[no subject]

2001-06-12 Thread sjb

 Hi, all -
 Have a lovely, clean and working pair of 3c509 NICs, both
 for use in a router.
 But they're both insisting on being on IRQ 10, which
 rather complicates things.
 I've tried the 3c5x9tools package, which doesn't do all
 that much except let me know that there are 2 different  
 cards, with different EEPROMs. Of course, if anyone knows a
 way to use the EEPROMs so the system knows the left card
 from the right, so to speak, that'd be useful.
 Meanwhile, if anyone has experience in dealing with these
 particular cards, and knows of some wonderful way to get 
 them playing nicely with each other, that'd be extremely
 Thanks in advance,

Re: Choosing a database package

1999-03-16 Thread sjb

I believe mySQL and PostgreSQL would both fit your needs. I'm not sure
which languages you are familiar with but Perl probably has the best
balance of ease and functionality. There are interfaces to get Perl
working with postgresql/mysql and also interfaces to get perl working with

Hope this helps.


Sarel Botha

On Tue, 9 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I hope this is the correct place for this question. If not plase be gentle
> as you point me in the right direction. I am looking for a database package
> for our home network. The initial uses will be simple, such as a phone list,
> and ease of use will be the major concern. Later on we intend to do some
> more complex databases and versatility and the tools to access it from a
> variety of front ends, including web pages and programs we write will be 
> critical.
> I would prefer SQL if that doesn't involve too much of a performance hit.
> But we will initially be running both server and clients on 486 machines
> and SQL is not a requirement.
> At this point PostgreSQL looks like the best bet. But that is based on the
> barest of information. I would appreciate hearing people experiances and
> recomendations. I have a lot of experiance with designing and writing hard
> coded databases and som experiance with SQL. But I am on disability with
> some fairly severe cognative impairments. My son is learning to be a decent
> programmer but has no experiance with databases. Other users will include
> people who are not computer people. So ease of instalation and use of
> available front ends is important.
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

RE: 2.0 - 2.1 ftp problem

1999-03-15 Thread sjb
> > ftp: connect: Connection refused
> > 
> You just need to add your host (the one allowed to ftp into your box) into the
> /etc/hosts.allow.

the hosts.allow and .deny files will allow for a connection but the
connection will immediately be terminated. If the ftp program is a daemon
and is not called by inetd (/etc/inetd.conf) then it doesn't normally even
check /etc/hosts.* so it looks like the ftp daemon isn't even installed. I
can recommend proftpd to you. Just run 'apt-get install proftpd'


Sarel Botha

Re: true type fonts

1999-03-13 Thread sjb
> I once saw a page plenty of TrueType fonts for (free?) download, don't
> remember the pointer, but may be worth to do a search.

fonts.themes.org is nice :)

Sarel Botha

Re: Too New

1999-03-13 Thread sjb
go to www.linux.org and click on documentation, go to the LDP pages and
download (and read) the Getting Started guide

Sarel Botha

On Sat, 13 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > 
> > I'm still trying to install Debian2.0. Here is what I'm doing. My
> > computer boots to the CD-ROM, the rescue screen comes up. I press enter,
> > Then I go into configure keyboard. After that I partition my second hard
> > disk, ( first one has win98 on it)Make 1815mb for linux, 50 for swap,
> > and should I make some for dos? the choices are dos16fat dos32fat and so
> > on. after writing partition table, activating swap and such,
> no, that option is for those sharing the drive w/ windows and what not
> > I install
> > the base system, after that, config, then reboot, I boot from floppy for
> > now, so after boot, it goes into deslect, It asks for Access, I choose
> > CD-ROM, It asks for the CD and the device block, I enter /dev/hdc,
> > (Binary i386 is in the drive) It says it found something and it will do,
> > but then it says it can't find something, I'm not sure what it is
> it looks for contrib and non-free, which or not on the CD
> > looking for, but it says enter none, after that its slect, then its
> > install the packages, after that, its config, then quit. after ten
> > minuts of hd and cd exchanges, it says good luck,,,. It says login,
> > which I do as root, then password, then I get a prompt #. after that I
> > can't do anything, If I type /dev/hdb1 it says permission denide, If I
> > type ttys2 it says permission denide. whats going on here?
> > 
> the permission denied error is because it tries to run /dev/hdb1 as a command
> in UNIX everything is a file, and a file may be a program.  So it says, hey 
> why not and tries to run it.
> sounds good so far.  Now, go to the local library or book store and look for
> a nice intro to unix or linux book and enjoy.  Nothing is worse than fumbling
> in the dark w/ a new OS.
> Some hints:
> df shows the mounted disks (the windows drive is not mounted by default)
> ls shows ths files you have
> dselect will get you back to where you installed packages earlier
> read the man page for mount (type man mount)
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: Gnome 1.0 debs?

1999-03-10 Thread sjb

Couldn't .debs that aren't 100% at least go into potato? That's what
unstable is for isn't it ?

Sarel Botha

On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Havoc Pennington wrote:

> On Wed, 10 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > Ya know, I don't want to offend any of the developers or anything, but I'm
> > curious about something... Why is it that Debian is always the last to get
> > packages for any given product?  When KDE came out, rpms were right around 
> > the
> > corner.  This seems to be an ongoing trend...  Is it just because the Debian
> > group is so quality concious?
> > 
> It is. There are always rpms sooner, but those rpms are invariably broken
> in minor ways, and since there are no "official" rpms and you don't know
> what the system they were built on was like, there's no guarantee they
> will work at all. Often dependencies are wrong and the like, and RPM's
> dependency tracking isn't as good to begin with.
> The Debian packages are maintained officially and strictly quality
> controlled by Debian policy and the "lintian" script. Also all the
> Gtk/Gnome/Imlib etc. packages are being prepared together in a staging
> area to be sure they work together properly.
> It's worth the wait, in short.
> Havoc
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: Broken package requires installation of already installedpackage

1999-03-10 Thread sjb
> Sorry, but the following packages are broken - this means they have unmet
> dependencies:
>   libc6-dev: Depends:libc6
You probably downloaded and installed libc6, but not libc6-dev, so just
download and install libc6-dev and make sure it's the same version as
libc6 (dpkg -s libc6).

Sarel Botha

Re: How to get Debian and (argh!) Windows 95 machines linked through null modem?

1999-03-10 Thread sjb
>   I have a big problem and little time to solve. Can anyone help me?
>   I have to get a Debian (hamm) machine and a (argh!) Windows 95 one
> linked through a null modem cable using PPP protocol. The Debian machine can 
> be
> able to connect Internet through ppp0.
>   I already tryed everything I know. Does anyone have any ideas?

You should probably use getty/mgetty on the linux side. I'm not sure if
win95 has a serial line modem driver. I'm pretty sure win98 has though.

Good Luck

Sarel Botha

Re: Gnome install using apt - error logging in

1999-03-10 Thread sjb
> but when I do an "apt-get update" the update does fine with the debian
> site, but it gives me an error on the gnome sight. The error is:
> Error: ftp://ftp.gnome.org dists/released/ Packages
> process_uri_pair: couldn't log in

The ftp.gnome.org site is VERY busy, try one of the mirrors you see when
logging in with netscape or an ftp client.

Sarel Botha

Re: cvs

1999-03-10 Thread sjb
> What are the advantages of using CVS instead of your own complied
> versions of software

sometimes you still need to compile CVS, so that's not what CVS means. It
means the software you are downloading is in a VERY developmental stage.
Usually new versions of the developer's source is uploaded to a public
ftp/web server on a daily/hourly basis, so the developer cannot even
guarantee that this software will be functional :)

Sarel Botha

Re: APT: packages held back

1999-03-08 Thread sjb

> So, does this mean I'll have to go into dselect and see if these
> packages are placed on hold? I wonder how this happens, cos for sure I


> never did this myself, and I can't remember ever having had serious
> problems with dpkg etc. which might have automagically marked these
> packages as on hold.
i'm not sure if dpkg ever puts packages on hold, i sure do though

Re: APT: packages held back

1999-03-08 Thread sjb

> This showed numerous packages as being 'kept back':

Packages are held back when you choose Hold in dselect. When there are
dependancy/conflict errors apt tells you.

Sarel Botha