Re: (should be) simple bind problem [possibly solved]

2015-05-27 Thread Bob Proulx
Glenn English wrote:

Ah!  I would not have thought of that one.

 In the recent Debians (Wheezy++, I think), there is a directory
 /etc/apparmor.d. In there is a file called user.sbin.named. That

Yes.  But it isn't enabled by default.  On a recently installed Debian
Jessie 8 system:

  $ dpkg -l | grep apparmor

Usually nothing is installed to start it.  Perhaps something you
installed pulled it in as a dependency?  Looking I see one of my
systems has libapparmor1 but it is still not enabled.  So the presense
of that one library would not be enough to start it.

 After reboot, and after waiting a few minutes, there are no new
 permission error entries in the log. I realize this is kind of far
 fetched, seeing how there was no apparmor startup in init.d, but
 this has been making me crazy, and I've tried many things that
 should have fixed it, so I'd do anything.

I really don't know very much about apparmor.

 I found a note in the Debian wiki saying apparmor is installed by
 default on Wheezy and that it's started by GRUB. That might explain
 why I didn't find anything in init.d.

I don't see it installed by default on the recently installed Jessie 8
system here.  Just a data point.  I wouldn't be surprised to find that
something else (GNOME for example?) might pull it in as a dependency.

 I don't know when Bind slaves try to update the mod times on their
 zone files, but I'm pretty sure the master sends out refreshes to
 the slaves when the master restarts, so I restarted the master. Lots
 of entries in ns2's log about receiving notifies, but no permission

Everything depends upon the DNS zone serial number.  When the master
restarts it will send a notify.  The slaves will get the notify and
check the serial number against their cached copy.  If the serial
number is the same or older then nothing further happens.  If the
serial number is newer than their cached copy they will request a
scheduled zone transfer.  It won't happen immediately to prevent a
storm of activity all at once synchronized by the notify.  But within
a randomized short time a scheduled zone transfer will then occur.


Description: Digital signature

Re: (should be) simple bind problem [solved]

2015-05-27 Thread Glenn English

On May 26, 2015, at 11:28 PM, Glenn English wrote:


No permission probs in the log this morning. Thanks much to those with 

Glenn English

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Re: (should be) simple bind problem [possibly solved]

2015-05-27 Thread Glenn English

On May 27, 2015, at 12:43 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

 Ah!  I would not have thought of that one.

I didn't consider apparmor either. Saw a mention of it on an Ubuntu site.

 Yes.  But it isn't enabled by default.  

I really don't think it is either. But simply renaming that file in the config 
directory and rebooting fixed the problem. Something's doing something 

 Usually nothing is installed to start it.  Perhaps something you
 installed pulled it in as a dependency?  Looking I see one of my
 systems has libapparmor1 but it is still not enabled.  So the presense
 of that one library would not be enough to start it.

I don't know; dependency's always a possibility. But these are servers, so 
they're pretty lean. 

I did everything I knew of, and many I didn't. I swear apparmor isn't on these 
machines. There's nothing in init.d, nothing in man, and BASH says the apparmor 
utilities don't exist. But the config info exists. And it's in the kernel.

 I don't see it installed by default on the recently installed Jessie 8
 system here.  Just a data point.  I wouldn't be surprised to find that
 something else (GNOME for example?) might pull it in as a dependency.

We don't do GNOME. XFCE's might have, but I doubt it.

 Everything depends upon the DNS zone serial number.  When the master
 restarts it will send a notify.  The slaves will get the notify and
 check the serial number against their cached copy.  If the serial
 number is the same or older then nothing further happens.  

I think BIND might change the mod time of the zone file to reflect that it got 
a transfer, even if nothing changed.

 But within
 a randomized short time a scheduled zone transfer will then occur.

Yup. That's why I waited overnight to proclaim the nasty fixed. 

I just went into one of the master zone files, added a char to it (and upped 
the serial), and restarted the master. The transfer of the changed zone file 
was logged by the slave server, but no error of any kind. The slave zone file 
has the updated serial and the change I made. All the slave zones files are 
dated today.

I claim it's fixed. I'll be watching the DNS logs for a few days, though, just 
to be sure.

Glenn English

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Re: (should be) simple bind problem [possibly solved]

2015-05-26 Thread Glenn English

In the recent Debians (Wheezy++, I think), there is a directory 
/etc/apparmor.d. In there is a file called user.sbin.named. That file does 
various things to the /var/cache/bind directory. I didn't look at it long 
enough to figure out just what it does, and I couldn't find apparmor on my 
system. But I figured it must be somewhere if that directory exists in /etc, so 
I renamed the ...named filename and rebooted (this was all on ns2, the 

After reboot, and after waiting a few minutes, there are no new permission 
error entries in the log. I realize this is kind of far fetched, seeing how 
there was no apparmor startup in init.d, but this has been making me crazy, and 
I've tried many things that should have fixed it, so I'd do anything. 

I found a note in the Debian wiki saying apparmor is installed by default on 
Wheezy and that it's started by GRUB. That might explain why I didn't find 
anything in init.d.

I don't know when Bind slaves try to update the mod times on their zone files, 
but I'm pretty sure the master sends out refreshes to the slaves when the 
master restarts, so I restarted the master. Lots of entries in ns2's log about 
receiving notifies, but no permission errors.

Glenn English

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Re: (should be) simple bind problem

2015-05-26 Thread Glenn English

On May 25, 2015, at 1:00 AM, Bob Proulx wrote:

 Glenn English wrote:
 root@srv:~# ps -ef | grep named
 bind  2098 1  0 May10 ?00:00:36 /usr/sbin/named -u bind
 root 10498 1  0 May10 ?00:00:50 /usr/sbin/named -c 
 There are two of them running?  That doesn't seem right.  The first
 one looks okay but the second one does not.
 I would be inclined to kill both of them.  Then start it up again and
 check all over again.

There are 3 servers involved, all running Wheezy, bind 9.8.4: 
srv, a Dell server box and the 'main' server for the domain -- dns (slave), 
email, web, ftp, ntp, imap, etc; 
ns2, the RaspberryPi secondary slave dns server; 
and log, the Supermicro server on the DMZ -- the only recursive DNS server, 
accessible only from the LAN and the slave DNS servers (it's called log because 
that's where things are logged).

srv: Yesterday I killed and restarted the 2 bind processes and restarted the 
one owned by Bind. This morning, root's was back. But it seems to not be 
complaining about much today. 

I set the directory to mod 777 anyway.

ns2: I found a possibly interesting thing in /var/cache: there's a 'bind' 
directory (owned by bind:bind) and a 'named' directory (owned by root:root). 
ns2 says it can't 'set file modification time' in /var/cache/bind of the slave 
info it gets from the master. A 'ls -lh' shows all the slave files were updated 
in the last few minutes, and are dated properly.

There's no mention of the 'named' directory in the log, and it and all its 
files were created in 2013 anyway.

I set both directories to mod 777 and the ownerships to bind:bind.

log: This Bind has the same problem with setting the file modification time -- 
but only on its single slave file. I don't know if it modifies the master 

I don't see why Bind would be wanting to change the modification time anyway 
(NSD doesn't); the kernel does a pretty good job of that whenever a file is 

There are 2 directories in log:/var/cache/bind: masters and slaves. 

I set /var/cache/bind and the two directories in it to mod 777.

 Did you by any chance configure bind9 to run in a chroot?


 The next thing I would wonder is if the 'immutable' bit were set on
 the file system.  Again from my system.
  $ lsattr -d /var/cache/bind

All three are identical:

root@ns2:/var/cache# lsattr -d /var/cache/bind
-e-- /var/cache/bind

 If all else fails I would be inclined to try an experiment.  I would
 open up the permissions on /var/cache/bind to be drwxrwxrwx and then
 start bind9 and see what files it produces there.  The owner and group
 of the files produced should be a clue.  They should be bind but if
 they were something else that would explain the permission denied
 message and be a clue as to the problem.
  service bind9 stop
  chmod a+rwx /var/cache/bind
  service bind9 start
  ls -la /var/cache/bind

Done on ns2. Can't set modification time and no tmp files in /var/cache/bind. 
Modification times look correct, though.

On srv, no complaints in the log and no tmp files in the directory. 

I await with bated breath to see the logs, etc. tomorrow morning...

Glenn English

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Re: (should be) simple bind problem

2015-05-25 Thread Bob Proulx
Glenn English wrote:
 root@srv:~# ps -ef | grep named
 bind  2098 1  0 May10 ?00:00:36 /usr/sbin/named -u bind
 root 10498 1  0 May10 ?00:00:50 /usr/sbin/named -c 

There are two of them running?  That doesn't seem right.  The first
one looks okay but the second one does not.

I would be inclined to kill both of them.  Then start it up again and
check all over again.

  service bind9 stop
  ps -ef | grep named
  kill 10498
  ps -ef | grep named

Make sure none are running.  Then start it up again and check.

  service bind9 start

Did you by any chance configure bind9 to run in a chroot?

  If it isn't that then I would suspect selinux has become enabled but
  not fully configured.
 I'm game. How do I find out/configure it?

If you haven't heard of it then it isn't enabled.  I wouldn't suggest
enabling it.  If you haven't heard of it then I think it is not likely
to be the problem.

 root@srv:~# ps aux | egrep -i selinux
 root 13013  0.0  0.0   7828   900 pts/0S+   15:48   0:00 egrep -i 
 If it's running, it doesn't have a pid. I don't really know what
 SELinux is. I've heard it's a collection of patches to the kernel,
 but that's all I know.

selinux stands for security-enhanced-linux and is a policy layer where
everything is controlled by access control lists.  It completely
changes the traditional security system.  It isn't a daemon.

 I grepped the /etc/default files for selinux. Nothing.
 I grepped the /etc/init.d startup files. I found 'selinux-enabled' in the file (if selinux-enabled ...). selinux-enabled is a small 
 function in /lib/lsb/
 selinux_enabled () {
which selinuxenabled /dev/null 21  selinuxenabled

 'which selinuxenabled' says there's no such file here. So does
 'root@srv:/boot# find / -iname *selinuxenabled*

That command is in the selinux-utils package.  You don't have it.
Making it unlikely that you would have selinux blocking you.  (No need
to install it.)

The next thing I would wonder is if the 'immutable' bit were set on
the file system.  Again from my system.

  $ lsattr -d /var/cache/bind

(You can read about it in the 'man chattr' man page.)

 This is happening on Dell, Supermicro, and RaspberryPi boxes, all
 running Wheezy with default, and updated, kernels, FWIW. The lone
 Lenny server doesn't seem to have troubles.

It happens on multiple systems?  Oh my that is a problem.  I am afraid
I am running out of ideas.  If it isn't normal user permissions, isn't
selinux, isn't ext immutable then I don't know what it would be.  It
isn't normal.  I am running bind9 on similar random architectures and
systems and I have not run into any problems caching files there.

If all else fails I would be inclined to try an experiment.  I would
open up the permissions on /var/cache/bind to be drwxrwxrwx and then
start bind9 and see what files it produces there.  The owner and group
of the files produced should be a clue.  They should be bind but if
they were something else that would explain the permission denied
message and be a clue as to the problem.

  service bind9 stop
  chmod a+rwx /var/cache/bind
  service bind9 start
  ls -la /var/cache/bind


Description: Digital signature

Re: (should be) simple bind problem

2015-05-25 Thread Glenn English

On May 25, 2015, at 1:00 AM, Bob Proulx wrote:

 Glenn English wrote:
 root@srv:~# ps -ef | grep named
 bind  2098 1  0 May10 ?00:00:36 /usr/sbin/named -u bind
 root 10498 1  0 May10 ?00:00:50 /usr/sbin/named -c 
 There are two of them running?  That doesn't seem right.  The first
 one looks okay but the second one does not.
 I would be inclined to kill both of them.  Then start it up again and
 check all over again.

Just tried that. They were still 2 of them there. I stopped Bind9 with the 
init.d script, but the second (root) was still there. So I killed it and 
started Bind again (init script doesn't 'killall named' I guess??). Now it 
looks right.

FWIW, the one started by root was dated yesterday. I started today's Bind a few 
minutes ago, and root hasn't started another one yet.

I'll look through the logs and look at the rest of your message later. 

Glenn English

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Re: (should be) simple bind problem

2015-05-24 Thread Glenn English
Bob Proulx sent me a number of suggestions, and I tested them. Then I 
inadvertently replied to him instead of the list.

Sorry, Bob, and thanks for the ideas.

On May 21, 2015, at 3:40 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

 The first reason that comes to mind for permission denied is that it
 doesn't have permission.  Because the permission is allowed for user
 and group bind then it follows that the named must be running as a
 different user rather than the bind user.  Therefore the -u bind
 option must have been removed.
 $ grep OPTIONS /etc/default/bind9
 OPTIONS=-u bind

root@srv:~/init.d# egrep -i options /etc/default/bind9
# startup options for the server
OPTIONS=-u bind


 $ ps -ef | grep named
 bind  2257 1  0 May20 ?00:00:27 /usr/sbin/named -u bind

root@srv:~# ps -ef | grep named
bind  2098 1  0 May10 ?00:00:36 /usr/sbin/named -u bind
root 10498 1  0 May10 ?00:00:50 /usr/sbin/named -c 

 $ id bind
 uid=107(bind) gid=115(bind) groups=115(bind)

root@srv:~# id bind
uid=104(bind) gid=107(bind) groups=107(bind)

 Has the -u bind option been removed and the daemon is therefore
 running as a different user id?

After doing your tests, I really don't think so. But I don't know if ps' line

root 10498 1  0 May10 ?00:00:50 /usr/sbin/named -c 

means anything. Looks like it might be about one of today's many restarts.

 If it isn't that then I would suspect selinux has become enabled but
 not fully configured.

I'm game. How do I find out/configure it?

root@srv:~# ps aux | egrep -i selinux
root 13013  0.0  0.0   7828   900 pts/0S+   15:48   0:00 egrep -i 

If it's running, it doesn't have a pid. I don't really know what SELinux is. 
I've heard it's a collection of patches to the kernel, but that's all I know.

I grepped the /etc/default files for selinux. Nothing.

I grepped the /etc/init.d startup files. I found 'selinux-enabled' in the file (if selinux-enabled ...). selinux-enabled is a small function 
in /lib/lsb/

selinux_enabled () {
   which selinuxenabled /dev/null 21  selinuxenabled

'which selinuxenabled' says there's no such file here. So does 'root@srv:/boot# 
find / -iname *selinuxenabled*

I grepped the kernel config file in /boot:

root@srv:/boot# egrep -i selinux config-3.2.0-4-amd64 

I don't know enough about the kernel to know what those lines mean. Something 
SELinux seems to be included in the compile, but I haven't been able to find 
much of a trace of it. (The NSA's good at keeping secrets :-)

You did come up with some new and exciting things that might be bent, but they 
seem to be OK. And as best I can tell, there's just a hint of SELinux on this 

This is happening on Dell, Supermicro, and RaspberryPi boxes, all running 
Wheezy with default, and updated, kernels, FWIW. The lone Lenny server doesn't 
seem to have troubles.

Glenn English

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Re: (should be) simple bind problem

2015-05-21 Thread Bob Proulx
Glenn English wrote:
 I'm getting (and have been for a while) log entries from my slave
 nameservers like:
dumping master file: /var/cache/bind/tmp-0EIP3LrP0G: open: permission 
 drwxrwxr-x 2 bind bind 4096 May 21 10:09 /var/cache/bind/


 Any ideas?

The first reason that comes to mind for permission denied is that it
doesn't have permission.  Because the permission is allowed for user
and group bind then it follows that the named must be running as a
different user rather than the bind user.  Therefore the -u bind
option must have been removed.

  $ grep OPTIONS /etc/default/bind9
  OPTIONS=-u bind

  $ ps -ef | grep named
  bind  2257 1  0 May20 ?00:00:27 /usr/sbin/named -u bind
  $ id bind
  uid=107(bind) gid=115(bind) groups=115(bind)
The numbers above are not significant and depend upon the
system.  Your numbers will be different from this example.
It is only important that bind shows up in all three places and
not some other name.

Has the -u bind option been removed and the daemon is therefore
running as a different user id?

If it isn't that then I would suspect selinux has become enabled but
not fully configured.


Description: Digital signature

(should be) simple bind problem

2015-05-21 Thread Glenn English
I'm getting (and have been for a while) log entries from my slave nameservers 

   dumping master file: /var/cache/bind/tmp-0EIP3LrP0G: open: permission denied

I also see problems with updating modification times of incoming files from 

Debian Wheezy, Bind9

There are hundreds of discussions of this problem on the 'Net, and as one of 
them says, I've tried them all. Most had to do with fixing named.conf* and 
permissions on directories:

root@srv:~# egrep directory /etc/bind/named.conf.options 
directory /var/cache/bind;
root@srv:~# ls -ld /var
drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 4096 Jul 15  2014 /var
root@srv:~# ls -ld /var/cache/
drwxr-xr-x 16 root root 4096 Oct 11  2014 /var/cache/
root@srv:~# ls -ld /var/cache/bind/
drwxrwxr-x 2 bind bind 4096 May 21 10:09 /var/cache/bind/

Permissions and directories look OK to me. 

I gave user bind a password and a live shell, logged in, and:

root@srv:~# su - bind
bind@srv:~$ pwd
bind@srv:~$ touch /var/cache/bind/tmp-0EIP3LrP0G
bind@srv:~$ ls -lh /var/cache/bind/tmp-0EIP3LrP0G
-rw-r--r-- 1 bind bind 0 May 21 12:54 /var/cache/bind/tmp-0EIP3LrP0G

It seems to be able to create files.

I added 'bind' to my groups and:

ghe@srv:~$ touch /var/cache/bind/test
ghe@srv:~$ ls -lh /var/cache/bind/test
-rw-r--r-- 1 ghe ghe 0 May 21 13:25 /var/cache/bind/test 

One interesting fix I saw involved SELinux; it said that -- I've been at this 
for a while, so details are fuzzy -- SELinux changes Bind functionality so it 
can't write some things. But the solution involved sesetbool (approximately; a 
program to set boolean vars in SELinux) and according to bash and man, the 
executable doesn't exist on my servers. I can see traces of SELinux here, but 
nothing I can figure out how to look at.

None of my other server software has this problem, just Bind.

Any ideas?

Glenn English

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