purchase (within the next 6 months or so) to replace
my aging Desktop (1 to 8.5 years depending on which parts).  Going to
abandoned the Big Box forever.  Need to be very portable in the next year
or two. Two questions to begin:

1. Many laptops seem to only be able to turn off Secure Boot through the
OS, Windows 8.x, or so I've researched.  However, I've read some makes
(Asus, Lenovo, Dell and HP) can do it directly through BIOS without
needing to boot Windows?  True?  Any others?

I recently replaced my old notebook Dell D520 for Dell E5440 ( 8GB RAM Intel
i5 cpu).
Everything is working great. Later models like E7*** use the DisplayLink
technology for docking station and do not work with Linux at all.

Secure Boot and all other options can be (de)activated/configured in the

2. How UEFI compatible is Debian Wheezy?  What I'm running on the Desktop.
  Or is Jessie the better choice.  Or something else entirely?  Except
Ubuntu variants (Hate it!).  I don't want to run in Legacy mode for future
compatibility.  I won't be installing a desktop, just a window manager.
Probably Openbox.

I did not test UEFI, but should be supported and working.

Other option I considered was HP ... I was looking for 1000€
replacement/solution, but somehow I liked Dell over HP.


I just want to add that my Jessie 8.0 is fully UEFI-compatible and boots 
UEFI with zero issues. So did the netinstaller. But I don't remember 
whether I've ever seen Wheezy installed for UEFI boot.


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Re: Compiling kernel: problem!

2013-11-07 Thread

The same problem, with kernel 3.10, was present 

with Wheezy 486 on same computer.



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Re: Compiling kernel: problem!

2013-11-07 Thread

The same problem, with kernel 3.10, was present 

with Wheezy 486 on same computer.



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Booting Wheezy Install on Software Raid 6

2013-04-15 Thread
Hi Folks,

I'm in the process of assembling a storage system, and  am running into
an issue while testing the setup in a VM.

The setup has 6 three terabyte harddrives that I'd like to put in RAID
6 (Eventually more will be added, expanding the array).  I'd like
everything to be on there, with every HD capable of booting the system.
Ultimately the RAID 6 array will host an LVM partition that will be used
for the whole system (unless /boot is put a separate array).

I've made several attempts with the current Wheezy (testing) installer,
but all have failed at installing a bootloader.  I've tried using the
whole disk as a RAID partition, setting up the disks with two partitions
(one small one as part of a RAID 1 array for boot, the rest of the drive
for the raid 6 array), and the same but with a gap at the front of the
drive (I've read that Grub sometimes needs this?).

Any suggestions or pointers?  Most of what I've found seems to assume
you have a separate boot drive.

- PaulNM

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Re: RAID 6 mdadm

2013-04-15 Thread
On 04/15/2013 02:44 PM, Dexter Filmore wrote:
 Am Wednesday 10 April 2013 23:54:28 schrieb Stan Hoeppner:
 On 4/10/2013 12:32 PM, Dexter Filmore wrote:

 It's not necessary to ask on linux-raid, and as you have not yet done
 so, I'll clarify this now:

 Both the md RAID1 and RAID10 personalities will read sectors in parallel
 from both disks in a mirror pair in most circumstances.  This has been
 the case for many years.  This is a read optimization only.  Writes
 occur in parallel as well, obviously, but as it's the same data the net
 data throughput isn't doubled, only the raw device throughput.  This
 should be obvious to anyone.  I'm merely being complete in my description.

 Interesting. Only 1 and 10 or 5/6 as well?

My first thought is that raids 5 and 6 use parity data, not duplicate
copies, so no.  After more thought, perhaps there could be a small read
boost in certain situations where data is spread across several drives.
 That said, it would be nowhere near the performance of raids 0/1/10.

Anyone with more direct experience?

- PaulNM

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Running pae kernel on non-pae system

2013-02-23 Thread
Hi Folks,

Last night I updated an older laptop of mine from Squeeze to Wheezy.
It went fine, but I did run into an odd particularity.

This system (Dell D505) has a Pentium M processor.  My understanding is
that the Pentium M's are just about the only modern(ish) processor
without pae, and thus kernels with pae compiled in can't run on it. (pae
doesn't show up in the cpu flags)

During the upgrade I did get warnings about it not supporting pae, so I
did make sure to install the 486 image, but forgot to remove the 686-pae
(removed 686, though).  That's not a big deal, though.  It just means
I'd have to select the 486 kernel to boot up and fix it, right?

I wasn't paying attention during reboot, and it went to 686-pae by
default.  Imagine my surprise when it started up with no problems.  It's
still running on that kernel!

Any ideas?  Was my understanding about pae wrong? Can the recent Debian
kernels disable pae on their own (something I didn't think was
possible)?  Do I have a magical Pentium M?

Some info from the system below:

$ uname -a
Linux MIT-D505-L 3.2.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.2.35-2 i686 GNU/Linux

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model   : 13
model name  : Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.60GHz
stepping: 6
microcode   : 0x18
cpu MHz : 600.000
cache size  : 2048 KB
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 2
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr mce cx8 sep mtrr pge mca cmov clflush
dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss tm pbe up bts est tm2
bogomips: 1198.81
clflush size: 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 36 bits physical, 32 bits virtual
power management:


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Re: Running pae kernel on non-pae system

2013-02-23 Thread
On 02/23/2013 02:15 PM, Dom wrote:
 On 23/02/13 18:36, wrote:

 I think the pae bit will only be used by CPUs that support it, otherwise
 it will be ignored and run normally. Only some really old CPUs (like
 some others I do run) won't be supported.

See, that's interesting.  Everything else I've read says the kernel
won't boot.  In fact Ubuntu and derivative users have been experiencing
issues related to that for awhile as they dropped support for non-pae
kernels since 12.04. (I was running Lubuntu 12.10 on this laptop
previously, but the kernel was stuck to what was in Lubuntu 11.10.) On
boot non-pae systems get This kernel requires the following features
not present on the CPU: pae Unable to boot - please use a kernel
appropriate for your CPU..

Funnily enough, merely 20 minutes after I posted here, someone posted a
reply on Ubuntu-users to someone else's issue about Lubuntu's 12.10
generic kernel not booting.

The replier says a pae kernel can boot and run fine on a non-pae cpu if
the cpu *reports* it can do pae.  There's apparently a tool (fake-pae)
that puts the string pae in /proc/cpuinfo.

I know I'm not running fake-pae, yet it still boots, so I'm wondering if
Debian has done something to the kernels to not check the cpu flags?   I
note Dom's Pentium M system doesn't have pae in flags either (Though his
Celeron does, which it should anyway.).

 My laptop shows:

 model name: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1600MHz
 flags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr mce cx8 sep mtrr pge mca cmov
 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 tm pbe up bts est tm2
 and an even older laptop gives:
 model name: Celeron (Coppermine)
 flags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 sep mtrr pge mca cmov
 pse36 mmx fxsr sse up

 Both running the 3.2.0-4-686-pae kernel


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Re: gestion de spams avec wheezy

2012-05-05 Thread deb-account
On 05/05/12 09:55, JB wrote:

 j'en suis à douter: Orange autorise-il l'utilisation du port 25?
Oui. Pourquoi ?

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Re: Intallation de debian sur un eeepc

2012-05-05 Thread deb-account
On 05/05/12 07:05, Philippe Delavalade wrote:

 J'espère que ma question n'est pas trop récurrente ; j'avoue ne pas avoir
 cherché dans les archives, honte à moi :-)
Tu n'as pas nécessairement besoin d'aller fouiller dans les archives :-)


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Re: Outil Thérapeutique

2012-05-03 Thread deb-account
On 02/05/12 17:00, David Pinson wrote:
   Pas possible ces pubs sur la liste Debian, virez moi ce c 
 ( !

Tu peux installer le plugin signal spam si tu utilises icedove...

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Re: pas de carte son détectée + pas de /proc/asound

2012-04-30 Thread deb-account

On 29/04/12 22:25, wrote:

La version du noyau est 2.6.32-5-686.

Il faudrait alors le recompiler ... ?

Je suppose.
Je crois qu'il y a des scripts debian pour ça.
Si tu ne veux pas te prendre la tête, tu peux faire une install fraîche 
puisque c'est un nouveau PC.

Quel serait l'intérêt dans ce problème de reconnaissance
de carte son ?

Normalement, ta carte SB est prise en charge par le pilote emu10k1.
Tu devrais y voir plus clair en tapant lspci -v sous root.

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Re: pas de carte son détectée + pas de /proc/asound

2012-04-29 Thread deb-account

On 28/04/12 14:51, wrote:

Le problème vient de l'installation de Debian sur mon nouveau PC,
par copie du système venant de l'ancien PC (via rsync).


Quelle était la version du noyau ?
Pourquoi ne pas en profiter pour installer une version plus récente ?

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Re: Probleme WI-FI sur un ACER Aspire 7250

2012-04-27 Thread deb-account

On 26/04/12 15:53, Rene Mages wrote:

Merci d'avoir aussi apporter de l'aide.
En réalité je regrette beaucoup d'avoir conseillé à un membre de mon
LUG ( Linux-Azur ) un tel Laptop ACER ( un modèle bas de gamme à 329
euros ) car il ~freeze~ souvent ( le problème est hélas classique
parait-il ).


Pas de chance :-(

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Re: Probleme WI-FI sur un ACER Aspire 7250

2012-04-26 Thread deb-account

On 23/04/12 06:14, Rene Mages wrote:


Sous Squeeze le WI-FI ne fonctionne pas sur un laptop ACER Aspire 7250
bien que le pilote de la carte wi-fi (
une Atheros AR9485 )  soit installé.
Dans l'output de lspci ( Capabilities:access denied  ) il y a bien
une piste mais je n'arrive pas à l'exploiter :

lspci -v | grep Atheros
06:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Device 0032 (rev 01)
Subsystem: Lite-On Communications Inc Device 6617
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 10
Memory at f020 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=512K]
Expansion ROM at f050 [disabled] [size=64K]
Capabilities:access denied

Que donne lspci -vvv sous root ?

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Re: Probleme WI-FI sur un ACER Aspire 7250

2012-04-26 Thread deb-account

On 26/04/12 08:58, deb-account wrote:

Que donne lspci -vvv sous root ?

Mince, je n'avais pas vu que le pb était résolu...

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Re: has received bounces from you

2012-04-23 Thread deb-account

On 22/04/12 18:07, JB wrote:

Le dimanche 22 avril 2012 à 12:45 +, Debian Listmaster Team a
écrit :

1 bounce out of 107 mails in 7 days (0%, kick-score is 80%)


Pas de quoi s'alarmer.
Tu as de la marge avant d'atteindre les 80% ...

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Re: Problème de détection écran / Impossible de passer en FullHD

2012-04-11 Thread deb-account

On 09/04/12 20:06, Jerome69100 wrote:

Bonjour à toute la communauté,

je me permets de demander votre aide pour passer mon écran en résolution FullHD 
(1920x1080). Ca a l'air simple. Pourtant, malgré
différentes tentatives de résolutions trouvées sur des forums, je reste bloqué 
à 1280x1024. Je précise que je débute en Linux.

Que sort la commande xrandr ?

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Re: Connecter mon client Debian à mon mobile Android

2012-04-09 Thread deb-account

On 09/04/12 10:09, Fabien LUCE wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Bonjour à tous!

Jai déjà posé la question en anglais sur un forum, je me permets de la
reposer ici. Je précise que les réponses peuvent être en francais ;)

- -

I have a Motorola Milestone 2 (A953) mobile phone with a CM7 Rom
installed from xda developpers.
So far so good ;).
I have found a nice application on the Google Play market that allows
any user to control the main feature of the phone like sending SMS,
managing contacts: Airdroid.

Qu'en dit le developpeur de l'application ?

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Re: oracle listner inside: illega seek: linux error 29

2012-04-06 Thread deb-account

On 05/04/12 11:04, admini wrote:

Hi la liste

j'ai des bases oracle (merci de ne pas pourrir ma file) sous lenny.
As-tu remarqué que ton post se trouve en réponse du fil annotations de 

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Re: copie de fichiers / terminal

2012-04-03 Thread deb-account

On 31/03/12 14:59, Carmelo Ingrao wrote:

j'ai essayé de modifier la commande de ma précédente question comme ceci :

find . -type f -iname '*.jpg' | cp /destination/

Que me conseillez vous ?


De lire attentivement le résultat de la commande man find

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Re: apt-cache search ne montre pas le paquet:repot perso

2012-03-20 Thread deb-account

On 20/03/12 12:45, admini wrote:

salut la liste,

je me suis amusé à construire un repot perso, dans


As-tu utilisé reprepro ?

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Re: Problème de mise en veille prolongée (hibernation)

2012-02-25 Thread deb-account

On 25/02/12 09:37, Mourad Jaber wrote:


Je rebondis sur le sujet de la mise en veille...
J'ai installé une machine en debian testing (noyau 3.2).

Quand je la met en hibernation, tout se passe bien à l'arrêt, mais la 
session ne repart jamais, le démarrage suivant est un démarrage normal !

Le swap n'est pas sur le même disque que le disque de démarrage, j'ai 
pensai que cela pouvez provenir de là, mais je ne trouve pas d'infos...

Y'a-t-il quelque chose à régler pour que cela fonctionne ?



Je n'ai pas eu exactement le même problème mais ça pourra peut-être t'aider.
N'arrivant plus à mettre mon portable en veille via suspend-to-disk, 
j'ai décidé d'utiliser la commande hibernate pour me rabattre sur le 
mode suspend-to-ram.
Pour cela, j'ai modifié le fichier /etc/hibernate/hibernate.conf pour 
n'utiliser que la ligne TryMethod ram.conf
Dans le fichier /etc/hibernate/ram.conf, je n'utilise que la ligne 
TryMethod sysfs-ram.conf.
Peut-être qu'en creusant un peu, tu dois pouvoir activer la mise en 
veille sur disque...


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Cdw: Compiling and creating file.deb from file source

2012-01-21 Thread

Hi all

I try compiling and creating package.deb with checkinstall, of the programm
cdw, the version 0.3 do not function with Squeeze:

on the folder /home/Downloads/cdw/src: checkinstall -D
appears errors:

`/home/Downloads/cdw/src# checkinstall -D

checkinstall 1.6.2, Copyright 2009 Felipe Eduardo Sanchez Diaz Duran

The package documentation directory ./doc-pak does not exist. 
Should I create a default set of package docs?  [y]: y


 Debian package creation selected ***

0 -  Maintainer: [ root@user ]
1 -  Summary: [ Package created with checkinstall 1.6.2 ]
2 -  Name:    [ src ]
3 -  Version: [ 20120121 ]
4 -  Release: [ 1 ]
5 -  License: [ GPL ]
6 -  Group:   [ checkinstall ]
7 -  Architecture: [ i386 ]
8 -  Source location: [ src ]
9 -  Alternate source location: [  ]
10 - Requires: [  ]
11 - Provides: [ src ]
12 - Conflicts: [  ]
13 - Replaces: [  ]

Installing with make install...

= Risultato installazione ===
Making install in tasks
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/Downloads/cdw/src/tasks'
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../..  -D _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I../../src/ 
-I../../src/external_tools/ -I../../src/tasks/ -I../../src/utilities/ 
-I../../src/user_interface/widgets/ -I../../src/user_interface/ 
-I../../src/configuration/ -I../../src/native_file_system/ 
-I../../src/optical_file_systems/ -I../../src/disc_and_drive/ 
-I../../gnulib/lib/ -DNDEBUG  -std=gnu99 -O2 -g -O2 -MT cdw_read_disc_info.o 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/cdw_read_disc_info.Tpo -c -o cdw_read_disc_info.o 
In file included from ../../src/user_interface/cdw_processwin.h:8,
 from cdw_read_disc_info.c:22:
../../src/user_interface/cdw_ncurses.h:47: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token
../../src/user_interface/cdw_ncurses.h:50: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token
../../src/user_interface/cdw_ncurses.h:51: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token
../../src/user_interface/cdw_ncurses.h:52: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ 
or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘*’ token
../../src/user_interface/cdw_ncurses.h:53: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ 
or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘*’ token
In file included from ../../src/user_interface/cdw_processwin.h:8,
 from cdw_read_disc_info.c:22:
../../src/user_interface/cdw_ncurses.h:54: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ 
or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘*’ token
../../src/user_interface/cdw_ncurses.h:55: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ 
or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘*’ token
../../src/user_interface/cdw_ncurses.h:56: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token
In file included from cdw_read_disc_info.c:22:
../../src/user_interface/cdw_processwin.h:37: error: expected declaration 
specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘chtype’
In file included from cdw_read_disc_info.c:24:
../../src/disc_and_drive/cdw_disc.h:7:26: error: cdio/iso9660.h: No such file 
or directory
../../src/disc_and_drive/cdw_disc.h:8:29: error: libburn/libburn.h: No such 
file or directory
In file included from ../../src/disc_and_drive/cdw_disc.h:11,
 from cdw_read_disc_info.c:24:
../../src/disc_and_drive/cdw_cdio.h:6:23: error: cdio/cdio.h: No such file or 
../../src/disc_and_drive/cdw_cdio.h:7:27: error: cdio/cd_types.h: No such file 
or directory
In file included from ../../src/disc_and_drive/cdw_cdio.h:10,
 from ../../src/disc_and_drive/cdw_disc.h:11,
 from cdw_read_disc_info.c:24:
../../src/optical_file_systems/cdw_ofs.h:24: error: expected 
specifier-qualifier-list before ‘cdio_fs_t’
../../src/optical_file_systems/cdw_ofs.h:49: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘fs’
../../src/optical_file_systems/cdw_ofs.h:50: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘fs’
../../src/optical_file_systems/cdw_ofs.h:53: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘fs’
In file included from ../../src/disc_and_drive/cdw_disc.h:11,
 from cdw_read_disc_info.c:24:
../../src/disc_and_drive/cdw_cdio.h:43: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or 
‘__attribute__’ before ‘cdw_cdio_get_disc_mode’
../../src/disc_and_drive/cdw_cdio.h:44: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or 
‘__attribute__’ before ‘cdw_cdio_get_first_track_number’
../../src/disc_and_drive/cdw_cdio.h:46: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or 
‘__attribute__’ before ‘cdw_cdio_get_first_track’
../../src/disc_and_drive/cdw_cdio.h:47: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or 
‘__attribute__’ before ‘cdw_cdio_get_last_track’
../../src/disc_and_drive/cdw_cdio.h:48: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or 
‘__attribute__’ before ‘cdw_cdio_get_number_of_tracks’
../../src/disc_and_drive/cdw_cdio.h:49: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘t’
../../src/disc_and_drive/cdw_cdio.h:50: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘t’
../../src/disc_and_drive/cdw_cdio.h:53: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or 
‘__attribute__’ before 

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